iLITYSSURG ,COMM.Eft, Antrnal, Is .rl7l-4,Wl4!l l'ffill4 mplilitAtY molPf nut, 3 • J : 64'AIitE " , 214.!i1t. ir=44/sty,' and IYi l PrepaiVl • TIPOW ,gI7,BLICATION.--1,2. *0 per an usgOirliidillsioili It; AM' ANC K-112 SO per sin sierras It,mt:prititin Oran re. No sahoeription Iv, 00 *04144 fijolphiat Me option of the pub/Wirt, p 40,1, DVPIRIISEMVINTS I mulled st tiomit ram J! B PittiTlNG, 01 all kinds done with neat , sin end dispatch. .ciPPSCE in Hough Mittman'a street, iistitent WWI. mid if hill, near file Poet Oilice—"Compi- I tit Printing nem" on the sign. Professional Cards. IMEII Edsiard B. Buehler, Artall.NNY AT LAW, willfully and . promptly attend to all businest entrust ed 1., hint. 113 spe.tics the Gerwaa language. Oat* at the a.tiue plate, iu So 'U Italtimore street near Forai•r's drug store, and nearly oft?ttsde liListner k Ziegler's store. tiettysborg, Mardi 'SU. Wm. A. Duncan, A,,TTORNF;Y AT LAW, WA! promptly Atte!' I to al/ leg•tl bulkiest entreated to him, ludo ling the procuring of P./ninon', .13,Auty, li3ek ray, and all other ckunts itgainst, the United States and State _Go•ernment.s. tiSte in AlJrth West Corner of Dirtmorl, Gettysharg, Perit'a. . April 13, 11110. r D. MeaMaaughy, A TTOTINEY AT LAW, offi:e une door west 21. or [Weidner itrii.l.4nil book st•ire, (Thiim b.‘rshiirg *treat,) AT l' , lll]NY •311./SuLICITQAI YOU PIntYTS /OD PCISIONA. Bounty Lnni.l Waif r4act, 114.c1k-iity 'suspended ettini.i. and all other cl titai &grit:tittle Government nt Wash ington, oleo Atneric.iii (Athos in Eiji- I illf).l•‘ ' i ' Arlfto4.4 located and sold, or boiett, rod litgliest prices given. Agents Ha Erged in Inc w irniuld in Illinois EIJI other we4tero Slates. SkarAvidyto Iltm personnilr tter. Gettyaliarg, Nov. 2 1, '53. • J. C. Seely, ATTORNEY AT 1, tion pad to c•illroinn or Pen‘inno., P Pluir, mid 8 , ck-ii:tv. Office in the 8. h. corittr 01 the lii.tsnort. tiettyibur.c, A ril 6,1861. tr Di', D. S. Petrar, A am row yrisx, A,14.4 ~..uwy;coutinue3 A Itte p.nctnee ut lur loofei- , iuu in ail Its b!4l Yes, and wunl.l_ , re4pectrully in%ite nll ..V•r A 1112.1 Iliflieti•ii wall any old at:Lod/Lag and ennsult lua Oct. 3, 1861. tf Dr. T. a: Kinzer, AV,TNG •11 , Ited perru um:lily at Dov. ArGliyowl. A.l:4lo.‘eituutyorill ottend pr.i it :r1 t.• profead4l 111 calk .1,, titVe A Jo'ln whe're lie can always be loin I it•olett professionally engaged. ..16z. 6, 1666. /3. Di. P. C. Wolf, ITIVINGloc.ted nt EASPASET:LIN, Adsris aty, lysiy t144.t. by aritr ,Iteliiian t J bta,prut•vaiva•i) ultir b imc 4 tits publt, patio') ige. [Apr. 2,'Uti. Dr. cook, 1111 7 .0PAT11 IC PH 1'41(.1.1.N, ,S'arip:ott (111(1.Accout.hrur, ITIT &SING perumnontly loc.ttot liont - trer, 4'n., res-prototly utft.r4 Itia prorensional - te_yt,:‘ , l to thy Sts-t•64 o.te ot ,tuti ULF/MY:NCI'S. of. A.l. Lippe, M. P.. 'Philadelphia, MEI .1. 0. 11 orktil, 11. Cook, M. H. Carli-le, -Hon. ►,lazlnl licriter,son, (Jettrst)org, Ps., Wills, , It-v. J. A Itua4, Hanover, Pa.-- 4 , -o' l . l ffice on tlie 'quire, fire d. , ors meat of C alt-e :Ireet, second door trona Ce. Lit a: lintel. .A 1 r,l 13, Ilion ly. Dr. J. W. C. O'Nears (Yt V ti l if . o t r?i i irr oft A t i ' 874 3 from Fte,rlr, netr the Preshy.eri in Church. Get () - /April 15. 'l/7. Br. N. J. McClure. i.S'itrilcom h Atoormoficttr. • iaA VI \ Pertioinently located in NEW oxpotat, will pr,etiee his pro‘e•sOn in all lie hr. I nches. It ferols niloll others /1,-orin.r hl. prore>sional sorviee.3 ate re troOA to riot ott.l tiousurt hint at hi 3 office, in II .iiiiver lorert. Aldy 2Q, IBC. tf J. Lawrzen2e) Hill. M. D., T - r AS hi! ulll4-cone rit i. ftr u„ . 11l door Iv cif oft lie sm . ) L-Itheran clinrch- in riwnhersi - arg .Itreet. 164 oppeAlte Dr. C. Horne •'s where 'h h ,We 1.1 .101:11ati,itt p-.1 . 14ir1t 4 4 4 4. a re.pect t inviie I t.) c,ll. lior w,r, Rev. Krawti, D. I) , Btu : L IP . r, I). I)., Rev. Prof 11. Jacobs, D. 'IL, Prof. \I. 1.. .S over. Get . y,blvg, Aptii Railroad' Bowie, N EAR. THE DEPOT. - HANOVER., VOW. HO., T - .e aniersigued - woold resPeetfully into, bin ime•oti 9 friends and the putiac zenerally,j ts leas .1 ;Ire Hotel to Hanover, ne.irl the •Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah t,litcr, an s :II spire no elf at to conduct it' ot llrt net Thu will give genera/ malisfaadlolli Hit tabie hurl tha - he-t. the markets can mini-it-•I is "Chambers are spacious anti com fortable—and lie has laid in for his hir a tulle stock of cllt ien wines nod liq_uors. There stabling for horses . ntt.ichciletT the Hotel. Itl will lie his c-tustant ende.ivor to randier thal I..liest s itisfactiiin to his guests, tnaking. hlsl Itii•t4e as near a home to theta as pOSSible.-1 lie asks d shAre of the pulelic pit.ronago, de-1 tirmined as he is to deserve a large p at of temnitther the ,Itiilruud liytlne, Boar the Derl po! Hanover, A. P. BAUGH Ka. Oat. 2, 1863." tf Keystone House, - rill ANIII E 1:61311 ILI ST iU T, . GETTVS.i lJ “Up.G, PA.— WM, E. ANTES, Pro. 'a a new liOuae, tate9 op in the moat pree o Or approved style. Its location is pleaaaut, cen-, tral awl 'convenient. Every arrangement haS been made.for the aerommodation and com 4 tort of guests. The, Table will always havet the best of the market, and the Bar the best of wines and ltqaors. There is commodious Stabling attaebedi with an accommodating ostler al s ays on hand:, This hotel is now open for the entertaim+ meat of tile pubic, ands shale of patronage is solicited. No elfJrt will be Spared to rentleS satisfaction. . t Jan: 14, 1867. tf Globe In.n,, YORK ET, NEAR THE DIAMOND, C It TT V S BURG, PA.