Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, January 21, 1867, Image 4
... . . - . Sale. dye 4 irjisag Arai:" - .dIIIP .C . . AMC . Mr " ) .4ffifi r ', I TUtT published, in a Isetiled envelope.— ..:__ ._ i i Flr Olorto , APAPJ TUSTY, PA. lej F44.¢,cents. A Leistire on the nature, toes irr orl• F. pp pl§pr pr drain le proper. i treattrtct and radical cora of Spermetorbcps, pa t , ito . yelifep be pike , tee 'Mee 05ke of those l or Seminal Vireakness, Involuntary Emisolono, . t wistilogdp perches'. • Sexual Debility and Impediments to \I .;:riligs A . ..;LAHRII POUNfliitY AND iIfACHINE generally. Nervousness, Coif:guru , ion,' Bpi. PPOF; *4!l.l)Witudso, situated ,h, vcoun- i-psy, Aud Fits; Mental and Physical i neaps.- Ay seat, near • Riilroad and. Heickt. ,Good city resulting from Self-Amuse, Az. By Bub ;mope(' five doing all kinds of wanic. Also,! ert J, Calverwell, St. D., atabor 0t the -.Green several TOwn-Lats ;ill be sold with the above Book," Ac. .property if desired. I The world renowned alithonin this admire ' A FARM of 11.40 ACRES, in Monntplessant ble Lecture, clearly proves, troin his own PS ,township, AdetiFis cousktb• with good Stone perirnce, that tbe awful consequences of Self House, good $ irn, Wegee Shed, Corn Urib, Abuse may he effectually rein.lved witbont Wash llonto o likcitard, kc., near. • turnpike Medicine, and ?itliout dangerous surgjpi ope. and rail:mud. ~. ; ratio n s, boogies, instruments, rings, or cordi ' FOV.TY ACREId, with good house, Barn, 11,7, pointithe out a mode of ,:ure at once cer iiillAnit out-beildings, Orchard, kc., tlidee. min and effectual, by which every sufferer, no ~ quarteracifa *le from a railroad station. 4 matter what his condition may be, may cure goodAaacer terms easy. ..,... I fiitnselfcheit•oly, privately and radically. This • 17? f 41.1 OF LAND, on the road itnig9g :- Lecture will prove a boon to thousands. Jriies illitoriver to bittlestown. Good liweilone wider seal to any address, in s plain, sealed farep,.; s largeßriek House, Bank Haps, atuf pip- , envelope, on receipt of six centh qr two past. ler put -buildings. The Littleatori Railroad acre stamps Also Dr. Culverwell's Marriage i mps through the rear part of Gip place. Price' Guide, pric 25 cents. Address . 06 per acre. ;CHAS. S. C. KLINE k Co., • A FARM OF 300 Apegs, in Cumberland , 127 Bowery, New York ) , P. 9. tpi.y pv3 township, Adams couni'y, three miles from t April 23, 1140. ly" tlettisburg, atlwhich place is a railroad end "- -- ' good market. ..?rklipffisn can be divided into ~ Great Elteitenteatt two farms, t h ere besug elm dy two sets of - • —„- , , A iMpS9Velecoll Sol the three. The improve., mend are o ft o iltwo-story Dwelling Hbuse, Bra", ;tad co k. i outbuildings , and a Tenant 1 BriniiWith aB rnprovements. I A . FARM Cid- 105 ACRES, on the Carlisle uinpike, ;indef. good Pultivatioi., wick a large rick' House, Rank Idirn,'Wereon Shed, Corn . prig; Carriage EIJI'S' and other out -buildings,, all i:ew. • LARGR FLOUR mir.r.,: with t A.Crei of ~Land. The mill has foUr NO of Burrs and all mdthinery for doing inephent work. ' Best _water power in the couni.Y. A FARM of t. 74 ACRES. near the Hanover turnpike, on wlrich is erected a good House, Barn, add all necessary out-buildings. The land I,s • in a good state of cultivation.. Thiel property will be sold cheap A FAO! of 195 ACRES, near tinterxtown, Adams your ty, on which is erected a zop4 Barw and other wit-buildings, and the . 4 is in fineetate col4cati . on. • mid Awns will be cold chenp. A FARM of 33 ADDIS, 6 acres in wood, with one-and-a-half-stOry House, good Ruta —land in good .goltivntion-31 miles film New Oxford, nod t i miles from Bonansl497R, Terms easy. " 18 ACRES o f miles from lier A FAILS! of 2Q9 ACRES, rood land, with itarge Brick House, B ern, and 2 Tenatt tipusei —4O. acres in wood—half a mile from the Con bwago Chapel: • ' 4 gArill Of IV 4crep—z2r..! coq be pur chureedin Oninberlaud . teergship, 2i miles 'from Gettysburg, near Chumberwnrg pike; pirge westherboardeit llouse,'4ank Burn, /ic.; acresin wood. The Farm hat been re6ntly limed. • • . A FARM of 120 ACRES, with gpod House and Barn ,` 12 acres in Wood) One toile west pt Boninghtovvi. A HOTEL, in New (Word, two-story, toomy and convenient •for business. Good chalice ; terms easy. klimh,e;of good nooses and Lbta for sale in'Novi prtord. • Persons who Wish to bny Real Potato, .r f il well as ,t hose who wish to sell, are riviested to give t4u suhtcriber a call his store u plow Ovoid. • • Address, a • - IQI C. ZOUCK, Land Agent, New Oxfoiii, Adams county, Pa. ,July dBCO. pin " PHOTOGRAPHIC. E. & H. T. AN Cklo.)iY & 09., Nalp ? re 4 lurerti - of prioto g roolic opttarials, hoiemite 4o d 601 Bt OADWAY,'NEW YORE.. TN aleition to our rnain'busineas PHOTO- O RA Fil re IIATiSRI.tLS we are lientlyntr tare .fOr the' followitzg, Viz: • fiITICRRuSCOPES k STERROSCOP/C 'VIEWS Af American and Foreigi Cities ;mil keintl- Intim, groups, Statuarv; kc. STERIXO4COPW VIEWS OF TOR WAR, From negatiaes made in the various Cam : haigns' and forMmg a corypil4o 4 gkcpt.4oltPilic istory of the great Contest. STRRROSCONIC Yaws ON GLASS, Adapted -fbr tither . the Magic Lantern or the Flte . rnowip'e. Our lCatslOjrue will be to 0614,- address on reeriptyf ;stamp. PIIOTOGRAPHIQ ALBUMS, We manttracl ore mote Largely than any oth er henna, about 200 varieUes from 50 cents to $6O each. Our .61.81330 hare tke reutitation rf 10 .1 4 11 4; 43 rf0r irtlotoity and dur,bility to tnY fbffierf. • VAPID PHOTOGRAPHS otrAaexattAmt, STATERMIAN, Ac was; ETC., ETC Oar Catalogue embraces over FIVE TriQo - different satijects,. including t reproduc 'ons of the most celebrated Engravings, Paint ings, Statues, dr.c. Catalogues split on receipt of Stamp. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D , will please remit 25 per cent cf the i t •istoiint with their oraer.' SforThe prices and %utility of our goods gannot fail to Batley. June 10, 1808. ly • • _ . Duphorn & Hoffman. NNW STORK, NORTBIZZIST CORM S& Or TBZ DlA tivrrynacau. (Known as liaLeii n‘r. , ,) DNALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CAR- Pk S, QUEENSWA RS, AG., . all of which haw n ttonglit at the loweet, market prices and will gold aceArdinglyi &lire Went It call. No trouble 16 show anotts. D. OUPHORS, ' . W. HOFFMAN. 94. 6, 1461; NEW GOODS. GEORGE ARNOLD has now got up his fail stock of READY-MADE . CLOTRING, mostly of his own manufacture, consisting of ,eoats, Ponta, Vests, Skirts, Drawers, ac t , &c. -ALSO A Pap stock of EI,pTEIS AND CASS'. MEIN t, all of shiFb wit sold,cheap for cash. On and '41,3 gip to : Oct. 6, 1160. , Flour"! Feed 2 and Groceriest 4if THE CHEAP STORE ON TLIE'IITLL. If wish to buy any of the abase artl- 4 0, r cheaper .tad better t han yr u can get hem anywhere else go to thp . 'Groc•ty St*re o e undersigned on the WI; in Balttasore n , at, 'where customers can "prays be accentreada ! Ited, and, where all are invited to call and see for theniselv,-s. The public will always find 'n lull and choice assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, T4AS, STRUES, /l1:4- ( LASSES, Tl/BACCOB,-,CiGARS,'S'NUFFS, Tl3ll, 44.130,y, LARD, CH t,ttsE, cit.4.g : 1 41i - 11$, UTTE R, EGOS, kp. ptAss-wm, citooKeßY-wARB. NO TIQRs, asu! COAL OIL LISIPS, 1144 9 I i.;;1..4 frit 11 . 1t7A D ALw4is AV HAND. ,FINTED."--Illonp:Octim, Oats; Batter.Bggs, Bacon, atiT egitatoeg,- for which the highest markei. price Till lie paid, either in trade or cash. Skirfleing 4etermitte4 tq tqadnct my bail mess in a lair and honortlple way, and to sell heap,l invite WI to give me a call. toolii.y . QVKii.DBER. 444 1 !#R,i8Ce.. tf ,", Waßipd. 41400 D FAit3E. person iptvpig guod F i g% for 81001 t.pi. will toile kart. Revnent, one or c!fe Arl,,ets of FII,LST- RATE Wlolo4 Ye1L 4 01. 3 4 , near Selingle, Church es; uonnty To wits, &c., Jump MA pnrc,hase r by applying al this offic!. June 41, 166. tf rpm; tutdec;snd wiply the highest ttnr terpfices TRJ. HA ta i nted. luqulre feegirsiehonre,ti_pttyebur g . T OTR,ICKI39p . 'p k WISOTMT . Nov:23, 06,6: pr 18664 A BORnir S pan ean g e ; . Cothh, Soape, ' any, Nnti .. 4nin /n., in irrent Variptv. - • RB c,D!.. IrINSGAR, at qwpol chte ce i r eitheiT f •l ' 9P l .• :r ° °z !l!' • Atil 31 11 /HI ..• • ir AJORITY of Aiosi who rend Newspapers never give a hasty glance at a hiplines! advbrtisemedi, P e nd it MAN actually bi t ta thip best, tbe prettiest and the obenfest goods in ell ireetiouYsetaally selling them at break•flown Prices—tun lew heed the fact for their own interest, therefore ve bale FOUND It best to simply invite every body to call nod examine our stock and prices heforu boyihg , tine dollar's; wurth elsewhere, for I can a nd will make i4lu the iutere4 of all tbuse who go, DEAD to their true interest and who wlih to se r ve money, therefore to buy everythin • IN the ling of good and (leap clotisi s ag at my store, where therc has just been received a most magnifjcont assortment ot Fall end Win ter Gd,ds, consisiing of Ov.ercoats, Drees koate. fluerness Coats, Pants and Vests of' all inds; Ovv i rAirß and pailershirts, Stockings, Suspenders, Cravats and No ions, Musical Instruments, and many other things in my line, all of whibh I am selling at very low prices; 'Call 'On F. 13. PICKING, Briti more street, • sear sly public Snare, CkTTYSBURC. 04 29, 1866. • Benefit to Forwent: M Ono MLR'S' lmeltOVED SURER-I'llo3 N H ATE OF LIME For SLIe at 11.tnufacturer's Depots : 27 N. Front St., between Market k 4W), • PIIILADELPIII4 . , 14 Bowley's Wharf, end 96 South St., BALTploas, Flo. Congress havingFepealed the Internal Rev enge Law - iglu Fertilizers six per cent., l berg lenye tq 4dlorm the Farmers that from this devil e same per centage will be taken off the retail price of MORO PHILLIPSI'Sii. PElt-PHOSEDATIi OF LIKE, via: SCO less 6 per cent., making the retail price now 1.56 SU per ids'. of 2,000 lbs., in Philadelphia and Baltimi re. Discount to Dealers. MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer. Lug. 13, 1866. Blaok nnitbing. Tr HE undersigned would most respectfully inform the public that he continues the B 1 ACK9ltl7'tllV(3 BUSINES-1, at his shop, lately Uhilip ptersoin's adioining 'Troxel's paint shop, ltr vast 1114le Gettysburg, where he will at all times he pre : fored to do 11l tcksmithing work tq .Carriages, %y4ggna j Ttrtt 1)c knows 1it . .. 01! to, 40 all jobs qt the kind will not fie 7uestioneft by tbose - wino — true a knowledge of his lofig experience at the business. Conte on ;With yonr wosk, and yon will be satisfied wh you take It away—fund for which he will 2eivg Cash or Country Prolate. ADAM HOLTZ OATH Mar. 20, 113G5. tf Cheop for Cm* N Ew stam, GROCERIV3, L1Q1704.8, THB undersigned has retorneir to Qettys burg, and opened a new Store, on Balti more street, next door tr? the Best Office, and nearly opposite the Cahrt-Honse, where he offers fne 'sale, PUBAP FOB CASH, a large and cnoice assortment of GROCERIES,—Sugars, ,Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Salt, kc.; with Fish, Bacon. Lard, and so on. Also LIQUORS—Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies; Wilts, /194eyprtthing elsein the line. Also, any qtiantity of Notions, ty snit any and everybody. ftecolOct this !s the place to buy cocte cos RP! , - 42+W. F. RALBFLEISCH. April 23, 1868 Gettysburg Itaiir944. til.-I,NUE CONNECTI ONS.—On and af ter Mon4ey, Tgvember 20th, 1805, Pas- Ardor Trains Will leave and arrive at Gettys burg, and make connections, as tollowt: FIRST TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 7.45 A. M.; with passengers for York, Harris. burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and West, arriving at Hanover Junction with out change occars, 4 10.25 A. M., connecting with the Fast blue Soqb on the Northern Cen tral Railway, and arriving at Baltimore at 'N.4D nogg. Also connecting with Mail Train from Baltimore north*, arrit ing in Harrisburg at 1.20 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg 1.10 P. M., with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Washington. 