Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, July 15, 1867, Image 2

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    _ ____
oh -- V7 ---- li , I 411 - 4.4 1 . - 717 ,, '"-'--:-; I: ----- '"'" ----- "" F t *- "'' -- --- ---"'"----- -w"- _ --
.w, r.,,., 0 I THAD. liTEwValsi=w4.llSTlSOLe. - i!IgLPERii aztvanigeoli. -., 7 - -- -----fm-r---_. , - - --7-
OWN AND COl.l 114 l i
. 1
tut : t s b elie 1 . 1 ,SPC ,Zolumn.
Ili , fr.l•re. - " Th e ' entfb'' ; CIO iiliti*
4t 0111Pitr, 1
nib ream the lASI 4000 ellattlN I -
1 nia pet, the buthor of I„Vriimpeet II ," ork i -
1- ~. ,
tItYAL lievENt. eatlrit to*" Xth caAtiehl year dinlijO . 0u no WeinArIiMNDERFUIt !
. , • fog Ctiais," whir* diet mile* Irina
l oad; eont eruct! is di .ato C .tai 14 . 1 is „„ ou , t „ bie , o wer b m , t h e i n - The MIA* .41 , 01 t iinaga In b... in Getty.-
_ - --...--,., I A special eorrustsaideat of the Yew Northern unbars and Pima* befo
cf s. gyeyrintrati, PA, Ul'il LWOW ill oillif ittivertistas cob e ak t ittita la b e to a ee ry prowerotie c oo . l'ata. ,It ilattle 116141, bon Topsda), Me tn,l,
; York /Prafric4Feacitdrf TUN ted Thu& rte- the wartharr any other Abollf,gro publi- 4111111.7°
artme. - - (ilt ion, 'dill nunfilitr of pap& being 134. 2:11:,11,216.."),16e3etfi:44n1y in•tt. Ilu enn be
' abslllll4. MOillaalalf, Juir AL Wig. 1 yens at Laueatiter, and repotted the re• cation, hoe hut written another trank,l
Ciao-r.v-srma..-Wo 1,1 in illa roofn ell bourn of the day. lan 'ln.
1141111-11.- - -"--"--"''''"'" 1
suits of a long converation. The fob which promises to attract nearly as much FAIR Aon the Fair Rev. D. Eberly, A. M., le the Principal, rote me ',Dot (sonnet.- (4114141, with eteetrleity
Oa frPla or lux sc valour eorrwr, 7 ' lowing extruet, in regard to Tistul's fears attention as the first. The war being ftrosinds is progressing 14 0 1 A eoTlSiti. assisted' by an efficient corp., of hirtrue- 7: 4, t , 1 ., : t. I: i 1i ,, ,,, ,, h 0Pe , „ and Mil tell for 1., eii•ru t int ) -
The . next. session commeneer Sept- 1
rt. 11,1.
gi,en 2B eti ir u cure east be effected or
oY. 0 1:01ill .0 blf 4ithlreOP, i A! for the result of _the election neat fall, over and *lever,' abolished, he now eon. enable-forcer( hands has been engaged tors.
e.-.:_-_- Eva 1111 l at ion mut rrmaultation tree of etorge. !
° "'" = - corruption of citiatfron, and that "unbar- tends that the negro bumlness hag gone on the tr(:l 4leirdone ng•eourtie .ire , graprepditam7ftliritiee_dteariss_viberal3ll,oH4mingaaithertolt.hasaiwberadm
v a o l-to i Lst
: it r( h •t a le t v ith ed, e >, y his I t I:::.4.: O l d CA :4 l : ::::7l ltri EN . T y
"tirrlV 4l4 Ann WrOws Mem. py failure," Ovary, will be found expo- far enou g h.-that th e me e k 1., ulterior to ding. unit a few days loose will corn- and Girls' Sehool, but hereafter only la
' chitty Ititeresding: • I the white nan , both In tvotrand mind ' Piot. it.-
- ettfenm, Illfuole, the borne of Geti-. •,
~(apitalvs' rtotek..- - cm'"‘"‘
Prat Want. raoeutly elected tits beton- "Quertion-le the Republiean party -and thatj "It Is just ns Impossible to be one of She best track* he the State. meal in another etl_lntiT........ ni
, foun.kd b • ilitent Pla:t stelans of user) other pisu Uhl not I
mull KLEINItIerrY. Inspracuce is lo harmony
t The bitihting for the exhtion of grains, "
_ ' well smited in Pennsylvania? raise him a position of equality with
trate tit i tkat by two hundre I eau any; "Mr. Stevens-I fear that a e shall lose UP as it w uld be to transform the ha. fruit., vegetables, the smaller kinds of 1 •
majority. l'he third ward went Dena i- Pennsylvania this next election. Ida ' tle berman Reformed Church
t . onee eeenewieege the runes. of the Ilutunteal
.t i boon into a gorrilla, the lynx Into a lion, machin • •is n • o
er3,&t., tarlY r quite tin: h- an Orpluitee Home In Bridesburg, Phil
ersttle Pr the first tine In the bistory of not think we have eitrtiestnette enough
The front encineure
' ihe My, s in the State to noise and draw out the the genie! k Into a reindeer , the epos- ed.
ing put up, leaving loom fur a pavement
is now be" adelphia. A suitable building way P 11 . r
. 7 1: 1 1 : ), :c at . f. " 4 1 : : ,:r 1 1 : 1 ,, ! : : :: ;::: 1 ":;:c t :I t i m ,tit i lw a ttitr s i t r r 7 ig i r. ' , :; :nr i,: t of u titiii : . :::::::: :,.. Qc : ; ::::: T t t • t a i : g , :: : .., I t . t:11 ,: a h ,li li k, t , l i t itil t :i: a; : s:
neptibilriin strength, let ire the Bennie eurn into kangaroo or the groundchased, to which an addition was sub s et
-•{ 'he Indications all around us wera lstem portion of our Legislature has been ' . fifteen feet wide along the entire front.
squirrel int a tabbit."
mover more favorable to the Deineerauy W. openly. tiotteriouslY, and shamefully fluently made. Finding that the in
11111 how, 'There is every motive Wlitcli
7, corrupt, that all the honest people in the That our retulers may the
"question-You do not 'suppose that nreeent ye rk, we extract thellcreate ng nunt sers oforphanscalledfor
ette fo l' il u o n w .l i e n r g - I The main
..,„ i
2 11 5 11(1 t Il l e flB crit:tra i t l •t ri hrtha o t r itt shall
e delivered r ve'
. 1,) cured. of desitti...., of the % ire vta3 ling •
and deeming a location in a rur tl ills- • • •• 1 e •
thel ti r f I ri
trut rie h ee ;Ile Hsi „ qlOll o ,t met , Stateare dislieertened and diegiested. sitarist the reign and scope of Helper'slarger anti more csemmodioue bu II di WS, Mid Carlisle ; Ul.isAgu. it , Iti,silt • r, or .I,lll.ittleubn
to onits with us, kind nothing worth i t N Y k I e pti ti '
you can tea . l'W or n orru u , I during the present month , Mrs. h. Little, salons attot Om Getts 'bony
queetions nil anewere: trict better adapted for the causation
, , ss e
..,,, i , ..,,,,,,,,,,si, greatly mow.% 0' or a . ,,,ni.;
tosettaniting to drive us maunder, do you? Ours/ion What is the best and only , The President and Managers will I
s- ,ol lteetistatitte to trews is obedience "Mr. Stevens . --F think we could.-and training. of there homeless children, and air ,t (on of tin. J:s et. a••tr Miner-tun tt, A.l
- { Cameron had hie men with their hands ru r me) Y or le P t ,
t e e f tl r •sellt and iros- mike everV - send rra e •t f
1 • , Ito e a rig men or a the Board concluded to relbove the in- alliarotnit) ; Junit tiros, ,t itts. loftltvtlncein; Miss
pective to able* now brewing
• . s . „„, _ hill of green backs working in the Leglit• 111 the grand Fair-a Illg• sueeess -and they
.-- a. N • aiorsaillier, forfuerlY editor litture. He had not fisurteen votes In hie Vn(ted St tee, between the White Peo
, trust that every part of the county will stitution. Aeeoriingly they held a 4 her.e., nin, is ..rly 111 e , 1 ot "W 1,101111.4 ol no`
t e Tone. ton ii aid.; al rut_
\ for the 3i:web Cloak Union Ploy, Be- favor at the close of the election, but pie and th Negroes? e_ • meeting on the •Itli of June, WllOl it ''
' ' • l''' ' "" 1 " f
i.of auto of the eye, .1t latrlhh•; liihtitta Milder,
v A ?weer. An absolute and eternal 'lei>. be represented by exhibitors, as well as
`spellillean newspaper , is about slitting e soon totter he hest forty. One man. um wits agreed to buy Manderbach's Spring, cilium.•rebut g,ettrisl sound of (onsitittittlon; Mr.
