0 - • . ' at. Teas! Ton I ' ' Hardware dc Ofteertes. EM.ENT made teM let ll 'dal of Janne:Xi pAs FOR THE PEOPLE. Ne lore . lIE aubstribers have Jost re4urtted from Allfif . 44 -fr - ittmuitif Vuodul . t iL i ' lllitiabal " ) , 11 niwirsons Mrs,!! ii for honsumers to pay. i tbe cities with an immense lIIFP/T of nterTtielllPt• . • 1, in.. 1 sty Cents to tie* Dollar per Pound Saved • ARDWARE k GROCERIES, which they are .111 40, 1xerrattedlor fillips quote, AttuWil! by buying your Teas direct' from the Ira. : offeriaget their old stand in Baltimore street, and ditiTcreut partite., 1 ... 14 . a porters. 'at prices' to atilt the times. Uur stuck consists 1 tcr. t T. Y. gelley k Co., listplrters et Teas, In in pail of . itotitestif; volunteers 04 tteedilatlitep 828.800 0 9 connection with their large wholesale bust.' BUILDING MATERIALS, 7veei rape:A..4f homed and .t.raYei, 84 to , nets, have determined to introduce their Teas 1 CARPS]; TelL'e TOOLS, Sulerotireil looney 'returned to Pattne- , 1 BLACKSUITIPS TOOLS, *Wei. Bros.. _ 1,000 on dtiectly, to Consumers at importers' pri - ea, loesersieL paid to Lei] AL /73414 " is , 65 thus effectin,g a saving to the consumer of 40 I CO2tea FINDINGS --.* S , N lig ~,-, to HO per cent. Families can now club to. SHOE FINIMNOS. 1 , • . - , - -.. , 5 1 -- , ....-- ,get:ier • for any kind-or qualities of Teak, in CABIN IT MAKER'S tooLs, . pf 4411344 14441R1V1116 Asp PAID OITS IT ' , ltasca pailiager of iii.e vounil and upwards, 'nil we kIUUSRKEI".PieItirt FIXTURES, NuS4.lll. 11[44,41t3tt:it. - . Will -end th- in a superior article of Tea nt 5 ' ALL KINDS OF MON, kc. lir. priewlved of LA. Bulitnaan, Tax Out- I per cent. above the cost of importation. Let . G R 0 . 0 E&I E S UT AL L KIND kl , ledgers. 84,74 48 some energetic lady or Other person in each- 1 0ILS, PAINTS, &el, ki. There is uo article teed 01 l„. Deardurfrand C. Sehrleer, oil 00 / ni igliborbood cal! upon her acquaintances' included in the severe' deparkments mentioued done liorrosteed trona donna Tte., , brrt, ],vii 00 ands ake slit it orders fur arty of the. tollowingi above but what can he hadl at this Store Frl , 11. Is itrnaut. 1,100 0 0 osinerl Teas, and when a club'of ten; iwenty, , Every class of Mach tildes can ,i.ie accommodated entascrlption ti t reemaied from C. I _ sue 45 or more is olifeined,eeled to Es and' we will here with tools and findings, tir.d housekeepers teebrlver nod t',lnahracrty, isuiameriptlon Looney reeels ad frum. C: I send the Te is pit up lb 'separate packages, 'Gee had every ertii le in their line. Give us 4 I . 4tlerty, 3 0 9 00 , , with 60 It ,me of each person marked on it, aoli, as we are prep .red to sell' as low for cash kflanwrltitlon mints ' received from lie 00 co, nfl . eneloseiLin one box: As a jorth-r induce- as say house out of the city) -A. Ci /begin 1101 , 1 other; . nobaeriptiou i i iimee v eeeeteedi fr ow A. merit to the perrou getting up the club we will JOhL 113. 'DANNER, Plank, 220 CO' send fur his or her serrices, en extra commit- DAVI.? ZIEGLER. glut* rrtratnn tuoneY recO m l ved frug. I 535. 0 0 tuentary pa:z!,fige on all melees of $3O and up- Clettysburg, 3I iy 10, Iso4 Altowelt, -I ward. - it i 4 tied:mos not will understood why rI we ,can sell Tees so very' lo A'; bet then it is tirocer* it Ltipior Store. taken into ei n:ideretion that besides file orig. A Ellt iT- it ITE A isult,r MENT of Gan . toot cost of titipoitation, the ettuffer, 8 pei eta- iIL CifililEl 7 cheap. FISLI urdiffareat kinds. tor, Jobber, ylolesule Dealer and Retiiler, A large lot of has each to reap a large profit, and the ilinii- POTOMAC HERRING, meroble, Cnrtilven, Cooperage., Insiiranees, l at low vine.. The best and I'l-vat assort. Storages,,ke,, which Teas li-nve io p.ts• through meat of LIQU'OIIS ever kept in this rile , e. before thee read) the consumer. win readily PURE WIN 4, It.LiNOY, rue, wil i sKEy, &0., explain iris. We propose to do a way with , fir mediein il and Wirer purpuses, in quanti seven .eighths of these profits and expenses, i t.ties larxo rr.,sitt til. Als il-- and it now reaming with tee people to any 111$11LEIt'S 0E1,E3R.17•21$ lIER I 3 BITTERS whether they shall save 50 eenti to $1 00 per . W fil. .1. M A RTIN, - pound on every ',cued of Ten they purchese, Daltimarti et., Gettyaburg. or be compelled to give their earnitiga to a host of useless go-betweens. PRICE 1.15 T. Ootoetin, (Black) 70, 80, 90, $1 00, St 10, best $1 25 per pound,. ENGLISII 4311YAKIWIT, (Black) 80, 90, $1 00, best $1 25 per pound.' Yeeso lime, (therm; 85. 95, SI 0), extra SI 25; superior $1 59 per poun 1. Ilixen, (Green and Black) 70, 80, 90, best $1 00 per pound. !melon - at, (Green) $llO. bestiper pound. JAPAN, SI 00, SI I 'I, S I 25, best, fe^ :mum], GexPowttga, (Green) $1 Ile, hest $1 60 per pound. • ' COFFEE DEPARTMENT. We have lately added a Coll i 0 Department to cur establishment, andeelthough we (-armor, promise the r oni.unier as greet a saving as we can on Teas, (the margin tor profit on Col Tees being vely small.) yet we cau -ell CotTeeS luny e 5 per cent. Cheaper than retailtra charge, Our Career cohie- 'Erect from the Custom flciu:ie, and we roaiteil grind lent yerteetly Fiore, put up_ in 1 or more pound packages, at an advai.c.s or 2 vents per pound. Our_ Whet. sale Price-s-Gt•tancl Corfoes— Pure Rio, 25.30 cents per pound. B. st Old Government Java, 40 ceute. Best Ceylon, 40 tents. SENIiISG Ift)VEV.--Partins sending -or ders for less than $3O for Teas or Coffece qhoual send with their order a P. 0. Draft'or the money, to save the expeee of collecting by Express. But large orders we will fur ward by Exiirl'"is and collect on delivery. We Arill„be happy nt all times to rii rive a call at our Warehouse from pers4Ls t lilting the city, whether de dere or not. T. Y. KELLEY 4 CO. Late Kelley it Nought, No. 56 Vesey Street, Ntw Yui It Jan. 21, 'Bei. $l5 . , BrAnonies pall In Bank And to other 61 moons, , - 01,5,n3 Treasurers pert... 4111 00 , 73 ou I.lal4uca in tuindsul Trvusurer, la 31 X 4112 IC* sob hod oriel pall for the par• ' POP Of hcoutY tillutvol by the At of AotitenlNy. s4,t'll 00 Oubwriptkos mottles to oagett, ' 7.lii IN . ____ W Extra rant of volur}teers through forged Merit ' .1,2f5 00 Mantra renelvc.l to-ray tiso excess of *aunty to vuluntLe ehowlior g deem pf - LlAtoLiTiEll Or Cu nnziii.A.ND_TOW-I , ISIT Ir. ntitysburi N01.14.),41d X..i.k., akj.:,440 IS (glom Relied, • l 111 j,¢o) CO fhillp finv(l,t, {,lllO 90 ' .evi )! Plana . 