efit'4tont'Oittr. I II gwirrysaio Rd. PA. Usedeir Alloa"slog. April le. MT. litltli HI MO Ott i The New York Tribune - of NiOntlay eityd: , . , "Men who horn that none but Whiers *hoofero note may 6e teat c-nouilh ,in Their juloce; bid there to no room for them in tie li'epubtii!cm purt,y." I We. know a. good many Itiiptiblicittis who have too much resmset for their own /color to support negro suffrage. These nre among the men whom the tribune *midi out. of the lippublican party, but irta• rather goers th# will manage to tut it,. There is still -white man's 4narty left, Qnd as it is an lion est, patriotic vointitation orguu'lattou, all who believe that "a nhite 111s1n 3a o good ass nigger can safely nml eouseientious ly take position on Its wide and comiervte Ltivit platform. Many of those alluded to ,by the Tc drone hare alroady =Ode the rehange—as witness Uorinecticut—.lllll the good work will iumt nssurediy go on un til the leaders of the present Itiolleat negro-equality party shall be swept into lIIu deepest and blackest obilv;ou. =I EFFECT 07 KA CATJYY. RICHMOND, VA., April 2'2. —To-day a - negro imdsted ou riding upon a street ar. The comluet4tr put him off, when sey.ira.l hundred negroew gathered and insisted that the man should ride. A strong force of pollee eame up, and the man was arrested. Much excitement verus caused at the ittine- Ttlis,lsone of the first fruits of Senator Nrilson's ineentliar,y harangues 'tirthe negroes in 11:chnimul. jt seems idly the be..ttled polie;of the itadleal leaders to incite the negroes of the South to such outrages as ritpd , the whites to defend themselves against them in some summary way. ' his done, these demagogues hope to eNeite ,tiort elm piejudiees, by ime-sided and lying stories, to the point Of reviving 'all the oh' seetional hatreds, and thus keep themselves to powel. Radicalism can Live only‘in agitation and turmoil. mad ltd leader 4, knowing this, are determined that. the country shall have neither rest ,rlOr peace, Order-loving and patriotic white men ,of theporth, of whatever party, open youres•es in time to the true intents and purposes of theaeoundrelly demagogues who are bent oulj• upon filling their own poelkets at the expense of the peace and prosperity of the nation. ADJouninzawr or TUE SENATE,. Tho United States ,Senate, the rump ..4)f the Rump Congress, adjourned on ,Saturday week. poring the extra ses sion it presented to the country a most humiliating spectacle. The senate Chamber was little else than a sort of ex change for the sale of offices. No princi... ' pile governed their actions or eottprma r Cons. It was a struggle iu which each greedy Senator ,grabbed whatever' he could get, They were always ready for .11 dicker of any kind, if something entild t ,be made by it. The character of semi- sees had nothing to do with their than, ces ef confirmation, Many of the bravest and best soldiers, of the llepublis were atunmarily slaughteredbeennie the ! money nor Senatp 4 ra could luttLe Walter] nor ()Arnica' cal ha/ for dhem selves by voting for them'. Ec cry, RAl ritemir had his private nvo.grind, and it was made a rule not toriti.erfer* with any little arrangeme nt which any • ,one ;night have -set up. II pest men of evey party were disgusted, ,and al tiered at the evidences of eorrupt n bibited by what was in better ,th Imrest and most honorable leg body the world ever sew. i Ao election was held in tho State VI Neu York. on Tuesday for delegates to a Constitutional Convention. The vote was . light, as was generally expected. The llepnldieans in the _Legislature or &tied the election to be held by §o rial di:-tricts, (outrageously gerrytnan .dcred,) in order .to io.,ure a large majori ty of their own party in the Convention, 'late pemoornts, indignant at. this infa ;nous nation, took or no interest In tlje eanvass, in sonic di,triets running no .caudidates at, all, while in several their strongest men declined the nominations that were tendered them. Rut, notwith standing all this, our friends Made no ticeable and gratifying gains. The pres ent Senate . of that State stands twenty s• ven Radicals to live Democrats. At tie electiOn on Tuesday the Democrats .carriod eleven dit-tricts—a handsome in ,exesute. • 'The Convention will be com rood of sixty Democrats anal one bun 4lred 11.1tdicals. fir . .. New York oily the I)etliocrat4 had everything their own way; though thousands of theM did not take the trouble to vote. The Constitu tion wilt have to be submitted to the people, asid If the Radicals ineorpontto their _negro-equality Was' lit it, It, meet an (well% hehning defeat, 14391 r, .., ... - at cur. great pains to make a summary SiirCooneetiCe t, "the land of steady been -- The last Radical Michigan Legliala. , b 3,, of the Radical . editorials on tlie subject titre plumed a law etunpelliug the atimin h Abdo'," has elatmed the Hadleals stun of negro children into the common overthrowing the 11,000 iniltorityof a few; whichhave reeclied us, and present it schools of that State, but thaltadical di yeara ago. Weill, may they be alarmed; l below as a reliable digest of the whole; , ! rectorti at Detroit refuse to obey the law, the people are beeoming disgerted nt the , nnittweeywdPirtneemtlerenem \vital - The offloial returns of Connectient I.Aterp'rene.tufteehtlAartiltio Copperheads vindictive _hate of Kadioal Coniress.,nen, show that the Democracy have gained ev,tibiot, not e t,d o v ii n ituatiwrishetrin.talieertane.iar.eadntb.s whose ideas of statesmanship eince lean, in the etaigressionat districts, i betotivOnmem Ott Copperhead aNd in binding up the wounds of a bleeding Traitor it lodderalstal nnymittellit Ile° . . , i . 12,647 votes. _ - The Sq)npter Trackman, of the 10th country, but in keeping them festering, 'pe.tnylo cepperhead iiteoptiqytmeAlovhn I Quer) trf 'rt-tv. JuNiATa.