'SRCOND TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at 1.20, P. M., arriving at Hanover Junction at 3.15. and connecting with mail train South. Arrive at Baltimore at 5.30 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg at 6.15 P. M., with passengers from Whilatteliffir., Harrisburg and the North and est, arid also with pasomgers from Baltimore and Washington 'by Hp tap linp nottb i leaves Baltimore at. goon, Passsners•cart leave Baltimore in the Mai' Train at 0 A. M., and arrive in Gettysburg at 1.10 P. M. Or leave Baltimore in the fast line al 12.10 noon, and arrive in Gettysburg at 6.15 P. M. Bat one change of cars by the first tppaig t git 44 way, viz t at Hanover Junction. The to Hoe on the Northern Central will not stop at any local stations, except York, Haw): ver Juuptlo and t'arktnit. Connections cer tain. R. McCURDY, Pres't. 2 1fOv. 27, 1804. liverhasVm FILiIiKLIN LIOUSE,. 0014/1111 or 110W!iilD !P!(11tel.14 BTREITR, ' BALTIMORE, MD, • This House is on a direct line between the Zierthern Central .and Baltimore and Ohio liatilrivid Repots. It has been refitted and com eortably arranged rot , the cqqvotience and the erpertaininent rit'gtitsys. tf copk,lqg Storeep Variety, OF gsrer including the "Ifoblo 7 Pook,'' "Royal Pooh," "Waverly," "Oro ; "grieutal." 4ho,' Tin-ware, Sheet-Wm-ware, 11(41ov-ware, sn4 every va tiety of Kitchen Furniture—iucludlng a Varie ty of ! l anterns. Also, a new awl upicb ltn• proved Fluff Sifter, for sale by H. RUETNEFf, PclPPerilf th4Clill9 444 R"ilrvi'd 0 4 .7 Feb. 19, ltai§.• gettysbq pa. A..SUPERIOR quality of the best tolPiell Draft HASIRS with or without faster! ? islet far 4 ,4 1 05 by ,D. Ileca4 r 44l 4 404. BARGAIES-,Pipking buts ;pcalyed his new Goods. No'r' is the title IQ sepure bar gains. Call and see tales+ D R44 E'S PLANTATION BITTERS, or Old Homes TWO% qt Dr. #4DNEWE prug Store. _ !PRY Dr. A. lICE!TER'S Tonle and Altera ' Live Powile:l i br 14QRSES and CATTLE, Pl*Eared and aq d "I D nir f t tC gr a. . Jaapary ) . QW/It'S itiojt le Tile N cfl ill kit* p .0[ (iff?F°F!!! bq4 Grolltery 4l# Liquor Itirre t , . • Cabliliet Vuriallitire. . . Iv.PlasT4tAti - 4s4MiTimiT 9f kIRO- min subscribers hereby inform their ewe- CERIES, cheap . ;ÜBE of differgeOnds. 1 - I tonsure ' and the public generally, that - . rge lin of ',they have no on hand, and cout;tuie to Tan. POTOMAC HERRING, - i nfacture to orylity, at low prise. The best and largest assort- I CAIII N E T FU R NIT UR E, meat of LIQUORS ever kept it) this place. which, for styli and durability, finish and PUItE WINE, BRANDY, RYli WHISK-EY,‘C., price, will cotupetp with any in the counly..L for ntediciv d and other purposes, in numiti- Oar pre.-eut stock consists of every variety of titles lance or small. .Also— Furtspure usually; kept in a first class Furni- MLI!ILEWS OVIARBATED ling BITTERS. I ture Ware Room. Pasltion-ille, ornamenta) Wd..f. MARTIN, ior plain Furniture nt inufactuzed in the wost Baltimore st., Gettysburg. i substantial manner, oy most etperienced I workmen, and at the lowest cash prices. USbERTAKING. 311 y 28, 1866 Fresh Cosfeetiqgery AND KIN Cith.t g.t . LoON.—.ltie sebsork. 19'er respectfully informs the citisens of GetiyAbur,r and vicinity that he has a Conger tionery rstal ? lishapot, oue door east of the Engle lioteloan Chstobersbur4 street, to which ; be would invite their attention. C .kee, Gaudier, and every description c i f, , Confections, together with Sets Oranges, awl all kinds of fruits, always on h and. oiParties, public and private, as well as tem flies, he furnished with all kiucts ist Cakes, lee Cream, (in pyramid:4 forty or otherwise,), via other refreshrnentS at their hunses,, eve short notice. illvinx spent a life-time at the business, be 11 titers himself that be understands it and that he is able to render entire satistnetton. and see his Confectionery, 4.ty 28, 1866. ;f JOHN MORI, Hardware at Groceries. rARig Jubscribers hare just returned Rom the cities 'with an immense supply oil / DWA4E & GROCKRIFA which they are orteripf at their old 111444 Baltimore street, et pei!,:vt4 spit the times. Op stock consists in latt q t_ HITIpING MATERIALS, • CARPENTER'S TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, CQACLI FINDINGS WWI: FINDINGS, C4141.N1 T MAKER'S TOOLS, HOWSEKNEFEIPS FIXTURES, ALLACINDS OF IRON, Ice. • GROCNIIIIIK OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, ic., •c. There is no article included in the several departments mentioned a6orp but what can be bad at this Store.— kvery glass of Mechanics can he accommodated here with tools and findings, and Housekeepers cart find every article in theij line. Give us a call, as Ire are prep!ired to sell as low for cash as any house out of the city. .101 U. B. DANNER, DAVID ZIBGLEft. Gettysburg, Msy 16, 1864. • lonienster Boo 14: Bindery. G EO UGH W 1100 K niNDEB, AND BL•NIC BMA NANVIICTURZEI, LANW.STER, PA. Plain and Ornamental Buidinp, of every de scription' executed in the most substantial and approved styles. LCBI! Q. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L. Feiner, Esq., Lancaster County Bank gamuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. gamuel Wagner, Esq., York Bank. William Wagner, Esq., York County Bank. T. D. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Proth'y of Lancaster co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register " Geo. 1444490 n, Esq., Recorder " IL 4.pril 14, 1861 New Warehouse. 100.000 BUSHELS ('F GRATiI WANTED,at the new Grain AO Produce ilonpe in Carlisle street, adjoin ing. Sheads Mueller's establishment. The highest market price wilt c.lway: be paid in cash for G4Allf, of all kinds, FLOI[I4, SEEDS, kc. Alwityit on ban.] and tqr ealo , 1.4 e gt . 441.14! profits, GUANOS, • 5447) GROORME3, kc., Wholesale and retail. TRY tr.9l We shall do our best to give malefaction in all cases. McCURDY d Gettysburg, May 11, LBO3. 