II F: , ... ____A ''. 3 % — r iesitltar_ OR A ' Pa Cdr FOIL 1886. ' . 4:loWittu , ulsaas' Oritll, 1 . .474 1. . --. . &pars rocarr,FA..l ,' 1104166b1y 4o an Let of Assembly, satillcd o .lB.B.kotte Raise County Rates and Levies," Issqiiiiag the Gomrolssloarni of 04 rospac- Alve•tionaties to publish • Statement of the Resitipta, and Eependatures yearly, we, the IDtomiesionere of Taxes of raid county, report as (00111W14 le wit—from the 4th day of Jane a. 17, 1888, telbe Btb day of January,' 1867, both dayainolusi re : . . J. 4060 fillE A DS, • Eas., 'Treasurer, and the Commiesiuners, io ac"ruunt With the Bonn- VOL daftly as follorra: • ' w i t Eat: ' To ein hands of former Treas. • Oyer at last settlement, $3,563 86 tentstanding Comity Tax and Quit 841 tniln bands of Collectors, 12,445 84 Comp *else end Leriepirp-Ited for 1866. SOntingh Of Oettyabarr,'l,ll,7lls 63 • 'Do. Quit fter.ts, 175 04 Casibetlhind township, 1,485 63 . finittington ' " 1,419 01 Franklin -41 1,614 50 Mettalless . ' Id 1,197 83 ditraban " 1,091 93 Hamiltonban " ' L 351 87 Mountpleanant • " 1,623 52 , Beading , . 4 '' 1,306 69 ,r ) . Oxford A' 1,455 58 Haugh** '" ' 1,243 18 Union 41 . 1,528 741 Cosawago in , 1,220 21 Boller I : , 1 5 \ 982 99 La/lumen ' ' 976.13 • _ 11i0un4.7 , 1,131 69 , • Tyrone, " 902 49 °ern:llll7 " .. -......1,80 - 98 Berwick , . " - 879 92 Liberty " -84 j 26 Highland av , 603 64 • Freedom' • " 480 21 • Littleatown " 511'43 - Bot.iof Berwick, " 327 29, 11,105 79 Loins from Bank k sundry persona, 6,160 00 Cash from W. A.. D'uncan, jury -tees, 90 32 0 Jacob Rusgey, coal, balance, 10 00 i ' /' 13smuel Lilly, " 20 00 " sundry perilous for old lumber,3s S 9 " John Fowler, for costs, 24 00 Refunded reconiianees, 58 00 gionerated tax from sundry per/long,' 22 46 Additional tax for 1866, 7 174 08 - one outstanding ConnlY likkx and Quit Rents -appeal to be in the" bands of the following Collectors, to wif I'm-Collectors. Bor's. dzTwps. Co. ta:t.Stnte tax due cO. 1802. Bob't McCileaf,t Hamiltextbart, • 1864. ,John Slants, - Gettysburgi 1864. .John Slants, Gettysburg, $63 10 ;snob Soarb — cer, Berwick tp., 1865. 11.°Sherfy ' Cumberland, 250 09 E.W.,Barlmngh,* liamilt'ban, 310 51 Beal Duttera.t Hun•ington, 420 66 4108. Wickersbam,t Melia'len, 484 34 Henry Slaybstigh,* Butler, 112 14 F. Mclntire,* Liberty, 173 02 1806. f/. D.Wattles,t Gettysburg, 189 69 Do. Q iit Bents: 75 04 Flory Bream,t Cumberland, 522 12 Henry Shults4 Huntington, 965 76 franets Will. Frank!in, lio 32 Michael Bender,t Menaltert, 762'57 Fredlt Quiggle,t Strab.n; 526 36 110bertWatzon, Hamilronban, 417 71 A. Bckeurode,t Mountpl'itaut, 891 58 S. Bicholts,V - Reading, • 193 49 John Klunk, Oxford 316 37 Samuel Orndorff,t Hamilton, '.338 80 Daniel A. Sell, Union, 533 73 W.,Brogunier,t Conowagoor 52C 97 Heury_Slaybaugh,t3utler, 546 52 ,J Brenatuan,t Latimore, 335 51 D. A. Cownoveryt Mourojoy, 304 01 F. H. Ebert,t Tyrone, 37067 flatnuel Harner,t Germany, 266 64 Jacob Berwick tp., 141' 18 ;elm Nuoitemaker,t Liberty, 218 01. T. Blocker, • Litt leAown, 137 92 T. Pflisger,t Berwick bor., - let 88 Outstanding County Bounty p 864. John Stentz, 'Gettysburg, Jacob Soarbeir,,Birmick tp., airTtiosimarked thug* Wave paid in full mince settlement,' and those marked thus t lave paid in part. CR. By orders`paid out, as follows, to wit By auditing and 'settling public accts, $4B 00 J. C. Neely, Egq , appointed by Court to ausUt public offices, Printing s blanks, Ste., Sheriff's bills of Court cOO% Clerk's p&y, Abatement to Collectors of 5 per ct., 1, Fox and-wildcat scalps, 31 00 tleneral Juty and Tip-staves' pay, 1,673 69 Assessor's pay, , 567 40 Wood and coal for public buildings, 516 62. Repairent public buildings, . Grand Jueys' p'ay, Heeiater, Protbonctairy and Clerk of • Sessions' fees, Ts latunded to sundry ; persons, Certificates of - Constables' Treasurer of Alms-house r 14, Counsel fees, ' Postage and stationery. ,Notes cad interest paid. Bank and sundry persons, /B.,Match, Esq., Commissioner's pay,' Abraham Krise, _ " " Samuel Wolf, • ", " District Attorney's fees, ' Justice and Constable tees for cotn tnitting vagrants, Keeping prisoners at Eastern Pen itentiary,. - 17 57 . • Bedding And clothing for Jail, • 137 IS Material and work at Jail Cistetn, 46 12 Fahnesteick Brov., goods. &c., - for Jail, 37 14 ;indeed' lees far holding inquisitions, 41 OS Dr.J. W. C: post mortem ex amination of the body Of J. Ham- - _ electionlaws for 1866, _Orphan's Obitrt, ,7. A. Walter, county bounty due - 1862,. ;Ohm iitGlaughlta, 11 ~Jos. ;Sullivan, , 41 Lwesman, • 11 feailioad Com?any, 13 45• George Arnold, Eel"; revenue slaws, 535 Israel Yount, 000rdiog Jury, 28 00 George Wiaot, aueispeat.booki, 38 00 Expressage, L.-- 2 55 Adam; County Agricultural Society, 100 00 4las Company,' 21 00 MiCbael Rupp, Coo rt-honse, Keeper, 5.5.00 W. F. - Murphy Son, dockets for ' public offices, • . ,Opecial Court, N. Weaver, returning stolen horse, (reward pii.l4 by county,) 20 00 E. Comae*, I 21 80 J. M. Patentee, in full en contract . of Conowago bridge, 1,449 00 New- wooden bridge across Rock creek at Benner's, New bridge at Kohler's mill, ,John_ Scott, Brig. Inspietor, amount received out of -county funds, by act pf Assembly; 1868, •-. 446 00 Dfficeif,pay skSpiing elections, 407 93 6 6 . 6, Fall elections, . 537 43 Repairs at bridges, 872 52 Road dirmageo, 183 00 ' Jacob Trozel, former Treasurer, er ror- fa-Collectors' accounts, ? lauds Sheads, Treasurer, amount pail eat of county funds on State roomy 'Adam Rebert,-Sheriff, for mammon• lug jurors,- - Dlree.4ors of the Poor Raj, '- goLleet t ors tees, Natinerations to Collectors ' outstanding tax and quit rents in bands of Collectors, 10,492 69 Treastircr i s salary, - I 892" CB' salande ib bands of Treasurer, 099 68 ' 49,718 24 .414 In !palimony that the foregoing est of the Receipt. sod Bspenditures inhibited at the office of the ?resolver of eald etSPAZOOk._ fffiTt4l NI gill) vim 04 ta k en . „ frovi'and ecimpared with Oat Metals remain. log In tli• beaks In. tide sic*, Ay* have here,- unto sat oar bands sad a4ged lb* load of mild% ' once, at Gettysburg, the •eigbib day of. Jan.. wiry, oafs thousitadoright huitdred and Italy- I seven. A. KRI4 I I, - B. WOLF, N. wlnaluit, -- Commiesloners of Adams county Attest—J. M. WAtaxe, Clerk. A. UDIIT,ORS' REPORT To the tioao:attrtite--itt4ges of the );Cettrt of Compton Phew of Adatriteenty. We; the undersigned, daffy elected Anditers to settle end' adjust the Public Accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioners of said coun ty, having been sworn or affirmed agreeably te law, do report the following to be a gene ral statemet. Of said accounts, from the 51S day of. January, A. D. 1868, to the hth day of January, A.D.I 1867, both days Inclusive : Jacob Meads, Esq., Treasure!, and Commis sioners, in account with the county of Attains. DR. To balance Sn hands oPformer Teal- rer at last settlement; $3,563 80 Outstandlet county adz and quit rents in hands of Colleetors, 12,445 84 ORGANS AND MELODEON& Amount of scanty tax and quit rents These Instruments stand unrivalled by any assessed for 1866 ; " 17, / 95 79 ! thing found in this Country or in Europe, as Loans from Bank St - sundry persons, 6,160 00 1 is admitted by all impartial judges. The most Cash from Ike. A. Minoan, Esq., jury ! eminent Pipe Organ Builders and Performers, 96 32 fees, i - the lest to discover excellence in reed' ons, " hcob Enshey,zEul., for coal, , _ . ' • I pronounce them vastly superior . to- all others balrn^e, 1^ „„ ”" for exceedingly quick articulation and round " Sabluel Lilly, Esq., " 20 00 Tone, the es'ential feature in instruments of " for old luMber, ;"- ' 'B5 89 this class. We Invite the severe scrutioy'and --,,' John Folder, costs, 24 00 . criticism of all. 1 Reldnded incognizance, 58 001 PATENT VOX figliiANA TREECII.O. Exonerated tax from sundry persons, 22 48 This late and most wonderful invention (so Additional tax for 1888, 0 174 081 acknowledged by all 'leading artists) will be found only in the Estey, Instruments. In at tempting to describe the effect of this sto,p i tre are at loss for language. Its beauties cannot be written, but must be heard to be appre ciated. By this stup-ain ordinary perfoimer can produce an effect which requires a lifetime of ptactics for an artist Spon a violin. It, en tirely changes the teed Tone, giYing the sym pathetic sweetness of thei human take, making it so melodious and pure that it never fails to enchant the listener. THE LIARVONTC OII6AN ' ' CR. , ' By outstanding taxes fur 1664. 1. , $63 10 ~ "-- " • 1865 ; ------__Lf/0 761 A 14 )866, 8,9n --- 8-31,, 8-‘ Fees for 1859, 90 0t 1863, 63 44 s" , ~ 1864, 479 33 u 1 1865, 1,516 33 ' :•••• 11. li 1866, 59 351 1 - 1 ' Exonarations for 1859, 100 00 14 - u 1863, 16 72 ii • _,-.41 1864, 129 031 41 14 1865, 319 SO I It It 18A, 7 511 Disborzemen+s on county orders, 34,604 :81 TreasureCs eGramission, 692 08 $49,716 4 2! Balance due countlby Treasurer, 1,099 GS $lO 80 DM To amount of outstanding 21 mill , _ State tax, $9ll 33 -41 f mill State tax, • 76 48 " State tax assessed for 1666, 2,861 60 " „paid out-of eciuntycfnids on State quota,' . 276 12 62 92 28 48 CR. . • 3y outstanding 23 mill State tax for 1866, ' slle j sB Fees allowed Collectors for 1866 and previous years, ' 214 36 Exonerations I/ gi 145 78 Outstanding f mill State tax for ISG2 and '63, 49 12 Fees allowed Collectors II 7 64 Exoneratioas 4 . .. 47 Paid State Treasurer, as per receipt July 3, 181,6,' 3,137 72 Balance due ccuaty by Treasurer, 455 91 To outstanding military fines for 1865, $B3 52 " ' relief " 1862, 135 70 -Balance doe Treasurer by county, 97 88 Bygutstviding military for 1866, $37 Fees allowed Collectors for surd year, 8 10,392 G 9 . 115 5S tiokerations Outstanding relief funds for 1866, 135 70 $/ 22 76 25 46 I+B 22, To Ontstanding county bounty for 1863,51.1114 14 • • By outstanding county bounty for :1866, $l4B 22 Fees allowed Collect'ors " 33603 Exoneration', " ‘, 4 - 35 61 Balance due county byTressliter, , 673 79 25 00 552 87 ,556 62 500 00 388 16 • .We; the undersigned, Auditors of the coun ty of Adams, PermsylVania, elected and sworn in pursuance of law, do report, that we met, did audit, -settle and adjust, according to law, the itccbunt of. the Treasurer and Commis sioners of said county, commencing on the fifth day of January, A. D. 1866, and ending on the eighth day of JaanaiY, A. D. 1867, both days inclusive—that said account, as settled above sad entered of record in Settle ment Book in the Commissioners' office of Adams county, is correct, and that we find a balance due to the county of Adams by Jacob Sherds, Esq., Treasurer - of said county, of one thousand and ninety-nine dollars and sixty.eira:lit_cents, (51,099 68;) aim on State taxes due county, a balance due county by, Treasurer of four, hundred and illtyzfive dol. lars,and ninety-one cents, ($455 91;) also on county bounty a balance due county by Treas urer of six hundred and seventy - -three dollars and seventy-nine cents, ($673 79;) also on re lief. fund a balance due Treasnr r by county of ninety-seven dollars and eighty-eight cents, (597 88;) and in outstatding county taxes ten thousand four hundred and ninety-two dollajkl and eighty-eight cents, (510,492 86.) • JOSEPH BURKEE. J. C. P,ITTENTURF, U. E.. BREAM, Feb. 4,1,8137. 