I~ — ,,caLwmaa.lw A\ Fro sT m Es the y Ch n ain A be x Elpirl, ,,, . . por - s . ' Ap . , i*i7,, Tyliklidit, .-:,';- i p : 4peci#: : ,:.'; olumn. _. I _ ..,_ .-A ilikutiftwal. !I - re : le.ar Aaftieettllgitleesday of-'1 Whenesner ititopiekr. ' timely applied to , 6 57: : . Ai letter of Thaddetilevene Ilig fae teeloo‘abotte Le o'clultdr._, or. Ernsuil-4,- Lulu , " s atxd calk ! ,1, 11.4 114 Adi 11 L e al "' 1 . 11 " WI E tr f the contlecatioli eela -.e o rty. taw me elhi Qf Miliiillulololol,ll''ill ID thin . lOr WIPP , OW b^411 1 1141 Oil* to not in n, f like it. i f s, h ad b een pe ode e ee, exte att ely -- - ,_ - •••• f re _ , . -, , - t -1 --- w A ppo.l,lsterenyeat uv,.r the taula surtare, II the count met ulna it Ilaarteeldent, • near' 'sin 18 " 1 " / "• ni Z willleWeet oil. The loitito• IFroln the whiia. Piallrer, Radical.] t, roughout the count /eye Not knowing Y' letter was mationspeedlly wit iniraa s. Fora sodden Sprain, the person to whom tile ad- Frederick Trimmer's, Br a ataide l Ljo h l , t d 0u b1E a 1 : i. 1 ,. ,, , , :, ,,, c dr , ,, , , : 07, 0: , k t,1 4 ,:t., 1 ,. 1 :.. g. ,, , , ,u ni t : %0 5 : .. , t l i t „ nt i , ,,i w n e l i t i, ,y stid . ! Two laws passed by the lain Legiela- me spester. it SIVMS to me that we should de. Lure of Penneylvania hese excited In itch seteeeme Ples . altentleu to wine teeme... &eased when it first appeart•d, nor the he was thrown from his wagon, • ebe i Fel3l - 111117 44 111,1,1.31111.1.311;e1StIgt,1 to the House. circumstanees uuder which it was writ- with lime, and before his J • releile /1.1111:1.1111le relief comment. These are the Sunday lel uar son, antes, ensues t,O such a degree 111, 14., ,:ive nun encourage - law. known al , elm act to enab l e relic , March let (next day] Mr. Stambaugh, ten, we were inclined to reetird it as the who was driving the team, could stop It, WV meat so intieli aitedest by the afflicted. It dots of Franklin county, moved to suspend mere expression of theamtiinents andswork lost a u ustitsainly, 14111• Li 1.1143C 1 1y aced. oilieferti M talon% order in licensed Mete the orders and consider the bill, anti it "old man feeble," whose heart is over- one of the hind wheels passed over hi* Take thirty drop, i n n w i , e ,,,,,, jut ~,,, an , A , rub the ;Throat treely wills I I;,• - ii,.'ff, - ;, --. .. th'' a l j es,' and to exterthinate the unlicensed peered the House finally withouL eallime slow cot with malignity and diabolic:id body. -.De. A. B. Dl4l Was atemeecailed/ 14,41"140""1"11" h' .eh(, Sad ren e SeeTaintie. 1 loathe" end "AN set to incorporate the hatred towards the Southern people.- the yew, or nays, or a word of inquiry, T w r o a, a ; v :o . l o thi;t. , i to Inflammation of the Longa. /iettealiurgAsylern for invalid soldiers, but all efforts to save life were in vain. 0 eonent iri Yes to lii.a.vi. eohls,iihousil j and to raise funds theref or, and for the debate, or explunatiou. Mr. Stevens has; exhibited itimeele in Mr M.died at " o'clock next Morning 1 " 011 " bl Y ' 1 " / ‘ 8 t:•"IY ilvliefs DI I eecuriog and preserving . of the battle- At lettst two Phitadelphia members this new effort to make a pandemonium ---- - 4 coati:mai ens, co( t liolera, take it 111W111111Y find , ground tut Gettysburg." must have been present, end allowed the of our elready thrice unhappy country, twelve Lours after the acchlein, lee rut, out .earst!y Wlti.uut Ii r,a favor, or etre:Don 1. A ruff capitulation of the , manner in bill to have passed without Falling the as one who would rather "reign in hell leaves a wife and ten children to mourn and r, p•ot as onen us the discharges continue! la no our tau , ha.. It evs r f died Iss Ming relief ! wheal they passed the Legislature le yeas, "It naYgy for almost immediately than serve in heaven." If he stood alone his sodden death. Nis remains were In- and I ii*' 8 " 11 ' ia r'sults :so All.ll aggi.,ivab - s1 cases ' herein appended. eiterwelds 11 motion was made, -6,y Me. in his desire for the itecomplisliment, of of Cholera. :tlor!.es, isi itte pants about the Chest, I An act Way introduced Int!) the tegis- Lee, of lerankford, to adjourn, mid ()lie this earl, noinnlY wotal keep any ac- terreti at Lower Bermudian Church, on lightning-like iitt i. ks. of I I ..eurisy, Pm 111111111114, 1 L u mba g o, mei Ithetintatesiii.• In eery instance , haute , oa February 1 1 4, 18117. to "Regulate by Mr. Davis to poetpouts the euusidcra- coma of it, for he hes the well-turned Friday afternoon, attended fly a .large of Chiles mei i ;err. tend tit; Iti Ili 1 11i 1110,1 in' itoll Oi another bile , evert- claindei a here n 113 S. i , ... nII rn..ly admin. the granting of licenees tie ea[ tug holbeet: reran...aloe tut being the deepen dyed coneourite of mourning - relatives and lifter. d, ,l proved a sure suss, ie., end for such like i land tavern.; in the coinity of Alle,e o teny, I February `..ld, the bill was gent back to the natileid, anti most intense iebeoliater, ill , friends, f Intei mitts:tit F, sere, it is a pre costs% r, 1\ tied. , Sena... th e emit] t ry. ; - , , ever an i whet a\ Cr distress Is ti IL about the aye-' ; and to effort!!! order therein." •Th Is be-, Moe, li 0. comnArtst asst Rent to the O.wenor. , I came a law. - .. i st r.,1.1 6, :Appra% ad by the Governor all4l be,...1/.18 ' Rut it seems that there are those (or at PASTOR CALLED.-The Lutheran Cone I . . ie n t i l . r e a .:ye i r a e ,. .N ., 'T e o l i: ,:i n o c i eys to ts prisii.ni I mil it , w here i • On 'March 1, seine person took o print,. 'a laws ; least one, i in our own StenatOrnil District, gregeition or Newville have given Rev. re i us....tu;ies in oleic is i t r i Ir u eLl !i a l fla nir s P e ,t p7st tli p 4l I ell copy rif the Allegheny County bill: The bill was never printed In its nags- who are in earnest sympathy with him H " \V.M K 'elof th Th I a' - l e m e h e e ,eo o e ica ternany, to tee it a sou, teein e it lain ii 'lli% and y apply r it i l' A t . 1 1 (rie above.) and With a pair of scissors age through either house, and squid be in this movement. We rimless that when H. .rated parts. Once 11 . 1,11 1 d 11111 I satisfy the most skeptical I s•I soli of itil intrinsic ~ ' tett mit !keen seetiOns and Paeted them seen by no one exec ) t by it'persoireal ap- we taw the insmoof the honorutee gent l e _ Seminary, a unanimous call.. ! mere.. It is the most iseonoinical medicine in ion a sheet or paper. put ttpetiatiet evi- peal to the courtesy of the 'clerks, and it men to w hoist the letter is addressed, we.. use. Its strength Is superlor. As a tonic, it is adengly 'became iliesatietied with his own is within the micelle:aloe 'of the majoi•ity quaked with fear. Our alarm exceeded' BigloWe are requested to state that St. viee l ie t .l , lt ed evei: l take i n pi it little water. and is 91'00{, for he drew his pen through one of Representatives that it was never read ail Intends. It made "each particular James Lutheran Church will be re-open- lr 1:- .i " Lee. It is l e IleVl:ltati o r s , yn n : , t4 . p; o ii r soas ,l ui t s i vi DP* ;of the sections end blotted it out, thue in the Houre except by its title. • hair upon our heade to stand on end like ed for services next Sabbath morning. • will mu me Toothache at o h ,. u • ut sf l o r rt ' u t r t i ,l; leaving ten, which constitute the preeent All of the above facts are gathered quills upon the fretful porcupine."-, „ • tieeterio and thirty drops oh ijellef In a WWI , . 1 liquor law. The section which Was blot- from and based Nem the official records Another itichnionitan the field I Alt, , elgi e Hastings Gebr, Esq.-, of Chambers- i ' gI:WS 01 WIIIIT, will check the Ithe,t virulent War raose or Dysentery. 113 11.11c,Ileets it i s 1,,,,n0un, , tel MA WaS is these words: "Every per- at ileialtburie, 'Misr a thorough and yes! The blood-stained sword of our blirg has been appointed Commissioner ed t""i'l''''. aria where% er tlis tic pain. r ist AS. son who shall be eozivicted of tradulent- searching, eaamivation. ! Senatorial Knight has been unsheathed, ' sured there ean he found an an Dln Itad t way's ' ly adelternting, for theurpesp of sale, • .41.11... ..,--- -----•-•-••• 1 and its scabbard. thrown away, for this any substance intended for fowl, Or :my • RADICAL OrrlZAtilN IN TENNIESSEE. I terrible crusade against vanquished re- al District.. I 1 wiewhiskey, or other spirituous liqueee, • - Ib - hi. Stevens has been reinforced by ale or beer, with any substance injurious - The following 'medalfront M dispatch froeConatighy !Who doubts now that in Bankruptcy for the Rah Congresslon. Ready Relief. m Sold by Druggists. -Price 50 cents per bottle. ito health, or who shall cell or offer for Washington to the Bliltimore San, of the the war will go vigorously on? The 1 sale any such adulterated 'or' poisonous ells chows that the Radical despot tirme of INlcConaugliy is a very tower of 1 food or &hike knowing it to be such, Brownlow line created a perfect reign of strength. True lie was made a Senator , and the seine collie to the knowledge of te,•i•or in Tenneseee : •• after being beaten at the polls, but it ! the Board ef Excise (policed it shall be Adele - es from Tennessee indicate that was only through the force of his own I their duty to report such case to tee pro- - the State militia are creating terror irresistible lewie that this was effected. !Per megietrate, as directed in section -of among the people of Middle Tennessee The Winnebago Ghia', with his wonder this act." .; by oppression, unwarrantable setualies ful skill in manipulating legislative , The ten printed sections having been and a re s ts, and, ill some instances, by , committees, was in the field in his be ! pasted in order, 'Senator - Ingham, of the Murder of citizens. , half, but taking the word of oar Wi rth:thug, wrote over the top - of them the: S'everal cases of murder are named, one torial brother of the Reposithry, that title of the newly, constructed bill, viz: 'in which a-man was drugged from his I "Cameron has lost all his influence," "41,1 art to enable police officers te.en- , housOand killed in the meet brutal man-; we have come •to the conclusion that force order in licensed houses and to ex- ni•r, in the presence of his wife. The he could not have haul anything to do terminate the unlicensed traffic." • ; body was then carried to the woods by 1 with MeComingby's admission to his This bill watt thee introduced into the the murderers; who sent a messenger to ' seat over the regulery elected candidate. Senate on March 1, by Mr. Bigharn, and his family that they could have the body Be this as it may, McCouaughy has was referred to the Committee on Vice if they chose to go after it. shown himself "so clear in his great and Immorality. I 'These outrage's are alleged to have been I ofilee" that the breath of scandal eau ; • On the morning of March 14, Mr. ' committee by the State militia; and the , not tarnish his fair fame-but stop. ' Worthington, from the Committee, re- terror-stricken citizens of Tennessee pe- 1 It does occur to us that he was in ; ported the Lett beek to the Senate with- tition the Federal Government for pro- 1 strutted to vote for Curtin for U. ta. out any amendment. ' tection for life and property. They say : Senator, by both counties in his Dis I - The Melted up, printed bill was then 'if speedy relief from these outrages be trict, and disregaidinle these inetrue- I sent to the State Printing ()Mee, whence not granted, they will be compelled to tions, voted for Cameron'. But then' It emerged an good shape and was put alowdon their homes and seek safety in ' how could his constituents; expect him ' upon the files in front ofteachenember. the adjoining States. Several instances.' to exhibit ingratittele towards the On April 2, the consideration of public are given ,of destruction of property and'; great "Injun" in return for the legal -bills wits made the order in the Senate, sacking of the homes of peeceable citi- tendered sympathy which Ile received and the bill of MreSighain_came up. It zees by bands of the militia. I from him during! his - contest for his .: e• is te m am! with tr peb.te tucasuros to go ; seat into comittee of the whole her pullet- , 1 4 The Mountain Labored and Brought It occur; to us also that lic, , atid "that ses of amendment. Thisewas dispensed 1, forth n Mouse." great and good man" from our own with and the bill was peeeed, without, ' , _ • county, did lend their aid in passing; discussion, (not linellya) to:ie tided read- , The Rump House Judiciary Commit-' that bill to incorporate the feettysheirg ' in , merely by a vivo mix vote, without tee, (Ashley's Impeachment colic - eine) !Monument -association, which some any call of theyeas and nays. , after a session of five mantle; and the ta• • say was "snaked" through both Houses, ! On April 4 bills on third readings were king of more that' two thousand lieges and which the Attorney General in- • considered, mill that of Mr. leig,harn was of testimony, (for all of which the tax- tin:Mes e is intended to swindle people pas•ed finally by p, vote of 18 yeas to 10 Payers will have to sweat,) made a final, out of their money. But Gettysburg, n aloe . • . , report on the 311 inst. The bantling-' it must be remembered, is the home! The only Philedelphie Senator voting • the result of half a year's fructification- "of eleConaughy. It is natural that he' in favor of it was George Collude of the amounts to just this- 1 t should take an interest in any menu- . Fourth district. ' 1 "The evidence dors not warrant the, unlit calculated to contribute to its The Philadelphia Senators voting COMMitiCe in reporting articles of 'tot- prosperity, adornment or reputation, against it- were Ridgway and Donovan. 'peachinent." i and who is so base, knowing well his Abeent, McCandless. 