45.0 00 t;e9rge . .litriiiinan p - 4v Oo . ciubrvx SN4 uye, , _ 130 00 .--- A. sr AN7GT,FIR, Prestik ni o: At telt—N. Lfratrbi i,it., rirerc Lit ry. Kelm"' Itoar.l. 'Are, the tin.mr4ig .4 . , Atildtirs of Cumberland toWnsljip, Imo...exit' toted the toreg./itig tiecoun le, and submit theln a. cm/r D ect. • Avto P. WF:II:P.ItT, ItAPII.IL:L 811E11l . Y. ' Feb. 18 1 , 1/167. aI- t rlit.ir copy.) • -. -luddor. Threel'ra(ts of Land A T PU11111.3 SA ~ t -:,..., ni Tr/ ..., DAY, chi ' 5,11 XL day of MAittli next. Vac Direetors of the poor or Adams county will an.r. A rul,lics.h., on the premlstai, tIA following , TP..1.1,1 , z 1, OF LAN!): . No. t. Three Acres and twenty-two Perelwa of cleared Bottom Land;slia.ite ln li!,,slia.li iowu abip, on Ain. earit bank of 11,-k creek, le ljoio Dig janibiot Josiah Benner ..;if [KIN 1.1 i'lie.tiler. Will plaice a good ITIIIILIIOW. .No. 2. fore.. A, i -i, a ndon e lin ivi red mid forty nine Pere/i,..., of el L ar,-,1 fop!, ~ ileot, In Cuinle.r 7 II .n 4 townsliip, adjoining land% tit David \Visite, lin.thiwl 31111.• r and oilit'll4., No. 3.—Flea A, ree mid two Perches of el. eired land,situate In eminlicrland br.vo6llllJ,Luljolll , ll3 T°.2, Daeld Wider illi'l 01)1 , 151. - No. I will lie otfored at •lo'clu...it, P. 2.1., and Nos. 2 and 3 al le o'clock, A. Id.' Terms made Ictiowil on day of Endo, - ,piliN N, Oil I.FT, ~ r JoIIN NUNNPZIAKEIs, ,1011 - lt,All.N, A L W. Fl.Ev3irso. Alluf, Dirta_toesof the Poor. Pelt. la, /86'7. is. The Collateral INHERITANCE TAR received by the Rt.gleter or kiionie eouuty for the :vent', beginning Dec. /.11.1 and ending N0v..30, 1401: Ifperived rroni the (*tut" of 61 a following nom leo Jecedept*, to Wit; Jiteolo7ortorc vary Rupp, Lualia S. Eh' 44k.k, trn auel Borland, (It eetibolts, tory Spahr, V.11'4141.01 alusser, J u hu 'Marla Troll! ogee, Adeline Set ullo, jot n Aitken, ~ CI; cholas? jiontetter; Jnines' FAring, ohn ant.a. Catharine Heck; ,ohu Whclie mmcnnt cf Utz, $1,116 57 Detitict Regtster'6 3 per cent., 69 73 ~ • - • DueTOramonwealth, . 31.125 79 I nertlN.that the ahove NVitement le correct to Il i be best of 030 , knowledgeand bell.d. J. C. NEELY. • reb.lB, iBB7. 4t Auditor of Public Offices. • 1 3 Cents.ltervard. •LIDWAnD KRUNIIIINE snys tiint I have left Ma bed and board. This 18 uottrue, He bee iao bed. and never had any. He has left my bed, oknd was too lazy to work. LYDIA ANN KRUSIRINE . Germany tp., Feb, Is, IStr. 31.* • For Sale.' ABOW WINDOW, In-gond conclitlnn, ono he bought of A. R. F EISTEL Witten .444 Clock soaker, In Carlisle street, tietlymlniN. Feb. 18,1 SP, St TO Consumptive!. I The advertiser, having been restored to health Pun few weeks by a vvry simple remedy, after paving suffered for several years with a severe tots atifletlon, and that dread disease, Consunip tlod—is anxious to make known to his fellow pulferera the means of cure. • TO all who desire it, he will send a copy of the preeeription used (free of charge,) with the direc. pans fur .reputing and using the stone, Which they will rind a sear. eI:RE Felt CONSUMPTieN, ASTUMA, BaoltertlTM, COLT*, feet all Throat anti Lung AtrectiOni, The only object of -the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to beuellf the afflicted, and spread Information which conceives to be litvalualile, and he hopes every annieret•will try Ma remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may wove a-Mfr.:king. 'Parties wishing the preEcription FLEE by return mall, will please address Rev. ROW kßil A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Kings co., New York. Mar. 5,186 e, ly Straw e. but True. Eleryynting lady and gentleman in the United States Akan bear sosnethlag-vcemotfueb to their ad vantage-by return mall (fieeobr charge,) by ad. dreaming the undersigned. Those loLving team of : elg humbugged will oblige by not noticing this a Ail others will pleaw addre , s their °bed', eisrv4nt. - • =Os. F. CII.II'IIAII, 311117. ,1 1 8. /7 • 8:31 liroddway t Y New Bakery I ORT ak ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, South '‘Tashington street, halt square tun the Eagle Motel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly- en hand, the best ot. BREAD, 'CRACKERS, OA E 3, PRETZELS, kc. Per sona wishing fre4k Bread will be served every Nrnorning,hy leavm their name? and residences 'at the Bakery. jvery effort made to please Give us a call! " tApril 33, '63. ,ortfrt Cocking Stoves iv. every - vaiicty;iitding the "Noble Cook,'".Royal C00k, ,, "Waverly." "Orn amental," "Oriental,;' - &c: Also, Tin-ware, Sheet-trou-ware, lioliowzwarn, and every re tie:Tor Kitchen Furniture—including a varie ty of Lanterea,' 'Also, a new and much im proved Flour .tfter, for sale by C. li. BUENLFIR, Cornet or Carlisle fail Railroad sta., Feb: 18 , 19 i 6. tiettyaburg, Pa. Fait and Winter Goods. A.SCOr & SONS have jig received an, . other fine amrtnient of NEW GOODS, consisting, in part, if Cloth e, Cassimerea, °ass' , pats, 'Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, for Gen tlemen's wear. rtino, a fine assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. berstock"Lias been oetected with great care, end we are prepared to sell as cheap as any eatOlistitnent in Cue conntry. We ask the petal@ to give us a call and judge for tkodaritves. Call and see rm. No trouble to 'bow Goods. A. SCOTT 4 SUNS. Sept. 17, 1866. *(9l•=fsm's 'ttr 151.A.Irr7r'r BB G ILA no r P. 7 son fit" p jii 'Ng 41143.311151"1"13 Dec.. 3, 18et3. 3el The Far Famed 4 6 'nviVBILSAL CLOVIS'S WRINGER."