' '- , • ' arjEIIOIIIIiIMUNCII /OF A 14119 COUNTY FOR 1866. '6 ,. 1:4! , , , (1,212itut0nitt" 01 , rica, 1 ! .-- I , t - ADAYS COUATT, PA. f . kgreffisetrieln Art of Asienaiiir, entitled •• "An &c 4 t& &ass County Rates and Leries," reit n irtarilin .04mm is sloners of the rupee ,ti ve coitatieilo, publish a Statement of the ;Rec...ipte tad expenditures yearly, Irk tha Cuim4ol4l2o2wir of Taxes of said eoanty, report astfolleirt, to Wit --fre rn the sth day of .15005. FY,. 180166 to the Sib day of January, 1857, both days ineluSire; JACOR StIRAIIB, Esq., Treasurer, sad the Corusallittreets; to account witA the, noun , ty of 1-011611; As follows : DR. • Tol3.llence in-hands of tanner Tress _ urer at last settlement, $3,563 86 On'standing sty Tax and Quit - Reutain itanit of Collectors, U. 445 84 County ilatio amitl o win, amserd . f‹,r 1808, Borough of lihitysbarg, $1,735 es LO ). 001 t Rents, ITS 04 Tent hetiand township, 1 , 435 63 liotlngtolt a 1,410 01 Franklit it 1,514 50 , ilea riten ,i 1,41,1 83 , thra ban it 1,69 i 99 11.tinEtonbAn ' `` 1,351 87 llounipleishaut, a 1,623 51 - Readtug - " ' 1 • 3 8 6 69 Oxford ig 1,435 58 iparniltou 14 1;243 18 4riicni 4 ' , .1,518 TS Conowsgo r'.. " 1,220 71 -11uclar I " •• 962 90 , LAti - toore I it P 7& 73 -111.ricni Ir 1"7 1,131 69 Tyrone I — ii 902 49 Gerinnny " 780 13 13rniick I " , ' 575 03 I.ii''ertyll #42 20 ' highland 1.. •41 693 64 liree.luln " te ,4610 21 Lit tlestnwn fi ' l5ll. 43 finr. u 1 lirrwi ;lc, " - , 32't 29 - 27,105 70 I,ounl (tonsilnk & sundry per.ous, 6,160 00 Cable front W A. Duncan, jury lees, 96 32 "' - Jae b Bushey., coal, balauce, /0 00 S. uel Lilly, " 1, 1. 1.0 00 " sonirY persous for old lomber,3s 89 " Juh f n Fowler, for cotts, 24 GO 1'1(.61110d recpgnizances, 58 00 Ex merated,ten from sundry pirsons, 22 4o Aslialouattali for 1866, = 174 18 - ,==.._=..,..-.... Ihs outstan , in [ ), izZonnty Tai gait Itt•nts appeal to ein VA. liandd 0 the fol/owit,g Oulleefors km in it:: Ir•rt. i!uheaufts.t tors:li Tw iv. do, tac Ltl at eNM (Ivo vu, MIE f i t H miltoithaa, $lO 80 ro• 11.;.C14 I t. Gettypburg, 1.,11n Slenti ME I 4ettyab“rt, 163 14 fl 93 eer, tp,, rent` Suye ri,{s. Ilintsegat.d, 250 09 sglt.* ,5,1) 51 ra.f Ilun,iagLiu, 41ft ny hnhi.:l- Men tile'', IhO t 4 N. Sltertf, E flArli.l:l Peary Drat Melo+, Jiejav Sla) "F Mrluttre* Libarty 4 /1.-I).ll.tttl.s.t titttnyalittrg, 183 60 Ito. 14 tit Reflts. 75 1)4 lfr•nry Vreutii,k'Cumberlantl, 521.12 '/truly Sit ulta.4-11/ oLI imr on, 965 76 Fraud.; 11'111. Fruok:im 1.:9 :12 „iiiviincl Ehider,t %le:lnnen, 161 57 ''' i'ye.l k (I.l.tgLe,t Strap tu, 5)6 36 11 .bert Wu6uoa, Hanailtattebuo,, 417 .71 A. Eckearo4e.f Siountiel',..tut, bp) :A S. Eb•ool(46t Reading, 191 4-it ..I . Oh t) K4l/11 , Oxford ' 31t1 37 Sumuel Or dorff.t Hamilton, 338 80 Iluiliel A. ell.' Cnion. ~, 523 711 W. I:lrogut ierj Conownao; 52P - 97 H• nry Slu 141444 Sutler, 54U :2 .1 Srenum 11,* Lattimore. 4 335 51 1) A. Cow ..ref 1. Moun joy, 304 01 II Ebeit,t trrotte, 370 1.7 Samuel 11 ramr:filertutray, 266 64 Jacob Ilul , (Summit ti., 141 14 .iuhn Nuu eluakei : t Liberty, 218 01 Littlet , town, 1:17 92 t 13r.lwick bor., ICI 88 T Illocke T.-Ttliete 10,4t0 419 115. ‘l4 utsteidiPf County ttottn(y. liettysbont, $122 Id U Suurbet 1, t 3. wick tp„ , lfr 1.864. Jol " Jac .se waked thus* hove raid in inn enient, rad blase ul.rked thug iu part. ter T line tie I , il L e pti 'CR. By order paid out, .ss follows, to wit : My audit ng and settling pnblte netts, $4ll 00 J. C. Kt y, B A ., appointed by Cour t to and t publ i c naves, 25 00 Printing', blanks, Ac., • 552 87 fiberiff's bills of Court eosts, 1,556.11 Clerk's Psy, 500 011 A batetnint to Coltertorsof 5 pyr al., 1,388 16 Forstud wildcat scalps, s 31 00 leneral duty and Tip-staves' pay, .1,673 69 Aaseasu a 14y, 567 40 :Wood and coal for public buildings, 518 61 . Ninths at public buildings, 161 50 /island Jurys' pay, - 5411 /7 ieZialar}, Prottions.tary and Clerk of bessiOns' feea, , 150 73 'Tar r u4ed to sundry persons, 77 83 si i i Certsfic tee of nousiliblei returns, 96.40 Treasu rof Alma -houae, " 14,200 00 Connee fees, • 75 00 Pssatage and stationarT. ' 54 81 Notes a it interest paid Bank and sun persons, • 4,777 89 ki. Msir k, Ban., Cotomissionet's pay, 302 50 Abralta Krise, , 4 4 . . 302 50 Name! Wolf, - .t , , t U., 50 Marie Attorney's fees, 429 00 Justice and Constable tees for-com mitt; g vagrants, Keepin prison e r s at Eastern Pen. iteut siry, 97 57 . Beddin , and clothing for Jail, 137 15 Matert 1 and work nt Jail Cistern, 46 12 Fabne toak Bros„ goods, Ac., fur Jail, 97 14 -Justicria' tees for 'holding inquisitions, 41.05 ._. . Dr. J r . C, (Y):e.it, post toortein ex- Atlon of %IA body of J. ittrli i ' SO 00 lton M. Mc inner, 440.1ot:tiffs for 1800, 12 o 0 4)r.itia 'A Court, 48 25 I. :A.l alter, county bounty due 1862, CO 00 i John et:Laughlin, ' 6 " 50 00 i Jos. S Ilivau, '. tr 6 ' .60 '..0 ti 1 6 ,, K roam, 11 60 00 .Itaii d Arnold,ompany, 13 45 Georg A Esq , revenue stamps, 535 Israel Yonnt, lulu/Wag Jury, 28 00 Georg %Plant, Wisessuteut boots, 38 00 Pxpre sage, - 2 55 - ' Adam County Agricultural Society, 100 0 0 0 0 1 Gass ourpony, 11 Mich 1 Kapp, Court-house Keepor, 35 00 W. 1( Murphy A Son, dockets for 1 .' pn li lt offices, 47 00 . Speel I Court, 432 16' W. W ear, returoing stolen hosie r ., - (re sea pail by county,) 20 80 00 g, C rupte,k, u ti 21 J. H. ifateriturf, in full on contract of onowago bridge, New woollen brkdge across Usk cr kat 3enner:s, New ridge et Kohler's mill, Joh Scott, (trig. Inspector, amffunt re eived °gear colnty funds, b 7 ' ac of Assembly, 1800, 446 00 OE re' pay at Spring elections, 407 93 - t " Fall elections, 637 '43 irs at bridges, ... 