IPnbile Sale OF VALUABLE . PKIISONAI. PROPERTY. —On FItIDAY, the .Bth day of December inst., the stotiserilner, Intending to 'remove to Gettysburg, *l3 sell at Public Sale, at his res idence, at Brentn't:Mill, on Marsh creek, ONE HO RSE, . 1 Cow, 2 heifers, 3 C:tester Brood Sows, 1 extra Cheiter Bo.i - r, thirteen months old, 20 Shoats, 7 head of Sheep, 1 two-horse Wapiti and Bed, nearly new, 1 Spriag Wagon, for one or two horses, neatly new, 1 Falling-top Buggy, 1 first-rate ti:iread, Sleigh and Bella, new Running-part of a Sleigh, Buffalo Robe, 2 vets of Wagon 'Lantos, as goodow new, 2 sets of Baggy Harness, Col lars and Bridles, 2 Fly-nets, Calling Bel, Corn heller, Platiortki Scales, Grind Stone, Cross cut Saw, Breast Chkiins, Halters and Halter chain', Crow-bar, a lot of Carpenter and Mill wright Toils, such as Planes, Chisels, Augers, "and Saws,vo lot of Patent Mill Picks ni..l Facing 'hummers, and a lova Bop, ice.; with Household and Kitchen Furniture, sudi na Coilking Stove laid Fixtures, Parlor Stove, Icon Kettle, Sink, Churn, Barrels, Meat Ves• eels, liastsay.;e Cutter, and a .great variety of other articles not herein mentioned. iltrSale to imminence at 14 o'clock, M., on leak' day, alien attendance will be git i n and terms wade known by WN. E. II EltS Ert . uvi Gui.Dtv, Atictiouter. Due. Inanzuration . (IV LOW PRICES. . J, L. SCHICK invites the attention of friefoll nod costoomrs to his large and well selected .totlk of DM' GOW'S • Comprited in. part Ll' 4 I. note!. Meriooes, . • All Wool ' %Vool Url.ines, .` All Wool l'l4l Is, , - Plain Blank and l',incy 81k., Twoisc • ltkelt ,an.l Colored' Alpacas, like; Cloths I'ol C.lssiniere.i, Fancy Cogsiott•rti., Colsmeld, J as, Flannels of all lcin.bl, - • Gloves and St, kings Also,. a' fine let of Ladies' AND strA WI,S, ns well as an abonilnitt tarliety of Notions, all of which will be i.uld LlitiP for flie cash. J; L. St.:HICK. Dee. l 7; 18r4.. Iron- - -Iron--Iron CETTY:sI.IIIEr; vtfriv..: E. • The subsci re respectfully inform the pubtie that they Lave erected a Purge in cor.• neetion with theft. &cum 1.614, Rad are now ranc utat•cli m nit _ EOUGED AND HAMMERED IRON, such as Mougli, and IF.tr Inn , and iespeufull) invite nlackAnitlis and Dealcis to Five them a call, lee tug stitibfied *that they Wilt he able to pft..tql a• to quatity, lintel and pri e. HiIINUMAN k \\ ALIEN N. B.—The Irig'beat warktrt price paid fur wrouelt and sernp irou. W.& W. Dec. 17, .186.1. Jury List—January Term. I=Mi Crltnnh•trg—lJnntel J. Itenner, (Foreman.) fie:.gy, Philip Donohue. JalllC C. Diiite . ra.. Slyera. John Ssmiers. Mountjoy—JJll , l fiel,ert, D. :\pwlll,ll. Berwitk Kriiner. , Latimore—John 011. If Wit. Huntington—W.l l ..l, am Leis. Crum, Weaver., Oxiord—Niame Freed . ..tn. John lb., Plank. Cumberland—Frikiii•is Wean]. • Tpuno—David Meals. dez.:Rtztt.irßy. , FrA.nklin--Jrniet , .11,..:..1.ey, John li. R4renia fteravr. Free,loin—Michael Mer4L4l,len, C”lvin' Huntington—pa rid Ddy, A hie TroFtle. In, let ‘ Motler—Dardel W.i•ter, •MAreir• Li - Miller, Athos 6i.lilo:ser, Clirysosturn Gerinony—JolinCroinrine, Jacob King... :Sirikliou—George (Irits,i, Julio Bender, Geo. Efirelioet. • 17:lion—George D. 13.,sehogr, John Niodig. Mount.plea-ma—Saiunei A. L'Auitti, Girt, Elias Mayer. Iteading 7 —Suol'i Overhohzor,Johu Simpson. Gettysburg--Ww. Guinn, John 1?..11 I). tp.--Heury Utttiuger. Se!irk et, H.l!axton Bigh.qa. AfiJuntjoyff—Julo B. Spangler. Sltnuel Nee :y yroite—Chttrlea Yeatts. ' l,uiwore-11ittt.,eISuLimbaugh. liighl,uid—Johu 1 / 1 16.3. It, ISU6. tc . Electiou. Final. NATIONAL, BANE ur aI:TT ISPVILLI. Ptut/TICE is hereby given to the stockhold ers of tlie First National :Link of Uettys r,i4, that au ELectiou t.....r s. vett Director:, to Ilene one. year, will be 110,1 . at. tilt. itatAting llouse. of sill !Sauk, ou Tt'bi.ilt.l.Y, J.I. U. 1.- Hl' Bth, 1867. Glit./. A ti. 501.1.1, Dee. IT, 181:ttt. to . - U..eilicr. Election Notice ULTTI4ICI:G.N ATIoNAL BA Dec. 13, lethl. XTOTICE fa hereby Even that the Animal 11 Election for Directors of,this 11nnk will le held et, the 13 House on TirESDA the tltb air jx:WaitY, 1887, itt 1 o'clock, T. D. C.A.,Ii.sON, Caztiier. Dee. 17, 18G6. • rstrablished hEN.RY W. OVI•.111)1A.N, ; coal 111 -stos aIIiI:..;IIANT •.1) VEALER IN I.E.ItIiER, 1 4 11. 14 Swath Tuiid Street, PhilAtielphia begrCuusiglitnears solicited. Utc. IU, 18h14.1.. ly*, A otiCe. MIR - Adams County Agricultural Society I will meet at the Iltudersville School 110th.e, on the first HONDA IC in Ja;in .ty, to elect ellicer4 for the ensu ng ye..r. Be tween the hours of 2 and 4. P. M. By order, WM. B. WILSON. Seey. Dee. 10, 1866. td A.CIM3W.TS 47.A:IST-ED. isAirridE,T-r 4_,Ze; MAC. MEI Pally L..„, ~„„„.. Pm, halt La as awl Waal Madam ti 16 "' PA, teretary erns. uth. Poe terms. Illus. .11.0 *amp, either (AgentitA Fr- Hamm. 4 Me:Hind it., Philo, _ • Samoa 14, Telnde,ll. 40:31.M.1WT9 N7A.3•T'S.ZD. Dec. 3, 18f.d. Shin ee*. .- • P. HINE SHINGLES, ',Le best in the ra.arket, for elite at ,1.1008 SHEAR:3'B.nm Lnm er Yard., on the Railroad, adjoining the Lime Kilns, Gettysburg:. Nur. 24, 1866. tf —.____ ....._ Tahiti p Redding, TUSTICK tl6 Tug l'li‘tel?, will be at hie ity uliee, (at bieresi.irnee ) in Ounther!tild insf °Alp. on Tumid ty and Frid ty of each week, to giro, attetylon to Jon io , s's boil• nese. (Dec, 3, 180. 4m —• _ _ AA N excellent esso.ttuent et PI lln - Lineact, 13.41utoral aud flu .p Skims, can be be at .. L. SCIIICK'S. xe' ADI. ' wanting a good -article of Perfu . mery, Fancy lithip, or If.tir Pro:t ie .,,, (.„„ supplied at J. L.SCUItNS. reaIICOATIB—a large ageortinent of testy 111 style, Ups ttu.lprics—just oscines' at _ . PlOtilNik.4. i nl . tees tor Querdiert Appointments, Ct ----- -.- - ----- -- --.