nYtitlIMM De4dt' rik Andist Jimirricik • PiriidlHi3D Altar 110NDAY-MeintiNG, JIY 111121/I.Y J. STA.BLIIII. " Tad* is ifirilaty, and Mil Prevail." TRW OP PLISLICATION.--11 eer Per Se -yam, ktpaideteletly I>t sip'vescse Atl• Sam It *9l said In advance. No subscription die contletsed, eaten at the option of the publisher, until WI Incomes are paid, ADvtaIutICENTS inserted attueral rates. PitINTING of all Ma& dose with neat nesitestd dispatch. OrIFICE in riouth Baltimore street, betweni Hld•lle afid High, near the,Post (IMee--"CVmpl -I,sr Printing oaks" on the sign. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. .E.ff ff .4 It IP B. B GUM 1.1:14 A TTORNEY A'f LAW, - M 111 faithfully 1111() 011110.• r,);ttend to an hnshtr. etttruAted to I *eaks the liermati ittagitatte. ()Wee at tue manic platv, P4ituth t reel, meow rumen' ttruß store, mad nearly opposite lltuuter dt Zirg -151 -I st In% , 1 tyttaurg,Ullrelt 20. Pr ,11. Drxr.ty. -- .vr Wlll promptly attend to all dal ttMtlimmt ettirtltatil to lAL:it, I'ooolllNi Ilre. p r y, 'olloc of Pension.. t Artitity, Puy, 114411111 4111/ apt.ttnot !he l'ultol riuttelt tout r,t,ite. r.- ~su ihe• *tills'. ()dive In .'OO.ll-we.t corner of Diumofid,(iettyrt burg, i't•ttn'ut .‘yrll 14,141 f. st At.'COIV AUG 111; iII‘.DMA NEy Al ',A T, . , q t .- eAroue door W I ~ f ISM Oh or's drug geerd wog WU), 17.1111111Jeryhtlig ~tort,) ...I rfOLINKY Alit. KILILIM, A . " l, VATP. 2.1.4 A S T ' P4.1./.1:04. bounty i.anri N. n 'UN, 114"14-P3S, Nilllrligled 04/1.20. SIIPI 'U it ,till" • ' '" "M "g" u " t I ,o• i :oserplao.ll at WailaLtliigklii,l‘.l,,, ulror Amer /van i':ulini 111 Engirded, Lund :b r a. "'ILL ' 8 I""ted MIA I.old, or horror, and Illgliessi pl. - e. 16, 1 "'n• Agettlm riagagod In la ;a !rig druranne , • . vvrii, )1111urim1 111141 In 1/46" we" lerri rilial4,- 4a .4,1 ,5 ' i'' )111,1 o•rgotisilly or 14 letter. 4 i'llSsbUrg, • Nov, 21, ':.:1, J. i..:. W 17-01iN EY AT LAW , I lax a 1 len t Itra latl.l to A•o/i....tiou (Mr PCllrii , 41$, ii4/1/111Y, 11.11 , 1 0r....r of tlw lisatymburg, Aprll 6, 1,4,3. If fir. I). t mur.,..E.r. A (BUTT TOWN, AT IA M s ( 1 )1 • S TY, emitlntws the Illactlec of Ids proff. , ,dou In nil Its ',Touchy', and would resucctildlr hi% lte all perS 4,10ns 11(.1,1 %All II any old st.fti•litut dl,scsuitts 4I call And "'- stilt him a. - Lptl, 3, 1,161.: if Dr. T. 0. 111, 1 k7 ER, - - -^ IIT .1 V ITC lAWATED PERM E A .VNNTLY T j PAA'Art;IIII,WS, Al. Mc, , VI'NTY, ,11 attend irri•tni'lly to all prolesshnial culls, .1.1,, 01 . Night Dill,.' 44i .l, ,ha 1.141114:b . 44, Wl44'il • lu ..iii tat L g,liiibi, tv, J. .v. pm 0i,,, , i,m,11,y 1.11- 11.,q,v,,,i. ..+Lig. 4.4 .100111. ly • .br.. L7.11 - IN(; A 14 that by st riot at tr3.ti 101110 WAI profesirlowii till I :es lw nl.q 101•111 a Nl/111C 0/ the pubi:, jp..= 11011:1g, A IWil DM. If • - - • Dr. COOK, -- ')11.:()P :;1 1 14 ( I t .. . ‘ ri N ti'eta A net tir, 11.11 .ng permanently 10111.:ed ill Mow\ 111 , 4.4.. tinily niTers; his prntes.imial serN 111 In tin. 1,111,1 w. Sp.wini n1(4,1111011 to% en In thwtows ot ti ntnigi lu m.l,llthlren. _ ItF F Fltltrlt 17.4. Prof. Ad. 0., I'h :111.1,11)111a, ," J. r. Norg.lll. M. D.. . • Will. IL 1 'oolc M. I 1., l'a., Edward Aims Id Wilk, N0e..,1.:hit., J. A. Noe.., frattover, on lli, 5411111r1., (IA e &FOP+ west of Car• strk:t, door (loin Cvlitral Apul 1,, im;7. I) • br, W. C. IPNE.II.'S , Flck: 3NI) IAvELLi A 14nr door' (roan the vorner of 11:11t iliiore and lilgl4 ruin, iwor (:lEt 11, 1 ;eV.) -11 , 1 lma, Dr. W. J. :WC I. 1. /IYSICIAN, M.1t1i.1..1/N I. 1..11 , . .Vii). Al VOUrflErit, 111 \ 11n! pv1'111;111240 IV roenft;2l in N,s% i r4 , ir , I, w ill pmet h.. imn prote , Niini in Ail ih. hraii.ll.,. II IN tri , :t 1%. 2111E1 sill 2111,2.1 . % .I...iring, his pr......i.itial sera I , ... 211'e leqlle , ted 1 , ,,,a1 :ma Lonstat 1,,,n h 1 ids silt. e, 11l /122111 At I ' , flet. 311.3 20, 1 . 417. I 1 J. LAWRENCE HILL. _W. li., D ENTIST, Ms his °thee one door tryst of tin , T.n= heron chnr.th In elinntheisimrg .treet, andoppo- amalmr=tmmrszarsa MEIIIM 11 ik :111V 1).1.11i411 t Irvllitl , lll reCtOIMI•41:11.• kt 0141. ItYF 11r, lorlicr, 11e% . 11. L. I:atiglier, Ite% Prof. M. Jarubp,, It., Prof. M. 1,. ==M2= KEYSTONE HOUSE, UETI'YSISUItti, PA., 11 - .11. in'Eles, PRuplacroit /[VITA 110 W liam.e, tilted nh ht the most ap prdvfal eat le. IL' hteardm is ple.nunt, venlr.ll , and came:mitt. I.:to* arra tatement 'tam been - made Mr I lie nve. , 11,1.1:11 I , :11 :11111 eetehtr glll,lh, Thr Table win ;iiww sle.n e the la-d Itutile Initritet, and the liar kite lat,r at ‘t me ! ..and m i nors. - rt. CCmtuuxliun. sdaltitug attached, with 1111 iteeoninotlat mg antler Mu ay!. on hand. Pit. Hotel in noec rila tar the entertainment of the pithile,. and ot put lounge at mdieited. INt,...tr.trt will be -Pitted 10 reudermat•tact ton- J.en. 1 1, 1417. tt GLOBE INN, i'ot..n. NTREI7I*, NEAR VIE DIAMOND, (1E77 YM; I? PENN' .4 ITI 1E undersigned WORM 1110 , 4 respectfully In- IT hi% I riellas anal thy ptil,He si te l l ,.., : ots, th a t Ile has purehiCsell that long estab lished and tvell itnown lintel, the "Globe Ina," In York street. Gettysburg, and will spare no effoi 1 to ei, ialuet. it hi it manner that will 1114 do ll,. t front its former high reputation. His table Hill hate the best the market van afford—Ws chambers ate spacious and etonfortable—tand he has (alit in for his Isar a,fitil of wine. RIM There ts huge stabling tit Web, at to the trittell will tie att,:tnied 1,3" latent Is e ost lers,. It will be Ilia mist:lnt eialeaN'or to render the falleitt rat istitetlon 1 his guests, making ill., Louse tis near it limn, to thelll is possible. He ep.lis 0 simile of the public's patronage tieteriniti ,sl n. l In. IS to deserve /I in FAR. part all it. Itemer“- -bm, the "Mails. Ion" as ha York street, hut' near Life Dilliitonil, or Public Smidre April i,l-84. If RAILROAD HOUSE, IC FAR MN STATION• H. , kNovtat, rusts corzzTy, TITS undersigned would respectfully Inform Ids monerous Mends