-On Tuesuay • 3.f the charlatans er er prayed, LI teir prayer ', ( lahlitallot mileccass--'1 rat Lora. • 1 morning shad were caught in thaJuni- instant, lease% from a source which is re= thus ending all doubt' In • o f . f ema l e • ' • cel carded as reliable, that one or twit burials .ivould be akin to that of the old half-pay , eta at Newport, I ' The Radical , i whites have recently neenrr reference to the passage of shad up the near the lino of Kershaw and Bunipter aliptala, lit Scotland-"Ciude Laird-, gig . can ' n Connecti cut , junt b e fo re the late election, about the vs eterv!al war." If these crazy destrue- ' Susquehanna and its tributaries. The districts, in which the cause of death ;Ives Were the only people Wiei suffered : sympathy of Radicalism for laborin • g sight of an old-fashioned feiou l isehanno wan s tated _ ; by the officiating minister to have 1 een the want of 'food 'auffteleilt 46 tom this folly, the folly itself; woilia b 0 ' , men ' the World' thinks, 1 . 13 charmingly shad here would he an Inviting novelty. , lath) consistently illuetrated in the course 1,vb,0 of our sustain life. hcaa subject of regret.- lot' the Radical manufacturers at Ro.ek- , tho hod" viltit till t " bo d ni ee ? lere Will be "nret op ! Zarge - -C — lae — h ‘ 0 ; f74 " ."- e iri----Ii"---1.-4The dal' ear 4 a o atamp o ra t7 of t h e Rodt e m i vine, Who have discharged seventy men -- r - ,..„ -- • -- _-,—,_ ...,_ „ last•week, while two boys were hauling 1 rtts'sxraw IJOirivrv.-ine vemoentsiti wood from the Pigeon kills, stout. two • ;,ersintsion announces that "Mr. Sum-; from their twills for voting the Demo-I Committee of Frer,klin qpunty, on Fri- miles and a half from this clam, their nerdittawritteo *letter giving his views cradle ticket. The quarry men in Port day w eek, made. the following appoint.' horse tread upon a large black snake . - titan,' the • diseriminating word , whitOt land who voted' the -Democratic ticket lying in the roisd. The reptile immedi ments of Delegates to file State Conran ~altould at truce be stricken from all, the: have been notified by their Radical . - - - vo" ately coiled itself around eye of the fore- Pinto Coestitinions," --Well, su ppose be "`masters" that their services 1 4111 Li a n a ' • I legs of the animal. The old fellow, lu. Joe ' J - l AVe k l Au l i 4 tike to now whi t s, not be needed for a year • to onme. o_ Judicial Conventiorio,fientorlal -few stead of becoming frightened, commeno it .inus hate do With the State Constitution ;The remit Of this movement was that M Fianklin and Adams-lion, F. M. Kilns eti to cut at tha snake with his disengaged eel, Itepresentative-11011, J. .MeDow- leg and soon succeeded in removing it. t.O pitui,70.90114 " Are pennsylv.Dian.l thousand men threw down their picks eel Sharpe, I Af t er having cut it nearly in twe in .1 O , Wllthialpprinit this impertinent hied- an d dri ll s, and refused to work till Midi' Ma* genvention,-Fienatorial- James several places, it was then attacked by .diet 106•011st.e iikair_ laws and diner their lwoserthed comrades were permitted to B. lrr. Representative - Jacob S. Lime the boys with clubs and killed, Upon i Measuring , it proved to be eight foal five ~ sat resume a r. andala t est accounts the , ;lt d 4nd iiimi. (4. cl'oreditutiou .Isi suit his , leper j • Ibe 1 ( hiehes long.-/fanoser Citizen. !ILl:mines.? Wizahall see! i I quarry works* In that' town had ceased,' VALI, ACCEPTED.-The Itev. Owe: ,'brewer, 4.. en- I•Let us hear no more tent, even from Cart. of the Altoona Mission charge, ha4' igaPst),te • Radicals of Ph iladelphie are' l a t t e t ir rw 7 o adei t Y ates , r Chandler , . flowa i gd, the Tribune, trbent, free labor" and the lioooptgd the call of the new charge 0( rand, ar m, Mor r i ll, s e r n i stor , F e a ' n ,? l i i r e e r res n ' enta o : pitting ipso .operat leo e seltetne to force .- "All-rights-of-all" pasty, Which Wilson the German Reformed Church, recently Lives Covode, *Wine Alia Ale eenatnen fchtaila The' Bingham, Williams, Orth, Ketchum, with Clark Ilefberiegt. 04,14y , ariatiarmitiu.nosbett44Insiyak , i. , declaree is based Vpo4 "the lifinclides or organised nut of a part of the Cipindstone Baldwin, Hooper, Lawrence, Marston, *ain't* the free antork, h e ," Aey te ,ii i . t rtgruuj, inverish , W. ogueo.p. i Hill charge, composed of the Fayette- end are enlisted for the Congreeidenat buffalo ilaikfr'bronglit'slpflll the ',sails 1 4 040 1 . 1 iNalr - AlliheleZioliiitujoplioi,nto lle ' " (I Mii • A• I K ean g i N atinna l A nd hunting party, which is so leave Yank , . . toot titg peii, ,,, Q 4ad zu . 4l • • Ito it_ . war , this suniAirpgtwopy mace - nes Mitered en 'We ritiM /444 of 1114)0c-- *An; pakten. *bent the first of June.-V" • Alm j'ilaikk ik . - a apafib.***4;4l44 . _ ' i r yoga • - ~, . _ • P-7 11 - '- • , 1r...—0n the 9th of the oomlui , , A TeTTAIMMIJP4I T. . r ' viD - .. U glAt : 4c :: iii: r, .. , • • - ' ---- ~ • 1 " . : °esker Colfax - ivii. Me; The speedy do ."- 4 111 "wn , ''' NeWleit PliE Vill).-71010w111 beloreisealng I. - are - ,'Across the Cont e . t. "H in Get. ; party is becoming so trra . est that.even 1 i ..i , lie own leaders begin 40 g i i i iree . 4 tbejeot. t n t he -mu mod Preshiterien Church in ,tirebury Tleketii 50 cente. The lecture this place, on the first, Wand and third, was delivered lu Chsrubereburg on Sat into negro issue,Apon4litels - -it sinning; key. Joilmar inks' , evening week, and 1a highly ape powerinto existence, ims3eSil,siiii the "cdiejivo ' Mabtnith"filialir next, ley . JamesokyliCattimuning. 1 ken of by the papers of that place. The of public plunder" which made it I , Sirit says a compact. and . victorious organ iiution . A "SeAsoNA sbn" DIFFERENC'LL —A p . o(tax's Lecture,—Pursuant to an tm duvilig the last' few years, ipa 10 ' 4 . tw''' . Galveston tTexans) paper of the lit,b au- C !nomineement. time lion. Schuyler Colfax thirds of its.inllUence with the cloic of' nou need ripe blackberries and plume le , deli..ered his lecture entitle(' "Across the war. Nerving-neither -prim/it:dee to I that market. Here "winter still lingers , the Continent," on F l / 4 turllay evening' stausl lipaal, aosarieh-jokowto rewardtbee! to •, tits -tic of spring." A . we e rr ! last, in Repository Hall- A large Midi- • ), • ' , ence was in uttendanee, and the lecture who fawned Plain its , measures that?, Wednesday, snow befalling. "Look out, . was quite entertaininr, and instructive. I Ili rift might ftillow fawnfneit him no a s the almanacs say, for ripe blackberries , The Speaker's descriptive powers are very I other course left than to follow the-ex• and plums in about three months. ' fine, and the manner in which he depict- ',ample of Its illustrious prototypes, tired • - s led the scenes and Incidents of the great 1 01 Federal, Whig' and Know Nothing' journey over the mountains and plains I otour vast Pacific domain was thrilling-! I parties, uud quietly give up- the ghost. ly interesting. Ws peroration was par j This opinion is borue3ut by time 'follow- tleelarly fine. his style of speaking is a little too rapid to be impressive, but I lug extract from a letter from Washing yet he is a 111101 Af marked ability and ted in tile iinff-Starerj, Standard, lit. power. The .audiettue generally, so far ten by 'Wendell Phillips, the great pro- :LS we have' teen able to learn, were well phet and fore-runner of Itadiealisna— pleased with the entertainment. file says: . "The seeds of dissolution hare been 1 , sewn In the Republican, party. l'erhaps, I should say that the party always con tained the el.emente of ins own destrue thm, and that it only required the prover 1 cativo circumstatices to develop them. iAt any rate the development' Is visible to the common eye, as it, bits long been iseen by those whose habits of close ob. eerration have given to their mental vision a clear insight. "The debate upon adjournment and impeachment was the forcing bed In wilkdi this seed sprouted, A clever poli tician hire, said to-day that the party would have split If Congress had remain ed here two week., longer. The division announce is only a question of time. The struggle for the next few months is really La be isitich wing shall remain in possession of the Republican organiz ation. Pa ticiuns lutturally conclode that the one retaining it will have a lat - ter start, in flint it will have the prestige of s uccess. For toy part, I believe it may be more advantageous, pa far as purity of action is concerned, to dr/maize (mei/Yana take a freak start. Suieems will, in all probability, be built up on a thin er basis, if' the Radical* begin with Out traditions or policy. The Connecticut election will widen - the division. On the -whole, it is conceded here that the Republican defeat will help the Rad ical wing." The statements of Phillips are borne out by the following extract from the WaSh agb I!I yerrespondenee of the SPrintdkj/d Pcliublieci. Writing about the Butler ftitiOniin fiasco, the letter writer of that paper says: "These men, Butler and Bingham, are mortal enemies, henceforth, - and I think for the present Butler will let the matter rest. The -sentiment' of hits political friends is very strung on the subject. The quarrels anioug Republicans must stop! 1 believe it congress were to re• main in ses.ion all sun - liner that the Re publicans would quarrel Po that there .would be two parties. The "impeachers" already stigmatize a large class of their fellow-Republicans as little better than Copperheads, and the more cautious Re publicans look upon some of the extrem ists as being fully as dangerous as John son. Ashley, Butler and that class look upon Bilighain and Senator Wilson, and Spalding; etc., q half- i _ 4ay Johnson men, On the other hand, ,Wilson, Birighoitu 'and Spalding unquestionably hook upon Ashley end Butler mid Covode as reck less, dangerous POSTING Tani BOOMS. On Thursday - , under the Inspira tion of a telegram from the West, the Press thus writes: We set off tie town of Chicago against the State of Connecticut. Now let us see the character of the "set off." In the Chicago Times of the 15th instant, we found the following : TUE cbtx-rn,:v YESTFIRDNV. Two year., ago Mayor Rice was elected by at Majority of 5,029. In November last, the Republican majority in the city was 6,867. Mayor Rice was re-elected yestegila by the reduced majority of 3,- 1138. This is a very handsome Democrat ic gain, certainly. But even a better result than this is the gain of four Aldermen by the Demoe-1 me,y, viz: Cotnisky in the Eighth Ward, Casselman in the Twelfth, Schinz in the Fourteenth, and Mansur in the Six- I teenth. Altogether, the Democracy of Chicago! have reason to be proud of their work in this contest. Next time, they will do better still, and they may look forward to complete triumph in the great trial of November, I 568: ' Instead of a "set off," the election in Chicago seems to have been something of a "set back" far the Radicals. Look. at The figures : Radical majority in 1805, 5 ,6 09 Nawr OXFORD.—The spirit of improve- Radical majority in Ma, 6,807. ment Is still rife at New Oxford. Mr. Radical majority in 1h67, l l(Shn Darnitz has commenced the eree . To which must be thded a Democratic tion of a new frame house; Mr. Zouck 13111 N 9 ex e4 the :aave gain this year of four Alderman. We is also to begin anew building; Mr. MU are afraid the Radical books will never lee is improving the Doll property, and balance under the new system of "set has opened a drug store in the main MVP invented by our neighbor of the room on the first floor; Mr. Stock has rms.—Age. !his machine shop nearly ready for occu ..--_ lieirThe attempts of the Radicals to panty ;' Mr. Gilt's and other houses, explain the cause of the great Democrat- commenced-last season, are being finish ic victory-In Connecticut are comical, ed. Other improvements arelu content- Every one of them has a different eXelise, Phltte4' "Keep the ball rolling," varying according to the disposition of: AN AoT To ItEcortil Soi,ormts' Dts the person and the locality he halls from. CHATiOES.—`The lagt Legislature passed At all the reasons, though, none law requiring the Recorders of the sev hero yet hit upon the real ono, viz ; that. eral cotti.ties - to place on_ record the tile, tbo people are growing tired of Radical. charges of soldiers, so that in ease of their deminlom and have resolved upon rid.- being lost, of destroyed, the proofs will ding themselves frotn it in the future, still remain on the county records, The As it will interest our readers to see the following fs the act as passed : opinions of their or ,nuts, we have SF , 1. Re (feline/Mot, ODD ritightiese.,--, Friday *A wan ob sedred as a day of thanksgiving by the Odd FelloWs through Out the I:lilted ititates. The members of the Order here assembled hi their !tall In. the evening, when a number of speeei:ess tlipropriate ' to the occasion were made—the t!'erchies clueing with prayer and the sit: cring of a doxology. The proceedings weic of very interesting character throughout: THE COLLECToItBII IP. The Sentil understands that C. \V. Ashcbtn, receiltly.appointed Colleetor of this Rev enue District, has not yet been comMis stoned, hut expects to take possession of the office on the Ist of May,. It is his In tention to make an official visit to the counties composing the District, and he may he expectesi to be in this county the Drat week in May. luoN OAR.