, r aration of he two mere. I •
, A isitors. Farmers, meeliatilee-ladies
)ketnocrutle sleekly peweitiaper in T4n)a. claim,, firt Y lii """ I ' d th'iitirg' for Ins
_'Phis' 4 " - Qiirsli n -Hots elute! the ee eretion in /Jerks vaunt,', for $34,014 mertinetedi, mired of eine.titiipl.oti, whieli hail
1 rises, 1111.1t1ww refuse to pay hint.
.. 0' P' . . everybirly-now is the time to cent menee ._________ tat n Km-mottos' ITU•iir1111,•, hi• I. now a ell and
auto.he e propt dbe spi edily and prudently'
.corruption will certainly beat us here ma king preparations. Don't put it off nE.SOLVING jut it r.-Here is one of Ulu at sort .tt r. at 111,11010 ..kllit Is Al tli N eon. u n 1 , -I
-The egricuitural editoroftlie Tribune next election unless we draw out the effected? I . nee ii,,,t,,..e.5t Si MO 111 1110 11,1111-perf,ql)
1 morel'. By Ovine full nod formal -but begin at once. resolutions( adopted by the Denou.rutic
mingles philosophy , and agriculture in Republican strength by getting up it;fe- ,cues]; :vomit 1 Nl, r, cure! oi offistlon of
Hi l t j iii to t . t i e ,Toits were Otte Of (11(.111 State Convention to Which tee desire to th • 111 1 1 ',l Wln Al (3 •
his irtlelee In ub tut e mat proportions. , rir . i i r t a s tyl to e , excitement on impeachment. , lit l ~ 1 1-. ,
the ,
' , House Soot.: .5 .). 13 AnnesT OF THE ..' ' 1 • ' 12 •• e"'" 1 " 1 1 , tIon. Mullin
4 Uri very much. Ile Is 11/iol l lit he netiattle.s, gitattrom,4, direct the especial attention of' every (Ago, Nuffi•rid for 3 i ion aft!, iiite.triptiolt Mel
.Anuwg other things he saye:-• -" bleep een
' ' . ati .z udiapi;y l falters, artif flip , nomiteition (II(' odor ins, and all the other 1 1 ( 4 )- TruEe.-Last night a-week, a horse val-I. , ght au. ate. caul!: Mrs. Ale ri aI, (Sired at i int-
Democrat in the county, an d pal ticolar
and •girl!' are domestic , unbinds, Neither was an ulifortenate thing fur the party.". whites., th t, after the 4th of July, leis?, ued at $2.50 wars stolen from Dr. Goelien- i . .. . Mit option ; Mr. Logan, grt .itls r,i11. , % lid of ugh e..
thief r press ice would he no longer festa l l y- * these who do not subserioe for the .
win sin well out of eight."e 1 - Mr. Stream made a "personal ex- our, at Abbottsitown, with a saddle rind I loan Of tla• tunas and lit 11 - , •:,.`",1.1t1,11,,t. r, or
ed nor tolerated north of the northern party organ or even pay the prinkr Se‘i u V. 4 1 1. . ), yore: cured of allis•Witt et
-'There are 'one thousand and freer Warmth - 4e in the limier on Weilneetlay, boundary of Mexico, and by iteeleting bridle helonging to Dr. PORT. T4 ' c ' l stills what they already owe him: ties, eel a 11:,,. Mary Easter, t•u.eil of Ils ir t OM
chlittnin in the rtunda,s f lelioole 'eeenee - In which, according to Forney's Pica's, them, to a limited extent, to get etelie- of clothing and about ite2,s in money were l e lint .ind 11 T 11.114. (111.11 1, , .... 1 11111. 11111.11.111,
/O. That the pi wee :mil sueeees of the
led whit St. Joint's l.,utherau clioralt in ;while denouncing the publication of the where el, would matter very 111 tle also stolen from Dr. O. Vigorous stem Denmeratic party greatly (it pilot on .1... i 4111•\111 , t• Of lilooll 1 . 11411111 g lathe le iiil, ill
‘,. dill where W south of that south-Inn% mg
i ll 4. 1 etl/ ',twitting; Mr, .1h gl r 4 gil M 1 1) in//1,
']:Arran.' I Hera hi car 111
n e v oo sot's letter, "he b i a ere teleen us soon as the loge wits known, the character and efficiency of it. netts- I
01/11111ary.cured ot Lunt of the kola 1)% a ft•a a .ialf.a
lue ton
-It is sold that even,' physlci#ll in not unqualifiedly deny the assections eis t e g ti ol e- Is there no other manner which reunited in overhateling the thief. li t :A t :
theist lii
eli g eentitni elm eaten, oi ,44 lie ,i,i ; The itt..•, t e le lord o r
Wieshington city Ilea from twenty Le mad e , but admitted the politeal views In a hlch the aggress, who are /Jet be- (Menet! liryand,) with the horse in his 'ei-etee 1, et el
,} I fir. alai 1,11•1 • ~••11 of the
e.f IV r Li et;fleaf all: t /11 every isliltify all the
fifty eases of t) phut(' fever under treat- attributed to him, and stated he intend- corning it rpo-intimate and unbear.ahle possession, on Tuesday, sotnewhere in meinher4 of the Democratic, p tro , l i lt anls hot stout /1/ 11 1110 1 •, 111 4.1111114 11 , -
nuheince might be effeetunll,s - and final- e ir„ ate. wl, t, (111411411 R 1 1.,., of lima-
Timid. ' ed no reflection on any of his brother , Balthnore county. Bryand wag cam- should make a vigoro •,4 slit to incie,e4; t ,',„, „ N 11 , „,, , , ~ ~ I
•I f t.) t •I! • •t' •I I
.iy eepara ei from le rea s te. ma i e ies ~ d e ,•., oisr, • not lett on
-'The sadist State Convention of members." I portion of the penile of the 'United States nutted to Towsontown jail, and Slier- Re eioeilittion by git mg individual ' ~,
3 an. %PlMA•rofiiiii ire /. t , : i - li 4 to it lillgtanil
paLronage and support.
