IN I! U zz=s .. 'Z • i littiunty Omani. ri a 0. . 13. B. ktiSrdlits t io, Treasurer, iii a l cs i VIII elf tit tbelloroasit : of :Orabtycibcatg S a Ma ra .. DR . • To teotiot collected by sabscrly- Alas First Draft, 111,456 00 TRmama collected bi tobscrip• ti &cited Droll, L i 13270 00 To -- as collected by eibscrip -tibia Thirst Draft, 1 i • ' \ 22,51 i WY I.4trouat. realised from Tax Dal p cote, tilda, - 8,342 84 Net ;amount realised from Tax Du- plicate, 18S1 . !1„ .. .- • ' - 8,380 pit Nreamount fe611:64 from Tax Da plicatiii 1808,, 19,762 04 Balance of Bounty Debt unpaid, 11,88.9 68 PIRSTfIogAfT. • By mooned paid so men,.. „ Zip .oses, I,so re, refes4l.4l, TILC'ILSWItt sad Clerk's dslary Estrs, .9ECOIOD • DR A FT. By-amouat paid dkulea, 4 ' " "OsubaLituteg, • COW I 4 rest sad sts‘ps, !sr sad Clerk's Salary Extra, . , . fritnu DRAFT. erowlet fait 3l mei, fin " " 4 out stithles, Et; Dais, 1131. • reit and fosape, Tr ars: 1'44 Cl.criee gatari Esti', ASSETS. • outataidiug on !implicit* OUTSTAKIANQ DEBT. w Debt is due as ftlios : 14•itys rg :rational Bank, • i ei liieksou and ,icier, Douches., it . . 8. Wolf, .E - /ob Eckert, " , - ugh Treatury, 1121 BE Johl lir I Irti. Bur' e undersigned, Au lit„ors appointed by Town Cowart b of the borough ut Getty*- , crrtify that the above is a Lorreet state t of ,the Bounty ANuttiat or sArd tiurough r etenchers exhibited to us. ti e U N. G. FAIINE:STOCK, A. J. tXtVEU, H. S. BENNEtt, ne 3, 1867. !t - Auditors. BotCnty Aerount. tr.NERAL4STATiiISENT 4.a the ilciunty Ae..,unt ol UNION TOWNSHIP, Adams ty, Pa., emir the linh day of Apri, it REBEILT, Treasurer. DU. "1 rezeirett, CR.. . Troirtaito Strintos sillstitufe, I too . 0b Chairlea Spanglerts " „... 300 00 ILeviis Alaii.P's ~ ! 10J LC -Auditors' fees and stationery, % 9 00 litttet Mud laterese, 5 — ,za&-.o -=--- ; 4,443 3J Ililance in bander:if Treaaver, 82 43 Year 1866.-3AMI7EL REBERT,iTreasurer. tits. Leileinee iu bainla Ire-4114er, f • 4J Tax r..ceire3 lturnJui An Kellenii&rger, Collector, 100 00 Tni received from Harman - Stride, col., 6bo 00 " 323 00 4. 250 _OO 0 . 730 00 " 730 00 " 100 00 45 00 En= CR Note. and foierent paid .te 11,Artin wore, $215 45 nryd interest paid to Joseph L. , 1,304'00 Paid. Leicts Moms., 205 tn 3 ?Note and interest pith! Geo, lbtselloar, 34U 00 •' 'littrmisu Strtue, 530 00 Money 0311 to. Jaeob B teelwar, 5 00 Auditaid' feet), ' .-t . - 300 'tune) paid Be ij ttnin Parry, 8: 1 89 " tt' J thu Spettzler, --- 10 .0 rrenanrees fees, 37 99 ! iialanee in hsnds of Treasurer, YeaIIB67:—JOIIN BAUBLITZ, Treasurer To ,bokirriie from former TreftSurery $l4 54 IlLeceited of Julia th tuer,llettur, 53,07 Tai miscued tut 181;6, 444 70 Note *pit interest to T. J. McClain, $312 00 Enoch Lefever, Committee,_6 80 Jiwrob Y. Bollinger, 4. 0 00 Samuel P. Ytung, " • . 360 '44/ bla Kelle . oberger, Collector, " (~ ,21 IS Exoneration., , . 7 , 240 Auditoeefees, ' , - Li -II 00 Clirks' foes, Collectors' tees, Samuel, Becker, Treasurer's fees, Cumtsittee tees, Balance in hand, of Treasurer, We; the undersigned, Alditors of Union township, - haring audited the Bounty Ac counts, of - traabove tramed Treasurers, do c end). that thex are correct t 3 the best of our and belief. Witness our bands the ipth dam orApril, 186 T. AIDS LEFEVER,. ARRAriAIf sr.LL, DAvill BUYER, Auditors.- done 3,18 C?. 31* Notice. HENRY WEISENSALE'S ESTATE. —Letters testamentary on the estate of dam livery Weiseusele, late of Union town imp,' Adams county, de,:esied, haring been granted to the uuetereigned, residing in the lathe township, be Lereby gives notice to all pereOns indebted to said estate to make imme diate payment, sell those haring cicims against the eeipee to prevent tbezt properly 11 41414- Ceded roi 4 Afertemetit.- . • MICHAEL H. KITZMILLER, June 3,1567. - 6t* Executor. Notice. ANIEL IL GO B RECIIT'S ESTATE: )-Let grftldd:iittlaes!iteor stii ebt Union t:idars county, deed., hating been granted to the un dersigned, residing la the same township, else .hrtelllismierofice to all persons indet,to to aid estate to mike immediate {filmes,' and thaessitiavtagalaistiasspinst the same to pie sent them paper!, avihentieated for sett Mutant. .s i•••• •—: , IstIUISA GOI3I3EWIT, Janet, 18117. silt Admisistradrix. -. 'ibill'S .irall Oir n good els article of Pe 44,mery ... yYstuiy Soa p , or flair lirusbea, can ' e saiipliei At J. L SCIIIGEnt% . t i kettfil - LARGER I I LAR•Gra l t 11l stock , • Aititiadismade Clothing in theicounti as - PICKING'S. 1/11111/111 r elises, ice., at NOUNS'. ,fttgli 101 11 . WANTIID,..Mcr bey Cashmere , s ' i r Oath Stoke, .Collar Sick', ~ , sate';_- r : TWKlNtrtt TEM se PHOTOGRAPHS' aide - tetbil l lialimpa r . tenuity, art made at tire Stisehtior Gallery, stfobnior, opposite the Binh. ' at ..C..1 • The First National Bank OF ,birn.Vssuaa ALLOWS INTEIIIiIST ON DRPOSITS .AS USUAL., • , /MIA and Sells aU k:tids qf GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD AND SILVER. ' Converts 7-30 A'utcs into 5-9D . U. S. Monde. thorOrders tolilited end pr. , mptly ed 10. Uk.O. ARNVLIJ, Casbier. April 15, 18E7. 1,755 50 GOVERNEENT SWUM OF ALL ISSUES, 6,099.64 •Yn COMPOUND LY7'.I..REST ROTES, hough& in4 k 1014.1. , 53.t42 22 111•11,7SZSIMIEM - Order.' for pni chateland gale oY STOCKS, BON DS AND GOLD, '1,660 00 241 80 11/ 62 1,426 00 241 00 WTI? TEREST allowed on SPECIAL DE POSITS at 3, 4 and 6 per cent., accolding to length of time of deposit. 10,:,30 GI April 8, 1887. 20,550 00 803 22 208.38 648 5d 20 00 I= 22,348 18 FIST!(t.)-I,S, RIFLES; msg . ° 00 1,20 op 24; 00 1,813 53 20 00 Criekei'dnd Bale Ilail Imilemews, ' FISHING TACKLE, SKATES, . Cducirer„,.. 4 laCtlghT, &Co No. 409 Ctrtqlnit atieet, Phi:aaelphia. May 13, 1967: Cm 21.,783 5.3 63.84,2.22 ...,,,,-...,...... =I THE undersigned hue °tette.' • prug Store i n New asturd, Adams county, and re spectfully calls..tha attention ut the public to his stock of _, E1,3n~ tQ _~~~ PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, DYE-STUFFS, WiNDoW GLASS. Patent Medicines and a full assortment of DELIUS; in sword a complete stuck of oods geuerully kel.t in a first-el Lis Drug 4' tore. All of which lute been put chased daring the pnat, two weeks, and will be said low. All the articles formerly'manufactured at the old est/a/filament iii Ea-t Merlin can ,br had here. Understanding his ,busioews perfectly. suit releeting his geona himself, he is able to warrant his tDrugs pure and as represented. The. pubhe are n.que.sted to gire hfui a tri.d. . D. M. mild.r.u. KesrOkford, Stay C, 180. din • NEW GOODS .$7,000 00 6110 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,0;0 00 475 00 293 t 11, 'yes GQ REDUCED ELEI;ANT CALICOES - AT T WEL I'EAND A HALF CENTS! $4 !RD 73 AT TWELVE AXD A HALF CENTS! ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT PRDES DE. Call at oued MO buy sotae of the Goo& now opeaing at • 4,' , 88 73 April R it ig67. • r o Bridge Builders. I)RorusALs will be received by the Com tnissioneis of Adams co..nty, until THNltilt AY , the 20th tiny of JUNK oext, for BUILDING A c-ovErtv,i) wi,i)DEN Aultusti DBDSSUM CREEK, at MID, on tlsi rosd leading from Bricker s 11111 to Betder's Church. The Bridge is to be buits•after'the aide of "Burr's ystent,' one. span one bun:ire:l and three feet long—to be built orate best mountain white pine. Stone can be Lai near the site of the Bridge. Mil 3.017 4 Plans 'end ape , giestions•can be seen.. by persous ivishiug to hid on the day.of or by ftpfilicittion to J.M._ tile • Cinsuutseiousis. ABRAHAM KRISH, SAMUEL WOLF, NICHOLAS WIKRMAN, Cotrutuieeiuuers Attest—S. M. W.Avrin, Clerk. , May 27, 18G7. tl TE County Commissioners take this method or intcrming the Tax-payers of Adams' e7initty that the itnte Alohorities no !longer allow abatetnent for early payment, of State Taxeg—but add tire per cent. to the quota of pack county that does not pay by the let of August. The Commissioners therefore give notice that in order to meet/his demand, ,Tax-papers throughout-this county will be to pay on or before` the OM bAY OF JULY NEXT—otherwise five per cent. must be added by the Collectors in all cases. ' By order of Comri.istionerp, :. J: N. WALTER., Clerk. May 27, 1867. td 8,002 89 14 54 3.617 4! 472 31 HOUSE RAISER AND MOVER, aETTYSBURG, PA , AVINd returned from Chicigo, will :HAVING returneu RAISE or MOVE BUILDINUS, any where in Adntna county, on sltifit notice, and as reasonable ruteg. lie cau Le found at the Globe Inn. — I May 17,'186f. 6w,* . , ' I 00 $ OS EM 5 00 875 4 98 99 A NORM WOLF'S. E.STATE.-I,etters .of lj admini l dration on the estate of Andrew. Wolf. Sr, late of Oxtnrd township? Adams county, Oeceased, having teen granted to die undetsigned, residing in Tyrone township, lie hereby gives bodes to nll persons indebted to said ei•tate to make immediate payment, and those having elsims against the same to pre sent them properly auth-nticated for settle ment. • 11YERS, Adm'r. 472 31 Mhy 2,, 14367. 6w TIIH undersigned auuld inform the Ladies of Littlestown and vicinity that she has just returned fromthe city with a large stock of MILLINERY GOODS, such as Hats and flonavts orthe latest styles, with Ribbons, Flowers, kc., &c., also of latest falhions, which sh* will divrise of at *Mall profits. Elie hopes the ladies of the town and neigh borhood will call, feeling assured as site does that her goods and POices will please. MARY M. SLOTHOWER, Frederick street. ; Littlest Own, Uay 2 ,1841. • . Ai . flee, . __ ... r . TORN ROSENBE GER'S .ESTATE.—Let -0 tern testamentary on the estate of Jt , htt Rosenberger, late of , liocnti let/sant township, Adams county, deceased, has j ing been giant 7 pd' to the mittiersigerd, residing in the same township, they berehy give notice to all per sons indebted to int4d estate to niake-Mnue date payment, and those having _;rlaisos against the same tpipresent.theiti properly authenticated for settlement. OOHN UYSEIS, 7 01211JRL 1. SHORT', , Jane 3, 1867. .60 liicutors. - VONE but first.rete PIOTCRSS ere allowed to be taken from die Exerlsjor Geller,. mplee shown before the order itt C, FITS , —terra I I PITS!! 1--To get Cloth - - log to look well and Make you took go to PICKING'S. IMOR Tile's Prints; Meets, Giagla ma, Moly. r Hot. Lc., go to ROW t WOODS'; II4SQTO MINIATUit2I3, at. the siceisior Gallery. ore superb a44l,foroiab o od avione third city prices. sod ;exitmore speei- Moos. C. J. TYSON. IMSMI 1111=E Gettysburg National Bank. SEV44Vp7HIRTIES. promptly ezect.tmi J. KJoay BAIR, cashier, Westeott.* George, SCCCebicliti To PtIILIP WILSON A CO., IMPuI:TERS •+D DEALERS IN New Drug Store IN , NEW OXFORD GOOD -MUSLIN'S FYING COMPETITION FAHNESTOCKS' Nat lee'te Tax-payers. F. S. 'Glutting, Notice. Millinery Goode.. - New and -Cheap Clothing, AMLNKRitIIOFPIL STACKS OF.T_HEM! J-11,RIICKER110Fir. corner Gl' the Diamond 4 : and TUrk street, his just returned from the city with au utl4/41/illyalaraCtiVe 411.011. meal. vi , CLOTHING FOR SIM! NG SUMMER WEAR, which be will sell at such prices as cannot fail to tate them CtIT very rapidly. and ju.fge for-,)oursele,es. To 1,,0k at. the OKA lent material, tasteful cutting, and neat and substankial sewing, and then to get his low prices—callets cannot help but buy, when they see i 4 so much to their interest to du so. He has Coats, - Pawl, Vests, of all styles I and materials; - Hats, Hoots and Shoes; ' Shirrs, of all kinds, floeierz, Cloves, Thai& keriliirls, Neck . Ties, Cravats, Ur., n And Paper Collars, Suspenders, [Stashes, Combs ; Trunks, Vatices, timbrellirs, Pocket Knivei, Seger', Smoking anti Chewing Tobaccos, Pipers, Stationery, kc.; Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thoninnit and one other articles, entirely too numerous . --to ,retail in a newspaper a lcertisement. I Ile asks the attention of the public to his i new stock, confi.fent that it will pleas'—and no one C3ll. or will sell chmilier. Don't forget [the place —zo - rner of York street and the Diamond ) Gettyeburg. JACOB BRINKERHOFF.. April :9, 1867. tt a Call at the New Store, t. Loris (mime OPPOSITE THE COURT-HOUSE, _Getty:W . )llv, Pentect- NEW GOODS AND LOW PRICES! The undersigned have opened et• new Pry Goods Store, in Kendlehart's building, dire. t ly opposite the Court-house. Baltimore , st feet, Gettysburg, and start with a splendid stock, embracing- everything to he tourid in a firtst cl iss establishment. Bought for cash, alid at the latest decline, We can offer bargains ILIA must astonish net,' one.. Come and are for yourselVes, and you will find what we here say verified. With , good Goods, small profita, bud. fair and square dealing, we ottall endeavor 51 deserve, what we most respect fully ask, a share of public patronage. We offer a flue assortment" ot CLOTHS, CASSIS{ ERES,'Jeans, Cottonades, Vestlngs., Gloves, Suspenders, Neck Ties, and every thing else in the Gentlemsn's line. . Fot the Ladles we have SILKS ALPACAS, popLINS, paegeii, Lawns, Defaines, Ging hams, Calicoes, Glorf4,l l arivols. Hoop Skirts, .Corsets, Hosiery, White Goods, with what eves else may by called for. A'so, a large stock of IICSLINS Sneetinga, it kings, CARPETING, 'QC ENS-WARE, Cinhrel Lis, Window Sliattes; Isc., Le. 1.7 .. a1t at the New Store, opposite the Court house, and eatitiiitie Lie stuck, before pur clitodug elsewhere. April 15, iStli a 21; E W • Mlr 0 U E TN connection with their HIT and SIIVE busitiebe,. ROW & WOODS have opened out a full awl entirely new stuck or Your kg terests. AT the south and of. Main s eet, Fairfield, Adatos ccuat.), Pa., can heNtuund an ae surtuietit of • N E G 0- 0 D\S at reduced prices. LAPIEW DltaSi GOODS of•all kinds ; Calicoes at lO,ceuts per MI/stilts 13i cents per yard; GENTiIIiEN'S WEAR proportionately cheap. ALSO CII EA P °GROCERIES, Sugar at 10 cents per Pound, and other things in proportion. Determined not to be under• sold, and conside-tog it a plet.aure to show Govds. we Wend an itivitationto all. Come and see our stock, as we believe it will be to your interest to call before purchasing , else where. DANNER & .8111ELDR. April d 2, 1807. 3m New Spring Gooch. I • L. &MICK invites the sttcntion of his Jhis friends and customers io•Ltis large and well sAre 1 stock of ' 1)11Y GOOD 8, Comprised is part. cf Freneh'lleriTlOVS, All Wool Poplins, All Wooll)elAinei, All Whol PI lids, Plain Poplin., Black and Fancy Silks, Tsmise Cloths, B 1 tt , , k' and Colored Alpacas Black Croths at.d Cassinseres, Feucy Cassirueres, Cassinets, Jeans, Flaanels o'ol kinds, Gloves and Stockings. Also, a fine lot ol Ladies' FURS AND SHAWLS, as w ell as an abundant variety of Notions, all of whictraill be sold c.heitp for the cash. J. L. SCHICK. k . April 15, 18e7. • Town Property ;1-1 A T -PRIVATE SALE.—The undersigned otters his•property, the WHITE SWAN NOM., in South -Washington street, at Pri vate Sale. The house is a NEW TWO-STORY BRICK, with Back-builliin,g, and an extra Building adjoining for a Bar-room. Also on the premises a good Stable, a never-failing well of water, a cistern, and choice fruit The property is a very desirable one, and should command ths,attention of buyers. This is the house that was so terribly shelled during the battle of Gettysburg, and will always be looked upon as an object •f interest on that accour.t. The terms can be learned by calling on the subscriber, residing thereon. JACOB STOOL April in, 1867. FOR REST.—The undersigned, because of death in his family, is compelled to change his business, and therelore offers his TAVERN STAND, iu Iluntinusburg, AVMs county, FOR RENT. It is a desirable stand, and anf one wisldng to rent it is requested to mftke Immediate application. Possession can be bad at as early dsy, JACOB" EICUOLTZ. Msy 21, ORM tf New Goods. , ORRIS bait just returned from the city with a large. assortment of Clothing. all and examine them. (May 6, 'V. ' • For neat. . T. , ,,..,N IA ill LLS,,w kb Miller's Monse, *n4 other privileges, one mile from Fair eld, Adams county, for lent. Enquire of Raj. John Xusselinas, ass y . Fairfield. or of M. 4 W. McGLEAN, .. Feb. 11, 1_8674 lielt.sionts, 'la..- _ .1.- A stihilliOlt quality affibebeet London 11: Draft 14Allitd, 'with _Or . , yritytont inim, toy, mile by „. D. 3 .liallftgAitri 'ft otoT. b. Nottle.lor your Clothing. . 1V REBERT k 4LLIOTT, AICoTHER DRY GOODS ♦DD NOTIONS se all the LATEST OODS TICS: - ;e filatlis % eassimers, , Nankeens, Drills, ROW 4 WoODS. Tavern Stand The National T) RAPERS AND MOWERS.. Hog hems' raterlfs he No. I Machine haq two brietnz. 1V heel., Hinge Joint and Fulling llhr, making it very con%entent to move horn one place to another; 1s vetj in its construction, extremely- light draft and durable. cuts—l !cet 10 inches in grass and 5 feet 2 inches in grain; is a Seit•fteker and. Side Delivery, and is etsptble of cutting a 'whole field wi , hout binding a sheaf, and does the most satisfacto ry work This Machine tan also be used an Hand !turbine wittinqlt icing its .tinalittes as a Pol•Nrr. The 51.tchinr is •warranted to eat Grass as well as tiny Single Mower th•t cuts the same width. It is a strong. two horse %chine—three or four can be used, it required. in hilly ground. - GRE %T INIPROVEMENTS have been made for the C-tnaiug season. The AlM:Lillie is ftifo perf.ctly balanced, no weight on the licrses' necks in Mowing or Reaping. Alwtys remember that at the Mowing trial intit summer in Getlshiirg. in comp-tision with 6 other leading Me'citines. the .iti ,, ie mimed M whine was awarded tie minis. This way it 300 want the bist Ma china. No. 2 i. sk light two-horse )f thine. and kr differently von:trueted, cutting or. rain right hand side.: And in front et' Drn•wg \\ltems is n Self-ItaVer and Dtlicery. The differ rime in the width of rut i , The elating let er and the inising and low ering levers are loth at theArireffright side, and with 11;iteri_it fool upon a pedal and his left Ilona .1 foot-step, he has the power and control of the whole innehitte, he eAll rajse or loner the plait-rot from thine to 'fourtcen inehes, tan throw the m whine out of gear, and rep ulate the rake so as to make the she acs 1 age or small, and all this nt ;he s time time and without retarding the motion 01 speed of the machine.. Keep it before the people that •it A fair mow ing trial 7 ailTerent Maeliine.l Mere present itt Dill•loirg, Volk county, last Sum inPr, tic National Machine saa awarded the cizNt• Atl Mitehim-5 vvsnrriintel to give satisfac tion-I For rtl:er infnrnintion apply to LENIN 1117S:INIAN, Agent, B wiles suuth of Uett.ythurg. 3fArch 4, IFCi• tt Flllltl:_`.[ A\~ YATiOBALSCLF-nI 4 CIIIIOINC ATEEL SPRING TOOTH 'forme Rake! Poiented Septeute,er 91h, IiGS, and Re-iasued Dr . i,s;-1 . u~' Tili3 Rake is nit Inilepeniie4 Steel Sitting Tooth Italie, and has proten itself to lie the ino.t perfect 1101:541 11AKI; now in u-e. Wt. 1.1 this [take the Horse does all the work, both the ftakitin. and Di-charging, by the dti ter touting a lever .t tete inches, o Lich liITOW9 it in gear, and as the hor•e moves forward it raises the tctith and Oita-barges it-t load, and thou shifts out or gear itself, the teeth driip ping down ready to r.tke a..tain. lfti this ope rittihn it is easiiy onderetood that - the Roker Au hardly any u,rk to do qt all! Important improvements have been wide of late, to thing it very simple and diiraide iii its e nsttuctina. Tiinth•itiols or Orem hate been sold in the sew last years, and gi%en the hest, kindf Nitt:etat•i Circulars giving a fuller description of these E•tchiues can be had by applying to the Agent. Apply to LEWIS' 3tVSIIIrAN . , Agent, 3 miles soutli oh GetT4Juig. March . 4, 1861., tf. Green Ridge! • STORE .L I T ENV AND NEW GiICIDS J' 011 N N 0 .1.! B Ras ennatnenced Store-keeping nt hreeo Ridge, in Ilitiniiiton town-hip, Adams county; Rumptun turnpike, and wood int:unit the public that he has just returned from the city with nn excel.ent. ri - suritLent ut DRY GOODS, GPOCEItiES, t,!! PA—NS-WARE, CEDAR-WAlti , „ CANDIES, NoTIONS, Tobacco:. kc., ed, a toll and etdo c p!ete line or Goode, to suit the neeessititt; end tastes of all. IliA prices are' Kg tow ate tile very lowest—Calicoes 'lt 10 eeuts and Aill.ditit at II cents, its ins'n-nces. Morse or Tow:SCE', Apel 2111,1867 tt i. WILLIAM!), WALLACE & Co —l,ll-t Ilarvest I purchased o tie of your Combined Sclt Rakers, and I prouounce it a first class Ma: linte. Cali cut any kind of Gras wet or dry, at a•-ere slow w dk, and never chokes. The Self liiiiki.r works very well. 1 heliete that it can brill,: up lodged Grain that no other Machine can to with blanks, and can Le changed for different kinds of Grain, which is a great advantage. Yours um! , , HENRY W. SWAItTZ New Goods I CrnIIERLAND TOWESH/P, April 24th, lBb7. CH E AP—C 11E40:Ell—CH EA PEST ! Messes. Wttr.tsus, WALLACE. ACO.—I lf you is ish to CV good or 1 cheap, bought one of your Cutuldited self Raking Goods, tahl at JACOI. & BRO'S.STUI/E,; Reapers And ,Mowers, and can recommend it II tar , ors' /Hotel, in Chamders'ritg. street, : a - : a splebdid Mower. .Never chokes., and of Getayshlrs. They have the very best Arlen- I light draught, and the Rake does ail it, is [-e -idetic tit goo ls, such as CLOTHS, CASS'. I commended to do. It is a great it iNalit.lo Lu NELMS, TW EDS, &c., the market make the. sheaves any, size con wish. - duce, and are determined to sell them , as Yours truly, JOHN SOCKS, Sr. cheap as can be sold anywhere in town or , ' • JOHN SOCKS, Jr. country. Au: person wishing to hate' them SEEABLE TOINESTIIP, April 24th, 1807. I , Great Pied ttetion eat out, can hove it done free of charge. Mosses, Witidasts, WALLACE k Cu.—We, I N Pit I C E S ! Those desiring Goods made tip, can also Re ' the undersigned, having used and tnirly test am-en:mod:tied. We warrant the hest work '''. ed the Ruin/aid Combined Reaper and Mow , T HE undersigned take great pleasure in r.)iug that th ey gar's and the best' fits to be. had anywhere. No eh (Hand Ralfe.) can recommend it s ,Jcs of JEST RECEIVED humbug in what a e say. ( light, draught, and taro from side aratight, NEW GOODS, suitable for a large stock of We hate on hand the•very best and most and Belies e it to be the mussdurable Machtne Spring and Summer We tr, which the - 2y ; st ili dutable SEWING MACHINES, and are always in our locality, aucl has given us general E:at-, sell at VERY LOW prices. We CRC sell ready to wait ou pnreliasers. Full ERLISitle- i s i det ,i, m l Yours truly, Lion given as to operating machines. Call; I - JOHN G: BR NKEII.IIUFF ' ltdii,i was e i a,ihed.ll,t s t i l d ins, I yard wide, at 18 cents, ' i, uat 30 cents it few weeks ago. anal examine. We war an t them to be -the . JOHN STALEY, best in eat. -; JACOBS a into. , ISAAC F. BRINKRRHOFF. We Lace reduced the prices of ALL OTHER GOODS IN PROPORTION. April 8, 1867. ' i Gnus( Vri" Towosore, April 24th, 1867. We have GENTLEMEN'S WEAR as follows: 1 / 1 15r1L. , . WILLIAMS, IN ALLACII k Co.—! par- Cloths, Cassinieres, Veskings Kentucky : Jeans, chased one tit your Gombined• Machines atter couo n ad e s. Linens, Suspenders, Half Huse, going to See three ;Rife, ent Sell !takers work- Gloves, Collars, sm., &c. ins, 1 itonsediattly put it .to the test in LADLE,' WEAR—Cloths and Cassimeres, greitt"that leaned easy from the .Machine en for circulars mud racks, Alpacas, Mohair two side , : and it gave entire staisfaetton. I ,Plaids,Dalaines all styles, Ginghams, Calicoes, then cat my oats I rap, and cut ma large roan-' Gloves all kinds, hosiery, &c., &e. City t I Grabs, and will say for the Hubbard No trouble to show GoodS. Give us a call. that it a ill not choke in any kind Of Grass;wet ', • DITPLIORN it HUFFMAN.' or dry, ,stentiing or lodged, at the slowest', Gettysburg, April 8, 18(7. gaityosr ;horses will walk. Is free from side . diaugl.l,, um weight on horses' !leeks, and is, JIMA the Place light wogs 1;:r two horses. The Self Lake is; TO GET Et abollt a doubt the best Self Raker out. It Y OUR GROCF.itIES, PROVISIGNi, die.— lats four, Rakes, (no blanks.) And min brirg 1. The undersigned having .bouslit out up lodged Grain that no Band Raker can do, N. FL H. Wisotzkcy, (formerly Strickhuuser anal can regulate Vie eliesves the size you k Wisotakey.) will continue the Hrsb—Lbitrigittl, the Rake for any kiud of GROCERY', PROVIsI,IN & NOTION Grain.' That it will make nice work in the ,business, at the old stand. Baltimore street, tallest Rye or the shortest Closer see d, and a few doors south of the Court-house, Gettys if the Crsin is one thjekness, can make a burg, where it will afford him great pleasure sheut each revolution of the Raker without to respond to the calls of the public. His any aid Irian the driver; can also I% nth Oats, atock will al wa ) r, be kept fresh and full, so which is another great advantage no other that buyers may at. all times rely upoit getting Machine has. Yours ti lily, : the hest of everything. His . • SAMUEL WEANT. ' COFFEES, CU A ItS GERMANY TOWEiIIIE, April 24th, 1807. 1 SYR-UPS, MOLASSES, lIESSILF'. WILLIAMS, WAILLLLt L. G...—1 par- . TEAS, SPICES, Chased one of your Combin'ed Fr'lf Rakers Salt, Fish, (Meese, ftrarob, Hasps, Candies, -trout your Agerits„ - Therlir Tneuss k Son, and Blacking, Matches, Tubs,' Becket?, Brooms, canleonsistently recommend itas as very good Bed Cords ; CONFECTIONS, Fruite r Nuts, (lower or light ,Intughlt 4 and the Self Raker Segura, Tobaccos. STATIONERY, ke., Sic., can bring up Grin that is /lown better thee Can't he boat. He asks everybody, front town any nand Raker can 40. Yours truly, 'and cceantr). to give him a cell• convinced that JACOB KING, ; bls goods and prices will please. , . I ltrOysters and Fresh Fish in their season. I cane 'endorse the shoes.recommendetion r i of Mr. Ellig, as I have one of Ike same Ma- S. 31. GILBERT. etrinh. ' ' ' ',10,,is toygrt. . I April 8, 1887. -- , LARGE VIEWS of the B Ole Field, singly, rpErtlitni,F: SLAUGHTER in die prices of • air in sets, very tow Also, STNEEI I 811 'Ahls ofßeady- trade Clothing I To hr,4070 VIEWS of ,Cie lii tie Field _ at tlia be convinced you here but to call at ' Excelsior Gallery. Den't lull to see them. .• PICKING'S. I - 0: I. TYSON. JItAN FACES. -.. last received another ,TO keep dry, buy your Umbrellas at supply of superior Rasnrs, Strops, Brush- 1 •PIDIKINOIL „ es and Sunhat ROW k WOODS' - /3 0 toDOPHORN it 11OFFMAN'S.,:e bay 'PEW rusk is for the Itt`ielnitor Gallery. Al i lam' . year Dry Goods, Notions, Queeasware, e,wit l ited upon is fr:4 8 . 4011 AAA Witb alit-' ke., oe the northwest Corner of Diamond, g fititilltra 'in .= ~ ' C. J. TYSON. 1, Getty . aburg, Pr. , AbirMoiitT ems image 'oft heads. by using* T HAVE gone over the entire stock pf AL. OWL Earaelee'OLlOL ' ' IA RUMS and FRAMES, at the Estilitor ME SAYS, first quality, and reasons.' Oallery, and marked them down to Within a ir Pil hie tu,price, can be hid at ' fraction of - cost. Now is your time for bee f g.i. LULEISCH'S. aims._ C.- -.T. TYHON. ale trel3 that his goads and prices will be satislactury to the public, and therefore in itestt large share of custom, from near and Di:nil, forget the atitice—the Greta Milo. Std . Jra is die rluce to get the lull worth j of your no:** , .. April 22, 1134 \ 7. tf Removal. 1867. 1867. A. E. FEISTEL, Dealer in Cocks, Watches and Jewelry, HAS removed his Store to York Street, next door to Boyer k Son's Grocery, and directly opposite the Gettysburg National Beak, where he has od hind, and Cd content ly receiving, largo supplies of UUK 8 , from the beet Manufactories in the United Stgtes ; nil E tyles, .tor, Ott!, tight day and Twenty-four Ilt.ur Clocks, e tat and without Alarm Attarlarent—alt warranted, and will be sold cheap. hien Itbm $3 5u to $9 1 o. IF A T C IT R S, of American and Foreign manufacture ; Gold and Silver, Hunting-case and Open-fried Le vers, Detached .Levers, Straight Line, White Rut ement, Lepines, Railroad Time-keepers and Timing Witches, all Arai-ratted—at prices ranging from $l3 OA to $75 Ou. R, R Y. A splendid assortment of Rings, chased and plain, Wedding Rings, 'Rings suitable far Gifts, Silver kings, and Gusts Perena Rings, Ladies' Breastpins end Ear-rings of all styles and prices, Gent's Pins of ell kinds, Masonie, Odd Pallor/re. Red Ilegand "TRplikr'4. , Gn,ld Pens and Pencils, Rings, Silver Thitnhlq,-Spectacles, silver, plated and ateel, a large variety of Gold and Silver Vest ritid Curls Cb.tins, Gent's Bosons Studs, Steams Buttons, Lecketi, Chards,. Ice., &t., sold CHEAPIR THeffi THE CR tAPCST. w arelorki, Watches; Jevirelry and Musical Instruments of every description IIEPAIRF.I3 to order, and siitisf.tetioo guarantebti ig s 411) easel. . Thankfal for the liberal paitonage-hereto. fore extended to him, he hopes, by dAlig gond work, at reasonable prices, to merit the nen tinnauce of the sante. ' A. R. FE/STEL. Getcysburt, Aprii lA, 1807. , tt $ 9 (") It sir G ttth esaitreig l ts — eathelr ju lir ;o m ui d . Address 0. Ts-04141r a3 04r, lififdiegip -1411,14,11.°1 (May 21, PRING CLOTHING jest rereisrd of NORRIS'. = ram übbard's SELF-RAKER TAE are -gents for this cele brated Combined pelf-ralt;nit !leaver and rower. This nits Line has tvcci'driring tt I eels, hinge 'oink All i" vcry si opie ‘3 c‘n,truetiorr, eml is consider-if by those ult.) have used ahem to be eu ill in grass to any !light machine made for mowing- only. It yule 4 reef, 8 inches in gran:‘, and 74 rest G inches in grain. ilia' rear-cot side-delivery, capable of cutting • a whole fie:4 of grain without binding sheaf, and does the to ist sntistactory work ;n lodged' grain, to he worke.l with t:so horses. We claim this :Sell-rake- to he the best in existence. Farmers reading over the different adrertiseirruts will tome to the , conclusion that all tire best, but we trill gise them our reasons for calling ours the best : It This 81.1 i-raker las four rakes (no blanks or fans). TO • driver, by nirmos, of a small lever in front of him, can make either rake sweet) tht platform at hi! will. on is ill sec by this that it m ‘l,O no difference how ftr too have to drive, cot ',lt tvlunys have a fiil alif-nt, thereby cat tug binditt'g, gatiicri:l Or dividing sheaves. 2nd. If your grain is one thickness to that it will permit of making a sheaf euch revolu tion of the II tke or you wish to pot the driver on the horse., you van do so by simply dt nw kg one bar, and still keep the rakes all oh to drop into the lud,:ed or tangled grain. ll , •re is one :mint to which we wish to draw your attention. Take notice where all these rakes s:rike into tile grain and then compare them with blanks or reels on other Self-.akers. 31. If you iit,h dour onts on a swat h, tie your leNer, f ist, and it n ill do its work per fe:tiy and you wilhbr safe fur wet weather, 4th. All mea knOte, that in it hacil-raking Reaper that the reel must hr changed for dil -1 fcrtat Itiod;Of gr•iin to make it reel on plat form, and ea insist.. Seit-I Aker to make perfect work in ext.! ewe tall or short grain. This it ike has this most drairahle and indispettsa-ble iinprovytn,nt, which ro other rats his. Ti is done to changing two set screw , In r walks on a licit. it :tit a I c unthin 11140 of-these four desir , itile point:, it h •s been .nnunitnonely oehnonledged lit 31 :I I di:doter..ll:id and pro, tieal macificists to he dicideuly tdmple and durable in its con,tn..c tii n At the great National Fidd Trial. hi lit at Auburn, New York, livt Juti, which is con ceded to have Veen the I infest:and st veicst trial artr held in the Filiied several wtiait., ander the entire moimgi meat the New York State A. ricultur tl Soidery, was nw.trh d the Gold m e ,;„; for ti.d hest Combined Self-rakinidi Reaper and Mower, 'I - 1 Ku. 4). Since the great dttferett ini.,Lines aro claiming Med ils, and masf !persons are in a fi , it We wiil rip] tin ; TI ere wc le abniit :JO different iehines entered fur tl.e ilifform.t kid and they were I a 3 ta'loll'S : m[chine i ais n each el W is an-tr.:id a lind the °nil hr - -1. tit :'F.' 2 . 5 • ('lies No. 1 , Light Mowers ; No. 2, Reaper's, Hand Rake, (far grain only); No. 24, It apers,• Selkrake, ( :or grain otill I; 'No. :i. Combined It spec :old Mosier, dlatio-take); No. 4, Coin dined Reaper sad Me xer, (tied-lithe) Hub bard s: 'No. 5; Combined 'Hand and Sett tithing Reaper and Mower p (ih! ON II out on account Of inferior work.) At the field Trial held by the, Center County Agricultural Society, on Mc Allist r's f,tm, last Inly, lluhbat da Combined Seff raking. Reaper nut Mower was nworded the I iiriiest premium for the be-t work done. 'e' Circulars for report. All x e ask is farm ers to come and see machine for them - - selves. We warrant them to .give entire satisf letion in all respects. Sample machines on hand. Estids. tilwi9s on hand. Br ta - rit Shop at rock, Pa, Address Granite Hill Post. °thee, Adams county, Pa. s ltfir4-r , Pratt .tc Strieilles's P.itent hl .rse Rakes on hand, built by Geo. W. Ilyant , A ;siting to pun hose ITand rake!3 and of erwat .1s ha% e the _rake attac , ed, tan be eapplied ; aiso Mowers to Le had ready to Ali Leh to rak, hereafter. IIFNILY .k SON, Agents. May C, 18T7. tf lIMMIMMIEW THE MOWER ANDAIEA PER. DODGE'S HARVESTER. D D the Special Diploma and 1;ratol Melal of llortcr nq the be:4 coot tioe.l Mower, !hall-raking Ite.t o vr :Ad Self ruk ing he.tper —on ex bib,' ion n t!.c (lir of the St. Look Agrieoltottil t n.l Mochttni.eta As,oetation, October Gar, 1.31;tt. .01110 ANA) BUCKEYE PATh:NTS. At the great Irbil of Re.tpers and Mowers nt Auburn, N. V., IR July last, by the, New York ,t , tate` Agricultural .Sde:ety..t his Machine was *warded the laefereute- over nil otbers to C. 11.18 No. 5. This class was the matt impor tant of auy, as it embraced Mussing and Rawl and :lclftthint Reapar to tl“! same Madan,. Maehin , hps to:en awarded Medals and first Prerniu MS by the Penn.ylv.nia itn,l lowa :gate Fairs, and by hundreds of (lonely Fairs in all parts of the country. This 11..chh,t tool. the first l'rendant at tbs. Admit Count: Ago irol,oral Fair held at Benderst Sep. 11.r.G. Also, BAIL'S 011104 Rtssqussepsw AVER. Roth first-cl iss Machine., b.ttia3 soil a emu ber of these Nl:Lehi:les is I.IIC last unite p.m. , . Thet hat e giro' aener t 1 s.ui,f ti Lion n here vt We as's f n niers to t: 11l and ex mune the.:e not-Lines before• parclnizing Is they will be able to in then better selec tion. We could prioltine quite a nontlier of ceitifieales from some of ow best tanners in the e,ointt , but decal it unnecessary, as we warrant !1.e. , . tatchiuts to gi‘ e satielaction with ,c fair trial, or no,tale. Insured lur one beik,oll.. Ext'rAs snys kept on We Ii made :t r op:meats to hate reii dring dame when needed y time :111,1 on - 1ill)./C1 atc MEI Witt the 'Novi we hare for sale a number et valuail e Parming IMpktneuts. SULKY COHN PLC/UGII, Cain bp uRP , I for pinugitinLt and cultivating eurn--lintelCo_ one row nt n time. ran also Le u,t.l fur loosening up corn ground or pitt ling. to ..e,•ding. 11) r tlti• front shovels rt r.t I tie nie I for murkily.; out corn ground— m trking rota nt a • A Cornplanter r.n 0!.:0 I.e utt.tched, ',Liming tw•o rows at a . C C R SIIE jt , For crii<o.ieg corn in the ear or shelled. srEET, rOMPOSITION BELLS, For Churches, Forme, ,S 7 LT/. PLO 'GELS'. 8.11 S P. 4 TENT. HAY RAKES, An arti,l Leery firmer should have—the be•t in the rimrket, hand or celf—liseihirging. GRAIN DRILLS, (Wilicingithy a ratent,) with Cron elEs Guano attachment il.trrrAurz cr:AN FAN, (In 3 n01.F3 NIL) the best 11101 e%er in use in thim couhtv Any of the above machines can he Lad by calling on or addressing the bubtc.iber, nules fto•n Gettysburg, nn 11 e I! r: rishorg road, where specimen Machines can be seen. W.ll. Agent, April 8, ISO. tf GeLt3sburg,, Pa. L A YE I) - 0 ! TT IGII riticEs for Giot king. ('dll,_ la amide and be convinced of 'lie 1 1 : , ut at Another Veto BY NORR , S. C LIO T If I 0, HATS ANp- CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, AS CBE.;iI , AS i:EioRETHE WAR. ALSO, Aiilithing in the G,'llitrinen's Furttißhing btu., (2,111; e found at tLe Cheap Store of T. C. NOIIRIS April 15, IEC7. if Important TO A 11 L P E It S 0 .N S ! _ . HE NDRICKS & WARREN have purchased the Stoid foimerly occupied by J. A. GI ime,, and lat.toly - by (;. 11. :•:wope, n her( they. will krep constantly on baud a complete assortMent. of ' GROCERUES, including Syrups, Coffees; SAleare, Tens, Bs colt, Flour, Fee.), Rice, Potatoes. S.tit, Tub ie. co, •itc , w itti ecciy aitii•le to •.• found itf first•c Liss OT °eery. Also l oSFECTIONS, NOTIONS and FANCY s kirriel.Es. They hope to receike s share of public pa tron:lv, and earnestly solicit a coniinunuc• of the custom heretofore 0112 to the estab lishment. JOHN lIEN MUCKS, HIRAM WAILILEN Gettysburg, April 8, ISti7. Brlnkerhorrso SILELLER, :- , EP.I.II.ATOS AND CLEANER. The undersigeei would inlonu the A culture! public that he hoe pureheied the linteloce e 4 Miis ex(raordiuurr the i'A•ent Stutes,ut Peurity/vii nit eti , t Merelard. • - , - Brinkerliort's Vo-n Sli 4lrr, Separator and Cleo.nir, is pronounce! tie to machine of the kind in this country. ..Anl in proorAt rutty be mentioned tiro the uAttrioltwy Cont. mitt appointed to select Implements fbr eN• ion at the Usii ersal reposition in Plinth Laraprieeleil th;it Sheik: as the heat in .AM eit a," and .it the requt.t of S. flea. by, U. S. Agent, it nmeltine has been shipvid to Paris for exhittition. The . foci. inst) His° he stilted lbot et the ere it trial of Agt trotters' Implements, at. Aubtirti, N. Y , in Jtkly lost, under the nun*. ee3 of the New York St tie Agricultural Cnrii t-heller.e.ewater and Cleatier w.ts , - repot ted by one of the most, competent etrina.ittPio 'id the pest Corn Slirtler 'I hey soy; hove carefully eXtintintall utd 11141'0w:11:y tested tht; nt.tchine, and no litillation in prlann - ticirit it lit bent C.?* limp tiy rrer The rtfort is stoma by slid!, 111041 .us John. Stlntnii N. I' Ole ;.tticulttirol So , ty r. 101.01- son,:seetetni ) to taint.; Salon Robinson, Ait ricultorrit Editor tr. Y. Tr,ltithe ; S. Edwards Toil I, Aio ural Eilittrir N. Y. Ti n os. It tin anoip,gi Ir”,i complimentary hewspi• per tiatieeskit follotrtilr, from the Nen York CA , ..h . r, is deemed st.fii, tent : ...lotion; till Ole !Lind Corn Sitellee. motto NVW Vitt), and Alban) 4.11 0 Pinkie tirm man ul.tet ores more than lu , UUU annually —net oue es ti enter the tit do a ith flit, stAise just hitta,tcd by J. RI in'terht If, Aultoto,:tt vr Votk. ft :11:1Itt, separates and 6eattsos, /14- I.lly Wit. up, r !Alan, its fast 101 ilia ear I be pm into the The nuilet,ei:ii•ii atttelietparotf to of I . I , I'NTY M.; If I'S. fin will h tve Sit 1,1...11S testiy for sale fa lite cOurso of A lAi/Ath r l tIMP. • All 'letters to be ntidressed to tt' u. WfBI, P. 0. Box 24G, tbtirg, MArt:li 11, 1,3u7 It I .I•7' 8 VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS . THE MIRACLE DF THE AGE! Cray-headed. l'eoplo hare their locks restored by it to the dark, bacons, 'ilium trrs.ds of youth, and are happy I Young People, with kihr, faded or red Flair,, have these unfle,blonable colors eitagged to a beautiful auburn, and rejoke ! People whole heads are covered with Dandruff and /honors, use it, and Lave clean coats and clear'and healthy scalps! V.7....tertinie hare their remaining locks tigidened, and the bare spots covered with a luxuriant growth of hair, and dance fur joy! Young flentlemen _use it because it is richly perfumed! Young Ladies use it because-it keeps their Hair in place! Everybody must and will use it, became, it is the cicaneet and best . article in the market ! 1, For Sale by Druggists generally. Price $1 36 per bottle, For B ale by A. D. ll , :cbler snit ft Mr ne (kt t yshr. , l7. and A. F. Barker, LittlestoWk. April 22, Icsu7. O. ter FARMERR, ATTEND TO YOUR rs Geltysbpirg Foundry. T"riber would inrot in his cnstomm and others, that lie Is still mailitritetu ring carious ut C • atillga and Nt chiucs, wads to order, out sliort notice, e ,,, 41 as 'rilltr.iiiiENS .1.! , M POWERS, (five difterer.t 4'17.1'4 of • Po'iir•rs,) Cluref-Seir 11:1;lirs and , I...tner3. Corm:int:ller* and Sep. ,41.it0 4. l'Airnhi,i,Jer Cutters,Blraw *pd Noy Ceal rs ; P I. 0 U 0 II S : L i c h :1,1; tgt llouclis. IS:trarienr Plough!, Sitio. tiiii n,i Co, n Phm.:ll4 ; 'the Wi LiE -7i VI:: NIA : - liultSE ItAiit, the nie3l iPipruvriEwal ; otl t , t* Iletol Serowe kirCider Pre , ,,,,, _ ` _ ' 1 ' .!It 0 N RAILING' c for Cemeteries or Porches. with everylloing else i!I his line, all at low prices. FOll SA I.E.—A list t 'f wo-larae Wagon, One-horse Wagon; and a ti.priair Wavon. all new. ()An!) sr,Es:egli. April 30, 18 , 10. tf . Grocery fil; Liquor Store. LARGE assortmentfine ' G H 11 C H. I 14 3 , Tens, Coffees, W:,ite of a 9 land i s *ri Brown Sugar:, diem,. prime nrw ert,p (Wenn . * Molac fe ,. ma- sll glitlys of Syrups; 48:53 MACKEREL, be,it in.m irket. All kind's., (.1 (1 (1 S - , wholesale mid ri trtil, piton Wine, Arsndy, site Whiskey. sv., for medictuni and other purpose 4, in ii ny otittn•ity. lielb ltiVerr, and • eke "Great 11,tters. - MATITttr, Baltimore at., Gett)glinre. Aprul :, ISfit tf - New Arravrmeneitt.s. • : , HENItY - OVE1(1)BER, , - on tile Ha/ ut i;• , :ltin . ort St. C4fjebrief has mule arrsingementi to reef/L.4h 6.typtirs every week front the cis, and is determined .to ell (dump. lie invites to give biro af-att. Ills stock consists of tiItOCER/P:S.110TI(.011, Corn 31eaL, Onoppel Fend,„ . Corn, Oats', Fish, Bacon, i.srd, Cheese, ("rockers, Tobacco, Seg•trs andtiniiff, Mill R, COFFEE, Teas, fisyrap, Molasses, Cnnilfes, Cool Oil, Fish Oil, Tar, Best Cider rinekar, ends groat 7.triety ot.N ac. I* . ir the Cash or Fra,lo will be ,given for _Country 'Produce, such n 3 Floir, Corn, Coat*, Butter, iitgks, Futatot.s, ate. - April 8, L 867.. 11 Tin Ware and Stores.; Trill.' subscriber respectfully 1010rilli th e - public that be still cantina. a titab4a ( isitaa snaking ALIA. ITINDft OP 0001) TV WARN.' at the ad stand (formerly Andrew follv's e ) in York street, tlettyaborz, where, he het the Isrvest nssortment-of tin were in the eotinty, wish many other articles for kitchen 'me, kc. AlBO, cuoKuw nuyss NINE-PLATE STU yila, of the very best kiwis., 8. ‘ ll. COO Mar. 12, 180, ti, ODSENSWARE, Notions, Dry 0004 4lte., in great variety, at DIIPHORN doff OPP MA N'S, northwest wall Of the thputie, M. q.t. •4* Ps. MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers