IMINII ,- Gettifsbuni Itsllread. PILOT RAPECIC, ,- - 1 cr te ow tie CONNECTIUNS.—On And nf- f r Monday, November y.Olll, 1e65 pas.; R. & H, T. ANTHON - & CO., isenger TIdNUil will ICAVIAI4I3I arrive at dettys- ' Manufactnrers of I hotu phic Materiels, burg, and - make conaectluns, as billows: I V.'holesat t nnd - "fa. i'l I.ST TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at i 501 lIIIOADW Y, NEW YORK. if it. A. V. with passengere 00' Y.. k, IlArrit- TN n.l , titwo to four mein business of PHOTO bur4, lindadel piths, flaitira it, stud the No. tit I GRAPHIC MATEIIi ALS We arc Ileadquar-1 an i Weir., arriving at Hanover Junction with. tern For the follnWing,, viz: out chamte of cars, at 1.0.25 A. M., connecting . ..SI'EIbIioSCOPES Is STEREOSCOPIC N‘IEWS I is ith the Vest Line South on the Northern Gen; of American alid Foreign Cities anL .nd trill Reilway , stud arriving at Baltimore nt swell, Grolipa, ritatearv,"Xe. s' ~ 12.20 noon . . Also connecting with Mail Train STEREOSCO pi s; 1, lEw:il. OF THE rt A, t i (teas Be/ tinsrire north, arm H arming in arrisburg , , From :scythes made in the wenn 3 coin wt. 1.20 P. M. Arrive at Gettysburg 1.10 P. paigns and forming it complete Pho raphic B. with passengers from- Harrisourg, Yotk , bititory of the mat contest. Baltimore and Wu.iliington. I STERF.O.3CDPItI VIEWS ON GLASS, 4- 1111 0 ONL) TRAIN will leave Gettysburg at Aday.ted for either the Magic Lanteril or the 1.10, P. M., arriving at Hanover Joni:Lion at Stereo , , , ope. thir Catalogue will li • out to /1.15. and connecting with mail min South. any addre.o on receipt of stamp. Arrive is,t Baltimore at 5.30 P. M. Arrive et' Pllof 1 Iti RA,Pille ALBUMS. tibetlyeberg at 6.15 I'. M., with passengers from' We inaniiry'cl are more largely than any oth- Philadelphia, Harrisburg and the North and or house, alma 200 varieties from 50 cents to Weft, audalau with passengers from Baltimore sso eat:ll. Our ALBUMS have the repiontion and Washington by the fast line north, which i of being superior in beautranl durabllity to 'leaves Baltimore at 13.10 noon. 1 any others: 1 - Paireengons can leave Baltimore in the Mail C....33D PIIOTWILLAPII3 oe (euaats, STAIISKIX, Train at if A. M., and arrive 'in Gett)eburg ati ACTORS, ITC., ITC. 1.10 P. M. Or leave. Baltimore in the fast line One Catalegne.em aces over FIVE THOEI- let 12.10 anon, cud arrive in Gettysberg at 0.15' SAND different sul eels, including renroduc ir v.' u. But one change of cars by the first ` twos of the in , m c .clanted Engraviugs,]Paint train, either way,' viz : at Hanover Junction. l iugs,,Statues, ikc. Catalognes sent on receipt Th. fast line on tlie NortherirCentral Will not *of stamp. slop in any local stations,'“eept York, chino-1 Photographers and others ordering goods yen Junction and rarktoa. Connections cer- C. 0. 0 , will please remit 25 per cant of the tain. ' IL IictIIJUDY, Pres't. amount with their order. N0v..21, 18C5.' i I yit.".ll•"The Prices and quality of one goods cannot fail to s itisfy. June 18, Him, iy Benell to Farmers! M 1,41'6 OM) PAIL' avinsig MIOVED SUPEILTIIUSI'II ATE OF For fitte at Mannfacthror's Depots : IV. Front Sti, between Market .4 Arch, PIOLIDI:LPHIA Itlt Boa tiquiri, and 05 South St., DALTIMuItE, Clongreeihnviir , repealed the rnternal Rev enue Luw taxingi k. e. Fcrilbzers six per cent., box leave to infbirro the Farmers that from tide day the enevil per eentrige will be bike', *lithe rct.l:l pri m of MOP.° PHILLF'SiSU ?Kit oloseti Ani OF viz : Sd.) 011 leaf 6 per cent , making' the retnil price now /1541 4() per ten of 2,utiti in Philedel,piti , ead• Batltim. re. Discount to Dealers. _ _ PIIII.I,TI'S, :into Proprietor au t Muuufacturcr A■g. 13, laud. . Ureitt Excitement! W/eCly never T g Y i v o o of l i i , o , s s e t y wh al u r c e: N a r Is upg r i i upe e s r a s is‘ltettizemeut, and ;f .MAN actually hag, the l'rst, the prettiest and the cheapest g niq@ in all creation, actually,sclling• Ilieus et hrenk-down prices—tno few heed the lacelor their t.i'wn interest, therelore 'e have • FOUND It best to simply incite every body to call and , examine our stock and pi ices before 'Laying ! one' dollar's worth elsewhere,- for can slid will make it to the interest of all those who wee ant DEAD . in Vicar trno Interest and .who wish to Bove Pooch tborefOt to buy t.vcry thing OA line of good and clie4 clothing at my store, where there ho 4 just been received most magnificent assortment ot Frill find Witt ier Goods, coneiming - of Overcoats, Dress Coats, liusinms Punta and Ve.tts-of all kinder', 0 vershi rts• aud ts, Stockings, Suspenders, Craviits nod 'No:jun.l, Clocks, Unektml instruments, and tunny otlfer things In my! line; 4)1 of whidi i tin fit very low poco4. Call on F. B. PlCii),G, HAW initutelstregt, near the public. STiare; CETTYSBURC. Oct. 29, 1.13Gi. ' ' Pianos 2 Planes 2 r & TA - NOS I—The undetSigned would respect -1104 inform the public, that he can furnish INS of the following, innunforturers, or those of other mal,e, if desired, et the lowest li!Osaihle prices: OIIICKRRING &I'.',NS. Dliblalt llittiti. HAZLIitON BROS. HAINES BRos. HBO. ST.EpK. A. H. OA MA A CO. , '• STBINIVAu A SONS. -; IlirPartienlar attention is given to the Se lection of Pianos ; and when so selected, in ad tinu the manufecturers' guarantee, the Pianos Oct giaranteed by tat. MASON k IRMLIg CABINET 0410 ANS AND MELOMANS. She-recent iinprovementg in these inittriti. Manta are such a; to fully warrant a tyink they are PAR SUPERIOR to any other make.' One of the best , evfdeners •of their merit is, that their improvements are imit4ted by other makers. The new style, four stop organ, have a Sub-Bass and Octhve Couplet, making it an 'instrument especially adapted to Church nod', itnhhatb School purposes. DESORIP nvF, CIRCULARS will he sent by mail to periods desiring them. Plano, tuned regul.kily. Pinnns taken in es- Ithftrige. RENTZ, No. 30 Dot Market St., York, Pa. tune 12, 1363. ly Cikeup Syr Clash t . IVitT STolth; artocnruEs, Ltquons, he. th: undersigned his returned 1.0 Gettys iiiiirit, And olio:1,A a new Store, on HAW more street, :text door to the liffiee, and Pearly Opposite the Colin-11-5;1.3e, where he aters for sale, meat rots e Vitt, n large and 'ishoiev• assortment of GlZOLlgltilii,—tingnre, Coffees; Teas, issex, Sy rupi, B.ilt, itc ; With Fish, II won, Lam, nud so on. Ligilt IRS —Wines, II: Indies, Ghia, Whiskies, ,ndeversthilig elsein the line. 