- - - 411.624 AC FOR 1.11137. Jos Perirrstie.,—All kin& of Joh Work_ done in tlke biss manner, cheaply and expeditiously, at the o.curpit.sit onlee. Anvittertaitaltarnt.L7-The Cone:LER la the best ad vertising medium In the county. Butes Name as hereto:Aare. Taxan; of Stinscsurrrox.—The Cox rit.en Is pub lished pt $2 per annum if paid in advance— s2lO tnot paid in advance. C/2 g c 1:1 t S . 0 .. : 4 q JANtrAar, 8 7 13 14 28 21 27 28 rEnausay, 11 4 10 11 17 18 .24 25 AlAnCit, 2 4 10 11 17 18 24 25 APRIL, 7 8 14 15 21 22 2S V MAY, 1 5 C 12 13 ID- 20 23 27 ,J i :I*4 Jvx.y, AI'QLST, Serrtmurri, OCTOBEIi, a 13 20 27 N0V1:31143U • DEcEm TM PORTA NT- TO SOME PEOP —S.Ot to all. Such as have, paid-the printer as promptly ao he has served them, (many thanks!) used not read this—not a word of it is intended fdr them. To those in arrears, however, whether for advertising, job work or 6660(1-Via:a, we must again appeal, and can assure them that never Were we wore I L K EAKNUiT. To pay for paper, ink., type, : labor, and a hundred other matters entering into the publica thou of a widely-elrculuted newspaper, requir.'s th'e handling of a good deal of money—especially in high times, as Opt& still are 'to printers; paper, &e., being nearly as deur as during the war. To whom 'than: the printer look for the means to ,estrry on his business, but to thosib who have• the benefit of it? It is so in every other branch, and there is no reason Why our's should be au excep tion to the rule. Those, then, indebted on our books are again urged to deal with tis as they would desire others to deal with them. PAY YikaMPTLY. To the call made two months ago, hard ly one in forty responded. Many, no doubt, supposed that it was a atere.:ster reotyped matter—that we did, not Mean half we said—and that if they failed to pay, It would wake little difference to us or anybody else. It they 'so thought, never were wen more mistaken. We neefied what was due us tben, - and what did not come, is needed worse now fur tlic‘ delay. We shall soon make out bills, and send them tO those in arrears. Will not many save us this trouble by- remitting at onee=wrthin the present week, or, at least, within the pfeseut year? To get along at all, we must have au). own—and If after a reasonable time, those who give no heed to this call should find more summary measures adopted to convince them of our earnestness, they will have nobody to blame but themselves. WE UST HAVE MONEY. PuBLIC MEETING.—The citizens of Ad ams county 'interested in the' passage of an Act for the relief of those whose prop erty was destroyed or taken- by the ar mies during the rebel Invasion, are re quested to meet at the Court-Hottse, in Gettysburg, on NEW YEAR'S DAY, at l o'clock, P. M., for the purpose' of ma king arrangements to urge their claims before the Legislature. A full attendance is desired. MANY CITIZENS. Latest Market Reports. 'OETTYdBURO. PLOITR, 311" E FLOITE, SIITE wiiCAT, }:Ea WHEAT, COEN, DAT% • BITcEWITEAT, • - 'Lk Y. - • CLuVERSEED, • Fl. 7/SEE:D i , • • 11 4.4n.41/ 01313 . FLOUR., • • -• /1 00 ifo 1/ 30 - • • • 293} 330 RYE • • " 129 Q 199 WWI, - • • • 95 / OS OAI4I - • • • 611 69 lio(a." hand,_ • - tio 900 liEEF CATTLE, band., • Ou 16 00 71AY, 4/0 tIS SE 00 • • • • SO (i) 2 33 1661/-I)htekwelt - ilk Co. have now 18s7=-ready their Revised Catalogue of News -1887-,-papers for 1867,' containing all the 1 8 67—principal Publications, for which they 1867—receive Satuteriptiont at //c leerdar Rata, 1867—and, on many of them, offer the ad van -1867-:sage of subscribing for 3 months. Send 1867—br a copy containing lull details of our 1867—admirable system of operation. We 1867—refer to the Publisher of this paper. BLACKWELL k CO., - Office, V: Cedar &reef, Box 4,298 P. 0., New York. Dee: 31, 1866. 3m A Card. "Off AVINO disposed of the Excelsior Gal leryJUL to C, J. Tyson, I take this oppor. tui,lly to thank those who, during my short residence in +Gettysburg, have favored ma with their patronage; and also to ream. mead 'll4tirs. 1. G. and C. J. Tyson to the eonfi ;ewe °r pm publle, as I heroin all their dealiagnrwlth ice found theta to be upright an - d honorable men. 11. B. BOYD. Dee. 24, Ikea. 3m . Bliklinjta FOR SALE, wkolottle 13 or rotoil,iit abs.Lumbor Tani ot t • C. H. SHAMIL OS.r ESDAY, the 15th day of JANCARY next, the subscriber will sell at Public sale, at his residence, in Cumberland town.. "ilk Adams county, near the road leading from Gettysburg to Eaaltsburg, 3 miles from the former place, the following personal pro perty, viz : 1 1101tsE, 41fileh Coifs, (i fresh) 2 Heifers, 1 Bull, 4 head of Young 17 Shoats, 5 Sheep, Two horse Wagon, Spring Wagon, Ploug* Harrows, Wheelbarrow, Stosrel Ploughs, Horse Gears, Bridles, Collars, Cow chains Rakes, Forks, Grindstone, Cross-cut Saw, kc. Also, Household Furniture, viz : 2 Dressing Bureaus, Wardrobe, Bediteads, Tables, Chairs, Corner Cupboard, Settee, Sofa, 3 Stores, I-age Iron Kettle, 3 Clocks, Dishes, 2 Barrels of Vinegar, a Child's Carriiixq, and other articles, too numerous to tuention. birsoto to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M., on said day, when attendance alit he given and terms made known by JULIUS; HEFNER. $. 3 eol 6 4 Cr k ,- • 4_ 5 11 12 18 19 25 23 1 2 8 8 9 10 1 10 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 Dec. 31, 1866. to N N L 6 7 12 13 14 19 21) 21 26 27 IN Licenses.' ' IliE following applications for Tavern its4l Restaurant Licenses hare heak filed An the office of the Clerk of the Courts. and win he presentel at the neat Court of Quarter Sessions of Adams county, to be held at Get tybhurg. on ItIONDAY, the 21st (;ay of JAN U. ARY,'A. D.. 1807: - I 5 6 7 12 13 14 10 20 21 20 27 28 ?AVM! LiCENST. William E. Myers, Gettysburg borough; Jacob Stick, Randolph Johnson, i r J•tvolo Eicholtz, Franklin township, A. S. illldebrsod,lton township. 2 8 4 9 10 11 10 17 14 23 24 25 30 N 1 2 f 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 P.) 30 1 M ItIVITACRANT A. K.fitoner; Hamilton township. A. W. MINTED., Clerk. Per S. H. Eicnovrz, Deputy Clerk's o:fie.; Gettysburg, } Dec. 31, InGd. tc 4 5 6 14 12 13 25 25 27 Proclamation. WILEIEAS the Hon. Boerne J. FISRFR, President of the several Courts of Corn mon Pleas in the Counties composing the 19th District, Anillut ice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer anc, Genrcl Jail Delivery, for the trial of ell capits.•l and ether offenders in the said district, and Isaac. E. WI ESINAN.IIRd liras Rocisisoo, Reqs., Judges of the Courts of Com mon Pleas, sad Justices of tire Coons of Oyer and Terminer and General Jar: Delivery. for the trial of all capitol end °tinr u:Tenders in the County of Adams—have isAried their pre cept, bearing dote the 21st day of Novetubei . ,.in the year pf odr 'LORD one thousund eight hun dred and sizty•six, and to me directed, - for bolding a Court of Common Pleas, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, and General Jail Delivery and Court of Oyer .and Terminer, at Gettysburg, OR MONDAY, the 21st Ley of JANUARY, 1861— NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all tits Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Coasts, Ws:within the -said County of Adrtrws, thee they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Runt, Reeor'ils, Itiquisittoos, Exam in it ion s, and other Remembrances, to do those things which to their others andio that behalf appertain to be done, and also, they who will prosecute against the prisoners that are or theo.shell be in the Jail of the said Vourrty of Adams. are to be then and there to prosecute against thew as shall be just. PHILIP HANN, 81.erift. Sheriff's office., Cettystrarg, Dec. 31, A Small Properly 2 8 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 21 25 30 81 $ 7' 8 13 14 13 20 .13 22 27 24' 2 0 3 4. ,5 10 11 . 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 N 1 , 2 3 8 9 10 'l5 16 17 2:2 23 24 29 30 31 6 6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 0 27 23 4 5 10 11 12 17 1$ 19 24 25 2U 31 AT PRI TATE SALE.--The and rsigned off •rit at Ptivaie rtsle, his valuable nritp.:\ err, situate .io Tyrone town‘hip. Ad tins county, on the road leading tr tin Huutera town to. Peterabiirg, about 4 stilys from_ the latter place. rout:tint:lg about :to ACRES, more or less, improved with a uood cue and a hail story LOU HOUSE, and ,eis a good Stable of large sim-, with 4`.1 ; a &lever-till:rig t, ell or water at the door. There is a firet-rate gardeu. suit the laud is alt in a high Mite ut cultivation. There are aoeut 2 acres ut t,•r, and a ssffi rieut ipautity of M eadow lan.}, There is a cc ty of fruit on the premises. • The feueea are in good order. Toe property is conveniently located to Markets, Schools, Churches,ke.. and is hoe cif the most desirable properties to tte county. Persons wishing to view the property wit! mel on the h./dr:signed. ruidi fig thereon. GEURtA. DALIGIIERTY. Oet. 29, 1860. ti 1- ETTYSEHRO FoRGE. Ur The suliscrihrra respectfully inform the inilAic Unit tbhy Lave erected a Forge in con• nectioa with their Eteam Mill, and are now mac ufacturiug FORGED ♦ND HAMMERED IRON, such IN Plough, Horse-shoe and 134 r Irco, and respectful') invite filack-ssuitha and Dealers to give them • call, toe log satisfied that 'hey V 1 ill be able to please as to quality, finish and price. BRINGMAN k WARREN. N. B.—The highest market price paid for wrought and scrap irou. B. & W. Dec. 17, 186,:. 11,0041 tone nay WANTED.—The Beafer rPteis Hay Com pany will pay the:HIGHEST MALKET PRIOE for HAY, delivered at their Hay Sheds, in Gxt3rd, at P. Hann s Station, and in Gettys burg. JEREMIAH DIEHL, Gettysburg, Oct. 22, 1866. 3m Agent. JOSEPFI FINK'S ESTATE.—Letters of A - ministration ou the eat tte of Joseph Fink, k.. 04 , late of tierinaur township. Adams coun ty, clec'a., haviug been •gr.ated to the ,under signed, the Bret named residing in Sountjoy town nip, 2nd the last n coed in the city of Baltimore, they hereby give notice to all per cone indebted to cud es to ausaa immediate pa)ment, and those hay ag claims against the same to present theta , properly sutneuticated for settlement. PIUS FISK, JOSEPH FINK, Jr., Kov. 26, 1866. 6t* Administrators. Communicated OF/N CAS,,AT'S ESTATE.—Letters of ad coinistratiou on the estate of John Cusant, Tate of Stra/ian township, Adams county, de ceased, haviogbeen granted to the uudersigned, reading in same township, be hereby gires no tice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those baring ela into against the same to present thew properly authenticated for seuleusent. JOdN F. FEITY, Auer Nov. 12, 1866. 6w - 12 50 ©l2 00 - 500 • 2 23 a; 276 • 200 y. 225 • $5 T" undersigned bariug retired from bui nese, he asks those indebted to make payment with as little delay as possible. Such as do not settle before the first of Janu ary ueit, will find their aceoucta in the bends of an officer fur collection JOSEPg B. GILLEBPIII. Gettysburg, Nov. 26, 1866. 6.4 0 01 - 10 00 OVS 00 - 7WO 7ZS - '2OOQ 125 - 0 , 30 01 700 Pine Shimurlea. LARGB lot of Pine Shingles from $6.50 to $l5 per 1000 ; for ode at the Lumber yar of O. IL BUEHLEIL • Oct,. 