4t Auditors. ". 161 60 601 77 150 75 77 83 96 46 200 00 75 00 54 81 4,777 89 302 60 302 i6O 303 80 429 00 QM 30 00 42 00 48 25 6 . 0 00 60 00 50 00 SHUTTLE SEAING MACHINES are au parlor to all .others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. 150 00 Contain all the latest improvements; are speedy ; noiseless ; durable ; and easy to work. Illustrated Circa' ire tree. Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., 818 Broadway, New York, • [Sept. 17, 1866. ly Fall and Wintei Goods. A it SONS have lust received so . other fine assortment of NEW GOODS, consisting, in part, oft - Imila, Cassimeres, nets, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, for Gen tlemen's wear. Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. • 47 00 43 18 • Our stock has been selected' with-great care, and we are prepare/1 to sell as cheap as any other establishmentln the country. We ask the public. pti give us a call and judge for themselves. Call ao,(1 see us. No trouble to sbow Goods. A. SCOTT 4'SUNS. Sept. 17, 1866. 688 68 '2OO 00 Pine Shingles. 1 ,A -LARGE ;Cot of Pine Shingles from $8.50, to $l5 per 1000; for sale at the Lumber yet' of , , - C. H. BURBLER. 270,38 Oct. 22, 1866. ClETyour PUOTOGRAFRS at TYSON'S LAROW' VIEWS of the D the Field, singlz, or in sets, very low Also, STEREO SIAJPIO VIEWS of the Be t'le Field at the Excelsior Geller?, Don't toll to see them. 0. TYSON; TEE rash' is for the Excelsior Gallery. All are waited lotion in rotation and with dis patch. 0..1. TYSON. 1276 12 92.20 60 00 059 45 ' 668 16. PRICES at the Excelsior cannot be gilder. rated while the quality and style of PIC 'DAUM cannon be surpassed. Call and ex amine.. C. J. TYSON. Wlt are always glad to see our Meade at the Kleor. It stiU stands le th e same old place, on York street, opposite the BP"? thirburdt F. A J. TTI3Mit • 49 716 24 STATE TAXES DUE COUNTY DR. RELIEF & MILITARY FUNDS DB. COUNTY BOUNTY ' DR. Empire HHrin;er h Irbtreistan, NO. 8 WEST SißtalrellifilT,. YORK,. PA. , - I AND DICALZIIII 11 PIANOS AND CABINET ORGANS, MELODEONS, AND ALL KIND/ OP MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ressieetrully inform the public that they are Piipered. to furnish Pisoos of the following nfanoraeture or of any other make that may be preferred : Albelalet, Welke* Nebialdt, Cblekerf Ina 4t. Sea, Bradbury. * Sea, Gale & I=l COTTAGS,,ILIRMONIC AND BOUDOIR for Churches, Public Halls and Parlols has a powerful sub-Bass with inilependeLt reeds, Harmonic attachment tind Vox Hum ma Tre molo, and is believed to be the most powerft.l reed organ made, being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the cost. All instruments warranted fort five years. BANDSstiprilied with instru ments and music at :ea on.tble trms. A liberal discount allowed fur 'hurehcs and Sabbath Schools. itirlnstructiouS girl Instrumental Music, at either to i on reason•tble terms Dec. 17, lfien. tf 49.71' 24 NCIT Wa 100.0 t t h tl en eF GRAIN rain and Produce honer,, in Carlisle street, adjoin ing Steads t Buchlet's estabiishnieut. The highest market price will always be paid in cash for GRAIN, of all kinds, SEEDS, '&e. Always on hand and ibr sale, at the inmates'. profits, GUANO, . SALT flSil, GROORRIES, &e., Wholesale and retail. TRY US! We shall do our beat to give satisfaction in all cases. McCURDY & DIEIIL. Gettysburg, May 11,18 , 33. ly 4.125 58 4,125 59 W. E. BIDDLE. B. S. BENNER. 100.000 Grain Watnied. NEW FIRM Al' TIIE OLD WAREBOI7sE. WM. E. BIDDLE fi Co. would I n Iqrm the public that they have leased the' Warehouse •on the corner of Stratton street and the Rail road, in G:qtysburg,..4 here they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will Always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corp, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxscvd, Sumac, tray and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soi•p,Hazas, Shoulders an 4. Sides, Potatoes, with every. thing else in the country produce line. 317 10 144 00 GROCERIES.—On hand, for sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, StLreh, Brooms, Buckets, Blackinz, Soaps, Also COAL OIL,' Fish 0.1, Tar, &c. ' FISH of all kinds '• Spikes and Nails ; Smoking and Chew. ing Tobaccos. They are always &Moto supply a first rate article of Flour, with the, ditlerent, kinds of Feed. 317 10 100.110060.0400 Also, Ground Plastcr, with Guano and other fertilizers. COAL;lij the bushel, ton or car load. They will run a LINE OF PREIGST CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week, They are prepared to convey Freight either way, io any quantity, at REDUCED RATES. They will ettend l if desired to the making of purchases in thecity, and delivering the goJda promptly in Gettysburg. Their cars run to Vie Warehouse of Nathan Poop Co., No. 128 North Howard st., near Franklin, Baltimore r where freight will be uceived at any time. They invite the attention GI the public to their line, assuring them_llut they will spare no effort to accommcalite all who may patronize them MEE April 16, 1666• tf New Lumber Yard. TREE undersigned has opened a LUMBER YARD, on the Railroad, near Guinn k Reilly's Lime Kilns, Gettysburg, and asks, the public to give Ern a call. Hie assortment is one of the best ever offered here, and his pri ces afford only the smallest living profit. He has WHITE PINE. PLANK r inch and half inch BOARDS, FLUORIN(;, PALINGS, &c., and is constantly adding to his stock. Come and examine for yourselves. Oct. 29, 189 G. tf ;...line Q. Coal. C& REILLY have erected two addi tional Lime Kilns, on the Railroad, and art .therefore better piepared then ever to sop ply