' ' D ist. Market Reports. '''42F.TTYmuUlt(i. FLOUR. l2 50 e 13 "" ..w 1 3 % 41 ; ni t * KAT , . -..... .7. , . 22,$ 2 ;5 30:1) % tOVT, . . ' 2MI (.1 2 :rr l. X 1 RN, - - ltvii, #.,., • • -. : )stschlWliplaT, -.-- -I.‘ v. • . , 1 r t.i )vERJINFAW, • - 3 - 1.1. A XsE.lgu, 11.1,LT1-NIOILE. 1 , 1.4)17n, Vi* I I I.lA'r. . • 4111 i 4 . ? linmt. , )11:1•:v ) 'lllriK KY. - Tax. Appeals. Commispioneraot Adams county here by give notice tlo,f' they have fixed upon the fallowing days' for holding the Appeals for the several llorougha and Townships Of itt!tl county, at the office of the County &iln ini,sioneva, in Getty:oolqt, whet and where tLey will attend to hear Appeals, betwevt. the Lours of 9, A. N., And 3 o'clock, P. N., of day, na follows: 'the Appc.,l3 fir Gettyshrirg r eumberland, tlertn.tne,W,:ord, Huntington, i.atiinore. Ty zone awl Mtrahatt, on 'I'L'ES'DA the 2.;ti day of JANfI A ItY next. For linms.tonbrn, FrAnk lin, Ili. blAn.l. Free am, ntjoy, Conowngo nnei Libor tr. on WK.INESDA 231 d.iy of JAN ARV ni•at. For Menalien, Biitler, Berwick. lion, Bcrwick Bending, Hamilton, Muttn!pleasant, nod Littlf.• LOW (I, on ' IIICIIdMr , Utc 24 tit day of JANUARY t.c!t. By order ut the .eotintr Comeil.?ionera, J. 11. WALThit, lleds Pei% 21. 18. G. to Sheriff - 4 sok.. IN pursuance of a writ of Venditioni , Expouris, issued' out of the Co , ttt of Common Pleas of Adams county, Pa., and to me directed, will he espo,ted at p u bli c S Ile, at the Court IfonQe, in 4 Gettysburg, on . SAT-lAtIA.Iv, the C2th d..y id J NI'A RV next, lit 1 o'clock, P. All. r the fo:luiving described • Lteiil Fstate ; viz :- A HALF Li 01' OF Gnorm, situate in the,! Piorongh of Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa., nifjolnim , lot of James Piyree on the e.isi and , lot of Thomas Grigsby on the wesf—fi dating i on Ltreekinrid,te btieet: and running hick to no a-lley ; imp: ii%e I with it ~ Two-itoly, bricklltlF:iE, and a P t, , .111 ~ _,,si--iitk 'tae-st try Ii irk-building attau h- t . , r ;l a, cl. Seise I and taken in execo•.4 LlO,/ as the heal Estate of John liflower. . ~ PHILIP lI.VIsS, Sheriff. I-n , -rifrs 0 fli •e, Gettpomrg, Dee. 24. 'ti i; Li- ten per cent of the purchase money upon all sales by the Sherie must be paid over 1111111,1bItel, after ili.2. property is f trick down, or Upon failioe titeo r tuttply therewith the pro perty will be ag tilt put up for sale. , Register - 14 Notices. NOTICE is hereby coven to all LeZ:O.Ved mid other per:uns esueer,e4l, that the .I.lminktration Aceon Hie bereinAtter mention .at ;II he 11,e-semi ti at the Orphan's Court ut nJ tiu:i county, for venfirionti.in sal allow. once, ou MONDAY, the .;24 day of JAN UA It to o' , :loek, A. Al., viz: I. The first and find hecount of Eiir.linith Walker, Administratris of William J. Walk , let , 2 - The tirit a •?ount of Samuel Butiu.r , , ra c'utor of Ilar2iict Ituve,rs, lute of Hunting. tuu towns:tip, W. D. 110I.TZ'XON.111, Dec. 24, ISr,•; Tens! Teas! Tens! TEAS! TEAS! TEAS] TEAS! TE . k.S! al oI.ESALED at 5 pnit cur of I npui AVe take ple,lsure .n Offering to the trade the fo!d,wilig popul .r oriymo and 30 1 , • ,,,, Jpad, , y, Our prices a ill he found Lim ., than ihwc of .iny otlii•rhu4:+e in the ti%,sle, ith the eteeplion, aria ever, f [1115:0 alt, it it Int,uiv,t to hay and sell zhio v d and ise d ii.gel 'fens, n i paint then, otr round. We war, ant nor Tells At)111.11 1.111/ /.1.1 7 .1:e i 11t, in no other 3, and in bet e,ILI Mee./ of Ibl- , , Heed only git e in it !Mil. We sell our•Te in at the sill ill ioliaare 015 per rent. un tile aclotal curt (if iwiTtd.vioo. ter_ livingthat ,r,r,e trade wilh prOlitS in fool.• ;ill Ca.a.tql•Olfi to us as aril It to the publ.e. We are TEAS IN 011EGINA I'AUK.IGES: i+s, 93. $1 10, per pound. t 4 orri 1. o, FM, 83, 95, $1 00, $1 10,,:jl 20 per yoUNC IlvioN, 85. SI 0), $1 10, $1 '-'O, $1 90, $1 515,.51 70 per pound. • t. \ Ponoett, 51 25,5 i JJ, ;7;1 13,51 33,51 731 per pohnd, ' ,AI-u, Tit ,11yiion kit Ln , ln and oth er Te .s, nod r the ruling in 11 keL prices. In older Chit riuyer.9 Way readily Compute the :1111011qt or roods to be rentitte I in oriLei ing 11 tek.ige, 111 Tea?, we would . state You up; s •./II t,trei 1.1". , potindi to the p ; 00l ooz 4u pound.,; Sutichung, 42 puutid.:; Coupon-di r, 115 enable buyers wl:4 wish to keep the dif lei Cot lines of .Teag, but 1111'e ROC a trade to • w.irrant their Liu.% log lull I,tek,ges, we ,have, Sir their at eilimaotlittiou, put up the follow ing original Tens in 3p POUND PACKAGES, , And sell 141,9 e :is follows: 0013 Na, -$25 jo, :„4-8 lA., $43 cud ::;00 per pat kage. 801 - cliuNG, $24,'515 50, $2B 50, $3O, $33 and $;1t: - per jinekage. YOCAti . 111405, $25 :au, $.lO, $:l3, $34, $l2, $45 cud $.Ol per Gri , iruillll.:lt: $37 $4O 511, 543 50, $lO 50 Mid $5 t 59 p•-r packa4e, We'n.arralit all-out Teas as represent e d, and if p lilies are trot petftetlyssiti,tied that the 'l'e purchased of us tire cheaper than filet buy elsewhere, they e.iti be rettinied tilt! ty itt our expeu4e, and the utuaey ielttudeit. T. Y. KELLEY & CO., Late. Kelley & Yonglit, No. 5G Vesey Strtet, Ntw Yolk Dec. 24, 1866. SO Notice. rpuE: undersigned hnriog disposed of the Excelsior; Gallery to U. J. Tyson, takes taut opportunity to thank those who, during his short residence in Gettys'Airg, have ter or ed him with their pstrousage; ohd nlso to re commend MeNsra. (. G. and C. J. Tyson to'tite confidence of the pubic, tis I have in all their dealings with; tee found them to be upright end honorable nice. li. B. BOYD. Dec. 2i, 1806. Eltablisheil in HENRY W: OVERMAN, VOILIII 4 StuN- MERCHANT AND DEALER IN • LEATHER, NO. 14 Smith Third Street, Philadelphia- Consignments solicited. Dec. 1111, 18438. ,1 y* - - - i --- ------- Notice. — frTIP,. Adams County Agricultural Society will meet at the Benders-Me School _House, on the first 3141NDAY in JanuAly, - 186T, to elect' attests for the ensuing -yedr. Be tween-the hours ot 2 and 4, P.-31; By erder, W3L B. WILSON. Seely. 1 ‘ ; Notice. • . , Dec.lo,l . 866. td .., . - TOSEPII FP.TE'S EStATE.