and t he publieg, homily, i / !at he hie; lensed the Hotel In Han over, near do: , liepot formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah licililei. iind will spare no court torominet it in it manner that will give inMerstl ma 1 istio.tion. Ills table will have the best the markets OM afford—lit s chain lwrs arc s moos and comfortable—and lie has laid in for is law a nuke full sto ck of + hoii'ine and s Tt liquors. T 'ere& stabling for 'horse; attached to the Hotel. le will he his elllll4llllt ' endeavor to' render the fullest satisfaction W his guests. ma king id K noose as near a home to them as p1....1111e. lie asks a share of the public patronage, deter minist as he in to &verve it large part of it. it., member the Railroad House, near the Is e l ot, Hanover, Pa. A. P. BletillEit. Oct. 2, lst.i: t f STEirniS HOUSE, • 21, AND 27 BROADWAY, NFAV Opposite Bowling Ur n, OX THE EUROPEAN PL..I MIRE STEVENS llOUi4} is welt and widely 'known to the travelling public. The location especially sultable_to merchants and business men: it is in close proximity to the business Fort or the eity—is on the highway of Southern and - 2! l .. e;stern travel—and adjacent to all the principal BMlroad and Steamboat depots. THE STEVE3.Ie4 HOUSE: has liberal accommo dation for over WS gutota--it is well furnished, And possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of Its inmates. Tice rooms are spacious and well ventilated—pro vleled with gas and water—the attendance is prompt and respectful—nod-the table is generOus iy provided with every (Mimes of the season—at noslerate rates. .CiEO. h. CHASE 6. Co., July 1, /Sta. fint Proprietors. DRAINAGE PIPES, trE undersigned has now on hand, and eon itium/I to manufacture, large quantities of THEN DRAINAGE PIFF24, which lie oilers att tents per foot at the manufactory. If desired, be will lay-the pipes, either water-tight or imot , joitteill, at a reasonable compensation. They lame been tried in difTerent parts of the county, with entire success. For the drainage of-cellars, cughiniZetter can he used. Specfmens may be seen at bileisch's store, in Gettysburg. The nian thetory is In Oxford township, near Infra- inn'. Post Otllre address, New Oxßird, Ath h nN , PM* JOHN BECKMAN. o isRTAIN•OtIRM t rbard times is to e'wbere oe gettlie gee • 4,lghtke your purcheimeowe, /lowa “1" t h e pICKIIO3I, • ' BY E L STAHLE. Forwarding & Commission House. FLOUR AND FEF:P, ULLITN__,A.I4I) GROCERISR • UAV17443 purchased the extensive Warehouse, (Ulm, ec. ' heretofore owned -by Samuel rtist, teulnace to Inform the Indalic that we are otiattauaug the business at the old stand on the CIA tarred' Wamialitgla In and ltaitroal streets, oa at atom eXtetuilVe ...Ale than heretofore. We are paying the highest market prima for FLOCK GRAIN AND ALL KINDS OF Pito. FLOIT. and FEED. HALT, and all kinds of fatol'Elllll.4, 14..nt constantly on hand and for sale, etara*r than they can be tuul anywhere else. Pr..trahat., aryl all kinds of teEitTIIAZEILY, eonuantly on ut furnished W ordur. A BEBULAR LINE OF FitEIGHT CARS will IM{ our Warehouse every' TUESDAY tlultNl. 11, and tweotamodation trains will be t elision may retinue. By this arrange ment we are prepared to corn ev Freight ut all tt n. to and from Balttmnre. All business of this kind en ra.ted to us, will be promptly attended Oui cam run to tier Wimebouse of ritevetwin l Son+, Ini North Howard to eet, Baltimore. Be lo*. eTal Med to pay gixxl prices, sell cheap and deal lairij , we Invite evervh,sly Waive us a CULP d: L. 11.Nii1l1 W. Aux. 13, ISCA ((VIE „,. icrmlaned continues the - i CARRI i . 't• (.:1:-)1 AK 'LNG BUSINEIO3, y a all H' l i tanek „..,.„ t his old Ntand in EARTMID im.r mi 11... t;E'rrysio• PAL !cm - WORK „vale to order, mud REPAIRING priers , - dune promptly awl at low .if4t FALLING AMP ST.V.NDING- T OP BVGGIES Si-Two first-rutv SPltri WAGONs (9. 51 e __— • - jArant ,r lk•e, 7, I PI, . 4 .7 THE OLD STAND. .I.L.sr.inuturn IN 1517.] 11.1VE nAmcwinted with me, In bat.ittegs, my John F. 1%1,1 tre.lry, tinder the Orin anti s., le"! Ntei 'rear.% 4t...tion,flia.l 1 desire to Sac to 1111.. 01 :Ma t he pu W. :tenor:illy that sant,: the War, the Inatilifaettire stzt.l.llt,:llthrtioss, Vottant, tte., ha% b. , n re% It 1,1 at the old estals. 11.1,4 and, Well Ittitm n standon ll.tltinnire,street: 1.• square south 01l the Com t I tett% 4- 13111 V., • ll.,vlilg ha. an experh•nceof JN pottriz in this ex tablishitient, I feel assltrol, that wall renewed at tent ton 1,, e can st 111 flirt lior merit And nvely.:: a lull sh,tte oC publ tc vitronage.. With inerenseil fart lit les fnr comiorting emir ho sinet.s, we :Vt. th.r pr.pan. than ever Lo satisfy the wants °t all 111,,,,e 0 , 1514 , 11 !long 111 our line. We I,lll S ehil IY • sMil the tl.nl of Funnel.. /ilid other', to tile sisis•rior quality 01 our Plaits or (tufted : 4 ...n1.-Ide 1.,::11),-N Iron) 5ta1,1;,,, IL tots, all kinds, with Plaits or quilted Seal hr without lastenings, no I forit, •Ilottnings, Plain or (0111(.4 Seat srot-ls Colton:, leather,' Side " (ticking,' Plain or Finley fituldh• No Kg.ftin Collars, .11.)t \Vogul' tisi4l,ll,l it.i.ding hralle., of all Pahuit Leather Collars, kinds, _fair or black, stitched or iinstitehed, nu/11,10.1"r flat, At 11.-t i Leather Wagon Marl ing.d., %V Idiot, 4, 4!• ji nnd 3 le.t.tt Carriage - flarness, all hing, C ' y le., silver or black tr w ied Team Whips, wanted, T ottilw hios, It I% y Draught. Ilarni as, I tiles' Riding 'lwlgs, Ittlii.l Brlilles, •WII i it' I _fishes,' lilolll , , Ct Upptrs,' &e. I &short, everythltrz that porta his ton genqal horse-turnlshitii;eNtablishm( ut you...taut - fy em hand ,11. Made to order pr"mptly, ut thr very• 1,,,t material, au•l by tip ...1)10h( rsperieturd work - in the eetilltrY., (W. !melt .t a•orl:rd in the v,tabhnhau•at tir the. la.t I hirLy yearq,) . . We lire now Luring an excellent lot of lleav3 Dristr...ill and Barnes irs tor Ilime who prefer our ow n !wet ty Made work. Repairing of all kinds dome at short notice and on reasonable terms. , All :tn. cordially Invited to:call and examine far thenNelves, as our work •11)11Wt fall to reconl mend itself: D. Willa:AßV S r,tils; Feb. 5, If -THE GIZTYSIII*RG SKY-LIGHT ALLERY MLLE underslitned akes pleasure te nnounel ng to the elle/Alin of Gettyslaitg an I the piddle generally tbut he has ix zoo vedi rota ton, old roonis on West Middle st reef, to LlAltuno e street, and nearly opposite the more (11 I.IIIIIICII Ali Brothers. The room he nqV 0( copies has' 'pen recent t ) fitted up ex pressfy for his bosun sa. hs-at ion Is au adintrilltle one, t 11.1 1 .i1M; "Ills to take tar t ures to all algid,- Ot ‘v,at her, and 'Alia correct oes,Tum quailed uuy ithereelse. LIFE-LltiE myrcx 'HS, of cyery site and description, ex gited in the finest style. Pat ttetilar :tttent ion given to the CARTE DE V haul to eop, mg AM BRO TYPES, tool DAGIMpUtEOTYPE of deceasol friends. Also - THE GETTYSIIVRG GEMS, • a new style of picture, which luta' become very popular with the public, not only foT their beauty, but tor cheapness COLlVellle/10 . . SIXT NEE for ONE Dttl.ll.ltt only. Also—THE PORCE LAIN Ph "I'UltE, Which fur their beauty and du rability- are unsurpassed; We arc prepared to carry on the business !ant its various branches, and hal, Ink had conaiderd,- ble expo ienee we run no risk In G 'A RANT EEI NG PERFECT SATISFACTION Our fitetllties fitr n full,tlittplay of our KWH are unequalled by any other tfallery in the county, and ue would therefore Invite every one he oaf at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKY-LIGHT GALLERY. Call and e•xangnc our Spoclluells and judge tor LEVI MrEIL J u lAO3. SAMUEL WOLF. LIME AND COAL. ii rt,L'INNS REILLY hare erected two addition al Lune Kiln., on the Railroad, and are there fore better prepared than ever 'to lippply in large or small quantities. Farmers and others (AU hereafter lout: ter a more prompt tilling of their orders, and are invited to extend and con tinue their Myers to A firm which Is making eirOrt to twerantuodute them in ttte best uetimer They will aims continue to keep on hand for a (toed supply of -•THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF COAL, which they will sell at small profits. tirl'oal and Lime delivered anywhere in Get tysburg. N[ll)* it, 1866. if The Grover & Baker.7—Thelest ii Use. LHERE Machines •have become so well known that little need be said by x uy of reconimen bn. They have tairen,the thst premium at all the late state Fairs, and are universally ac knowledged to be the BEST in use by all who have tried them. The "Gruver Jr. Maker stitch" 511(1 the "Shuttle Stitch" arc points that have been attained by no other Machine. They are the only machines that sew and embroider with per fection. These Machines are peculiarly adapted to Fluidly - use. They are noiseless, sew illrmtly from die spool without rewinding, and are sim ple in their construction. a They are easy to man age, and can be worked' by almost any child. Every family should have one. They save to or, they save time, and they save stoney, and do their work better than it pin be doneby hawl. The underligned having beerrappainted Agent for the above Machines, has established en Agen cy in Fairfield, Adams comity, where be will al ways have on band u supply. Persons wishing to buy will plealie„ call and examine for them selves. a4 , -:s.:aedlea and Thread will also be supplied. J. S. WITIIEHOW, Agent, Adams county, Pa. Aug. 27, , irTE largest most beautiful and cheapest lot of PEOTOGRLA.PII ALBUMS ever offered In ettrahttrg, Met rceelved at t EXCELSIOR GALLERY, Albums holding t oPictures only sl7a. Our Steck comprises over PJ different afflost. among ' hich are the celebrated everkukt- MR Callan MO Hinge Melt. -These Albums Ire have bought IOW and are determined to sell lower than the same qualities rout be bought sitwirhere la this eourivit or out of it. lL .1. MON. Jan. hi, kol. f r I 11 41 1151 intr. I -11°- MI BIM STILL AT WORK, =I NEW FIRM. MMIMM Bost Welt Ilarneds litrs, REMOVAL! THE BE`ST•OF LIME, SEWING NUCHINIa Photograph Albums. CARRIAGE- MAKING BUSINESS. Tint. . *lul , l o, gt , ao li z ed have returned The Carriage - AT Timm OLD WAND, In Bad Mkldle Street, Gettysburg, Pa., boo where they en> prepared to put up work in the me' 13111.7TTERA, BLIND% SASH, DOOR most thablonable, substantial and »uperinz man nor. A lot of new and second...hand CARRIAGE 7.4, lA:OGLES, &C., ON RAND, whlrh they will dispose of at the lowest priees•, And Inv other Article In the Building Line. and an oni,•rs will b.: supplied as promptly and tualsfsetorlly sP possible. REPAIRING DONE WITH DESPATCH, - dulcet' workmen always in readiness, and work and at cheapest rates. ,- A large l& of new and old ILIILVEMI on na nd executed with dispatch. • and for sale. Thankful for the liberal rattronage heretofore enjoyed by them, they moltelt and endetivor tooth:serve u large stun e In the future. I).l.:c:cEri, & ZIECiLELL July 10, Mi. tf CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. TATE & CULP ere now buildings variety of COACH wbRK, of the latest and most ilppmved styles, and constructed of the best material, to which they finite the attention Of buyers. Having built our work Mdh great care and of material selerled wish .ipe. MI reference to beauty of style and dentin Me we eau eonfidently reconantemt the uork is unsurpaFeed by any, either in or out of the eitiec. All ask Is a n Inspection of our work to con vince these in want 01 Auks' kind ot vehicle, that this is the place to buy them. ILEPAIRINCi IN EVERT BRANCH douP e at short notice anti on reasonable terms ci've Its a call, at our Factory, near the earner of V, „,‘I/iugtou and Chniuberaburg streetn, mamh ;: • t f FRESH QOII.7OTIONARY EMI ICE" CREA .1; NA LOON'. Titi titter re, poet full, - tons of :et .I,tiag and v.ehlity, that he . as a confectionary t"..t u. the Eugh. Itotol, ilI.01131:ItSill'Itt 1, SI. . I ' , l. lu ulth.h he would luVLit• thrir attention. CAKES, CANDIES, AND EVERY DESCUIP. TIOX u 1 coxFlimos74, together with xi"rg, ORA NGE. 4 4 and all kinds of /111:1274, alwayb on hand. sw-rArrrns, and prlcato, tug wril nx n ill be tor iiinhed with alt kimbi of t'AKEs. (11.1.:.1.M, lin pyrutuithil lone or otherwisq , and other REPIZE.SIIIII,NTS, lit their househ,nitiprii short notice. Having anent a life-thne al the bunlnem. he tlattol, that he inDier , tnials it, and that hr in able t.) give cattle nal infartaiu. Call and si.r Iu Ounfectiouary. JOT.IN Maw 251, IN4I. t f MORE NEW GOODS! ' S . f"OTT et PAINS harp ittat renstved nn,ther tine iths:mtlueitt of NEW GOODS, courlbting, iu imrt of _ ( . .‘c4sIMERF. 6 I, VESTINGS, Kentucky .I.• Amt, and Tueeds, for Gentlemen's wvar. AISO II MD. a..sortnient of DMMWMINCEM Our stock liar loccn hts.cet‘sl with great CrITP, Rita we are ilrpare4( to r.-11 eht up as any fit lit r ta1,111011114.111 111 the county. We ask the pubic(' to glyousarhanddudg. fur thontslves. We defy compctition, L o th us to quality and price. A. StAlt S: SONS. April IS, Ictr. If PIANOS PIANOS ! CON It AD NARV ESE N, INUFACTUREIt OF FIRsT CLASs PIANO flilrrEl3,• 71, 73 and 75 K 211 Stmt, New York City T Itt,,under.ignAl fuvd.-1, the attentlon of the lie - and the trade ktenetally, to theme ode instrtniii.titn, or 111,4 ow manutheture, 1,11.11 brlst nesvoued haviug all the latest improvements, Fall iron Frame, Otcrdrung Baas, French ;rand Action, Large Scale. These Piano Fortes are not• surpassed for strength and beauty of finl,l, durability,urify, 'power, and singing quality of (one, p uf any maker in the country. They are warnlnted for the full term of 7 years. The I n‘peet ion 01 the musical prilylie i rt.spect - fully solicited. Liberal terms to healers, 'Teach ers and (*len:Amen. Uneutsr,Price List sent on application. ..t. , thlress CO.NII,AIi itVE.SF.N, 71, 71 & 75 E. 2:-.NI M., New York t'lty. May O, 1567. CANNON'S MARBLE WORKS, On ralthnore Street, opposite the Court-House, GE TT Y.SII CR G, PENN 44 Every description of work executed to the FINEST STYLE OF. VIE ART June 4, 1865. tf MANHOOD 7. it . BOW LOsiT, HOW RESTORED.— i ig, Just published, a new edition of OR. ,caz i i, CI - LVERWELL'S CELEBRATED F. , 48 A Y on the ItADICAL CI:H.E: t With 011t Hiedicici of SeEtotArmotHce4., or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses. I iiipc.)- tency, Ment•ll and Phyglcal Incapacity, Impedi ments to Marriage, etc; also, Consumption. Epl lepsv, and Fits, induced by sett-indulgence or sexual extrAvagance. 117`Price. in a sealed envelope, only 8 cents. The celebrate,l atulior, in this atlinirable essay, clearly demonstrates. from a thirty 5 - , ars' suc cessful practive, that the 3d:inning consequences ofcell-abuse may he radically cured without the dangerous use of Intermit medicine or the n catio of the knife—pointing nut a mode eure at once *Minh., certain, and eflreluni, bY means of widen every sufferer, no matter what his con dition may be, may cure h imself cheaply, private ly. aid radically. 117 - Ills Le mareshould be In the hands of every youth and every iaan in the land. Sent, inkier seal. in a plain envelope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six rents,, or two ;matt stamps. Also Br. culverwell's "Marriage prim 25 cents. A.ldreis the Jaibl ishers, I'ILV4. J. & 12f Bowery, .Nvw York, I'. 0. box 4,588. Feb.2s, Istl7. ly (711.5. A. NVIITVOTT WESTCOTT & GEORGE, SUMEMOBS TO Pirmrr WILBON at CO., TYPO/ITE=4 DYALE/IS IN ULTSS, PISTOLS, Cricket and Bare Implements., FISHING TACKLE, SKATE'S, Croquet „Asehery, No. 406 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, Ilny 13,1487. ant Money, Free ns Witter. 10.000 ACTIVE Local and Traveling A- gents, Male or Female, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade In every City, Town, V illage, Hamlet, Workshop ant km•rory through out the entire world, for the most saleable novel ties ever known.-500 PER CE.W. PROFIT and IiE.A.DY SALE WHEREVER OFFERED!! Dewitt men and women can make from s 5 10 Sal per day. and no risk of loss! A small capital re quired of from tt2o to 1101—the more money In vested t lie greater the profit. do Money reqntred in advance—we tirateend the articles and receive pay afterwards! If you itetwilly wish to make money rapidly and easily, write for full particu lars and address Itf ILNOR s CO,, (From Paris.) 2W Llemelway, New Yorkeity Feb. 25, 1867. irt U to Tyson's Excelsior Gallery for your Ur PIOTIMES, if you wag( the full worth of your moue;• and a lute more. rims best PHOTOGRAPHS made to this I. county, are made at the Excelsior Gallery, GettyskursVopposit* the Bank. • IV furs DI) Wl!—Why Cott, P.1 11 ; 4 1.6114 Tads • 14011111111. I:ITYSIIURG, PA., MONDAY, JULY WM. C. STALLSKETH, CARPENTER AND CONTRACTOR, I' " CEPS entudnutly on hand and tuann/actures In. to order, AND WINDOW FRAMES, CORNICE, DOOR * WINDOW DILicKETS, Seasoned material eonstnntly on hand. expe- SO-Orderm promptly attended to. Juno 17,1867. tf - TO THE BUILDING COMMUNITY WHO WISH TO IMP.ROrE. Tl7"rirgrlTntorms the pth i(l,acoMZ:a CARPENTERINC+ BUSINESS, at his old stand. on West street, Gettysburg, and ts ready at nil time., to act•ommtsl..te those want ing anything done In his line. He is prepared to furnish all kinds of cork for building puipthefi, of the best material, And a. neatly and cheaply ua It ca n he done at any other establuthineht in the county. Experienced hands always In retail -11,4M and work executed with promptness and di•u•itcbi. lErThankful for pls-t fnvoraahr hopes, by nt tentton to buNinean, to receive n liberal hhatre of public patronage. \yM. June 17, 1867. tf THE BEST WASHING MACHINE. P. J. TATE. WE. E. CULP TIJIE undersigned offers for sale, the TOWN SIIIP rstri lITS of Ad.uon county, for DF: T.ONtt•st PATENT. which Is the CIIRAPLST, SIMPI.FST nud IJEST WASH EU that has yet beeu offered to the public. The Rights will be sold on re .401111. ',le terms. This is a flue opportunity for en..r g,•fli men to make GOOD WAGES m:muLu•- tuHcß• or . '...lling these machines. A sample =wh i ne ~111,0 nirtaimlied any person srlio.pur chase n Right, deal:Ray nt coat. Call at the store of Duphorn Lt. Iro.. r nian. IN• W. cor. Square' be se: eli d tried where the machines may Gettysburg, .Tune 21, IG% tf GREEN RIDGE I Kr NEW RTOP.E AND NEW GOODS! -1-.1 JOAN NO . R.BECK Hs commcncod Starr-keeping at GREEN E, in Hamilton township, Adani, on the Hampton turnpike, and would inform the public that he MO+ pant retumcd front the c.ty with au excellent assortment or DRY GOMIS, OROCERIF.s, lIARD-WARE, QUEENA-WARE, CEDAR-WARE ; TIN WARE, CANDIES, Num.'s s, Tobaccos, &c., ttc.--Indeek a full and enni - art.. 11tH 01 (locals, to butt the• necessit lev awl lust t, of all. Ills price 6 are as low as the very low t— ralleoes at 10 cents and Nfuallos at 11 cents, us instancvs. lie feela that Ida and prima will be otitis factory to the public.atal theret.me invites ala rite alm , of euNtont. trout near and for. Don't forget the advice — ille Store la the place to get the full worth of your zauncy. April .T 2, 161/7. tf TIN-WARE AND STOVES. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE S. G. COOK'S- (former Andrew roll aso smut: of TUE BEST COOKING STOVES IN MARKET, OLD DOMINION, CUM PROM ISE; Also, many other articles toikitchen use, which will be sold as low as at any other June 21,14137. tf 1867 Dealer in Cocks, Wate hcs and Jewelry, HAs removed his Btore to. YORK MTREET, next dour to Boyer & non's Grocery, and di n etly opposite tiw Gettysburg National -Bank, where he has on hand, and at comtautly receiv ing, large supplies of CL 0 C./(ht, from the best Manufactories in the rnited Writes; ail styles, Regulator, Othee, Eight-day and Twen ty-four hour Clucks, with and without Alarm ,\t taehment=ttll warruntea and will be surd cheap. Prices front $3 be to $ll 50. WA rcir ER, 01 Ainerlean and Foreign tatuiutarture; (;mid and Kilver, iiti. , ,-ezuw ;and Open-laced hel, en, I), tached Lever::, Straight Line, White Movement, lATlnen, Railroad 'rune-keepers and Thnlng Watehea, 411 warranted—at prima ranging fruai el 3 to $75. A splendid assortment of Rings, chased and plain, Wedding Rings, Rings suitable for tilfts t Sits, er Rings, and Gutta Perelia Rings, Ladies Breast-pins and Ear•rlngs Mall styles and prices, Clent's Pins of all kinds, Masonic, (kid Fellows, Red Men, and Templar's. Gold Pens and Pencils, Napkin Rings, erTh!tnldes,i:partacl.M silver, iiii, Vdated and steel, a large variety 4 Gold and Silver est und Curb Chains, Gent's Bosom Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Lockets, Charms, &c., &e., sold Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Musical Instru ments of every description REPAIR El) to order, entisfitenon guaranteed in all eases. 'flainkfu I for the 'lberia piitronnue heretofore extended to lilm, he hopes, by doing *will work, at reasonable prices, to merit the euutinuance 4 - 4 the same. Gettysburg, April 15, 1g67. tf ==l RIF LVS, NEW SADDLER SHOP. r%hT the HIM Balthnoreetreet, Gettyeborg, Pa. —o,nahuitly on tw!, or wade to order, oil kluelts of RIDING SADDLER, WAGON RADDLM CARRIACIE HA,nzirsg. DRArGIIT HATI:CFMk AM low u the lowest, June 81,1267. 11 ociirE :-- RAIN AND GROCRIFIS.The highest market price paid tor Grhin and &Blinds Product. Groceries, Fertilisers, AL, COD. *tautly °aimed for sale at the Vl4robovse of - Aug. 13, 1863. CULP I ZARNSUAW. TDAVILIND, Ml—Before dying so,pro mut a gOod 'Traia or csrpet 8... k, at PICKIV4'S. GETTYSBURG, PA., AND ALL OTHERS FnANK. nurn,'uN IN THE COUNTY, AT among which are the PENNSY LVANIA, NOBLE COOK, ECO \ O M SST, ItARLEY SHEAF, &c place In the county 8. G. COOK REMOVAL.. 1867 A. R. REISTEL, JEWELRY EM2=1232 A. R. FT.I.STEL. RI DIN O. BRIDLES, BLIND BRIDLES, 'COLLARS, PLY -.1.1XT8. de., J. 11. ROWE. 5, 1867. fastra. TUE MEDLEY OF MEDLEYS. As I was golne down the Parcel, With Peggy by my aide, An old crAw mat on a hickory limb-- Make way ibr liberty l he cried. We 0 *)r strOng, ;igoroas measures, Said the spider to the fly ; The artful 110410,r sighed., Good] bye, old arm, good bye Dark from the tombs n doleful sound— No Dish need apply; Llatenoto e tilpsy' warning. Don't fly our knit lfr tou,hlglx. We won't go innne till morning— What's that to you ? Fin a young plan from the country— I paddle my own canoe. r Rpm( NIX tajeelot in Georgia, With the tOvord or Dunker fill; I heard old Abe telling jokes, Methlnka 1 hear him still. do you remember— by the Kea; • yearg ago to-day, !e old oak trim.. - Dearest Inv The cottag Twat' twent ' Beneath t nu, the veteran cried, dor forlorn ; me to die no more, u in the morn. Weep not I. I'ni a bac I'm going li I'll meet, 1 r mat on a street potato vine, unjo 00 las knee; lams! he cried, 11" tIB of thee. A urnsshop With the To ['rm.! tol My count ! Meet me by . toonllght alone, I say to :Millie Bly ; Says she to me.—Jiie Bowers, The goose hangs high, We'll,hnng Jef Davis on a solar apple tree, The Ilatheals once I) Id avow; • Tell me ye winged winds Why don't /hey do so now t Lie pp nearer, brother, Picayune Itutlet'• eothingt to town, Groi n ( OW t•rieit, In ncc.•ntt. w tld, I tremble at Ills frown. The boy stood on thel orninF (leek, Wlth Bingen on the Rhine; And Noah he pa on n spree, In the days of Auld Lang Sync.. There's a go.l time craning, hop,-- A hundred yetun hence; The country's gone to thunder, John, TherCK a nigger In the tenet,. :Now I lay ruo_dowu to sleep, Oh. Susannah, don't you cry; How are you. Horace (:reeh•y, Tor down tire flaunt Irg llld Grime k dead, that good old soul,— The last mai, ritoi. are o'er; Now Ire's d e ad aim. in his graVO, And wun:t get uil un 'Le Limn. The poor chi slave has gone to lest, But his st r oll is nn iel,ingi n Wake, Betsey, wile , niy sweet {taloa, Who's pin here sineelsh pin gone. f • 1 ( 4 F 1 Jr 211.1 -114. cr ,.0.1 IT- , 3.r. [From the "%Vest Jersey i'r u lg et "H•7 C L'n v.vvioN or TILE. lit. IVBERit Y. The discoveries of scientific anti Prac tical men in the past few years have cited a large amount of attention from that class of our farmers whose labor is given principally to the cultivation of smaller fruits. 'Among the most sale.dtle of these, paying probably ges ,the lart percentage to the grower, is the straw berry. Five hunched dollars from an acre in grain or grass would be deemed an impossibility, but that amount from an acre of tStrawfierry pants is frequent ly- realized. The fear that an overstock ed nuirket, would place their price be'ow remuneration, has proved groundless, for it has, been found an impossibility to overstock the market. Many of our ground contemplate this use of their ground for coming years, and to them we could say alwayi,ict qut the te•st even if their cost is considerably above the average, for this will be found the truesteconomy in the end.- Light, loamy soils with clay subsoils are best for this purpose, and a fair amount of exposure-to the stftil4"also of value. Perhars there is no plant more sensitive to the touch of proper fertilizers than this one, and too much attc Mimi 'cannel, easily be giv en to this fact. The land should be plac ed in the, most cultivated order before setting out the plants, which sluird-1 be kept out of the sun and in a moist condition until they are transplanted. If the season- is dry and hot, it will be necessary for a short time to water and shade them through the day, always taking care to uncover them at night, so that they may receive the invigorating effect of the dew. Strawberries are best grown in beds four feet wide. This secures convenience lin gathering and allows opportunity for cultivation. Three rows should be put in a bed and the plants in each row placed tuoelve inches apart. If the rules to which we have alluded are observed, the transplanting may Lti done in any imonth from March to November,, al though the summer months are prefera ble. The fewest runners are made• by those set in June, and as more or less of these are desired farmers will either use ;or avoid this month in their work. An acre yf the plants can be set,by an ex perienced man in a day and number upfront 10,000. ,- It is of great importance to keep them ; free from weeds in the summer. A neg lect of a few weeks in this matter will oiten make it impossible to make it worth while to preserve the beds, and yet a small amount of attention and labor will prevent their ascendency. Mutating in the winter is never neglect ed by the successful grower. Corn stalks will answer a tolerable purpose, but rye straw is preferred above all other arti cles. The covering should be done in November, and removed as soon as the freezing weather is over and before the plants have made any growth. The covering that is taken off need only be placed between the rows where it will serve to keep the ground moist and thus lacilitute an early growth, besides keep ing the weeds dywn and •the fruit elerin. No good fruit however can be raised in large quantities without the use of suita -1 ble fertilizers. Common barn yard ma nure !Kraal, but its constituents are,too euinbrous to be of great value. One cord of t'.is (3,000 pounds) contains 2,559 pounds of water and Lill of sand. 332 of carbonaceous matter, which are of no more value than so much peat straw or el Hitt There la but 74 pounds of active fertili zing material, such as nitrogen, potash, soda, lime, -magnesia, phosphoric and sulphuric acid, chlorine, iron and alum. It would startle seine of our farmers to learn that the market value of these 74 pounds is ouly ::‘,3,00, yet such is tlje fact, and proves conclusively that barnyard manure, however valuable for other pur hoses', is hut of little Ilse in this. The est and cheapest fertilizer for this fruit, in the judgment of those growers who have tested all kinds most thor oughly, la Baugh's Raw Roue Phosphate of Lime. The results produced by this 'are truly astonishing. The testimony to its value is of the fullest and moat satis nlietory'eharacter. 49TH YEAR.--NO. 42 It can be applied to the fled at any time, during the liking, summer, or fall months, but some of the most successful growers have given a preference to the period following the bearing season. tiwiu ki - sztlianzi. c.,,, A FEW WORDS o !SQUEEZING. While we are. growing very sensible, indeed, in the matter of dress, as far as boots, Balmoral skirts, warm stockings, and high necks, we are degenerating in some other matters quite as important. The corset is not a necessary part of a wolnati's wardrobe; and, alas: when a WOlBBll does begin to wear corsets she will wear them too small, and will tug at tire lacers until her breath becomes short, and feels it necessary to refrain front anything like a comfortable mead. We say nothing against a well-shaped corset, worn loosely, but there lies the difficulty. A loose corset injures the appearance instead of improving it, and people wear corsets that they may have small waists. All we can say is, don't squeeze, whatever you do. You may have small waists, but you are exposing yourselves to a dozen misfortunes which are as bail as a largo waist. First, you'll kurely have dyspepsia, and grow yellow and cross and unhappy; secondly, your hands will grow red ; thirdly, your nose; fourthly, you vi ill be unable to walk a mile at once; fifthly, dimier will he a misery; sixthly, your ?Moulder blades will increase in size and altitude; Bev enthly, your eyes will grow weak; cightitly, you will break down at thir ty or thereabouts, and be a sickly vld WO- W:Ill from that time forth. If these truths do not frighten women from tight corsets, perhaps the information that gentlemen generally do not admire what diessiolikers call a "pretty figure," so much as u natural one, may have some influence. JOKII BILLINGS' ESSAY ONTO SWINE Hogs generally are quadripid. The extreme length ov their antiquity }Vas never been fully discovered; they existed a long tine before the flood, and hey existed a long time since. There is a grate deal of internal reve, new in a hog; there ain't much more waste in them than tlrare is in an oyster. Even their tails can be worked up in to whissels. Hogs are good, quiet boarders; they alwus eat what is set before them, and don't ask any fooii,h questions. They never have Ito - disbeaze but the rneazles. and they never hev that but once ; once seetnee satisiv them. There in a grate mcnny bra, ds amongst thew. Some are a .el, , se eQrporrition breed, KIM some are Gilt more apart like a hem lock slab. They used to have a breed in ,new r;.., land, a" few years ago, which they culleq :1 e striped hog Li sell ; this biectl s as-in high reitute aworig the landlords; almost every - favern-ke , mer gad one, which he used Lew show tow travelers and brag on him. Some are full in the face, like a fpwa clock, and some are as long and lean as a cow-catcher, with a steal itinted nose on them. They kan awl rute well; a hog that L:nt, iute Well bar, been made in vain. 11. -v are a short lived aninial, and general :7 die us soon as they git fatt. Th e can be land a great menny such as !listing the cunning thin "a, trout gate ofrfr,:ol The hinges; liPPlng over the swill harreC, and finding a hole in the fence tew git Cla a cornfield; but thertfaint enny length !cl their mem ory; it is awful hard for theta !o find, the same hole tow git out at, espesi`allY , you are at ail anxious they should. Hogs are very contrary, and seldorri drive well the same way yu are going; .t.boy drive moat the tither way; this haz never ti i fully explained, but speaks volume§ for the hog. bk - orr.irlik,tvELnD TRAVELER. , They have out at Atlanta a hotel keep• er named Thompson, who is considered father sharp at a joke, but he sometimes meets with his match, as the following story goes to prove : A traveler called very late for his breakfast, and the meal was hurriedly prepared. Thomson feeling that the ; food was not quite up to the' mark, made all sorts of apohgies around the eater, who worked away in silence, never rais ing his head beyond the affirmative In fluence of his fork, or by any act even acknowledging the presence of his host. This sulky demeanor rather vexed the landlord, who, changing the range of his battery, stuck his thumbs in his arm holes and said: "Now, mister, confound Inc if I Itainit made all the apologies necessary, and more too, considering the breakfast and who gets it ; am! I tell you I have seen dirtier, worse looking, and a devil of a sight smaller breakfasts than this is, several times." The weary, hungry one laid down his tools, swallowed the bite in'transitu, and modestly looking up at the fuming land lord, exclaimed : "Is what you say true '.'" "Yes, sir." "Well, then, I'll be blamed if you ballet out-traveled me !" he said. OLD FUN. Three hundred and fifty years ngo, Wynkyu de \Yorke, who had his print ing otliee in Fleet street, London, "at the synge of the Swanne," published his "Demaundes Joyous,? which will show the notion of fun which prevailed at that time. g—liow many cow's tails would it take to reach from the earth to the sky'? A.—NO more than one, if it be long enouelt. Q—W hat is the distance from the sue fuee of theses, to the deepest part, thereof:' A--Only a stone's throw. Q—W hat is it th never was and never will be? A.—A mouse's nest, In a eat's ear. Q—Why do mett make an oven in a town? A.—lieettuse they CIIMIOt make a town in an oven. Q.—lluw may a man discern a cow In a Nock 14 sheep? A.—lly his eyesight. Q.—Why dual a cow lie dawn? A.— Because it can't sit. Q.—What is it never freezeth? A.— Boiling water. Q.—Which was first, the hen or the egg? A.—The hen, at the creation. Q. —How nunky straws go to a goose's' nest? A.—Not one; for straws not. havilig feet cannot go anywhere. Mrs. Mottle . 0a Cesssisrese3r. "It puzzles me how things get mixed In polities, by spells; .._ The Radsjust ilow praiseLongstreethlgh, And curse poor Gov. Wells. And yet, a year ago, this Wells Was all amen could ber While Longstreet was a 'bloody reb,'" Suy.i Mrs. Smith, says she. - •••••• - - - Waal is stated by some wiseacre, that i iart the heart of a man weigl s nine ounces, and that - of a woman abet t eight. As the age increases, a mall's h Will grow heavier, and the woman); lighter'-pews girls lose theirs at` sixteen. , . , 11•1111114111111011 1 101 f N WI 'X mitre& LAW. de' ;WO 14111er,.0f Allegheny nd ppyi ,in a teeent 'Merge to the Ore , It - terpreted the liquor law passed by the last Legislature Ils follows: It requires licensed persons, at all times; to prevent disorderly consult In thelrhouses, as far as Iles in their pos er; and to enable them to do so, thpy era required, immediately upon the bectir; rence of any disturbance, to call in the police or any constable, or sheriff, who are bound to obey such call andAremove such disorderly person or persons, and shut up the house if need be, till the dis turbance is over. Si.e 2 provides noinst seilinebr per mitting to be sold or given sway, any In tox leuti ug drink of any , . k ind, to any wei ror or apprent9.e. The question wheth er or not the party Is known at the titne to be a minor or apprentice is immateri al. Ignorance' on this point will not ex cuse. - Bee. 3 forbids the sale or-giving awn:, of any such drink to an habitual drunii and, or to any intoxicated person, under the influence of liquorr Under thi* se& Lion, a tavern or restaurant keeper can net safely give liquor to any stranger en tering his house, until he is certain t tuft such party Is rot already intoxicqed or under the influence of liquor. If ffe does so, and the party happens to be under the influence of liquor, all the penalties of die act are incurred, which are severe; and the knowledge or absence of knowl edge of the fact of intoxication would he. immaterial. or is the degree of intox ication material ; the penalty would be incurred, however slight the deguee, If it existed at all. Tlic same Ken - Winn will be necessary in any case where the party is not intoxicated, but commences