.XIiEIiaTISBURG COMPILER, Democratic dotirnal, puniasiksp SYRRY MONDAY MORNING, li'Y REN4Y J. srAuLs. "Truth is 3fighty, ,and Will Prevail." 1. ER3I OF PUBLICATION.-413 Go per GA tiara, if paid atrietts a' stiVaries-f—ith *a Per an• num - it not patd4n advance. No subscription dis oontinuod, unions at the option of thus publisher, taut all arroargeou are paid, A DV Eit',ME:lab:NM Inserted at usual rates. JOB PRINTING of all kinds done with neat. n NIX and dispatch. ' OF riCK In South rialtimore street, betereln Middldiind 1110, near the Post 0111ce—"tbrupl ler Printing 041ae' • On the sign, Professional Cards. Edwetrd B. 11u.ollor, ATTOIIICKY AT LAW, will faithfully and Promptly attend to all business entrust• et to him. lie speaks the German language. 0111.:e at the same place, in South Baltimore street, near Furney'a drug store, and nearly Opposite Danner k Ziegler's store. lietlysburg, March 110. - Wm. A. Duncan, A TTORNST AT LAW, ji Will promptly attend to all legal business entrusted to hint, including the procuring of Pensions, ISJiint,'r, Back Pay; and all other chilies against the United Suites and State Ourerninents. ()dice in North West Vorner _of Diamontl, Uottysburg, Penn's. April t 5, 1867. If D.McConaughy, A TTCBINNY AT LAW, (office one doorteest of Buehler@ drug and book store, Chain . fereou'rg street,) ATTORNEY •110 SoLICIToR YOU --- VA TWA' •YD PIiNDIONd. Bounty LNII,I Wilt r.nid, Back-pay suspended Claims,, Pond all other claitoragainet the Government at Wash ington, D. C.; alto Amerienu claims in Eng land: Lead Wariants 7 located te:od sold, or . le ~ 1 1,411 t, and highest prices gtven.,! , Agenta en• IK.Ged BI leeltiug warrants in Inia, Illinois _ attis other western States. Jar Apply to him perasinally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. 21,'53. J. C. Seely, TTOTINET AT WC—Particular atten tion paid to ealleciinn of Peoxiom, !aunty, and flalek,Qin.y. Office in the 8. E. corner of the Diamond. 4 :ettreiserig, Atpril 60863. tf Dr. D. B. Peffer, AIIIIOTTSTOOI, Adams county, continues .the practice of his profession in nil its brauvlies, and would respectfully invite all pfrdotis afflicted with any old standing dis ed.ses to call and consult hint Oct. S, 1804. tf 'Dr. T. 0. 10nzer. IIAVIV: loeated pertnoneutly at BOV- A rt;11-TOWN, Mama eottlity,will attend pr4ot.ptly to all orofol+ionsl eAlls ty or night. g)tri•-a .4t John lianas's, where he ran always be twin& miles, pt ofSasionallyengaged. Aog. 6, 1866. Dr. P. C. Wolf, : llAVlNG;ocated t BAST BERMS, Adams county; hooes t at by strict eiten Hon I o bpt praf-aalonal att`ti a be :nay merit a •hare of the kul..lie patronsk . .?, [Apr. 2, '66. t.f Dr.. Cook, 110MEOPAT1,4IC I'IIYSICIAN, Surgeon.isnd A ccouchear, AVlNG'permanently located in Hanover, l'a., resperSfally otrera profespional re vvra to the pahlie. tip, ial attention give(' to diaeasea of women and viiildjezi. , UNrEIULNCES. Prof. Ad. Lippe, M. 11., Phittidelphitt, J. C. MitrgAtt, M. 1) , IL Cook, M. N. Car Cetwarii Matterson, Gettysburg, Po., It.ritt Witla, Ea , / , It R.V. J. A Russ, •ilitnocer, P. • e Office on tho Squisre, five doom west of C.rli•e street, second door groin Ceutru Hotel. Aril 15, 1814. ly Dr. J. W. C. O'Nottl's ()MOE and Dwelling, a few doors from the N. S. corner of Ila , timore and High streets, near the 'Presbyterian Chur - ch, Get tyeliarg, Pa. [April 15 t Dr. W. 3. McClure, 1 1 / 4 yeiriart, ,Surf/con 4 Accoupheur, TIAVING pertuattentl* located in NEW OXFO . P.D, trill practice his pro‘e,sion in all its branches. ilia friends and all others dr.tring his profe,sionnl services are re quested to call dud' consult hits at his office, I.l.onnver strekt. May 20, 1807. ti I. Lownyace Ain. M. D., TIL.4, erne t _ door writ of ehe ... - tiersu church hi tib,ainhershurg street, bad opposite Dr. C. lloree-'s °flies., where 9icse wishing to have say ns : Ital ciper..tion pert wu are respect fully incited to call.. Rsrs,ciispits: Drs. Hor ner, Rec. 0. P. Kratitii, D. U., Rev. if. L. Dal:eller, D. D., Rev. Prof IL Jacobs, D. U., Prof. U. L. Swayer. Gettysburg; April n, .53. Keystone House,' CIIAMBEILSBUIIG- STitE3T, (lETTYS PA. W.V.' E. if YEAS, Pro : • praetor. This is a new House, fittel np in the most apptoved style. Its location is pleasant, ven tral and convenient. Every arrangement has heels made for the .vroatinodation and coin- Kilt of &melts. The Table will always have the hest of the market, and the liar the best of winei and liquors. 'There la commodious Stabling attached, with an accommodatingostler always on hand. This Hotel is now open fur the elltertain meet of the public, ana a share of patronage is solicited. No elfort will be spared to render .satistaction. _ Jan. 14, 1130. tf Globe lin a, TOO[ NT., WEAN TAM DIAMOND, ETT YS B IT 110 , PA.