22, 1845 TOME 811INGLBS, the beat in the market, for sale at JACOB SHEADS'iI men Lum ber Yard, on the Railroad, adjoining S. Lima Kilns, Gettysburg. Roy. 26, 1866. tf DR. HORNER'S FRAGRANT MYRRH pre-. serves the Teeth, cures aA diseases of the gums - and purifies the breath, G 0 to DUPHORN k HOFFNAN'B,IO buy your Dry Goods, Notions, Queemsware, &c., on the oorthwest Oorner of Diamond, Gettysburg, Pa. 6UM-BARKS ISD DRIBD PRINT want -0 ed at K&GBFLEISCR'S. A SPLENDID assortment of Pall and Wiu- I& ter Clothing just received at PICKING'S. 11 - A.DTES wanting.* good article of Perin- Fancy Soap, or Hair Brushes, can be supplied at J. L. SCHICK'S. OVERCO4TIB--• large auorteoent of eveiy . let. Vie, site and price--jdet,gd M iz 4 t ,s. WrLY'B {tee is — uiTi4c — »‘.l4 aii mei MEE Public Sale. Notice. rrrm Puy Up I Shingles. IS . . Sberik's Sale. 11867‘.' Prospectu, 18117. *ftluatole Proloe' rtlen for Sale. N pursuance 'est a writ of Yenditdoni ; 11rIE attention of the public is invited to the js#lN C. ZAHICK. LAND AGENT, 1i Reponse, issued out of the Court of; i claims Common Pleas of Adattorcounty, Pa., and 1 TII E WOR L I) 4 Has fur sal* a number of riesirabte proper to me directed, will be exposed at Public as otos of the leading public journals of the ties, to which he asks the attention of those Sale, at the Court House, in Gettysburg. on, country. It Is the chief organ of the Demo. ,wribing to pnrchase. SATURDA N, the 12th day of JANUARY neat, ' exotic party of the United States, and the fore -' A LARE FOUNDRY AND u.tr,Frm I et 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described - most advocate of the immediate restoration of SHOP, with DWELLING, situated in a coon. Real estate, elz : j the Union. Its highest, merit consists in its ty seat, near Railroad and Depot. Good A HALF LOT OF GROUND, situate lathe !vhalaeter a, cnance for doing all kinds of work. Also, Borough of Gettysburg,' Adams county, Pa., iAn Enterprising and Trustworthy News- several Town Lots will be sold with the adjoining lot of James Pieree on the east and Pain?. property if desired.. lot of Thomas Grigsby on the west--fronting The next year bids lair to be a more critical A FARM of Iris ACRES, in "Mountpleas tot on Breckinridye eta eel and retuning b ick , one in the history of our free institutions ihan township, Ad Ma county, with geed Stone to an alley ; improved with a . I even nay of the cveatful ones that have prece. Mouse, good B ril, Wagon Shed,. Corn Crib, Two-story Brick HOUSE, and a .-";' Ulf ded it. The first requisite for an intelligent Wash House, Orchard, &.:., near a turnpike I, One-st cry Sack-building attach- ..••; judgment of Public affairs is • full and anthem. and railroad. ed.• Seized anti taken in exec's- --.'" —..- tic account of facts as they transpire. These ' FORTY ACRES, with good House, Barn, Lion as the Real Estate of John Ellower. I TIIE WORLD always mime to give with cote ; and other out-hoildings, Orator I, kc., three • PHILIP HANN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Offtce, Gettysburg, Dec. 24. '64. scientions accuracy, and Isiah equal fullness quarters of a milsefrom a railroad s atioo. A l and fidelity whether they make fur or against good elinn ,. e; terms easy. IleirTen per cent. of the purchase money its own views of pablic policy. Prompt activ. 173 ACRES )JF LAND, on the road lending upon all sales by the Sheriff must be pa id over , its in spreading before its readei II et ery kind from flanovir to Littlestown. Gdod limestone immediatelv after.the property is struck down, of news in w hid' any part of the public takes farm; large Brick House, Bank Barn, and otb. lor upon failure to comply therewith the pro- lan interest, is the first duty of a newspaper; er ont‘buildi rice. The Latlestown Ilai/rond perry will be again put up for sale. , I and•the facilities of The World fordischerging runs through the rear part tit the place. Price , this obligation are unsurpassed by those of $B5 per acre. 'env j menet in the Gaited States. Whatever A FARMTQF 300 ACRES. in Cumberland ,T elicit may fail in, it certainly will not fill to township, Minima county, three elites from furnish - the news, nor to sapplysit with such Gettysburg, at which place is a rndro id and promptitude, spirit, freshness, abundance, va- good market. , This farm can be divided into rieta i accuracy, and candor, that a.' class of two farms, there °ring aim dy two sets of L readers can miss anything of interest which improvements on the tract. The improve they wish to find. ' ! inents are a cool two-story Jwelling House, The Weekly World, a large quarto sheet,. Barn, and other out-buildings, and a Teuunt same size as Daily, is now printed throe:Alai in house with all improvements. large type. aol has the largest circulation of A FARM of 105 ACRE' ,on the Carlisle any weekly journal published, save one, turnpike, under good cultivation, with w large 1. Its Market Reports embrace the New Brick House, Bank B ire., Wagon Shed, Corn York, Albany, Brighton, and Cambridge Live C:lb, Carriage Rause anti other out-bnildlugs, Stock Markets ; the New York Country Pro. all len% . I duce and General Produce - Markets ; special, LARGE FLOUR MILL, with 15 Acres of ' and valuable Hop Intelligence; a department Land. The mill has four pair of Burrs, and ' o Agricultural Reading: all together cons- ail machinery for doing merchant worli. Best posing an unrivalled hand hook of current in- water power in the corinry. formation tur the Farmer, Live Stock or Pro.: A FARM of 175' ACRES. near the Hanover duce Dealer, the Country Merchant, kc. I turnpill, on which, is erected a good House, 2. A page or more will be reserved for Es. Ball', and all necessary out- bni 'dings. Tire tertaining Fireside heading for the Family' land is in a good state of cultivation. This Circle, embracing the freshest and best Srories,i- proper le will be sold cheap. Poetry, Religious Reading, etc., and a pace-fur A, FARM of 155 :ACRES, near finritcrstown, the Discussion of all Prominent Topics of gsn- A , 1.11114 enllnty, on which is erected a good eral interest, political, agricultural, financial, House, Barn and other out-buildings, rind the literary, etc. , land is in a fine state of cultivation. This The Scott-Weekly World is a large quarto farm will he salt cheap. , sheet, same size as Daily, which, by omitting A FARM of 3d At'llES, 8 acres in wood, a great mass of ciry advertisements from the wilt one-and-n-half-story House, good Bain Daily, contains all its news, correspondence, —land in good cultivation-31 miles from ,' editorials, coinmerreial and market news, cattle Xew Oxford, and li miles from Bunau,glitown. market *lid provision reports, and a fresh and Terms easy. ,entertaining miscellany of literature. Pub- 18 ACRES_ of WOODLAND, 2 miles from lished Tues lay and Friday. . INew Oxford. -. 4. 1' E R Al'et : 1 A FARM of 200 ACRES', gond land, with Weekly World. large Brick House, B tor, and 2 Tenant Houses One copy. one year, $2 00 —4O acres in wciod—nalf a mile from the Con- Four copies, one year, 7 04 await° Chapel. Ten copies, one year, 15 00' A FARM of 180 Acres-225 can 'be pur- Tw.nty copies, to one address, . 23 0 , chased—in Cumberland town.hip, 24 miles Fifty copies, " " r,O 00 Loin Gettysburg, wear Chambershurg pike; Semi- Weekly - World. I urge weatherboaraed 'Honse, Bank Mira, kc ; am copy, one ) ear, $4. oo 40 acres in wood. The Farm has been reeently Four copies. one year, 10 00 laved. Ten copies, one year, 20 00 A FARMof 120 ACRES, with good House Daily World. and Barn ,• 12 acres in wood; one mile west One copy, one year, $lO 00 Of 1300 tuglitutVo. Club Prizes. I A HOTEL. in New Oxford, two-story, roomy For clubs of TO, One Weekly, one year. 1 and convenient fur business. Goad chance ; a 50, One Semi-Weekly, one year. 1 terms easYr. .1 rr 100; One Dairy, one year. I Also. a niiruher of good 110i15e9 and Lots for Additions to clubs m..y be wade any time in sale in Ne,t Oxford. - the year at the above club rates.l Persons who a ish to buy Red Est ite, as Term, cash in advance. Hen& if possible, ' well as those who wish to sell, are requested Post-office Money Order or Bank Draft. Bilis to give tae subscriber a call at his store u sent by mail will be at the rode of sender. i New Oxford. . We bare no travelling agents. Address all I Address, ortlera 114114 letters to 1 JOHN C. ZIUCE, Land Agent, , ____ ___......... New Oxto d, Adams county, PA. July 0, 18sEt. tot Tax Appeals: • ritrik Commissioneraot Adams county here byit give notice that they have tired ippon ton following days for holding the Appeals fur the several Boroughs and Townships of said county, at the office of the County Coast. missioneue, in Gettysburg, when and where they will attend to hear Appeals, between the hours of 9, A. hi., and 3 o'clock, P. if., of each day, as follows : The Appeals be Gettysburg, Cumberland, Germany, Ox:"nrd, Huntington, Latimore. Ty rone and Straban, ou TUESDAY, the 22d of JANUARY nest. Fur Hamiltonban, Franklin, Hiclrinad , Free dam, Monntjoy, Union, Conowogo and Liber ty, on - WEDNESDAY, the 23d day of JAN UARY next. For lienallen, Butler, Berwick bor., Berwick tp , Rending, Hamilton, Mountplealant, and Littleflown, On THURSDAY, the 24th day of JANUARY rest. By order of the County Commigtioner., J. M. ,WALTER, t-letk Dec. 24. 18b6. to Regiotter's Notices. NOTICE is hereby given to.all Legatees and other persons conceraed. that the Admihiatration Aceoiants hereinafter mention ed will he presented-at-the Orphan's Court of Adams comity, fur confirmation and allow ance, on MOSIJAY, the 22d day ofJANCARY, 180. at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz:' 1. The first and fintl recount of Eliz•tbeth J. Walker, Administratrix of William J. Walk er:deceased. 2 The first a •count of Samuel Bowers, Ex ecutor of Margaret Bowers, late of Hunting ton township, deceuod. W. U. 110LTZWORTII, Register. Dec, 24, 186e1 Jury List—January Term. GROW JURY. Cettycleirg—Daniel J. Beuner, (Foreman.) binban—Eli G. Beagy, Philip Donohoe. Mcinio,:dedsast—Francis M. Buddy, J.Line3 C. Butte's. Latlrstuarn—Ephraim Nlyers. liamiltunban—Rnh't Wation, John Sanders. Conowago--Emanuel Diller, Gtd,ge Kuhn. ,Mourojny--JAn Rebert, JeEse D. Newman. leen w ick tp.—Joseph Kenner, Latunnre—John Conl,4on, ru/kiln—Samuel 11.1. rt. uutiugton—Wilhara [AM Germany—Vetili.tm Sterner. Butler—William Crum, Philip Weaver. Ozturri—Simuo Freedom- Rhin E. Plank. Huinilton—Miehiiel Bohn. ' , fuinberlan`d—Feintis Bream. Tyrone—David Meals. 1122311133 Franklin—James Mickley, Juhn 11. Rat Tens - perger: Freejoin—Michael McFadden, Calvin P. \ 11=16nelon—David Day, Abrithqui Trostle. Dawn toOba n —Reuben cu,.Peter Shively. Butler—Daniel Waiter, Daniel March. Menallen—Wai. B Miller, Amos Schlo*er, Miry statism Eil,pelluan. G rapiny—Julin Crumritte, Jacob King. StraLaii—Geore Gras., John Bender, Geo. Ebreb crt. l'lcion—greorge D. B.,seboar, Tulin Kindig. MouutpleasAut—Samuel A. Smith, James R. Giti, Elite Mayer. Reading—Sam's Oee'9lolizer,John Simpson: Gettysburg—Win. Guinn, Henry Bull). ihrwleic cp.