drinking. Care must be taken to fur nish no more liquor the moment that which is already furnished begins to have an Into:coating effect. . SEc. 4 puts it. in the power of every husband, wife, or parent and child, to prevent each other from procuring any intoxicating drink from licensed h0.u..,s of any kind. To effect this, all the hus band has to do to prevent the -wife, or the wife the husband, or the parent floe child, or the child the parent, is ahnply to forbid the licensed patty to furnish such drink to such relative. Neformal ity is required us to notice. Either vtr bal or written notice will suffice. and if the notice or prohibition is violated 1 y the lieensed party, the consequences to plan are serious; anti the question. whether such relative so forbidden to be ' supplied is a drunkard or not is wholly immaterial. The law places parties holding these domestic relations mutual ly within each other's power as regards procuring strong drink, and punishes the party furnishing it contrary to such prohibition. Sc.t 5 requires all ttars.or. places Af sale to ba closed at miduight,,and not open, on Sunday at all. She. °provides that etnryiction fora disregard of any of these provisions ' shall, ipso facto, work the forfeiture of license. Sm.. 7, as already.statetl, makes it the duty of all policemen, and constables and sheriff to the enforcement of this law, and to act on their own observa T thin, or the suggestions of others in ar resting its violators, who are to be ta ken before a magistrate. See. 8 wakes it the duty of polieethen, constables or sheriffs to arrest every per son foiled intoxicated Other on the 'streets or in places where drink is kej t orsold, and to take them before adnaght . trate, whose duty it is to interrogate the party arrested, if not too drunk, as 'to n'''acre, and from whom, and under what eirianistanes lie procured his drink. ll' the parte is too drunk to answer this heis to he f;:^ked upor Gonnuittedilil so ber, and the. , inlet r6e,ated in order to as eertein whether the party furnishing the liquor was heel:sell, or if licensed whether It ovrts furnished when the was already intoxieated or tinder the iilejsnee of liquor, or the liquor had been fet isiddenliyithe relatlvete. In any of which eases the party so fertilehlog the liquor would be-subject to the proper punishment. The party intoxicated and so arrested is !mewl id furnish this infor mation under ot4t, and if he .'should re fuse so to do when sober, it would of course be the duty of the magiutrate to comfit him for eontempt until die•com , plied. Be - sides the penalties ltlreadY mentioned ; - SFr. II) Stakes any violation of the net a misdemeanor puuishable by dine and imprisonment. A neglect by policeinen or magistrates would also he indictable s misdemeanor. these penalties t , ne PM:ow/ by the Crin. 'nal Courts are perhaps not th e most seriou. consequences thai - may re sult to some trt,.` l a violation of OW Istsi- Sm.. 9 renders lier usrty offeedio!T ffa ble to be sued in any court for damages which may be .'"stained I , ,e* any one in consequence of sale to s pertioe to whom safe is prohibited ; that !"‘ to say, sales to minors, apprentices, babe - us! drunkards, puttee intox tented mad under influence of liquor at the time, and parties whose relative's or relative, as abovenamed, have forbidden the side. To a responsible restaurant or ,tavern keeper this civil liability might prove disastrous, and even to one who is apt responsible it might rove exceedingly troublesome. He could not get rid of a judgment for such damages, except by imprisonment, and discharge under the insolvent laws, and then his bail for li cense must suffer to the extent of their bonds. Take, for example, the cuse`of drink furnished to a Itueltaal whose wife had forbidden it, and becomes incapatde of labor or the sup po rt of his family, or becomes intoxicate ti, and in consequenee meets with all necidentscaueing .physi cian's bills and foes of employment; or in his intexicetion eommits some depre dation upon the person, or property of others, eausing-his arrest, linpriesoinieut, and loss of life, etc. It its easy to see the' measure of damages a jury would meto out against the party furnishing the drink, in such ease. The wife and chi,- dren, and perhaps the !dilettanti hbuseV. or party to whom he did elolenee, wotflti each be entitled to their appropriate damages. Cicero, Xasalippe. Betv Amu, amid th• Nest of We fell in durlng.a chance Journey 'of oars; a few mouths ago, with an old Kansas man, who had moved his n'u• merous family from "Varn►uunt" to this Western wilds. It being hitt, we tarried with him all night, We were surprise►t at the progeny which he ..crwned. One was named Demosthenes, .tnotlterCiee ro, another Pericles, another ,Artato plta n es, another Eu ri peeks. another Phinias, and another Prakittiles, Still another was named :Apollo Belvidertis, and he, as he told um, was the-"hum blest one of the ipt," and sure e gh he was a scraggy-loooking specitnen t -- These were the boys. The girls came in with such names as Aspasla, Phryni Melpomene, Xantippe, 'Messalitia, Cleo patra, Agrippina, anti the last one, Was named Betsy Anti. We asked the old man why he happened to give the chil dren such unusual names, and indeed we were astonished at the cstent of what scented to lie his classical learning, He informed us that it happened like Lthis: A showman came along with Wax , gures on exhibition, and the names of the figures wete so "nick" that he "writ them down, t.ud named his ail di-en according to the list atterwards." "But how came it," we - inquired, "that you - named one of your girls Betsy Ann?" "Well," he replied, "the wax Jiggers run out, and I had to fall back Mid do the best I could out of my owit head." Hurrah for Vari9tabut!--,Orass Miley National. sarA country editor doss. *OE the bonnets - uow in lush tint: says : "They have a down Ward blunt nod rentin& 'One of ViciautlebW with a= toad Scrum her ", , . ~Ai