—The undersigned would most respectfully inform Ilia nsL =trona friends and the public gknerilly, that lie I as purchased that low , ' established ant well known Hotel, the "Globe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to ,coMinct it in a nkatther that will not detract krtun,its former high reputation. • His table witt.have the heat the market can afford—bin chambers are spacious and comfortable—and he has laid in forhis bur a full stock of wines and, liquors. 'There is large stabling attached to the HOW, which will be attended by atten tive hostler*. It will be his constant endeavor to remiss the InHest satisfaction, to his guests, making his 'Wage as near a horns to them as possible. He asks a share of the public's pa tronage,Ablkklikilted ail be is 10 thererte i Iriege part- 01-lik; . Remember, the "Globe ilia" id I iti Yorkistfeft but near the Diamond, or Pubilc Squaw ,„,.., -, SA.III:TRL WOLV.' Apelt miti:litek. tf . ~ • . iwfor,lire eyes, to soli kill loot itl.l R o ltlytt eeltioslie etett of all ,klipti WO' _ Atjoilety of fseuts and sea itjlei el Cl ot yeas et ' fifelilso.- - - - —. . , /?*--, r .,',''''' 4 " .3 .:. _.„-,, -•,. -,,-; ;.,.:, „::' ." , S- :-;- "' .11; A-'t , ' , 1 . :. .. : ' AI i ~ e •t (. k II 1, _ . i• . . ... .:., ~:i 1 , ; : '..1 , ;. . ~ • • . , . . • .. • ._ C.ll .1311141 •tub BY IL J. , . Valuable PrApertiea - if. V. SinnLit. H. 8. BEN:vita. --1 ' FOR SAL .Z. 100.000. Sulam. Grata Wanted. • Ilar , llV FIRM A r nit 4.0,11 W AREHIPCSIC. ' jl - othi C. ZOUCK ,-'[. AND AGENT, NILW ogrosits, ADAVIIIt COUNIIr,, PA., 111 WC Fe, IIinDLE a CO, would Inform the Rae tor sale a number of destrat , le proper public thialf they hare leased the Warehuil.e ties, to whti h he ads the attention at those on the cornet of hi.r.toon dtreet and the Rail- wiAjmo to pocrilate. road, in Gem sburg, .there they wilt carry on 1 THS GRAIN AND ritODucti BUSINFK9, SHOP, A LARGM Ft/GRIMY AN() MACHINE` with uwiti.i.i‘o, shim , ed in a moon he all " branches. The highest Prices will ty seat, ne-it Itallro.if and Depot. Good always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, ebabee for doing all kinds of witrlt. Also,' Clover and Timothy Seeds, Fhts.sre•t, 'Sumac, ,erend Town Lots w ill h e e we ; r ah t he a b o ve Bay and sirww, Dried Fruit, Num,.Sonip,Hains, property it &mired. Shoulders and Sider, Potatoes, with every thing else In the country produce line. _ A FAttd OF 160 ACRES, in Adams coon. i tf, with good Stone , House, good Barn, ii:...,' 01lOCHILIES,-.-00 band, for sal., Coffees, near a turnpike and railroad. Sugars, ;Molasses, Strums, Ten , ', Spices, Salty I FORTY ACRES , with good House, Barn, Chice,c, Vinegar, Soda, 114,:itaro, Slarehtl ke.,tbrue gaarters of a mile from a railroad I ltrootns,-Buckets, Blacking, Snap, kc. Also Station. A. gond ehatier ; terms ea.y. COAL OIL, Fish 01, Tar, 11:e. FISH of all A FARM OF 300 ACHES, in Adams Canty. ktticit ; Spikes and Naila; Sruuking and Cher.; three mites (torn a railroad nod good marks!. log Tuln.ccos. This farm ran be diVided into two fame, They are always able to sultrily :-. first rate there being already two sets of ttnprovemeuts artHe of Flour, with the (JO:creet kinds of on the tract. Feed. -i AFA HAI OF 105 ' ACRES, on ihe Carlisle Alen, G nand Plnst , r; with Gun cos and other lertilhri COAL., by the tiashelp ton or carload. They will rim 0. LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to linitimige oure every. -week. They 'ate prepared to eiinvey Freight either way, in any yrinntiti, at REDUCED RATES. They wilt attend, if desir d, to the milling of purchase. In %Iv rite. and dtdirering Om goods ungainly in Gem .hurg: Their ear. ran t the Wan•huiir of Nathan Roop At Co Nnrth Howard ct., near Franklin, ll.tltimore, freight will he rec.:Fred at my time. They incite the Oteation 01 the public to line, assuring them th it they will .pare no elf iryto itecommuilate'ull uhu may pittrunitt. (heal iI,II).DLE & BKSNER April 16, 1801. tr Latent lrashlons nEVAND J. W. 131t491.1.:1":3 CELFIIRA -11 TED I'ATENIT'DUL'I.EX ELLtpr - R; (un buI:BLK ff A' I R T THE WOlDPltrttl. aid -greet COM FORT and rtxtscttx to any lady i.e..ri•pg; the PCT. ri,opric:4KlßT It ill he espetience.t fotr.tic ul irlyin u!le,oad, Aiisettitthe- I literas,Carri l! trs, Church News, Arm Ch ti ro, fur Protne , .1 le tr-d llouse Dresi, R 4 the tikirt els he 10 , 1 , 1 wh,-1 in use to occupy a small /,'ace ercily trod t:otivertsenth ,as a Siik or Pre-s.ur, i6valuoldequ dm. in crinoline, not liniud in aqy Single :t•.riiz Skirt. A lads- havin et,joyeti the PLR:ISt - RR, cox r.fle.r, and gre it euxvestFA et, of we.tting the DCPIP.X Ei.tlrtte i:iTEKti" SKIRT fur dAy, will 'never altet w erdS it Illugly :11S .pen:e• %%all thi it use. For Children, Mi s&a •att.l YOUllg 1.11.11 Ci: they ate iuperiur to all of he'r4. „ '1 hey will int bead or ltreak like the Sine,e Spin, but will pr , •sen4 th‘ tr Vetfea nod grac. MI shape aheu three gig tour ortlitot bkirt• will have heett thrown aside ae uselk.44. The !loop- :tit covered with il•at lilt ttud taiul ed thre,lll, cat the I, , ,ttatit rods ore Iltr. oily 4prirtz4, but twit e (or ti , othle) covered, rentinz them from weartng out when. drag pot down stepa, atairs, a great farorite aith all Will is univergall reooti•ttended ht the s ns toe ST-I\D.ll/.0 IBLK WORLD. Ii Tu et,j iy the ludo% tug inevtinialileadviinta lpeS in I rttolitte, t z: sopertor - quAl.ty, iterlect otufaccut e. sh.tpe, titled, tiorthiltty, comfort 1 ind etoutrui, entiu ore tor 11. W. lirsid/..C.; Dutuez or 4 . ipt lug. Skirt, and be ;tire you get the genuiiie rrto.N . —Tn sizard neltinqt IMPOSITION' pstrticul , r to stirieE the uffery I :is 'DUPLEX" h,i e the red ink 'tamp, viz: "J. BIA , II,Y'S Uuplri Elliphr Steel Mg.," 41 , 0r1 e .liAtliAlA4—none others larr gel' it itie I.\ 1 , 0 Notice thvt every (loop xill ndeili a 11111 paned through Os erotic, thus reveni linz the two (or ionhlet springs braided topAll tr th• rein, %14ichis the seeret of their 11(.3:WA LLY and Str"gth. 