p 4 60111;14er. p a t Trit - rii3triti3, PA. • *ma lir liorwlr4^. - ier. ; to WV. a 1 ON TitIVNITUIL During the last-political eampaigu, Re publican orators and editors preeistently denied the ehlOsishat their party favor ed negro syle'tat iitud thus many viiero ; deceived into supporting their candidates. But no gentler hi the election over, and COngress meets, than this •teilottm newt: are is again urged, crndpasseri, uy the lee- .. , . majorities ,, publican ln 'berth Flouses. The bill to coulter the right of the ballot upon the maul : nye( negroee in the leis—, trice of Columbia !laying been presented • to tik leremiiii;nt, he, on eteetrae-, return- 1 ed It with a vetol giving his reasons at length for withlueding hie esseot. The document contains mussy clear end, pow ful argtiments. The following are its • main points: , .e. I Badirely iliekeereditig the wishes of the pecdple"ot the District of Columbia, Con gress hew deemed it right and expedient to palm the measure now isiennitted for my eigeatisre. It, therefore, becomea the duty of the lexeeutiee, stending bet etien the legielatein of the one and the will of the ftter, rattily expressed, fo determitfe whether he should simnel% e the eill'und thus aid in pleeing upon the statute-600'4e of the nation a law against w Inch the peo ple to whom itee tweeply 'haye seteine ly and witheefeli unanimity' protested, or whether ile litlOLltti return itewith his oh-, jections, in the hepe that u poi; rezoitsitl- , eration, Congress, aetieg Us the repre:eee- ' tatives of the Inhabitants of tit& sent of government, will permit them Le regulate a purely local queetiou, as to them may , seem best suited to their interests tied conillthei, 4 The District pi' Columbia was .Ceded to the Flitted States by Maryland and Virginia, in order that it !night become the permaneet scat of govern molt ef the United Statee. At:celled by Congress it at pike tesineee eelijeet to the "exclusive, legislation" for which prowl ion Is made In the Federal Constitution. It should be borne in mind, however, that ill exer cising its functions as the law making power of the District eef Columbia, the ' authority a the Nadi - Mal Legislatitee is not without ti tide but that Congress is I bound to observe the And spirit of • the Constitution, us %veil in the enact ilielit of IP'etil laws for the seat of gu , e em inent, as in legielation common to thti en the Union. Were it to be admitted that the right ''to exercise exelusive legisla- , titer In all ease., wilat , /wver," coniei red ' upon Congress unlimited power within the Disi Het of Columbia, titles (if nobility might be granted within in, beundariee 4 laws might be wade "respecting an es tablishment of religioe, ur prohibiting the free esercieu teeseof ; a abridging - the freedom el speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble ' anti to petition the Government for re dress of grievances." Despotism would thus reign at the sect of goverl'Onent of a free Reputtlie, and, as a place of permus tient residence, it would He avoided by' all who prefer the bleeeings of liberty to' the mere preelineeets of official position. 'lt should also he remembered that in legislating Air the District of Columbia, ender the Federal Constitution, the re-. lation of Congress kits inhabitants is an alogous to that of a Legislature' to the people of a State, under their own local , Constitution. If does not, therefore, seem to be asking too much that, iu matters, pertaining to the District, (emigres% should have a like respect for the - will and interests of its inhabit:tuts :14 :.; l:4- tertained by a State Legislature for the wishes and prosperity of those for whom they legislate. -The spirit of our Cousti- Wive and -the genius of our government requilre that, in regard to any law which ' is to effete and have a permanent bearing upon a people, their will should exert at least It eeeeonable liifliienec upon those Wiici are :tilting in the 'capacity of their i legislators.. Would-for instance, the Leg- I 'stature ,of he States of New yerk or of .Pennsylvaele, or of Ineeime., or of And . State in the Union, in . opiei'sitiou to the expressed will of a large dueority of the peonie Whom they were diesel} to repre eent arbitrarily force upen them, am' vo ters, all persons of the Africen or negro race, and meke -them eligible for oftee without any other qualification than a certain term of residence within the State? lii leelther &the Stated named Would the colored populatteh, when acting togeteier, , be able to produce ally great social en- po litical result. Yet, in New York, before he cittevote, the mast of color must fulfill conditions that are not required of the white citizens; in Pennsylvania the eke-, tiee franchise is restricted to white free-' men ; while-in Indiana negroes and mu lattoes are expressly excluded from the Ifight of suffrage. It hardly seems eon iiisiene, With the principles of right ape sitettlee Met • reeesentatives 9t iii.ates i where suffrage its' either denied the eelor ed man, or granted to Weil' on titialitiea- I , lions requiring intelligence or property, i ' should compel the people of the District of Columbia to try an experiment which ' their own constituents have thus far , ehown uri unwillingness to test for them- selves. - ' I - As a general rule, sound policy feeildree 1 that op I..egfalatore - shindil yiidd to the Wiethes of a people, when not inconsistent ; with the Constitution and the laws. The measures suited to one community= might' not be well adapted to the condition of. another ; and the persons best qualified , to determine such questions are - those whose interests are directly atketed by any proposed law. In elaseeelinetets, tir instance, omit! ppri-ens Or allowed to Nine without regatd to" ogler, provided flier pos s ess a certain to' ititelli- , geneel In a population in thaf Slate of , 1,231,066 there were, by the eepstis of 1860, ' only 9,402- persons of color, god of tho males over twenty years of age, there 0 9 , 1 /80 WO to .2,602, colored. By the game official enumeration, there were in the District of Columbia 60,764 whites to 14,316 persons of the colored race. Since then, however, the population of the Dis trict hate largely i creased, and it is esti- ' mated That at the resent 'time there are ' mealy !a hundredthousand whites to thirty thousand negroes. The ceese of the any numbers - Of the latter slaw iliVaii no explanation. Contiguous to , Maryland and Virginia, the District du ring the war, became