'Alan, 'thy qu natty :of XJLions, to suit any awl ceeryboitr. R.-colicct this h the place to buy FOR oaa t, GEO. F. KALEFLEISCII 1911C_ Itliteksznlthlng. rrTIE ttit,ler,tigne , l would lowa respectfully inform the public that he contintle's the 111,10KS1I1T iNt; 111ISIN ICS • at hie shop, lately Philip Decrsont's, adjoining Truer' pahst shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at all times be pre pared to do Itholtsmitbing work to Carriages, Muggier, Wago - u4, kc. That be knows bow to OM! jobs et the kind will not be questioned by those who hwe a knowledge of his lung experience at the business. Conte on with your work, aul you will be,eatisfied when you tike it awoy,nnd fur which lie will ae:eire CAsh or CJanti y Produce. AD.VII. LIOLTZWOMI Mar. 20, 1805. if Everhart's • F RANKLN 1101181 i, calmnor R IWAIp i THA.XKLIS STEMETS, BALTI46RIC, MD This Donae is on a direct line between the Northern central and Baltituote and Ohio Railroad Depots. It has been refitted and coot folkahly Arranged fur the eunveltdenee and WO entertainment nt guest's. Jivr. to t 1665. tc. . • Coo Wag Stores R' every vari.-ty., including the " Noble O Cook,'".B..yal Cook," “Waverly." “Urn animas'," "OrieutAl." he. Also, Tiu-war.:, boset-iron-ware, !follow-ware, and every vn, rusty of Kitchen F u rnitare—i MA 11 ing a varie ty of Lanterns. Also, a new and witch ita. propel Flour Sifter, for sale by C. H. BUEHLER, . Corner of Carlisle aad Railroud.sta.: - 'Vb. 19, 160. Gettysburg, Pa. SUPEltiOlt quality of Mid host Louden Unit 11AS1h6i, with or withont fasten fur.sule & SON. ADARGAINS—Picking has received his new - UoOds. Nor is the time to secure imr pmts. CRII itud gel them. .V Ii.AItirdrhANTATION BITTEILSor Ind , t ' ilonteotosil Toole, at Dr. it . IrOgNE,lvs " Stoorol' ___ a W AWA stoi• is 14e once to get un Linda'' in of Groerttto CUE.IP. . - Irina. Blair ct Son, ARLISLE, PA., IifrORTER3 OF CHINA A NI) QUEENS UWE, I=l URO.C'7?RS. P. S.-:-Thelnr4est variety tf the_v6ry best CONFECTIONARY kept constantly on hand, and sold below Philadt Iphia Prima TALLOW CANDLES made for our owu sales, and sold below regular market rates SALT at ri; prieca with freight added Nov. ,1,0, 18GG. 3t A Lecture to Young Men. - 1 - tiliT publiAct:, in a ,scaled enrClOpe•— ty Pri.teti cents„ A Lecture on the nature, treatrant end radical cure of SpermotOrlima. or Seminal Wenklies.:, Involuntary timissi on 8, Sexusil Dichility and Impediments to Marriage generUlly.l Nervousness, Consumption, Epi -1 t 1-psy ' an Fits; 3lersial and Physical incapa city, can ing from'Sell-Ahuse, &c. , By Rup ert J. Culserwell, 11. D., author of the "thcen Book ' kii. • Th4woldtl renowned author,in this admira ble Lcture, die irly proves, from his own ex perience, that the RR ful consequences of Self Abuse nifty be effectually removed without Meilicine,tand without dangeious surgical ape. rations, bpngles, inserinen's, rings, or cordi sls,point ng out •a mode of cure at once cer tain anti ffeetual, by which emcee sufferer, no, matter w at his coarlition mai he, may cure bitriself elfeailly, privately and eadically. This Letiture 4111 prose abpon to thou:skip:J. S• tit tinder sett: to any iteess, in a ;lain, sealed ensfelopc,lon reeciptd f :six cents, of two nlestiimlis. A.lio Br. CulY`c.rwell's Marriage Guide, price 2'. t.Oit.. Ad•lrcss 011 AS. S. G. KLINF. tt, eo., 127 Bowery, bets. York, P. LI. liox 458 G. April 23, linGG. FOlllll4 r Science. T ilt SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN TU BE GREATLY EVLARGRII This widely cireultutut and l'opul.n Journal of the hidt!_,trial Aris and Sciences enters its Twenty-cot.tonti Year oh the Ist of January next, and the pultlishers propose to signaltze the occasion by Enlurging it to the size of the most costly Scientific Journals of Great Britnin, without, however increasing the sub scription price. It is almost superfluous to speak of the greet rite el this Popular and 11. o'o Journal to all et , s , (e : i, and (specially to Meehanies, Manufac(ttrxrs.,lll% enters, Engineers,Chemists, Agricultnrists, and all who love to read of the wondrouS progress whivh new marks every dep((rtmOnt of IM:clatnical Engineering and th Indnitrial Arts and Szie - tees generally. t he lililitorial department is very ably con do ted,.,(itt(t -many et the best Scientific wri tors in this country and Europe are contribu tors to its p (ties. Many of the articlei have the charin ul rdinancie about them, and inspire the min& with noble ideas. The Stlicntitie American has the largest cir culation'-of any Ishnilar journal in existence, but it ought to have a million of readers iu this gr eaualry. ' The engraving, of Nair 'lnventions, Tools Impletueuts fur the Farm, yViiritsitup and Household are very numerous, and are splen didly executed ci ) the List artists in the world. This feature of the paper very striking. and has won the praise of the united press co:: this .country nod Europe. 'Anuttivr feature peculiar to the Scientific America)) is the llflieial ;publication of every Pateut iranted iv the Goveroraeut Patent. Of fice. Erich number conta t lns the weekly issue of Patent Claims, with copious uottees of 007 inventions, together with Kesiews of Foreign lucentioul and Discoveries itt every depart ment tf:Stien..e. Vu 1,06 yr re.1.1.s the S•ientifc lute:dean is ii,triteteit and entertained, without being blithered with bird words and dry det ills. The Ames,rean and European Patent Office, conne_etio ail}, the Neienfiiis Amoriesn, f,, r tran immense Nln,eum of Mechanics'. Now ohms, vitl4len famish constant c.tuplopmcut to a lsrge corps of i-teicittilie Exsminers alts pee wire dr.!winzs and specifiestfous for Patents. This firm is n 9 fibula the west extensive in the Ndw is the tine to send in subqrriptions to the Scientific Anietican, so s to bi gin with the new cohyce. The noidhiers for a yenr mike op a splendid ly Must?. tted volume of 832 pages. Terms: $3 per annum; $1 CiO fdir six months ;, $1 for four mu - 116s ; Clute of ten .irrl upward, $1,50 etch ; Cantidlan Bubscrib r , $3 23 per annum, ftlyitys in any:ince. Spi , ei•nen numbers sent free; also, it pamphlet of alltire to Inventor* address MUNN et CO., NIL 37 Park• Row, New York City Dee. 3.