Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, June 17, 1867, Image 1
OETM3, PPG COMPILER' Ii EVERT MONDAY INSKINGt MI , Si , *_, J. wraitur. rildkie-Might,y, and MU Prevail." • Oir PI7I3LICATIOII.-41117 Os per • an a anti //Pahl strictly-1 is ADTANcs---42 SO per ans Mull it ritifpgld lb advance. No subserlption die ecnuttaaad, umbra at the option of the publisher, hatitallategarites are paid, ADI►BR7'ttIIMENTB Inserted nt usual rates. . JOB PitISTINO of all klinls 411110 with neat nessealed rltstaa4l. OPPIcE In Booth Ilattlmore street. beilremn 7illildie and High, near the Peat 001ce—"Comp!• le Printing Office" oh the Professional Cards. Wm. A. Duncan, A TTORNNY AT LAW., 'CU promptly attend co all legal business saitraetsil to him, including the procuring of Pannone, -ft•innty, Back Pay, and all other ettleite stslett the United States and butte GoverntnentA. Office in !forth Welt Corner of Diamond, Guttyab u rg, Pe nnia; April 15, 1867. tf D. 'lfftreoustight, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door west of Duchlees drug and book store, Chain _ bersburg Street,) ATTOSOIST LID 89LICITUP.VUtt PATSY?* Awe Psvuoars. Bounty Lend War r mita, flack-pay suspended Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Wash ington, D. C.; alto 'American claims in Ing7, [and Wartasta located and sold, or b‘mglit, snl kozbest p rlees given. Agents !n• g.,gesl is lee 4.4 sr.irrant4 in lowa, Illinois sad oilier resters...%titts. 'Apply Co-him personally or by later. ikettysharg, Nur. 21, '53. J. C. Feely, A TTORIZY AT LAW.--Partlealer atten tioe p lia to" collection of PenAione, 8 minty, litut Lick•psy. • Office to the 8. E. corner of the Diswlnad. tiettythutc April 6, 1861. tf Edward B. Bushier, TTORNKY AT LAW, will faithfully and /1 . , promptly attend to all-business entrust ed to nint, He speaks the lierraan language. WI -0 at the same place, in South Baltimore si,re.u, near Forney'a drag store, and nearly op?oslte Banner k Ziegler's store. Gettysburg, March 241. , Dr. T. 0. Kinser, rEAVIYa located perrannently at BON . 7 ' IITOWN, Attains eouiity, Will attend _, pr.asep yto 111 profel4iol4 4.1 cif 14 dty or nieht• "n" t Tolle totlyn34l, where lie can always be tort 1„ entect professionallyenpvid. Ant 6, LIM. ly - P. C. Wolf, -- NHAVECG located at HAST 13.1.:111,1!.1, Adams cow nil, hones that by evict auention to hit proNs,lousl dulled he way merit a.hareof public patronage. [Apr. 2, 'LK tt ;. Dr. Cook, HOMEOPATHIC PHYP,ICTAN, Surgeon and Aceottelieur, RASING permanently located in llnnoier, Pa., respectfully offers itrofes.,ional 'Bet vizre to the public. Special attention siren to dip:uses of women and thildrttn. ticreacscce. Prof. Ad, Lippe, .11. D., Philadelphia, " J. C. Morgen, M. D., - " 11. Cook, M. It. e.irli4e, Pa., floe. Edward lit:Pherson, Getty,sl,urg, Pa., I):Lvid Rills, Esq, It. r. .1. A - (toss, Hanover Pa. , par office on the 8104re:five doors west of ,Carlise street; itecund door from Central Hotel. Al ril 15, 1867. ly Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal's riFFICR and few doors from y the N, R. corner of Iln , timore nod High streets, near the Presbyterian Church, Get tysburg, Ps. [April )5, 'O7. .Dr. W. .1. McClnre, Ph,Oician, Surypion d Avoow.hcur, I : I[AV 'nettnnmently locaboi ,in NEW OXFORD, will practice his profm'sion in all , its litanclies. His friends an d ail others desiring his profePsional sPrvices are re criested to call and consult himott his (ace, in II mover street. May 20, 180. tf Dr. D. S. Peffer, - A BBOTTSTOWN, Adams county, continues the piectice of his profes:ion la ell its _brunches, end would respectfully invite ell =persons urinated with •any old standing die euses to cull end consult him Oct. 3, 1864. tf .T. Lawrence Hill. M. D., - AS life offit e, a, vtim i ....„ Ow / in. door welt of the "'urn t: l 7- . IMI Laiher,ih church in lirianihersl•erg street, and opprigite Dr, D. _-...Horne:'s case ‘, where clicse wishing to have 11 " y Peat Ihiesristina prrlor.a -$1 11re respect fully invited to call. ithreasvo:::: Drs. Hor ner, Her. P.- Krauth, D. D., Rev. U. L. 111,tukziter, D. D.,,,Rev. Prot 11. Jacobs, D. D., Prof. if. L. Scierer. Getty.burg Vpril 11,'53. YOWL ET., NEAR THE DIAMOND, 11_ETT TSB 1:IRG, PA—The tindersigned 'NJ - - would most respectfully infoim his cri memos friends and the public generally, that he bus parchased that long established -and well knOwn Hotel, the fiGlobe.lnn," in York strett, Gettyabarg, and will spare no effort to conduct it kft a. manner that will not detract - from its former high reputation. ilia table will have the best the market can afford—nit cliatubcrs are 'spacious and comfortable—and he has laid in for his bar a full stock of wines and liquors. There is large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten tive hostlers. lt.will be his constant eudeacot - to render the fullest satisfaction to kis guests, making big house as near it - home to them as possible. Re asks a share of the public's pa trobaue, determined as he is to deserve a latite part of it. Remember, the •Kilobe Inn" is in York street, but near the Diamond, or Public uare. SAMUEL WOLF. 1864. tf Railroad Rouse, N . RAIL Tux DEPOT. • • - • 44sov6a; YORK CO., PA. 2.e undersigned voold respectfully inform his unmet ons friends and the politic geninilly, gas. ?•,,. 1 . is leased the Hotel in Hanover, smart the Depot, formerly kept by Hr. Jeremiah Huh*, an t will spare uo effort to conduct it iltaans tier that will give general satisfaction. His table will have the hett the markets can afford—his . chainbers are a pacious dud com- Parable—sad he has lair Vin for his bars fall stock of choice wines add Honors. There is stabling for horses attached to the Hotel. It wilA be his chnstant endeavor to render the irfflest sat' otion to his guests, making his ,bass of ea r u home to thaw as possible.— Ho asks fe hare of the public pa , ronage, de termined be is to deserve a large p4ri of it. Hometabur the ftiiLroad House, near the De pot Hanover, Pa. Q. P. BAUtiUlia. Oct. 2,1865. tf Keystone House, CIIA.IIIISSSBUIiki sT GETTYS- P4.—Kif. E. if YERS,•bPro- THIS is a :new House, Bttel up in the nest appiatad style. Its location is pleasant, cen tral sari nonrenient„ gray arr.9gement has bean made far the accommodation and nom inal ot : fiesta. Tbb Table will always have 1.1).„ . 11u55,.0 the market, and the liar the best lines and liquors. - 'Mere is eopunsidions Stabling attached, wilii.4ancemniodatingostler3lisys on land. Tw ik A#Bl now on for the entertain. onergartWifinbtin, and a am, of patronage 14 0441116 / 1 be I .l) l treii 4) resider thigkikftOW • _ : Alsorldni erns; to mil and Molt lie.enteasiee steek.of all kind! 1 14fiatsa zsesuntyles sf TICLIPXUA MillEol e . 1 / • •- n . - i i . el . .. • . -... = BY a S. STABLE LotOst Fashions nEIIAND .1. W. BR.DLEY'S CELERRA- If TED PATENT DOP / LEX ELLIPTIC (UR Di.)I.IBLR SPRING) #. tr. Kr T. Tan woivErtrtn. rotXl SKI and great caw rowr and eniiiillUnit to Al k y lady wearing thr• Do- PLICX ELLIPTIC SKIRT will be experienced partic ularly in alterowd.-d,Operns,i'arria gee. RalittLoad Care, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promexade and Ilotise Dress, asuhe Skirt can be tolled when in use to occupy . a small place e telly and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Nei:car. invaluable qu.ility in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the emsssrits, cow: roar, and great coxvitsixscs of wearing the DCPLPIX ELLIPTIC STISA,L Sp/lIPLI SKIRT for n single day; will never afterwards w !lingly dis pense with their use. For Children, Miises and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. They will not - bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve tiwir perfect and graceful shape when thyee or four onlimary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with double and twist ed thread, and the..bottom rods are lint only doubleeptings, but twice (or double) covered, preventing them from wearing out when drag ging down steps, stairs, acc. The Dopler Elliptic is a great favorite with all lorlie3 and is ueivenially recommend'ed by the Fashion Magazines as the STANDARD SEIHT OP THE rASHIONAI3I,E Vir0111,1). To enj 3y the following inestim able ail vanta ges in Crinoline. ciz :.suptrior (pally, Fez fret manufacture, stylish shape, finish, ti,ribility, durability, eorutort and. e.anomy, enquire fur J. W. Bradley's Duplex El i ti , or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you ,7et, the genuine article. - CAVION.—To guard it7,ftinst. IMPOSITION 'be particular to NUTICK the skirts otlerMl Its "DUPLEX" have the red ink ,stamp, viz: "J. N. Bradley's Duplex Elliptip Steel Spririgq," upon the waistband—none others arelgentiine. Also Notice Oat every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through tits venue, thus reveal ing thetwo (or double) springs hruiucd trigeth. er therein, which is the secret of their and strength, and a contbination not to be found in any otlier skik. • FOR BAIA in all Stores where FIRST CLASS skirts are sold throughout the United States an,d elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners ot- the Patent, %VESTS, lIRADLItY k CARY, • 97 Chambers k k. 81 IteAde Sts.,`N. Y. May 6, .180. Gfeat Reduction IN PRICES uF DItY GOODS, Crotories, w 4 re; tfe , . AT J. C. ZOUCK SuN'S, NEW OX FO it D, PA. We have just, re . turLed trout the city, where we bought ti very . 14,rgr and well selected stork of all kinds of got. ds, suitable in our line, under VIE LATE DECLINE. Our stock t onsi•ts in parte( It F:C11 'MEM- FltliNCH CO3OURGS, Delanes, noes, PI inis, Bleached acd Guli eached NI us lin! ; a large assurtinent of t.iluwrul Skirts, 'loop t 4 kirts, Glares, Sze.. MEN'S WE - AR, tnaaisting in part of Broad and Beaver Clutha, Black and Fa.iey Casid uerea, Cassinets, Plain apd• Fancy Flannels, Under-shirts and Drawrrii; IIOOTS, SHOES, HATS• and GAL'S, Driving ,and Iti-ekikin tilovta. A complete assortment of GitpCBRIES, at low r.ib•s. II AIM-WARE, !nth as Tire Iron, Spring., Shear, Blister and Cast Steels, Horse 'hors, Iloree Shoo. Bar, Nail Rods, • Danimercd Iron, Nails. Spikes, Shovels and Forks, Door Locks, Pad Lacks, Latches, iltuges • and Screws. Paints, Oils. Gla-s. Putty, Ate.: CHINA AND. qtYEENS-,WARE, bp,the'set. Thankful furspast patronage, we..hope to merit the-fame in the future. & SON.. Ne, Oxford, April 1., W. 7; BIDDLE. • H.'S. BENNER. 100.000 Buslos. GrAin Wanted. IkTF:W FIRM Al' TILE OLU WAREHOUSE. 11 WM. E. BIDDLE k C.U. would inform the public that they have leaped the Warehowe on the corner of So-talon Weet and the Rail road, in GettTsbarg. Ahem they will carry on T 11 1 ,.. GRAIN AND-I'IM/4E BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, , Sumac, Hayand Straw, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Sonp.fiams, Shoulders and Sides., Potatoes, with every thing else in the country produce GROCRIIf ES.