—We learn that iron ore has been discovered on the farm of W. lialghinan, in Mountpleasant township, this county. Thorough examinations are being made, with a view of testing its quality and quantity. We :are. told that iron ore (magnetic) also exists on the farm of Peter Comtort, in Franklin township, and that a con tract is about being, or has been, made by the new furnace company at Wrichts ville tyr its use. It would not astonish us to see consid erable mineral wealth developed In this county in the next few years. Thomas McKnight wimlaughed,ltt, for pro4peetlng for coal in the South Mountain. Strauger things than it actual discovery would 4 be, have happened. WOLIAS DROWN ED --- We regret to learn that the wife of Mr. Joseph Har man, residing on the York Turnpike, about seven miles from Gettysburg, drowhed herself lit a rain vessel, on Monday night last. She had been fur some weeks laboring under great depres sion orspiritA, caused, it is thought, by previous religious excitement, and her friends were not without apprehension. During Monday night she was missed from her bed, and, upon search being made, her body was found lying head foremost in a rain vessel near the house. Lit.;twas extinct. e deceased leaves husband and three little daughters to mourn her mel ancholy end. She was' a loving and du• tiful wile, an affectionate mother, and a kind neighbor. , Highly respected in life, her loss is deeply deplored. Some weeks previous to death, her mind be eanie impaired in regard to her future state, though rational on all other sub jects. On Wednesday the remains of the de ceased were buried in New Oxford. Though she belonged to another commu• nion, the funeral services were perform ed by Rev. W. F. P. Davis, of the Ger man Reformed Church, yip spoke ap propriately and impressive from the text, Matt. 27: 40, "My God, my God, why bast thou forsaken me !"—aud un proved the occasion by warning his hear ers against all undue exci ternen ts, wheth er of a religious or any other character. Chit.) DROWNED.—A little aanghter Mr. Joshua Ceas, tanner, in Fairfield, wag drowned in oue of the vats of the tan yard on Saturday week. Attention was first attracted by her bOnnet being seen floating on the water, and, on searching, the body of the child was found in the vat. It is supposed that she was playing in the yard, and accidentally fell fn. Her age was about, three years. A sad death, Indeed. eintretost.ic it,ent Ate., That the Recorders of I)eeds in the several Coun ties of this Comuinnwealth are hereby authorized and required to record all filial discharges of commissioned and non commissirmed officers and privates, upon application being made to them by the holders of the same, and that the.reeord ing of the same shall not be subject, to the payment of the State tax. POCKET BOOK STOLE:NyLI. MeD. Sharpe, Esq., had his pocket-book, con . - lu 4 ning about ode hundred 'kid thirty joke.; stolen from his office - on Thurs day hint. Mr. S. had been at his safe,. whim is in Ids back office, and laying his poettel-book on the safe, went into his front etyne far a — short time, when on his return the pocket-book and its con tents were gone. There were several persona in the oftler at the time, and among them Jew' Ceti". residing near Vayetteville, for whom Mr. Sharpe was londucting a suit. He belug suspected of having committed the theft, was ar rested and entered bail tor his apccar mice at court.—Cliambersbur,g RepOr;, DrvIDEND. —The Hanover Branch Railroad Company has declared a divi dend bf fivo per cent. on the capital stock, clear of all taxes, payable on or after May a. The affairs of the road are in a flouribliing condition. 100 - Col. McClure, of the Chambersburg Repository, accompanied by his wife and son, will make a tour, the coming sum mer, across the Rocky Mountains, taking Utah, Polm ado, Idaho, &e., In the route. They will start In a few days, and expect to return in the autumn. IJI CATTY.-A lad at Wrightsville, a few days ago, caught a cat-fish measur ing twenty Inches In length and Live and a half inches across the head. That beats anythlng yet token in Ruck creek —slightly. Muni Tnot;mx.—Thousands of our people are weekly dying from the rava ges of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and va rious diseases of the t3tomaeli and Bow els. The value of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure should be known to the world. It has saved thousands from an early grave. Se`Row & Woods are constantly. re ceiving new Goods—extra sheap and ex tra good. They invite all who want ex tra bargains. Or- Henry Thomas & Son's advertise ment of Hubburd's Combined Self-raker and Brandt's Steel-tooth Horse Rake, came in too late for this paper, but will apppar in our next.. SHEAFFEWS NEW UALLLIIIV AT HANO VER has the largest Sky-light in the State, and is now making some of the finest pictures In this country. Try it; and be convinced. INTEREATING VARIETY. —*Three inches of snow tell in Wiscon sin and Minnesota on the 31st. Several inches fell hero on Wednesday, the No doubt the same storm, and requiring just three days to reach this locality. —The Common Council of Buffalo have passed an ordinvice which tixes a penalty of $.50 for 8%1 elring in the street, with imprisonment in default of pa,y molt. —Contseation of Southern - property, says the Springfield - Republican, would be the most monstrous (apolitical crimes. —The Ineleticndent has discovered that "the States that now need recon struction are the Northern." That% what's corning.— Boston Post. - At.an election for Mayor in Hunts ville, Ala., recently, the colored vote as sisted to defeat the agent of the Freed men's Butcau. The closing of the Rump Congress closed seven hundred taverns and drink ing saloons at Washington--at least that is the number which Senator Wilson says has closed within the past few mouths. —Tho Hollidaysburg StaruLard has a Ely subgetiher who has taken that pa- au peifor seventeen years, invariably pity ing for it in advance. She ought to get to heaven. Forney says "The spirit of old John Brown has at last captured Virginia." It seems that the spirit of old John Barleycorn has "at last" captured For ney. • —Thad. Stevens threatens a speech in favor of Sufhner's proposition to extend the benefits of the Negro SufTrage bill to, the North. Tho Scooted the United States ad journed sine die on Saturday week. leav ing quite a number of iruportatit.nomina-, tious unuetesi upon. —The women of Wisconsin are not to vote -until another Legislature has also passed tho amendmentand it has been submitted to and been ratified by the people—contiugencies not likely tti ....off "MY LAW. , , TUe follelthig Is 'i.e.* otaie law h it Law - , psencti by - both homes of the Legillat U : _ 1173 Svc. 1, Be II erica:fed, zte., That at the general elAction to bepeld on_the second Tuesday of 0 - etober, Aniio Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and tri-enitially the-enher, at such elee- lion. the qualitieg electors of the several 'counties of this Commonwealth shall' , elect, in the manner now provided by I law for the election of other minty offl- j ' eers, two sober, intelligent and jUlliCiOtlO - persons, to serve as jury commissioners.' in each of said counties, for the period of three years, ensuing their elections; but j ' the same person or persons shall not be; eligible for re-election,rnere than once In I 1 six years ; Proride.d, That each of slid . • qualified electors shall vote for one per son only as the jory commissioners, and the two persons having s tbe greatest num• tier of votes for jury &en missioner shall be duly elected jury commissiouers for such county l.'11::e. 2. the said jury commissioners and the slieriff of the !respective county, lor any two of them, shall draw from the proper jury wheel panels of jurors, as grand Jurors of the proper county, and as petit and traverse jurors, for the ; trials of issues in fact which may be ta— i ken in any action in any of the courts, .1 civil or criminal, In the several counties ' aforesaid in the mannte• now practiced ;and allowed, but before the said jury - commissioners and sheriff shall proceed to select or 'draw jurors in the manner aforesaid; they shall severally take the I oath oraffirmation ;low prescribed bylaw j to be taken by the sheriff and county , ! emu miss:oners befofe selecting and draw ing jurors. Il SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of said Ju , ry Commbisioners, President Judge or ! additional law Judge of the respective I district or a majority of them to meet at I the seat of justice of tpe respective coun ties, at least thirty day's before the first term of the Court of Cow mod Pleas in 'every year, and thereupon proceed with ; I due diligem 9 to select !alternately from , the whole qualified electors of the re , I spective county at large, a number such ,as the term of the. Court of Common Pleas next preees'ing,, shall by the said 1 Court be designated, of sober, intelligent and judicious-persons in s:rve as Jurors, in the several Courts of 1.1 . e1t county du i ring that year, and the said Jury Com missioners, President jUdge o: addition al in the mode and manner now dit. led by law, place the names of persons .o selected in the proper Jury wheel, and the said Jury wheel,lopked as now required by law, shall remain in the custody of the said Jury Com missloners, and the keys thereof in the custody of the sheriffol said county. I Sec. 4. That so much, of any act or acts J of Assembly of the Commonwealth, as , I makes it the duty of the sheriff and I commissioners of any of said counties to adept and draw jurors, shall be repealed, and cease to hate any force or effect , from and afterthe tirstday of December I next, Anno Domini due thousand eight ; hundred aind siXty-Seven : Provided, . i That all acts, and part of acts of Assem , now in force in relation to the eus , I tardy, sealin; mid unsealing, locking and opening, at the jury wheel of the Te- Apecti ve county, and in all nets, and parts ef acts, of Assembiy, now in force, imposing any penalty or punishment on the sheriff or county commissioners, or either of them, in relation to the keep ing, locking, opening,' sealing or bteak ingl.the seal of any jury wheel, or in re ' I lution to the selection or drawing of ju '' run., shall be taken, deemed and held to lapply to the said jury commissioners and sheriff. • ; stx. 5. Each of said; jury com m iqSIOII - shall be allowed and paid out of the respective county treasury two dollars and fifty Cents per day, and four cents per mile, circular, from the rTsidence of the commissioners to the Court-liouse. Six. 6. It shall be the duty of each of said jury commissioners to take upon himself and discharge the duties of his said office under penalty of one hundred dollars for each and every neglect or re fusil to attend the same, to be sued for and recovered before '-atty justice of the peace of the proper cOmity, as debts of like amount are now by' law recoverable, ten dollars of which shall go to the per son suing and the residue to be paid by the said justice to the treasurer of the re spectiVe county for the'use of the same. Svc. 7. In eai-e of inability of either or both of the said jury 'commissioners by sickness or death, or other unavoidable causes, to discharge the duties of said office, or in case of neglect or refusal to serve thereon, it shall be the duty bf the president judge in such county, wherein such a vacancy may: have occurred, to appoint a suitable person or persons, as the case, may be, posstssing the qualiti. cations cforesaid, to perform the duties of said offi6e during such vacancy, stud such Person or persons, after having complied with the requirementS of this section of this' act, shall proceed. to the duties of said office during the remainder of the term so vacated. BERIEW ALIVE. A friend gives us the account of a most terrible ease of the burial alive (di' hand some young lady at Jacksonville, 111. Sonic time last summer a young lady of seventeen years of age, suffering with the toothaohe, went to oed with a small phial of chloroform for the purpose of quieting her teeth. In the morning she was found to all appearances dead, which was confirmed by the opinions of several physicians who were igilled and examin ed her body. She was' the,: horied. A few days since her rilatives WCR about to remove from Jacksonville, having ii..- cated in another State., and had the re mains of the young lady- exhumed, fur the purpose of taking them to their now home. Curiosity prompted them to op en the coffin, when they were horror stricken on finding the corpse turned over, both hands full of hair, and her clothing torn to shreds, revealing the horrible truth that the young-lady had beep burled alive. The chloroform had placed her iu a deep trance, the awaken ing from which was . ,in her coffin and grave. The lady was engaged to he mar-tied at the time of her supposed death. A more heart-sickening ease we never remember to have rears ur heard uf.—ln diancpblis Journal, Married, On the 2.lth tnat., In [llk plaei t by 'gee. W. A, Ii !Watt'lab. 1101.1.1 N EH, of gram., hem, 31,1.•.t0 11 le% ANC/ EL1:443 1i,14F.A.H.H.0f the Ylelalty of New Oxford, Pa. On the ltth hod., by Roe, Mr. Ilatior, Mr. VAL ENTINE HA Alt to 111Im ftoll (lA, daughter of Helotaott. Meal, all of York own I y, Died, On the 25th lilac in Monnthleasant township, ADAM SPITLEIt, aged 7! yenta, . On the oth Inst., MARC/ABET, wife cif John Brinkerhoff, of Strabart towilahlp, to the 451.11 year or her nga„ Very suddenly. nt Han(Wer t on Tugsdny Met, Mr. JACOB HILT. one of Hie veterans of 012, aged 76 years. On the s e theLt.th Bqtt el township, Miss HET TI E AN. LI V I.z.G6Tohl, sued 19 years 5 months and RS day e. On the 1804 Inst., near 4bbuttstown. ANNA I. E.. danghter or Jew ana LavlAa Bupp, aged 14 years /I months WI 11 days. Tree to leyerybodr, A Large ft pp. Ctronlnr, giving Information of the greatest Importance to the young of both sexeo. • it teethes how the homely Mai beemue beauti ful, the (lowliest respected, and the forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should fall to send their Addria, and receive a copy posygraid, by return mail. Address P, 0. Drawer 21, March 4, Bit ly Troy, N, T, bealhaeas 111Madams* 41.41 frateipipb. Treated with the Widget success. by Dr, S. MAACK and A taint, (fortnerly or Leyden, AaiWtd Difieritil.PlNESiseet, Philadelphia. 'Ali thiputialS feint the twist reitable fietrees In pie City /and Country can be seen at his orrice, The media& faculty are invited to iteetenrinnY their patients., aa bfa has =morels in hie prnelnie, Ar tliFelat eyes Innerted wit mud pat*. mach , tht P tENDI Wifirkbe Ifflk Special flo*Ntemn. 1 !waft Kills ate ♦p 2 - Thai 'blown observers ere U uj. People who ars proverbial tor their critical perceptions, are utterly - at fault. NO LIVING EYF can detect any diff, renal between the rieheat blacks and brown. that Nature hae bestomred up on the hair, and the aup,vb artificial tints con ferred upon grey, red or tumefy hair, by the In comparable vegetable agent, C I tISTADODO*FI MAIM DYE, 'With the color It imparts lustre, and does not miulsh the flexibility of the Wires. Manufac tured by J. ChISIADOIIO, ti Astor Douse, Ww York. A pp/led by all ifslr Dressers. April Z), MT. Int lirnaidreth's Pills. _ . our t heory: Local disease. whe.ther of the atom , sell and bowels, enlargement of the Joint'', then atte pa I na, cutaneous entptiona, even dyspeptic , complaints, boils, or whatever form such local disease puts on, are so many "Proofs" of a dhow de.red state of the blood and bowels, which BRANDRLTHI9 I'ILL4 correct and cure. Experience and akin eorUla eatee sap this le so. B. BRA:CIAO:TH. April :3), DO. 11n An Able Protector If yna have a lame side. a tick headache, heavy cugh, or colt, or a general nervotuatesa.•ow* turelerate dose is autticient—way as a Intak mg*, four to six pills; as a laxative. one or two tall% to be taken nt Igo ton retiring. 'rlsey are ralmidtett to be the hest protector tigat oat every form of dis ease. They oso n let ly restore the Stem ich, Liver, seal Wood, laseaseti of the Kidneys, and all secre tions, and exertions of the \vied. , system in un he'd thy to a healthy condition. renovate and re pair the injuries and wastes of the entire organ- Ism—vegetable into cdients throughout—no min erals WiIAtCVCr. r.l.Out II ag dor t nom t, lev.lug no ambition, the young at oft taxer, who are growing fast and complaining of no appetite, of broken rest and a cold reluctance to business, will god them extremely efficacloun. Mar ried and single of the opposite sex, su Iferink lost strength, and whose systems seem deranged, should Invariably use Had way's Itqpiliiting so in all Diseases of the 'hovels, in the purity lag of the Blood, so em ni entful to the protilgallou of They purge mildly, are contest with sweet gum, making them Window to the pahtte, and are free from smell. As they are at all Lanes useful, no family should he without them. Sold In. Drlmpoas. Priceli ("outs per Nix' Aprll22, Pitt% I.hv Ayer's Asssaparills a eoneentr.ited extract of the cholee root, so emilblinst with other sulwtances of still gmiter alterative power as to atford an etlectual anti dote fur diseases Sam:toucan:A Is reputed to cure. Such a remedy 43 surely wanted by those who suffer from Simmons complalnta, and that ono which will accomplish their cure must prove, as this has, id immense service to this Loge claw. uf cur afflicted fellow-citizens. Row completely this easnpound will do It Mot been proven by on many of the worst eases to he found In the following complaints: Escranta., :Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, Sulu Diseases, Pimples. Pustules, Blotches, Eruptions, St. Anthony's Vire. !tome or I.7,rsipelas. 'Fetter or Fait Rheum, seald limit, Bing W o rm, A. Syphilis or Venerial Insease is expelled from the system by the prolonged nue of this mamma rein. and the patient Is lett in comparative Female Diseases are caused by Scrofula In the Irlotsl, and arc otter scum cured by this Extrtut of Sit rsaparrllla. Do nut discard thin Invaluable medicine, because you have been ilipmed upon by some thing.pretemi in:: to la. Sai am:lrina. while It sits not. Wheel Situ have used ,tvuit ti—lh.•n, and 1104 till then, will you know the vit tiles ~1 ssrsatiarilla. For minute particulars of the LlP•easeh it cures, wo refer you to Ayers Amor:can Almanac, wide!) the agent below natural will furnish gratis to all also cull fur IL, A v PACS CATO' A WIC PILLs, for the cure of Cost I won CSS, .IA LI nil tee, I lympursltt. I lid inn, Dyne.nterv, Foul titotna,th, ITeaslache, teuinatisln, fioarthurd frun. Unordered ntom ach, Polo, or )fortda loat.tiott of tho Rowels, Flatolehor, lotoi of Appetite, Liver Complo.lot, Dropsy, Worms, NoUralight, and fur u Dinner The.; are sugar coated, so Olaf the most Renal 1.1 ye eau take them ideamtally, antkfheY aro the Tait aperient in the world lor alt the purpostiet Of a family physle. Proparod by C, AYER &CO., Lowell, Maas. nod by A. 11. I:viand:it, Gettysburg, PA. 31.treh 11, ISta, :Irn A Card to the Males. DR, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL. PILLS FOR FEMALES. Infallible in urn:ta loa. Irregul telt les, Removing Obstruction" of the Monthly Turns, (ruin 'wn.ttever WW, YUJ al ways siuceesslm us a Preventive. It is how over thirty years sine° the above cele br,ited pills were ilr•it discovered by lir. DU PON- I 3), or Patris,"durini; which time they have been extensively and successfully mien in most of the pabliv institution", its well as in prtt ate practice. of both hemispheres, with unparalleled "novae, In every cage, anti It is only ut the "urgent re quest,- ut the thote.ands of ladies who have used them. that he is Induced to make the Pill" public for the alleviation of thew sa tY T g froninny Ir regularities whatever.as well as to prevent tin in crease ut lainity a here health it ill nut permit It. ONE PIM, IS A litest.:, Pent•tles peculiarly sltirtted,iir thole simposi ng thenosel yes wn, ala e:mtloned aigullict using these Pills while in tliiit condition lest the!. 'issue miscarriage;' admonition, the l'tn- Lt ietor assu me , lit resimnsibllity. tilt). thPIT mildness will prevent any in Iwlttel to otherwise the Pills are reetariincn , led as i• NIOMT INVA. LI \ISLE It for all those afflicting comp/abets pr . /111Hr to thoser. - oxi•: BOX, IS eiI'FFICIENT. 10.000 Roles have been sold within Two Years. Ten Thousand Box,. sent b. MAI, both by my sel f too Agent., to all pat t. of the work!, to which answers have been returned. in Which laoles sty e nethiett like the aloe. ,• Pills have been known since the ttelenve of M , divine dawned upon the world, in R,•tnoving obstructions 10111 llerdering Nature toOlt, , PrOPerCho.llllelALUlPillig the Nervva and bringing bin* the "nosy tutor of Ileulth" to the cheek oft Ito most defirate. • Price $1 per Box. Bit Boxes Si. Bold by JoIIN S. FORNEY, Druggist. Solo Agent for Gettysburg. Fa. L a di e , H , by km,ling hint Si through the Post r/f -flee, can have the Pills sent, (roundentially,t br , MA4I, to any part of the country."frer of postage• Sold also by I. Spangler, Clot mbersburg ; 0. Ver Neff', York; Coleman & Rogers and Brown Broth. era, Wholesale Agents, Baltimore, and 8. 1). Ilnwf% Proprietor. New York. March 4; 1867. ly Dr. SCHENCK'S DIANDRAKE PILLS A SUBSTITUTE FOR CALOMEL. Micro Pills are composed el carious roots, having the rice: to re:az the meretlons of the liTor it promptly and elbetually as blue pin or mercury . , and without producing ear of them disagreeable or dangerous effects which otton follow the use of tbe Lotter. • In all bilious diorite)* tb-oelle may lw toed with wad deuce. al they promote Go Mechanic of vitiated bile, and remove Goat obetructione from the Hoer sod billary dtwita which are the came of bilious afavalooa to general. BC CLENUMI MANDRAKE MIA 'Odra Sick Headlothia Led el diotrdert atilt /Jeer, todleated bywillow &M. sifted tonna% cadvilaer, drowilibasaand • irmerii *WWI of Ter rtoceo sod lawltode, th:Z 3 tag the the liver 11 lel s so*Pi* se obstructed toed lion. In short, those Pills mar be used with adulate/a to MI emu when a pnualve or &genitive maikene Is rewired. Please ask for "Dr. Schenck'. Mandrake Pila," ao4 observe that the two Ilkenowes of the Doctor are so the Cioverorneot stamp —one what lo the last stage of Cow solupUou; sod the other in his present health. Sold by an Druggists and dealers. Price kit tent" per brit. prloelpal Oflice, No. 15 North eth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholeale Aerate: Maas Banes k Co., 11 Pert sow. New Yak: S. B. Mum PA Baltimore St., DWI- Sart, Md,t John D. Pak, N. S. ea. of Fourth sad Wei pet St., Cinchunni, Oleo; Walker I 'Neer, 134 sod LW Wakens Arens& Chico^ [IL; Collins Droners, southwest sonar 91 4canod NO VW Son 10414, " Know Thy Deletion "ki.itT4l)lE E, TIfORNTON, the great Eng lish Astrnlnslat, ClatrYOyantr and Pilyelimitetri elan, who has astootshed the Seleillitle classes of the Ohi Worhl, itos now located herself at ifud son. N. Y. Nis/lama Thornton possesses such wonderful powers of normal sight, its to eunlile her to Impart knowil 'ge of tile greatest importruteo to the stogie or lo wrier( of either sex. White lu a trance, site delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the md of an In strument of intense power; known as the INty chollti,ifcaPe., Ellisfantees to produce a life-like picture or the ftittire imNbnrut or wife, of the np rujeant, together with ditto of marriage. pcwitlon lire. leading tracts of char.:ter, 4e, This is no iumbug, its thousands of testilotoi b , Is ran wilt send when desired it ornate:lP% or writ tei guarantcp, that the picture is what it purports to he, By ettelostrig a konlitli lurk of hair, and stating plwte of hirtli, lige disposition sod corn- Plexi,oll• and ellelosing nAy eents and stamper." °li v elong" nailri . haeli ti) „Yourself, rat alll receive the picture and desired information by return 4110niumunteutitiu%vivrr , flycoundeutiol. Address In rsoin,fence, 44.1,1) , 41E F, TILultN• TON, I'. 0. 2:3, Hodson, N. Y. March 4, 1 1 467, fY A Young Lady rptonilng to hop limitary Wane, after a liqlnurn of a feW mon tlig 111 the Ci tr. Was hardly remounted by her Mew* In place of a cuarsr, rustle, gush ed fime, she hunt n soft, rutty complexion or al moat marble munuthriess, awl 'wifely cif twenty•three she reiglY aMmtred but eighteen. Upon itmedry Pa 14 t e cause Vs/ great a change, she p 1 In told them that, sh Use.l Elie CINCANOIAN BALM, and consftlerect it an acquisition to any Lady's toilet. Ily Its use any Ludy or Urn. tientsn ono* inttleove their pegitooe.l iiiipennutee en hundred fold, It pot mple hilts oornblivalop, as Nature herself is 'Maple, yet unsurpassed In Ito eittermy in ilmarilig Impurities truel.lllBo la h'AA4 t (Yl4 . OW *kin Anrt - donB. pexion. By its direct acsem ti e U ongolo d r aws from It all tta tinpnrities, kindly begitag the same, and leaving the *gene° ns Nat u re I n _ tended It shoutd be, clear, *month maw b ejup , OW. Pries Si. sent by Nall a ss xsp rom. ro. Os lo, qf as order by W, f„ CLARKE CO :Chemists No. 8 West 1 0 .beette ftt„ llyfactise. V, Theonty American Agents for tiles* a issa am itaroil 4, INTL 1Y Marriage and Ceiibelig. AN FaislAY OF WAIMINCe AND INSTRI.TO TION TO YOUNG AIIF.N. Also, Disease( and Abused wlhkl fKrasnuently prostrate the Vital powers, with sure maths or cadet. firrit.tre• or Chmink la _waled envelopes. Address. Ji ISKISAM , 7 TIOISIERON, Ho_ PhillyirdPhiti, cue. iro sevd ser. loam 0 Glerailiiiikti: ' . :, tiwtuh.on -noolt W H tTF Yr7III4AT, • ' M. istl 14:1) WIILAT, - ..- . 3 3r, 4 2 40 COI t\, 1 04 11 y . tr, 1 A . ', 4 OA 1%.4 . , . . /11' VI,. WHEAT, - 'Y. 11A Y. . . . CLAW ERASED, . FLA.XIIE/alll, 4 • man. •- . 11 22 *l2 25 Wll EAT, • • suutiadu BY P., . ' • 13 5 il 119 5.3 P 153 • • 1L oo 1 .* oAllif - • 79* * litkin IF hawk,. • 10 SO 411 11 bill HIMP . CA'ITLIC, I band , 13 39* 19 99 11 AY. 119 19 0 87 99 CIA W ERSEED„ • • 1099 to 10 39 'WHISKEY. 2 25 40 2 29 New and Cheap Clothing AT BRINICERROWS. STACKS OF THEM! BRINKERHOFF, comer of the Diamond . and York street, bas just returned buts Ihe city with an unusually attributive resort. meat of CLOTHING FOR SPRINO A SITAIRRIFRAII„ which be will sell et sushi olden at taWmPt Nil to take thew of very rapidly. U.R we! judge for yerareelven. To lures at the e.scnie lent material, tasteful' cutting, and etas mod substantial aewilig, and then to get his law prices—callers caunot help but buy, when they see It so much to their interest to du so. has Coats, Pants, Veils, of all styles and materials; Bata, pilot" 4111.1 Siioel; Shirts, of all kinds, !logic ry, Gloves, Lai. kerchiefs, Reek Ties, Crasser, Limes and .per Collars Suspenders, Brushes, Combs ; Trunks,- Vallee., Utnbrellea, Pocket Knives, Repro ' Smoking and Chewing Miasma, Pipes, Stationery, Lc.; Choi ks, Watches, Jewelry, with a thousand and one other articles, entirely too numerous to detail in a newspaper advertisement. lie asks the attention of the public to his new stock, confident that it will please—.and no one can or will sell cheaper, latut'i forgo the pies—zotter of York street and this Dium out!, Getty,shurg, April :9, 11161 XTRA fine DDSS a: -ROW krODS'. - - - &ad Muslim at ROW k WOODS', XTELA they CAltruee nt ROW I; WOODS`, XTRA nice Parasots at - ROW k WOODS', XTRA pretty Vac' at ROW. it WOODS'. XTRA colored Alpacas •t .RUW k WOODS', XTRA style Cairns a ROW A WOODS'. X TRA strong Corsets at • RUW W (AW. XTRA toads Poop Skirts at RUW k WQODS.' )CTRA Dag mar Skirting at , - how lt WOODS'. X TRA eight•caut Calk(' M . tiViW lINODS'. XTRA opportuuiti.a to buy Cheap at • ItUW k Wijoym% April 29, ISGT. , A T PRIVATE SAl.E*—the underrigs44 ta . offers his property, the WHITE SWAH kIuTKL. in South Washington street, at Pri. fate Sete. The tusuee is r. Btu TWU'•tiTUttT; BRICK, with Back•building, - and en 'sue Building Rejoining for A Bat...roam Also on the premises a good Stable, a never tailing well of water, a ri.iern, and choirs fruit. The property is a very deal:ably one, stud should eutntnand the attention of t.nyere. This it the house that wit su -terribly shelled during the battle ot,tiettysburg, and will always be looked upon as Cu object of interest on that accoutt. The terms can be leaned ralliog•o■ the subscriber, residing shaman. April 29, 1867 Bounty Account. A GENERAL STATIittr.NT of the Bounty. Accouut of IMUILTONHAN TOWN- UZI Loans from Bank, March, 13434, $1.0611 sr " " sundry pommel, 1,945 GO. Tax e, 1,e70 110. Subscription maney.received, 1,04 CO Loans from Bank, September, 1164, 6,394 91. Subscription money received, ),600 00. Tax a d, 1:43, 6240 65, Tax ed, 1166, Paid 22 recruit', Bank and sundry ' persons, Harsh,-1864, $8,396 91 Paid 19 recruit" and expenses for .September, 1864, 11,394 02 Paid 1 substitute fur J. S. Wilimey, 600 00. Szoner.tioas, 389 63. Paid in September, 1864, 6,50 u ou Interest and stamps, 371 911. Motley paidoundry persons, / 1,300 00, Abatement on $2,500;0f 5 per cent., 125.00 Ezonerations for soldiers for 1665 and 1866, Tree°Boiled notes, putatuudiug Tea, ' Amount in halide of Collector, We do certify that the above •etoaot is just end trne to the beet, of our knowledge saki belief—this ifah day of April, 18 6 1• D. IL 114USSE1.11Ali, - .411:41trit DAVID SIMLLEY, April 29, IBC7, lit Auditors', _ _ L4la 411 b Ir. ea. 1000 Fr ERIK'S REFLECTIONS fur Young 11 fen,;. ou the Error", Abuses and fliseasve in. duced by Ignorance of Nature's Lens•—A, Personal Narrative of Misery, Destrair.,andi Final Restoration by Simple Means. Should he read by every young man ,in the tmentry. New, for the benefit of all, without prices. Sent in a Sealed Envelope to any address, free of charge. Address JAMES S. BUTLER, Dos 5;101, Chum! Post office,. April 2-9, 180. Mew York City.. TEIR npplication of I. A. H. Reather, (with, the requisite number of signet?,) to keep,' a public house of entertainment, in antler townshilr, Adams comity. bas bees hie in NY office, and will be wrested at the f t Quarter Semitone, on TIfrADAT, the of MAY next. ADAM 31,INYR April 29, MT. Olga. • . Auditor's Aral fee. . BB undersigned, Audiatr, appointed T the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, to distribute the balance In the' hands of R. McCurdy, Esq.,fjequestretor of: the Gettyaburg Railroad, on fillafth account,' to and among the parties legiilly entitled . thereto, will sit for the purpose of, his ap pointment, at 'hie office, in' Getlyili t g, es TUEbDAY, the 71b day of MAY t J. C: 'NIMLY, Ait r tiVe. • , April 22, 1587. 3t - ` Lowreneo D.lMots 46 Co. W WSOLZSAL FANCY GOOns, , NUT/ONA , WIRE fer and - 41 YARTetISS,:c • No. Ng Witt ig/dews 0,14 lirtwee? tiowsk I Liberty gurets, ' may 7, 1866. Bsltiwars, 10 % lAAV PAREN.—JuI! .had s9Atb E uppls,§ol9ittrAo? Basirs;Svagsp l sad foap, WWlg' MEM • 16 nu 9).11 tY 7 ea sau • 2 al BALTINORID IACOR Ltra! X-tra I Tow n 'Property JACOB STOCK 3,813 IT ;30317 31 $3O 917 21 Married Lite. Tavern Lieenae. pELLERS I 714 1,075 53 119 00. 579 15 , 194 74