Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, January 21, 1867, Image 3
ijoblirgle Ire ibuidebia liesme" of Zhao* die 'girl,. from Cod& - "kb beed riot 100. Dr Tobias' Vanities'. Horse as wilt positively ewe every ones, I/gives iorbeia stmt taken. The cost Ss only one dollar. Hien: oghter of a bbasestioel4 haveabottle to his 1/4811 4 rOmblr for Wee. LI ht warranted superior to =lt else for the ware of Cote, Wind Galls, X Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises. Old Nada, rsu Luticaeot is no new remedy. IL be* used sad approved of for 19 yearn by the amok 1 4011001611 in the country. Given to en over sides* boanre„ it outs like magic. Orders aro coo l/40W ',solved front tke racing stables of Fiug land florrA. The ft/eh:Wed Hiram Woodruff, of i n* im Ag bas used It for years, and says it Is fistr JO ear other he has tried. Hieind ly permits me ,to refer to hint. His address is Boa Xekr York, Long Island. Iteeolleet, Dr. To bias. Velettlett Horse Lluiment Is put up in pint bottles. Take no other. Sold by the Druggigts wed XasitUers, Depot, b 0 Courilandt Street, New Veit. (Jan. 7,1897. 7W Fiii BEI ; Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ' , rug TITS RAPID CURE. or telphiltis,l Colds, hiltuenst, Hoarseness. Croup. amilikius. Incipient tionsutnption.atid for the ?We! of of Constimptive Patients in advanced - Magni of the disease. i . - 44 e wide Is the field of its userniness and so nu assrouse are the cases of its cures, that almost eve tylsestion of country abounds in persons public- Jy.khasco, who have been restored from alarming sad Orbs desperate dim:axes of the lungs by its' use. Wben ones tried, its superiority over every , other oli.pectoraut is too apparent to escape oh. ;serration, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesna.te what antidote to em. is' foir the distressing and dangerous affections Alf Ine inillniontiry organs that ure.incident to our cite/ate. While many Interior rancittes thrust upon the community have fallen nuil been Ms- (nutted. this has Rallied friends by every trial, sonterfed hen, tits on the uillicted they can never forget, and pr.aitlead eurLa too outlier( us and too remarkable to be forgotten. 1 We can oitlY assure the public, that Its quality is eon/fully kept up to the best it ever has been I , ;Id that it May ba relied on to do fin their ri.lief I that it has ever done. . °rest nuts berm of Clergymen, Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personages, have lent Shelr willies to certify the unparalleled useful gees of our remedies, but space [sere will not per.. *it the insertion of them. The Agents below Isslued furnish gratis our American Alnianae in bleb they aro given, with also full descriptions 1 the own plaints they cure. Those who require an ALTERATIVE KEDfartg io Dustily the blood will find AYER'S COMP, EXT. , friAggAPARILLA the remedy to Use. Try it ones, pad Saul will know Its value. Pretstred by J. C. AYE It 00., Lowell. Sala, And solo) by A. D. Ltusiitsn, Gettysburg, i's. Jett 7, 1857. tin No Brandy. ,ipf3. Plan questions demand plain anewera. ighouid --tile Ad Static Citurra prevail among us, why prescribe itadway's Ready Relief In pr. ft r. nee to other prescriptions? hiroply, lo+mte.e It Is en as telionme, nn invigora nt." a preventive against the sonninrin, and contains no brut ly, rh utiarh, op/am, esdornel, nor deleterious dru . It is a vegetable lonlr and the instantaneous ,peration of the Re lief render it the most valuable of ail known reline:lilies for all rnalurious diseases which Mid *anti' strike at the main channels oft itul ttetlott. Opeoteet the system, thirty drops of the Relief In a Wine-Ones or water, three times a day, will 'peeve Om In thous:tit Is of coo-a in 1049) a reliable it r e erzug‘ e •e it, l w i e acute diseases like I/lpph- Ad *Rh Neuralgia, one of the most agonizing .eomplints known, can depend upon its etlteaey when Used as an external eounterdrritant, and an internal stimulant. For Cramps, elan for Headache,_ ithetonutism, Adna in the Legs, Feet, Joints, If applied over the part or party, will afford Immediate relief. No family "'hot 1,1 he without It. It never falls to effect co llet. and a porn - mm.of ore. Druggiste. l'riee 50 cents per bottle. Jen. 14,18117. 2w Important Qualities rtaANDPIZTIVei ao stimulate all the innerfor powers of the systeiu that ever! po4 en or Impurity le lamed from the I4ood into the 'bowels, and thus pusses off. Pteeent eases of ?sickness will often he cured by the erect of fl or 3 .11n1rwiteth'a rills, which, when the operation 1e All and complete, leave the blood as free frprn paisamous and unhealthy mutter as thetas new issra Irene. In colds, inthunmatory diseaaes, and train In Cholera, their ilea restores to health soon er than all other remedies, beeauso they take Owen the blood and bowels those mutters upon ?winch pains. erainim, Bud aches depend for eon— tionenre. Ltaptain Ignite Smith, of Sing Ring, Kays, thirty itrand.retlt'a Pills, taken &counting tu diree mos., fwred ww or p vary severe WM1411411 strap g itteT fitthOr AP-law had fail,d, And he whaugi athi ti!mtertwas friends totttow tbo fact. aratt4rot4 Pn/m, BrandreLb fintike,-117e. York. Sold also by *IL Druggists. Oeirt Ivy game kw Government &LAWN without, fleAleb t,11y11,14 rhrg spvrtuos. cc, ; ll,l=. hen N. ttRANDILETEL The Read of ii Comet. Ae~+k}ll4t In Si fltoo, is renderil tem hdd more yettti?le¢y fix v/IORRIDIIAIR," and there ere tlaauntude of th.ry bornsiti beads attach might be ruudered (*health:lg by simply ortianglng their tlot b n uteliow brims, at* per. fef tly guttural Week, with ChIRISTA.I3OIIO44 luta Dr F,,, iszidieulous to carry Into society a grey, sandy tolt ClirrOtty head, whoa Ave minutes would ren oc4ir it sa alerattire as Nature could bare made It ete leer boxppleat Manufactured by tefiltlealtlx),lti), 6 Actor Houm , ,NPW York. Bold Druggiats. Applied by all !Lair Tlemcen., Deb al t . 00, 1.14 Os. 6011.3311CFC'Ei PILLS. EVBSTITUTE FOR CALONEL. Oise Pim a= oonip.oed of earions"roca& having the Ower to rear the secretion,. of the User se y-ourptly end giletnallY a b'uo. ell or moreerr, and wither& prothteing mom d,..,grosole w isueroar elkiri which taco otl the use of the latter. la WI billow disordeo. th-sePUla may be need with eon& illecee, to they jirotoo.b the discharge of villeted Dik, and roams those obetrucions from the Uver sod binary dusita, arida arse the cans: of bilious affections In sena*, icIMEMVN's It&N"l. ttii '114..0 cure hick itud 111 disorde re of the t.trcr, to i.ood railer' skin, eoaled loupe, eralvoucna, drowsiness, and a tenant feeling of War Iglista4 and lamitud..,.h. 