. , • ... . ii. • 1 - Jr .... ~.. ' 1 s :.5,......./ ~, - T -- RG - COMPILER, - • • ' 1 . Journal, 1 . J. , ... 11 1 .I -IN PM,. aiMMDZYBRY MONDAY MORNING, ft, , ii -- bUrgs k -4 .Y'l • 1 1 :4 ; r .:_ ..T, ' ;: iiii iMMNRY J. tiren.LE. . . . g. )I 4 ; AlI ki - , kf ‘......___. -.., , ~„ A • s' A I k ...___,.. , t i 2:714k 48 Mghty, and Wil/ Prevail." r , . , . TERMS Or PUBLICATION.-42 00 per an clunOrilaldantetly to ADVAltelr.-42 50 per an num It not Paid In advance. No Subscription di*: continued, unless at the optioh of the puhUsher, until all arrearges are paid, A DVSATIASEMEIiTs inserted at usual rates. JOB PAINTING of all kiwis clone will neat ness and dispatch. OFFICE- In . „Bouth Baltimore street, between Middle and Sigh, near ther Post Oitice-"CumPl ler Printing 02130" on the sign. - The Otd symte. OF HIGH - PRICSS VE,TOSD BY NORRIS, At his new chap Clothing, , Flat, Cap, Boot, Shoe and Vitriety Store, on Charntßraburir, atree,t, nest - door to Buehler's Drug StOre, Gettysburg, Pa. Thaputitie will find at this. Store. the Tamest sad most fishtail ibis assortment of Gentle metea-attd:Boy's wear, in Ad tais county. OVER COATS Beaver 00eicosts, Peterab tin (Iyercoats, Beal Skin 9verccats, Meth OvereimtA; Esquirn.taxlßeaver overcoats, etc., ice. DRESS AND BUSINESS (;GATS I Bleat, Cloth Drees and Sn . , k"Conts, • Cassicnere Seek a.td Pro(ok Coats, KtlitWoolen Uni,sn'Coati and Jackets f PANTS " .0-6 YE iTS I - • :BletekCioth PanttOonn!, . Black Ctiss mere Pantalogns, • -• tanner Cassirpere Pantaloons, 'Harris Odssiptere Pantaloons, drank °kali Vests, Silk Grenadian Vests, Plash and Satinet Vests, Am: r - IfAI I S AND CAP.-3. Restirte Hats ' Dress Hata, Dexter Hats, DrPiing Uah.a, Clipper Hats, French Hats, Dasher Hats, B , madway Hats, Plush Hata, Moiton rfats, Brighton !lads, Miacio Huts, Crognet/Hata, -Bismark Hats ; Peto Hats, Warwick Hats, Metropo:M Hats, U. S. A.lhtts, Drinkard Rau , Cassitnere - Hdts, - - etc., etc. Velvet Cups, • Cassimere Cape, Fur Caps,- Cleth i Caps, McClellan Cups, ',Navy Caps, - &omit Calls, Petersham Caps, Bru'e CaPs, - Plash CepS, Jest TRX Tutus ears, etc., etc. 1300 TS AND SHOES. en'.a Calf SLin Bouts, • Men's Heavy Boots, Boy's Jockey Boots, Sporting Boots; • Men's Coarse Shoes, Men's Calf Skin Shoes, Buy's Fint;S:tues, , I.T. S. Army Shoes, '.. Gentlemen's Slippers, • Gam Overshoes, etc., etc. GRITLINEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. White Linen Shirts, Cassimere Shirts, Linen and ,?aper Cdllars, Neck Ties and Butter . flies, Handkerchiefs, Woolen dad Cue . ton Rtockings, Gloves. Buckskin Gauntlets and Gloves, Woolen - Drawers and lTndershirts, Sedritt and Comforts, Suspenders, Umbrellas Canes, Valises, Trunks, It'd ; Flannel Woolen Drawers, he. The, above mentioned netiel , 9 -C ill al seays be found at the CHFIAP SToitg of • ' • T. C :NORMS', ' , . eliainb , isburg et, next door to Buehler's. 186.6. What We Want. I P YOTT WANT a cheap . flat bill , it of fi."MtVtiDS TE7 Tour WANT a Fashionable H tt Itfay it of El. B. 100034. IF YOU WANT a titt of any bind for Less mo , ley.tlin :tn)boli el.e will •ell it for, be Lure to bay it of -- B. B. WOODS. "IF YOU WANT good Shoes for Ltdies or don't he turnhagged with dam aged auction goods, but buy of Tr YOU WANT Shoes or Boots, "that are shoes and hoots worth, talking about," and rro "cheating tr bay them of H. B. WOODS. TPYOU WANT OrPrshirts, , Drawer's, Urn biell;is or anything is hfoi hoe, buy of . B. B. WOODS. IF YOU WANT to be dealt fairly with, get t P worth,of von'r money end not be cheat ed, always bny of H. B. WpODS, IF YOrT WAIT e pair of reel Number One Heavy Winter B,mti,'don't buy before you gee the superior ankle for e 'le by H. B. WOODS. NIVIV GOODS. L ATEST - ARRIVAL. FAEINESTOCK Bitoruns ffsve jast received a large and complete assurtmemt of PALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every stile and at all prices, to which 'the attention of bayers is directed. Those in want of toed Goods nt the lowest possible rates