Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, May 20, 1867, Image 2

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irA j e To*kr,
lirsediv ligorning, nay " 11187.
ilrus HAW. ROLLING!"
Flo Victories 1* Williamsport awl
1 Wilk es•berro! I .
On Wadneads7 last, Dr. W. F. Logan,
'Der/were, was elected Mayor of Wil
liamsport, In this Stilts; by a majority of
87, over Wallace, Rik , llea!, who last year
had 104 majority. Demoaratie gain 1911'
On the keine dry, lion. J.B._ stark,
Democrat, was elected Mayor of Wilkes
'harm, in Luzeraecounty, bya majority
of 08, over Col. :E. ii. ifarvey, Radical,
who last year had 400 majority, Demo
'.eratie gain 3631 -',
In all quartet*, the current Is turtling
towards the Democi aey, The peopleare,
tired of agitation, high taxes And (lull
business. They know that the Radicals
avlll continue exeltement_as a means of
perpetuating their political power with- - ,
out reference to the good of the country,
and hence the defeat 4.4 their candidates
In all portion& of the nation.
The results of these elections, at Wil
liamsport and Wllkes-barre, are certain
indleatlidits of the "good trine cowing!'
The old Keystone is again ready to wheel
into the Democratic line; es the second
Tuesday of October next ivill prove.
.4 MY= Sweip in Ketilunify—Thirgal
lsitt lAeinoeraekof Kentucky have made
s glees' sweep Of the hitate, electing t;t11
the Stnte dflicers and every member of
Congress. That Is •a Filed: nun .uf the
way the tido is running throughuut the
stare - eon ntry,
sirThe•New Albany, Indiana, De
mocracy elected entire eity,tielcdt,
- with the exception of (.110 cou ireilman,
.on the 7th, by 'a very large majority.--
Mr. for ,itfayror, had over Nix
hundred majority, Dernot4rafle thunder
'seems to be . 6611 imunsi die akiea.
•e.. -
The "gift eriterprizit" sailing under the
It/e of the IllettyelfurgAsylum for In-
Siddiers," 'is severely' denounc'ed
by the press in many quarters. It Is
pronounced a "swindle:" and rep having
for It reel object the building up of large
fortunei for lottery dealers in New'York
and Baltimore, with probably- large slices
jar otherS who have giveti 8r now give.
the project "aid and comfort." We have
Ao means of looking into its machinery,
and eannot therefore speak by the
look;' but the public wl/1 (as we do)
gook upon the 'withdrawal of Gen. Meade
and others from all connection with the
.concern as of great significance.. We
would clip eoltnnn upon column from our
*schema on the subject, but the follow
,ing, from the Thilattelphis Nunday Mer
oury, must do for the presecnt. That
paper says:
%%at the law is a fraud of the most
aparavated character, is now universally
:Allowed. The gentlemen whose names
were used to cover up its'intquity before
the Legislature, nave withdrawn from
all connection with it. General Meade
and his assiviated corporator:, excepting
Bergen, the tixd of Collis, promptly re
tired from the enterprise as soon a.s they
• beeame aware of Its true nature. That
these eminent citizens were foully be
trayed Into lending their countenance to
the measure under a plausible pretenee
of.patriotism, is beyond doubt, and It is
quite as certain that in disconnecting
themselves from a speculation designed,.
In . its , origin, to benefit one or two indi
viduals, who intended to sell the charter
Of the Company to lottery men in New
York and Maryland, they have etreetual
-4 nipped the whole fraud in the bud.
The act will surely he repealed ortrildi
lied by the next Legislature, and nobody
Is feel enough to risk a duller on it in
the meantime;
The War Department expenses have
been so heavy since the first of March, in
onsequence of the execution of the mil
'fury satrap Ws, that the annual expen
ditures, it is said, for that brand' of the
Government alone, will exceed the esti
foaled, amount' five or six times over.
Siticis March:first the expenditures have
been—including tlic , 'Negro Bureau—CZ,-
11.34,802.87, and it is thought the -annual
expenses of'the department will reach
one hundred and twenty or one hundred
and fifty million, dollars. Tbis shows
hew costly the Radical "reconstruction"
schknne (building up , the Radical party) ,
is getting to be to the taxpayers. And
11w whole burthen will fell upon the
r orthern taxpayers. The public. debt
will I:te largely increased, because there
has lately been a late falling off of rev
enues, both in customs and froth inter
nal sources, To meet accruing interest
ori the public debt the Secretary of the
Treasury will bo squired to borrow mo
rey or auspehd the• payment of bounties
•for s time. The financial out-look is,
therefore, net the most pleasant, and all
because the Xradical ir.alignantewere not
content to alto* the country to recuper
ate and let political parties and the Liar-
Xlee,take care of thatoaelves.
The N . ew York Times says : When the,
Democrats iwere in power "it-damaged
mate& character to be suspected of sel
ling his vote. Now it makes no differ
snag," Trite enough. The . Democrats
elected men to office for their intelli
gence and integrity, not for theirprofessed
;IWO of the negro. Honesty, integrity and
Capability having been the touchstone to
success, it was important that men should
maintain unblemished reputations in or
der toy secure pOsition. The rule under
the Radreal dispensation has been dif
ferent, • Ilonesty and capability babe
been of out of view, and, devotion to
omit part substituted . The more vil
jahlous the means resorted to serve the
party the greater claim the persoa hae to
ren'i Ace,/t.—The Red ul press re-
lupe ttt Ape the true cause for their late
defog*: ''Whey hunt up all kinds of cit
.e.uisis. •It trey Were honest y bey would
of;onee own up to the true cause, The
people art, disgusted with their party.
That la the. secret of the great change
Which I 1 519111; 013 all over the oountry,
spring fashions for '1867 ere
tierir."ettrtive—pertieutary: the elee-
AVOW. The lisdiral petty is lice the
formate bOttoet—i'growlng smell by (te
pees anit,beautitully 1r48."
arran rm war e vit e me
Prat _itj .
d_ i l a lA ve cult bee heib u riw' n eeh Eu lea m r Pe rl
jn been "
th9grVritiattgawiedig the
Under this head, the Lancuter Exami
ner gives vent to some virtuous indigna
tion at the corruption and extravagance
of the last ( Radical Legislature. This is
the'moro ran:4llllg, Corning as it does
from the Radical organ of a very Radi-
cal county. Speaking of the Appropri
ation Rill, as it passed both branches and
vas signed by the Uovcruor, the Exami
ner says: •
"It is a most alarming document for
the taxpayers of, the State to contem
plate. For reckless and - proffigate ex.-
tmvagance it has never been equaled in
the history of this Commonwealth."