—Henry EHtinger. Cucuberland—Chelstiac,',o:river, U. Paxton High irct. Younik)y—Jobn B. Spangler. Oxford—Feud:lin Marahalli \ Samuel Neely. Tyrant —Charles Yeatts. ‘. Latitnore—Xivhael Stainbaugli. Highland—Jolla Dube.. Dec. IY, HO. 14 Great iteduction .PRICES DRY GoODS, Greerries, Ibreftrare, Quivnsware, AT JC. ZWICK A SON'S, SE W OXFOR PA. We have jest returned from the city, where we bought a very large and well selected stock of all kinds of goods, suitable in ohr line, under THE LATE DECLINE Our stock consists in part of FRENCH MERINOES, FRENCH COBOURGS, De!lames, Calicoes, Plaids, Bleached and Unbleached Muslins ; a large assortment of Black, Brown and Plaid all-wool Doable SHAWLS, Balmo ral SkirtS. Hoop Skirts, Gloves, ke. MEN'S 44 EAR, consisting in part of Broad and Beaver Cloths,-Block and Fancy Cassi meres, Cassinets, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Under-shirts and Drawers, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS, Driving and Buckikin Gloves ♦ complete astortment of GROCERIES, at low rate.. HARDWARE, such as Tire Iron, Spring, Shear, Blister ind east Steels, Horse Shoes, Horse-shoe tier, Nail Rods, ilatomered Iron, Wails, Spikes; Spovels and Fois., Door Locks, Pad Locks, Latches, Hinges and Screws. Patois., Oils, GUSH, Putty, lc. AND QIIRENSWARE, by the set. Thankful for past patronage, we hape to merit the same in the future. J, C. ZOIICK SUN New Ozford, Dec. 10, 1866. 3m Inauguiation (IF LOW PRICES. kJ J. L. SCHICK incites the attention of his friends and customers to his large and well selected stock of DRY GOODS Comprised in part cf French Merinoes, • All. Wool Poplins, •AU Wool Helaine', ♦ll Wool Plaids, • Plain Poplins, Black and Fancy Silks, • Tamise Cloths, • •Black and Colored Alpacas, Black Cloths st.d Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, Cassinets, Juno, Flannels of all Mods, Gloves and Stockings. Also, a Sae lot of Ladies' FU AND SHAWLS, as weil as as &hoodoos variety of Notions, all of which will be sold - cheap for the cub. J. L. SakilCY. Dec. ft, lead. Eleetifta N•tiee. ONZTTIINEIZO NATIONAL Bang, l . •Dec. 13, 1866. NOTICE is hereby feces that the Annual Election for Directors of this Bank will beld at the Banking House on TUESDAY, tho.Bth day SASUAR.Y, Ise, at 1 o'clock, P. Y. T. D. CARSON, Cashier. Dec. IT, 1866. EkeMM. FIRS? NAT/ONAL BeAA OF GITT79HCRG. IlqUTICI; is hereby given to the Stookhold. ers of the First National Bank of Gettys erg; that an Election for seven Directors, to terve one year, will be held at the Banking House of said Bank, on TUESDAY, JANUA RY Bth, 1867. GBO. ARNOLD, - Dec. 17, 1866. to Cashier. rIISTISP, THIW.—If you have chapped 0 hand*, lip+ or rough skin, ate the OLIESI prepared by Dr. IL IltottNElt. It Is just the tidos at this 10041104 oltke year. tr I' A :.~~~ . THE WORLD, 35 Part 1 uw, New York Dec. 31, 18`66. Teas! Team! Teas! T EAS! TEAS! TEA'S! TEAS! TE4..S) TEAS; lIULXSALED at $ Pill Co:NT. abcige ael4aleuST of itliportation. We take pleasure in offering to the trade the folhia ing popular TKAS. in original and 30 pound packager. Oue prices will be touted low er than those of any other house in the trade, with the exception, however, of thoie who make it a business to buy and sell strined and otherwise dam iged Teas, and palm them off as pound. We warren! our Teas sound and straight, and deal in no others, and dealers, to be c ouviuca of this, need. only give us a trial. We sell our Teas at the small advance of 5 per cent. on the actual cost of importation, be living that large trade with small profits is more advaotageous to us as well us to the public. We are sellin_ the following TEAS IN ORIGINAL. PACKAGES. • 001.oso, 95, 95. $1 10, $1 20 per pound. SoucuuNo, 90, P 3, 95, $1 03, $1 10, $1 20 per pound. Vous°, Ihrsost, 63. $1 01, $1 10, $1 20, $1 40, $1 50, $1 70 per pound. GCNPORDEEL $1 25, $1 35, $1 45, $1 53,51 73 per pound. Also, Twankay; Hyson Skin, Japan and oth er Teas, and r the ruling market prices. In oidcr th it buyers mry readily compute the amount of ftinds to be remitted in order ing packages of Teas, we would state Young Hyson averages 65 pounds to the package; Oolong, 40 pounds; Souchoug, 42 pound;; Gunpowder, 70 peon's, Tu enable buyere'who wish to keep the dif ferent lines of Teas, but !Live not a trade to warrant their buying full p ickages, we have, for their accommodation, put up the follow , Ong original Teas in 30 POUND PACKAGES, And sell these packages as follows : 00 amo, $25 50, IA SC, $33 and $36 per package. SOLTVONO, 4124, $25 50, $29 50, $3O, $33 and 430 per package. Tornio ‘Hrsos, $25 50, $3O, $33, $36, $42, $e and $5l per package. GUNPOWD lc, $37 50, $4O 50, $43 50, $46 50 and $5l 50 per package. We warners( all our Teas as represented, and if parties are not perfectly satisfied that the Teas perches of us are cheaper than they can buy elsewhere they can be returned within thirty days, at \our expense, and the money wil. be refunded. . Y. KELLEY k CO., ' \ Late Kelley 1 Vaught, No. 56\ Vesey Street, New York. Dec. 24, 1866. $1 ANDREW LITTL. testamentary or e, late of Mounti county, deceased, hit\ undersigned, residing gives notice to al! persi to make insmedikte p claims against the sa, erly authenticated f4l WILL, `For the sake indebted or having . widow of the decease same. Positive Notice. pin School Board of Cumberland towbip j request all persons interested to meek at toe house of Joseph Little, to the borough f to make settlement of the Bonn Fund, and thus show to the township the standing of thB same. Such as are interested and fril to attend, may put up with the con sequences. To meet on the SECOND THURS DAY IN JANUARY, the I oth, at 9 o'clock, A. M.