should not lad to give us an early cell. FALINESTOCK BROS O. 6, 1866 Dry Goods! Dry Goods! ♦PS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. just returned from the City, with a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, 1 \ant now prepared to otfer_greater inducements to buyers than ever Before. My stock consists of every de:se:option of Dress Goods. plain and fancy, -Cloths, Cassimeres, Ntusi ins, Hoop Skirts, B tlmorals, -Planned, hosiery, Glove's, Trims:l4lgs, dm 1:2211:13:1 In connection with my Dry Goods, I have opened in Vlyijoining- room large stock of HA.T.S AND DAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, wltlith I vel Ilaelti.rycheap. Children'aShoeS its tow atr t2i cents, and - other goods at cor responding rates. My stock is well selected, and the most complete yet offered. Give us a call and examine for yourselves. Nu trouble tts show Goode. - • • SEWING MACIIINEN, We are alsl agent for the Florence SevtiJA•i. itachine r "which' is acknowledged to , be the beg in ustt. It is the latest improved machine wit, having the REVERSABLE FEED, giving it as mtirsetage over all other machines.= Gall and see them. M. SPANGLES. Get. 6i I-886 Swan's Grocery. - JORN' SW4N has fast received splendid assertotent of FRNSEI GROCEIIISS, st hie Store-on the corner of the public Square, la Gettysburg, 8 IT k B. 8 . Tb• Boost lot of Sugars ever. 'brought to' Gettysburg, Rod very cheap. 'COFFER. His Ooffee le superior to any offered in the piaci: If you don't belieyo it come and see. NOL AS 3.119,--. If you waist the beat. Syrups and Molasses in town you will find th em et Swan's. AIISENSWARE, -His stook of Queensware, Dishes, Lamps, ke., is full, cheap and good. Every styls - and plea: CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Ms Cigars and Tob I.cco are of superior. qitellty. Acknowledged by good jtifiges to be the beat In the market. CANDIES AND NOTIONS. PAttionlar attention paid to this department. A full supply of Dandies, Nuts, Fruits, Soaps, short any and everything nasally Mad in a first classarocery. In lay. incia IV stock I was oarefal to know what I mse ,baying, And - am now prepared to sell not esly 0000 , Groceries, bat So sell them very ehee,.= pm a, oall and joilgo for your. . saris. JOHN IL SWAN. taps. . • .tiiiiutmosx a. HOFFMAN'S, tc ti Ipite-Dri..Goots, Hotline, QueenAwige, I*, northwest Cotner 6f Diaiitoad; 00144bAr s , Ps. • , -*, BY R J. STALE. Professional Cards. Law Partnership. UT A. DET.NCAN & J. ff. WRITE, i A.TrJRNEYS AT LAW, Will -promptly attend to all leg.ti business entrusted to them, including the procuring of Pension's, Bounty, Back Pay, and all otner claims against the United States and State GOvernments. Office in North West Corbel of Diamond, Gettysburg, Penn'a. April 3, 180. El ATTORNEY AT LAW, (alive one doorsieet 01 Linetiler's drug anAkoOk etare, 4:barn bersbnrg street,) Arrunxicr AND §OLICITON roe Pier AND Prettioes. ilotinty War.: ante, Beek-pty suspended Gl iitne, and all 4her Online against tbe Government at Wnisit tagnon, D. C.; also American claims in Eng oend. 1. and W.triants located cud sold, or hOught, nail highest prices given. Agents en g ized in lac .ting warrants in lowa, MINAS ad other western-St.stes. skirApply to.lam pet...oll.ltb or be letter. Get' urg, Nov. 41,'53. .1 . . 5 0. ;Cooly, TTOft:fg-Y AT LWW. —Partici:floc atten . tion p it•t to collection of Pension=, unty, and It tck..pay." , Office- la the S. E. earner of the Diamond.; IGettysburg„, April 6,1063. tf • Edward B. MlAlor, ALTrOINEY AT . LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to alltb,:slues4 entrust ed to aim. fie a ieaks the. Geri. lanioage. office at the slime place, in South Baltimore street, near Fornry's drug stnre,.and nearly oiyoqtte Danner At Ziegter's store. • Gettysburg, )fareh 20. _ 1 — Dr. J. W. C. O'Nears ()MGR and Dwelling, N. E. cornel• of fla' ttmore and High streets, near Presbyte Han Church,' Gettysburg, Pa.