—On hand, For ,sale, Coffees, Sugars, 11,0:vises, Si raps, Tea=, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Siareb, Brooms ' Illckets, Blacking, &c COAL IOL, Fish 0.1, Tar, &c. FISII of all kinds; Spikes and Nails ;.Smoking and Chew ing Tobaccos, They are always' able to supply a.6rst rate artirlt: o. Flour, with the itliclereut kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plast , :r, with Onanos and other fertilizers. • CQ.I,L,•by the bushel, tou or car load. • They will ran a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore, once every week. They-are prepared to convey Freight either way, ie any, •quantity, at IZEDIXED RATES. T hsy wilt attend, if tle.iritl, to the making of pt. , ..lutses in the city, noel delivering the goods promptly io Gettysburg. Their cars run to the Watrehouse of Nathan Roop & 0., No. 128 North Howard st•, near Franklin, where freight will be received at any-time. -They invite the attention of the public to their . line, assuring - them that they will spare no eft)rt to accommodate all aho atat - I patronize them. BIDDLE & BENNER. April 16,'1866• tf • lirainage Pipes. TIRE undersigned has now on , hand, and continues to manufacture, I urge ottanti tieS of EARTHEN DRAINAGE PI i'ES, which he offers fit 8 cents per font at the manufacto ry. • It desired, he' will lay the pipes, either water-tight or d, at a reasonable compensation. Taey bare been tried in dif ferent Parts of the county, with entire suc cess. fig the draitiage of cellars, Ac., noth ing better can he used. Specimens may be seen at Kalhfleisch r s store, in Gettysburg. The m.!nufactory is in Oxford township, near Lilly's mill. Post Office address, New Oxford, Adams county, Pa. . JOHN BECKIIAN March II; 1867. 6m* , - - - - - 1 Iron—lron--Iron I ETTISBURG FORGE. 1,.( 1- 1 The subscrittera respectfully inform the I guttlie that they have erected a Forge in cur, election with their Steam 1 1 / 4 1, and are now. marufacturing FORGRO AND HAMMERED 1114 such ad Plough, Horse-shoe and liar Ircn, and ra.spectfull,' luviie Blacksmiths and Dealers to give them a call, fee:tng satisfied 'A'hitt they wilt he Mile to please m to quality, fiulati and price. DIU:YUMAN k ARUN. N, 8.-,,,The highest market price pad for wrought and scrap iron.! li. k Dee. .BG6, - U. S. BONUS. Jsllll4 First_ Nutsottal book 'of Gettysburg will osab 6-10,au 4 10-40 U . 8. Bonds; o 7.30 eutl Ocimpoand Interest Iltoteu. ' GEORGS JaINOLI), Cesbier. Oct. 11, - 18661. tf - Pine Shingles. ALARG E lot of Pine S h in, ies from $6.50 to $l5 per 1009; far sale et the JJamber pull of O. 11. fluetuLku. Oat, 22, 1286, HAT'S DOWN I — Why Costa, Pang Ili ana VVests at - PIOEDIGI3. frafj(XB .11:1 , 11) WICKS tar rote si . • MOONY.. , Yak/stable Properties - FOR SALE. • Tomq C. EDUCK, LAND AGENT, I• New rrtrhun, MMUS Courrr, PA., INS for sok a niiinhei oCttesirubfe proper ties, to which he hike the attention of those wishing to purcha.c. ' A L UWE riwsn,rrr ANn MACHINE SHOP, with ' DWELLING,, sitnalel in a coun ty Bent neir Raitrocd and Depot. Good chance for doing all kinds of work. Also, several Town Lots will be sold with the above property it desired. A FAH)! 01' 169 ACRES, in Adams coon- With good Stone House, good Barn, 411.:., ne turnpike sad railroad. FORTY AUItES, with good House, Barn, kb., three flit .rters °f a . mile from a railroad station. A good chance •, terms easy. A FARM OF 300 .ACItES, in Adams county, three miles hum a railroad and good market. This firm can tie divided into two Wins, there being already two sets of improvements on the trier. A FARM OF 101 ACRES, bn the Carlisle turnpike, under good cultivation, with a !Arse Brick House, Bauk_Barn, and other out-build itigs, all new. - A LARGE FLOOR MILL, with 25 Acres of Land. The mill has tour pair of Burrs, ante all machnery for doing merchant work. Best water power in Vie county. ' A FARM OF 175 ACRES, the Hano ver turnpike, on which is erected a good House. Barn. and all tiecCsaary out-buildincrs. A FARM OF t 95 ACRES, in Adams coun ty, on which is erected a good flonse, Barn and other out-hoildings. /8 ACRES OF WOODLAND, 2 miles from Ikiew Oxford. A r ; lftlf 07 200 ACllES,,good land, with large Brick House, 13•Irn, and 2 Tenant Houses —4O acres in wood—half a mile, from the Coaowago Chapel. A FARM of 100 Acres-225, can he pur chased-21 oni flettyaborg, near Cham hersburg pike; large Weateeehearded House, Born, Etc ;40 Wee iu wood. The larni has Leen recently !heed. A FARII of 120 Acres, with good House and Barn ; 12 scree hi wood. A rIOTLL, in'Nevr Oxford, two-story, roomy and convenient for business. Good chance; ters e asy. A n, a number of good Rouses - and Lots for s.i in New I hobo. Pers4.3 who wiFh to buy Real Estate, as wedl as tis..." who wish to sell, are requested to give the subscribpr a call at his stole iu New Oxford. Address, .1011. C. ZULTCK, Land 'Agent, Ne - Ogford, Adams county, Pa. April 1, lti7. ,ly , A Lecture o Young_Men. JUST P ,BLISHED, in a Sealed Envelope; ice Six cents. A xß+iq..l" Lecture on tk Nature, Treatment and Radical _Cure of SPe '.",utorrlitr, or 'Semi nal Weakness, Involuntarv''missions, Sexual Debility, end Impe diments t• Marriage gen erally. Nervousne4s, ()ensue')• ion, Epilepsy, 'and Fits ; Mental lend Physic) , Incapacity, resulting from,Self , Abuse, ROBERT J. CUINERWELL, M. D., Anti) • r of the 'Green nook,' Ate:\ The world-renow*d author, in th',,Admi• rabic Lecture, clearly, proles . from he:, own experience the elictul consequeni . , of Sall-Abuse may be effectually rem woved b out medicine, and withoutilangerous-surgic 1 operations, boogies, instruments, rings, o cordials, pointing out a tocdexof cure at once certain and etD.ctual, by whiCh 'every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may xnre himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Ibis Lecture ii,Vprove a boon to tbousauds *anti thousands. I tiezia under seal to any address, in fk pl3in sealed envelope; on the receipt If six cents, 0 1 two •-po,tage, entu Alto Dr. Culverwell's "Nlfrriaife Guide," price 25 cuts. Addreis the pabdshers, CHAS. 4 . C. KLINE CO., 127 Bowery, Near Fork, Post. Office Box 4546. 20, 1t467. t ktn t U. F. It •bring it Bro., PiTBCO anti Ornamental Painters, FitEDEIIICK CITY, MD., ESPECTITLLY inform the public that n o they are prepared to FRESCO C BURCH- Et), HALLS, PRITATE RESIDENCES, &e., in the most spprbv'ed styles, modern or an cient. All work , :vitisranted to give satisfac tion es to Lisle, durability and cheapues3. April 22, lbGl. ' 6m tawrenetD. Dietz at Co. w WHOLESA E FANCY GOODS; NOTIONS; HOSIERY and VARIETIES, Vest nnitititore,Vrert, ward lr Liberty Streets, B atimute, Sid, Arn. 508 Iletti-veu lid May 7, 1,366. -'esteimi Lands. not scale choice We‘tern rcitted Colin -hes, School-hous..s, ',.lnge at a faii price fur Real Choice lIAVF. on Lands, well I ty Towns, Cu which I will exc Esthie in Adams GEO ARNOLD !b. 25, 1 - 867. tf _Gettysburg, Fi Cooking AT REIVCE Double Fir, Stu%e, ti• new al and see it at Jan. 28, 1867. Hoy Wanted. IHE undersigned will pay the highest mar ket plieee for HAY. Idtau:re at Spang ler's Warehouse, Gettysbnrg. GF.O. C. STRICKHOUSER. Nor. 23, 180. If • Pay Vpi THE undersigned baring retired from bnsi nessj ho asks those indebted to make pr.yment with as little delsy as possible. Such as do not setile before the first of Janu ary next, will find their anemias in the bands of an ()dicer for collection. JOSEPIT S. GILLESPIE. Gettysburg Nov. 3d, 1566. • oven & Tinware, PRIBES. Also, Bridge's Chamber, Patent Fire-pinee d superior iuNention. Call S. G. COOKS. Shingles: nRTIIE 811INGLES, the best in the market, r forstieaiJACOß 811EADS'S new LI1M• Ger Yard t . on the Railroad, adjoining the Lime '<Bus. Oett3§Glarg. • Nov. 28 ) , • ON'STANTLY on bnnd, au assortment of C FINR FRAvii3, PIWTOGRAPH AL HUM S * Cards and Baskets for grasses from the Battle Fiat. Pill) f0G,11.A.T1.18 of our Generals and other distinguished individuals at the Excelsior Gallery. C. J.TYSOII.., WE have just received a new assortment of Queensware, to which we invite the attention ot buyers. A. SCOTT 8 SON- N order to prove the assertfons made in I favor of procuring PHOTOGRAPHS at the Excelsior Gallery, oill and 'sit for your PICTURE. No_ charge will be made unless you are pleased with the result and choose to leave your order. C. J. TYSON. ' 'FOR Del tines, lrohairs Alpaceas, Lustres, Lawns, De pegeS, Plaids, Poplins, Chnl— lies, S4llO, &c., the ladies should call and see the nest stiles el ROWS WOODS'. oc3rJUIN AND -GrLOCERI29.—The highest market price paid for Grain aud all kinds Yrciduca. •grocterles, Fertilizers, &c., son. staatly oti hand for sale at the Warehouse of Atig.l3, 1866. CULP & KAIVISIIA W. TRAVELING,' TINY I—Befdre doiug so, pro. cure a good Trunk or Carpet Beek, at • P10K141, , 5. • • r(iFle beet:PVTOGRAPHS make is this cauaty, are, ade at the ExcelsiOr gallery, ettlabargi ip . !Ala the Bank. • ' . ~. GETTYSBIDIG, PA., MONDAY, (TUNE Bounty Account. frox. S. IL IiITSSEI.r., Tiren.turer, in. ac. count with the &rough of Gettysburg (Bounty Fund.) DR.' To anvrint eollrcted by subscrip. thin rirst4ll, $1,480 00 To amount collected by subserip tiea Draft, 13,270 00 To ainooct collected by subsaip tion Third Draft, 7,755 50 A 31,51.1 50 Net amount realise/tem Tax Du • plicAte,lB64. 8,302 34 Net amount realized from T A: Dl plicate, 1565, • 5,360 06 Net Arnow)t realized from Tax Du vticate, 1866, 5,050 64 19,784 04 Balance of Bounty Debt unpaid, 11,36 s (.8 By amount paid 60 wen, 7,660 60 Expenses, 241 65 Interest, 122 66 Subscription refunded, 1,4e6 00 Treasuretand Clerk's Sultry Extra, 20 00 By amount paid 41' wen, . 20,550 OC - " “ 5 substitutes, 803 22 Expenses, 288 38 i utere.t and stamps, 6: , 8 58 Treasurer and Clerk's Salary Extra, -:0 00 By amount paid 3i men. " " 4 autetitutes, 1,2n0 00 Ea penses, 2r‘3 00 !acrobat and stamps,' 1,1513 53 Treasurer tad Clerk's Salary Extra 4 20 00 Tata], Balance outstanding on Duplicate 18(t6, sl,2'og io OUTST A NDTSG DEBT. The Debt is due ns-1411 - urri ; Gel Vs burg National Bank, $7,000 00 Serves Dickson and Sister, 000 - 00 Douglass, 1,000 00 John Houck, rs. - S. IVolf, - Jacob Eckert, Borough Treasury, The undersigned, Auditors apioiated by the Town Council ottlie Borough ut Gettys urg, certify that the above is a correct state r' tof the Itouttty Account of said Borough as per vouchers exhibited to us. E. G. FAHNESTOCIC, A. J. COVER, IL S. BENNER, Auditors. June 3, 1867. 3t Bounty Account. A GENERAL r+TATEMENT of the Bounty Account of UNION TOWNSHIP, Adams county, Pa., made the 19th day of April, 1867. Year 180.—'SAMUEL REBERT, Treasurer. • Tax rtzeived, \ CR. irman Sitrine!s substitute, $3OO 00 ries tipangler's " 300 00 , 3 Nlnuse't 0 . . 103 OC 't rs' fees and stationery, 9 00 i a interest, 3,780 30 ---- \ . 4,498 3p e ' iis of Treasurer, 82 43 \ ~ \ &net) 73 r 1 '5 , 1. REBERT, Treasurer. ' S \ IL .al: N.N rensurer, , $B2 43 re ; eileubergsr, oil 100 00 .1 ri ,ffarms• , rine,coi., CGO GO "" 320 00 0 ' " 250 00 0 " " \ " 730 00 " 0 0 \ \. o 7 30 0 0 0 II II t 100 00 II 0 II - ''' , s 45 00 ~_:-.•,_ 3,117 43 CR. - ...._ _.,_— Notes and intereat paid to Martin \ Grove, 1- $215 '", Notes and interest paid to Joseph L. Shorb, 1,304 0 Paid Lewis Manse, - . 200 00 By , "C! " Lev, " Audh " Notes Balance in hal Year 1868.— SAM To balance in hands Tax received from John Collector, Tax received from ffarman DEALEPS Note and interest paid Geo. linseboar, 380 00. 44 " • " Hannan Striae, 530 00 Money p.tid to Jacob BAsehoar, 5 00 Auditors' fees, Mackey paid Benjamin Ferry, " " Jahn Spangler, Treasurer's fees, 3,002 .89 Balance in hands of Treasurer, 14 54 Year ISM—JOHN BAUBLITZ, Treasurer To balance from former Treasurer, $l4 51 Received of John Oitner, Collector, 53 .91 Tax assessed for Idso, 404 70 Note and interest to T. J. McClain, $3lB 00 Enoch Lefevet, Eummittte, Jacob M. Bullingtr, Samuel P.'Ycting, " John Kellenberger, Collector, Exonerations, Auditors' feed, Clerks' fees, / 200 Collectors' lees, Samuel Becker, / •8 08 Treasurer's fees, 2 28 Committee lees, 5 00 Balance in hands of Triesurer, We, the undersigned, Auditors of Union tossnship,„hatiug audited the Wounty Ac counts of Ore above named Treasurers, do rectify - that they are correct ti the best of our knonledge and. Lefler.. Witness our bards Ili 19th day of April, 1887.- A3lOB I.I3FRVER, A.littAilAM. 6E4, . DAVID BUYER, ,Trine S, 1867. 3t* Auditors. THE hooks of BIDDLE & STRICKHOUSER have been placed in my bawls for collet• lion. AU claims not settled by the first of Julynest, will Immedtately thereafter be dosed. by lull, A. .T; COTEU. June 3, 1867. at , fIIEN THOUS-AND LAY SILINGLES, (Oak.) 1 for sale by the subscriber, at the Compa ny Mina, iu Liberty township, Adams county. Ad.:rasa E. W. HARBAUGU, June 3, 7.861. Fairfield P. O. 1 F YOU WANT the latest style of Hats out. I . go to HOW At. WOJDS'. FNACTLY I—Any kind of Pants you desire , can be had at PICKING'S. G ET 'your PHOTOGRAPHS at • . T 1:80r8. IGEIT-DAY, Thirty-Lear sod Alarm JEA,Lilog4si PIOINU S. 51.611 22 CR. • VC= FIRST DRAFT. 9,530 5/ SECOND DRAFT.; 22,328 18 THIRD DRAFT 18.500 00 21,783 33 53,642 22 a=== ASSETS 1,000 09. .1 ? 0 )0 Uu 415 05 293 68 t 1 - 84 68 $4 580 73 S. 01? 43 Settle llp. Lap Skinslex. 7, 1867. •ciuts3astr,. [cost ttrxrcm-E1).1 KASEN ON. HE DEATH OF A 'MOTHER restiui ep In the old arm chair, With it I,SUSe In her hip, Parted t e threads ofsilver hair l'istler the widowed esp. -Meekly olded the thin white handy, Pine-1,411e lionuteous brow -3lolher Is roaming In Lir ott tends. Angels are with her now. ICo more will thought of toll or care Trouble her gullet breast. While she In Sit Ling serenely there. Tithltrg her moonthle rest. Afro' •t pleurar my lfakrr when I shall be Weary of earth's dull al rife, • Tula tine !deer' us pew fully, . ifuldiag the word of llfe. A fi ri run u► , llllg 5.41 r. • Fur t 0,40 shurg Cumokr. STOCK.RA IN I 21141.-HO RfilF.4. In order to make the raising of horses profitable to farmers, one of the most Important questions for farmer to ask himself is, "what kind of horses does the market require, and is best suited to my hand?" _Now, from our close proxithity to the large Atlantic cities, there are two binds of horses that will always be found saleable. The dray or heavy draught horse, and the'ehrriage or light-draught horse; and as these horses are best adapted to this section of country, I propose to allude to them at this time. The London 'dray horses, that have become so world-renowned, are only our ordinary •stock, raised with great care purposely for that use, and are worth from live hundred to one thousand dol lars a. piece. These horses are now being equalled onlY'in New York and other large cities of America. As i have told y . ou, they are bred - with great care, and are never crossed in' breeding with other stock. This is "very neeeisary measure in order to improve your stock. 115-r cr cross you, sleek. Never put a Conestoga mare to a thorough-bred stallion, and vice' nerso—the offspring of which will be neitlin the one nor the other; but in all probabny a poor, blind, spavined, ring=bonetl, crooked-legged creature, Un fit4or any use. if this care is taken good colts will not 'be so much the exception as they are. In choosing a brood-Mare, always se lect one of dark color, broad across the hips, and if possible sound. In selecting a stallion, endeavor if possible to find one as near like her In color, character, size and blood, as possible; for, as I have before remarked, the heterogeneous mass of useless horse IleAli upon the market is the result of bad selections in this matter. After the colt is dropped, tlie farmer must not leave it to care for itselyas generally the case, but it must :be well attended to and • not allowed to become dwarfed from want of food or sheltez% and especially must it be kept in a eletnt. stall, free from lice or mange-filth during the winter. It should be carefully han dled from the day it is weaned; and _taught confidence. Here let me remark that the first three years of a are the most important and generally the most neglected. FauLEwoon. AGRICWILTVRAL A San Antonio paper complains of drouth ill Western Texas. The grazing in that region is suffering from- this sou, cc—an unusual thing at thisseason. Wit's regard to the Comparative fer tility of England, France :And the Uni ted States, it is stated that France ob tains fifty per cent. more wheat from the acre than the average crop of thA,United +States, and England oue hunleed per • nt. more. The reason of this is said Who superior cultivation and manuring. ~11,r careful selection for four years, Mr.'s }lariat, of England, produced when , the heads of which contained three nes as ninny grains as the, origi nal Leap and that would produce sixty to eighty :talks froM each kernel sown. A•Mr. \Warren, of Hancock county, Maine, use as a wash for barns, one bushel °thine, four pounds' of salt,! and &o pounds of white vitriol. This stood the weather very well. Paint of any eol or can be added. Hadish or lettuce, sown around the hills of cucumber and Other.vines is said to be a protection against the striped bug, which prefers this food 'to the young vines; • 3 00 311 89 10 20 37 99 472 31 —Mr. Nathan btosely, of Goldground, rites to the New York Farmers' Club that he has siit.ut different times feet. king. birds which he thought he 'might in the very net of catching honey bees, but on exnuitnlng their crop no bees were found. 6 80 EEO In nngland there are many farmers who more than support theibselves and large fatuities on the-product of six acres, hemdes paying - heavy rents. Agricultu rists in Germany, who are proprietors of tire acre's, support theinselvei4 on two, and lay up money owthe product of the remainder. 375 A kg 03 If a stable is kept clean antics will go into it of their own accord. If dirty, they Lave to be driven to. MEE A Mr. Park of Georgia has !Teti men heads of .E ,, seven-headetl whelk, grown in I..haex, England, from seed ibunti In the wrappings of an Egyi thtn twet....ty-sis hundred ye.irs , SALT POE GAPES. Every one has had his say about gapes; now let a Buckeye tell you how we manage this matter. Formerly we fed the young brood with corn meal dough, 'Using more or less with the gapes every motion. Latterly we have salted the dough, and now raise some two hun dred chikens per season, without losing one from gapes or any other disease. The chiekens arc bright, vigorous and healthy, and always commence laying early in fall. Now we, have some forty . hens, which give us an abundance of eggs. Farmers should not hesitate to adopt this plan. will ye be after telling what kind ore baste ye call this," slid a new ly arrived Irishman, holding up a wasp between rbis thumb and finger. ..'`Och, murder! Spake quick, for he's bltingstie." , • • • 49TH YEAR-NO. 38. ?Iwitt i\.AitistLianp. A German write' r ennylahisof the diffieulties of the Lungusge, Mid cites, the . ord Doz, lebieli he says is pro nouneed Dickens. General Lee reports that there nre at the college - over whieh lie presides in Lexington, Va., 399 students in atten dance—Virginia, Kentucky and Tennes see being the atits most largely repre sented. It is said that Dr. Eminent] being once asked what he considered a proof of a great mind, replied that it was the power to look at the point of a cambric needle wit hoot winking. The Mayor of Augusta, Georgia, an nounce-, in Ins message that there liquid ;' , lO in the Treasury with which to prt - y floating debt of AI General Stoneman has sent a ein pa fly of soldiers from Petersburg to Dan ville to prevent the formation of milita ry companies by the megroes there. The Massaelnisetts Legislature' has rejected the liquor license bill by a vote of 161 nays to tit yeas. It is said, how ever, that the people are' opposed to the present prohibitory law and in favor of the license bill. The next election will determine this fact: MEE —Josh "linings says : Cotn•tin is a lux ury, it is we water, it is the pia spell or the sole. The man who has never court. ed has lived in vain. He has been a Wind /1):1 n among landseape.4, he has been a dell' man in the land of hand or acd by the side of murniurin ca nals. . A man in Orange county, New York, wa4 found at night climbing the overshot wheel of a fulling mill to get to bed. The New. York Et , ,cn'ing Poe says there are, thoosAfllbj of children under lifteeen years of age in that city who are regularly trained to thieving. A boy in •Montrrai put two fire crackers into lris nostrils a nil fired them to bee, tlrc cifect. Ile now knows:he has tio nose. —A Doll butted locomotive of? the Georgia Central Railroad track, the other day,. /tin! was soon afterwards quartered In a butcher shop. ll:iv,' On Monday last, Clov. Cleary ap pointed a special police force for North umberland county, consisting of ten men, under mainland-of Joseph Heisler, Po llee Marshal of Schuylkill oi/ray-- Five of the men are from the vicinity of Shamokin, the others trout Mt. Carmel and Schuylkill county. The Marshal is to receive 5.500 a year in addition to his salary of $2,OfN) from this county, and the men $75 per month each, the whole to he paid out of the county kreasury.—Potts ref& S'tanrlctrd. :No sensible man doubts that Northum berland and Schuylkill are abundantly adequate to fake care of themselves,"but this scheme is a kind of euchre &mine to make these counties support a number of lazy, worthless, political demagogues at high salaries for doing absolutely nothing at al.—Patriot cC Union. littirThe hat, was pailsed around in a certain congregation for the purpose of taking up a collection. After it had made the circuit of the church, it was handed to the minister, who, by the way, had changed pulpits with the regu lar preacher, and be found not a penny in it. He inverted the hat m erd he pul pit cu'-hions and simok it, that its empti ness might he known, then raising hi.; eyes towards the ceiling, 4ie exclaimed with great fervor, "I thank (led that I gut back my hat from this congregation." 77.0fighf 1441(1 Wait--The Buffalo et»fl.• 711Grehli tells the story of a man from the country, tt•ho called at a hardware shwre'in thut.eity, and after being shown a large assortment of scl , sors, turned to the clerk, remarking, "my wife's putty sick, and its 'bout au even thing if she gets any better; guess I'll wait and 'bee if she gets well 'fore I buy any scissors." -t• - • Within the paqt week several beastly and disgusting outrages by ne gro es upon white women have been re corded in the Southern papers. A Geor gia journal at hand tells of a diabolical outrage at Quitman, Perpetrated by a ne gro upon a little girl nine years old. The particulars are too revolting and sickening for publication. fteirlt is said that fourteen thousand four hundred and twenty-three tons of stone were thrown, out by a single blast, with three kegs of powder, at a quarry in Middletown, Conn., on the 17th ult., the largest blast ever made there. jr--.2 - y—A New York Journal very sensi bly recommends that every boy i whether rich or poor, high or low, ought to learn a trade; nut that he should always work at it, but that he may have It 316 reserve capital, together with 1 ts influence in forming his character. SeirA cynical journalist says the rea son so many marriages occur immediately after a great war is that bachelors become so accustomed to strife they leArn to like it, and after the return of peace they en list iu zuatrhuony as the next thing to \var. - I;‘7 - Josliiling4' maxim: "Rifle ar ly, work hard and late, live on what you can't sell, give nothing awn, nod if you don't die ritcli, and go to the devil, yu may sue me for damages." - LEA clergyman "dawn East," asked - a woman he had baptized, as she was coming nut of the water, how she felt in her mind e and was SOMCWilitt surprised to heitr her answer "Bully." ler "Have you the 'Exile of F,rin, here ?" asked a lady, a few days Si nee, of a clerk in a • bookstore. ma'- am," was the answer; "liain't got no eges ile; we've rot a prime article of•bar's ile, if that'll answer." . • lifairThe Moat remarkable case of inde cision we have heard of, was that of a man who sat up all night, because he aouhl not docile which tolake otriirst, his coat or his boots. ' fligrJosh Billings truthfully remarks that "trying to live on tile reputation of a dead grandfather is i stiout ui enterpri 'sing as - trying; to hate h' out rotten eggs under a tin weathercock." to:Slimy a girl thinks she can do nothing without a husband, and when she gets one finds he Call do nothing with him. 165 - Mayor.— fi This Is your first case of lighting, Peggy, isn't it?" "Bross yoUr soul," retorted Peggy, "mass, no, no sob, we used to lit con stant before de p'lice began to bother us?" said one girl to another, "I Mn gladl have no beau now!" "Why so?" asked the other: "Oh, causal eau eat se ihisnYquione as I please t" GIB AL'. ROUTS. 00.11 r It Thalloiten •ZiOnaki, 11 he able article qpup tit+) 04 (1 1;7 • the tehatr,,, We are 1n great danger. The OX Krises of the country are. gnesiter now 11,11U1 it can ajrfe/v hear. Tic machinery now emptnytti by the govern-MOW., hittolll4 the military government of thmt S.^uthe the Freedmen's Bureau, themrmyof ta x - get herers, and the numerous other expe dients for spending money, is fear *Willi as extensive and vest'y us it. wow Letleero the war. We dill not led it when we were, borrowing money and expanding the currency, but now, papthey , is at bnntL' Leg' . home business throughout. the Ninib and 11 est is in nprostrateon dition. Its vitality has been sapped by taxation.. The Simi hJs not oily ba - rupt, but wheal iy stet.% log! The everywhere are..etitteriner from the heaped (INDchum. I'rlees of ihed,: . of rents, ofelot hes, ere tilerilif t ug, awl ouq taxes art , griming' higher every year,' Our local taxes ate nei exceptions. The, State tax for this Comm on weal l le amounts to :.' , 5,000,001 this year, against ba t iOnosiO last year. The late of taxation in thief city has inerensed in the seine time from $l3 to $1; in the thousand; and the same is true of MI the cities anti towns about us. - The remedy is in the hands of the people, tind if they do not exeroireit they have no right to complain. But if they think that we have enjoy ea. as 111/11114 we can allind of such luxuries, we cull upon them to kick over 111 plattornia built open el 'street dogmas, and to choose eel vents who will act for the best Inter e-ts of the country. We /JI e on the tt rung track. Let us change our course before the Ship of Rate i. utt:eked upon the breakers dead ahead!" The Allr is tntirely right hi declarhig that .the "breakers dead ahead" are the Radical party, and its }silky with.reter emAe to reconstruction. With ten States reduced to nillitar,y Territlicies, the peo ple ruled by the sword, business ruined, and eakitatists pre euted from operating that' fruitful and productive section iOr fear of confiscation and the lic4towl molt of lands oil the negrtvs, how earl it— be expeeted that the country Nall emerge !rum under the cloud whichAtow overshailoii s it? The I !wreaked expo/rites of the War Department are owing to this military selietno. The Freedmen's Bu reau also expends millions yearly, and the only circa of their labors is to keep a large pot lion of the negroes iu idleness,. and to di-turb the Milli-trial system of the >other!! r•itates. • Nor do the mis chievous operations of tile liadieal pre— gramme end at this point. In order to keep up agitation, anti thus prepare' for the next Presidential content, they have sent political is:don:irk:auto the Soutti, excited the olorol "Ronk! upon political questlons w h en they should have been engaged in attending to, the crops of that section, and thus prevented thetu Irma being used in such a manner as to im prove their 01411 oundmlf ii, and, at the same time, add to the prealuete and ma terial wealth of the nation.. The condition of the countrY cannot be bettered .until thete is a change iii itr rulers. The men in power are determin ed to carry out their notions and Oleo ries, no matter at what•cest to the,pro (hieing ciusses; the nuutufneture.ra r the worb:ingmen, the capitalists. In - alfine of profound peace the people are called upon to pay taxes for the support uf•ii N 1 or Department, in order that. tin States uni,y he deprived of their rights and American ci u• rous may be ruled by the bayonet. This same spirit,' of reck less political aultoititni has taken posses sion of the lladi ea / party in the States, aud they clutch mid maintain power without reictowo to the cost. But this eous.e of action is producing its legiti mate fruits. Prudent" met' are pultlaPe out the coining btorm i and calling upen the people to prepare for it by vase meas ures. One of them Is the-overthrow •of the Radical party, and that this NOM soon be accomplished we verily bulieivs. TILE roviosEn criALKE. The' true pion of affairs at Mobile is beginning to be properly understood. When Kelley made his hfeendiary speeeh hi that elty, and a disturbnrice occurred, which induced him textderfly, to decamp in tygoverument gunboat, it was heralded over ail the oouutry that the "unreconstructed rebels", had pro• yoked the outbreak and' attempted to create a riot. Of course. these falsehoods were Seabied by the Radicals to make political capital, and the parties who originated thew know very well they I \vele mere fabrications, without the shadow of truth. A late ocearrence adds to the light which is .noW" being throw n upon this subject.- So incen !diay ens the (-nurse of the 21 .° a/tonal Ittpublnlean, a Radical newspaper put,- fished in Mobile. that the tallttitryr hn thorities deemed It necessary to take the office In charge, and its adore publica tion has been prohibited until the pitied sheets have been submitted to the Colo wantlant of the post. The order ,for suppression says that paper whs readered amenable by. the last paragrepli of the General Order, May 19, iiroliffot lug the publication- of oracles inciting rioleitt•e, or the Indic use of int)/ - (11( The article referred to wax one hex/tucking freedmen when and how to use firtorms." 1 Here we have a practical illustration P of "the poisotmleitlice" referred to by the Bard of Avon. Its contents, in . 11114 case, were mixed ay the Radicals for others - to drink, and they brewed a com pound such as fiendish detiffir only could suggest. And noev it La* been eommenifed to their own HIM, and they have been compelled to drain the,...:un savory compound to its dregs. Certainly they have no right to complain, and yet we venture to suggest that we will hear from them no words of approver lied the newspaper been n "rebel sheet," the Radicals would liaise rejoiced in its slip pression ; but being one of their own, spring, teething 'fathead doctrines, in citing to riot and vioenev, and showing the freedmen when and how to urn, fire arms, tiny will mourn the grief which has befallen their put. in silence and in tears. 'The cause of tic Mobile eisturb mice is no longer a iii:,•stery. The Radi cals did all 111 their power to instigate dot and bloodshed. fbev gave the ite gro arms, and taught, him how and Wlt'ea to use them. Kelley played the bully. and at the first signii I of an outbreak fell on his face, rushed from thero-trutb, and tied in terror from the city. At hod the patience of the 'military .nuthorities„ placed there by the Radicals themselves, became exhausted, and the orgniYof the Congressional junto was tinnily seppatoll ed for using 1/welch:try laugutem mut endeavoring to excite the law kss rabble to• deeds of - outrage andlitoled;; fiVe in dulge in no feclings ofexuitation in com menting upon this- subject. We deeply regret the application ~r brute force to restrain the freedom of the press ilk any section of the country. Vi'e condemn the exercise' of it in every 'case, as WO shall ever disapprove of any interferenee by the civil or military power with.the freedom of speech- and in thirpress, sub ject, of course, to the legal restraints which good order and soelat well being render necessary. If- the journal in question preached the incendiary doe. trines attributed to it, as there- is no doubt it did, its publishers should have been made amenable to true civil law, which is broad anti maple emeigh to protect society front the rot.-kkati and debauctietk. But us the Railicale have sowed, they mutt reap. The greet critui n;thiatre meetiug iVith fearful retantlell. Neintf,lB is on their hack, and Oiarian not escape. Justice, though soatelimefi vi e w, le always sure, and the•hiefpry of Radicalism in goblle clearly ppreept that men and parties' *he incantiousii• how the storm,- -not' titti•eqUenti,t • iiibp the Ailn. • gre..Prof. Avail; bits , dipeovimied.that the uegro and suga4mapipeccopOus. _~ LL .• • .at