'Peens Met• at Hots-lent on the 4th. On - 1 lie did riot (limy the "assertions." in -the Wili(V people-who, whih' they are iff Hann, of this county, notified actor- f n1'11,1 4 -11.• 1111 A 141.1 4.111,1i* eared to, Ile is.' -
it/ tir4.llt - three• a bites were l're'ellts regard ti) (teary, the "unhappy Where," w"1111Y• o ttre also enlighteeed and pro- dingly. The Sheriff proceeded to Her- , leg.Ou Wednesday afternoon week tut ati
I.a. n ~.ii..,-, 1 I I urn,: ‘4l it link .NI I••
grcss,ve, , i• rrz. a., I. 10c,'.1 , tie point oi di ttli u I i lroi ,
I , Si, ;.
fist il large ettendant tt of darlcies. lor his I Stevene') "fear of the loss or I risbure on Thursday for the neetsseary the lightilitig killed two valuable cotes,
et nareee.l-Yes. All impure-eon:l,lex- 7 ; ,,,, 1 ea, clinu ei us• nee i s, e a. telitei, 4 tlit 11;
- Geo. nom is F. Meagher, Acting Penitsylvanei et the next election''-thus t o me] p e r. or i s , o r ui ktr t e ver nationality, requisition from the Governor upon the while(' the ptedure field, ofJosepli Sim- .111 e , , .
i..IAD 1.1,11. .1..111.1111.1 ON ... e l 1,,h1.; an. .... Iv llll. 1
-.4" . .C/S4'rIIAJC of Montana, fell into tbe Is a- 1 adding w e i g ht to these ;greedy siguiti- n lietLer black or loou• 11, whether re- Got entre. or Maryland, and expeeted to fer, residing in Conowago township, ,erea of [..lllngtlt , , M irt IA ie.,. al4 !weir., tun],
ter from the (leek of illeatitim•it• 4t, I'mt cant point4,° ' groeu, Indians or Chinese, or bi-color(''] •
ue lack, with the prisoner, on Saturd ty Adams county, 4•ettetteet inn, se . \ pl. It ‘.l to recosi•r, tan
PJ/ii)11 on the night of ;hr 15t instant, 1 , - .
_ ........1_ _- / hybrids r aw resident in the 1 t
t ) , '
tle t) i , eVt.lllllg, er at noon today, - , iield 1111.1 1 , TOM %. • I 111. 1111111).
5.1 . 111 . (.4. 11i 4:11t i for the prir .ent a sts. leg - Bear in mind that the IN tit ‘x ' ot; i . l •l' , Y; t . " •`•-t `,, • is , ' ,"l:l l l's ` l l : l l,l ` ,l l l ' i . ( 7 :; : s: l : l , , .: f li s t . 7 ' u t
amt wale ( t we ez e !. H is ;Wily was no t Thad. htflvan. , raid.”2ll7 I;V i z i. nta to be En- , .
colon ize•il iln fr State or Territory by - _
regovate4l- I irk I ulna .71. g. .
theinselvde, in Texas or in A henna, for MITATtne Come mes•.-The visit ol'a Dot-ron will he at the E tole lintel, 11l ,
h. toi . too 11.
zt. •+ll 111 111,11.1111. r .111• ii ~ t"1. ti,• OS 11111 WWI).
-A /kr:non worn(n
was kil t ed in Bd:-
instance, and there, ender suitable rietu- Comptfoy or Coe New York 14th, on the Gettysburg, froui this . ..;:lil to the 30th n.,t, I tr ,ota 11 3 Ili,• uot.a . ii.,,t.....0 ho, tI I.
l a tfot. , o risitiireil to remain strictly with- Fourth, hail the effect of starting a All suffering from chronic dieeases, and `ll''' :le ,s le :t
timon.ontisc it 1/ NS it ,Ist isiMing in Cie dour ~
in the .1 init.h, aletigneil them. To She Eela tie hob.
movement fur the oiganization of a desire, to knovi their munition, a ill „,
s ,r !fir dwelling, by a pitul ball Elrod Qat • qio4.-lii any policy in which vie, „ . , .
.0.1.11 e ( ornp : uty here. tt e understand - veto, it es. i.,,,... ie.!. t re. , e.,,,, te t.eeeitet
frpota group of negtoes. the It hitt! peopte of the i'llited Si:ltem, ‘
0 1,111,5a 1 , 1 14 • .111% 1111111 i ,reil/11111 Mt
-0, D. bonzatreet deufcs that, in writ may be inoticed to po x the net tl•at the requisite number of HUMUS 11104 ly examine d, b y e ; ee t i !city, and th,
p,roer, what tiliould always he with II- a been secured. The t'ompanY will " 11- stetheseope, after which he ean 1(11111 11 to a "`'•"es• " 1 ," "ill; la , I• ILO A I.• sl l -111•1 1 10 1 : ilta
Jing . his yeeent letter Itli f iutendeti to ally t•entroiling motive-what should int hit- twin excellent material, 1 and prove a ee , a . n .., eo -INi,• tie le% , ,I .1 , ik.ll li, 1111. I'l ~.s•
himself with the Iliiiiii•als, ingly conNtittite one i,f the ereat and ul- , ~, . Irti ty whether .1 cure can he etrevted ins .1 ,,,, 15 , .•% la ~. ..11 i 1 , 1 m ~,0 0, t , .. 4t
ore„ •; ~,,, , ,i urn ~,, ,I, 1,,i, ~‘, i,,,, ,1,,-
Crack. aual r.
- Fit e eases of
,yourow fever oJeurred Um•lto ends at witich we eliouhl aim ? or relief given. See "Special" tedium' 1,,,e,i. ,t, e , et, .t vela la ~.; Ifs 11 11 pl•tift•lto 4,101
at 44/Overdo u ri, Tcxfir, on the 911). A Intl pr.-We Should so far yield to the I - l'he Z inaves nee mized on FrideY for remarkable ewe" pet tornied be the '"'"„""•"""'"'I` l'''"'" ", I I "P"" ' 5 '"' " I s':
114 .1.. U. .
it uric ito \ • 1 4. • t cll II 'gar , 1 • t M 11111. 13
("Vide" dV".ign4 surd purposes of Pre l t - . evening, by the election of the (Minn in 4 m ew ,. •o f I, ,•,,,, lit ,• 1%I,"! . ”ir It Ito i ari 'tuition,.
- -A' Mc bile r.rt r 5 ltiontly FIR)I4 'kn ee ' Os to be bath wil lin g " Id 81/1 "" 4 ollieers: Captain Theo. C. Norri 4; First 1 .u. -p 11111111.,, `1.111...1111,1, 4,11 11 i.ll, 111111 Lisle 14 e
Worti,ern historians of the war teearto to see the negroes, like the Indian, and ' _____ - - 1 g,,,, I awl ell., th, ri•iii, la tin I:..otintlttgl'ilts,
•, re•try • . eCOli el, i
i Lieutenant, John F. I'd...r . , s DON' r LIKE IT.
be engaged in Il greet lying movie all other effete and dingy - hued races. 1 _ , 1 1 1 , 11 a 1 , 1
j 1 . 1 , 1 , ;1 . 1141 ,, r11 , 1 1 1 , 4 1 ( 1 , 1 , 1 ,1 11 , 113 , 1
i l l i t 1 1 , 1 .l i i t • • 41 1 , 1, t . :l , li 1 , 1 ,
..,. si a i i i , i .
gradually exterminated Crow the lace of Lieutenent, Jacob W. Cress; Orderly Pittsburg, .„ • , i,, , i ,,... 1 ., , ,,!, i ,,, 1
, l,
_,s ,
,),), I
„, 1
-In Ti =limning() county, Mississippi,j The I i L/2)//bite I hopiiihic•in , i
the whole earth. I SLigetint, W. I. Eystcr. ~• 41.1•1 111 t•.•4IS ~I 'II • !.;_, , 1. ,, ii i•ln tllti, I 1011.