17 fittqwevlos q Groeeries.: T ip IjE;ST IN TOWN I COME AND SEE THEM ! TRICRTIOUSER k IVISOTZKEY have ad ded a Ltrge and eplen lid stock of GROCERIES to their business, and incite the pablic to call and see for thernsely6s. They oiler the best of every thing, at the lowest possible profits: COFFEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSF J S, SALT, FISH, Spices, Teas, Cheese, Starch, Soaps, Candles, Blitzking, Matches, Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, fled Cords; with Confec tionary, Granges, ligts, Tutmccoa, Segars— end $ variety entirety too larga to kte enume rated. "Come one, come all." Gettysburg, June 18, 1966. tf Carriages and Buggies. T" E & CULP pFe gow building a 'variety of 00A0II W 0 R K of the latest and Most approved stales, and constructed of the best material, to which they invite the attention of buyers. Havin' built our work with great care and of material ;sleeted with special reference to beauty of wyle and durability, we can confidently re commend the work as unsurpassed by any, either in or out of the cities. All we ask is an inspection of our work to convince those In want of any kind of vehicle, that this is the place to buy them. REPAIRING in every branch dope 11; short notice and on reasonable terms. Give us s WI, st our Factory, near the corner of Washington and Ghcapersbarg streets, Gettysburg. F. J. TATE.' WM. E. CULP. Mar. 19, 1865. - New Bakery! NEWPORT & ZlEtli..Eft, Mechanical Bak ers, South Washington street, halt square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on hand, the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, &c. Ppr sons wishing fresh Bread will be sercpd every morning, by tearing their flamer and residences nt the Bakery. Every effort made to please C l ive us a call! [April 20,'03. tf *O9 crri!!4? A W. PLEMtIING oontinues the busmen of SALE CRYING, one solicits the 033. tinned patronage of the public. It is his con stant endeavor to give satisfaction. Charges moderate. Residence in Breckinriclge street, Gettysburg. P. is a Bream: Auctioneer, under Ole Tax Law of the United States. Nov. 24, 1862. No/I,h Walker & CA., C LOTHIERS, W4SITTSZSTOI BVILDING, 165 AND 167 BALTI4OIIII STRAD; BALTIMORE, keep constantly on hand a large 444 well as r sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderate prices. , They supply prders for the 4qest tp Fhe lowest priced articles, either ready Made or made to measure, to any part of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of FURN PSIMI:i OgQ1:1S. embracing every article of tientlemea's lindec,wear. Alsq, MILIT ARY, CLOTHS and every variety of Military rim-!T wings as Tell as an assorted stock et READY MADR MILITARY GOODS. Stilticrpre, Feb. 22, 1864. Reduced Price*: PIANOS, C AMEX AND ANIERICAN OR ANS. Superior tuned I qctave PIANOS Iron $350 "upwards. oitoss from $BO aim -girds. All instrumeuts selected, re. commended and sold by me, additionally par witted. Illustrated eircailars sent by when desired. P. AlitiTZ, No. 30 East /4;44 StTeet, York, Pi, M&r. 12, 1866. ' ' The 1541 c Fasee4 4 rf TERS A L CLOTqqa WRIVQp." : liesi4es thr great eating of Labqr;tbe plod g to the went an 4 win of clothing fg ft niggle" you, more thqq smc nta to tbe poles of Iftleger: •It Is Orange that an ;bogie be wining ;q 4o nrithoot it. For tale tit PAtIffIPTOOIi. 1)4Q4 and at P. A. BIIICII- Pro IFeb. Having a new ',rinse, pirLicuiar atterldon Trill be given to this breach of their business. They are prepared to make a id furnish Coffins of aoy desired quality, and attend Funerals at the shortest notice—and ou such terms as cannot fail to please 6.11. .Tpu subscribers return their thanks to the put4i; far tic Eberal patronage extended tn them in the past, and hope:o meri t andreeelyi a continuance of public paJzonage. shop and Wii;e Room third building opt of ffie' Square. H. FETE IF Bif.Q. Liftlegtown, April 16 ? f 866. tr W. E. BIDDI,g. I. S. MRS& 100.000 Bushs. ilraVele Ngtirvirot AT THE 041) WAREHOUS WM. E. BIDDI.E A 00. would inform the put.iic that they have lcasod the Warebou.e ou the corner of Stratton street and the Rail road, in Gettysburg, ahem they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSI4ESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Fjazseed, qmac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, guts, Smip,Hams, Shoulders and Sides, Potai.oes, with !yeti thing else in the country produce BEA. GROCERIES.—On hand, for sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Spios, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Soaps, 4c. Also CIOAIL OIL, Fist, Oil, Tar, &c. FISH of all kiwis Spikes and Nails ; Smoking and Chew ing Tobaccos. They are always gble to supply :. first, rate arti , qe of Flour, with the ilit!ereut ki443 or Feed. Also, Ground Plaskr, with Guano arpi other fertitizera. COAL, by the bushel, ton or carload. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, in any quantity, at REDUCED RATES. They will attend, if desired to the making of purchases in the city, and delivering the goods promptly in Gettysbure. Their cars run to the 19arehouse of Nathan Roop & Co., No. 128 North Howard st., near Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will he received at any time. They invite the attention of the to their line, assuring them Chit they w:II spare no effort to aczoluutotlate all who may patronize them. BIDDLE & BENNER April 16, 1866• tf 1E167. Prospectus. 