. .
The editor says, that "since 1864 there
has been an increase in salaries in the
appropriation bill, and offices alone,' In
krolving annually an expenditure of no
less than from fifty to a hundred thou
!sand doilnrs. Every year some tr.ffie—a
few hundred dollars, or a thousand, is
;added to somebody's salary, or sonic
'friend' of somebody, in slipped into a
sung place with nothing to do but draw
his salary." Ilet,then adds :
"We do not Intend to compare nil the
different Item , . of this bill with other ap
propriation bills, to show - how several,
hundred thousand dollars are recklessly
appropriated and how this extravagance
has grow - u in a few years. But we will
confine our comparison for the present to
two 'nuns whieh we think will be suni
dent to convinee our readers that this
disposition to vote away the hard earned
Idollars of the tax-payers has gon, far
enough, and that they had better ho
looking after those who are sent to legis
late for them a little more In the future
thou they have lan the past. We , will
compare the appropriations of 1867 with
those of
"By seotlon 270 f the appropriation frill
.3f PM was appropriated for the payment
of the expenses of the Legislature, inch/-
Wing pay and mileage of members,
clerks, &e. t $1.5;,,000.
"13y seetton 13 of the bill of 1567 was
appropriated fur the payment of the ex."-
I pauses of the Legislature, in e ltuling'pay
land milege of members,. clerks, &e.,
$'2035,400;--showing an ittereaso in three
years of the mall sum of oxvi HUNDRED
"Now let us look at another item. TR
1554 by section 23 of the appropriation
Lill, was appropriated for law Judges,
riot including Philadelphia, aLd Pitts
"By the M;1, of 16i37,-section .1/, for ithe
same judges is appropriati , d $115,000! !
making a snug increase of salaries of
FoRTY boLLAIty fur judges
"The two items foot up the round sum
merely give_ these two items because
they serve our purpoke to show at what
a fearful rate reckless and faithless men
can squander the taxes of the people,
and by their unnecessary and uncalled
for,ltherality to theayselves and others,
divert' the money of the people from its
legitimate and proper use, the payment
of the estate Debt. Almost every see
tiqu of this bill shows the same liberalit,y
towards those who draw theiraustenance
from the state treseury. It is a question
which the people ought M be looking af
ter. "The remedy rests with them in the
selection of representatives.. If men are
elected who are either incompetent, ve
nal and corrupt, profligate with their
own or other mople's money, drunkards
or I.;:iintilers, it cannot be expected
that thQ, will prove either prudent or
economical legislators." •
1 CIIIICTLATZ DEireauritc mamas
' : We do not know of any way—and we
speak entirely without regard to pemnal
interest—ln which Democrats can do so
much towards advancing the succe:.:s of
their principles, as by
every manner they can devise the circu
lation or kound and' vigorous journals.
The more political experience, we obtain '
the better we are cOnvir that the key- I
note of ultimate vie - ory s td be found In
this idei. It has long been a stigma up-'
on the Democratic party that it never
gives its journals at Übe al a sopport as,
our opponents, and to this I llegligent
spirit may esAly be tsar ci the secret of
its, pa-t :defeats, and hide , prostrated
condition. In the c..nvasJes that have'
taken place "loco IE6O, we were not, met
with discussion—we were beaten byl
abuse. Such warfare could not have
been snecessfully waged by our oppon
ents hid the circulation of sound Demo
cratic papers through the country been)
pushed with all• possible vigor. The-pas-I
stens of people cannot he made the foun- 1
dation 'of political success, if the people
are made to listen to argutnent-a,nd rea
son. This can be effected inno) other
manner than by a wide diffusiott of the
Conservative press. The times 84-ii reat
fling. We know not when the, storm
clouds may burst. The people should be
educated for the probable emergency.
We will guarantee that every additional
copy of, a staunch Democratic paper cir
culated in,any neighborhood, Will bring
in a harvest of au Additional freeman to
vote, or, if necessary, a patriot to strilid
on the side of law and order. Let our
friends reflect on this point, and they
will see that it is well taken. So says the
1 Eric Observer, and Itre echo every word of
it. ,
Shr Forney and Curtin have beat a re•
treat to Europe, McClure is on his way
to the Rocky Mountains, and will not
return until after the fall election. lie
said to a friend in this city, whilst pass
log, that he thought it a good year to ,
kayo the State, us the Republican party
did not expect much this fall. It will ,
be so consoling to say the State went ,
Democratic in their absence. Briklicrs
Cameron anittleary have the mining of
the machine; and had better be abut
when the bell rings.—Pitteitirg Post,
Sounding the Death Snell.—The N. Y. I Among the sureties are Horace Oreely
' Spirit of the Times, "a radical organ which and Augustus Schell, of New York, A.
has been one of the readiest apologists of .
Pl'iTiltl4.ll and
I th i stris j til s ,l n L n ;,:gy i l l e i k ti t e h l e
the Republican Party, foresees its down- same evening for New York, on their
fall, and thus rings the death-knelt: I way to Cattails, to visit several of his
I "The itepubliean majority in Congress, ; chatireti ,
heedless of the lessons of history, and i• Mr The "Demoorage element" seems
heedless of the 'inexorable laws of tern- -to
.l ut i en, h as . taken - its course, and must be rising s in the Rest. Our friends
abide the inevitable penalties of er- these have earned many of, the large
roe. Those erratic philosophers with- towns, in the municipal elections, which '
in its ranks who are 'already sighing that they, have not before carried fur j•ears,
its majority is too large , need sigh no The Radical papers there, as Well :where,
Imore. The PresNlent will be speedily
reinforced, not only by the reconstructed hare given up the business of writing
South, but by sunlcient defections from obituaries of the Democratic party, •find
the Republican party, to put an end to ingjthat it is too lively a corpse for their
the two-thirds votes which have hereto- purpose.. -Totheir in ut s it seems to
. I' I
fare embarrassed him , " • I have more lives than are popularly at:
!, 111%.Wilson, in ilia stuinping tout, tells trilluted to a cat. At any rate, though
the Southern people that if they elect' kilted and buried so often, It seems good
lindiesla tbere'will be no Impediment to - fora long life yet.