— U Resides the great saving of Labor, the wrings' the wear and tear of clothing in a sin& 714, more than amc nuts to the price of this Weimer. It Is strange that any family shoe* be willing to do with - olit it. For sale at FASEESTOOK BRAS sad at a BUEH LER'S, '"' (Feb. 19. B • • = IFS wisbing PHOTOGRAPHS of sir children will find to their atiwoo on to 041 at Out Sweelelot, O. J. MOS, Gekrainal, Ps, 811,112 87 =1},313 87 ............ 41,714 110 7,705 00 MEI MEM $7 15 13 fa lESPZCTFU'LLY 'JedicAeeto the Propri it etc)t of the Great Ziuga4by a. late Dys- 25 75 - 45 47 75 no 31 Ot 23P Si 3 L irt oft 45 4, 2) 'orp peptic. tar away from the pyrambbt of restt he came, 4teNtoringtlte k, and Ittott.4, , t Lime; A eure tor tae ...ht)i..ra, that dr4.;1(11131 d ease ; lieaven,ent him ari earth t I'v...oeptieto east'. There are thoNe who were troubled v.,:dttever and chills, E'en they tin*. but one bottle and were curd of 5.44, 11. - 11 00 5 ,5 1 -3 their Resolved that in future. it ever they shake. Snell pleasant, nice Bitters—no other Ili take. et a bottle If troubled with nervous debility; ' R•ihfers.iys it win elire;lnet it y its ability. Ebwilee ut lI e, then, toyoung and to ohl A e , •rlaln preventive trtnu coughs at 11 culls. Try it are troutilest with a weak . appetite. Zest is;ti'.en by these( Bitter..., it only used right; In s..ronsla, ( . 01 , e, or n bad dlarrlura, lour win •lve tried ant either Iniv'ennY more fear. Great tnli rigs Is this, then, fur rich nud [or pour; A bottle eats. be had fora dollAr (and snore— Rattier gi‘r it to Ulnae unable to-payl, /11 /IjCZI,Sac.! or ,101:ne.N will he tqrn them aw^y. WHAT TtE ZmaAnt BITTER! llArs Dom— We witilish the following for the btueEt of the afflicted everywhere : "I suffered for a long time of Dyspepsia. Herta Disease, and frequent attacks of LIN er Gomplalnt. Often' the sufferings were so igreat that life wasalmost iatoleroule. I tried several ern:nent physicians, and most of the popular remedies recommended for such cons pldiats, but found little relief un'ii a few weeks !Igo I commenced the use of F. P,aliter's Great , Zingari Bitters, and am now perfectly cured.' \ ItY urn, Personally appeared the above named. iienry Hull, and made oath in due form :hut the (acts are true as above stated. _ A. C. S3IITH, Notary Public. Mar For Fait by U. F; Sulbaeiseb and W J. Martin. Gettysburg. No.:. 12,1866. MILE subscriber ;could inform his customers and others, that he is stili manufacturing various kinds otZastings and Machines, made to order, on short notice, such as THRESHERS AND POWERS, (five different sizes of Powers,) 'Clover-seed fluller4 and . Cleanera, Coro Sheller, and Sep arators, Cornfodder Cutters, Straw and 11ay Cutters; ~ P LOUGHS, such as Cast Ploughs, Barshear Ploughs, Side hill and Corn Plo r ughs ; the WIRE-SPRING HORSE RAKE, the latest -imnriVement; also Metal Screws for-Cider Presses, • eitttN RAILING for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything else in his line, all at low prides. SALE.—A light Two,lautak3agon,, a One-horse Wagon, and a Siiring Wwon, all new. DAVID ;STERSER April 30, 18(16. tf TATE & Cfll,P are now building. a variety of C:O , ACH WORK of the lat.est ,and most approved styles, and constructed of the best material,lo w hich.they invite the attention of buyers. Having built our work with great care and of material selected with special reference to beauty of style and duratility, we can confidently re commend the work as unsurpassed by any, either in or out of the cities. All we ask is au inspecilion of oar work to convince those in want at any kind of vehicle, that this-is the place to Slip them. SEPAIRINU in every branch done at short ntitiore and on roasonable terms. - Give us• call, at oar Factory, neer the Corner of Virusbingtou and Glntamereburg streets, Gettysburg. P. J. TATE. Mar. 19, 1866 C4rrlaxe-laaking Bmhg‘Ni.m. Milli war being over, the undersigned have rammed the CA BiIIAGIGMAKING 811311r1t89, at their old stand, in East Middle street, GWITYSBURG, where they are again prepared to put up work in the most fashionable, substantial, and stme. rior manner. A lot of new and second-band sprillwr ems. h. for tems, Ur. 4,Viii mum sift! --..l4.,Agests,A CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, AC., on hand, which they will dispose of at tbt Inweit prices; and all orders will be supplied as promptly and 'satisfactorily as possible. IIIarREPAIRING done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates. A large lot of new and old BAENNSS on hand for sale Thankful for the literal patronage berate fore enjoyed by them; they solicit and will en deavor to deserve a large share is the future. DA.N/fIIB ZIEGLIIS. .July 10, lees. tf „rine Shingles. ALARGE lop of Pl3O Bbinglee from $6.50, ' to tali fier 1000; for isle st:the Lumber Of - 0.. H. BiIIIIILEIL Ott 92, WIC , . . G. your PHOTOGR4PFIS at.rysotra A (Iptter). Acrostic. = Harrisburg City,Pa : ., Sept. 8, 186.3 Gettysburg Foundry. Carriages and Buggies. WM. E. CCLP - M ty 28, 114.GG Cheap fur Cash: Lks' srultEl 1 111 - CROCUtifES, LIQUOR. 4, kc." TI undersigned has urned to Getty: burg-, ono opened a nets Store, on Balti more street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly opposite the • Court•lionse, wLere he offers for s.‘l , , meet Poii CASH, a large and cnoiee assort.uent of GROCIMIFS,—Sugars, Gdf,es. Tv lA, Nlolusses, Syrups, 6.Llt, die.; with Fish, Bncon. Ltrd, and so on. Alio, LIQUORS —Wsneis, Bi.indies, Gins, Whiskies, Ruins, ndeverykliing else in the line. Alsa, ally gusntity of .lotitms, to suit any and everybody. Recollect this is the plaice to buy CUM rine cast!. GEO. F. KALBFLEISCII April 23, 18G6 Ca a aon"s M ARBLE WORKS, _ - Uu street, tell , Opposite the )urt GETTISBUIRG, PA 'Every description of wirk executed in the hnest,style ot 4 the art. June 4, 1865. tf -Adams Omni y UTUAL FIRE; INSURANCE COMPANY jj INCO.PORATkIi, Msuc❑ 18,1851. UFFFCRRS President—George Swopp, Vice President—Samuel R. Russell. Seer , t try—U. A. Buehler. Trealurer—E. G. Fahuestock. Exectr ;re Consfuttiteltobett McCurdy An drew Hontzelman, Jacob King. Maxsosas.George .§wope, D. A. Buehler, P. McCurdy, M. Eiebelbc+ger, S. R. Russell, E. G. Fahnestock, A. D. Butpti!cr. R. G. McCreary, Gettysburg; Jamb King, Strahan township; A. Heintzeraan, Frani:Pa; Win. D. 'limes, New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersville; 11. A. Pickiag, Straban township ; John Wol ford, Latirnore township; John Picking, East Berlin ; Abel T. Wright, Bendiersville ; AbfEel F. Gat, New Oxford; Jos. 11. Marshall, Barn iltonban township; John Cunningham, Free dom township; John if orn.r, Mountjoy town ship; Wm. Ross White, Liberty, tawaship. pirThis Company ii.limited in it: opera Ikons to tlte county of Adams. It has been in op ration for more that} 15 years, and in that perk td has made hitt ode assessment, havirg paid drsses by - tire diteirlfr that period magnet lug to fk13,988—5.;,7631 of which have been paid during the Last tt'o years. Any person deziring ati \ lnitiranee can apply to any of the a'iovc tiain,,Nfana.ters for further intlirmatior.. `Tice tl3eeutive Committee meets at the office of the atkmpany, on the last Wednes day in every month, at i o'clock, P. M. Oct. 16, 1865. It . Flour! Feed !\Und Grocerlem AT TtlE CEIEAPNTO:IE ON THE FULL If you wish to buf :ivy of toe abo:earti cles rhea-I) , r nod better thou you can get them anywhere eiee,go to the tracery Store of the undersigned on the fltlf, in Baltimore struet, where ru.,tora.trs oin always be, accommoda ted, and whette all are incited to\cail and see fur thitin-telv ts. The public will 'always find e lull andel:Leine assortment of SUGARS, CO . FFEES, :TEAS, SYRUPS, MO LAsSES, TOBACCO $, CIGARS, SNUFFS, FISH, FI L I.R I D, CIiEUSE, URA.O,- KER.S, BUTTER, EGGS, Sc. .-A Li 0- GLASS-WARE, MOCKERY-WARM NO TLONS, kr.; 7 COAL. OIL L YIPS, FISH CIL, AND FLotrlt AND FEED, ALWAYS ON HAND.- WANTED. —Flour, torn, Oats, patter, Pm, Saco' , and Potatoes, for which the htglte,t rrl;•t price will be aid, either in trade or cash Being deterntin d to conduct my busi ness in a fair and honorable way, and to sell ehe j., I invite all to gfre ale a call. XIENRY OVII.RDEER. A ril 9, 1866. tf Groceries, Notions, de. EORGE H. SWIPi4L hving parehnsed the fine GROCERY EATAIILISHMENT f i p amen A. Grimes,l on York street, a i !NV / s east of Wolfs , Elate!, and having added : ly to the already extensive assortment and, offers the public a variety of, Goods his line rirely, if ever before, kepi here. if s SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SIGLAS- dooi lail on in. hl .1, Id give him a cal before bu SYRUPS, &c., can't be beat. in quality . rice ; whilst his assortment of NOTIONS .rarei almost everything the public can ibly need. flottse-keepers and others I s % iag elsewhere, e is convinced thl t he has the best stock .wn, and that oe one can go away disap. ted. , - 7 .1:. The CARINE,i'-MAKING business is inued, in all its titanches, at the old stand, w doors east of the Stem No effort. ed to please the public ; as .heretofore. E.ettysbuzg, Nov. 6, DM. tf - - I IReMoval I F BOTEI OUR SHOPS TO qiumeEns- BURG STREET. I OPRN TO-0&Y, May 17, 1866. " e take special tasure in announcing to friends and cue omers that we have this opened our ICE CREAM SALOONS, at new stand in Chnnibersburg street, nearly osite the Lutherltn Church. We have had apartments fitad up „in the best style.— dies and Gentlemiin are invited to call. - ' .. (We will also furnlah fee Cream in any quan. i y to public or prOate parties, at prices on. 1 .. edented. We t ill also have constantly on ad Fresh Cakes, which. we will furnish to I parties and pic.rlics at the shortest notice. I MEAD AND MINERAL WATER n always behad ict . and cool and at all hours. ; ming' had a • li long experience in the nnfacture of all the foregoing articles we the patronage of the public generally. Ay 21,18&1. 111 MINNIGH 7s BRO. I Fresh Cibiatfeetlonery Iw lOg CRS43I SA LOON.—The subscri ber respectfully Informs the Citizens of :ty r sbalg ta atd vicinity ielnity that he has a Confer /.e3' , is Ho b t is el, o b a t i lin a tn b t et rs o b n u e r door east of the to which would invite their attention.g"raet' ;ekes, Candies, 'and every description oil ofeetions ' together with Nuts, Oranges,'and 1 kinds offruil s, always on hand. irarties, public and private, as well as tam s, will be furnished with all kiwis of Cakes, Cream,*(in pyramidal torus or otherwise,) id other refreshments at their _houses, upon ton notice. Hem' Airing 'peat a life-time at the business, be itilire himself that be understands It and that ifs able to reader entire aatietaction. 114 ind see his Ohafectionery: 0, 111811, tr JOIN G141:1111. Great Earelkasaidt NIAJORITY of Lhasa who real Kewepepete never give q. hasty glaties tt bysinese a4.eri4semeni, and if MAN Actually has the best, the prettiest and the ,cheapest goods in all creation, actually selling t teem SZ break-doirti prices—too few heed the r act, for their own interest, thereture we have FOUND it best' to simply invite every body to call and ;examine our stock and prices before buying one doll it's worth elsewhere, for I can and will make it to the interest of all those who ate not DEAD to their true interest and iiho wish to cave money, therefore to tidy eter)thiug IN the line of good an f cheap clothing at my store, where there has just been received a most tirignificent assortment 01 Felt end Win ter Go..ds, consistinz of ,Orercoats, Dress Cows, Linsine!s Coats, Pante and Vests of all Uindi,.Overehirts and Undershirts, Stockings, Suspenders, Cr.ivats and Notions, CiZci.s, Instruments, and many Other things in my line, all .if which I am selling at very j_ew prices. Call on P. ff. 