the Nitell . is about to met Ilfteen hundred i does not hike kindly to tilt Williwul,port pi, loc.), 11,1111 ~..1., ...‘ -111111 t,, 1 r 411%. la ...., 1/s 4-
Cateelliming time, or In n eomewli it I . 1 . - t. I'll, ~ Is/ li • •t •••• ••••• , at .111 IliIi• 1 •• -
-permunx to work to (Wahl° theta to pay tinnier vein, I miglit proceed intiell fin- 1
j Da•'twit it K. - The nioet perceptible Ilifltf'irm• It eaYs 1 r oaos. 3.1)1 Di '.. 111 till: 2N II % Ott, th. 3 lies- Ni•r) Is-11
their mace-they bemg too poor to pay. titer; but before either a-1, - , tog or a se , m, er- ~ "Some orthe resolutions pas4ol by the • ,i. 11,1,
i ' 1 lc 1 - thel , '.itii th was th
t revs Ito here on ...a ht nin e :,
And tine is the coridthon of things to itig any more que-bolls, I deem it pro-Cont.e MIMI were extreinely radio l lll. end Jen l' , , Ib7
per (is bring, fora ard abundant and irre. • absence of fire crackere, rockets, &C., Ott-
Call/tiff help pro% lip , . otlieisiNe to ell it a
whieh Itadieal "reconeti Ileum," ti redo- ft agaide deinonstial ions of the fact. that easioned 1y the fishing-up of an old or- sonahle, •oogre•-IN c tint! t ow:vv. at Ix e
ying the u hole South, the negro, as compared %milli the 'Mute diiin„,,, prohibiting all inani ft 'elbow.; men. The put-lion of ilegr4, sufliage
-A 1V nal li , pr th fzeJan.-The True man, 14 :ln-ery different ereat ni e, a ems-- .
if patriotism in that Luse. In the name "a' h e f ", l e Eli ' ( '?"‘e nti "' a m i ," lt , l " nll :'
ly inferior being ; awl also that this dif- 1 nit acne! upon, It w 1- nditionei tied lite
,Amerlean, pot•ls died
~ et Newark, Ohio,
ference of manhood, this despicable in. ,of the jut miles. '.t 'e proteet against such patty wee in ta i iir Sit it. Nita, the priii
ian refused to go the ticg,ro-sutfragt• furiority of the new ~, is natural, con- log3l-1,1 on the great holiday of the nu- 4 tide.. enunciated by the Cony(•ntion, ow
plank.bpietiour and pernialient. .
lion. What to "Young America" Is the ft (1 con fi dent' Mal (r, ~ I h' (lo‘ , 'l , ' iwfa
' -Texas hegrocs go about .hegging to In the preseelition of this labor, I shall , Lori of . Judie ii"olomo. ( • /moo , sort the
Fourth without .
`ire crackers ?
bring to my aid the in% estigationm and party from. df full It required nti right
lie pot on juries, olive:lig to do the jabot -
diseoverit:s of the smut teemed natural- I eons men to save Sodoneitiel I toinorrith
• buff price. They call it, amoug them- fists % 1 / 4 1; 0 have ever lived ; and these But Lot could nut find them."
helves, "get t in' paid for ;loin' notiiiii'." surety are those whose voices, above all
- Every Nlongi•el editor and I. orrespon- 1 oilier+, should be most attentively heard
f the ape-
Is 116 W kept busty waiting up apita- and beetled in the discussion o ,
ion-malting pressure for more env' oirr. II-
chic subjects here mentioned,
pleats upon popular lights and cis'l
B 1
Hnil, tlw Radical P4dlenor of Wash
jagton, city, hqsappulottil a negro eferk.
accounting .for taste...—espi, , -
Aially lion between a
ilis4l4lefl 14t)klier awl a tjarlicy.
—Two' murdi bOyfi, 'pne of them only
twelve ye:44 . 5 of age, were committed
the Belvidere prisou i iailt Week for horse
Wo hear of n fainter bnytng spoiled
'ortuauges by the barrel—using thew as
manure--putting ra link in each
Corn mute up flex:, day , --by . the help of
eery :dug within „a circle of ti'vc
—Counterfeit Iwo dollar greenbacks,
froth a new plate, are nose being put into
' —The Hour of Tholivrprire.—We arc
fast approaching the hour Spoken of In
the Jewh,ii proverb: "When the tale of
brikks is donbletl, Mosses The
Aiellvemr always conies when tyrut.ny
j,aa reached its highest point.
—The_ Radical - - street commission
er of New Of IC:I lIS lIIIS iii-vhargetl
the white employees Ami employed ue
—The Federal C:qiitol police force is
to be con posed of'darkies, it is said.
- The negroes registered in Louisiana
,outnumber the whites two to one.—
About two-thirde of the original white
rotors hove been disfranchised.
—l'wo thousand houses were for rent
In 174. •linuis, Missouri, ;lest week. is
this fact due to :lattice! rule In that
--It is reprirtull that Santa Anna was
Prot shot, lilt hi lit prison at C'ainpettelly.
—A tillilmstering fever js rnging at
Tetr OFIC4I/7/3.--the Cr)" Lt Jig; "pp W ~Vexi
' inotntiera of a family in 11Fula
tipili lecvntly kt. 041 of starvation. They
bad lieeti fur some time Pas s.tbsafrus
)ark autl look..
pocket pardons
$a polltleal tivorites.
--Juorm Ott l`rt•sident of 'Mexico,
Jived' in New (,)i leans a kw years No,
no I carrinfl on tha!)usiness of ntannfac
;using' elgtrzt. 11e wae at that 'chile a
11.11iikal rc•fotzve,
—The Illinois girl who l*iely lost her
speech, save whispering, has hid forty
4)ifers.of inarrlag.c.
clithifen Irtre recentiy
tea in one sellout district is Nortnatup
ton counts, bj tt Jowl cog.
It ,sra4 G. uaiai .I,feelellan will
iralAtru to clus cowry ittNoveuitter.
fifrlt to giought that Congress will atl
pipurn lo a tlay,,or tw u, after ratssing a bill
reecoltrtftlee "rwtonstnaction"—{o 1;t
-crettle the despotic powers of the
ultilttrl satraps, that the negro may be
,eleitiatiel stilt Isight.r and the whita tttan
snoroefrectually enn.itsrd. A Lirtnittittee
sifeonfersuce on such a measure was ap
rointe4 by loth 1/ot,tmlou 'Frlday.eyen-
ifirThe Doyiestowo Dentearaf, , %nlc of
thfbArgectratta OW, Democratic papers
in the State, comes to us Ju a new and
/iatilitA4t) fJ Ttke p eatiMr and pub]
tr, the basstrabarrod Col. IV, W, 1;,-.1)aL
Yfo L.' if 414#aPPti4 40 itiNth-451K.
The. Lancaster Express, one of Thad
duos Stevens' home organs, recently bad
the follwking:
Several years ago, when the Laneasirr
Cemetery was hieorporateil, Mr. Stevens
porchased two tots, for wich a deed - was
duly executed. Fnine years later, in
lboking over his papers, he notieeil, for
the first time, the elause prohibiting the
interment of colored people In the Ceme•
tery. lie at ones reeonveyed the lots to
the eompany, with his reasons, and ask
ed, that they he put upon the record. A
t short time ago ate purchased a couple of
!Jots in Woodward Hill Cemetery, and
'when the deeds were handed to film lie
noticed a similsr clause excluding the,
bUtrial of people of eolor'. The brace old
man deelareii that be could not consent
to have his brines laid in a cemetery
where any of ehildren . .weie
elneleel for no fault of their own, and he
proniptly relit rtivil the devils, stie then, .
wily a few days ago, selected lot in '
"Shreiner's (!emetery," where no such
distinetion is made aniongsthe dead, and '
there will the dust of the Old Commoner
I repose—not, we trust, however, Until he
has seen the great work of reconstruct-I
ing the nation, 'on an enduring basis
of liberty and equal rights, which he
has so consistently labored for, triune-'
Iph ntly eonkommated.