Southern representation in Congress, : ! ......----- ___
Thad. Stevens replies, in a letter to the 10)...Falluree of prominent business
press, that Wilson has no right to make !incises in the larger cities are of almost
pledges far the party and no right to tied. tinily oecureenoe. Is the crush (the tiatu
dle 0,1)10vdy. Old Thad never did like ral Sequence of Radical iniquity) at hand?
the Union,- and 'evidently don't want it _________."..... _____.__
restored, - I ilifirThe Democrats or Kentucky have
carried all the Congressmen. This is a
gain of two, and gives us nine members
Instead of eight. This victory added to
Connecticut will make a change of ten
in the Rump. Everywhere Radicalism
In pn the l deseendilig grade.
lirPrenttce, at the Lou teville journat,
says chat the' Oarite , that the • eut
Domeoratie'vote la 'Kentucky w 4 given
by rebtile t is pitaiunicosly unt
• 31i11411110 MIMS.
7Fbe await oft litradtraz Issealter7
- spereb.4o.
A negro riot concurred at Richmond,
Virginia; on the 9th. A large crowd of
dnrkies gathered to see a trial between
two fire- engines. - A ' fight took place
among them, and the pollee arrested one
of the combatants. The mob rescued
him, and he was recaptured but again
rescued by the moo, the negroes throw
ing paving stones, injuring the captain
of police; two sergeants and one private,
very severely. The mob swelled to near
ly a thousand darkics, when Gen. Scho
field pent up.ll companytbf soldiers. and
went himself, but, although he spoke to
the. mob and commanded them to dis
perse, his ordt•rs were disregarded. The
soldiers then charged bayonets and dis
persed theAtrkies. It is pretty evident
the new-born citizens of Ardent' descent
do not know exactly how to use their
new found privilege•.
Anoth^r• Met.—ltiehmond, May 0--
Another negro riot occurred in the lower
part of the elty last night. The neg.-ocm
attempted- to rescue a drunken negro
(rain the police. Bricks, clubs and pis
tols were used, and four pollee-uen badly
beaten. One of them is severely injured.
A company, of soldiers guarding Libby
Prison were called on, and captured eigh
teen of the rioters.
While this 'was going on,. another ne
gro difficulty occurred on First street.
This la 4 mob dispersed upon the persua-
PiOn of a colored juryman. ro-day
mounted soldiers patrolled the streets to
keep order, and squads of police were
placed at all the churches. in view of
threats of the negroes to tome their way
in amongst the white people.
Last night, Jedek fah K. Hayward, of
Massachusetts, was arrested for using
language at the meeting on Friday night
calculated to create a riot. His laugoage
was as follows:
"After Judge Underwood leaves, you
Can hold high carnival, of what you
please. I need not advise you. what to
do, for great bodies do as they have a
miti.‘ to."
He was arrested on a warrant from the
and was bailed In $3,000 to ap
pear to-morrow. •
(len. Scofield told Underwood that he
had beard there might be a riot to-moi-
Pia', and if there was, he would phint
cannon in every street and sweep the ri
oters down with grape.
A Negro Company Squelchexl.--Clener
al . Schofield has ordered the Lincoln
Ifotsutc.d Guards (enlorecl,) to disband,
and ha 4 prohibited their parades or drills.
Negro Rioting in New Orleans.—A
Radical mass meeting was held in New
Orleans on Sattirday night, the 11th.
1-rive-sixths present were negroes. Judge
Kelly, of Philadelphia, made a speech.
The negro-Leagues Marched in proces
sion, and caused considerable disttir
banek by ;shouting while on the march.
Nothing serious occurred until mid
night, when the negroes stopped a ear hi
fit. Charles street, cleared it of the white
giectipanoi by shoving their clubs through
the windows, took possession, and com
pelled the driver to go ahead.. The sa
loons had been elosed at 11 o'clock, by
order of the Chief of Police.
Riot at Mobile, following a Violent
Speeeh b, Judge Kelly.—Moblle, May 14.
—Judge Kelly, of Philadelphia, made a
violent speech to a large number of ne
groes and whites in this city to-night.
Everything was remarkably quiet until
Mr. Kelly began speaking. He com
menced by saying he had come to dis
cuss the right of negroes, which they
were entitled to, and ho bid defiance to
all inter'inPtions and to the world. He
harl,the 15th regiment at his hack, and
if they proved inadequate the whole
United States army would not.
Judge Kelly continued in this strain
for some time, using language, expres
sions and incendiary sentences which
were calculated to invite riotous demon
strations. He was here interrupted by a
white man on the outskirts of the crowd,
whom the pollee promptly arreqed:
The excitement caused by the speech
become very great, and presently a shot
was tired, 'hut by whom is not known.
The firing then became general. A large
majority of the shots were fired by the
negroer, as but very few of the whites
present rere armed, having attended
the meeting to listen quietly to Mr. Kel
ly, and without the remotest idea of
causing a riot.-
The police sucetbded in quelling the
riot before the arrival of the companies
of the 15th regiment, who were ordered
out by Col. Sheppard, - and appeared 'as
soon as possible, but not until the meet
ing tad been dispersed:
Everything is quiet, and there is little
or no exeitement'at midnhAt.
Three men were Mlle two whites and
one negro, and a . rumlier, including a
policeman and a white _ boy, were
Another Riot in Netvlcanß.—The
negro sit vedores on the levee at New
Orlear.a got up a riot among themselves
en Thursday. The police interfered to
wes;:rve order, but were badly beaten
hy the negroes. The military were call
ed out to aid the pollee. Gen. Mower
said to the negroes: "The United states
government will, if necessary, protect
you through the military ; but you will
not be protected In wrong doing."
Riot at Galveston.—At a meeting at
Galveston, Texas, on Wednesday, a tie
giwpeaker drawing offensive compari
s(M between the races, ,was interrupted
by the United f4tates soldiers, and Indis
criminate shooting nommenced, a major;
ity of the negroes appearing to beamed.
—Facts like these should set the North
ern people to thinking. These outrages
are the natural fruits of Radical teach
ings, and if they should culminate ip a
war of races, the responsibility for its
horrors will justly fall upou, all who
endorse those teachings.