'PICKING, Bald inure street, nest the public Square, GETTYSBURG. Oct. 25, 1865. =ISM AT THE OLD STAND. [rs'evstasago pt 18171 have associated with we, in busdiess, my son, John F. ltd'reitry, under the firm and sty le of D. Mt (Teary Is Son, and I desire to say to my old friends and the public generally tha since the wxr, the mauufacture of Saddles, Harness, 0 , /Ilais, d:c , has been revived at the old established arid well known stand on Bal timore street, one square south 01 the Court House, Giettsburg, Pa. flaring hail an experience of 90 years in this establishment, I feel assured, thar, with renewed attention to business, we can still further merit and receive a full share of pup lie pat' 4:maga. DAVID MtCREAR,Y. With increased EteiliVes for'conducting our busiaosi we are betterprepared than ever to satialy the wants of all those who may need anything in our line. We especially call the attention of Farmer; and others to the superior quality of our • Plain dr Quiltr.d Seat,Side Leathers, Horn Saddles,litanies, all kinds, with Plain or Quilted Seat! or without tastenings • no Horn, Iliousings, P 1 iin or Quilted Seat!Scotch Collars(leather) Side Saddles, I,i " (ticking) I Plain or Fancy Saddle No Seam Collars, ' I • Cloths, , Best Welt Harness Col -1 Wagon iddles, tars, • 'biting Bridles, of all Patent Leather Collars, kinds, fair or stitched or unstiTched rounded or flat, B st Le.tlier Wagon Martingais, Whips, 4, 4+l and 5 Carriage Harness, alfi beet I )4, styles, silver or black Platted Team Whips, mounted, ITrotting Whips, Heavy Draft Harness, .tidies' Riding - Twigs, Blind Badles, Wliip Lashes, I Girths, horse Blankets, ' Croppers, kc., kc., In :bort, everything that pertains to a first class general horse furnishing establishment constantly on hand or made to order promptly, of the veil best in aerial, and by the most ex perienced workmen in the country, (two hav ing worked in tins tistablialanent for the last thirty years.) "We are now manufacturing an excellent lot of Lie try Draft and rHarness Collars for those who pref e r our own to city made work. Repairing, of all kinds ‘ done at short notice and on reasonable teL ins. ' Ali ..re cordially incited to call and examine for them:Rives : as, our work cannot hii to recommend itself. D. MeUREARY & SON Feb. 5 ; 186" G. tt Great , Attraction AT PP.INKERHOFF'S CHEAP CLOTHING AND FURNISHING STORE, at the North East Coruer of the Diamond. The subs..riber is constantly iu receipt of fresh goods from the Eastern cities. His stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. 'You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in th. cost fashionable styles, and of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and boys:— Gentlemen's furnishinii goods of every descrip., tint], Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shirt's, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery of every description Buc!:..skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerchiefs, Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Coll trs, Hats, C ips, Soots and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blaching, Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Grins, Pistols; Violins and Violin Strings, Soaps and Perfumeries, StatiOnery of all kin Is, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Toi.ac co, Pipes, an extra quality of Segars. In fact, his stock embraces es cry - thing usually found tuts first class furni:hing store. I invi'e the attention of all to come and see for themselves, as I am determilted to sell goods lower than any other establishmentirt the country. Don't forget the place. Corner of York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKER.IIOI. P. July 4, IBti3. Inangtinttion OF LOW PRICES. J. L. SCHICK invites the attention of Lis friends and customers 'to his large and well selected stork of DRY" GOODS Comprised in part cf French Ilerinons, All Wool Poplins, All Wool Delaines, . All Wool Plaids, Plain Poplins, Black and Fancy Silks, • T,mise Cloths, Black and Colored ,A/Facasi Black Cloths at.d CAssitneres, Fancy Cassirnarea, Cossinets, Jeans, Flaanels of all kinds, Gloves and Sto,• Also. a fine lot of Ladies' Ft SHAWLS, as well as an abundant Notions, all of which willlbe said the cash. \ J. L Dec. 17, 18a8 Fresh Arrival. H ATS, CAP.a, atOl'S k SHO!. -. COBR N k CO. have just received and opened anoth . splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, B ITS and SHOES, for &unmet weitr, whin , they are_ selling at very low priers considering the times. The latest styles nt Summer Hats and Caps, of every descripti n and price. s . Boots an'a Shoes, of super or maire,hand, I warranted to fit, al we:ft o hand. Work made to order end repairi g done on shorten /ice, by experienced wor nen. Also, HARNESS 1 MUNI:), carried on in all its brace es. Persons want ing an% thing in this line wuld.do well to call. 1 /'Don't torget the ol stand in Chambers-1 burg street, if you want argeins. COB& & CRAWFORD. June lb, 1865. - - . . . add g. r RE undersigned has ommeneed the SAD " ME and HASHES -MAKING business, on the Hill, in Baltimore treet, in the building formerly occupied by D. Sweeney as a Chair- maker's shop, up l stairs, *here he asks those wanting anything in his" line to call. Work done in the beat mancer,land prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice. A lot of new Saddles and Harness on hand. i J. M. ROWI. Gettysburg, June 25, 11866. 3m Western Lands. mall subscriber has s me valuable WEST SRN LANDS, whir be will trade for ape or more FARMS la tbi county. The lands are well located, and very desirable for farm irl ins. Early application ' eared, JAC B BBINEEItaIin. Gettrillargo 4Prit 3i @GO. tf FOUTZ'II CWIZRATILD Horse Cattle Pfifieit h i. lon , g and favorably will am. • " (welly reinvigorate biosrn.down sod low.spirited boner, by strengtheeing and cleansing the stomach and intes tines It Is a sure pre. endive of all die. - eases incident to Mb animal, GLAND/OAL YELLOW TEE,HEt COUGlif TEIIPE7 YEAS, Fr LOSS 01 VTR sr imam: nse imps wind, the appet a amoo glossy ak transforms miserable Lone. To keepers of Cows this preparation 1 / 1 Invaluable , A Inatome the qnsustity and improves the quality of the milk. It bat been pro, en by ac - tual experiment to ---"Atilliter".. ty increase the gUnD- ' t of milk and . , ty - , cream twenty per cent end make the butter firm and 6,, e,t..ln fattening k lir" Ai , cattle, i t gives th em i . I •, • ~....--"__:. / an appetite, loosens ..:... - ..,- 7 , ;e . - 1114. 4 their 1,1 de, and • -- ,- ---.L —...:_._ • '' - males them thrive much Slater. lames of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lunge, Liver, act. as a specific. - By putting from - •. • . to a paper in a . • s.l - .will the above disc•ses - 17- . nr entirely prevent e d. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the flog Ch"":• Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. PILIPARED BY S. A.. E'OT.TICZ & AT =xis IMOLIVIALF, DECO AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Pranjuin, St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggists and StorelellJell through, Olt ho Vatted States. For sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettyehurg Laughlin k Bu , blield, Wheeling, VII ; C. C Bender d: Co., PthAlurg; Johnda, llollowaJ k COWdetl, Philadelphia. Dec. 17, 1E6(.1: ly A Lecture to Young Men. TI.T6T published, in a seated envelope. - ej Pri3e cent 3. A Lecture on the nature, treatment and radical cure of Spermatorloea, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Scant! Debility and Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Epi -1 psy, and Fits; Mental itc! Physical int rya c4y, resulting from SeP-Abuse, Are. Ili Rob ert J. Calvet well, M. D., author of the :‘Graen Book," &c. `The world renowned tuthor, in this ,tdmirra hie Lecture, ele trly proves, from his own ex perience, that the awful consequences of Self Abuse may he etre( totally remova.l nithout Medicine, and without dangerous surgical ope rations, boogies, instrumen'tz, rings, or cordi als, pointing out a mode of ,rare at once cer tamp :yid eileo_tual, by Whiz?i every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himseifeileicily, privately and nolo:ally. This Lecture with a boon to thousands. Sent under stal to any address, in a_ plain, sealed envelope, on tecei.pt of sit cents, or two post age stauips. Also Dr. Cultera ell's Marriage Guide, price 2i cents. Address CHAS. s C. KUNZ 6: Co., 127 Bowery, New 1 . - orh, I'. 0. box 4386. April 23, 15613.. ly Singer's Celebrated. T HE very be,t ar, i 1,(1t i , lprnverl machine ,r at the CLOTllltii; STORE of JA.t7tIOS n: BRO , in Cl.l.lnOn-rE.burg street, Gettrsnurz, tvlo.re you can nul , he b,..st and clitrti , e , t Ca3sirnt-re3 ;111s1 V,-tinsz, 1.7. d every variety of goods iu the tine tf Ni.N AND [NITS WEAR You can hive them cut out an,: male up itt the very best style if you vvir....h, at moderate ptices t and without any tiJk whatever. August 20, isec Lancaster Book Bindery. G EORGE WI.ANT, 800 OK BINDE 1? , AND BLANK BOOS MANCE: CTCREIt 7 I..ANC ~. STEII., PA. Plain and Ornamental L-„,, i. py, of every de scription, exeeuti , d in the inu.i...eb.itautial and approved St.) ICS. E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmer , Bank of 'Lancaster W. L. PeTer, Esq., Laut.tAter County Bank Samuel SLoek, Esq., Columbia Bank. Samuel Wagner, Esq., York Bank. William Wagner, Esq., York County Bank. T. D. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Protlfy of Lancaster co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq4liegister " 4 ' Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder " . April 18d1 Cabinet Furniture. 11l subscribers hereby inforni tAlr ens, T tomers rind the public generally, that: they. lave now on band, and continue to manj nfacture to order, CABINET FURNITURE, Which, tor 2 tylo - alai durability, finish and price, will compete with any in the county. 7-7 Our present stock consists of every variety of Furniture usually kept in a first class Furni ture Ware Room. Fashionable, ornamental or plain Furniture manufactured in the most! substantial manner, oy most experienced workmen, and at the lowest cash prices, Inge. S AND riety of beep for CHICK. UNDERTAKING Having a new Hearse, particatir attention will be given to this al ranch of their business. They are prepared to make and tarnish Coffins of any desired quality, and attend Funerals at the shortest notice—and on such terms as cannot fail to please all. The subscribers return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage extended to them in the past, and hopeto meri tend receive a continuance of public patronage. .hop and Ware Room third building east of the Square. H. FETE* BRO. Llttlestown, Aprll,l6, :866. tf CIFICITTLE SP WING MACHINES aro au -perior to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy; noiseleas-; darable ; and easy to work. 111natrated Circulars tree. Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No consignments made.' Addreet EMPIRE B. M. CO., 816 Broadway, New York. [Sept. 17, 1866. Iy . 'Established is 1845. HENRY W. OVERMAN, COMMI-181011 MNRCRANT AND DRILER IN LIIATIDIR, No. 14 South Tbird Street, Philadelphis 8181r0Onsigamente eolieitud. Dec. 10, 1866. Iy* 'FRY Di. R. HORNER'S Tonic and Altera. tive Powders, for HORSES and CATTLE, Prepared and sold only at his Drug Store. January 25. 1864. rags at the iticeisior cannot be under? rated while the quality and style of FIC US want be sarpaased. Cell and Si. 111 1 1 1 4 0 !. - • 0. 1. TYSON. GLU. JACOB] do BRO I=l Empire TEII PEIIIVVIAN NYEIVP 111 a raorsorso ASOLII,IOI or VW Pto(oxide of Iron, a new discovery to medicine which STRIKES AT THE koor 0? DISEARN, sufwiying the 01004 with ifs ram. ruscut s, Oft Lt►a etemser—lßON. This is the secret of the wonderful success of this retnedi in curing DY'PEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. DROP• sy, CEIRONIO DIARRIREA, BOILS, 'Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers. Humors, Loss of Constitu tion.ll Vigor, Disease of he • Kidneys and Bladder, tent•iie Compiairits, end •111 d,orn'3rs uriv,ha(ing in A BAD STATE OF TitE BLOM), Or 4CCOtrlptLlLiell DiBILITY, or 1 LOW 07 VIE !T TEL. ISr ink fren from Alcohol - in any formilta enervizing effects nro nut followed by corres ponding reaction, but are pertuanCnt infusing streruth, vigor and new life into all part,t of the nefitem, and building up all 1110,N CON STITUTION. DYSP.PSIA ANEI DRBILITY- • Prom 