— Letters of Act , - - : Vinnaltingles.::: ''' ' i Egg , late of Germany township, Adatasconn- ALARGE lot7of Piss Shingles -iron $6.8",•. ty, der.'4„ having been granted to the under tostst per 1609; for sale at the Lumber. _signed, the first alined residing ie 310Put.i 0 Y yard of, ~ -•- • '• 0. B. BUEHLER. 1 town Atilt, and the last n‘ined id the thy of Ust. 12, 1866: 1 Baltiinoie, they hereLy girt notice-to ail per : - --'---. I eons indebte_l to said estate to make imtnedia:e 'TWIT IRS THING.-:-Tf you' hare thaPperlittynn`ent, and those haring claims agaieat the 0 hands, Bps orlrough skia, use the °LIEN i-aattle to pest:int theni -ploperly authenticated prepared by Dr. it. waNatt. It is just the . for Settlement. PIUS FINE, thing,attlds 'east" of the year. , rlvi - r • JOSEPH FINK, Jr., - Nov. 26, 1866. 6t.* , Administrators. TIR. 11011SEIVI3iFRAGRANT MYRRH pre- ' . ",- -- 1 .." serves the .reath, caresvall allseases of 2;000 tons Hay tue gums and porkies the breath. - . - 1 • '' ANTED.—Tee Beater PM/ Hay tom ---(11i ici DUPHOO . it HOOPMAN'S, to hey PRICE ?L c fl ZiYll pay the 11101IEST MARKET delivered at their Hay Sheds, NJ your Dry ,Gobdt, Notions, Qneeastrare, in Oxford gq:P. ' Dann ft Station, and is Gaup itc.,* °Witte nottliweet COruer ,ot oiitmoud, line/. , ' - JEILEVAiI DIEHL, Gettysburg, Ps. .....____,... : , Gettysburg, Oct. 2 . 2, 186;.ir ant Agent. Srep::/1.41P AND .DRIED PILITIT.'etaWi- X NEW lot Of L.iliPS j n st.recelied - at the '.. ',gt.' ~r . , KALBILORM'S. -. ~ Grhcery of • JULIE 31. SWAN. ~ja LP.'•.:.! - • • _ _ --- rulilie Sale' •• I • Pailitie'Nete '"'• KL.Mngc rl Z nialreinan, i _ IF r A Lumri.r. yr:Use/NAL PROPERTY. nr REAL AND PitirsoNAL PkOPF.IITT. 1....1 —Oa FEMAY„ the Zithtday of December 11, J --On TttPDA T,, cue 15th day of DE- :Ili ; oat _ th, .uhectit , er , int,ellidilM, t• Teninra to et:1111E11 [wt., In pursoattee of an order of , .VOR '', PA., IVO. a WEST MAU 'BI Kumar, A ISO D SSSSSS IN Gethd b„m wil *tit At lut:Lieotale,n,i his rem- the Orphans' eourt ot Adams County, the ruh- ! pi Asos AND DA Dirtan' ORGANS, scriber, Admaitstr tear of the eetate of Jacob I •Cow, 2 i!eifer3, 3 C'aester SheJlaip to, dcee.i3eil, win offer :It public sale, , ME L 0 i') EOX S, i f a. ci p t ,, n i t's Mill; on ildirsb creek, ide t t ) ii..-e r. . il l y , Brood s w atts 1 ~stert Cunt-ter ßoar, thirteen on the premise., the ReJl Estate of said de" C. moi ' ANC. it OW months old. 1:4 1.,11-cislts 1 head of Sheep, 1 dent, con;ioting of .It (..T MENTS, ' two•hidse Wagon iin.l Bed, nearly new, 1 A LOT OF en:oust), in Areniltsville, Ad- respecttnlle in:orin the pubic that they are S one or 1.2.r0' horses. neatly arras tonnty,-atijoiluisg lot s of George Lower,, , prep add to furnish Piinos of the following ne r i r v ili W ,f Fii 'l g illt ( i ) ;:' :tcir oii !log , 1 drat-rate S?re.til, Albert Weaver an I Cath trine 5A. 1 4.111111, con- 'innutiftetnre or of any other make that. may : , ;, , s4k an d B e lk, ne Ritnuing-part of a taining aimut UNE-HALF ACRE, and 1,, "- i tiel be preferred : .ii te:g l a, gado Rob:, eta of Wiscon II a rn.ss, thereon a Two-, tory FrazeWeath • ' ate A 113,07.111. RPM', A: larDnaillt, ~,vol its new , 2 i c ti t Muggy liarnt`as, Col- ei-boar ded i!OrSE, Frame We:ill,- ceq' chleklsritaa k soo, Bradbury. • Lira dad Bridles, 211 y. 0 L 1 , Calling ,%, Corn ertoardeil Shop, Wash House, a c t Knalor ,s, hon, Vale & Peon, Sheller, PLatorm se tl Grind Stone, Cross- Frame It urn, nod a Hog Fen, with ..: - .. - - 4 .e.414-...i Hrra.V'S CatiatßATri) cut :Bair, Breast Chain Halt er s and Halt e r a never - ft . :Jag' well of water, and A V.illet. oh COrrIGE, HAR.VON/C AND L'OrDOIR cii. ,,,,, , c row .b d r, a lot I Carpenter and Mill- good trait. This Is a isteartut home, in a pleas- vrright Tolls, such as P nea, Chisels, Augers, ant ton rt, and should commandthe attention Ilstid Sans, a lot of tent Mill Picks nod orall der•cring to Effirehase. .of Bag+, k.c.; with Peranns wishing to view the property, are Furuirtire, sat h tio requested to cull on the widow, icsiding ,res, Parlor :tort, thereon. Marrelo, Meat Ves• Sale to c_lmilience at 10 n't lock, A. M., on a gre it ritriety of 3 did day, it hen Attendance will be given and tentiuned.- terow wade knou n by ' 12 o'clock, M., on JIiNAS re Or;sEtl, Adrn't will be given and Cy the Court—ALVIII W. Mixrui, Clerk. Inil Si 0 61 ••lq 01.1 0 i' int • - 7 1:0 .4; 11w) • 2 0.1 2 2i • 5J kg. 7 5.1 / 1 ' fT II 11 ,2 ST-4 3 "" 1-sti 4 i . "4' h. 1 sLI firs fq. 6 1 . so R al . ft to te, 16 41 • V.H INI 44 2&I (.4 211 IlaiumerA, and a lionnotinid itu4ll:irdie CuoLing tuoe ..a Iron Kvitk, Sink, Chor Sun-ago Colter, a • other-urticles o'ol lierein , yy~f'.iala to commence! said :lay, m hen itttendoo terms, im.tilo IIIIWL REUIIEN Dec. 17, lehid: • !• LOW k . Jr J. L. 1.4.;111lil . I,ia II end e.. Steal %ell selected std , 6 01 DRY 0 C..1 - dprised liart cf rreneii All Wool Poplins, I • All Wo.il l'l.titi L'l.:r.t. awl Fan Tuini:e G.ut Iltnelc an Clothe 11.4 CASAIM ti; Jen Ela4nele of Glove Alen, n finjm Int ul' SHAWLS', 113 well as , Rh NUt 14 , 116, all of which thr Dee. IT, 110,G. 'Great Red rat!;Es OF r:eericp, 1:q71 ware, AT J. C. ZOUCK k SUN'S, We have j is. retained t we houghs a , rery larae stock of all kinds of goo line, uudt r Tfl LATE D Onr a trek toncliti in• vi;ENcil CO Bleacite. M ; assortmen an I Plaid all.ivoidlloulde 117,01. I , Vsi \V • vn,islin. and I:. a‘er'Clotl,-, 111.0: nwre,, C.Js,inet4, 1_ 7 1'4 , r -shirts anal Ura , ve•s, si,id CA P.S, Uri k Gloves A ClltrleLeten3SOrtMent low nat.,. II 1111)1V.1r1E, such ns Shear, Ithzlet innil cast Ste.l ll ,, tse-,h() • Lai% Nail Ito Js, N and V Olts I'.:aoisCal 101' 1 , 1 , 4 p irony tiltiit s.tine )11 110. labsre. • . J. C. New I.h:fwd., Der, In , IStIG. Anry GlitND JeltY Get t 1 Sklrg—ihillit I J. Del :•11'.10;t11-1";.i ilengy, A' mn:i.le.sant—Francii 31 C. 1).a•t...r.t. Litile,town-4 . ...11r.iim Myer II aiiii , ton 1).1 n %Vet Conowago—lirorthotel All e'hert. 11,t %yid; tp.