37.2 62 damages, 'lB3 00 ti Troxel, former Treasurer, „. r in Collectors' accounts, At Sheads, 'Treasurer, amount id out of county fund; Mt Stat. VII 13 ota, go gebert, Sherif, for sammOni fyinrs, / stors of the Poor pay, ector's fees, lnerafions to Collectors, - *tiding tax and quit rants in Ids , of Collectors, 10,492 89 gees marry, 892 CS IA .14snds of Treasurer, ,1,099 68 la testimony that the foresaw_ rotodot -tbe Receipts! and Rapenditania at gm offiee.oPtila Treasurer of said mei,- is a correct - 10 true -copy, is Jetta' • ; from and compared with the originals remain ingia the books iu lice, We have here unto set our hands end idlixad the Ma of said Office, Gettysborg, the eighth day of lin ataxy, one Munso! eight intr.dred A. IC RISE, S. WOLF, • . N. MIMS VT, Commissioners of Adams cosaty Attest-4. U. WALVIS, Clerk. AUDI TOR'S REPORT. To the Honoftible the Judges of the Coed of Columen Pleas o! Adams county We, the undersigned, dJiy elected Auditors to settle and- a.ljaiet the Pahlie Accounts of the Treasurer and Commissioner,' of said coun ty, having been sworn or affirmed agreeably to law, do report the following to he a gene ral statement of said aceoeats„ trom the sth day of January, A. D. 11166, to the tth day of :January, A. D. 1e67, both days inclusive t Jacob Meads, Tre.sum, and Commis sioners, in account with the county of Adria& To balance In hin , l4 of former Tens- rer at last settlement, $3,563 86 Outstanding county tax and quit rents in hands of Collectors, , 11,145 84 Amount of county tax and quit rents assessed for 1886, ' 27,105 79 Loans from Bank As sundry persons, 6,160 00 Cash from W. A. Vuocan, Esq.;jury tees, 96 32 g , Jacob linshey, Esq., for coal, balsa .e, 1^ 00 Ensnuel LIU7, Esq., " 20 00 " hir old lumber, 35 89 John Fowler, masts, 24 00 Reloaded recuenitaince, ' 08 00 E xo..erated tax from sundry persons, 22 46 Additional tax for 1866, 174 08 By outstanding taxes for Mt, $6l 1865, 1.490 76 1866, 8,938 83 ig Fees for 1859, 90 00 '• " 1863, 63 44 /I Id 181,4; • 470 33 11-.1 1865, 1,576 33 /I I. 1666, • 59 35 " Exouerattioni flir 1859, 100 00 It - id 181,3, li 72 It II 18.;4; 129 03 - $49.7143 24 - 180, 319 90 r " ' 13b5, 751 Disbursments on connty orders, 34,604 :8 l'ionotirer'e cammi.s.on, ligluacu duo couuty by Tretourer r , 1,099 CS WfATE TAXIN DUE 00UNTY. Ofi, ME To rtoinont of outstuuding 21# tuill Date Lin, .. $9ll 38 11 # mill State :Si, 7il 4 " t.litti tits nsSe•ls44 for 188 G, .'' 4 ,881 IA : 4 paid out of .sotuty 111.8 , 18 on Si,ste touts, 2 7 B 12 EBE 2y :Hetet/wling 2 . 1 mill ptale. tat fur 11366, ! I $ll5 58 Weec allow.edlColleetore for IttET, Aud pre 1 loge ?.e.k.1,9,214 38 , , F.x,enaratione " it 145 78 tthasten.l",ng t 4 will Suite tax tux ISt; :tt and 't;s, - 1 48 12 Teta allowed, Collautidoxit JJ _ 764 u E.: ou e rs tioll9 '' 47 Paid State Trettearek,, toper ceeeipt July 3, ]d66, 2,1.37 12 fa 0-1444ce Ilii.e gr. u.O If S 7 TfAgasam".4r, 455 91 REUEP t MILITART tettlDS.: Dn. outetlnding miLtari tinesior 184*, 458.3 rrlirf " 1882, 135 79 itniaata 4 Treaswer 14 . 1 euunti, 97 88 lly ont4antling mililnrr for 1866, 1537 02 Fees /Waned I:erectors tut said year, 3 Exonenoions - . Oulst..4uding rclief funds for 1866, 135 70 I 317 10 %lap.. e....... • I._ COUNTY TsOCNTY. Dl. illh Ti nutsfAudiag county bounty for 16d5,51,194 )4 • ....... -N1... I+M fit CH, Bt outstanding comfy bounty for ' ;I SO, $l4B 22 Fees allowed Collectors II 33t1 52 Elem.!. iti. , ns . " I , - 35 GI Babinec due county by Treasurer, ' 673 79 the nndersiened; Auditors of the coun ty of Ast.sms, Peougylvonin, elected and sworn in pursuance of law, do report, tb it we met, Idid and.it, sets le and adjust, according to law, the account of the Treasurer and Commis ( sinners of said cointy, commencing on the fifth day of January, A. D. 1868, and ending on the eighth day of January, A. U. 1887, both days inclusive—that said A.ecount, as settled above and entered of record in Settle ment Book is tie Commissioners' office of Adams county, is correct; and that we find a balance due to the county of Adams by Jacob ,-Sheatis, &Ai., Treasurer of said County, of ;one thousand mid ninety-nine dollars and sixty-eight cents, ($1, , ,n98 68;) also on State taxes due county, a balance due county by Treasurer of four hundred and litty-live dol lars anti ninety -out cents, (s4sb 91 ; 1 also on county bounty a balance doe count' by Treas urer bf six hundred and' seventy-three ; dollars and Seventy-nine cents, ($673 79;) also on re lief fund a balance due Treasur r by county of ninety-sersto'dollars and eighty-eight cents, iiB7 880 and In outstanding county taxes ten thousand four hundred and ninety-two dollars and eighty-eight centd, (310,492 88.) JOSSPIPBCRKER, .1. C. 'PITTENTURF, H. L. BREAM, Feb. 4, 1867. 4t Auditors. EMU W TBURSDA.T, the last of FEBRUARY 1 - f tast„ the saliscrib•r, intending to re move,. will sell at Public Sale, at his resi deuce, tormerty SMOUti Riker's, In ifieland township, Adams county, on tho Gettysburg end Millarstown road, the following personal property, viz 1 FALLING•TOP BUGGY, 1 Cow, (will be frzah ins short time,) 3 Sheep, 1 Saw and 8 Pigs, 3 Bedsteads, 2 Tables, 3 sets of Main, 1 Rocking Chai , ., 2 Corner Cupboards, 3 Stance, 1 Cook Stove and Fixtures, 1 Ten plate Stove and Pipe, 1 Parlor Stove, 1 'Tray, PIA, Kettles and Pans;Tubs, Buckets and o.trrels ; also a full set of Blacksmith Tools, with o variety of other articles, too numerous to variation. Sala to commence at 10 o'clock, A. If., on geld JAY, when atte l ndance will liesiveu and term made ksown by VRAmil4 84.141)E123. Benue Gomm, Aoe&ioneer. Feb. 4, 181i7. U 1,449 OP bell 6 20000 Notice l IN the Orpbaus' Court of Adams county.— And now. to wit, Jai:fury 25111, 1807, on motion of M. 4 W. McClean, Attornies, the Court order sod decree distribution of the balance on the first and final account of Isaac Lightner, Esq., Administrator of the estate of R6v. Jacob Bear, deceased, according to statement filed in said Corn. unless excep tions are filed prior to the 26th day of Febrst. cry inst., (1887,). of which all persons inter. ested will take notiae. By the Court. • Attest:—A. W. MINTER, Clerk. February 4, 1867..31 170 38 OY 20 60 00 2,3 50 45 Asa 18 WRIMICAS my wife, Lydia Aun Krum rine, bas loft my bed and board with out say saute, I hereby uotify-tha public not to trust her on my account, as I will not pay say debts she may coattail. • , EDWARD Union tp., 'Feb. 4, 1867. 