the best of LIME, in large or small quanti ties. Farmers and others can hereafter look for a more prompt filling of their orders; and are invited to extend and continue their fa vors to a firm which Is making-every effort to secommodntethNze in the best manner possible. . They will also centinno to keep on hand. for isle, a good supply of the ditf...rent kinds of COIL:, which they will sell at small profits. Coal and Lime delivered anywhere in Get tysburg. May it, 1866. tf Remoial VIE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. MITE undersigned takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Gettysturg and the public generally that he has removed from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly opposite the store of Fahu estock Brothers. The room he now occupies has been recently fitted up espre3sly for his business. The location is an admirable one, enablinu him to take pictures in all shades pt weather, and with a correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIKE PTIOTOGRAPITS, of every size end description, executed in the finest style. Porticalarsttention given to the LATE. DE VISITE, acol,to copying AMBRO ^ES and DAGUEIIREOTYPES of deceased . Also— THE GETTYSBURG GEMS, e new et of picture, which has beconse.very popular w the public, not only for their beady, but Cheapness and convenience.— SIXTEEN for NE DOLLAR only. Alao— THE PORCELAI RIMERS, ~ itich for Weir beauty and durabil:t areunsurprussed. We are prepared tn rry on the business in all its various branches, ttti having bad con siderable experience we rn no risk in GUARANTEEING' PERFECT SATISFAC TION. ImE Oar faci!ities fora full display of our skill Land Fresh Cakes, which we will famish to are unequalled by any other Gallery in the all-parties and pie-nice at the shortest notice. County, and we would theretore invite every IditAD AND lIINERAL v7A.Titit one to call at the . i can always behad icy and cool and stall hours NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY.' Having bad a life•loug egperlenee in the Call sad examine , our-Specirnenh and fudge '. mantrfaeture .of all the foregoing articles we for yourselves. - LEVI ..511111.11i1i. i ask the pormutge of the public werterally. la?' 21, 1866.. May 21,1866. tf HOINIGII ff EEO. ArTUAL; FIRE INSIIRANOg COMPANY,. lscomposta.Tto; MAIAIIt id, President—George Swope. Vice President—Samuel R. Russell. Secretary—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—R. G. Fahoestock. Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy An drew Beintzelman, Jacob King. llissemsas.—George Swope, D. A. Buehler, R. McCurdy, M. Eichelberner, S. R. Russell, E. G. Fahnestock, A. D. Buehler, R. G. McCreary, Gettysburg; Jacob King, Strabun township; A. Ileintzelman, Franklin; Wm. D. limes, New Oxford; WM. B. Wilson, Bendersville ; R. A. Picking, Straban township ; John Wol ford, Latimore township; John Picking, .East Berlin ; Abel T. Wright, Bendersville •, Abdiel F. Gat, New Oxford; Jas. H. Marshall, Ram- Montan township; John Ounningliant, Free dom township; Jobn Horner, Mountjny town ship; Wm. Rosa White, Liberty township. gar This Company is limited in its opera tions to the county of Adams. " It has been in operation for more than 15 years, and in that period has made tint ove assessment, having paid losses by fire duei ig that period amount log to $13,088—56,769 of which hare 'been paid during the last two years. Any person desiring an In zurance can apply to any of the above named Manacers for further information. afd'The Executive Committee meets at the office of the Company, on the last, Wednes day in every month, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Oct. le, 1865. tt . Cannon's M ARBLE W ORS S, Oa It4ltimore street, N•2lris Opposite the •)Urt Eviry description of work •executed in the nnest style of the art., June 4, 1865. tf HPt subscribers have ju;t returned from T the cities with an immense eupply of HARDWARE & GROCERIES, which they are offering at their old stand in Baltimore street, at prices te suit the times. Our stock consists in part of BUILDING MATERIALS, SHOE . FINPINTIFI, CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, HOUSEXEEPER'S FIXTURES, ALL Kisps OF IRON', Ac. GROCERIES OF AILI, MIN'D'S, OILS, PAINTS, Ac., ke, There is no ankle included in the saver, l departments mentioned above but what can be bad at this Store Every clats of Mechanics can be accommodated here with tools and findings, ar.! Housekeepers can find every article in their line. Give us C 01 1; as we are prep irzd to sell as low for cash as any house out of the cit-. J 01.1: P. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 16, 1864. n both in Vocal and .ur rooms, and at mi. dividual3 ur classes, o=ll Grocery & Littuar Store. A FIRST-RATE ASSORTMENT of GRO ±I CERIES, cheap. FISH of ilitrermitkinds. A I.erge lot oc POTOMAC HERRING, at low prlre. The best and I trirest assort ment of LIQUORS ever kept in this place. PURE WINK, BRANDV, RYE WHISKEY, &C., for wilicinal and other - purposes, in quanti titicis large or Also— MISLILER'S CELEBRATED HERB BITTERS. 