'Ma a cuutuilaarAua out to hr found in Hey other skirt. FOR 5.4 I,P; to ell Stnres where FIRST ;,Cl, - ASS skirts ere sold thrutig,bout the Utated (States and ebew here. Nl•altactured by the, Sole. Owners of the • Patent, %VESTA. Ist:ARLEY A: CARY, t'7 Chambers Ar 'r9 St dt kende :its., N. Y, May 6, 18.4. 3m riF Great Reduction PRICEs UT DRY GOODB, Groerries, Hard-ware, (hurenz•iterre, AT .1. C. Z , JUCK k SON's,,NEW OX Fo I: I), PA. IV,• h ile jail reta mill from the city, till ere we bought a very large omi well selected skuil; 1111 kinds of goecle, cuituble in our line, under THE LATE DECLINE . , 'Oar stock consi-ts in part f It EN'Cii ITEM NOES, FRENCH CO.;01.714: Delaueg, C .11- coes, Pl. i i . Blcarhed and Enti'eached a large af:soitment of Skirts, Hoop Skiro4. Gloves, ke• Al ES'S WEAR, co isistioNviA,put of Brosd and Bo u , rt . 12i , d1P. Bltck H11 , 173 , 1ey CaSSI - Therti'; ' llteeineta, I'l tin :lad F.titcy Flannels, Under-shirts and Drawers, ituoTs, HAN nni Driving anti BEckskin Gloria. A complete assortment of GRUCtRIRS, at low rates. H IRD-4 r ANF;.slich as Tire Tron, Spring, Shear, Blieoce aid Oast Ste, Is, Horse z , hoes, Tlorse• Shoe l Nail Rods, Hammered [run, Nails. Spikes, Shovels and Forks. Door Locks, Pad Locks. Latches, Hinges and Screws. Pain's, Oils. Glags, Potty, kc. CII INA AND QUEENS-WARE, by the set. Thanhfu) for past potroange, we hope to rner,t the the foto; e. .1. C. zoiwik ,SON Now Oxford, April :, 186 T. Ip, • _ Inirt—lron.:,Tronj GETTY BURR Ft RCM The sithscritnrs respectfully inform the pubiic that they h ive erected a Forge in con neution ei li them fiteant Mill, and are now Mill apt:Wring FOltilrEt) AND FIAIIIIEIIED IRON, Fitch as Plough, Ilurse,thue and Bar Ircn, and respectful') invite Blacksmiths and Dealers to give them it call, ree mg satisfied that they a ill be able to please . as to quality,finish and prize. BI?.INGMAN 11ALLREN. N. B.—The, highest market price paid for wro;nght and Scrap iron, ti; W. live. 17, 1866. Drainage, Pipes. tiIHE undersigned has note on hand, And continnee to are, large qua ti nes of EARTHEN DELAINAtig PIVEo, wis eh he offers at 8 cents per foot at the isittatifaelo sy„ desitei,jte will lay the plpee, eitbhr water-LI - Oa or leoie-juilaed, at a reesottultle compensetiou„ They here been trjed in dif ferent varlet of the county, with entire suc cess. For tkenirsiongerot.celi.trs, kr.. noth ing-hitter can" be used. Speeimuns mny be Seen st,Kalbtreisrti's store, in Gettysburg. The mAnuftetory is in Oxford town.blt, near Gilly:s mill. east Onto address, New Oxford ; Adams county, VA. • LoIIV 13gOKM %N. March 11, 1867, 6m* - . 11. S. BONDS. UR First )intion4l Ha.* of Oetlysbnrg will cash s•sv and •20=40 U. t 3. Bonds; also 1-34 Anti Couiputiati latensi,,Nutes. Ofsoll,ON AILNOLO,-Caahier. Oct. 0, lona. tf • Pine Shingle*, A LAHGV: lot or Pine 31.ingie's frwn $8.48 itm #;l5 per 164)9; :in.:mit -et !Ale Leather teed et . C. H. 1110pllEARR., ~ -T -IL/et. 22, 1866. - , c • WHAT'S I UIP ' W.: 4 ;l—th,yeoetelliesttsitud Vests at PI t.K 1G1: EEC] turnpike, under 004 coltiyotion, with a large f Brick House, Bank Burn, awl tither out-build t lags, all new. A LARGE FLOUR. MILL, with 25 Acres of ' f Land. The mill has four parr ut Burrs, awl tall mach.nery for doing merchant - Best Witter power truth, courTty. A no, OF 135' ACION, the Ham)- ! ver twinrike, on which is erv.ete.l a good House. liTtn. and all necessary unt-tioililings. A FARM 0F:195 ACION. in Adams coun ty, oa which ii ereeted a good House, Burn and other 18 ACREtt OF WOODLAND, 2 miles from New oxt..H. A FARM OF 200 ACRES, good l.nd, with large Brick House; Burn, and 2 TemincllOnfeS —4O acres in wood—half a mile from the e j Ounowago Chapel. A of 100 .Arres-225 can he per t chased-21 miles from Gm tysliorit, near Chant ' bersburg pike ; large weninerboarded House, Hunk Barn, ktc ;40 acres in wood. The Farm bus been recently hnied. A FARM of 120 Acres ; with goo.] House and Ruin •, 12 acres in wood. 1 WiTEL, In New Oxford, two-story, roomy and convenient lur business. Good chalice; term , : e .,sy. Also, a number of good Houses and Lots . for sTle in New IP‘tord. Pertuii. a b. bur Real Estate, as well as tOns., who wish to sell, are regor, , qd to Cit e the subscriber a call at his mule in New uxu,r,l. JOHN C. ZUITS, Laid Agent, New Oxford, Adams county, Apr'l I, 11.07. ly A Lecture to Young Men. Ait ,- -,,,-. -JusT prnisit El), in a Sea!ed *...,4, . -.1....,_ ~,,,,,. Envelope. Pike t,i . rent; A. ~L =p- Z l.ect ,te on the Nature.. Treotment. Ito,. ii ulleal rule of Fp4 rim, torrl,ne, o, S(mi na) It eakne.,,, 11/ y11)110,1rV EIJI 134i0)13, 5e%11,1 Pettlity, t,11,1 !, tpetlitnents to I.lrriage gen- . M _CI. 'iv. Ner%uu 'tic.36, COlSuniptiun Ey, pilrp- f_ nod it , el, ,I and 11i.% Ate.,l ine.ilowite. re.,ulti, ..! from Selr.A 11 14SP, 5.:(!.13.y itt InEit r J. CL.,I7.II.WELL, M. D , Author of the "Gre n P,0,1:," Sc The world--enowned AU thor, :n thiq .idtni• 1.11. , 1e I cetnre, ele:irly Pluses Iron hi., own es peri,hee th tt the *nthl conmoitten, e of Scif.-lime may be effectu Its unt,So,l wi,ll - t. intl;clue, and wit.'out dargei °us surgical oper.,tions. Longies, s. f tronenu, ring 3, or ettidt, is, p.iutiag out 9,...,4 , of core at tin( e u rout, :Lod elleetu:l. by vri.:ch e7ery ...a.,lfer , r, liu to,itt-r what, his c0e. , tit!,,.1 1114 V bk ). , nil cumin Imll.rif cbeaply, priv.4.,.1), end rnoicall. This Leet. , ,te nil 4,rutt is boots to th! .. .m.,atols and thong.teds. Selit 'not, r sent to env Address. in n twitlol et.1(.14.pc, (.14,1.11e receipt of six coo., ot two 0 , 1.t,2,.. F.. 10 r. AI-o Dr. Cul‘er% , .