In obediende ton writ of habeas corpus,
granted by the President. of the United
States, Jefferson Davis was handed over
to the United States Cireult.Court, in ses
sion at Richmond. on Monday last, for
trial under the indictment charging
with treason. The District Attorney
then said it was not the intention of the
government to try hint at this session of
the Court. Mr. O'COnor, one of Davis'
counsel, then asked that ho he admitted
to hail. Judge Underwood granted the
request and fixed the anmunt of bail at
$lOO,OOO. Sureties were promptly offered
and accepted—the bond signed and Jef
ferson Dtvis was once tnore set free.—
lerTions. A. J. Citlonsbrinuer and W.
H. Koontz have our thanks for congres
stOnal documents.
ilig-An Interesting contribution on
Stock BAWag will be found on our first
page. We hope to hear from "Eagle-
W(MICI" often.,
ItiAllev. Dr. lEelas, of Philadelphia,
will deliver the biennial Addre'a hefore
the Pbre:.akosmian Society orPennsyl
v.ania College, at the apprclaehing Com
mencement. -
BANK TELLER.—Maj. Henry S. Ben
ner Inn been elected Teller of the Gettys
burg National Bank. A first-rate selec
tion, as Mr: B. is an excellent clerk, cor
rect in everything, and of very obliging
disposition. We are sure that all having
dealings with the Bank will be pleased
with the new Cashier and Teller.
E. McPherson and D. A. Buehler have
purchased the Star establishment, and
have effected an arrangement with Mr.
Harper, of the &Ptincl, for a consolida
tion of the two pipet* the title is be the
Star & Sentinel. The new than will con
sist of Messrs. Harper, McPherson &
Buehler. As we have been compelled to
cross quills with all threeof these gentle
men every fall during the last twenty
years, there will he little actual change in
the newspaper "situation." Whilst we
wish them success in a business way, we
tnist, and believe, that tin enlightened
public judgment will always frustrate
their political designs.
SCUM'S M.:ATM—Mr. Daniel Go
brecht, an esteemed citizen of Union
township, this county, died very stuldeu
ly on Friday week. Whilst engaged In
ploughing, he fell instantly dead, though
wheat going to his work seemed to be in
the enjoyment of usual health. He was
50 years of ago, and leaves a wife and
eight children to mourn their sudden
loss of a kind liMband and father.
Xe•We learn from the Baltimore Sun
that Mrs. Margaret Sturgeon, w Wow of
the late :Lindsey sturgeon, decea , ed,
formeriy of Adams county, died in' that
city on the 29th ult., in the 80th year of
her age. The deceased WAS well known
in the vicinity of New Oxford, where
she was born and lived the greater part
of her life, and where she left A large
number of friends and acquaintances.
Herfather, Mr. Main, was the founder
of theJlOW thriving and beautifulNillage
of New Oxford. '
DIDV'T PASS.—The statement that a
bill was passed by the last Legislature
autiMrizing the recording of s'oldiers'
discharges, is incorrect, as it only passed
one branch—says a dispatch from Har
nAILROAD EtrEurroN. —At an
held by the stoek•liolders of the I .
Branch Railroad Covany, on
the following offleera_ were ele.!
the ensuing' year :
President—Capt. A. W. Eieherergor.
iiiinagerß—John L. Jenkins,Jrkeph
Althoff, flenry Wert, Reuben Young,
Joseph Delione and David Wert4.
Lung, Throat, Heart and Blooi Physi
cian, will remain one week longer, unlit
the 25th of May, at the Eagle Hotel,
where he will exarniue all manner, of
diseases free of charge. Such as suffer
from old chronic diseases would 'Setter
call and see the Doctor before. he leaves.
SttEArrlut's NEW GALLERY .‘4.l' HANO.-
VER, is the place to have your Tieturee
taken. _None better, none cheaper.—
Money refunded if not gatisfactoty. *
SPECIAL NOTICE.—Dr. S. Rhgers, of
Philadelpliia, will be at McClellan's Ho
tel, Gettysburg, from Saturday the ISth,
to Tuesday the .Ist of May instant.
For further particulars see advertise,
meat in another column, headed "The
Lame Walk, the Deaf Hear!" We copy
the followingfrom the Hagirstoum Mail;
Remnrhable Canc.—Mr. Samuel Win
ders, of Clearsprine, in this county, hav e
ing had a hug to crawl into one of his
ears several years ago, suffered greatl •
for some time, and eventually lost thi
hearing entirely of that ear, and partia
deafness of the other. He called on De.
S. Rogers, of Philadelphia, while at the
Washington House, in this place, on
Tuesdaylast, who removed the bug, (of
course dead,) with the surrounding se
cretion, and - caused him to hear again
In twenty minutes operation. We have
heard the Doctor spoken of in the high-
est terms in reference to his treatment of
other diseases.
The result of the election in Lancaster
city, the home of Stevens, is ominous.
It goes to prove that the .people are
thinking, and that they arc determined
to show their disapproval of the course
of the disunion blood-hounds as often as
opportunity presents. It is a scathing
rebuke to the agitator, Thad. Sterols,
and a very proper answer to his "mild
confiscation" scheme. Old Thad, we
see it stated, was exceedingly anxious
almut this election, and 'distributed too
ney with a reekrem liberality, hoping,
by this means, to buy. an endorsement of
his treasonable course in Congress. He
was sanguine of success, and so wrote to
his negro-equality friends a day or two
before the election. But the people of
Lancaster city, firm, defiant and angry,
spurned Stevens' money as well as his
hell-born schemes. - They turned out in
their might, met the disunion demagog . -
uetand traitors in every ward; and rout c
ed thorn, horse, foot and dragoons. The
majority for Mayor Sanderson (571)) is a
gain of 241 since last October. !ro
suit, we repeat, Is ominous—a good indi
cation. The re-action has commenced—
the whirlwind is heard in the distance,
and ere long the "traitors at the other
end of the line" will be put tonight, Sod
an lifdignant people will consign them
to the- obscurity they deserve.—lguriisle
Some of the Radical newspapers have
been charging the Agent of the AsmOti
ated Press with the transmission of an
unfair account of the riot which waled
at Mobile, while Kelly w W
as eigh/ in
WA brutal and incendiary harangue.
They desire to throw all the blimp. upon
the white men and to relieve the negtees
and Kelly from blame, The Philadelphia
Inquirer, radical as It is, takes another
view of the matter. It has a oarrospon
dent traveling with Kelly, who denies
that' the disorder was the - result of any
concert of action on the part of the
- ------...... ---
The whole disturbance arose out, of
Kelly's own oonduct, and he Is chiefly re
sponsible for the loss of life whleti
Mir The Winstead (CL) Herald (Repub.'
limn) admits that the real cause that de.