1Y11..1. M It T IN, Baltimore st., Gettysburg.. Msy 28, 1868. Cheap for Cash! NVEVir GROCERIES, LTQCORS, &O. Tat: undersigned has returned to Getrvq burg, and opeccd a new Store, on Haiti m street, nest door to the Post Office, end neariy opposite the Court-Hodge, where he offers for sale, CLIEAP roe CARR, II large end choke assortment of ti:OCERIES,—Sugars, Co,f , es, Teas., .lolasses, Syrup, Salt, See.; with Fish, Bacon, Lard, and so on. LIQCORS—Winer,' Bt tndies, Gins, SYLiskiez, Rums, nod everything elsein the line. Also, any cu Intity of Notions, to suit any and everybody. Recolfect this is the place to buy CHEAT tOR CAB 3. GEORGE H. SWOPE, having purchased the tine GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT ot James A. Grimes, on Ycrk street, it few doors east of Wolfs Hotel, and having added largely to the already extensive assortment ! on hand, offers the la.blic a variety of Goods in his line r +rely, ever - bcroregkept here. * His SUGARS, 001 11l ES, 'I S, MOLAS . - SES, SYRUPS, .kc., can't be beat, in quality or price ; whilst Lis assortment of NOTIONS embrace; almost everything the public Cad', possibly need. House-keepers and otherC should give him anal! before buy ing elsewhere, as Le is convinced that be has the best stock in town, and that no one can go away d i.ttp- pointed. 'The CABINET-MAKING business is con' inned, in all its branches, at the old stand, a tew dnors east ot the Stars. N) efforts , spared to please the public, as heretofore. Gettysburg, Nov. t, 1866. tf BIDDLE & BENNER Flour: Feed! and Groceries! AT THE CHEAP STORE ON THE 1111,1,. If you wish to buy any of the abo - :e arti cles cheaper and better than you can get them anywhere else, go to the Grocery Store of the undersigued on the Hill, in Bali iinore - street, where customer:: cto always ba accommoda ted, cud where all are invited to call and see for themselv .s. The public will always find a full and choice assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS; SYRUTS, MO LAsS Y.S, TO f; AGUOs, CV) RS, SNCF ES, FISII, B V3ON,LARD; KEAS, BUTTER., EGGS, .kc. —A L 8 0— JACOB MEADS GLASS-WARE, CROCKERY-WARE, NO TIONS, .C, COAL OIL LAMPS, FISH. CIL, AND FLOUR AND FEED, ALWAYS ON HAND. WANTED. —Flour, Corn, Oats, Bader, Eggs, Bacon, and Potatoes, for which the highest market price will be paid, either in trade or cash. Ser 3-ing. determined to conduct my busi ness in a lair and honorable way, and to sell cheap, I incite all to give me a call. AND ICI CREAN( SALOON.—Thesubscri her retpectfully informs the citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity that he has a Chntec tionerf Establishment, one door . east of the Eagle [lntel, Chnanherabarzstreet to which be would invite their attention. C,kes, Candies, and every description of Confe.tions, together with Nuts, Oraoges, awl all kinds of fruits, always on hand. Panic., public and private, as well as fam ilies, will be furnished with all kinds of Crakes, Ice Cream, (in pyramidal form or otherwitie,) and other refreshments at their houses, upon short notice. 11:tying spent a life-time at the businesa, be flatters himself that he uoderstands it and that he is able to render entire satisfaction, Removal OF BOTH OCR SHOPS TO CHAMBERS BURG STREET. OPEN TO -DAY, MAY 17, 1866. • We take special - pleasure in aunonncing•to our-friends and cartomers that we have this day opened our, ICE CREAN SALOONS, at ear new stand in Chambersbnig sting', nearly opposite the Lutheran Church.- We have had the apartments fitted up in the heat style.— Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call. We will also furnish Ice Cream in any quan tity to public or private parties, at prices un precedented. We will also have'eonstantlr on Adair's Calmat, Orricsas House, GETTYSBURG, PA Itardware az Groceries. CAII.PLI:TEIVS . TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, CO'.l ILNDINGS GEO. F. ICALBFLEISCH April 23, 186 G Groceries, Notions, ate. 11 EN ft'l 0 VERDEER April 9, 1866. tr Fresh Confectionery Call Awl see his Coufactionery May 28, 1836. te JO Greapt Attraet44li T BEINEERHOFF'II CHEAP OLOTHING ' AND FMINI9IILYU STORE, at the North Corner of the Diamond. The subscriber Is constantly in receipt afresh goods from the Eastern cities. His stuck of , READY-MAU. CLOTHING is one of the largest and must attractive, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. 1",,a will there find COATS, PANTS AND vEsrs, wade thp in the most fashionable styles, and of the best materials, of all sites and, prices, for men and boys.— Gentlemen's furnishing goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, hosiery of every description Buck-skin, Merin'? and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerchiefs, Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Sboe Blacking, Pocket and Dressing-Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strilgs, Soaps and Perumeries, Stationery of all Mods, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality of Segars. In fact, his stock embraces everything usually found in a first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to come and see for themselves, as I am determined to sell goods lower than any other establishment in the country. Don't forget the place. Corner of York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. July 4, 18{4. Great Excitement! MAJORITY of those who read Newspapers never give a hasty glance at a business advertisement, and if a MAN actnally ba's the best, the prettiest and the cheal eit roods in all creation, actually selling them at break-down pricrs—too tew heed the fact for their own interest, therefore we have FOUND it best to simply invite every body to call and examiie our stock and prices before buying one dollar's worth elsewhere, for I can and will make It to the interest of all those who are aut. to their true interest and who wish to save money, therefore to buy everything 'EN the line of good and cheap clothing at my store, where there has just been received a most magnificent assortment of Fall and Win= ter Gods, consisting of Overcoats, Dress Conte, Bosiness Coats, Funts and Vests of alt kinds, Overshirts and Undershirts, Stockings, ,Is:uspenders, Cravats