Who latctlifp near comments on the;
above, thus :—There are few men, indeed,
who have given to the world such open
and nutorbms evidences' of a belkf in
negro equality as Thaddeus TiStevens has
done. ;tht, or his :Teo, a
female .ef dusky 'nee, daily walks the
;streets of Lar,'•alster, when Mr. Stevens
'is at Nun,. She. has presided over iris
housel,old for y(lil".1• Even by his own
play friends :Ile is eonstantly spoken
of as ire. Stevens; though we fancy no
I rights of mother church ever gate her
a claim to the title. •
It Is natural for men to desire to sleep
their last sleep with tense they have
loved iii life. If Thaddeus Stevens in
=sists upon be:ng buried side by side with
the woman he is supposed to have taken
to his bosom, it, is entirely a matter of,
} taste. But, wily did he not pm chase a
lot in the African burying ground at
/ once? There ,no white man's hones'
would have jostled his, and• she who
has so king been his most intimate sumo-,
elate, might have been gathered to his
side without exeiting,puldie scandal.
We hear that there was a political
meeting o f the colered people nt \ ud wail,
, o n Tuesday even in g . w hi c h was address
by Rev, Lewis Lindsay, colored, of
1 Riehinond. Lewis Lindsay made a
We Are told that some of our Republi- wris t, v i o l en t an d incendiary de.
can brethren, upon , rending the platform mantling * fair division of all offices, and
f ()mitigated by the Williamsport Re- social equality. He spoke of the whites
Publican Contention, an d i i,,di rig no ''''ncith , bitterness, and told the audience Of
plank ttiant the subject of "Manhood gave tle la
Wiee majority which
t i i , i m er g e i i‘ l t i r , l , t „tl i
Suffrage," inquired of the delegation lie said they meant to elect the for-'
from this county why it was, and reeeiv- error and the members of Congress, and
ed for reply : "Yon see, we found that a portion of the Legislature. 'Wherever
there were twelve men appointed to do
P lankcousiderublydhattered and broken
any business. he said six of them must
by the manifestuthins of the people at be black: He claimed that he should
the elections, and We feared to give it be asked into a white gentleman's parlor,
place lest-it would break the entire plat- and addressed as "Mr. Lindsay" when
lOrni down. That plank has east rather be called ' lt his house. He alluded to
t w iff d m i e b e a ti t n i t t s•At e ddhere on court day, and
a dark shadow over ti, in Pennsylvania, white people were "in
and it, was thought best utter considera- dependent," he did not see what they
Lie slid warm cum overay to keep it in wanted with the help of the "niggers."
( T , : % ij i t i t ‘ t r i a te s:, c n o r l i T; r e v i e d N t l e 'e goingr n e l t l l i t t t e •i ( r i
the shade for the pr gent, _ We managed
to • keep the -debate in committee, but their assistance. they wi l mlT have to
somehow It has lea lied out ibrtiugh some come to them. He gave a theatrical ac
fool that - they had a thundering hot time coun of an interview he bad with Mr.
- Botts, whom be detmunced. Hunnicutt,
of it."
-' he said, was "their man." He stated
This is the only aecount we have heard that he had been twat up here from
of the missing plank. It may. turn up Riehrwmd toll"gnize" the colored
irksome of the more rabid county con- p i eople, and letton them to see to it
ventions, where itit advocates have uo registered. Lindsay told the
f t stre t ti h"' people if the white people sent
gags on them. It'' is evident that the fifty delegates, to the Richmond Con veil-
Republicans are frightened at the dark tion, they must send seventy.' He said'
shadow.—.Yanbury .I.lenapeece6. be had heard about a War of races, but
i he would like to know %Viten four mil
lions of people with arms itt their hands
'lry Is* fuvuritp llad teal intiltim that had ever been exterminated—that two
revolutions never • go baekward. , The could play at that game.—Citurlottestille
Democrats of Coo n"eticut Mite the 811111 t ( Yu.) Chronicle.
%Jen' ju their lute Olen to retain their
political supremo:Mit that State. The Itiii - There is trouble among the Mull
here just cols in Ohio. The Hou. Samuel (law,.
i t i l e tr i
c o v el
,y 1
N *it i t e e t r u la r.v u ry i n E
ject 1
lig a
way has declined the nomination of that
party in a letter which cuts like a hitt . -
Jlayaand all Lime 'denim), Last, y ear
the city was cattle by the Radicals.
tor Colonel Du ran, of the United
hide whip. He attributes the elrentu
stantli lbat he was not nominated as
Governor to the fact that he was uncom•
ru ha i:k e t n i o to ci ll a te rm a:b if it ta io i u n s te s i e l l a lmes pureb otr a i xe va d l
Pre a si t tl e e mae ntl r a i l lic at e .p o l f r t a ru nts e , m a a n n d hood affir . m i s f that
Stotts Army, eton: lauding ut Nashville,
Tennessee, has, - d mantled of State In
"speetor Gellert& II rt his reasons for sett- he has A soul to which official honors
ding to FrluiXll tr he company Of negro
State troops :wide instigated ihtt recent I '''
riot, at that place 'He has_ announced
thal be will pr
1 dalloway expects to attain
,office with
um people, and will ont "the sof-rides of true manhood," be
_ t turt . leave the 'party to u Well he Is at
unt'permlt Intetf cum with his Whorl-
IY hY BrowO/O* 'negro mild*. It is a htd at • present.—Age.
to be earnestly 11, pad the Colonel, will
fie Am ' • 1
prrp-Ifil 'a
liirSenator 'Wade emphatically de
nior.the recent report that lit : s will* In
rk—dehediug Thad. f`9 rof au equal 9lvislou of pruperty.—
h. • - -
he" if, Poinayirn- Then hapaust etnircitil 10: 0 joOlv.ig, !Jaen
4. Arunk.
A correspondent of the Anti-Stopera
Standard, writing from Virginia. with an
evident understanding of the party. ma.
ehinery among the negroes, gives the
Mongl el party fair warning of what is in
reserve for them. The negro vole, he
say's, will decide the Presidential elec
tion. The negroes understand this per.
feetly, and are laying their plans in ac
cordance with it. '`There are several
negroes," says the writer, "fitted for the
position, of Vice-President, and that the
second offlee in'thc nation ahaq be filled by
a negro." The correspondent fully en
dorses their claim and wishes it distinct
ly understood that it must be conceded
or the negro vote will be east against the
Mongrel party.
DOING NVEr.L.—Mr. John Atwell,
whose loss Oa hand by the premature
discharge of the gun on the Fourth was
detailed in our last, is, we are glad 'to be
able to say, getting along as comfortably
as could possibly be expected.
Arrtnl r. A. Mon.linii, an in
dugirioup nodworthy - citizen of St rubun
town: , lllp, on Wednetgloy week, fill from
cherry trey, erased by the snapping off
of a limb under him,. tunl broke hi.s jaw
bone. He suffered excruciating pain,
but Dr. Melltorn , 00tt relieved him, and
he is now about again. •
COuirr Lt:c►,uac.—Among
the ease- , decided by the Supretut; (!-Jort,
at PltilinlOptila, on the 3d lost., the fol
lowing is reported :
By Thempw.n J.—Neeley vs. Crane
ham. Error to Common Pleas of Adults
county. Judgment I/Mr/tied. Pi;-sent
ett from by Agnew J.