Tested the party in Connecticut was its
Radicalism, It says the issue wae"ne-
Par*y gro suffrage," and that this dectrated the
toted Market Reports. Braadretli's Pith.
Oar theory: LOrid • Users.. whet het of the geom
Id TT YtiBISBO , . leen and bowels, enlargement of th e joints, rhea-
FLO • . . 32 SO • .1 1 1 5 1, moue p tins, cutaneous eruptions. even dyspeptic
• fri
Wig FIN HEAT, ' 2 2 -, 22 2 ~4 . compleitits. bolls, or whatever form such local
' .
- 2 it :1 We disease pats on. arc so nrany "Prows" of a dlsor-
RYEN, .. ,
8° anti derod State of the blood howls, which
-- - .
o.tTrl - - al 111 1.ANDRET1114 P 11.144
, ' •
BUCKWHEAT, - _ 6€l 0 T.I correct and cure, Experience and 40,000 certill-
HA Y. - / IX) ti Sn dO cages say this ill.$0: B. IIItANDHETII.
FLAXIIii-ED, - . - ;.•
CLOVERSEED, - - 6.6 41) . 7 . 25: i
; April 29. latn. Im
FLOUR, - 11 00 A 12 00
- . • - uu y 3 iu
RYE. - 1 41 4 150
• - - 117 4 1 IS
OATH, - . _ 7s 78
HOGS,' hand., - 10 att A 11 00
BEEF CATTLE, hand.. 12 00 4 20 00
HAY, - 4 03 00 us &I
CI4IVERREED, - • - DU 12
WHISKEY, . 26 230
Ow the 9th I net., by lbw. 91r. Hauer, 9fr. 9"17..AN-
C1S W. GROVE, of Abhottetewn, w. Mew 91.1.1tY
It I.IOE, duuKbb•r ur Mr. rare Fe.s.2r, at New Ql
- this cvuuty.
On the 9th Inst., at Ilaittrnote, of brain fever.
312. C11.111LL.24 L. SANDERS. youngest sou or
Mal. Jaeub H tors, of this plium, tageil 23 years ti
months and 2days. • _
On the Vith 111%1., In Etonaughlown, Mr. JOHN
RUnk.NIIEILUER, nyty.l 63.yeunil.
On the 26th ult. in Flngt Bertln, CATIIARINE
NICKEY, used a yew". 5 mouths and $ days.
the PAII Inst., hi Mendlien towusldp, J ESSE
RICE, &used a:1 yen used 14 ddym.
(hi the Ist lost., ht SARAU
ELIZA,LIETH,AIutighttr of Thomas and Anointla
Enoch, and gra mi-datnatter of David Wartan, of
this plan;, :14,...,14 months mud ti dui h.
Special Notice Column.
`•riot Bad to Take."
!Of all the medicines ever introduced to the
public, none give such general smisf.tetion nit
[Bent. fills, particular/3 - for controlling the Liver.
As this Is t "'needed to he the most important In
nr.sett ing i It e des' red change, and regulating those
Innetional Irregularities., no faimly. should be
Without [nem. The tonic properties of which
hey consist are of such an order as to cause a
diseharge of t he corrupt diseases from thh syste.m,
rani in c.iseei of Biliousness, in all its forms, no
Nils are as good. By the use of them. Hail Blood
1 eco g , ,0
canoes eliminated. and Is made d and pure.
Ile bowels /UV !ilia ill gel/l'riki order, ain't they
idnum up your e.fgesti ye organs. giving new life to
t• 1 11 %0111, sill istyiug Will 111 his 4,NV11 111 Ind that
sOdway's Regulating ('illsare tile one and only
urn remedy tor the many Oise tars iacumbent
pint the huirtart family. They tiger against
isease and the doctors. nod never allow life to
sacrificed by (to.lay. NI ild in ( perat lon, purga•
iVe In, satislactory to the gt itersi organs.
Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Diptherin. Astlt
ma, Rtieutuatistn. Gout, Influerica, Headache,
PIISIFIIy. Lumbago. and all like liteltlent (Us
etiscit, give wily to the power find effect of tin se
purely vegetal:lu Pins, tasteless in on., I. 1 ,, 1ng
colit,d with sw, et gum. nut! as ()liver GoMsiiiith
Duce sAbt of a prescription, "not bad to take."
`old by Druggists. Price 25 cents per boa.
31,ay al, IStill. 'lv/
This Irma medicine marl PL./. MS.:amens, the Propel.-
etar, of Pulmonary Conpunption, when tt had maimed tes
moat formidable aspool, aad when speedy death appeared
be Inewltat.s. Ilia pip slslarui pronounced his caw Inntsrabla,
.wheu be commenced She see of Ibis simple red powerful
romedr. WI health was restored in • Tory .hart ! Hale, and
me return 04 the di.e►r bat been apprehended, for aLL she
simptoms quickly daappeared, and lee pre set seelplsl
more than two hundred pounds. •
Since LOS reoml7, ha has &mead his attention emelt
sivaly to the ears of Coasatoottoe, mod tpe diseesea whirl
are usually comtviona4 stab it, and the cares effected by hies
modistes. bars Lawn vary rotinurons and trulraoo •
Dr. &unsex makes proftestooal Tiro to unrest of tie
cities weedy, whets he bee a Ws* cm:mourn of patients.
and it is truly astanishing toms poor itoomacettria that taro
I. be liftad oust of gear tarries•. and Ia a few mouths
healthy, robust persona— Itn. NOLICNCIV3 PiILWONIC
are asaerellY sit required In Miring Comtumptlon. roll
directions acootopany each, ao that any ow can take them
without seeing Dr. 1301111110 Z, bat wean it is convenient II
hilvJA . ll one him. Ho giver iariao free, but for a tho • • h
emirates, on withips Respirometer ids feels throe dollars
atm er
on day,
Led fur
piano e ia,„..we, when purchasing, that the two likenesses
of the !Doctor-. a when Mille last star of Consumption.
and the other as Lo now la, in perfect health-axon the
tiorernment stamp.
Sold br all Itruegises sun *lreton. Price SLS O Der bols
or 57.5 C the half .towen. Let.-re for advise should always
he sanded to Pr: Pcbenek's Pr.raipal ()moo, Ns. 14 North
tait Street, IPhiladorphia, Fa.
