Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, June 03, 1867, Image 1
; , THE .** ' ' CAYiiII „ Th v o r ki n ra , 6o , l ?!. • mirro% -•- A,. iv 0:14. : :.„ U tomyty is • • " Y I P ; ' 47710 and. WillPirfiil:" : VERSiI '4P PUBL37I - TIAML-011 , 3' 00 prr itn au in, I !tiellitivtll4l4,46.oltA rteit,---$2 cto prfitti a u fit It it Pahl In advatie"e, Ne lernittl i rPtidu dtit 4 edit ttituo-I,Ankleivi at the option of the publbOier, 6u hl all 17C4 1 11 etre,piihi , ADV.,E TI.S.PAtiSTH trisortol nt not viten. JAW rNTINu of on kludo dono with heat itt ertanit tapotkii, erritiltw.tiouth , Dal tl mere gt.rtet, brtwo - n 311,4.11 e anti Itlttii, bar tlth'rhits Altlee—"Comyt- I erreifitftr 0111.seP on the , • , igiiv ' 4 ''' ' l Profelisional Cards. - * J. C. Neely, A TTCIR,NRY Law. e-Patticular atten ille %WV p-ti I to collection of Peintions, pay. tilliLe 10 ate S. E. cjifileir4l the Diamond. thotyitsurz, April 6, 180. tf Edward B. Buehlor, A TT6RNEY AT LAW, rill faithfully and prikinptiy attend to rill hairiness entrust -1.,1 hilt. Ile speaks the German Inngnage. °M I" at On sane pl.tee, in So - tth linpiniore street, near FJrney's drug store, and'nearfy ointosite grinner k Ziegler's store. tiettysburtt, Partik 2A. -•-• Win. A. Duncan, ATTORNKY AT LAW, Sc I ro r o mptly attend to all !egol batiers.s e.ttrotteif to him, iftelu ling the procuring of Puo'4iorr4, B4anty, Mick Pny, and All other' .im4 eiairtat the Uniteit'Stetti siud State Gov , .rnmeate. - ()fries hi - 'North 'West Cornet of Diamond, Geetysbierg, Penn'a.. April'lS, t 1 D. MoConaughy, A TTARNIN AP L.AW;,(offioe one door west &wand bookolorP, Chittn tilt/ street.) TTOIINNY AND SOLICITOR TOll I'ATR s - so L.; n•I %VAT r WiekliAyi'itrepvildi4 VI dais, and all otherel+inis aigaitsit.the Corerirment at Wash i;l2l.oll, '•0.; also 'American claims In Hig h"l tan! W.irt ants loestc.l and sold, or b•ineit; aml higsiest prices given. Agents en g..gel in lac .tin„ wair irrta lown. Illinois on-1 elm western States. to him tee'r.on ill: or b; lt (ten lletty3burg, Nov. 21, '53. Dr. W. J. 3retlore, ' Ilivßipiart, Suritr;ent,.(t. :4ccouilicur, l i - 11"-las p g ri i v ert vi l . i i i i il l re i n ,r t ., i l e b o rli t : i c s d . i r t r l a i .e N .s E i, ‘ , V n _ in nll hit bpsnehlq, 1114 en 1. and all othera (10..iriag 'fill praf.vsiori'al services are re -41 , Pstvil 0 rail dal cuaiult . hita at h i d tinier, in If ,n..% , r street. May .!'), 1847.: ti' ::' - t Dr. D. S. Pr.±.Tor, • AniMrT4xv‘k 4 ,, , i.d wi r s...,enitrisi, rontintirl the roctu,:e iit his pr`iire , siiin in ;di its hrtiii itei, nil , l wwit i 're. ;& peofully i•ithe fill jti.•r4wii iillictc , l with Kii'y old :lauding die tell il'A to Cal/ and cansult him . r 1 Oct. 3; 1133 i,. tf . 'Dr.;T. 0. Ritmo, ITIA Isss-qt.esi porsB.49a ittt , at BOY . , (~$ It . ri 'As !i, Atlrtro3 colint% , al toad :proolo'clv t!i onti,it;./11 c-0 , , or triett. 'a ht Julia f,(514,1,'4, tr:stere !Is-• r.rn always La to•th I. witoll prolVh.tiouttli) eagsl,.;!,ssl. n IR6G. l}• $ • - • - Dt. P. C. Wolf, tCf\t;l,tetttpintßtsrlifittf.lN, Ariarg routtly t home; 01 Lt by ntri, , t, t. proft•sdional dati 3he nay al.•t:t , iiare 4.t the pahlic p! , ttrun.,go. t' Dr. Coo k, IMMFAWATIIIO Stawion and itecouarwr, l aG .44 prof. lurtstl Fe LO the pul.lie. nttentic s a giveo to di or,s,s ut . women and :a. If . • hEVERT , A7r.S. Prof' AA. Lippe, M. 1).. - " J. C. Morgan; M. D , _ U. Co.,k, M. D. • Don. E3word McPpers.on, fietlpshorg, IVIII4, Itoeßs, if:looter, P.I. - tw...tY. - - 41 91••t• on the .iiionre, fire .1 .ors 40 of CAI it•e ..trtet, P.coarclour front Centra: Hll. 4 15, 18. . Dr. J. W. C. O'Nears I'AFPICE and ()we 1.4 .loor4 from Or N. R. iorto r of lia timpro'ond GM) nn,tr the Preibyteriful._Clvireli, Get.: t)sburg, In. J. Llwronce uiv;. Tr,dS Lis olli , •cooe oor noLmt of f win ETAiral ~ I leran chore]; in """1 ClLAralleraforg:strvet, and nhlru rtr Dr. C. Horne , where 'h, ne wj3iiing to tr,vc noy Deatil 0 1 .••rv.o.1 rt•ir it l :tro re pe, iovitrd , to cell.,: Ure. lior tier, Rev. O. P. lir,tutli. I). I)., Rev. If. L. 11 La.ther, D. T)., Rec. P:of Jt. J.Leobe, D. D., Prof. M. L. s4.(eze.r. • Copy.lburg, April 11, '53. itaillroad 1101140, N EAR THE DEPOT. 111 'HANOVER., rORK CO., PA. The undersigned would respectfully 'war na nerous friends and the generally, t be hita,lensed :he hotel in Llanoter, near tits D . put, forhterly kept by•retiltalt " Kohler, en will shire no eltirt to conduct it ha A. ma net that will give general 4.4tistabtion. • His inhle will have the beat the markets can chambers nre spncions and com ,fiir,ahle---and he hit? laid in her his bier a Rill stock, of choice wines lignors. 'rhere is etnotfirig fur horse's att.elltd t.ri the 'lite'. de will be his eanstant elide Ivor ho render the Diffe•lt sati•faetion to his Rnesti, making his home ns near et hone to •-then its possible.--1 He *ski t sh ire of the public peron v,sr, de4 ten:tined its he is to ileserve,:tilar,re p irt of It/ ltemettilict the lisilroad'Abalto. near the De p ' Hanover, Pt. A. P. 11.11:t1 11 .14. ; te tf lieytdone Itimose, C ri A . II:3NILSI3 UK- ST tte,.37, (IRTTYS. PA:.=- E 3!I1..:14), Pro. priethr. ' , , • This is a new Wive, fittel np i i the mast approved style. Its lociti4,Cia Wont:tat, cen tral and convenient. Every arr.ingemout has lieen,mrde4lie•the t.-rotastiodhtion and coin- Niglio(' guests: Tt.e 'Table w ill z always t have tholepin of the tuArket, and u: Bar Bar thif best , oflZsi and honors. . . 'T lite commodious, ,Stabling attached, with an accommodating ottlerala aytoo hand. “Thret Ilat'el isfuor op , n for the ontertaiii ... intact:lf the pith is. Ana a 41. tie of patrotrig.e is seliciteiL Diu enrt will be spared to reu ter eat isthmian. J. 14;1867... tf _ rebe I n'n , µ•— . , TOD .IC YT., 1 !