-- J•e..1.11 Kepner, I.lo,ineure—John Coul-on. I , ranklin—S t iirviel [hit. Ilrtnting? Lees. I:, rum ny—William Sterner. Ithiler—Willimn Crum, ()), ord—Simon s!agle. Freedont- John E. Plank. - Ii ilnitton—ltieh4el Bolin. Bream. rune—David Meni3. 9R:4P:ft - AL . JI.IIY. Frinhlin—Jants Johnifl. Tta Tens m Freedo—Mit: set • McFadden,) Calvin P. Iluntinglnn—flatid Day, Abrallgin Trostle. lal:PlJilb.,ll-IRe'llben stun, Poer Shively. Dui ler—Daniel Wialter, Daniel :larch. Menalleu—Wui. It Miller, Amol Schlosser, Chi ysust um my—John Orl mrinc, King. StvaLan—GeurgelGrass, John ISOtder, Ge 3. lihrell .rt. Union—George D. 13 Isallione, Juin •Kindig. lloniapleas.int—Sainuel A. Smith, Junics Mayer.. O l verholtz.r.Johr.Simpson. Getty si , urg—lirin.'Guinn. Henry lint p. Berwick tp.—Henry liittinger. ta in herb'. ud—V4r,ist ian Stoat ver,ll. Pax ton nigh ora. Moolitjoy—John 13. Sruingler. lisful d --Fr lik:ia shall, Samuel Nee:y T tune—Ch.irld re als. imure--3.lieba 6,1 Stambaugh. lli~hland—Juhu 1)i Dye. 17, 1861 i. toi GETTy„Buito. poms.. The sahseciliors respectfully inform Slie public that they h iVecrected a Forge in cm.- weetion milt their !Steam Mill, and are now maranetaring FORGED OD FIAMMEREP IRON, such ns Plough, lltige-shoe and B.tr Ircn, and respectfully itiviteltlacksntitits and Dealers to giro than a call, the ittg, satisfied that they will be able to plenSe as to quitlity, finish and vice. lIRiNCSIAN A(MEN. n2.4rket price paid for wrought and scrap iron.. ' B. & IV. Dee. 17 7 1806. r (iSTT I TSITeIILI NATIONAL BANIC,} Dec. 13, 1866. ATOTIC,E is heieby• given that the Annual Election fort Dil-ectors of this Bank will he held at the Banking. House on TUESDAY, the Bth 'Lip JANUARY, 1867, at I o'clock, P. M. IT. ID. CARSON, Cashier. Dec. 17, 1666. FIUST NATION t L BANE OF GFITZSACIIG. p u °Tick: L A hereby given to the &tie&hold ,-ers of the First National Bank of Gettys rg, that an ElectiOn far seven Directors, to serve one oar, will be held at the Banking House of said Bank, on Tliti DAY, JANUA RY Stla, 1867. GBU. ARNOLD, Dee. 17, 1t0.16. to Cashier. 'M. E. MYERS ion thy :Attrition of to haze MEM =1 lode ui Stocki ngs. ' lee' FURS AND IndiMt variety of .e gold che ,p for . L. tielliCK. Hon )li, Y GOODS, wgrarr, , W UXFUSII), PA. the t'tr, Is here d well seleered suitable in our t, of FfIEXCII 11(;k, lb lain:7l, nd 'Unbleached PII k, Brown A IV Ae. Nat of 1:roall Val/CS F 1 :111.1.1., OTS, HUES, and Buckzkan [UCEIUES, at ron, Spring, rnmered ~ Door Lock,. aa.l Sure.%:. by the :et. we bJpe to k Sr. SUN m Term. ( Forent?in.) Ponuh .le. ,i,itly, J.twei Olin Sanders •Ofle Kahn. U. Newumn.- ZEE Irozn--Iron--•Iron Elect ion Notice. EM Z?".lt the same time and glare, will be by the witlo.v of - said J tent) Shellain-tn, !deceased, it variety of - Personal Property, among which nre : I lent fit of:31111er Tools, new liar oil Ili idles. !Itni , , ice bled, i;eddithri Co.; ea' , . T. Safe, Cuohing in..l ScottS and Pipe, C•tri, , tia,:, Iron KA!le, and articife, too ntlllit7ous to roe flti OIL .Ato, tendance given and terms made known by LYDIA SIIELLAMAN Dec. 3, 1.960: (3 Public Sale. O' ". ATI . III)A - Y, TIE!: ?9rti OF DECENI RE:t IN T., hi iiiirsihoice of an order of the Orphans' Court or Adams county, the sqb !•eriber, Adininktrator of the esta , n of John Ca-4..tt, deceased, Will rat Poldie 'lv, mt tli , . premises, tl.e Real Estate of said cce vuos inz of A TRACT Ot , LAN r), simile in Strnhan tou 11 , 314, Ad:tins county, one nude and a east of Iflinter-tow:l,n. ironing I.t n.ls or .1 tcLiti Casiit.t, J•ilin Shull , null others, containing 10 LT ACRE noire or lea=, lint log thereon rwo. story LOG you .;P:. frame Stalitc, n 'Co Ori herd I :#s ; of choice Apples, Peaches, nut ..10P1 3_` ‘ est tpring u! water. • Sale to commence nt I o'elo"k, I'. M., on stud day, when attendance will be given and ftm,. made known by Jtlll,l F. FELTV, Athn'r By the Court—Jaut. , ; J. FINE, Clerk. I)er. lett;il. is A Small Property AT PRI VATE nod rsigne•l olt•rs at Pi :mile, hi. vain Alde prop erty, situate in T 3 none township„ Adams Cut•ity, oa the ro I I. leadin2 fr stn flunter.- toa a to Peters], irg., about 4 mile. from the la.; ter place, containing shout: o,lCRF.Sonore or It, improved with roof cne and :111:11,t0q LOG IJUt FIE , nod ) ' ar l yt good :-Itsble -of large size, with igevtir-MlLittg well of water at the door. There la a first-rate garden, Mid the I:ntd is all in 0 high st ite of cultivation. -There.a re a mot t 2 acres of Timber, and a s illi cit lit quantity of Meadow land. There is a ea rl. Iron on the premises. The fences are in good order.: The proto•rte is conveniently locate 1 t 3 M trkets, Schools, Churches, ke.. anti one of the most desirable properties in the vontit‘. • Persons tt-inhing to flew the property wil! ort tne uodersizne.i r.•sidi.ll: thereon. DAL'I3.IIEttTY Oct. 2'l, I.3CG. it the 013 ZiaSiiiVf4,4 r, E %"1-; Kmi IEII. tN r:!-commenee , 1 the TAILOIIING bustues. is Ch.trubers bat,: ;,t rent, bet ee Wtshingt on and West :tract;, Getti shatr,r, aud 11.:Z3 n.b.tre of Ike custom Of the 'whim. His long eiperienee the business enab'es hint to guarantee good lit; natal good work, latest f ashluns ial be toa,a.sulted in cutting. whenever desired. ell'ort will 1:e spired to render satisfaction, and he teels sure, that all who patronize nim will II? his prices for work are as low .aai I:tey eut Iwo:a:a:11.1y be to afford him an c •onoluo.il laving, and 110 000 could in reason tisk them to be any less. Ile ite.ks lu3 old Irien Is to give him a call, as well as the pub lic in !malty. Nov. 12, te.GG. Groceries, Notions. Sc. GEORGE. 