1887. attention of the public is invited to the claims of THE WORLD as on, of the leading public journala of the conntry. It is the chief organ of the Demo cratic party of the United Slates, and the fore man advoc its of the immediate restoration of t!!e Union. Its highest merit consists iu its character 44 An Enterprising and Trustworthy News- paper. The next year bias fair to be a more critical one in the history of our free institutions than even any of the eventful ones that have prece ded it. The first reeriisite fur an intelligent judgment of puhlie affairs is a full and authen tic account of Reis as they transpire. These THE WORLD always aims to give with' con scientious accuracy, and with equ ii fullness and fidelity whether they make for or against its owu views of a ;Wirt polity. Prompt activ -4y in spreading before its readers every kind of news in which any part of the public takes an intere,t, is the first duty of a newspaper; and the facilities of The World for discharging this obligation are unsurpassed by those of any journal in the United States. Whatever else it may fail in, it certainly will not fail to furnish the news, nor to s•ipply_ it'vrith such promptitude, spirit, freshness, abundance, va riety, accuracy, and candor, that no class of readers can miss anything of interest which they wish to find. The Weekly World, a large quarto sheet, same size as Daily, is now priamd throaakaal rn kw; type, and has the larigest circulation of an) wa4iy Varnal published, save one. 1. Its Medici. Reports embrace the New York, Albany, Brighton, and Cambridge Live Stock Markets ; the New York Country No. dace and General Produce Markets i special and valuable Hop Intelligence a department o Agricultiiral Iltading: nil together com mie; an unrivalled band book of current in formation for the Farmer, Live Stock or Pro. duce Defiler, the Country Merchant, 4c. 2. A page or mere will be reserved for En. tertaining Fireside Reading for the Family Circle, embracing the freshest and best Stories, Poetry, Religions Reading, etc., and a page for the Discussion of all Prominent Topics of gen eral interest, pelitical, agricultural, financial, literary, etc. The Semi-Weekly World is a large quarto sheet, same size as Daily, which, by omitting a great mass of city advertisements from the Daily, contains all its news, correspondence. editorials, comme..cial and market news, cattle market and provision reports, and a fresh and entertaining miscellany of literatore. Pub lished Tama lay and ?ridgy. ' T E am's: Week/u irortd One Copy, one year, Four copies, one year s 7 00 Ten copies, one year, 15 00 Twenty copies, to one address, 25 Qu Fifty copies, " « ' 5Q 011 Scmi- Wally World. One copy, one year, $4 00 Four copies, one year, 10 00 Ten copies, one peer, Daily World. One copy, one year, $lO 00 Oltib Prizes. For clubs of Is3l, One Weekly, one yeas, I' 3! 50, One Semi-Weekly, one year. 3 1 " 100, One Dai.y, one year. Additions to clubs may be made any time in the year at the abnva club rates. Term, cash in advance. Send, if possible, Post-office Money Order or Bank Draft. Bills sent by mail will be at the risk orie4deF, We have no travelling agents, .4.ildreas all orders and letter; to TEII3 WONID, Pork how, New York. Removal Ilec. 1, 1444 (I F BOTH OUR SHOPS TO OHASIBERS BORG STREET OPZI To -DAY, NAT 17, 1866, We take special pleasure in announcing to our friends and custowters that we have this day opened our mg CREAM SALOONS, at our new stand in Chambershurg street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. We have had the apartments fitted up in the best style.— Ladies and Gentlemen are invitt d to call. We will also furnish Ice Cream in any quan tity to public or private parties, at prices qa precedenied. We will also have constantly on Land fresh Cakes, which we will famish to all parties and picnics at the shortest notice. 14NA D AND MINERAL WATEFI. can always icy and cool anti at all hourB - had a life-long experience in the manufacture of all the foregoing articles we uk the p ttronage of the public genetally. May 21,1866. tf fBINNIOH 4 Blgl, Excellior 011lefg e _ _ NONE but GOuD Picthres allowed to to out—and at very LUWMGM. Come one! Cone all I Gettysburg, Oct. 29, 1866 For Sale, /VERBS choice PALMS, Al fellpirs: l, 1 133 and 124 acres each ; tbreis near the Borough of (fettyabqrg ; chqice lauds scol good blindly'. Tonal licoommildating. 13NORGB 4401.41. i p s fiptilshurg, Sep4.3, 1814. tf Town PoWrti IIIITy4TS SAIIR.--cSeverel HOUSES itcan be ovelwed at Private 8410 by irt. ii i - 6 1AVS4T9OK- , I4BQPIR , • 81 - 1811LER'S HEM BITTERS • for tale !q. Horn9ol Bugs AO Variety HTRS! is ♦ stOI•CTCD 119LCITIJ;yr TUI Protoxida , of Iron, a nay disc9very in medicine y 1414 STRIKE 4 4T TI:; Roqr OF RISE4SB, by supplying the Blood with he VITAL PRINCITLe, OR ICU IILERRNT—.4II.ON. This is the secret of the wonderfct snccesS%f this remedy in curing Dy3PEPSIA, LIVES COVPLAINT, DROP SY, CHRONIC buitaaG:t, 80/LS, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers, Huniors, Loss of Constiti goiral Figur, Disease of the 11,i.lueysc.nsi. Bind4eb Female Cumpl.kints, en 4 ell diseases originating In A BAD'STATE OP THE BLOOD, or accompanied by DIUt t ILITV, gr a how 814r1 OP THZ ETHTEM. Being free from Alcohol in any form, Its surgising eTocs *Fe not followed ty norrei• ponding reaction, but are permanent, infusing strength, vigor and new life Into all parts of the system, acid tpililittg up an 1.4.0.),i CU*. STITPTIQN. DYSPEPSIA A.#lll DEBILITY. From rite Venerable 4reAdeacon Scot; 11. D. Duiosm, Canada East, garch 24, 180. * # "I am ao inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 25 years' standiog." * * 1r "I have been so wonderfully benellttesl in the Wee short weeks during which I have ase4 the Peruvirn Syrup, Oaf, I can scarcely persuade myself qi the reality, People who have known me are astonished at the change. I ant widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has gone so much for me." Giza ,of most Jp- RISTS in New England writes to a friend as follows; VI Imp tried tlys P4RUVIAV SYWR, 814 the tcsult _cully sustains your prediction. It has wide a sew of me; infused into my system nesevigotand energy; I am no longer tremulous anii debilitated, as when yoi, last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with lar ger opacity for labor, mental and physical, titan at any time during the last fire years." 4q 4MINENT DIVINE of Boston, save: "I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past; it gives me new . vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." par THOUSANDS have been changed by the Rae of this remedy ; from wetit, etclsly, Buffeting creaturea, to atumg, healthir i and happy men and women ; and invalids can. : not reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing cerliG cates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be vent ease to any address. Siart.See that, each bottle has PHIEtUIrI.4.N SYII.I.IP blown in the glass. FOR SALP RV J. P, Dinsmore, Psoprietar, 36 Dey Street, New Yellir, AND Sy 4Xt intom3Te, scnorrL.i. All Stedical Nen swan th tt lODINE 43 the REST REMEDY for Scroiula and •Il kindred diseases ever discovere I. Tue dint •yity Lus been to obtain a PURR SOLUTION of it. DR.. H. ANDRES' lODINE WATER, Is a Pure Solution of iodine, WITHUUT A SOLVENT!! A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Recto- It wad. cure SCROFULA in all its manifold ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT RHEUM ; and it has been axed with astonishing success in cases of RhefnAtisin,Dispepsia, Conslynip tioq, Female Complaints, He srt, Liver and Kidner.Diseases, &c. Circulars will be sent Pace to any address. Price $l.OO a bottle, or n tor 55.00. Prepared by Dr. H. ANDERS, Physician and Chemiot FOB RALR By J. P. Dinsmore, 36 Dry ID reel. New York, AND BY ALL Ditl7GtillaS. WISTAIVS BALSAM.. "WIT4D CHF,:RHY HAS RRRT 1731411 PJR NE %JILT HALF A 'CENTURY, WITH TIIR 40ST ASTONISHING BROOM IN CORING Coughs, Colda, Hoursenees. Sore Tilton', In &tense, Whooping Croup, Liver Complaint, Brourbitia, Diflieulty of Bretthing, Astitruu, and evely affection of TQE TUROAT, LUNGS, AND CUEST, CpXSUMPT.IO..V, which carries off more victims than any other disease, and which baffles the skill (tithe phy fiches to a greater extent than auy other malady, often YIELDS TO TIPS REMEDY when all otheFeheave ineliutqloii AS 4 3tEbiohyl3, rapid is relief, soothing in effect, safe in its o v r s tion, t erlT IS 7NSVIIPASSED 1-Fat $2 00 while as a prepe,Fathin, free from noxious in gredients, poisnnl m neralq ; uniting skill sciexce and incilical knowledge ; combining all that is valqatile In the vegetable kingdom for this rises of disease, it is IIUMP A.R.AI3 LE! and is -entitled to, merits and receives the, gen eral confidence of the public. SEI(IIQU4 THATCHER., M. D., 20 00 of Heroism, y., writes as - follows: uttirisran'e Bar.san pr WILL) CHERRY eves universal satisfactien. It seems to cure a Cough by loosening and cleansing the fangs, and allaying irritation, thus ERMOVING THE canes, instead of drying ; on the cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Bal sam as good as any, if not the hest, Cough medicine with which I am :Cconlinted." The Rev. JACOB SECHLEit, of lfanove•, Pa., well known and mach respected Among the German population of this country, makes the following statement for the benefit of the of : Dear Sirs :--liavinr; realized in mjr family important benefits from the uae of your Tains ble preparation—WlSTAll'S BALSAII OF WILD CdERRY—it afrordo me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some sight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your expellent Balsam, and before she taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there wasa great iturrorement in her inapt!. I bare, in my individqal case, made frequent qse of your valuable rpedicine, and mays al- ways bppn bene4tted by it. 4.t COB SEPLNEL. Price one dollar a bottle. FDa 841.5 RT J. P. Dissupsee,4o n. 7 Street. New York. Seth W, piimle 41! Rim, Ir'roppleters, Bostog •so qT .LL DitCqUISTA Grave" Celebrated Salve, etjcps thes, Burns, Scalds Grwela Celebrated Salve cures Wounds, Bruises, Sprains. Qrsce's Celebrated Salve cures Boils, Meer', cancers. Elraee's Celebrated Salve cures Stilt Rheum, Erysipelas. goo's Celebrated Salve mires Chapped Reads, 011041ns Grace's Celebrated Salyp heeds Old Sores, Flesh Woar4ds, &c. It Is prompt in action, removes pelt, at once, and redncet the most angry-looking swellings and •inflansmations, as if by imagic,A ; a t. folding relief and a complete CUM, OMIT 25 coats a buil (Sent by twig for 35 casts.) For sale by J. B. DINSMORE, Se Bey street, New York,S. W. FOWLS A SON Proprietors, Bostoi, aid by all Druggqtt i law/ . 4 Bed Vostett7 Store.. ' • ttil 1 0Sh 17 TUX 1331131 forms (4!amerN CelebrVed. TR' very best an 4 latest improved machine in use, fop pale et Oa COMING STORE pt ,FACOitS & in Obambersburg street, Gettysburg, where you can hmy the best and cheapest Cloths, Cissitveres and Vestings, and every variety of goods in the line tf .- M3N AND BOYS WEAR. You can have them cat out and made up in the very best style if you wish, at moderap prices, and vigoqt anylisk whatever. 060. JAepliS pp, August 20, 18C6. Removal ! THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT 174LLERY. JE onders)gned takes pleasure in antiuuq cing to thp citizens of Gettysburg and die public generally tbitt he has removed from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly opposite the store of Fahe estock Brotliers, The room he now occupies has been recently ;MA up expressly for his business. The location is an admirable one, enabling him to take pictures in all shades of weather, a;4 with a correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIKE PFIOTOGRAPITS, of every size And descrltdori, executed in tile pest style. Bariictilarattention given to the ARTE DE VISITS, and to copying AMBRO TYPES and DAGUERREOTYPES ot deceased Irtends. A ko— TIIE GETTYSBURG GEMS, * new style of picture, which has become very popular with ' , the public, not only fur their beauty, but for cheapness' and convenience.— Sl4TbdiN for ONE DOLLAR only. 4.150 THE PORCELAIN PICTURES, which fur their beauty and durability are unsurpassed. We are prepared to carry on the business in all its various branches, and having bad con siderable experience we run no risk In 9U4 IMYTOISO . PRRFECT S.I77SFAC- El= Pur facilities fora full display of qiir skill are unequalled by airy oth.