General Wholesale Agents:. Dimas Barnes C Co., N. T.;
8. S. Hance, Baltimore. Md.; John D. Fork. Cincinnati,
Ohio: Walker Et Ts., lot, Chicago, ILL; Collins Bros., St.
Lous Sin. L 341 W. tta tun.). >7a.
A Young LAdy
returning to her country home, after ft sojourn of
a few mouths In tMt City, was hardly reeogitihed
by her friends. Iu place of it rti•dic, unsh
ed face, she had n soft ruby et.m plex hat of almost,
marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty-three
she really apps erred but eighteen. Upon inquiry
as to the cause of so great lb 01:111ge, she
tout them th Millie used the CI ItC.ks:4l.l N lI.X
Mid ennedileml it an Invaluable 11,1/lii,IIIO/1 to
any Lady's tolhd. By its use any Lady or (lett-
Ileum n Improve their personal appearance
an hundred fold. It Issimple In Its combination,
as Nature herself Is simple, yet unsterpassed In
Its efficacy in drawing imperil Ic4 trom,al.e heal
ing, cleansing and beautifying the skin and coat
pleition.• By its direct action on the cuticle It
draws from it all Its impurities, kindly healing
the gaine_rind leaving the surfaee ss Nltture in
tended It should be, clear. loft, smooth and beau
tiful, Price $l, sent by !Jail or Express, on re
ceipt of an order by
W. L. CLARKE ,t.CO,, Chemists,
No: 3 West Payetto ritt.,Syricuse, N.
e on ly American Agentscor the sale of tuc same,
March 4, PM%
A Card to the I Aid 3 Pl*
PI Ft it - FEMALE.s. bitn/111,1 , ill • orrt•t
ing Irregularities, It.ourlving Obstructions or the
Monthly Turns, from whutever C.LUKu , and ul
wayi successful tIS ft r t!Vel I t lye.
It is 111/W over thirty years since the Rhos-o,4lr
brated Pills werenrsi dlseovt red by lir. 1/1. - Pl
CO, of Paris, (luring which time they hive been
extensively and stall - N.o4ft owl; In nisi of the
public institutions, as well AM ill private pr act
of both hemispheres, with unparalleled success,
in every ease, and It /4 only 40 the - urgent re
quest” 01 the thou:cm& of ladies who have used
them, that he bi induced to iindte the Pills Wine
for tin- of these,putrerit.g from any Ire
regularit hex w letteVer, as wet Its t 0 itri•Velll,
erete of family where 11114.0111 nlll nut permit it,
Perrinles peculiarly sithated,or tiusse supposing
th-efoselees so, ore enutioned against using these
111, Ifs while In that-eonilition lest they "invite
niThenrringe," niter which admonition, the Pro
prietor litultl7lll.B no responsibility ugh their
mildness will prevent an, oftsr:h ter to tieslth,
otherwise the Nils are recommended fts n MOST
IN RENIEDY for all those afflicting
complaints we peculiar be the
iroon Boxes have been sold within Two Years.
Ten Thousand Boxes -sent tts Mail, both by my
self and Agents. to all parts of the world, to which
answers have been ref tuned, in which ht •h+e sm•,
nothing like the ft bOVe Pitts have 'teen known
since Lite Science of :%ledirine dawned unon the
world. In Removing t thstructions and Restorjug
Nature to its Proper titan net, Q niet lug the Neryes
nod bringing bark the "Itosy color of Health" to
the cheek of the mast delicate. -
frier 9l per Box. Six 80x...
sold by .10119 f S. IeOIt.NEV„ Druggist, ROlO
Agent for fleitysbunt. Po.
by sending Olin $1 through the Post Of.
flee, nun have the Pills men., (omit,lentlally.) by
Ifni!, to :may part of Ow ruant ry, "free of positage,' ,
Sob( also by J. Spangler, f 'lncinhermburg: G. W.
Nett; York: Colentaii de Itogors and Itrow.o.ltroth
-ers, lialtlw.ore, anti B. 1).
Howe, Pn)ori Mot. New York. •
March 4, 1867.
Thai Puzzle qt the the Age!
The sharpest oliservers'alve it up. l'eople Who
are pr.n•^rhial for their critical perceptions, are
utterly at fault.
can detect any ditf.•reNce between the richest
blarks and browns that Nature has I.estowed up•
on the hair, and the superb artificial tint* con
ferred upon grey, red or Kandy hair, by the In
coin parable vegetable agent,
With the color It Imparts lustre, and does not di
minish the flexibility of time fibres. MauOne
lured by J. (MIST Als)1:0, ft Astor House, Noir
York. A ppl/cd by all /lair Droaders.
April re,18%. lm
"Know Thy 11eqtlisy.
MADAME F. F. TifOItNTON, the geent Eng
lish Astrologist, Clairvoyant and Priyeltometrt
chili, who has witon kited the scion lite, of
the Uhl World, has now ioeute.l nersels at Hod-
Run. N. V. lthulante' 'ltorinon possesses such
wonderful powers vl SiVOllll si.:ht, as to enable her
to Import knowle :goof the greotest initrlrtouce
to the single or married of (o ther iieg. whil e la
a tranee. she delineates the very (natures of the
person you are to merry. and by the.aill of an In
strument of Intense power, known us the l'sy
elpotiotrOpe, gitanintees to produce a Jiro-like
pierore of tils‘' future Itteiliand or wife, of the im
p/leant, to:ether with date of Inarrt.nte, position
iti Ii re. wording [TM as (Kciutr.eter. &c, This is II , )
hUlalril4, nit thousands ~r Whltllllolll.ll,l ean soarers..
Mlle will send when desired n eertlile.itc, or writ
ten gu.trantee, that the filet ore Is what it purports
to ily enclosing a small lock of li.iir. and
stating place of birth, nue% disposition and coin •
plexion, and enclosing filly cents nut stamped
envelope whin...v.4 to yourself, you will reeelVe
the picture and desired Information by return
Alteorniittinl .ation. icre.lly eonttiential.
A.l.lreas In M E. E. TU,OBS
TO N. P. O. LH. Hu Imou, r. V.
March 41, later. ly
Morris/ re sad Cellbskr.,
TION TO YOUNG It EN, Alan, Mimeos and
Atlnaeol tvlonanently prostrate the Vital
moment, with sure mono of relied. /lent hoe of
Mow, in opftleit entnelopos. 4tliiregin, Dr. .1.