PEN - Nsi - tx.tNrA Cor.t.Efin.—The enta
logue of l'ennsxlvania College for 1. -7
shows the institution to be in a flourish
ing condition—the Seniors numbering
14, Juniors 17, Sophomores 24, Freshmen
48, Preparatortans 87, total 195.
The next Commencement will occur
on Thursday morning, August_B—with
literary exercises of a varied ely - acter
during the day and evening preceding.
as mentioned in our last.
' The ceremony of corner-stn ne laying
of "Stevens Hall" will take place on the
afternoon of Commencement day, with
an address by Hon. Thaddeus Stevens.
IttiirThe Lancaster papers announce
the death of Dr. F. A. Mulilenburg, in
the 7:ird year of his age, one of the oldest
and wart respected citizens of that city.—
Ile was the father of Prof. F. A. 51011en
burg, of this plitee.
Haut, STong.—A hail storm passed
over portion 4 of Springgarden, York
and %Vind-or townships, York county,
on Wednesday week, doing 'considerable
damage to the growing crops. The
Pennsylvanian says forty. sheep were
killed by the hail for a farmer residini
near Longstown.
DISEASE AltoNG.Cows.—The Wayncl;
bon,' Rccord says that a db,ease, called
"milk disease," is prevailing athong the
COWS in that region. Among those who
have lost tine cows lately from this
cause, are Mr. Mullen and J. R. Sellers.
A number of cases are reported in the
SAVE YOu& Deepneti BILLS.—Coes
Dyspepsia Cure will save the expense
of a Doctor very many times if kept on
band ready for immediate ,use. In the
Summer season, for Cholera Morbus.
Pain in the stomach, Diarrhoea, le., It is
a sure and certain remedy.
VEB, to the place to have your Pictures
taken. "None better, none cheaper.—
/loney refunded if not satisfactory. •
SEAS s ONABLE SUGGirgiTONl3.—The fol
lowing hints are seasonable, and may be
true: they are at least worth
of pennyroyal will keep mosquitoes
out of a min, if scattered about ev e n in
email quantities. Roaches are exter
minated by scattering a handfull of fresh.
OUccuntw-r parings about the how. No
fly willifght on the window whitlif.uns
been waebed with" water In- u
t le garlic has been bulled.
Z . "4`• The House of Representatil'es sus
pen led its rules to pass a joint resolution
expressing, the gratitude of Congress to
General Sheridan fiir his conduct in
Louisiati. This resolution is-of eourse
intended as a flout at the President. It
tends to subvert military t_liseipliue by
upholding. a subordinate iPt opposing the
orders ()fills superior ()Meer. It encour
ages' General Aeridan and the other
O g inimanders to put upon the Reconstruc
tion law any extr.une sense they please.
by assuring them of the support of Con -
gret,s against the President. A Congress
which descends to such spiteful and pet
tish Insults, is ineapable of kgislating
tin a.great subject in a just and liberal
itSe.The execution of Maximilian is
denounced throughout all Europe. It is
looked upon:t; an utterly unjligillahle
violation of the laws of civilized warfare,
and justly st). French intercourse with
Mexico has been broken otr by -order of
Napoleon. A number of the European
courts have gone into MOUining.
VirThe negroes in one of the wards
in Richmond, Virginia," have decided
on running a colored candidate for May
or, and ii Council ticket eomposed of
three negroe, and two white men. This
is practical Ittalicalirin cropping our.
Once let the negroca understand they
can overmaster the whites at pie polls,
gnel they will do so beyond all question.
by-No one observing the sayings and
doings in can fail- to see the
real object of the ilirunionists, who are
engaged in plotting for party success at
the eX pense of all the great material and
political interests of the nation. To
maintain their hold on power, they are
basely preparing to defeat the will of a
vast majority of the white men of the
United states, by consolidating against
them the votes of all the ignorant and
degraded negroes in the country. That
Is the one sole object, of the Congress
now convened in extra sestitoti•
.*&- the following appears in the New
'Vork T'ribune of a late late
.Maor- General Rawlins, General
Grant's 1 4 '00 of titan - , has been lecturing
in (Wen he home ofUraNt. giving the
history -ot the rebellion, and sketching
at length the a; is °Rile government since
its surrender, shouting that the President
has pursued an eminently parificatory
connge. lie isompixused to relteetthe start
of General Grant.
tarn Is reported, apparently semi
officially, fmin Washington, that a ma
jority otths Military Commission before
whops Mrs. liurratt was tried united in a
reconunendatiott- to President Johnson
that her sentence to death he commuted.
This paper was never seen by the Presi
dent, nor had he heard of it until the
matter was broached recently through
the newspapers.
Id^ The closing speech of Mr. Thad
deus Stevens on the reconstruction ques
ticii in the House of Representatives on
Tuesday last, Is, perhaps, the most de
cided specimen of brutal oratory that
ever disgraced the American Congress.
The individual who could utter such
sentiments, is just the kind of fellow to
object to be buried' in ♦ graveyard of
whits wee.—dye.
psr-Geary has beoomea Good Templar.
Wa irnald ilk. es hear ol ds beeomfm; s
VIA Governor. •
PI lei. '4IE4 :11h IN r box
A Card to (hr I.otttei
Dn. rs 4101,111. N
11,1 •4 . )4,1.41111de 110 o (Art, t
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/ ooroo, u. au .ov I.ot •o:tor /and
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it 18 IIOW 44,1 . thu,y y r,lr>-51)4. , the viloolvorool!..
looatilol 1.1. ro! Hrs.) di \VII,. 1..; Dt..1 . ( ON
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Vutolie IllstaliliAll4. Iry %% oil .IS I'l 1V•Ilk• to. 00•,
tol tooth rt.., 44.111 141 p irailt•it.l 14144 4 4.,
in e‘l ryuircl It "111µ , 111. roo•
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lot 1.• all , vinim 141 tn. NI• !r o ll) our Ir•
regtol.orttio. 1000tt.‘ , ..r..0. Nell as too oyes:eta 111
1•11 - . , S , tot tilllall , N lit•I•i• 11,1'111 A 111 11.4 1/...1 Ala it,
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1 - 411 s, Ihnt I .U.l/I'.on l•—• 1 11.0 "tiv.ttft
1-11i.V11firlage," 11111 r Illill4oBllFlt 1 . 111.
prlrlor 11:0.11:1 1 / 1 .1% Ili. I. ,poltsil , :!11, .Lllll ,
%111 %. 1.: :.l* III•
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11.1...1171.16 It: :‘1V.1.1" ha :111 thus.. I,llllieLlzig
I pet 1111. t r to Co
hay., 1,..en .44 within fWn rearm.
T, a ritnip.nd 1:1 It} MAIL 1,4411 hy wy-
Kelt WWI .1$4 4. 1,t1 , . p ol••• • •• ( ll.' wtzleti
IpiVe 1 . . t u.11„I.I n V. Int I, In .ItI . INIY.
hothina 11111. the :Ow% e Pthr h.o.e tk II to:oWil
1:,,•s t• .11I •
wlnid. H, th • OlOving . 111 - 11,11114
Nsitt. • 10.1. I 11.111/el. 44111 , I Inv, I N.' Nt . l'Vt,
and 11.14 . /C t " RAY,' ClllOl . Ot
eilk k ot th. 41.11 1 ,1 111.1 /Vol
l'n. i• 1., , r // , ..X. NIX
Fol , l I. .11)IIN 4. I )/(NI.V, Draw:ht Rote
At... - vut for I ;,.11., shill J.
111111 eI lilrollol the PrAt
fine, Imve th.•
31•,i1, In 4/1r part of ILI.. I,IIW IS, 9r.... Or I ,lo itagP. "
hr r, I .11 ” 1,04. r. i .nrg: 11. W.
