Itithies lire's. Plano,. VEIN PJANO'OF .A.. ‘ 3llifile,A. FlNALlila:Pianos are Vat Serially eeknowe a alehetbx'compe tent Judges espial to the lost Phew idede. For rclrrences,they hare. snany thelsound city and country residents, W"t ry inel • numbers of the nigh SChoole, lira ' Ao: . I'li wos heirs not only stood the eon. tlonilloite and beery pretties of one - year, but bave belts ised , the Last attests years - W-Ibn almost tritiefortloo of those using tdpeni. / ,They buys take* PfigiIIUMBANVII ICDAI,2 WHEW - Eft SIIIIIIITED. Bach bas I ern the demand for these Minot, that, lIIISSII.S. II AINES BROS. hare been compelled to en :l I rge their works to the .extent of 24 to 30 1 ANOti A WII/KIC, Bating now ear of the most ecteneire and omplete . Factories in the Vui , eni Sates, Pao. tortes "lone coreflng f ot an nere oflrrouud, comprisieg o (rootage -of 3L9 feet' on 2nd Avenue. Thry art uadouhtrdly the dampest firia clan Pianos id markrt. Filly ularuuterd for pin: 48enil for Illuitrated Circular. If 868, 363, 362, 364, 360, 3'B, 370. 372, Secou4l Avunu, New York City. April 43, 1867. Peipubet Organs AND MELODEONS, N.ANDIOLISLF *weaned the First Prize, aPold Sleds', "AS THE HESf CAM 1k ET (MOANS," Ainericin , I,natitute, New York; October, I • . Being ittononni.o , l enftwor in QUALITY, Forza and VAUILTY or Toxic, and lu number a combinational,. "As the best inktrnments of Ameripn were there contendinsr,,whiaterer won the battle wiit!d hove no,thing le!I to corigner."-,--Ainrri eon Arrl.luerno/,.(edited by a well-known tuu sleal gritiv.) They bare also taken the first premium wherever exhibtregi thin neanon. • PEDAL °EVANS, one, two and three banks of keys —six siz :S=s:sl) to 31,500. Without 'winds, single and double imuk. in grew rie sGs to $450. These Organs, wig] their 6113000, Pilie•ilke quality or t.ine, fge afoul solo stops, strength of chorus, tiniqualled pedals, and gent rid organ-like rife, t are su periorfor Jli niches, ils, Parlors and Pchools. They are put up in cases of soli fdfalnut, funcy veneered • Walnut (new and unique styles) A nd elegani troseweeil, of Pfileildi , l de signs and finish, and or the best workmanship —it being intended that each hotrument shall he a moecl ul ns class. Altin,trumilnts dose to a finelbctairo porteble Melodeon, have the beautiful Tremolinte stop, without extra eh srge. . t A large assortment constantly on hand nt our ONNERAL WiIOLESALE AND 14ITA1L WAILEROOIfB,B4I ifroadwny. One. Illgorated Circular and Pricy I We, with.our new st,), les, are now ready. send for a circular. PELOUBF. r, pEurnN- & Mainfacturers, No. Hll itroall t wity, 1+; :w York City. POLAND'S Powderic. 71118 PREPARATION the dlr.. covers of tit Rev. J. W. Poland, • forme - nly the,P .itor of the iptist Ci.ureh in Goffstown. N. li., nod .3 • rivs a man dearlfbeloved by 'hat dc- WIG nomination throncliont New Ring . it' Kr* fowl. _ Ile was obliged to le,iye the pulpit and study medicine to sate his own hie, and his MAGIC PoWBRItS are one of the most wonderful diecoteries 01 tunii4.rn tinier. It is Theirent Liter and Bilious Remedy which completely torows in the shade ill oth er discoveries in mtoliciMe; and it off 'Ms him much gratific.ition that they receive 'the unanimous approbation of all who have tested them. The Magic Bilious Powders-ore a P03it173 Cure for Liver Corokoloint let its moat aggra4alcd form, and an imme diate corrector of all BILIOUS VERANGENIENTS l • Exifiellent tor AEA DA CH H, • OUNSTIIP ATIOAL, • PIMPLES, I. BLOTCRES., 13 ALLow sKiN, D nowsi N FSS, DIZZINESS, IIEALLTMTN, PALPITATION, -. And It MOB!. nand rful Care and Preventive at Fever andlgue: (We advise all who are troubled with hills fearful m dads to alwai a keep the Puwders hand re for immediate use.) Ilere are &few itrupiroutaarticul et.—TitPy are the Spe?itic for all Bilious Affections. 2d.—T6ey are the anly known remedy that will cure Liver Coti , plitif t. 3d.—Thep are AIM only known remedy that Aill care ConAtipation. 4th.—The Powders are en thorough in their operation that one package will be 41 that the m tjurity of those using them will require to effect. a cure. stb.—They are a mild and pleasant yet the most 'effectual cathartic known. - 816.—They are the cheapest and hest medi cine extant, as the,' can be sent by mail to any part or iheglobe for the price, 50 cents. Cit eulars, contAining e . ertiflua, as, inform a tionoltc., seut to any part of the world tree of charge. Sor,p BY ALL DII.IIGGIS I TS, or by mail en application :to C. G. CLARK k CO.; General -Agents, _NEW Hares, Coe►x. Prier 50 Cents per Buz. • 't March 18, ISO ; coyly Coe's Dyspepsia Cure 1 THIS Great gmuedr for all Dibeases of the .STGUACH, is the dlre3rery of the inventor of Coe'sval uable Cough Flalsam. while experimenting to r his own health. At cured Cranip in the 11114mach for him which had before yielded to nothing , but chloroform. The almost •daily testimony from various parts of the country encourages us to believe thire is no (Use tse eati , ed by a disordeieil It mach it will not speedily cure. Physicians Endpi•se and Use It! — 7limisters give Tratinpny of Its Eilleaeg And from all ditectiouis we receive tidings of rare performed: • 'Ee.SIA I It is sore to cure, ILKARTBUIIN I SICK-IIEADACUEI It has cured in hundreds of cases MADAM AND DIZZINEziS I It acting in t4irty minutes ACIDITY OP THE• STWIACH I It corrects at once • RISING OF THE F00D4,. 11 stops imqkediately DIOTRESE AFTER. EATING Hoe duce will remote CHOLERA 11ORBUS, 1 Itapidly yields tes few doses. RAG RAEATiI ! - Wlll.lm changed with 11AV:it bottle. it is Parittotly Ranalest; I Its lIIPRECE:I,EsiTED SUCCESS is owing - t.. the Met tiMt! It . CCP.ES RV ASSISTJNO li %TOR& tore-strt her sw .yin I be system ! Nearly every sealer in 1.4. e ..Cnited States SOH& it at ON E*[ DULLA ft PER . BOTTLE. 1 C. G. CLARK .8 CO., Proprietors, . - I --,stew 11.atta, Cour. March 18, lalq. sow ly Mone4 Free sia Water. aft ACTIVE local and Traveling A . tYU ghtitti, Mule or feeortit% of al l - two. are wanted to tolirit trade In every City, Town, Village. lia in I eLiWitrk shop and rectory through ' deft the entire werl.l, for the moat saleable *met tles ever know n-.