31* - - • ITS= 49716 24 652 98 49 7th 24 4 1 125 54 AS a certain difficulty which recently oc curred between Charles A. Hartzell and - myself has been amicaMy and honorably set tled, I hereby warn all persons not to' use my name in , uuneciion with the matter here alter, as 1 am determined to put the law in force lig:ail/it each and every person violating this caution. The difficulty referred to is this: Charles A. Hartzell said publicly tint he had reason to believe that I had returned to the As,essor a certain amount of money at interest his (Charles A. Hartzell's) which he has 43 , A, and the AJIBBI34ST, J. C. Markley, au dio:ice.; we to say Epr him that I did no tue6 Ming. I therefore warn all persons to mind how they Ida about it hereafter. 1.1C1)13 PETERS. 144 ° 4 .i January :8, 1187. 3t* 4.12 N 59 ssx.-,-----....---:-.: ;417 IA 1,191 14 Public Sale. Not We. I . Public Sale; Piddle Sale. IJules Jared's .?, I EMAIL DB PARIS." HE BEST For isle. N TUFADAY, the 12th day of MARCH .O N THURSDAY, the 26th day of ?ESREY- 6 6 T IN VIE MARKET, next, the -subscriber, intendidg tO gel 11,, J AIM next, the Subscriber, intending to i Tea swit THE VICTOR SOIIIIO MIL. Vs eat. will 1:11 at Public_Sale, at his residence; quit. farming, will sell at Public &Je w el his I Beautifier 'Of the skin. 7 Over Five thousand of these Kilts have been in Strabau township, Adams eottety, on the resitle6oe, ha dtrals-in township, Adami coun- TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LA- made and sold in the last three years. The Illartleburg.road; fire miles tram Gettysburg, ' ty, half a'asile southeast of Mann's Station, - • DIV. best recommendations can ba given. land halt a mile from Schneer'. cross.moads, the following valuable Personal Property, viz: This secret of beautifyiag the skin Wag 1 Also—t;•'ooYC'S EVAPORATOR, for m %king the following valuable Persoual Property, viz.; 3 head of HORSES, (gee a mare with foal,) known only to Messrs. Jared k Rene, eheri Sugar and Molasses, said to be the best in use. 1 3 HEAD OF WISES, (one of them an ',3 M‘lelt Cows, (two of them fresh,) 4 bead of , honorably state that it differs Irons all other extra fine animal, among the very best in the Young Cattle, 3 Sheep, a good raw-horse Wa- preparations. It gives to the most hard' and' COI? \' (' It USHERS. county, and not to be surpassed 'under the 14 00 and Red, a good pair of Hal Carriage;, f rec kled s ki n both th e t e xture and c o ke of] Three diffireni a xes for grinding Cora in the saddle, in harness or in gears,) 2 Cows, one ot Plough, Cora Fotk , Double Shovel Plough, polished Ivory, removin; all discolorationt, I, ear, o. sheltie! —or any other kind of grain. 'ilmein treat!, :3 Sheep, 3 SLoata, 1 Three-hors, Winnowing Mill, Carling Box, Land Roller, w h et h er wear i ng Wagon, I. Spring W ' agon a first-rate Lime Hay Italte,Side Saddle, 1 pair of good Breech- mot. or bdt c• as freckles , ten, morphew, l This i a miet , ne th it every farmer should eltworm treks, and is especially have, s a onthel of ground feed is equal to a I Bed, new Hay Carriage, Ploughs, Harrows, bands, Front Gears, Collars, Bridles, Check successful in smoothing out the m rkii left by buehe end a half it:mound. The high price • Corn Forks,Sldele and Dottule Shovel Ploughs, Lines, Butt Chains, Breast Chains, Beller and t h e smallpox. i of te of all kind, make! an Imperative ! de- Double and Sin !le-trees, Stretchers, hickey flow Challis, Log Chain, Double and Single-1 The agents of "L'Email de Paris,' mist con- mend I , r some kind of machinery by which to Sticks, Parent Cimino. Boz„Winnowing Mill, trees, a lot of Elsgs, lec., with Hoasebold and 4 1 t ...eabr entonit .0' the public the earnest en- 'save. It is a rapt/ grinder and durable. Brant's Patent Wire•tooth Horse Rake, Drag Kitchen Furniture , viz : 1 Table, Ten-plate dor;etnent-i of suelt distinguished ladle* as i Rake, new Sleigh. Carriage Spread, 2 sets of Stove, !. Bed and Redslead, Oozes. Barrels, Signora Rf..,,11,,ni, Single Hanna, 3 sets of Wagon Gears, Cul. acid a variety of other articles, tam new:wens to r Millie FKLICITA VESTYA LI, Liss and Bridles, Riding Saddle and Riding mention. M,ss M YOGIS 1it1T0117.1.1,, Bridles, Check Lines, Plough Lines, and a; Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. X., oa , Mrs. it. P. BOWKRS, Poor-horse Lir,e, Log Chains, Halter and said day, when attendance will be given and i LUCILLE IV IiSTERN, Cow Chains, 3 sett of Traces, Breast Chains, terms made kaowu by „ '' kedatne PO N'S!, Butt Chains, with chains °revery description ; ' HENRY BUCKER. lira. Ell 11 I. WALLER, 11 set of Manure Boards, about 300 feet of' Jan. 28, 1367.* John Stallsrultn, Aact'r. Waluut Boards, Mowing Scythes and Spathe, ; ' Grain Cradles, Maui and Wedges, 2 Axes, I - Personal Property \ ,Wood SAW; 2 Patent Manure Forks,, Pitch :' A 1. PUBLIC SAI.N.--Ota FottDAY;„ the ' Forks, Rakes, 11 ittocka, Pick, , Shovels, Spades, ti lit day of M 111. CH nett, .he subsea fiber, Dung - Hook, Grindstone, Wheel-ttrrow, l Work 'inte,idingiu quit ftrining,, u-ill sell at Publlv, -Ben, ii, a lot of Cold Iron, a lot ot Bags, If ay by Sale, at his .residence, in Cumberland t own thb ton, one-half of the Greif/ mu the Ground, ship, Aderus county, (oar miles (tons L'511,15- i with Household mid Kitchen Furniture, viz: burg, and immediately s•inth of “liouit I Top," ' 1 NEW BUREAU, 5 Bedsteads and Bedding, 3 the following Personal Property, viz: Tables,•2 Corner Cupboards, 3 sets of Chairs, ONE HORSE, 3 Cows, On to be fresh 2 Rocking Chairs, Chest, D. sk, Sink, Cooking about the tone of gale.) 3 head of Young Cat- Stove end Fixtures, Ten-plate Stove and Pipe, tle, 1 Brood Sow and 4 Shoats, 1 heavy three- Iron Kettle, 3 VV ash Boilers, 20 crocks cf Ap- horse Wagon, with a good Lime Bed, 1 two ple-hutter, SO lbs. of Lard, a lot of Bacon, horse Wagon, Winnowii.,c Mill, Cutting Box, Lard Press. and Sausage Stuffer, Spinning Ploughs, Double Shut ei Plotio:h, - Caltivator, Wheel, Wool Wheel, Meat Vessels, phu4l, Double and Single-trees, Hitt,' and Front. Tubs, Barrels, and a variety.of other article,, Gears, with Collars, Brides and Wagon S.td too nilinerous to mention. ; dle, 1 Riding Saddle and 2 Riding Bridles, 1 1...1ajk to commence ut 9 o'clock, A. IN., on Halters and WI iins, Cow Chains, Crow-burs, saidday, when attendance will be given And Diening Irons, II Mock, Pick, Shovels, Forks, terms made known by ; Rakes, Axes, Grain Uralic, Mowing Scythe, NOAH F. HERSH'. ! with other Farming Implements. Also, Hay mlous Rases, Auctioneer. by the toll, o..ru-todder by the bundle. Flax. , by the bundle ; with Household :Lad Kitchen Ftlrniture, .ttett as BEDS A; BEDSTEADS, Tables, Chairs, Bu reeue, 1 ten-place Stove and Pipe; also, Po tatoes by the bu.sliel, Apple-butter by the crock, and a variety of other articles, too nu memo. to mention. 