ROVUEiIIOM, ilnuntrkikosialat inn,
ybilattelphlx. Pee. 8, LW Nx42411
Free to Everybody.
1,1;r1rzo 6 pn. Cln•obtr, giving loArrniatloo of
the grtr.ttait Importance to the you of bath
IL' tenches how the homely may become beauti
ful. the thsplsed respected, end the turs:alLen
No young lady or gentlentan Should A2ll to
'lend Snell Addreat, ithd Mel re a copy pular-WM,
by return mall.
March 4,1517. ly Address P. O. Dnmyor .
N. 21,
Tro Y.
The Lame Walk,
PR. 9. ROG IiRS, of Philadelphia, the suc
PHYSICIAN ♦an LAE, CUSH, will be et
ldn's Hotel, in Gettysburg, from Saturday, the
18th,.to Tuesday. the 21. t of Slay, lauT, where
he can be consulted on all dipeesee of made or.
female. The Doctor's references include roomy
persons of the highest respectability and
tAnding, in Philadelphia, Baltonore, Lanzes
ti.r, Chambersburg, Harrisburg, and other
Ills method of,curing diseases by electrici
ty, in connection with Botanic Medicines, is
in direct harmony with Natitre's Laws. By
the use of the Electro-Magnetic Machine, he
is not only able to restore the circulation to
its proper balance in the system, but Oka to
foi in a correct diagnosis uf•dtseauc, baring uo
guess work at all.
His Medicines are 41 taken from the vege
table kingdom. No minerals used.
Ottice-boura, 9 to t 2 A. IL, and Z ;to 6 P. M
mirConaultation Free. • •
N. 11.—The Doctor ie the proprietor of th•
Electro•Alagnetic Oil end Liver Pills,which
can be had at the Hote! at any hour of the
day. Price of the Oil, $1 per bottle.. Liver
Pills 50 cents per hot.
Al.ty 10, 1867. It*
A Fresh Assortment of Hats.
OrLD invite purtieo!arattention to his
Spring style of FINE•SILK
HATS. They are vet,' light, par- •
ticularly Brat in shape, and well
calculated to please. Ho has also
on hand a nice assortment _tit FUR and
WOOL, Leghorn and Street Hats, and a:
prices much lower than heretofore. Please
call, examine and judge fur yourselves.
May 20, 1887. 2t
• Dr. W. J. McClure,
Physioicin, SUiVeO74 Aceoucheur,
HAVING perututtently located iu NEW
1J.X1 , 0111.), Hill practice his pro'e.sion
it, Ilil its br.itteliP3. llis friends and all others
de,iting his itrofc,sional services are re
rpiestrd to cult And uousult hiui nt his odic
iu lisnitur street.
Mt1y,....11, 1867. tf
Millinery Goods.
THE undersigned would inform the Ladies
of Littlestuwo and vicinity that she hat
just returned from the city with a large stock
of MILLINERY GOODS, such its Mots and
Bonntts of the latest styles, with Ribbons,
Flowers, &c., hc., also of latest fashions,
which she will dispose of et small profits.
She hopes the ladles of the town and neigh
borhood will call, feeling assured as she dues
that her.goods and prices will please.
w ti
Pianos!! Pinziool:11
11•111 . YAC Trititß Olf pIIST CLASS
71,73 t 75, E.:2.1 St . , New "fork City.
1 lI E undersigned invites the attention of the
public And the trade generally, to these
celebrated Instruments of h is own M 4131.1 btrtu re,
built of the best seasoned mat.rtala, barzug
all the latent improvements,
Palt Iron Frame, Orerstrung Ram, .11-enc4
Grand Aqion, Large Seaie. -
These Puma Foams are not Eurp tl for
tr eng Lb and I.eaufy n 1 tini?b, durability, purl.
ty, pow:1-r and singing q•rolity of tan,e, by those
of any maker 111 the coot try.
They are warrmitml fur the full term of
7 yea ro..
Cie lust eclion of the mike,' public is
respectfully solicited. Liberal terms to Deal
ers, Teachers :tail Clergymen.
Circular Plies List scut on application.
Addres., CONRAD NA
71. 73 k 72, E. 221 Street, New York City.
May 20, ltit37. $0
The First National Bank
BIWA nod ,SWis nil I:inth4 of
COLA A -VD .SIG f•.il.
Convert)? 7-80 ..Vuees into 5-20 S. Bonda
vie Orders solicited nod pr. tnptly ottend•
ed to. • GEO. AltNlkLD, Cubliter.
April 11, 18C7.
May 6, 1861.
nrinH President And Directors of this Bank
have Olio dsy declared it Semi-Annual
Dis blew! of FOUR AM) ONE HALF PER
CLNT. over and Above all General Govern•
went taxes. payable on and alter the 15th
lout. GEORGE A ItNt
May 13, 180. 3t Cashier.
Gettysburg National Bank.
A ttu
bought nod sold
Orders for pot chose it'd sale of
prowptly exect.tetl.
POdITS at 3, 4 and 5 pee cent., according to
length of tune of deposit.
J. EMORY BAIR, Cashier
April 8, 1847
May 7, 1967.
TIIR President and Direetors of the Get
tysbtern National Bank have this day de
clared & Dividend of PIVR Pitilt GENT. for
the last sit mouths, payable on and niter
May 16. 18.0% J. 101011 Y HAIR,
May 13, 1667. 3t Cashier.
Westeolt t George,
sirecgsso us To
PHILIP Wit.ttuN 4 CO.,
Crieket and Rase Ball Implements,
CROQUiT, A 'coital, Ac,
No. 409 Cheetaut street, Philadelphia.
May 13, .11397. Cog
Conowago Factory.
Fr lIE undersigned, haring leased the above
namel Factory, owned end formerly oc
cupied by David Ileeaber, would take this
me th o d o f informing his friends and the pub
lic generally: this the is prepared to 11ANU•
FAVTifftk: WOOL from the geece into the
:ollowice articles: Cloths, Cassltueree, Sati
nets, Jeans, Blanketing, Flannels, Fancy and
Plain Carpet and Stooking Tarn. The above
named goods are always on hand 'and for
sale at the Factory. Also CARDING and
FULLING, and cli kinds of work, on at
short notice. tie hopes by strict attentiotrto
business and a diets. •to please, to merit a
liberal easy. of public patrunnou,
Vs, 13, IS6T MA
Bounty Acestant.
riptin account or JOHN WOLVORD, Tresie•
urer of bounty funds for the township
of Who re ,In the county of Adam. and
Stet, of Pennsylvania, was presented to us
fur exatninatioe and aporoval.
He first charges himself with mall
reteired froln subscriptions,...... $3,068 50
Cash borrowed at the Oetilstturg
Tat dupticate'of Nardi, 18f14,...,
Balance due Treasurer,
Accountant claims credit for cash
paid Isaac U. Worley, Esq , Geo.
H. Brandt and Daniel Larew,
Comtuit tee to procure recruits to
All the draft of the Spring of
1864—for potting in 21 recruits, $4,677 SO
Amount paid them for expenses in
'attending to those dutieJ,
For paying Smarm, Q. Stevens, a
recruit . 'e••• 300 00
Cash paid at the Gettysburg Bunk, 2,100 00
Paid to several parties in liquida•
tiou of their lases and otherwise, 2,490 43
For unpaid collections yet to pay
. tty .....................
Cash on note at
N.sonerations on to: daplicate......
Outstanding tar on dotdituistj...-...
We Lave grunted ao order 00
.Treasurer to I: D. Worley,
fur services in this natter, . ....
One to Daniel Larew, fur 10 days'
Otte to Geo. B. Brandt, for ditto
Allowance t• Tree:earer fur collect•
nix and disbursisg the tuudsi.....
SECOND ACCOUNT oriole]) Welford, T rose.
timer for the draft of 18114.
He charges himself with cash re
ceived,nt different parties, $3,3911 19
Cash borrowed at Mechanicsburg
Bank, 14,900 00
Cab borrowed at the First Nation
al Bank of Gettysbnrg, 821 00
Cash received of Amos C. Myers,
collector of bounty tea for the
sears 1805 and 1800,.. 8,-135 10
Cash rem% ed of Michael Schriver,
collector of bduni4 tas . of INC, 1,413 1 •
Cash received on township beads, 3,11.10 00
Accountant claim credit for cash
paid Isaac D. Worley, 11411.. acid Tow nsend, to pay lot 19
recruits, $l4 3.10 PO
Rzpensea, 147
Other expenses, stamps, ac • 16 00
Cask oakl on curtailment of noise
at bircl.ntliesliurg Bank, 11.433 OS
Discount ou notes, . 1,463 50
titamps on notes 46 43
Crefi to the First National' Bank of
oust on salue,..
of Ditectors' °rail:is. to 1. 1).
inlay, Esc'
jail Directors' order to' I. D.
Sorley.Esti .
.hool Directors' order to Warner
Townsend, 36 00
Auditors' order to I. D. t'orley..— 31 Si)
. Amos C. Styers, 3 53
" It C. E. Myers,.... 15 44
Accountant claims fur trouble and
erpeuse ,for going Bic trips to
Gettysburg, and six trips to bLis
eLmnfeelotrg,..„ .......... ..•• ....... •
Trouble nnir expense fur reeeiviag
}riot disoursi,ag funds, 50 00
Anaitus credit for balituce due him
on Nat account,.
Auditors' said fees,`..
Balance in hands of Treasurer up
to Nay 13, 166 T,
BiltiOV/0/11'01 , 1.472V01111 vowirsoir
Tax awned lot 1865,
" " • 186;,
Amount raid by collectors,
Onfstonding in hands of collectors, 19-15 PO
Autosut iu baud' of 1,962 15.
Amonnt of resources,
Balance due by the township 01ltr
and *born the asses, but e•
ezooetntions to collet-tore on du
To liedtanickLerg ...... 1 4 ,d 38 •.! a
To privme indirjdoola
Towusl,iy baukii,
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Latimore
township, Adwins co., having otaiditad the
abote at:comfit of - John Wulford. Treasurer of
the bousty fund of said township, do reporli
the same correct, as athuve statrod, to the best
of our judgment and belief.
GForILGt L. DT4ll , OltiP,
- ANIEL bill Z1:1.,
May 20, 1867. 31* Auditors.
'DEN/AMIN )IAI.OSE, Treasurer of tbe
VP Bounty Fund fur quota fined in tit.,
1864. in account with READING TOWNSHIP,
as follows:
DR. -
To cash from snbieription and
tales collected by Itessrs. Stauf
fer, Shafer, Neely, Myers, Baker,
and others,. 53,9'14
CR. 11111 C.
By cash paiJ for 14 volunteers,. $31410 00
Lwow for potting in volunteers, 297 53
Balance in bands of Treasurer, 40:. Bp
We, the undersigned, Anditere: he'e ex
amined the abuts accuuut and find it (.011.'0.
J. J. 1:1:11S,
.1. Blktrt:11,
Aril DS, i 864
J. J. KCIIN, Treneurer of th• flountilond
It out June. IVA, to May 4. leen, in att.unnt
tith the Saw! Dirt curs of Evading Tuww.
ship, as follows
Logned from Books, $4,000 66
froncutlier perpOnll, 11,81(1 00
Received 01 IL Malone, foneer TresM., 405
Received of S. beardurtf, Collector
of Taxes Assessed iu Jan. 1865,
Ileceire . d of L. Cronister,Colleetor,
of Taxes diu Jan. 1806, 3,164 23
By cash paid 34 volunteers, in June
and Fall of 1864, $lO,llO 00
Cash paid to Banks and gander
persons, 16,666
Expenses for putting in volunteers, 625
Cash refunded to Messrs. Barmen,
Nicholls, Myer', Spengler, Plesrl,
11ileruan, Picking, Deardorff,
Bren;ser, Cipe, and expenses of
School Directors for services,
Tax refunded to D. Border, (being =
en error.);
Treasurer's and Counsel's fees,
Balance in bands of Treaoret,
we, the undersigned, Auditors, her(
_emitted the abuse account and find it rot
8. EletiOLTZ,
A ad/ter&
iter HI, 1867. 3t
fie and See
TUIR !NOUN DOCTOR. At the Bogle Rot
where be will remain until the 25i
lust. plAy.2o.
PTO .1111INAT1112118, lit die
Homy, stip aar go furnished
third sit, rives. all and examine
%coup.. T'
2.700 00
6,341 68
215 2S
/0,1)25 3t
10,93% 31
30 9'o :1
1.912 21
W9T9 01
4.0 1 61
4,:,05 51
$(3,514 610
9,568 I*
5,908 0..1
A. 4,618 41
10.516 ♦A
3,32 , : 12
2,290 00
10.52 A 411
Bounty Account.
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