- - Nor. 30: 1863. tf A 13130TTSTAWN, Adams county, continues A the ractice ut his profession in all its branches, and would respectfully incite all persons afflicted with say old standing .dis- Ntses to call aua consult him I Oct. 3, 1864. tf HAVING located permanently at BON AUGIITOWN. Adams county, will attend promptly to all profesiional cane, d.ty or night. Office at John Landis's, where he can always be lotind, unless pNessionally engaged. Aug. 6, 1866. ly • H A V ING located at N.-I;ST BERLIN, Adams county, hopes that by strict attention I) hit professional d ‘ pties he may merit a share of thepal?lie peArottag,re. [Apr. 2, ,tt 14 AS ht. ot face one tio9r west of the e ran church in ti'inauhersl•urg street, and opposite Dr. C: Dome •'s odic-, where 'hose wishing to have wily. Dental ilitAr, rinr on , A are reapert fhlly to cill. Re.elisimins; l)rs. Hor iver, Rev. C. P. lirautli, D. D., Rec. H. L. 11hug1al•r, D. D., Rev. Prof. A. Jacubs,•D. D., Prof. tf. 6ettyslivirg, April 11, '53.- IL B. wooos attle-field rrillS trim', being oue of the relies of the Bat* of Gettysburg, has been renovated and refuthiisbed, and is ready to entPrtiitn travellers And the public gener.ifiy. It being n short distant'a from the Soldiers' Oeidetery, it affords convenient aceomm,ndt tine's for all visitit.g there, and The subscriber livters himself that none shall leave t tut dis intisfied. , Akm, Ice Cream and All kinds of i efresh- Ments, at all hours, to accommodate prome 4:Wars. Give men call. JO.iEPil LITTLE, Proy (nor. Get,lysburg, May 21, 18G6. tf Railroad Rouse, N EAR THE DEPOT. HANOVER. YOE.K_CO., PA. The utidersigned would respectfully inform his-numerous friends and,the pab.ic generally, that he has leased the Hotel'in 11m over, near the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah lluhler, ant will spare no effort to conduct it iln s ma. ner that will give general satisfaction. His table will have the best. the markets can afford—his chambers are spacious and com 4ortable—and he has laid in for his bar a full stock of choice wines and lionoss. There is abling for borses,tittached to•the Hotel. It pill be hie constant' endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to his, guests, making his house as near a hoole to them as possible.— He asks a share of the public patronage, de termined as he is to deserve a large part of it. ltemeMberthe Railroad Ho e, near the De- Pot HanoVer, Pa. A. P. BAIR*fER. Oct., 2, 1865. tf • j - - -Heystone House., ( - I BA MBERSBURG Snip :3T, GHTTYS- R..) BURG, PA.—Wit. E. MYERS, Pro prietor. This is a 'hew House, fitted np in the most ipprored style. Its 10..ation is pleasant, cen tr.il ant convenient. livery arrangement has 6.6 . - made for thca , cornmod.ition and com fort of guests. Tile Tattle will always have the best of the market, and the Bar the best pf wines and liquors. ".4 , There . is commodious • Stabling attached, With an accommodating ostler always on hand. Tale Hotel is now open for the entertain ment of the pub:ic, ana a shale of patronage is solicited. No effat will be spared to render 'satisfaction. - • . Jan. 14, 1867. a GErrys B U RG, PA.—The undersigned would must. respectfully inform his nu inerons.triends and the public generally, that he has poichaped that long established and well known Hotel, the "Globe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and will'spare no effort to conduct it in a manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. His tattle will have the best the market can afford—hie chambers are spacious and 'comfortable—and he has laid in for hi; bar a full stock of wines and liquors. There is large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten tive hostiers. It will be his constant endeavoit to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his house as near a home to them as possible. He asks a share of the public's pa tronage, determined as he is to deserve a large part of it. Remember s the "Globe Inn" is its York atreet, but near the. Diamond, or Public Square. SAMUEL WOLF. it 4, 1864. tf - CM Still at "Work THE undersigned continues the CARRIAGN-3LIKING BUSINESS„' 411 all its branches, at his Pia staud, iu East Middle street. Gettysburg, ..1 NSW WORE made to order, end it PIA ICING done promptly end at lowest prices. • FALLING-TOP AND STANDING TOP BIT GGISS CONSTANTLY ON NAND. t • Two drst.rate SPRING WAG for Ole! • - JADOS TR9.I F ROE VIEWS of the B the Field, singly, in in zeta, very lior Alao, STEELS() WRAC VIEWS of the lit.tle Field at Cid iStePilifq(laktery. Don't till to Nor them, ' C. J. TYSON. • -7' . D. MeConanghy, D. D. S. Peffer, • Dr. T. 0. Kinzer, Dr. P. C. Wolf, J. LiNvr-,sticie Hill. M. 11; Globe Inn, YORK BT., NEAR Tat DIAMOND, Pnb OP REAL AND PERA t 1,N1.)4L, t l, 11; next, the suhserlber, t kis ping, will *ell at Ptl , on the ti,po leading inn town, (Adams cotialy,) • the 1 ALI. phop. A I.AJT diti GROUND, tel it one and a hal; nu Stone Vot-li it-nen, 1,.1 House s Frame I3,rn, Co and all ollier nettlA:l).S well of wia.!r near the pinee will 1,1. and (HOUND. emit tining adjoining limns Of Jose, I erty, and others. The cultivation, haring 1,. Pi A'ca, at the snine time 2 young MILCIL 4 .Y.l‘Cti time of sale.) and 2 Sho.. Eiieben Purnitnri.. htle. ding, Bun-us. Cliglc. Look In n lot of Carpet ; Stokelj ,to and lamgl/tray. 'hut. w u Tiliwart..N.:. Kettle, Iron Pots. lot R. Lard by the ikat•l, Co busliel:al4lllt 1 a,•re of t;r barrow. Winnowina Ax.s,'Wood Saw, .shovt a lot of Braga, t.!gitlier Wks, toonnmerous to ; Sale le NAL PROPERIT.—On 20th day of JI.LItCH tending to quIV hotise- Ile tiatle, at his re4i.lettee, I Kohler's mill to Irish nd it short distance from a I hereon nre eree• 3' /Alti EiOUSE, T i% It. Oven, sinok, a; I n Crib. lio.r Pen, Ithudd4ngs; also A good ,or. At th•• same Cane , A:OTH ER LOT Ot: .ler6s and IS7 P-reheb, h Felix, P4triek is in a v, , 00d &tag,: of recently well limed. an.l pl.tee will he sold, Xwill be fresh the ,s. Also Houscoid and as ile,istp.t,lB end fted : ears, thirty hour Det.ss 'li.tures.Window Minds, •itove arta fixtures, ten t•;;tovt.l and I'on4s, Sink • I. Q tue,tO.W.are, Earthett erks, Tattle tint tern, Iron Flat Irons, Baron and rut and Potatoes by the •a min the around, It heel . Forks, Itakett, Spades, COW :t»111118. •I th a variety of other ar ention. 0'..10,1: 4.. M. on said 111 be uth , n and fralng tJ)LGAN. vale to einnin. nee :it I (law, WilPh tt,•n'iun mooed he tarried on for no por poise ,of subjugation: Ltd snlely-to en ores the Constitution undo laws; and that when th:s was yielded by the parties In rebellion, the contest should cease, with the constitutional rights of the' States and of Individuals unimpaired, This resolution was adopted and sent forth to to the world, unanimously- by the Senate and with only two diseauting voices hi' the house. It-was accepted by the friends of the Union in the 6outh, as well as in the North, as expressing honestly and truly the object of the I;ar. On the faith of It, many thousands of - peniens in both sec tions gave their lives /sad their - fortune, to the cause. To repudiate it now by re fusing to the States and to the individu als wilbin them the • rights which the Comtitut ion and laws of the Union would secure to them, is a breach of Our plight. ed honor for which I can itnagine no ex cuse, and to,which I cannot voluntarily become a party. Inc then iluotes the decision of the rat ted :tales r•upt elite Court in the Milligan case, :Lid minority - report of Chief Justice Cli.ise in the same eai.e. The Coiled Btates, he says, must guar anty to all the States a republican form or governwent ; but • this bill abolishes every vestige or such a government. Toe President utters a remonstrance against Afrii aniziog the southern part Of our territory, and contends .that the purpose and object of this bill lsto change the entire structure and character of the st'e.te Covernments. The negroes, he says, have not asked for the privilege vOtitlZ., and do not know what it moans; and he adds that, according to this bill the constitutional amendment has trot yet abolished slavery. The President concludes by saying*-- While we are legislating upon subjects ninth are of great importance to the Avi,ole people, and which must effect -all parts of the country, riot only during the life of the present generation, but for ages to come, we should remember that all men are entitled at least to a hearing in the councils w hich decide upon - qui des tiny el' themselves and their children. At }Cresol t ten states are denied represen tation, and when the Fortieth Congress assembles on the fourth day of the pres ent month; sixteen states will be without a voice in the 'louse of Representativess This grave fact, with the important ques tions before us, should induce us to pause in a course of legislation which looking solely to the attaitnuent of political ends, fails to consider the rights it transgresses, the law which it violates, or the lusthu- - tions which it imperils. • tIIE (LRAF, GRAFF. GROFF OS GRAYS ESTATE. ft seems that the Gnat's, Graff's, GrofT's and'Groves's of this:eoun try are all equal til Interested in the prosecution of the In vestigation now being made by J. Her vey Ewing, a lawyer of Baltimoreriook tug to the recovery of an immense estate, which; as was stated In a former number of this paper, would revert to the• Grover, I and, by implication, to the Groves alone, and , we ',listen to correct the erroneous impression made. Hans Omf, who ac ' cording to "Hupp's History of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania," emigrated to ;'thin country mid settled on Graff Run, • in \Vest Earl Township,•Lanetuster Coun ty, Pm, A. D. 1717, forms the trunk.of the genealogical tree beneath - the roots of which her buried the treasure and the breeches of which are soon to be ladened ;with abundant • fruit. A" persecution against Mennonism, of which religions faith Huns Graf was aii‘adherent, oom mencing in Switzerland, and sweeping Holland, near the •elose of the 17th can-, tiny, eatr•ett this gentleman to vacate his home and seek an asylum in the "wild+. of America." And, from Information itt our possession, obtained from. Mr. Ewing to whom we refer all Interested parties,) we are led to believe that the Investiga tion he is now engaged ln making, will have a kuecessful result. We haveknown Mr. Ewing for many years, and are con vinced that he would not undertake a matter of this kind without first weigh ing and well Weighing the probabilities involved, by a 'close analysis of the vari i ous reports whieli have beau In existence for many years—and, as for qualifica tions, none are better prepared for an in • vesti o .ati,m will probably assume: gigantic proportions before the end is reachel.. Mr. Ewing's plan Is to• Holland, and by a thorough search learn first whether there really be a fortune to reversion fur the deeendents of Hans Graf , of which he thinks theret.but, little doubt ; acute/id, the amount of theistate third, in what the estate coustrits and its preeiee location ; and fourth, the parties who are legally entitled. In regard to this method of procedure Mr. James E. Stewart, a widely known and highly in. telligent lawyer of Matt usburg, W. Va., says: "The course proposed by Mr. Ew ing is the only sensible, and practicable one, as any person acquainted with the toil and care necessary and indispensable to thorough legal investigation must know. lum satisfied many of the efforts made in this cowl try Jo obtain fortunes similarly situated in Europe have failed for want of a proper kind of agent to make a patient, personal examination into them. His worse than useless f or individual parties to write to personale Europe. An individual without 'being speeially charged with the business, and the whole businoss, rai 4lit as well whistle rnd:lst the wind." It is of emirs:capper . rent that evury man and woman Whore name is Graf, Grafi, or Grove, will prinnote their interests by giving to Mr. Ewing his or her active support and co opermlon.--ShiplarrtUmen Va. Reg* Lter, Feb. J , 1807.