4,*,r•Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 11., on said day, when attendance will be given end terms made knows by JOHN ERILFALIVER. RitusEN Gotoss, Auctioreer. Jan. 14, let 37. is Jan. 28, !887 Public Sale. N TUESDAY' the 19th day of FEi3RIIA..I (YRY next, this undersigned - , intending to quit firming, will sell ut Public Sale, et his residence, in Mountplelsant towuship,,Adains county, between the State and litinterstown roads, and shout, one mile west of Mount Hock, the following Personal Property; viz : 3 excellent Mrtittls: 1101I3E:1, (one being a young mare with tuel,) I yearling Colt, 4 Mitch Cows, 3 Heifers, I Bull, 1 heavy Three horse aeon and DO, Threshing Machine , nud Horse Power, VVlnuowitrg Mill, Ploughs, ll.trrows, _Halter and tlow Chains, • Bakes, Forks, Spreaders, Doable and , Single , trees, all kinds of Horse Gears, with many other artielet, not specified. , _ Sate to euinnience at 10 o'clock, A.' M., on' said day, when...attendance will be given and terms in.tde kripwn by ' PETER. STRASBAJTHEI. j Ja nu try 23,;1807. to WM. C. Stallsruith, GETT , ;NT' Y S B , PA., C A flr k;Eti 4 CoNTßACitfii, keeps courtraitly on hand Lind tudnutitctures to order, Doors,.Shidkro, Blinds, gash, Door and Weiolutzi Pratnes, C'orniee, .4)uor awl; Window litackeis,; or any other article in the Building Bine. Swasobed'inaterial constantly on hand, ex pezience,d workmen always to leadihesa, and work executed with didpatch. Zap-Orders promptly attended to, tibn. ;18, 3m Caution i Notice. SARAB DOLL'S BSTATB.—Letters of Ad ministration pendent. lite on the est Ate of bar:th OoV,late of the borough of Berwick, Ad-'_ ems county, deed., having been grmated to the undersigned, residtag in. loekson. town ship, York, coenty, be hereby gists notice to all persons iudebt.l to c,id estate to make immediate payment, and those havingclaima against the same to preseut them [imperil , authenticated for settlement, ANDREW suUDEa, Adner, peed. litA J.tausry 29, 1867. 6t For Sale Cheap. A FIRST-RATE SAW MILL AND SHIN GL,HH MILL, all in good ecualition, and piruty of work, with good Water Power--one mile front Herring's Mill, in Franklin town, ship, known as "Diehl's Mill." Possession given April Ist, 1877. A. Y. HUNTER. • Jan. 28, 1887. Photograph Albums 11E largest, moat beautifol• and Cheapest T lot of Photograph Albums ever offered in Gettysburg. just received at the EXCEL SIOR GALLERY. Albums holding 50 Pic tures on.y $1 75. Our stock comprises over 30 different styles, among which are the cele brated everlasting Chain and Hinge Back. These Albums we have bought low and 'fire determined to sell lower than the same quali ty can be bought for anywhere is this county or out of it. C. J. TYSON. Jan. 28,1867 Cooking Stoves dz Tinware, AT REDUCED PLUCKS. Also; Bridge's Double Fire Chamber, Patent Fin—place Stove, a new and superior invention. Call and see it itt ha, 28, 1867 Agricultural College OPESNSYLVANIA.—The next Terui of this lostituttoo, under its re-organiza. Lion, will commence on the lath day of Janu ary, 18G7, For terms of adroirion, catalogues, &c., address JOHN MASH% Preet. Agriculturnl College, Centro co., Pa. Jaa. t , LSO. $1 A Card. Qr RAIN AND GROCERIES.—The highest I 1 TTAVING disposed of the Excelsior Gal market price paid forGreia and all kinds 1 ma lery to C. J. Tyson, I take this oppor o Produce. Groceries, Fertilizers, kn., con . - -itty to thank those who, during my short atantly on hand for stile at the Warehouse of residence in Gettyshurg, have favored me Aug. 13, 1806. GULP k BARNSHAW. / !,with their patronage; and also to recom- AT HORNER'S DRUG STORE you can mend Messrs. I. G. and C. J. Tyson to the always find a good assortment of -confidence of the public, is I have in all their BRUSHES, COMBS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, ,dealings with me found them to be upright, kc., .e. , ke. ' land honorable men. li. 13. BUY D. EXCELSIOR is OUT motto; to chase all ' Dec. 24, 1866. 3m our situ; and to render satisfaction, in every instance, our determination. C. J. TYSON Gettysbirg, Pa. iThVERCOArg—s large assortment of eves V style, ize and price—just opened at PICKING F. WHEATON'S ITCH OINTMENT at Her. ner's Drug Store. PURE BAKING SODA, SPIOES, kc., can be had at Horner's Drug Store. ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS will buy a pair of nice, fine, patent leather tipped BALMORAL SHOES, for ladies, at the Store of IL B: WOODS. SOftA Mouth !—/GINTS . wanted U for six enfirely new arake, just out. Address 0. T. GAREY, City Building, Bid deford,Ms, [May 21, 1886. hay DR. HOHNER'S'FRAGRA.NT MYRRH pre serves the Teeth, cures all diseases of the gums and purifies the breath. BROOM HANDLES FOR SALE, wholesale or retail, at the Lumber Yard of • C. H. BUEHLER. DIIPHORN k HOFFMAN are receiving New Goods every week from the eastern Ci ties. Do not fail to give them a call, on the northweet, Corner of the Square, Gettysburg, Pa. W. are always glad to see onr frieads at . the Excelsior. It still stands in the sajne old place, on York street, opposite for Beak, Gettysbtrg, Pa. , 0. J. TYSON. ON FRIDAY, the 221 day of FEBRUARY next, in pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' Court of A.:Anis county, granted to the undersigned, will be offered at Public gale, ou the premises, the /Zeal Estate of Peter Baker, deceased, consisting of A FARM', situate partly in rfamiltonban township, Ad ints county, and ?irt/y in Frank lin county, Pa., adj r.„(14 of Lazarus Baker, Walter Wituainan, Ueorge Douse, Heli x) Caufman, John Catifinan and Leonaid Ca uf man, containing 201 Acres, more or less, im proved with a One and a /hit Story /.