•r Gallery In tl.e County., and we would therefore invite every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SETLIGHT GALLERY. Cali and examinp oar Specimens and judge far yourselves. LEVI 11011PEtt. June 2.', Igt3G. r - 1 sPrr5 Prr vii WS ivnnt .... v. Agents evcryihere to sell our eminlqyrm S2Q Sewing 11 4:' , hines•-7 Three new \kinds. 'Under and upper feed.— Seat citi tri tl. Warr.inted five years. Above sulary or 1at....E. e.ommissions paid. The ONLY mueltioes sold ' in the United States for less than .5.17 ; which are folly Greased by hose, Ineeler f liCha t, l'iroolr 4. a iker, Singer 4. 0,. , aid llockelJoo. All other cheap Rachines are infringements, and the seller or user aro liable to arre.ildiae owl impriaonOtent. Illustrated eir pulara sent tare. A direis, or call upon Shaw 4 Cl irk, nt Iliddeflrr 1, .ILiiue, or Chicago, 111. 114 y 111, ISUG. lily New 1 4wwiller T"'mid\ rsigned IL is opened a LUMBERY.ti,ItU, yARD, on, the Railroad, near Gninn St Reilly's Lime Kilns, Gettysburg, and Asks the Publio to give hint a t all. Ilie assortment is one of the hest ever offered Item, and ces alfor.l o f & the smallest living profit. Ile has WHITS I;INR PLANE', melt and It Of inch BoArtos, FLookiso, PALINGS, kc., and is constantly adding to his stook. Come and examine for yourselves. JAMB SHEARS. 0ct.:0,_1816. tf A (Ritter) Aeroftllo_, REsrE,TFITLI.Y Dedietted to the Propri. etor of the great Zing:re', by a late Dys peptic. r nwae.renbt the 3:..ram1.1x of Egypt lie came, Reston an; the styli. and healing the tone; A cure for the elnifera, that dn•ad rut disease; Heaven sent hint tat eart titrdespoptie esuo. There are those who Arco, troubled With fever and chills, Wen llwy took but one bottle and were tarred of their ills, Resol vtst I hat In future. it ever they shake, Such pleasant, nice hit tern—no other they tole, net alsdtie If mittlit,l will; iterlalitxt debility ; It: liter say+ it will cure; Just try Its ability. Essmice of lite, then, tovirung au I to oil ; - 1 eet utin preventive tonit enuglat aral colds. Try it al I, •vil ) are troubled with a weak ttppeti tn. 7, ,, 5t is given IN Ilu sec lilt teral. if only used right; In asrottila, colic. or a bad rriiirt, Nolte who've t tied Ito( either have any mope fray, treat tidings this, then, for rich and for poor' A bottle eau be haft for a dollar nand more— Rotifer 'dwelt it to throw unable to pay). In nu case of sick ss will he turn them away, UItEAT WEIAT Tint ZMIAltt BMX!! HAVX We publish the following for the benefit. of the afflic.ed everywhere : ••[ suffered for n long lime of Dyspepsia, Nowt D.sease, and freqni ne attacks of Liver Complaint. Often' the sufferings were so great that life was almost intolerable. I tried several em•uent physicians, and moat of the popular reniedies recommended for such com plaints, but found little relief until a few weeks ago I commenced the use of F. ftahl'er's Great Zingeri Bitters, and am now perfectly cured."• HENRY HULL IlarilAurg City, Pa., Sept. 8, 1864 Personally appeared the nhore named ileary hull, nod Glade to due farm !Lae the facts are true as above Mated. A. C. SM I flf; Notary Fqblie. Mar For sale by G. F. Kalbtleiseli and W J. Martin. Getipbarg. Nny. 12, 18(16. lowireztoe D. Dietz W WiIOLISSALS DEALERS IN NANCY GOODS,' NOTIONS, HOSIERY and VARIETIES, 508 Wes( Battininre Betwren thoward fi,:Librrcv Str•etn, Uty 7, /80t;. - )3 iltia,ore, Md. Male Crying! AAftON CHHONISTitit,: of Hampton, Ad. . um, county, will attend to the CRYING OF SALM in the most satiaf.tctory manner, and on reasonable terms. lle asks a share of public patronage, and is convinced thkt he wilt pe able io please all who may employ him. Hampton, Sept. 17. 18543. 2m* Kerarrge at GM glover. TEA AND COFFEE BOILERS, GLUE POTS, OIL CANS, &c., &c. ± _ ler Alt the Cooking fora Gm arily may be done, with K. ro-"ii..411 Atiersene Oil, or Gas, with leartsill ver trouble, and at lea es peure,•"4ll zegirthan by any other fuel. Eap4 Article;ritetured by this COMpstoy is gyarrotted to perform All that is elaimeil for it. .3)••Send for Circular-lie • koherat Dimwit to the trade. 4S4ll2lilqlC LAMP HEATER. CO., 200 Pearl .greet, N. Y. 401, 1 116 8 . 1 Coal and Lumber, OF every variety, at the Yard of C. IL BUEHLER, r 94. I Q. Cor. Carlisle and Railroad nark 11/Vited, reghseriber will pay FIVE DOLLARS pq CORD for BLACK OAK BARK, de- Itreped gt die Tannery, in Gettysburg. 4CILIN &UPP. Jriug 18, 1566. 11. IL BONDS. IBS Rind National Bank of Oettystinrg will cash -6.20 and 10-4 Q U. Eitt Bonds; 7 : 30 and Compound Lutenist lifotee. (mow Amos..o,oAler• Oct. 6, 1866. If f§IIGAII "CUERO ITAXB.Lii supply jolt received: A' prime tittle d (ot sate . 1 1 ). . 1 1 §T I LiCP I 9VSE4 4 `4l4Ar4lir! e4II%MIITRAtISMA2 C;7pANY.jnollf4soi4lllosl. .O.IrICIIii. President--George Swope. Vice President--damael It. Rnsiell. tiecretary—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—E. 0. Fahnestock. precntive Committee—Robert UaCurdy drew bleintzelrnan, Jacob King. , MANACIIIRS.—Ueorge Swope, D. A. Buehler, R. 11cOurdy, 3f. Eichelberger, S. R. Russell, QQ Pshnestock, A. D. Buehler, R. G. McCreary, GOttylbarg; Jacob King, Straintn township; A. Ileipt7elttian, Fraklin ; Wm. D. Hitort, New OxioAlf Waif . lit: 1 .1 9 11.4 P, Sendersville; H. A. Picking, Straban township; John with lard, Latlmore township •, John Picking, Ki f d, Berlin. Abel T. Wright, fientlepville Abitet F. Gitt, New Oxford ; Jas. Marshall, Ibiz a litainban township; John Cunalpglinui, Free dog towihihip ; John Horner, Moifiltjoy town s ship; Win. Ross White, Liberty 13w:14;1p. ofaitThis Company is limited le its opera, ' Lions to the county of Adams. It has been is operation for mare than f; years, and in th.i% •period has made but one asseismeni, !luring papa losses by bra clueing thaf period amount lats. to $12,088—56,169 of whip); have bees paid during the last two years, Any persoif desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the aboyc named Mftnagers fqr farther informal barna Executive Cammittee meets at tills 'Mae of the Campany, on the last Wed ness day Ig avec:) , month, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Oct. 16, 1865. U fireqs 4ttostololl AT BRINK ERFIQFIPH Cif 14:4P CI LOTHINq AND FURNISHING STOW?, at the Nortls A T Corner of the Diamond. The subscriber Hconstautly in receipt of Crest: goods from the istern cities. His stock of REA D Y4A Cf e tOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive, ag well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most f+shionable styles, and of Op best materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and boys.-, Gentlemen's furnishing goods of every•descrip, Con, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino,, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery of every description Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand, kerchiefs, Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen 4nd Paper Collars, Wits, flips, Boots and Shoes. brellas, Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bags, Clothes and shoe !trellises, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blacking, Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strins, Soaps and Perfumeries, Stationery of all kit' 11, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tohne, co, Pipes, an extra quality of Seger's. In fact, his stock embraces everything usually found in a first class furbishing store. I invi.e the attention of all to come and see fur themselves, as I am determined to sell goods lower than any otherestablishment in the country. Don't forget the place. Corner of York street amid the Diamond. JACOB 1411/NlifiltllONV. July j , 1864. Niftily FIRM. 'AT TUE 01 1 1.) [sarrkwaseen 11 1817 ] I have totmei.tted with ma, In business, nil son, John F. Slptlreary, under the firm and sqle of 11. I 'A/teary 4 Son, and I desire to say to my old friends and the public generally thst 6iriue the war, the manufacture of Saddles, Humes', Collars, (cc., has been revived at the old established and well known stand ea Bal timore street, one square south 4t the Omit, House, Gettyeburg, BA. flaring hail nn experience of 10 jeers In • this establishment, I reel nesnred, that, with !renewed attentiun to bueineee, tee can still further merit and receive a foil minor of pun. ' lic patronage. DAM Ift,CREARY. 1 MO increased fneitit:es for condartinz our, tonnes?, we are better prepare,' then erer.toi satisfy the wants (41111 thole who way newt anything in our We especially call the attention ot Fanners and others to the euperioo ,qu.iltty of our haiq or Quitted Sent Side Leathers. Horn Saddles, dimness, all kinds, Vrid plain or Quilted Beau or withontfaitanings no Horn,' 'Sousing". • Pall qv Quilted Sent'Scotph Collave(leatittri Stye Saddles, ..'1 11141100 plain of Fancy Saddle i No Seim Collars, Clothe Best Welt Ilaruess Col- Wagon Clothe, lays, I}i ns lividles, ql all, Patent Leather Collars, kinds, fair or Wank,' stitched or untaritehe.t rounded or tint, IlArst Leather Wagon Whips, 4, 41 and ; Carriage llnrnese, nil feet styles, silver or Week ' Platted Team Whips, mounted. 'Trotting Whips. Heavy draft Harness, Blind Ili idles, Whip Labels, Girths, Morse Blankets, Orppets, lie.( 40. In sipari, ov.erything that pertains to aunt cl.tss freoprol horse furnishing establishment ocinsirmtly 4q hand or made i.e order promptly, of the .very host mitapial, cud by the mist es porienced workmen in the , country, two hav-. log worked in this er,tat t lialtutent for the Istai thirty years.) • We are now manufacturing eq eicelltut lot, of lii.svy Dra't and U terms ‘h i llare fur those who prefer our owq to city made wprk. Itepaiaing of all kin Is ituqe at shlort -notice and on ea termahla team*. All are cordially incited tq nap an d e xami ne for Otemaeires, at qur work cannot Jail tq reootttelend D. IigCRgARY * SON Feb. 4, Plait tt Glottynlnirg Foundry. rpHil sublerilter would inform Itiseostomers I and others,,thet he Is still mannfacturiug various kinds of Outings anti Machines : made to order, on short notice, PIO u TllllE3iigl4S AND POWERS, (are different sizus of •Suwerr,) Clover-esti Hollers and Cleaners, Ourn shollers and Sue-. anttors, Cornfodder Cutters. Straw and llsf— Cutters P I. 0 17 1.3. 11 3 , such AS Clq Ploughs. B,trsitear Ploughe r Sidei hill and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE-SPCINCI HORSE RAKE, the latest inaproreuseut ; also Metal Screws fur Cider PresseA, Ifi3ON RAILING for Cemeteries or Porches, with everything else in his line, all at low prices. FO it SAL, N.—.l light Two-horse Wagon, my One-horse Wagon, and a Spring W4gon, all -DAVID 8T8IINI;ii En April 30, 1868. tf Fre%b Arrival. ATS, CAPS, HOOTS is SHOES. 00BEAN fit CO. tare received and opened another Spiraiditi assortment of BATS, CAPS, BOOTS anti SHOES, for Summat sveer, Which they AN selling at very low pslnes ocinsi.lpring the limed. The latest styles of Sommer Hats and Cape, of every description and price. Hoots and Shoes, ar superior make, and? warranted to 6i, alltra:l on band, Work made to order and repairing done on short rm.. tice, by experienced workmen, Also, 11.11tNESS .31A411(1, carried on in all its branches. Persons wicti log anythinir in this line wotild do well totall y ger Don't forget the old start) In Chmu hers burg street, if you want Heigaitte, Di:MEAN 4 CfIAWPOED. June 19, 1964. Sadd r 1E undersigned bas commenced She SAD, DLA and f14RN498-1111Elkil busineas, on the 0111,1tfRattlrqctre street;lntb•buildini formerly unnupirtS by D, Sgeeney as a Chair maker's shop, up-stairs, where he risks than Wanting anything in hia line to 441. Work dune In the best manner, and priges [Moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED &tabor& eotlce. A lot of new Saddle, and Barnes, ou band. pOWE. gettystorg, June 25, 1866. 3i „ • -- weaterml paid, • Tv.vmr, rbai,,,.°l: 1;14411Zr:5; or more FARMS in this conney. The land' are well lqeated, and very deeipibielfr tarot in. ROI erpliwion esired. 40OP SIM3RBAROFF. GettriMPli 44Pril 8, 1885. a QuszotrAsi‘ • isvssolvidefois RU? liv PO 1:7 nortifrpot• prate <lf Op iptl4%