'tag that the liver is le a kieja4 at iatitruited road-Lon. 1 ' Lisbon, these Pills mar to need with &detritus bah r mama hea a paleadve w alterative medicine s reluired, I Swim ode for Dr, Schenck'. Mandrake pilaw and thel the tore Itheneams pf the thsetor an ea the Goistrualeat Marup—one when In the lost step of 11144 matufttlob, outtl tbo other In his aresent elot4 by all Drlntglate atid dealers. Prom 15 coots sew hog. rriattpal °Mee, 110, Is North otb direct, P nit Pa.. Benoist WhilhesWe Ariztoi: bema. itsradu.k Cet, St Park Wye, New York: $. 8, Haute led Beitunons Dant ', tam, 'ld,: Joan D. Park, N. S. ear, of Fourth and WM ' pat it., C.neninied, Ohio: Walker de Tasks., 550 and Isd Wakarb imam. Cblatgo, MI. Cala. .router,, aqua) wag sailor at S.w9ad Vibe 54 , 1„ at. 1,06., lab idth w. t L Mo.. yr Ire Consumptive*, ' ------- ------ Tha w i r , r ib wr. hav i„ g born " we d to hos i t h P RICES at the Excelsior cannot be under in • env Week.* bi a very simple remedy, after . . .L - rated while the quality and style of PlO- lesielug stuttered fur several years with a severe IL ggs viibnot be surpassed. Call and ex lung affection. and that dread disease, Consuitt p- ; , C. J. TYSON. tioo—is anxious to make known to his fellow- • ' ,130 ggrnrs the means (-drupe, --•------------- -- - ffe TOP A/ Who desire lt, he will send a eivy or the lif exleeleut astot talent of Flannels, Mug procrietort usod tfree of charge ,) with the direc-: Is.. lies, Linens, Balmoral and filoop Skirts, Mats r preparing and using the same, which t be had at _ J. L. SVIIICK'ai. they will rind a St'ltlC t.'l!alt SOU COMSCUPTiOtryJ _ _.... ._ AISTIMA.. linometirri , ,, (2ouutts. COLDS, and ail .. -- Throat and Laing Affeettons, The only object of 1141 my abeenee , there be a thor she advertiser in sending the Prevription is to oughly competent operator in charge of baned"heallikted ' an ' lBl""4lur"rl""°n which the gicelisor Gallery, and work of all kinds he ooneelves to be invalu.,hle, and he hopesevery miorer will try his remedy. as ft will exalt them ' and under all circumstances must give satis pottilog, and mAy prove a IJIMMIIIIr, I faction before it can leave our Rooms. Parties wishing the preeerlption rags by rettant - C. J. TYSON. mall, will please address Rev. Eow.i.R.c) A. Wfrso.N. Williamsburg. Kings co., Now York. - Km , . 5. 1886. Iy Wonderful but Tinsel %DAME REMINGTON, the world renowned Astrologist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, - white in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very leotards of the person you are w murry, and by the aid of On instrument of intense power, known lot the PsYchotrittrope, guarantees to produce a peellset ati.l lifelike picture of the future husband itilitife of the applicant, with date of marriage, surstapetkul,_ /eliding traits of character, he. This lane Iroptuation, as testimonials without number ego eseert, By stating place of birth, age, disposi tiliest,bolOr of eyes suit hair, and enclosing Arty, mots, and stamped envelope addressed to your. pERSOYS wishing PHOTOGRAPHS of *elf, you wahrecelve the picture by return runt', , their children will find ft to Weir advan together with desired information, Address in_ool4tiel:SCe, MADAILE GERTIMDZ tag! to ca l l 411 the E ie r it i°l%. INOTOS,V, 0. Box ZB, West Troy, N. 'Y. C. J. TYSON, Gettysburg, Pa. Tpt if, leek ant N order to prove the assertions made is lossibtent. Illhoodnein and Catarrh. favor of procuring PHOTOGRAPHS at the ...geastAed with the utmost encomia, by Dr, J. „neloior Gallery, call and sit for your thAA94. Oculist and Aurett, (formerly of Leyden. ..wi d giand,) No Mu PiNEStreet.Phitedelphts. Toe- PICTURE. No charge will be made unless uitanonisle from the must reliable sources in the you are pleased with the result and choose to rea Oonotry can be seen at his °Moe. The leave your order. C. I. TYSe)?f. leaf fiscally are invited to soeompeny their te, ea be nes no secrete in tthi pracaaoe. Ar. JUET THE THING.—If you have chapped area itiseeted, without path No charge' hands, lips or rough akin, use the OLIEN xwaille,toy examination. thing at by Dr. R. BURNER. It. it j ust tue - 4 e 114pf.41,4804 1Y at this season of the year. • G 0 to Tyson ' s Excelsior Gallery for your PICTURES, if you want the full worth of your money and a litt;o1 more. W E have just received a sew assortment oCQbeessware r to which we invite the attention 04 buyers. A. fIaDOTT it SOLI, . .Ittesamme„ bast 'tree. VICELBIOB. is oar motto ;to please all Ilvearymout,ledy.mldgetitlencum in.the United .1.!4 Oar 44 , ; and to Tudor totiohmtiont in alo e s twa bear something very much to their id. every jasmine, our determination. • ,by , This by ad. C. J. TYSON Gettysburg, Va. . r „ 1 allus,.. rig . thisTlVAßCAlifil—l•larimaiwtroPPl of ever "194450 W 7 M-P lt richr ._ Flom 'VI* oftd Pries—just copepod at Broadmay„lL t • Noirriaire sad Calls/sm. AN Off WARIVERG AND INSTRUC, set 1,0 YOUNG ME/Ir. Also. Dissases sod. . whit* penrtanently prostrate the vital 'yids sore stems of tenet. Beat tree of La nodded enitslcr e. Addxesa, Dr. J. • elt • H2OVGIITOII. otrardAtesostatiott, .hhcpa, [ t o NIL toetref w mi Dr i lP•111ri Nat. Sd -of FRIIRUART - ( 4 10 7 ,ky nest, IA rotimiumoi as Order of the orphans' tioattillit Me.. eoaaty. v iranted to the undecitigtaik will -be offered at Public Sale, on the prelethies, Ilse RealEetate of Peter Baker, derv* ad, consisting of A FARM, eilusAe •partly In liamiltonhan township, Adonis county, sad ?linty in Frank lie county, Pa, adjoining lends of Lazarus Baker, Walter Wagansaa, George Douse, Hen ry CaufmAn, John Caufman and Leonard Cant. man, contalaing . 