—The undersigned NJ" would most respectfully inform his na merous friends and the public generally, that lie las purthased that long established and well known Hotel, the - "Globe Ion," in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to conduct it in aetnanuer that will not detract from its former high reputation. His table will have the best the market can afford—pis chambers are spacious and comfoqatile—and be has laid in for his bar a full stodk of wines and ligneriis.N.There,is large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten tive hostlers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his house as near a home to: them as possible. lie asks a share of the public's pil,- trotiage,'deternsined aahe is to deserves large part of it. Remember, the "Globe Inn" is in York street, bat near the Diamond, or Public Square. SAMUEL 11 - 0/ 4 F. April 4,,1804. tf Railroad House,. N EAR THE- DEPOT. HANOVER, YORE CO., PA. If settadersigned would respectfully inform, hit easterons friends and the pubic generally,. thelm he has leased the Hotel in Hanover, near tile Depot, formerly kept by gr. Jeremiah Kohler, an ' will wire ao effort to conduct it in a Ina , net that will give general satisfaction. His table wilt have the best the markets can afford;shis ehambers are spacious and com fortable—and let has laid in for his bar a full stock of choice Wines and liquors - . There is stabling for horses attached to the Hotel. It will be hit constant endeuviir to render the tallest satisfaction to his guests,.making his boniest near s, home to thettins possible.— Ile...enks &there of the public pwronage, de termined in he is to deserve a large part of it. LI fiber th e Railroad House, near th e De pottlt tsati s e o r, s P . Pa. A. P. HAULM VIL _ goilk for the eyes, to esti and look thpoiNgis the extensive stock of all kinds thionts,* noisily et• Pasts end nePIONDi e st styles of lt ettpsib 1 kv i' BY H. J. STABLE. Latest Pasadena PEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELEBRA TED PATENT DCPLEX ELLIPTIC ('OR ÜBLE bPRIND) SKIRT. Tull voNosseut. PLIXIMILITY sad MAIL COY.. PORT and rtaasusa to any lady wearog the Do 'tax Kkhterm Sklar frill be experienead partic ularly in allcrowilcd Assemblies,Opernsi,Cerris , gee. Railroad Cars; Church .Pews, Arm Chairs, for Pm/it-and. and Douse Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in hie to occupy a small place as easily Sind conveniently as a Silk or M tient' Drees, an invaluable quality in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed, the rid:sauna, 'Con roe; and great 001(TIIIILNCR of wearing the DCPLILY ELLIPTIC &Tilt. :::•PRING .SLIII,T for • single day, will ne ..er afterwirds w.!iingly dis pense with their use. For Children, Missies and Young Ladles tie are stiperioi to all others. • They will not bead or break like the Single 1 Spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape ;when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with double and twist ed thread, and the bottom rods> are not only double swings, but twice (or double) covered, preventing them from wearing out when drag prig down steps, stairs; ke. The Duplex Elliptic But great favorite with I all ladies and Is' universally recommended\hy the Fashion .14111CrIgiiPS AB the STANDARD SKIRT OF TB F., FASHION ABLE WORLD. . To enjay the following inestimable advents- ges in CrinolinN %is : superior quality, perfect Manufacture, stylish shape, finish, flexibility, , iureitillty, couttort and econorny, enquire for J. W. Bradley's, Duple Elliptic, or' Double Spring Skirt, and be s re you get the genuine article. CAUTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTIOIC the skirts uttered as "DUPLEX" have the it ink stamp, viz: "J. W .Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—pone others are genuine. Also Notice that every-Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus reveal ing the two (or doubl ) springs briided togeth er therein, which is t e secret of their flexibil ity and strength , on a combination tad, to be found in any other 'Aut. FUR SALE in! alt Stores where FIRST 'CLASS skirts arettold thrciughout the sited Slates rtudeliewhere, Manufactured by the Sole Owner! of the Patent, WESTS, BRADLEY &CARY, 07 Chumbero k 79 ,t SI Reude Ste., tit V. May 0, 180. 3m W. l"..1311/14.E. y 41:5.-BENNER. . , , 100.000 Husks. Grain 'Wanted. NEW FIRM Al' TII,E OLD WAREtioUSR. WM. E. RIDDLE A. CO. would intorto the public that they have leAged the Warehonce on the corner of Stratrowstrret and the Rail road, in Gettf4rburg. sherd they will carry on TIIE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all Its branches. The highest pricei will always he paid (or. Wheat, Rye, Corn, trate, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Fla : ;tseed., Sumac, Say and Straw, Dried F . ru it, Nuts, Soap,Harns, Shoulders and:Sides, Potatoes, with every thing else in the country produce Ike, GROCERIES: 7 On hand, fur sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses', 9.trupa, Tea?, Spices, Stilt, 114 ) the,e,,e, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard. Starch, flroorn , Buckets, Blacking, Soaps, ke. Also COAL Otl., Fish 0,1, Tar,' Re. FISII •Gf all ktuds: Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Chet:- ing Toh..ecoQ. They are always ahle,to supply a first rate artHe of flour, with the dttlereut kinds of Feed. Also, Ground !Plitstcr, with Gu.anna and other_trrtilizers. COAL, by