•lr.4 "Slarrifi.e Gitide,"_priee 2.5 cebtia. the pujo in her , . - C11.1 4 '....1. C. KLINE k ro , 127 Bowery, Y.-tt York, Punt Unica Bux 4586. )1,) 20, leGi. 20t' Julem Jafed's 66 1 -4 ( Si ALL PA 1111, B , ctelijleettf £/e Shin. TZSTIMONIALS MOM 66LEBRATED LA- DI ES This secret of beautifying the skin being known only to Messrs. Jared k Rene, they h ooo rsaily state that it ilitlem from all other preimpitions. It pies to the most harsh and t-eekleil skin both the •texture and color of polished Ivory, removingaall nhethtr oppearing its freckles, tin, morphew, moth or lii icknorni tp •cks, anti is especially sueicessful in smoothing out the marks lel:, ky the .anallpor. The nprits of "L'Emoil de Paris" moot eon &lowly auhruit to the public, the earnest ru dorsemeut of su , •ll distinguished ladies as Signors ' FRLICIT VESTVALL Ms.t•P 113UGIE MITCIIh:LL,, lire. D. P. IitiWFDIS, • LUCILLE WESTERN, X 'dome PONISI, WALLER, LUCY' RUSHTON, NOEMIL UB MARGUERITTRS, Miss A. PERRY, end many other, whose Wet Hug, in the prtirepiton trire4 the 5 tadirs of ti ethtisluess 10 their intellivtit and :rennin(' .tpitr The benuttflil ',wine Western snye: 1 tiortlint the •Einail' ritodu-es 'all the rhillianey of ro. ge and lily-white, with the great and pectin:Jr advantage of total hartit let,sness It really adds to the softness cud beauty of the skin." The magnificent Vt. Mean says: PI have Hdrered sn mu c h the rations wane /otious, ke., whirl, My theatrical pro fession obliges me to use, th,t consider it a perfect benefaction to find a preparat:ou which gives the necesvary whiteness to 'he skin, and leaves the skin cool and smooth. " /1 iv; Maggie Mitchell stt s : - "I have tried the skin beautifier, 'l' mail de Paris.' and found that it instany imparts a natural bloom and freshness to 'she corn plexion." “Jared's Entail de Paris" is used as a deli cate bt nOlier of the akin for Theaire, Saloon s or ISntt Runm, by the most refined and sera pnlotts tubes, prolucing all the , teittutiying effects or rouge and lilt-white, without their vulgar glare or injary to the skin. Sold by all first-'class Druggists, Perfumers and Ladies • flair Dressers L, Isttlieatt,99.l lkundway; Dennis Barnes k Co., azd P': C. Wells & Co , New York; auil Eugene Junin ' 111 South Tenth street, and ll Johnston, Hoowa7 & GoieJei,, Philadelphia, Agents, 'n• JAMS & REHR, general Agents-and importers, „Tap. 29, 1967. Om New Yolk • U. Fs Debriag et Bro., .firraco: and Ornamental Painters, FREDEKICK R ESPECTFULLY infortu the public that they are prepare) to FaESCOGRURCA }i:), HAL4S, ,PM.Y.M; kti,IDENC&3 * ico„ in the Ino4 allot-0%0 14y . les, nloaolu or au ent. dU Wurk xtitfailled to oive saiisfac. !„, to Lisle, dqtaillity alld 4:Le:Vat:U. Apr 22, 1607. eat - I..awreneo Dietz et tfp. sx ,rwzioLE;sALEr . DI42II.SRS 11 4 FANCY GOODS,' NOT lON§, DustEST '" .N 9. 308 Wed ./kftitnoroaVridl i • • ' , 13e0A!,:vit lloWftrd 1444r-ty Siree,ts, , k 1 t 4;,;. tAimo're, 40. White Giooove•Rufillingt, Rdeinga and 'Jr ,Trinsininwite to `/ROW JrlWtoDir. g , 1 10171010.—The , Mute to gt t your ifetti at r very cheap prieee—at GETTYSBURG, ett., lIIMAT, JULY 8, 1867. Siiir FA RMERS, ATTEND TO YOUR INII.AUa6! Gettysburg' Foundry. PRE, sntnieriber would inform his customers .ind'Ottiers, that lie is still man rariou• ttind.ot •s ting 3 and Machines matte to order, on short notice. 1111141 THILEStIERS ANU POWERS, ('ire ditterar 4 t sizes 01 Powers) Clover-sea Hullers Anittle,tn,rs, Corn Shellers and Sep arators, CrOrnfrattler Cutter*. Straw and Iltly Cutters; PLOUGHS. Eite MP Coat Ploarottra. itardhear Ploughs, Side hill and Corn Ploughs; the WIIIE-SIItINGOIi.SE RAPP, tire latest imprOvernent.; ufso Metal Screws for Cider Presses, !RUN ILATLING for Cemeteries. or Ptirch.c., with irerytlting else in his line, all at low FOR SA LE.—A tight Two-horste Wagon, a One-hurls Wagon, end n Spring Wltgoit. - Ali new, 1)AVIL) kpril 30, 18(16, tf r. Haineis Bro'n. rhinos. THE PIANO 01' AMERICA. /11.1K8E Pianos are Universally acknoir ledged by eompttent jutlg , -s crotti to the tiest, Piano mode. For references, they Mire tri.tny thou,: aid city and country reittients, including dirge numtiers of t r ititgh Sciatule, Seminaries. &c. These Pianos here not only stood the con tinual use and heavy practice of one)ear, but have been used the last fifteen years to the utmost s rt is/action of 1114,e tieing them. Titcyfinve taken PREMIUM S AND MEDALS EXtlffil I'ED. Snell litt‘ been the demand for these Pianos, that MESSRS. RAISES BMWS. have been compelled to en large their works to the el.ent of 24 to 30 PIANOS A WEEK. ILA ing now one of the most extensive and complete Factories in the United Stittes, Far• tories clone coteriffg ot un acre of ground, comprising a froutiqe of 219 feet on 2nd Avenue ' They are uudoubt:•dly the cheapest first- F Linos in wntkrt. Folly parautt ed for 5 year 4. Send tut lllia tr ted Cireulor. INE.i 131108, 356, 338. 360, 362, 364, 366,368, 370. 3:2, Set ond Aveutir, New Yurk City. r i 8, 1:1.7, Peloubnt Org-Inq AN) MELODEONS, \.1 ( ..'% ; 1 ,1 11 ,1 0 (\ „ A s nw titled the First f'rizo• 'rliE. ItEST-CA It t Nit.T Atheric.ta- Institee, Nt.w Yuik, Octulit r, ttln". Reing pitmatiatid saperior in Qt'A I,IIY, l'on'er. and VA 1:11 TY of ToNE, and hi number of tomb:nations. "As Ike beat instruments of America were there contending, estetebeter non die 'battle a mild here molting let to coaquer."—Anatri east A 1 Joanfil, (edited by a well-known mu sical critic.) They it.l%e alio taken the first prethium whererer eahtbnrd this season. PEDAL 01:t , ASS, one, two and three bunlo of k.-ss —An aiz•s—SSiii InSI,;00• Without p'4lals.sins,l , lll-Itl ”thle hank. iu great varie ty, $45 to $l5 1. 