•:.AD .7.17.6 DI A ,Ii• :N D, ETTIn.uliG, PA.—The undersigned' irout.i most respeiltfally informAis ni. • NR at Wends and the paLlie generally, , that ,h o f 1, . .'perch teed th it tong etleblitlied an I w e if - lio(n. lintel, the ' , Globe Inn," in York wart{ Gettysburg, and will spare no effort lo' coeduct it in a manner that will not detratt froat its former high reputation. llis table wit/bite &b that the market can aft,rd—nts chambers are spacious and comfortable—and im-bastaid in fOr his bar a full stock of trine} and litiaota. There is large stabling attached tolbt Hetet, which will be atterriledts otten tire boittlerta:• It will be hiszenstant cp.ifearot Vienna:ler ibelollest satisfaction to 04 guests, milkint •itis , house as near a home to Ahem as poraikbp.iftie arks a stuire,of the publiti's pa to-mined as he it to deserreit.large Remember, tke"Giobe lirti' - 'is in 'silittit; 6ltt near the Diamo id, es Public Vire' *Owe, , ~' ~'... , . • 5.1...uu.a. WG.I.F. "'"-Anaalibi,i444, tf , , ; 1 - • ' 114E 1 ; cle l! ei e 4rel : t;e to tito i rk Of all . 'midi 941 Z "Orptikratiets istrlehteissuimenpora of t - • !to ••'.. ..11.1.0 1 51.N '..i. .--- —./ - ',,- l' - .',...; • ~' ' '.: :` il • t."• . . ;t .b,., 0 .. .. i ,vi fri gl. It .. • , 1 & - 6 --,---.- .... , - 7 . : . . . , .. . . . . • EMI =I 13Y It :3'; mnrjr.l4 100.000 Ilttabtk. Grain Wanted. N 1.112,41 Al' TBE OLU WA ItEIIoUSE. DI 01)1.11: & CO. would inform the pantie that they here leased the Warrhou,e oil the corneriof Stratton street and the Rail road, in Grttvsburg, tore they will carry On THE-GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all Ea 'branches. The highest prices will tawny I be thiid for Whe'at, Rye, Corn, Oats, Cl.,ver and limo-thy S..eds, Fl.starerl, Sumac, flay and Stralr , Dried Fruit, Nuts, Snap,llams, Shoulders mid Sides, Potatoes, with every thing else in the country produce Ike. GROCERIBS.—on band, for sale, Coffees,' Began, Molaisses, 81 raps, Tens, Spires, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Soaps. ike. Also COAL OIL, Flab Tar, ke. FlBll ut all kinds; Npikei and Nails; Smoking awl Cher. lug Tob ,c!os. They are tilwAys fthle to supply s first rats article of Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. Akio, (mind Plaster, with Gunnos end other fertilizers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or cif , toed. - ' They will itnIVA LTN OP PREIGIIT CARS from (lettyshurn to Rttltimore once every week. They: are-prepared. to convey Freight either way, 'in /my gaintitv, at Ifi.IYUCED RS. They will attend, If &s r. to the tanking of parchnie. In the city, and &Liver ing the goals In •Oettyaburtr. Their care run to the W.trehouee of Nathan Roon it,'No: - 128. , !ftvrth Howard rt. , arm Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will be received al Any time. They- incite the [mention of die public to their line, ns.mring them th .t they *;11 spare no effort to accommodate all m ho may patrunme them. BEDI)J.E & BENNER April 18, 1868• II Great rtedUctlon IN PRICES u>•' ,t; DRY. GOODS, aree , rirs, Iloq-trare, Virengetrarr„!T AT J. C. z , Wt k SUN'O, \1:R• ON Ft ii:11. P. We hove j , uat reLirted trem Cie city, w!lere we ixmabt, u eery )urge ttul %%pH...elected siu, kof kindd ut goat in our line, under '' - Tll% LATE' DEOLIN,E. Our ntork corrsi:te in ; I It E'3l(;fl MERI., NOE 4., FIZ!iSUIf UtJJUL;RI}i , Defwnes, Cnli cues, 114,nctit4 n. large n , sortnlrro. '01; Manion,' Sli,rtg, 11u.p rikiri a, (:I.,rep:S.e. M EN".3 r: 4, ft, co in part of Broad owl Beaver Ciutl).•!. Black and F.tory !Intl 4 1Pnort rlnnnel", tholi-r•,l4iri,s -mitt rT;Vi'S and' CA I'S, I)rit ing and I.;Lok, , hia trlori , A mtnigt!e assortment of GROCERIE3,nt toa ratef, II ,12:1)-RACE, RE, such as Tire 'Tree, Spring', 'Shear, Morse Shoo Itanmereti ..,a orke, htrur Laelie. ' tip i ,S) , ov‘ orkfc, Pad Locks, I.ltel•e , , 4ingeg and Strews. Mt ifN St) QI'EENS- W A fIF., by the set. That.kful tut p.,At prarealge. ue Il . pe to rner.t the same in th.• luta, e. ' J. (.; Ziaff K Near Oxford, April I:1 , 7. ly ILtitc l'at,!..iotts /ARIA -Nil W 11 •rED vro P LA' 1.1. Ex ELLIPTIC v0L,1:1".N7-1TINt:1" T,sxtrr. TM: wftigairuk PLt tifits.l . ry Arid gre4t (IW POI.T !Ind PLY.IaLIILI: to any 1..13 - t1e:Ai . ..1;41111• lit ELLIPTIC SKI r a i:) be experience i partic ular-it in n!l t•roud d SFseinlrl,c,.(Yper:l-,t if.- vei. It In lit ie tad dons.. the rid I woe , iu 111 C Ir, old. II a =wadi Wave ..s etsily and continue:illy 3 , a Si.k or Muslin l)re l s.mmi. mmomil:vdmie min ml imi nut futinl in any iningle rl ling SOIL A la :y h., m•mg d the pLT Isms. Cox t•.rlir,nnl i gre it i etc for a -s: ogled ly. u ill never ati ern irds 11li7;4 ly atilt flt it For CilLl,lreo, es a.i.f Young LpltliCB they Alp trip , r:ot to others. - They a iH not bend or bre tk like the Sinee Sprinit. bat will pe,•sene lii jt, ret feet sud grit!. till PliAlte At hen three or tour orilimir3- sklrt: will It ive been thr.twit 13idt 6' useltss Tue are cotrtul whit double mid twist ed thre.tir, lts: lt.tttona roils not exit but twice (id.d iu le) co pri vent in them we .ring wit when gin2 dun n St tir3. &e. fhe Jples. Elnpve is a reat fun:mite oith ill I tities and trtieersalle recommended by the fashitta Magurd iri tis tiles etTAND.II4O SKIM' OF TILE FAtilllo.7 WORLD. To et j' the Conniv-i-ug iuesti usable alv.i.tOrt ges in I. superior qu dity, petted nt.inuractute:stylisii sit tpe, finisn, dunsi/ i!Y ,1 Coll.l+to il ccononu r eininn e l il t J.' W. Bradley's Duplex Elli e tie, or Ilnitble Spring Ile sure you genuine artiele CAUTION.—Torin.rI it;tnin3i, IMPOSITION to' pnrticol tr to NO Ii t 2 ttic slat t"; otrer,e,ti 'DUPLEX" hove the tel tie: "J. ,W, Brwiley's Duplex Sitrotg:," Lipka). the w sistbantl—n,toc uthur.4 art. genuine ANo Notice that evory Coop sll;ilit il pin being Pls:ieJ throtuit tit, retort) flit*. reici,J in the tit t (or ,t,tta eptings bratiled togeth er th• rein, which is the s„.•cret of their Ifrxifi,l - end itren.ith, ntol n C0111511111:4111 not ' L be rubil,i in ally other skirt. ro:a. SA in all Stores villyre riT CLASS skirts are told throughtrut the Lit.tteil States and el:es:here. 11.inufacturt.;i1 by the File of the Patcitt, WESTA, HUAI/I.IW A: CA R T,4 Ji Chrttriberi k ,0 Sr. S St , N. % II Ay t Sul Iron—iro/1---irou : 11 j ir,forni the dire hivitertictil t in c,r.• nectiort with their Steam And aro nuw niaLuracturing FO::0ED AND RAMVERED snip 110.41•11, IfOrse-,hoe it:and respectfoll;* iutitu owl Pests., s to Kite tholo .t e.+ll, lee tug suti-fiel that they will be uhle to plea.e t) finish mid prize. IIItINOIAN At it ARttryli. bigbe..o marlo,t price poia fur wrought and sir q , lion. • B. .t W. Ver.; 17i IS6o. • Drainage. Pip . 11wg•mair.i'g'ne.1 ha; now on fraud, and con:iiinnes to m fact nre, ttr,e 'qnat.ti tHm or'ENkr,i:;lliN'rflt .1 I S AGE l' IVES, o hf ofrersat p cents per nat at The utaiti..eto ry. ft tfitHreil, he alit Ity tl.e pipes, tither water LI:At or. d, at a leaganaldt: compens.atiAan: T.tey h tre u.tea teed in dif• fetentparts of the euc:M;lair/ sue eesi. For till drainage of cel i ctrl,:,te moth• ing belter can be used. 80el 2 itneus 'luny be settn at t ittlAft:ijelt's =tore; in Gettysburg. ' Tiro ni)nufaeterry is 'in Orford tocruAlp, near Lily's mill. Post Office ad tress, New Oxford, Ad.tms county, P.l. • - ' ionS" gEticxt vs. /if tr&I) 11, 11367. hizt* * , Pine filiingles.' ALARGE lot of Piie Skittglete frosti.s6:s4l- to $l5 per 1009 Sale BO he Lumber yard of • - C. IL LSCEIILER. Oct) 22,1 186 G. " ' V. S. ibS I - ME- First, National •Baqk of, Gettysburg I %lit! 'cash 5-20 id 10-44 U. 4.5. • floods; also 7-30 and Compound lntersat - Notea- G-NO WE A &WULF), Cashier. Oat, 6, 1866. .tf HAT'S.DOWN!—WGr Co and Yeats at, - Ni AND SACKS for sale at 1 4r 4,1144)Dr• H. S. BENNER JOHN C. ZOUCK, LAND AGEKT, Nicw OXFORD, ADAMS COUITY, PA., Has for pale a number of tleitinible proper icq, to which he atke the attention of those ishing to purch.tie. A I..lfitiN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE with DWELLING, maimed Ina coun ty seat, ne“r Railroad and Depot. Good chance for doing= all killtit of w ork. Also, eceeral Towntots will be sold with the above property It desired. A FARM OF 160 ACRRS, in Atlanta coun ty, with good Stone House, good Darn, near a turnpike and rtilroad. 'FORTY ACRES, with good House, Darn, dte:,', three quarters of a mite from a railroad station. A chance ; terms easy. A FARM 300 A (MKS, is Adams county, three miles hiun al•ailroad and good market. This farm ran be divided into two farms, there being already two sets of improreinente on the tr,et. A FARA! OF 105 ACHES, on' the Carlisle turnpike, under good cultirationiwith a I irge Crick - llonse„Bank Baru, and other out•build iugs, all new. A LARGB-Ft•OTIR MILL, with 20 Acres of Land. The mrll hns four pair of Burr•, and all machinery fur doing merchant work. !left water nowt,. In threonnty. - A FARM OR 175 ACRES, the Hano ver turnpike, an Which is erected a good House Barn:and all necessary out haildinks. A ?ARV Of Di ACRES, in Adams coun ty, oo which is erected a good House, Barn and; other ont-hAdinz,.. 18 ACIIES OF WOODLAND, 2 miles from fruw Oxfori. A FARM OF 200-ACRES, gam' l..nd, with larcellrick lone, 11. , rn, and 2 Tenant Houses -40 acres in wood—ball' a mile from the Comm-ago Chapel. A FARM of ,ISO acres--225 can Le pup chased-21 miles from Geltysburu,;.ear Maui bersburg 1 ..1 0; large went herboard..l house, Hank Barn, See ;4t acres imwood. The Farm bus been recently A FA 1131 of 120 Acres, with goof House and pare; 12 :tens in wood.' A IltiT EL, in New Oxford, two-story, roomy and conx oak tit fur linsiness. Good chance; terms caq.. T - Also, a number or gdod Houses and Lots for sAle in New Oxford. - Persons who ivish' to buy Itral Estate, as well as those %I - . 40 wish to sell, are requested to give the subscriber a cull at his "stote is Nea Oxford. Addee23. 4011 N C. ZOLICIi, Gard Agett, New ellora, Aiwa county, Pa April I, Itt7. ly A Lecture to Young Men. /p- - -.--,-,N, JCST PUBLISHED, in it Seale:l kt.s4 Envelope. Plit e Six seats. A•L ire on the tire, Treatment. nun Radical Cure of tipermatorrime, or Semi nal Weakness', Involuntary Emissions, Seinal Debility, ond Istriseiliments t Marriage gen erally. Nerconsness, tlensumption. Epilepsy, ana Fits ; Mental and Phjszear Incapacity, resulting truth Self- Abuse, ke.-s-Cy HUBERT J. CUI.,I"k:IIWILL, AL D, Author of the "(ire, u 13,:0k," &e- The aot fd-retiewned author, in tLia adnai• lat , ie Lecture, clearly proves Iron his own e‘nerienee tlh:t the awful tonsequetwe of tsts.ifsAbere may bo ed'euto•ale removed wi L out medicine, ar.:l a it ho ut dargeroussmegissal 001. k :ions, bUUI,I6f , , - Ci:;troments, rings, or Latd:.:ls, pointing nut a mitrde di our at on, e c: i t.iin ::u:1 ellectual, by whit+ every Buff rer, no twittr a Lat his conitinou ma) be, may ease himself eheanly, privAiel,,, and ra•lically. This Lc: tore a ill prove a boon to thousuuds and thous.inds., ~. sem umier seal to any raitirrss, in a ncul, (1 envelop( ) on the reeckt or: ix rents, m tsu i , c ..t ag , S i imps. a1;•4) Dr. TWCWS "Mt , ri:Le price cents. thy pub 4.1,er:::, CHAS. J. C. KNINF. k CO , (37 1: 0 4v• ry Voris, Pima Buz n,) rI ET'PYSI3I:IIIG, PA.. "T IJA It l'tiN TELL I CONTllAritill.; keeps constantly on )14114 tuantinteiiirra ID Doors., A'lotterii, Saxlt, Door and window Fro nit 2, Cor»ice, Vow and Window Bracket', or or other Pirtivie in the Ititilitin; Si .1:oneil ri eolai.intly on hand, PC• PO141(4:41 INorl,nien ailv,a)B in I eatli ne , s, and work ex q:litctii with diiiiate). zikart.riler prumpti) atteitileii to. 2s. On H. F. Debriim di: Bro., Frusta and Ortaanciaal l'aintcrs, 11/MP:NICK CITY, MD., R E t S h r e v EC n r T e r p i, r 7 :p l :. 1: e n t.3 l o r ] m u o t s h ( e ;o li c u 1 1; u i e a L I . 1 JI HAUS, ITN; in the ninzt tnodetn or an cient. A I w (irk unttsautud a 4 give G naisfac- Ilon .te to 08 , P. dartAility and eitialin,s.. Ajoil 22, ISt T. Gth (,isolke Western ILautliii. I II ‘ on , han scr4, choice Wemtern LL well lacitte.l near P k ailroatl, COMI. ty Toirns, C6ur htit, Schoo hoase9 , Ste , tvltiel. I will ne.13.,n4P ttt u fah iet. for Item l' sate iu lunaa , county. • GEO A4')Lp. Gett,,,3 l ,nrr, ?eh. 25, 18 1 11. lt" Cook ia g • Sto ves at e Tiliwar\ A T 9 o f l it l ", ( l ) e 4 ;ir E e ni r 1 1 :11 1 1 1 : u C t i :r ; ";. 1' i .t e l i:t ° Fir tjn t Stove, It new and tiuperiur it.Tention. Call Anti it G. COOK'S. J in, 28, 18.4' Itzty Wattled. r¶UE uadrr•lg:rcJ will p the highest mir k pri.•ed :soy HA Y. lairt:re att Spait4.- It r's IVardi,,uke,Oettszimra. GEO. C. .S fItICKUOUSEIIa. Nov. 2; IRCG. MIIB undersigned' rrf:rrd re,na near, he. dAte tho,e Indebted to make, to.rneLt little deity as unit,ilde. St u d ] u s do not Fettle before the first of .I.ten• dry next, wi4l tiud, their necoutta in the handd of an .o:iieer fur tiolfertion. ith-iErfl S. GILLESPIE. GettysbuTg, IZUG. -1 - )8111F. SUING LKS, the toll in thorniriet, jj JACOB SII.E.kitS . :3 how Lum ber Vi d, on thr Railroad, rtdpiniug the Lime (:ett)siorit. or. 111; tf y N order to prove rlrl.,eseertion; in ode io I fat or of proe.u.ripsylloroonxi i ns limo- like) ljoiller,Y,” • ,for your ,X 0 etz.aze will be on ,de ands . you are pieitse.l With the result ',mkt:ll:wee t. lease your order. - C. J. TYSON. VIOR Oe Mohair?, Alpaccas, Lustres, r tlvusi De ;Segel, Plaids, Poplins, Cu lt lie+ l / 2 •Wliiii,#, kb., thy, ladies should- e tft and see tho new styles at ROW k WOODS', , ( RAIN AND. GR)CERIRS.—The highest 13 market pritat paid for Uri* and all kinds of Produce,- Groceries, Fertilisers, Az., role ptant/y on hand for- silo at the Warehouse of Aug. 13, 1866. --CULP & gARISHAW. frIRAVRLING, HEY I—Before doing so, pro- cafe a good Trunk or Carpet Saeic, at , _ . I F YOTWANT the latest style of Hats out. I go - 6- - ROW k WOJILS'„, FaXACTtY!—Any kind of Pants moo desire can be had at • • PICKING'S. PSE't PROTOGRIPIIS'at ' . .TVSON'S: • 4 41140 PiCiagt.;s;` - -Z-1644 Valuable Properties I. OR, KALE. • Wm. C. Itiallsmith, =1 Pr 4 Shingles. GETTYSBMIG, PA., MONDAY; JUNE 3, 1867. Bounty Amazing. THE account of JOHN WOL , FOI2O, Treas urer of bounty funds for th•• township of L/10111 ire, in the county of Adam; and State of Pennsylvania, was presented to us tor examination and aptirornt. He first charge.' hitm,elf oath et eh rec eiced from Fobs( $2,668 50 C 4 h borrowed nt the Gettysburg Bank, 2,70%) 00 Tax duplicate of March, 186.1,—.. 3,341 .56 Balance due Treaturer, ...... ....—... 215 25 Accountant claims credit for cash paid Wee 1). Worl e y ; Keg ; G e o. B. Brandt and Daniel Laren; ' Committee to procure recruits to fill the draft of the, Spring of , 1884—for putting in 21 recruits, $4,077 50 Amount paid them for expenses in attending to those 108 70 For paying, Bamuel C. Stereos, II 300 On Cash paid at the Gettysburg flank, 2,700 00 Paid to 'several parties In Mum of their taxes and otherwise, 2,498 42 For unpaid collections yet•ttl Imi by bite 172 08 Cash an note 42 '3u Espw s atioas,on tax it up)icate,.).... 23J . Outstanding tax on duplicate, 3d 'l We Lave granted an order as Treasurer to' I. D. Worley, Seq., for services in 21 00 Ope to Dana' Larew, for 18 days' se( riee4 • 'l7 00 One to Geo. B. Brandt, 'for ditto " ..... 18 00 Allowance to Teensurer fur collect ing and disbursingthelunds,...... 30 00 SECOND ACCO'UNT ofJohn Wolfurl, Trcas- ur..r. -far the of 186 t He chargeg himsell with cash re- ceived oldJ/Terent privies, S3,2DS 12 Carh borrowpd at .11ecLanicsburg Bank, 14,009 . 00 Cab borrows d at the First Nation- al Bunk of 832 Go Cash rwoved 0 Amos C. Myers, collector •.f -bounty t.x for the, years 1865 and ......... 8,155 70 Cast, reecired of Michael Schricer, collector of bounty tax of 1867,.. 1,413 19 Cash r.ccived on taxi:tidal) bonds, 2,29 d 00 Accountant claims credit for cash paid Isaac D. Worley, El., and War,.er Towusend, to pay f0r,29 recruit's $14 . 540 00 Expen5e;,...,....... 147 87 lifter exp.mses, ..... 10 00 Cash paid cm curtailment of nous at MeehaniCsburg Bank,. Disconnt on notes, Stamps on notes,. ..... ........—.. Chris to,the Fir-At NAtional Bauk of Gettysburg Di-count on same,.. Seim)! Ditectors' order to 1. Warley, 48 00 Sehool,Direetors' order to 1. D. 20 90 School Dli ecturs' order to W..rner 90 00 Auditors' order to 1. 11. Worley.„. 31 90 Amos C. Myera, 3 •55 C. er3,.... 15 G 5, Accountant claims fur trouble wud expense for Jrolug six trips- to Gell!tli,Urg and six trips to Me- . chankshurg, 31 50 Trout•le and expense for so l 4;soursing 50 00 Chino: credit fu'r balance due hitti on first account,. ...... )fttolitone and Clerk's -tees, liafunee .10 hands of Treasurer up t..) 11.1 13, 1807, 1.902 25 BRBOO4CF9 OP LtTIYMILII 1)r. Tsc fiss.sged for 181%5, I 86ti, it If 1b67; Cr. Amount 1 aid by collectors, 04 , 01rtiiinz in itnnifit of collectors, 3 911 80 Amount in hands of Treasurer,. 1,p , ;2 25 Amount; of re3onrees, 5,908 05 &dance doe by the township over and above the ssntx, but ilto exonet ations to collettora ott tIATHLITINS Or I.l,TtMoat , TOWNSHIP. To MenliitlicelicrK ...... "1,839 .. ....—... 3.391 12 Turnship boada w .., ...... 2.290 00 We, the undersigned, AirtitOre of Latimere township, Adams on., haring audited the above account of John Wolftird, Treasurer of the holt nty fun ! of slid township, .tio report The thole correct, es chore•statel, to the beat *tour itsilgtuent and belief. • GE(tRGE L. DEA RTIORFP, DANIEL F. STITZEt., gay 20, 11367. 3t* AtAitotB Fresh AssortmantotHats. \ S. S. Mee . IIEARY . t his 1V n its W 041.4 , t:t , r . 1 t . e l e l i o n; t F t , I l s t H VAS. ThVy nre t ely licht, par ticularly nest ,• shape, and wril, \ calculived to pl se. He has also on hand n nice assortment of FUR And' SOUL, Leghorn alut l-ttnv. Hots, and at, 1 prirea 'ttitteh lower +h 'heretofore. Ple.lse calLer.tinine and Odge NT yourselves. 11.13 :10. 1667. 3t , - -- __ _ _ ( Empire \ TITTTLE SEWING ri re so -1„71 tterior to all others for FAIIIIN AND ;31A) I:FACTLTIIING, rUitt'OSES. Coots - at all the latest imurorements.; are speed/. ' ,isriess d ; nnd to trork. • Illustr.tred Cireul .rs free. Agents weetecl. Choral dtsc Junt allowed. Nu coniigamen tit touch. Addrpi EmPrnr. s. v. CO ,:6143 Droitilway, New Vorb Sept.l 17,,.1 and. l y For lieut. rt,..GINIA MILLS ; withk Miller's ITohse, an I other ilririlvea, one 'fee fr rut Fair field, Ad co fur - :tent. , _Enquire of 3lnj Joh .1 11 assehnin i tae.yr Fivitapw, or of , k Mcci,FuN, ' Gett.aburg, - Si','ol)o R V.l NIT - , R , AN AW April l..sth,'lSL7' , ,7fi';rlll','riees, very unpopular fellow . ; tth tittankt for his 'earn ai we hare subdituted very pop ular geptietueu in his place call, d Very,Cheap rickaNt,s. leb. Ti, 10 . 7.' „, CIONSTANTLY on hand,an assortment of I L „,/ FINE FRAMES, PIIOTOGRAPH AL BUMS, Cards ani lieskets for passes from the Battle Fleld. PIIUNIG3A3II.I dt , our Generals and other distinguished individuals at the Excelsior Gallery. C. J. TYSI)N. 'YI have just received a gesi asiortniint of Qneensware, to stloirb we invite the attention rti buyers. • A. FtIOTT & SON.• ( tEENSWAt2M, lotions; Thy Goods, kc., in g!iisi T alit t ti', et tiIIPfIORNI k iIoFIF mA,A'S, noittoireat'Cutudt oSf the'Sqn"ste' . Get tysb a re, Ps. . .• . A DREAM OP osrasini. Mand as the mornlog breath of June The southwest breezes play; And, lirongL its haze. the Winter's iusat Boehm warm as Summer's day. The sterw-;plunze.l Angel of the North Mut tlmppett his ley spear; Ag.Lio the in.n.ey earth looks forth, Again the streams gush OMIT'. 14),,32'• 31 The lox his hill•side cell forsaken, Ttre !brisk rat leaves blis nook; The Mae bird In the raaailew brakes la alright& with the brook. "Bear up. oh I mother naturor • cry r 1, breeze, awl streanilet "Oar Winter voices prophesy Oikkunnacr days to thee!" go, to thries winters of the soul, fly bitter4,l:ittrr nail mar. Verr.wept front memory's tinter. pole, gill sunny 'lox apwear. ' TteNtt s itte Trope and F.Ltik, they show Thesout its Mint... powers, And how trouttit the Wintnes snow Lie puns of sertstner 4011(.!..= I i The Xlightis Mot.hts r the Day, ,Tne Winjosr ofthe • mg, ~.c . , Ana ever,upon oid IIY The greette.t Inossesi cling. Be4lod the cloud theutArlight lurks, .Through idio•Vcrti. the 111tiL114111.4 WI; t God. Whip /Wit 1.11 elt his wqr s ks, Matti lett 111 g llope With all. c,4-inult tau! els ,02N 21 ADVANTAGES OW WELVERISING VMS The efrec!a of pulverization or stirring ; the•soil are numerous. 1. It gives free scope to the roots of vegetables and they become more fibrous in :Otiose than in a hard soil, by which the onouthSor pores become :lime null) Pr ong, and such food as is in the soil has a better chance of beingeought ail r and taken up by them. 2. It admits tire atmospheric_ air to the spongioles, of tire roots—without which no plant can make a healthy growth. 3. It increases thaeapilliary attraction or spongelike property of soils, by which their humidity is rendered more uni tbrni ; and in a hot sea on it increases the deposits of dew, and admits it to the roots. /33 30.979 01 4. It increases the tempeTetufo of the soil .in the Spring,, by admitting the warm tepid rain. 5. It Increases the stirmly of oreanic food. Tho atmosphere contains carbon ic acid, ammoords, and nitric acid,—all most ,poweriiii ,fertilizers and solvents. A loose soil attracts and condenses them. Rain and dew, also, contain them. And When these fertilizing gases are carried Into the soil by rid iiv at,er, they are ab sorbei and retained by the soil for the Ds plants. On the other haticl, , if the or , is hard, the water runs of the sur face, and instead of leaving three In the sell, 'carrier, off- some of the best riortiolaSof Chemin with it. Thus, what might be w belled t, become:- an injwy, n. By mismis Of pulveriz . .ition, por tionot the atmospheric air is hurled "In the soil, and-it is supposed that ammo nia and areformed by the mu t Uhl decoMposilion of this air acid the moisture of the soil- , -beat a lso being de volved by the changes: 11.453 03 1,463 58 46 45 82 00 73 43- 213 21 ',l U 0 7. Pulverization of the surfaceof soils serves totetain the moisture in the sub. soil and toprevent it from being pcnetra: ted by heat from a warmer, its well as from raliatimz it: heat to a colder atmos cre than itself. These(etrects are pro duced by the porosity of the pulverized stratum, whbli tta6 114 tionulch, especial ly on heitvy soils. 8. Pulverization, also, has the coin_ 1100(1 ctibet of favveraf of the preceding causes, accelerates the, decomposition of the organic matter in the moil, and rho disintegration of the mineral matter; and thus prepares the inert matter of the twirl(); asOmilathin by the plants. 30,t1T0 GI $5,007 57 4 4.scr, 51 $13,514 GO 9,5C8 89 TUE QUALITY OF EMAIL Few' people ever think there is any difference in the quality of the egzs they eat. Yet there Is quite as marked ll:dif ference as ,there is In the, ilezth of the fowls. Fowls that are fed On the liner `kinds of cereal grain furnish much bet terl eggs than thwc that subsist on grass land oats and buckwheat. Wheat or wheaten dough or bread always_wakes the richest rigs e. N. Bement u rites lon this subject: "Though most farmers keep fowls and raise heir own efrt.s, ihere are many who have not learned the difference there is in the r:cituess and 'flavor of egg proluceil by well fed. hens, pint those froin birds that have been half starved through our winters. There will . be some difitrence in the size, but far ; more in the quality. The yolk of one would be large. ft nJ colored, and of good !consistence, and the albumen or white clear and pure, while the contents of the 'other will be watery and meagre, as 'though there were not vitality or sub stattee enough in the parent fowl to prop erly carry out and Complete the work nature has sketched. In order, Men tor", 11l leave ;..0 el e.zw4, the row Is .should be well fed' find provided with art maul : dance of. line gravel, that they may be i able to grind and prepare their food for ' digestion. _ _ _ 4, 0 /S 43 10,52(3 48 14.52, 48 "The proposed amendment to the (p i p, ( ,),tot;tation strikes tile word "white'! out of the franchise clause of the Constitutiou, but leaves It in the 411 if adopted it will, there fore, enable the neirmes to vote, but will nut-compel them to muster._ This will :/e making the darkie4 superior to the whites, Maslow* as they will have a share in the gtivern talent- without lieit t fy, required to de:cuti it, This I; 4,1)(• of the "bles , itigs7 whielt the It-id heal liniti , rs ‘‘,,,,t to be , tow upon the 1-' Titc la:: air will not be likely to "see ii.'' es,. •••=.--,-- Lotti.ia'aa Leir. ? lature appro; prlatett ~ .‹-f,t):lo.tett tot the 'repair of the Mil:lsis:4i rapt levees, to'he , disborsed by the board of love() emu Sig:rid:lo, probably t,-- , iritrt• to Lave his friends a crab at the fund, abolbilied the board and designated persons of Ids own selection to take charge of thetnoney. The probabilities therefore are tine the bulk of the four millions will repair more leirA ferfner iu lowa destroyed the buckets than levees. , .grub-mornis 1.1,at were deqroyiog his, eon], by eatclang a lot mules and pot- t 9i& - The Tribune thinrks ant old max - ting theal Into Ills i‘orn-fleltl The moles im about honesty being the hest polte'y may-he caught hy'thc use oti:ow'y Witter shotild be replaced by titiolegond : the,pitlt out, ‘, honesty is the hest policy—if you steal • that/ a million." , Tlie Tribuiveio''porty ; h&O-rilwardo of 31,00 Q barrels of flour has acted upon that theory ever since it, are shipped from t'alifornia into.:litly— organization. - - paying.the Pacific ILtil Steamship Gout pany,for freight,.a , but,chp. • ter"-The Springfield .Ftopublitzba says of Thad Etevens' letter: , that. "there are ffs:7 - 40,tOrT:uq r - 7 wheat were , threats of such utter perfidy involved" ped from Liteerpool toTNew York:sin:one in his declarations, "that they should be week in,Api it. (-promptly repudiated by every Repoli ' _ _ who cares D honor and, bllUte6.l. INSECTS ON FRUIT TREES. The editor of the Ethonoroyho% • in speaking of a w'-rk on entornoio , e, is stied by 'authority of the NeW Jer,oy !State Agricultural Society, stip; : 1 It may he briefly stated here, that in the ease loth of the eurettlio and the ale. ple•moth, it is reeom men del to de-troy 'as quickly as possible all' tli infested i fruit that falls. from the tree; that in the case of the eurentiojarring taot shaking) the infested tree tu,on White -heet4, and killing all the - "little 'rinks" that fall , thereonls the apliroved remedy; and in i the caQo of the apple-worm. wrapping ' hay.bands round the trunk of the infe-d -, ed 't rt e, and deAroying from time to time Ili e thsevt, eon ttiincd iI) the eneoiins form , I ed in and in the hark beneath those, hay 7 la nds. „' 7 _ , ,Ai MIL W 4 a eared for ti .Some farmers sell two crops in the of his party." . "Winter, In the fdro part it is hay, in, • .- ______. oia• •-•------_ the latter part hides. ' ' I. BigtaSince the mitulosiou of negroes to -__s- --- - - the Charletciu-litreet ears, white travti I .____ IN - Traveling in biertico la about as 'lia)tahuosteeaaed.. 'fheetirs were mostly, safe as ruunicig,a lilack,stutth shop in. a patronized by women and children. • tnagazipe of powder. --- . 11-1 r ...a.--.---- . --. I iiii - Tlke grasalioppers out west have 1 "IliglaThe oreateei whwerooklhellkPer has deet.royed \emery fa) 1/4 in ,tire shops .5.)„c limn 'granted :tor atnaiinit-pe4pf -• r :, • . ' goon exsokgrass widows. , . ~ - . tArcteV toftrp. B JOHN G. WIIITTIMI NOM 1+ . fn. 18;1 + - I n 49TH YEAR-NO. 3& ,00iiii 0btd.147111. PELT 114PPY. A clergyman in an adjoining town, who is being blessed with a revival of re ligion in his church, went one evening to attend a neighboring prayer meeting. The house a as full, and all present seem ed deeply 'intereked in the exercises. At he close or the Meeting he invited all those who desired to hold a personal con versation 'with him, as to the-state of their feelings, to remain. Quite a nuin her did so, and among them n "hardy son of toil," whom we will call Mr. 13. T 4 good Minister in his round of eon venkation with each one, eame to him; and upon inquiring the state of his feel ings received the reply that lie "felt happy." "A h, indeed," said thepreach er, I am rejoiced to bear you Say so; may I enquire -how long you have enjoyed this happy frame of mind?" 'Perhaps, mostly since inert meek," sold Mr. my- friend," said the clergyman, "to what particular event or Ciremmitunce, or occasion, do you trace this- happy change in your feelings?" "‘l'ell. Mr. Mini-ter," said Mr. 8. , "1 reckon perhaps the news of the election of Mr. English for Governor of the-tztate of Connecticut, was about the spot to start from."-----Hurfford Timm isw.A colored witness Wir4 examined in a Wavhington city court, to prove the Identity of a white rintn, the other &v. Di,triet Attorney—" Did you free• the mon?" "Yes sir, I seed him !" "Was be a white man ?" "Doil't know ' sir!" District Attorney- ` Do you tell me you saW the 1111111 and eao't say whether he nr:z.s While or black?" "Yes Par, , 1 seed him, but (lama so many white fellows eallin 7 (lemselveg 'niggers' round here, I can't tell one from tod'ert", Witness tlitanissed—explftnation satis factory,. .A Pu_z( its Pigivrc4.—We clip the following for the amusement of our puz zle luving readers: Bid a person think of a mull her; tell bile to &vitae the num bur, which done. hid him multiply the 110111ber by 5, and tell you the prodnet; from this you cut ofr the last figure, with it will always bo,a cipher, and the number remaining will be the one first thought of. eXatlipke : let the num ber thought of be 26,Avititit doubled ttutice 52 , that; multipied. by a produces ; then, if you take away the elpner, winch *s the last, figure iu the product, there wilt remain 26, the tfunther Brat. thought.u.f. Important to lleirB of Noldicrx.—Ti ac cordance with a bidl passed by the li•ft Coneres , :, t heirs of rti ion °ldlers who died, while held.Ai. pristoo-r , in the-Szont h are entitlCal tai draw eauninutatiun for rations fur the:time intecnin_ between the eaptakrc Attd,deceasi.i of Tlus 'e!aniallitation amounts to -twiaity five cents per day, and call he übtaiiit by the WlibN{',,bt she has remained un married as lateais 14(7. 021:11=1:1111 firm dt.‘Airnis of flu sin , ; out the hoc utliar ) btattlJ of a.ltrt'SOll NV4h) wished to ptIIVII.O,Ctt rap' ed fLr the in formation. , The, ;41/,Wl\(' C:11)1e back.— "Note good foram amount." a large bin ofp,ods aza:;*.olti and !;lkipped. The nnt• came due and xent to ph 404. The tiros round with ilisgtiq thattftqalgpateh should hitve real; "Not good for any arnoupt." frky 11 Lr fl.—Thurlow Weal, in` the ermintrrthd, is telling us how nod why he quit the,itiadical eoalpany. Ile says "\Vu were weary of and disgaNted with the men who bail risen, in discordant and dh-turheil thne4, to the management of public affairs. It Was R day of small, cheap men—the styli nl.O hoop-poles of party—thrown to tie surface in a storm. Our State p.m et.allions were con trolled by secret le:lg:ilea, whose maid pu- Inters lay around Albany do ring the win ter, dispensing offices and deb:welting the LegislAturc," ttifi -r flte State tax in New York will be higher thik year than ever before, run. Mag. op to ten mill,' upon the dollar, or 011 V per vent. The Moe wasin 1'4:T111.3,1- N ania when half a mill way con , Hered an enormous tax, and pei i ie grumble 1 immen.ely over being ohlbzed to pay it. What would onr people think t r they were taxed otiepereent., as in New Ytn If ILelleal rule emitinues much longer. the thaw beelll:4 to be nearly at hand when the man who has the lca,t proper ty will Le ttta best oft 6Eir Inktead of reducing Ireland to a dependeney tool pla c ing over it n despot ic satrap, like the awls have li()11112 with the Southern .14tide3, the British (loeern molt 11 •54 brought !ht. Icn lin r Fonialis to tri tt ant convicto.t thein 01' tre.ts , m„ However it has as yet hang no - one, and it is likely will not. l'c.) one has yet, been hung for rel4ion at the Amish. and it !$ mare tkan probable no one w.dl be 111111 , 4 .. "Mild contiseation" theft and ro'diery) and Radical saprein• nay are -toe tilije t •t4 of the and twt to "Iti.e.:if tre3,oll oliou 4.” ntlioaTANT re rAstnitategricas. Tho 'lll4urvi*secr e #h l tbe t :)e. qulring that all places Arlie nq la sold shall bee closed at twelve o'clock every night and during &Ratty. The following is a section of tao got : "grac. 6. ill persons, Ahns itemised, sball close or shut up their baf or 'Was* of sale at or before the twelve every night, and not open the satire until sunrise next day. , and on Sunday 11411 not open them al all, but keep them shut, until Monday at aural re ;Allis is TIM de.' signed to prevent the reception and ledg, lug of persons traveling, without viola tion of law." The same net prohibits tho sale or gift of liquor or beer to minors and appren tice,, without the written consent of pa rents, guardians or m.4.-tturm. Selling. or, giving liquor to habitual drunkards is to he punished by forfeiture of license. Selling or giving liquor to a husband,. wife or (Auld, against the request of child, wife or husband, Is Wade punishaole by all the fines and forfeitures of the act, and the party so selling or giving shall eases be liable for damages in any. court of competent jurisdiction. The penalty for voilation of the act is ,a tine of not more than 'twenty dollars, and, in default of payment, imprison-. uncut for not more than five days. Coll-. stables, sheiltlii arid policemen are re quiro to euforcx no requirements of the, act and to arrest all persons found drunk, and take them before a ina„, , ristrate,' where, when sober enougli, their trsiti molly shall be .(rmn whom the liquor was obtained. See tieneral Laws, 1e67, INv. SU, pp'. 9d.—Peg... riot TEE TARIPIFII EV FIVE VMS& Tile New York Pail. a Radical news-, paia.r, says we have had ten taritifii...4l five years; beside the one. at which Cfritt= , . Kress was tinkering mane months betwe , its adjoirrninent. Here is the I. The net of March 2, 1861, which• nearly doubled the taxes wl foreign goo4g enpo , ied by the t ri ft' net or May R, , 2. The nvt of August 7,, Mill, whieh tin-' ereascti the duties levied by the ptreribtuu akt. 3. The net of november 31, 1834 proVah ding for he/Arn &toff's. 4. 'Pile net\o ‘ f fuly 14, 1862, proVldingt for OW higher rifirie,i. ' •GT .5. The not of March 3, 1863, which hu-t posed dill higher rh(tira. 6. Act ofJune 1,1.'56f, which impost 4 »inch higher dutitsroMnearly - everythin, 7: The tint of March 3,1.8cii, whielt posed 11( - 1 higher dulieB owsouni things. S.? net of March It, i 61i which im posed additional duricson VaI'IOUS thing& • 9. The act of May HS, 1806, which posed trto,T• daiits on articles. la. Lastly, the act of July 2i, 184,,, which impcsed from four to twenty per cent. rniddioard duly on everything. Etch new act only put new burthens' upon the consumer for the benefit of that New E»gland manufacturqrs. No mut der the Po.i was disgusted, mail it pro-, poses to Imild a wall one luttnlrcd feet high and live hinitired feet thick around tits! United States, Russian Anacticu ha 1-eluded. THE ISIPE&EUVILENT 411PEETION. Tri a late nunitter 'of 1110 NOW York' we find tli& following abort anti pithy attiele- upon the impeachment ' toes. ion : The impstaelonont committee is again in se—ion, and we have the sterreotyped romoutteement that "seVeral Import/MA witnesses have been culled." They hove been "ealltd" very oftou, !put to very little ptirpose. Thil whole Ito peselinfent niovement Is an (Mirage and scandal. It I has been sct uu Atel i ly 41144 goo - tempt of every principle of Justlce, aTttl is probe - ( . 41 ; 0 1 without alto P.1.41.14v4 regard to p, rights Or Cialitlital (Totally all 04' iutlicttYtenE of any sort, pig eel upon defitliteallegit•• tints of crime; but lire It is set O faxit, to see if, possibly some charge of tecillte may not be matte. .Usually testi - mon* is admitted but that winch is pertinent t o the ease a nd Runs tiebtal withisises of ' the acts alleged to have beuli vonthilUeti bht here the wildest, and most absurd hearsay is, taken as evidence, and -n6 re. - arart!W whatever is paid to the legal tint - -; which hold all men innoeetit moil they are proved guilty. 'llw whole ntlair is an unscrupulous, malevolent crusade itgaink the President, having Its origin in political and pecrsootil dlsap o`ltuintruent, an.l for it, objevt the accom plishment of party purposes, attainablii in no 01.1(`T Way. Pt is destined to react I seriottsty en those who have made them selves t'espoii-ible for it. 4:„Koox, OR OUp U AI eA . clonge s.ivs : "It Is alflrniecithat Illievec have its New York eity, a regu— lar school where burglary Is taught as:a seienee." A frieitii at our elk lw suggests that they have sebools its thht it the elf ies (if and Harris burg:, e ver gitlCe tfie Ltneolu party,--tt io party of "Great illeas"—catue•lnto piiwer. They are established on the most , Ar,tle, and Will coat/Mi." to he crowded with apt paptit,aa lung n the Itepublican party voliLiii uod ill Oni(T. By' Wenn+ of Pattie r.w!Als have olttainvd the , National and i..;tates 1' e3.4tiries, already robin.. I the people nut of I+utithaal.t of milliona of dollars, and will. sitrakt haat:rapt, the it titan ualests the poopld ITcc en maaseaud drive tlittuioat,,- , /44.44,1- ifig • "(lop,' Army of tie Repuh Mace berm requested IV/ allnini dee that a of the (Irani( Army of the •Itepublle was r.•eently e.titliti-,:tok in chilli place. Thi. orgnization h.ul i:s origin iii the Western ;;I:ites, vv here it already Hum ber. oxt,,y (11.03,-;tioli. N.O otp., htit S4)I -(14.1*s lii) hi•ive heon holifiralirys:j.:elitint i,l from the -orviee are eligilite I. lieeonis inem!)ors, 104 nut n asscl•LL.,l soli] but is link in the rowliti 'Which th it 1,160118 11f inter tt,t to them, mot , • ft nit v itntetinwr i too molter tit what: piirly Ii v heiong." \v s dip; ttc sbove teoin the Jr, 'Trot jumertell alttle r Marei.r+- burg 'CEP nt rY [WM 1W either very verillitt or very tvil:iiigi„to he th.leiV;e4 In the elotraet•_.r or the moiling "Oritts , l Artily of the Reptilitie." ' It ts s trowsk i i. zatiiin gotten imp in the tuterest,tif, the nig.,,r anei "tits! and inoraity" party— one of tho.e Ili tittitiony originated the opponents oftw It-nmergry for the purpose of securing: the vote., of i - toldittra, through fitke preleuve. VV , • call vp f42 all Leaf wratio Sol,lwrs to t..:l6'.64'e A f t ) 7 11 . '4 hely fin", ttip. It is entirvki , Ist Eliti,iii torest of Chumbershurg bpi. it Direorrrif of G..cett AirProasin fiTturfi io philailt .11fia.--The Pliil,ll44,::llliiit ~.#l'''-• ft;rij Ileoe'd an fellinee , 4 the -4t irtlingSw t Chit It has beelf•lll4ovtired that rtt tho election-lust fail, It he' w hole , Democratic City Tirk.etlwas eieettmil by some-thou sand of a majoray. The ../.li-ruktApAys there is "a tercifie lowlon gto,ng among the ,Rtiditails or ehiloadpithir itutl that some oh them are .;:turistok .tat,c'a,p,vi deuce" in regard to the frauds committed by their virtv. It appears that, t h e liemoerats have been deliberately ticittit ed out by the deonntirels c'ho.ctlialateirl a. 4 &LA.:Au!) liirwertes in tilli(,,Alic . 'ill° //craft makes the statement p t i, , - a t the general eicetion last Octrib4 air the ott l e „ ri o f the raw, viz :,Rettcatder of I)eeds, Receiver of Taxes, City Commis :Rimier,- Coroner," Clerk of the quarter Session;, and the Protinaiotary of the District, Co:at, were elected b„y the Dem ocrats, but were ciphered out by tilt. re turn judges. Gen. Lyle was elected to the °(lice of Recorder 1,)• a Loghi sf ity o f some, thou,dmis of Vutcsl." ......,,,-- , -o-4 1..... , r;: r •, An Insurrection is prevailing higitatit. T,,jsw_ clumm, ii. is JAW, lila! , setyt i mitogs val. Yabkkli to Eogt. 4 o, so so, t t oN , s pclifitzeti aily eottuoginey. ' .:1 ..:b i %..4. 1 21 Willi" MEE I=l