the bashel, ton or ear MI. Thcy will roc' a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettybburg to Baltimore once .every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way. in nay quautitl, ut REDUCED HATES. They Will attend, .if devirt d, to the making of purchaees in the city, nod dtlivering the goods promptly in Gettysburz. Their ears ran to the 1% arehouse of Nathan Roop C , ., No. M. North-Howard st., near Franklin; Baltimore, where freight will be received. at any time. They invite the attention of the Iliadic to their line, assuring them that they will spare no akin to uccomtuodate all who racy patronize them. BIDDLE k BENNER April IC, 1866• tf Great Redaction I N PRICES OF DRY GOODS, Groefries, Hard -sore, yuronor-srarr, 4.t. , AT J. C. 7,4 PUt K R SON'S, NEW OXPI /RD, PA. 14 hive just returt.ed from the city, where we bought a very' large and well selected Mork of all kinds of gocds, suitable in our line, under THE LATE DECLINE. Our stock consists in ;$a ft of FRENCH MEAT NOEN, FIi.ENCH VOBOUROS ; Delanes, Cali.' nes, Pkids. Bleached and Enhiesched Mus line a large assortment of Balmoral Skirts, Boon Skirts Gloves, "cc. MEN'S WEAIt, coosiating in part- of Broad and Beaver Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassi mires, Cassinejs, Plain and Farley . Flannels, Under-shirts and. Drawers; BOOTS, SHOES, tinTs and CAPS, Driving and Btekskin Gloves. i3stoplete assortment of GROCERIES, at low rates. If 4RD-WARE,.snch as Tire iron, Spring, Shear, Blister and Cast Steel., Horse Shoes, Morse Shoe Bar, Nail Rods, Hammered Iron, Nails. Spikes, Shovels and Forks, Door Locke, Pad Locks-, Latches, Hinges had Sciews. Paints, Oils. GM 4e. Putty, &e. ,CHINA AND QUEENS-WARS, by the set. Thankful for' past patronage, we hope to merit the same in the future. .1. W. ZHUCK & SON. New Oxford, April 1, 1807. ly Iron—lron—lron! fiTTYt•I3URG FORGE. The dubsciibrra respectfully inform the public that they have erected a Forge in coo• nection with their Steam Mill s and are now maruflicturing FOMGED AND HAMMERED IRON, such as Plough, Horse-shoe and Bar Ircn, and respectful!) invite Itli►cksmiths and Dealers to give them a call, fee tag satisfied that they alit be able to please AS to quality, finish and price. 'IIIIINONAN & WARREN. N. B.—The highegt market price paid for wrought and scrap iron. - B. &W. Dec. 17, 1866. Drainage Pipes. fiI,EIE undersigned has now on band, and tontinites to manufacture, large quanti ties of EARTHEN DRAINAGE PIPES, which he offers et 8 cents per foot ut the manufacto ry. It desired, he , will lay the pipes, either water-tight or hose-jointed, at a reasonable compensation. They have been tried in dif fet`etti parts of the county, with entire suc cess. For the drainage of cellars, ac., noth ing better can be used. Specimens may be seen at Kalbfleisch's store, in Gettysburg. The manufactory is in Oxford township, near 1 4 illy's mill. Post Office address, New Oxford, Adams 'Jaunty, Pa. JOHN BECKMAN. March 11, 1861. 6ru* 11. S. BONDS. trifle Ptrsttitional Bank or Gettysburg I will cash 1 7 28 and 10-40 U. S. Bowls; also 740 and Compound interest . Notes. GBORGE AItNULD, Cashier. _Oct. 8, 1866. V Pine Shingles. ALARGE loe of Pine Shingl- e from $6.50 to $l5 per 1009; for side at the Limber yard of 0. B. BUBBLE.% Oct. 22, 186 g. WHAT'S DOWNl.—llfby Contr., Note and IfY , Tufo at - PICKING'S. frialThial AND SACKS for oak at ROW 8 WOOD,. Vatheads Properties • YOU BALI. JOHN C. EDUCE, LAND AGENT, • New Oxroen , ADAsis ConIITT, PA Has for safe of number of desirable proper ties, to which be asks the attention of thui wishing to parchese. A LARD E FOUNDRY AND MACHINI 8110 P, with DWELLING, situated le e ennui ty seat, nem. Railroad and Depot. Goo. chalice for doing all kinds of work. Also several Towel Lots will be sold with the &boy' property it desired. A FARM OP 160 ACRES, in Adams soon• ty, with good Stone Rouse, good Barn, to near a turnpike and railroad. FORTY ACRES, with good louse, Rare &e., three quarters of a toile from a railroat station. A good chance ; terms easy. A FARM OF 300 ACRES, in Adams county three miles horn ► railroad and good market This farm can be divided into two farms .there being already tiro sets of Improvementi OR the tract. A FARM OF 105 ACRES, on the Carl's! turnpike, under frond cultivation, with a I.irg Rriek House, Bank Darn, and other out-build Jogs, all new. A LARGE FLOOR MILL, with 25 Acres o+ , Land. The mill has four pair of Burrs, and all mach;nery for doing merchant work., Best water power In the county. .1 A FARM OF 175 ACRES, nutr the Hano ver turnpike, on which is erected - a goo House. Barn. and all necessary out-buildings. A FARM OF 195 ACRES, in Adams corm. ty, en which Is erected a good House, Barn and other nut-buildings. 18 ACRES OF WOODLAND, 2 miles from New Oxlurd. A FARM Or 200 ACRES, good hill, with' large Brick House, Barn, and 2 Tenant [louses —4O acres in wood—half a mile from the Conuwago Chapel. • A FARM -of 180 Acres-225 can he pur chased-2f miles from Gettysburg, near Cha m. berAurg pike; large weatherboarded [louse, Bank Barn, ,1tc.40 acres in wood. The Farm has been recently limed. A FARM of 120 Acres, with good House and Barn ; 12 acres in wood. A IIuTEL, in New Oxford, two-story, roomy and convenient for business. Good - chance; terms easy. Also, airpumber of good limes Ad Lot for sole in New Oxford. . Persons who wish to bud Real Estate, as well as those who wish to sell, are requested to give the subscriber a tall at his stole in New Oxford. Address, . JOHN C. ZOUCK, Land• Agent„ New Oxford, Adams county, Pa. April 1, 1867. ly A Lecture lo Young Men. ••" - JUST I'LIILTSBED, in ft Sealed • • Envelope. Pike Six cents. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment mot Radical Cure of Spermatorrlice, or Semi ' nal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Deb;lity, and Inipeclimetrts to Marriage gen erally. Nervousness, Ccnsumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physteal Incnrcily, resulting from Self-Abuse, kc.—By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. L;:, Author of the , Green Book," ec. The world-renowned author, !n this admi raids Lecture, tlearly proves from his own, experience that the awful consequence of Self-Abuse may be effeethally removed with. out medicine, and without dargerosis surgical operations, boogies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mcde of cure at once certain awl effectual, by which every suffcrer,, no matter what his condition m a y be, may, cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically., This Lecture cc ill prove a boon to thousaudal and thonsands. Sent tinder Seal to any addrem!, in a plai, sealed envelope, on the receipt of Fix cents, o two po.tage sten.p. Aleo Dr. Culverwell' "Marriage Guide," price :5 emits. Addres the &Ushers, CHAS. J.° C. KLINE &•CO., 127, Bowery, New York, Post Office Box 4586 May 20, 1n67. 3m 11. F. Debring & Bro., Ficseo and Ornamental Painters, FREDERICK CITY, ED., IIESi'ECTFULLY inform -the public OA it they areprepared to FiIF.SCO CH RAM lIALLSI, PRIVATE, ItErsIDE! , :CEri, in the most Approved styles, modern or an cient. All work warranted to give sdtiafac tion irs to taste, durability and cheapness. April 22, 1b67. - 6m , Lawrence D. Dietz •it • W . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN _____ FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY and - VARIETIES, No. 308 West Baltimore Street, Between Howard at Liberty Streets, .M.iy 7, 1866. '. : ailtimore, Md. - Choice Western Lands. I 114,1r1; on hand - some choice. Western Lands, well located near Railroads, Coun ty Towns, Churrhes, School-houses, ke., which I will ':change at a fais price fur Reat Estate in Adams county. GEO. ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Feb. 25, 1861. tf --- • - ---' it Cooking St ores Tinware, ATAT REDLIcED PRICES. Also, Bridge's Double Fire Chamber , Patent Fire-place e, a new and superior invecwon. Call and see it at S. G. COOK'S. Jan. 28, 1867. Hay Wanted. frtHR undersigned will pay the bigheet mar• ket prices fur HAY. • Inquire at Spaag lees Warebouee, Gettysburg. GEO. C. STRICKHOIISER. For. 26, 1866. tf PaY Up I MRS undersigned having retired from busi ness, he asks those indebted to make phyment with as little delay as possible. Such as do not setilo before the first of Janu ary nexttwill find their accouLts in the hands of an officer for e eollection. JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE. Gettysburg, Nov. 260866. Shingles. PRIME SHINGLES, the best in the market, for sale at JACOB SHEADS'S new Lum• bee Yard, on the Railroad, adjoining the Lime Kilns. Gettysburg. Nov. 26, 1886. tf __ c BONSTANTLY on hand, an assortment of FINE PRAISES, PHOTOGRAPH AL MS, Cards and Baskets for grasses from the Battle Field. PH r OTOGRATHS of our Generals and other distinguished individuals at the Excelsior Gallery. C. J. TYSON. WE have just received a new assortment of Queeneware , to which we invite the attention of buyers. A. SCOTT k SON• IN order to prove the assertions made in favor of procuring Pb WC RAM at the ,liscvlsior Gallery, call and sit for your PICTURE. No charge will be made unless you are pleased with the result and choose to leave your order. C. J. TYSON. FOR Detainee, Mohair. , Alpaccas , Lustres, Lawns, De lieges, Plaids, Poplins, Mil lie., Silks, itc., the teddies should cill and see tbe'new styles at ROW k WOODS'. c I r RAIN AND 'GROCERIES.—The highest market price paid for Grain and all kinds o Produce. Groceries, Fertilizers, &c., con stantly on hand for sale at the Warehouse of Ang. 13. 1866. CULP & EARNSHAW. TRAVELING, HEY I—Before dcing so, pro cure a good Trunk or Carpet Sark, at PICKISts'S. acHE best PHOTOGRAPHS made in thin county, are made at the Excelsior Gallery, tirsburaltiplibeite the Bank rg PL, MONDAY,' .1131fE 24, 1867. licbams eourtig. PUBLIC OFFICERS, Congressiona3,ative, Judicial, Conn- ty, &a, from 1800 to 1867 Ip the winter of 183.541 we made .up and published a list of the persons who had, been appointed of elected to office' " I ry in this county from the time of fog maticm; •in 1800. The wont ft' . much labor and research, even lirrig considerable correspondence eut of the county; but under the belief ths.t., it would prove interesting in that "(Iv and generation," as well as be a matte, for prtservatlon and reference, the task was cheerfully performed. Since the publication of the list how ever, many copies of the COMPILER con taining it have been lost. To supply the want felt and frequently expressed In con sequence of_sueli loss, it is now re-pub lished, with the additions which the in tervening time has necessarily' created. We need hardly advise all our patrons to preserve this issue of the paper, em bracing, as it does, in a until' , compass,' an amount of local history which would fill a volume gotten up In general book style. The list, as annexed, is .believed to be correct. There are certainly fow points, if any, open to question in \ it CONGREIMIL AMUlet—York and Adams.) 1800—John Stewart. 1802—john Stewart. 1804—James Kelly. 1806—James Kelly. 1608—James Kelly. 1810—William Crawford. [District—Adams, Franklin and Cumberland.] 1812—Robert Whitehill, Wm. Crawford. 1814—Wm. Mc(lay, Win. Crawford. - 1816—Wm. MeClay, Andrew - Roden. 1818,—David Fullerton Andrew Baden. [inst.—Adams. Frank Cumberland and Peru.) 1820—James Mc?herry, James Duncan, Thomas U.. McCullough. 1821—John Findlay. 1822—Joitu Findlay, James 'Wilson. 1824—John Findlay, James Wilson. 1826—James \\'[ Ilium Mousey. 15.1 S —T. 14. Crawford, William Ramsey. 1830-IVilliam Ramsey, T. H. Crawford. [Dl•triet—Adams akd Franklin.] 1832—George Chambers. 1834—George Chambers. Ix36—Daniel Sheffer. 1838—James Cooper. 1840—James Cooper. • (District—York and Adams.] 1842—Henry Nes. 1844—Moses McClean. 1840—Henry Nes. 1848—Henry Nes. 1850—Wm. H. Kurtz, Joel B. Danner. [District—Adams, Franklin, lietUurd, FultoN and Juniata.] • 1852—Samuel L. Russell. 1854—David F. Itobison. - • '—Wilson 1858—Edward IdePher.ion. 1860—Edward Mel'herson. [District—Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford and Somerset.] , • 1862—A. H. Coffroth. „] .vf - 1864—Win. H. Koontz, (by Maliiiesk Con . gre.m.) 1866—Win. H. Koontz. • 11, STATE SE ksoLTORN. [li,:,trlct —York and Adams.] 1861—Wi 11 latn Reed. 1803—Rudolph Spangler. 1805—W1111am Miller. 1801—Thomas Campbell. 1809—William :Miller. 1811—John Stroman. 1813—James MeSherry. 1815—Charles A. Itarnitz. 1817—NVilliain Gilliland. 1819—Fred. Eielielberger, George Eyster. 1821—George Eyster. l 8 3—William .Mcllvaine. 1824—Zeplieniali Herbert. 1825—Zepheniali Herbert. 182(1—Henry Logau 1 . 1621—Henry Logzre 18:.—Ezra Blythe. 1831—Henry Sniyser. 1833—David Midilleeoff. It:3s—James McConkey. [District—Adams, Franklin and Cumberland.] 1837—Charles B. Penmse, Jacob Casiatt. 1841—J. X. MeLanahan, W. R. Gorgas. [dlatriet—Adiims and Franklin.] 1844—Thomas Carson. 1847—William R. Sadler. 1850—Thomus Carson. 1863—David Mellinger. ' George W. Brewer. 1859—A. K. McClure. [District—Adauls, Franklin and Fulton.] MeSherry. foisirlct —Adams and Frauklin.J p urche ASSEMBLY 1800—Thos. Thornbaugh, Henry Slagle. 1801—Henry Slagle, Thos. Thornbaugh. 1802—William Miller, Henry Slagle. 1803—Andrew Schriver, Miller. 1804—William Miller, Andrew Stirleer. 18th1—NValter Smith, Andrew Shriver. 1808—Andt ew Shriver, Walter Smith. 1807—James Mt:Sherry, James (iettys. 808—James tiettys, James 51cSlierry. - 1809—James Gettys, James ljeSherry. 1810—James MeSherry, James Rolynette. 1811-LJamesMeSlierry, James Robinette. 1812—James McSlierry, James Robinette. 1813—James Robinette, William Miller.' 181.4—William Miller, James Robinette. 1815—William Miller, James Robinette. 1819—Michael Slagle, Samuel W itherow. 1817—Samuel Wittierew, Michael Slagle. 1818-8. NVitherow, \Vw. Thompson. 1819—William Miller, Wm. Thompson. 1820—J4eob Cassatt, Isaac Wierniatt. 1821—Jacob Cassatt, Isaac \Vienna!). 1822—Jacob Cassatt, Isaac Wiernian. 1823—Jacob C.L.ssatt, Isaac Wierman. 1824—Jtunes tMesherry, Geo. Deardorff: 825—James McSherry, Geo. Deardorff: 182,6—J. NlcSherry, l'hompson 'l'. Bonner 1827—Thompson 'l'. :Bonner, Ezra Illy the. 1828—James MeSherry, Thomas Stevens. 1829—James MeSnerry, D. 1830—Andrew Marshall, Jas. MeSherry. IS3I—A. Marshall, Christian Picking. I 1832—James Patterson, Win. Renshaw. 1833—Jas. Patterson, Thaddeus Stevens. 1834—Jas. MeSherry, Thaddeus Stevens. 1835—T. Stevens, James McSiterry. 1830—Wzn. McCurdy, Chrislian Picking. 1837—Thud. Stevens, Chas. Kettlewell. 183 8 —Thad. Stevens, Chas. Kettlewell. 1839—Daniel M. Smyser, Wm. Albright. ~ 1840—D. M. Stnyser, Ueo. L. Fans.. 1841—Thad. Stevens, Ueu. L. FatlEfli. IS42—John Marshall, Henry Myers. 1843—James Cooper. 1844—James Cooper. 1841—John Brough. 1846—Jai ties Cooper. 1847—William Mt-Sherry. 1848—James Cooper. 1819—William 211eSherry,(vac.) 1849—Daniel M. Smyser. • 1860—William Mt Sherry. 1851—David Mellinger. 1852—David Mellinger.- 1853—John C. pus. . 1854—Mown McClean. , \ ~.... _ .. ' . ii 4 , ~ \ . ' • f. ...,—, ~. lj l OM 11 I 1 rt-\:I.", ' . i \„, • ' .'s 1 8 55—Isaac Rahinane- "A" .° lls6—John Musseltnan. INs7—charles Will. 1858---3atnuel Durboraw. 18a—Samuel Durlxwaw. 1800—Henry J. Myers. 1861—Jno. Bumbev, (by Rop. Legislature 1 8 62—Henry J. Myers. 1863—Jantes H. Marshall. 1804--Janes H. Marshall'. 1865—p. L. Houck. 1868—Nicholas Heltzel. XEDOEB AND . PIIOII. mosinza. 'Hon. John Joseph Henry ptersideil cm the Bench of this county from 1800 k ii i4eos Hon. Jemee Hnmiltos from lBo6 819 - Bon. Charles Finial front 1810 1820 Dou. John Reed from / 1820 to 1835 Hon. Daniel Durkee from 1835 to 1848 Hon. Wm. N. Irvine from 1840 to 1849 Dante: Durkee trom 1E1 . 49 to 1851 ted in t1;51 Hon. flobt.J. Fish° ' 1861 "Nociate Judg are unable to find the dfurs of many of the older commissions, and hence gire the names only of the Asoo , date Jude*. appointed by the Governor : Bone. Willia m Gilliland, John Agnew Dam Scott, William Crawford, Daniel Agnew, William McClean, George Will, George Snip ser,"and James 31cDhic. _-- - .. mu , -•- 011iT.EIA. William McClellan, Henry Iluke and William Hamilton were appointed by authority of the Aet creating this county, Commissioners to erect public buildings. Walter Smith, Henry Hull and Michael Sla gle were elected the first CouuniliSioners of faxes, he-11300 Walter Smith he.-N,, 1801 Henry Hull 4 .: 1 1802 Michael Slagle e i 1803 . Moses McClean It 1804 Jacob Cilligtltt " • 1885. John Bonnet • ' " 1806 ! John Arendt , 11 1807 Joseph Sneeringer , 11 1808 i l Samuel Witherow 11 1809 / Peter Mark (1 y) it 1809 Henry Btinkerholl 11 1810 [peter Mark 11 1811 Bohert,llayea 11 1812 John Stewart, Jr. , I , 1813 Alex. Russell (2 y) ts 1813 Henryk Stripier 114 1814 David Stewart (2 y) 11 =lBl4 Amos McGinley 11 1815 Michael Newman i ll 1816 James Horner it 1817 William Patterson 4 " 18!8 Joseph Sneeringer 11 1812 Archibald Bold 11 1820 Alexander Muck 41 1821 Harman Wier:llan 11 1833 Johu Shorb st , 1823 James G. Paxton ti - • 1824 John F. :WcFarlane 11 1875 Sainuel B. Wright. 11 1826 Jacob Fickee • 1/ 1827 J.intes licllhenny 41 1828 Thomas Ehrehart • ti 1829 Jacob Cover . tt 1830 John L. Gubernator 11 1831 Robert Mcilhenny 14 1832 John Brough " 1833 1810 j G o e h o n rg len e Will eim a a 1.803 John Wolford 0 18 7 1 1 8 8 3 3 6 4 " 1835 1800 William Rex • / i l l 1809 Jam eh Renshaw (1 y) 1 it 1837 1812 'Dana.' Diehl 11 . 1838 1815 ' JesePh J. Kuhn 11 1939 1818 William Douglass 11 . 1840 1818:1 George Basehoar 11 it 1841 1824 James Patterson 1942 .182 11 7 Peter 4 Diehl 1843 1830 ;James Cunningham 41 1944 1833; Joseph Fink II 1845 1836 !Andrew Heintselman " 1846 1839 Ilacob King it ' 1847 1842 Johh G. Morningstar 41 1848 1:45 John Slusselman, Jr. 41 1849 1848 Jacob Griest 11 1850 1851 Abraham Heaver 11 1851 1814 'John Mickley il 1852 1857 inter J. Wills 41 4 , 1853 1860 G eorge 111 err is, ‘ 1854 II . 1863 u \ 05 enry A. Pickingl ,• 1131101111311011=Mit Benner 0 . '. 44 - 1850 • I lktcob Raffensperger to 1857 • CORONER/I. - V• • aiiiel Geiselman 11 1818 No record Of a commission in 1810 can be lames 11. Marshall ti . 1859 found, either here of at Harrisburg. - ?Win. 13. Gardner 41 1860 John Arendt was elected is 1803 !Ephraim Myers u- . 1861 Henry Hoke " 1806 , Jacob Epptlman u 1862 Thomas Cnchran 41 - .1809 !Samuel March u 1863 1 Jolla Mc elected in . 1851 S. R. Ru ~ t 1851 , David Z " 1856 Irar Id Lt ; " 1856 ' Isaac E. 3 " • 1858 David Zie " 1861 Isaac E. a " 1863 41 Isaac Rol, 1866 - Prow itornica.—William Meissen, George M , Samuel }Whey, George Sweeney,' , rt S. King, Willet C . Ogieby, Andrew CE Iler, Wm. N. Irvine, Daniel M. Snarler, -Robert F. McConaughy, Moses Me. GlesF'm.. French, Edward B. Buehler, J. s G. Re , '. B. j ieC elliip, Wca. 4.. Duncan, milt. J. Cover .0 . ' 4 0 4 ~0 • The first Court ottieneral Quarter Sessions held in Adams,e6 - untys. , commenced on the second 34 ndafin June, 1800, "before Wil liam Gill' nd, John Agnew, and' William otii . Scott, F ut es, Associate Judges Ac." Sher iff Gifwicks %made return of "lie following p.ini of Jar ore , viz.— exander Rus se!, Walter . ith, Julia lekson, James Brice, George La ells, Da id Stott, Thorned Abbot, Peter Milts, Robert Doyle, Mob Wertz, Alexandei chbeaii, Henry Ku hal Win. Bailey, Samuel' RusseW Henry Wa s i , t 6 s‹ Niche la:: Dietrick, Robert i Ceweipbell t .J ob•Green a..,,e, Alexander / tretniti Jot, Leeds and Wm. Hiller. , ~,,- The Constabhis who mi)ge returns at that Court were : 4Acob 11;09( Bhrwick ; Joseph Lindsay, 3loustpleasa* Sam'lAplair, Mom+ , Toy: Emanu4l Ziegl6, Cumberland; Juebh Trine, ileiitiersburg : Henry Purguson,Smil tonhan ; yal c ritiste Hollinger, Reading; Sam'l. N. Reed; Straban ; Charles Good tranklin ; John Wierman o Huntington; D. . lel Rice, Me milieu; , Niehollts '' - . ~ /Ntgatriiatelif:". " , SIIEUIFFIL. George Letshella—tleeted In James Gettys Jacob W inrott James Horner - John Murphy Samuel Galloway John Arendt Ber Lard Gilbert Thqml.3 C.. Miller Philip Ileagy William Cobean James Bell Wm. Taughinbittagh George W. McClellan Francis !beam Benjamin ISchrirer William Fickes 'John Sco:t Henry Thomas EIRRC Lightner Samuel Wolf Adam When Philip llann :Samuel Galloway John F. McFarlane John,Galloway James A. Thompson Dr. David Horner, Jr. John Houck S. S. Forney Dr. George Pause John Ash A. B. Kurtz, Dr. David Horner br. Joseph N. Smith Dr. Charles Horner Dr. H. W. C,auftnan Dr. J. W. Hendrix Dr-C. R. Goldshorough I:. W. Mumma Dr. A. B. Dill Dr. 11. A. Lilly T. U. Kinzer W. J. 41.Wlure OTIIO N0TA11.1114.. James Dune .a-, by appointment, from 1810'10 1821 1821 1824 11.32 1835 1839 - 1839 1842 1845 1848 E5l k . •• ' 1934 185? 1860 1862 2805 aug y a ai ted • nate. Wm. McClellan—appointed in George Webb George 7 iegler Bernard Gilbert Joel B. D..nner Arno. McGinley elected In Joel 11.'DaiLer .1 Anthony Kurtz • John Picking IA W. W. Paxton o In Picking It Jacob BuAey J. F. Bailey J4eob ttuehey 411. . 1 . _ _ 111EGISTMIIX. James tontiean, by appointment, from 800- to. Jet Lien& Winrott—appointed la, ISSL Strelellna 1823 George 7.,feer 41 1824 John H. Chrk . Thos C. Miller James A. Thompson Jx.cab Lefever Kiag—elected 10. Robert Cobenn • Al , 10•15 W. W. linna?ei ley v , 1848 Dliniel Plank Win. F. Walter nii h Myers (Marini X. Martin Sn m uel Lilly Wm. — D. lioltzwor,b liimet I.liniman, by rptiotiltoot, trout 1800 to 1821 Win. :11cC1ellnn—appointi3 10 1821 Georg,' Weld& t• 1824 lulus Picking ''.-- .. 1832 714oanLi Dinky 41 1635 Joel B. Danner • II 1839 unmet IL Itussell—sleeted In 1839 D. C. Brinilettoff .. 1841 W. IS. Hamilton as ' 1046 Hugh Denwiddit u 1848 Lien Norris se 1851 J. J. ilalivid !... 1854 .G. WWI , - 44 1862' John liebolla -... .. 1860 James J. - hall - u 1863 Adam W. Hinter . s. _ 1866 4 I. .• , ,cdplonry inecumnitrieS , . James Sam iss appoluted Cknitity *ester . . . ' at 1818 'Nicholas Wiermaa ,„ • -2 • Clerks to Commfaefonera.=John Andrews, :824 l Alerauder Brown—Wm-Mc -1827 kOtean, Alexander David Dormer, Wm. 1836 Henry J. eihreilier, Robert G. Hjkrr.)r, 1833 Anghintniugk i 4 Walter 4 183 R ' ,41.;,,,41.. 1839 i DNEECTOBIII OF TUE POOR. 18431 In 1817, Charles R.. Keener, James Robl - netts, Frederick Baugher, Thomas C. Miller 1)3118 , and Henry Brinkerhoff were. elected CoMmis -1851; sioners on the Poor-house SILO. In the same 14_311 1 rear, William McP.herson, William McGaughy T 837 and-john Murphy, Sr., were el lid the tint 1858 Directors of the Poor. • 1861 William llceberson 186/ Frederick Buyer If 1819 CLEJLINCI OW Tilt 11DOVOWiL r - 49TH YEAR.-NO. 39. et by the thesndinloneri II 1801 'Ol, 'O3, 'O4 emuuel Agnew, 1805,'06 linthew Loqwell, 'lBo7, "0: 1 WelterSroitl, 1809,'10, 'll John McCentughy, 1811, 'l3, 'l4 Willinm 3141esu, i 1815, 90, 'l7 , iikiter Smith, " 1818, 'l9, '2o 14 0 3 p Stnnth, • 1831, '33, '23, '24 MO : NO ha ripn, 1835 '26 '27 , , . - . —.....__ 1, , 4 t oteik, • 1828, '39, '3O ..o,,arg, * ith, ; " 1831, '32, '33 M ilian' Laub 1834 Jens . 1 1833 sae fhlb er s_ thsrnard Ofigma t - - 1830 Jesse Gilbert,' 1837 Jobn 11. McClellan, 1831, '99, '4O James A. Thompson—elected In 1841 Jobn IL McClellan, II 043 David McCrearr, - I/ 1843 Robert G. Harper, 11 1042 Jolla Fahnestock, " • 1849 Thomas Warren, .4 1831 I George Arnold, " 1833 J. L. t.4ch ck, II /3:15 ir - B. Da II ne r, SI 1837 IWaybright Mei/ 1859 IH. 11. Dauuer, 1801 Jacob TrOXell,l B ,lacob Sbeads, " • 5.:,.. COL' i lii il A1;;I;o m Kr fs e, of P. 18 IS Simnel Wolf, of I. McGaughy Daniel Funk Robert AlcMurdie David Hot sier, Sr., (1 y) David Horner, kfr. George Horner (1 j) John Duffield Hugh Jackson D..ciel Mickley, Sr. William McCurdy Peter Dada' JAIDES McKnight Garry. Brinkerhoff James A. Thompson, Wuliats Rez James Cunuingham! J.icbb Quiutin Armstrong lializer Snyder George Irwin John Slentz, (1 y) Peter Trostle Jacob Sterner Henry Lott William Morrison Garret Brinkerhoff William While . David Hollinger John Hostetter, Jr. John Houck Themes McCleary • miry Brinkerhoff Jeese D. Newmin Nicholas Bushey James Bigham Peter Smi th Joseph Bailey (1 y) Joseph Bailey John Horner Garret Brinkerhoff Frrderick Wolf Andrew While'. Abraham Spangler C. Museelman - Jacob Miller Linen Mute, (2 7) John Rckenrods J. M. Bollinger George Markley John N.Gralt Abraham Krise, of A. John Rahn oha Naotemaker (2 7) %di* 1863 1866 1830 1835 1838 .839 1839 1842 1854 1857 1860 /863 1860 Clerks to .Direetors.—litsbert Smith, John ' earrin, William W. Paxton, J J. Baldwin, obert Pasting D. - O. Brinkerhoff, Zechariah yers i siwirff. y • Sl(tocteds.—ilichaet Newman, Peter Aftei nbough, Quintin Arnittrung. Henry Welty, Himmel Colgate, Julio ticoAJ b Celp,slA Jonas Johns 4,3 - 14"... Treasurers.--John B. llePhersdil, &must Hutchinson Derid Horner, Sr ,• Thomas 1. Conover, B:lauet irliLore.w, James Valor, -A lellialler Cohost', $.2. Da ellerokeek 1111041; C. Daugherty Rad Jaceblitneer. ./ 1 4agrinaL-4Y. 11. 'Sear/t oi l, $lt4D. Hornet. Dre. C. a ndß. -garner r. 4. Suripe, Pr. .11. R. Huber Dr. A. . Don mei Dr. . 011ealga 0 14. r)).,4,4„. C4MOTT AMWSWIMIL Thomas Pearson, John Stewsti, and Alexander Cohost', tinned la 400 John Dickson, Amos 316.0ta10y mol Andrew Will, 11010 John Dickson, 'Amos; McGinley sal John Stewart, 1012 John Dickson, Alexander Colman sad I Andrew Will, liii ! Alexander Cobeen e lohn KlngandJohn Sit orb, 184 Dickson,: Andrew WIJI end WW. Thompson, 4 ,tata • 1,1144 John King 14 Int Allen Robinette 61 11l 11 Isaac Wierman Peter Mark , 1111 M James Cunningham 41 John Duffield, it • ltd ISniuuel Falinestock 11 s lGeriege Will e ... 1811 John Aker'. . 11 $73 j-Reener (2y) " 1,4 1 / 4, o; 4 :tink Wills Mellhenny pi of Smith . William Patterson John Lilly Aeries Kettlevell 44 tam McKesson Joseph Ilnugher 11 Joseph Fink 11 Surnutl Di< hl .6 Allen Robinette Frederick Diehl as John 1,. Noel John G. Morningstar " Samuel Durhoruw James Rnssell .4 Dnniel Comfort 66 Martin .Newman.Newman ll William R. Sadler •' Jacob Dellone it Eli R. A. - Moore (1 y) " Adam J. Walter John C. Ellis A. W. McGinley Samuel Durboraw John Eldcr F. G. Hoffman Andrew Marshell,jr. John Dickson. jr. Edmund F. f , borb Abel T. Wright uhn Hauptman C. Cashman Isaac fleNter John Brinkerhoff Amos Lefever Henry Dysert Peter Dirk J. B. Shireman John Elder Joseph Borkee, (3 y) Jacob Hull, (2y) J. C. Pittenturf Henry L. Bream Mil lalirlo Arkansas or somewhere else he following "nodes" was stueic upin rcibt of a ealbin: NOTISS—JOIIII snow., plackamith and barber shop, horse shewing and shaving done here, lox mended, hare Burled, bleeding and all kinds of farriery work. P. S.—all sorts spirltua and molt llekers akording to the kimiele act, and licens ed to be drunk oil the premises. N. B.—Take notiss my wife keeps skule, takesyeedle work and polite art, and washing—teaches reading, riling, and rhymetles and other langwitches; aria has assistants to learn dancing, dew- • ing and matewsmatics uud all other fash• lonable amusements. Small Pox in Danville.—The small poz has been raging in Danville, Montour county, and the Town Council have is. sited an order closing all the schools and churches, forbidding the meeting of any associations, and the- gathering of the people to hear any lecture or to witness any exhibition. The Democratic Coun. ty Convention, called to meet last week, .had to be, postponed in consequence, only a few delegates-being In town. The fine Is. twenty dollars for every person attending any pblic gathering within the borough litu u its.—Lan h casier infeai gencer. lifirln Maine the prohiNtory liquor law has just been made more stringent, 1 / 4 _, and anyone selling his neighbor a glass of eider is to be Imprisoned for the first offence. The Massachusetts State Con stable, has just notified the proprietors of the lager beer saloons to stop the sale of that beverage. exchange records the fact that another political parson has come- to grief. The itev. James Davidson Dyke, of Indiana, was excessively "loyal" during the war, and proved bis ortho doxy and love of country by inciting sex riots against the "copperholula." - :i ref/ trap; ago he was arrested for horse-steeling, and it Is said several clear eases will be wade out against 1864 1865 1866 li6r A handful of Radicals are making an effort for an extra session of Congress, since the promulgation of Attorney? Gen eral Stanbury's opinion. timne of them are writing letters to other members, urging them to come out in favor of an extra nation; Despite these movements, It is noLMlleved a July suasion is possi ble. The sentiment of the people is so unmistakably against a summer session' that the mass of the memberis are unwil ling to defy iL ilir At a festival recently hold In Hollidaysburg an editor's chair wait awarded to 0. A. Trough, Esq., the peruocratic editor, by a majority of otes. How are you, chub catcher? Suppose you'll put on airs now l Eh? 118.." De culled people will soon hab all dese pliuttations," is urged oy the foolish and vicious among the blacks of l!iffedssippl, every day,eln extenuation and exeunt:, for idleness and grog neg- Itgence of duty, or both. Will'"Ulicle Jake" tolls a story of an old fellow out In Butler county, which is too good to be lost. Britz was a char acter and always in litigation. One day while standing upon a street corner a constable approached him and presept ed him a paper. .s "What is Mkt?" said Britz. • "It is a summons, air. You have been sued before Squire l'urvia." "Veil, now, just take it right back ; does my business wit tiquire GM fferJust as an auctioneer was saying one 1" , a few evenings since, Ids SlR thence went through the floor into the eellar, but happily without, hurting any of them. The auetionecr i as he found his legs, remarked that the seek:lett would enable hint LA 4ell lower than be• fore, and called for Ilia bid, and they bid "Good night!" Ifilr"SO you are going to keep house?" paid an inquisitive youut; wire. '"Yep," lad(' the newly-made "(Joint:. to have a girl, I suppose ?" . "I really don't know," was the blush. lag reply, ''whether it will tie a girt Orli buy.' Ira young lady or Urbana, Illinois, who wax recently caught atnoking s of-' gar by the "local" of the Gazette of Shall place, gave as her reason for tho apt,,', "that it made it smell as though there was a man around." 1/10 — "Tornmy, my son," said ,a topp• mother, "do you say your prayers-Sight and morning ?" "Yea, that is, nights; but any smart boy eau take tare Of him f in the day Unto." ..Thad. Stevens 'Alta about a "mild oontiscatibu." Said an imbutannolding Ws baud before.the matter of asser4lina to be tired, '[gall it Qiffaib3f•". -.!.. Ills' .1113, lOU 1111111 lea psis 11 1815, 1331 183?, 1838 11111. 1540 1141 3841 1848 1144 =2 Ern 1866 I=