a place of refuo far those who escaped rem eetwitsjihe get It lib yet the abiding rilace ef a considerable proportion of those who sought within its I limits a shelter from bondage. Until then held in slavery, and denied all op portunities for mental culture, their find . knowledge of the Government was ac quired when by conferring upon them freedom, it became the benefactor of their race; the test of their capability for . improvement began, when, for the first time, the career of free industry and the avenues to intelligence were opened to them. Possessing these advantages but a: litnittel time—the greater number per hap S' having entered the Ilistript of Col umbia Auring the etter Veers et the war or since' its 1 teeefi afion—tee may 1ff.41 :1 pause to itiqu!ry Ve ether after so brief a probation, teey are as a class eepahle of an intelligent exercise of the reglet of eit , frage, and qualified fo . dieeharge the du ties of official position. The people who are daily witnesses of their mode Of )icing arid who have become familiar with tbeir habits of thought, have expressed this Winviction that they are not yet eompe *NUM '-...------- Or in the liftspe Senate, on Wednes - 1 tefie Deserve as electors, and thus become Olga& for offiee In the ocal government ilex, Mr. (ifetz litesedle - a, petition from undee WOO they live. Clothed with 1 ritizeps of Philadelphia ILAN; that the the' electiVe franchise, their-numbers, al -1 bridge el Ci3lpfeble he ie-biiiit: ' • _. - - 1 rends lately' in excess of the demand !Of 4. , . e _ _1 24 _ 424 .4 ,..,,.._ _ e _. . i later, would he srion - increased by an in -I.pe- J o hn IL Porten will arrive in this' nu * fr 91 1 1. 14 AcUtliti4 Stele& Drit4q! ~.,, from fields' Where elnployment is aims inittery!bent alto . 0 lui,t: Of Jail_ UFO. • , i dad, they *Ord in Vat Wet it here, and The Republican 'autrhers of the - lA.- sislatare met 1n comma on Thursday . evening, for the nomination of aeandi4lata for United Sta!!.ts Senator. The "old winha d i g op ;Kimmel Cameron, was sue oteiiiiii on t 4 first ballot—Cameron 40, Curtin =, BP2VetIFI 7, Crow 3. McColl ? singly vote! for Cameron, notwithstandr .14 Ole firatinet instructions for Curtin by bath the counties eon :1)014w this district. 46 f ?. election of Simon Vija`nerpn "will pe a nuanzin ints.nu great Side pot Pennsylvania n 44 an EvEßLatfrixu rinSauecu totha representatives of the maws of the l'Repub4can party," Jute not McCeeaugily helix ' s' to bring both about? 2,` = flargilcilYzahr sergoiXTioNs. in the House of Representatives, on Inooday, Mr:' Ashley, of OhlO, (said til he a bitter personal 'enemy of President r lehnse,a,) llatroduce4l resolutions im peaching the President, The resolution?) Were referred to the ~ lnell.initry tee, withpozos to s e nd 'for persons and paperS. Tile New York Times und some other jottinals think this reference set tles thp question for the present session. But the Wbrfd is inclined to a different zlio6;: It thinks-the ltadicals are in ded earnest, and that the Plessident will be impeached and put on trial. We, of course, have no means of knowing what I,We'tpshot of the matter will be; but of are eetiarn, biatletroObre and convulsion follow—as is more than like ly—the Republican leaders will be held iespinsible to the nipsi and entire eq.. tint. So iinPrecedelitea ail liable& proceeding, merely to retain party ascendency, will not be endorsed or ex ri!i,ed by the sober sense of the American • !amide.' 'XXPqrrAller KRA"; W4o!i,li!"..ifOTQN. Tie WaohltigtDU correspolulept of ths Age, In his letter of Frititt'y i says ;—Vor- Dey warns his &mitesl fri‘mis, through the columns of the Chronicle, this man t!rg, 19 lose na time in removing the resident froin office. He thinks that war Is brewing, and ytiless Congress strikes at once, the Executive and his F 11! ts;..t Fmttml of the situation. t 1M pyitliditlbut U./tau iy inwr.? 414;44:7 pose among the Radicals here to-day than there has been at any time during the present Congress. The responses of the Democratic press throughout the country to,the Impeachment movement, and the iil;n, o;4l'e/ding Position - o(the Presi eni, coin Ine the shrewd aeon ti;e dominant-party that they will have no ehild'S play on their hi,lnds they shoiihl undertake tw i euilry Op the programme tidopted by the House on Monday t e st. .11111.0 n Tuesday last, the fitkof Jan uary, the following scene 'occurred in the na tional House of Representatives : Mr. Niblack, of-Indiana, moved that, as this was the anniversary of thednit tie of New Orleans, a day which many On his side regarded as a holiday, t he House ad ourn. He added that 4:3ollgresis psitlylly , , jgWrattd, over this an uNtirsary.. ' '' Mr. 'Ashley, of tfhk reinatked that that was 'AVM out. "Mr. Ninek,,ef Ohio, callpil f,:r the yeas and nays, but the House refused to order them. • Tile Democrats not being able to muster wiotb•than thirty-one votes, less than on& fifth of those present, the motion was re: sated'. • The proposed adjournment for a say grtimiggeAted In honor of the victory of Andrew Jileksou over the British at New (Means, bup*r. Ashley, of Ohio, rxilelly Inf i qrmed the p9up'try Oat played 040/ •44 t4e House sustained 144 in his Itusidt W the memory of one of the Re public's must gallant defenders! This is the man who heads the movement to linpeaeh the President of the United iittates I • Jair*li4 the Vifibt(MAl* fi . 1' 6 78 9f W, it . Thaddeus Stevens is now In Harrisburg. The members of the Legislature can see for themselves whether he is WI titted by years for the discharge of the high duties of a Scnale f. ( 4ftgrpo. • rr; gtovoii, it seems, pnly went to :Harrisburg to show himself to the mein hers of the Legislature, notwitbstanding sir previous dignified rpftl.4al . to mingle r4rwmalli hi the ecittt i est : qr course that hi 4 pwii business, end if be hoses t 6 Iganes a Riratiettq in the senate chamber, rg elfe'Shakspeai'e's Seven Ageit In full at the Lochiel House, it Is none of ours. It Is evident that "the great commoner" is on'the anxious bench, and, under the inatingement of his "friends," OFFP I P tcriingxpo t q l ops you4g Titan may cut at liarrisburg.—t.:ltic, surrhe Radicals are in great distress, They elected a majority of the Legisla ture of this State, and 'consequently e.