and Notions, Clocks, Musical Instruments, and many other things in my line, all of which I am sellint , at very price. Call on F. B. PICKINII,, Balti more street, near the public Square, CIETTYSBURC. Oct. 29, 1866. AT THE OLD STAND. • [NSTALISITICI) TN 1817.1 I have associated with ma, iu buamess, my son, John F. McCreary, under the firm and style of. D. McCreary E Son, an I I desire to say to my old friends and the public generally ant since the war, the manufacture of Saddles, Harness, Collars, Ars., has been revived at the old established and well lcnoe n stand on Bal timore street, one square south of the Court House, Gettysburg, Pa. Having had an experience of 40 years in this establlehrnent, I feel assured, that, with renewed attention to business, we can still further merit and receive a full of pub lic patronage. DAVID McCREARY. With increased facilities for conducting our business, we are better prepared than el er to satisfy the wants of all those who [llly need anything in our line. We ev.eciAlly call the attention of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our I Plain or Quilted Seat Side Leathers, • Horn Saddles, 'flames, all kinds, with Plain or Q tilted Seat or without fastenings no Horn, Housings, . Plain or Quilted SeatiScotch Collars(leather) Side Saddles, i ca (inking) Plain or Fancy Sattillt i :To Scorn Collars, Cloths, lßas.t Welt Harness Col -1 Wagon Saddles, 4 lars, Riding Bridles, of all ['lntent Leathnrrollars, kinds, fair or black.; stitched or iinatit and rounded or flat, Leattlier :Wagon Marti:l,4.l.ls, .. Whips, 5 4, 41 and 5 , Carriage Harness., elf feet I ing, i styles, silver or blac4 Plaited Te tin Whips, mounted, ITrotting Whips, Heavy Draft harness; l iAdies' Riding Twiks, Blind Bridles, 'Whip Lo , ltes, Girtbs, Horse Iflank - ets, Croppers, I &c., be., &c. In short, everything that pertains to a first class general horse furnishing establisfinteat constantly on hand or m ide to Grier promptly, Lof the very best material, and by the most ex i perienced workmen in the country, (two Ite -1 ing worked in this Istablishineut for the last thirty years.) I We are noav to inuifactit ring an excellent lot lof He Draft and poi pees Collars fur those !oho prefer our 01;' , 1 to cite rn.td, work. Itopairing of ail kin Is done at shunt notice and on reasonable tut cue. All are cordiall.,,div.t...ido call and es:xi:tine for themselves, as : our, work cannot oit to recommend itself. . p. m,..carl.vity & SON Feb. 5.18111. tt Fresh ArrivaL 1 ITATS, CAP: 3, iIUU I'6 dc c S o l i i r ) A ES 4 & vo. have jnit received and opened another splendid assortment of an's, C tPS, BOOTS and ; SHONS, for Sumittet wear, which they are selling at very low prices con3idering the times. Toe lutes; st3les of Sumner iluts and , - Cips, 01 every description and price. I I: 1 Bouts and Shoes, of superior make, andl ti warrairc I to at, aiwa: s on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on short do tice, by experienced workmen. Also,' HAM'ESS MAKING, 'csrried on in all its hrtnehes. Persons want ing an} thing in this line would do well to call. • fie-Don't lorgct the old stand in Chauubers burg street, if yuu Kant Ilan...ins. June 19, 1965 Inauguration OF - LOW PIIICE.1; J. L. SCHICK invites the attention of his friends and customers to his large and well selected stork of DV 000.)S Comprised in part cf ' French Sierinoos, All Wool Poplins, , All Wool Delaines, Wool Plaids, .. Plain Poplins, Black and Fancy Silks, Tamise Cloths. Black and Colored Alpacas, Brack Cloths and Cassimere:, Fancy Oassimeres, • Cassinets, Jeans, Flannels of all kinds, Gloves and Stockings. Also, a fine lot of Ladies' FURS AND SHAWLS, as well as an abundant variety of Notions, all of which will be sold cheap for the cash. . Dec. ti, 18A6 GRUEL. 1111 - 17 undersigned has con.menced the SAD DLE and HARNESS-MAKING business, on the Hill, in Baltimore street, in thebuildiag formerly occupied by•D. Sweeney as a Chair. maker's shop, op-stairs, where he asks those wanting anything in his line to call. Work done in the best manner, and - prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice. A lot of new S.Addlea sad 11Arnees on hand. J. M. ROWE. Gettysburg, June 25, 1866. 3m Western Lands. IHZ subsertb?r has some vahrble WEST. SRN LANDS, which he will trade for one or more FARMS 'lir this county.. The lands wit well loeatek and very desirable for farni lug. Burly application desired. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. Gettysburg, April 3, 1804. tt - -•- DEAD NEW FIRM, COBRAS' & CRAWFORD J. L. SCEIICK saddling F 0 . 2:F, I s SIUPHorn ni Cattle Polders. •••. Tbis long and ri Vr inh eishlP " .Z "" • "e, known f will Um oushly reinvigorate 'broken-down sad , I( low spirited hones, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and lutes. tines. - It Is tan pre. • • ventlre of all dia. al animal, such u YELLOW WA TER. H EAVES, COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FE VMS, FOUNDF LOSS OF API ME AND MIT. ENERGY, be. use improves wind, increases the appetite—gives a smooth an' glossy skin--sr transforms I' EIEM Ice all diseases of Swine, such as eonght, ricers in the Lungs, Liver, &e , this article acts as a specific. By putting from . ' , • one-hitif a paper , ' to a paper la a barrel of swill the I*o Ys above diseases 1 • will be eradicated - Or entirely prevented If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Bog Cholera. Price 25 Ceuta per Paper, or 5 Papers or $l. ParremazD S. A. POUTZ recto., AT THEIR WHOLESALE DECO AND MEDIPIND DEPOT, No. 116 Fraulin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggists and , Starelvepers through out the Visited States. _ For sale br. A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg ; Laughlin k Buslifield, Wheeling, Va ; C. C Bender tit Co., Fitalturg; Johnson, Holloway fr. Cowden, Philadelphia. Dec. 17, 1866. ly Cabinet rurniture. rE subscribers hereby infoirm their cos owers and the public 'generally, that they have now on han I, and continue to man ufacture to order, CABINET FURNITURE, which, for style an I durability, finish and price, will corapete a ill± any in the county.