1t.w...1 , •t111.1 Brown 11,
erS, .‘aellt., and K. If.
NOV Turk.
ly •
To Congo in p I Is oqi
The advertiser, 11.11 . 10:; 60 , 11 restored In health
ift a few weeks I,y a ray sioipli• remedy, lifter
Veil for eral vt:trto ulia ti
WTI/ a 16,11011, anti that tir,-.ttl
all '<tour to kuiavii to lux telluW
safforer, tie
T. all woo 1, ,I. it, Le wilt ht fel n I,pr of tho
pr.nerluttatt tntett 4,;"i %%lilt the l'lrre
thins for preparing and using whira
they will t 11,41 at .ml., rule Jur( tiil•q111110 lon. ANt.l
- Iltrtateltiiitt, '1 trout
and thing . Aliveltia.s. The tatty Ittn,
advert la rln arat.llng thy. prt , t rilit toil t.i Isdlotit
alddieti it, uud spread f alorainflon which Ito
eone•.'ltta. to lie Luc:affable, unit he hopes • very
sufferer 'IN bit , hlthiS.ll , It IA 111 eloilt It" in
Inn fling, nittl luny prove .1 1,1.....ang. l't•rtlt,wirh-
Ingih•irrepie,ri taloa, free, IT rvtunt Wa il , Will
piesise addl. as
REV. EDWARD k. W11.140X.
• NV llllutuoLurg Etugs co., N. T.
May V, IS.G7. ly _ _
rrrons of Voual
A gentlemnn who hunered for )enrs from :Ker.
vnum l'remetnre end sill the
el:44'06111 youthful hid retion, will, Gtr the wa ke
of unfterinit, Mint en i (Y. wend Irrr 1./ ell whe t) , ed
it, the reelph and di oft thine for in id; n; I lie el to -
pl. reineay Iry which It, %Yip: curve!, Sonia . ..TN
winning to proli: lie the experiente,
110 MO by int.lrewiltig, in , Nerfe4l yolitl.lelll . o,
' .111 E-IN 11. I.(:111•\, ht.. Nvw lurk.
Way v. IfB7. ly
Marriage sand eel! Nary
AN r.s4sAy rn wARNING AND iswyttre-
Tit*: TO vot•NG MEN. Al.O, liiveakea and
Ahttiams trbirh perilianentlY prostrate the Vital
:-owera, with Pin no .”1”, of r.•t%et. gent trev of
Cawrize. in avid , A ent - .•lop .t.hir.vv. Dr. .1.
SK IAA"( 1101.7(11Eri )ic, 1 ow v.,'
Philadelphia. Dee. 3, IMIL. Loci:Z.4a
Dr. 807..111103'S PuI'.XONIC FratTP.
Tbi F r... 4, ..dielno carol I)r.J. IL So.' gnat; the Propri
etor. of Pulmonary Connonp fon, vt he.. ft had 4rume4 Ita
tow form:able vp •ct, and whoa orse.l.• den: h appeared to
be initial, e. Ira ph. a:enrot pr..mouno I hot cafe wearable.
whoa In 03111211 COCA the tre of alutp'o bat PalwarAll
r_toody. Ila ww ra-fore I in ft very ahnrt time. and
no return of the deep n has b,e.l tr:vf.fhended. for all fbe
eyteptoms quiattly Mainly rued, and hie prment woffaft 4.
more than two hundred poonfle.
WPM his recovery, ho bar f.e7oted ha siterates melee
atvety to the care of Go:arm:l.lon, and the &owes whleh
are !magi - comp lea a nth t, clad the eons steeled LT bit
atedlehtes UV* been very numerous and trot/ wonderful
Dr. flottsoor, snakftweereestesat rake to wirer& of th• lame r
cake weekly, where hs tuts a taros womene of particle
and a Is mar asternishlns loses poor oonsannaleal that hire
to Le Wed out of their curia" sad In a cow Istotaba
healthy, robot persona. Da. BC LIEN .:S'S PULSICISIO --
aro generally. all required it coring Constanatiou. Pali
&Mahn' oboozooso: cools, no that say one can take than
without ateles Or. S4anoos, but whoa it Is ettarenient
Is beet to see bial. ale giros advice free. het foe a awns&
exaratnathen with bin lt,e/grettr.eor Ids foe Ie throe dollars
P.oeas observe, when p.trensehrs; that Poe two llkeotallies
of the 034 W—tee when In the :sideline of Ceasatalttloth
ancYthe ether as Its now 1.. la perdan tiosidh—ere ea the
Cameramen:a Woe*.
Sold by e 1 Druegfets and Melva Price *Meer WS*
sr SLLO the halt doze 1. Letters for &Mee ehotald always
he dittoed to De. Schone ,- Priee:sat OM" So. lb North
Ith Street, 11.:;‘,Ie We, Pa.
Get ere 1 1 111)40W Aquas: Deers Darnel it Co.. N.
5. d. Hance. Thatimora, 111.: John D. Park.
Claetnatll a
Ohio; Water a Te o ler. Maga, IL.; CoUlos Bros., Se,
Louie. kto. Vol W. as owe Ins t
Drafsiem. Bllittlisess stud Catarrh.
Treated with the utmost tueerio. ba. Dr. I.
ISAACS, Oeul bat and :I mint. (formerly of I,epielt,
nnilan,4) No:tiii PIN I , :i4treet. Philadelphia. Trip.
timanuds trotu the wait reliable sonm e s i n the
City and Crainp? two brown at his Ohre. The
medteal het:Jo-am invited to seronapany their
patient,, as he ban noseerets in his practice. Ar
titielsl eyrs lasertsti n ithOUL pain. NikehAries
t 24, *.r
I &mina! lola.
titepSO. ty
• V:
Iltierfornee Oriels is after "rand
Army. of the . . RePublic" with a sharp ,
stfelc: Ho says the 'society is rulett - bfr
politician/1k wit* are team: k for their own
advaneement. lie declares that uo true
soldier will have anything to do with it,
He pmnottnees it anti-republican, bar
bamus, "Irfint leaf toihe Constitution and
the Unftm," and adds: "It will be 11 sad
day for our party when soldiers find no '
better work to do than to prowl over
the battle.ftelds of the past, and dig up
the Wiles of the slain."
- BC - Judge Shamwood Is very popular
among all ;mulles and dainty of people
In Philadelphia. It is firmly bellev..l
that helelll Temlve at lenst five-thou.-
and majority In that city.
DeirThe Constitution !toys "The Pres
ident may ou eztraortlinary oeratdona
cotivene both Ifousei (of eongresm) or
one of them." But Congress having
made Itself perpetual, therals no us or
thin moe.t it utional proviAlon, and tt +To
ly adjourns to meet nt the eon. of llomm
Romper That,. or same other Mongrel.
Verity, wo have &len upon Amigo
re The 1ta,14 of Ifaryland are rushing'
petit ions into the Rump demanding the
sit—eige of a hill to enforce negr irrage
every state of the rilion. Tile Once
hungry so - mulrek itymt lie crazy. Tho
enforcement of such n bill would retitti , o
lig army Ili every Northern State.
er•The fra.ltlnirton correspondent of
the 2s:ew 'York -Tritinar report* that tho
United Sttttc•K l;overnment ist at this
time neeotiatiog for the purchase of dot
Sandwich (shook. The negotiation w•ttr
betrou several months ago, and it Is sa id
will soon be,eonsucamated.
11-, 1 ,3" A newspaper published kin India
announces the return to Zanzibar or don,
of the missing Sepoys who rievoinpanied
I,ivinvtone's•.lfrireu exueditton. News
bad been revolved of Livingstone; ho
Avtut alive and wolf.