- pectte.electienliedStates,,Seliatoi.', Ru, Somehow or ;.fither, they are fea,rfullY afraid of foul play, among themgclecs, and the ;nest unhlusping charges of cor ruption ato Minie by their ow u journals against their . oWn 'letiders. Su general have these cliqrges become, tllr i t a week before the election is to fake - place the Renate and House of Repregentatryes eve seen tit to pass resolutions of Yui-ga poi, and have raised committees of in= te hear and determine the I queston! lirlt is known gt Washington that there will be two repprte from the New Orleans Investigating Cotmnittee. The fpinerit* report will exoneray thh State agt , horities and the local goieriltPopf pf 'Net OrImo; from all biame in connec t lion 'ith the unfortunate riot in . that efik : i.illl,ient evidence has been taken and . will smear In the reports , to show that the oifhippls was not premeditated, but was act of an irresponsi ble mob, which the Atiflioritkis could not control. • Win. H. Ke;nhig i of Fiala fjelphlp, re-ducted Shag l'Fß*surer `fiy 4,4l,egishatira on Wednesdni: it be ben:icier:its voted for John P:Sinf : pi-r of fork. .• SINGRA Darrsor, IN TMN DISTRICT ,ix.set.t. Th /Prim'ldiot Vilissis,'lmlLa Ittritemil 04,14 4 . tress Pauses Ale mita...are • i b 7 fws4rtrd. . Negro 'suffrage hue been lioncED ypcps the Distrie.l,la4unibla by a greet, agaihsl Me erprelowd will q f jx- rom so add to the embarrassments already ex perianced from thelaro 410, of idle per sons congregated In the District. Hard ly yet, capable,. of forteing correct judg ments upon the ImPortant questions that , often make the ISsues of a political cfoa test,lll4 could readily lie made subser- , vient to the purtio-el of designing per sons. While in Nfassachusetts, tinder the censit6 of 14Ko, the proportion of w bite to colored males over twenty 'years of eraii floe hundred and thirty to one, here the black . race constitutes nea rly one-third one-third of the entire i t opulaeltin, .+± . 1 1 . 1 4 the sante class surrounds the District on all Mikis, ;tarty to change Their residence at a moment's notice, apd with all the, faehity of a peoide, In 'order to enjoy here, after u short residence, a priv liege they find nowhere else. It is with- hi their power, in one year, to come into the District In such numbcrit as to have the blipreniti uontrol of the white race, and' o govern them by their own officers, and by the exercise of all the munei pal I • authority—among the rest, of the power ; ' oft oration over property in which they baS i re no interest. In Massachusetts, N% here they have enjoyed the benefits of thorough educational system, a (ivali- ; fication of intelligence is required, while here suffrage is extended to all, without diseriinination, as well tothe Most, inea- ; Lable, who Gan prove a residence in the District, of one year, us to those persons , of color who, comparatively few in num ! er, are permanent inhabitants, and hav- ing given evidence of merit and qualiti cation, are Teer i gnied as useful and rt . t. sprmsible meabers of the eonnounity. Imposed upon an unwilling people, lihrf:esi, 4 Ow j,m;stitutis44, under the„ex elusive legislation Of 4.7ongress, it would be viewed as au arbitrary exercise of pow er, and as an indication by the cosntry of the purpris s r! of Congress to compel the aciitptiniebrifnegro su ifrage by Ow:States. It would engender a feelin.; (Apposition and hatred between the! raues,Which, becoming deep rooted and ineradiealde, would prevent them from living together in a state of mutual friendliness. * After Nl' deliberation upon this meas ure, I eannot hying myself tq approve it, CVVII upon local conskivrations, nor yet as the beginning of an experiment On a , larger scale. I yield to no one in attach- I pent to that rule of general suffrage Which distinguishes our policy as a pa- I lion. But tliere is I+ llulit, Nykuly obsery ed hitherto, which makes the ballot it privilege and a trust, and %Oki; requires bf some (lasses a time suitable fqr proba tkin and preparation. To give it indis criminately to a hew class, wholly unpre pared, by previous habits and op tortoni—, ties, to perform the trust Which it de mands, ts to degrade ir, 5101 finally to de-, %my its power; for it may be safely as- sumed that no political truth is better es- tabli,shed than that such indiscriminate pud all-embracing extension of popular suffrage in,Ht end at last, in its destru etion. The action of the President in refusing to sign the obnoxious bill is in full accord with the wish of nearly every white man in the District, and yet the Radicals in ! both Ilousto; have enacted it into a law, by two-thirds vdtes. - "Can such things be" in a country of white freemen? surely Radicalism can not long rule at such a pace. The popu lar judgment must, ere long, crush it. The people will not be forever blind. THE SALE OF DIARIES IN MLEYLAND Much noise has lately been made by the Radical press about the sale of several colored people in Maryland under n de cree of court, after conviction, for erimes. One of the darhies—Dick Harris—was found guilty of stealing beef, and sen tenced to be sold for six months. Not being a very valuable woolen fabric, he was bought in by his brother for $5O, and lie is now working at Annapolis for $8 per week. Had he been a_ white man, the law would have required a sentence of from one to fifteen years in the peni tentiary. None of the other blacks who were sold liveught so high a figure. The law under which these sales were made was passed by a legislature com posed of a majority uf the present Radi cals of lifaryland, and approved by the Radical Governor prat' ford. In the Sen ate it received every vote except two, and the vote in the House stood 48 to 6. One of the two. votes against it in the Senate was that of Mr. Heckert, who had just before been confined upon a charge of disloyalty. The sarue legislature which passed the bill, rase passed the "treason bill," and the "defence loan bill," which put the "loyal" stamp upon its character beyond question. If, therefore, there is anything wrong about "the revival of slavery in Maryland" it is surely to be laid at the door of the Radical league lig 4 aft, Whilst sympathising with the black thieves of Maryland, however, in their sad fate of being "sold into slavery," for six months, the Radical "grand moral idea" people and press of Pennsylvania forget that out in Mbesoari the Radical Legislatmv lat.9ly partied a law requiring White vagrants (peracms out of employ ment) to be sold to the highest bidder. We have seen no editorial comments upon the fact that, under that law, some six vagrants were, a few days ago, sold by a court at St. Louis for six months. is it worse, in Radical estimation, to sell a nigger beef thief for six months than to 441 4 White man for the same period for no other crime than being an idle loafer? Such seems to' bo the troth. Will some Radical organ tell us why it is so? asks the Patriot & Union. fir Mr. Ashley, of 011io,"who is figur ing with such prominence in the impeach ment programme, was two or three years ago assailed by leading men of his own party, in his immediate Congressional district, for corruption in procuring ap pointments. It was charged that he traded in that lapdriesa, ins not 4. few letters written by him in relation to dif ferent appointments were adduced to sup port the charge. And yet, with RIO; record, M. Ashley rises in his place in the House and inipeaelles the President for "high crimes and M istle4leallgrs." anicuag which p i e ) 6 5 C of the appointing power!" The honest men of the land can appreciate the motives which Induce a man with such a record as that of Mr. Ashley to malign and tra duce the President. litelhe people of the District of Colum bia, some months ago, decided against negro st.iflrage by a yote of 7,339 to 38. The Harrisburg Telegraph denouncesthe President's veto of the meassure as f',l9(irciy 42111:n10'1's last blow at Civiliza tion and Frgeqopl ; " This blow consists in the endeavor tg carry Rattly principle thut the majmity B4o t ga TH ipt- F4 4 - 1 1 1 prcyentiug the Rum p clnogrss from bnaking the lyishes qt. Ipirt,y-ox In4l - bppglipi: to those of Oyer seven thousand. Is 4 !!civilizatieu" to force negro suffrage upon 7,09 voteca m the request of 36? P 2, 4114f"!9a 11 7 191 P PR Ib P r c l f mn7 riages aretaltipg place this Winter. -- "Gro It while yoti'reoahg.ll • • THE STIR Or JANVARY A TOWN AND COUNTY AFF/ORS. The Bth of January, the anniversary of ADAMSOOLTNTY AORD*Ttrit AL Socts- Gen: Jackson's victor/ over t h e ! i l ti, TY.—Th _Parrs heieaffeii . td be held al er, New Orleans, was celebrated by the ciellyobv q.... _ r At the antiiial electien fo i r Conservatives al Waelliington in a trulY: officers ef the Adensi, 1;944' A gritultu patrietio *Ole- A M il l banquet: was ral Society, at Be idersviile, on Monday had In the evening, the venerable Fran- last, the following ticket was‘lected, with very little opposition : cis P. Blair presiding. At 9 o'clock the President of the United States entered President, Samuel Herbs the hall, and was received with cheers, : 'Vice -14iiiilenV, HoILAN re. MeSherry, the waving of handlorehlefs, and music _8 th L B . N o Vi l• er° s. v e . 'r tary E.G. Feline k. by. the irtud. After a toast to 'the day,, ( i gr1. r ..4 1 n g d i lo c g e Seere'tary , U. J . Stable. the health of the President was proposed. T retisu re r, Jonas Rquanzahn. On rising Vresldent Johnson was agaN ftfanue,en 3 , wm. R. AVilson,itlisba Pen , - applatitied. He said it was not his" per- rose, Ny in. Wilaiej .Jeo. H. - McClellan, pose to make a speech, but simply to pro- Davi(' Wills. _ t. Imse a sentiment, which was read, as fol- The neat annual meeting End spc itn) lows: to be held in Gettysburg, • ' The, new Beard met in till, (Rees on No State, of Its own will, has a right, Friday last, for the transaction of bus!, under the CiMstitution, to renounce its place In, or to withdraw from the Union. nem. Among other proceedings wits the Nor has the Congress of the United States unanimous passage of a peseletion nOlg a constitutional power to degrade the pro- Gettysburg as the point for the future pie of any State by reducing them to the _ Exhibitions of the Society. The Board condition of a-mere territorial dependen cy even the limy!. Federal Th e one i s a also in a body viewed the several sites ilisrtYption—a. dh . lsofutlon ofthe govern- suggested for the Fair grounds, and after meta; the other is a consolidation and an due deliberation decided hi favor of High extreme of despotic power. The advo street, half a square west of Washington, eates of the latter are also the enemies of the Union and of our constitutional form embracing lots of. Pete r . Thorn, John of government. ; Chrismer, Frederick , Ridgely and Mi- The sentiment was received with long chael Bushman, in all between twelve 1 and'loud -cheers. and thirteen acres. A committee was The occasion was, all in all, a very sig nificant ?me. The Washington corms noudeu t of the Baltimore Gazette writes us follows of aster is as said at the ban quet: .1 see you have published the toast President Johnson gave, unil h is brief pre fatory rensArks. I could give hut a faint i4ea attic effect they produced upou the audience, were.'" . to attempt it. At no time since his elevation fettle Presidency has he given such decided evidence that he DM LIP fully in tow emergeno.g,i awl that he haw fhttag equal tc,the tasl; l of nfeeting the dangers th;:tt threaten, inc emadry. Ilk presence seoned to inspire the speakers with a spirit which has been quite unusual for the past few years. It would lie iuvittious parthanarise, but I may, with propriety, 'say that Um speeches of Messrs. Black, Cowan, Doo-I Merriek and Rogers exhibited a tone far different from the timid and truckling elocution indulged in of late by the opponents' of Cengeessional uspripv tion. impassioned and einfthatic lan guage, the President was pointedly told by these gifted orators, that upon the first attempt of the plotters at the Capitol La carry their infamous insurrectionary pro-' jects into practical effect, they would look to hint as Commander-in-Chid of th e arm y mud navy, to exereige his fune tio»s foil extent, mot that they { could, after theOnenerenees (J (Lis epening j rely with renewed and undouldinj mem ranee on his determination to do his full duty. Mr. Cowan, in portraying the mon strous violations of the Constitution al ready perpetratea by Congress in expell ing meatless avowedly to Secure _suffi cient majorities in refusing representa tives to ten States, whose right to seats was as c'ear as those of Massachusetts, and in hundreds of other usurpations, frequently paused to ask—What that: What is the remedy? Wllatis to ho done? These usurpations—these practical viola tions of the Coustitutien, he contended, sera as gross as those eonnnitted by Cromwell when he "ptirged the House of m Coinons." "They ca lcd," he said, '-`for practical redress"—and eyeing the Peesi dent steadfastly for a' moment, he con tinued, "and the means of this redress cannot be found in speeches, however el oquent and logical, in conventions, how ever numerously or harmoniously 'atten ded, or in banquets, however splendidly supplied—but in practical action, in firm ness and In courage." Judge Bind:, in responding to the toast complimentary to the Supreme Court, de-1 livered a glowing eulogi um upon its stem- ' hers, but "disdained to defend it agahist its assailants." He declared that Milli gan and the other parties whose cases' were decided by that tribunal were as in-' nocent as angels of the crimes charged upon them, as the evidence conclusively showed, but that, nevertheless, if the Ex ecutive had not interposed, and so ena bled them to bripg tile great question-La:- fere the Court, they would have been murdered by order of the commission in stituted to try them. Judge R. did not hesitate to class Holt with Conover and his associates—and to compare them to Oates. Dangerfield and Bodine, and 1w warned the revilers of the highest judi cial tribunal in the land, In and out of Congress, of the tate of those miscreants who, within a year of•their 'unbounded power, were tied to the tail of a cart awl whipped through London amid the shouts of their .former ignorant and mis guided dupes. - -Judge B. a:so made the astouneing disclosure that within eigh teen months Thaddeus Stevens, who now denounces the decision of the Court; de clared to him (Judge Black)thet the mil itary courts and com Missions, then iu full blast, had, in his opinion, no more legal authority to try parties outside the army Cerrtz.—The January term of Coto. and navy than 40 many mobs gatheret_will commence next Monday. We an from the throughfares of our cities by ir- informed that there will be a onpsidera responsible parties. An interesting fact was brought to light the anteept of Business brought before it by Hon. Mentgomety Blair Miring the , The occurreuce of Court is always delivery pf his spirited speech. ' good Ow to send money to the prints "I. mean (said he) to commit a breach and when he gets but little, it is a seve ' of confidence here to-night. I want to disappointment, to bin). ealeUlt4 read you a telegraphic despatch, Heredisappointment, it is from Andrew Johnson to Montgoin- tts ntake his heaviest payments with Wif cry Mail . , in the year of out: Lord 1803. ought then to come ip, and when 1 "NASIIVILLU, Nqv. 24, 1863, calculations fail, it requiresl tc tart scra ["Received Washington, Now. 0,2 1863. T,. ? the Hon. Montgomery Blair, Post- in to get along. Thip Is our experieh mastee General. Marked confidential. o l and the experience of every coun I "I hope the President will not be com mitted to the proposition of States relaps , lug into Territories, and hold them as such. If lie steers clear of this extreme his election to the Presidency is without a reasonable doubt. I expected to have, been in Washington before this time, I tar Rev. Mr, Carnahan, of the Pr. when we could have conversed fully and tort - an Church, received through- the freely in reference to the policy to be , I Oillie, a New Year's present of one I. adopted by the Government. I dred dollars. The la lies of the eon I "But it has been impossible for me to leave Nashville. ..I will be there Booth gallon presented Mrs. Carnahan wi a The institution of slavery is gone, and beautiful writing desk worth thirty 1- there is no good reason now for destroy- t am ing the States to bring about the destruc- • ! : lion of slavery. A NIMIKW JOHNSON." I Ponx.—The pork market in this iiep I Mr. Blair continued: "That message was unusually brisk 'last week--thfrn was tlelivorect by me to the President, isiovean Hog price $B. About 30,011) pounds era I,oll°o, PRA Ifi it not a matter of - history ?'lliti nut rfery man who hears shipped to Baltimore during the wi!k-- my voice know that advice was adopted an extraordinarily large amount. --a reconstruction adopted and proceed- • ed upon by Abraham Lincoln Upon- Hie ' War Mr. James Beaver, of Mou joy doctrine laid down in that despatch? And now his stiepessor, who gave him township, recently slaughtered a h 10 the advice fie caiiri(id out, is to bp im- months old, which weighed 445 po do. peached rite a faithful adherence to the Th9ro 14 - 14111 "bragging" about. doctripbs, principles and practice which, • Abraham Lincoln was elected upon,: *.i/Nesitro. Both & Stock are which he practiced in his lifetime, an erecting m, Machine Shop and Fo which Mr. Johnson, as an honest and fitithful man, is struggling to carry out! at New OXford. Seven new boil IDo not despair. No, my friends; that were erected in that place last su great popular power, that deep set love of and a number mnre Will V UP country and the Constitution, written iu spring. the heart of et,ery American, will arise ' •: 1 and stand around Andrew Johnson W hile herd lnrge bled* nigre was eta he faiths the mission of Abraham TA- Mr. George Fidler, - near Heidi cola. ______. _ " 1 pu the night of the MU of De/ lligr•Hon. Henry Logan dred at his Ile Qir m PG for tiw thief "II residence, in Carroll township; York the IRP'rcl county, on the 26th ult., aged 'about tt lilt 9, rapidly increasing t? 1 years. He served in Congress two terms, of the (.'ox} .9.t utakp It espCe in the State Senate five yeitrS, in the cable to advertisers. Alf I Hpuse three years, and was County Corn- should malk a note of this, au .. . inisaipper twp years. I cordingly stik.A. fire in illesinicg t Illinois, on ~ yerT , be bill ta ineoryoratc lb town Savings Instituuou lip pa Sunday, burned tore gigp half a block of Nisi nese buildings, including the can- 11°Immil. 4 dy factory of Wells fs Townsend, Alien's RiirThe ?eloperatic Stag eel Meat market, Les music store, CalverN Wats stiU meet in .jiarrisbu store, etc. The tote' foss is 'f,;So' ,000. 1 41th lost, ou , Ondgess of impo appointed to make the purchases, which was done on Saturday, the prices, Aver aging a little over one hundred dollars per acre. It is to be hoped that the citizens f the entire county will take a lively i terest in tlib4 matter, and make the Fai what they should be—not only suecessf I, but a credit to the agricultural and me hani cal enterprise of its people. We. shall allude to the subject again. PROPERTY SALF43.-Philip R ding, Esq. l has sold the house and lot on' High street adjoining ilso Catiu (limt+, in this place, to John Hennlgl*, at '6,075, John G. Frey has purchase a two story westlkerboartied house, in York street, from Jscotialrinkerlaa, for $.1,250, EMI The heirs of Andrew White, deeca.ed, have sold 320 acres of unimproved land iii bona county, Illinois, for 4'4,400 cash. John F. Feity, }sq., as Administrator, recently said the house and Inf of John Cassatt, deceased, in titraban township, ut. s393—Ephraim Tull, purchaser, • i EMICTIONS.—The following gen tlemen were elected Directors of the two Banks in this place op Tumtay last: Gettysburg Nqi/r4na/.—Gleprge Swope, Wm. D. Mines, Janies David Kendlehart, Lewis M. Mc.twr, Mareu,s Statism', Henry Wirt, NeSherry, YOuzig. First National.--fieurge Throne, Wm. Culp, Hobert Bell, John Brough, Me- Conaughy, John Horner, George Arnold. M ksoNic.—The following named per gtons having been electeilfor tho ensuipg Masonic year, wore duly inbtalied on the 27th ufli Brother john L. Goddard, R. 'W. Gyaial Afaster; Brother Richard VatiN, IL W. Deputy Grand Master j Brother Robert A. Lambetrotr, at. W. Senior Grand Warden ; Broth& Samuel C. Per kins I. W. Junior Grand Warden ; Brother Peter Williamson, R. W. Grand Tteasurer ; Brother John Thomson, It. . Grand Secretary. IL H. Thoniu.4, of lleehaniodnirg, lcas been appointed I)i:ti•jct , Deputy Grand 31aster for Cumberland, Adams aid Franklin. BENEFICIAL.—At the last meeting of the Gettysburg Beneficial Association the following officers were re-elected for the ensuing year: President, 11. J. Stahle ; Vice President, henry Rupp; Secretary, R. G. Harper; Treasurer, J. B. Danner; Loan Committee, H. 1). Wattles, N. Co- . dod and Jer. Culp. SZreayugali Tribe, No. 31, Indepen “nt Order of Red Men, of this place, had Heir annual' supper, at Ilgenfritz's, on 'ridgy evening week. We learn that he affair was a very pletviant one, and Ighly creditable to the liberality of the rine. They have our thanks fou an in vitation to participate, but other prior 1 engagements prevented. The Tribe islin a growing and prosperuts condition, we' are • told. I printer. We hope j therefore, that th in arrears will avail themselyes of opportunities that will orpr peg w to give us "a lift?" Commissioner of Agriculture, ittid A. J. breanuir, It C., Owed us under ob ligations agilettiVral documents. We arc 'also indebted tc Mr. ileitzel, for legislative fa r:+. CORE FOR FROSTED—1 t is an nounced that frosted limbs are perma nently relieved by one or two applies thins of boiled lye of wood, ashes made so strong as to be quite slippery between thO fingers. This lye should settle, be drained ktr, e nd 114 ye 4 large handful of common salt to each quart of lye mixed N% ith it.. It should be quite warm and the litnhs lte subnierged for mo.. fer Iw 9 hours. guII;VatACOLD,A.p.,IIIO. :• Putte yott r fete IU hpt water, AS high US your t h Wrappo youf 4E3;4 In Auppp As low as your oyeg Take a part or runnue'd gruelle, Ay kWh) bedde, as a dose, With' a dumber four (111)1)9 utuvw your pi'At tlit caucus of tale penjgcr.tic minubers of he Ltigislature, on Wednes day aftern n, Hon. Edgar Cowan, the etninent Coliservative, was unanimously declared thilr nominee for United State genator. Se will, therefore, receive the Detnoct•atic vote to-morrow, Sena tor Walla had a number of wqrlo friends ini the caucus,' hut ho deolined the intenelhd 'compliment in (aver of Mr. • Cowan. t-Z•Thrutnp Senate on the 7th psss ed.the D trick negro suffrage bill .pver the Pres ent's veto by a vote of yeas 9 3, nays 10; absent or not viitingl3, On the Bth (wh f a desecration of a memorable unitive , ry!) the Rump House passed the soup by a vote of yeas 113, nays 321. a strietparty vote. Will the constituents of' the.i l eunsylvania Radical members, who vited in a body for the bill, endorse this oitrage upon the people of the Dis trict ci' Columbia? xter-Vhe negroes of Dr. 0. B. Marl•, of Met phis, returned to hint last week and cOmed and revel ved their former situatit►ts. Lured off by Bureau agents, tliey anted that they had been told they must York for $3 a month, which left them tkp alternative el titer to steal, starve, gf+ br to their. amder. TtorrA_Old Thild. Stevens says he means "ti, LIIVW ;reek fire at traitors a, lung as he tees." !The oil wretch makes a mistakr —it is nut Gee . ..4c fire which he Biro wA butsuttleatiug Cliinoce 8/ink/AO. ' b t i 1 ieo York Predoi Hoy . " stogation i..!d00 ;" arid declares that "tile Demo cratic party utast become aggressive." We like that. We hope our euteiiirora, ries Nall all act ou it, and "pitch in Nyitlo out gOves.'i Somebody must be liurt heron! things and times call be imule i'bettell L prafillank Mortgages van Ito had at this Clue, as well as Won Latest Market Reports. ' I GETTysoullo /. 3 FL rt. - RV PIAUI t, 1% I TI? WH EAT, I; E WHEAT, Cif N, It I , - VA S 1117 FAVIIMA-7', lill4}:ED, XSEED, RALTIAIURE, Iva, - - - - 11 nn ill 11 SO 11.1.1 f, . - 2 141 4 3 3:1 E - lAi 4 110 1:k, - 1 ilo to lOn on (,g tiO , - 8 00 (0) 9 nO - . 1 14 - 9 on 63 Ili '9l - 20 on ke 214 ISV I 3 4 24 1 , 3 30 / ---.. -_••••.!•.. .1 - e.trrr,h, usicEy, Tnes , lity inst, nt Conowngo (Appel, 113' Rev. (Ascher, 'htr. A. EIDER , Ay t owlish p. 31isv K N, daughter 011..ph Kuhn, deo4,.tned, of Aoutitpktcant: nhlp. With the above came a lastaglly ornu-i iited untie, which uout sus delicious nit It look., rFor this thoughtful noushiOrnitiiis we return silks. May the newly w;:titlel coup'. lisp long, la pleasantly...may health, pruspei Illy and cou nt utent always he theirs'. This 1$ Me sineerp i%ll of the grateful prli ter. . , On the nth ult.., 1141 1 1 u. re;ittience Cif toe hride'n' rent., by the Rey, W lii Mr, lf RoM PM•to Mins LI'.LI A. AANIXII.,, both to .14 ins county. Sir We were the recipient or n rbrUpn of th eliding rake lit this ease also. Iu ri Lind lig on •knowlwlioneuts, we had to teuder the 1,0,1 mi groom our txmgratulations, with the 11011 tiat they may encounter few clouds 40 °Multi' he /mush inv of their day& 310.1 Dartuile ;Away mile upon theni. Ou Tuesday hwt, by HPV. J. A. litoli4lr,,l,l . ittf• RIDER, Jr.. to Miss SIARY COLLINS, both n Moon kloy township. lark again—more wedding dike for printer. The happy pair have our heat wish e 4 uninterrupted huJIL and prosperity. May the live to a art* n aid E,e, Mu:3s last In tat• choice they have made. On the 7111 Inst.. at I ac hawse of the bride's fat er, C.tslitown, by Rev. D. W. Wolff, Mr. JOW WAGNER, of Ifunover, to Miss . 'mom As. On the Ist Inst.. by Dm% Dr. fichinnelter, LOUIS r Etlcaßat Slum A DA EYLEI both of Runiltonimn township.. tlty tho (Rh Ev.Ltitheran I'arionm Li ttlestown, by !t. s. Henry, Mr. W3l. BOWL! to Albin of (Airfoil co. On the 10th Inbt., at the sane place, by t sou me. Mr. Ji tll M.ArirEtt to M ANN !SUPILL liK.titty, all of .ktlanni county., On the tit h inst., at Conowago Chapel, by lte Mr. Charlier, Mr. SAMUEL LAWRENCE:, • /10 . 9.0tpleasmit township, to Midis CATliAlti:i; voA, of SleStierryatown. On Tuesday last, by 11ev..1. fet•bli r,Mr„ JA.OO J. Jr_ to Miss .MA ItY A. SPONSELLEI daughter of Mr. Eltais Spuntieller, all of Muuu pkussant township. • Oil the :11 f mit_ by the annie, Mr. DAVID 1.101 , to Miss lAil;1:3A STALEY, both of AtiltallS to. On the 14 by "Rev. Samuel Yingling, F,M A N REL, \VOLFORD to 311%s ISABEL WA NEIL, both of Adam% oounty. At the !mine time, by the ttune Mr. FATlrrs. WAGNER. or New I igiont, Adows'coluity, twig Ca gE A. BASTRESS, of York county OA the Rth 1114, by the wont; Mr. DAVID BASEGOA It to Miffs AN N MARY EPPELMA both of Ujiloll to n%hip, Adams county, On Thurst , lny, Ifocenther LW. by Rev. Warner, Mr. JoIIN N. (Pt r, Jr4,.of . ont,, IT / A p t i tr e . ) .LINN EY. MeII.IE.N.N Y, gni On, the With ult., at the rentlenee of the lin pnhents. by Rev. It. A. Stehlli:liter, M. RASH. NORRIS to Miss LIZZIE J. MILLER, both t Adams county. On the 3I tnvt. , nt the residenee of the bri, parents, by the sum.% Mr,II,ARRY stalltl • L to Miss ANNIE E. WIN TRUDE, both of Ada county. On the name evening, at the game place, by stone, Mr. JAM Es A, W EIKERT to Miss RI ET E. WESTRODE,siskr ot the above, On the With ifit..byftev. John Ault, Mr. COR. LIUs W V Eft, a Ada um county, to ittss.L A. GUSLEH, sir Tort. county, On the Ist inst., by Ilec:1. RrgWq CIIV.M, Ad:iins count`, t a u Mins 11 . 1. - Tn TIAFFIE, 01 Perry county, Pu. •t dry uge er, the On the VA ult., by Rev. J. F. Oiler, al, the .1 deuee of NiehuLoi Itich 1111..tui ne) , Mr. Tit.% .` I.IN ILI Waynesboro , to Miss FLA)111.... 31. AItEN DT, o .% 111115 county. On New Year's clay, In Fatrttelil, by A. C. IN Mr. JOIIN .t. HUtalEs, 'of F crick rount3, 311.1., to Milut ELIZAL:44.I.I C IS Ail:tuts county, P.i from burg, ber. al for latlott vel- MOO 49- Died. On Tyry.lay last, In this plarP, MN, it BiTJI CULL', aged 87 yea. ilicattlts find On the lid of lleceighe l l flettyaburg, I enmity, Oltlci, Mr. C/EOlt I.: 11111 T, tot J Win luerly of Lids emu ri IT; age out 3D yenrs. On January Ist, fit ernitherryi Tyrone town Mrs. NAOMI CATIIA lON E SIIAN(II,ER, w 111 t S'eter Stingtor, ag d 17 ytutra tionout 25 year.. On the 7th Inst., at its residence, In New () Adams wuut)y, after an tunas of ulio Weeko, Mr. ISRAEL BLAIR, rustinuattr )'cars and B month*. Ittles il both I corn . tit') cc. On the `4th alt.. in Wqqdberry,:ltd.. Mrs, 3 ANE 1.).%V1)4, formerti tit j,iits IdaZa s m 1.116 and '4.4 dap*, - 12 SO woo uo 2 25 4 273 I T : OJ 1J IMP 7 IV 0 7L5' 2 is, Married, Destwaes.litigdrm *id Catmints, Treated with the utmost success, by Dr:,.T. Ibi.kA CS, Oculist toul Attehtt (formerly of Leyden, . 11(111M - ld rrsEstrver, phnuitoptam. Tcs thnottials front the' utost reliable sonrcettlis the • City and Country ran Ue saes at Ws ego& ...rim medical faculty are Invited to accompany thelf, patients, nm hait'ho keerets In hielirtwttce. tlftelail eses I ii,,crted withput pulp ; :tip clianyl ,tuatlethr examlitatlottl' ' • '• - ': kept : '24, ;SW: . ty : Hispriesie end pellbseir.... • 1.1.9pAY OF WARNIN:I AND !.:;Mar: ‘,„.° TION To YOUNG' MEM AlsO v 'D •-•t [Abases which •pertnetzplr Primers • rPowers, with hotels of re Charm.. waled envelopes. • i tegif2,l:k: • irorunWil ilowttril • 6i, - I.lllloet ilia. Va. [Dee. 9,1 spasm Special Notice toiteno. owa:s. 91' hone.. Thousands of florae* die yearly from Cells, This need pyt Pe. Pr. TObistellreultien Dome Liniment will positively enre every case, If 141veu when and taken. The cost Is only one dollar. Every own .r of a horseshould he uahotttnin his stable. ready for use. y. is wequated mitx.fl9r to anything else for the cure of Cuts, Wlnd Swellings, More Throat, Morelos, Bruises. flit Sams, are. This Llnhnent Is IV, yew remedy ft has been used end approved oh for hi yeers by the first horsemen In the country. (liven to : u. driven horse, It note like mettle, Orders coo stonily received from the racing. stables of Eng. land for It. The celebrated tilrnm Wothinitt 9f trytting hone, has used it for yenta, an i sad p It Is far superior to any other he has trio'. lie kind ly pc:twits me to refer to hint. Ins address Is East few York. Wag Itounilect, Dr. To. Was' Veultian Horse Liniment LA Put up In pint tables. Take no other. -Fold by the Druyttlitis and liaddlerS, Depot, riti Courtlendt street, N., York, pan. 7,1%Y,7. 7w Jiver* (71.rry r01a.24/11 HA.I.JD CT Rig Or panels, Colds, Influenza, klourttenctst, Croup. Illuatialthi, luelpient Cutonouptlon.altd - Mr Ilte raad' of Colislitliptive l'uttents in advanced thges attic tili.vast.., wide is the field of Its tutelotheits anti so up. menus* arc the eases cans t tires, thstaintout eye. ry scetiou of couutry.abountls In persons pa ly known, who little bit it resti.tred inyinfitri, tottlayttp desperate tliseiows or the lints. Jo ' use. ;When once tried, Its superiority uteri' y other exptvtorant Is 100 apparent to PPM ki. ( i nervation, and where its N Irt ties are k Lintel, I s u pit tlic no longer hesitate what antidote µot • 3l bitty fm ;lie tll,tltr4sillt.t and .langt rotis alit i dents Of the puintonaty mean, t init,a re fin Ural In our climate. While many Mt. nor remedies titi ta.t upon the community hay, 1110 p spit Pet ii iiir , cardol. Op. has gitimul Irk Ma itt ;•yery 1001, erniferrod hen. tits on the anti fed they can Ils.Vet boned. a produced tend proded car... It sSi 1111//IVrt us tuna too relll.ll4lthitt to be forg..t tom Ws can only assure the poUlle, that Its quality is oureftilly kept pp to the hest It ever Inc.u 1.4%, and that It filmy he relied on tp tto fat their relt4f. all that It hits ei er dyne, Went p tilt ;writ td Cl. ritylricrl. VitYsirlit nil. Statesmen, and eminent pet NtittllKPM, have kilt their motes to eertify the tin laralleld ts e urea 1 - I esa odour remedies, but spa, tpro will 1101 Pei , mkt the invert 100 of them, 'f i de ,%gt tits below rt toted furnish arntl.4 oar Ant. Heap A Outman. 111 which they art. alt cit. 11 II li also lull tit scriptloUti of the rout Ittutulle $lll7 titre, Those Who require. to A urratATIVE. UttlltrlNl: to purify the blood will rind A T EH'S Cover. 1,44 titAllSAP.Altriti•A 010 rrottsi;t to use. 111 it, ant a; tool you writ know its value. Prepared by .1. C. AVER & Co., Lowell, liaba s , and mold by A. D. Be MILLIC, °alplbUrg, Jan. 7, 1.847. 2.1 u lirludy, dre g Plain quoitloitS dem and plain answers. Should the ASIA rte Citot.mt %. prevail antolll4 us , vvi,y prialtellne HaftWaty'S thinly HAIM ha prei, r nee 1,1 other prescript hale t Hfmply, belanlwe it la I,lt u s .. tringent, un Invhituant. a pi rV4 alit I. as alind the malaria, and eotrtalllSlto hranily,Thalanly,nlllla, calomel, nor deleterious di figs. It is is v‘iti luhlu con., awl th“ 111wtan fum Otis operation of the he. lief renders It the nowt valuable of all know it remedies for all malarlons .11Seln.e•PI which Hid - thinly strike at the multi ellaant Met vital art To protect the system. thirty tirups or the It, haf t In n wine glinia in water, three times a day, %111 prove Ms lit thotisati Is lit 11h1 . 11 I, 1 1111.10 1/1 . 1, rut I VO. In all Ihettetdo diseases, 111. e 1,1 1 ,1,.. therla, the 11, , lief tilw.os conquers. ed with Neuralittii, one Of t h e roust complalni.4 known, elm ,lopen,l upon ,I• 1 Mem when te.ed us eta ext, rani crannies Ira taut; end: an Internal Intninialn. For CII.DIJA. also am :j . nakins. Ile:141301e, lita.ninatkal. Pants In Ilia 'LOIN, Feet, Jut iii , If tu;'pl ti over the 'par' parts. still stibill Immediate relief. No fatally without It. 11 nvvl r h,ila to t taut 1. re. aad a is rutancht Sold by Drugglitts. Price 511 cents per bottle. Jun. li, are/. 2W I= art Nr)lti • 191:4 I'lLlfa so stimitluts all tho Interior powers of the spdPlit that every or' Impurity is for,•ed from the blood IMO the hnwels, and thus panvea off, Iterent 111.1..11 of Nilk witlW “4.lVii Ily 140 011,2 t of 41 orb Brandt i•th's I'lll., which, it hen the oljeratlea Is 4;11 110 VOlllphOte, leave the blood as free fuel pokonous and unload( hy mat (sr na ifsf.hrw., burn babe. In raids, Inflammatory tllsetae - a,s lot oven In cholera, t h eir law restores to health Soon, sr than all other remedies, because they take from the blood slid I,4IWVIN those mutters mem whlelt pains, cramps, and aches depend tar t'apt.,i a Isaac atoll!,. td : 4 1ng Ring, Ravi, thirty o Ilrandreth'. Plll4, takm lucording to I hirer t lons. rare,' It lin of a very , severe brotwlital atfee tlun utter other means had failed, and he wishes 1111113Prons friends to -know the (net. Ilrattdreth's I.'rlneipal ("Mee, Itranarreth House, New Yorli. *4,1 ohm by all Drugab,ht, See my name on tioYerUl4 l 4041114 without whlult the pills are sm s rlims, 1.40 e, 31,18111 114 411,4sDitEn1. Why of w (*mot, neenrallia t‘i Iltull, I►. riliderrd t.•nrold into terrible by itu "HORRID HAIR," and there pre tlionsaptis or fiery humnn heaps which naglit he rendered ehortelns by simio changing their tint to a mellow brown, or a Oa : fectly natural black, with llAllt Dl'R. It Is ridiculous to curry Into society n grcy, ten by or carreity head, when five minutes would 'syn., der it as attractive as Nature could have mathi In leer happiest motet. kinnutactnred ij 4 8 Astor house, New York. by Druggitte. Applied by all Hair iirtsisens: Po; 41,14 Dr. EICEENCE' Vats seranntmegrei on enrol Dr,J, 14, 2% Jl, tho Pitopc:gs etor, of DZI:140:/•117 •ni.to NM, who..' t hol amtined ILI morn: tongt.in`e r A ;ISt, 40.1413 4014. 445 5 4;1;4 g iq gnevhah e, A :. 41.% who., NI 5 , 0mmk. , ,,i • too t4s shop', Out $1,1! rem-`le, II e Igen ,h us r ••gorel Ina ea./elh let time is $ no resort of the d oot c Iry Itto t r 4 thagiCui, for 4 1 11th $ I udy.oins du chit 41r , p9.nre..1, and Ms pettroot, tvotgAt Igs mat than two hotolco p gands, ueo hls rocover,-, Imo ha- dozotal allingllkid omega: ogroly to tho c_ro et' lltagauttciou, and the ilg.ento tek:sts ore usually coup iesgul with ft, aad ewes alee od hf Inedhhoe• 14.4 her I iqkfi• }nr.W.4lll toot Wall/ WO. 1C4.41 Dr„lnn a 144 111.1.;1,41 lOU ta-1s to severs' 01. the Joule e tics weekly, where he ha, contour o or cgatielsio. and tl Is truly. ottod °Wry; town rttor consitetqlvas thsCharti to to fU el MS 41 tholr torrio os, and hi 164 tandstbs h,olhe, cotton penman, 112, Dt-1:133 13: 1 3 PVLYONI43 SYUCP, 331 W 31Cgt TO:llg, 4.14 hj 44 01 Fllll4 are :oteed,li ail win:eel to otz no Consmilagogs. 44,4 lirm ions woman.' 1, each, to that Lay one est tnho thing wtheat ett:hts S 11.1 ,r• he 111 is enorongo °it 11 Let to go, 11 . 14, lye coO oleic° groc, Igingior ath Mae/ csana'nai,'on with 14:4 L.! ;) rtnixer :I 4 get Is three doihmi I' cote oltomee, whet pare:tom tier th,e two likositoset QI tho pnclOr—)ze V, het lath., !Al 7 . 140 of et:tilduglition,, aid than:lgor at he now is, id Itier:cot heallt—arts on 014 Goreecnnont sraugp, Chd Druu , ..o• a DA'ora. LY.te p - :r bottle, at VA* the half dere Lotlora for iLlvteoaltaaesd ahrhid he d rce. ed to Dr. rilue'pat o.lleo, No. Li 1414 eth Wl* 4., tqt::sia ph a, Who'adtale A oats: Demo Donna; MA. Y.. B. 5. De toe Da , LI more MI: Jetta D. L Oho; NA .;t a T.., tor, 1.341.*.;.t, 'IL etatipa D Lai w . ca ao. To Conattna The advert Pier, having been restored to health In n few weeka by a very 'simple remedy, aft** having suffered for several yegirll with a mmeaarn lung affection, and that dread dime:ow, t 'oilman/Ip% tion—.l4 1111X101121 to wake known to his tlaw; untiererx the means of cure. To all who desire It, I a will send a copy of the prowrlptinit used (free of charge) with the direr., that; far preparing an 1 Ituttlyf the seine, widen they will null a !WICK I VIM; volt l'oNst•wrriol AwriiwA, lino - N(llms, t'OrCillti, and al Throat and Lung .l cf hts. The only object p the advertiser ill ..nuit lug the Premmestrdlon Ira In bonen' theatillete,l, and sprea tIl et frinatlgl whialif he Colieej IV b-Invaltiable, and lie tenni' ev.rry manierer will try Ids remedy, as It will cowl thlimi nothing, and nuty prove a blessing. l'art lea wig!, log floe prescription VEER by retiertk mall, *lll please tiddress Itt:v. Eli‘V sitn A. WILAnN, Wit tglrbtirg. Kings New lurk. Mar. 5, Iliad, ly Wenstlerful but True t 3tArt43tE It En t r.,;(3, ros, the wothl renowned .tat auct Sem unit) tatlist le Ciattvo) est, while ti a. ettlicytwasit. state, delineates tie stry• feuturtif of the person Yeti 1 1 1 % , to mina, anti i t the aid grail instrument of I otense powde, k11,,,, , r1 as the l'syeliettearttoe. guarantees to produce a ',octet t and Ilfe-Illre picture of the future trushonti or wife of the apple alit, with date of Instringe,. occupation, (calling trial Cs of elitireCter, Ore. Tlllll 11 Is no lintsoaa)i, as testimonials without 1411111 eau assert. It) stating plater qfhtrtit, att., (Moue Linn, color of eyes anti Lair, %1 enclosing 111 cents, and littanipett pliyelttpA) nittlrerse . ,1 to yod self, yon Wlrl retch 4 e the tact (Ire by return mat Usfether wit i ti sired Information. Midwest 111 Courtletier, 31411 A yVE GEirrpuDs Rpm iN,;TuN, I', 0, Box 2117, n vo Trull, N. y. Sept, 21, !NAL Wu