3o.o Acres, more or less, im proved with a One arta a Halt Story LOG HOUSE, Log Bank Barn Spring House, ice. A fair pro portion of the tract is well tim bered. girSale to ccmmence at I o'clock, P. IL, on said day, when attendaneso will be given and terms made known by DANIEL BALDWIN. Jan. 21, 1867. ti Important Notice. ALL persons haring chime for damages who could not knead on the 12th inst., to contribute their share towards bearing ex penses of prosecuting the claims, Iran do so at any time soon, by calling upon J. S. CRAW- Yalta, Treasurer of financial Committee, Get tysburg, Pa. By order of Jan. 21,1867 AT BURNER'S DRUG STORE yap GM assortmentalways find a goui assortment SUES, COUBS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, &c., dce. WHEATON'S ITCH OINTMENT at. Hot. ner's Drug Store. nIIRE HAKISG SODA, SPICES, k.e., can be had et lioruer'e Drag Store. ANYBODY can have so ft bands by using Dr. B. Horner's OLIEN. Latest Fashions DBY AND J. W. BRADLEY ' S CELERRA. TED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR UUUBLR SPRING) SKIRT Tut wolostta6 rtsztsfuTY tad great cou rtier and rtaastran to any lady wearing the Du- PLR' ELLIPTIC SKIRT will be estatrienced partic alarlyin allcrow . drd Avembhes,Operas,Carria ges, it, tilroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress, as-the Skirt can be tolled when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Drees. an invaluable quality in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the PLICARCRV., COM PORT, and greet convastsfice of wearing the DUPLICI ELLIPTIC STRIIL SPRING SKIRT fur a single day. will never afterwards wilingly dis pense with 'their are. Fur Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will prrsezve their I•etfect and gracrtnl shape iirliett three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with double and twist. ed thread, and the bottom rode are not only double optillfiri, but twice (or double) covered, preventing them from wearing out when drag ging down steps, Stairs, lc. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all lathes and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the STANDARD SE:litT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advanta ges in Crinoline, wiz: supeiior quality, perfect )utinufacture, stylish shape, finish, tiexib,ility, duraiiility, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W. Bradley's Dupler.Elliptic„ or Double Spring Skirt., and be sure you get the genuine CA UTION.—To gusted against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE the skirts offered us "DUPLEX!' have the red ink stamp, viz: "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will ailtnit a pin being passed through the centre, thus reveal "inn the two (or double) springs braided togeth er therein, which is the secret of their tlexiba ity cad strength, end a contbivatiou not to be found in soy other *fort. FOR SALE in all Stores ichere FIRST CLASS skirts arc told throughout the Uuited States and elsewhere. fisnutectured by the Sole Owners of the Pateu4 WSSTS, BRADLEY ICRY, 97 ,Chambers t 791 81 Recede Ste., N. Y. 7en. 21, 18.1.. 3m ♦ Card. ; AVIXG disposed of the Excelsior Gal lery to C. J. Tyson, I take this oppor unity to thank those who, during my short residence in Gettystoirg, have favored me with their putronti,ge; and also to recom mend Messrs. I. 0. stud C. .1. Tyson to the confidence of the pubic, as I bare in all their dealings with me found them to be upright and honorable men. D. S. BOYD. Dee. 24, 186 g. 3m r HAVE gone over the entire stock of AL -1.13121MS and FRAMES, at the Exeeleior tvillery, aOd marked them down to within a fraction of coat. Now is your time for bar , gains. • - C. I. TYSON. Card. IfcCONACGIIY, during the session of the Senate, will attend to his office on e 'aturdays, and has also made such arrange ments that his clients and their business will at all times receive prompt attention. Jan. 7, ISO. ate - ; •, ' Sittigles. PRIME SEI . I.4aLF.S, the best in the market, forsaltatJACOß 811EAUS'S new Lout er Yard, on the Railroad, adjoining the Lime Kilns. 9ettysburg. Nor. 26, then. tf I\T UNE but first rate PICTURES are allowed IA to be t then from the Excelsior Gallup Simples shown before the order is flied. C. 4. TYSON'. Pine iliiingies. ALARGE lot of Piae Shingles from $6.50, W $l5 per 10011; fur sale at the Lumber yard bf _ U. BUEHLER. Oct. 22, 18436. CONSTANTLY on band, an assortment of FINE FRAMES, PUOTOGRAPII AL BUMS, Cards and Baskets for grasses from the Battle Field. PUOTOGRAT&LS of our Generals and other distinguished individuals at the Excelsior Gallery. C. J. TYSON. GRAIN AND GROCRRIFIS.--The highest market price paid for Grain and all kinds of Produce. Groceries, Fertilisers, ac., eon 'tautly On hand for sale at the Warehouse of Actg. IT, 1866. CULP 1 EARNSLIA W. Tess 1 Waal - SAB FOR THS PBUPLN. Moro Hooresoes Profits for Couuiaeril to pay. UT Leg:" O os i di r r:t r Pound Bsred porters. T. Y. Kelley & Co., importers of Teas, in connection with their large wholesale busi ness, hare determined to introduce their Teas directly to consumers at importers' prlum, thus affecting a saving to the consumer of 40 to GO per cent. Fatuities can now club to testier for any kind or qualities of Tess, in packages of one pound and upwards, and we will send them a superior *Aide of Tea at 5 per cent. above the cost of importation. Let some energetic lady or other person in each neighborhood cal: upon her acquaintances and take -their orders for any of the following , named Teas, and when a club of ten, twenty, 1 or more is obtained, send to us and we will send the Tear put up in separate packages, with the name of each person marked on it, all enclosed In one box. As a farther seduce scent to the person getting up the club we wilt send for his or her services, an extra compli mentary package on all orders of $3O and up ward. It is perhaps not well understood why we can sell Tel.. so very low ; Lot when it is taken into crusideration that besides the orig ' WO cost of importation, the Broker, Specula 'tor, Jobber, Wholesale Dealer and Retailer, has each to reap a large profit, and the innu merable Cottages, Cooperages, Insurances, Btorages,kc., which Teas hare to pass through before they reach the consumer, will readily explain this. We propose to do away with seven-eighths of these profits and expenses, and It now remains with the people to say I whether they shall save 50 cent, to $1 00 per ,pound on every pound of Tea they purchase, , or be compelled to give their earnings to a Bost of useless go-bet wePels. COIIIIITTEE Ootoxo, (Black) 70, 80, 90, $1 00, $t 10, hest $1 25 per pound. &roust Bs AAAAA sr, (Black) 80, 90, $1 00, bent $1 25 per pound. YOU3CI limos, (Green) 85. 