— Our pre•eot stock consists of every variety of Furniture usually kept in a first class Furni ture Ware Room. Fashionable, ornamental or plain Furniture manufactured in the most substantial manner, oy mast experienced workmen, and at the lowest cash prices. UNDNILTAKING Having a new p:tnieular attention will be given to this branch of their business. They are prepared to make aid furnish Coffins of any desired quality, and attend Funerals at the shortest notice—and ou such terms as cannot fail to, please all. The subscribers return their tbanice to the public for the • liberal patronage extended' to them in the past, and hope tomeritandreceive a continuance of public patronage. Chop and Wire Room third buildirpz ens of the Square. 11. FETE & BRO. LittlEstown, April 16, !anti. tf Singer's Celebrated. lITE very best and latest improved machine in use. for sale at the CLOTIIINO STORE of JA.CORS S BRO , iu Chatuher,hurg street,. (I‘t , ys'iiirgi, where you' can iinv the best wird cheapest Clothe. Cassini , rcs every variety of goo is in the line of \D 7 s AND BUYS IVEAR Von con have them cut out and tu•t le up in the very best sty Ic if you at moderate prices, and without any tisk'whatever. UEU. JACUI3S & SRO Augwt 20, ISCG. , A Lecture to Young Men. Tu:.4T publi3liply in a 'sealed enrelope.— sl'ri ie t cents A Lecture on the nature, treatment mil curs of Spermatorlima, or Seiniii l Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Scent! Debility iin-1 Impediments to Marriage generally. Nervo unc,s, Con:411,11p , ion, Ept psy, and Fits; Nkiital and incapa city, regolting from Sel!-A Sri:. By Rob ert .1. Cialverwell, M. LS., author of the "Green Book," Ate. The world renownt.l tuthor, in this admira ble Lecture, de ,rly prove fro a his own ex perience, that the iticial eimsequences ni Self Aouse may h elf , inally re wive(' without illedicine, nail n ttiwnt iIiIII4erOOS opr. rations, tion,zle:, lc:sin:mm.ll.s, rings, or cordi als, pointin.r tityl. a mole of cute At came cer tain and rift:nu:v.l, bY which emery sufferer, no matter wont hi; condition may he, may care himself e'leA r dy, Noy itely and t itdicall Lecture will promo a noon to thditiran , ls. Sent under seal to any address, in it pinto, netted envelope, on receipt of nix cents, or two post, ale stamps. Also lir. Cultorwell's Murriuge . Guide, price 35 cents. Address B. C. KLINE Co., 127 Brewery, New York - , P. 0. box 4J86. April 23, I tititi. ly Ln n t•a% te r Book Bindery. eIEOUGE IVIANT, 1300 K BIYDE IZ, N-41l AND BLANK BOON 11ANCV CTVELCI, LAM.; I.STRP., PA. Plain and Ortmmcnial Andibg, of every de. aeription, executed in tLe most .suliztantial and approved et) E=! E. W.-Brown, Ezq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lancaster County Bunks simnel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. simnel Wagner, Egg., York Bank. William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. T. D. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Proth'y of Lancaster eo., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn; Esq., Register ' " Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder " April 15, 1861 Tic Far Famed 6 rTNTVERSAL CLOTRF.S WRINGER."— , Betides the greet !wing of Labor, the saving in the wear and tear of clothing in Single year, more than amounts to the price of this Wringer. It is strange that any' family should be vrilling - to do withoiit it. For sale at FAIINALSTOCK BROS and at C. IL BUER. LEM'S ['Feb. 19. 500 ! WE want A P ge e u r ts T er e er a y r wbere to sell our oIFrIOVED $2O Sewing Na:thines.— Three new kinds. Under and_upper feed.— Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary_or larze commissions paid. The ONLY machines sAd in the United States for less th an $4l, which are fully Bemused by Howe, Muter tt• Walaoo, Grover 4. Baker, Singer i t and Bachelder. AU °that. cheap machines are infriarments, and the seller or user are tiahle taarrest,;i4e and imprisonment. Illustrated cir. calve sent tree. Address, or call upon Shaw m Clark. at Biddeford, *aloe, or Chimp; 111. Nay 21, 1864. lily PIIICENSW ASS, Notions. Dry Goods, Me.,in great variety, at DIIIP3ORN h 0011V PS, oorthwest.oopter stt bbs Brum, CA. tpburgi Tint PERVVIAS ZS • TOOTIOTIIO SOLUTION OS UN Protoxides - qf Iron, a new discovery in medicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF• DISEASE, by enpplying the Blood with its viral. ralectrua, on Lits asamast—lßoN. This is the secret of th• wonderful success of this remedy-1n oaring DYSPEPSL4., LIVER COMPLAINT, DROP SY, CHRONIC- DIARRIHNA, BOILS, • Nervous Affection!, CUM& and Fe vers, linukors, Loss of Constios; tionel Vigor, Disease of tlis Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating In A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, ' or accompanied by nealLtrr, Of IL Low imeng Being free from Alcohol in any form, its energizing effects are not followed by earns,. pending reaction, but are permanent, infusing strength, vigor and Mew life into ell parts of the system, and building up au IRON CON. STITUTION. •atien is Inyahmble. wrote) the quality of the milk. It has twirl proven by RC tual experiment to itleleabe, the quan tity of milk and cream twenty' per cent and make the butter Brm and su t et. In fattening cattle. It gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and mares them thrive DYSPEPSIA AND DMBILITY. From ilk Venerable Archdeacon Scott, D. D. Devlin, Canada East, March 24, 1865. * • • " I am' an Inveterate Dyspeptic-of more than 25 years' standing." • • • have been so wonderfully benefitted - In •the three short weeks during which I have used the Peruvian' Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known me are astonished at thechange. lam widely known, and can hut recommend to others that which hiur ortone so much for me." one of the moat DISTINOP/SHED JU RISTS in New England its to a friend a* follows: "I hare tried the PERUVIAN BYTUTP and the result fully sustains your predictio ,. It hay no.de a aew mart of infused Into my system new vigor and energy; I am no longer tremulous and debilitated, as when you. last saw me,' but stronger, heartier, and with lar ger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than. at.any time during the last fire years." An EMINENT DIVINE of Boston, ears: "I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past; it gives me new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." air THOUSANDS have , been changed by the use of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to, strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and Invalids can not reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certifi cates of cures and recommendation+ from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent rung to any address. ger See that each bottle has PirlitUVIAN SSYItUP blown'ln the glass. ADlMedical 'tea agree that lODINE Is the BEST ItEVEDY for Scrofula and Nll kindred diseases ever discovered. The (INlit•ulty has been to obtain a Rua' Swarms of it. DR.',ll. ANDRES' lODINE TV ATER, Is a Pure Solution of lodine, WITil OUT SOLVENT I! A oat Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Resto- it PILL cure SCROFULA in all Ka manifold ULCERS, CANCERS, SALT R!IEUM - and it bas been used with astonishing success in cases of Rheumatism,Dyapopsia, Consump- Female Complaints, 'lle irt, Diver and Kidney Diseases, arc, Clrculars will he sent vim tn`any address. - Price $l.OO a bottle, or rtior $5.00.4 1 Pr,pared by Dr. ANDERS, Phyiici and ,Cherni.t. 'TOR BALE NT J. P. Dinsmore. SG Dey Street. New Teat. WILD CW.ER'RY • BLS BIM( VIIXD /OR MICATILT ItALF A CENTURY, WITH THE HOST ASTC/MIIING 3I CCRes IN CORM/ Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, In fluenan, Whooping Cough, Croup, "Liver Cconitlairrt,-Dron,...bitts, Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, sold gutty • , affection of TUE THROAT, LUNGS, AND CORSI'. CONSUMPTION, • which carries off merarictims than any other 'disease, and which baffles the skill of the phy :ne to a greater extent than any oilier malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY when all other•prove in«lrect nal. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in retie& soothing in erect', sale in its while as a preparation, free from. noxious in. gredients, poisons, or minerals ; uniting skill science and medical knowledge ; combining all.that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this chins of disease, it is IN 00dP.ARABar,EI - and is entitled to, merits and receir te, the gen. end onnfidebee or the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M I of Herman, N, Y., writes ns /0110W1E: "WISTAR'S 0,11 W11,1:1 entialr gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure Cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irritation, thus aestorme TUI CAUSE, instenti.of drying nit the cough end leaving the WOO behind. I consider the Bal sam as good as any, ii not the best, Cough lll , medicine with Which I am acquainted." The Rev. JACOB EIRCHLER, of Hanover, Pa." ' well *known and much respected among t the Germ tit population of tills country, makes the following statement.lor the benefit of lb, afflicted: Dear Sire:—Httring. realised in my family important benefits from - the nse of your value., Lie preparation—WlSTAß'S BALSAS! OP 'WILD CrIERRY—it affords me plessnre to recommend it to the public. Some eight I years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Relearn, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great iturrovement in her health. I have, in my individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have el -1 ware been benefitted by it. - JACOB BECHLEIL Price one dollar a bottle. 'OR MALI IT J. P. Disommore, De y litrewit. New York. NetsW. Pawl* At Sass. ,Pr ors. Meters. best we AID BY ALL DILCOUI4TA. Grace'A Celebrated Salve elves Cots, Burns, Studds. Grace's Celebrated Salve eures:Wounde, Braises, Brain. Grace's Celebrated Salve . ' cores Bolls, Ulcer,, Cancers. Grace's Celebrated Salve • cures Salt Rheum, &yelp.las. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures Chapped Hands, Chilblains . Grace's Celebrated Salve . heels Old Sures, Flesh Wonads, be. It is prompt in action, removes pale at once, and seduces the most angry-looking swellings ' and inflammations, as if by magla—:thus at ' folding relief and a complete cure. Only 25 coots a box 1 (Seat by mall for 35 cents.) For sal, by J. P. DINSMORB, 341_Dity street, Naw_York, S. W. FOWLS B BOW, Prooneters Boston, and by all Druirgists, likagors, mid Oonntry Stores. f, July 16, 415. ly I=l YOU BALK BY J. P. Dunmore, Proprietor, 36 thy Street, New York, ABLI BY ALL DBUG(IINTIS. SCROFULA. forms ♦ND DX ♦LL DUIYOUDITS WISTAR'S BALSA* operation, SIT IS UNSURPASSED Inert U