• Afar .Ifrula,me Juarez, the wife of Pres' ,
dent Jll:lre , z or Mexico. Ims
New Oil "31 IS. She was revel Ved
quietly, owluir, to the popular itkdig 1.14-
t ion that wi, still prevalent iii (49)-
(Iw:oft of the exeetit4)a of
PO"' A y All lig man named Jolla ' P. Ja
cobs, of Fail Haven; , 11aS
consequeurx of tho
pu Mit; disgrace ~r ail expulsion front tho
lodge At (i()011 Teillidarm in that place. -
J acolN way 1t elerk in a grocery Store, tool
his mortal taciow Ica.- the toile or 1)01110
eider t- the Wilt , of u 1 h.q.:P*l3U and
member of the i.attle hot 4e.
Latest Market Reports,
o Krr v s it I: it a .1
1 1 1.111 7 11, -
RYE 1.1 ()I'l4. •
%% EAT,
k l',
;RN, - •
1:1 . 11\ WHEAT, •
11. V. -
- -
II - -
1:1"1 , „?" - -
11)1LNie - • -
II •
II()(;•:.!? - -
11.1 Y, -
on the 2n I lint., by lbw. W. P. (irrirk,
.I.‘ tfl;.4 M. MA IV- 4 11 LI, V. S. Army 1.. NIN4
I kTI I MUNI:, of IL J. Finiter, m
Bill al Mar ittia, be W. 1 .. Z.
Mr. 1,.1X1!•:1, RI ,•otinty, t.n•Mutd
,‘NNA l ie >MIL\ of
lon the Ith Inst. by 40. v. E. Rrietlentotnet;
WILLIAM Kit, of Franklin county, to
Mit.+11.1111" RI( it %.%. 1., of
llielqtlo nit_ by 1111. WV. Z. It o ILI/ rin.r Mr.
.10-*:141 :/.1r1.11,V11.. o'notberlwal lo
311..4 1:A.1. D.\ 1.", u l tilkedlint).
to Mrnn flip ht DIAL, Mr..
DAVID aged nhotit 75 3 ear...
At the°. on Friday iaorning, Mt 14
NEII , , at au a.lx anev,l sow.
T" FALL TERN of the Adam.' County Nor
mid MOutul Will upon A 1"4 iI":4T IMII, •nd mati{l is -
no nine. (9) w.plca. Tantun $l, invarl!klity In nel
The money will be refunded to . nny glut
rung • cony elied f• oil 11(41*Int pyroomni
liwanl tan& lodging can lie /in,f
Nate furl I les at romouulPle rates. I , :nrly 01.01.
I ton sl 'wad be 11111./1
fiettyNburg, July In, 11ISM
r WILT, ex/intim. Ton•lirrs nt Ow following
I named t in., and plat,s, b. x'11:
Si rahttn, litintvp , :min„%attata 3, O lt. tn.
• Pouting A: IhunhtAnn, llsnoptoa Aug. Pl. 2p.
llnt.nllton, Berl Alia (I,ustSO a. tit.
It, , ra Ihin,.thboltt.totxhi, Aug 9, a p.
t wp.. F',1.1..e0 11.. Aunt. 10, Ua. tn. ,
(..fond, Niw Ilx r , l , Aug. hi, 2p.
Nltsidt,towst, Attu. 12, ti a, Ili.
.Vennilea. ISt salorm•illi., An[. 11,
Trrano. our. 11, 0 a. to.
Ito lit inglon, Petemlai rut, Aug. 15, u n. fn.
Lail:teal . , Slate LGtuL S. IL, Alit:. 14, 2 P.
ii, Aug. It, Si a. nu.
t in lon. P411(1,101, 4 . IL, Aug. 111, 2g. ill.
!Miler-fovea, A ug. 17. Pi /4. ni.
I;orinsinv, (al blon'a S. 11., Alla. 17, 2 p. In.
AMC. '2l, V a. Iti,
1110d:cod, : 4 , If., A uo. : 1 1. U A. In.
Ih.utillonhatl, n111'1;1.'1 , 1, P4elll. 7. 11 V. 111.
I,l,herty. t :ray,'A 14. pt. 14, 11
railiberinial.N.inalitSrlaribraolll.srp.2 l , ll cra•
1 ; M.11 1 1 1 .1 0 3'. Tx II Tim rill', Sept, 'LA, oa. 111.
, OUIIII ,1.11.111}. Ck.t. 5, Oa. to.
' Franklin, 11111i‘m n, (1.1. 12,9 rt. In. •
It Is %el,' 414..1r5 1, 1e flint DlTertorp NI Id stlonut
11u ...exit:mina* lons. Thu' public arr also ln awl
to ;it wild. It will wets that a Irw of lara.sp
pqpt 01005 area little ,axli,r than taaanl, thr res
wins for which Will be ;,{lvrii oil Lb.• proper lime.
A.N.1t1).14 kit F.F.1,1'.
, tyslantt, Jody 13, BC.
; . -
- .N 0 T ICE
miry, Antrim! Amew.nent for Marna manly nt
all persons !laid* , Tnx on Ine , Artlrlwl
in tAcitceinte A, and &soot' all penwoo• regain...l to
pay go,rlal Tax on lin.lneas, having been e
NI YTIcE Iw la•n•by given that th.. TitXrw
aforesoltl linN I. I..ennie tine and pnysible,,4o will
ttr roc..lved• Fag! , lintel.ln iellYsharK,Ola
TIICIISDAY and 1•111 V, August list and 'X.
All rsons who fail to pay their Annual Ta x
prior ft, the tltti of August, will he duly noel 1
of their ne • feet, for wine,' n fee of 'fft cents 101
font cent* for ellen tulle truvoled in Nerving tit,
notice, will be (quirt:ed.
peril tn. doing Itosineous without having paid •
fiptstial Tuk therefor, arc liable to a penalty of
three elms the amount of said Tax, o MN of Ilva
hundred doilarti, and imprisonment for two
yeses, C, W. ANIICOII, Collector.
Ifopewell, Pa., July rt, IDOL ::t
ttsignee's Notice.
xrryrit'F.lrierOW given that I(AVIn J. PMITIT,
O f m ou r i f f ,w f uorti f f township, Adams ro., haat
Made a voluntary noodgranout for the boleti% of
orodltorp, and that the sookrrilEn(4, r(41(IIng In
(' pan townablp, has lap(' appolulrd As
signee. All persona. Indebted to mad Assignor.
are reatuate,l to make Ituniadlate latylavnt, bind
thaw linvtug charm( - to ,pre,ent them for sattlo
=lent, to II.IVID J. EliNn,
July 15, Lslr. fooligava.
Executor's Notice.
/VT/E CIALLAt DITATE.- , -Let tens testa
mentor) on the estateoUtote tinting's", late
111onntpleasant townehlMittloree elkUlnitY4
teamed, having been granted to the wolerolimod,
melanin In the mune toteruthlp, he hereby giVIIIN
pollee to all wreaths Indebted to eakl to
make Immediate' I,syment, and 'hoe* g
claim. *pianist tbe e me to pyrosut them
anthennaded Ibr aottfemett
.Fuly Is, 11W,„ ow mien**.
11 - 00 0 13 10
1 M a 2 (A)
- 140 1 ,0
• lb 00 vt fIA
uwv4 7
• uts
s') ft , If. 11
2 2, it mi.
35 , T) 1 4 )
Po kb l 14
I 4) '"
- Jn dl «n 1n 7t
. IMI 0$ 17 (0)
• I,S, 40 4 2!) IMI
A SO *2 21.
AATtON :411Elii.1