-500 PER CEN r. YR, ittir and READY SALE WHEREVER OFFERED!! Smartjuen and women can make from S 5 to S5O WrifV.Mal no risk of ices! A small capital re aptireu of from B IN to SLUG—the more Money in! vented the greater the profit, No Stoney regnired to Advance—we flail send the articles and revive pity afterwards! If you actoally wish to make money rapidly and easily, write for full particu lars and address MILNOR it CO„ (Peon) Paris. Z 5 181 7. IF ) :10 ilroadway, New lorkCity, rbb, . Pay Vp : 911112 undersigned having retired from bud j was, be ask/ those indebted to make want pi* ea little delay ha possible. as do lot settle before the first of Janis find their accoucla in the bands aria 'Offen for collection, • ," JOBlll9lB. GILI,ESPIN, 'Ctft,straer. Nee. 26, 1866. PI!! she was beautiful and Wee -AT TUB OLD STAND. wins starry . eyes. nod rodlans hear, Whoseeurling tendrils Non. Mit tinned, .. r, (IIIIT•.:44111IOD IX 14417.] Maishained the very heart dui mind. 1 tato assoadated.with so, In buslJess, tiny CIIIV E 1 / 4 1l COMA, for Curling the flair cd'althes ' son, Joisir.4 o .7: McCreary , nailer ,Sse Aron end sex Into wavy and dory Kinglets or Davy 1 style o r D . ;, 1 1ii.t5 i „,44 k. ,C34, 464 :44, I „h o w t o. mated ve Curls. 4. BY t1 , 41112' IlilmartlcleLadlesond Gentlemen eon "7 " 1 4 4 44 frittnitig,odthe public generally be unify themselves a thousand Mid. It'ts tire tlkst sing dut o waritlitellantlfsistore Of klidalna, '-only article in the world that wilt curl stralgut fitrue•sWo4l ragilfef.Ase keen refired at.the pair, and' at the saint' time give ft a heautlnti, old glossy appettrmwe. The Crisper Coma not oaly "abliektia and seed koolut,atand es Rol curls the li.tir, but luvlgor.ites, it mitithat and titian'n streec . oliel inikainvilisstb ol thaVtrolit cleanses It: Is MOO and delialitCully perfumed, Hou =e, ()enfant*, Pa." . - T -- `', 4- . - and Is the most complete article (dilate kind ever Having had Xi/ eiperience of 40 years in offered to the American public. Tli • Crisper Coma will he sent to soy address, isz.slisi and this eqt.ihlishment, I fcel assured, th ii, with poolpal.l. for SL - renewed attention to business, we C ttt stilt Address ell orders to W . L . GLArtm.: & CO .. ch eir do„ .. 1 further merit and receive a full sbern of pup. Mo, Fayette titreet,Syrucuse, N. Y.lie patronage. DAVID MLOSEARY. I Mars* 4,1557. ly I . There eontath_gled totes°tiny to sdl,.- I With increased facilities for conducting our To young and to old, to great 60 tostmall; , business, we are ,bet ter prepared than ewer to Thebeautywhieliotumwassopreetousangtare, satisfy the wants of all those who may need Is Woe for ell. nod all may be fats. • . I anything in our line. We especially call the' By the Use 1 attention of Farmers lad others to the superior. !OF cri.t.sTEI.I.AR'S WHITE LIQUID EN- c i ,,,,,my or o ur V/ ANIEI. for insproving , and beautifying the complexion. Plain or Quilted Seat Side Leathers, ' 1 , mi. most valuable and ',affect preparation-In Horn Saddles, ;Haines, all kinds, with use, for giving the skin a beilutlful pearl-like ~_,_ tint, that la only found In youth. It quickly re- [ - lam or Quilted . Seat! or with tr. • ou natetungs moves Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Illotettes, ,Jloth I no Horn, . ;Housings, Patches, Mellowness. !Nuptials, nod all irnpuri- P 1 d o or Quilted SetitScotch Collars(lenther) ' ties of th..skiii, kindly healing the sante, Lew:loft Side Saddles, i a '` (ticking) ow skin whiten:Pl chmrpii alabaster. Its us: eau not be detected by Ow closest scrutiny, uml being P lain or Fancy Saddle So Seam Collars, Is VegiAJl . .11. prep: rot ion is pertot fly lutrinklet. It . Cloths, !Best Welt "farness Col ts lb.-Only artleleof the kind used by the French, 1 vo.. __ S addle s .1 .vf end is considered by the Parisian as hplispensu- "Kg." .auuleat I lars, - hie to a perfeet toilet. Upwards of :14.1)41 bottles Riding Bridles, of all Patent Leather Collars, Were Ki It p d during the past pear. a sufficient guar- kinds, fair or black,' stitchedornnstitched antee o s efficacy, Price only 75 cents. -Sent dd fl by mai ,ost paid. on receipt of ati order, by rounded or at, ni :Bost Leather Witgon :Ita ER, iill rm.: ,t Co.. ebeinists,_ Martingale, I Whips, 4, 4 3 and 5' 1%1 River Street, troy, N. Y.' Carriage Harness, all; feet I mg, March 4.13d7. ly ' styles, silver or black Platted Team Whips, Thee World Astonished mounted, tTrutting Whips. AT Heavy Draft Harness, I:.,adies' Riding Twigs, made by the the Wonderful Revelations great As! rologf AM ADA ME H. A. PERRIGO. Blind Bt idles, Whip Lashes, ishe reveals tieyri is no mortal t ver knew. Mlle Girths, (Horse Blankets, restores to happiness throw thra Who, :nun dole- ,s er.ippers, I A:c., /cc., dm.' tul events, eat.eitroplieti,, eroisem • In love, hum 01 rehitions and 'Heads, 10,41 of money, do':, It ova ln snort, everything that pertains to a first becinne despot' lent Sile brings together those , class general horse - furnishing establishment long itepuntle.l, gives iti formal 'unconcern' ng lib-. $ll - 11t friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen pro- constantly on hand br made to order promptly, pasty, wilts you the business you ire bast quail- of the very best in aerial, and by the most ex iled to pursue and in what vou will 'lO ince,t suc- perieneed workmen in the country, (two hay cessful. pauses 11/Welly marrthges and tells you the very day you will marry. gives you the name, lug worked in this establishment for the last likeness and clitiracteristita of the person. 1. 4 11111 thirty years.) rends your very thoughts, and by her almost sit- ! We are now minufacturing an excellent lot permit oral powers unveils the dark and hidden inysteriem of the future. From the htsura we see in of Heavy Dm% and Ilitruess Collars for those the tiromment—the malefic stars that overcome , who prefer our own to city made work. or predominitte in the conflgurallort—front the' Repairing of all kinds dune at short notice aala'els and positions of the planets and the fixed • and on rtasuna eteams. 