=1 • esti - AI I IIIIVWS , 31, Ilk is L + 7! PARIS . . • .. New - .ICI4V/iffter of the Skin. I SIII7I4I.KtiALS tti) ClME:llt.tTgli/ LA- ' - . • - L]s3. Ttrlus sweat Qt heitittlfyithz the akin tiblP to )resets. ?Ared & Ilene, they honour ilsly aiitte that it dltl -10 fro n all other j prlaanttions.- It gives to the most harsh and , Veritted_skin belt the texture and iolur 14 I...iltshe'd Ivory, rev,' ivtug all discaloratiosit, wheotterappenring frceldes.t moth - go Liaeitworia op .eks, nrigi is especially itioieaduk tp aesouthiuz out toe marks let:, by , toe saidipas. 'lbe agents of "L'Enall de Pali I" moat con: it laid) sobasit to Ike public the "airiest au aurseMeats of seek distinguished - Ladies as ..11,111it PiLICITA VESTVALI, Sias 81&60113 MITCHELL, - Jltn. D. P. esv,vgas... tec.t.LF, we PtilitSl, 11 is. E 11,31.1 WALLER, RVSIITON, 013 11.111.(301.:113TTES-. A PERRY. bud Many others, whum high standing in the )4 . 0/region gives the stain,' of triitlituldess to their intelligent and genuine approval. TIC Isettiatlul Lucille Wiatern says: "I findihat the •Ettlatit' pinduces all the lirillianey of rouge and with the i,realsiod pecua.tr advantage of total harm -I.niesrso. 4t really add. to the soltuces ucd I.maitty of the akin " The magnificent Ireotvali says: "I- have suffered ao much from the various which my stlicatrical pro fes-sion ()tinges me to use, that -1 ..o , ,,ider it a . perfeet lienefsetion to find a preporni,on which give, the tiec.-4 , ory unit. 111-3.4 to the skin, cud lesves .he skin co , 1 uud suitors." Mite tleggip Ilit CllOl .4 have tried OA: skirt '!.'Email l'arit,' and found thst it instantly imports' a .bloom-salnau, al Leanness to the com plexion." "Joreil's Email de Parls" is used na a deli cate be.intilicr of the skin fur Theatre, Saloon or Roll Iton,i, by . the most refined and scru pulous lod,ts , prolisc;dg all the beautilying, effects or rouge and 111,-ullite, uithuut their vulgar glore or inj my to tr ;Lin. uid by all IL ,i•ciacis I raggibts, Perfumers and Ladies' U .ic Die..e.omso L. [ammo,' add lirond.i iy; Denman times & Cu., aid F. C. Wells & Co . New Ybrk; and Hoirric Junin, 111 ,oath Tentlr str.mt, and Joi!uston, Holloway k Cowlen, P , ,,litilelphiu, Agents. JAItED g, (3.nernl Ad:nis and Importers, Jan. 28, 180. 'Om New York. DOBBINS' Electric hes`p SAYES TIM?. I ' ' SAVES MONEY 1 SAVES LA IVOR AV E LoT!IrS ! SAVES WOMEN! AND ALL &It.OOEIIS SELL IT . It is useil-by cattit kl nto small Shavings and dissolving hot or, thou stink 'the clothes fiv't to ten minutes and a litvle hand rubbing will maltu them its cleat RA hours of b tr3ilfitt tune rubbitig would do, with ordina ry soap,'ituri the most detic.ite fabric receive to injury:, We can refer to thousands of Mho are using ii, nud who could not be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' E;,ECTRIO INULA BY ALL LRAM() 4V)C111116 nrgersiporr . THU STATR. Miiiini.eture,l only br , I- BOBBINS ac LOVE. WIVIIEN %IA; OFFIt'I , .: le Sotel4 F,llls Street, Plittadelphia. Nov. 12, 1866 9m :1-14:7- • RitlrioNS wishingr PHOTOGRAPHS 01 . • their children will filithit to their advan +la e to call itt.tbeßve,elsior. C. J. TYSON, Gettythnrz, Pa. --.----- —•— Fall and Winter Goods. ASCOTT &SONS have just received an jother,itne assortment of NEW GOODS, eou.istine, in part, of Cloths, CAE dine reg, Casid , nets, Keatacky J.:TIS, and Tweeds, ( ~r Cen tlensan's wear . Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. " Ourstoek has been setecte4 with great care t and we are, prepared to sell as cheap ns any o:thir establishment in thu country. We ask the public, to gtvel us a call and judke for lieluselves. Call and ,ee us. No trouble to il,ow Goods. A: SCUTT .1c SUNS. Sept.. 17, 1866. Near Bftkery 0 NEWPORT & Z16G1.1 li, Aechanical Bak ers, South Washington street, halt square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on hand, the best• of BREAD, URA:KERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, &c. Per rone C . :inkling fresh Bread will be served every turning, by leaving their names and residences it the Balkery. Every effort made to plealle qlre us :t call! [April 20,"h3. tf Csoking Stoves eV' every variety, including the "Noble .Cobit,'"A Royal Cont,"'"Waverly," "Orn amental," "Orient4l," &e. Also, Tin-ware,' 4h,•et-iron-ware, llollow-ware, and every va riety of Kitchen Furniture—including a varies ty of Lanterns. Aleo, a n'w and much- itn wove.' Flour Sifter, for s de by C. 11. BUT:ULT.:a, Corner of Carlisle .ad It iilroad ste., Feb. 19, - Getty-41m rg, Pa. Blackgm I thhig. 11111 F; rtn.lerii;nel, would most respectfully tnforni the public, that he continues the BUSINESri, at his el.!), lately Philip Dolrsom's adjoining Troxel's pint shop, in East - Middle street, Gottphurg, where 14t. will :wall times be pze-, peed to do 111,acksmithing work to Carriages, Bugglv, W.tgong, &c. -- That he kioTs how to do all jobs oh the kind will riSt be lisestioned by those who have a knowledge of hii long etrterience at the business.—Goole on with -you; votk, aid you will oe eatiill :1 when you take it away—and for which ho will re.:eive Cnsh'or Couuti! Produce. AD.1.11 HOLTZWORTT- Mar. 20, 1865. tf .sci•=lT^ra -VrAasinr=3:). nAilTiLaa Prr ii_:7o MAC _t_loY SE! Pay from SA to W . Heel Mouton. oaks. n I." — s torritm7 give. mt. Per tern... zzlth stamp, Haar (Agents,, nIOTHELS. 4'owatt:int _ _ Mt tio•wlt ffL, Tokrk, .A.G3r.. - zrxs Dee. 3,3 m Tlie Far Famed _ - rTNIVERSAL 131.0T1IKS WRINGER."— * . j. u Besides ;he great s.%rin. , of Labor. the tdavirig Ode we tr end tear ofelothing in a -pint,ltsleftr, more ohm amc an ts to the prit's of Al i sWriuger. It IR litrAllgV that any family o vu le h e willing to do withoUt it. For sale at FAUN Esruck: BitOS audat G H. MIER LBWS ' (Feb. Not I ve. ijYDIA HOLLlNttgll'...i ESTATE.— L 's I teatannionry on tl a rstAte'at Lydia - Hui- Inger, late ul East Ite2-hn,- Avintos cnitnty, deceased, having tern. Irt,tited- to the under. sietted, , rtuilling in Vran..lio township, Yur, , county, Pt., he hereby glee* notive-fo all per .. *Awls indebted to sand estate to rankle itnrne.li ate payinent, , nati those haring Maims again +t the same to Meseta tbuai propiriy alahentithi ted tar 4ettitnielit. 011011011 DTCK; „rot. 11, 18C7. 61 11 Ssectitor.. rIGESTAETLY on harpl, an assortment of j PINE 'FRAMES, PHOTOGRAPH 'AC Cazda..4,,ud linnkets far grns,.es from the Battle Field. PiIOrOGRATHS at; one Generals and 'other diptinguished inditi‘turits it the asenlaior ORM:try. C. J. TYStiii. A, AT BORNRWS DRUG SP)RII you; can . always find A good asoorfinfmt oc . 01118, MAWS, Pi:D.FUME.II.I", SGAESI he. ko. W. 4... ? • 1 -- . . Adages County i A (Hit MUTUAL FIR INSURAXCE CO (PANT. ill EirEOTFUL . lscouran tsWO, Ilseca 18, Ibbl. I jEt, etet of the 0 , . osriceas. i mate. l'resilint—Geor.re Swope. - I Par away from the Vice Iriesitleus—Samuel R. Russell. ftestormg the tark. i A curer'"? the chol Secret , r) —Dr A. Buehler. Ilea V. n sem atm u Tre ten res --_4.; Ci. Fohaestock. • I Thor , are trussa eh Eireu Ore Committee—Robert McCurdy Ala. china. IVca they took bat drew fle•nszel4o, Jacob Kinq. their ill. II AA A.L.i.)14.4 G'eurge Swope, D. A. Buehler, Resolved that'll' titre it ever liseyishate, If. Ali.flo: 4v, 41. I:lchelberger, 5 a. Russell, E. tluah please/it, ni I.:f:c n.—n.otikt th.•‘. take. O. lra',ney'lo•' A .: 1 ?• " 1 ' 14 " , n AI. McCreary, ' 11;17Z.:.".t.",,Tw' ;; '•„ . 4.". 'l t ii'lt",`,; , i't,",:l;,:i', l 3 u .' ' Get: •1011‘t , J /IA Oti R:uir, Strube!' township; Ewe 11,4. Of WO, the , Loyouny out W 01.1: A. 11,. lutzi .man, Ft• i n kiln ; Win D. 11iw.e.., A eert tin pr. •.enti 'r ll , mi uotlitha aloi ‘ , ..015. New Ottani , Writ. ii. WilAfie, Bilnilersrille; T ry it 1 ' );! r. : .s. "' 1 1 111 . t - t i , r;i ll 4 B ou w 4 uk • a i r trurt k : H. A. fht &Liz, Strah•to township ; John Wol- lo s ro : o l,,,, s aie, oe h L i di a . r riio. s , ford, L tAtinore tot •,ship; John l'a king, Fast Non , A 4 , e. se trl, I tor, itherhav, anymore fear, Berlin; Abel T. W rig h t, Ben , ler,ville ; A hd.el (,;7,.., , t„t,. , ,,A,, ,, ,, , T, j1„1„h ~„tr1ia1ur...„rt:,1,,,i.,n„,,,,rf,- poor; F. G.tt. New Oxford , JAS H. Martin ill, flaw- Itahter gavoti It t., I lase noobte to pay) litonban township ,• John thitifiittg , ) Ins, Free. lu nu t.. 1.5. of si , Ic•I .4.4 will hr turn them away. A dostownship;John Horuer, Mountjoy Lox e- I F, lt ta filit'i(ißE X ZINOARI. ship; Wm. Itaa, White, Liberty I),yr...hip. 'flits Cony •Is bathed in its ()Pers.- ttonii ti h county of Adams. It has been in operAtionifor more than 15 yenr , , and iu that period has made but one aieessnient, hactrg paid lakes by fire during- that periol itraJunt• iag to 03,936—56,769 of which irate been paid during the List two year Any person desiring An In , arance can apply to any of the above named Ifanny„Prz far further f •Tornintior.. sQPfhe gxecutive,Cointnittee ineeig at the office 'of the Caarpany,''on the Wtaities day in ev-ry m J•itn, at Li o'clock, P. M. • Uct. 16, 166.5. tt F BOTH oun S: U 4 TO CfIIIIBERS- B"IMM P. OPEN To-t, v, NIAY 17,10,7,1 We take special pleature in nunounribgt to our irienis and etvuotner.3 th it w e have this day opened our ICE CREAM SALOONS, at oar mew statrd trf ChAmbershu-g - troet, nt opposite the ,Vitii--ratt Church. We litt3e had the apartment-3 fitted up in the best st le Ladies and Gentlemen are inc at,: to call, We will also tarnish Ls Cream in any quan tity to public or fOl :vete narties, at pre( a un prece,leated. W, will also c , ,hstuhtl) on -bend Fre.:l witiCh we wilt fa malt to all putt'' , d arid Thclitics at the 514r5rteit hotice. 1.1.1 AND miNFAt.vhAvATER can always Lelia,' icy cud cool an] atoll hours Ha% iris hal a lite• lung exit:llene4 in the tuattutecture of ail the toregomg articles we ask the p.tronage of tue pueltc near' ally. May 21,1866. tf AIINSI6II Sc 111 W. Fresh Conketiouery ND ICECREAM SAL -- OON.Tbc subseri= A her respectfully informs the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity that he his a Contec tionery • listablishisient, one doot east of the Eagle hotel, no Chauthersburg street, torwbi ch he would invite their attention. ikes, Candies, and every description cf Confections, tozethet'ivith Nuts, °ranges, add all kinds of knits, always on hand. Parties, public adid , private, a 9 well as fam ilies, will be furnished with all kinds ot Cakes, Ice Cream, (in pyramidal form or otherwise,) and other refreshments at their houses, upon short 'notice. "Ilasing spent 3 life-time at the business, he ft titers himself tl. t he tindertstiali it and that he is able tender entire satistletion. Chtli and see his Confectionery.: May 28, 18G6. tf JOLIN CREEL Grocery.4t liquor Store. AFIRST-R.A.TE ASSORTMENT of GllO- CERIES, cheap. FISH of different kinds. A large Idt of POTOMAC HERRING, RI low prke. The hest and Lorgrost Reecort mint of I,IQUOILS..ever kept in this nla , e. PURE WINK, WZANDY, RITE WITiziKEY, AC., for metiv.lia.,l and oN-e-r yurposes, in (pinta tities large orontall. Also— MISHLER'S CELE3RATMI) ITERB BITTERS. )Wll. J. NI t Baltimore st., Gettysburg. May 28, ISM IMEE2 Cheap tbr'Camh: N EW STOltE4 rounuEr„, QCORS, *C. Tito untiersixnerl has returned to Gettys burg, and optitd a new Store, crt Balti more street, next door to thr Poo (Mee, and newly opposite the Court-Honse, where' he offers for sal , •, Cues!' FOR C 4.911, n larze and moire assortment of GROCI,MIES,—Sug.tr,s, Coffees, Teas, Ntol.,sses, Syrups!, Salt, Sc ; with Fish, thtcon. Lar I, And so on. LIQIJARS 131,n.lies.` Gin; Whiskies, , R.om4, ,ntt everything el,e in the hne. Also, any qoontity of Sotiuns, to suit any and everyboal. Recollect u.ts is Cie place to bly MIE.IP roe CA33. April 23, ISCG Hardware & tirocertem. MBE sulAcribers have just 'returned from .1 the cities wilh an immense supply of HARDWIRE 6itucEßil;s, which ti t ey , are offering at their old stand in Baltimore str, et, at prices', tu suit the tunes. Our stock consists in I, tit.oi BUILDING MATERIALS, I'ER'S TOOLS, BLAcK,: \I-Uni'S TOOLS, COACH FIND.I.4.'S SHOE FINDINGS, CABISEr mAKTurs,..roor,s LIOESEK E PER'S I X runEs, ALL KINDS OF lit N,4: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, dILS, PAINTS, Acc.i, &c. There-is no article included in the several departments mentioned Above but what can be had at this Store Evbry class of Merliihies can be accommodated here with tools and findings, and Homekeepers can find every made in their line. Give us a call, as we are prepired to sell as low forcash as say house out of the city. JOhL B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, 3I y 1611864, Cannon's M ARBLE WORE S, Oo 13,4 timer° street,Ne ,rly Opposite the tort House, £ETTYSBUR • G, PA Every description of w•)rk executed in the finest style of the art. • Jane 4, tf Groceries', Notion's, &c. riErtiltGE llr SK'tWE, tiovityg porch e.cd kJ - the fine-GROCERY ESTABIASHM ENT of James A. Primes, on York _street, a. few doors east of Wolf's Hotel, and Vaving added largely to the already extensive assortment, on hand. off •rs the public a variety of Goods iu hie line r.rely, if ever before, kept here. His sramts, COFFEES, TEAS, MOLAS- ! SEA, SY 1.0.71'5, Sc , can't be beat, in (polity or price; whilst his assortment of NOTIONS: embracet almost everything the public can possibly need. HotistCkeepers and others stro uld give him a cAll before bu, lag elsewhere, as he is convitteed that be has the best stock in town, and that no one can go away distil). /We - The CABINET-MAKING business is con lolled, in all its branches, at the-old stand, a few doors east or the St.rs. N - 1 efforte simred to please the public. as,'heretolure. Gettysburg, Nov., 1866. if --- Fleur: Fe4d!-an lsiroceries: ' A r THS CHEAP STORE- ON THErIIILL.. % If you wish to buy any of the above arti cles she tper and better than you can get them arts where else, go to the Grocery Store of the I undersigned on the Hill, in,B.ililmore_ street, where customers ctn alw ,ys be accommoda ted, and where all are Invited to call and see for them.telvrs- The pntilic will always flail a l ull nod choice Assortment of MI SUGARS, COFFEES,. TEA, SYRUPS, 310- TO31000:1, cir: A ltS, SgUF FS, FISII4 LA.RD, I`.LE ESE, LIAC. XERS, 13U frill. E ;C3, fie, -A L R 0-. GLASS-WA BR, C1i..)01:' , .11T-ItrAißg, NO TIONS, gr , COAL, OIL L VS, VISO CIL, AND. IrtiOUlt AND FEW . , It.LIY-11"S ON BAND. WANTIID. -Plour, born, (Mts, Better, Ettzs.. Bacon, asil ,Eotatties, fur which the kighest market etc. will be .paid, either in (rade or Serßelaideitertnined to conduct my true[. flees in a faiwind honorable way . , end to sell cheap, I invite all to give me a cal l • ---'- IIeNRT OV/in/Ult. April 9, 11160. tf Removal GEO. F. - K I.LBFLEISCII r) Acrostic. Y Dedietted to the Propri cut by et late Dy s- pyramids or F he cane, nd healing tile I a; era, Molt, dreadful duw.unb; f ear or rip, tI, to eaw.. Were trout,: ith lever and out buttlo and , lowing tut the toe, Aet liveruts 11 Wriv. -me Zt We imhth=tl the f afflicted everytvb, I suffere.l f o Ileait ll,sease, nu Complaint. Oft. gr.•dt that life Ka eeveral emr , nent popular retnr.li..3 hat fon?, week al:u I coma pit eat Ziagatt Itt cured.' it long time o frequent attacikiot Liver .n the aufferin4s were so almost into'eraltile. I tried hyslcinn . ‘, and Oost, of the e‘ominentled fo such corn . little relief until a few .need the use oil F. Rdliter's' tens, and em miss perfectly 110; rey g City, Pa., Sep 8, 186;. , re.l,he nhult n ivied isenry it, in due tom '4:Lt tile laLts stared. ti.dlfif, Notary G. F. :Lill IV • I urg. T4s: Teas! 11 II tr ; bu P4.r , ott-dly 1'1 19!. n,ll.,wd,u,t4ea. are /rue as abuse okirr.q. bl J. MAriiii.l:,etty,' „ i , IfE PEOPLE. M . No ore Ifi , s for Cln,u•ter3 to p..y. Dollar fivr I! tupl .savud eas dire fr ill Ofn Im- rj'S_lS .FO,L Koorid , mis Flay et , lit3 to 0' by buying )our MEN Co.. Importers of Tea., in heir huge whoiesale lied to introdufie their Teas tiers at huporters' pi Lec, sing to the CollzlllllPf of 40 %tuftlie. can :Loa club to. d or qualitiesir.f Te.ts, in and end upw,irdi, and we uperior article of Tea at 5 e cost - ot importation. Let d:t or other person in each upon her atiquaintances ,rs for any of the following "hen a club of ,ten, twenty, fled, send to us and we will ut • T. Y. Kelley L . , euiplevtiun uirh , ne=e, have deterrn dtreelly to ennsn thus etre•ctibg r 8' to GO per vent. g ether lot any ki pa,?kagei of uue p will seed them a . some energetic I. neighborhood -ca ' ; mid take their ord l l nained Tear', 'and or more is obtain send the Tets pi, ' with the inte ut - all enclosed in on • meat to, the person ; send for his or het mentary package A ward. It is perhai we can sell Tens et taken into ccnide final cost of impor tor, Jobber, Who his each to reap mer ;bin Cartlge: 1 Storages, Atc., whit. , before they reach • explain this. W up in separtle plekages, esch person rntrked on it, box. As a farihPr indurr getting up the clulywe will services, an etra compli n all orders of '3O and up ps•ttot well understood why 3 very low ; 1.0 when it Is stion that besides the ori7,- • tinn, the Brokbr, Specula r esale Dealer 4nl Retailer, large profit, add the ittnu , 'Cooperages, Insurances, h Teas have to pass through the consumer, 'will readily propose to doi away a lb these profits arid expenses, ins nitlt the pelople to say I save 50 cents to $l 00 per , und of Tea the purchase, o give their eatlnings to a betweens. RICE I,lSl', I 0, 80, 00, $1 00,1$1. 10, best seven-eighths of and it now rein: whether they *ha pound on every p or be compelled bust of useleiss g 001,0 NO. (RAPA) a. ST, (Black) 80,1 90, $1 00, found. $1 '25 per pout BkI:aEF best SI 25 per YOUNG HYSON, ( St 25, sti;,cr,or l'reen‘, 85. 95, $ll 0), extra S 1 iU vr pours i. 1 Blae%) TO, 80, 90, best Mixer, (Gre,:n $1 00 per poun IMPERIAL, (Green) JAP $1 00, $1 Goveownea, (Gre pound. $l3O, be.t, per pound. In, $.l beit,lrer pontd. n) $1 Jo, I...eeti $1 60 per DEPARTMENT COFFE Idried a Coffee Department toind.Athough we cannot er ns great a saving as we ariin for profin, on Coffees 'et we can sell Coffees fully per than reta4rs charge. direct from tlhe Custom t nod grind then uerfectly I r more pound packages, at Ids per pound. IPrice—Ground Coffees—, ents per pounds. 13,st Old , 4U cents. Boat Ceylon, We have I defy to cur esta)dishme promise the t onsu can on Teas, (the T being very condi.) L:..,75 per cent. the Our Cu'ee , s com House, and we ro pure, put up in 1 Vlll.lll(iVanCe of 2 c Our Wholes•tle rate lOio, 23, 30 ' Government Jav 40 cents. SENDING MO ders for leas thg should e.t.a I with the' money, to sa by Expre,o.rtiii ward by Ev3ress F.:Y.—P.te k ies 36nding, or n $.30 for Tetsjor Coffees their order a P.lO. Draft or e the expense df collecting largo of oilers we m ill for nd collect on delivery. py at all Limes to receive a once from perscns visiting ealcrs or not. i . Y. KELLEY itt CO., Late Kelley A; Vought, r,r; Vesey Street, Sew Yolk. $l5 We ,h bn, ha call At our w are the cay, whether Jan. 21, 1867 - - -- I .king BuOinei s. over, the undesigdacti have ' Carriage. war I,viu,4 re:tivnvi the BESIIiESB, in E .at Middle Otieet, _ TTYS BURG, in prepared to jnt up work /nable, sub,tantial, and supe- Int of new and second-hand I ES, BUGGIES, IkC., (they will disuotie of at the d all orders will; be supplied atiXictorilv ro possible. EPAIRING h,, and at ellenpeFt races. 1 new and old lididNESS on at their old sm.', where they are a tn the mo-t rior manner. A L CAltiilA on hand, Nhien lowest prices; at as promptly and 11:11" . done with dispal A large lot hand for tale Tti.ttikfal for t for etijoed by t deat•or to d, burr e literal pa•roning• - be.etea cm, they solicit Kul ! I ec a law 411:1] DANNEII 410y - -10, 18G5 s and Bugples. Carritst,,l T ATE & C 0 A orthe latest an constructed of th invite the went our work with selrefed with op style and thrall commend the w either in or out All we ask is convince those i that this is the ll EIMI re »ow istliblingi n Yariety of C II W 0;3 K ii mo=t approved styles, and I best mtterial, tp winch they on of buyers. llnsiu,ir built grant care and ;of material .ecial referencelo beauty of l ility, we can c(Mfldently re. ,ik as unsurpa4sed by auy, of the cities. ; in inspection emir work to want °Lally kind of vehicle, lace to buy theri. n every brunch }done nt short on tble terms. I, at our Fsetclry, near the 1 iington and Cl i baumersburg rg. 'a W 3 E. end,. REPAIRING notice :Lad oa re Give us a c: corner of Wt,. streets, Gettysb P. J. TATE. Mar. 19, 1864 Cieto burg Foundry. /HZ subscri er would inform his tallow and others that be is still mahufacturipg various kinds o Castings and kkchinea, made to order, on en notice, such its MIRE TIERS AI 4 TD POEM, (five ditremt sires of Powers;) Clover-seed Ilu;lcrs and Cleaners, Corn Mellen and Sep arature, Cortifokider Cutters, Straw end Huy Cutters ; 1- , 'P ,L 0 II Gil S 4 such as Gist Plougin ll ,rshpar Ploughs, Side hill and Corn Ploughs; the I WIRE-SPItiNG HORSE RAKC, the lateA iminoreinent ; also Metal Screws for Oder Presses, IRON RAILING for Cemeteries or Parallax. wqth everything else iu his line, all at low priori. Fua SALE.--. 1. fight Two. orae Wagon, a One-horse Wagon, and a Snri ig Wagon, all new. DAY{ STIR ER. April 30, 1866. tf Pine Shlngt A LARGE lot of Pkie Shin Ons: from $11.50, 4 - I,to' $l5 per 1009 i for he Lanthar yard of EUE I ILEB.. Oct. 32, 1866. G T your PUOTOGRIF RS Ia t i TYSON'S TIM GETTYSBURG BKYLIGUT GALLERY. . rpLIF: undersigned:take, pleasure in anomie. cing to ti e citizens Of Gettysburg and the public generally that he has removed from his oil moms on West Middle street, to Baltanore street, and nearly opposite the of Fahn estock Brothers. The room be now occupies has-been recently fitted up expressly for his buainesi. The locations& an admirable one, enahltuir him to tits° pictures in al shades of weather, and with correctness unequalled soy where elite LIFE-LIKE PHOTO.GRAPILB, of every size and descrip:ion, executed in the :nest et) Ic. Pariicularatteation given to the °MITE DE VISITE, and to copying Amami- TYPES and DAGUEIIREOTYPE6 ut ilecea.ed friends. A bray-- , TUE Genrsounn GEMS, a new style of picture, which has become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, hut for cheerily& abd convenience.— SIX MEN for ONE DOLLAR only. Also— TUE PaIIf:F.LAIN Pit:TUBES, which fur their beauty and duraidlity arz unsurpassed. We 're prepared to carry ou the business in all its v 'Huns br ittelfes, and h riving had con steler able experience we run MI risk in G ITARANTEEING , PERFECT SATISFAC TION: ere cured of vg .efit of the Dispepsia, Our f.teilittes fort. full display of our skill nre unequ tiled by any other Gallery iu the County. and we would therefore invite every one to r at the NEW GE ITYSBUTIG SKYLIGHT GALLERY Cali and exaruinu our Specimen, mud judge for - our:..rlves. LI.VI Ilt7llrEIL. Jane 33, 1806. liivsinzer tt Shireman, Nu. 8%1 NI.AI:I:Er YORK, PA., • AGENT, AV) DEALNRS IY NAXOS AND CABINET oitGaNS, MELODEONS, . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, respectfully inform the public that they are prep tred to furci,h Pianos of the following rnanufActore or of any other make that may be preferred : Albright. Iteilces at Itehmidt. Chlekering ote: Sun, pradiburr. *jambe dc Sun. Cale A; Sun. KSVEY'S CRI EBELATED COTTAGE, 11AR1loNIC AND BOUDOIR ORGANS AND MI.LODEONS These Instruments stand unrivalled by any thing' found in this Country or 'in Europe, as is admitted by all impartial Judges. The most eminent Pipe Ortian Bu lifers and Performers, the last to disci:l%er excellence in reed Tune, pronounce limay imperior to all others fur exceedingly quick articulation and round Tone, the eb.ouilial feature in instruments of thi - &, class. We invite the severe scrutiny and criticism of Mi.. PATENT VOX lIUMANA TREWILO. This bite and most wonderful invention (so neLnowledged by all lea ling artists') will be found only in the Est Instruments. In at tempting to describe the ellect o' this step, we are - at loss for langualte. fts beauties cannot be written. but must be heard to be appre ciited. By this svp an ordinary pertm in' r can produce is effect which requires a lifetime of pilietiet-for-an artist upon a violin., en tirely changes tht. teed Tone, giiing the sym -11, pathe-tic sweetness of the human 'voice, making I it Jo rucludious and pure that it never tail, to enchant Jile listener. - for Churches, Public Balls and Parlors has a nowettul sub-Bass with inoependent reeds, ❑dtmonic attachment and tins Humana Tre molo, and is believed to be the most powerful reed organ made, being nearlyktqual to a ripe Organ of three times the cost. All di,trumeuts w it ranted for five years. ,ttr•Bit.lSS BANDS supplied with instru ments and_niii.sie at :easonable terns. A liberal discount allowed for Churches and Sabbath Schools. ste - InEtruk:ti,ths given both in Vocal and Inosurnental Matte, at our rooms, add at pa pill' homes, either to iuthviduals or anises, on reason ,ble trimq. Leo. 17, lEut3. tf W. E. BIDDLE. • H. S. BENNER. 1.00.000 Basin'. Grain Wanted.' XTEW FIRM Al' THE OLD WAREHOUSE.' 11 WM. Id. RIDDLE & CO. would inform the public that they have leased the Warehouse on the corner of Stratton street and the Rail road, in Gettysburg, A here they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PdODUCE BUSINES, in all i:s branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats,: Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaicseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, NO. Soap,Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatae.§, with el,ery-1 thing else in the country prodace line. GROCERIES.—Un hand, for sale, Coffees, Suzy's, Molasses, Srrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Chee,e, Vinegar, Sod Mustard, Starch,' Broom-,ll , tclicts, Bl,tc6in , Soaps, &c. Also COAL OIL, Fish 0;1, Tar, &c. FISH nf all kinds ' • Spikes and Nails; Sthoking and Chew ing Tobaccos . They are always able to supply a first rate article of Flour, with the ditereut kinds* of Feed. Also, - Ground Plast , ,r, with Guanos and oth-r fertilizers. COAL, by the bushel, ton or cur lord. They will run a IMF. OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They, are prepared to convey Freight either wily, in any quantity, nt REDUCED RITES. They will attend, if desirt.d, to the making of purcha=es in the city, and delivering the goods promptly in Gettysburg. Their cars run to the Warehouse of Nathan Roop North Howard st., near Franklin, here treight will be received at .hey invite tile attention of the public to Noir line, as liring,4hetu that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize them. April 16, 1866. tf ' • New Warehouse. 00,000W1A3 lIN NIE E D L i S tt tll ) e r ne t i rr and Produce House., in Carlisle street, adjoin ing Sheads k Buehler's establishment. The highest m.irket price will always' by paid it Gash for GRAIN, of all kinds, FLOUR, SERBS, die. Always on hand and for sale, at the smallest' proli t s, (IUANOS, SALT, FISH, GROCERTES, kc., Wholesale and retail. TRY US I We shall do 'our 'best to give satisfactio'n in all cases. ' McCURDY-411; Gettysburg, May 11, lawr: ly - New - Lumber. Yard. FIR nuthrsigned hat opened a LUMBER T YARD, on the itaitrondii near Guinn k Reilly's Limo Kilns, Gettyshnig, and asks the public to give him n enl.l. His assortment is mane of the best ever offered here., and Itispri. nes afford only the smallestliving profit. He has WHITE PINE PLANK, Inch and half inch BOARDS, FLOORING, PALINGS, kc., and is constantly addingto his stock, • Come and examine for yourselves. JACOB !MEADS. Oct. 29,1206. tf 1111. GIIIITN & REILLY have erected .two addl. Ilona! Lime Kilns, on the Railroad, and are therefore=bet ter prepared then ever to sup ply the heit. of L4IIE, in large or gmall quanti ties. Farmers and others can bereaftet look. fora more pritimptildinrof `the rr orders and are invited to extend and • continue their fa vors to a firm which is making.overy'effort to accommodate them in the beat mitimlleppoluble• They will also continue to keep on band. for Ws, a good supply of the ditfercar trjo4o of COAL, which-they will at II it small prnfits, Coal arid Lime delivered aayeriscro iu Gat ,'• p shore. lLr 14, 1866. tt Removal ! D=El THE HARMONIC ORGAN BIDDI.R k BENNER Lime & Coal./ Inauguration O 1? W LOW PRES. J. L. SOHlt/K, invites the attention—of hie ,friends sod castorden to his -large tutd well selected stork of ' Dar GOODS Comprised in part it French Merinocs, • All Wool Poplin 4, All Wool Detain's, • All Wool .Plaids, Plain Popline, black and Fancy Silks, Tamise Cloths, Black and Colored Alpacas, Black Cloths aid Citsciakeres, Fancy Cassiaieres, Cassinets, , Jeans, Flannels of an kinds, Gloves and Stockings. Also, a fine lot of ,Ladles' FURS AND SHAWLS, as well as an abundant variety of Notions, all of which will be sold ehe , p for thl, cask. J. L. SCUIt..I:. Dec. 17, 18g.G. Great Excitement! Al' jn J e G v e ll: T g Y i ' e o f .s t b h 6 4 s s e ty a:Lo u r: e a d a tNa u e w . s u p s a in p e e s r e x . • ertisenietit, and if MAN actually has the best, the prettiest and the cheai.est tzOods in all creation, actually Eeliing them at break-down p. ices—too few heed the fact for tWeir own interet, therefore we a Lave FOUND it beat to simply invite el err body to call and examine our atoek price& be.ore bu j in‘ , one liolh ei worth !elsewhere, for I can and will mike it to the ltitere,f, of all those who are nut • DAD to their true inter,st and who wish to save money, there,!: . ore to boy eber)tLing IN the ling of good an I cheap clothing at my store, tr!,cie there has just ',cell received a most m tgoill, eat assortment ut F.,11 mid Win tcr conristia,r of Overcoats, Dreaa Coats, Business Comp, Pants and Vests of all ktutD, 0%, rsitirts and liancrshirts, Stuehiogs, Sultendets, Cr•tvats and Notions, Clucks, Mu-teal lu•trnmenta, itri,l many wher things in my line, all of which I am sci.ing at a cry low pricos. Call on F. It. I'ICKINU, Balti mute street, near the pehlic Squat e, CETTYSBURC. Oct. 29, Great . '► ttrgetion AT muNKEßilluiii:.s cLoTHEca AND FURNI,SI.II:Nt; at the North East Corner of the Dj.trno.ll.,, The sob., riber is constantly in receipt of trejh goods front the Eastern cities. llts stock Of _ . READV-M CLOTIII . CG is one of the lac s.and nto.si ettraetive,,as well as-the client; est estahli.loncht of the kind to 40 , 8 country. You cull there find COATS, rg4TS AND VESTS, made - up iu CA. most fashionable at.) les, and 'of the bett ntaCri.ds : of all .saves and prices, for men and boys.-- GentlemPll'D hu alsuing good: of every deatrip tdon, Wool Shirts, Maslia Shirts, llkkory Shirts and Merino Spirts, Mer' .0, Wool and Cotton Draw ri, y of every description Back-skin, Nferino and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerchiefs, Neck Ties. Cravats.,-Linea and Paper Collars, 11. rt;, C ins, ,Boots and Shoes. Urn- Trilaks, Carpet Bats, Clothes and Shoe Brushes; Bait ani: Tooth Brits'.es, 'Shoe 131.e'ii 1g; Pocket and Dresping Combs, Ivory ,Co , obs, Watches, ('lodes and Jo , clry, Guns, Past Old, Violins and Violin Stri Soaps aod Perfdlaryies, Station,.r y of all hit: is, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Plieh ,e -co, Pipes, an extra qaality of Sqiiirs. In idet. his stock embraces le; er) msually Idund in a frost clas , fucniihing :dote. I incite the attentirou of all to 'come.:ind see for theti,elco,, as I lAA def,Guained to sell goods lowar than any othel'ettablid!,:acat is the country. Don't forget the place. Corn. rof Volk street -Ind the Didtudrol.' JA-0011 July' 4, 1804. NEW I'IMI, T TIIE OLD STAND. f EST tat4l3llED IN 1817.1 1 have associated with toe, in busi.iess, my sot; ' John F. :11cCr.eary, under the firm and style of D. ‘leCreary A: Son, and 1 desire to say to my old frieu r ds an 1 the public generally tbflt since the war, the manufacture of Saddles, Ihrness, h ,s been revived at the old established and well knoun stand on Bal timore street, one square sOutleot the Court G tt shurg, Pa. Having lind au experience of 40 years in this est ILI shnieut, 1 feel assured, that, with renewed att.muou to basiue : ss, we eau still further merit Ind recti% P A fun sit re of pub lic patrouage. DAVID With increased facilit:es for coudueting. our Vusines.F, vs ! , are better prepared• than ever to satisfy the wants of all those who m-y need anything in our line. We especially call the attention of Farmers and others to the superior qu atty of our Plain or Quilted Seat Side Leathers, Horn Saddles, 4itittnes, all kind - , w th Plain or Quilted Seat or without fastenings no Horn, - .housings, Plain or Qoilted Seet'Seuteh Collars(lenther) Side Saddles, 1 " .' (ticking) Plain or Fancy Saddle N . o Seram Collars, Cloths, .Be.t. Welt Harness QC - 11- Wagon Saddles, I Lars, Ruling Bridles, of all Patent Leather Collars, kinds, fair or black,, stitched oranstifehed rounded or flat,, B-st ,Le.aller Wagon Martingale, I Whips, 4, and 5 Carriage Harness, all feet 1 inf.!, styles, silver or bitch Platted Team Whips, mounted, Tr.dtirtg Whips, Heavy Draft Harness, ~.adies' Riding Twit's, Blind Bridles, 'Whip Lashes, Girths, ' Horse Blankets, Cruppers-, &c., &c., &e. In short, everything_that pertains to a first elms general horse furnishing establishtnent coa-•antly on hand or made to order promptly, of the very best material, and by the most ex perienced workmen in the country. (two bar in?, worked in'this : establishment tor the last thirty years.) We are now manufacturing an excellent lot of Heavy Dr.t't and Harness Collars for those who prefer our own to city made work. Repairing of all kinds done at short notice and on reasonable wins. All are cordially invited to call and examine for-themselves, as our work - eannot to recommend itself. D. McCItEARY & SON Feb. 5. 1806. 11 Fresh Arrival. HATS, CAPS, BOUTS & SHOES. — COBEAN & CO. have just received and opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOUTS and SHOES, - for Summet wear, which they are selling at very low prim' considsring the times. The latest styles of Summer Hats and Caps, of every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior make, and? warran'ed to fit, alwa:s on hand. Work made to order and repalying done on short no tice, by experienced workmen. Also, HARNESS MAKING, carried ou in all its branches. PersOns want ing anything Io thigline would do well to call. isirDon't fofget the old stand in Chambers burg street, If you want Bargains. COHAN CUWFORD. June 19, 1885. —. Saddling. r 13E undersigned - haf commenced the SAB- I. DLE and HARNESS-MAKING - business, on the Hill, in Baltimore street, is the building formerly occupied by D. Sweeney is a Chair s.hop, up-stairs, where he asks those wanting, anything in Lis like th call. Work done in the best manner, and prices *mod.erafe. ABSESS- RBPAIRED at short notice. ' A lot of new Saddles and llamas on band. J. 11. ROWE. Gettysburg, June 25, 1866. din WeidAra Xandx. WEIS subscriber has some valdable WEST. I ERN LANDS, which tie will trade for one or more - FARMS in this county. The lands are well located, and very desirable for farm big.. Early application desired, 4ACOB BRINK/14E0FL mettysburg, April 3, 1865. St • FOUTZ'S Rona Ni s i Pardon '•• • Thts • • s ', i I '. lona ar l it ' ll " V 4kll4 ibly cl r Th'•. 'y known, will thou °uglily ref nvigorat• r liroken•tlown sad 4111111 r, tow spiritedloaves, by strengthellillf and dean/tints the stomach. sad Inter. Slues ' ` 4 .4.;,:.. 7. * '=•••: • :,I:.'"' it is a sate pre. . ventive of all die. ens., Incident to this animal, such as - YELLOW "- W TER, HEAVE COUGHS, DI TEMPER, I , VERB, FOUNDI LOSS OF Al'l TITE AND PIT. ENERGY, dm. I , use improves the wind lncreases the appTtite..ait • Smooth glouy skin—at transforms t h miserable 'keret horse. 11_ NI ._ To kee- It In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, ricers in the Lungs, Liver, , this article ,eie tt a sets as specific. By putting from one-half a paper " to is paper ins _ • barrel of swill the shore diseases 4,- be eradicate 4 - • - or entirely prevented If given in time, a certain ,preventive and cure for the flog Cl:o,dra 'Price 25 Coats per Paper, or 5 rapers for ill. = S. A. pou-rz sr, ]3RO., I TAM 333 WHOLESILE DUG AND MEDIUSE DEPOT. No. 116 Franaliii St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Drarraists and Storekeepers through- - out the United SubLcs. For sale hv A. D. Tinenler, Gntty3hurg ; Laughlin & hi,,Whi , eling, Vs ; C. C & Co., P•t, , lqig; Johnson, & Cowneii, Dee._l7, loGd. 13 Clabinet Furniture. inrorm the:r cos. tumcN and tho `fublie gear rally, that they lia%2L now on han , 2 and contibue to Watt ulitet lire to or , C ABI.NET F It NTTV It , w , iieh; tor ,ty:e boi4h and price, will compete wttli any in the moty.— Our pr.. eat .tuck ettomiatg Of every- arirty of FaKitture u Irtlft kt.pt in a first elms rural tale IV ire It tutu, l'ashionL'Ae, ornamental or plain Furn'tere manufactured in the ruoet saltstanthil Illannor, by unit experfeneell wilykuien, and at the lowest ets'i prices. ()NUE itIA Kltifi having a ne.v Hear e, par,ic•tLtr attention will be given to of their bulness. They ate prop., red to , tiake aid furnish Coffins 6f any deAre I quLlit,,attend Funerals at the shortest aut.ce—.and on' out h terms as ca , . tot fail to i le ,s'• The return their thanks to the public for the fiber it patronage extended to iheiu in :lie p and ineri tand rpceive eiintihuaiiie of 'while patio! a i re. hap aid Ware !town third hiuilinQeast of tnr Synare. H. FETE it Wit). LatlestolN .1, April 16, tf Lan:•:i.ter Bonk Bindery. GEO au E. T, BOOK 13 1 DE R, =I Phlin and Ornnr,n , al ninth:v. of e•vesy de• rs.ttutuu iu rite must bi11161.1.111.1t11 hind tipprat ed styles. lIFNEREVC69. E. W. Brown, E:q., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L2Peiper, Esq , ratoraster County link simnel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. simnel Wagner, E , q. : York Bank. William Wiziter, Esq . York County Sank. T. D. C..rson, Esq.. Hank of Gettysburg. • Poser Martin, Esq., Prot of Lancaster co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register , " t 4 Goo. Whason, Esq., Recorder " April 15, 166,1 Singer'. Celebrated. MITE very best ii:nl I ..test improved machina I in use, fnr.i.li:s at the CLOTIIISLi STORE of J-10038 Illt9 ,in Chantbersburg street, ,Gettysburg., where yuu cen buy be Lest and cheapest Cloths, C.issitueres and Vebtiuga, rad every variety of goods in the line of 1 . , ,. .N AND BOYS wEA rt Yon can h.tve them cat out and male up in the very lth.st style if you at moderate auJ without any tick whatever. CEO. JACOBS it BRO. August 20, 1.866. A Lecture to Young Men. JUST published, in a sealed en% elooe.— Pr b cents. A Lecture on the nature, treatment and r ;die a cure of Spermatorbael, or Seiciti.il Weiiisn.:s Involuntary Emissiouilt, Secu 0 Debility un.l impediments to Marriage generally. Nervoione4a, Consumption, Bpi -1 pay, and Pits; Meqtal and Physical ine.pa city, resulting from elb-Abuse, &c. By Rob ert J. Calverwell, M. IL, saltbox of the "Green Book," &c. 'The world renowned author, in this admira ble Lecture, de irly proves, from his own ex perience, that the awful consequences ut Self Abuse may be effeettually removed without. Medicine, and :without dangerous surgical ope rations, bongles, instruments, rings, or coidi als, pointinz out a mode of .ure at once cer tam and efTe tual, by which every sufferer, no mutter what his condition may be, may cure bimselfchea t ily, privately and radically. This Lecture will proven boon to thousands. Sent under seal_ to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two poet age Mauve. Also Dr. Culverwell's Marriage Guide r price 25 cents. -Address CHAS. B. C. KLINR & Co., 12T Boitery, New York, P. 0. box 4586. April 23,1866. ly Euipire SHUTTLE SEWING .MACHINES are en perior` to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSF.S. Coutain all the latest improvement's; are speedy ;11obieleis dyable ; and easy to work. Illustrated Circe! trs tree. Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No consignments' made. - Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., ale. Broadway, New York, Sept.l 17, 161 St. ly naked in OM. HENRY W. OVERMAN, LW! L 1 -SltiN MERCHANT AND DEALER IN LEATHER., • No. 14 South Third Street, Philadelphia.' lierConsigumente aoiicited, Dec. 10, 1806. 17* TRY Dr. R BORNRR'S Tonic sod Ait a i a , tiro 'Powders, for RORSI39, and CATTLE, Prepared and gold only at big Drug Atom. January 25, 1864. , • R4QEB et the Excelsior Cannot be uni)er -' rated wfillelthe quality and style of PIO llaS cannot be sorpained: Dell and es• mine. PERTIVII - AltalYitll.P A PIIOTICTRO SOLI:4101 Op Protarkie of Iron, a new dlicorery la medicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OP DISEAII, by snpplying the Blood with Its VITAL rarecirte, os Lira sLimswe—lßON. Tide is t e secret of the wonderful success of 's re dy la curing DYSPEPSIA, LIVER, CUPLAINT, DROP SY, CHRONIC THAERIREA, BOILS, Nervous Affections, Caills and Fe. sera, Humors, Loss of Constitu tional Vigor, Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diereses originating in A BAD sTATR OF THE BLOOD, Or accompanied by DIBILITY, or a LOW /TATO Being free from Alenilof in any form, its energizing effects Are not ,followed by corres ponding reaction, but are peemanent, infusing strength, vigor and new life into all parts of the si aem, and building upau IRON OUN. STITUTION. irntlen le inelliltalde. lm pe,rees the quality of the milk It has been proven by ac tual ,xperiment to increase the quan tity pl milk and cream tl% enty per cent and make the 'butter (Inn and eet In fattening tattle it ail es them an appetite, luoeens El. ir hide, and Males timm thrive DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. • From Ihr Venerable Archdeacon Scull, D. D. . DUN Hall + Canada East, Mardi 24, 11165. * * * "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic Of more than 23 years' standing." * * * have been so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks daring hich I have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely permirle myself of the reality. People who have known mu are astonished at the eh loge. lam widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has dose so in o , •11 for me." 1)11 , 101 the Most DISTINGUISHED 341- ! RISTS in New Rogi.iiid writes to a friend as - follows ; have tried the - PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the result fully sustains your prediction. 14, has made it NEW VAN Of me; infused into my system new vigor and energy; I am uo longir t tremulous and debilitated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with lat , ger capacity for labor, mental and physical, twin at any time daring the last five years." An EMINENT DIVINE of Boston, says: "I have been Hying the PERUVIAN SYRUP fur some time past; it giveeme new vigor, buoya..ey of etasticit s ut muscle.' ebrTHOUSANDS have been changed by the use of Vas remedy ; from weak, etckly, suffering ...Features, to strong, healthy, and happy men women ; and invalids can. not reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 31, pages, containing certifi cates ot cure 3 and recommendations from soma of the Most eminent physicians, clergymen, an / 0 , hers, eril, U., - sent vacs to any address. gicai•-•iee- this , . each bottle has Plyltt'V AN SYRUP blurt u• in the glass. All Medical Men agree, tli It. lODINB is th• BEST ItEMEIY ler Serumla and .11 kindred tiliettSeS ever disenvere,l. The dai•taty !ss b.ea to 0bt4,;11 SOLITTIUN Of it. DR. H. AN DRE 6; lODINE -1V 4 4 TER, is a Pure Solution of Iodine,,WITIIOUT A SOLVENT . A moat Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Reetci. ratite. It wird, cure smovrmA in all its manifold ' forma. ULCERS, CANCEiti, SYPHILIS, SALT Rlihrd; amt it h is been used wit iiiistontshinz !Wren in cases of Rneurnatism, Dyspepsia, Consump tion, Female Complaints, Heart., Liver and K.duev Di.icaaes, dr.c. . Circulars will be sent rise to any address. Price $l.OO a bottle, or #; for $5.00. Prepared by Dr. U. ANUEItS, Physician and L.1.M7, , ,,511:11., PA .1. P. Dtawroore, 56 Des Street, New York, WILD C , HEIIR Y WITH THE MOST ABTONIZHIUU SUCCESS IN OCRING Coughs, Colds,Jloarseness, Sore Throat - , In flu: nza, Whooping Cougb, Croup, Liver , Complaint, Bronchitis, DitficulLy of , Breathing, Asthma, and lovely affection of THE THROAT, 'LUNGS, AND CHEST. CONSUJITTIO2V, which carries off more YiCUM than any other disease, and which baffles theeekill of the ploy. sichns to a. greater extent than any, other malady, Often • TIE:..DS TO TitiS REMEDY when all nther3 prove - ineffectual. AS 1 MEDIUISE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, tqdi in its while as prepara.ion, frio , fin noxious iE preii nts ! poisons or rameraii; uniting skill scinice and tnedical knowledge - ; combining all that ip valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE! and is entitled to, merits and receives them eral confidence of the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. 8., -of Berman, N. Y., writes as follows; "Wisraa's BALSAM Or