93, $1 03, extra $t 25, superior $1 50 per pound. Miran, (Green and Black) 70, 80, 90, but $1 00 per pound. , luntaikb, (Green) $l3O, hest per pound. JAPAN, $t 00, $I 10, $1 25, beet, per pound. Guarorroza, (Green) $1 30, beet $1 80 per pound. COFFEE DEPARTMENT. We have lately added a Coffee Department to cnr establishment, and 41though we cannot promise the consumer as great a saving at we can on Teas, (the margin for profit on Coffees being very small,) yet we can sell Coffees fully 25 per cent. cheaper than retailers charge. Our Coffees come direct from the Custom House, and we roast and grind them periectly pure, put up in 1 or more pound packages, at en advance of 2 cents per pound. Our Wholesale Price— , Grounti Coffees— Pure Rio, 25, 30 cents per pound. Beet Old Government Java, 40 cents. Best Ceylon, 40 cents. SENDING MONET.—Parties sending or. ders for lees than $.30 for Tele or ()effect shou:d send with their order a P. 0. Draft or the money, to save the expense of collecting by Express. But large orders we will for. ward by Express and collect on delivery. We sh+ll be happy at all times to receive a call at our warehouse from persons visiting the city, whether dealers or not. T. Y. KELLEY & CO., tats Kelley 1 Vought, No. 50 Vain Street, New Yolk. Jan. 21, 1867. $l5 Personal Property AT PUBLIC SA L E.—On FRIDAY, the let day of MARCH nest, the subscriber, intending to quit farming, will sell Public Sale, at his residence, in Cumberland town ship, Adams county, four miles flout Gettys burg. and iuttnediately south of "Roan I Top, u the following Personal Property, via: ONE HORSE, 3 Cows, (all to be fresh about the time of sate,) 3 head of Young Cat tle, I Brood Sow and 4 Shoats, 1. heavy three horse Wagon, with a good Lime bed, 1 two horse Wagon, Winuowicg Mill, Cutting lios, Ploughs, Double Shovel Plough, Cultivator, Double and Single-trees, Hind and Frunt. Gears, with Collars, Bridles and Wagon Sad dle, 1 Riding Saddle and t Riding Bridles, Halters and Chains, Cow Chains, Crow-bars, Digging Irons, Mittock, Pick, Shovels, Forks, Rakes, Axes, Grain Cradle, Mowing Scythe, with other Fa rming Implements. Also, tiny C by the ton, Corn-Lilder by the bundle. Flax by the bundle ; with Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as k BEDSTEADS, Tables, Chairs, Bu reau', 1. ten-plate Stove and Pipe ; also, Po tatoes by the bushel, Apple-Butter by the crock, and a variety of other articles, too nu memos to mention. lirSsle to commence at 10 o'cloek, A. 14"; on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN KEEFAIIVER. RRUENN GOLDEN, Auctioneer. Jan. 14, 1416 T. to CHAMBERSBUSO BTRENT, GETTYS BURG, PA:—WM. h. BTELIS, Pro- Prtefor. This is a new Howie, fittei np in the most approved style. Its location is pleasant, cen tral and convenient. Every arrangement has ' been made for the a-rommodation and com fort of guests. The Table will always have the hest of the market, and the Bar the best of wines and liquors. There is commodious Stabling attached, with an accommodoting ostler al 'Or nye on hand. This Hotel is aow open for the entertain , tnent of the public, anti a share of patronage is solicited. No effort will be spared to render satisfaction. Jan. 14, 1867. tf ETTYSBURG FURGE. 13 . The subscribers respectfully inform the .uolle that they have erected a Forge in eor.- nectiou with their Steam Mill, *ad are now marnfacturing FORGED AND HAMMERED IRON, Guth as Plough, Norse-shoe and Bar Inn, and respectfully invite Blacksmiths and Dealers to give them a call, satisfied that they will be able to please as to quality, finish and price. BRINGMAN A *ARKIN. N. B.—The highest market price paid for wrought and scrap iron. B. A W. Dre. 17, 1666. 111117....81ickw ell & Co. have now 1867—ready their Revised Camlugue of Nevre 1861—pspers for 1867, containing all the 1867—principal Publications, for which they 1861—receive Subacriptiona at the Regular Rahn, 18G1—aud, on tnaLy of them, offer the ad van. 1867—tags of subscribing for 3 months. Send 1861—fora copy containing hilt details 01 our 1867—admirable system of operation. We 1861—refer to the Publisher of this paper. BLACKWELL k CO., Office, 8-2 Cedar Street, Box 4,298 P. 0., New York. Dee. 81, 1866. 3m Bedding. TUSTICR OF THIC PNACE, will be at his t y office, (at his residence,) in Cumberland tovraship, ou Tuesday and Friday of each week, to give his attention to Justice's busi ness. (Dec. 3, 1988. 4m IgNiealtural College OF PIiNNISYLFAINIA..—The• next Term of this Institutton, under its re-organisa tion, will commence on the 16th day of Jane axy, 1861'. For terms of admission- catalogues, ke., address JU IN FASER, Preset. Agrieultural College, Centre co., Ps, Jan. Y 7 1861. $2 DPHORN k HOFFMAN are receiving New W E are always glad to see our Merida at Goods every week from the eastern CI- i the Excelsior. It still stands in the ties. Do not fail to give them a call, on the same old place, on York street , opposite the northwest Comer of the likluare, Gettysburg, Bank, Gettysburg , Ps. C. J. TYSON. Pa. 't i _ (INN DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS will I Pay Up! V bay a pair of uico, flue, patent leather?FßE undersigned baring retired•from busi tipped BALMORAL STIOES, for ladies, at the ' i nese, he sake those indebted to make Store of H. B. WOODS. 4 payment with as little delay as possible. $9O vas wanted Such as do not settle before the first of Janis (Aar sir l a ni Th i er a tia., jolt out. ary next, will find their sc.contts in the bands A4dr ," 0. T. GAUP, City Buildieg, B i d . . of as officer for collection. ieford, Ma. [M JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE. ay 31, 1886. lily 1 ..,_ vettysbarg, Nor. 26, 1866. R. HORNMR'S FRAGRANT MYRRH pm. serves the Teeth, cares all dismiss of i RS Picture Frames. gumsil i i andlftrrifiee She breath. GRIAT variety of PICTU FRAMES, I6IIOOVRAN4RS'FORSALR, wholesale' with plain and convex glasses, for We , 'or MAI, at the Limber Yard of t at, orntr's Drag and Vari.tty Store. C. U. Irt/tittsalt r Jan 36 1866. , - . PRICE UST Keyntoseet House, ! posodry j It RENDER>STILLI AT PURIM HALR.— Oa TI11:13DAT; the 29th day etJANUAIITII TN ral°B° of suss, the subierfber will oilier at Public SAW on the premises, THR FOUNDRY IN BRNDRRNVILLS, Adams county, being a very desirable proper ; I T , complete in all Its parts, and located in a prosperous agricultural region. Timber is I - convenient *ad comparatively cheap, whilst metal is always to be had near at hand. The , front part of the building has four Anisbed rooms, calculated fora family. The Patterns ' and Maks will be sold with the Foundry. There is an unusually large variety of both, de signed for almost every article of useful ma chinery. This is a RARE CHANCE fur those desiring to go into the Foundry bustne-s. and the attention of all each is invited to the sale. At the Caine time and place, will be offered, either separately or in connection with the Foundry, ACRES OF WOODLAND, sit uated li miles northwee. of Bendersrille, ad joining lands of Jacob Bear, John Eppelman, Widow Louver and Henry Rice, and covered mainly with Red Oak and Chesnut Timber. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the undersigned, et Charles Myera's Hotel, in Bendersville. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on said day, when attendance wit! be given and terms made known by THEOPHILUS EPPELNIti. Jan. 14, 1867. is A. Small Property AT PUBLIC SALE --On FRIDAY, the 25th day of JANUARY, 1807, the nod •r -signed will offer at Public Sale, on the prem ises, in Tyrone township, Adams county, Pa., his VALUABLE PROPERTY, situate on the road leading trim Heidietsbarg to East Ber lin, about one mile from the former place, adjoining lands of William Spangler and oth ers, containing about 30 ACRES, more or less. The improvements are a one and a half story LOG HOUSE:, and 1111 a good Stable of large size, with - a never telling well of water at. the door. There is a first-rate garden, and the land is all in a high state of cultivation. There is about 2 acres of Timber, end a BAB cient qaantity of Meadow land. There is a va riety of fruit on the premises. The fences are in good order. The property is conveniently located to Markets, Schools, Churches, Stc.. and is one otthe moat desirable properties in the county. Persons wishing to view the property will call on the undersigned, residing thereon. Sale to commence at I o'clock, I'. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by GEORGE DAUGIIEitTY. Jan. 14,1867. is Great Conowago Mills. IMOO .1 1 3 ,N r. " 8 1 - 1 11 1. 1 :1 2r .k S T "I' N . V ANTED. The uudeisigned, h tying remod-teil and itu„,, proved his Mills, near New Chester, Adams county, (formerly called "Walnut. Grove," but now Great Conowauo Mills,") is prepAred to do all kinds of work in his line with unusual dispatch.' Constantly on band, fors tie or exzhange, the verb best qualities' of Supet, Extra and Family FLUCIL, also Rye, Curt an.l Buck wheat Flour, with every variety of Obop and ottii of "wheat. /laving a SAW HILL attached, he is pre. pared to saw all kinks of lumber, at the short est notice. A farmer in need of /umber and flour, can p..t a log upon his wagon, throw a few bustle's of wheat oa the t )p, hare the wheat exchanged for flour and the log sawed, thus saving a double trip—and all because of the new and perfect machinery now employed in these mills. Having the best of work Men, he will he able to please everybody. Thankful fur past favors, be hopes fora continuance of the = New Chester, Jan. 14, 1867. 3m• Quarterly Report Op the condition of the Fiat National Bank of Gettysburg, l'a., on the morning of the Fiat Monday of January, 1867 : Notes and Bille, $8:,072 88 Furniture and Filtur es, 700 00 Premiums, E coenses, etc., 1,852 53 Duo from Banks, '5,754 50 U. S. Bonds, 150,350 00 Cask, 45,677 32 LIABILITIES, Capital, Surplus fund, Circulation, Deposits, Due other Banks, Discounts, GEO. ARNOLD, Cashier Jan. 14, !Be. 3t Quarterly Report OF the Gettysburg National Bank, Gettys burg, January 7, 1n67: aNSOUNCES. Notes and Dilig Discounted, $108,417 11 U. S. Bonds deposited w secure circulation, 150,000 00 U. S. Bonds on hand, 20,000 e 0 Legal Tender Notes, 18,000 00 National Bank Notes, 16,600 80 Fractional Currency and cash items, 6,414 99 Due from Banks and. Baukers, 37,:55 83 Real Estate, 6,000 00 Bond* (personal) ' . 2 ; 470 43 LIABILITIES Capital 5t0ck,145,150 00 Deposits, 45,2 It) 14 Circulation, 180,500 06 Prufite, Interest and Dividends unpaid, • 20,036 21 State Circulation outstanding, 17,312 00 =,..:-.__...._---..._-_,-.-. -......: T. D. CARSON, Cashier. Jan. 14, 1867. 3t - -- The Patriot and Union. THE CENTRAL DEMOCRATIC ORGAN OF THE STATE.—The Weekly Patriot and im' is published every Thursday, by the Patriot and Union Printing and Publishing Asso ciation. It is a double sheet of eight pages, and contains forty-eight columns of matter, and made up of Literary, Agricultural, News and Miscellaneous selections, Reports of Con gressional and Legislative Proceedings, Polit ical Essays, Editorials, &c. THE TERMS: One copy, one year, cash, $2 50 One copy, six months, cash, 1 50 Ten copies, one year, and one to the getter up of Club, 20 00 Twenty copies, one year, and one to the c eat; up of Club, 35 00 The Dag!, Patriot and Union" will be furnished to mail subscribers for 1.7 00 per annum Iler Business letters should be 'addresed to the "Patriot and Union," Harrisburg, P. WM IL MILLER., Trustee. Nt'll. D. /30.4.5, Publisher. Office, corner Third Street and ,Strawberry Alley, Harrisburg, Pa. [Jan. 7,1867. 2,000 tons Say IATANTED.—Tbe Beater Ness Hay Com pany w ill pay Ile HIGHEST MARKET MICR for 11AY,deltrereit at their Ray Sheds, in Oxford, at P. Hann a Station, and,in Gettys burg. JERRMIAI - 1 DIEHL., Gettysburg, Oct. 22, 1866. 3m Agent. DRY GOODS, Oneonta, Ibmirere, ganamvan, AT J. C. EMMA A SON'S, NE W OXFORD, PA. We have just returned (tern the city, where we bought ■ very large awl well selected stock of all kinds of goods t suitable in our line, under Our stock consists in part of FRENCH MERINCES, FRENCH COBUURGS, Delames, Calicoes, Plaids, Bleached and Unbleached Muslin/; a large assortment of Black, Brown and Plaid all•wool Double SHAWLS, Balmo :al Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Moles, kc. MEN'S WEAR, consisting in part of Broad and Beaver Cloths, Black and Fancy Cassi meres, Cassinets, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Under-shins and Draweis, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Driving and Buckskin Gloves A complete assortment of GROCERIES, at low rates. HARDWARE, such as Tire Iron, Spring, Sheer, Blister and Cast Steele, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe Bar, Nail Rods, Hammered Iron, Nails, Spikes, Spovels and Forks, Door Locks, Pad Locke, Laiches, Hinges and Screws. Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Le. CHINA AND QUKENSWA RE, by the set. Thankful for past p.itroaage, we hope to merit the same in the future. J. C. EDUCE. k BON. New Oxford, Dec. 10, 1866. 3m - - - Inauguration OF -LOW PRIORS. J. L. SOIiICK incites theo attention of his friends and customers to his large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS Comprised in part cf • French 3lerinocs, • All Wool Poplins, All Wool Delnioes, All Wool Ylnids , \ Plain Poplins, Black and ?piney Silks, Tamise Clut e, Blank awe Colored Alpacas, Black Cloths aid Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, • Cassinets, Jeans, Flannels of all kinds, Gloves and Stockings. Alert, a fine lot of Ladies' FURS AND SUAWLB, as well as an abundant variety of Notions, all of which witl,be sold cheap for are cagh Dec. 17, lBnB Groceries, Notions, &e. UrNORGE H. SWOPE, 'laving purchased the 6ne GROCERY MSTARLIStIIIENT of James A. Grimes, on York Street, a few doors east of Wolf's Hotel, and having added largely to the already extensive assortment on hand, off •rs the public a variety of Goods in his line rarely, if ever Wore, kepi here. Ws SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, 310E.A.5-SES, SES, SYRUPS. &c., can't be beat, in quality or ; whilst his assortment of NOTIONS embrace; almost everything the public can possibly need. House-keepers and others should glee laraheall before but trig elsewhere, as lie is convinced that he has the hest stock in town, and that no oat can go away disap pointed. par The CABINET-MARINO business is con' lotted, liven its branches, at tit* old stand, a few dvon east of the Store. To ors f ts spared to pleaFe the putilie, as hcretofore..l Gettysburg, Nev. 6, letit.l. tf --- Tin 'Ware and Stores,. MEM subscriber respectfully informs the 1 public thus be still continues the business Of making ALL. KINDS OF GOOD TIN WARE, at the old stand. (formerly Andrew Polle)'s,) in York st•eet, Gettysburg, where he has the largest assortment of tin ware in the county, with many other articles for kitchen use, etc. ki, J. MYERS Also, COOKING srovm h N (NE-PLATE STOVES, qt the rery best kinds. . S. G. COOK. Mar. 12, 1965. tf LEWIS KUHTECLANT has recommenced the TALL,0113.19, business, in Chambers. burg street, between Washington and West streets, Gettysburg, and asks a share of the custom of the public, His long esperieuee to the business enab'es hint to guarantee goad fits 'and good work, whilst the latest fashions will be consulted in cutting whenever desired. No effort will be spared to render satisfaction, and be :eels sure thnt all who patronize him will oe satisfiod, His prices for work are as low as they can possibly be to afford him an economical living, and no one could in reason ask them to be any lees. He asks his old friends to give him a call, as well as the pub. lie generally: Nov. 12, 1860. Pall and Winter Goods.. • $789 417 24 *lOO,OOO 00 2,395 30 89,90 00 92,105 17 4,334 46 G 52 21 $289,417 24 ASCOTf *SONS have just received an . other fine assortment of NEW GOODS, conaistimr, in part, of Cloths, Cassimeres, C3ssi nets, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, for Gen tlemen's wear. Also, a hue Asportment of LADIES' DRESS GOOD?,. Our stock has been selected with great care, and we are prepared to sell as cheap as any other establishment in the crirary. We ask the public to give u; a call and judge for themselves. Call sad see u;. No trouble to show Goods. A. SCOTT & SUNS. Sept. 17, 1866. .M3l-MINTI"'S WANTED. /lA..reridM T7r LA SE "G MAC ES. tz 0 rim" L4eAtt. • Tay frirm figis WM • . Per Q. wish map, stile, 0 aim PA • • ROTFIELK t Agent', 0 4 Chestnut St, Phils., • . Er %mak tk., T•1441•,0. WANTED. D2c. 3, IE6, 3m $361,218,35 TORN Ii.II3ILING, ft/c 11 Cantata STREET, west side, a few doors from the Public Square Hetlykbarg, his 1 tld In an excellent assort ment of Shoes, aniters, kr., for lIEN, WOKEN AND CHILDREN, which he is offering at the very lowest mats. Haring Nought fur cash, at the latest redac tion, he is prepared - to offer great bargains. Boot and Shoe manufacturing carried oust the same place, and the best kind of work made. JOHN Si. REILINti. May 14, 1866. tf $361,218 35 Established in 0/43. H ENRY W. OVERMAN, UH MERCHANT No. 14 South Third Street, Philadelphia Igor Consignments solicited Dec. JO, 466. ix! Empire Shuttle ,i!iewing Machines ARE superior to all others or FAMILY AND 11ANDPApTIIRING PUR— POSES. Contain all the latest improretnents ; are speedy; noiseless; darnble ; and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars tree. Agents wanted. Liberal diseount allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., GM Brudwoy, New York, [Sept. 17, 1568. ly G 0 to DIIPHORN & HOFFMAN'S, to buy your Dry Goods, Notions, Queensware, kc., on the northwest Corner of Diamond, Gettysburg, Ps. By all means have your PHOTOGRAPHS made at. the Excelsior Gallery, if you desire them het feet. C. I. TYSON. GET your PHOTOGRATIL# at. TYSON'S. 4 SPLENDID assortment of Fan and Win ter Clothiugjust , received at PICKING'S. r ADIF.S wanting a good article of Perfu mery, Fancy Soap, or Hair Brushes, can be supplied at J. L. SCHICK'S. G ET your PHOTOGRAPHS at TYSO'S • 1 ;our PHOTOGRAPHS et N TYSON'S. LARGE VIEWS of the Battle Field, singly,' or in sets, very low. Also, STEREO. P ORCELAIN" PICTURES, at the Excelsior b ,A j yric VIEWS of t,}e Bat t le /Jam at the r" Gallery, are superb and furnished at one Excelsior Gallery. Don't fail to see them, third city prices. Call and examine sped. C. 1. TYSON. mess. C. J. TYSON. THE rash is for the Excelsior Gallery. All lt beat PHOTOGRAPHS undo in this are waited open in rotasicia and with die.county, are maiden* awEsostsier Gal/erz Pitch. C. 3. TYSON.. ettysbarg, opposite theßault. .1 THE LATE DECLINE J. L. SCIIICK. At the Old Business Shoes, Gaiters, &c. DEALER IS THE BEST tN,THE 88 VICTOR 801100 MILL. Over Five thousand of these Mills have been made and sold in the lest three - years. The beet recommendations can be given. Also—COOK'S EVAPORATOR, for making Sugar and liuhssses, to be the best in use. CORN CRUSHERS. Three different site: fur grinding Corn in the ear, n, shelled—or any other kind of grain. This is a mdch'ne that every farmer should have, as a ouhel of ground feed Is equal to bushel and a half uneround. The high price of feed of all kinds makes an imperative de. mand for some kind• of machinery by which to save. It is a rapid grinder and durable. BELLS FOR CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, FARM HOUSES, FOUNDRIES, &c. Maxie of the best steel composition. Cburcla Bella insured for one year. wil,LouGHßrs GUM SPRING DRILL, WITH CROWELL'S GUANO ATTACHMENT. 