—and continue from day to day until all is settled up. By order of the licald, A.BltAki AM SPANGLER, Presl. N. LIGIRTIIII, Sec'y. sw-The Township Auditors are also so quested to be present. Dec. 17, 1868. td Fatal)fished in UM. HENRY W. OVERMAN, MEUCHAWT AND DEALER IN LEAVER, No. 14 South Third Street, Muladelphia. lier Consignments solicited. Dec. 18, 1866. ly* Philip Redding, JIISTIOR OF THE PEACE., will be at his office; (at his residence,) In Cumberland township, on Tuesday and Friday of each week, to give his attention to Jo4tiee's busi ness. [Doc. 3, 1806. 401 Picture-Frames. GREAT variety of PRITEItiE FRAMES, iwith plain and convex glasses, for sale tkorne,r's Drag and Vari3y Slam Jams 21,1181 h _ Ka:winger do Shireman, NO. 8 WES MARKET STRIA' r, YORK, PA., _ AGENTS AND DEALERS IN PIA.NOS AND GADINET oDAIANS, .111 E ODEON,Y, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSIC'AL INSTRUMENTS, respectfully inforcu the public that they are prepared to furnish Pianos of the following manufacture or of any other maize that may be preferred: Albrleaf. Relates t• Fichunldt, Cbickerinic Ac Mom, ilesdburv. Waste A: 116011, Gale & !ion, I=l COTT_ICE, 11.41MONIC '_4 ':L' BO ET Oa ORGANS AND MELODEONS These lustrum.mts stand unricailed by any thing found iu this Country or in Europe, es is admitted by all impartial judges. The wort eminent Pipe Orpan Builders and Performers, the last to discover' excellence in reed Tone, pronounce them vastly superior to all others for exceedingly quick articulation and round Tone, the essential feature in instruments of this class. We invite the severe arrutiny ittid criticism of all. PATENT VOX TWEIVILO. This late and most won!erfai invention (so acknowledged by all lea ling artists) will be fonad only in the Estey Instruments. In at trmptipg to describe the effect ethis.stop, we are at lo -is for language. its beauties cannot be written, but must be heard to be appre cilted. By this stop an crainary pertoimer can produce an effect which requires a lifetime of practice for an artist upon a violin. !t en tirely changes the tee l Tune, giving, the sym pathetic sweetness of the human Toler, making it so melodious and pure that it never tails to enchant the listener. THB HA fIMONIC -OHG AN for Chnrches, Public Halls and Parlors has a powerful sub-Bass with independent reees, Harmonic attachment and Vux iluatana Tre molo, and is believed to be the most powerful reed organ made,.being nearly equal to a Pipe Organ of three times the cost. Al! instruments warranted for five years. gar-BRASS BANDS supplied with instru ments and music At renson.thle terms. A liberal discount allowed for Churches and Sabbath Schools. -Letters Andrew Adnms to the hereby dentate baring t prop •u tor. lemons to the Ile the 6:• ggrinstructions given both in Vocnl and Instrumental Slum, at our rooms, Rod at Tin, ,pila' homes, either to indivistuals or classes, on reasnn'4blo terms. Dec. 17, 1866. tf At the Old Business. LERIS KUMMERANT 'has re-commenced ' the TAILORING business, in Chambers , burg street, between Washington and West streets, Gett}sburg, and asks a share of the custom of the public. Hjs long experience in the business enables him to guarantee good fits and good work, whilst the West f,shions will be consulted in cutting whenever desired. No effort will be spared to render satisfaction, and he teels sure that all who patronise him will oe satisfi , d. His prices for work are as dow as they tan possibly be to afford him an economical living, and fit one coul 1 in reason ails them to be any less. Ile asks his aid fri7ls to give him a call, as well as the pub. lic snerally. , Nov. 12, 1866. p ate. roetvies, Notions, e. oglios(iii U. SWOPS, baring purchisred the \pe GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT antes \A. Grimes, on York street, a few doors east lot Wolf's Hotel, and haring added largely to the already extensive assortment on band, offers the public a variety of Goods in his line rarely, if ever before, kept here. Ilia \ SUGARS,' COFFEES, TEAS, MOLAS SES, SYRUPS, kc , can't be beat, in quality or price ; whilst'bis assortment of NOTIONS embrace; almost everything the public can possibly need. finuse-keepers and others should give him a call before bit) ing elsewhere, as he is convinced that he has the best stock in town, and that no oue can go away disap pointed. , gar The CABINET-MAKING business is eon? lotted, In all its blanches, at the old stand, a few doors east at the ',Slurs. No efforts spared to please the patine, as heretofore. Gettysbutg, Nov. 5, ltititi. , s tf " A N excelleat aaeo tmeot of blonds, like- It. limy bisemo, Balmoral and oop Skirts, opaa kill bad at J. L. CLUCK'S. - s • • ••, t• 2 irabastion sad Assessment for ISO 7. Iporsosnee of so Act of Assembly mist/ the dty of July , ISt!, the foll Owing Atittsi. merit is, hereby published by the Commissioners of Ad MU rouser, .wl.b.h sahib*. .his amount, descriptfos end enlqo of the Rent smite an.l Pe-conol Prripcitytrade4Occupitiosi nd Professiont., made taxable by the several Acts tti A...cattily iC ttus 'o.t.toottireatth: Ai !. 1406 : 0 ;"',4 i ;.? n = ice 473 c.. .; 2 : 7 .:,firp aZl74::}2frq 1 4 t; t " 1 1 t 4 ,15, tFEIEI3.;• B , ilt 'Vila R!D TuW.).311.P.i. Germany, Oxford,— Huntington, rl ore,.. Hiuniltonban, Strati Hennllen, Headin Hamilton, Monotpleasant„. ......... U1110:1, ......... ..... . Conowago Butler. Iluturjery, Freedom Liberty,....—........ ............ Berwick tp., Berwick hor Lit tlenown, Bighliin EMI ..itteA-4. M. WAT4ER, Clerk Me. 17, lee 6. • tt American Artials'•inioni A MERICAN ARTISIS' UNION AIIEIIfC IN ARTIST.' UNION! The A NIRIIIG,LN ARTISTS' UNION [estab liThed Mid] announce Iliad in order to extend the sale ot the fallowing well known and highly a Ipu , ar STEEL PLATF! ENGRAVINGS: The Lust Supper,2G x 42 in Deputtn e of the Pilgrim Fathers for Atnei • 27 x3O Leading of the . Pilgrim Fathers, 27 x3O Falstaff usiering his recruits, 25 x3O Snakspeare and his Friends, 27 x Cotter's Saturilite Night, 2t x 29 Vilinge Blacksmith, 27 x 32 Manifest Des tiny,-(Fortune Tellir 2I x-29 The Mn:iacre :It Wyoming in 1779, 2 x 30 Mc ni,t Verii , in in the oltlen time; or Washington at 39 years of age 20 x 34 The escape of Allister M.:Lebow:ld . from the Mos . m.re orGlencire t 26 x 34 The Madonna. 26 x 34 They h eve (1( cmcd expedient to o'er them to their friends and the pubic at one dollar and fifty ctnts each, the once heretofore having been two doll irs each, and for the piirpoqe of stimulating the getting up of Clubs, they have delet mined to award premiums to the getters up of the - Clubs, and in addition thereto' to distribute amongst the subscribers the sum of $i:O,OA in money and p timtings, as soon as thea Ile shall have reached 100,000 engrav ings. As it is our intention to advertise %cry extensively, and as the engravings are well known throughout, the whole country, we have no doubt, tlAt with the low price we charge fur them, nail the exertion which will be put forth by our commits frterds, the number will be reached in a short time. As soon as it is reached, the Subscribers, through their Club Agents, will he notified by n circu lar letter from us, naming the time and rueth• od of distribution. 'CLUB n.vrr.s. Single Engraving Sl.so,taeli.—by mail, free. For 915 we will send 13 Eng. and 2 tothe Club Ag't. 20 " •• 15 " 4 " " " 25 . " 20 1111 211 afi t; MI IA 35 S. 39 7 " 50 " " 50 " " n Stllver Wnt.• IL " 75- " " K' " ' 6 a S:lver Lever. " 100 " 110 " " a ljuntingLever The Club packages will be securely packed and forwarded by Express. Any person TO ty get TiP Clubs and forward Op. amount either by Express, Sight Dry It, l'ost Uffi e Order or in a registered letter and in all cises the Engravings will be itumedi ty sent, and for each engraving a numbered eert:fieate and receipt will be enclosed in the package. C. 0. D. ORDERS.—Persons wishing to send ftr Engravings and p tae F:xptess Co. when they art received. will be replired 1.0 send with their order $2 to $5, aceordinrto its amount, - .ltol this will be ereilite I on their bill. 1.1.5 r OF PREMIUMS To be di-tributed. One of $lO.OOO in money, $lO,OOl 5,000 rive of 1,000 it Ten of 500 " Fifty of 100 " rp,ouo One hundred elegant Oil Psiintlags, rich ly tramed, Landsc,tp.•s, at $lOO each, 10,000 Two hundred eleg•ttir )11 Paintings,' ichly. framed, lat,ertor Vie 3, at $79 ea_h, 11,300 The AIIErtICAN ARTISTS' UNION uottld mid that these premiums are t 3 be considered only in the light of .r free ; :.ft. to their patrons, on the Engravings nre furnished them beteg theirmarket value,b it as the rest of engravings, after the platen are procurer!, is very tr.ll ng, they c .n e atlvri to wake lh2 dis ri:;ution, Lirrte los it is. AVe trust Oat ournumerous frier ls out the country and Canadas will use t';eir utmost exertions, so that it possible, the dis tribution m.y he made soon, and it cin be done if they are at till active. Ladies have often :nub: excellent Club Agents for us, and we solicir their kind efforts, which will nut gu unrewarded. Let one or more energetic per suns in every town AA village in this country commence as soon ea they see this, .ind-ret up as large a Club as pmsil,le. Ilv so doing they will be the merths of lutrodireing• elegant en gravings into la nilles, an I thus aid in culti• vatiug a taste fur the beautiful and refined. Address Orders SEC. AMERICAN ARTISTS' rsioN, 25 Pine street, New York. Nov. 12, 1846. 3m DOBBINS' Electric Soap SAVES TINE SAVES MONEY I bAVES 1..0 ORI - SA VE • CLOTHES • SAVES WOMEN AND ALL GROCERS BELL IT It is used by cutting into small shavings and di?solving in hot wat.ir, then stair the clothes Ore to ters_minutes and u lit:k hand rubbing will make them as clean as hours of hard maLbine rubbing would do, with online. ry soap, and the most delicate fabric receive no injury. We can refer to thousands of fun. dies who , are using it, and who could not be persuaded to do withcut DOBBINS' ELECT= SO/kg SOLD DT ALL LIADING,GROCERB TOBOUQUOUr V:116 _STATE. Manaftetared only by DOBBINS it-LOVE. WHOLESALE Oi Fit*: 107 Swath Afili - Strea, PhUalelpiid Nov. 12, 18C6 9m A.dimsrlin vramrrscro. IBAXIIMZET'X' i6 l 8 . sue . G MAC • • Eli. 12 rans 1 • ghat. Pa awn a Ital • ih. ne t t... la. asnow anon.. -^1- .ini am+ door ' 0 4 " ii) PA 6 • NOTNEPA, • IA festi, 0 Cliatnut at.. ulls. rst .....a. a.. Itialt6o., . • ..11-CEAIWXISI WAZTVZID. Dec. 3,18.. W. 3m • Notice. TouUB Adams County Agricultural Society will meet at the Ban.ieraville %Pot se, on t be first MONDAY in Jai:m.l'l;llW, to elect officers for the ensuing year. 114. %wean the bolus of 2 and 4, P. 11." By orderi WY. L WILS'JN. Scc'y. Mt. 10, 1860. 14. ' , 1.:111L4'A,;/- 674401 92201 as.s l in. 1[A751 k 3090 1304tri 3.1385 15274 LC; 15521! 44}81.;! 69 , 9' 970:. 17639' 9 4 .1 74.53!) 3774 :IN: 3,9;1 17993 2.1.1R1 11:146 0493 , 1 144t.2 207.111 2 tOS2 19913. 252ND 5105: 29769 1.14.1,;! 7741 q :9745V 1594/44 184291, 299891.t95s 395(' 66849: 189:hi 7111 1;190! 13503 ,! 243800: 77091 4430; 9050 14539; 918 u! attw 461831 MAIO, 10.*Oi 4?7:), 64445 622 ti 179V,1 66701 b 3336, 15.1 Ute. 1625! .4174G10,071.05.3391(4,232236: 10100, 15OUI 519 7415.: 1 1.33 90 Eno ad Cattle PRIM. • r , • ' s e; V • • t this nnlmal, mrh -- Y ELLO is WA TER, II E A V ES, CO 1.1 G If S, DIS TEMPER, Ft:- VER.% FOUST - lon LOSS OF AM:. TITE AND VITAL ESEIR. Y, ke. lts use imp. ()eel the wind, therelses the appetite. gives I smooth mutt glossy skin—and transforms th e misembie skeleton Lone. To keeper; of Cows this pn pnration ht Int Mumble. ,LilproVC. 11 e totally of the milk It has been p-svoi by se tool, cxpenuteut to Incikuse the 1114P111 tity of milk and mum twenty per eeut nod make Um butter firm and e-t In fattening' cattle, It Kis es has no npty tar, )1.4%* us hide, at d EnaLer them Uri, • in all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulgors to the Lungs, LI ver, he, this ni thle acts as a swellic. By putting f. „m one.half a pip r to a paper In a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated "" or entirely ,proyentea. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hug CI , olei a. Price 25 Cents por Paper, or E. Papers for $l. PEJECAILTD DT S. A. FOUTZ & Duo.. WHOLESALE DREG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 118 Frazutlin St., Baltimore,llB, For Sale by Dniggisu and Sturcketperi throAltit out the United States. For sale ov A. D. 13n , •hler. GAtynhurg; Laughlin dr Bu:htirld, Wheeling, Vn; C. C. Bender .1; P.tailiurgi JoLilian, Ilonoway Jr Cowden, Philadelphia. Dec. 17. 1861. ly FNENI xvi) J. W. Rd. kl);,1.:1 - 6 cEr,f , ..1111 t JJ TED I pc;ri.f:X ELGIE Cie OM DueL;l.l: 5 000 5.00 - t 5.009 TUC PLEXIIIOLITY 11.14 great Coll- PORT and Hoe tsCati to any laity t t!..vP,0.e110 . Itrt- PLEx ELLl^Tir :-C.ItTo is io.wrio'rienvoLl pnrtic olarly in ail( AiseinblicsiOperag,.'arria gc,., ft iiiroad (' cli Pr air, Ar:u Chia-a, for Prom...tale arid Monte Drp.r4, is the Skirt van be tot I"•I n'lea in lilt Lo too. o i .S` aam ill place its e.iid!y and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin lire-can ilivului.blcyu.tlityin vrinoilue, not found iu any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the PL ILES CJ Y. COM PORT, and ;trait oos - vuSINVCIC of lweitrid 3,111. ITurtAx ELLIPTIC STEEL 6PRI'M SKIMP • MO single day. will never alierivirda a Hiner pence %%all tli it use. For Chil.lren, sseip and Young L , dies they ate dtipAr:ur to ntl T 1127 will lot bend or break I:ke the Singe Si ring, but will pr.ise:vo their reelect nn I grierbil sliatie ellen three or lour ordinary h eve been thrown aside as useless. The Iluaps are cuvered with double and twi l it. eel thread, and the buttons rode tare pot only' 40 , 111 e sprinv, but twice (ur dun , he) eovered,,i, preventing them from we iring out when Jc•Agt gin down steps, stairs. in. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and Is universally recoil) neniled br the Feral iun Slagaz ais as the STANDARD :WEI OI T.IIE ii.tzliltiLtllLE WORLD. el•iy the Nilo% ing ineatiutalile adrants.. geii in l riunline, viz: ouperior quality, perfect lea unCieture, Iptylislistutpc,A finish, flexibility, iluntialitv, comfort and economy, enquire tar J.W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or_ D0u,,10 SFring Skirt, nal uc aura you get the Itruttlnto CA ET VEC.--To goa t (' agninqt LIIPO3ITIONI be 'parties] I ir to NO ram the skirts Wrens" "DUPLEX" hire the re 4 Ink 'tamp, yin: 1 1. W. Duplex Lrlliptir, Steel apringi," upon the n i 4ttia.,ll none others are jet:mine, .li.° Notice that et ery Hoop will admit a pin be:ng timed through the centre, tblis reveal ing the two or dolt epting4 braided Ingot,. er tlurein, which is the secret of their fl, sibs'. ity and strength, and a combination not to be found in niy other Aim FOR SALE :n nil Stores 'where FIRST CLASS slorts are fol 4 throughout the Elated States stud eitewhere. II LtinfActure.l by the Sole Ownerg of tL• Patent, WEST, BHA DLEV k CARY, Chambeis & 79 & 81 need° Ste., N. T. Oct. 15, 13.;8. Znt 625. PKI !I ''S "OWN MAKE," NEW FALL STYLES I Are in every respect etas? ctaas, and eni hrace a eciutplete assortment for Ladies, Hies. ea, and enillreo,,of the NASA'S!. Stlllll4oneri t, Length and Giza of Waist. OCB whreeier known, *re twee' universally POPI LAS than any others Leto% ...he public. They retain their shape belts*, .re lighter, more Plastic, to re durableond really CUE %,rs“. than any triter &loop Skirt is the 014r:wt. 'Eike sprittz., and festenletera warranted perfect. I.s . t. Kne Line /Mita Ts.r. , Taxi I Thee are new bring rxtensieeli gottl by MARCH tera. thrutigh..nt the Con,wtry, and at I h' ti 0 Let,A LS t SETAIL, at Litintastorl and Sale,' Hoorn. No. b 2 A Itt.:11 Street, below DELPHIA. . Ask for HOPFI.N'S "atm 5tA1tn, 4 :. , V,,,,1. other I . . , CAUTION .—None gennine maim .= Stpinped on each Fid rad--"Ropktu's Hoop Skitt Il an . utactory, No. e3B Aieh Street. Phi!alm a ! , Also, coroteintly on We* NH ii 14; awl York made Skirt*, nt veer lull,-'tiogii - • ; TEII.II3'NHT CASH.. . ONy. TAWS . O.N.LT4 Sept. 3, 18c5. 4m ' . ~,,:.: ~ -,--- 90 A lienthrah Intowil fur Age eaglet,/ igipalilos, JOE l i tt Addrell 0. T. GARP: A ,014 tending *,ford, Mi .'11 01 4 1 4-0, lift. MA :- , 'N.-• , teIOWP 10 1 Del 1500' . • t I 187f:,530 00 47 . 141 100 4N13 1 41131 27 8 8 4140 2 4WI 2231 -, 3 00 208 "74 O 0 68241 5 ou 44811 2 88 58. J! 88, 3:107 57Ni;! ` . I MI 51 1 ; • 900 ..... .....i :moo! c no 470.,$ 3 fiti I 24;15, 1 Ito 1 , i9•11 I 01) 1 I 1175' 0:il l, I 208 I I . -.1 851 . • 1 2 00 1 01 5 00 00 1711: A lITZ.V7.‘II t:;.1• `I Ilia, IsIeLIO6AS C 'tutu 11+z vil F OUT Z'S I 4 ==l:l3 This prerarwtloa, long. awl kauito, will lliw• otighly rPirtl Isolate si don a li lt ' low.rptrthd I.ono n r by tirtr 11.1 c'-antAng tl o stomach tanl It.te•• o =1 . . . . • AT TIMER FtlAillolll4 ,S K RT. Hoop Skirts', El