„,:-.; LOU HOUSE, Log Bank Barn, Spring House, d,. A fair pro portion of thu tract is well tim beret!. sarSale to ccrnmence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Jan. 21, 18G7. to NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and Alter persons coneerued, that the AdministrAtion Accounts hereinafter mention ed will be presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams county, for Confirmation and allow ance, on TUKeiDAY, the 26th day of FElllifj- ARV, 1867, at 10 o'cliirk, A. M., viz: 3. The account of Win:. C. Seabrook& and Emanuel ()verb() Adtn• nistrators of Chris tian Overholtzer, deceased. 4. The Account of Michael W. Mumper, Testamentary Trustee under the will of Rev. Jot.n Albert, deceased, of Hiram Albert, 6. The second accoent of Andrew Bittingee and John Bittinger, Executors of t tcoh Bit tinger, late of Franklin township, deceased. G. The first and final account of George W. liar man, Ereeutor of Jacob Mortorff, deed. T. The second and final account of Henry Taol/1:13 and Margaret Lockhart, Administra tors of Daii.l Lockhart, deceased. 8. The fourth account of Frederick Dellone, surviving Executor of the last will and testa ' - went of John Dellone, ieceased. I 9. The second ace Lunt of Amos Schlosser, Executor of the last will and testament of Chula Skewers. deceased. Jan. tB, 1847 Grand Jury Report. To the Ifimorahte the Tutlyex of the Court of Quarter Stamitma of the Pco.ee, lit aet.2 for the county of Adams: The Grand Jury for January Term. IBC7, would respectfully report, that having visited the Public Buildings. they would call the at. tentien of the . Directors of the Poor to the ceiling and roof of the main building, and the floor of the wash house. The wants of the inmates ere properly caret fur. In visiting the Jail we Cooed it is good condition. Respectfully submitted, D. J. BENNER, Foreman. Ephraim Myers, Jesse D. Newman,' William Crum, Leas, William Sterner, John E. Plank, Philip D: Weaver, Emanuel Diller, David Meals, Francis Bream, Jain Coulson. E G. He Philip Donohue, Joseph Kepner, James C. DuLtera, F.ll. Bud ly, Geo. H. Kuhn, billion Single, Soloing !fart, R. Mann., John Kindig, Michael Bohn, Jan. 2d, Lutrt. 3t TORY M. ILEILLANG, Is CARLISIA STRUT, west side, a few doors front the Public Sqna.re Gettysburg, has I lid in an excellent assort ment 01 Shoes, &c., for Mit'3,o WOMEN ANO GHILDREM, which he is offering at the very lowest profits. Having honght for cash, at-the latest reduc tion, be is prepared to offer great bargains. 13-tot and Shoe manufacturing carried on at the same place, and the best kind of work made. JOHN M. REILII.Ilk; May 14, 1866. tf B. G. COOK'S PirIItISIE MINGLES, the best in the market, for sale atIACOB MEADS'S new Luta. her Yard, on the iittiiroad, adjoining the Lime Silos, Gettysburg. Nov. 26, 1866. tf 1867-11lockwell di Co. have now 1867—ready their Revised Catalogue of News 1867—peperi for 1867, containing all the 1867—principal Publications, for which they 1867—receive Subscriptions at the Regular Rates, 1867—and, on many of them, offer the advan 1867—tage of subscribing for 3 months. Send 1867—fora copy containing full details of our 1867—admirable system of operat'.on. We 1867—refer to the Publisher of this paper. BLACK WELL & CO., Office, 82 Cedar Street, Box 4,298 New Ysrk. Dee. 31, 1866. 3m Tursu EN cg Ole T PEACE, will be at his ey office, (at his residence,) in Cumberland township, on Tuesday and Friday of each week, to give his attention to Justice's busi ness. [Dec. 3, 1866. 4m CONSTANTLY on hand, an assortment of FINE ?RASES, PIitoTOGRAPG AL hUtiS, Cards and Baskets for grosses from the Battle Field. PliOft/GRATBS of oar Generals and other distinguished individuals at the Excelsior Gallery. O. J. TY.IOII. Orphans' Court Sale. DANIEL BALDWIN Register's Notices. W. U. 110LTZWORTIT, P.egiater eases, Gaiters, &e. Shingles. Philip Redding, i Leer Rest -11.°x. 1 NOEMIE DE MATZGUERITTES, ' Mite A. PERRY. - and many others, whose high Banding in the ' profession give- , the camp of truthfaluess to their intelligent and guanine ap:troval. 'l\ The beautiful Lucille Western says: Latest Fashions '' \`•l find that the (Email' pioducee all th e nEM - AND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELRFIRke , brilliancy of ri f oge ant Itly•whtte, wi th 'the I) TEND PATENT DuPLS.% ULLIP fa; (011 great ,and pecoli•gr itilvotrege ,f t. del harm- LoCI3LE SPRING) . lessnes , s It ta ally adls tu the Mittens aud (S s A'l.l? r. .• beauty of the akin "., Tn. wevosnrut ri.xxiattire and greet cow ' The inagutfieent Vestveli rave: i••••• i roar and pLIC.Lse RI.: to any lady weariatthe D. ol have inffertd much frgon the cations I. F. S,IIITITS CAST sn'er. .P..ro.vcirs. FLEX ELLlrric Seiler n lit lie experieucel porde so Cute lotiogia;Ac., which my thoetrical pro- I First, I' is the oily Plough yet produced Carly in aflcroad e d Assemblies,ooeras,Cartie. ' tension obliges ese to use, - tkat 1 consider it ; that wit int triably seour in any soil. . I Res, Railroad Cars, Church Pew*, Am Chairs. a perfect' beilefactiou to find a prepnvut.or, ! Seem' 1, It is now en established f tct that for Promesale and House Dress, as the skin voila, gives the neg ‘ s t rary a biteness to the' It will last from three to six times longer than' can be lolled when in use to °crispy a m a . pf.tee as easily and conveniantlr as a Sitit Sr akin, anddeaves the , sk'in cool aud smooth.", , any other steel plough in use. t - Miss Maggie Mitt:tell SA , s: . I Third, It draws lighter thin any other Muslin Dre.s.ar, intalualglequalityin Moonset, j "1 have,trged the skin be.fogifier, 'l7Eniail 'de Plongh, cutting the same width and depth of not found In any Single Spring Skirt. Paris,' slid found th ,t it inA.tatly imparts s.' lug rfgsv- I A lady haviag enjoyed the rteasraa, cow. natural bloom add ficshigess to the coin- Tiie diff:rent par's of the Plon,;11-are east is roar, and great cost emeece of wearing the plext \ • on." \ . , moelds, into•the exact shape destfed for the Duetex ELLIPtIC STSYL SPHINO Saler tut a , • , "J are d' s E,n,lii de Par . ," In USCIA\!