- . Coil of Sales el Real Nit.tte, Itiquisnic eRAIN - AND GROCERINS.--ihe blithest to be paid by the leeway Term of Cm oterket price p.til For Wein knil ell Cads ter which time' 'titer It& .be Phice 4 of eyed, es. , Grooertes, - Fertilisers Ike:, ("On baltda,ut * wiper! uttletr for e.)llttetioe. pixels I n bawd for mile at the Wett4b , t9s., et I 1 • . JAMES 4. FL 41w telia. CULP /I EklitNtIRAW., Nev. aa, IaGS. at ; vark of I:'i Kiminger - lic falreanan, NO. B'll' - EST U.IitKET STILLET, 1701tH r , PA., AGENTS AIfb'DIALZU PIANO.V AND CAIHNETuI/GA:O3, ill 1;0 pEONS, MUSICAL I\oTIUJME.I'f 3, respecttully inform the public that they e pr,ptred to furnish Pismoa of the fulloe in oinnuf.v - ture ur of miy other mike that co be preferred: Albright. fietkome & Sehtnielt, flilekering ie hon. Knob. d son, 1 Gale tir non, • COTTAGE, JIASJIO.IIC A_VD I:OS*1)01i . - .t. ' ~'• .„,_ . !.it. .........., - ,-..,••••• - fn" , 7";•.• . ..• Co4age f 0 61 _ _IL , _ , : , A.. - :_: 4 ,.. _ .....1,-,>-e•-_-_,--- tat= ORGAINS AM) .111.:LODEO.:S. These lustenmvnts stand unrivalled by en thin! hitth , l In this etuiedry or in Europe, el is Adiniitel by all imperti ti nd,ea, The inti etnini nt Pipe Or,:an•lluilders and Performer the last to , disiover excellence in reed Ton pronounce them vastly seprriur •to all other; rur execs Jingly k articulation end •rounl Tone, the essenii.il feature in instrionsuis thi, ttle.,SeVere s, rutjay an criticise) ol PATENT VOX lIEVANA TIZENInt.O, . . This late and most Wonderful invention (s. a•:knuwiedzed by all deading artists) will found only in the EateS• ltotrume'itts. in n t• tuptinz to alescriLe tLe effect u` this stop, a e are at loss for languiv:e. Its beauties carnir t be written, but must he heard to be apprt ciated. fly this -stop nn ordinary perfoilill r tan produce an ell'. et which requires a lifetint of plat:ties fur no 'mist apnn It liofin. !t e • Urely chant,^es the teed Tone, giving the svn - pa Leib:sweetness of rale human voice, utak in it Au melodious...lnd pure that it never fails t. eisehaut the I.:timer.' TILE HAl:l'4oNi° (.1-IGAN fqr cliarcht.s, and PArlors has puuelful sc a:th independent ree , :s 11..rtnimie tota.finoMt Vox ifuniana Tre molo, and is Leheyed to to the, most powerful reed org m a de, hi.(11,2; nearly ((it/alto a Pira Organ-of three limey the coat. All in.trunients wtrranteO for five years. BANps supplied with instru ['lents ILtol A lif,ral dl.eQunt.4lluwed for Cliur‘fies an Sabtrah :4clioors. • • . VY - Instructions Riven both in Vocal an in , camellia' 1111 , 1 c, qt uur rooms, and at pi homes, either to indi% lanais or classei Ull tering.i - I . - . IL e.c. 17, 1866. if , ' I ' 1, ici ! s ,:r:: .:F at Reduction -['; DRY (;00D -Li Grcrcriee, ilordriare, chwialta•re, ,fc , AT C. Zr )1 . 4 'I;, .t SON'S, NEW OXFoRD, PA We lii ye j44s;returtir d true) the c ty, vs her: We bought. a vcry !Imrae 1 in.l well selecl stork of ..il khids of goods, .Buitable in o: hue, owlet. TilE LATE DECLINE. Our slod vonst46 in part of FllENqlf Eltrilit:S, (*(11101:111;S, lit lain a B, CArt'ilt.S, Pia 1 , 1-, !Bell ba.l wtd Cn1,1,1612 d Mu•ho , ; a IIA &re ii ortmeht of 111.1u.k, Bt ow a tut I final nil' %%nu! liotible .11AWLS,'Llaluiu nd Olure.4, dt c: MEN'S 11'E.1R , ruin: isting in inert or Bratil and livavyr Ctorlpi, ia.tck and Priory CA: P LUIS - Rod Fau.'y Flautiek, L'odr.r,Girts au.l iiraucta , ficRATS, ILI I S and t.:ll'S, DriA iug and Duel., in (;/,‘A•ei A cotrylA•te ivtorktner.t ut urtoceam3,l /4 , W II ‘I:IIW:N.RE, such as Tire Iron, Spri Shear, hh-u•r and Cast Steels, Horse Sho lior.a.•siioe RAT, N'ntl 11,thirnerd Ir , tiro, Sieirt.,)9. ars./ Fur4s, D”or Luc Pad Lurks, Latelies, Moves and —Sere I..froz, 'sass, l'utty, Le. CL r.% AND QI , EENSWA RE, by the se ll T.Askfu; iur I..trosi.tge, we merit Lbe tlie future. - -J. 11. 7.0(317K k SON. New Oxford : Dec. 1.0, ISLbI. 3m nexitatOir•i Noticea. NTOTRIEia lierebiL• given to all LegittePa other persona cow...rued, that, the uniii,tratiou Acrotilut3 hcroiu,fter roPntiot will he presented at the Orph Ln'3 'Court Ad do, CJlliity. fur con!lrLo Ltion and .t!lowan i oil TIWINDAY, the Tith day ol DECEMB lean. at 10 o'clock, lA. M., :ttl:J. The a , rottnt of J Imes 1,. Jones, actin istr.ttor of the estate of N1.t.t.1.11 Janes, deer' , 34 The aecount of G. 11.trper, E test.thwntary trustee (wider the will o 4 hum Bighorn, de,teased,) of Trs. Phebe A I,.tozh. 347. The lirat aci•ount of Mary Magter Henry Ma,tei, a.,lntioi.strottors of t 6.• est.a Henry M .ster, late bt tuwusitip,. arras eLmiity, deeeas63. 348. The Grit and Gaut acct unt of Wm White, gnardiad ofi lohae d. Orudurfi. .:14 0. The first and •final at , colout of Da' t-Trimot.•r, adocinistr.ttor of the estate of C urine heck, deceased. I SAMUEL. 1,11 4 1. X, Registe Register's Qifiee, Gettysburg, f ' Nov. 26, 18G6. td Itleetrle Soap SAVES' M ! , SA% 110TEY' 1 Ma! SAVE , CLOTHES ! I SAVES Wu' I AND ALL Grtof ems SELL It is used by, tnitting into mall sbnv and disauhing in Ibod w. ter, thou soak clothes live to ten Initiates and a Mile rubbing will luAlte..thAu ns clean as hon. Eard nuaehioe rubbling would do, with or ry soap, and the rmist dolihute, fabric rei tio injury. .We cat refer to thousands of • flies who are usin it, and who could LI. persuaded to, do without DOIIBINS' SuLD ny LY.L LEAnNEN9 iinocann TenOuG stiyn. Mann6etitre.l only by DOIIIONS & LOVE. , WHOLES%i.K or Fit L. South Fifth &rut, Bala* , Nov. 12, loot; 9ru titlA Notice. HERBERT MeULA UtniLlN'S E13T.11 Letters of - ..taininistr.itihal of i the t of iterbert'lileGLoughlin, lute of It township, &ins octuty,deeeitsed,havtog granted th•tlet. un.lersig-ed, re.idiug ih township, ho hereby gives no,titte to wit p Nati:Leo to mid eirtate to'snakoirnmedia utent,utt !those having' claims azhiostThe s pre:eut them pr9perly ail thenticateilur meat. .41.1 Nor. 12, 18G6. Aitznints.r, . , JACOB JAELLAtiAN'S ESTATE.