'lbis is considered one of the best Drills now in use. It will distribute any kind of grain evenly, and sow from one bushel up to three to the acre, The Guano Attachment has given entire satisfaction wherever used. It is so constructed as not to clog in sowing any kind of Phosphates or Bone Meal. Baring sold a number of these machines last season, I can tully recommend them to be what they are represented. Persons wishing to buy should make application early at the supply is small and the demand great. F. F. SVITIPS CAST STEEL PLOVOITS First, ft is the only Plough yet produced that wil Invariably scour in any soil. Second, It is now an established tact that It will last from three to six times longer than any other steel plough in use. Third, It draws lighter than any other Plough, cutting the same width and depth of harrow. The difforant pm.. 3 of the Plough are cast in moulds, into the ersct shape desired for the mould-boards, shares and land-sides, giving the parts most exposed to wear any desired thickness. The shares ems be sharpened by any blacksmith. The steel is perfectly male able and works kindly. Edge tools live been made out of pieces of the plough by black smiths all over the country. For sale by W3i. WIBLE, Agent, Aug. 27, 1866. Ncir Gettyshorg, Pa: Kissinger &Vilhireman, NO.° wEsT MARK YORK, PA., - ACINNTII AND DEALNAN iN PIANOS AND CABINET ORGANS, MELODEONS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to furnish Pianos of the following manufacture or of any other make that may be prefer; ed : Albright, Betkee & sehmhU, Chtekertrur & son, Bradbury. Knish* & Son, Gale & Soo, I=l COTTAGE, UARJION[C ASD BOUDOIR ORGANS AND MELODEONS These Instruments stand unrivalled by any thing fulled in this Country or in Europe, as is admitted by all impartial judges. The most eminent Pipe Organ Builders and Performers, the last to discover excellence in reed Tune, pronounce them vastly superior to all others for exceedingly qnick articulation and round Tune, the essential feature in instruments of this class. We invite the severe scrutiny and eriticism of all. PATENT VOX HUMANA TREIPLO. This late and most wonderful invention (so acknowledged by all leading artists) will be found only in the Matey instruments. lu at tempting to describe the effect o' this stop, we are at loss for language. - its beauties cannot be written, bat must be he,trd to be appre ciated. By this stop' an ordinary performer can produce an effect which requires a lifetime of practice for an artist upon n violin. en tir,dy changes tilt teed Tone, giving the sym pathetic sweetness of the human voic,-, mak ing it so melodious and pore that it never fails to enchant the listener. THE HA.II.IIONIC ORGAN for Chnrchea, Public Halls and Parlors has a powerful sub-Hass with independent reees, Harmonic attachment and Vox Humana Tre molo, and is believed to be the most powerful reed organ made, being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the cost. All instruments warranted for fire years. pair BRASS BANDS supplied with ina,ru ments and music at reasonable terms. A liberal discount allowed for Churches and Sabbath Schools. /Orlnatruetione given both in Vocal and Instrumental Music, at oar rooms, and at pu pils' homes, either to indiriJuala or claAsea, on reason' le terrna. Dec, 17, 1866. ti" Forwarding and Conunios:on House. FLOUR AND FEED. GRAIN AND GROCERIES. Harint purchased the extensive Warehouse, Cars, dm, heretofore owned oy S teasel limbic, we beg leave to inform the public that we are continuing the business at the old stand on the corner of Washington and Railroad streets, on a mere extensive scale than heretofore. We are paying the hi,rliest market price for Flour, Grain sod all kin Is of produce. Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds itif Gro ceries, kept constantly on baud and for sale, cheaper than they can be had anywhere else' Fluter, and all kinds of Pert ilisers, constantly on hand, or furnished to order. INkrA reglnat line of Freight Cars will leave our Warehouse every TUESDAY MORNING, stad accommodation trains will be ion as oc casion to iy require. By this arrange neat we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to ns, will be promptly attend ed to. Our cars rat to the Warehouse of Ste venson Al Sons, 165 North Howard street, 8.0. timore. Being determined to pay good prices, sell cheap and deal Etirly, we invite everybody to give us a call. CULP k HARNSHAW. Aug. 13, IBGd. Sewing Machine's. THE k BAKBEt.--THE BEST IN USE. These Machines have become so well known that little need be said by war of recommendation. They have taken the first premium at all the late State Fairs, Rod are universally acknowledged to be the BEST is use by all . mho have tried them. The "Grover 1 Baker Stitch" and the "Shatae Stitch" are 'points that have bees attained by no other idachine. They are the only machines that sew and embroider with perf•ction. These Machines are peculiarly adapted to Family use. Tb y are almost noiseless, sew directly from the spool without rewinding, and are simple in their construction. They ire eel , to manage, and can be w..)rked by almost any child. Every faintly should hare one. They save labor, they sore hnse,.and they ease money, and do their work better than it caw be done by band. I The undersigned having been appointed 1 Agent for the above Machines, has established as Ageacy in Fairfield, Adams county, where he will always have - on hand a supply. Per. sons wishing to buy will please call and cum ine for themselves. IterSeedlei and Thread will also be sap plied. J. S. W1TIISE:019, Agent, Fairfield. Adams county, Pa. Aug. V, 1866. tf _Assosissa Artists' voisso A MERICAN ARTISTS' UP.ON ARIIRIOAR ARTlST*'l2llloaft The AMERIOAR ARTISTS 11N1024 [estab-, Retied 11154] announce that in order to exteniV the iale of thy following well kuoirs sad highly popular STEEL PLATE ESORAVINGS: The Last Supper, 20 r 42 la Depnrtnre of tho Pilgrim r inhere for America, az r 30. _ Landing of the Pilgrim Father*, 27 a 34 Falstaff ifuelerihit his recruits, 26 a3O Sitakspeare and his Friends, 27 it 31 Cotter's tiaturdny Night, 23 2 21 Village Blacksmith. . 17 a 32 Manifest. Destiny, (Fortutie Telling)2l I 24 The Massacre at Wyoming in 1776, 28 ,2 36 Mcnnt Vernon in the olden time, or Washington at 30 years of Kin ' 26 x 34 The escape of Allister MacDonald from the Massa •re of Ulencoe, 26 z 34 The Madonna. 20 1' 34 They have deemed expedient to offer them to their friends and the public at one dollar and fifty cents each, the price heretofore having been two dollars each, and for the purpose of stimulating the gettinvetp of Clubs, they have de'ermined to award premiums to the ge:ters un of the Clubs, and in addition thereto to distribute amongst the subscribers the sum of $50,000 in money and p inducts, as soon as the sale emit have reached 100 000 enigmas., Is it is our intention to advertise fere extensively, and as the engravings are well known throughout the whole counter, we have no doubt, that with the low price we Charge for them, and the exertion which will be put forth by our numerous - friends, the number will be reached in a short time. As soon as it is reached, the subscriber* through their Club Agents, will be nodfied by a circa , ler letter from us, naming the time sod meth.. od of distribution. CLUB RATES Single Engraving SI.SC eft, moil, free. For Sr) we will send 13 Ens. rind .1 to the Club Ail. It* • • 3.5 . 4 I t ao 25 a• 20 16 66 5 ea ss sssose 2 5 4. 16 6 66 al ""7 " " " 50 " " n Silver IVrit •h. " " ••• u Silver Lvvvr. " 111) "... " limiting Lever, 81 4 00 .. The Club packages will be securely packed and forwarded by Express. Any person may get np Clubs end forward the amount either by F.'sfertss, Night Post MI a Order or in a iegistered letter. and In all r, , ses the Lngravings will be immedi -ately sent, and for each engraving a numbered certificate and receipt will be enelo.,e.l in the package. C.O. D. ORT)Ero . 4.—nersons wishing to send fir EngraviPAß and n At. the Express tle. when they art reeeiv. d. will he required to genii %Rh their order $2 to $5, see..rding to its amount, and thii will be el edi tad nn theirbtli. LaST To be iliitributed. On. of $lO,OOO in money, . 5,000 . " Five of 1,000 ~ Gotl '4 Ten of Fifty of 100 li. Istria One hundred elegant Oil Painii ar, rich ly framed, Landrcapes. at $lOO each, 10,000 Two hundred elegant 1 kii Raintin'tra,riclify . framed, Interior ViON s, at $5O vach, 10,,3011 The AMERICAN ARTI.:3TS' smut , ( add that these pretruunts ure to ho considered only la the light Oa free gift to their patrons, as the Engravings ore furn6hell them below) theirraarket vAlue,but as thecost ut engravings, after the plates are procured, is very iripag, they can easily affot..l to tucks the distributtott, large es it is. • We trust that our numerous friends through. out the country and Canadits n ill use their utmost exertions - , so that if posdlile, the dis tribution may be niado 'soon, and it c n be dyne if they are at all active. tatlics 140:a often made excellent Club Agents its use, and we solicit their kind efforts, which will not go unrewarded. het one or more energetic Fier:- sons in every town and vilLige in the country commence ss soot as they see this. and vet up' as lame a Club as posEihle. liy so doing they will be the meets of introducing clegaetj en gravings loto:latuilies, and thus aid in culti• ming!a taste for the beautiful and relined. Ad:ires3 Orders SEC. AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION; 25 Nile Street, Ncw York. '•-• Nov. 12,18G6. 8m FOUTZ'S I= Horse alli Cattle Powders. „Alit this animal inch YELLOW W: TER lIEATFI co ItG s, TEMPER, FL YERS,FOUNDE) LOOS OF ALT} TITE AND TITA. ENERGY, A-c. It um improves thi wind, increase' the appetlio-gi re • smooth an sloshy skin--ant transforms t miserable 'teem hone. la all diseases of Stine, such as Cont.', ricers in the Lungs, Liver, , 4 thLs art.i.cle " I C - , acts as A +Petite. , ';•• ./ • .: fizZ i clat 'fm . x ..;-: .. • paper • to • paper la .. •,' - . _ 1 .... _ . ~ „te;_ -.. bend of' still ttin -,_ i a All 4, *Dors dlocasas C . I . -••• . . ----- will be enatioassal •"-' ---,- -- -- - -- me Wesel, pheasant. If 10.4 , 41 is time, a certain peireativs•ad curs for tine Tiog Cholera. Pee* 25 emits per Paper, or 5 Papers far $l. iatSPAILLD HT 18. A. VOTYrZ 24r, TIRO.. =M WRIANIALS psra AND MEDIUMS DEPOT. ao lle Immix Bt., Baltimore, Md. For Sabs Dwyrebts sad Storeimpas name'. lbs Vatted 1346144. For sale by A. 1). linehler, Gettysburg ; Laughlin & Bwilfleld, Wheeling,- Va ; C. C Bender k Co., Tht,..Pburg; .Subuton i . Hullo% ay k Cowden►, Dec. I?, iy DOJMTNS' \ Eleetrle lica`p SAYRS TllB I SAv B,y MONVY I ' bAVZS LABOR!. • ' tarn:- ci,O11111S! • SAYESAVOMENi AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT It is axed by cutting into emalt shovintrs and dk,,,,liing• itl bot, or.ttor, thin soAk the clothes firt - to teit minutes and a lath, hand rubbing will melte theta Jl3 clean us hours of hard machine rubbing would do, witia surd ina ry soap, and this most dello Ate fa* receive no injury. We can rt-fer to thousishiii ul faun. 'lies who are rising it, and who could not IA persuaded to do wiebt ut DOBBINS' ELECT BOLD IT ALL LIADIVG 4119011114 riliprOJSCart TUF. Vorititsotstre4l onlr Xv . DtAIMS, & LOV.F. WHOLESA bit OFPieg: .41,41 k 14rih 1; aGlph la. • flov. is , 186$ 9a "I, • AP DR/ED PR i f i r .4..11k* • cumn; "CH'S. , 110.04,1 55X) s,uult MCI $50.0141 1 Lig ihr parotion. long awl tovorghty knou n, will thor oughly P.m Li oi.,n done end I,to ,pintetl Tors•, by rtreugtheoth, and ciczt wing 1140 olutnio.ll and low.. tow. =I is Inralanhtm 'es the seraltly e intlk It has pre; an by ha tx peirnent rase the' guan o( milt and m twenty per and 'risks i..• tar. Brat and A. In flawing le, it Ores LL , Ippt tile, iwiseus r Atria. and ;I theta @u.ll Ma