'these Orvans, with their satuoth,•like quality of One, beauniul solo at.ul.4, strength of chorn,s, unequal!. ii pedal:, n.l gen. ral organ-like is. are 311 - pprio r tor _7 l / a rches, fia:ls, rlora nil Sehoole. They are put up in cases of bad Walnut, limey 1 . .1/leered Walnut (new and- unique stylei) anti el.•g tnt Itoseweed, of spkudid de s,gos and lilt, iof the'be.t. workinan,hip —it berm! utG•n led ih•it 1,1,11 in-trom Nit 31,11 be a model of its class. .%11 in , truntetits doe II to a fide oct.tcu pall able ileladeon, ha've the heautilul stop, aitbout extra ch urge. A Itrtre nesortmerit eolystantly on hand a t one GENF:RAI . . Vi 1101.ESAI.F. ANA RETAIL WA au:V.OOIIS, 841,11 roadway. Our filustrattni (fir. obit and rriee 1 fists, w;t11 our new styles, are now re.tdy. Send for a Cirellidr. PELOCBE r , PELTnx k CO , ➢Ygnu(icturers, Nu. 841 13r.iii.lwriy, April 8, 1837. Nnir York City ADAM DENRY WEISENSALE'S ESTATE'. —Letters testamentary on the estate of Adam henry Weisensale, late of Union town ship, Atlatus comity, deceased, hating been granted to the undentigned. re:411111g in the same tnn•nship, he hereby gives notice to all perrons indebted to said t _tale to make imme diate payment, nd those b,n•ing e.,kirns figaiu:4 the same to present them properly nualeuti cateu for settlement. MICHAEL 11. KITZMILLEIL June 3, I SC7. Gt* Executor Notice. lEL NI. GO ii lIEC TIS ESTATE: —Let ters of Adminisirttiou en the estate of Mink/ H. Gobrecht, Lite of Union twp., Adams comity, deed., haiiii; been ge inted to the no der,Lined, residing in the same township, she hereby gives notice to all persons indelite I to e td estate to make immediate payment, and those haring eltinia against the same to pia seat them ptoperly authenticated forsettleinene LOUISA littiSitaliT„ June 3, 1837. Ct* -roux ROSENBERGER'S ESTATE.—Let. tp tars testamentary on the estate of John Rosenberger, lute of llot,ntt leasant township, Adams county, &ceased, haying been gi ant ed to the undersigned, residing in the same township, they hete'iy give *twice to all per sons indebted to said estate to 'nuke imme diate patment, and those having awns fig •itset the genie to pe'efent theta property atithelltiented for Pith tarot. JUAN IIY KRA BflhlJEi J. CHORD, Juno 2, 1867. et* Executers Ray Wanted. E.unde rrigned trill pay the highest mar -11. ket piieo for ILLY. at, Spang ler's Warehouse, Getty+hurt• ' GEO. C. SIII/CICHOUSER, Nov. 23, 18G6. tf 7111111 undersigned having retired from busi ness, he asks thu.e indebted to make psyment with as little delay us pos-ible. Such as do not settle before, the first of Janu ary neat , will find their tIeeDIJELS in the hinds of an officer fur eulleetiori, JCSEVIT S. GILLESPIE. Gettysburg:, X,ov.. 2d, lgh inglefit. • 110111113 81EIB46iii.ythe.liesi in the market, for vale yew Luta - her Yard, ou tho tutilrpltd, vjuiping the (Awe ilng, Gettysburg. liar. a, Wee. if , . TIAIN" ANT) tlitnOßßlßS.—The" :market juice *biter Griiin bud WI kiwis of Produce. , Groverih, Fertilizers„Ac., con &tautly fici for sale at (be WarehquAr of Aug. 11. Itit33. CrLP kEA assaAw. T ' RAVKLING, He I—Beforo doing so. pro- .. • . •,,i core a good Trunk or Cariwt S s•-k, at HOW .T 3 SROLTRE AITF.VDANCE AT 1 ..--..- .4--- c..'«..•-- ifirA coriserhit being told that it was ' PleK"'''s• CllOlll 31141" ING.-:-The leader of the sweet t o die for his country, excused Ittlir It is rumored 'from 'Neseof l ititha T)RO011 TYANDLti FOR SALE, whotesale•suresbytoriall choir at - 4‘,Tewville has had himsel f on the gi_omod that he never did o eu :Roos,seate.• Hope r 0..., J-,.. s',• Mat (len. Sheridan is to be rilleatiataby 13 or retail, st,the tatasher Yard at, .* ' cousidettibli trouble to secure the atteu- like sweet thipgs. , ---•- C. 11. 13LTEITLF.R. 1 , Y , denoeofthetuembers. The principal ex- 1 : , -.T, -7-.- . . . ital - ., The tictipif - r)t`lt . toPtkelt i Pithlth TIPAtiIOYS 'wish - int PlPOThVitAPiiii of r. their Chlldres Will find it to their admit- cute wasPeOmpany." .Last week the said ~ ,! V4FrStf-e44-1§ - ta. speak as we ,thlnk, I'd Boston,' trt Porid Vilisiemootictisa4l/0 tsie to- call - at 04 griikin , `.* - le4diir pu blished the. naulpii or all the uttr.e` %re pretend..abt As we - profeis, acres, and cost $3,0J0. , i ,,,, ii " ..._______ .3 ,.,-, ____ ._ 0. J. - 11,6014, Oettyehurg, Pa. members in the mar, end, in the same per rm_as, %ye proinise„ati4 resPii. e ddin " • What' ws tro e . iiinetrlp- id gi - rbirXias:-..ttite u 5 it es e be ..notAce'reqursteil the public ter cease tlfs- be. te,,hride eloped with a 0 . :E r. 14411 " - .' L .--.44getAlP"trBt" ' 'itiftethe - sald meiniiiirs on the" ' • g j lb" she endltrPief l- t.' I ~ tt i d 'we+ . 0 4 #10?!,.. crir AL 4 ,1 10 i te . , 4 1,,, Il w yst rpnil low PB.OrthitatiPllS•usoler in this -.. .... . , of- choir meeting., W 1 v . " leva-eunk- \ 'ha wa y county, are mildest the Fattelasar Gallery, - 's' ia " 6 Up. `" Aibt should labor trot PO much fo 'acreage du; '-.,,"'" ‘,.. ' ~, ' CA t , P.r ' .111iir r to ' viork burowb content4telit we ' ' '_,".:. Gettysttry, opposite the Ilsok. the desired 'effect will be obtained. substance as to_ moderate our desires. , I tiaLa''' Ex press •-•"all'allY• .Yxl.ON 7/4 Si f i . ittlx,o% I 4 . j . i er A ,, ............__. • - Nr - te (t . t.! • iii .• Notice. Aotiev. Pay Up ! rlsr.trb Vetir2. TITZY PIAt. They gar—oh, well! nuppose they dol .But tort they prove tli,• story' true? rsuipiehei Islay itrire troni nutigilt but mullet, envy, , Want or thntnntl ;- Why count y ure , elf among the "they" Who widener What they dare not .uty? They kay—btit who Mel:Ile-rehearse, And heir tnninke the matter wore? No Kona thing are treaally write Front Genius u hat may be untrue; .lad Is It not, a nobler plan To speak of rill the best you can? The} • Par . -Wen, If It K hnnld be So, Why need you Gal the tide or Iv"; Will it the bit iers - rung 'redrew, (Jr make wit; 'ging of mann% less' \Will it the erring one re -tore, Tieneeftkrth to "go and ,in no more"" They panne and took within! how thy heart. Inclines to sin ! Wutch, lea in dark temptation's lionr Thou, too, altouldht beneath Pia power? lily the frall—w'ep o'er their fall, lint Spook of good, or not at all! -71.trbirslis; For the ctetty:Morg Complier MANURING LAND. Thinning very well how difficult it is to establish new theories in opposition to long accepted prnellee, I reersomewhat reluctant to present to the reader of your valuable agricultural column anything as antagonistic to the long continued usage of hauling out manure during the heat of summer. In doing so, however, I will endeavor to make plain to them some truths that will, I hope, con vihee them that it •is a great mistake, and should, as lunch as possible, be aban doned. It k a well fixed fact that during the winter inoat.ll % ;e till our barnyardS with manure, and rum the commeneenient of spring anti ve 'haul out, the heap IS more likely to vrow less than ;:eater. Now, why is this? Because the sum mer heat absorbs the liquid portions and leaves behind' only the dried residuum. Understand, In this connection, that vegetable *gro*th differs from Animal growth in this, that while the animal is nOhrislied by being fed upon anhnal and vegetable food in substance, vegetables are only nourkhed by gases senerate:d and se t fre e by licat through a process of deeompsition of animal and vegetable substance. This must he thoroughly understood and appreciated in considering, this ,tilt j,i(-4,___.lhat ro h olabtrs, unlike a»iintds, do 001 rowoare food in RA:donee, but absorb gaßrn or Vrptid food for their support. Now to get thes , o gases buried beneath the soil, •where they will be preserved, by coming In contact with lime', sulphate of Iron, or any other substance Iwhrieli they have an of for, and that will confine or hold them in solution until vegetation appropriates them by absorp tion for Its support, is our wholekaim In manuring. This is not done' by leaving our manure heaps lie exposed to a burn ing sun for several months, and then hauled out into the field, awd re-exposed in small heaps to the shit, until mo,t of the fertilizing properties of the manure , have been set free lirl heat, into a common reseryoir among the Leavens, wily to return again in the rains and snows and atmosphere that affect all farms In corn moll. By allowing the manure heap to re main exposed'to the sun during summer, and spread over th 9 field in August, to be ploughed' down for fall grain, at least threr-fourtlat of the fertilisiug properties of the manureare lost to the owner. We all know from experience, that one load of manureinwled fresh from the stable is worth two [rem the heap. How is this to be corrected ? you Will ask. I recommend that during the latter part of winter the manure be hauled out upon sleds or wagons, into the fields in tended nip spring or summer crops, and ploughed under, when the sun has but little effect upon, it. The oats etop, for instance, would not absorb over twenty five per cent. of its strength, leaving yet remaining seventy-five per cent. for.the fall grain, which would be three times as much as any farmer ploughs under in August, besides having received the ben efit of a good oats crop, and having re maining to him the opportunity of haul ing hot lime In August, when the roads are good and he can spread it in the flour, in which condition it is worth fifty per cent, more than being spread In a mortar state. Again, fertilizing gases being lighter than air, always ascend, and by ploitghing them under ,in the spring and then spreading your Hine in August, you, bring them more readily into juxtaposition in the fall, when you plough, an 4 it is only by so doing that either of them act successfully. HOM PAOms.—llecollect that If a home weekly paper is to be supported, home influence roust do it. Evo.ry dol lar sent p) an eastern paper is at the ex pense of the local Jourina. A county ite quirt% prominence through its, papers wore than in any other way, and to eve ry one who has the interest in hiseounty at heart, hi innate paper Is u necessity. Never will a ich a man take a paper from home until tools able totake a seeoud pa per. his first paper will be his home sheet; :Indite will so identify his own in terest with that oflils county paper, as to consider his subscription as ;much a matter of yearly duty as payment of his taxes. fiit3 JAR (:).1; Putitasutrio- Smoot. RFAICIPTS AND EXYPI.VHITUILM. —The Harrisburg Tele graph says: There appears to be a gener al liegligenee on the part of school direc tors to publish the•aeoounta of the re ceipts and emwuditures of their respec tive Jistriets, as recitified by the Act of Amenibly. The State Superintendent of Common Schools Ftates that this sec tion of law Is as binding as is the section requiring them te• keep open schools, ttnda neglect to perform this duty accor ding to the . law, will subject directors to removal by the•ceurts, the same as the neglect of tiny other duty required by law. Gkiop HEA.uni.—The bleNsing of good health may be etkjoyed by nearly every body if they v ill only observe faithfully the following concise rules: First, keep warm. Second, eat regularly and slowly. Third, maintain regular daily bodily habits. Fourth, ,take early and very light suppers, Fifth, keep a clean skin. Sixth, get plenty of sleep at night. Sev enth, keep cheerful and respectable com pany. Eighth, keepout of debt. Ninth, don't set your mind on things you don't need. Tenth, pay the printer. NOTES TARRN 'MULE A POOR MAN'S WIFE Tr?! o'elbel:. —The wife digging pota toes ; two children crying, and two oth ers fighting. Husband not about. .11 - itlf-paxt feu.