Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, May 06, 1867, Image 2

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may Mornlnc. May 11, ISM
- I Reten'T-live woman were recently'
been In Caihnur., Gordon county, Geor
p, who kad walked ten nines for food
. their starving children.
1 It Is said that the;"loyal league" of
Thiladelpisia has driven Southern trade
entire'' , aitay froin that city, by its-Di
anne sad Inhuman course towards the
*Other% 'people.
At the late charter election in Little
ails, N. Y., the Democrats elected their
' Whet by a majority of 14d. 'this is the
t time that the De/wrath; have gain,
.e'd a.4l.lotary 4n
,14 wk., Vol 41 in id years,
.and the event, tiscreAsre causes no little
laloloingiwas lig the tried and true dated
*dare of Deusoeratio principles. ,
~ .
I t t,•-. Rt. Anthony, Minnesota, gees Den
'ci etatic with a gain ; so does Red Wang
ity, with a gain of 211 ; 148 does Manias.
• 'co, also with gains. 'rho Northwest is
ttiogyont of the darkness of the Radt
' I wilderness: _ -
. The :Rostra: Poet says we no longer
far absiit, the necessity of the last dol
e'. beilikg 'given to support the Govern
er& People are not so food of taxa
fah 'ais they were.
1 .
The Tribune,Says that "Tiegrn eman
!patina is still-the main issue." Yes,
the Mongrel side, and cni the Demo•
atie slue tuAile eulaste4pativa is the is-
....Grorgia_eortesposidetit aayslie lately
aw wort* of white, wonien hi the fields
f “eorgia. Tennessee and ,Virginia,
fling for bread.. ICiiwbere did he see
egru woinea, who, theugla poor as the
hites, koee,lll to hays got above work..
The gortherners ;We are mow-over
nning tke Swath Anstrueting the ne
roes :how to vote birfong to a class who
good cant duriag the war, to keep
ar enough away from Dille. The real
ghttng men of the war have tin +waive
iy with that tilatia of "patriots." -
--,- A. W. Benerliot, late Clerk of the
1 ohee id Harrisburg, diled,at Hunting
mil, yesterday &atoning week, of trysip
— . The State Controller of New York
nnounces officislly that the Legishi.-
are, just adjourned, has inere,sLd the
ate of taxation from four to seven dol
ma on the hundred of valuation for the
iirrent year. If property in New York
Wad at anything near its true value,
t tax is more than the property can be
male to earn. .110 w much longer will
usible men support this party.
*The Great Powers' seem deter
, trim& that wur shall not take place be
tween France and - Prussiaon the Lux
emburg question. Queen Victoria has
proposed a Uotigrest3 of European powers
to be held in London fur the purpose
of adJumtlfig Matfers on a basis of a
neutralization of -the Duchy, and It Is
ated that both France and Prussia have
greed to the meeting and the proposition.
he arrangement of We details, however,
11l be attended with Nome difficulty, as
tit Napoleon and BiamarclF will be
nzious to get the best of the bargain.
the English movement, while it does
ot make war an impossibilliy, is well
aleulated to heal the breach between
, mpcs'and Prussia, or, at least, allow
them an opportunity to occupy other
rounds on the vexed and disputed issue.
he" meeting of Congress is fixed for
ay, and, it is likely all the Great Pow
re will be represented.
The New York Vection.—The New
irork Times, Republican, speaks as fol
lows of the recent election for delegates
:a Constitutional Convention In that
I The election return! - show clearly
enough that the Democrats made no ef
fort to carry: the constitutional conven
ion.. They were more than willing that
it should be in the hands of the Republi-
Can party. :No party ever yte made it
elf any sfrOpper by ,takinglhe responsl
ility of a ;new ,constitution upon its
boulders, ne matter tiow good it may be;
hqt It is quite possible that one may be
de so certain to encolunter public hos
tility as to, strengthen the party which
tikes' ground against it, at the polls.
This Menke the Democrats have reserv.
ed for themselves ; while the Republi
ans, as the party which makes it, are
i. , oinuiltted Ia thesupport of
t )
yky constitution which may be framed.
n a party point of view the Democrats
eve clearly the strongest position.
-1' The (Mod Time Coming.—The Wash
ington Infr(kit-weer in a leading edito
kit iitys.—"The result in Connecticut
indicates a reaction against the Radicals,
hich will carry New York, Pennsyl
vania, New Jersey, Tenndsee and Ore
gon; that these States, with Connecticut,
peleware, Maryland, and Kentucky,
give the conservatives one hundred
-and six„votes in the next Electoral Col
lege at least, against one hundred and
lnrty-one for the Radicali. It 'thinks
California, Nevada, Nebraska, New
'Hampshire, and possibly Indiana, may
also be carried Against the Radicals by
udicious- management, which would
'give the next Presidency to the comer
tatives. aver' if the Southern Stites are
not allowed to vote."
1:1111he. following picture or the Bad-
Sail party is from the pencil of ,Rev.
'Henry Ward Beecher. The likeness is
The - rletlP at 'Washington and Albany
sold' thfflr country; they sold their liu
inanity and their norior, and the trusts,
'that were put upon thPria by their eonstbi'
tuents. They were debauchers - of the
Jiroung • they were the traitors ; they that
ifted the sword were not half so much
traitors ;Ihey that despoiled the Old hoa
rier and trod it under foot; they Pule Itr
md upon the government of tite,,Ul3tted
4Yates were not so-much traitors a s were
l ams verntin who were crawling' 'wider
the foundations and deidroying, by cot
,ruption this vital power of the govern-
H earwei l may the whliorn leader of tbe
Destractives, looking at the signs of the
times,}►tonounce his ."the dommid par-
WhOm the gods Would ilestroy
they first make mad; and this tails trus
of parties es individuals. . All tbje signs
',indicate that the day of judgmclut has
, c , ospe for crazy ltdiealisiri. Its leaders
- see it. Like tenants those teasels about
:to expire, they are wasting and pillaging
the premises they will he forced to quit,
It is 'fa doomed party. "
. far NeW 'York Tritneis thinks the
Vann otoMee hill will have to be re
pealed, 4i It tt omitting I nextricabte con
tuatara, Oil retarding the business of
Aoyttiquent. The same may, be said or
alouist all the Radical legislation, which.
,1!1 : rqu4e up of mere crazy whims had
- .sdret*toolared.inen's argon of Ober
-Isston, South Carotins, denounces North•
ern selVoutunto.
Whatever othe —"P r WO . bit la
at our doors, Realm hi truthfully 41e. 1
Hied that during the lotig series of years
in which the Federal angtotity was ad- .
ministered byAltemocistic hands, the
Constitution, ftws, anti rights of the peo
ple were sacredly respected. The bur
dens and blesrings occasioned by govern
ment were equally distributed, ant the
people were prappeioue anti happy. A
change n'as demanded by the Republi- .
cans, on the grotind that they would
multiply these blessiugsand increase our
happiness. What has been the resOlt?
Hive the ConstltUtion and laws been
better obeyed, the rights- of the people
more respected, or the burdens and bles- ;
sings more equally distributed, or the
4eople made more prosperous and hap.;
py? Although many have been made
rich under government-contracts, have
the masks: Who:provide the money, in
any degree profited by, the . change ? It is'
true that slavery ihas been abitilehed, and ;
it is also true, that one-third of the slaves
themselves havefbeen abolished, 'and are
dead and gone. But this abolition of,
slavery, thus made legal and binding,
was the work of the slave State*, as such,
anima that of the Republicans. They
voted for this, as one means ef atoning,
fur the sin of their ry:bellion, ono of
the nature/ fruitil of the principles avow-!
ed by the Republicans when they came in
power. They designedly provoked, and i
brought on the rebellion, which the Do
rnoeracy equally assisted in putting down;
while the Republicans reaped rich har
vests out of it, though the history of
their unexampled extravagance is now
fully admitted, and we have an rick no•wl
edged national debt of about $3,0 , 10,000. -
000, and there are outstanding claims to
near the same amount which time will ,
ripen and compel us to ackii - 41edge and
pay. No one now living will see these
debts all paid. Ads these obligations a I
In Mr. Bueltanan's time our yearly •
expenses were about $30,000,000. They
are now, iu time of peace, near or quite'
* 1 200,000,000 for ordinary expenses, and
over $180,011,0J0 for interest money,
mostly paid in gad, which is always at
a large premium over the irredeetuable l ,
paper which the Republicans brought ,
into existence. Our present annual ex-1
poises than run up to about M 0,0110,000 .1
Is this a public blessing? Everything is
so taxed that we are compelled to pny
double prices. Are the co s i/sumer* lone
fitted by this? The Republieuns have
more than doubled the pay of Congress
men; have nearly doubled the number
of public officers, and almost doubled
their compel/motif/11. Is this advanta
geous to the people ? Do they profit by the
Congressional , traveling committees and
extra sessions? Ate public officers more
vigilant and energetic? Do they steal
and chest less? Has it Increased the
'happiness of the people to deprive the
States of their authority 1;) control the
right of suffrage, of erectin and control
ling the moseyed corporations within
their borders, and seekingl justice at the
hands of their own Judiciary? They
have extinguished ten Sta.tes; and sub
jectedthemito the will of military power,
and the civil authorities of We States
have been forced, in some cases, to yield
to the dictation of the bayonets, thus
stripping them of all their rights and
privileges. Does this make the people
more prosiPerous and happy? What cotT
stitutiona4 power is left free to ti'M
States? Who ran tell when Pennsylva
nia, equagy liable to be brought inns
subjection, 'may become a victim to thia
rule of usurpation and hatred? Are ot4r
citizens preparedtamely to submit? Will
.any sane Man pretend that the people cif
the Union, are made more prosperous
and happy by the ascendency of RePub
-1 licanism.—Erie Observer.
*zinced Ittnispede en Ml', Ohl* Negro.
lintreage Aptendutent.
The negro•suirrage giving and white
disfranchising amendment proposed to
the people of Ohio by the 'Radical Leg
islature meets with unexpectedtpposi
tion in various parts of that State. The
latest, and not the least, of these surpri
ses to the party leaders comes from, the
Cinciunati Commercial, a leading Repub
lican organ in the West. The Cincinna
ti Enquirer thus notices the back-down :
The Commercial yesterday had an as
tonishment for its readers. This was no
less than an article "backing down," or
"backing out" from all its previous joo
eitions in favor of the proposed Ohio
Constitutional amendment, which it now
flatly Apposes.
New and overpowering light has sud
denly broken in upon the darkened vi
sion of the Cbmmercia/. It has jest dis
covered that the amendment disfl-anchi
sea the negro., Onr contemporary, al
though still professing a great desire to
have.the pleasure of walking to the polls
in company with the gentleman from
Africa, yet thinks that we are purchas
ing the negro's company rather too dear
ly. It hi not willing to put a bar up that
will prevent five white men from getting
to the ballot-box in order that one negro
may slip under said bar and vote, It is
a question of numbers with our neigh
bor. It is entirely a mercantile-transac
tion. Wheu he though.., that there was
only one or two white men disfranchised
for every negro enfranchised tinder the
Howe's SEver:vo IiACITINES.—About
amendment, he was for it; but the die
twenty years ago, Mr. Elias Howe, Jr.',
fratichisement of five to one he thinks is
rather too strong a dose. I discovered the principle which is still
The word is therefore given to halt— the basis of all Sewing Machines; and
to take the babk track, and make a retro- since that time (184 n,) he has been con
grade movement. This word Is thus
his Sewing
passed to 018 Radical army by our eon-
stantly engaged in perfecting
temporary I Machine, and adapting it to all kinds of
"Without going into further details at work, that he is now enabled to furnish
present, or making inquiry whether er "' a machine that is distinguished from, all
ery principle of sound policy is not virile,-,
ted by going back now to visit military others by the simplicity, beauty and du
offenses with punishments which were rahility of its stitch, and which obtained
not threatened or contemplated at the the flret prize in the International Exht
time the offense was committed7and. baton in London in 1e.02. The Howe
this is a point to be seriously consi6ered Machine Companßridgeport, —we inquire, what will be the effect of y, to
the amendment if adopted? Are the, nectiout, has been organized to manu
people of Ohio ready to disfranchise fire firture these' sewing machines, tinder for every black entranohised? the immediate supervislvp Of 14 1 4/0 Howe,
Taking the (Testa, table of IS6O, we find
that there was then a black population Jr.. thll ) lilventar. They are
of 3e,653 persona - in Ohio. Allowing.lideptall to the sawing of the most deli
one-sixth us the population of yetere, We cate fabrib, as well as the heaviest heath
have 6,172 and deducting from this num
ern work, and die Pew that is made by
her one-third aii,liaying a visible minus- ture of African blood, and cousequenti,y them never rips or revel 4. There are Pa
voters now, there remain 4,074 who many tam to which thls excellent Wee
would be enfranchised, According to of meclianit4p can imp put, that it is the
time Provost Marshal's books there are
24,000 Ohio soldiersetill charged withdo- int°llot eve ramilY and turer rnuilleilC•
sertion, who will be disfranchised under make tits of It. .
the amendment, This, then, is the pow- Messrs, Sibley It Stoops, it,T2 Chestnnt
tical effect of the amendment, tinkered Stieet, are the sole agents
and botched into ita nreSent th e for Eastern reonsYlvaitlii, New Jersey
Legislature either too timid to mecti
and Delaware, They offer a splendid
mitre:tee question scjesrely, or Insinilare
ill its pro.essimis 01 desire to enfranchise chance to all who wish to establish age!).
the few blacks in Ohio. When tile pen. cies in the ciiitt•rent coentleitaind totem',
pie come to understand the bearing.
the amendment, and time injustice it veil AU communications to • Mit Mbet.
Work to thousands of mien woo .were In receive prompt attention, '-
the army; they wUI put it under - their April 1: *in • '
•' There There ate 800,001) mu, sualOalbell
Ilea 14 the Vtateki Otxta.
1 14 - Gold 1# 100040 188 a
- 0 A 11113miwircs DODINIL - ''. ''': k N AND COO FTAIRS... I
„,..-_, , e , ...a..... . ..,
vile mittioniritpeteovh sityi! rsik—The Act of 34a ~i s ; idle
t*Thilidllotie emu* Republican einh.
.2) per eent. to the fees ott - 1111"Protheino-' ".
tingly'deciaires that in the most trying
cittnimiglis of the war, John W. Geary bales, Clerks of the Cotarts t Registers,
was one of - tbe few commanders who' and Sheriffs, was re-enati4;ed and conttn- t
never tasted - liquor. it is, therefore ' te r ). - mod for another year by the last Legialu-
for bite to make temperance the nue
of the Cervernor's mansion tare.
at Harris-
burg." ; The new fee bill which passed the
We do not know how true the twser-
Houk, was defeated is the Senate,
tion may be that Geary carried nothing _ -
to screw his courage up during I.lid Clllll.l
NTT. I). Carson, Esq., - having resign
paigns at finiekersville and elsewhere; ~.._ •
put we — do• remember of reading in a eu the CeehierehtP" the Oett3'ehtlTTN, a
prominent Republican newspaper an Bona! Bank, removed to Phlladelphia on
account of his appearance at Erie dur- Wednesday last. The best wishes of our
tog the political campaign of last fall. 1
citizens go' with him.
We were particularly struck by a pare- 1
graph describing the attitudes and utter -' The President, Mr. Swope, and the
dnces of this apostle of temperance be- I Teller, Mr. Bear, are now running the
old Bank, and are doing it very well
fore a large assemblage of Germans in a
beer garden of that city. Elevated on a indeed,
chair, with a glass of the foaming b.ver-
age hi his sword hand, he exclaimed :
"My friends I will give you a senti
ment. (Cries of hear, hear.; The Irish
man likes his whiskey and the German
likes his lager. That is iny, sentiment.
And the gt!urses clicked around, and
they all shouted "Bully for der Gearyi."
Since the temperance agitation has
begun to create much excitement, the
Governor has forgotten the eloquently
woriled he ntime n t. he uttered at Erie,
and has "gone back on" his Irish and
German friends. The truth is, Geary is
the smallest kind .nf a humbug, and
eagerly seizes upon anything of which
he can make'a little clap-trap notoriety.
That is why hi is now corning the tem
perancie dodge.—Lancuster Ltielligencer.
B S.LTIMORE, May 1. —The election to
day, for Judge and Clerk of the new City
Court, ,passed otr quietly. The aggregate
vote is smaller than was anticipated
from the ribportance of the matter. The
result is as follows: Scott and Ueorge,
Conservative Democrats, 11,317: Kenly
and Ken ward, Radical Republicans, 4,5i7;
Johnson and Lyneh, Conservative
publtcuns, 1,9d0.
burg News says that one day last N 4 efk
Mr. Benjamin Alienist', resitting In Ldr
gan township, Franklin county, attempt
ed to cornin i told:. by hanging h I mstf f.
When found hanging in an upper apalt
ment, it was thought life was extinct.
The rope around his neck was imme
diately cut, and measures taken to re
store life, and to the surprise of all pres
ent, he soon recovered. He is now
living, but asserts that he will yet
accomplish his purpose of putting an end
to hie li.e. Heretofore Mr. A. bait main
tained the reputation of an upright and
sensible citizen, and no cause eau be
assigned for his present unfortunate
,Pardons.—According to a return made
by the Attorney General of the pardons
of Southern men and the persons who
recommended them, it appears that the
chief recommender of pardons was A. J.
Hamilton,pf Texas, whose name appears
as an endorser of no less than 525 par
doned rebels. Next comes Gov. W. G.
Brownlow, of Tennessee, who recom
mended 263 ; next, Gov. Wells, oFLouis-
Jana, 256. Gov. Murphy, of Arkansas.,
recommended 125; the President order
tiered the pardons of 121; Gov. Bram
late, of Kentucky, recommended 64;
Gov. Fletcher, of Missouri, 48; Gover
nor laradford, of Maryland, 95 ; Gover
nor Marvini of Florida, 97, And Austin
A. King, of Missouri, 65. From the re
port it see:os that neither party can
claim a mo opoly of the pardon recom
mendations, fur men of the one party
have been quite as anxious to get rebels
pardoned as men of the other.--fhect.
An Electioneering Thur.—Several Rad,
teal Senators have got it Into their heads
to make an electioneering tour in the
South this summer, and, we are told;
they will be joined by some of their
friends from the other Rouse, who, like
themselves, are anxious to inform the
colored loyalists how to vote under the
five monarchy bill, for delegates to con:
ventious, itc. Two or three mouths ago,
it will be remembered, the same men de
clared that the negroes were all loyal,
arid would be sure to vote the Radical
ticket. Now there apilt , ara to be some
doubt about it.—.N. Y. Express.
Since the invention and aucceeaful In
troduction of the celebrated Duplex El
liptic (or double) Spring Hoop Skirt, by
Mr. J. W. Bradley, of New York, the
ladies throughout the country have given
up the idea of discarding the fashion of
wearing hoop skirts on account of the
peculiar and graceful manner in which
the Duplex Skirts adapt themselves to
every exigency and emergency. kip gen
erally acceptable have these skirts be
come that the ladies regard them as a
special favorite, in view of the superior
k lexibilty, Lightness • and Durability
Combined in their Manufacture. They
also consider them a far more Economi
cal and Comfortable Hoop. Skirt than
ever has or can be made for all Crowded
Assemblies, for the Promenade or House
Dress. Any lady after wearing one of
these Skirts - will never afterwards wil
lingly dispense with their use. Long ex
perience in the manufacture of Hoop
Skirts, has proven to the proprietors of
this invention, that Single-springs will
always retain that stiff, unyielding and
bungling style which has ever character
ized them, whereas the Double Spring
Hoop or the Duplex Elliptic, will he
found free from these objections. Not
withstanding the ability of the mann foe
turersi, Messrs. Welts, Bradley Cary,
to turn out over six thousand Skirts per
day from their Large Itlanufactoriee in
New York, they feel obliged to request
all merchants ordering the Duplex Ellip
tic Skirts, to send their orders a few days
before they are wanted, if possible, m
they are most cuostantly oversold some
days ahead.
StirWe are requested to state that the
lecture of Mr. Colfax will be delivered
in the College Church, on Thursday eve
ning, next, at 7} o'clock, Tickets, 50
cents for single person ; $1 for one gen.-
tienian and two ladies, to be had at
Buehler's and Horner's Drug Stores.
for the formation of a Building Associa
tion was held in the Arbitration Room,
In the Court-house, on Saturday evening
week. , Quito a number subscribed to the
stock, and the enterprise will no doubt
prove a thorough suCcess.
RAILROAD.—The Commissioners of the
contemplated Railroad from Frederick to
Littlostown, give notice that they will
sit at Frederick, Walketsville, Woods
boro', Middleburg , and Taueytown, ml 2londay, the 20th of May inst., to receive
subscriptiods to the stock of said Compa
ny. The capital is to be $1,000,000, in
shares of $5O. As soon as one thousand
shares are taken, the subscribers shall be
incorporated. Much interest is felt in
the work, and t is hoped that early suc
cess will attend it.
J . S. Taughinbaugh has purchased
a house and lot of Solomon Chroutster,
in H-ainpton, for $3,000 cash.
FARM GATE.—A patent for a Farm
Gate has just been issued to Messrs. E.
Roth and 0. Shane, of New Oxford, this
county. The gate is said to operate ou
au - entirely new principle, uud Is highly
spoken of.
ImPoitn:u.—The first invoice of Coro
won or "CC" Ware imported by us has
arrived and Is on our shelves. Please
call and see its superior quality and learn
prices. We will shortly be in receipt of
two invoices of line Iron-stone Ware of
our own Importation. Win. Blair is
Son, Wholesale and Retail Grocers &
Queensware Merchants, South glad, Car
lisle, Pa. ' 2t
Emir Capt. Norris has just returned
from the city with a large and varied as
sortment of Spring and Summer Cloth
ing, of the latest patterns and 'styles. He
has also laid in $ large supply of Hats of
the latest fashions—silk, fur, wool, and
straw hats—for men and boys. Now is
the time to buy your summer.goods and
Norris' Is the place to get them.
seen by reference to Henry Thomas ek,
Son's advertisement of Hubbards Self
rak ing Reaper and Mower, that this ma
chine possesses singular advantages
over all other Self-rakers. The driver
can regulate the size of the sheaf, and at
the same time, if the grain stands regular,
the Rake will make a sheaf each revolu
tion without any aid from the driver, by
simply changing a single bolt. Another
advantage is that it will throw oats in a
swath or in sheaves. While this ma
chine possesses these atiVantages over all
others, the cost is very little more.
VER has the largest Sky-light in the
State, and is now making some of the
finest pictures in this country. Try it,
and be convinced.
IRON ORE.—The•Local of the 171anoter
Spectator, a few days since, paid aNisit
to the extensive Iron 'ore mines on the
farrns of Mrs. Sterner and Enoch Lefe
ver, in Germany township; this county,
about 5 miles from Hanover. He says
they are worked respectively by the
Wrighatville Mining Company and the
Ashland Company, and that the ore ta
ken from them is very rich, yielding a
large percentage- of first quality iron.
About 20 tons of ore per day are taken
from the principal mine of the wrighta
ville which will shortly be in
creased to 50 tons a day.
SUDDEN DEATIL—We learn from the
Hanover Citizen that Mr. Andrew Lau,
of Oxford tovinstdpflthis county,.died
Very suddenly, on Thursday week, of ap
plexy. Ills age was about 66 years.
canENT.—A short time ago, Mr. Da
vid Brown, whilst engaged in his mill
during the night, in.Hamllton township,
Adams county, laboring under the im
pression that he was in the lower•story„
stepped out of the outer door of the sec
ond story of the mill and fell to the
ground below. He was picked up, some
time after In an insensible condition and
taken to his residence, where immedi
ate medical aid was procured. He Is
now doing as ,well as could be expected.
—Hanover Citizen.
AlcontElt.*—On Friday last, Mr. Mai
Helsel. near East Beriln, Adams county,
met with a serious aeUident, in his mill,
whilst engaged in grinding Plaster of
Paris. Whiist engaged in the lower
port of the mi/l, a large lump of plaster
fell from the hopper ataiVe, 14r110pg Mr.
H., on the bead, and gutting and bruis
ing hla head very severely, Re is doing
Am!, AstrruEn.=—Mr, Frederick Lahr,
of Conowago township, Adams comity,
last week, Ifes engaged At stopping
wood a short distance from Ms house,
nr,l, by Pomo Mistake, opt his foot so se
verely that hlt, lifg was in eminent dan
ger frog} e x cessive Wording. He was
taken CS his dwelling on a hots°, and
through the aid of friends and the fami
ly his life was preserved. He is doing
tolerable well, though the font is very
Pir"Delay not till to• Morrow whet
should be done to-dtty," Cure that cough
before it ii forever too bite, One bottle
of Coe's Cough Ihtlsant will cure, It la
agreeable, cheep end efreettud , pelvic
are dangerous. A word to the whi t )
athelent. •
ter Nibiegfect ter the comitimpt 1
_^7x..r. , -
- . , -.. A, • la -
filititeports. -.-: I , ,-: -- - a evir iniw. x tore •
, _ IN NEW 'O. i ORD.
O**TT Ykio 110 e .........
~, ••• 0 1 ,7 1 r; TIM o.diptslivied has opliimpai a Drug Store
RIM r ' - ' 3.230 20) Jo New ()staid, Adams !aunty, and 36-
NV HITE it'H T, -, - -
logo wmgAt. -, . - - ',, 3lise 2 30 speLttully call. the etteutioo of the public to
2 Of
ItTE -.. ' 119 hie ',loch of
v.vrs too PAIN IS,
, "
- - 0 0 70 1 WLS
. . 15 ho 30 St et)
• - 6
- 11 191 1:25
- 300 4 355
• 1 )N 179
- 1.29 4 Ist
• 75 to 214
10 30 4 II 5 "
• 9 5 9 ca 973
. 84 oti37 V:
tfi. ( 43. 4
2 , 3 4 223
FLOCH -- --
- -
O.N. • -
110(03, T bomL ~ -
BEEF CA TT Lk., T hund.,
HAY, - -
CU/VERSE - ED, - -
C 211211
(lit the Zle it the bride's msblenet•.by Rev.
1). H. Blackwelder. Mr. JOHN CLISE, of 11.
null en township to Mrs. E.L.ILAI3I:I',I FF
.:VAN, of Huntington township. this county.
On the 30th ult.. at, York sprtots, by the ettnr,
Mr. A. F. LINA 11 to Ws.% kthill.:. C. WEL,.
WAIL, boat of Tylone to suahlp, 11114 couuty,
Otl the27th ult., In Cumberland township. JO
SEPH EDWARD, son of Ge-mge and Catharine
llemler, aged V months and 27 days.
On the :Nth alt., near New Oxford, Mr. AN
DREW WOLF, hr., aged aU years 1 month and 10
On the 39th UR, near Abhottatown, JAMF'S
BUCHANAN RAKER, agod 10 yews 11 mouths
and 11 days.
Ou the 10th ult.. near Lower Dorm ud lan Ch ureh,
CItItIKTIANA, Infant daughtor ut Potcr Hart-
Intuit, aged 2 yours and G days.
Ou [no *.Ntni ult., In York county, LF.WIS CAL•
VIN, Infant son of Mr. Jacob Hinkle, aged 1
year stud, days..
Special Notice Calumn.
The FrousoboUrs . frlcmd
The mere fact that Idadwity's Ready Relief can
tie used for so rnanygorxt purposes, In simply the
resion wily It can be found lu oltnunt every
household. A few drops, taken in water ore tax
atmerior, to tuuuy people, as a beverage, to the
thonson.l-anii-one nostrum hitteti thrust upon
an intelligent community, which, taken too of
ten, will surely kill. Ai a tonic, tuouy prefer the
Relief to the bent win.-- ul tters. it Is on agreea
ble stimulant, warms tit. stomach, tones the Llv•
er, I mann tly arrests wit nn, nod si lam,* tuularmus
Invent. Its medicalproperties aro no ordained as
to make It Invaluable the LUOUIC.CIt one is +deiced
with sickness, be It Cholera or Cholera Mortals,
Cholera Asphyalsta, Billion* Colic, Yellow Fe
ver, Ship Fever, Typhoid Fever, Fever and Ague,
Pneumonia, indentation of the Bowels, Swait
Dysenierv, Diarrhoea, Rush of Blood to the
Head, Ate. This invigorant is invaluable In such
eases; aU drops In water, three or live times a day,
when feelingly affected, will save health and life.
In the most severe cases It is au in.d.uttanoous
relief to the sufferer. Always apply nothing else
to Cuts, burns, Bruises, Sprolus, Strums, Scalds,
and for Rheumatintn; se afford immediate re
lief, and consequent en re.
Bold by Druggists. Price 50 cents per bottle.
May 6, 15117. 2w
Thy/ Po=lo of the the Axis!
Tho sharpest observers give it up. People who
uro proverbial for their critical perceptions, are
utterly at fault
can detect any difference between the richest
blacks and browns that Nature has bestowed up
on the hair, and the superb artificial tints con
ferred upon grey, red or auudy hair, by the in
comparable vegetable agent,
(2/t/ ST A DOHlrfl lIAIR DYE,
With the color it imparts lustre, and does not
the flexibility of the fibres. Niatuirse
lured by J. CRISTADOIIO, 6 Astor !louse, Naar
York. Applied by all flair Dressers.
• April 79, DAL 1m
Srandreth`l Milo.
Our theory: Local Maces., whether of the Stom
ach and bowehi, enlargement of the joints, rheu
matic pains, cutaneous eruptions. even dyspeptic
coniplalnta, bolls, or whatever form such local
disease puts on, are so many "ftroois" of a disor
dered state of the blood and bowels, which
correct and cure. Experience and 4000 certia
catea gay this Is so. B. BRAN BRETH.
April 29, BAT. Ina
Ayer , . flifireftpitrllls
IS a concentrated extract of the choice root, so
combined with other substances of still greater
alterative power as to.ssiford an effectual anti
dote for diseases Mars:apartlla is reputed to cure.
Much a remedy is surely wanted by those who
suffer Timm Strnmous complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their core must prove, es
this has, of iinmenne service to this bug, class of
cur afflicted fellow-etilzens. Ilow completely
this compound will do it has been proven by
experfinent on many of the worst cases to be
f f p ol d In the followinrcom relate:- ,
Scrofula, Scrofulous Swelili - 4or and Sores, Slain
Diseases, Pliu;des, Dist ulc c, Blotches. Eruptions,
St. Anthony's Fire. Rose sr Er3 , slpclas, Tel ter or
Salt Rheum, Scald Heal, tiln* Worm, &c,
syphilis or Venerlal Disease is expelled from
the system by the prolonged use of thus Sarsapa
rilla, and the patient is left in comparonvo
Female Diseases are emitted by Scrofula In the
blood, and ore often iiuon cured by this Extract of
Sam:Tortilla. '
Do not discard this Invalnahle melkine,
because you have been Imposed upon by some
thingpretervi ing to he Sarmparilla, while R. was
not. When you have used A YER'S—then, nod
not till then, will you know the virtues of
Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the
diseases it cures, we refer you to Ayers A meriran
Almanac, which the agent below named will
furnish gratis to all who call for it.
A vsa's CATHARTIC PILLS, for the core of
Costiveness, Janndlce, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Dysentery, Pool Stomach. Headache, Piles,
Rheumatism, Rearthurn from Disordered filotn
ache, pain, or Mertvid lnastton of the Bowels,
Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Liver Complaint,
Dropsy, W'orms, 'Neuralgia, and fur a Dinner
They are sugar coated, an that the most Renal t Ire
can take Ilan pleasantly, and they are the hest
aperient In the world for all the purposes of a
family physic.
Prepared by J. f..IYER it. NI., Lowell, Mau.
and sold by h. D. litiEncen, ifettyshurg,
March 11, 1287. 2m •
Thie Inedleirsalowested by Dr. J. IL 8 ortinsoc, of MI6
Ls Wooded to digest.* 14e food sad make II lute
chyme, the ant emcees of digestion. Hy charming the
weenach with Scherek's Mandrake rill; the Tonle soon
renown the appetite, and food that could eel be 'elan before
mint it will be easily digested.
Consumptioa cannot be cored b► Schenck's ?term ate
Syrup unless the stomach and Hirer to mak) healthy and the
muddle reatanot hence the Touts sod PM' are required ta
EGO! crow OW of oxuimption. A hal do= bettlee
the SCAWKED TONIC and three_ or four holies sd the
MANDRAKE PILLS will cure an/ ordinary ease of 4114*-
Dr. Sou ox makor profusion& shim b Now York. Dor.
end si hie prioripii: 011os lo Philadelphia .sirs wool
lii &sly input auk place. or kW paaphist es seloinamp•
floe for his diws for visitaiiin.
Pelee oteerre, when purshaelee, the* ths hro
et the node" one when In the lot stern of Cemeteries",
WA the ether lee be sew le, la perfect health, ars on the Gov.
mimes% warp.
Sold b,-160 Dewlain and Dea'enaiihte lILIC Dee Itektha or
.7.516 the half donee. AU lotus 'or aivee aboard W ati ,
drawl to M. pinimot's Prinepa: Wilco, Me. lb North Oh
area. Phhalc ph4.
Genera: Who eta a Amato: Deem Dame Q Co., N. Y.
N. 8. Saxe Dcalniors, MIL: Jetta D. Parke, Cincinnati
Ohio: Walker it Ta/thr. Litteliet, ra.t CoAlits- Brea, St
Loofa. Igo, flat w. ea. sta. 11*
snow Thy Deut
MADAME F. F. Tllonsros, the great Eng
lish Astrologist, Clairvoyant and Psycholuetrl
elan, who has ustouhhed tho setentllle ctaases of
the Ohl World, tuts how located berselt at liud
non, N. T. Ntatiiiinh Thornton poqsetotes such
wrmlierftil growers ut second might, as to enable her
to Impart knowle go of the greatest importance
to the atugle or mart tell of either sex.\'hlt , in
u trance. she delineates the very features et the
person You are to MP cry. and by the aid of an to
lactitnant of intense power, iinown as the 1 - '1.3 . -
clinniotrope, goomul.( grodyce ifte,htte
plat ore of the (tit urn Itualatoll or wife, of the tlfr
pitaajit, twbt tier Ipltit date of tiorrlage, potill ion
in lire, ler otra traite, or chars r. Tn to no
hutotiott, ew thnlialln(lS of testimonial); can assert.
She wilt send when desired a certificate, or writ.
ten ttliaralttre, that the picture D. what it pterpoi
to fie. Ily encpwing a small loci; of hair, cud
stating place el hirtli, age disposition nod &en -
plea lon, and otielosing tiny t+tits at,d cis tllpwl
envelope addres‘ed to yourself, you will receive
the plclore and deKired Information by rcturn
mall All communications ea.-redly confidential.
A ddreaa It eonrkletitie, MAI3AME E,„
TON P. 0.2 Y(, llotlaun, N. V.
miarch 4, vier. ly
A ton 141417
wititrning to her country home. after a minimum of
n few mouths in the Clly, wits Madly recognized
by her friort", In Mace of a Mall , . T11.9111111119bs
ad face, site had a soft ruby eritdplettion of
outride sintattblystrb Ith.l inste:p of Wen iPtli rep
she really aptlc4rett not eighteen, Upon Inquiry
es to the rause onto great a ehange th e plainly
told them-V.tilha ascii the (AIIRCrtiIAN HALM,
awl considered It an invaluable acquisition to
any Lady*" toilet. By Its use any Lady or gen.
&lemon eon linproye their pommel appearance
an hundred fold. It issimptein Ita rommnstino.
fs )iature hemelf'Punic, yet ansurpinaed in
ts eni,aeg lit drawing Impolitic!' trormnlso heels
no. ~4,,,,1 tn u0g and haetyl &Ina the skin and corn•
phoown "Vy Its divert notion on the °Miele It
draws frog It all ila Impuritlea. kindly healing
thq and leavil the surface as Nature in
teileJ IZ should be, c mtromft, smooth and bettor
priee al, seat vs , Mall or Express, on "0,
ceipt o• an order by
W. ('LARICE& CO., Chemists,_
sa. ikare•tte lit. Srractute, j. y,
Ttlbonit in3 , ,Oltn44P'ntaltif the** 9rltiellatitiC
Now* 4 it kW, 4,7
Patent Medicines• and a MD assortment Of
DRUGS! in a a oril a coMplete sleek of 1 3 , ,0ds
generally kept to a first-class Drug Store. All
of which hate been patch .sed daring the past
two Weeks, and will ba sold low.. All the
articled formerly manufactured at the old
establishment in En-t Berlin can be had here.
Understanding his basiness. perfectly, and
Fele , Ong his genus lainuelf, he in al,lu to
w,rtnnt his limp pure and no represented.
Tie public are requested to glen him it tri..l.
D. 1. .11ILLER.
New Oxford, May 6, 1867. 6m
Publie Kale
—On SATURDAT, the 3.5:6 day of MAY
inst., the subscribe:a, Admit:derail)! s of the
estate of Adam Spitler, deceased, rill sell at
Public Silo, •t the Lite residence of said de
cedent, in Mountpleasant township, Adams
county, one mile west of White HAI, the.fol
laaing personal property, viz :
TABLES AND CHAIRS, lied.° and Bed
steads; Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, Bureau,
Carpeting, Eight-day Clock. Silver Watch,
Looking Glasses, Chests, Trunk. Queens
a are, Crocks. large Iron Kettle, Iron Pots,
'Smootbing_lrons, Spinning Wheel_ and Reel,
Shovel and Twigs, Dough-tray, Churn, Tubs,, Buckets, bteebards, Saddlebags,
half-barrel of Vinegar, Ac.; a lot ol Corn and
Oats, a lot of Day, &sued Lumber—plank
and boards, Grindstone, Wueelberrort, Saddle
owl Bridle. Conan, a Lag() lot of Chains, in
, clod;ng a first-rate Log Chain, Cutting Bon,
'Single-trees, Stating Boise, Long Ladder,
;Scythe and Snatb, Aces, Maul and Wedges,
Forks, Rakes and Manure Hook, Mattock,
Shovel, Spade, a good Shot Gun, Hand Saw,
Drawing Knives, Augers and Chisels, Baskets,
lialf-buShel Measure, 2 pair large hinges, a
lot of Bags, a lot of Leather, old Iron, with
other articles. too RULnerous to mention.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. X., on
said do t when attendance will be given and
teloas made I.nun n by
Jacoe Ect - NK, Auctioueer. , Adui'rs
itErAt the same time and place, will be
offered, at public outcry, the Real Estate of
said Adam Spitler, deceased. consisting of
A TRACT Oh' LA - I\D, situated as above
stated, adjoining lands of Israel Eckert, Abra
ham Rite, William Duttera, and others, coif
taining 44 ACRES, more or less, having
thereon ~a TWO-STORY BRICK
HOUSE, with oue-story Log ,40 f: „
Back-building attached, a large 171
Lag Stable, Hog Pen, ace., a good
well of water near the door, and a choice
Apple Orchard. About twelve acres of the
tract are,cleared, and the balance the sery
best of Timber. This property is a v'ery de
sirable one, and the sale should, as it no
doubt will, command general attention.
strAttendance given and terms made
known by THE HEIRS.
May 6, 1867.
Sherlfrs Sale.
N pursuance of a writ of Fieri Facies,
I issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Achms county, Pa., and to me directed,
will be exposed at Public Sale, on SATMI—
DA Y, the t Ith day of MAY inst., at I o'cloek,
P. N., at the house of John J. Stash, in'Nfnunt
pleasant township, Adams county, - the tul—
lowing personal property, viz:
2 bend cf WttltK HORSES, 1 yearling
Colt, 3 Mulch Cows, 1 young Bull, S Shoats,
t three-horse Wagon, 1 Spring Wagon, I
large Sled, Hay Ladders, Stone Bed, I Reaper,
nearly new, I Threshing machine and Horse—
power, I Winnofeing Mill, 1 Plough, 1 Single
Shovel Plough, Corn Fork, Harrow, Duu ble
and Single-trees, 3 sets of nurse Gears, Hal—
ter and Cow Chains, Mike, Iron Forks,
Grain Shovel, Dung Houk, Tar Bucket; 9
Acres of Wheat in the Ground, 10 Acres of
Rye and 6 Acres ot Oats ii the Ground. Aloe,
1 Cook Stove and Fixtures, Wood Chest, Ax,
a lot of Grain Bag., a lot of empty Barrels,
Tuba and Vessels, eith other articles.
There will Le a credit of six months by
giving 4 note with approved security.
Taken to Execution as the property of John
J. Staub, and to be sold by toe,
Sherifrs,Offiee, Gettysburg, May 6. Is6l.
Public Sale.
rtiN SATMIDAIithe II th day of MAY
I L Y last, the s.thscriber, Exrculor of John
G. Plank, deceased, will sell at Public Sale,
at the late residence of said decedent, in Cum
berland township, Adams county, near "Round
Top," the following personal property, vis:
1 CAKRIALIN, Beds, Betiste.ids and Bed•
ding, Tables and Chairs, Bureau, Cornet' Cup
botird, Clock, Cook Store and FixturesrTen..
plate Stove and l'ipe,,ChesL Sink, Looking
Glasses, Carpeting, Stand. Window Curtains,
Table Linen, Stair 8010, Qu ren.i. ware, Glass
ware, Knives and Forks, with a varie'y of
other articles, too numerous to n.etition.
Sale to consms roe at 12 o clock, M., on said
day, when atten dance will he given and terms
made known by JOHN E. PLANK,
May 6, 18C7. Executor.
atlministration on the estate of Adam
Spitler, late of Ilonntpleasant township, Ad
ams connty, deceased, having been granted
to the undersigned, the first named residing in
union township, and the last named residing
In Cumbr rland township, they hereby give no
tice to all persons Jude' ted to sni 1 estate to
make immediate payment, and those having
chums sgaiiist the same to present them pro
perly authenticated for eettltment.
May C, 1867. St Administrator*.
testamentary on the estate of Henry
Beitler, late of Mount / joy township. Adams
county, deceased. haring been granted to the
undersigned, residing in the same township,
he hereby gives notice to all persona indebted
to solid estate to entice immedistr pa, ment, and
those haring claims against the same to pre
sent them
. properly authenticated lor settle
ment. TIWSTLE,
May 6, ISM 61* Exec Apr.
ters testementary on the estate of James
therspoun, late of , Freedom township, Ad•
ants county, deceased. haying been granted to
the undersigned, the first named residing in
Freedom township and the last named residing
in the borough of Gettysburg, they hereby
give notice to all persons indchted to said
est-lta to Make immediate payment, and those
having claims against the same to present
them pruperl,r-a4st henticated fur Rtarlilelli.
May a, 1867. 81 ---- Executors.
Married Life;
on the - Errors, Abuses and Dimon in
duted by Ignorance of -Nature's Litee.--A
Personal Narrative of Misery, Desna% and
Final Restoration by Simple Scam Should
be read by eresy young Man la the country.
Sent, for the benefit of ell, without price.
Sent in a Sealed Envelop• to any-address, free
of charge. Address
JA.URS S. flE'll 4 F:R,
Roe 5,11 4 7, Ovueref Poet iNtlee,
April 29, 1867. New lurk City.
T"Itl he4t PHOTOGRAPHS made in this
county, nre wode at the ltiscelsior Gallery,
Settyshorg, opposite the Hitnk.
I - NTS I FITS I FITS I get Cloth
r ing to look well and niske;you look well,
go to
1,1011 White Goo4e, Ruillinr, Ild ff ings n o
J Trinimingp, go to War* picwitmc,
PrUNI4S, Valises ! 44, at,
, PAMS't
Hubburd . 1.
THE ondereigned are agents for this cgs.
braced Combined Self-raking Helper and
mow", Thiantachiee has two driving wheel 4,
hinge-loint and rolding. : bar, is very simple in
cot:dm:teflon, and, is considered by those who
have used them to be eqaal in grass to any
light machine made for mowing only. it cuts
4 tent 8 inches in grins, and 6 feet 6 inches is
grain, is a rear-cut side•delivery, cepsble el
cutting a whole 6e;tl of grain whitlow% binding
a abvisf, and does the most satisfactory work
in lodged grain, to be worked with two
horses. We claim this delf•raker to be the
best in existence. li'armerereading over the
different advertisearents will come to the
conclusion that all are best, but we will give
them our reasons for calling ours the but:
let. This Self-raker - has four rakes (no
blanks of fans). Tht driver,.by means, of a
small lever in front of him, can Lake either
rake sweep the platform at his will. ion will
see by this that it makes no difference how
- tar on have to drive, you can'afways bare a
fuil sheaf, thereby saving binding, gathering
or dividing sheaves.
2nd. Iryour grain is one thickness so thin
it will permit of making a sheaf each revolt,.
don of the Rake ur you wish to put the driver
on the horses, you can do so by simply ihaw
kg one bar, and nill keep the rake:, all on to
drop into the lodged or tangled grain. H•rein
one point to which We wish to draw yells.'
Attention. Take notice where all these raker
strike into the giain and then compare.tkem
withAlanks or reels on , other Self-rakers.,
34. If you eirsh your outs on a swath, vS
your later fret, and it will do its work per
fualy and you will be enfo for — wet weather.
4th. All men know that in a bead-Leila,
Reaper that else reel must be changed for dif
ferent kinds of grain to make it reel on plat
form, and so musts Self-raker to make perfect
work in extreme tall or short grain. This
Rake has this most deal:al:4e and indispensa
ble improvement, which co other rake has.
This is done by changing two set screws in
rake-re.d which works on a Ora. With a
combination of these four desirable points, it
has been unanimously acknowledged by all
disinterested and practical machinists to be
decideuly a mple and durablain its constrt.e•
At the great National Field Trial, held at
Auburn, New York, last July, which is run.
ceded to have been the largest and stverest
trial ever held in the United Starts, lasting
several weeks, under the entire tuanagement
of the - New York State Arlenltaral Sudety,
this machine , was awardtd - ihe Gold Nledal
fur the best- Combined Self-raking Reaper
and Mower, (Class Nu. 4). Since the great
trial, different machines are elaintiug Medals,
and most persons are in a fog about tt. We
will explajo : There ware about 50 differeut
machines entered for the different
and they nere crossed as follows : The b rat
machine in earl' class was awarded a Medal,
and the second best a prize of $25.
Class No. r, Light Mowers; No. 2, Reopen,
Hand Rake, (for grain only); No. 21, Reapers,
Self-rake, (for wain only); No. 3, Combined
Reaper and Mower, (Ilend-rake); Nu. 4, Qom
hined Reaper and Mower, (melt-rake) Mb.
bard's; Nu. 5, ronil'ined Hand and Self.
raking Reaper and Nlower, (throat' oat oa
account of inferior work )
At the Field *Val held by the renter
County Agricultural Stalely, on IteAlliskets
farm, last July, Hubbard's Combined Ben.
raking Reaper and 3.lower was awarded Ike
bigdiest premium, for the best work dose.
See Circulars for report All we ask is term
era to come and see this amain' for them
selves. We warrant them to give entire
satisfaction in all respects. Sample machines
on band. Extras alwayi on band. Breach
Shop at York, Pa. Address Granite 11111 Pus,-
office, Adams county, Pa.
kir Also Pratt dt Smedler's Patent Horse
Rakes on hand, built by Geo. W. Grant 411,
Columbia. Pa.
May 6, 1867. 'tf
New Goode.
VORRIS has just returned from th• city
wlth a targc asortment of Clothing.
CIO! and examine theist. [May
Gettysburg Foundry.
ripHE subscriber would Worm his civilian's.,
and others, that lie is still manufatturias
various kluds of C.atinas and ‘lachine lassie
to order, on short notice, such as
Tllitfl3ll6RS ANI) POWERS,
(lve differeLt sizes of Powers,) Ctover-eessi
Rollers end Cleaners, Corn Sheller, anti Sep.
orators, Cornfadder Cutters. Straw and Hat
Cutters; PLOUG II S
such as Csst Barshepr Ploughs, Sid*.
hill and Corn Ploughs; the
the latest improvement ; aLio Metal Screw*
for Cider Presses,
for Cemeteries or porches. wits everyain'
else in his line, all at low prices. - -
FUR' SALE.—A light Two-hurse Wage.. •
One horse Wagon, and a - Spring Wages. IQ
April 30, 1813 6 . tf
Latent Fashions
Tut woinsarut. ect:tisii.ity and great cow.
'PORT and t•LRAPICIIIe to any lady Werrinx the Dc.
etix ELLIPTIC SKIRT will be experience•l.pattie.
trimly in ail c roward Asserublies,Operas,Carria.
get, ftoilrond Cnrs, Church Pews, Arra Chairs.
for Prometade and House Dress, as the Skirt
0313 be folded when in use to occupy a smell
glare RS easily and conveniently as a Silk or ,
Muslin Dress. av, invaluable (polity lerrinoline.
not found in any Single Spring Skirt.
A lily having enjoyed the PLCANCRII, cow..
rout, and great onsets:ries of seeming t b •
DUPLICX ELLIPTIC 6eiti l o Sulu , rue a•
single day. will never alterwtrds w II ingly die.
pence with their nee. Fur Children, Misses
and Young Ladles they are superior to all
They will not bend or break like the SID&
String, but will preserve their rerfect and.
graceful shape when three or four nrilinarl`
Skirts will bare been thrown aside-as useless..
The Hoops are covered with double and twist.
ed thread, and are bottom rods are not only.
double wings, hat twice (or doulde) covered.
pre ventili: them fro* wearing out when drag.
ging down steps, stelfa. 40.
The Duplex Elliptic is a great tenth* with'
*ll Mimi sad is unirrroAlly recommended h
the Fashion lingesiors AS the STANDA - •'4
To'enjly the following inestimable adettntelei.
pea in Crinoline, wiz: superior quality, perfect
sunnufacture, *Wish shape, finish, flexibility.
corutort and economy, enquire for,
J. W. Braidley's Duplex Kinetic, or Doubts
Spring Shirt, and he sure you get the gennino
CA Orol.l.—To gutted against IMPOSITIOX
be particular to NUTICE the skirts offered n•
"DUPLEX" hare the red ink stamp, "J.,
W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel "Springs,'
upon the waistband—none others are genuine.
Also NOIiCC thnt etery Hoop will admit a pirk
being passed through tbs centre, thus reveal.
Ina the tyro (or double) springs braided togetb..
er therein, which is the secret of theft flesibil.
ity and strength, and a combination dot to be'
found in any other skirt.
Fult SAIA iq all Stores ',Jaen! MST
CLASS skirts are sold tbrougholt the Milted
Stites apd eltewlfere.
Manufactured by -the Sole Owner. of tbe'
Petent, WESTS, as.AuLEY k CAM', •
eT Chambers k 'r fl .1s fil Read* SM.. N. Y.
. Lis 11. UM. aro
HET T.—Before doing to, prop ,
'Cure a good Trunk or Carrt - duck, at