- 181'6. 1lk:11' GOODS. GHO 12G E AItNOLD has now got up Lis fall stack of 1 D V-NIADS CLOTHING, mostly 4f 11,13 own urvioritet , o e, eLoa€istinz of Hosts, qits, Vests, Drd,wers,.te., S 0 - - , A loke stock of CIA) MS' AND 111:1:1?./ a:I of Which will be Buhl cheap fur cash. 44all , and ape UAW. fi t 1844, • • I ante( . A GOOD FARg. AK ,per,on hum.; n gnmil Vara, for sale, I 'kill take in part p tynseut, inc or wore tnacts of 41R:;C•RAT.F. WESTERN LAND, well lotted, near U %lin) til =, Cone.liy k.! ty find a purcsaser by applying at this office. MIIMI=III Broonis ilsoonts r rill util.•rgigne , l 1 , 4 es IA inanufeelure Uri:mins et his ohlsier.l in Carlisle itrert. fie have the hill a full soluulr an han,Lanil ab.e to furnish them IVIIOLE :3.I4V. tilt RCC.IIL. linietriA made to or& or on the shares WNW:Ii Luc uA BrouraCurn would do well to give him it riti l. ki. 11. TIPTON. Sept.Gettoburg, 24, ISC6. 3t4 186 C ) ... SYdc'inpit:llUrfuguiet err, Natioda, Jce., to are.d. variant. Post. received a new assortment Vir of Qtteeiro4Are, to Whiff Q int invite the atteuku.. v i ttiers. A. 1 SOX. . .. . Trardwarelt Greeeries. "Flour! Petit arid Orate' TIE subscribers bare jtvit returned from A T run CilE4l' . • STUttIC OS Tip: cities witb an itomeuse supply of , A .. if you with to buy any ot ttie at.' k GROCICitItS, which they are I des ehe.i per and better than you van ~.. offering et their old stand in lialtunure street,lettvwSere e 1.0., g t tn the Grocery Sto atspricee to suit the ttnte3. Uur stock consist/ i nn4vreigne lon tits lull, in IS tliimor. in !nett. of wnere en it in. re c in :the ,yes be aeet.• SUILDING lIATEINAf.S; MICA TOOLS, GLACKzivaTIFS 'Toots, CuACII FINDINGS 3110. E. FINDING. .C.4I3ISEF MAKF.R'S TOOLS, J 11UUSEK1:eil'Ell'S YIxrURES, • ALL KINDS OF c. GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS,I OILS, PAINTS, kc., kc. There is no article included in the several departments mentioned' above but what can be had at this Store.— Every class of -Mechanics can be nrectenrnodatc , l here with tools and fin+lings,acd Housekeepers can find every article in their line. Give us a call, as we are prep +red to sell as low for cash' as any house out of the city. Johi, I:. TANNER, • DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, NI ty 16, 1864. New Bakery! NEWPORT & ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak ers, South Washington street, half square from the Eagle hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on hand, the hest of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, kc. Per eons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving tikeir names and residences nt the Bakery Every effort made to please Give us a cal I [April 20, '63. tf Laneter Book Bindery. G EoIIGE WIANT, 2,1,4 BOOK BINDER, ABO B AXE 8008 lAAN s ra Ti.o c s irrie ; srt : LA PA. Pla;n and 'Ornamental liudihg, of every de seription, executed in the most substantial and nppro% ed styles. E=l3 E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of ',Ammeter W. L. l'eiper, ii q., Lancaster County Bank Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bunk. S.1111(16 Wagner, E-q., York Bank. Wilßion Wagner, E4q., York County Bank. T. D. Car. on, Esq., lhak of Gettysburg. Peter Marlin, Esq., Pt oat) , of Lancaster co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register ". Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder tt. April 15, 18(31 Sale Crying. AW. FLENNING continuos the business of SALE CRYING, and solic , ts the con tinued patronage of the public. It is his con stant endeavor to give satisfaction. Charges moderate. Residence in Breckinridge street, Gettysburg. P. is n licensed Auctioneer, under the Tax Law or thejrnited.States. Nov. 21, 1802. Noah Witßier & Co., C LOTIIIERS, WASRINGTON BUILDING, IGS AiTD i 67 litALTzmonn STUEET, BALTIMORE, keep corstantly on hand a large and well as sortcd stock of All kinds of goods at moderate price;. They supply orders for the finest to the lowest priced. articiei, either ready made or mode to measure, to any part of the country. They keep also an extensive stork of 'MRS (SLUNG GOODS, embracing every artklof Gentlemen's Under -Tear. Also, MILITARY CLOTHS and every variety of Military 'Ft im mings, as well as op assorted stuck of READY MADE MILITARY' GOoOS. Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1.8.34. New • War (~1 0 04. N • t'F GRAIN WANTHD,at the new Grain 100 004 "IrSiEr'S -- . and Produce House, in Cat lisle si r••et,_ adjoin ing Sheade & Bitchler's establiOnnent. The highest market Flee will alwayu be paid in cash for • GRAIN, of all kinds, FLOUT, SREGS, &c. Always on hand and ldr bale, at the smallest profits, G LTA NOS, SALT, FISH, GROCERIFIS, kc., ,IVliolesale nth] retail: TRY US! We shall do our best to give satisfaction in all cases. McCITRDY & DIEIIL. Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. ly • Carriage - 4 and Buggies. T Tli &CULP are now building a variety of CO A C H WORK of the latest and most approsed s , ;-les; and constructed of the beat material:to which they invite the attention or buyers. flaring built our work with great care and of material seined with special relerence to be Duty of style an I durability, we can confidently re contmen•i the work as ursurpassed by Mu, either in or out of the eities. All we ask is an inspection of our work to convince those in want of any kind of vehicle, that this in the place to buy them. ItSPAIHING in every branch done at short notice and un reasonable terms. Give us a will, at otir Fnctory, near the corner of Waihingtou. and Chanthersburg streets, Gettysburg. P. J. T.VI'E. Mar. 19, 18G; Grocery & Liquor Store. A FIRST-RATE ASSORTMENT of GRO CERIES, cheap. FISH of different kinds. large lot of POTOMAC ITERRIO, at low price. The he-t and Lirgest assort ment of LIQUORS) ever kept in this place. PURE %WINK, BRANDY, RYE WHISKEY, &C., for invilicin if. and fithrr purposes, in quAnti titica larz,e or sm.ol. • Also— MISHLEIt'S CELEURATED if F. 11.3 FETTERS. WM. J. M IItTIN, Ralti:nort St., Gettysburg. M.iy 28, 18C6 Groceries: Groceries! T IIN BEST IV TOWN! COME )I.ND SEE THEM! _- STRICT:IIOUsEtt R WLSOTZKEY h.tte ad ded a bag,: and 'Tien lid stock of GROCERIES to their busin , sA, and invite the public to cull and see fur themselves. They offer the hest ol.everythiag. at th lowest possible profiO: COFPEES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, SALT, FIS:1, Spices, Teas, Clte , se, Starch, Soaps, Caudlr,e, Blasking„ "Ma:clies, Tubs, Buckets, Blooms, Bed' Cords; with Confec tionary, Oranges, Nuts, Tobaccos, Segars arid a variety entirely too large to be enume rated. "Come one, come all." Gettysburg, Jane 18, 1864. tf _ Fresh Confectionery AND 10E CREAM SA LOON.—Tce subseri ber respectfully iuf mos the citiz-us of Gettysburg and vickity thtt be h.ts a Confec tionery Establishrueur, one door e.tit of the E.tgle ilorel.o3 Chltubershlirzstreet, to which he would invite their attention. . Cakes, Candies, atad every description cf Confections, together with NZ at s, Oranges, an 1 all kinds of fruits, always on hand. Portie., public an I privite, as-welt as fam ilies, will be tarnished with all kinds of C•ikes, lee Cream, (in pyramidal form or utherwise,) and other refreellmolits at thoir houses, upon short notice. • Glaring spent a life-time at the hutinesi, he Il titers himzelf that he aml-r-tt tmli it and that he is able b renier entire satisfaction. Gall and Aee his Uot.fectionerv. Mar ZB, 18 ;6. tf JOIN GRUEL. Thetinced Prices. n 1 ANOS, C NIIINET AND AMe'lltrAN OR GANS. buperior tuaed rortAre PIANOS from upwards. OIDIANS from $BO upwards. All lastrumeuts selected, re commended and sold by me, additionally guar. mated. illiparated -circulars sent by Mail, when desired. I'. rz, No.lo FlAst Market, Street, - York, l'a. Mar. 14, Md. The F4r Famed 66 NIVERS.111. CI.OTINS ÜBeetles the great stein r of Lat;or, the saying to the wear and tear of clothing in a single rear, tnorelhatottOconts to the nrke of this Wringer. It is straage that any family shnnld be willing to 4o without it. For sale at Fin' Es roux mos and at C. 11. BUKII LBWS. [Feb. ID. tell, old wh..rn all are Invite.] to call I W^ t'l , ‘•ia , .lv .s. Tits p.ibit. will s„). a 1,.1 An d ,1... 4 j,. na.tartment of I ~rIA 11 , 4, Cli , P.iii:4, Ti: \.•:., 9YRU 1 LA 4 !..V::- 4 , TWP: lA.i'lni. Critl.ll:.: 4 , l'iN VLS:I, RAP,. 'N. L 111), 1.11IX':till, CI Kliiti, LC l' 4:,t, F:MIS, .t c. -A L 3 0- GLASS-WART 3, CROCKERY-WAR, TIONS, 14: , COAL OIL LtHl'B, OIL. AN:) FL:/1:R AND ALWANS ON HAS U. WANTED. —Flour, Corn, thtts, Bet Bacon, and Potatoes, for which th, market price will be paid, either in cash. gierbrlcing dt-terninci to conduct nefs3 in a fair And ho-nratile way, a cheap, 1 invite -11 to g,ivn m' a c di. HENRY °VI; April 9, ISCG. tf (•a7)!lzet Furniture 01111 E PW)scr,b• N ininnil lomerd niil the public goner they hove note on haul, and cunt iu ufttetore to order, CABINET FURNITII which, for style nni price, will compete with tiny in the Our present stock constAs of over Furniture WI/ Illy kept in first el tore WAre Room. or plain Furniture manafictured i sub.,ta d maser, dy most e o:Idaro, ana at the In WV 4cn p U:sIDERTAKING Having; a new Hearse, par.ienl.l gill be given to this branch of the', They are prepareriln ?mike of Hoy desired trillity, and mitten, at the Aortest notice-3111 on su cannot tall to please all. The tutb.teritafte rt•turn their thanks to the public for the I.'oet II patronage tl?ctended to them in be .0 Ist, sill hoot to meri into' reCeive n con t inuance .1 l a t hrof pat ra , tge ., :Shop aril Ware !loom third tailtling east of the t7icinare. 13110. Liftlestown, April IC , 186'6. IS - W. E. IMMIX. IT. s.;tIENSER..: 100.000 Btus2l4. Grain Nriranied. FIR 1 Ar Tar, OLD W.MINIAJUSE. NVM. IT. 111 plif.r, & CO. won,4 intaeca the public that they hare leaacl the IWarehonse on the corner of Stratton street Pled the Rail road, in Gettrabitrz, he tiny frill r trry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all its braneli-s. The highegt prices will always be p lid for Wheat, Rytt, Corn, Oats, Clover nn 1 Trno"ty Seedi, Flayseed, Sumac . , Ilay and Str,t , e, 11r. , .1 Ft nit, Su; s, So., p,llatu3, Shoulders and Potat,ws, with eAery thing cis , in the ettittory produce GROCERIES —On howl, for it tle, Coffees, Sag Moldst,d, Si rope, Ten:, So ccc, SAlt, Chee•e, Vinegar, Swig, ltist.ird, Siareit, Broom-, fi•;cket3, iii•tcki•tg, Soaps., .tc. Also COAL OIL. Fill (1,1, 'l'm, Sze. FISH of nll kinds; Spikes and Nails , Smoking and Cliti•y igTobiceo.3. 'feu are always able to snpplr Grit rate article of Fleur, with the I.lerlent kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plngtr.e, with Connoa nod other fertinars.- COAL, by the bushel, ton or !owl. They will run a LINE OF FIi.FEICHIT C4fflS front Get ty,1,u1.2; to !hitt ill tie once every week. They are prepured to convey Freielit either iq any ciumitit'., at 1:EIMI:ED ItITES. They ‘‘ ill attend, it de,ir d, to the mit! of pureimsea in the ddivering the goods promptly' in Getty - Thur.:T. Their curs run to the Warehottie of N.tthan Itoop Co., No. 12S North ileward s'., neut. Frar,klin, ILtltimore, v. here frei4ht •,‘ ill lie received "at any time. They invite the uttentton of the public to their !he, assuring them th it they will spare no cfr,rt to ate:otatoodate till who may putrontz, them. _ _ _ _ _ Apr:l IG, 19GG• tf Linea et Coal. ri LINN Sic. REILLY hare erected two ad. Jr timinl Lime l ilea, on the Itailroail, are therefore het ter p.teparel atm' ever to sit ply the best or LIME, in Ltrge or small roan ties. Farmers and otheis eau Itereaftet lo for a more prompt tiWm.% of their order.% n are invited to C\ if ms' et/1111111W their rocs to a lirm whit 11 is m'tking every effort aecorummlatelh prri in t hebe•t inannerpos.nlii They will also cootinne to keep on humid, f site, a good supply of th^ different kinds COAL, which they will 9 II nt small profits. Coal and Lime delivered anywhere int tyshurg. May IJ, 1366. tf - - Carriage-making Business. rim 1 , 3 war bring over, the .uniler6igneil have rournell the CARRIAGE-MAKING TIPSINESS, at their olkstand, in E .st Middle street, GETTYS:ILGt 1, where they are at; lin ;imp:veil to put up work, in th.: most fashionable, substantial, and supe- 1 rior manner. A lot of new and second-baud: CA RrtIAGES, BUGGIES, &C., on hand, which they will disnosc of t ,the lowest prices ; and all orders will he supplied as promptly and satisfactorily as possible.] fty.REPAIRING done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates. A large lot of new and old IIaRNESS oc hand for sale W.ll. E. CULP Thankful for the liberal patron.l fore enjoyed by them, they solicit dearer to deserve a 1ar,40 share in DANNER. dr. Z July 10, IRO. tt litemoval OF BOTH OUB SIW.'S TO C. BURG STREHP. Oren TO -DAY, M ‘y 17, IS We take tpeeial pleasurs- in un our triende and CIINOTIV`I 4 that day opened our ICE CILEAM SAI our new stand in Chauf4eribuT et opposite the Lutheran Church. the apartments fitted up in the L , Ladies and Gentlemen are invitrd We a ill also furnish fun Cream i tity to public or private paztiee, a, Fecedented. We will also have c hand Fresh Cakes, which we wil all parties and pie-nice at the shod MEAD AND MINERAL W. can always behad iey and cool a u'l . i - Having had a lite.long expert! nianutacture of all the foregoing ask the p iironage of the pal,fk May 21,18 A. tf MINNIG APPLICATION will be' mile regular FesAon of the = burs' Institution, to be localed ins e Borough of Littlestown. Adams co•t•,'., l'efin'n., under the name and style of " TIl2 LIT iLESTOWN SA. visas' issrlcurius,. the intention of *Mob shall be to loan out money and receive deposits thereof; and do such things as are usually done by similar Institutions; the cap ital thereof not to exceed Uue Hundred Thu a , - and Dollars, to be divided into shares of Dollars each. July 3, lade,. Cm Town Propt.,rty AT V.\ SA E.g.—Several HOU - SFS eau be pat clia3e.l t Private 81.1 e lip call ing wi FALISr.:SfLICK I.lll.l.lflitatS. • Dee. 13. 183 ii. tf MEV Dr. D. IDIENER'S Tonic and Altera. tire Powders, for 110ILSE3 nod CATTLE, Prep:trod and sail only ut his Drug store. itinuarr 25. 18.i4. ONE but G 001) 'Pictures alinweil to go N out— a n d at very LOW PItIC43. C.rine onel Ceini. all l Gott .6burg, Oct. 29 : MT. . TIMRE choke FARMS, as follows: 2131 13t nail 124 acrPs each; all three n a the of Cleity l iburu choice I m il d n goo.l baiLllogs. Tereus 3cemmundating. GEORtili ARNOO. Getty, burg, Sept. 3, ISt:•;,, tf MISIILKIV3 HERB 111 CURS Par as Burner's Drug and Variety Stun. 4ttention till Collins Punentls BIDDLE & BENNER lOotfee. Ex"celsior Gallery. For Side. r 7 I A inkier) Arreottra Ililf.h.:llltsrterrfilAY Drdic3ted. to the rripti -44 •r:1- 1:1L, clot uithe (heat Ziogari, Lys lute gi lt therm peptic. , I pi the F.r away firma , tllr pri:eett.da cbtlyept he o•,- , .. x r I trcet, ttoitoriox I ;1., silt. tool ho.llog the lame; tried 1.• A eare In the eiroli ri, that dreadful doi - agel: 1 Ifeeiven "-Nit hisit oa earth the dvx penile to owe. ee d se e Tiler.• ore theme who were trour,ind with fevdr and nays find entiN, , E'en they toot; but nue bottle and Were cured of their ill.. Tte.ol Ye , ' th..t in fot tiro. It ever they mit 11:e. i 1 Seeli p!.•, ofre I; it tor.4—a, o th er tiler tittce. net a bottle if tr,d'd ..1 with 11.•rvoltd-bliny; 1 Balder nays it witi ..o re: _lwo by It: ability.; DIRC.II , t• or 111,, i • i-o, 1,, you r t ,, f and to ' ,Li • 1 A certain or,•ventive from voutlis ard mid Tryit, all,•rli , are troubled with 1 weak apdite. m z e ',giv e n hy :Ilene 1 Ltitt , rrd, if only nged ight ; i la geroinla, none. or a had iliarrhom, 1 None who've tried it of eitiv•r havn any more fear. i thlitittlt is tilts. then, for tit!, and for, poor; A bottle ean he bail for a dr:Hart:lnd more-i. ft. - thtpr tdves It to Iliov-u o'0)1.. to Pay). 1 I In nonage oisieko ••=.-: w:I3 h • torn them ' , inv. F. lilt I TErni CiIWAT znpAr.r. igi. P, y FSo , AC- >.l NO -1,3'.1 it I{talc or Wnsr TR3 Zt'n tau BITTER 3 HAVE Dl ' fl3lE We publish the hilowing for the Innefill of the alliicoed everywhere I snffere.•l for n long time of Dyspepsia, Heart Maease, and frequent attacks ofi Liver Complaint. Often the sufferiars so great that life was alrnoßt intolerahle. tried several ent'nent r;i. i and 1n0. , t jot the popular remeliel re oornended for sae corn plaints, bat foam! Lute roller until few weeks n!ro l rammenred the use of F. Hillier's Great Zingari and nut now rfeetly cured." IIENI:t II 1.f.. Harriihurir Cite, Pa.. Sept. 8. Personally aope..resi the above name Hull, and n t le oath in due forts that t are true 13 above stated. A. C. S‘IITIT, Notary P 2 mi`For sale by G. F. KalLti.:l.3eh J. Martin. Get.yFburg. Nor. 12, 186tl. I I to blag*-1 ! D ER MIMI tiy, that I 0 to mau -1 E Oslt and 'county.— variety of Furni romnental the most Terieucel lots. 11?Inavai 2 THE GT3TTYSBUIIII SKYL:WIT GA r r LIE undersigned takes rivamre in ireonn cint; to the ri'lz m;;;it lleityAiir. and ;Ile pit'ilot goner die that he It I. rem , vc d 'tom his old rooms on Wost li,d lie street, t ) I; litini , re street, and CO Lily onposite the store Of Fuhn (nook Itro' he , s. The niont ho now occupies I; u.; been re,..ltly fit.i.,l up expressly cor his lisiaess. 'the 11/Cltion is no telinttnible one, enithlintt him to t iho picture.; in all shades of seemlier, and with a correctness unequalled any whore else. . 1 terms as LIFE-LIKE PITOTOGn.Avris, of every SiZ.:. t.n.l des( rip:jon, rxecoted in the finest si vie. 1' tri kit In• a: tuition given t Ow CARTE DE VISITE, and to copying AS mu -TYPES and DAG UlillltEo rypcs ot dec aced lriendi. , Also—: TUE GETTYSTWRI CA_EMS, n new style of picture, whirl( his become very popular with the public,. not only for their lic illy, but for I. he:ll.lw, , and convenience,- 8; XTEEI for ON:E EMU, +.ll. ottly. Mao— TII E POI:CEE,AIS PICTI.TitES, which for their beAniy and darAiliiii ars , nil- nr,i (4 ~,: 1. We arc prepared t.'4 emir.) oilyie business in all it; v irions hr inches, an.l h icing had con- Flileruble exTierience kve ran no risk in G UARANTE LING ;PE 11 TSC l' Si TISFAC- Our I,lei'itte3 for I. full 2i-sipllr of nitr are unegivillel br :toy other Gallery in tho County, mud we. would the'reinre invite et cry one to at the NEW GETTYSIIU:IG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. Cal: nail ex unine our Speciutena and I m l ge fur yourAuir,.. • LEVI MUMPEIL June 25, 18.,G. Ce!Pbrated. MUT, very hest and latest impro.ved mnehim• I in use, fors tle at the CI:. all I Nt; STOall of JACOLI:i t IMO., in Cihttabersbnig7 street, Gatyshurz, where yoa earl but' the 1)-st, atol chedoe.t. t'l C.lssiturres and Vestiugs, and every %.triety ~f raw I= in the line of 31‘'.N AND BAYS WEAR. Yon can Ii we them eiii out an I male up in the very b. s Rtyle if you wish, at moderato prices, an ,t aithou' any risk whaterer. August 20, ISCtt (11; r, 11 Per . Year! WE want •,eytii) Agents ever v. here to sell oar DIiNIOVED $2O Setting Ilazhine..— Three near kin la; Under nit 1 tiiipet feed.— Sent on tt dal. Warrantel five salttry or large en•umi,sione The ON :X machines sold in the United Statee for le s than $ll, %Odell are fatty it ' , need ha lhare, trbeeler Wieol, (leave, .j• 11 rker, Smier.l C.., and II zelielder. Al. other rile ip m tehines are infringements, and the seller or neer are liable to. arrest, line and inaprisonerad: II ItistrAte 1 eir cul trs sent !tee.. ireas, or call upon Shaw dr. CI trk, at Llid lefar 1, 3Ltiae,, ur Chicago, 111. >lay 21, , 19tiG. isly Keroseue A: Gag Stoves. TEA. AND COFFEE 401LE't!...3, GLUE POTS, OIL CANS, &c., INEr All the Cooking fur in- -en enrily mar be done wall h ro-'lll4 Ltztr,:ne Oil, or G. 13, with le4s - .ea kulr'irtiablo, and at less cxlm: l, e,a - V...ia "th in by any other fuel. 'tilt ' 1 Etch Aoki- in or' ract ared by this Company is goarautted to perform all that is claimed rot' it. re hereto fo re. EGLEt. AMBERS- fFi'S-ntl for Circular. - Di,rwort la lht trwls. K.11::. , ..NE1F; 1,-1.112 lIE 00., 2k)a le,trl S.rce!, N. Y. • July 113, 1800. $lO ! onneing to hare this LOONS. lit eel, nearly h.trehad st style.— to call. any quan prices' un nstantly on futnishio test notice. TER I. tall honis. nee i,n the larticles we net a Ily. Into. AAnON efiltuNisrEß, of Hampton, Ad ams county, will attend' toalie CRYING SSLE:i in tie most satisf.tetory maner, and on rn,ion.tble tel Ile Lik ' l a sh.tre of public patronage, and is ennvineed Out be will be nide to please all who nt.ty employ him. lintapton, Sept. 17, Hid. 2m* Lawrence D. Dietz tt Co. ' wWHOLESAL3 DESLERSIN FASCY COOPS, NOTiONS, IiUSIERY and VARIETIES, U/S West 73 iltimnre Street, Beticei.ti ILitrard S Liberty Str , eta, "SI ty 7, IdGi. BiAtitnore, 'II. t 'the next of if of IL S IV- Coal and Lumber, OF every variety,-at the Yard of C. 11. 111.7 Mi Feb. 19. Cor, Carlisle ant 11.iiirord tits New Lumber Yard. rptiß undersigned has opened a LUMBER rAnt), on the fklitrotd, near Gniau k Reilly's Lime Kilns, Gettysburg, awl asks the Public to give 16,11 a call. His as4ortment is one of die heat ever olfcre I Item, pri ces aft.rd mily the sit:Zest Firing relit. He has WHITO PINK PLANK, tneh and h df inch noA aus, FLUORIN(;,, PALINGS, .Ic., die., and is constantly adding to his stuck. Coma and examine for yourselves. JACOB .SIIBADS. Oct. 39, tf Bark Wanted. Tsiih=eriher will pay FIVI DOLLARS per C.Y.I.D fur BGACK 1 (111: de livered ut hit Tvuiveri, iu Geityglotrg. JOUN RUPP.' June IS; 1866 1111711 Fir3t liationgl Rnhli of Gettyshorg will cub and, 10-40 IF. S. Roads ; also 7-30 an l Colinnond Interest Notes. GRORCE ARNOLD, Cashier. Oct. C, 18d0i tf - - TIG.III. CCI{F:D ri31f3.—.1 fresh supply A) just redeived. -A prime mrtizle and far 141 e cheap by STEIJR:IOI7.ViII t %VISO rzsv. With Snore used faeilit es for conducting our Nosiness, we are better prepared than ever to satisfy the w tilts of all those who may need anything in our line. We especially call the attention of Farmers and others to the superior (la dity of our Plain or Quilted Seat Side Leathers, . Iforn S elfl s,, !flames, all kinds, with Plain or Quilted Sean or without fastenings no Horn, P 1 tin or Quilted Scat'Scotch Collars('eather) Side Saddles, It " Oohing) PI iiii or Fancy Saddle No Seam Coll lrs, Cloths ' ;Best Welt Harness Col- Wagon Saddles, tars, Riding, Bridle's, of all i Vittetit Leather Collars, kinds, kir or black, stittheilorunstiicheil ronotied or flat, jßast Leu.ther .Wagon Martingals, Whips, 4,4 i And t Carriage Harness, all' lect 1 mg, styles, silver or black Plaited Team Whips, mounted, Trotting Ileavy Draft Harness, :,,tdies . Eliding Twigs, Bain t idles, Whip Lashes, Girths, Horse Blankets, • Croppers, kc !za „ In short, everything that pertains to a first 'TJ:"' „ • class general horse furnislitng establishment coatinutty on hand or made to order promptly, of the very best. m iteri ti, and by the most ex , perienced workmen in the cotiai ry, (two har ing worked iu this establishment for the.last ,thirty years.) We ire niy.v m innftetnring an' e•.:rellrot lot of heavy Draft and Ilarntss Coldtis for those who prefer our own to city Matte work. Itepairiiag of all kin Is done at short notice and on re Lion.tble teams. All are cordially invited to call and t xamine fur themselves. its our work cannot to recommend itself. ',Leery e facts Mk. n 1 W 111 Mi GEO. JACOBS S 13:10 Sale Cryicogi U. El. BOND 3. SSW FIUM, AT Tllll O'lsD STAND. [ssr...rstannso tx - 1517.) .1 ince wsoeilitted wait me, in business, my eon, John F. McCreary; under the firm and style of D. A!. Creary k Son, and r desire to say to my old friends and the public reneraily t lint since the war, the munnf.teture of Sidilles, If trness, (Nears, hc., has been revived at the oil established and Well known stuttil on Bal timore street , one svare south of the coutt House, Getty sburg, :laving had an experience of 40 years in this cstablisitinent, I feel assured, that, with renewed attention to business, 'we curt still further merit and receive a fun share of pub lic pationage. DAVID MaIREAIi.V. D. McCREARY it SON Feb. 5, 1956. tt Adams County ITUTUAL FIRE IN-;I7IIANCE COMPANY li IscoteroicATEn, MA cu Id, 18.51. OVVICER9 President—George Swope. Vice President—SA:rine! It. Russell. Secret iry-0..A. Buehler. Treasurer--E. Pahnestock. Executive Comm: tt McCurdy - Ait• drew Ileiritzelman, Jacob MAN Gen4.—George Swope, 1). A. Bi t chtcr, R. McCurdy, M.Jt:icliclberzer, S. B. E G. Falinestocic,'A: D. Patchier, It. O. McCreary, Getry.Ottrg' Jacob King, Stratton ilei7lllollll.lll. Franklin; Wm. 1). Ili:ace, New Oxford; Wm, B. Wthion, Benilerscille; IL A. Picking., Stralinn to ; John \Vol ford, Latimore to.vnship•, John Picking, East Berlin; Abel T. Wright, Beuileraville ; A F. Gitt. New Oxford; Jasi 11. Niarshall, Monti In town:thin •, John Cnn tint/Jima, Free dom townThip ; John Horner, Mouotiny town ship; Win. 130. is White, Liberty ttnicn•hip. I:4iy"This Coiipany 13 limited in its onera tion3 to tit- comity of Al 17113. It has been in op^ruins liar more than 15 ,)'earii, and in peridd ha; ma In but oar assessmont, hat :.:g p Lid to>= hr ilre during that perio I amillint• my to iztl, o 3B—.-$3769 of which hat e keen I dlr . , t; tLc htit two years. Any tie, an In.nrince c Lit apply to any of the ilhove n r 3,1%1 ,nn_tcrs fat farther information. rile Executive Co atilittee niecti at the .ol:cP of the Coup toy, on the 1 it!. Wed:lea d evi ry at 2 tetioch., I'. M. Oct. 113, 1.3C5. te Getlyslinrg Fonndry. ITVRE woald iurutin 1.;.3 eastnrntr.3 and uth trs, that in is still; v.trioui kinds ot 0 Istingi and LILAC to Order, oil ;hurt notice, s , ,eh as .tNI) POWERS, ( ice diTer-t.t 1.11,23 of l'uwer4,) Cluver-wed II titers and Cl”aners, Corn Shell:p..3 and Sep arstt urs, Curithnltcr Cutters, citrmy nod flay Cutters ; P I. 0 U , itch as CIA l'iddirdts.Btrsue.trPloughs, Side hill and C rn P1°114.113; the _ \VI:IE-81'1:1SG HORSE RAKE, the I ilnproventeut also .11, Screws fur U.der Presses, IRON RAILING for Cenv.terins or Porches. wiitt et•erything else in his line, all at low pile. s: FOlt. .SALE.—X n-horse Wagon, a One-horse Wagon, and a Spring Wazna, all new. DAVID rE11.5 . 1111.. April :19, 13116. tf Great Attraction T BRINNERHOFFS CHF—VP CLOTHING AN DFUR NISH ING SIURE, at the North Lint Corner of the Diamond. The tillierrilier is constantly in receipt oftiesh goods from the Eastern cities. 1113 stoca of CLOTHING is one of the largest and most - aural tire, as well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. io.i will there find COATS, PAN I'S AND VF.iT-S, tn-ide up in the most fashiutrOild styles. and of the bi et materials, of all sizes and prices, for men and Irpyi.-- Centlemen'g tarnishing goods o. every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Mii,lia S'iirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shit is, Merino, Wool and Cotton Dra.vors, hosier a of eiery description Buck-skis, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand keridliets Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper Collars, hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Rags, Clothes. rind `;'toe Brushes, Ilair awl Toofh Brushes, Shoe BI ichiag. Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Woiches, (locus and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Stri-vs, Soaps and'Perfumeries, Stationery of all lands, Pocket Knives, Smokingaind Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality of Segars. In fact, his stock embraces everything usually found in a first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to conic and see for themselves, as I am determined to sell goods lower than any otherestablishinent in the country.. Don't forget the place. Corner 01 York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. July 4, Itid.t. Freat Arrival. JJATS, CAPS, BOOTS di - slim - 4s. COBEAN k CO. hate just received Rill opened :mother splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, HOOTS and SHOES, for Summer wear, which they are selling lit very low prices considering the times. The latest styles of Summer Hats and Caps, of every description and price: Boats and Shoes, of superior make, node warranted to fit: ttlwals on hand. - Work made to order and rep:thin:l dune on short an tice, by experienced workmen. Also, HAHNKSti MAKING, carried on in all its branches. Persons want ing am thine in this line wnitld do well to call. inr;Don't forget the old stand jn Chaatbers burgstreet, if yon want Bargains. CURRAN k CRAWFORD. June 19, 1863. Saddling. mriE nndersih•ted hat co,kmanced the SAD DLE e n.I HARNESS-11.1.KIW: bui.iness, on the Hill, in Haltitnore street, iu the buil ding formerly occupied by It. Sweeney as a I.7lmir miker's shop, up-stairs, where he asks those wanting anything in his line to call. Work doue in the best lonelier, and I•rices moderive: HARNESS rtgvAlitE9 at short notice. A Jot of new &tidies and Harness on hand. J. M MOWS. Gettysburg, Jane 15, 1360. 3m Western Lands. MIIE subscriber has some vale ible WEST ' ERN Lisil.)4, which he will trade for one or more FAIICiIS in this county. The hinds are well located, Dad very desirable fur hum hag. Early application desired. JACOB BIIINKEIWOFF. Gettysburg', April 3, 180. tt QUEENSWA I IS, Na'ations, Dry Goodn, jie., is gram variety-at Durituus & Lion?. mat4'B, northwest output of the Square, Get 'tysburg, roe TIM PEII.I7I7IAN SYI2II ZS ♦ PIeITKOTIID BOLOPIO/• or Protoxide of Iron, a now discovery ii medicine which STRIKES AT TilE ROOT OF DISEVIS, • by supplying the Blood with its VITAL PIIIRCIPLII, OR WI.: RI MINT -4 nom. This is the secret of the wonderful 'access or— this remedy in caring DY3PEPSII, t.lvErt COMPLAINT, DROP: SY; CiIftONIC DfAitRIICEt, BOILS, Nerve oo AffoctiOna, CII(1S and Fe. Tors, Humors, LiHot of Constltu tionil Vigor, OisemteOf the Kidneys and Bladder, Fenrtle Complaints, roll all ii4 , o.lep originating. In • A ItAl) STATE or Ttig !IWO!), or acronym:lied 6 p DY.IniITY , Ora LOW ITATII Ot TUE sYairlilir Rein?, free from Ale ,L , )l In Any formj Its enerzining eff , A•tt ,i towed by enrreil. ponding lint are lii-ratittirtit, Intuiting btremzth, Vigor and ni , w life Into all parts of the arste•n, ita.l building .ip an !RUN CON• STI rums. ,DYSPEPSIA AND DE9TT.ItY. Fr-an the Venerable Archtlettr.n Seoll,P. D. DUM!!...11, lie 1 , 111. Ed. ,t, March 24, IRGS. • a * * " I 4en au inveterate llyspepti9 . of mire than 25 years' standing." * * a' I -have been so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks (ruing whiLli I hare used the Pert, chin Syrup,that I can scarcely per,n myself of the reality. People who hive known the aro netonished at the change. lam widely knO - Cvn, and can but recommend to others that which ha* done so much for me." One of the most 111-IT1'(IllStIED JtJ RISTS in New Engl anal wlites to ft friend as follows : • "I II ire tried the PERUVI k.N SYRUP, and the result itily your prediction. It has m tale a New at a s of upt ; infused into my sy;tein new meta And energy; I ant no longer tremulous and oetillikatetl, as. when you last saw, me, but stronger, heartier, and with lar ger ettpaetty for dLabor, mental anti phytdeal„ titan ittanny time ilurine the last tire years." An I4\IISESf DIVI;tiE of Itosion, rats: "1 !tare been'imittg Om PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time paid ; it gives me new rigor, biso alley of spirts, eltmticity of muscle." CEY.THOUSANDS hive been changed by the use of this reincly ; from weak, etckly, mincing crcaturee, to strong, healthy, and hippy men nad women ; and invalids Can not re tsonably !welt Ile to give it a WA,. A Pamphlet of 32 p it2ec, containing eerie. vales of cares and rcrlmmetchttion• from some of the, mast eminent Wirth:inns, clergrtnan, and other+, will be cent vacs to any address. iset' bottle has PFIttJYIAN SYRUP blown in the giti,e. Fott yti.s ny • .L P. Dlmmore. Prorrlrtor, ::G i)ey 1l reel, NOW York, AND lar ALI. !MUGGI•TI. SC ROFUL All 111414-0 gra a,rree tli it lODINTE le the 111:11' Ur: \IE:) . )"for rwul I nod nil kindred It., Ljel The tins b cu to olit,un Soi.urion ci) it. 1) It. 11. A !,; I) It ES ' IfJl)I11 L' W ATER,- 13 n Pure Sylutioa of ',lliac, ITHOUT A SuI.V:;NT !I most Powerful Agent andllesto- MEM It lytta. cure SCROPCI,A in nil its mnriiiol4l ME CAN',;l;:t -SALT ILI; ; and ii,-11,p"hren u4e.l with 33toni.thinz 111/CCCSi in C Of 111:1` , 1 , r1.0.: Di Sp CCrl, I'o , lllliC .l.s;:loiaittl.3, .11e trt, stud lirinec Die L:PA, &C. - C;rculars is 111 he sent ?dim to stns nddrese. Price ..;;*i 00 3 bottle, or 11 For ss.utt. Prep.tred by Dr. II AS DER 3, l'hystei39 Anti - FOIL 4A - F TIV J. P. Dinsmore. ;m y !street, New Turk. I== WISTAICS BALSAM wILD - C HERR '."1" H S TIV.VI 11 ,, ,1L NEARLY H tr.F A CENTURY, Op usa Couglic, Cohti,llnrrl4e , l•?3. sore, Throol, Iturnz.l, Wlploping'Coozli, Crory, Liter Compi Lint, Brondlitis, Ih:bosky 41' Bre“thing, Ai•thma, ILA every ' all eti”:l of TIM TIMOAT, LUNGS, AND CUE3T. CO N.Y CM I'7 7 0 which carrics -, ,ifluore viet,itns ttnn any lother disease, and which both. s ;he still or th 4 pity sici to s to a greater citcat than any ottnior malady, often _ yiELDs TO TOTS REUEDY when all othOra prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICiN rapid in relief, sootingin t 'de, In LW np• ration, t a r iT IS L'S.SI.7I:PASSEDIIMI while as It pri•par.itdin, free from ziox,otts in• gredkrits, poisons or m nerals ; uniting skill. :tn , l me lie ti knowledge ; combining all is ti.i,ll WIC in the vegetable kisvloan fur Ihl3 ci 164 of iiisense, it is I N 0511'A It A B ' and is entitled to , inerits nod receives the gen er.d confidenee of the public. SEYMOUR , TIIATCIIER, 3i. D.,' of Herm tn, N. V., writes its follows: "Wii,rAit's Mir li Of WILO COellf given noiver,ti sa•ishiction. It seems to imro Con,th by loriiening and dimming' the lungs, and all iying irrit.uiun, %tins camov:siirsitst cAusit, in.,teud of drying up the cough and le lying the muse behind. I consider the It if cam as 7,11,1 as any, If not beet, Cough m,lieine with which I am ‘equainted." The Rev. JACOB of Ilanorer, PA., sell known !nil mach respected among the Germ in population of this country, makes the following statement tor the beneOt of the afflicted: Dear Sirs,: , —Having real zed in my family important benefits from the nee of your value. big preparation— NOys U.I.BAM OP WILD ERRY—it affords Inc pleatinro to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her rot every were entertained. I than procured a' bottle of your excellent BAlsans,and before .ehe . had taken thewhole of the contents of the. bottle there Wet a great irorrovegnent in her, I bare, in my individual ruse, made ffelpellt 1180 of your vain .ble medicine, and havq wars been Venciitted by it. JACOB SECIILWR. Prico ono dollar a bottle. • foe MALI et n•mare. DO Dey Street. 'New York, Sett& W. Fowl** Son, Proprietors. Bostell AND BY - •LL DaCUOI4TI. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures Cies, Burns, Scalds. Grace's Celebrated Salve . cares Woutiolt, Bruises, Sprain!, Grace's Celebrated Salve care , . Roils, Ulcers; Dieseers. Grace's Celebrated Salve , • Tures halt Rheum, Ery4llol. Grace's Celebrated. l S:dye cures Chapped thuds, Didiblales Grace's Celebrated Salve • r, heals Old Soros, Fiesb Woandtps„ It is prompt in fiction, removes pain at! a, and reduces the most ancry-looking and inflammations, as If- by tragic- :.• relief and a complete care. Wily 25 cents a box I (Seat by mall 16 cents.) For sale by J. P. DINS3IOIt6, 3t Dey strsec, Now York, S. tr. FOWLS k SON, Propt*Vre, Roston, and by all Riageste, Grace*. Mid Country Stores. • it July la, ly - . II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers