. • . BOUNTY ACC9UNT. 1 , _. . ... ' The First Natioilad Bak A ty,, . A GOO D YARAI . . .AT PIIIVATE' PALK - I OF •OICTTYPOLIRG ~,,,s - coul igN i 2 t • 14 ,,4 1 .1: 44 ,,, L14 ' 6 , 16 4 3 ,4 ) ; * 4 1 114 .ku i r . 44 .. , :l -k pint' subserlhcr„ desiring to purchase a larger ALLOWS INTERBST ON DEposirs DR. I ram. olicrsati'llsciloSiita. __, . To amount eolleatairby , stibamipition, 1 2 . 10 ' , 00 • 'l' II EFAIt Di , ' AS 'USCATe. Tux eolllceted In Isdi And littt,i. ! 3,1 a. of Buys and Sells ail kinds of , , on which he rsi.h,s. situate In sirnban tows. Money retstuus,aufstaltes, dm., ! i 'l lv - *— ship, .slams coutltv, witlito a in Ile .". 1 a h ut' u t . G 0 V V. UN MEN T - SECURITIES, ---- If unterstfm n, 00 We lurk liprlngs r..rad--sald Farts containing 1 GOLD AND SILI'ER. also ACilkli, NEAT 3415:Al•il'ItE. : Converts 7-8 U Notes into 5-tN U. S. Bonds. and having Hereon n r00...c one and a 1 tir4 t Urtiers solicited sad promptly utte44l- ' half story WO DWEI.I.ISti, Ili 'USE, is, .n I a .ate and n hail story Log Tenant House, It 0 ed to. GEO. ARNO LIY, Cashier. a now Dusi,ic I. ,,, ,eisarn,,e; roa long, Wie ; April 15, 18C7.* sou silted and Corn Crib, curri.,,i.c. Honig°, that _ s House. and all otht.r 0111-I , llll4liiigs, atilt two toplewild young A ppto 4 kr,liortlu, and a general t ariety of fruit, grapcs,..te. 'Thera Is an excellent well of never-A.1111.m wator between the !louse and Isom. The hand Is under good entlArnth...., and -highly nroductke. 'I he reining Is good, literidly etosidta•rt malls. 'lliere are due proportion. of !Inc timber soil meadow. The Forth wilollim saltine! and Anthony Deardorff Ilcurc notlation• WA Other*: In eollVellietit U. ehuridies, school houses, 4, ton-so and trliN'llmole ..h tie.. and, On MI 6 whole, a Very deMrsit.lif priasrrly. All wisl.inglo view it are requested to cull Qt. tie subserloer, residing thereon. .• a. C By Atom ot.pitut to OVA volunt , Amouutgald i.tot r , for mil 11...haugOnty. " W. LI. lYelkett, co EXpenses, /outwit/ tO bask and to other To amountot Duplicate ur Oda% P4.la, Doevived from D. Daugherty, L alnonnlillld John T. Cl linowt. - " Christian Yrry, Adam Frry, , fflnion " ' "" J. Clitittlitgilani , " (1. C. flarir,ll; " Isaac H,reitvi " • " " Joim AdamFrt•Y. - • i • . Javol) IlerrWr, • efalittOreland Tresutirer's pun. Ilah.nce Inbutldsoll'itusurtr, VP till. un,lerAlote.l.;.Audlt , (qatisi, do eert Ify Ilea the Oill.uteidteett I.ll6.aiitY 'Ace A lll O4 am Jos raiteliet. I ts. d liF.xltY 11. dEOILU wi gal e Mir 31 THE IIE,S WASH/N6 • MA TllS,pnderzi;ned off,rs for Fllll' lITH of Itlanis mut J'A.TENT. which Is the ens: said mart Waiwsta that basi, the while. The Rights will be las terms. This is s fine n g..tto tom to t . t.ake`4l4l4sD ' turimg or selling Musa reach's° will be foredslieo ;Hwes a ILlght, If ,ilualded, at -lore of Duphorn inoTatato AA here the Naueltisos,tajr be , FRANK (lettystnrrit, 311 . /IC I>Z7. if TEN-WARE AND T II II LA ROKST A ASORTAI EN IN TILE WITNTII S. G. COI lbu - nwr AndreW I'vliel"ec .T.IJE: E r cant; r.N4 STOV h.111441$ arul LAI) IX)MINION. -- (bIIIIOMISX. ibt:NNKyLv.tmiA. Nonr,r; cooK Le()Null Also, ninny other art 4ir will bk , sold n► low tern place in the Lk, U June2l, 1 7. , Lf NEW SADDLV /AN Ulu uul. ISalliiiinticAtyi —i'oduL•uitly uu Luud.Lir hind), Or , • I RIDI RA DIMAS. W ACON S.U)DLES, •CAIIRIA4E lIARN _DRAUGHT HA Eth A ING 111 n 1 1) its low us the kowetet., June Si, 154f7,, tr Adatinisfritrix's TT m k1111:1'.).S Ml'Eft-)%4 1..11 loisolntentlotiyin v pay cm, nit, ennolf, late of 1 lam ) -haus county. I».vflig I. ti Kra. rthi4lllnf of the safl'e to 10% VP MA ill, 111 II 11 p , rSOIIS lilt, to make Ito flied iitt.) payliwitt, 1.1»11))). »witio4. I he • Ihl pr. I,y xtullielltkitlett fur sat') 1)» HEW Julie 'A, 1367. 6t• Executor's Nc TAixm mAne.ws EsTAY tJ mmitary on the •stute of Jule of Ty rune t', irrettifrd Lotio.111141(Otill01011. ter; :Ntrabarl t wp„'he liervi.v porsoo...itil•lfted, to t: id tottal tliate pay en lit. and M 0.., lot% then:to..to prc5......51 . 11!e1tl prop. , for settl..nolti, Jima! 24. Cit * County Tres - FELLOW -CITIZENS %andidote tur the o ; FELLOW-CITIZENS and respect .-...e.upport. Should I fins UOttli pledge ruystlf to put a (end n good one too) en tit the'llorough of Gettysburg. Respectfully yours, Clock May 27, 1867. County Tres .urer. TTROgt) uu t ueruus fr coda, I offer my -3 self - as a caudi.ta for LIUUNTY 3 NSA SURER , at the next,elertion, subjert to the tlecision of the Democratic County Con. veutiOn. Should Ibe nominated and le vie d, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the °theft faithfully cad to the beet.of 'my ability. WM. J. 11A11TIN.' M y. 27; 1847. a ; County Tremotrer. AT the sol citation of ntany ti lends, I of fer eyed( re a candid ate for CUUSTY T ft.?, tziffitfitt at ttke next etection,snitiect the decision of the Da nJerstic Cunt Cog. vention. If ownruated had elected. I will' dia. c Falange the d twits tif the. uffi ce faithfully. JACOB 1111.1S1tEILIIOFF. lay, 21, 1.867. County Treasurer: AT—the solicitation of tunny friends, I o ff er wee:" a Candidate for COUNTY TUE-1 , 1- '% se the next election, subject•to the de cision of the Democratic County Convention. IShould I be nominated and - elected. I will perform the duties of the Odin falduily. MAO:It? D. AUlloll. . _ Joon 1T,18117. A, CERTAIN CUBE for heed thne,S is to I make your purchases where yotoket the meet moods for the least:money. Cone tilt - PICKING. "VX-VELS . IOIt Is oar motio;; to oleasp all . n Ws 'ono; end' to render:satisfaction; in every instance, our determination, . C. J. TYSON, Oett,yeburg, Pa. ITXSIIALL..I4 Gimes, io., at, NORRIS'. ONltat firwrate PICTURES are allowed to be tAken from the githeisior Gallery.. fipples @holm before the -outer is filed. . C. J. TY:AIN, 11111114 FITS 14 ' PITS II l--,To get Cloth log to look well and wake you look Well, ficiltie " . PIt:KING'S. Ftdeer Prints, Meal . , Gingbames Mud s;lte., go to WAY a woop3'. ifERLATIII;Egt, a; the gstaisioe fit"flTe afe lORPOrb 44341 igrniitle4 Ot ORO third nay rites. Gall and examine apepi m°gt4-Oi J. yy.sol. k 1314,4010 R vality of the beet Laotian A p t poojialklo, ithout i i inv. for sale by n: w k f3lOl. , CIO 01%.C. Movie for ydar Clothing. • - ki MEI erti, $4 t itute, ,BL 50 500 to 4575 aq ;Jo 00 94 no 14$ 1 132:21 ,~ '34.1 ::... UV DM Ja.lll (,):: 1,4 uo 7 II) 1.:2 V 1 7 'A JACOB C. MILLAjt. . 477 iiU June 17, 184.7. Jr.n. - ;As .5e i o 56 la MO TO THE BUILDINti OOVIUNITY , la WI Will AND ALL i)TIIETIS . las 46 - aLage, WHO WISE TO IMPROJ'E ',tad met. I e l rs of A tea 1 UM. !IA Of 'Oil I NERO 11VNIS, Audi. 41111IC uudemlorned rm4p.ciftilly Informs the lAA>. I Ile Litut h4:l II 1.1/I continuo' the • CARPENTERING BUSINESS, at hls old stood. on W,in Inrcot, rt.ttysburk, nnd I ix ready at nil times to :teem!' onsl.de tlPsoe want-1 jou anything done hi Ills line. Ile In prepared to !luta inh nil kinds of work fur bath' lug purposes, of the bash uiutvria I, and lie nt ally and elieuply As It cull he done nt any other estaldeilimeht In ILlie county. Espertenetsl hands lways In 'mull ,- newt sod work executed unit proznptnews and dtp r h t tvl. ankfu punt favors, he hopes, by at tention to 1 , to rewire lieral sham of ixtbite patron • WM. CIiItITZ.NIAN. June 17, INTL If HIE ZO E2ME =I kir HE Li MEM 12E2E1 t been on. Ld 14 1301,1 013 r nur for = GI:14 nun utile- CARPENTER AiD CONTRACTOR, ITEM enttetantly:ca haws /lad LuanuCictares to tad vr, Just. A &sus Ws porvioll trim pur- , 'L Cu a tho . ear. erqunre, 1)001114. siicrrratit. BLIND% Ltsfl . 1/0011. tutd tried. DCP4IOItN Anil any other Article In the Bulhllng Una or TIN.W.tRE flea:anted material constantly on hnnd, exx- ric•ncod workmen nrwaym In rendlnces,inul work K. S , aso smut• o[- executed with dispatch 44-Orderig promptly attended to. IN ,STAILIi Ere 1.146 June 17,1867, Lt T HE iNDIAN DOCTOR., _ - ion as the LUNG, TDIIO.AT, HEART end ItLOOD PiIYSICIAN, will pay another, visit to Gettysburg, route at the Eagle hotel, MONDAY, the lath day of June,, and will remain until the Ist of July. wherqse eau be consulted free of charge with' the greatest confidence, nod full assurance of cure eauilie given in tunny cases after a - thorough eximi aalioe,All. his former ini.rons and where whoellWre his st;rs ices 0011 pease tall yn time, as the Doctor carincitirolon,g his stay, T. I V 4;y WRAY. ,C 4. DEM 111(.11E41 uge, wfileif auk• &Ala r K. O. COOK SHOP. ICs use such helms us hat e no sirifo • With nature pr the laws 01 life, blood Our w+'ne++•r stain, • Nor poison men to ruse then' vain ; I:ut our Futhei, whom 011 guu.:nrsa Provides the,nienns to cure uur , l;itlystittrg, Pa. atle lu urtlia, utt Tito simple herlk.lieneAtit uur feet, lVt•il used, tvtierrs oar paw curuplale, ;044. 1- - • June 17, 1 era. 2w Dr. R. Horner.. DRUGS, STATIuNEIZY 11;g) NOTIONS, -GETII'MWJLG, PA. Ws own prqoarations are oil guaranteed to answer ale puquaes intende-d. KOMI MEM MEI LY -... - ETg; se, 131., It. Horner's A ati-CLule rn. narl - Diarrhtea mixture, lur all tliecaere u-I the attnuach and bowels. J. )f. nONVE Olitn for ellappr4 Urn. Notice, Fragrant Myrrh, for p.c.( ming wrid beauti fying the ceth, and for all tlianu.ses ui ate giiwS. 2 .1 . 11.1.-I,etters rsf Ialt• u 1 11.ttnI14,1t !tit' In Vfl hfp , tt It unhlp • shr hereby rtl•tl It, said otttiti, lung those Itsivlltl4 I rut, prupe/b His Tonic and Alt4..ratiVe Piwaerzl, for :lunges :1.11.1 Cattle, are auperCur to uoy iu -the market. I CCA :tfYL:ltta. dal In iittra rlz Pure Liquors for fuedieul use. Prescrip tions carefully fiaell. 'EIII C.—Leltem tektfl, lacun Jlur.•li. sr., whili,lut%log Wrir i.r.oglo Newl9uy .lv.••a .to nil r to make 1111.111 - OIL; agaiol , lllrlp autheiltleoted MYEltti, lixceutor. Medical advice without ehurge Jutte 10, 180. tf IN GETTYtiltt - 110. - Ipriz undersigned has the ple.tsure of in. forming the citizens of Gettysburg and ticini.y, that he,is''nole prepared - to supply them tintu the fatuous ;. :=l3 otter myself a ;ce of CuUNTY Ily solicit your Hied und elected. e 1 Town Cluck Court House in CREAM SODA, drawn from Dow's Soda Fountain, • hich has become 8o popular itt the cities. I )•e wave 1 7 never tasted this debkious drink, ' ou don't know what you have missed . Tty it. Once lasted, - yon will became a regular ,atron. 1 have also opened my • ' ' - ICE CREAM SALOON, r no Clock? I. 'WATTLES with accommodations for - Ladies and Ueulle• men, and am able do supply privuk eamilms, Parties, ke., ou reasonable terms, *lgo, con - stanqy on hand, fresh • Call at the old establisliei stand on Chain bershvg street, opposite the College Choi eh, adjoining tho keystone House. F. H. MINSIGH. , - June 9, 11867. 3m . Ever'Green Cemetery. AT a meeting of the Board of Managers of Ever Urvitti Cemetery Aissociation, held A T 16, 1861, the following rest:du:Awls were adopted: Resolved, That the followink be added to the By-Laws: By-Law No. 35 be so changed ae to reati7its follows, to take Mr, et ou the Ist day 01 August, 1867: The price of Loo, until further ordered, shall be fifteen dull.tra fur a single lot. . • . Resolved, That all transfers of Lots stmll be subj. e,t to the following enuiliiions:—For privilege of transfer, fire dollars shalt behest paid upon sits% "missed lot, and two - dollars and fifty eents upon each lot not enclosed—. provided, that this 0141 out be required in case where the Lot-holder making tfuek,fer purchases an equal number of 100. June 17, 1867.. 3w Tvii. School Directors of "Gettysburg • School District" will meet on MONDAY .v:l 4 irKG, JULY 80i, to elect Teachers for the Public Schools of said district. The County Superintendent a ill examine apptirants in the School, Building, at 10 o'clock l A. M., of that I day.. By otder..ist the Board,l • J. F. MOCEEARY, , Secretary) WE are always glad to see' one triendjat the' Excelsior. It, still, stands iri 'the same old place, ‘,On York street, Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg, Pa. -q J. TYsowr, T ADJES wanting a good article of Perftl. mery, Fancy Soap, or Ilais jirashes, (Au be stiPPlied at ' J. L.ECHICK'S. Jane IT, IBM td j LARGE t LARGER I I LARGEST stuek I Of Ready-14We Clothing in the county PICKING'S Vallses, 4c., at. An KEY WANTED—To bay Cassimere VVW Sacks, Cloth Sadlis, Collar Sacks, i Linea, I Ssights,at - ; td Tresn't "ExtVitjor Gallery for ,you{ k PICTUREY, if yen -want the full worth df your Moue) . Euast a little more. S=ZEI IVX C. STALLSMITH, GETTESBUBO, PA., AND WINDOW FILIIIE .. B, CORNICE. v(x)n s WINDoW BnaCKEVi. NOT LC E. SOMETIIItia NEW Coxt'Eurt - ON's, CAKES; kC Notice. Gettysburg National Bank. GOVERNIIENT_ BONDS OF ALL ISSUES SEVEX-TH11277.E.S AIM Co.lll'o CND INTEREST XOTES, Orders for pn tebage and Alala of STOCKS, ]3ONDFI• Alit) GOLD, pp6T`INTEItSST ittloweil ou SPECIAL DE PUMPS At 3, 4 nod 5 per rein., tteeotSing to leugat of time of deptisit. 4. EMORY BAIR, Cnshier S,April I BGX = Wesieott do George, lICCSICBBORB TO pni.Lip WILSON k CO., LIII . ORT6itB AND DILILEAS IN GUNS, PISTOLS, RIFLES, Cricket and Base dial! Implements, TACICLE,:,SKSTE,'S, CROQerr, A mullein - , &c, No. 409 Chestnut stiett, II ay la, ISO. Gm . New Drag Store - IN NIIW OXFOILD 111 HE nndtraicrnt•d has opened a Drug Store in New Oxford, Ad: mu county, and re speettully calls In utteutiou of the public to btor.k. pC PAIN is, OILS, irarnlrsrms. DYE-STUFFS, WIliDuW GLASS, l'Atent Medicines and a full assortment of DIiUUS; In a word a Complete stock of thioda generally kept in a ffrst-ebtsa Drag Store. All of which havulNeen purchased daring theliast two weeks, and will be.soid low. All the articles formerly tunonfuctured at Die old establishment in East tierlia cut be Lad here. Understanding his business' perfectly. and selecting Ilia goods himself, he is able to w , o - rat.t his Drugs pure and as represented. The pablic are reque,ted to give Lim a trial. D. IL 1111,LEit. New Osford, May C, 1867. Con F. EL Mulling, HOUSE' it . : * VISER, AND MOVER, gETTYSBertG, PA , rrAvivo returned from Chic tgo, will RALSE or. MOVE MELDING'S, any where in Adams courts, on short notice, and at "reasonable rates. He can be found at the Glohe4nn. • • May 27, IPGi. Gw* Notice to Tax-payers. dams County Catunti- sinners take this method of inrortaing the Tax-payers of, ebanty that the State Authorities no longer allow abatetneurfor early payment ofi State Taxes—but add live per cent. to the quota ot each county that does not par by the let 01 August. The Commissioners therefore give nutted that in order 10 meet this demand, T.tx-payees thruunhout this county a ill be! t x pee' ed to par on or before tip- 11,TI1 DAY OF JULY P.CNT—otherwise fire per cent. must be added by the Collectors in all cases. By order tit Commissioners, J. 31. WALTEIt, Clerk. i May 2', 16d7. td • • No!lce. rp, LIZ ABETII KAPP'S EriTATE.—Letters of . -1 . / Aelainietrntion on the estate et Elizabeth ap, Lite of Lati ui nre township, Adams county, deceased, hating been granted to the undersigned, the first named residing is Reading township, and the hist named residing in Latham e tolkn-hip, they hereby give no tice to all per-otts indebted to said estate to make hot - n(4ll,in. p. 9 Meat, and those having. claims against the same to present them pro perly authenticated tur settlement. HENRY KAPP, JUIN K. Administrators. June 10, Itlo7. Ct /FITE subs Tiber, haviug thoroughly repair• ed his Grist and S tw M 11, formyrly "Ale- Ibienny's un Mar,li Creek, is prepAred to du GRINDING and SAWING of evtly kind at t.limt notice. lle 501ie1..3 the otrou.tge of the neighborhood, and will guarantee saiisfm- Lion. Gite him a call. GEORGE GINGELL. Jane 10, 18G7. tf 4D AL TITNItY WEISESSALE'S F.STATFL —Letters testamentary on the estate of Adam Henry Weisensale,,late of Union town-. ship, AdAins . ebunt, de.:eased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same tonnsbip,_he hereby gives notice to all pereoris indebted to said (State to wake payment, and those naeing ulaims against the same to present them properly liutlaenti. tinted for settlement. MICUAEL tT. KITZIIILLER, June 3, 18C.7. GL* Executor 1-)4.,XTF.1. GOIIRLCLIT'S ESTATE: —Let ters or Administration on ate ez.tate of ifinie I M. Gohreeht, I.tte of Union twp., Adams county, deed., haring been granted to the un dersigned, residing—in the same township, she hereby gives nut ice to aft -persons inttelltv I to ! 441 estate to make it payment, and ; those having claims against the same to pre-1 them pi uperly authenticated fur sattlement4 • I I OUIad - G()IRECIIT, I June 3, DiGT. 6t* daltuintatratris... TTORN ItOSENfIEfIGER'S ESTATEL—Let e) tern testamentary; on the estate of John Rosenberger, late of Mount' 'tumult township, Adntus ,county, deceased, having been grank ed to the undersigned, residing iu the Bruit township, theyeheteley give notice to all per son+ indebted to said estate to make imme diate pa) meta, and' those bevies Claims ag , iiint the came to_ present thew properly authenticated fur settlement. July MYERS, • SAMIINL J. 8 FIORE!, Jane 30867. Gt.* Executers ANDREW WOLF'S ESTATS.—Letters of administration on-the estate or Andrew \%ulf. Sr , late of Oxford township, Adams county, isecent4d, haring been granted to Lhe undersigned, residing in Tyrone township, he hereby gives notice to ell persons indebted to said e.tate to Mahe imtnettiate payment, end those having claims against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment. _ H. .1. MYERS, Ata's.. Ilny2l, 1867. • tw TACOR - CRISWELL'S ESTATE.—Letters 0 of administration on the estate of Jacob criswell, 'deceased, !ate of Straban tap., Ad ams co., haring been granted to the under agned, residing in the saute ttrp., sk e hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same tc present them prop erly antbenticated for settlement. MARIA. CitISWELL, , Jane Ise. at Adminfstratrix. CEXAN FAOSS.—Just received another supply of superior Sesors,Strups t Brush. es and Soap, at, atiSf i WOODS' NORMS' THS rush is for the Excelsior , Didier,. Af. are'waited upou in rotailon awl wi,th din,- patch.. le. J. TVAOS: ANYBODY . can 'have soft hands by ;mink Dr. R. Horner's OLl!'".. tough' slid iul4. prouipUy exiccut4l. 1. Loth (mows Notice. Notice. Noflee. Notice. Notice. Notice. IQ o,'o-D S tt At EDUCES_~S~LCEBt C • ELgoArEcA lgoo s f „ ; , AT TRW]: A—V i rr A ilroit/S7 GOOD )1 eStTirS AT TIVRAV:I.; AND A Ratido CROW ALL KIPS OP GOODS AT NUDES DE FYING COMPETITION. Call at once and be; some of the Cheap Goods itsk,iimoidati4 ii3II ES'rOCILS'. April J 4•1587 AN(YEIIER IIEW.STOBV! El GETTtelltrUo'.' TN connection with !boil s4l' nod SHOE busine4s, now &•IV ODS bare opened oat a full and entirely new stock of, DRY GOODS ,AED NOTIONS For tl.e T,ADIES we have all the LATEST STYLE; of DRESS GOODS D 0 M TICS.- FO! _lien and Boys wd have Cloths, Cassie3eq, Jeans, Tweeds, C...tior.ades, Nankeens, Drills, Dellitll3, ke. ROW .h WOODS. March 23, 11 , V7. - - Look to Your Interests. AT the south end of Main street, Faiifield, Adams county, eau be found an a.- dor.atent of NEW GOODS et reduced priekea. LADIES' DILECiS GOODS of all kinds ; Calicoes . at It, cents per yard, Sias . bus 12i cents per yard; GENTLEMEN'S WEA.a. proportionately cheap. ALSO CHEAP GROCERIES, Sugar at 10 cents per pound, and other things in proportion. Determined not to be under- sold, and considering it a pleasure to show Goods, we extend en int Potion to all. Come and see our s tork, we hi Here it will be to your interest to mall before purchasing else wbere. DANNER k SUIELDS. April 22, 1867. 3m New Spring Goods. r L. SCHICK inviteS nututwo of his Li, friends and customers to his large and Well 6, !este , ' stork of DRY OVODS. C , inprised in part of French Merinoes, All Wool ?Wine, All Wool "Waken, All Wool I'l Frain I , ..iney Silk., ' T.uuiaa Cloths, • MAO; and Colored Alpacas Black Cloths at.d C.tssirnem, Fancy Cassino.res, oassinets, Jeans, Flaanels of all kinds, Gloves ,ind Sto,•kings. • Also, n flue lot of Ladies' FURS AND SIIAWI,B, as well as an :ifionilatit cariety.of Nutiuur.,•alt which will lie sold cheap 'for the cash. April 15, 15.7 New and Cheap Clothing AT BRINKERHOFF'S. ST.VCRS OF TI1E11: T BRINKERHOFF, corner cf the Diamond J and York Street, has just retutned Irmo We city aids au Unusually attractive- asaott !neut. of CLUTHIN'G FORSPRING A SINIIERWF.AR, which lie trill sell at such prices as cannot fill to take thou oaf very rapidly. Call and judge for yourselves. To look nt the excel lent material, tasteful cutting, and neat and substantial sewing, and then to pet his low priees—c-dleis cannot hi 1p but tiny, when they see it so much to their interest to do So. lie has Coats, Pants, Yeats, of all styles and materials; Dais, Boots and Shoes; Shirts, of all kinds, llosiyry, Gloves, Hand ken:blefs, Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen mid Paper Collars, Suspenders, Brushes, Combs; Trunks, Vatices, Umbrellas, Pocket i‘nives, Segars, Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Pipes, Stationery, &c.; Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thousand and one other articles, entirely too numerous to ,:etail in a newspaper-advertisement. lie askirthe attention Of the public to his new stock, confident that it will please—rind no one can or will sell cheaper. Don't forget the place---zorner oh York street and the Diauiond, Gettysburg. JACOB BRINKER:HOFF. April ;.9, 1867. tt Call at the New Store, OPPOSITE THI COURT-I/OUSE, ury, Penn'a. NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES! The undersigned have opened a new Dry Goods Store, io Sendlehart's building, direct ly opposite.the Court-house, Baltimore street, Gettysburg, and start with a splendid stock, embracing everything to be found in a first class establishment. Bought fur cash, and at the latest decline, we can otter bargains that mat astonish every one. Come and see for yourselves, and you will find what we here say verified. With good Goods, small pro6te, and fair and square dealing, we shall endeavor to deserve, what we most respect fully ask, a liberal share of pall!: patronage. We offer a flue assortment of (111T118, CASSIS ERRS, Jeans, Cuttonades, Writings, Gloves, Suspenders, Neck Ties, and every. thing else is the Gentlemea's line. - For the jetdies-we hare SILl4`4, ALPACAS, POPLINS, •Bereges,lerwris, - Helsinee, Ging haus, Calicoes, Gloves, Parasols, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Hosiery, White Goods, with what. eyes else may be milled for. Also, %large stock of MUSLIMS, Sheeting:, Tiekings, CAItPIiTING, QC tiii`id-WA HS, Umbrellas, Window Shades, kc., ke. Call at the New Store, opposite the Court house, and exantiue the stock, before pur chasing elsewhere. REBBET 41; ELLIOTT April 15, 1687 Town Property AT PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned offers his property, the WRITE SWAN HOTEL. is South Washington street, at Pri xate Sale. The house is a NEW TWO-STORY BRICK, with Rack-building, and an extra Building adjoining for a liar-room. Also an the premises a good Stable, a never-failing well of water, a cistern, and choice fruit The property is a very deahable our, and should eontruand the attention of itnyers. This is the house that was so terribly shelled during the hauls of Gettysburg, and will altr..ys^be !maid upon as an object of interest on that aecoutt. The tams can be learned by calling on the aubooriher o residing thereon. April 29;1867. . ,_,_' 1" . _ (Aljg4)/SWARS, Notions, Dry Goober" .Aci in past,.ribriety,itl. DUrtitigN A IMF 'a, aunty/rut comer of pp Square, qell - ysbuE'4 SPICING CLOTHING just received at 6-1 R EAPED'S AND NIONVELI.S. • horns' Patents. 'l be Nn. 1 Machine has two Drik i uyt Whet-14, Hinge Joint end 'Folding liar, making it very cons enient to tunes from one place to another; is very simpte in its conhtrnctiost, extremely light draft and durable. cuts 4 test 10 inches in grass nod 5 feet 2 inches in grain; is a Melt. (taker and Side Delivery, and is capable at vatting • yrhole field without hineing• sheaf, aad does the most satisfaetot ry work This Mat hine can also be used as a Rend Machine without injuring its qnalities as a Reaper. The Machine is warranted to cut Grass as - well as any Single Lamer that cuts the sante width. It is a strong two horAe Machine—three or four ran be used, if required; in holly ground. (IRRAT 14Pli,UVE1ENTS hareieen made for the coming renson. The Macittee is oleo perfectly bnlanceii, no weight on the horses' necks to Mowing or Reaping. . Always remember•th the Mowing trial List mitiointr, in Geti , in competition with t; other leadin lines, the ahove named Machine was awarded the First Pre mium, This way it you want the beet Ma cbina: Xu. 2 is n light two-horse Zichine. and it. differently constructed, cutting oc the right baud aide ; and in front of Driving Wheels is a Sett-Raker And Slue DelicLry. The differ ence in the nidti; of cut is tr. inches. The shifever and the raising and low ering, leve r both at the drivers right vide, and with his Tight tout upona prdal ,, iind his left apoii a foot-step, he has the power and control of the whole machine, he van raise or loner the platform from thee to fourteen inches, ran throw' the machine oat of gear, and repulate the rake so as to „nuke the sheaves I Or Emall, and all thia at the same time s'4 without retarding the motion or speed of the mat Keep it before the people that it a lair mow tug trial 7 different leading Uocbities were present at, !Mistier', York county. last Sant toer, and Cie !:ational Machine was awaited the tiret premium. I All Machines warranted to site satisfac tioa ! For lortl4er information apply, to Agityt, d miles south of Gett)r,burg. • March . 