-1 of 6.ltutnistration on' the °estate o Shellsinau, late•of Prtt'i4lin township, 'county, ileceuseii, heving been gr..nted undersigned, yesiiling, 10 Butler t.ow•ns hereby niKes notice to all persons lade said estate• to m Ike imutediate p tyme those haring claims Ag.011.3L the satllld sent them property nuthentiented for JONAS B. WINER., A ICA?. 5,-188a. ' 61 i Notice. - • T"term stf °Acts of the undersign tbout to ex i ore, he hereby girt perilous itemreeted .that, he will mco AL. IIIIDS or rarn•'s CtLIIIMATED DOBBINS' ELECTRIC Ir ona I p*y.i The shore terms will he rig7t:l3- n.iliered to. we 10 Specimen civics or the Daily I IVeekly Sent ewe _ grati•, un applicutioa at this Ll:lke. Acker- Notice. --- -- .etters ; - Jacob ! _ Pay Up! dams TIME nndcrsigneJ haring if IrNI from busi to the ji . nevs,,he n. 4.1 tho:en ietirld, d to milky tip, he 1)-y:1:lent with ns little del,..y as 1)05:illie. led lo Sueh as do not settle heroic the flurt 01 Jai,u -t, and :try next, will find their actuucts is ti.e It 12.1.. o pre- of au odicer for co:lee:len. settle- : ,t. Je:4;011 S. GILLESPIE: aft . . 1 Cettyalittrg, rioV. 26, Ibliti. . , being J ministrution on the eatitte of Jam Cassia, notice Jute of Strenun township, Adams county, de expect ceased, haeinglieen grunted tit the undersigned, mfirint- residing in stme township, he itereby gives no- Ix., lice to ail persons in iebte.l to sui I eattte to iurt, af- nrtke itemediete payment, end those heti:l , g in the elaitusegainetttit eatectorceent there properly authenticated fur settlement: - R, JOLIN F. PEATY, itner. :tiurtf. • Nov. 1:, tiw I 5 pursuance of an Aet of Assembly passed the 17th day of July, 1842, the following Stat e. meet is hereby published hl the Commissioners of Adams county, 'Odell exhibits the a mount, description voice of. the Real gstate an i Personal Property. Trades, ilecupoLieas a nd Profession., made taxable by the s peceral Acts of Assernifrof this Commonwealth : B•lRnQ6tl9 AVD TUWASUIPai. r; , •ttysborg,..... ..... (Ixforql ibint I.atimore, ..... Hamilton ban,— Strati 14cnallcn, Mailkag, Hamilton, Aluutitpleas.trit,. EC= Conowago, Butler, Mountjoy,.._ EIMEITIE Berwick bor Littlenowa, CM! kttest--J. M. WALTER, Clerk Dee. 17, 1,e;6. i4t F OUT VS E1:131IM:13 gorse aid Cattlo 'ffPP, This Drrraration, long and fo.orably i&'ll7 b v known, will awl.- oughly reinvigorate --r hrohfh down and lon sigratd horses, btrenKtloning and clewnslng the stomach and lutes ' •-• baits is a sure pre thls animal, such as YELLOW WA 6R, HEAVE' COUGHS, DI TEMPER, F. TERS,FOUNIDEI 1.038 OF APPI. TITE AND VITA, ENERGY, kc.- Its ass Insprores the wind, Increases the appetite--gives a smooth an/ glossy skin—rat transforms t miserable 'hetet Lome. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, ricers in the Lungs, Liver, tc., this article acts as a . specific. Ity pott ing from one-half a paper to • paper in a barrel of swill the above dlscaacs will he eradiated or entirely prevented. If given la time, a certain preventive and care for the Hog Cholera, Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for *l. ; PREPABID BY S. A. VOTYrZ sc 131Z0., S • AT TFLESTI WIIOLEDILE DING AND MEDICINE DEPOT, , No. 118 Franklin St., lialtimorq, Md. For Sale by Druggists and SLorokeepers through outto Fur sole by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg ; j Laughlin &Bu.hfi ld, WU. chug, Va ; C. C. I Bea.irt .t Co., Pthrburg; Juhuson, Holloway • ,t Cow.lea, 1 j Dec 17 18G6. ly 1"d 'lSO'''. GET rP YOUR of • CLUtI.I4I • 186 ° 7 "TICE AGE." It, A DEVOCIZATit; AII:RN-IL! GREAT IMPRoVEMENTS ASD GREAT I.V -IIUk;EMENTh 1 Restoratluir aerl Cinzelitutional Liberty THE Daiwr AGE CJIltrA4l.3 the Idlest news , ;". frow All p ins ut the world, n ith td•turt tides on Governmetrt, Politics, Tradc,l . lllSOCe l'ur.d General Subjects. Local Neus, Market oss Reports, Stuck Q i.ttatious, Itelig,ious lntcih iel deuce, Repons ut Publec 3fet tiogs, Tjreatrical Criiieisuts., Reviews of Literature, prices Cui t" rod., Literary Notices, Agricultural lufornid lion, Art, Music, ete ) etc. Besides PECIAL ?LIAO RAMS, it Las ail the (Ilse:attics ut the I , nIiSOCIATEL/ !'goys from every part ut the UNI- I TED STATES, AND ALSO TUE DISPA/1711ES ItECEIV CO BY TUC ATLANTIC CABLE; and the ht E S trout all parts of Europe brought by the steamers, is instantly telegraphed from valt ever poiut, art st,atuers first touch. THE li - in.:ELY AGE Will be a complete corn pendiumuf the ne%s °rale ‘syLk, un i be.ides the leading editurhils Ira .n Daily, will EN i coat :tin a !..irge unwell:, of iutO•esOng tuatter t I prepared elprersly for the Weekly issue. IL T will lee in all respects • FIRST-CLASS rell,LY JUCIa•L, particularly adopted to the I . ollLie 1 ni4s ciao, the Farmer, the Iferch.int, the Neill:tide, t h e the Family Cl.rcle and the tietieral 'Ludo-, en d hawing ei cry chit' acteristic of it live 4ewspit 1, of per,l Fa tat. WWI her Will eniltiliil an illt.l.ll , ely me _ interesting serial, by one of the most popular ! e i ee and fascinating nutatirs, and it is also the in !ma_ teutiou to publish, Iron, a eLk to week; in the ;t b e course of the year, three or four of the best nod la.est novels. T h It .11 S ALWAYS IN ADVANCE.—TILE DA.ILY— A:p. One copy, one year, SO 00 ; nix months, $4 50; Mee month., $2 Su ; any pe our riod, at the rate or O. l: DOLLAR. per raotah. ! kustage, thirty cents per quarter, to he prepaid at the °like 01 delivery: THE WI.EKLY.—One copy, one year, $2; five copies, sue ye.tr, $9; to ii curies, une ye.tr, ki a . Stl su; t.erity copies, one y_ar, $33. To , clubs, where the papers ale st nt to one ail - drtss, the fallowing retluelions will he made: Five copies, one year, $8 50; ten copies, one _ yesr, $lO .O; twealy eupara, une 'year, $3O. Mute A coil will be furnished gratis for each club n b an of ten, or more, to one addregr. for cue year. been Postage, five cents per tp.arter, to be prepaid axme ut tfe Office of delivery. tisements inserted at rnoder.tte r.tt,•s. Andress , ' 1t inn. 11 !WWI, 430 Chestnut atreet, Philadelphia. Dec. 17, 1866 Notice. GUN CASSAT S EST ArE —:.otter a of ad- Valusitioi rind Amil-aisment for ISII7. tl rst —" = • • t *- -s• 2 .. 4 -1 Vf.' 3 1-14 E 23170. 12927 v 179921 974401 1010 1 24G074.1 47612 2323 92201 1277 17 1 29807 104 G ., 159575, 13852: 0934 11155 202198 , 53532 16962 , Ln475! 140228' 28127 20731, 8080 21:,21.: 22021 23082. 13040! 28908 b 46472, 30555' 55251 252154 45770; 33395 1 152701 11.0310 aug•o: 151231 220015 27147 4013 0-01 202628 0705 27940 Cut*: 17620, 9045; 220510 31260, 7055. v 37781 154857 22.95. 3800 3447 d 157450: 15913 25234, 5105! 15980 8 , 2910 14443 77841 184250 29989 147958, 3550 88545 18515 7410 2790, 145035 24800 7700 4430 90055 14550 5430 311.0 481.4r6 5600 10850 4171 64445: C228'17515 6670! b3534' 13558 13008 , 16.:51 4174G_U . G1141/5,5 I 0t,2336i lULUU ....1140, TWO SMALL TRACTS, a quarter of a mile back of Mi Sliemstown, on the road leading to Witold's toil!, adjaining lands of William Menge., Jesse Waltman, and others. The two contain tt Acres and 80 Perches, more or less, of first-rate lan I—under good fen. mg and an a high !tate of cultivation. Per.uos wishing to view the property are re qnested to rail on the undersigned, residing in MeSherrystown. Sale to commence at I n'doct. - , P. M., on said day, when attendance %ill be given and terms made known by JAMES W. (7,I:IIERNATOR, Nov. 2C, 18GC. Agent fur the oration Is Invaluable. 'inproves the quahty of the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and en= twenty per cent. and make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it give, them an apiw•Ute, !omens their hide. and makes them !lam OF REAL AND PEINUNAL PROPERTY. —tla TUESDAY, pie 2"ith day of DC cr:q;l•.:: i...t., in pit:so:me of an order of the Orph .ns' Court ut Ail „us county, the sub scriber, Administrator of the est..te of Jacob Shelia:ll,u, deteased, will far.r at foil,iie Fate, on the premises, the Heal Estate ot said dece dent, . oust:tin.: of A 1..1f OF GiI:JUNI), in Ar.ndtsville, Ad ams county, ai:joining lots of George Lower, Albert Weaver and Cathvriiie St ,llsinit It, con taining about oNE-11ALF ACHE, and haying thereon i.Two- , tory FritaieWeatli- -,,, et boarded 1:01.26E, Frame Weath- ~. ...a , T , erboartied Shop, Wash House, - r. ii . ) 4 r r rattle II iro, a1.,1 a Hog Pen, rvitht,ir-3 , 77..7. a necerfailln_ well of water, uud a v.irieti , vl good fruit. This is a pleasant home, in :t pleas .tut tots u, aiid shottld co/u1na...1 the at te,,tiou of .ill desiriita to purchase. Petsons wibliiiig to A icw the property, are requested to call un the widow, residing thereon. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., on 3 lid day, when attendance will be given and terms made_luown by JONAS 11 011NER, Adair. PI the Court—Anam Sherds, g,.tt the same time and place, will he sold, by tho widow of sdid Jaeou Sin Haman, dtceaseil, a variety of Personal Property, itmoug which are; An cri elleut lot of Sadler Tools, new Har ness and Cedrs, Collare, Bridles, Haltdrs, kc.; Beds, Bed-teals nod Bedding, 81.1 - 41111, Tdbles, Chairs, Safe, Cluck, Cooking and Ten-plite Stoves and Pipe, Carp-tong„ Iron I vole , and articles ton numerous tu location. AL tendauce given and terms made known by rI,N SATURDAY, THE 29rii OF DIXENI SER. INST., in purluauce 01 en order of the Optima' Court of- Adams county, the sub scriber, Administrator of the estate of J,ltn Caisatt, deceased, will olftr at Public ,Sale, on the premiere, the Real Estate of said dece dent, coas.sting of A TRACI OF' LAND, al:nate in Straban. town,h;p, Ad.uis county. one el,le and a halt ea.t of Bunterstown,a..joining I Inds of Jacob Cuistltt, John Shull, mid 'tatters, containing FOUR ACRES, inure or lest?, haring thereon r it a Two- E I ory LOG .1.101.71• L • Frantic StAle, a Yong Orchard ..-,.;t:J.; of choice Apples, Peaches, and „.^Vi_ . ~ Chez ries, with an tivc:1011. sprinktaz!..t `-,,,,t, of water. Sale to commence at 1 o'eln •k, P. N., on said day, when ititendatiee will he giv en Sad terms made known by eiN MONDAY, the 24th Ly of DE,CEII- V BEI{ next, the Eubscri e r will oiler at Public Sale, one the premises, A TRACI' OF LAND, situate iu Franklin township, Adams •ounty, within one mile of lirendtaville, ail .ining lands of Henry Wilde in, lifelf!fe: and inherit, etritaining 22 mure or less, having thereon ereetid a com fortable one and a half awry LOG lioUrzili, Cooper Shop. bog IL:rff, - Curringe House, 'Sprit g Wood loose, llog Pen, Ate.; there •r is n never-lailing spring andr a variety of choke fruit on the premises. About 4 nitres ale in Timber, amt the elearearland has been well limed. A/84), 3 TRACT ole ing the above, rootainiozl r 4 Arres, , toimr or Tess, covered with elioiee snut onli,lnckory, nod othrehmbcr : Stile to eommtore at I o'clock, s:lia any, when attendance will he given and ftrrms made known by GEonaE 11ULLF.B.1.11. Dec. 3, 1864. ts Aligigtaut As;49iisiurs OR ADAMS CO :N Cor i roth lOts m•tde the toilowing Asfie smotit Divisions lift' the county of lains, a 1.1 the folks-mg iidrsons hato been uppoidte.l Assist ant As essots) 1 • / Division No. I.—CePyaburg boionzh, Cam berland, tittithan, Motinijoy and Dialer town -81/ ips. J. CiNEELY, Assistant A WM4,3 r, P. H. C. t.y-burg, Pa. • Division No. 2 --Ifenallen. Frantlin, Ilamil tool, in, Liberty, II i,flilan.l F rt v,loia to CIIALLES L.lllNKLE,Asiistaqt sesgor, P. D. Fairfisl I, Pa. , ' Division No. 4.—Huntington, Latimore Ty root. Hamilton ii Reading ,i6wr:hips. TM/LAS G. As,istaut dastssor, P. York. : 4 ulpiiur Springs, Pa. Division No. s.—Livrinanv,- POSon, Cono wago, Oxford, Dees irk and . NiohntWeros ,nt townships, and Littlestowit and Bei4vii •k bur. odghs. °WAAGE SlONS6WElL, , 4.esistaret Assessor, P.O. LiAlestown, _Nov. 26, 1863. 4t 10 to DUNIORN k IJOFFII.I. B;tu buy kjf your Cry Goods. Notions, giteeJsw.re, xe., on the northwest Cornet ut tiettksburg, Pa. `g lj t E B C. 7; I 1500; 1.40 IS7b•j3o 473: 100 4123' 27 00 4140; 4 00 222 ii 3 00 2012, 14 00 se24 soo 446:1, 2 00 50.!.0. 8 00 :w7• • 52.5 cl 5700 1 9 00 21:12' Boir C 00 4:Go; 3 Oil • I 2015, 1 u 0 100.1 , I 00 1173 2.00 0251 1 uu 5 7 0 t) 0 j t • 17th 1.500; ' 540 ia75L135 00 ABRAHAM KRISE, SAMUEL WULF, NICHOLAS WIERMAY Cummis,iota‘rs PIJIIIGIC SALE, OF rtn.t T, ESTATN S urvta.ty, the 22nd day of 1)F:4:E11BER next, the sub scriber, as Agent for the Heirs of Dr. Henry A. Lilly, deee.ised, will offer at Public :idle, on the premises, the Reid Estate of said dece dent, liz : A LOT OF OtIOUND, situate in MeSher ✓stown, Adams ouaty, Pu., adjoining lots of. Jerome llebiler and DAvid ithrt.n, and front ing on the main sttert, Lacing thereon erected • nearly new -Two-dory 11.stite s • ttherho trded if01. , : , E, with n ; ~ .it. k-building, Out•kit , :lien, and a Stdble; itko, a well of water and a variety of choice Fiuit on the lot. This is one of the most deiitable residences in the ton n. Public Sale LYDIA SULLLAILIN Dec. 3, 18G6. to Public Sale. JOIN F. FELTV, ALlnfr ftlie Conrt—JAmee J. Flax, Clerk.. Dee. :0, la6d. to Public Sale. I volsoble Properties for thole. jou A s C. zouck. LND ALIEN f, Naar Uxtono, AD CottXTY, PA. Vast for stale a niAtter of dos;rable proper ties, to whieg he asks the Attention of those '16.51.411 to pnrchsso. A LARGE ItOrNfITZT AND MACHINE Slft , P, with DWELLINti, situateil in a cow'. Ity seat, tear it.tilrona and Depot, God can e for doing all kinds of work. Alen, seret..l Town 1.0 will be sold with the above ! property if tie.eirr.t. , A FARA NA of .) CIIF.S, in nountpleisint township, Al uni vfitlflty, with wind Stone cool W.tgon Shed, emit Crib, OraiArd, &c., nose a turapi)Le and railroad. • FORTY ACRES, w:th gnod -House, Barn, nod Out-Lutiltlings. Ors ! ir I, ke., three q musters of* mile fru•n n r.tilroad s.atton. A gou.l char 0; term• ense. 173 A.ClZei OF L on the road lending from Ilauorer to Lictlestown. Goo,' limesto•.e furm ; large Brick llo•Lac, B Lnk C urn, and out-L Live. The T.•ttic.tutrn Potilron.l runs thrvtugh the rear part of the pace, *St3 pen acre. OF 300 ACRES, in Cumberland township, Adams county, three mites from GettyslTurit, at• which plate is a railroad and m.trkct.• This farm can he divided into two farms, there being already two sets of improvements on the tracf. The itnjirove ments areacool two-story aivelfing House, tram, sod oth e r oat-tioidlifigs, and a Tenant flutase with nil improvements. A FARM of 105 .keltES, on the Carlisle turnpike, under good to Itivatlot, with a large Brick House, It ink B irn, Wadon Shed, Coin Crib, Carriage lidos° and other out-buildings, L norn Itr.L, with 15 Arres of Laid. The mill has four pair of Buri:s, and aqinachmery for doing in.‘rellaut work. Best water power in the conn•y. A - F ARAI of 173 ACRES, near the lianaver turnpike, on- whii It is erkqed a good ii(mtFei Barn, and ali necessary out- buidl:ngs. The land is in a - good state of eultmati.M. This props/ ty wil: be rub! t heap. A F.lllll of 1:03 ACRES, near Ifunterstown, Adams coucty, on which is erected a good House, Barn and other out-buildinirs, and the land is in a fine state of cultivation. This firm will be sold the-ip. A FARM of 38 :Ores in wool, with one-auil-a-half-4ory Ifou•ie, good lima —land in goo 1 ealtiv ..tion —3y miles from New us ford, and piles rotu ldOuala4ditowa., Taints e.tsy. IS At:M.'S of WOJDLAND, 2 wileg from Nty: Oxfoid. • A FARM. of 200 ACP.ES, goad land, with Large Brick wit 2 Tenant Houses —4O acres iii woad—hall axuile from the Con owago Chapel. A FA it'.l of IRO Ayres-225 ran he per chased—in Cumberland town,hip, miles from Get t, eh rg, near Chanilitraburp; iiike; I I rge weatherlidarded House, Bank Burn, kr ; 40 acres in wood. The Farm bas been recently A F.AIINT of 120. ACRES, with good !louse and Bart, ; 12 Acres in wood; out guile west Bonnughtow•n. A HOTEL. iu New Oxford, two-story, t ontny and vonv6iitent for ba,idesi. lluoa chance ; terms ens. Also, a number of good 11on3es and Lots for Fide in Nev. Oxford. Ptrsotia who wish to buy Real Estate, as well as those who wish to s•;I, are request( d to gi:e tie subscritu.4 a call at his store u New (ixford. Addte23, Jt)IIN C. ZiECK . , TAatl Agent, Nt.w Oxrurtl,.Vlants couaty, July 0, 191.6. tl.o A Small Property AT V.\Tl: SALE.--The and rsigned on. rs at titivate 5 de, his valuable prop erty, situate in Tyrone township, Adams county, o'n the ro.td leading fr nn nters town to Petersburg, about 4 miles from the latter place, containing, about 30 ACRES, mote or less, improved with a good one and a bait story LOG ROUSE, and t ,:• a good Stable of large size, with a never-falling well of water at the door. - There is a first-rate garden, and ;be laud all in a high st tar of cultivation. Tin re are a )uut 2 acres of Timber, and a satli cirnt quantity of \lca low land. There is a va riety of fruit on the premises. The knees its in good order. The firotwrty i, coat end. utly located to Markets, Schools, Clityche;, lc., and is one of the most desirable 'properties to the csuuty. • Krsons wiaLing to view the property wii! all ou the uudersigned, residing thereon. • Oct. 29, 180 G. ..t.f At the ()Id litt•tittettst T 111Vizi fir d'd ERA Nl' Ito re-commenced the Till-0111SG liiiziness. in Chambers burg street, between Washington and West t•trcets, liett)shorg, and asks a shire of the ell3toin of the public. fl ii lung experienci in the business enals'es him to guar.intee good fits and good work, whilst the) •te , t f.shions will be conoulted In cutting whenever dtksired. No effort will be spared to render son:ruction, and be tees sure that all Who patronize him will oe Satisfied. His prices for work are ns lowna they con possibly be to afford him en economical living, awl no one could in reason ask them to be any less. lie asks his old friends to give him a call, ag well as the pub lic gtnerally. Nov. 12, tB, -,c. Groceries, Notions, de. EORGE Q. SIVOPe:, having nurehn4ed “ the fine GROCERY EiTABIASHMENT of James A. Grnhes, on York street, n few doors east of Wuli's llotel, and having addLd larg.dy to the already extensive a.iort-neqt on haul, offors the public It variety of-Goods in his line rarely, if ever before, kept here. His SUGAR :4, TEAS, )101.A.5-SES, SES, SVIMPS, , can't be beat, in q• r ality or prim• ; whilst his msortutent of isl , af embrace; almost everything the public can possibly need. House-keepers anl, others should give hint a call before bui lug el:ow here, as he is eotivi not, 1 that he has the bent st.at in town, and that no ode can go away dtsati poiuted. ft...:yr The CARINET-lIAKING business is continued, in all tts branches., at Olt ol.lAtand, a lea doors east of the Stora. N.) efforts sparetlto please the public, as heretofore. Getty shutg, Nov. 5, 1866: tr , NDREW LIT r LK'S Rir. Trl.—Letters tebtaine:,t ttr on the est,tte of Andrew title, late nt Mvultpleasatti township, Adatns deceased, having been grunted to the ttilersigaed, residing in tlerataily tit, he hereby ire; notice I Ai perSooB WIWI) It.) Slid estate u mace iinoteAi Lit payment, 711141 those lolvin,4 lainil , tv, 6.1)1 the sAnte to preAcnt Lulu' prop. rly satthenticairol "AirIIAASM lllUlat, gx , rotor. tar For the tlse of COG VC:I en per,uns imiel.te.l or hat in;; ci time arc reict re I to tile 01 the deceased. who will smile the same: [sue. 19, ITO3ENI "FIN ii'ri INTA I . o.—Leiter3 of Al-. 41 niinlitr ition on the P -t. .te niJogeph Fink, 1., , hite of thin,' lily tuaraihip, .I.l.tnti cone'- ', tydeed., having peen gritted to rhe iiniho , !at , ttied, the first unwed re.itling in M.iunijny ;to,wu nip, .ind the 144 n tried in th, tity of UM:am°, e, they hereby giet Il.iliee to nli per *ins indent,: i zits :id est ite to wake iininetlinte intyntent, and tituse having Cini Ul6 agnmst the e4we to pleura them prop , -rly atutilentiearted titir settle:neut. PI 1.1 . 4 I- IN K, JUSEl'il FISK, Jr, A.luiii,istratori. Nov. 24, 136 G. Gl.* • _ Notice. JACOB TJCSITE.Y - ZSTATE.—Lotters of .1 .roi, •111,-hey, E.sti , I tte uj Gett.ymturg, Ati:ttes ettlia • I:oh:ceased, h tvingt,eett ,gr .atud to the otoler sigte.l, tending io ALtute plaxi, he heretty 14; Ponce In all prr:toet 111140 A-44.1 1.) BALI esl.tte to at •ke item„,lttate p 'poem, as I ttio:e 11.,v -jug el.t , tni es. t the iatee t 0 preieut them property lull entte.tted for s:itteat 11,CLEAN, Nov. 12, 12G0, et IdministrAtur. I —_ __ 2,060 tons itay I W ANTEO.—,-The Beater Preis Hay Com paty wlll pay the H lON li.Sl' Ma liK gr PitIGE tar HAY, daltrereda4 their Hay Sheds, in 1./V.lrd, at P. Hangs Station, and iti tiettyt burg. JIIIttIII All WU i„ • uctlisburir, Oct : 23, I :Mi. Sin Agent. ME GEGRUK DAUGHERTY Notice- Notice. The Old System O F 1110111'11.C:1.i VETU:3O BY NORRIS, Ai hie aovr chap Clothing, Hat, Cap, Whit, Shoe And Variety Storo, Chanthersbu i rg street, nett duor to Buckler's Drug Store, opt tyshurg, 'Env public will GI I nt this Storo, the largest and inn:t I „ • ,1111.Te nt•ortmeat of Gentle an.n's an I 11,,) ts e tr, is dune county. UVI COATS !Inver o,•eriin lit, Petersham Overcoats, Seal Skin tveracitts, - Cloth Overcoats, Esquininus I:0 irerAtrernoate, etc., eic. Ditr... t\D BUSINESS Cti ITS I Pdes-k..1 .1!) Dress and Sack CJ its, • Ijssai mere 9eck-and Fro. k flonte, _ Knit Woolen Union Cone and Jackets PANTS AND YE ;TS! Pick Cloth Pantelnonl, lii Csssimere Pantelnans, Vinci Cassimern Pentsieon., 114rri C wimere Pantolooto, Ill.tek Cloth Veit+, tittk Croortiline Vosly, Musk end Satinet Writs, HATS AND CAPS. • . Resorts Rats, Silk Dreos (Cats, Dexter fiats, Driving fl as, Clipper Huts, French Hats, Dasher Hats, B•o idway Hats, Plush Bats, Moriou'llats, Brighton Hats, • Miorio Bata, CioTiet flats, ll:sin:lrk !fat s, Pet o Hats, War a iek 11 its, Met roponi flats, U. S. A. Bats, Dankar.l [fats, Cassimere flats, etc , etc. Velvet Caps, enssimere C Fur Caps, Cloth Caps, McClellan C.tps, Navy Gape, Set)edl Petersh tin Caps, B iy's Caps, flush Cap , Jest Tow Timm; Cars, etc., etc. • BOOTS AND SHO:': i. Men's Calf Skin Bouts, Mete Heavy 13 tots, Boy's Jockey Boots, Sorting Boots, Meu's Gorse Shoes, Men's C tlf Skin Shoes - , Boy's Fine Shoes, U. S. Army Shoes, Uentlenien's Slippers, Gum Overshoes, , etc., etc. GECTLINEN'S FURNISIIINU G')O?)S. White Lima Shirts, C.Lsa wcru Shire, Linen and Paper Collars, Neck Tics rout Hatter- tltc=, 11 tedherehiek, w o 1 •n and cot ton Stockings, Buckskin li Ilini.le;s toil GIOVe4,11 • 001031 I)raWer3 And 17nder-41rts, • S. art.. awl Gond' at+, SuTenders, Canes, Vadies, Trn.iki, it 4 Flannel Woolen Or t,vera, The :itmee mentioned iutiriei o nt rd . - W. 13 a he found at the 4011 STOUE of T. O. NUiTIUS, riburg st , next idior to liachiet's :C.%0:. 19, 18.16. - What We Want. TF YOU a cheap flat buy it of ff. B. WOODS I F YOU WANT it Fasition tlik 4t, idwars buy it ut 11. B. WOODS. IF WANT as Ilitt of any kind (or less money than anybody else will sell it for, be sure to blly it at IL D. WOODS. IF YOU WANT good Shoos Or Lldies ur don't be liitinbilggt:.l with dam aged auction goods, but buy of TF YOU WANT S'auet or Iluat,, "that aro 21)04s nod boots worth t Liking about," aud uo "elleaiiug trash, buy them of 11.4.3. WOODS. - VVOLT WANT Oversiiirts., Drtwers, Um- Wallas or anything in lila line, buy of. B. WOODS. • • JF Mr WANT to be dealt thirty with, gtt tc e worth of your money and not be the it ed, Iltrato bay of H. D. WOODS. _ - - Tr YOU WA.NT a pair of re..l Number One He try Winter Banta, don t ho, before you ace the baperior tirade fur a ile. by Dry Goodin! Dry Gorda! 111 r.4 113i — !hying C j 4 l l l!; 3 ;t•tr l c il i e T t 3 f: t. i .. a . l l3 tl S t e ll ti .: t 4 ; a .1,!end2,1 essoi ?meta of rut unOns, um now prep in .1 to offer great, r inducements to lt) €r4 than ever before. My stock con , ists of t. vuy description of I Giio.l4.•pl tin and fanvy, Cloths, Cas3imereg, Muslind, lloN) Sh s, I ihnornla, Flannels, tiubiery, Gloves, gs, kc. IM=CI In connection with my Dry Goods, I liava opened Ph nit adjoining room a large stoek of HAN AN t) CAPS, HOOTS AND SI11.11:::4, which I will sell v..ry cheap. Children's Shoes as low as 12i cents. and other goads ni cor tn:Famding rates. My stock is well selected, and the most toinpletu yet offered. Gies 114 a rail and "examine fur yunis_lees. No trouble to ~bunt Gouda. SEWING We are ale I agent for the Fhirenee .Sewing M reline , whien i 3 acknowledged to be the ho , st in use. It i 3 the la:eit improved met:lithe vet, haring, the REVlillti kRLR. FEE!), giving it an advantage ever all other machines.— Call :m.l see the.n. M. SPANGLER. - Oct. 6, I€ 6 Sita,ll . l4 Groei.sry. TOIINJ. SWAII haaj r nit reer , vel ft ft plentlil :I•;+orttnent of F1ti0.31.1 GitO3lO:lES, at his Store on the corner of the public Square, in Getz)stfurg, _ _ :317G AILS. Vie finest lot of Su,:ftra ever broaght to Gettysburg, ani very cheap. COFFER. Ills Coffee is' earrior W tiny - oft:n.4 in the place. If on don't believe it come and ece. MOLASSES. If you want the' heat S.) runs and M o lasses in town Ton wi'l Ii ml them at Swan's. QIJ I 14 5S AV it c Hl3 s) , ) , •k of Q iceniware, Dishes, Limps, d:e., is full, cheep and good. Eveiy et.)le And rice. CIGARS' ANO TOBACCO. His Cip.atr3 and tob.eco are of superior Ility. Aeknowie.lged by goad judges to be tile best in the market. CANDIES AND NOTIONS. • Particular uitention paid to this department. A tilt supply of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Snaps, FAnev artieles, in short any and everything usually fu•tnd in a first C1A3.4 Grocery. In lay ing in my stuck wLi earmul to know what I vras buying., and nm now In epirea to . szil nut GlIiII) Groceries, bat to sell •theni very lii‘o rue a call and PI tau for your setvr•s. JOLIN M. SWAN. Nov 5, 181;G. Duplitorn at. Elaffautn. W TO It E. 11 ON TII6 NOI:TIIWKAT rout. art DV 'INV DIA- moil) I:ETTY•4IIURII.. qv ftdo , 'w ti ner.) DEALERS IN OILY 1:OL/0.-;, QITEPSSWAICK, tC., nil o , we been at the hkr?lt, nntrket 'mites :rod will I. 8,4.1 accortii:vgly. Give theta 4 CAN. Ni. Lro.lhle 14) fillOW (;10.16. F. It. 1)111'illial. S. W. 11014.1114. Ortl G, 183 G rEw690 1 .'33. LATEAT F.tEISESTOCK naortIEMS II ire jnqt received a urge and complete aasurpment of FALL AND WINTER GOOD 3, of 'eery stile and et ell pr;ces, to which the attention of foire'S is fltr,etra. Those itt WAHL of good Gouda the lowest possible CAWS should not Litt give ei an eurty FA if N ESTOC IC BRUS Oct.. 6, 18641 rile Shingle 3. arA , LAUGE lot of ; Pine Shitte.l , s from $8.50 to $l5 per opt, to for talent Ow howbeit. sofC. U. 6 UKULF.II.. - Oct. 22, 18d0 . 'fay Wanted. ?III: undetaigned will pay the higheet mar. ket peke,' .ot 11 Y. Intolre at Spauk ler'a Warehouee,Gettphurg. STItIeKtIOUSEI: k 11,130TZANY. Nov. 33, letiG. ti Amrrirmn Arlists" 1:411001 AdIF.3:O.VN ARTISTS' (MON 1 ..%117;111L' ART/ST:I' VPITOIIt Tin I ,M3POCX.N.A.IITIST:r UNION feetale.' lieltra 1404] ennol nee, shut ift ord . ,: to extend! the sole ut the tonowing well known rod Lighly vtputar ' • PTATE k TINOS : The Le Dervirtit , oof tLe 19,1,1Hna Fathers for A writ t, 27 s XS LandFiv rq herq, 27 Z 114 heron' Ituelerin4 his rrerette, x 8 Stlitkm , r Ire awl 27 x 3t Cottcr':!.4:ttur.i Ni.{ht, 24 2, 24 ". Vil'aze Bt wksmitli. 27 ' ,Thinerst Destiny, iFqrtnne Tering)2 I x 9N The ‘I Lis sere it Wymn*.nyt in Ind, 2S z 36 is M 4 , 1 t Vers us in the op' e l time, or W.1,!.i:.4t0n at :to yeary of age, 16 134 'rho escape at Alaster Mnel/onald frfru the Mas , a re of litendoq, 26 x 34 • ; The :41.0unna, • 26 x 34 1 Tilev have deemed exprefient to eeret them tor; their friends•and the publ a at one dollar RCA fit'y er at* e lett, the Trice heretofore ittirittpr , beea r twO dollars (-tell, and f the pnrpose'of•• stitnn'atlug tit , g,tting• np of Clubs, they Won"! de'ertain•ni to award premiutht to the eettere up nt the (gibs, and in addition thereto to, Ilicribioe amongst the sith:eoh6cs the sum of ' 0•10 in mangy ittititiags, as soon Pie' the s.tic shall have rt ached . - let).(10J eagrel••• logs. A !t• Is nor intention to nifrertise very extensively, end •as the engravings are welt known throngitnnt the whole ratintry, we have no itintd, th.it with the low price we charge rim. then', an I th • exertion whi/fi win be put ft•rth 11 winieriats frterds, the nu rith:r im re wiled in s =hittime. As sonn it is re.tehe 1, :lie sirliAeribers, throegkr tneir Cinb Agents, wi'l he no,itied by a eireed: I.tr letter from no, aiming this time nod meth• ud of distributinn. CON". ;Sint!' Vtirr SI.SC "rtf.l),—by rm. FiNr 311 wtf will e.• 11.1 2to the Clui AO. " " 5 " VS " == EINIS E=l •' 10 " 1 n ItuntlricLever. The Club pielcsie*s n•ill be securely packed and forwarded be Y.Kpress. piasati ni'ly t t ('liths and forward the ninatint either tty Evrinis!, Siglit Draft, 1.. i ()Mee Ora,a nr in it regiaterel letter, and in ill c, ecethi will be itatuetlN ate) ) . si ta t and for eii..l) ray raring a numbered eeriili.atte and receipt will by, eactozed in the C.U. D. ORDETZ'i.--"ernkis ‘clatiingto tend fur Engr,,virgs p ,y the - txpteFig ('n. when they rereivril. will he to send with their to Its atuattiat, And rea:ll..l ou their One or S; [Low) ill mon,7, 4 • 5 10) .4 Five of Imo°. Ten of 500 " Fifty of oo Ovic hundred elegant Oil Paint duzP, rich ly trauied, $1001:uch, 10,000 Two hundred elegunt frawed, latirtor Vie.% s, at S,U each, 10,3Q0 The A VEJIMAN ArtTISTS' UNION- *mild add that these premiums-ere t ho ionsidered only in the light of a free gift to theit patrons, its the Nitgravhign are fittio,,hed them ialow theirm trket value,hut Cie-tint ot engravings, otter the plates are proeured,l4 11.1 trilling, they can e telly afford to trial the distributiuu, large an it is. We trust that our numerom :3 (Heads through's out the coantry and I' inadss will use their utmant exertions, no th it if passible, the di.- trilintien m ly 6e, IL Ade span, and it- can be done if they are at all toile. 'Ladies hare often 4nade excellent Club Agvnts for us, and we solicit their kind elfarta, which will nut so untewarded. Let one or more tmergetie per. sons in every tuna amt. tilLrge i e th e m e etly c ornme a et• an noon as t hey see thin, unit set pp no large a Club on possible. By BO doing they will tie the introducing elegant op gravin,ie into It mil , and dills aid in cultis Ming' a taste for the beautifal and refined: Address Orders. SI:X..I•IIERICAN .111THTi . UNION, ' 25 Pine Street., Now York. IL B. WOODS IL IL WOODS Nov. 12, 18.:C 'Jut rAr.vANI) J. W tO,EY'S CELF:PRI I TEI, Lall'Ll:X ELLIPTIC (Olt LAJCIILE :.PILING) Tile WO Ulf:kiln. il,l:elitt,lTY and great COY- Pula end I.l.ei.4t;tte tohny lady wearing the Dn. ei.XX El.t.leTlC Se I kin II I lie i xperiencod partic ularly in all crow d d Assenubl.ts,Operse,t'arr t ees, itlilroal Ctrs, Clint eh Pews, Arm Chairs, for Prom“made and Iron.. Dies, ac the Skirt can be t0b10..1 when in use to occupy it snirtit place us easily and conveniently its a Silk or Muslin Dre•s.ur. n.talunblequality i. crinoii4e, not found in any Single Sp...Ag Skirt. e A lady having enjoyed ti:e 1 I.EAtitatit, 00K• PoliT,/ mid great c.p.VE:illieeit of wetting bo Durbrx Et.tiet le tires', Seutsu Sams, Cois single dayw , will never idter irdi.w.llingly ie. i l , Tense with Al“ it use. For c eliildren t MiOses and Young Ladies they mite superior to ;ail others. - , They will ant bend or bronk like the Single Spina, big will prese:ce their pet fe. t itud graceful shape when three or lour at tliunry Shirts will have bee° thrown tw,dc Ile na. tors. The Hoops are cot ored with iltittble and tvlsi o3 thread, nod the bottom rods Aire Hit only double splines, but twiee Surd prexcuting them front wearing out when. deag. ging down stop 4. stnii3. Ac. The Duplex Elliptic is a grout favorite With all ladies nod is univertily - rceouitstentle4 by the Fusbion 1 tguzini $ o's the tiTAND.%Ra, Slilitr.OF THE FAtilitti,NAISLE To eiday the fui lu wing , inrbtlinable nalraitia. ge,4 in Crinoline, buperior qualitz, per i fect inufactore, tat) lisp ab,tpe, Jt finish, ilexibilith duraoility, contlort conolny, enquire for J., W. llr.t.lley's (Thpie.l or Ihrel.le Sprinc. , Skitt, un I I n , bun: you get the genuine article. ' 'against. Po3lllo7ir he partiri,l it. to NI t ofTerwif "pePLEX" have the te.l etanip, tiz W. Ilet.iley's Ellipt.e Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none titters are gen:tine. Also Nonce that et cry Noop will minu a' pin tieing eitsrvil through eetitie, thus rex eel tit:. two (or ilonble) sltriugs tiraiiiiol togeth er thi rein, µ Welt k the seeret of their lit xiii• I- Ity smd strength, and a tisteitituutiou net to be found in any. other skirt. FOIL SALE in nil Stores where FIlll:iT (11,,ASa skirts are sul.l 041"04141iltUt thG th.iled Staten n nil tt• ';l.•?‘% • 14 ,n6l.leitire.l l.' the' Sole Owners of lhtt P.llent, w::wr. 1110.1.4.. FA tCARY, :17 Chnml o 5. (ado St Reads SU., N. 1. Oct. 13, 18..6. 2in 4:Z.3. OPKIN':i "OWN NEW te,t6t, Ei I • Are in eNery Ppcpezt Yinst . ci.ts* paid brace it complete toti.p.tment for Imtlier, es, na I Ohillten, ur. tae .`:twit eve , ' Length and Sizo.of OCR SKlttf.4, t'Cuprecer known, it/0 M.,• univereolly•PdPrtA ft Oat. ney others before the plint:. They 'retain their slope lopttet, pre liOter, more ele lt. m re thirphie;hit really Clin4P6R, than NMV lOW illboitlikirt in ale market. The sprne,..i and ra.:.trisingd Cre warranted perfect.' kiiitY Lear should Tor Time! They are now being entensittly Sek by MS3CitAnTe, throughout the Couatry, .in 4 et WIIOLgiALF: k Rj CAIL,At MititulPctory owl Snlea Room. 693 AROII Street, beloy 7th, PIIIIrA PELPtIIA. AA fur HOPKIN'S 'goers xxce,*'.Loy oo Other CACTION.—None gi.nitine notes,' Primped col e•tch i'ad—"lldni.•ll s Oen likirOtsu. utite•eity, Nu. ti2d Arett , Strog. l'itilattelphtts." Attie, einittitutly- on h .11 , 1 ti II line til • Ni.w rork male ut Inv; law t nee+. . lehrr Nall; ONLY. • Sept. 3,4 m AA A Ilirath OENTS fainted Liz six 'bore(' new ..•rtie'ea; Intl, int. Address 0. T. OAR&Y, Ctty Dull ling, Aid defurd,llr, • [tiny ]l, WO. ‘t.fty . Piletpre FT:unef t . ' : rh, GnIUT rnrietv i.i.l 1. 1 1(1•11 4ii Es, aA lei plain rut coM-Pi -..b45.0„ lln sii, kiortier's Phil; and" Voir' ..ty nia. ' Jan, :6.181:5. `, ' -- ~• 4 .. 1p". 26 z 42 la 2i " " " 8.1 " 7 . a Sliver Watch. $) Silver I...vvr. LHT uir 1911:1140MS To be di.trib_utod. • Late‘it Famisiong ,S' K I I? T lioap $10,004_ 5,000 6,001 6,000 5,000 $30,000 EMI
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