1. Could volumes more fully express; the geueroue, unselfish disposition, us to The yeas and nays; were required by blind fanaticism and malignant lit 4- 1 •rtail - , charge that he could have been infiu-; Schall (a' Allentown); and Bigham (of {less of the Radical leaders? After hunt- 1 eneed by any other consideration ! I Pittsburg,) and *ere as follows: ; 'nit the country over for testimony, drag- I But enough of this. The public will I• In favor of hal-Ingliam, of Allegheny, Brown, ging before it the highest officers of the lie convinced that the hero •of the' of Mercer; Broune, of Lawrence; Coleman, of Government and the vilest Scoundrels, in Buckshot war has received an ally Lebanon; Onincli, of Philsdelphla; Cowles, of the enitentier • after catechleing ;the who will not rest until victory has ; Potter: Fisher, of Lai:waster; (sraharr of Atli- , P • Y , , i ghony ; Halm*, of Perry; Landon, of Bradtorit ; , servants of the NN hite House scullery perched upon his banner'. ! 1 McGonattgby, of Adams; Royer, of MontgomerY : and sending Ashley to the cell of Curio-; Well, McConaughy writes a letter to Stirs maker, of Luse:nye; Stateroom of gomerset ; • fact, vet; in . after resorting to every , de- : hi e ' friend Stevens, requeeting his Titylot, of Bettv,er; White, Of Indiana: WOllllll4- . 1.011, 1 4 Chester; and Hall, of mail-18. All rte- vice-intimidation, persuasion, bribery ;opinion on the subject of onlifiseat ion. , publiesna. I -to be compelled 11111 s to report, merits The "Great Omit/loner" replies, paying Against the Blli-Brirnett,of Monroe; Davis, of -for the Radical nineority of that commit- , particular attention to the "robbed and Berks; Donavon, of Philadelphia : (data, of York;, Junes, of Burka; Randall, of,Sehnylkill; lats. tee the name and pumehment of 00151-; plundered" citizens of the border way, of Philadelphia; Schall, of Lehigh; Bra- mon barrators. Let, /hero be ',abated counties of Pennsylvania. He seeks right, of Fayette ; and Wallace, of Cleartield-10. _ _ corn _.s in . . . Republicans I, 19ernocrat9 5 . accordingly , and thensfined to the extent to impress' upon the minde of our On April sth the bill was sent from the i which their malignant, passions,have : people that in n other way than by ; caused pecuniary loss to the county I the confiscation of Southern land, can Senate into the House, and-by the spe-; The vote upon the above deemon ;was they hope. to recover compensation or clot !neaten' of some one (the rmords give I as . ; follows: For impeachineut-Bautwell, i n d e m n ity f or their 1,,,e,e5. no clue to the perron) was laid on the to Thermos, Lawrence, and Wilitams-4. ; The whole affair is a preconcerted, 1 hie ~ instead of taking the usual course, ,, Against impeachment-Wilson, Wood- : barefaced scheme to catch votes fur I and being sent to a committee. bridge,Churchill, Eldridge, and Mar- the Republican ticket. It is a common • On April 9 the House took up one bun- Ili -_., . . . 1 J rat iot iv Lotion. Bred mid Stay-see bills for consideration, ! 4la - ' ' •, I saying that if you would touch a man's and paesed or otherwise disposed of them MOM FRANCE. I t heart, you must touch his pueket.- This is the argument that is now ad by their titles!' They were all "private bine," of local or individuabinteresteex- Petite, JUNE 0--Evening.-Another ! i dressed eto the people of the border i cept the liquor.bill, which, under the! attempt - upon the life of the Emperor counties in favor of confiscation. j I rules, haul no legal place among them, Louis ecapoleoti was made to-dy.--:i While the Mewing cry for bread 1 ' beings "public bill."' The minute book ; While he was returning from the grand \ealUea up from the Southern States; lof the House, however, records it se hav- the' review lit the Champ de Mars, which wine:" ierpheti children arid nal' ihhed ing passed along with het rest aud , took piece in the afternoon in honot of widows are lifting their skinny , henda minute. book - is evidence which cannot toisaerde-I his imperial visitor, the Czar of Russia, R•aven imploring apelstance to • be gaiesae•od. It is imparent, front a' *ho accompanied him, a shot was fired eavesthem from death by - famine, these' elowu inepeotien of the minute book, that at the carriage b • some one in the • hard-hearted wretchee, Stevens and the bill when its title was reached In : but fortunately 3' of neither the Emperors crowd4_ 111cConaeghy, are plotting to catch votes, by appealing to the cupidity of I numerical order, was riot at first eonsid- were injured. The aflair created great ered, 'but that the Speliker or 'clerks, or exeiterneut and confusion for some time, our people. IHouse overlooked it (unintentionally or which was however, quieted when•lt was I Justly as •we are entitled to receive willfully,) and eater the tepee of owne found teat the intended asaaesination full compensetion for our losses, better little time and thb trausactioneof other , lied failed. Up to this time the aesas- that we should never receive a single business, returned it, and pa-•,ed it by .hnotbarrested, , yin bass Lees buthe cannot, , dollar, than that e property should be ta ffs title,• ken from-famishing men, women and long escape. ; h chlidren, .to repay us by a - principle . As an evidence that • ebbe Bills ' had t - Later accounts front Parisetate t at I e N hie 1 I is in direct - atolation of the con-1 ,no right to be considered on that da is it was the Czar of Russia, and not the ' the fact that at the same session anotTher , Emperor Napoleon, who was •shot• at ' 1 stitution of our country. touch bill aNO. 29) was objeetedeto by a mem= ' whilst returning from the Camp de Mars.: We cannot close our ears to the ber beeatnell was of a public character. •le man who made the attempt td as- ill appeals which come up to us front The Speaker recognized the force of the' sae Witte the Czar was instantly cut the South. We have no heart to add to suggestion, but decided that the bill in doss be the guards and is thought to be; the miseries of those who are scourged , queetion was a "private" one, and it was , a p o i a4 "dd r. - 0• with famine. Our common humanity therefore considered.. Had it been "pule.; I revolts at the very thought.' - But even ~____ ._ , if this were not the we weir ; lie it would have been the duty of the I A Peree,rted Lipetion._ , With the aid of Speaker to have ruled it out of order. By ! t . obliged to oppose this acheme - of conlis- • what Meant; a general liquor law, affec _ l over eight housand ignorant and vicious cation for the reason that it finds no war- Ong the whole State, was inserted on tiegroes, gathered from Maryland, IVir- rant in the law of the /and. Private Caleuder day betwee6 an act to, genie and elsewhere, a few hundred ras' - I Besides, this movement cannot, rind regulate a s klo treet in the 'retagli of Mi- ' can, Radical 1 ' po omens of Waehington will not receive any sympathy . from eersville, and an act to authorize the Le.; e abroad, in so fur as It ha I ' Wended to help high Navigation Cottrell - y-10 issue bon Is, ; City have been enabled to carry, the the people of the border counties. Ito, is a mystery which the inetiebere of the election against the real voters and chi-' other parts of our own State, we are '- House may explain if they can. The zees of the city by about 2,000, I regarded as cowards. Hear what the Clerk, whose handwriting on the origin.; Pliiladelphia Evening Telegraph, one of • 103rThe record of the number, and ' the most intensely Radical papers in the al Lill declares it to have passed, is dead.i kind of frauds - perpetrated the W I ' The Legislative Record (the official i e ngton City e cello') by the Radicals; "He then declares hie - nett - in favor of newspaper, of the Legislature) has not is almost beyond belief , even in these •l• • nutted confiscation, in order that the - considered one word to show eliat the bill was ,ever, da • - ,political•' • days of widespread demorala : considered on April 9. farmers of ',Bedford, Fulton, `Fraieklin, ; zation. The schemes, too - by Which c If the bill did pass on the private cal-umberland, and - York' may be reiru conservative votets were'excluded 'vier ender on Tuesday, it was passed in an many and infamous. ' Asearly ' t '' e horsed for the loss inflicted ey the Rebel improper mat:tiler-at an unusualime, o'clock on the morningof . the 'as;wo ifeiliderg: If there is no better ground (Thursday, and not Tuesday was public the negroes were • marching about the el elution for eonflseation, than to repay the cow bill day,) rind in direct violation of Rule streets blowin tin horns and makingar y, semi-disloyal farmers of the coon '3o of the.Houee, which declares that bills the most hideous ' din. Three hours ties named, who charged our soldiers for "shall' be reed in Committee of thea cup of milk and tied fitoin or tampered , before the' polls opened each pr[ Whole," so as to allow necessary Kamm.- h a d a lute numbering.•l - d tuntlee s of • with the Rebels, we do not favor eon tie menei. . I darkies stretching squares - away ;from cation. We have no sympathy to waste. The blll was signed by the Governor the windows. An fast as one would on such losers. The State has already oil its Merits alone* it mannero° art or vote, after the windows as opened, reimbursed all deserving, and many who his - duty toinqulreintothe of its ~he would take his place again at thewere not deserving; so that if the Aiken passage or to doubt the correctness of ; tail in order to give the place to some ' and Hampton estates are not reduced for the certified copy furnished -him by the ' . e_ - any other purpose, we think they might 1 oarffeey yet to come. Three hours. after • • clerks. ali well remain with their Rebel owners. 1 the polls opened, but one white' vote• union conclusion, it may be given as the It may be that confiscation will he ne wa polled In three' - "of the warde.. , Bet, opinion of the writer, that if the Le die- t it is impossible to chronicle a tithe or uUssurY as a punishment for continued tun) violates its own rules, there is no t h e rasewitie s perpetrated et this nog, contumacy. •It may be that it will be ; power vested in any other tribunal to hl- ex pert meat In brute suflizige,-.Pietiot need 1 t - et o yetfurther humble tile spirit quire into the facts, the clerks' books of and Union. of the late Rebels. Rut it can never be the two houses being the only legal evi-; . I I that i t will be enforced to repay the Penn-- deuce by which the passage au bill MIL 11 6 S -Th e National Inteltigeneer says : sylvania farmers for losses suffered years be determined;' and the eotry in such ."4 1 I t i • _an t early hour Tueohiy moneit ago, and already once paid by the Ignite r ; Sticks being prima facie evidence teat 11 ' thee, s •of negroes from Maryland The troth is, It Is all a mere shaitt-a every rule of the Hollso. roust sustain the and 'i, irginie, who bad voted en Monday, deliberate scheme planned for political stets and entree* of Re official agents, the were found sitting about the corners, effect. It does not contemplate the pro elerke, whether said acts were ill coofor- waitieg anxiouely for the Republic:or cerement of a single cent for our losses. laitycommittees to provide their with the usual rules, or in violation meals; and It is an eftbrt to obtain our votes ar of trienie • , treneportation home." A correetweid- these men under pretettee that they will The following are the fads relative to- eta, also states that on Tuesday ; night enforce coefiscation and that we Wilt be the -passage of the "Gettysburg Aaykie , the mob spirit, was rife among litnitheds repaid in Ilea way. Our people am not (lottery) bill, They are from the onicial of the (tinkles who had been disappointed ' ready for this-they are unwilling to records: 9'' ill receiving their promised pay for too accept• . r!orripensation in this way-and February n•-(Morning Session4--Spilator Me- fin d and standing all day in H tie imagirie that w Hue to ca• • • ' at henever Ills flpportu - Conang,hy, of Adams ciaintyjut rodueed "An act elue NV if ite voters. 'Pity offers (which we fear Will lever to Incorporate the tiettystittrg Am•ltim rot lova- Saffialt la said that [he C • te lisi Soldiers, end to raise funds taerefoi, and for; , • e muerte ~,, o r Present itself) they will brand Mr. Me tres taeuriag and pre4erving 011.14 , balite ground Washington City intend te Oates& the Coreaughy with that condetinettion which at lleUyslitarg." It was relerrest to the Commit- electiou on account of It:Wield frauds,of he so richly tee on Corporunens. The majority of the mi In- . .i • i •I bera'and tits peas reporters coulthlering it to be IN oleo eh iterate /se humlier vi pre.perpe- a meal AtiJ, for a patriotic object., neglected ifiltell. I Vir"Contlecatiort" Steveue says in bis for thst retsison t oxa Hessianfully. --seems.- ___,....__. ~, ' last letter that he is sick. A reading of Fenruary •,,,;---fornlng oy-Seropor Mc.: Be '"lfa cki " the letelligent Correa , the -.45••• I Conallthat =Mt to difseharge the Corporal! in. epistle is calculated to make every awn is believed that the suffering is -43°°2 '41 .e. •! t!. pendent of the Citleill I . ' bill, vite.-Ta iti vo por 'e ti r tirn C . i sm ._ bee n ha.) Linnmereied, - No r d else sick a/efadin. -.Albany Journal. I : iss it INV Dow ill the Sonth as it has been never ermeteere4 foxier bad it ip their aatual has pee trareltng• through' the bout) Or 'De,rlmoalle newspapers are in e. ot,,,,any . Mews wliJiip tits peat air eo narissaason,.) and moved to . suepeed it e ariaaa, -, =134 4/14 ave r tie it s xei.. ,....