1.1 SWOP,P„ Haring purchased the title GIZCCEIZY ESTAI3.ISHIIEST ct James A. Crimes, on York street, a few doois'east of ttud having. added larg•ly to 01: , alrett..ly cateasive assort:neat oil hand, L.ir•rs the public a variety of Goods in his liar rirelv, if ever , rtetare. kept here. life SUGAItS, COFFEES, TEAS, 310LAS t SES, SYRUPS, to , can't be beat. in 'panty lor price ; whilst his it:sort:tient of NOTIONS will,racei almost everything the pithlic can possibly need. 11.iuse-keepers and others snoulil give him call beim e hu,) ing elsewhere-, as he is convinced that he has theJtest stock in town, and that no oae can gu away disap cl. testamentary truster (wider the wtlf of Wa lton' I; , zbazu, tleceiseA,) or Mrs. Phebe 347. The first account of 'Mary Nfa.ttcr and ' Henry Master, a Itaino.te o ors o r t h e estate lit !try M tster, late of Gertna:_y township, Ad . ants co:lay, deceased. 348. Th.• first and final neecunt of Win. Ro3s Mine, guardian of 'sane M. Orndorff• f. The first and final account of Daniel Trimmer, administr.ftor of the estate of Cath arine "leek, deceased. SA‘l LIU, TALLY, Register Register's Office, Oetty.burg, } Nur. 2t, 1d66. td. Notice. ANDREW LITTLE'S EiTATE.—Letters testamentary on the estate of Andrew Little, late ut Noun tpleasa nt township, Adaros county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in Geriatany tp, he hereby gives not ice told; persons indebtedto said estate to make initnediate payment, and those baring claims against the same to pre -sent them prop -1 crly authenticated for settlement. = 'WILLIAM MUER, Executor. ger•Por the sake of eonven mice; persons indebted or hexing claims are referred to the 'widow of the deceased. who will settle the same. Vole. 19, 1666. 6 * Positive %olive. rrtllE School Board of Cumberland township . 1_ request all persons interested to meet at tue haulm of Joseph Little, In the borough of IGeitysburg, to make sct•leii•ot of the Bounty Fund, nud " thus show to the• township the standing of the same: &whits are interested and fait to attend, may put op with the con sequence.... To meet on rise BEOOI4O'TH D.tY L'i•JANUARY, the 10th, at 9 o'clock, A. 14.-4-and continue from day to day find! all is bettled up. fly order of the-Re/11;1, ABRAHAM SPANGLER, Ptesl. N. LIGHTNER, See'y. gegThe Township 4uditers are also re tfuested to be areiMut.' Dec. 17, 1906. ta ,A SPLENDID assort:Ft of Palrand Win ter Olothlogjul ved at - •• PICKING'S. • y ADIES wanting a good artiele'af Perfu -1..4 merY. Fancy Soap, tor- Hair itroshes, can be supplied at • J. L. SCHICK'S. g RCP .17:8—a, large assortment of ere; y' stlle, sine awl pricy just openellat ' Piek4NG'S. MfMgMffM Cottage Organ. 4" 4 : 3 - _ ititl ORUANS AND MELODEONS These lustruni , nts ftait (1 uhrivalled by any thing found in this Catiotly or in Europe, ne is mlinieted by allirtip.irtial judges. The mort eminent Pipe Ori:ari Builders abd Performer,, the List to di— nt er excellence iu reed Tohc., pronounce tin in vastly superior to ali otherf. for exceedingly qui( k aril( ul it ion and round Tore, the esseirial feature in instruments of close. We tat ito the coerce scrutiny and criticism cf all. PATENT VOX HINANA TItEIaLO. This late and most wonderful in ventio (so nelkiinivlOdged by all . leading artist-) will be found on!ly in the Este). instruaients. In at tetnptinz',to .leFerihe the ellseet or this stop, we are at lo t s for Ling., ose. ItsJean_ ti 1.4 emino s be writtdn. hut muht he heard to be appre ci ited. py this it p nn ordinary perloinier ,nu prodhee anieffi et which requires a lift time of pfnetii)c for an artist upon te violin. 7t en• tirely cti un tcs tht teel Tone, giving the ss in pillietie sweetue.. , of the hum in oine, 111,t4sing it so niebhhous and pure [bat it never bils to enchant the Ii terser. THE 11A111HANIC OTIC for Churches, Public Halls and Parlors 1103 a powerful 'sulf-Basa with independent reefs, ilarionnie ntmehment and Vox Humana Tee ffiolo, and; is believed to he the most powerful r. v.l org ;11 made, being nenrly (god' to a Pipe Org.tn of three times the rust. 111 ins.troments wairanteil for five years. BILIZ , S , BANDS sapi.li.l with insu•u meul and music at rt.;.isaii L;e terms. A liberal discount allowed fur Churches and Sabbath Schools. atrlnEttmetion4 given both in Vocal and In-trumental . 3lm•ir, at our tOOlll3, and at pa. homes, either to individuals or daises, on reasmiattle term 4. Dee. ir, 186 G. tt Valuable Properties for Sale. JOHN C. ZOtJCK. LAND AGENT, - NEW UNFOLD, .ID,u, COUNTY, PA Has for Hale a autnostr of &Arable proper tl whit h he .lAIIB the alien lion of those wishing to parch tse. A LARGE FoUSTIRY Axn MACHINE 511'`1',DWELLISH, situated in a coun ty seat, hear Railroad and Depot. (nod enrol, e for doing all kinds of work. Also, sever .1 Town Lots %ill be sold with the above property if desired. A FARM of Ida ACRES, in MountpleasAnt township, Adams county, good Stone - rlonse, cool n, W.t 2 .0 n Shad, Corn Crib, Wa•di House, Orchatd, ke. ; near a turnpike and r ti:road. FOILTY ACitES, with good House, Darn, and other out-buildings, Or: I (te., three (loaners of mile Irom n tailruad S:IILIUD. A go t l efLin r ; teras easy. 17r ACIIF.i t)F Lt\o, on the road leading from nano% -r to Littlestown. Good limelooe farm; large IL ie . .. llolse, ini; Barn, and o.h er :ritt-Imildi ads. The lottle,town Railroad runs through the rear part of the place. Price $B5 per acre. 'A FARM OF :"..00 ACRES. in-Cumberland township, Adam n roanly, three tut le s. f -Om Geltysloirg, at which place is a rad;old and good market. This farm cto he divided into two farms, there b. ing afro' dy two sets of improvements on the tr ter. The improve. meats are a rood tWo•story dwelling House, Barn, iind other out-buildiugs, ani a Tenant Douse with all implovernents. A FARM of 10:. ACRES, on the Carlisle turnpike, under good cuiti‘atio:,, with a large Brick Douse, Bank It Wagon Shed, Coro Crib, Carriage House and other out-buildings, all I. ew, LARGE FLOUR. MILL, with 1.7. Acres of Lanai. The mill has four pair of Ilurrs, and all machinery for doing merchant work. Ile.st water power in the coati V. A FARM of 175 AC111.:3, near the Hanover I nrapike, on which is erected a good House, 11 tin, and all necessary out-buildings. The I tad is in a good state of cultivation. Thia !trope, ty wit' be Fold cheap. A FARA. of 193 -4.CEIES, near ITunterstown, Adams enticty, on which IC erected :t good House, Barn and other out-hnil lings, an 1 the- land is in a fine st Its of cultivation. This Cann will he sold the tp. A FARA of 38 MI:ES, 43 acres in wood, with one-and-a:half-story House, good Bain —land in gond cnitiv :lion-31 miles from New Oxford, and 11 miles front Hostaughtown. Terms easy. 19 At3ilEi of WOJDL AND, mile 3 frcm New 0% fot (1. A FA lINI of 200 Acnr.3, eon(' land, with large Brick tan, and?. Tenant 'lonics —4O ncre4 in wood—half a mile from the Coo owego Chapel. A Faun of 180 Aerrit-225 can he per chased—in Ctinahcrl.tild to irnship, 21 miles Gum Gcttysbutg, near Chamitersittirg pike; Lirge we Itherboarled [loose, Ilittik ; 40 acres in wood. Toe Fat in has been recently limed. A FM:NI of In ACHES, with good House and Barn; 12 acres in wood; oue mile west Honatightown. Horn. in New Oxford, two-story, Loamy and v nrenient for business. Good chance; terms end Al•tto, n n mher of goo! Houses and Lots for sale in New ford. Potions who - ish to boy Real Estate, as w. II hi those who to sell, are requested to give tie subicrib a call at his store u New Oxford. Address, JOHN C. ZOLTCAnd Agent, Nvw Oxford, A.11;11u county, ra. July 9, 181,9. Gun DOBBINS' - • 'Electrke Soap N - 1 SAVES TIME! SAVES MONEY! SAVES LABOR! SAVEN-CLOTHES! SAVES WOMEN! • AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT It it used by cutting into stnsil shaving and distoleing in hot water, then sink the clothes fire td ten urinates and a laic hand rubbing will make thent es clean as holt rs'of hard machine toilb . biug would 'do, with ordina ry soap, and the, ininit, delicate (#ric receive uo injury. We tin fifer 'to thousands of who are 614 , it; and who Could not be pershaded to di-neithcnt r- DODBINS' . . SOLD BY ALL LEADING -OBOCSSII vueoccompr ruf sy,itrz. , DOBBINS alt LOVE. WEOLESALIN UFFIGN: 107 S,tih Ft/7h Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 12, 1866 9m ! Picture Engine*. 1 11 .44 :11tRAT variety of PlCTlltsil FRAMES, wide plain and convex glasies, for sale at ft.'s , Drag and Yuri tty a are. June 24, 18651. ' PRAIN _ANL:I' OtIOCERISS.—The highest market price paid fur Grain aaa all kinds : • - Produce.- Groceries; Fertilisers, dd., eird 4,:ki eat risro•imiint•Ofli•illtiels; NesJ slimily on hand-for add et the %Iterations» et ; 11119, Lines', 2.d.risral ilia Soap Skirts, Aug, 13, 1811 d. CULP a HAILVSLIA'N. .eau be bad at ' J. L. SCHICK'4. - ", Min 11111 SOAP yaluation and Asucaunead for 1807. N pursuance of Rn AcL of Assembly pasted the 17th dep./July, 18 124 11te following State. mot. is -hereby publish...l_ by the Comillssioaers of Adams county, exhibits the amount, description rnd vsfce of the Reel Est ,te ant Perlman' Property, Tra•les, Oerup4tions and l'sofe,siott•, Made taxable by the several . Acts of Aigerobly of this onion wca!tli BoROVONS AYD TOWNSIIIP3. 1;4. tt l'ittibe. I 'slur!, ll:u+:ington,,... I,3t.itunre, dm:Ml.ooJan, Strplw Heading, Ibtmilton, Mount pleasait, 1111 union, T:. r on., Conowago, Roder. LToeti, iterwit•k tp., gem . ivt, bur Li!t 1,50,‘ II igh GEE Attest--J. M. WALTER, Clerk lite. 17. Ircti. tmeriestu Artists' tulou: AMERICAN ARTISTS' UNION I • • A ME1111! \ N ARTIsT* 4 ' UNION! The AIIERICAN Airri's•r& UNION [e•tab li.lted 1854] announce th.tt in order to extend the sale of the 4ollowinz well known an , : highly linint'ar srEEI, PLATE EXGRAVINnS: The Litt Slipper, Departure of the Pilgrim Fathers for America, L.tuding of the Pilgrim Fnll,Prs, 27 r 31; Fnlatufl Musterinz re,ruits, 2J x 3:1 Srl.l:ll,speire and hi, Friends, 27 t 3l ('otter': Saturiny Night, 23 x 2.4 13.11(1.sai:th. 27 ::2 Manir,st Destiny, (Fortune Teing)3l x 2= The Massacre at Wyoming in x Mc ant Vernon in the el.:en Coke. or 'Washington at .:0 years at age, 26 x 34 The escape of _Vaster Nlact)mtald Irme 'he Mas,a re of Glencue, 26 r 34 The Ma , lennn. 26 x They have deemed expedient to oil i them to thew friends and the polite at one dollar rind finy Cutts each, the once heretofore lia‘ lag been two dollars e tch,. end fur the purpom stimulating Hiegel-Cog' np of Clubs, tliey have demrtnin id to award premiums to the , getters on of the Clubs, awl in adailion thereto to ili.tribitte amongst th- subscribers Cie sum of - .ti 010 in money and p dialogs, as anon ati the sale shall have nricheil 100.001 engra.r. As It is our intention to advertise %cry extensively, and as the engravings are well known throughout the whede country, we have no doubt, that with the low price tin charge for them, and the exertion whirb ti ill be put forth by our numertms friends, the number will be reached in a short tim A 3 soon as it is reached, the subscribers, I.,,r,,trgh their Club Aunts, wi Ibe noi.illed l a vita lar letter iron us, naming , the time and urea, oti of distribution. cum RATES. Sin tle r.ner $1.50 ea, mail, free •:%.11 v.. will smut 13 Eng,. mut to lift Club Ag't " 5 " 1.1" " r. " " , f, " n SI " .. "it " •• Sllvor \Vat 611. .." 6* ti,Slv.r Levi r. " 210 n Ilunt,n4Lever Mali The Clot, prekages will be and forwarded by li.cpress. Any person may get up' CI the and for Ward the amount either by Express, Sight Drr ft, Post Oillte Order or in a registered letter and in nil cases the Engravings will he immedi- Iltdl sent, and fur each engraving n Danube:ea er,olfieate and receipt will be encio:ed iu the plickagel C. O. D. ORDERS.—nersons , wishing to send for Etigraviags and pry the Express Co. when they are received. will he required to feud with their order $2 to lf1:3, ageortling to it• amount, and thii will b • eredired on their bill. LIST UV I'IIEII.IIIMS To be ili.tributeil One gf $lO,OOO in money, 5.00 , 1 •' Five of 1.4400 " at) 11 ~ Ten of Fifty of 100 One bundteit eleenot Oil Pnintingq, rich ly framed, I.andecnprs,at Stint each, 10,0 On Two hundred elegant Oil Paintio os,richly trained, interiot Views, at SCA/ each, 10,300 . The AMERICAN Al TISTS'_ UNION would add that these premium are to be considered wile in the light of a free gift. to their patrons. as the Engrarin4a are futuathed them loth re thei rut irket v.ilue,buCat theeciat of eug,ritrin - gs. after the plates are procured, it rely trilling. they c in easily afford to make the distribution, Largess it is. We trust that our numerous friends through out the country end Comdata will use their utmost exertions, so tliit if .possible, the dis tribution rimy he made soon, and it can be done if they are at all acute. Ladies have often made excellent Club Agents for us, and we solicit their kind ellorta, , Whieb will not go unto% arded. Let one or more energetic per dons in , every tnwn and Tillage in the country commence as POOO as they see this, nevi vet up es large a Club as possible. fly so doing they will be the means of introducing elegant en grATings into families, and thus aid in cuiti• Tatting a taste for the beautiful and refined. Address Orders SEC. AIa:RICAN ARTISTS' UNION, 25 Pine Street, New York Nov. 12,1866. Stn AoolisLant Apooes.4or4 roll -ADAMS CO'JNTY:—Asset3sor Cor r froth has made the tolkiivinj, Asscssmt•nt Divisions for the county of Adams, and the following persons have been appointed Assist ant AS:eSSOrP : Division No. I.—Get!ysbnrg borough, Cunt . berlood, 'oirabon, Monntjoy and Butler uma• ! ships: J. C. NEELY, Assi,tatti Assessor, P. U. G,ttyslsnrg, Pa. Division No. 2 —Menallen, Franklin, Handl toubon, Lib.rty, Highland and Freedom to on- NE.l.ips. CHARLES F. Hlisilitig, Assistant As se or, P. 0. Fairfield, Pa. ' Di'l‘tioc No. S.—Huntington, Latonore, Ty roue... . roue. antiltou ' and Reading townships. ' THOMAH'(a. xr.gi,v,.Astiimant, Assessor, P. i I). Yolk Still).4iir Springl, lto. , t Division No7s.—Gennwity, Union, C0n0.., 1 wsgo, Oxford, berwiek•tiiid MOuntp , er.mtnt : townships, and Litt town Fond Henrik bnr oughs. GEOIIOE S NEitIFF:R, Assistant iA.iessor, P. 0. Li3lestoWnt,f r d. , Nor. 26, IRtiG. 4t 1 .A.G-r.-1i.r.3 vr.A.‘ sign. . , 1 . • 11.A.1"4"1".talltE"X" in I 9 BEI • V ildt N'- 0 ES. t j u nay • Z.. mei, ere.. el if i P rnalreir ". . - tilf - --;,!::- :E t -Pa , ;. 1 ' mink : Arab, n 4 •-, nut Ilt,11414.„ --. • 241 ~an 44...4•444,44, • I , ; Dee. 3, 1d.:6. 301 1,0-IC="TS WA..,l:g , ' W . =. Shingles. pRINF: SHINGLES. tie hest in the market, for4ale at JACOB SHEALIS'S new Lunt. her Yard, on the Railroad, adjoining the Lime Kato. Gettysbary - Nor. 26, 1866. tf -- -- Phillipßedding; 'TUSTIOE OF TOR PEACE, wilt be at Mr 0 office, (at bik residence.) in Cumberland tuanthip, on tneid.ty and Friday of criudt treek, to giro hi e s tateaiion trkluistiee's busts • eels. • j Dec. 3, 1866. int lb o ,Y 1 • e 2:3= 7. • • - 7." - i 7.. e F >7 , gcz. v - z t 4 4 . 7: .4 —is 2 1 zn " r-5 EVI 211:nS' 1132 1 171 , 32 0 - 11 U 10:11e 2160711 47812 23/13 $,210 1 2774 S 23807 164, 15987 n 10852 69916 1!11,5 20219 w 539.12 16862 1G471, 1161:8 28127 20731 6010, 2102i3 22021 2601 1.3140 20086 4,,472 :A.C.5 4 51.35 252 1 94 45:70 3J.:85 15270! 130110 36490 14(I5 15.2 5 H 22606 27147 40813, GOiu 20261 , 42,71 :1551a 9705 279464 47085 17G34 1 1 04 i; 210510. 31/60 7 01 5:. 377 6 153657 22.9:, 1:1301 36601 197459 19943 25234 5105. 159664 29769 1441 i 776 0 1842110 29369 1:93,% 80:',0, • 86819 1891 5 7410 2790. ' 1.71501 20800 7700 44.91, 900:,0 145*6 91s„ 3650 44195 5000 10, - 1l 117 - 1 044;5 8228 1791 . / 6670 03336 13558 15008 1625 W 04,2-2236, 14.1100 15W), Ito v oi3S L:l5 Ok) 417462 D 67 141:3,3Z, limo all Cattle MM. ... 5 ,4 . -,---- - . ~.,T.,'!",.,.P,[7.u,- , !!,',1; g , i . Y .., . .. '. - .J . ,.1 ::: 1,1 , •li,u a PIA ' '.• :'. W.. I tt ~In.ltcd Lora,., ./.' ..; i 1 ~1 1 1' i t '' ' . t . I . ict :1: . I. g l a t i 1 1 i : i t 1!:e.. { , A ►I, .. WI - '4 ' . , : ". k!:' -.. *i , f it is n intre Tin, ' - i.•;4. -L s_ — x . nil% n a 1.11 n.,- a- ............. ~..,..,-.."---,.:.- ttik animAl, sill' Y I.: L I, i.) W. W TER, II EA V I.: Clit.'i; II t, In TI:3II'F. It . F VEIN, Fi)UNT* I,oii OF API' TITE AND NIT) II:s EMIT, Le ' inc improve., I I: inil , hietea. the apiwtlte- gir n smooth ut g 104.7 skin—ni trun4orru9 t' miserable skelin Loran. 2G x 42 11 • 27 x To keeper s of Cows tl is pl l. Inn 11011 iZ , Invaluable. It increases the quantiti and improtig the finality .1 the mitt It has . . born pi oven ti se .ept-,4_. ... Una experiment to W. ..,_ . ••••; - sToxfx . ' \ elliqr ' increase the quail and , ~ ..,--- I •:. ''. 4.-•;„, , c sm twent rit: . q, ciito and , i i butter ftno an d . . ) '........., „:, .1 ~. ex ert. In fattening ~_ ,' .• ; t .„ .C'ef47 ~.i..i : ° " 1111 ffi lll ' Ipe ' It tl g t. i :.l:o tl ;:7 ' .l . -- -1 . :.-; il '....:. , :, t . " . :'.''.....`,?.. , tl dr hi de , end t o r ...."-•••' ', , e .. . , 5: . r- .2 ' wakes thou thnto e mush Mater. - In all diiieuse3 of 9aiac, euca as Coughs, ricers In the Lung., Liver, La., this article •- l• • • act,+ as a specific.• By putting from •-• one-half a paper • -•.•!,' . 1 to a papwr In barrel of swill the; above (Mi.:a., ` 7 " .‘Cr null be - r_ Jr 4i or entirely prevented If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for Cie hol• Price 25 Cents per raper, or 5 Papers for O. PREPARED LY S. 41. E'OI..Y.VZ 131?-0., Securely pecked WHOM ILE DRUG AND MEDICINE 1171/T, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by DnigaiFto and litorektAver. througlie out the United States. by A. D. 11.1to.ler, G. 113 shn : Lerallin k Wt:velLng, ; C. C. Ben.lor k Co., I'.t.:l,nig; k Cu Nt!1•11, Dve. 1 1864. 13' EIrAND J. W. I;.t 1;)(.1;;Y'S CELEBRA TA 1 El) VATENIT DUPLEX' ELOPLIC (OR tioCRLE ',SPRING) $lO,OOl 5,0 , 10 6,000 5,00 5 MA) Tug wusni:nFui. FL1.N.11.11.11v add great COM-. FORT and VLEASOLLE to lAdY s ihe I/U -CLF ELL/PTIC SKI UT 1.1 be VXltOrienc.,:d partle udirls in WI el owd Asseinhlies,Operas,l 'al ria ,zes, it. tilroad C irs, Clinrell Pews, Arm Chairs, for Prom.:sade and Unita° Dress, as Vac Skirt c to be tel led when in uso to nuelipy 4 Swilll place as easily and convenientlr as n Silk or Dre•s.ar. hicaluiablept dig in crinoline, not lound iu any, Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the ma:Aurae, COM FORT, and great ci.r;vvite.vtu of 'rem ing the Duetik.v ELLlrtto STEEL Slums , : SEriir for it single day. will never alterw trds w dis. cense with their tie. For Children, Mt:sr% and Y.outig Ladies-they' are superior to nll ethers. ss)u,a JO They will- not bend or break like the Singe Spring., hat will presen - e their perfect and gracetill shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Ili - mps Are covered with double and LtVIA• cd thread, And the hottlim rods Are net only double splines, but Cwice - (nr dou'r.de) covered, preeentina- them from wearing out when drag ging, down steps. stairs. &e. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with ull ladies And is universally recommended the - Faibion Nlitg:trines -is the STA - NI/AM) OF THE FASHIONABLE WOILI.D. To enj ty the following inestinuttinadvanta ges in Crinoline, t z: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape, A finish, flexibility, tlura'tility, comfort and economy, enquire for IV. Bradley's Doplex Elliptic, or lloulde pring ,Stsirt, uu 1 be 'tore you get the genuiur rttcle, CAETlON.—Tognard against IMPOSITION be purlieu! it to NUT ICE the skirts offered as ~ n uTLE:'- . " have the red ink stain!, vii: "J. W. lird .%ale 's Duplex Elliptic Steel ' Springs," u oho s thstlialt.l —u title others are ge n lee Aid.) Sittice that e‘ery Buoy mill admit Winn being p.i3stl through the centre, thus reveal-, in.!. the two (or double) springs braided togeth er therein, which is the secret of their flexibil ity and strength! and a conthina:ion not to be found in any other skirt. FUR SALE in all Stores where FIRST CLASS skirts are sold throughout the United States aid elsewhere. )I.tuttfActured by the Pole Owners of the Potent, WEST, 1111ADi t CY k CARY, 97 Chittnhers k 1; 8 L Reads Sts., N. Y. • Oct. 15, 18 ;6. 3m 628. ELOPKIN'S, "OWN:MAKE," NEW ?ALL STYLES! are in nery respect emir miss and em brace a complete aFsortiucut for ',idles, Ilias• aii•l Caul Ircryof the Newest Styles„e'%ery Length aria Sir —t of Waist. • • Veit SKittrs, wherever known, are more universally POPVIsAIt than any otbcra toctura the public. They; retain tfieir "Pepe b-tter, sire lighter, more elastic,•m,.re • durable, and than any other If zkirt iu e market. The opringa and ilitstasiu4s are warranted, perfect. EvEaY-I,Any ehoald THY rain! They are wow being, extensively Scnif by MancitAsra, throughout the `Cuuni,r), and at WIIULE:iALE . k 11FITML, at Manufectury NO. 638 Aim' Street, be ow 7th, PIIILAs DELPHIA, - ‘-' ' Ask for fIOPKiN..".3 "OWN mags,"—Luy sto other! CA GTION.—None gequine unless Stampe4 On eadi Fid Paii-,- 44 1410k110.. Hoop, Skirt Man. tHactory, No. 6 Z4/ Artit'Strect, Philadelphi I." Also, constantly on 11.:n I NH line of New York made Skirts, at very Vow Ickes. - TERMS NET CA.SI.I. ONig 1' ,.. R1c . E /ULT . . .. , k Sept. 3,11161. 4;n , _ ..--____.. ....._ ••A t), A Npails !—). l .1-10lia itittlect $ vv . for sit Mitre' "um .zrlieet t Itior*t. Arddress 0. T. GAREY, City Bonding, 11141 itford, My. - [May ;1, 1816. isly noo' 1 540 17 , $36 0,, 47:4 lo j 4Nia 4u2 3. :7 UU 4140 4 o 2221 3 ou ... 26 , J 14 DO =I :,5.~ aa~.. i Su_U 57 liti• 9 90 276? 21:1? ;1111 fOO ; iid 300 2 4 ;5 1 UU Iwo I ;id II 75 2 00 Iill) 5 to 3511) 7 0.) MIRAII.III S-kUUEL WOM, .ICICIIOL_IS WIE:nIA.N, Coinnti,,ioners FOUTZ'S I=l =I Latezd Fa4hions S I: Tll 7' hoop Skirtp, 41:17.svniiiptlp,ex, %AD 1V :1 Vr DR. SCHENCK i 3 1: 1 01.13 ,1t uit J. IL SCI 75:`,1,;:- I),:vt St.t: I feel it to dal T owe to you, end to all n-11 ire th..til.lll+ll kg , / 4; Hill n i .tioi to let ttv te it err it r...t01i , s I bsvto it +lit! 3yr,i;+ •ind wee I Toniv i t 4rt 4 1 1 .t 11 ) Lim bless: :og of tio , l it Ii s cnrca nu+ll}ll4 for. a El EM Pr. Sullen :k, I will nd r mike my' stitemPnt t ne Ari int eixliteen nt,lnthf t) l wto nt t 'clic I wt h. t sev-r • con;t, an , l n se t my I c ).114 n tt let tin any thing I ate, a t l Ilia , e6tl with eveninw letere.„' Melt snts. I Wl3 very nrteh red ieed,;'o . *tithes of. in. , eyes wen e very ',Pow; like: - wilt? my k . 5 .111; ol:l,irt to all gone, and aro , able to dtzest wlt it I di I et , ; bowelseurollern, inegr liar a:tiro:nye. I very low epirit• ed, an I h s red's of con,4•ltinj when I tail d 1 vn nt 1111 W . lll`ll t cruse nl the inovning th it they would List one orlwie - hon^s 7, oo 2 01) In I th-n wolf 1 he no arly ethttn.te 1, end wet ' j•,entitely on it, rt t li o f my left i It. 1-e,tit -1 not flew.: the my wt c'te 1 suffering I WrIWId 1% iah to ,I•). Hre--y or-rtn ta my b oily ants alitottle•l or .lerarts.,l.- , tinett a ii my Sitnatilla /nt Vlil an I I win a my from th- I tit of L'' .r rare, 1%; t, io Jule, 1804,. not able to sat art. iha t the best Medieel t tat•enaltt nee t.';e wit itc r , ! the time-. 'My Cough wait very btICI it it •rt•.el 411 very mecu. • I at tlii• tinu•.t. at ;,. I t 1 iv,: ; i n ' , l aity of thi c k. 3 ell .1 v... T• 11.1,• ,, i, •, n 1.1 l - I. ill la A and it .11 . 13 •gr•i 1:1i •0 int .1 by 1111111 PA WI a fur; e 1 tt-a1 i.t*H• I ottgie. At the , eloglaiwg •ta b oily i woehl have-sharp, 11.0.14 111 ins lett anti heJrt, night sweat., and nor.-11- 44 -ill thron Alt my whole . the t; it all inn, hi a ;y•art, toior pun is my o an I "11:11.1' itly 3il.llllthq bl of .4 iii id it tile 'I of lity au I at; tinter so severe that it w•c•al 1 thoor ino. into ..,111 , 11.1. NOW 1111. phrci,j.tn .rye The• to 11. e. Others I Int I, tt'ae b•_.4 of they eonl,l do noth •ing fir me, anal at th at time 1 veal nothing I but sk'n an-1 hones. 1 then was is the wee. tern p irt rf 11,..in.tri. In Juno last we left there f •r• the E.l-t, tau I, in Ango it lost, )vit Inv , to New I'l w. 44 reilnet 4 4'tlinj 1 on:I only -Talk n hide aoh my lausban Af ter I h i t a ;,,,•-n 4ho.n Time the • :It' ttor broerti ,dc one feel to 1 , 11 heifer for titnean.l then I It iii t a y all a phvalci ati fir We 11.14 four aat the tio.t nlay•l e jana of New Perk on th,? ali.ae . au,•, or ti o e t o o 4s; and d o -torn of MI hook Ent i no 111-illl. They s-11.1 I was pn , t euse, cut th.at m Dins were t gone ior Any* to to yore toe. li.tt at hi. lino I a iw on my- feet .11,0 , :t the iillll4e, nit niche To ,I i 111,1C:I Nove-n -la-r 1.1 qt I grew wor.te, and the 4 onsnntntion di trrhie set in an 1 litiied .thoitt ei.tht trebk4. Wo hint trig it all and PVry thing that ral eant gr u: dying potsoll fir my clisestres— • ron•oamptiou mad firm- roplatitt—hutt of ice ay til. • li, ;jinn -try, IRd3, I wall brought alpawn t ale on my bed, an , l nnv mult i experte,it*(tyb the night 0111. 11y I,•,ol.tita 81. i)td at, toy side, and other frituolt, and they all gnve,tue on to die. At this tame every one who gifw me did not think I %could ever leave nay ha - A a living wo :tan. The fit st night 1 avo,t attn4l,ed with' spt , ins, and wnq deranged most or t4e ti A friend, Mn.q Mari, ex-ne no - see me the last of the week, anal brought thoSatnal4 Mercury. In it Wan on account of 4 j t e It' ciir. perform ed.liy. Dr. Schenck. Slum re ol It to mt., :tut/ it was •ao tonal lthe ntyilfsen-e that I oaken m 3 hatband to go !cud stie him fur me. At thIS time I bad given lip all hopes of ea er getting well agnin, and iu'ade my petre with Cod, to Lae I e +Ay whenever he caned tor me. On the 27th or try lacl, my hiutt r i n i r,tl fed on Dr. Se!truck, .11 , 1ten.1 ithrert, keit% York, and sfated to tom my ell e, with a re ne,t for lion Weall ond. see ter, which he did, nod ex twined me It tic the respirometet.- 7 When he wits amott :o go I mike I hint if lie t 1.0? II in cannot. tell; both !nog:A..o Ills(' Ord, and the bronchial -- tubes arc oalerted on both ;Men." And yet he ~•ent,, l to think that there were lungs enough left to tftert n cuss if thk.t di.rrhmn could he stopped. lie told in urdcr to dot his, be would It is e to Fit e me Mantlrtk in email Josef at tO c trey' off the imorbid ma' Or, and then, with-astringents, it 11 , 011( . 4 to cheek : it, which he di I, but the constant coughing, night sweats, nod d'art t had prod r.ttei that lie wan Mr ti i ofy vital pOwere were too much pre strafed ever to r.f fly, toolsyet he seemed to 'kink it I could live to Syrn;) ihrang'i systma t;on tLere Wt . I e luozs ono corer, lle wddle,l um f cop and Seaweed Ton' wend do roe no k e no, if, The first week it seotn..d so that on &wily atlPr I sat up hi bed and ate he irty for a sick woman, but the next week 1' lost all hope and withe.l ,my h island not to give roe any more melt:.n.. But the doctOr, ai d when the medicine bad warned him 01110 1, was de :ring ant the sy , ,em it made rue 'feel iliknewhat rettlete, nn I to p.r.evere ; and he insisted on mhy takiii7. it I and now I feel the, henctit of it. Fir Misr tht :lays I begin to gam my Snell2l'l,-41nd, wi h the exception of iii, cold that put rue hack some, I have been gain ing strength of body, my cough is going stony, and all my pains are gone ; no soreneas'Of the holy, my bowels ore, regular, mid my breath ' it swtet, and I thank God Iliac I am 'now go ing about. and sew ail read its well as ever I could. I have I. iken 1 iteen bottles of the medicine, eight of tneb. I now hive a good appetite and reFt well :it night ; inY cough done riot trouble me in vtrinclup,or lying - dowii. I would here say to the lord with eon; trap trio or liver complaiat.t it - Dr. Schenck lolls humbug. You can rely on what he siys.— 11ehty riot; it is dangerous t.._) trill,: with theta • dire rtes. If your would tie cured, pat once ; anti an/ one witililag to know the mets at Here in stated can I:111 ..t my residelee, 11T W-C3ll Houston stied, New Vorlj t eily. MPS. :II P. 7 F. PAll4olrt ' We, I he-ondersigired. r ?id.nt. of New York * ? are negurimted with ?Ira. Furtr,w, and ktotei her statement to lie tine, We :0140 know shirt she . used Dr. Schorr's% Puimonie S)r.:p,anti, S,.nweed Tout ' , :Mil have. re resit to belles's rho* 1 o this medicine die o wes her ; reservation, froreNkpremntitre grnv.. I IL px#Low 117. West r ENlMNicrE.ifif f,IH 11.'1.13'. 1.311.!11t.f.; AUGUSTA i'fl)l3l.l - tflf,, A. 1-1. 11.11t1114, 117 We EMILY (11,0V.ilt, 117 t J. 1, cOLE, 31 - eOttnge M. A. LENtITON, PO lIN. fiENJA tl IN, Cr...t Pli I atn well a e9tt,tinted Farto.s, and they haring, for a It vr at my ebur h, 514.1 I 4111 RI4CIII4IIt wirivh th.-y lied un aq true. d X' Pastor of Be.i.ord :it. Dr. Schenck ti I'l be litotes:4 , mAy et. his princip.ti off:c No 15 iNort4 HiLth sircet; corner of C ft, every S.st ordity, frcm 9A. M. until 4P. ; N0.97ib:44 street, New Yore, Tory Thesday, from No. 38 Simian street, l 3 ton, Maim, • every • fay, from 0 to 3; dud every oil , Frt.. dai in 103 Baltimore street, BAltimore advise free, but for a thorough traultha. two of Abe lirio with Mir Respiroanater, charge i.e-three k ' Price of the Pnimn c rip ani Seaweed Tonic, each St 30 per h.ittle,' dr $7 1 1 11, hatr dot M.twitake Piqs, 33 o.6etts per tam: For seta by all Drautiutatad Itlasslars. :‘ Nor. is, 1806. " E 2321 r 014 N CA EISAT'S rEf.4.-Letters Of 'ad. d ministration on the 'e,-ivite of Jahn 'eased,, late of Straban tarrnAblp, A I tmi county, We.. ceased, li.vingheeu :Vented to the andereloned;. residing in same hereby oyes no. dee to all p , mum InAelste 411i441` vacate to make hnme.lide ryment;*l thong barter, elahhe 0 gni nal the mate t Orrice! thew properly authenticated fur se•rhnnent. - - JOUN P. TFILTII; Ler. Nov. 12, 186111. 6w • . . I'l - UP 1-_ - f 1 4 ',. t TS onderstried hey' fog rot:red troth:SW A nces, •he saki those Indebted . le iesits, , pp_pneEt with as little de!lay, No pow' , ..Suelt as do not settle before.* first of Jac o r thi no- nixt, will End their neohni,tn in the hell of un alter fdenallecaon. . f • 40S SI: OILIESP2II4 r -. Gettyehneg r llloit. 2d, 18$04, :,,,' .) , t ' .4 . ...... 0 %TAN'S sums is due place to get' th - , `,C7) it Groceries CIIK&E'. • i f„ \ . - 24- -....... ~L°mE-s':Sk.:: eteuough nnlinonic to van ie expeetork ugh left forme to re , try the P.llmonio c at once, 4nyinti it ,it did me no g 004.—. o give tne etrengTh, linqatfin et. f;": i Ofrettivich rS SE= .2616 (Irt.tlivriett stt, t tit lloustuu st 1:1 Amity pl. , Strs. Mary P. and, Mr. B. Farati, I >itt.lA pnst, atletidtsd cuarinced that any it make my)• be re tr,, I iptiat Church, N.Y., 1 a ae.