'MP Venerable Are/deacon S S roet, D Du:vtiee, Canada East, March 24, 11 1 85. * * " I 4rn an inveterate Dyspeptic-4M, roura than 27, years' standing.' * * * "I have been so wonderfully benefitfed in the three short weeks during which I have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself' ot the reality. People who Live known me are astonished at tire ch inge. I am widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done sir mu , i for me." 4),1e of the roost DISTINGEISHED JU RISTS is New EnglAnd 14/403 to a friend ao folloos "I have tried the PERCVIAN SYRUP, and the result fatly sustains your prediction. It has node a siciv If or of rue ; infused into my system new vigor and energy ; 1 ana.no longer tremulous and debilitated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with lar ger capacity for labor, ..mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years." Au EUINENT DIVINE of Boston, save: "I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past ; it gives me new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of made." ser T GIISANDS Mace been changed by the use of this remedy ; from weak, stckly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids can not reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certifi cates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clerg, men, and others, will be sent FREE to any address. ice tha , each hottlu has PERUVIAN SYlttiP blown in toe glacr. COU dALI. BY 41. P. Dunmore, Proprietor, 31; (ivy Street„ New 'fork, AND BY ALL DarGGI,Ts. SCROFULA. All Mediull lien azree that is the BEST RENIEId" for Siirointd and ..0 kindred [diseases ever illicaverel. The didi•alty bus been to obtain a Peas SoGums of it. DR. H. A.N DR E ' • lODINE WATER, Is a Pure Solutiou of Inuine, %union' A L , I)I,VENI'!! -A Most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Reso MIMI It wilu cure SCROFUL., io all its manifold forms ULCERS, CANCER, PaIRUM ; and it has been used with asionishinz success in eases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consump tion, Fern tle Complaints, Heart, Liver and Kidney Di.eases, Ate. Circulars will be gent PREZ to any address. Price $l.OO a bottle,•or 6 for $7..0u. Prepared by Dr. H ANDERS Phyrician and Chetuizt FOR RACE OY J. P. Dinsmore. 36 Dey Street. New York, = WISTIMS BALSAM' or WILD CHERR Y- HAS BILEM CM) FOR NU4ELY - HALF A CENTURY, WITH THI MOST ASTONISHING SCCCKSS IN CURING COGVIS, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Iri tlu,nzi, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Bronchitis, Difficulty of Bre:Alga*, Asthma, add every affection of Tag THROAT, LUNGS, AND CHEST. CONS 17.31" P TIO which carries off more victims than any other disease, and which baffles the skill of the phy:. sici.ns to a greater extent limn any other malady, often - YIELDS TO THIS 'REMEDY when all others prove ineffectual. AS A• M EDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe in its - operation, gar IT•LS CFNSURPASSSD 1-iffie wile as a preparation, free from noxious in gredients, poisons or ni , nerals; uniting skill science and medical knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE! and is entitled to, merits and receives the gen eral confidetice of Vie public. SEYMOUR 4 THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows "WISTAR'S BALSAM OP WILD CHIMP gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a Cough by loosening and cleansing the lunge, and allaying irritation, thus usuovtea Tat CLIMB, • instead of drying no the cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Bal cam ea good as any, if not the best, Cough medicine with which I am acquainted." The Rev. JACOB RECHLBR, of Hanover, Pa., well known and much respected among the German population of this country, makes the following statement for the benefit of the afflicted: Dear Sirs:—Raving realized ,in my family important benefits from the use of your valua ble preparation—WlSTAß'S BALSAM OF WILD CdEßßY—it affords me pleasure to recommend It to the public. Some eight Tears ago one of my daughters seemed to be to a decline, and little hopet of ber recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the oontents of the bottle there was a great bur roventent In her health. I have, la my individual cue, made frequent ass of your valuable medicine, and have al ways been benefitted by it. JACOB BBCHLE a. Price one dollar a bottle. 1111=111 J. P. Bin sere, ite Illey Street, New Tewit. ■etk W.Nowle *Sem, Proprietors, Sesteet AND BT ♦LL DRCUOISTS Grime% Celebrated Salve cares Outs, Burns, Scalds. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures Wounds, Braises, Bpslira. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures Hulls, Ulcers, CarlCOM Gracels*Celebrated Salve cures Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Grace's Celebrated Salve - cures Chapped Hands, Cbilblain. Granola Celebrated Salve heals Old Sores, Flesh Wounds, kc. It is pvcrorpt in action, removes pain at once, and reduces the most angry-looking swellings and inflammations, as if by maglo,tbus af fording relief and a complete curs, Only Is cents a box I (Sent by mall fox 36 cents.) For sale by I. P. DINSNORD, 36 Dey street, New York, S. W. FOWLS h SON, P.ropnctors, Boston, and by all Drugg4SS, Qirtoors, and Country Stoles. JOy IR, 1860. 17 Kimmli iiiiinuaaa. N o.. WEST MARKET EITTEr, YORK, PA., •aoflrte ANU ONALIIIII If NAXOS AND CABINET RGANB, IfELODB.ONS, MUSICAL IIitiTIiUMENTS, respestroity inform the public that they are prepared to furuieb Pidnos of the following manufacture ur of any other make that may be preferted : Albrl,Tht. Relives & eldekerbeß & Son, Broidbury. Knob* at Sou, Gale & lino. COTTAGE, HARMONIC AND BOUDOIR ORGANS AND MELODEONS. V'A These Instrum,mte stand unrivalled by any thing found in this Conwtry or in Europe, as is admitted by nil impartial judges. The most eminent Pipe Organ Builders and Performers, the heat to disroecr excellence in reed Tone, pronounce them vastly superior to all others for exceedingly quick articulation and round Tone, the essential feature in instruments of this class. We invite the severe scrutiny and criticism of all. PATENT VOX lILTMANA TREMOLO This late and most wonderful invention (so acknowledged by ail leading artists) bill be found only in the Estey Instruments. In at tempting to descrihe,the effect stop, we are at loss for language. Its beauties cannot be written, but tuipit.be heard to be appre. elated. By this step an ordinary - pertnimer can produce an effect which requires a time of plactice for an artist upon a violin. !t en• tirely ch,anges the teed Tone, giving the eym. pathetic sweetness of therhunnan voice, making it en melodious and pure that it never fails to eneltant the listener. THE HARMONIC ORGAN for Churches, Public' Halls and Parlors has e powerful sub-Bass with independent reeds, Harmonic attachment and Vox ITumana Tre- _ molo, And is believed to bit,the most powerful reed organ made, being nearly equal tore`Pipe Organ hi three times the All instruments warrant Kilo? fire years. grZoBRASS BANDS supplied with Metres ments and music it reasonable terms. A libemi discount allowed for Churches and Babliath Schools. &a - Instructions given both In Vocal and Instrumental %tate; at onr rooms, and at pu pils' homes, eithbr to intltriduala or' (Aiwa, on reasonable tams. _Dee. 14, IbiA. tf THE OETTYS3I.7ItG SKYLIGHT GALLERY, THE undersigned takes piensOe in anomie. clog to the citizens of Gettysi, urg find the public generally that he has retouved from his old rooms on West-111111e street, to Linltiinnro street, and nearly opposite the store of Palm , . estork ilrothers. The room he now occupies has been reoently fitted up expressly for his business. 'The loc ttion is an adnirable tine, enabling him to t tke pictures in all-shades of weather, and with a correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIKE. PHOTOGRAPHS, of every size and des, iipauir, executed in the finest style. Particul me istt eltion given to ti,e, CARTE HE YIFITE, end to copyiug MUM. TYPES and D.p..;UERREOTYPES of deceased friends. Aleo— THE G . ETTYSRIII.G CPI \IS, • a new style of picture, which has become very popular with the public, not only loi . their beauty: but for cheat ncsa and convenience.— SIXTEEN for ONE DOIA.A It only. Al4o— PURCEhAIN Pie:TURES, fur their beauty and durability are un.urpi,i.e,l, We are prepared to carry on the buFineita in ell its br inches, and Laving bad con. siderable experience we rim no risk in 0U.411.1-174 SING l'A'l47l:Cl' S.4TISF.4C. TION: SYPHILIS, SALT Our theilities for a fall display of our skill. are unequalled by any othe4. Gallery in the County, and we would therefore invite every one to eall•at the NEW GErTYSGGRG SICYLEGUT GALLERY. Call and exnuane uui Siorvinwnb and lodge for yoursnlves, , LEVI lIWIPER. June W. E. BIDDLE. IT. S. BENNER. 100.000 Bushm. Grain. Wanted: EIV PIRA( A r THE ULU WAIiEIitIBSE. W.M. E. BIDDLE & CO. would inform the pablic that they have teased the Warehon.se on the corner of Stratton street amt the Rail road, in actryshure. here th.y will dery on THE GRAIN AND.PRoDUCE BUrSINESti. in all is branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Fliaseed,-Somac, Hay and Straw ) Dried Fruit,Nuts, Snap,Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with every. thing else in the country produce line.. • GROCERIES.—On hand, for sale, -Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, J S.iru'ps, Tess, Specs, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Blekets, Blaekiag, Soaps. ke. Also COAL OIL, Fish oa, Tar, kc. FISH of all kitids ' • Spikes anak.Nails ; Smoking and Chew. ing Tobaccos. They are always able to supply a first rat• article of Flout., with the dt 4 3erent kinds of Feed. • -Also, Ground PlasVr, with Gtotnos and other fertilizers. COAL, the bushel, ton or ear lead. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg- to Baltimore none every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, hi any quantity ' sit REDUCED RATES. They will attend, if dttsirtd, to the making of purchases In the city, and delivering the goods promptly in Getty+arc. Their ears run to the Warehouse of Nuthau Roue Co., No. 128 North Howard st. r dear Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will be received at any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring akin th t they will spare no effort to accomu4odate all who may patronize them. BIDDLE at 'BENNE& • April 16, 1866. tf 100_1000 - BUSHELS OF GRAIN WA NT6 D, at the TRW Grai a and Produce House, in Carlisle atreet, adjolAt log Sheads .4.Bnehler's establishment. The highest market price will 'always be paid 14 cash for GRAIN, of all kinds, FLOUR, SNEDS, kn. Always on hand and for sale, at the smallest profits, GUANO.% • 'SALT, FISH, GROCERIES, ke., • Wholesale and retail. TRY US! We shall do our best to give satisfaction in all cases. MoODRDY & DIEHL. Gettysburg, Mull, 1863. ly New Umber Yard. 2[117E undersigned has opened a LUMBER/. - YARD,- on the -Railroad, near Gains k illy's Lime Kilos, Gettysburgoind asks tbs. public to give him a call. His assortment ig one of the but ever offered here, and his pri ces afford only be smallest living pr ofit. Ha hai WHITE PINE PLANK, inch sad half lock BOARDS, IMO/MIRO, PALINGS, .tc. , tic., and is constantly adding to his goo k. :Come and examine for yourselves. JACOB BREADS. Oct. 29, 18GO. ti n_IIINN dt REILLY have erected two addl. tiottgl Lime Kline, on. the Railroad, and are therefore better prepared then ever to sup ply the best of LIME, in large or small quanti ties. Farmers and others cant,hereaftel look for a more prompt Thug of their orders, and are invited to extend and continue their fa. vors to a firm which is making every effort to accommodate them in the bestmannerpossible. They will also continue to k pon hand, toe tale, e good supply of the Medi et 00AL,jvhich they will sell at smell profits. Coispad Lbw delivered areprbess.4% Get* Systrurg. • /iv 14, 1884. tt ♦xD •LL KINDS OF iterre4 ClitilaATlD Removal 2 New Warehouse. Lints t Cosl.