„, a , creasing iw Main • --e • ' fore light la badly i.iideittlaa, t _ Jeonator, jtanciali Objected, .00telippri" , - est=- s , needed q tiown-east.m - • i *A lilitaiiceigraoliellieueumeirmpl, , •.,L ; ...._,............. «bp afFeMeCcarniiighy riaiiee I 11 Cows sell' c• • "s e 4r Or serge who la at war - with his nafghter lir. Oetelrer. this la a Mil to - Cliotalittt .6tr- I trei " d eli alegUl ; l 4 , I, f lila pelitioatiegttk lanuir!tetj e s - t.. I A as , of each. Milk la 'O./ - :46t a ~ . . - el.Wetl:t*O10 411 0. OM biPmit lw a 4 . ) giPY4 ,-- "P I E • .PePtae 1 cluiO4 , al _ #, ,t o,ll . 7rra4uzio, PA, /10111 1 11, li.ro/ 11 119 Aisne 10, 11/47. -.llllr*e. Demoecatie State Conven . • for the uocklipatioo of a cautli- • se.l4 Supreme-Judge, will aSPelln ble at Thrtfatottrg to -morrow. 1.1 , m. Wm. Me: 411Ittiry will represent this eoputy, -------- -.ohm- , aillrThAii - 1t1ee4101. 1 6 Pr the year 1861. so :lilt who", that there is s rtxicenti;ig eplrit *broad among the people. The publin #iimj Is cof i eu to steelec the truth. While 'there is lee political excitement the pep ilo ir)11 TINA - carefully r.:iti j.idge dhpas ./Pis'nfetol.l:;' The time 1;4 action In this Aitgotlost its now. 4 correct understand .tapot thi issues upon % bich the people pre to deelde, lusurcsia Democratic vie -I°l7. • '..--. —l---- --- 1 -- ....... ___ • •o . ilarThe Beds or 3f a rylaml hav?"." -- •elicd ••'Border State Con vet,/ ion for September, take Measures that may esWe Cot/- tress" to` deelare univcr:al toifitige h - roughoht the Union. 'Whet kind fel lows. 'They want e good Anny negro motes with- which to lift thornier:lye. out kr their ridiculous minority into fat of- Aces. •N•, -1, --at- :, 441115rA letter from 1:4.,:,t0n to a Batlldal ,paper. says that the attempts to raise money there for the purpowe of organ- sing tinion Leagues at the South-have ir►ut been sureensfui. The aolid awn in .plat city Who gave money Ip mtel) objects it ink that all agltatimi and political se . lon in the SOO% should 4,e putdie, in rder to educate the freedmen by en- Wing them to hear both sides. - Jaill"A marked elnulge_lcila taken placo In the disposition and ermduct of the • I,ichinond negroes. They itre, no longer .orerly, civil, or industrioils: They have awed to, be content 4'lth their emallei lAtion, or anxious to pr•wve themselves ,-worthy of it. On the contrary, they are , groVring insolent, unruly, domineering ; a - fe seeking ilotninsnet: instead of clutt/i -.,ty. In other words, they are setting ithemselves up as a privileged' lass-a •elaas privileged over all else lb istrepts, courts, in elittreh&,,„ko Mariiets-zwlier• ever men and won Ten coni„Tegate. 7714 Diference.The I,ouiaiitle Cour ier says: When a mob s of Ntirthen Rarii calsinsulfed mid fired upon the President et Indianapolis last year, - and 'Would not let him speak, it was conslierd a good juke. But when•a little d'isturbance oc curs at Mobile, caused by tile iutolerable insolence 'of a Cougressionsii Jacobin, it Is a matter worthy of i n castigation by a Con gressional Committee, backed by , an army. It makes a diiUrcnce whom: o.x is being gored. qit is absolutely touching to hear the waits of our Radical brethren over what they denominate the falling from 'grace o9hat distinguished Philosopher, the Radical tlecessionist, Horace Gree ley. It is said that ."freedorn shrieked when Kosciusko ;" but the shrieks of the Rulicals!are now louder and more dismal gum any that have ever greeted the ears of the nation. 4t WasbingtAm the Radicals, at a meeting, actually his• teed when the name of Greeley was men tioned. " Oh, my countrymen, what a aiir2fo event since the downfall of the rebellion has so gladdened the hearts pf traitors, and encouraged their resis tance to dm government, as the libera tion-of Jefferson Davis.—Clcverand Lea der. Chief Justice Chase, Horace • Greeley and Gerritt f6mith were the prime movers In securing the liberation of Jefferson Daviot. if there has been any " wrong done in-the release of Davis- the respon eibility rests tipon ' these leaders of the Republican patty. -111lr'Axt e-x change says: "The last man in Tennessee who sold s negro slave at, auction inni took in payment therefor 'Confederke Money is now one: of the candidates for Congress," 10—It is said that N. - heu 3111 Sell; was at At'Ruts, General Pope requested him to discontinue his stumping tour, .as It was productlve.a more harm than. good. lerNegroes in the cotton States are made by the Radical demagogues to be lieve that unlestrthey attend the RI/di cal meetings they will hefted or other wise punished; They are also told that meeting days l ave public holidays, for which the planters cannot "dock" them, if absent from labor. Oh, the tricks of ,the Radical villains! lirTwo New England clergymen, :one friiin Massachusetts, and the other from Vermont, time been obliged to run sew because they were diacovered engaged In immoral practices with chil dren, The former was a "loyal" mem ber of the legislature, and both were jeaderrin all moral reforms. swine Columbus (Ga.) Sun speitks .of a white Massuehuseits school-marro Avhirfrd around in the giddy mazes of the edluptuous waltQ, closely etnhraced In the arms ore. colored oiticen. Why cot, If she liked It? 4 Black Picnd.—A Boonaboro' paper , says that Jol u Gates, avolored man liv fog at Mr. Hiram Snavely's, about one' 'and a-Half mites from that plate, wes t arrested, last Prlday mortling by Dallas mith and others, charged with coin stating. a rape on Miss PIGA, a young gtriabotttl2 or 13 years of age, . serPresident Johnson was at Raleigh, ' North Carollikt, or Tnestlay, to witness the dedication of a iii o fitliiitaikt to 2/14/ fa aher, Jacob Jamson. The President wait . : accompanied by Secretary" Seward Postmaster Deni.rttl. Randall, rem*" ~papispian,:--A • boiler explo ,sison.ht papery , Ward's Nish eshi met rtstqtifstitory, anon street, Phfla „tielpkilal on• ritirAsy, demolished the buitding and Alitse4 ti - 49 40.8 Pf probably awenV HYPO? • seirThe Schnneotady( .) Union re , • poriannow haulm nix feet deep, in , the .Nwn JP LIAM country. How LAWII Alta allAnaralr 4 RAnni*L Mn• • bdit simi p les4is consid • LIMIALATIIIRE.7, .', Oft 0 , , ~.2e4n i rj a ,y , ' —"--- ._-_-- ~.,_.;, ~;____?: 'She 1 n . - r, ..,' , A Th. Nevi 1.19110 r UAW Old l'''' limillirturig ' It - * nu Witlr llithiPinaJorioi A.sysans swindle. r itic o ...._ • nut* ite ialk. sirbill wail isk, pone *Pe, itor ittnitAL iipanallyeously 1 anPr'iliirtlealle air,Atrallacifiroso - un4 said : aet► Illstaßills Were r...e t. To Consumptives. sir We have been informed that it Is Tile advertiser, having heen remoreil t a the purpose of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant In a few week , . tiy a very sl t riple remedy, alter to pay Gettysburg a visit on the 19th of L a l v e in niii:', u •t tr i:i r ;.. ' , l tn i ci or ttir - L'e l ll4 3 i rg ..ieu witi ue l'i ft ''" e " to Ina"i s tiVu"4," this month. On the 20th, he is to go to .",,°, 1 ,',, — . i . n tulka'n,'„ to like known Harrisburg, and join an'in cited company Tii l ;lll 4 a l lTu n tlen"i n ri . ( 11, Ir l' , vlll semi a Copy of th e to i r o e g s , e i T: r t to , i r t , . p ts: l l , llree , ; , ? l f cli a r a n ! ), w i t h l i ne oh., on - a trout-fishing excursion along the 1 th,y will tii'ipi IL sti A r 4 e n i •ti re : ' .. s r n i t • g oit h . l u it iril . :trfi.7 ,l :6l 9 t a West Branch of the Susquelianna. m „, jl,-,,„,1,,,i., it,,eut,4, collpi, mid all ' Jh n, nt - • i and Lung A Ifeetione, Thar may "hi e • 2151_The Agricultural Society are an x- I 1 a, ti ver.ei in Mending tlit liremerip . t.iott 151, 1 ; h o p t ut t . l a tp o e ne t , t . l i n , !! ,4 44. ti l n , ii it 1 . 11 , , , r 1 . - , :4 ,1 11 , il i t i l m rli17110 1 11 Wlllt . ll he fous to have some hauling done from the autferer will try 111,. reineaj-, ai. it si'lll' i et i t . l.Fi e e r Z Bendersville Grounds to the new loco rnegtatts,arneilarlia.) 1.1,A ea Itlesstlig. Parties whib tion in Gettysburg. Four teams went ptlun, free, 1)y return mail, will please aLrees up on Tuesday from this place. The So- - REV. EriWA RD A. wir.scoN, ciety propose to•gice a Family ticket of k— NV illi.iiii.burg, Kings to., N. Y ,I May 27,1867. ly admission during the Fa4r to any one. 1 who hauls a load. We hope those farm ers and others who have leisure time and the teams, will accept the offer, and-thus aid tile Society and secure an advantage man to the EVERGREEN CEMETERY.---On Tuesday evening last, the annual meeting was held. The following ollicers were re elected without opposition: President—J. L. Schick. .11funagersW tn. B. Meals, George Little, Alexander Collean, John Rupp, Andrew Polley, Josiah Benner, George Spangler, of A. The Report shows that the debt has been reduced $1,143 70 within the year, by collectioils, surrenders of notes given in exchange for certificates of stock, dce. The remaining debt is $1,089 2g. ODD FELLOWSHIP.—The annual Fes , sion of the Grand Lodge Of Odd'Fellows of Pennsylltania was held in Philadel phia week before last. The principal business W3i the reading of reports, the admission of new members and the installation of the officers to serve luring the ensuing year. On e Wednesday an official visit was made by the Grand Sire of the Grand Lodg Of the United States, and In the evening a grand complimen tary supper was given to Grand Sire San ders, which was attended - by the epre &matinees of the Grand Lodge and Grand Enc'ampment. The following is a list of the officers installed : M. W. G. .m . .— ltieliard Watson; of IP:3, Doylestown ; R. W. D. G. M.—Peter B. Long, of 3.7)3, Philadelphia: R. W. G. W. —Samuel Q. On - inner, ,536, Bihlgeton ; W. G. Secretary—Wm. Uurtis, Phil adelphia; It. W. G. Treasurer—M. Rich ard Muekle, Philadelphia; R. W. G. Rep. G. L. C. S.—J. Ales. Simpson, F. N. 'W. Bowers aud R. D. Armor were in attendance from this county, the for mer representing . York Springs Lodge and the latter Gettys Lodge.. The annual. scission of the Grand En campment was also held in the same city, and the following declared elected ollicers for the ensuing year : M. W. Cr. Patriarch—Javiii W. Tindall, of 1N.4). 38; M. W. C. High Priest—Mau ricediritt, of No. 111 ; R. W. G. S. War den—Samuel N. Fry-ter; of No. 17; R. W. J. Warileit—Junes -A ..Shole, of No. 101 ; C. Scribe—yin. Cuiti,, of No. -17; R. W. G. Tren.Qurer—Henry Simon-, of No. 17; Sentinel--'Jas. Bingham, Jn;W . 0. Sentinel-oreorgo C. Hin3ter. of N 0.47; R. W. G. Rep. U. L. U. b.—John W. Stokes. of-No 17. extensit eli, cod , a• , ' , .4..1111% used in tilokt of the puhilr institutions, a, well it, lii private tow•t lee tit both la_ iii trit,ittr,•it, with on per.illete.i haters.., I May; ~ i 18G7. in every cam" and It is only at the - urs tt re.' - quest" of the thothanils of la 11, it who have Utast l —/ thorn, that he Is 1 1 11'1111.e.111.1 w din the Pill. , public CO auty Treasurer• for the all. 't taunt 01 tilt ..t- hatlerit g ham au!. Ir . ]' ILIEL L 0 A' .ti 11 IZ, ENS: I offer myself a regularities n i..11e%t 1, O. Nl l P 01(4/ I,r, vent an In- crease ot ,amity shelt 111 4'lll alt 111/1 permit It. I: tent plate fur the tithe of CuUNTY FREDERICK & 1 ENSSYLV-INIA RAIL , ' ONE PILL Ist A InisE. ] '11:E loltltigt, : tad respetttudy solicit your Females (eculiar' r si I u 'tett or thasesitramin ROAD.—We untibrstantl that about $23,- theta. 1 ,,.,..„,, ~, , ‘ „,, 1 •,..„ 1 „,,, „'„, o , ie .!, , suppytt. 5i....141 be nominated and elected. 1 1 ,,u,, I tlied,te m) tell to put a new Town Clutit 000 have been subscribed by our citizens 1 1:1 1 . 1 . 14 .u 'A rr i t' i ur le t-, 1 .P'a 1 14 1 ..- I r l which '°ii" t aTton b ili t t I t e h :l e) tl " ie Pro. (sod a good one too) on the Court Heusi. la prietor assumes lin r. soonsibl I ity , Atli:ugh t heir towards this enterprise. It having been ~ , , t , , , , , ,r , , , ,, :, , ., 1 , b , , il 1r4 , 1 , L, ,, ,, ,, , , r ,, , , i.,,i , , ,,,,,,, hi, , ? ~, , i 7 1 , 1, , y tti ß e e l g iorough ot Gett3 'burg. _ given out immediately after the charbcr peetfully your., Litn.a or nn Clack? I%l' ILU 1 H.LE ItEM I li't tor ' al i l l' tlio,sc Alt. ( ,trol I 11. D. WATTLES. was obtained that cipitalists in Penns -1 3 -- tompuents -4. pet 1. ear to the sex. / vania would certainly build the road „ i . O N 1- leas 1 ' ''' ' ' u n' t EN T. v. noTfh have 1,4'011 NT 1 , 1 14101.11 . 1 eaTe•irs , whether our people subscribed to the 1 r.1.11..........ei Boxes is tit bl Mail,. isek IlS'1 . 0)- i s i i i . i l , fl4, , n rs l. i ir ., e v t , i . tr i , , to all L t i ] , t r r i t:: l ,.i i t ii i] ,s e i 5 u . :1? 1,. , t0 i, i i, “ ,... i1 4, 11 stock or not, we take it for granted that, more than enough has been subscribed i trtli,lig like tin. above lills ha to haen know t; 'nee the Steienea of .Iteilleine thy% nett ape* the in that State to authorize according to world, In Reinm mg Obstructions and Restoring Nature to Its PIO /i nllllllllO 111.711 1101 NCEII the provisions of the charter the election and brhigii g hark the -Ito.' color of Il l eUltia" to N of officers.—Frederick. Ciii-en. the cheek di' the twat deli,. le I , 1 3 1, ef, per Itng is, xpose]. Si. Druggist, Sole A BAGGAGE LAw.—A law regulating Agel l :: f i ]]: Y r G j e?t i t i ]; * Lt 4 4], l F' ) ' "l ' Y ' Ladles, hy sending•hi " El throegl rho Post Of the amount of baggage each passenger rice( can't:oore the Pills 'Zen% imnfic i leiitially t i ili: on Pennsylvania railroads shall hereuf- 3'1.:,1,1,•,1.0 t ati1s pat t nitlic coon tr 3 , “trecof portage." ter be allowed to carry, was passed at the setr, Y..r.i; l 4,o '., i ) , ' „ ” , : i i. l i t . :ig U i l :ol ' . j t i l l iVl ' ir l' i t i l iA n it ; ll (l r;?l l i: last session of the Legislature. It _pro- 7P)'‘...‘-viiV4r.l.;olAl'Z'.."%tv...Yeirlitturfsre. toad S. I). vldes that each passenger shall be end-1 aart.tt i e 'Sta. ly ' .] „ tied to carry one trunk or box, not exceed- / ] Know Thy Destiny: tug one hundred pounds in weight ; that let. l, At i ) tstm E.F.TII(I. ND'S, Die great F.ng- NN when baggage shall be lost and damages / , :d iM att, wi l lo r '='.l.4%:.V. r u'e'4'.'i l i n ie t a s .4 l e d nt l iX el etrs a se rir ..... l r claimed, not to exceed three hundre / ti go':; old World, has now lo“tt] I lienell at ll 4 nit- Thorn i ton poss. sses such dollars shall be allowed for ear)] trim or.wo.;•le -1 1 . % . : 4 . 1 .`! "ne rn ' V:, ( 7" l ",l' e i l s 'tht, As to enable her box together with its contents ; at if i i ., l i i i .7,l l a t g 1 e e'r bi l t u t:4:llrd , t i either r'"".'s,•c.""tctir..", 4 ) 11 1,, t r. r.ii , i , re,Ithe ttel ' lni•ate* the very (moires of the any person ,wisbcs to carry niore/weight or greater value of baggage than this, lie striva l t.i r t n ( l , ; t r i e a Lo .u .r ... .?r p r , s „:4 l , ll r i,l k ii i ) ,,i tl u i i i i li a , ,, ,l s ii i f ie un i. !:::: or she must live %the trutilt or box cl i t l ir i litr o o l li t , i , a guiltn tees to yr.. lu c a llfe-Ilke weighed bli, the baggage , agent before pit-, togeihturt..iiriftL,iti.^:Li i; t :, l t' i m or ar"r l iE e.. , 4 l,.... t". ;ti t it - Starting, diselosa ,[he value that will tie n life, leading tr tit.; tilt-liar lr rater, ,te. ge i ills Is n no 1 ,. 1 , u ,, nt ,. 1ing, us tliouisunili,nl t...ttlutiulrils eun llVlt•rt. chinned in ease of loss, ind pay extra for intrtic. t.„ 14 , , iii i . 11 send when ]iesired a eelt ill. de, Or 14 ri t excem as may lie . recruited Ly the Lift Ma., that the picture is wino it pueports ular'Railrond company. , to be. By ent•losing 1/ &mail Jock IA hair, noel 1 stal I lig place of bit al, age, , li.l.lo , llton flll , l 0.11 3111- • . pt.-x.on. mud enclosing rifts- cents and stamped i SITEAFFER'S NSW GALLERY AT I-TA Nee eryrelope toldpossed In 1 c ai k. if, IMI will receive VER, is the place to have your Pietures i t i tn ili plit l eo ,oi n i l u d i t i a , lry inforia !I],i ( i. V I return taken. None bitter, nous oheapert— A•lilrfir lii t mil•le ' ne 4 e, t l ° Nt a . Zits: L. iY. 'l ;l/ . 81 r t. 4 1 1 : Money refunded if not satisfactory. i 11'N' 1 ' ' .'";* /1 " .6 ". N. Y. I March 4, 107. ly 1..., • TILE BROAD LOP RAILROAD.—TIie' ' De/One's, glintiness awl Catarrh, controllers of this read have, Within the Treated with the utmost success, by Dr, J. past six months+, iniprot . ett it very much, l'i lAt'4,°"l"ll] and A orist, i formerly at f.eyden, An the old tfeetles boie been supereeded tf, e cit o u t t , ;,;i:,l`fr,o;,4l'll'il:blre.3,:.l'i'llittleitiliiii..t.i fee. I by new and splendid materials, while efie;ina c....Tir:t g e' r al l .";:r " ...:l l . la u l i i li • rt: ' !Tl;, ' ... 4 41: ° , „,„,, y o th er t eipro p ezaen t„, h ave bet u upstield ramie. are Invited to nfrollll/111)Y thoir The Broad Top Road is one of 1 . 1, 1 , 1 ',1 14 ,.'" b ," l "'". 4 .,` i ' se l r ' 1" tohl , prat tice, AT made.the safest in the Slate. It has a less mallet( r v .!g s .iii"o g :;. r t t ,t.tott w . thou p" Igjej)liri ‘ q.3 ItittLber of aecltlents recorded thun,..tny • Sept 24, Utti.i., M -_-......-.- other line of the same length reported, 1 Moviriotre stud S'ellberey, whits/ the care and attention pf Os offt- Etra til a ilK (. ; WARNING :.Iso wNI? ) wavily c cep to the comforts of tile traveling TID A I public speak in the most• favorable A 111 1 11444 a hlch p. nonnently prtsitra4,s l tits Vital ] c.,owers, with , sure means or reue.. gent tree of , terms. We do not think that any one eltec, IyLutelows. Address. Dr. .1,1 I will hesitate to _pronounce the Moat i t-ri r rT,lN HuvOliTON, Reward Associati on , favorable opinion of the subitantial con- Dateuteteilta. Pa. (De* 8, OK • Seseig'SZ dition of the rood who Will take the _..........___ pains to inquire or to investigate. I'Ve • Free to ElerSsody. - do not know of :& single aecideet which A Large t pp. cireutsr, giving Intormetton of has revolted from . pure negligence of its th ,,,,:47 1 ,-- -, I-P--- young to the ong of both - employets or the inefficiency of tl)e ma- it teaches how thetomely ma; become heautl teriAst geed 11l ite constroctfon thcrusii it, fill. r ri the •oplinxi napectdol, img u se it ,” Len , has been in existence fur top yeara. 14,"i rmnt lady or rentlemwsAslse,t,t Mr 5,.. life Y14,0p0 6Dthe liticiferd Spring* hilt send tboir Addreas,anarerAviiiijis Trd T,... --- —: find. this road perfectly oafs sud,la a by raturnmall. very goo d oun dia og ,...„,a c rifo r d Inquires. march 1 Inh ly Addreill P.O. Drawer , .Iq. I Error% of Tooth A golden - 1111 . 00M stltiered for ymrs from Wer vou=4 pol.illtNt Premature 1)e, no, alai all Ilte eileehent youtalui t tor the make of Nattering hulnanity, helot tree to 11 i %VIM need it, the recipe and threettolis tor nut long tbe n•in ~by liv Whlrh he wan cured. suff e r e r. Wishing to protit by the .tdverti‘er's experience, eau dub() by addreas'itig, lit oerfeet eontbiebee. .htlIN ti. Uibtil X, 42. t'edur et., New York. May 27, I$G7. ly Dr. SOMENCK'S NANDRARD PILLS A SUBSTITUTE FOIL CALOMEL Them Pdl, are comporei of various root; hiving the power to roar the oetretiOaz of the llver na promptly and ctloctemily ea Woe, pill or merrufy, sad withoukpro'ducing any of those 4len t ,reelbla or diwgeroue egtVta whirl athea follow the tats of the latter. In ell bilious ellsoideiti lONe PEN rosy be wed with confi dence, es they promote the di.cherge of valued bile, sod remove those oletructious thorn the liver and biller:, de" which are the cause of b1.,0u4 la ge.icral. • fielikleilllo3 MANN/fair:l, PILLS care Stec Headache, and all diaordcra of the t,tver , lod.u+tcd by dal low skin, coatei tongue, coistoeue-e, drat win. do, ands general itelme of woe titles and lerltude, %Las the hour u In a torpid or elutrheted rood Von. • short, thaw. I.llls may be wed with /dm- tina In an eons when e p tr-wlve or aheratioe MCdietal is re lulled. room ask wr tichenol's Siandrsc„, and observe ow, the two likeniwes of tile Doctor are on the Gororument stamp—one:when in the last stage of Coot atnption, and th: other in prosent health. by all Drureete aqd Pr.ce i mall per Inz. Pridepal 011 Me. Na. 1.. Ntr,h MbS;roci, Fdlaiclph a, Pa. oencral WholeYose IV,: 1 1 <.1.a, Barnet A Co., 211 ark Bow, Nes' - 1, - ,rk.; S. S i Bane^, 111 Baltimore St., 113. U. mom. ltd.; Julia P. Part., N. B. <or. 01 lourl sad WC. nal SI., Cmcialiaii, Ohl° ; Wi.kor it Taylor, Mt sod 1.14 w i Leeth Apeoua. eljra xi III.; Colhot Brother'', s4ulhirell earuar .1.k....nd stud V.ao Sta., St. Lou* Mo. Lab At Ath w, ea. ma. A rr A Young. I.ntly retnruln; to h• , r eon itt siflPr 4 sojourn of I, a months in t:i•• by her trieiels. • In pia..., of e.t face, she haft ;1,01( rti , ,V vol111111.1:1011 111 aluugL of tnenly-tlireo rally hit 1.4 110 i 11. Upon, inquiry as to the eau, in .00 irreiit .1 Viail . 