—Wile returns from po tato-patch; finds a pig in the kitchen, and six young ones in a general tight. :Makes a fire, and goes after water. chwttcr ttrrcit.--Wi le returns; finds all the children cring, and the dog in the lite:V.-barrel. lire out. • J! rpit. —.Renews the tire; puts on the potatoes; whipa five children; then goes Mi• mole water. Quartet-past ( leren.—Rot urns, and sets the table; puts the bread on it, whips the other .young One who had escaped before by hiding in the closet. _My-past clever.—\\ ife goes for more water.; returns, and finds the pig has upset the potatoes from the stove, the iloq has eaten the bread, and the children are Cly ing 'and fighting alternately. Whip; pits first, dog next, then the chil dren; then commences getting dinner MEM Twctec.-1-lusband returns, and finds no dinner, swears n few, nud whips a yoang on". Wire gets inad, and makes fur a hrownstiek. Grand TaMcatc—W ife beating hus band NI ith.a broomstick; three children holding on to their father's coat, and three to their mother's dress; hog ruii• ning in the distance ‘‘illt a potato, and ‘lOB. ui p.w4U I t.--L 1;11/4 Brae.] Vir Tit a neigLliorinu town the Nils of the acquired the habit of smoking, and re , orted to the 11106 i ingenionsinctli od- fo voocval the vice from their itu,-ter. In this they were successful until one nior,iing, when the master caught, Ihtqu at it, and :stood before thew in awful dig nity. row new?" shouted the maker. to the tir , t, lad, " how dare you be bulol4ng tobae. 0 ?" "Sir," said the boy, "I am subject to headache, and a pipe takes cattle pain." "And you'[ and you? and you '."' in quired the pedagogue, questioning every Loy in turn: One had a "raging tooth ache," another a "colic," the third a "rough ;" in brief, they all had some thing. "Now sirrah," bellowed the master to the lust boy, "what disorder do you smoke for?" Alas! all the ex riseswere eKhauq ed ; but the interrogated urehin, putting his pipe down, after a farewell whiff, and Looking into the muster's lace, said, in a whining, hypocritical tone: "Sir, 1 smokes for corns!" trirA Frenchman in London has twenty dogs, each of a different biced, which he styles his".grand armee," and which he puts through a manual of Mil itary regulationq, lie will cry "Order," And the (1C1 , 414 will form in line; "Right foot forward," and each dog will ailvanee his right foot; "Left foot forward," and each dog will raise his corresponding Member; "March," and the' doe -4 will tep Mt'," in a lively manner. ifc will sh ot "Picket," And caeh dog_ will take a s partite .position on the watch. lie wi issue the command to "Telegraph," and each animal will bark, and the bark be 'confirmed by 1114 fellosst—with many other prformancea of a aiinilar charm- lr-e'The longest train of cars that O'er passed over any railroad is said by the Ea s aston c Pa.} Argun to have recently passed over the Lehigh Valley Railroad. , It consisted Of 275 loaded ears, averaging six tons weight crick. making 1,n40 tuns in all.. This train extended 3,4, - .41 feet -over two-thirds of a wile. ta'lt seems that the colored people of Washington have an expressive phrase descriptive of white folks. Two colored women were over heard expressing sur prise at the contivet of a third person mentioned by (Me, the other thereupon inquiring: "Was she colored or plain ?" "Paiin !" 10The old story of the lazy school boy, who spelled Andrew Jackson, &ru Jaxn, has been overshadowed by a gen ius out West,. who wished to mark a half dozen new shirts—he marked the first John Jones, and All resit,ditto. L.l B IlfirTlie barn, on the film, of. Witi. Steel, in ilatitimtion,coJiity, was lately destroyed by Ore.' The fire was (non ' mardenied:to the hniidlnß hy• chil dren who were engaged ha burning a waspuest. 4& - The. Philadelphia North' A f piericein excioes Penator Wade'S division of pm perty selitime by saving that he doesn't know what be is talking shout. Which Is worse for Waila--tite aceusatiub.or apology ? ETA man in Witheville,. Va., gave hls consent to the marriage of his ilaugh ter to a Radical for the consldaratiop that he, the Radical, would save his property from confiscation. 49TH FEAR.-NO. 4!. k 2 ll A SVEN E.. I= IM fol LAI 11 14 ''ll l l veh rtr" X . ( PM? essor J. Mlttiseili elf ,Hutt ii4. l. l4 . ~ Isna Prof. .1. Mitchell , . the elf* "South Mountain Wizard," Wit e 1%1,4'111114 last rriday;lniti a trifitethrill ing adventirre 'With. 11'-inlet bol l lßlack- Settkes, known as Racers, from wiggle he narrow ly 'camped wi Mk all 18 l ife. Ac is his habit the Pereftsemr had taken him favorite carbine MIA UMW I nta tile Moan- Lain after squirrel*. , 'kite hest par j., k , itle, ei forenoon had been vent beating {lir li the brush and over the rocks, l ifithe E meeting midi any adventare, nod , -hett ordinary tic OM In proemial; mute, ate. Suddenly however he undue ta(ttijodgit of rocks, about a mile front the Estintl; Mountain mum , . stlphi g ' a tit hi to take a survey of t s: surrontnifitgit, he saw a large 'Black Snake Ann:eked out on te rock sunning intuit:M. ..1.4 $ Mice tOtlk 111) & couple stones mid threw cue at his suakeship, but, nr.forftmatlft; missed htm. This :roused the oreake and in tut instant he uneolletb , ltinuselei and stood with bus head erect, gilt in d/guant, at this intrusion—and ut the same time gave a lout, shrill hiss, or; rather, whistle. The Proftlwor &IWO/4 ed , I/ ig sewn(' stone with such prectialon ski to mortally wound his encluy..,. - Ne sooner, however, had. lie thrown the stone, than he heard a tearful youtlink among the brush to the left, and another whistle, loader and /shriller than the fYrat. Turning-his iye in the tiltudlou from witeitee came the noise, 'he saw a monstrous black snake (a racer) emitifig directly tow ald hi 111, wh it 111.81kald t .litettm pd a i nifi t five teet from the ground; said his forked tongue darting trout his dim tended jaws , us if bent on tight. 