1 • bl . stars in the lienveipt nt the time of WO, she de- , duces the future di stilly of item. Pall not to All are cordially invited to call and examine consult tin. greatest Astrologist oh earl h. It eosin for themselves, as our work cannot It it to you bill II trifle, ninlyol Ina 3 Dover ;wain haves() recommend itself favor:ll - Aeon opportunity. flon , ultatlon fee, w ill, i likeness and Olt deaf' ed Information, $l. Pal Idea, 'lying at a distance eau consult the Madame by anell with equal safety end satisfaction to them selves, 104 if in person. A lull and oxplielt eller% written out, with all Inqulrlesanswcred and like ness enclosed, sent by mall on receipt of tae above mentioned. The strictest meeyesy will be, maintained, end all eorrestemdence"teturned or destroyed. References of the highest or hrMr ni,lied those thairing them. Writ WTI duly the day of the mouth mil year In which you were born. end sling a small ink of hair. Address, MA DAME: 11.. k. PERIIIOO, yi. U. Drawer :Mt, Bull:4u, N.' March 4, MI. - ly eparator - Capilll. Throw away your false frizzles; your switches, your wig— Dentruell ve of comfort. and not worth a fig; co, tangled, coin, youth inn, coineligly find lair, AmireJoice in your own luxuriant hair,, 1) l 'A RATuit CIPII.LI." IL 'For restoring hair upon ball heads (from whatever elms, it may have sullen 0111) and fore lag a growth of hair upon the face, it has no equal. • It will force the heard to grow upon the smoothe,t face In from - live to eight week.:, or hair tii; sin bail heads in from t ivo to tbrie 11I0liths. A few Ignorant praetitioners have_asserted tnat here Is nothing that will force l, or_ Medea the .growth of the luilrvir hand. Wi h t 11811 nesse ( e i r r t, !i; n4 l:! T i e iulse,asthifusnndsofliving r own experience) can bear witness. But many will say, luiw are we to distinguish the genuine from tile spurious? It certainly Is dint •ult, as nine-tenth.. of the different Preparations adver tised for the hair and beard are entirely worth leas, and yon may have already thrown away large tunoun Is In the Ir purchase. To such we would say, try the ReparAtor Conlin; it wall cost yip nothing unless it moths comes up to nor rep resentation,. If your Druggist does not keep it. send us one dollar lin.l we will forwent it, post pa id, together with a receipt fort e money. which will be returned You on application, pnwiding entire. satisfaction Is not given. Address, • W. L. CLAII,KE dc CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Kyette Street, Syracuse, March I, lsd7. ly A ND lIVSTACIIKS:—Foreed to grow upon the .L.l, smoothest twe In from three to live weeks by using Dr. sliNkiNE'S ItESIAURATEUIt C.4.1'11.I.:1111/i, the most wonderful ,ll•alyvery In modern science, acting' upon the Beard and ildir In an alino..t miraculous IMILIIIPT. It 11:1 ,, 111,11 Used by the elite of Paris and London with the 1110e4t tlatterin4 aurcesz.i. NaMos of all purchasers will he regedered, and if entire sad:am-Don la not given In every Instance, the utoney.wili be cheerlully refunded. Price by mallow:dist and Is.t paid. Deseriptive eat-Mars and into nlah nrilled free,. Address BERGER, 1...4E1(5178 ef: CO. Client ikta. No. Rlerr Street, Troy, N. Y„ S , ole lor the tinted btatts. - March 4.1607. ly A ÜBITItN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN AND SILKEN ill. CURLS, produced .by the use of Prot. DEB- ItEUX' FRlsEit I.E CIIEVEL'N.. One aPpli cation warranted to curl the itkom straight and statbbunt hair of either sex. Into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive curls. ibus been used 4,y the fashionattles of Parts antfLondon, with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to, the hair. Price- by moll, sealed and postpaid, el. Deserip- Live circulars' mailed free. Address BERGER, MHUTTS & CO., Chemists, No. 34.1 River Street, Troy, N. Y. Solo Agents for the United Status. Marti 1887. ly CHASTELLA R'S HAIR EATERMINATOIt ! For removing Pi upprttnousli.dr. To the Lel ies especially, this Invaluable depila, tory recommends itself as being an alindst Indispensable article to tomato beauty, is easily applied, does not born or Injure dhe skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranttst to remove superfluous hair from low toreheads, or from any part of the body, completely. totally and radically extirpating the sainc, keying the skin soil, smooth and natural. This Is the only article used by the French, and is the only real efreet nal depilatory In existence, Priee 74 cents per imelcogo, sent poiltpaid, to any, address, on receipt of all order by LIEUGE,H., SIIUTTS & CO., Chemists, 253 River Street., Troy, N. Y. March 4,1.487. Manhood : frlifDOW LOST, HOW RESTORED.— isli Just publetl.a new edition or DR. ~_ ~- CULVERWELL'S CELEIMATED ir frs' EisSAY on the RADICAL CURE (wail out inetiltilni) or SPEILVAI'MLICHtX.4., or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Losses, Iniph tenes, Mental and Physleill Dieatateiiy, Impedi ments to Marriage, ete; also, tionsunalitlon, Epi lepsy. and Fits, Induced by salt-lialulgenee 6r sesa..l.extravaganee. ily'Priee, in a sealed envelope, only 0 rents., The celebrated an: hor, lu this admirable essay, cbarly demonstrates. Irma a thirty yi ars suc cessful practice, that the alarming consequences of self-alius , In iy be radically cured u athout the dangerous use of Internal inedielne or the tripli cation of the knife—po r pure out a mode of at once simple, certain, and eliciitual, by Means of which every sufferer, no mutter what him don tilt ion may be, may cure himselfeheaply,private ly, and raditially. 014 - rills I.ecture should be I n,,the hands of every youth and every man in the land. One dose will cure Sent, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address. postpaid. on receipt of Nix rents. or two post stamps. Also Dr. Culver well's ••larriage Caul'le," price 25 cents. Address tlkepublinbers, CHAS, J. C. K LIN E CO., 12T Bowery, New York, P. 0. bur. 4,58411. Feb, - 25, 18t17. ly SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use of DR. JOrsIVILLEII ELIXIR you ant be cured permanently, and at a trilling 4nact. The legonlshing success which hes attended this invaluable medicine for Physical and Ner vous \Veak n ems, General Debility and Prostration, Lass of Muscular Energy, Impotency, or any of the consequences of youilnul ludiscretion.reu ders it the most Vuluablit preparation ever tits covered. It will remove nil nervous affections. dented alon, excitement, luukteolty to study or 110111P/14, luau of memory eodfustou, thotulds ut destruo lion, lows of •iusanity, de. It will restore the npoetito 'renew the health of those who have destroyed It by aetisual cxees or evil pr.tet lees. Young Men, be humbugged no inure by "(tuaek Donors" and jimonint practltlonerS tint send without dcquir for We L'llxlr, and be 14 apes a reator , tolmaltil end hal - mutes., A Verleet Cure onaranti , ed in every inilunee. Price, SI, or four WWII; to one address, VI. :we bottle is sufficient to effect a cure In all or,rtna ry rases. AI.JOTNVILLE'R SPECIFIC MIA for the speedy m' permanent cans off3onorrhe G set, rethnd Discharges, Gravel. Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in front one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that are harm less on the stein, and never nauseate the stom ach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet Is necessary while using them, nor does their action in any manner Interfere with Widnes& pursuits. Prico:sl per bog. - Either of the above mentioned articles will be Sent to any address, closely sestled r entl postpeiti, by null or express, on receipt of Mee, Ananias all orders MI BEEAERR, Folurrs & Co.. Chentl4lB. Nu 3:45 Elver Street, Troy, N, Y, - areh 4, 1881. MITE subscriber has some- valuable WEST ERN LANDS, which he will trade for'one or more FARMS in this county. The lands tire well located, and very desirable for farm lag: Early application desired. JACOB TitirNianutorr. Gettysburg, April 3, ISO. ti . . Crh.per Coma. Whilikers Beauty !. Excelsior! Excelsior! Afflicted I Western Lands. NEW FlB][, Porticolgir atientinn paid to this department. A full supply of C.indies, Nt.ts, Fruits, Soaps, Fancy articles, in short any and everything usually found in a first class Grocery. In Fiy- - ing in my stuck I NV:ti CA U2lll to know wltttt was buyine, find ant nown-tip.treil to sell riot only GOOD Groceries, but to. sell them very cheap. Give me a call and ja Ige for your. D. McCREAILY & SON. selves. Feb. 5, 18(36. tt Cannon's M ARBLE WORK S, Ua Batituore street, lie 'Fly Opposite the Hurt House, GETTYSBURG, PA. Every .description of work executed in the unest style of the art. June 4. 180." tf Cabinet Furniture. TIR hereby inform their rus tomers and the .public generally, that they have now on hand, and continue to man ufacture to order, CABINET FURNITURE, which, for style and durability, finish and price, will compete with any In the county.— Our pre:eut stock constits of every variety of Furnitnre.usually kept in a first class Furni ture Ware Room. Fashional le, ornamental or plain Furniture manukctured in the most substantml manner, by most experienced workmen, and at the lowest cash prices. UNDERTAKING flaring a new, llexrse, pariicitl it attention will he given to this branch of their bu4irtegs. They are prepared to make al.' furnish Coffins of any desired quality, and attend Funends at the shortest notice—and on such teruis as cannot lain to please all. The aUbscribers return i their thanks to the public fur the liberal patronage extended to them in the past, and 'toilet° rueri land receive a conlinnanee of. public patronage. huP aid Ware Itoum third banding' east of the , ti.itmre. 11. FETE k lilto. Littlestorrn, April 18, tf Frei Confectionery A NI) ICE CREA‘I S. I.ooN.—The her respectfully inf4rtu4 the citiz .1114 of Gettysburg And vicinity th it lie h Ira Confec tionery Eitablishment, one door east of the Eagle tfotel,on, to a Lich he would - invite their attention. C ikes,' oandie., and every description cf Coure,tious, together with Silts, Oranges, and all kinds - ot fruits, always on hand. P.irtie, public an 1 p, irate, as well as tam, 'lies, will be furnished with all kinds of Cakes, Ice Cream, (in pyramidal form or othera Ise,) and other refreshments at, their housed, upon short notice. . flaring spent n life-time nt the business, he flatters himself that he auderstAndi it and that be is able .0 render entire satisfaction. 'Call and see his Confectionery. May 28, 1866. tf JOAN CRUEL: Cheap for Cash ! NEW STORE I GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. THE undersigned has returned to Gettys burg, and opened n new Store, on Balti more street, next door to the Poet Office, and nearly opposite the Court-House, where be otters for sale, CIIIIAP FOR CASH, a large and cnoice ansurtment of GROCERIES,—Sugars, Coffees, Te.ts, Molasses, Syrups, Salt, le.; with Piste, B icon. Lard, and in on. Alen, LlQUultS—Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies, Runs., And everything else in the line. Also, any quantity of Notions, to snit any and everybody. ' — Recollect this is the place to buy cnc.te volt CASiI. GEO. F. ICALBFLEISCH April 23, 186 C Forwarding and Commission House. F LOUR AND FEII:D. GtIAT.N AND GROCEPIES lfavinz purchased the extensive Warehouse, Curs, .t%:, heretofore owned - uLS tenuel Herbst, we beg leave to inttrm the pit'Jlic that we are continuing the business at the old stand on the corner of Washington and Railroad streets, on a more extensive settle than heretofore. We are paying the highest market price for Flour, Grain and all kin 13 of produce. Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds of Gro ceries, kept constantly on baud and 'or sale, cheaper than they can be bad anywhere else. Plaster, and all kinds of fertilizers, constantly on hand, or furnished 'to ordror. regluar line of Freight Cara will leave our Warehouse erery TRESDNY 110RVING, anr: accommodation trains will lie run as ee -1 casion'tn ty require. By this are tnge.nent we are rrepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of Otis kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attend ed to. Our cars rit sto the Warehouse ogre. • reason & Suns, 105 North'lfow .rd street,.B 11- , timore. Being determined to pay good prices, sell cheap and deal t.tirly, we invite everybody to give us a call, I. - Aug. 1.1, Ignd. CULP k KARNSHAW Bark Wanted. TAR staqcriber will ply F4 l lB DOLLARS per CORD fur BLACK OAK BARK, de livered at tils Twiner). in Gettyitnirg. JOON RUPP. „June 18, 1886 Shingles, TIOIME SHINGLES, the best in the market, for sale atJACOII SHEADS'S new Lum ber Yard, wt the Stailreati, adjoining the Lime Kilns, Gettysburg. itior. 26, 1868. tf The Far Famed 6 6 rTNIVERSAL 01.0TIIIIS WRINGER."— , u Besides the great saving of Labor, the saving in the wear and tear of clothing in a single year, more than amounts to the price of this Wringer. It is strange that any .family should be willing to do without it. For sale at FAEINESTOCK BROS and at 0. R. BURR LBR'S (Feb. 19. For Bent. From VIRGINIA MlLLS,wittiMiller'iMonse, I And other privileges, one mile from Fair field, "Adam county, for rent. enquire of near Fairfield, or o 4 • IL kW. NeCLICAN, reti. 11, not. , a oeuyibuqr, Pa, Hardware dc diseeerles. R° aolisciibers haveThiet returnid Dom 1 6 6 rit i * 4 -1:1 t • Ikt 1"A Ii I Er: 1 4 T ..-*.:41 )Ikite ll Mirqdli - I 11-17 the cities with SG Immense supply of i r ' "• '• Tait ;:rii- ',- HARDWARE k LlitOCKltiliS, which they are; Bccnyifter of i l he Skin. offering at their old stand In Baltimore street, ~ TESTIMONIALS FROI4 - GELERRATED LA. ' at prices to snit the times. Our stock cousists i • DIES. in pate of BUILDING MATERIALS, Th , , seetet of heautifpu: the skin being i CIARPENT ft R'S,_ TOO T,S, known only to Jared di Ilene, they honorably state tidit it differs from all oth. r • - BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, I pr..p.ittit...o , . It gives to the must harsh and ~- COACH, FIEDINGE t • freckled skin both the texture and 'color of SHOE 'WS, pohished Ivory, removing all discoloration,. G - . MAICER'S TOOLS, whether appearing*. freckles, 'to, morphew, ,- • OdEEKEEPEIt'S FIXTURES, moth or bldck worm epcks, and is e.pecially - ' ALL KINDS OF IRON, ke, suocesiful in smoothing out the marks left by - V. R 0 011 6 11 t It S 0 PALL K IN . WS , i the inu ,ll l , ox „ OILS, PAINTS, La, Lc. There is no article Tlie agents of "L'Email de Paris" moat con included in the severtl departments menii:ned fi lentil. submit to I the politic the earnest eu -1 above but what can" be li id at this Store dorsentents of eupli ilistinguiehtd ladles as Every class of Mechanics can be accommodated Signora RlSToitl, here with tools and findings, ar.d Housekeepers 3l'dlie FELD/ T 4. VESTVAIJ, can find every article in their line, Give as a ' Miss )l AtIGIE MITCHELL, call, as we are prepared to sell as low for cash Mrs. D. P. 11.0%1'M:it4, as any hones out of the city. LUCILLE 1V F..s I Ens, JOEL IL DANNER, . 1I , &tine PONISI,, . . DAVID ZIEGLER. Mrs.EMIIA WALLER, Gettysburg, May'l6, 1864 Swan's Grocery. TURN M. SWAN hri.lnst received a splendid assortment of PRINS GROCERIES, at tHe Store on the corner of the public Square, is Gettysburg, • SUGARS. The finest lot .of Sugars ever brought .to Gettysburg, an I very cheap. COFFEE His Coffee is superior to nny offdred in the place. It you don't believe it come and see MOLASSES If you rant the best Syrups and Molasses in town you will find them at Swan's. QiIIIKNSW ARE, Are His stock of Q:reensware, Dishes, Lamps, Ace., is toll, cheap and good. Every style and price. CIGARS AND TOBACCO His Cigars and Tub Imo are of superior quality. Acknowledged by good judges to be the beet in the market.. CANDIES AND NOTIONS. Nov. 5, 1866 Removal 2 VIE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. Milt.: undersigned takes pleasure in announ- I clog to the citizens of Gettysturg iind the putArgenerally that he has removed horn his old roues on West Middle strew, to B.iltimore street, and nearly opposite the store of Falin esiork Brothers. The room he now occupies has been recently fitted up expressly •lqr his business. The location is an admirable one, enabling him to tike pictures in All, shildes of weather, and with a correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every size end description, executed iu the finest style. ParOculir.ittention given to the CARTE UI•: VISITE, and to copying A II BRO TYPES and DAGUERREOTYPES ut deceased friends. Also— THE GETTYSBURG OEUS, a new style of picture, which has becomA very popular will' the public, not only fur their beauty, but for chearness and convenience.— SIXTEEN for ONE DOLLAR only. Also— THE PJRCELAIN PICTURES, fur their be:iuty And durability are un-nirpassed. We are prepared to cam on the business in all its v nuns br.nches, and h.Lving had con siderable experience we run no risk in GUARANTEEING PRIIFECT SATISFAC TION. Our facilities for > full ditiplay of our skill are unequalled by nay other G.lliery in the Cirunty, and we would therefore invite every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. Cal: and examine our Spevimens •ind judge for yourselves. LEVI MOWER.. June 25, 1856. W. E. BIDDLE. H. S. BENNER. 100.000 Bushs..Grain Wanted. XTEW FIR\I AP THE 111,0 WARXDOHSE. 11 WM. E. RIDDLE Jr CO. would inform the public that they hare leased the Warehowe on the corner of StrattOn street and the 11411- road, in Gettysburg, A here they will c irtj , on TIIE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will always be, paid lur Wheat, Rye, Corn, Dills, Clover awl Timothy 'Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nut., So tp,ilains, Shoulders and Side 4, Potatoes, with every thing else in the country produce GROCEIIIBS.-0n hand, for sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Si raps, Teas, Spices, Salt, Chee,e; Vinegar, Soda, Maatarti, Stardt, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Soap?. lc. AlAi COAL 01L, Fish 0.1,, kc. FISII all kind 4; Spikes and Nails; Smoking and Chew ing Tob They are always able to supply' a first rate article ut Flour, with the dtl!erent kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plnifrr, with Gunnos and other fertilizers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or cur loud. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, in any quantity, at REUUCED RATES. They will attend, if desired, to the making of purehases'in the city, and delivering the goods piomptly in' Gettysburg. Their cars run to the Warehouse of Nathan Roup Co., No. 129 North Howard Ft., near Fritnkiip, Baltimore, , where freight will be received et any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them: BIDDLE k BENNER April 16, 1868• tf \ Limo at Coal. QUINN& REILLY have erected two' midi- Lionel Lime Kilns, on the Railroad, and are therefore better prepared then ever to sup ply the best of LIME, in large or snlall quanti ties. F.rmers NIA others ran her, aftet.look fur a more prompt tiding of their orders, and are invited to. extend and continue their fa vors to a firm which i 3 making every effort to accolumo.Lite thent in thebestutnunerpeeztble. They will also eotitittue - to keep ou nand for sale, a good supply of 11. different kinds of COAL, which they will s , 11 at stall profits. Coal and Lime delivered anywhere in Get tysburg. May 14, 18a6. tf Shoes, Gaiters, etc. J O FIN M. REI LING, GAttlasta Ernes?, west side, mien doers from the Syne re his I ild in an .ixeellent assort ment of Shoes, Gaiters, ac., for ' 3ilift, WOMEN AND GUMMIEN, which lie is offering at the very lowest profits. Having bought for cash, at the latest re !ac tion, lie is prepared to offer great b.trgain.. Boot and Shoe mini factoring cat rib.' on at the same place, and the hest kiwi or work iOHN M. BEILINJ. 'May 11, ISM. Still at Work : T EIB undersigned continues the OARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, . In all its branches, nt his old stand, in East Middle street, Gettyelaurg -24W WUBli fade to order, end. WEPAIPTN9 done promptly and at lowest prices. FA LUING•TOF AND aTANDING TOl B U • OONSTAXII,N ON HAND. Two first...rate SPRING WAGON: for sale. JACOB TRO2 rhotograph Albusua. TRH largest, most beautifal and cheapest lot of Photograph Albums ever offered in Gettysburg, Just received at the EXCEL SIOR GALLERY. Albums holding 50 Pic tures on ysl 75. Our stock comprises over 30 different styles, among which are the cele brated everlasting Chain and Hinge Back. These Album, we have bought low and are determined to sell lower than the same quali ty can be bought for anywhere in this county or oat of it. C. J.. TYSON. Jan. 28,11017. MIXACTLY I—Any kied crf Panto row deo climbs Led a) ,4'l4;l7NG' LUCY RU'SfiTilV i ' NO EIIIS DU MARGUNIITTES, kliss.A. PERRY, sod many others, Whose high standing in the profession gives the 61:01p of truthttiltie.4 to their intelligent sad genuine approval \ The beautiful Lucille Western says "I find 'bat the 'Email' produces all the brilliancy of rouge and lily-white, with the great and . pecufiaradvantage of total lie , m lessness It really adds to the softness cud beauty of the skin." The magnificent Vestrali says: "I have .o.ffeted,so much fn m the various white lotions, ka, which my thviitrical pro fession obliges mod to use, that I cutic,i•lcr it a perfect benefactiou to find a preparaton which, gives the necessary whiteness ,tothe skin, and leaves the skin cool and smooth." ;Hiss Maggie Ilitiehell sa)s: have tried thiskiu beautifier, `L'Etnail de Paris,' and futiud that it instantly imparts a natural bloom uul freshness to the CON "Jared's Etryiil tie Paris" is - used as a deli cate beautifier of the rtkltifor Theatre, Saloon or Ball Room, by tit moat refilled and sera puloui ladies, proincing all tie beautifying eirechs'or roue and without their 'vulgar gla're or frjnry to the skin. 3ld Ity all first- l class Druggists, Perfumers and leiflies' Hair Dressers 'L. I saLea'n, 823 Broadw.ty; Demax 131rn'ee 06., and F. C. Wells At Co , New York; and Eugene Jonin, 111 South Tenth Street, and JOhngteoh, tt Cowden Philadelphia, Agents: ' J ItE C; & RENE, General Ageatt and Importers, Jan. 28, 18u7. (a 1 New York. Electric Soap SAVES TIME! EAVES MONEY! 6.O'ES t Ill 011.! SAVE- moTtirs! SAVES WOMEN! AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT It is used by caltting, into small shavings and di,sithing in hot water, then soak the clothes lice to ten minutes and a Milt, hand rubbing will make them as clean its •hours of hard machine rubbing would do, with ordina ry soap, and the Ili VA delicate fabric. receive co injury. We ciaMr.fer, to tLn is.unls of ftm tlies who are using i•, itud who could not be persuaded to du with( ut DOBBINS' l AULD BY AtL BEAMYti nuncEns 'THROUGHOUT TIIAL• STA'E. ManorAturel t.nlv hr DOBBIN'S & LOVB. NVIIOLESAI.P. PUT : Soutti I'l/Th Street, l'hiladrlPtia Nov. PI, 181;6 6m Lancaster Bank Bindery. wiANT, :1100K 111A-DER, IND BLANK HOUK HA] I. JryttEtt, Pain and Ornamt) fal Ihradir u. of eveiy de. eription, exe) vied/41 tLe moat sul,taulaat apps of wilt) tea. `CRS. E. W. Brcicn, Esti!' Par or • I:snk of Lancaster. W. L. Polder, E:q., Lao Count., oaa Samuel Shuck, Lsq., Col u•aboi Bank. Samuel IVagner, ! ' ark rani:. Watran c, Esq.. York Couqty Bank. T. D. Carson, Esq., liauk of Gl_ shurg. PeL!r Alai tin, Esq. PCiAI. y Lai.e..sti tai., Pa. Geo. C. Haar tho, ti, , " Geo. Whitson, Esq.illeeurtrer It April 15, 1661 Sow4nz .Marhines. THE onovEit -rilE 'JEST IN I_,:slf; These ,t 1 At:nines it e re, cone so well known til tt little need bo , Ibyivtv of reimintnetulatioo. They have taken the mini:lm at all the late :irate Fairs, ntol . are universally tic-Raton leige4 to he the 1;1•IST in use by all,who have tried them. The "Grover dt II tker Stitch" and, the uzilint tie Stitch ' are points that hare been attained by no oilier Machine. They lire the only In 'chines that sew and emidni4er ,with p if •ction. These Machines aro peculiarly adapted to FP+IMI y use. Th y are almost noisele-s, .ew disc ty from the spool 'without raisin ling, and are simple in their constrnetton. "They ore ea-y to titan ire, and can be w irked by nlmost any Evtl . ry famtlY shoal I bare otter. 7' '/ save lat,or, sqve I,nse nail the,/ sane m90,r1, au 1 do their work batter than it can be dune by bawl. T 1 it undersigned ,having been appointed Agent fur the ahnve Id WWII! 4, has es.t. tblis an Ageney in F . tirfield, Adams (manly, where he witl always hare lau hand a supply. Per sons wishing to buy will please call sod exam ine tor t. ent-clues. ' Needles and Thread will gist) be sup- J. 8 1VIfilr.:1:01V, Agent, Fairfield. Adams countl, Pa. Aug. 27, 18C6. tf, Cirri:mem and Buggies. T ATs ut. are row buil Hoz a rariety o COACIi W 0 K of the latest and wog approved si7les, and constructed of the IfieSt to aerial, to which they incite the attention clf buyers, Hhii ig built our work with gra:et care and of material selected with trrtecti4 reference to 'beatify of style and darahility,l we can confidently- ra corornen4 the wok its nusurpassed by uoy, either in or out 1.11 illP All we ask is an itasonution of our work to oonOure,those in want ul oily kit's" ut a euittle, ths4 this is the place Ito buy them. REPAIIiJNU in ettery branch done at short notice end en reasonnhis lerms. ;Give us s call, :IS Oar Fautory, flour' the corner of Walhington nod Chmuttersburg. streets, Get t ysbu rz.,, t P. J. T.VIT. E.CULP., Mar. 19, 186). Carrlaire-maikini It g war bilti 0141VIAll xatchuvignwUltisti reAtitnel the ' CAIIIIIAGE-XAKING BEISINESS, at their old stand, rn E ct %kiddie street, t. GETTirSTICItti, where they are again nreptred to put up work m the most farhionable, subtantial, and supe rior manner. A I , •t*of new and second-hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., an band," which . they will dispose of at the lowest prices ; 'and all orders will be ;applied as promptly and satisfactorily as'possible. BErREPAIRING E 8 done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates. A large lot of 'new, and old HARNESS oa hand for sale Thankful for the literal patronage hereto- G)ra enjoyed by them, they solicit and will en deavor to deserve a large share in the future. DANNER & ZIEGLER. July 10, 1805. ti Established in 1845. HENRY W. OVERMAN, 00.11111. 4 81 AT MERCHANT „ DEALIR.IIII LKATRER, No. 14 SpOlt Tigoill/Eitrees, Philadelplila. q,nsigisokents *kited. • Ps 184/0. 4 41 ' • DOBBI.NS' ELECTRIC ME PA Ilibudisommiutileilatememn, NQ. 11 , Wheit al A RiCgT4iTitt.E r, , YORK, ' ♦oo] rg AmmiotrilaS PIANOS AND CARINKT ORCIANS, AND ALI. K 11466,01, MUSICAL INe;TiIIIMENTS, reepeetfully hif,,rrn the ptih:ir thtt 'hey are prepared to for,iish Pi toosaif the followifig manufacture or of Any o her intke may be preferred : Alhrtzht. Rrlkei, irbllciterlair 4 Nou, Brw Ibttry. Kush. Won, Gale At hon. NY . IICCLEIMATVII COTTAGE,fib BOUDOIR S AND MELODEONS CE Tltese Instrom•mts stand I , hrivalfed thing fonnil .0 this Country or in Europe, as Se tti•uh Lel by :0:42,4. Tot, most etnieeint l'i;ie Oreito ruddy's Performers, the last to ilk ore: excellence in reed Tulip, pronounce ILctn v.t4tly superit,r to all milt is .for exceediagly 'n.04.0,111011 and tumid Tone,\the es , en' li•ature in instruments of elavok - We invite the sevele s rutin; and crifirism of *ll. PATHNi" VOX 111.71 f %X.k Tftf111:11.0. This I ite un ism wonitertul issvention (so ielmowledszed I. nll' Ivn , lintt artists), will be iousol only in the ley Instrn•nents. ;is as tesuptsa4 to ileeet e o effect is" tisk stop. we are nt lo•a for I.tng.sistex Its lsoo• Lies_essn no! Ile Written. lost must be By this stop air • r (no prosloce an effect whi time of pinvi see for nn artist is ea timlc eiionges slit tee I T ta• pathetic:we( Loess of the it so tnelisiliotss Aro] pure met it never fait! to enchant the It-tenor. II Ofli;ANI • for Choreloss, Public H I Pnrh.rg hag 3 powerful t•s with iii Lit I ihrlLlol:ie Iltt.lollllPllt .141,1 Tre molo, and is in he the inost p iwertul r•ed org-In mete, being tin.Ady egii a Li a Pipe Urgin of three tinr}Ls lire .tuST. All instruments wirr tnted for tire years. _ . vs BINDS sitpi 14,1 with iusau ments tint con=ic at 7C A Uheral dz-c .ant alk%%ed tor Charelics. and Subbsah t , chw,l4. • L - ,3"lnstructlotti ty,;ven hot'i in l'oell_ftud Inorumentni M,1 -IV, at our tootm :ot I at um pica' hotnes,"either to tudtviaauld ur on reasoi, Alit. tering. Dec. 17, 184 A. tf FO UT Z'S CELIOR t TED Ilerso Eill GattiO FO TOPS. T , lgl+ preporr.t,on, -.: ..4. it . r ,..... long and lot muloy ..i i ...v1;,:- ' . f il faux n, %ill ll or ;,,Y .. '..,, , N. ....1 oug111) Y. In, %water , 7 " 'if „ N t ~*(. In oki•n•doo a and 10% -..pnaLti 1z0n , ..4, t by str, ortli, Ling and el-an-ing Mu I . o !Law and inl.k.s. idik:ll/1[ It 15 it .ure pre - '.f all clt• this animal, such YELLOW WA. TER, HEAVES, COUGHS, DIS• TESIPER. FE VERS, FOUNDER LoSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, &e. hi use improves the wind, inert's, .3 the appetite••gives - a smooth and skin—and tramlorms t h e •mis,:rable skeleton into a horse. To keepers of Cows this pmparatr•n Inea .n( it' ea the gralily of the n ilk It hai bet p•es en 1113 RC teal eNueriment to ine., e-e the quan tity milk end mow twenty per : nd make the Lu tLe r firm and Ent,. t. In Lan eleg it tile it giveq tl em a lit little,tl them thhe In al: di.3,1,3M of Ss ine, soil, a+ Connll., ricers in the Luna-, or, &c., Mu artn...o V:1.1 n o t a s a Ling. .4. By patting t 4' ; . = one-half a p r • +zraser to a paper in it barrel of swill the above dis ..: .os will be eradialted _ "t.+ - or entirely pnvent.,l If given in t, me, a cc-ta,n prertsatii o aad taro far tic 110,4 Prica.2s Cant 3 'per Paper, o ri Papers far CL Pr.rpellED LY S. A. a'OUTZ & nno., AT THEM WHOLES ILE DREG AND MEillfr:F, DEPOT. No. 116 Frarunin St., Baltimore, NI For Salu • fip Drnggiqts and riturt.:“.per. C.rougli• out 'the Baited Saab. Far sulk. b' A. 1). Buehler. G qtysluirz LAti ; eilin Id, Wheeling, ; C Bender & C..., Pik-burg; John -3..)u, kullum9 & Cutr•leu, Dee. 17, Iz,re.',. ly G2S. 1 1'13.* 628. NTEW , SPRIN rYLES, "Our own make," 111• W .1111 I.II,ICALIC 4;ZO, sit le and sii.ine of PlOn AO Trail lIIIOP SkIRTS,— 21, 2";. 3] an I 4 yl(Il ronwt. every .144 $14:1 W Ikt ; in every r( -41 , ..t Ft: , t Q t kitty. and el l eel 11:r ad•lpleti to meet of htr,l Clitz and Itio+t tabionable Trt.l.•. "Our own ill Ike" or iroop Skirt.,are 11-Atter, more elastic, !twee flue ,ble, and 1,1,1i1y C a eat). er than any oilier :11 ;!:.. either 6iit le or 1 Double Spritie z-hirt in the A at( 11 rht t They nre tow rr.•hted in every I P. 1 ,1•1 ;,I and wherever iutr-iiinted give unite:sal intistne tion. They ore now being extensively; sold by 11,, , ailorii, and ererr Lad) otioulil try ilt to. AA rtif q/0111(131,' OWII M•llse," :111:1 f.P4 slits eitazdiiit iiit.tuipe I ^W. T.(7 , 3PK1N5,,1,“, - - uflturfrer, tlld Arch Street, Philalel i ihi.t." No ushers ore (eonine. A catolzgue eon. utininic Style, Site nod Retail l'riee,„, sent to nay nd ire.s. A uniform itpd fiber ii Discount allowed to Dirtlero. order., b, mail or other wise, promptly and ctretully 61led-ICh3le -Blits and Itetitil, at 31,inufActury and hitlei rWOure, No. 42•3 Arch Street, Phil tdell.b il. Skirts ovule to order, altured and repaired. Tk.ft3.lS, NET CASH. ONE l'ilfilli ttNI.T. ... W.ll. T. 110L'hINS. March 11, 1367. .10111 New Saddler Shop, r't'l "the [tilt," Baliittorr Birect. fletlysi k 1)4'7, P.l.—t,' ,, optuutly on bond, or wade to order, k nif• of RIUINL: SAT/DLL:I 4 , WAGON SA lIAC.VMSR, Dlt.tt7ollT-.11.0tNE.34, ' • MIAS' f BRIDLES. . • BLIND BRIDLES, GOL,I,Aft-f • FLY•S'ETS, se low - es the loweet. , " J. M. ROWS March 4; t GT. tf New Lumber Yard. T"on& n lire . opened a UNSER, YARD, on the' Railroad, near Onion & Reilly'd Lime Kilns, Gettysburg, and asks the public to give him a call. His asso:tment ii one of the best ever offered here, and his pd. ces afford only the smallest living profit. He bag WHITE PINE PLANK, inch and !wit inch BOARDS, FLOORING, PAL/NUS, de.' *c., and is constantly adding to his stock. Come and examine for yourselves. JACOB BINADS. Oct. 454 1866. tf Coal and Lumber, CIF every Variety, st t he Yard of.- 0. H. BUIIBLICR, ei. 18. Cir. Carlisle and Railroq,d - • - AISTS fvr sale at e , ROW* Woo4lli 4' 1E KAI V I s xy,p 134 icrg.c.rvo sjt.U U I I : op Till 4 ' Protozido of Iron, - n avrAigiovary is owdiciae which ‘• Srltllfgel -AT 'lila *nor 01P DISIS.I-iff; • by supplying the Blood with its iTrAL raiNcirLe,oll4,llll MAIO:NT—IRON. • This is the secret of Me Wonderful success of Ors vaiseily hi caring DY3PEPSll,„ttrVillt DROP. y, trlTAriitliCE.l, BOILS, Xerv.mi 'Air•ctions, Ciills end Vii eers Humors, Loss of Onne uonai Vigor, Diseme of:the , - 115kine#e and Bladder, • In Complaints, an d xli - 4flimalo•N originating in-, A' 941tviiTATII OP Tali 117,010, ')r accorniotoicd t y ntatILTTV, ur a Loa' BIATII Brion; fren from alcohol in nny i orm, its elivrßiziog e:Trets iro,not I. by cio•rt I. poioliug re.istion, hot are porn %tient, till ' usuiz stri 112 Vi,tvr nudr nmr Ittr min Al parts of tLn tit - ten, and building up au !RUN CON. STE r lON. • L, - ,•~ . -~ ~~ DY.SPWSIA AND [ATIMITY. Fists lie Venerable Archdeacon Scott; L. D. Uosffaat r Ceaada-Itiino , t,ll•irrie 24,1005. *-• "1 mu rin.inveterate'DyNpeptie o to )re than 25 years' standlig.'! * * * I . have been so - .wonder:oly benefitted in the three short weeks darine: whit) I Lave used the Peruvian Sjrup, that I can-svareely pereuninmya.lfof the reality. People t. ho hate known ine,iire of the change. J tan widely known, dud can bat rientzintenif to otti era that, which ILLs dune HO lunt.h lor Inc." tine of the trmit DI iTIN(WISIIED Xsw Engl Ind writes to a filead ad follows : , 1 tried the PERUVIAN SVP.UP..AtoI the twilit fully iiiibtailli• . yotte preelelioll. It liar n, , IC n NNW /I 1,,b; of mei lutusbd into ley 91.,telst 111/101y/WOl* PLlPrgy ; 1 14 to no tr. mulutt4 sod Ambit' tot • os when you ;en 683" me, but stloofrer, heartier, and ohh hr. ger - e.timpay for labor, meow] Int pityst cot, 11/ any time diir-inz the h s t fl i e r y esrs ." ..... . ..... n EVINIOII' 111 lioaton , x,tvu: Imre been using the PERUVIAN :SITUP le tune pitt.t; it give 3 new vigur, \of etilritb, elaricity 01 muscle." - Mtn lIIETZ V-31P.T11005, 7 % NDS Ivan been ehnnged by saethr • ;;f 'tali re m•aly ; Irons wrniz, welly, rin ,r t•at I es, to strong, lira I I hy, am happy ni awl to ; and van n ot re.tion thly ttu give It trml. A pamphlet of 31 p t•rrti9- Cltr3ofearnslinlrccommelgition, from r. , 1110. of the most rani lent "ph% 444ani, r vr.larn, an 1 oiller4, Will ha 4ent Pang ter,nny UV stt; earlt hurtle lins IqX,l; 1.%N . SYlijl' blown in tile gla, , J. , _ Ea , lt TI , I.Y • P. llastezfore, I.llsprietor, t 34 Ise) S.:ll,es, New Voris', Lscts isiriwts:lsitratH Ts. ' I All 114.1ire.1 , !111 agree th it ItflNP: is the filiii lilitIlt: ) fur Seri ul tln I dl ttin I rtl dt.trtses ever t 'covered. l'ele it lii has bveu to It l' ec": rt. , ' 4' it. DR 11. ANDRE lODINE W ATER, a P.lre,,i.lutiod of In WLl'll (JUT A :101,1'EAT fl A most Puwieful v zing Agent ti rttive. It wad. cureISCIWI'CI.A. 4u,!1 it tuna+. CiLL7F.II.3, •41 . 14.11L1 • ant it -h•ti be.!:l w.t t tv,nni 41' 1.1 C t3ei nt IteCU II .t , 3113, t tloni:)l4tut.i, lle .rt, ,tkty I), xe Se.' I IC.I trill I.e grilt "..‘s:: to nny addre•s. Peiee SI.Uo :t bottle, .or d for $5.0 ( 1. Pr. p tted by Dr. IT A 'Ct and J. P. Dthoznorr. 3:1 9ry Street. Niriv Turk, WILD 17, H E WIT!! Tin:.1l7001: . 41 ~1 :11%0 ean . 4 l, .‘, Culd4, .rwtio.ll._Soro 111- 114-nz t, %Vila ..oing 0.11211. Coon'', Lit it Co nol Coo, Br PII. hii id, DlfliC , ill.l of lire.a.onot, ever y aft .o.doo of TUi Tall:J.ll', .1N1) CUCtT. carrio, %allot, Elvin nny other lin:II-4.6 skill id the 04. to gr,:.tter &tent roan .t.ty other !milady, orti.n Ta• 'NM; 11F.AIT:1)Y N hen all o prove tofiffeetool. AS A lIEDICIXF., rapid In felief, soothing zu cifin.:t, side in Its all;lio as a preparati 'mare.. from lioxitm in. trre pole ma or m nerd.; uniting. 401 i.•iet.ea nmi tue,lic.ll knowledge ; All that is valuable in OP. rezetAle kisil;Llum tut this etAgs of disease, it is INOOIIPAIIAIrf..I3.I and is eittilled to; merits ai.d recet%ei; the gen eral coati 1.4, , e0t the H.:1'110171: ill ATI3II:N. M: D., of Ilerm.ta, S. V., ivri , e. :1A ,4 11 . 1..trAu i 41.6 1)I or WII.D CLIEII.IIY gives uttiv..reai salidlne:ioll. I; oeu.ltsln tine q Con; 1t hr loo•eaing at d tI. itui , ing the lua;rg, and all v......1v/ViNtii Tlll4 c kyle, ',lo3te.ttl of I.l . )ing nn 'Le cough mot le thing tilt. r ta,e I &alto'. I roa,i•ler the ILL'. emu ai - Ally, It nut tau he,t, Cough tne , ficitt.• with whteh I am I,•rittainted." The Her. .1.1."0!1 SElli!,Elt, Ilano‘e•, P.L., well kuo.v3 rovecteil amorlZ fire (;-rin ut poi).iktom or tOi-1 oiahes t tolluAiog aleleutent lur tha,Leraulit of the nfthoed: • Dear Sin:—`Taving rell'zed in toty'rnmily important benefits 11 , •m the olyour Taloa- Lif• preparail, , n--•WItiTA4'S I,SA II OF ‘VV.t! ifirwis one pionnoro. to renoon:neno.l it to oho public. Some aiglit &to one of fay dougnte,e served to be iu n decline, anti little hopes ul ber recut try were etifertdineil. 1 then pro , tired a borne of your execlient ftelnum, end before ale t ,;:e.r the whole' of ale - cionoente of Chle tottto tie. e wale pre It inorrocentent iii Ificolll.. , I h, J Il ice, in my in llcl,lntll eive, blade NI-trent of tour i ll 1 , 1 tile MAI - One, t e nd h.ive wa, a been benetitteil by It. J ACOB BECILLEa s . Price one dollar n bottle. J. P. Dletmore. 3G Dry Street. New ir•rk‘. Seth W. revile & yrrlprirtera, IDipatim -'" NY ALL 1in1.31(715T5. 4511:311,0 9 N VeleiblFStadlitlitre cures Cu.l,4orAs, SeAds. Grace's Celebrated Salvo cares Vioaa,l4, Bruises, SPsains. Grace's Celebrated Salvo ' • - : calks 'antis, Elders, Grace's Celebrated,tialve cures Sale itheum, Erysipelas. Grace's Celqbrated Solve cans Chaued' Bands, Chilblains Grace's Celebrated &lye heals 014 Sores, Flesh WonAA M It le prompt in , actin!, remove; pain atAnce, and-reduces the midst angry-looking litchi cgs and irflainattiais, as if by magic—thus af fording relief and a complete cure. Only 94 cents A box I (Soul Of 3# casts.) ' ' • - . - far sale by I.*. NIN9NORN: lifej street, New York, B. W. FOWLS A BUN, Proprietors Boston; and by all Druggists, Grocers, .asti Ooiwitry Stores. ,t 1 I.6)st. hilt la, ISO. ly n • r i • To l v . I= SCROFUL I. (it etlll.,t. 1 , , et it It t i.t: It Y I= WInT.tIV.4 n.17,. - 4 131 H iteKNT (13K ia IItLY ‘T,F .1 i; MAW op, ralion t parr IS UNSUSPASSL E=i9 E nd Restu- m ani old s SA LT kJIIIMI i‘ir