44 . , plamly tol4I (nein I hatsbe I t I 'I In' eonsl Intl IL all is/ \ 1111 V .1,.14) , . t./Ifi f, LY IN a.' any I_ o3 „, tfrinan itnprov•-• !r iii•rsonal iip!icar.inee 'K.111)01,111 as Nature herself Is simple, vet lIIINLIrIIF.C.I 111 It. eft} , iley ih arawing iftlf,llrilfra from. al , o heal• elransinaz heriii•itylog the aiun and &mil plvxion. tiy Its din on till:Ali title -it tlrws troth It all ri., inept-utiles, 4,1H1P, and 1,111714 1)/, Noriaer 515 Nature iii trnded It 5001111 smooth nail benu- Prke $l, sent by Man or Expreee, on re ceipt 01 all order by W. 1, CI ARK F.: it. 1 -1 ).. Cliemlsts, N.i. 1 West ' St ,Ser N. Y. Tlieonlv %inerkan Ag.lll-4 for therilloof Murcia 4, 1567. ly A Card to the Ladtem. PT. DITPI).Nro'S (: , )1 DEN PII.IttOPICAI, P. • S I Lt.pt I ilia lla "rrett - lig I frog:ll.4 3 •/ta,VIIIii )14,truetious of the 31,0:ttli1)"Toros, from w:t...tevek 12atIss, Alla +a way.. ill it. a Pr,' ettt I ve. It to fool. , over thirty vears dunce the abtis e eele- . _ lyntted sl in. I tr. DUPUN CO, ut Pnri., durm.; tun.. tiwy linve been . . Oam • . ~ ed./ On the4tb twit.. by. Rev. J. A. 8011, Mr. TAU AO I'EAKDOMFF, olermiberbind Umbrian', to Mrs,' M A itG Alin L. CLifilraMEß., of Uvitysbung. On the at inst., i, Roe, M. Unehrnan, Mr. A MOs - F. HOWERA to Mien CATIIAItII4E. 11(4fr BE MAN, butt" of this county. Died. On Tuesday Itud, Mr, DANIEL MICKLZT, of Fruhkiln township, aged shoat ss years. On the Ist lost., MI, VIDLETt, of Fon:Oran township, aged FA gents I mouth and It Near 113•11derxville, az the 11)th att., 4 Mr.. 101141, W.I.II.NEIt, ealh 7,ear al Ws aim, Latest Market Reports!, 0 ETTYSBUTIO FLOC - - RYE vroett; • V, 11 ITE WHEAT, I:F:U NV ttEAT, - ' - RN E, • . OATS, - • Ert'EASTIIEAT, • HAY. • . U'LI)V ERMEED. • BALTIMORE. FLOUR, 1 I AT. • ' HY - I i.vrs, - • 11064,'thund. - .• BEEF CA.T.ILL,III I/ ww.. I I A Y. - • - 0/.4iY HUSKED, - • WII ISt: EY. . - - . Publie Sale OF PERSONAL PRUPE itT Y.—On THUR.S• DAY, the 12th day of JUNht inst., the sunsciihre will sell at Public Sale, at-liiii. residence, in Mummasburg, Adams county, the tollovring personal property, vis : 3 BEAD Ur' 1111.011 COWS, 1 Otie•horsia Wagon, 1 Spring Wagon, aids Bowe amid Cover, 1 Double Shovel -Plough, I Ultrlolq 1 at tot Front blears 2 seta of Single Harness, 1 extra heavy Luther Fly-net: Alto Louse hold and Kitchen Furniture, via: BEDS k BEDSTEADS, Bureaux, Settee, Tables, Chairs, Stands, 2 Corner Cupboards, Sink, a lot of CarFoging, Looking ~,,,, Spinning Wheel and Wool Wheel, 2 Ten•platis States arid PIO, 1 Par/or Stove and Pipe, 1 Conk Stove and Fixtures, 1 Iron Kettle, 1 Copper Kettle. Pot 4, 1i11t011 , 119,31111. and Earth en It ale, one and our-11,11 Barrels of Vinegar, a lot of empty barrels attil_Eegle, a lot of Bar Fixtdres, Bacon and-Lard by *he pound, and a variety of other articles, too numerous to mention. • -Sale to commence at to o'clock, A. M., Gk._ said day, n lien attendance will be given •ad terms made Limn u by JACOB EICLIOLTZ June 10, 1867. It • Dr. R. Horner. D nuas, bTATIuN I,ltl' AM! . NOTIONS, V/TTICSBU MI, PA. His own prepnrations are all guaranteed to au.wer the purposes intended. Dr. R. llorner'a aati-Cholera and Diarrhcea mature, tut all disea:ca ut t4e ituutauti wad Lowell Olien fur Cl:yipped H.a is Frrgrftot Myrrh, for preserving and beauti fying thel - Lretl:, and fur all diseo.ts of the louts. tlis Tunic and Alterat.ire Powder', foie Nur:ss and Cui.le, arc superior to all in the taw let. Pure Liviore for tatdical use. Prom:rip tions carefully filed. Meeiii•ol -ad vivo without chsrge Jura. ID, 18G7. If ' ltiotire. rprif: Fuhvriber, hotting. thoroughly repair lii• Grist sail Sow M.II, l'orinerly liiicuiTs ' ou Nilftri.h Creek, Is prepared to G DING and S &WING Ztt Paco , Mail at l-short notice. Ile solicits the patronage et' I ite.141,bur11:,,,,1, and 'will 'guarantee aistisfae• liou. (lite him a Lull. tIEORGE GINGELL Jane 10, 1.867. if Notice. ELIZAHRTH KA l'i"S EtiTATlC.—Letters of Adz& histrtmon on the e.,tate of Elisabeth Hipp, late of -Lat,su,re township, Adorns coliwy, deceased, hating been granted to the iindernigne4, the first named residing In Itet.:iug toit-nsh tp, and the last named revidit In Lntlnlule torn:Stip, they-hereby give no tice to nll persons indebted to said estate tv rnnke immediate p-,1 meat, nod there basis; claims against the save 'to present them pru. / perly ar 4 4.hentiotted tor settiri..l,..t. PI ttY K APP,/ • JOHN AdtuinistuHr 1 / ) 1 - • . ‘• a .1 - a ' June'lo, Isn't. 6t County Treuttn re) AT Tt • e citation .or ima i n i sitilecds, I of fer AS A C ift lOC LOCJITY itSLItII3II, at the nazi;) , ectiol, 4biees to the decision of the D•l3 • 'tic Colinty veatiod. If nomiolitedawol elected, I will dis charge tLe duries of tlte (Ace JACOB urtoihmtuorr. • Xny 27, 1867, Caput,- Treasurer. UIW ED by numerous friends, I o ff er my self ai a •candhisto for COUNTY Tiff..46llllEß at the next election, subjert to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Sh•tuld Ibe nominated arid 4 horsed, I pled,te myself to discharge the duties of the ottcs faithfully and to the beet of my ability, WM. J. MAMTIII. May 27, 18C7. • SONETRING: EW ourrys'ntru,i.i. TIIE undersigned has the ple‘sure of In. forming the eitizsna or liettysburg,ao4 rieini 7, tit , t he is now prepared to supply thew with [hit famous CREAM SODA," drawn from Dow's SodaTeruntain, which has become so popular in tbecities. tt yea bare never tasted this deoictoue drink; you don't know what yob have in4se.i. Try it. Our* tasted, you wilt become * regular patron. I have ajso opened. my " -- TCE CREAM SALOON, with accommodations for Ladies and Gelds. men, and am shit to supply private r'it Portico, .te., on reasonable terms. Also, atm stonily on baud , fresh CONFECTIONS, CAKES, &C. Call at the old established stand oa Chase. bersburg street. opposite the College Much, adjoinipg the Keystone /louse. E.. H. MIENIGII. June 3, 1867. ;In. , Settle Cp.• • . - , riljit hooks of DIDDCbt k STP.ICKIIO4 611 Lave Lees pitted iu toy bands MS cones tld. All claims nit 'Wed by the Ayf i July nszt,‘Ol liumediattily tbettafterbbo by suit. A. J. (3UV PITIe 3, 1P67. St . - 144 p /Almaden , . fIIBN THOIJSAND LAP SithiGLlo3, (Oak) foi gale by the subs:sit/si t et the Comps. ay /Pis, in Liberty township, Adams county. Addimss K. W. HARBAUOH, • ' June 3,1116 Y. 3t* 'shield P. 0. c SHOES, SHOES. for Ilea and Boys, Ladies aad Children at BOIT 1 WOODS , . yrTHEATON'S ITCH OINTMENT at Her. Vir nor's Drug Siam GENTLES...TV furnishing aoods all triads and styles at . )lORRIV. GO to tysi)n l e Iteellskle 11 14 111 7 bl ire al e . P/OTURESi4Iycu.. yaw Oatall jags Posay *ad • litalarisera. . , • , VIZIUNIA4,3, Oasts, M., at • , • NORM: MUM : 12 50 Oil d • Sl 2 Z S e 98U • • 25" 0 27' • 51 N - IS MI 111 • i • 7.10 t • • 1O y 2SoIIOO :1 rs lal • Ile lit • 7i o II 50 73 aSS:: - OM - 2 all 40 CIS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers