• - Ot3E. 4 ,I*;4, - on r I 1,. i The Head of a Comet. - ilte r eortllng to )ILlton, is rvudert.4l :vac)ll more - terrible by its • "110RII in n.tztt,. -, Auld t Imre arelbouentide of tl,ry human lietubt frit might be reentered (Alarming by %Imply -fi Ng their tint to a Int slow brown, or a per . 1 4 .1 tY r4l l)lselc, with - HAIR DYE. Ml itOdons to wary Into society a grey, itandy tar rutty 1)940. Via* dye minutes would ren der it, aa attractive utt Nutore tatuld hate 'nude :t in her bappleat tuutl,. Utondteetured by ' -CHI} T.l pour), C Au:loaf wise, New York. gold 1 7 -4)4 Akkhd. ll , 4Pal 1.41, Diekoors, Pee." k 'A6; lm Te Owners et Marilee, ,studs of tiorrix.ti die. yearly. from (3,4 lid, 'o. ' 4 " 4 1 ,7 0 . 4r. Tobias' Veuitlau li,orko lent w:11 positively cure every claw, 11 glveg arm (atoll. The cost ix only One dollar, ' owner of a bottle should haven 1a,41e Ills 4 ready (07 u..... It is warranted Winer if 14 lbw else for Ito' cure of cuts, Wind tow , Imps, bore Throat , tioraltui, Brahma, Ind --- &e. ?ids Lialarrtaii 18110 Hew remedy. It ilia ieo n ImA stud approved of toy 19 yd ars by the tit omen,' en 1;411)0 country, [liver) to au Oyer- IriveOt lion %li acts tlkt , toogie, Order.; are eon ttnnilly receled 4..14. Ibr•racli: stables of Eng gandlfor It. The celebrated II Irani Woodruff. of trainer( fame. has tt.a..l It for year 4, and says it Is 'fat satp,(lor to arty other Ile nag tried. 11e kind iy Petrulta me to refer 10 bill). Ills addream is leaitt New York Long TsPind Reeollert, Dr, To bias! Venni/In ii.n . ,6% Liu I np.nt k !sit rori 111 Oat lrettli , d. Tato: u, other, :..old by the lfruaglg,ts .Ant Saddler,. I. , epot, :4 tha4(ttatt.tt surei.t. St-u• erK. 1Juu,7,13 1 .4. 7 w Arb Ir nl rve ben r. - C9TSTII7I74IIIN.t CURABLE BY MI. ! ISOBEXCR'S lIIEDICINEtaI, TO curt?: cll3:;mt. rtl-N, the s et, a mad ho pre pared so dui the fuegs will la •a'. Ti it* alf:iti this, the Prerfanal stomach tea* first be c'es IVA Ili 111 %went* ere eked 10.1* rood naq'timum fool, which, 15..• the is m01id.4311 will 10 ilisePeJ prover, Al 4 red heithi bleel male: illupi haltdistis up the con.iltatten, fi'lilVi..:ll'3 M 4 Ol. 11 .11.4111.. PLUS elceass. the Po.nach of a I halo:tier mace= seireinteselons I sad, b •filr,n , ; the S m Weed Tua:e la eon sa•cilon, the appetite in rePorci. gli.lll.flliCif.' yuLl(Eile 5Y211.71. he natteclous as welt ' lasneelhetnal. seta, ta . ..usbre the three retneVir. id Imparities pre expere I treat t'so satem a al ease, wirdesoine bleed Pads, which will resisl a:ld:scat., 1: pine as senile's], these Reellelnee award:us to dlreAkias, Cease tip 143 Terefro ituentlx in Ito !an stem rigida resins to their action. Take the pits fro famish'. to o'retasa th .11-era id it.runch. Oda ..1 pot eiellow Piet bre* ins lb • bsPels are .1): roles the . ate Aim Irt, mired, fey imaanta.ei In dMrrb.cs tit. ' eN) neseamr , . The stomach mud be kin health.. a.l *4 au./ ft• 10 treated toilloor the &teatime e n •fine 1.3 id ii' Chnt.e..) rzVaii,-atzVIS ot4LITIC lind 4:a, an. fri..tes.on, Tee , ill 1,11,4 i.l rs , tie I lo p •r'ortu a vein* teat CUTS it, to p , .e .VA ilk%l le C 3141. Sxerctsc aboat the reoms as reach a, nrnible; est all the fretted icrot —tn. tars', ammo, a it in tan, ne,ahlne the .1;- watt craws ; tat be pir.lems: and malbrste PO. r [14+.1 sr. OS. me. 1 in. • .-- - . .0 4... .1.- ---- , 1 Ayer'* Pllll. ~Lira yip; g . leic, leelite and complaining'? Are oat V ler with you: c.y artt'll/ liet'alli.wd and yr feeli4ir.l unetartiortaole? 'Peres_ a, .uptutus tin"; otie9 tip prelate to sorbet, illness. Saabs fit. of alelku..B.l )4 creeping . upon you, tool b!lotild be ii.Y.l.rted by a (haply u...• ol the 1 ig.it remedy. Take A.yer's l'thlu. and els. 1111.. o u t III , : disordered it:iiumm,-purity I no blue I, and let tile itut. , a intiVe silt new intrveted in health la du, Tsey ntimulate lite Maclaine of Ihu lately iii, yisp.rtitui setts Ity, purity the p) ,;.•1y tram the °NOM. tiollh welch prAke dieetme. A cold settles nom • where hi the lettly A lhl.l deranges it... natural mica lona. These, if isie:-.Pelliece,l, rut ulna' them., I vim and tire surpit ailing ors; urn, pro lit dm; is , ilersl aggrapp.. IMO. ullMl'ing and derangement. While iii Win yandaluti. take AYeen Pill*, 4.1,11 , 1 are itoW directly lu., readstre the natural act hill Of 11.1, la SI a .L 1)), must it It the hoey.int. feeling' of he tut ii;.llll, ,Wisat la I rue hiel No apparent to tint trivial and gammon complaint in Islam true fin many of the .....n,WallehagillitUktilii.lietentisers, The n.llO purgative plf•sut esip;TiiTien - i: • .,444,1 0 ' 11, ... gl__Juil. , g,,iiatruetiatiq and derangements al Tlir,.lt=. 4 . lowa i.avi of the lei ly they are rapidly, i . - ,ilia ay sir tai ,l merely care I by the smite instil 4." !Calle win) know the virtue of thee • l'ilhi will :tent... I to ,ctutiluy them when aufteri lig troth the limrders Cloy l'llre, , ttl •11 an fL• i•Lti-lle, Volli Nlttlll vii, // a. iten tery, Raman eomplainfn, I ibllgent lam Derange stlust of ths Liver, cotivetietm, Omit [pat lon. 1 1.4111,141 1 / 1 1711, 101,12111,111,011, Dropsy, WO:111S tied tsporessiou, w Imre talt.•lo 111 Limo dunes. They ase Su' ar emtteil. no I hat tile hunt ern ..1- &We can 'ak. .j. 4 s.en) thy ca4llv,ltil are merely the pisitt pang it lve io-dielio. yet MAL...peva. Prepared tic .1,1'..1Y Mt .0 ro„ Lowell, yo,a„ and poll by A. In. liasbler, (jelly* wag, Nur. o, /81:11. 21a To Comfunptively, +- he advertiser, having 1)001 1 - 1•161.0C;id 0 health .14‘ PI a few weeks by a very idn.ple refileuy, utter hi ving sullered for several years whit u severe Itt istrecifon, alit lila dread duseii,e, Cuistitnp lou—ls &111Sli/11$ to make known to tub tellow stifTerent the IlleatlS of cure. I,', nil winf.l.4.lre it, i.e will send a rope of tht, Veyvn6ffoo ll tel (free of ellariCed with tip ill ree ;ions fur preparing and ;pang' tits sone, winch t I ey will find g situ: crio; Foil CoN , i'xilloN, .A.Sritsts, liftoNcif I rfs, Vornits, On, p3“:01 aII TLITUiIt m 1.4 finale Alteillana. 'Jibe way Ogre!, ~r the advertiser lit sending the Preseriptiou is to tskticilt the afflicted, and spi ead in forinutf , .ti which ht• conceives t 6 tie invaluable, and he hopes every Ilifrver will ify hti, rvineily, as It will rust than ;'thing. awl may prove it blessing. Part les williing the prescription gliszt: by reairn all, will pleulc address ItEV. E.I.)W 1.10 4. ; wit,4o, WilliaingLinrg:Kiiip eci., .4egi 144., Mar, 5, 111 ly Midden Fln4l . kei of Hest. . . Tift.llo F 41,1.4 are romptmea eXcittsively of reg. ~table extracts, the oulv known itulistitule tor I rucral medicines or deleterious drugs. rliglr • rtuat, beauty Is, tlicy painlessly remove all oh uetions from the /towels, Mid Ufe the beat sad 1.4141:4 purgative t..*t.int. They are coated %all ..neat gums. are ta.,telebs,, uever stegeu or gripe, ;or deoilitate the system, They tone the LIN er s ha Stomach, purity the Blood, eradicate dated ,r -us gatherings nod swellitses, relieve Cnge:4,,it rt 1 complete a Bert et cure. ltulwity a itylila ing Pills ape; dily cure 111.1114‘..stiou..14),ocpsh, tu its moat mtu`iborn lona, Liver (11)1dpi:outs, and h e piles effectually; Fevers, or lull pu tt in the I. 1 u4or B wk.; general litliousneiis' oddity of the I mit - tett, are relieved at once by these l',lis. The •oung of both sitx. ,, s ' intlaoct to horning in the lesit, an I su i.lott i1a.4 , 1,•s of heat w.leit In the y lug post nrv, will Mid on what 'allure ii,- Ittairtm. 111,4 are also in v.i1u11)10 in an cased *lmre the dist Inetivelunetions of the female cos- Wtit org ins are torpid , disordered. or irri•gul.a. hey ciii..!,;iy pot ore each and ev..ty 01 gati to Its A utura top , . vigor, health . , mid dilly r :401.11r firtnoglias. Pike 1 - .; eeutti per hex. ' Pin 1, • - • •• • - -- Wonderful but Trt s tb i mAD4III4 'tint rfq co N', the W 41 4 ,1 ffolloWned Astrologist and 6proualithntlstle CiturVoY•tnt,' 'while In a end ittoyito t 'dote, ddlinentes the NV ry features of the person you ore to Marry, and by lil t ., aid -"ran liNtrunieht ot inteusepowor, known , IZt U tel au r4) il e l i lri... n tike r° ,ll ` c * i.4sl; ` , r' rtY,n g , tc o ir P i r i `'` ..t e t,, a i i 2r e VAtilnul,c,R,rilri'Ln:zsv,:Ply 4 iii W ak!„. o 4,Trigie.i' lia no itapositam, as testi inoniols ialtuotit 11 . 1 miner sum assert. By stating pi:tenor larch, use, disport. 1 Lion , color of eyes and hair. aut4 orriuslin lltty , &um and Rtarn port envelope acldFsigeil to your- self, you will receive the picture by rettfrh mall,: i o rdther with desired information. Address In itantidenee AIMIAILE GERT4UDE I ItY.III.VOtON, P.. Box 207, West Trtii - , ...ii, r, - iscpt. 24, istz. 6L. HAVING disposed of the Excelsior Gal lery to C. J. Tyson, I take this oppor-, tuutty to thank those who, during my short residence in Gettysburg, have tovored ma with their patronage; and also to restom, mend Messrs. I. G. and C. J. Tyson to the confi leans of the public, as I have in all their • cealings with me feuud them to be upright • strange, brit Truer aua honorable metameta-.H. It. BOYD: • Dec. . Reeryyoung lady and gentleman In the United _ 24 1864. BM , , _ , ::- States can hear something very nitleh to their ed. I HAVE _gone over the entire stook or AL vantage by return mail (free q ( Charge,) by ad dressing the undersigned. Those having tears of BUMS and FRAMES, at the 1 Exeeleior befog laumbustrod wilt oblige by not noticing this' hallery, and marked them down to within a cont. All others will please address their obedi ent servant, T$08„. F. CHAPMAN, fraction of aost. Non is your time for bar ' Mon da VS. .I.i 831.Brotutirdy,N„ y, g4i_pi,... 1- ' ', ' er. 4 . ; 1111 9 N • - Marriage mild Celibacy. 1 Bailrataii ESCOUOII. AN F.ASAY OF WARICINO AND 'INSTRUC- : Presid ent aed THE Annual Election for s TIM! TO YOUNG MEN. Also, .11t.seaaes and: Twelve Managers of the Gettysburg Ah - which permanently p r ostrate the Va r a! 1., ' 'wi th Pare means of relief. Sept tree of IMa , willbe a Ral d 4ld at the office tifshe Qom, G ,In Pealed envelopte . "Addrodt, Dr. .1. pauy, in the passepger Depot, in the Borough SKIL IN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, 4 l'susdeohis. rs. [um, 4; pm toct2l7 of Gettysburg, on the SMOOND uommty (He _____........... 414 N IjA Rif. Varsl4UrY 14'h, litlY,) at ore o'- .: • t • Magner" Blindness qqd Catarrh, cl:,ck in the aftertmon. At the same time and 'Treated ;kith the utmost success, by Ur. J. PlAtte ihere will .be held the. regular annual 1.8.4...104,'1t t i5t and A,uriat,lt?finerly or Leyden, meeting of the Stockholders. li ct osetd,). ofilil PlllE:street, hThulelphia. Ter- 1 P4ViD WILLS, Secretapy. , t u om mani ni the must rei Al }ovum lupe , qty Criontry can be seen tit as Oleo. ••h e ; Jan. y, lasy. sisedhsal tUttre Invited tpruPdby . Weir ' - _-- • he no agenda in practwc. di a . ; LARCH VJEWFf of the Battle Field, singly, airrso i l a Tai Inserted vitt:lota ..1 pip 41, 1 411• A or in sets, very sow. Alio, STEREO ft Imm o otarrltnntlon. I bitopm viva , R f pp Battle Field at the Ow" Sit MO; IV _ , E aCels'iistedlekr, Donn- fall to see them. C. J. TYSON. ' 0 4tDIRS.Jr a at in g a good ittiols of Pertu• 1 _ . eery, Fancy Soap, or flair Brushes, - can 1 .4 supplied at J. L. scipms. 1) --- TL'1301tN.Ett'S f 14AGtIANT MYRRH pre ' **CO ini- ---- alB --- rgit assortment of eve --- 17 14 ' guts tna th Ar T iti e es eli tlrb re re s atl ai s i . dileas" 14 1 4 1 0 0 f idar apt Brice—just opened at ' 0 PICICISII'S. Column, I.IIIE Financial pontostUee appointed at the meeting. is the 'Court iluuse on New i ear's thy, hereby give holder to aft persona ' interested , to west said COsamistee at. the Ar -1 bitratiou Room in the Court House, iu Gettys ' tyshurg, on SATURDAY, J.inuary 12th, at 10 o'clock, A. for, the purpose of assessing each claimant for damages a certain amount for the purpose of raising funds to defray the • expenses incident to procuring the, passage of SO Act by the Legislature making an appro. priation to the citizens of Admits county for , losses sustained . by the rebe. invasion and du ' ring the Battle ut Gem stinre. It is very jim portant that all should attend if they desire to have their interests attended to. atimakt - o all the that every poixeit to blood Into the Iterent emcee of the effect of 6 or 8 III! OpPl'atlon IA Aood us (re(• from .torus tlantor a new• .toty diseases, end ores to health soon because they talks 'lose matters upOn cs deperid Mr eon- Sing, soya, thirty corairit to dlrec. e bronchial atTee , NI, and be whale) he fact. runs creAwrina, FRANCIS BREAM, JOHN SOCKS, .M7CHAh;t. HSI:EL, P. D. W. HANK - CY, IMO S LEVEYKR, JOSEPH SHERFY, Uutntnittee. Jan. 7, IBM .. Office, Brandreth by all Drumlins. stain p, without G ET your PHOTOGRAPHS et TYSON'S, Culics‘ of PENNSYLVANIA.—The next Term of this Institution, and( r iu re-organiza tion, will commence on the 16th day of Jainu arr, 180. B BnAND RETII Fur tenno of admission, catulognes, kc., address • JOHN FRASER., Prrs't. Agricaltoral College, Centre CO , Pa.. Jan. 7, Ma. $1 _ PORCELAIN i'ICTCRES, at the Excelsior Gallery, are superb and turnislied at one third city prices. Call and rx , truute speci tnet.s. C. J. TYSON. IE Winter Session of thisinauiution and 140 the Preparatury Dopartment. will commence on Thur:day,'Januury 10, iptik kor particulars,address PRESIDENT OF PENN'A COLLEGE. Cettysourg, Jan. 7, 1807.. TrIE best PFIOTOGUAFIIS made in this county, art made st the Ezselb in r Gallery, Gettysburg, opposite the think. Card. Tx McCOW.KOITY, during the 6851Rion at the Senate, will attend to hus ()Ike oo Saturdays, and has also Ina& such arlanga. ments ihat hie clients and their bu.,iness wk l at all times receive prompt attention. Jan. 7, 1867. 3.* J3ROOM HANDLES FOR SALE, wholesale or retell, sk the Ldunber Yard at 1 - C. H. BUEHLEIL The ratriot and THE CENTILiki, UNIIOCRATIC (MOAN OF THE SL'ATK.—Tbe Weekly l'a4iot and nidg is published every Thuriday, by the PirThot,anid enum Prtniiny and Puldohing t4dt;on. Jt is a double sheet of eight pages, and contains tarty-eight columns of ;matter, and wade up of Literary, Agellenliural, News and 3fiseell.ineous selections, Repo py Cop. gressiotial and hegislative Pruceedlao) iaui 4SiatlS, J ditorigl ike. - fill: TERMS $ One copy, one year, cash, 50 (hie 'eoliths, cash, ; .1 3 4 Ten Utiles - , oun }ear, and one :41 14 14 getter up of Club, Tweniy copies, one year, mite tc the Better up of Clue, 33 00 I The "Daily l'afflot and Criss.' will Le !unveiled to wail subscriberslwrST 00 - per eaJci.uni. girliqsiness let•ers should be witreved to '•).'atrial cud linrrisburr; Pa. WM 44. lrustee. , WM. D. Pu lli~ber. Mike, cornet Third Street uhtl e;tutw berry ALky, ti.,rrist) 4, P.t. P.m. 7, 1e.67. N my absence, there wilt twit-till:or " mighty competent operator ia elarge of the Exctlisor Gallery,and work of di kinds and ttm!er all cirencuStances•must site satis facti.n belore it can lek,e , w ar Itooma F. J. 'CI-SO. , fron—lrOn—lroit 2 • E77 . I":IBURG J . The euhscribert respectfully inbrm the public Out they h erected a Forgliu con nection witiCtheir Steam Utll, and :re now war u feet u ring- • FORlig,L) AND HAMMERED IH4N, !Milt as Plough, llorsi-shoe Aar ii.tr inn, and iespeetfult; iuvite Blacksmiths end Dalars to gier 'peat a call, teeing satisfied th.t they f aith irkte l `..Ort:aselii.•fi hand 4 prize. 131tINUMAN tnu N. highest: market rice paid for wrought and scrap irou. , B. k W. Dcc. 17, leo6. pICES nt the Excelsior cnnnot be under rated while the Ttality and style of !'IC 'I l RES cabout be surpassed. Call and ex amine. C. J. TYSON. , 1867—Blackwell dit. Cjo, have now 1467—ready their Revised Cat.,lugue of News 1814—papers for 1467, containing all the 11147—principal Publications, tor which tie, 1447—receive Nu/46 , 966ns at Yhe Regular Race, 1867—and; on niat.y of them, oiler the ad rm. 1467—tage of subscribinifar 3 tamaits. Strad 1867—for a copy containing full details of our 1867—achniruble system of operat'.on. '7e 1447—reftr to the Publisher of this paper.i BLACKWELL i t CO., Office, 81 Cedar iS•reet, ' `Box 4,298 P. Q., New York, Dec. 31, 1866. 3m. ------- ciONSTANTLY on bapd, an assortment of FINN; Fll4,llEfil, PHOTOGRAPH Al.- ) . __ . _ OM Ms, Card 9 aol Ilaskets for grasses frog .. . , ..,.. . • • - , the ,Battle Field. ft HOTOGRATEIS of 04-1 We have just returned from the city, where Generals and other distinguished ind iridualr. Iwe bought a very large and well selected at the gicelsior Gulipry. C., J. TYSIIE, istoek of all kinds of goods, suitable in our —1 line, omits ' . Limo tons Ita7 THE LATE DECLINE. i it h e e tt u te i r o Pa s ts T H m a n C k e z m i . - If g i u t r so st c o;k . F ect it ; x st i s in part of s, V o y a N in Cll , P N llYlCE AD l l i ' r Tn3 l F l l . 7 \l lll , T d p e tal l ey lvared ist their Hay Sheds, Calicoes, Plaids, Bleached and Unbleached in Galard i at P. Hann a Station, and in Getty - iluslin4; a large assortment of ntuk, Blown burg. JER.E.lll.kff DrEHL, and Plaid all-Woel Double SHAWLS, Balmo. Gettysburg, 0ct.13, Ma: -3qt Agent, rel. Skirts. Hoop Skirts, Gloves, to. . -- - ---- -- -- HEWS WEAR, consisting to part of Broad l y Vir are always glad to-see one friends at and Beaver Cloths, 131.. ck and Piney Cassi the Excelsior. It still stands in the ;naeres, Cassinets, Plain and Fancy Flannels, IMMO old place, ou York street, opposite the ;u n d e r-shirts and Dratvws, BOUTS, SHOES, Bank, Gettysburg, Po. . U. J, TYSON. !HATS and CAPS, Driving ond Buckskin • Pay Up i , i Olorop . _ 1 .4 omelet.% assortment of GROCERIES, at Villa undersigned having retired from best- l aw raw. ./ I nese, he ask/ thane indebted to make p i HARDW F, snob as Tire Iron, Spring, p...yment with as little delay as ponsible. timer, Bli ell and Cast Steels, Hurl* Shoes, Such as do not settle before the Bret of Janu- Norse-sh Bar, Nail Hods, Ilannnered Iron, ary next, will find their accouris in the hoods of an officer 'fur collection. 4 1.111 Sp kes,i Spovets told , rorks. Door Lucks. i 41 ' .l,o4tki, ' Latches, Hinges and Screws. „_. JOSEPH 8. GILLUM. Gettysbarg, Kam. 26, 1866. -, - - Y all means hive yourTHOTOGRAFIIS made at the Excelsior iNtlery, if YO4 desire them perfect. C. J. TYSON. ET your PUOTOGRAPUS • TYSQTA. Important Notice. Pennsylvania College. A Card. = Public Sale. IDN TUESI)AY, she lathday of JAVV.4.IIY next, the subaurther wilt sell at Piddle Sale, at his residence, in Cumberhind town ship, Adams county, near the road leading Irons Gettysburg to linsialtsburg, 3 miles iron. the former place, the following personal pro perty, viz : 1 BUitzttE, 4 filch COVrio (I fresh) 2 Heifers. I Bull, 4 head of liuun4 Cattle., 17 Shoats, 5 Sheep, Two-horse Watson, Spring Wagon, Ploughs, Harrows, Wheelbarrow, • Shovel Ploughs, Hone Gears, BAdles, , Collars, Cow Chains Hakes, Forks, Grindstone, Cross.cat Saw, ie. Mao, Household Furniture, vie: 2 Derssiag Bareatta, Wardrobe; Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Corner Cupboard, Settee, Sofa, 3 Stores, large - iron Kettle, 3 Clucks, Dishes, 2 Barrel of Vinegar, a Chi.d's Carriage. and other artieles, too numerous to mention. Warßele to conmence at tO o'clock, A. 8., on said day, when attendance will be given, and terms made known by • JULICS HEFNER. Dec. 31, 1866. it A Small Property AT PRIV ATli SAE.—The and reigned offers at P,irate Sale, his valuable Prop erty, situate in Tyrone township, Mauls c.nintyi..on the road leading fr )tu Hunters town to Petersburg, "about 4 miles from the latter place, containing about 30 ACRES, more or less, improved with a 2001 cee and a half story LUG HOUSE, and a good Stable of large size, with J a never•falling well of water at.. t the door. There is a first-rate garden, and the land is all in a high stite of cultivation, There are a•sout 2 acres of Timber. and a oaf& dent coantity of Meadow land. There is a va riety of fruit on the premises. The fences are in goad order. The property is conveniently located to Markets, Schools, Churches, &.c., and is one of the most desirable properties iu the county. Persons wishing to view the property will on!l ou the undersigned. residing-thereon. GEUittat DAGGIifiILTY. Oct. 29, 1866. tf NON but frst•rate PICTURES are allowed to (e t %ken from the Exzelstor Gallery. Samples shown before the-order is filled. • V. J. TYSON. Tax Appeabs. TCommis.ioners of Adams county bere by give uutiso that they have. fixed upon the. following days tor holding Lb° APP" I3 fur the sevrs4l Boroughs and Townships of said county, at the When of the County Com missioners, in Gettysburg, %het dud where they wilt :Ittend to hear Aispeals, betweeu the hours of 0, A.'Sf„ and 2 u'auelr, P. 11„ of each day, as follows; The Appe .1s t.d. Gettysburg. Cumlserland, Germany, Ostord, ILtatingtun, Lailmore. Ty rone and Strobao, nn TUESD...t.Y, the 22d day of JANUARY next. For llanailtonban, Franklin, FlLltland, Free dom, Mountjuy, Polon, Conowago and Liber• tv,. on WEUNSSDAY, the 23d day of JAN• GARY nest. For Venn Hen, Butler, Berwick bor., Berwick tp , Reading, Hamilton, Mountple.o.ant, and Littleitown, on THURSDAY, the 24th day Of JANUARY rut, Ry order of ttie County Commis9ionera, J. 31. WALTER, Clerk Dac.l4. 1806. to. 20 00 GRT your PROTOGRA.TIIB at TYSON'S liegiater's Notiees. N 01101: is hereby given to all Legatees and other pereoni concerned, that the Administration A c:ountB hereinafter mention. ed will he presented at the Orphan's Court of Adams , county, for eoolirmation and .allow an9e, on NIONDAY, the 22d day of JANL'AIIY, 18d7, at 10 o'tloelf, A. 11., viz: 1. The first and final r.ccount of Eli . 'ipbeth J. Walker, Administratrtr of William J. Walk er, deceased. 2. The fiat tonount of Samuel Bonier., Ex. ecutur of Nl.irgmet Bowers, late of Hunting ton township, deceased. W. D. HOLTZWOrtTIf, Dec. 24, ISGd. Register. nEIISOYS . - 'wisbing PHOTOGRAPHS of their children will find it to their advan tage to call at the Excelsior. , • C. J. TYSON, Gettysburg, Pa, tieenßes. HZ following applicatibns for Tavern and Reettitrant Licenses have been filed in l e t,its.4ll4e . of the Clerk of the Courts. and will be presented at the -w e lwr'tss u f,,:„Qd of .ikarter Sessions of Adams county, to he held at Vel,'-• tysburg. on MONDAY, the :fist Cot) . of JANET. Aftli, A. D. 1861: TAVRRS Liesxsz. William E. Myers, Gettysburg borough, Jacob St ick, liandolnh Johnson, Jacob E‘eholtz, Franklin township, A. S. Hildebrand, Hamilton township. LICESSIL A. K. Stoner, lintni'too township. A. W. MINTER, Clerk. Per S. H. E:cuutrz, Deputy. Clerk's Gett)s,hurg, Dee. 31, 18136. 41 1te. j MEE rash is for the Excelsior Gallery. All ,1 are waited upon in rotation and with dis patch. C. J. TYSON. great deduction I N PI3IIOES OF DRY GOODS, Goreries, .11"rdware, (itternaware, 4-r• , n0m,,...... AT J. C. ZWICK .k N I Vi .OXFUitI), PA Pqnif, Oiie, Oluvi, Potty, Joe; ' C1111(A. AND qusgssWAßE, by the set: Thanktql for past ptronage, we !tape to nitrit the pimp in the foterc. S. C. 4013 CR SON. 'Yew Word, Dec. 10, 1866. 3iet .2 order to prove the sursertians funds in favor of Proultrieg-PIiGTOGRAPEIS at the ii etlaior Gallery, mill Mad sit fur your PIETURIL hi.o amnia will be made unless Sot are pleued witb.the result. and ehoolse to lasze'yfiur order. 0. J. TYS9N. Election Notice. idwrrnattrua Wallowa'. flivx.l Dec. 13, 1864. ' f 10TICE Is hereby given that the Annual Election fur Directors of this flank will be 04 gs the Blanking iloyie on TUESDAY, lbeith day JA2iff..llLT, 1847, at 1 o';'.lock, P. 4 • T. D. C.A.R.S.Us, Cashier.' Die 47 1846 - G.O to Teson's 'Excelsior Gallery for your prpTCDEA, if you want the full worth of pin taeuey and a litre more. Eleetion. Not 31stionst, liseg or OrrttrIIIJOO. 1 1 / 4 TPTICk is hereby given to the Stockhold- IT ere or the itipt N.itiong:t „Hank of Gettis burg, thee ell Election Icy seven Directors, to servo one y*II, Will he held at, the Banking Hour of sell /lank, on TUESDAY, 44,N lA. AY Bth, 1867. - GEO. A.RNOLQ, De& 17, 1808. to . Cashier! IR- is env motto ; to olosee ail ; ■nd to render satisfaction, in • f our determination. J. TYSON, Gettysburg, Pg.. ieture Frames, • • variety of PICTUttil FRAMS, lilt and convex glaateg, col Mlle Nag 1%4 \rarity biota • 014. I=2=ll Jury Liat--Januaa7 Tem. CUAXII.4ItIIIIr. Gettyiblrg—tniniel J. Benner, (Foreman.) Biraimu—Sli G. Hesigy. Philip Donohue. Moan: pleasant--Prencis M. Buddy, fhtelts C. Dt Littiestown--Eph rains Myers. ti via/ ton 1.) an —IDA 't Watson, John Sanders. Cimowatro—Emanuel Diller, Geuige Kahn. Mminfjoy--Jahn Rebert, Jefise D. Newman. Berwick tp.—Joseph Kenner. batimore—John Conleon. Fr tnkliu -- Samu • I hart. Huntington—William Leas. Germany—William Sterm r. Buder—Williain Cram, Philip Weaver. Oxforil—Simon Slagle. Freedom. John E. Plank. Hamilton—Michael Bolin. Cumberland--Francis Bream. Tyrone—David Meals. Franklin—James Mrckley, John H. Raffens perger. Freedom--Ifichael McFadden, Calvin P. Rase. •- • Ilautingion— , David Day, Abraham Trostle. IlarrtHrortban—Reuben Stem, Peter Shively. Butler—Daniel Walter, Daniel March. Menallen—Win. 13 Miller, Atnos Schlosser, Chrysostuin Eppelrnan. Germany—John Crimrine, Jacob King. Straintn—Geor;e Grass, John Bender, Geo. Ehrelt,.rt. Union—George D. Basehortr, Tolin Mountpleasant—Samuel A. Smith, James It. Gitt, Elias Mayer. Reading—Sam'? Oirerboltz.r,John Simpson, Gettyshurg—Wm. Guinn, Henry Hut p. Berwick tp.—llenry Bitringer. Cumberland—Christina Schrtver, 11. Paxton Bigham. Mountjoy—John B. 'Spangler. Oxford—Franklin Marshall', Samuel Neeir. ; Tyrone—Charles Yeatts. , , Latimore—Michael Stambaugh. Highland—John Dubs. Dec. 17, 1864. tc Proclamation. WHE INAS the Hon. Houma J. FISH/CS' President of the several Courts of Cotu-I tool Pleas in the Counties composing the I‘Rth Dtstrict, and Justice of the Courts of OyJr and Terminer and Genr id Jail adivery, fur WEI . trial of all cepiteal and other offenders in the said district, and ISAAC E. WLEIIMAN, and lAAAC 110131NbOS, E z :tis., Judges of the Coutta of Com mon Pleas, aad Justices of the Cantle of pier and Tertniner end General Jail Delivery. fur the trial e 4 all capitol and ot ht. r ulFentlers in the County of Ad sins—hare iiiiie.l their pre cept, be, ring date the 'flat day of November, in the year of our Lotto one thousand eight Itri dred and silty -six ' and to toe directed, 'or bottling a Court of Common Pleas, and Gene al 1 Quarter Stivions of the P .ace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer andlezminex, at Gettysburg, on MONDAY, the 21st day of JANUARY, 160— ... NOTICE IS HERE[? GIVEN to alt 'the Justices of the PeAce, the Cot otter and Consta bles within the said County of Adaina, that they be then and the' 13:41 their proper persons, with their Rolls, Iteoords, laquieltions, Exert - illations, and other Ltemembroteg, to du those things which to their offices and in that„bettr f appettain to t•e done, and also, they nllo wi.l prosecute against the prienne-s that .Are or then shall be in the Jail-of the said County of Adams, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. • HANN, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Gettysburg, Dec,. 31, 'CC,. - - - - Tens! Teas! Teas! T EAS! TEAS! TEAS! TEkS ! TF.AS I TEAS 1%140104AM) Et. 5 PER CENT. above ii.CLUB.I of importation. We take pleasure .n offering to the trarlii the following popular TEAS, in arimnai and 31 I pound parkages. Our prices will be found lot I tr than those of any other house in the tr-.thi, with the eseeptiun, however, of those whh make it a business to buy and sell stained and , otherwise dam iged Teas, and palm them on' al soiled. We warrant our Teas sound an straight, and deal in no others, and dealers, te be convinced of this, need only give its a trial. We sell our Tads at the small advance of 5 pet cent. on the actual cost of importation, be living that' large trade with small profits is more advantageous to us as well as to the public. We are sellin,, the following TF.A.S IN ORIGINAL PACKAGES. OOLONG, 85, 95. 51 10, $1 20 per pound. Sol:cm:ix°, 80, 85, 95, $1 00, $1 10, $1 30 per pound. / YOUNG lISSON, 85. SI 0 1 , 61 16, $7 20, $1 40, 51 50, 51 70 per pound. 1 4',7vrowous. $1 25, 51 :15, $1 45, 51 55,51 '75 AL, O , Twunka.y, Dyson Skin, ', , 01- er Teas, und. r the ruling market prices. ' In order that buyers may readily compute the amount of feuds to be remitted in order., sag packages of Teas, we would state Young Dyson averages 05 pounds to the package; 'Oolong, 40 pounds; Suuebong, 42 pounds; Gunpowder, 70 ponnAs. To enable buyers who wish to keep the dif- ; ferent lines of Teas, but In ire not a trade to , warrant their buying rull packages, we have, for their accommodation, put up the follow ing original Teas in 30 POUND PACKAGE:4, And sell thEse packages as follows : OoLasc, $25 50,` $ll SC, $93 and $36 per package. Sot:caw:a, *24, $l5 50, s'2,B 50, $3O, $33 and ve per package. Yocum ilisos, $25 50, $3O, SV, $3O, $42, $45 and $:)1 per package. Gr"°"gat $ 3l 50, $4O 50, $43 50, $46 50 and $5.1 rid per package. We warrant all our Teas as represented, and if parties are not perfectly satisfied that the Teas purchased of us are cheaper than they can buy elsewhere, they can be returned within thirty days, at oar expense, and the money' wil. be refunded. T. Y. KELLEY & CO., Late' Kelley & Vought, No. fid Vesey Street, New York. Dec. 34, 1966. $l2 OF LOW PRICES. J. L. SCHICK invitee. the attention of his friends and customers to his large and well selected stork of DRY GOO S, Oomprised in part tf French ‘lerinoes, All Wc;ol Poplins, An Wool Delaines, - All Woul PI lids, Plaiu Poplins, Black and Fancy Silk!, Litnise Cloths ' Black and Colored Alpaoas Black Cloths ai.d Cassimermi, Fancy Cassinteres, Cassinets, Jeans, Floopels of all kinds, Gloves and Stockings. Also, a fine lot of Ladies' MRS AN I SHAWLS, as well as an abundant variety o Notions, all of which will be sold cheap to the cash. J. L. SCUICK. Dec. 17, 13.08. 141sitive Notice. BE School Board of Cumberland townshh , request all persons interested to meet t toe lto.lse of Joseph Little, in the borough. Of Grettysburg, to make seVietuent of the Bounty Fund, and thus shlow• to the township the standing of the came. Such 44 are ioterested and fail to attend, may put up with the 001- riquettpes..To Meet on the SECOND 'THURS. WA" IN J_INtAIII", the Mit, at 5 o'eloelc,: - .A. 11.—and continue from day to day until all is settled up. By order of the !kalif, ABRAHAM SPANGLER, Fres'lJ N. Llllllllllfil, Sec'y. say-The Township Auditors are also re quested to be present. Dec. 17; MG. td _ Fistablisbed to IS4II. tir.:s.lßY W. (101ERMAN, llo.lllll+StuN MERCHANT AXD DIi.I,LER pi LUTHER, lio. 14 South Third Street, Phitadelptiiii. j rOousiguments solicited. Dee. 10, 1866., ly* Philip 1404 ding, TIISTICE , OF THE will be +4 his J o4ice, (sit his residence,) In Cumbechsod township, ,on 'rues44R4 Fridlty of kneh week, fp give his Ottfoiloo to JoJtico's ness, Dec, 1861. Sus GX9 6XA L JURY. Inangurailou - -no , * .•.14, Kissinger A illaireman, N O. 8 WEST MARKET STREET, YORK, PA., p i MINIMS ADD4I4LIDINIt PIANOS AND CAIIINET °ROANS, MELODEONS, AND ALL KINDA OF /MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, respectfully inform the public that they are prepAred to furnish Pianos of the following manufacture or of sny other make dut may be preferred : Albright. T.ellcfM & Schmidt, rblekerhor - . & Sou, lleadbery. Kash* & Sea. blade & So■, C=l COTTAGE, 11.4R.VONIC .41.1'D BOUDOIR ORGANS AND MELODEONS These Instt orients stand unrivalled by any thing found -ti thin Country or iu Europe, as is admitted by all iotparti.ll lodges. The nto.,t eminent Pipe Oran Builders and Performers, the laSt to discover excellence in reed Tone, pronounce them vastly superior to all others for exdeedingly quick artit Illation and round Tune, the' esecuttal testate in instruments of this class. We invite the severe scrutiny and criticism of alt. PATENT VOX HUMANA TREIPLO. This late and most wonderful invention (so acknowledged by all leading artists) will be found only in the Batey Instruments. In at• ti mptine to describe the effect this stop, we are at to-s for language. Its beauties cannot be -written, btLt must be heard to be appre ciated. By this stop an ordinary i.erfttn--r, can produce an effect which requires a lifetime of practice for an artist upon a violin. Yt en tirely changes the teed Tolle, giving the svm pathetic s treetile.?.? of the hutmtti voice, making it so melodious and pure that it never Lois to . enel.ptt4 the listener. IiAInIONIC ORGAN for. Churches, Patine Halls and Parlors has a powerful sub-liass with independent reds, Mime)aic attachment and Vox- Hurnanit Tre tuolri,,itnd is believed to be the most powerful reed Organ made, being nearly equal to a Pipe Org,ta at three times the must. All ingtruinents warranted for five years. ilarftltASS RANDS supplied with instru ments and Music at reasonable terms. i A liberal discount allowed fur ChUrettes and Sabbath Schools. Instructions given both in Vocal and Inztrutuental poste, at our rooms,•and at pu pil' homes, ei:her , ,to individuals or classes, on reasonable terms. Dec IT, I sea. tf 1867. Prompee : tuts. • 1867. T ilt? attention of the pufi.iic is invited to thn I . _ claims of I'llE W D as one of the leading pubticlournals of the country. It is the chief organ of the Demo cratic party of the United States, and the fore most advoc3tc of the immediate reatoration of the Union. Its highest merit consists iii its eitazacter An Enterpriainy ,and Trustzvorthy Xcws- paper. The next year bite flu- to be a morecritica I one in the history of our free in•titutions t ban even any of the eventful outs that have prece"- ded it. The first requisite for an iiitelfigent judgment of toblic elf .irs is a full and autheu- 1 tie aecotint of f Lets as they transpire. These THE WORLD tilwa3 a aims to give with con- 1 scientious accuracy, and with equ e.l tallness'! and fidelity whether they make for or against its own %icws of public policy, Prompt Retie,-' ity in spreading before its readers et ery kind ' • of news in which any part of the public takes' intere,t, is the first duty of a newspaper; and the facilities of The World for discharging , tbis obligation are unsurpaqsad be those of any j inenal in the United States. Whateree else it may fail in, it certainly will not fill to' furnish the news, nor to sipply it wrth such , promptitude, spirit, freshness, abundance, va- I riety, accuracy, and eatidsir, that no s ates of read.us can miss earthing of 'tamest which they wialt to find. The Weekly World, a Itarge quarto sheet, same like as Daily, is now 'printed throughout is large type. and has the largest circulation of ' any weekly joirnal published, save one. , 1. Its Market Reports embrace the New 1 , York, Albany, ighton, and Cambridge Live Stock Starkers ; the New York Country Pro -1 Alice evil,. General, Produce Markets ; special and valuan'e o Agr4tult oral Rending; all together com posing an unrivalled hand book of current in- formation for the Farmer, Live Stock or Pro-' duce Defiler, the Country Merchant, he. 2. A. Page or more will be reserved for En tem:lining' Fireside Reading for the Family Circle, embracing the fresLest and best Stories, Poetry, Religious Reading, etc., and a page tor the Disc'uesion of all Prominent Topics of gen eral interest, political, agricultural, financial, literary, etc. The Semi-Weekly World is 0, large quarto sheet, slime size as Daily, which, by omitting . a great Mass of city ad% ertisements from the Daily, obnt,ins all his news, correspondence, editorials, cotuliweiat and market news ; cattle market end provision reports. and a (reel) and entertaliting miscellany of literature. Pub lished 'kues lay and Friday. TERMS; Wedgy World . . One copy, one year, Four copies, one year, Ten copies, one year, Turenvicopies, to one address, Fifty copies, " Sena- Weekly Irorld One copy, our year, Four copies, one year, Ten cuPiea, one yetr, Daily World. One copy, one year, Club Prizes. Fur clubs of 10, One Weekly, one year, _ . It " 50, One Semi-Weekly, one year. if 100, Uue Dai.y, one year. Additions.to clubs in be made any time in the year at the abova club rates. Term, cash in advance. Send, if possible, Post.olftee Money Order or Bank Draft. Bills sent by mail will be lit the rink of tender. We have no travelling agents. Address all 'Orders and letters to TITS WORLD, 35 Park Low, New York. Dec, 91, 1866 Groceries, Notions, de. CI 01(44; H. SIVOPg, having purcaliosed the fine 'GROCERY EiTABLISHMENT o James A. Grimes ' on York street, a few doors east of Wolf's Ilotel, and having added largely to the already extensive 'assortment on band, ofrrs the public a variety of Goods iu his line virely, if ever before, kept here. His SUGARS', COFFERS, TEAS, NOLA.S. SES, SYRUPS, kc., can't be beat, in qaallty tor price ; whilst his sortiuent of NOTIONS e i embraces almost everi , thing the public can possibly need. Hou a-keepers a.nd others should give him a call before bud ing elsewhere, as he is convinced that he has the best stock in town, and that no OalleCail go away disep. pointed. L serthe CABINET.N4KING L iminess ix con in tied, in all its branches, at Iffir old stand, a tee , doore east of this Stara. No efforts spared to please the public, as heretofore. Gettysbutg, Nov. 5,- 1868. tf At the 014 Itusluess. LEWIS KUNDIRItANT has recommenced) the TAILORING business. in Chambersi burg hired, between Wtehington and West streets, Gettysburg, and asks a share of the custom of the pgblio• His lung experience is the business euab'es him to guarantee good tits and good wash, whilst the I ttest rtshiqes will be co•isulted iq cttting whenever desired. No effort wilt to spared to render satiernetion, sad he !eels sure that all who patronize him will oe satisfi-d. His prices for work are as low as they can possibly be to afford him an economical living, and nq one could in reason ask them to be any less. He asks his old friends tq give him a call, es well as the putt, tic generally. Nov. 12, LW, oLtr BARNS AND DRIED FRUIT ward. eel a; TiALBFLEISCR'S. I N pursuance of au Ant of Amicably passed the 17th day of July, 18 IE went is hereby published by the Commissioners of Adams cruet amount, description And value of the Real Estate and Personal Property and Prute3sioni, made taxable by the several Acts of Assembly of this 8 Boßirott'l iNt) TovAsu:rs. ..... mbel land, Get many . Oxford, Huntington, Latimore, Hitmiltonban, Strati n, Franklin, Menullen, Reading, Hamilton, Mountpleasant,. Union, Tyrone, tot otrago,. Butler. Mont joy, Freedom, Liberty, Berwick tp., Berwick bor Littlestown, Highland, UM Attest—J.M. WALTER, Clerk Dtc. 17, 1b66. 4t American Artists' Union: 4 11ERICAN ARTISTS' usros I - AMP:1110 N ARTISTS' UNION I _ _ The ANtEIIICAN AItTIST' UNION [estab lished 1854] announce that in order to extend the fate It the following well known and highly popular STEEL PLATE ENGRAVINGS: The Last Supper, Depaita , e of the Pilgrim Fathers for America, 27 x 36 Landing of the Pilgritn Fathers, 27 x 36 Falstaff Mustering his recruits; 25 i3O iShalsspeare and his Friends, 27 a 31 Cotter's Saturday Night, 23 x 28 • Village Blacksmith, 27 x 32 Manif,st.Destiiiy; (Fortune Telling)2l x 28 The Massacre at. Wyoming in 1776,28 x 30 Mc lint Vernon in the olden time, or 1 Washington at 30 years of age, 26 x 34 ! The escape of .tlaster MacDonald front the Massacre of Glencoe, 26 x 34 The )'adonis. 26 x 31 They b ire ihemed expedient to offer them to their friends and the public at one dollar and filly cents each, the !vice heretofore having ;been two dollars each, and for the purpose of stimulating the getting up of Clubs, they have determined to award premiums to the getters uu of the Clubs, and in addition thereto to i ldistribute amongst the subscribers the sum of ,IS:•.0,000 in money and paintings, as soon as the sale shall have reached 100.000 engrav- Ings. As it is our intention to advertise very iextensively, and as the engravings ,are well 11known thioughout the whole country, we have no doubt, that with the low price we charge fur them, and the exertion which will be put forth by our numerous friepds, the number %%11l be reached in n ehort time. A 9 soon as it is reached, the subscribers, through ;their CIO% Agents, will be nodlied by a circu 11.tr letter from us, naming the time and meth. od'of distributiou. CLUB RATES. Single Engraving sl.i",io earli.—bv mail, free. For 815 we will send 13 Eng. and 2 to the Club Ag't.. ..20 .." " 25 " " 21.1 " " 6 ~ IS 50 " " 50 , " " a Silver Wat •11. " 75 " . " 80 " a gilver Lever. MEI MEM The Chili paelt ie•es will be securer• packed end forwm ded b? Express. Ally person may get up Globe and forward the amount' either by Express, Sight Dre It, l'ost Otli :e Order or in,a registered letter and In 01 case; the litigr.txingswill be inimedi. ately, sent, and for each engraving it numbered certificate and receipt will be enclosed in the package. C.O. 0. ORDERS.--Persons wisfilng to send for klngravings and pay the Exptess Co. when they l are received. will be required to send with:. their order SII to $5, according to its auto at, and this will be credited on their bill. LL3T Of PR$3lOll6 I To be distributed. -\ One of $lO,OOO in money, , $lO,OOO Da Fire *f l'Artlif 4 - • •". it \I,S, two .. 6,00 e Ten :44f 500 " bMirf Fifty of 100 .st _ - . 5,000 One I undred elegant Oil Palntloga, deb- , ly leaned, Laud*capes, at $lOO each, 10,000 Two undred elegant I Paiutings,richly fra ed, Interior Views, at 4130 each, 10,300 Th AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION would add t at these premiums are to be considered oirly a the light of a free gift to their patrons, as tb Engravings are furnished them below their isrk;tvalue,but as the CO9l of engravings. after the plates are procured, is very trifling, they in eitsilyafford to make the distribution, m la ss it is. ; W their trust that ournumerous friends through out he country and Cmindas will use their 4 i utra , st exertions, so that If possible, the dis trib tion m.y be made soon, and it can be done if they are at all active. Ladies bare often :node excellent Club Agents for ns, and we solicit their kind efforts, which will not go uute ' i ivitrded. Let one or more energetic per sonsin every town 4nd village in the country com tenet) as soon as they see this, and set up as la ge a Slab as possible. Sy so doing they will be ti) mea..s of introducing elegant en gravings iuto lamilies, and thus aid in culti vating' a taste for the beautiful and refined. AJdresi ()niers ' BEC. AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION, 25 Pine Street, New York. Nov. 12,1866. 3m S 2 00 7,00 15 00 2a 0) 50 00 $4 00 10 00 20 00 $lO 00 DOBBINS' Electric Soap CI AYES TIME ! BANES MONEY ! • SAVES IA MORI 64.YR:4 CLOTHES 1 SAVES WOMEN! AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT It is used by cutting into small shavings nod dissolying in hot water, thou soak the clothes five to ten minutes and a little band rubbing will make them as clean as hours of liked maelline rubbing. would do, with ordina ry- sosp, and the most delicate fabric receive no injury. We oast refer to thousands of Ism dies who are using ii, a,nd who could not be persuaded to do without • DOBIIItIS' AULD IT ALL LIADING GROCZRIII T 11110040017? 'aka arart. Manufactured only by DOBBINS & LOVE. WMOLIMiA LIG OFFICW : 107 &fah F.rth Sited, Philadelphia Nor. 12, 1868 gin - - •C/Cr. nAirria,V.TT SE ,* MAC' 1 i ES. la O Pans Ise Ogrxlool geiwto at Psi fwoo IPS to 010 Yoe Wow tqr gosiol Plowings. .-" slat wow sitlisr di "' PA 'WHEW . • etiogitand O. 'Via, • ftl Benoit M.. Toliodo, „Ax3.5.24-El3 WA3rT3M- Dee. 3, 18 4 :8. 3m TOE Adams Oonnty Agricultural Society will meal at the Benderaville School MAIL 44 the first MONDAY in Janu4ry, 1807, to eleoc' officers Nle the awning year. Be. twee; the boors of 2 sad 4, P. M. By order, B. WILSOS. Step . Dee. 10, 1866. td Valuation, and Ameninucat -tor 1867 .1 . 177 . ViB i.41:11. , 71 :6 ,c l =Zi . Lt 2 l 1.• Ix g 2117691 129251 17992 67460' 2460761 47619 1 232231 92201 1277471 29807 1646 u 3855 1599751 18852 611936 12155 202198: 53932, 16962 10473 1462'.:8; 28127, 20731' 6080 r 218233, 22021; 23082 11040, 269086 i 46472; 30559: 5535! 252894! 45770 3.3365' 15270' 190310' 36490 • 14025' 15825 22601 e 271471 40813! 6910 202626; 42.71 35541 9705, 279468, 479851 17639, 9043 1 220510 31260 70355' 3376 i 153837! 29.95 3800; 31.100 i 197159' 19943 . 23234' 51051 159008 29769' 14413' 77(;01 184290' 29909' 1.!9;8! 3030 80949 18915; 71101 2790. 13505;1 . 20800! 77004 4439 90050' 14550 9480: 3050; 46185! 5000 10050 i 4273 6444.51 6228 17915, 66701 53336. 13558' 130081 1623. . 1 4174629,671408,3 Z, 26 x 42 In " . nllnutingLever $50,000 ILEOTRIO SOAP Notice, ev. co • , ,,6 gC%S. At • o 015 1 9 . ,12 a cq sr 'iLE r s It: Isoo N El 91C4 332236 • lolou Isool ABRAHAM 'MISR, SAMUEL WOLF, NICHOLAS WiIITUMA Clmmissionen F OUT Z'S I== Horse ol Calllo Powders. this animal, YELLOW TER, liE Al COUGHS, TEMPER, YERB, FUUN LOSS OF Al TITE ANDY] ENERGY, &c Use Improves •Ind, hoar the appetite— s smooth glossy skin transforms miserable ski horse. In all diseases of Swine, such fu Coughs, Mous la the Lungs, Liver, • sc., this article er. • acts u a specific. By putting from .1." ons-half a paper op a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases r " -- will be eradicated " - - -- or entirely prevented. If given in time, a eertater preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Prise 25 Cents per Paper, or &Papers 23r 21. PEZPASED DY, S. A. FOUPZ & 1311,0., =I WHOLIDIALE - DRUG AND DEDWITE DEW, No. 118 Pram(lin St., Baltimore, Nd. Nor Sale by Droggids ao4 Blorokmpors throveb old the Coded Slates. For sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettyshargiv Laughlin do Boshfield, Wheeling, Ira ; C. 0 Bender d Co., Pitaburg; Johnson, hollowly 1 Ag Cowden, Philadelphia. Dec. 11, 1866. ly Latest Fasla font; DEIfAND J. W. BitADIA Y'S CRLICEIII,.i. TED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR IiGOBLE SPRING) SKIRT. anaf Tne ITO RTC!. PLIKUIIII4TI Sad ;MT gi L lthr T let •eU RK to any lady weartartheiltp.' perien_ted ularly in all cro;MedigLi e lies, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arai for Prorniaade and House Drees, as the ratios. can be folded when in use to occupr a swan place as e.laly and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress. an inralueblequalltyin erinoliae, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lolly having enjoyed the ramtrae, dist rait, and great CoN TEST Viet or wearing the DUPLEX ELLIPTIC 'STEEL SPR 140 SKIRT for 11. single day, will never aiterw Ards 'shingly dis pense with 'their use. For Children, Nissen and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. They will not ( bend or break like the Sinks Spring, but will preserve,. their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with doubler anti tartst ed thread, and the bottom rods are not only dortle sprin t ra, but twiceler double) covered, preventing theni from wearing out when drag ging down steps, stairsotc._ The Duplex Elliptic is a rent favorite with' all ladies and is utiirersany recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHION ABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advents. ges in Crinoline, viz : superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape, & tlnish,flexibility, durability, comfort and economy, enquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spring. Skirt, and be sure yortget the genuine` article. OA CTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION' be particuLtr to NOME the skirts odered as "DUPLEX' bare the red ink stamp, rii : "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs,!' upon the waistband—none others are gentile*. Alva Notice that every Hoop will admit a pia being passed through the centre, thus reveal ing the two (or double) springs braided togeth er therein, wltich is the secret of their grannie ity and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other skirt. FOR SALR in all Stores Where FIRST CLASS skirts are sold throughout the MAW. States and elsewhere. Manufactured hr the Sole Owners' of the Patent, WEST, BRADLEY k CARY, ' 97 Chambers k 9 Jr, 81 Meade Sts., N.. Y. Oct. 15, 1888. 3m i 628. loopl Mit it OPKIM'S "(OWN SAKl3,'‘ NEW PALL 5T74111 Are in etery respect rust CLASS. aid env brace a complete assortment for Ladies, Miss es, and Children, ef the , Neweet Stylise, ev4ry Imingth and Site of Waist. OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are Mori universally POPULAR than any other, biters the public. They retain their shape better, ere lighter, more elactie, more durable, and really Caeares; than my other Hoop Skirt in the market. The springs and fastening% Ike warranted perfect. VTILRY LADY &meld Tay Teti I They are now being extensively by Manxman's, tlifollgliotlit the Country, and at WHOLESALE & RETAIL, at Mauutaotovy and Sales Room. Na. 828 4.P.C1.1 Steast, below 7th, PHILA.. DELPHIA. ARk for 110PKIN'S "airs Ltitir"—boy no other I ... • CAUTION.—None genuine oolong Sian*" on each Fid Pad—"lfonkida Hoop• Skirt Mfb nfaciory, No. 629 Arch Street, •Also, conatOntly on hand -fall lido of Plow York made Skins, at very lovi reined. TKR.11.4 ONK•PRIOY, 97 4 1. Sept. 3,,19419. 4m f Jr , $A A' Nontli V—AdENTS"\Atigne. 1 9%, tor * wink* Ars ar(tolc*, Addrau O.T. - GASSY. (141 - kiw& i .• &ford, He. play 2.1; 18611. la • 'hi following Mato. which exhibits the Trades, Occopstione oinnionwealth : I .; . 1 1 1 t.• - • S i t• I Q Al 0 , 2 : 41 eirt II L • L. ibt c..) J LI :2 .z, 330 on OD 37 00 4 00 3 00 14 00 5 00 '2 00 8 00 9 00 C 00 . 3,00 1 00 1 00 200' 1. 00 , 5 00 7 00 108 351 1 s ti 540 705 135 Op Tilts 'preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly relnalgoralle broken born and • low-eplrftsd Lomas, by atrengtheniall aptl clamming the stomeck aad Inks tines EM=M lon it tav►lnabL roves the quality 'the milk. It has ma proven by **- mat experiment is name the qua -41 of mfllc anti tam twenty Fur cent. and make the butter arm end vett. ID fattealeg tilt, it gives theta appetite, loam' ,tlr bide, end ages them thrive