%9 a deli- et.tind-ha trds, shares and land-side., giving_ single day. will never aftervetrds w [ lliugly die— cate beautifier of rho'kin for Theatre Salon,' 1 1 1 • p,r ti s most exposed to wear any desired pence with their use. For Children, Mince ~, or Bell Room, by tie most relined and e rn- thickness. The shares can be sharpened by and Yoang Ladies they are superior to WI puloos ladies, producing all tie beniiii‘fv , any lit tekstnfth. The steel is pesfeetly male- - others. effects of rouge and Till-white, to ithoot .11 'r , ffble a 4 f l work- , kind's.. E Igo tools It tve been , They will not band or break like the Single vulgar glare or injorrto the skin. :male out of pieces of the plough by black- Spring, but will pr.sezve their perfect .and t ' Soil hy all first-Mess Druggists, Perfumers :Molts all ot,r Cue country. gracviol chips when three or lour ordinary and Laglieof Hair Dresers - 1 .i7,r sale lit WY,. WIBLE, Agent, I Skirts will have berm thrown aside as useless. L. Isateau. 822 Broadway; Deams B times A: t :Afti4. 27, 18(;G. Scar Gettysburg, Pe. i The Hoops are covered with double and twbet. i ed thread, and the bottom rods ere not only Co., azd F. C. Wells & New' York; and ; ' I \ „,„ Eugene Swain, 111 Saudi Cu, leatla street, and ! 1 \. r , ening Machines. , double swings, but twice (or deuhle) catered; G‘EOVER & BAKER..—THE BEST IN ' preventing them from we (ring out when drag. Johnston, Holloway ,k Cowden, philitftetphi,i, ! /TIRE Agents. JA-RED k RENE, Itj USE. These Machines have become so ging dowasteps stairs. Sc. General Agents ail /111POrteeR, I well known Cd,tt little urea he a aid by w a y o f ; The Duplex Ellip tic is IC great favorite with • Jan. 28, 1817- Gal N ew y or k, ' recommendittion•: They live taken the first -all ladies and is uggiversolly recommended by oirvinitin at .ill Om late State Fairs, a nd are the Fitslgiun Mogezities as the STANDARD old% ersally etknotatedged to be the BEST in SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. see by all woo have trded them. The "Grover' To eiJ 'y the following inestimable advants- St Baker &deli" and the'Sloattle Stitch'' are gee to( mohair, viz: superior quality, perfect points that have bean at iced by no other manufacture, stylish shape, finish, flexibility, Machine. They are the otil,,T In ichines that ; (lure Mitv, comfort and economy, enquire for sew end embroider with rflection. These J. W. Bradley's Dairies Elliptic, or Double , Machines are peculiarly ml titled, to Family ' Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine use. Tit y are almost noiseless, shw directly article. from the spool without rewinding, and are CA UTION:—To guard against IMPOSITION simple ie their construction. 'They l r e , ,e eas y , be partical a to NO.CIOE the skirts offered as to manage, and can he warped by tilmoSteny ' "DFPL S I;X" have the red ink stamp, via: 'J. child. Emery family shotidl have one. rikey W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel tillfseregi7' acre lighter, then vice time, and they save money: upon the waistband—none others are genuine. and do their work better than it can be done \Also Notice that every Hoop-.will admit • pus l* nand. being passed through the centre, that 1. flu undersigned having been appointed in -the two (or double) springs braided togetb- A gent for the above Machines, has ertablishe'l er therein, which is the secret of their &lib& an Agency in Fairfield, Adams county, where ity an strength, and a combination not to be he will always have ou hand a supply. Per- found in\ ny other ' skirt. ... sons wishing to hay will please call and exam- FOR S. LE in all Stores where FIRST hie for tdfetnselves. CLASS skit ik are sold throughout the United liFir Xeedles. and Thread will also be sup- States and elsewhere. plied. -J. S WITHEIZUW, Agent, Itanutuctured \by the Sole Owners of the Fairfield. Adams county, Pa. Patent, wssT- k i, BRADLEY-A CARY, Aug. 27, 186(3. tf 97 Chambers k 79 , & 81 Heade Sts.',l 4 l. r. • _ _. ------ J... 21,:18 .7. 31;n\\. FII mers. PREPARE FOR YoUR spRING CROPS. Bough's • Bats Lone I'hcesphute, highly roDalar Mid depuodable Fertilizer, of twelve ye staudimz. and ;,1 \vhieh many thousand lous are auuually sold. Marylona Ponyler of Bone. free 'row nduiltrat.oll And an alyzing 54 per cent. Phosphate of Lime, and mer 3.3 per cent. AtnintAlid. Uniformly m.tde and fine enough to drill. around 'luster. A very . s uperior artiae, uttauut'Actureil at Red Beach Mills. 110.1 Chian°, Of direct importation, *llia I will deliver trout Governmeut Ageut'3 Warehouse. te`All of these articles Will be fornisbed et lowest rates. ,eUir Liheral discount 'to dealers. Isar.seud for aeh cubit.. GEOlttlE. DUGDALE. NO3. 07 aad 10 Smiles Wharf, Itmartmotte, MD. KR - Orders received by Samuel fief bet, Gettysburg, Pa. Um. 28. 3m Great Canowago 0. 000 11;VCH6ITI..1.T° of ANTED. The undo iignedr twin," remodeled and im proved his Mills, near Sew ,Cheater, Adams county, (tortnetly called "IV.llnut. Grove," but now , •Grelt (Milo-wage Itills,) is prep tred to do all kinds of work in bis line with unasual dtspa te h. Constantly on hand. for sale or exchange, the very best qualities of Supet, Extra and Family ruiu, ,tled Rye, Corr. ttrol Buck wheat Flour, with , every variety of 4.3hup and offil of wheat. ilarin SAWIIII,,f, attached, be is 6re• pared to SAW' all kinks of lumber, at the short est /uric:. A farmer in need of lumber and sour, can p.t a log, upon him wagon, throw a few bu:diem of wheat cra the t ire the wheat exchanged for flour tind the log e.t.a etl, 0%13 sasing a double trip—nud all because of the new and . perfeet mucbiuery now employed in these riclls. kiavin.r the best or workmen, he will he able to please everybody. Thankft.l for pm-t favors, he hopes fur a contilluaaef• of the same, 11. .1. DYERS. New Chester, Jan. 14, 1807. 3tn* Inanr,ttration OP LOW PRICES. J.L. SCHICK incites the attention of hie frignds and enstomers 'to his large and well selected stock of DRY G00::S Comprised in part cf French %femme:l, All wool po t & All 1% nol Lod:lines, Alf Wool rt. Lids, Plain Poplin., • Black and.Fdney Silks, • T iiiiise Cloths, . 0 11l irk auil Colored Alpacas, 1 Black Cloths stbd Cassimere.s, Fancy Cassim,res, Cassincts, Jeans, Flaanels of all 'hinds, ' Gloves nod Sto,kings. Also, a= fine lot 'of Ladies' FllllS AND SHAWLS, as well as an abundant variety of Notions, all of which will be sold elle tp for the cash. J. L. BCl.llt.lli. Dec. 17, 18a8. KeritOne HOtilise, CHAIIIIERSBUR./ tiTill.:l3T, CETTYS BURG, PA.—lnf. E. MYERS, Pio. priefor. i This is a new House, fitte:l up in the m st approved style. Its locution is pie:mutt, ce - trai and convenient. Every, arrangement is been made for' the.s. , comtnodation and co - fort of guests. The Table will always hve the best' f the market; and the Bar the b st of wines and liquors. There is' commodious Stabling atlich i ed, with an accommodating ostler al 0 ays on hand. ,t. This Hotel is now upon or the entertain ment of the pubic, ant a a tie of patronage is solicited. So uli.at will b spared to render satisfaction. Jan. 14, 1867. tf . Iron—lrozi—lron ! GETTY:...BURO FUROR. ' The subscribers respectfully inform the public that they have erected a - Forge in cot nection with their steam Mill, and are now mat ufacturing FOBBED AND HAAIIIERRD IRON, such as Plough, Horse-shoe and Bar Ito', and respectful!) invite Blacksmiths and Dealers to give them a call, teeing satiefied that they will be able to please as W quality, finish and price. BBINGYAN & t%ARREN. N. B.—The highest marktt price paid for wrought sod scrap iron. B. & W. Dec. 17, 1866. .star airs w.Aavrmn. - 1341.117..r.14.1E1VJC 1 $5,„ ,SE I .'"G MAC F.S. to .m 7 us. ttu s tertitary Ova% In Psy best ris ts IMO Par terms. hi 44.4.1 WWI . .. With Sao% sill.. idler PA r • ROTHE'S., t 't Ars* 0 • 4 Cluostsat. St. Mils, • tit fshault L. ToWis,o„ reraZlrTS W.A.241R.D. Dec. 3, 18. A. 3n PRICES at the Ex cel sior cannot be under rated whits the quality null style of PIC TURES -ctuatot be surpassed. Call and ex• ausine. C. J. 71'80:1. 1-36. A N elkelernt alsottment of Ifl•tooela, Nl' us. . Hoe, Ltnen.f, Balmoral and Hoofs Skirts, .tvan bci bad at - J. L. SCHICK'S. DELLS FOR CR-172CIIRS, scalubs, eAUM !AISES, POIIN DRIES, L-e. 1.14,1 e of 1114 beet steel composition. Church Bells insure.l for out year. , GUM SPRIA - (i DRILL, I WITH tHi.G . ./ELL'.3 GUANO ATTICIIMANT. I This is cou,blered one of the bait Drills now in use. It will distribute any k ind of groin evenly, and sow from one bushel op to -three ;to the acre. The Guano Attachment given entire s:tiistuetion wherever used. It is so ' curl ~t ractea ai nut to clod :n sowingany kind itrg or Bone Meal. Having sold a iiiimkier of these machines last se.tson, I can toil) recommend them to be %hot they are • retire, , ente.l. .Persons wishing to buy should in.tke app:icotion early as the supply is small itt,d lily demand great. Great Reduction I N PRICES OF DRY GOODS, GrrrPries. Ibrdtrart, Ofrenstedre, , AT J. C. ZUtICK lk SON'S, N EW OXFORD, PA. We have ju§t rttarned from the city, where tre lought e rery Lirge an I well selected sto , k of :di Units of goods, suitable in our line, under THE LATE DECLINE. ir stock consists in part of FRE!:CIi M EIONOES, FRENCH COltQl3ll,ll-3, Odom, Calicoes, Plo.tdq, Mem:ied and Unbleached Mnslins ; a lAtire assortment of Black, B. own and Plaid alt•wool Double SII.kWf,S, Balm°. ral*Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Clu‘e, eke. MEN'S WeAlt, consisting in part of 'Broad and Beaver Cloths, Bl•nck and Fancy Cassi. fierce, GlSRicket,i, Plain and Fancy Flannels, ruder-shirisi and Urawe - s, BUOTS, SHOES, HATS and ;C L'S, Driving and 13uckr.1,iu A cumple4 aasortmcat of GROCERIES, at low rate,. HARDWARE, such as Tira Iron, Spring, Shunt', Mist? and Gist Steel's, Hor:e floiie-shoe !tar, Nail Ito la, Hammered iron, N ills, ;.pike , Spovels nod Forks, Door Lot ks, Pad Locks, i Latches, liitiges anti Screws. PaltliS, 04:9,1 Glass, Putty, .tc. CUINA ANU QUEENSWAP.E, by the set. Vuonkful itur past p rtruanc, we hape to merit the same in the future. J. C. ZOUCK k SON. d, Dec. 10, 1800. 3m - Gr4eriei, Notionm, dce. LEES r"( EOllOl. 11. SWOI', basing purehheed the fi e GIZOCErt? giTABLMIIIF:NT of James . Grimes,' on or k etreet, a tesv . . doors e.tst, cff Wolt's Vote!, and haviati added largely to I e already extensive assortment fl on band, o era the public a variety of Goods in his line irely, if e'verhefore, kept here. His St"..II,'COFFEES, TEA.; 310L.18- I t SES, SVII PS, .kc., can't be beat, in nullity or price ; •hilst his assortment of NOTIONS embrace; linost everything the public can possibly tu rd. House-keepers and others should givd bins it call betore Int.% ing elsewhere, as he is convinced that li,e, has the best stock in town, and that no orle can go away id,sap pointed. • liar The CATIINETOIAKING business is con inued,:in all its btattche+,.nt the oil stand, a few doOrs east of : the Styr.... N i efforts spared to please the public, ili heretofore, Idettys"iutg, Nov. 5, Itqin. Ar --- Tfn Ware and Stoves. TfiE., sithscriber respectftqly informs the p.iblin that he still ceatittues the business of in tisin4, ALL ,MINOR OF Goof) TIN WARR. at the oldst3nd. (fordierly Andrew Polley%) in York stklet,Gettystittnr, where. he has the Itrwest itsiortinent of tin ware in the county, with man, other articles for kitchen use, ke. Also, COOKING 'STOVES NI.NE-PLATE STOVES,OI the very beat kinaa. S. G. COOK. Mar. 12i 1865. tf l At the Old Business. RUMMER-04T h'ts re-commenced L the TAILORING business, in Chambers burg street, between Waslitigton and ll'est streets, Gettysburg, and asks a share of the custom of the public. Hie long experience an the business enab'es him to guarantee good tits and good work, whilst the ktest t.ehions will be consulted in cutting whenever desired. No effortiwill be spared to render satisfaction, andrhe reels sure thus all who patronize him will oe shtisfi d. His prices for work are as low as they can possibly be to afford him an economical living, and no one could in reason ask kheit to be any has. Re asks hit old lriends to give hint a cull, at well as the pub lic generally. Nov. 12, 1d66. Fall and Winter Goods. A'CUT C di SONS hie just received an . Wther tine as-ortineut of SEW GOOUS, roust:ling. in pun, uf Clutha, Cue.,iineres, nets, Kentucky .kaas, sud TweeJe, fur Oen. tieuseult wear. Also, a fiat assortanut of LADIUT DitE3S tiOODS. Our siock has been selected with great care, and weare prepared to Mt ns cheap es sny other establishment in the country. We ask the putliie to give us a e ill and judge fur thennellves. Cali and sea us. No-troufdt , to show floods. A. SCOr Sept.' IT, 1866; Pine Shingles. ALAROR lot of finiShingh : s front $5.50, t* $l5 per 1000; for sale at the Lumber putt or C. H. 0et.,[211, 1806. 1 • rig beat PITOTOCRAPHS made in thin eaustq, girt mode at the Sicelslor Gallery, vttyttourgwapposite the Houk. rirrwarilas- Auld ILIN;0111101MW UMW Lourr. AND rvAD. Q RiV.4 &ND li ttOCRII,LaIs toeing purchased the extensive Warehoissele • Ctrs, ke, heretofore owned ety 5 teanel lrotbet, we beg leave to Inform the pahlie that We are contipuing the butitteis at the old, stood Oa the corner of Washington 010 Mr:timid MUM * on a more attentive seals tit to heretofore. . We ore payiog the highest m trket price flit: Flour, Grain tel all kin is of produce. .. ' Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds of GM , eerier, kept constantly un h.ted and .oi , sale,. cheaper than they ein he It % i anywhere else. ['luster, 41111 all kinds of fern ilfs4r,,,conetaotir" ni t hand, or furnished to order. gfrirA regluar line of Freight Cars will loses our Warehouse every TVA 31) t. Y 3fOittif.eli. acj nee() nut +lttion tr.tins will be run as oc casion mty re inire. By this *II mg* neat ere are I reputed to convey 1400 t at all times to and from I:4ltimore. All business of thde kind entrusted to iti, will be promptly attend" ed to. Our cars in Ito the WarehJuse prate. renton te Saris, al North doe led sweat, II .1.- tintore. Being determined to psy good Ow. 601 cheap and deal fairly, we incite overiboll to give no a call. CULP k E %mistrAir. Aug. 13, 18Gd American Artists' vition: A 31EilICAS ARTISTS'ItON J. AMERIC VS A TIM' 172 , 110iti il arto Al tlie AMERICAN ARTISTS' NlONlesteib. Halted 1854) announce that in or rto extent! the sale of the following well ' own and highly ropti!ttr \ f.iTI':EL, PLATE ENGEAVINCIE\ The Ltat Supper, .20 s is Depai ture of the Pilgrim Fathers ' for AmericA, 17 1 36 \ tomding of tile Pilgrim Fathers, '27x 31 \ Falstaff .Itustering his recruits, 25 x 91- S , inkspeare and his rrienda, 27 1 31 Cotter's Saturdly Night, - 25 I 3$ VillAge Itheksmith. 27 x 32 Manifest PeoUi►, ( Yortnne Telling)2l z 2$ The 11.tmicre lit, Wyoming in 177 d, 28 s If Ms nott Vernon in the olc en ti!ne, Or WitAbing . ton nt 30 yenta of age, 26 z 94 The e3tapo of Alaster Um:Donald 'trout the Masters of Glencoe, 26 x 34 The Madonna, 26'x 34 They hare dieined expedient to olfetittem to their friends cud the public nt one do er end fifty et nts each, the pricer heretorurej having been two dollars each, and fur the purpose of stimulating the gating up of Club*, they hate de.ermino.l to award premiums to the getters UP of the Clubs, and in addition thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the.sum of $7:0,090 in money and pintings, as BOOS as the sale shell have reached 100.000 negray. irO, As it is , octr intention to advertiA Tory . extensively, anti as the enoarlngs are well known throughout the whole couotry, ws hare no doubt, that with the lot price wet charge fur them, and the exertion high will be put forth by our namerous ft leads, the number will be reached in a shout time. As soon as it is reached, the subscribers, through their Club Agents, will be nosafied by a circus lar letter from ns, hazing the time and meth od of distribution. CLUB RATES. SMele Engraving $1.50 eneh,-by mtill,frec For $1,7. we will rend £3 Eng. n. 12 44 the,C4ll4 AIM IN a , se j is .. 4 e e 20 w w 5 e MIEB - :MM MIERMIMEI " " " IU " a ItuutlagL4ver The Club packages will be securely packed and forwarded by Express. Any person may get,up Clubs and forward the amount either by Exprese, Sight Dre it, Nat Ullice Order or in a registered letter and in nil cues th"e Engravings will be immedi ately sent, and for each engraving a numbered certificate and receipt will be enclosed la the package. C. D. D. ORDERS.—Perions wishing to lead for Engravii gs and pay the Express Co. when they are received, will be required to send with their order $ to $5, according to its amouut, and this will credited on their bill. LIST OF PRBIIIPIIS To be diatriuuted. • One of $lO,OOO in money, di 0,004 &moo " 5,000 Fire of 1.000 is Ten of 500 II 5,000 Fifty of 100 . " • • 6,000 One lin ndre.l elegant Oil Palutinge telah ly flamed, LAndecapre,at $lOO each, 10,,0011 I Two hundred elegant oil Plliatiags,riatly frinied, Interior Jaime, at ;50 esch, 10,00411 $60,04 ANIMA'S ARTISTE' UNION weight a`d.l that these preteittme tire to be considered" only in the light OA free gift to their patrons, as the Cognising. are futoished Orem Adele their market salue,but as the cost of engravings, after the ',lntro are procured, is very trilling' ? they can easily afford to wake the dletribiltion i feral! , en Suit. We trust that our numerous friends through!, out the country and. retnedes will use their . elm st exertions, so that if possible, the dia. tributiou tn.) , be usede soon, and it san'tial/ done if they are et all actite. Ladies hay often .node ear ellen' Club Agents for ea, ID we solid t their kind effort", which will Mot itt uniewarded, Let one or more energetic pep. sons in every town end village in the count* commence eisoon as they see this, and to up ae large a Club as possible. kly an doing thy will be the means of introducing elegant es. gr AvinAs into hi:utiles, and thus aid IS eel* rating a innate !or the beautiful and rained. Address Urr , lers 803. AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION', 25 Piu• Street, New Turk. Not. 12, 1868. 3m 1N my absence, there will always be it.tbori mighty etimpetent operator in charts of the Ezeeliter Gallery; and work of all kinds and under al/ eiredmitances mast Kira *arise: faction beture it can Iv:fever lioome. C. J. 11(300, QUil.4-11AR1G*41.211 DRIED rittEtlrMir . ii es IE4,IIFLIIISCIOIL