4, ifdi. NATIONALSELF-DISCIII.I:CISII!iTF.ELSI.IIINGI TOOTH Nicked Sept;rinLer Ugh, 16G2, find Re-issued 1),, This Raketis nu Independent Steel, Spring Tooth Rake, turd lens tauten acted to he the most perfect !RASE R AIDE t now in it-e. With this lloke the Horse does all the trot k, Milli the Raking and Dit.eharviog, h . ) the dti rer moving a lever few incites, which ihron 3 it in. genr e and as the Lor n e ;neves forward it raises the heti' and discharges its•load, and then shifts out of gear itself, the teeth drop ping down ready to rake ag - 4in. By this u, r•. ration it lb sotaily unolextdood that the Rod.o.r hit hardly inky tvt;rle. lu do at all linpuitrunt!intp.ovenientt, 114VE been made of !ate,-risking it very simple owl throltle in its e , vistiuctioa. Ttiousands of them have beet' sold in the lew lint ye.tts, uud gli.a the best kind of satislottiou. s'.4r Cii cglnu, gis ing a fuller description of these Machines can be bad by applying to the Agent. Apply to Isms :irsiimAs, Agent, 3 wiles solidi o: Cleit) g March 4, 1867. tr. Green Ridge! NEV $lO.ltE J. L. bCilleK4 Has commenced Store-keeping at Green Ridge, in Hamilton township, -yams eonitty, on the Hanlptun turnpike, and the public that he 1,44 jubt returned &ton the city with nu excellent aist.orltuent of DRY GOODS, CIP.OOER:V.3, HARD.wmtE. QUEENS-WARE, CED.I It.W.1111.:, TIN-W.II:E, CANDIES, NOTIoNS, Tobneeas, Ste.; n full and coin. p!cte hue or Goods, to suit the necessities *n4 tastesoff Ills _prices are as low its the very lowtst—Calicoes at 11l cents and ut cents, as instances. lle feels that his goods and prices will be satisfactory to the [midis:, and therefore in• ites a large shire of custom, from de.ir and fir. Don't 'forget the advice—the Green Store is the place to get the full worth of your modes. • April 22, 1867. tf New Goods! CHEAP--'-Cli EA PER—CHEA PEST ! F" you wish to buy . good cud (heap I Goads, CM at JACOB* k near Myers' Hotel; in Chumbersburg street, Gettysburg. They have the very hest selec tion of goods, such as CLOTHS, CASSI NERES, TWEEDS, &c., the market can pro duce, and nre determined to sell theta as cheap as can be sold anywhere in town or country. An; person wishing to have them cut out, ran have it done free of charge. Ttrose desiring Goods made up, tan also :he accommodated. We warrant the best work and the best fits to be had anywhere. No humbug in what we s ly. We have on band the very best end most durable. SEWING M ACIIINES, and are always ready to wait on purchasers. Fail satisfac tion given as to operating machines. Call and examine. We warrant tlitin to be the best in use.' JACOBS & BRO. April 8,18 G 1867. A. P.. VEISTEL, Dealer in Clucks, Watches tend Jrzerlry, uyS removed his Store to York S.reet, u next door to Son'a bi neerry, and ifirvetly oppoilte the Gettysburg Nationut Rank, where be has on Inty.d, and is constant,: ly receiviug, large supplies of CLOCKS, from the best' Manufactories in the United ./ St ite.i ; all styles, Regulator, Office, Eight. day stud TWent i -four Hour Clocks, with and - without Alarm Antichrist:et—till warriinted, 1' Great ResitletiOrs stud will be sold cheap. Prices from $3 50 to, 1 N Y. It di, (.:, ,i 1 S I $9 50. prim: undersigned take great pleasure irk WATCHES, i ..,1_ rayiug th it they have - 1 of American nod Foreign manufactord; Gold 11;IST RECEIVED . and silver; Hunting-case and Open-faced Le- a large stock of NEW GOODS, r tenitable for errs, Detached Levers, Straight Line, White Spring and Summer Wear, whit It they will Movement; - Lepines, Railroad Time-keepers sell nt VERY LOW prices. We ran sell and Timing Watches, all warranted—at prices Bleached Muslins, 1 yard wide, at 18,ceuta, ranging from $l3 00 to $75 00. !which was sold at 30 cents a few weeks ago JEWEL,TLY. We Lave reduced the prices of ALL OTHER A selendid assortment of Rings, chased and G(JODS IN PROPORTION. pi nn, Wedding flingsi .akngd suitatsle for We have GENTLEMEN'S WEAR as follows: Gifts, Silvi-r Rings, and Gutta Perch* Riess, Cloibs, Eassitneres, Vestings,Keutucky Jeans, Ladies' Breastpins and Ear-rings of all sty* Cottouades. Linens, Suspenders, Dalt iluae, and prices, Gent's Pins of all kinds, itlasotre,' Gloves, Collars . , Ste, ke. , . Odd Fellows. Red Men nod Templar's. Cold LADIES' WEAIt —Cloths 'Sod . Cassimeres, Pens and Pencils, Napkin Rings; Silver for circulars s at,d sacks, Airless. Moblitir Thimbles, Spectacles, silver, plated and steel, PT:sids,Delaiues all styles, Gingltmt, Calicods, a large variety o 1 Gold and Silver Vest hod Gloves all kinds, hosiery, *.c., Ice, _ Curb Chains, Gent's Bosom Studs, Sleets, hitydrouble to show Coeds. rldre us a call. Hettous, •Locketer, Oharnse, kat.; &e., sold' ~_,' DVPHORN k• HOFFMAN. eileAeln Titan Ttla CO raer..37. I Gettygborg,..llpril 8, ,fBFT, - beirClocks, Wofrhcs, Je‘o ll r.9 and Ungicill ---- --- _._._.. A t , Instruments of every description REPAlitliiD - 1 Alta& VIEWS of the B tie Field sirfel,,' to order, and setisfactiou - ouraptet , d in ail 1 . 4 or in sets, very lute Also, ST.LftEt_ eagen. , St.tor.lC ylEW,fi of. the' St L .le 'Pistil a.: Art • Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto- /7x.c.claior (alder. Don't Unto nee then?. fore extended to him, he hopes, by fitting good id C. I . 11( SOS. , ' work, at reasonable prices, to merit the con- TO keel , 1 7) 41 . nY YVer aNtliwolisa lit ' 1 anuance 91 the same . . ~ , - - P1041.531 . 8.- ; •,' A. R. FEISTEL. - I / 1 0 to DUPHORN k ROPPNIASI%, 'a LSI Gettyabtrg, April 15, 181..7. tf kir your Dry'Gtieds,s. Saslow', gsweassrare, , kc., oa the uhralwest, Corucr el Diewoetl, iIET year PDOTOGRAPIIB-ist- - stool:win& Pa. ~.. -.-.., ; -- ~ P rs , 175'()x'!!- - 1 LlAirs: lobe . Ittirrtiflu tle s furnishing ObArataintts ' ir , oversare elesiest Week - of A LA v I filltil€B, at, the Exeelsier , k .. j "44,41,41 t '''. '‘ .. "- Ni*ltle. - ' 1 84131 S ' Gallery - o mi. rtsestithenr tiesers •te wit kia.4! WHEA.TON'S [Tell OINTMENT at Hu: fraction of Go r. Now is your time for bar-1 were DrcZ Store. • Alll3. _l_ C. J. TY3uN. . . JACQB STOCK The Nat tonal snut EM.4N'a Itonie Melie! C.C2libLf kii,h,1864 AND NEW GOODS! JOHN NOR,111; C Removal. • 1867. DE VIE PREMIUM 31 - OWER AND DE.IPEII. DULR/E'S RARVESITR. A' DH the Special Dip/omit and AL Grand Me. 141, of Honor as the beet corn- Lined Mower, !land-raking Reaper And Self raking Reaper—,-on eshibttios at the great f ,ir of the St. Louie Agricultural end Mechanical Association, October Gtli, MG. 01110 ANI) WICK:RYE PATENTS. At the gre.tt trial of Reapers and Mowers at Auburn; N. Af:, in Air Into, by the New York I State Agricultnral Society, 1613 %whine we ;wanted the preference over all' others iu C.:1133 No. 5. Thin el i.ss W. the mum hopw tant nny, no it embraced Mowing and and Self-r.,king. Reaper in the saute Machine. This Machine has been awarded Medals and first Premiums by the Penn . sylvr.nia and tow,' State Fairs, and by bundr , tl4 of i!ontity F.tirs in an prig of the country. This \I teltine took the first Premitun at the Adolll4 4 '01110! Agricultural Fair held at lieuderz%ille, Sep temhet, Itoht. Also, • 13.1 Wit RUSSELL'S SCRZW PCIWFift. [loth first-class Machines, t.uviiig mold a nutn• her of these Nitchinee iii the last three years. They have given geocritl satisfaction whtrever We :us k fuiners to c.ill and ex.intine these math:nes before pert:basing tlsea here, as they will be able to m ike it better selec tvin. We could nruiliien quite number of cel tate:ties from soul the best larniers in the euuntv, but deem Ai unnecessary, as ne It arrant these lit it hiiiis to gitC sitti•fartiosi nith a fair trial, or thyttle. Insured lur out season. Extr,ts ntwas kept on Land. We L 17( made al r.,ngements to k ire rep.kiring la' Len needed tit al::y•titue and un tuotkettte MEM With the allo - ve we have for sale 3. number= of valuable Fa:n:in:4 implements. 51.71,KY CUILSI PLOUGH, Can be used (or ploughing and cultivating corn—finishing, one row at n time. Can also be used for loosening up corn ground or put ting in se , ding. Ity cal.:int; the front shovels it unit be use-1 for marking out co-I:ground—. marking two rows at a Liao. A Cornplnuit r albo be atrauVed, planting too rows at a time. CORN CRUSHERS, For crushing corn in the enr or !tidied STEEL CONIPOSITION DELLS, For Sao°le, Chorales, Formg, ke. STEEL PLOUGHS, S PATENT. liAY HA K An nrticla every farmer should have—the Le.d hi ihe to trket, hand or sett'-t keharging.. ItA DI; [1.1,5, (Wilioneiliy's Patent,) Kith Crottrlrs Ulan° attaelinittit ilarrt,bur4 GP AIN FAN Ole.) nold's Pat- CUllSldered the Li_st, mill ever in use iu tlaD Comity. • Any or the anove machines can he Lad ly eatling, on 2r addressing the Fit criber, 2 nude. from Gettysburg, on tt e .flarristwrg ro.td, %here specimen maehines can be t ctn. Wit. WHILE, Agent, Anti! 8, 18(17. ti Georttirg, Pa. PLATED OUT' M al l n i t u L il o ) r u ( I: l lc ° c t d b'n r . he r ; ' , e l ll n e t x PIPKIM, S. Important TO ALL PERSONS! ENDItIt`,KS & W.kittlEN have pm chas . eil the Store formerly occupied by J. A. 'tne:3, latteily by C. 11. Suppe, whp Fk they will ki eti constantly, oil hand a complete MAO; tinelit of GROCERIES, including S 3 raps, Cornice, So _tam Tens, Fla eon: Flour„, reed, Rice, I'ototocs, Salt, Tub IC cop Sc., aith c‘cry uttiiilc to '-c found in I Croceyy. Alito CIiNFI.CTIONS NoTIONS and FANCY AriTICLI:ii. They buue to receive a share of idiltl:c pa tronage, and earl - witty solicit a truidliptance 01 the cu.tuut heridulore given to the cstab- li.sbutent. JOHN ; HIRAM WAIUMN. Gettysburg., Aptil 8, Ibttl. Just the Place TO GET YOtn GROCF.ItIES. PISOCIFIONIk &C.— Tile undersigned havlng bought out 11Y. H. H. Wisulzkey, (formerly Strickliunzer k Wisotikev,) will eontinde the _ 1 GROCERY, PflOVI:sION & NOTION business, at the old stand, In Baltimore street, a few doors south of the Court-bou e, Gettys burg, where it will afford him groat pleasure to respond to the calls of the public. Ili: stock will always be kept fre-11 mid full, 9( that buyers muyitt all times rely upon geftiN. the best ot everything. Ills COFFERS, SVGA SYRUPS, 1011A.SSF.S, TEAS, SPICES Sart, Ftslt, Cheese, S•arch, Snap:, Candles Blacking., Matches, Tubs, Buckets, 'Brooms Bed Cords ; CONFRCTIONri, Fruits, Niits Segars, 'Tobaccos, STATIONERY, Sze., he. can't be bent. Ile aßks everybody, from town and country, to give him a rail. convinced tha firs goods :ted prices will please. ,p Oysters and Fresh Fish in their season. S. M. GILBERT. April 8, 1867. Another Veto 13 Y N U It .13 I S CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS D SIIO AS CIIEAP AS ligi'ultk: T111i; WAIL ALSO, Anything the Grottlemen's Furnishing line, Clio be found at the Cheap Store of T. C. MARIS. April 15, 1867. if Itriatherlioll"ft SEPARATOR rAhN SH ELLER, AIX!) CLEA NEI4. The undersigned wool* Worm Om ' cultural public that he has purebailed the Patentee of this t•xtr3ordionry the Patent MOO. fur the rltaled of Penneylv* nil. and Karyland. Briukerhortl's Corn Sheller, Sepandor sod G 1,311• r, in i.ronuttnee 1 the rent ntiichisie if the kind in this country. An! tin proof, tir may 10t , Ill..lltiolied that Ike "A•lrisury . f.lonfs - ' mi , tre iturtoitoed tn select Imp'einem.' for rw hihltion nt Ike Unit er:ol Exposition in in 1867, have suleete.! th.e us the tit 44 td America," sit the reytest of J. 0. De.. by U. S. Ageot, machine has tlecea shipred to by, for ea tabition. The fact may *lbw) be stated that at 4,106 Treat trial of Agricultural: implemelts, at Althorn, N. Y., in July last, under the auipt , - ce3 of (116 New Yoik State Agrietiltriral So• ciety, the fleinicerbolT Corn'Slieller,Separatwr and Cleaner woe rep3rted by one of th e . most uompetent COIBIIIi I lei s the nest - CoruSbelter out. They hay, • %Ye ha% e careftill) examinee,. iiiiddlturounlity tested this ntat.ltine, and bars no liemtacion to pronattnctint tt the Intel Carta. ~Sher tee reef 341 e. The II port is ligintsl bty such moo ns John Stanton Could, Preeldti N. Y. &lite Agricultural So. icty ; Il I'. John.' eon, Seer( tory tu Fame; Solon Rubinson, Ag r cultural 'Editor N. Y. Tr,but.e ; S. Eduard* Toth]; Agricultural Editor N. Y. Tim. s. From allisOniS Wetly compliant , HMI v perMotices, flit g, trout tht. - New Turk ("'c, err, is %Veined i• lent: -••Aindr-b; all the nand Corn Shetlers Wade- In Now Yoilt. and our Single firm manufactures more Mau 10,000 annu Ily —not one -an enter the ci, tile unit Lim St elle& font invented by J. Itri I. erktl, Althorn, NeAr York. It shells, separated and eleanses, idly and caelly, at one ovi-r tiort. as Mudd th• ear+ean lie put into the hopper."' -. The undersign , ti is now prepart to dispose ofToLTS TV It GM'S. lle will have SIIEL -I,ERS road) tor sale to the course of a mutates time. All kttera to be thidressed to 1V 11. WIRLE, I'. 0. 240, Gt.ttsburg,,,ra. 51arch 11,-1867. I Z• 7 CP S VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE MIRACLE OF THE ACE! Gray-headed People have their lbeks restored by it to the dark, lust ors„ silken tresses of youth, and are happy! Young People, with tiphkfaded or red Tier, , have these unfaskioaahle colors change/ La "" a beautiful auburn, and rejoice I People whose heads are covered with Dandruff and /honors, use it, and, have clean coats and clear and healthy scalps I . .I.lnlcl-l/earled.•* , ref erring have their remaining locks tightened, and the hare spore eovered with a luxuriant growth of Hair; and (lance for joy! Young Gentlemen nil it beeattao II la richly perfumed! Yong Ladies use It beLeuso it keeps their Hair in place! EverSdady mug and will use it, Intesuse. it is the cleanest and best article its the - market ' - e For side by Drtiggista Balneraliy ." Price zit 'Jo per hett.e. 11 0 3" *For sae by A. U. Buehler and R. Hor ner, Geri vsbnrg, and A. F. Ihirkrr, Lath:mown. April 22, 1667. 6tl - -0"- ~ ate - FARMERS, ATTEND TO•YOVR FERI-.›,TSI • 1 xeti, fclurg Foundry. - ?ul),,criber woult 'tiro, nihitteitgorners 1111.1 others. that. lie 10 still, maim fetfirio4 v.frions kind:, of C.etinge,and mode to ordor, on short notice, Skit as TilJtEr3.ll.llIS A X POl% 811 S, (fire difirrer.t sizes of Powero,) Clover-400 Illiffers and Cleaners, Corn Shelters and Sep. 'mak., Corot odder Cotters, Strait pod llety Cutter: ; P 1, 0 C C II 3, sus b ns C met Ploozllo. Lt.f rehear Plough*, Side. hill and Corn ['knolls; the W I itli-SPEISO 11101tST,'"R AV:, • the I.itest I:iiprorentent ; :1150 ,Ocrewit for Cider Pres.,es, . IRON Tt AIL! for Coin iftc:ries or Poroki, with erorf &Unita else in 100 Ike, nil At low priefti. FOR SALft.—A light Two-horno Wagon, One-borne Wagon, and a Spring WK; nn, all new. , DAVID STlittNXlt. April 30, 18110. ti Grocery & Liquor Store. LARGE n6fortment of flue - If UOERILS , kiln, Coffee/1, White SugJrn of all kfmte, and Brown Bu;rnrp, cheap. prime new crop orlrans Reifies of Syrups ; fifl3'`•3' MACKEREL, heat fn market. All kinds or ' LIQUORS, w hales : o e a n d rrtail , prime Wine:. Brandy, Whiskey.• &c., for medicinal pnU uthet' • purpouee, in rimy ton sr ity. IliAler's Herb Bitters, and Oil "Gl cat Ziugari Raters. ' Wlf. J. MARTIN, • Baltimore s t., Gettysburg. " April :, 160. tf • New dkrrangeilients. .• oVEituEEtt, vu th, Mil in Italltmorr aritPliffir has mule as raven:wets t? get feeilli "applies ...very week from theclty and is ileternsioe.l.l.o .ell cheap. He invitee all tueve him * rail His atm k cous'els ul FLOUR, Corn Me.tl , Chopped -Feed, Coln, {kits, Fish, B4COII, Lard, Cheese; ('eseltern„ Tobacco, Segura and Snliff, SI:GAR, CO VCRS, Teas, Syrkp, Mulasors, Candles, Cord Oil, Fish Out Tar, Bent rider Vinegar, coil iirrola ,variety of N ger J:ke Ctib or Trmle aitf.be Om) *Mt (1 0 ssuji (iodate, iucb en Floor. Cues, Butter, Sno, Potatoks, Rags : Jce. , • : April 8, 1867. tf - . New Coodii‘ NOIMIS bolt &lit warned item- file tat with s huge wassilasoat ut Mgr: C*ll auii examine thew. •a Pier.. 4)7i t' Iffil=l2 For Ilona. - Tti&VIRAIVIA, 1111. LS. with and usher Ad,rni county, Cy dvat r ampart- Att,j Joh J /I ft, or 2 , 1 W. eitroititinik '0440•1114 "IL Feb..ll, 111167. k31 4 .4L1 1 :111' .11 in Ilia lido' at 10b kiwis of heady-made Melliving!, Sib (4.4.ttluccd you bate but to call wt PICKING'S. ~