'rho Professor, k, mII o is an aek 11 .00 - ge t ,' crockshot, dmmediately ratted his teibirle, aft!! tired, nod haul the satisfaction of ticeing. the' monster snake roll over .41 flies of death L-11:IVi ng split his licad open with the ball. This pro% et) liut the com mencement of the battle—for; herbre the Professor had time to congratulate him self upon his succes , in vanquishi ng WO of his foes, a third one, II Ittazl.l ri lig about eleven feet in length, and thick in pro portion, h o d approached within a few feet of him—his head erect —hissing, and darling his tongue out in u manner to• appall the stoutest heart. To retreat, - was out of the question ; a tight was the only alternative, an.l quick as thought lie levelled his carbine at snake's head—but, unfortunately, missed it, at the same time dropping it, (his e arbi lle i nom' the ground. With the rapidity of lightmlig the black snake. attacked the Professor, and taminicuctd winding his slimy coils areilial ilk, leas and body-- higher and tighter at every coil of his loathsome (Orin, until the Profvs..yV was unable to move a: root. Ills effort.; to extrieate himself from the' 'Yells of ileath,"—all they. seemed to, hint,--wars unveiling, for wit Ii every ;Mint the folds t . ghtened, and the work of respira tion bee:1111e din ult. Death and the snake stared him in the face: and made the cold chills of horror and peony credo over his body. it was a fearful moment --a moment or the most Intense horror anti agony, that made the` esh creep,. the blood chill, and the hair literally to ",itaiel ou,iwil like quills upon it fretful porcupine." Nothhig but his . great preset of mind isavid him from strtingu lation aid a loathamitedenth! Recollect ing that his hunting knife hung by his• E we, he seized it, end With his nerves braced by despait , (hew it across the body of the snake, tevering it ill two "ut ono stroke. The cods relaxed—the snake dropped dead at hik feet, and the proles : cur was free again. By this time he , heard a great rustling in the bushes, and I the dry barkchicking in cAery direction. accompanied by loud, stud hisses' and whistling, as if the whole surrounding woods Was 11114 with snakes. . , Deeming diserptitailf.tlie better part of valor, he ClA:ally gralanTil'ear, his carbine, girt lied his hunting knife, and Watt a precipitate retreat. The Professor was pursued for ramie distunce, but being in a hurry ht had no time to look back and count the numbers. He sap: fltaut *ditt they come one at time he would not have retreated; but to attack hlm , by compan ies, brigutleb and divieioub, wait enough to frighten any man. -We have endeavored-to give the &eta as narrated by the ?rata:awe bineself. Mr. Mitchell is well known in this com munity, and we have uo reakom the facts have been exaggerated. We have since been informed that this species of snake is very plenty in the mow:taws, and have frequently, been known to .tattaek persons Who adirude4 in their dew:. DEC NAIVE AIL ISM* We often ice stivell dressed swell come to se-d. Ilk clothes doses& that some hatter, tailor and merchant loos contra, buted liberally to furnish him an outfit. But hie clotheS are rusty now,- anti. it he whole individual is anumg site "has bennt." It k just tit with the Repaid.- can patty. It-got:into power by promises whin!' proved false. The people refine to trust them again. They have goal rulled with their leader and Inscructoi, end tlibionee plump mid well fed bawl of political robbers are !teeing to the caves ,- and mountains fur security. Their once .sleek ,WUrdrQbe WS become tattered mid torn, 'and rounded fornis have Ileeome emaciated. They are nw unfortunate th make fun of of to kick. Let them pass out in silence. Vied*" grace is sufficient punishment. And ss they pass we are retnindEd of lie Soto's army of Spaniards' 214 •ft left Florida, abandoning' the minsluest of the country. They entered the etetutor with hundrede of eapirisoned, mettle.' steeds; their riders plumed and . nethed like Ole blooded warriors, A few years later remnant of the men were eat hark, ed on board a flat-hunt HO ding thwea the river to the °even. dressed-in.:rags meets of el: ins of wild beasts. ,And its they' floated down they wert.' with derisive laughter I. the Indlasik, and an oveasiopal afrpw from his bow. They entered as arisUcritts and passe/ out as beggars, mendicants, without for tune or honor. this decaylajc Republican party. Their loyal and an gelic robes are soiled nod xagtoal, and a sorry set of devils jliey are, at b t s, showing the Lase counterfeit they were. Their lender is not dead, but he but betrayed- them. 0, Massa itrerly, why dm you? How oould ynti ? But be did. ''l'ie done. JAI his followers pukp mit • 11 -1 laugh—don't shout 'fisew indig nation and sheriff' , is all they can bent PUPA nit, remnant of a once- fat -*old boastful party. We will not latteac. The country is, in it had plight. -kit old I),inocratie party pulert is fliC hest it can. The p:eple lia'Ve hart erintigh of Reim hi kiln Sam, 'aitd Dennwesey itsettat come to the reseue. 3>on'tiatig!kat., the remnant ofehoddy, but try and rawer ate front the little that le They have torn dotfn ;We least build Warren Ledger; NirA: female to Kati. , :to, who, after years of long and p. tient virginitz eeetled in trapping a bustmulsr.. Was naMed'her first torn .13et.latolitlautiter Stevens. Just. thiul; of any one swig through the world with buck u stAlus,of names as alto. „It would be.mYty ustb ral for to Miirry allegro gist himself and family kr - attaining spoons.