gte o:otapiler. GE f r V4llllll i., l'A *se Xhresslog i , Dee. K. 11115411111. rwrrY mks-Imola. There Its nothing of manlkless In the pattOkof the leaders Of the Radical party. TitteY ant liarrOW.llllslded and bigoted; "fl'cree only in words, and very cowards and Ixdtroons in action. Tuck are strait- Fen., to a se Ipte of honor, and delight in oratifying their hate by iirrposing what they esteem degrading terms upon their enemies. The latest (Ix hildtlon of their lit tleness of soul is!ise4..n hi their removal of kenalors" COwati, Dixon and Doolittle trontlhe illositknui they occupied as chair- mon:of certain- efinitnittees, and placing them at the foot of the lists of members. If their Vindictive fanatics suppose they eisii injure the fair fame Of the nice they thus seised, they ,are much . mistaken.-- 1 'When history shall have only ridicule and eunast for such men as Burmierffind Ids eompaulund, those whom they ahsail will be honored, as wise and sagacious 91,taklIneu, and eite.enied as true and tried patriots. inADDLES NTitIVERIN ON CrIINENCT A IrIVA INIAL The Washington wrrespondent of the lkdrolt Tribune &Lys that Thaddeus i4,te yew, is "Opposed Co the redemption of the (Juvoriluwut bonds in coin, except !Jobe where the language of the act Un-, 'ler which they where matte, was ex pliOtti and that he favors the increase of the amount of currency by at least one hundred millions, and then if gold nett:wally went up to LW, he- would make it a crimelo spcTulate In it." Those who remember "Old Thud's" silly gold bill will nut be surprised to liear that he advocates the most ridi-1 cutout; financial absurdities; He has: shown himself to be one of the veriest 4,1134 . 1'41ms that ever attempted to teak-1 wr at legislation; hut that milk makes bim the more fitting leader of the fa natical crew who compose We' majority Of (orgasm. Any one with a particle Of political, wisdom would be out of .place among ettell'a set. GIAIIIIILI NG DE%H. It la reported that arnmgements arc tonntrizeing of a very complete character In provide for the amusement of Congress 'Curing its present scsram• In einanner which must be ico n gratifying to jte constituents and flattering to the pride pi the country at large. The arrange punts are for the equipment and estab )lshment tit gambling hells with large capital and upon a scale of unprecedent ed splendor, so as to afford those legimia itora-who are most successful in plucking Abe enuntry the finest opportunity to bo plucked in their turn. '"TUE WAREE Of THE EFETION." This is the new tiac given by the Rad icals to the freedmen of the South, and Congress hi called upon to see that they are properly /protected and cared for. They are to be fed, and clothed, and al lowed to remain in idleness, as the P l wards" - of the nation, while the white laboring men dt the North are oppressed hop , taxation of the most galling and ex hauative character. More than this, ten to of the ITuion are to be denied rep tetientation until the "wards" are raised lathe full measure of citizens and given the free ballot. This kind of a national gtianilluishlp will hardly meet the ap proval of the white men of the. North, when they come to ace the etil'iets of it upon Wei!. interests. Illgt..To many men age brings a broader, tolerance and more tender charity. The tierce passions and fiery hates of pLuth, its Inconsiderate prejudites and sweePtng generalizations, are exchanged for the philosophic tem per and forbearing Ppec e h. ,11nt there are men who'grow more malig nant with every year—the currents of wh'ose blood, no longer bounding with generous passion, are converted into •fe verish chtumels of gall that withers all the divine impulses or himanity—whose prOwitces become stronger, their temper moredictatorial, theirtanguage more sar donic as they near the portals of the gram Amid droll ni ng years they exhib- It limey pasalons ; with wasting.strength they flash forth into greater 'excesses of violent action and Intemperate spt cell. lid man in the country better represents this class of aged malignants than Thad- dens Stevens. With increasing age comes Increasing venom. Is such a man fit to load lu the couucilsnf ft great nation? 'IPA petition numercuyly signed, is Ciroulating at llOston, praying wigress tosecamend the%Con-Atittition that each Mate In the Union may determine for Itself the status of its citizens, hut that all elections. for Federal oilicers shall 4e 'cold and illegal lu any State where there Is any proscription on account of ;ace or color. That is a shrewd scheme.. After the addition of such a provision, the States which proscribe on account of race or color would be required to Swept , the Federal eorktitution as "the supreme law of the laud," in regard to localaulffive, "anything hi their eonsti tution,s fop t,hg contrary notwithstanti inW' I=l Olt The Ritinp Cwngress has a short iease of life—twelve weeks. It rattles 1 And rants and mans—sound signifying r.nothini except Impotence and Jobs. The torrupt jobs which will signalize this ses sion, the tariff plundering, and the cur rency swindling, are all well hid behind this rattling, ranting and roaring. They Are crilng out to the country to look nt the Unruh, nud menzwidis are tarring their own hands pr' peratorfto plunging item deeper in the public treasury anti tbe people's pockets. The l'ostemonth,..Neie hotton- fhetery is importing operutiehs from Europe. One hundred of them through from Boston last week. tau It goga. After lotting Congress to Rive them the proSeetiou of high hulas, enaham; them eu put the views of their falllas up, the manufacturers then Jut pun workwarn to flit the channels of la , tor and thus bring wages down, Tell us now, under such circumstances, isrlils hit to help the Four 4pA laboring ciassix, 1111r3t ttf 14dd tl+a the E , uprenie coon or o w I . ; l aw stmt.% os decided -against the otimmommeiq o h w: 4..4 vow. CAN A PRIZIDENT In s defining the duties of the Chi Slngistrate, the Yelicira Constitutl says: "He shall, from time, time, give the Congress Inforination of the state the Union, and recommend to their ea, sideration ,such measures US he sht Judge necessary and expedient." This Is Pretty conclujive evidence tit a President.should have a policy—that should be a thinking man, capable devising measures, judging. in-regard cause and etteet, - and generally to p, such ;wt.- as a:e rata tifestly reijuh, of a chief exe.:utive oilk;er and a can ur the Federal tom If it be that the rresident is 4 mere in 'chine—simply the agent of jeongresl why, was nut Congress empowered to paint that officer? If it wait have that the President should have pas only to execute the will of Congress a to have no will of policy of lids awn, was wrong to make the office eleetivt the people, for it,:hus happenttd that t °dicer and the majority in Cdn'gressii entertained (and will continue to t en tuln)differeut y Pews ut regard meast for the good of the country. But, It wan not so intended. ! framers of the Constitution had no tention of making the chief °Meer in Government the tool of the Cong Neither, was it designed to make Congress subm4vien t to tlee President was intended, however, by making branch powerful in Itself and yet in a measure ikpendent upon the o to create a mutual check against us Lion and tyranny. And, so long it. Constitution shall be adhered to, supreme rule of action, neither b can tisst.utte potential powers or d Coverall - lent a • fatal injury. through the. exercise of extroord audacity& the one hand and the. euce of pusillanimous weakness o other, can ono branch absorb the p of the other, When such a state fairs occurs, however, a utarchy pr and revolution becomet a neccess re-establish a wholesome equilibli That such a state of affairs is r , approaching through the encroach of the itadical majority in the frag ary Congress, is patent to every ohs A few more steps only are requi compel resort to the reserved right people—the hoficas corpus of t he hot itic--the right of revolution. May C4o feud such arbitrament. Let us that reason may soon reassume among those who, drunk .with and prosperity, are rushing the (1 meta to destruction through .tho mission of numberless violations organic law and the unjustifiable rts.- 1 tions of regal authority. It q i>ii I pity of pities to see this great Bei go down merely to satisfy the over ing greed of gain and lust of poN demagogues and eurmorants.-1 - - - o, GaICSSIONAL INDE(X)RU No one can read the proceed ngs of Congress without being struck ),y the want, Of dignity which character zes the proceedings of that body. The embers i4eetn to vie with each other in II use of terms of tibuKe. Speeches whic i a few yediss since-would have been r garded its unbecoming upon the stump, ire now daily delivered in :the House. ltd the Senate. The applause of the k is habitually Fou gilt , and he AI employ the Twist abusive land sure to receive the plaudits of tin assembled, .The _House especiall; to lack decorudi. Thaddues sets an exampl.r which is imit those who can' only feebly ape dietive mutter:titres, Fpeaker - winks at the conduct of his friends and permits the most tut license ; The President of the states is daily assailed by met the cearsett manner, and, no rebt the chair follows. The natim graced by such proceedings, tit public sentiment is lowtred, th are familiarized with such cot , would once have been regarded erable, and an example is giv world A high Must tell ',against I can institutions. The decent to parties should unite in Out-spol approval of such conduct in w3r: be the most dignified legislativ , }he world.—Lune. /aid, ItirMr, \Vatter, proprietor of don Times, Is now in this corn one day last Week wa' given a 4 tertahtment at. Wle.hingion by 1 Forney. • Thisl'sante Mr. Waite f of the most thorough a d act!, 'tents of the Federal g -ernnu. Obits to put dawn the r •bellfon paper, The Times,beeam notorh l organ -of British bloc kit& •runt Cbnfederati abroad. is feted and lionized by the "loy. idler Forney, ,and the Mongre rush forward to tipple el,anipa crack jokes with this lately des social° and abettor of "retell" a tors." Birds of a feather will gether, and fellow disunionist less, find plea Sure in each ("thee M.The Radical editors and hereAboutz;, declared, previoua election, that negro sullraz;e leStle. On Thursday last the the United states r•l'ciiiite pasted, ing the right 14 , VO/C 10 MC District of Columbia, thecry[ the nation. The Pattie:li lieu'. red ou 14'riday, ho wcre rig tiOciarations during the last ca Werth the House, the other dells Stevens declared that he neve Jett Davis could be tri sou, nor that 'he had been gu Son. ills olicnce %%TS that ersiuti not of a traitor. Ile (b not opposed the efforts to brit vie) to trial, but he had not fa! What have the Radical how say to that? SW There could be no Lett, of the strength a the l';'eside than the inability of the rud avail the message butt thetuielres in yelp up-at 'and unanswerable logic of t Without e*en us mach as M. dentAlion. NY - The latest villainy of that has lrxrultd ttselt is a j urrait, Ho soon at ilialin butte's evivlunw unit itunlita 44411144/tt 144 U aisie.alfttnotlut SNow.-4Tive lutlwrs uc 't:kt , CtS4 l ,)o • ' le A 49,44vir vicitarrousAL liointammt =ATE%we rose 'TOWN AND COUNTY AFFAIRS, '' THE sairrsiouts %rem) !—Woon i—Wocin!—A number of our subscribers have promised us Womi, In payment or their, subserl ptkms. Will they please bring it, immediately ? It is 'wt.& cf. The Routh should feel neither terror nor depression at the grywing favor with which this wild 'Aherne is reganled by the Republican party. It proves Oust the Republican leaders despair of getting their heels on the necks of the Southern people by any other method. They per teive that there is ,no other way to get control of the suffrage and introduce the negroes to the ballot-Ism; no• other way to carry such amendments as they wish to engraft upon tire Constitution ; nooth er way to subject the domeslic concerns of the South to fed,:ral control. Turn and squirm ass•they may, they cannot ee cape the ugly fact that thirteen States stand Wino immovable barrier against ev ery amendment to the constitution which the Radicals wish to have adopted ; that the number of states must rise to fifty two to overcome this opposition; and that that nuuila•r will not be reached in 'this century, if ever. Renee we see ef forts already begun in both Rouses of Con gressfor degrading. those States into Ter ritories, and the Republican press every where }heeling into line to march in this movement. er- The South should take courage at this pratieal eonfeiSion by the Republicans that they are reduced to their last trump, and eau win only by a flagrant violation of the Constitution. So long as the South ern communities are recognized a.s States, the Constitution Stands between them and further oppression. Unless they can be broken down as States, the Radicals are checkmated, and will soon he made to bear the odium of keeping this danger ous question unsettled. They feel that, it is incumbent on diet» to put this subject at rest in some way, and limling ull oth er paths elreetually closed, they attempt the desperate expedient of degrading great, popolons States into Territories, and goverhing them from Washington. The South ought to rejoice to see the Republicans reduced to such straits, be cause it is perfectly certain the attempt cannot sUceeed, and that its failure will weaken, and perhaps divide and demor alize the party. The first difficulty the Republicans will encounter will be in agreeing upon the details of the Territo rial If the State goVernments are abolished, other governments must im mediately be substituted ; for not even the Radicals would wish to abandon the South to the horrors of anarchy. The negroes would not be safe lit a communi ty of outnumbering whites without the protection of some kind of government. f the new • Territorial go %Till men ts should rest on universal suirrag , ‘, the preponderance of the white population would secure the election of hostile white officers. But this is the least of the ob stacles to the success of the new plan. The executive and judicial officers of Ter ritorial governments are always appoi rated by the President, and so long as Mr. Johnson rema ins. in offitie the Radicals would gain nothing by the substitution of ltis appointees for thelOovernors and Judges elected under the State govern ments, To be sure,. he would havC fo send their natnes to the Senate for con firmation; but all the Senate could do would be to reject them,•and await new appointments by the President. If the Senate kept rejecting his appointments as fast as Ile made them, the Territori al governments could never go into o eration. And the whole scheme would p d ire fraustrated. To accept such Territo rial officers as the President would ap point Would be no gain for the Itailieals over the present system, while to reject his appointments would defeat the opera tion of theTerritotlid scheme. The only effectof the Territorial 'project would he to exchange one dead-lock for another; the present dead-look between the non ratifying States and Congress for a dead lock between the President and the 1-3en ate.• the in the less. I the I twit ;Leh her, rptrt the the neh the nary the were Sr of -1 tills ty to plilly. nents teut ~ra•er. ed to of the y pol -1 fore hope IBM ay EEO MO corn f the amp be a üblic 'reen •er of But supposing that, by some ingenious quirk, tins difficulty could he flanked and passed, and the new governments put in operation against an advente local public opinion, a new plead-lock would immedi ately be pre-ented, in a constant conflict between prosecuting officers and south ern juries. Laws are of no force with/tot penalties, afid penalties can be inflicted only after a trial. For the punishment of ordinary crimes and the ordinary ad ministration of justice, Southern juries would donidless give impartial verdicts under the new system, as they do now. But In enforcing the kind of laws which the Territorial scheme seeks to introduce, Southern juries (amid not he brought to agree except on verdicts of acquittal. All laws of that class would be a dead letter, which vain attempts to execute would turn into derision. These difficulties and obstacles will be apparent to Congress as soon as the Ter ritorial project begins to be disco-med. in a practical view. It Is contrary to all probability that the conflicting views which will naturally exist can be so com pletely reconcil«l us to secure the assent of two-thirds of both Houses to the details of auy plan of government. But without two-thirds of both Houses it would be promptly knocked in the head by the ve to, the dead-luck appearing in a new place. But we will suppor that this barrier is broken through; lb& the Territorial bill is passed over the veto of the ; that the new,ollieers are alt appointed and sworn in; and a warrant issued for the arrest of sonic opposing citizen. His counsel humediately prosecute Om officer for illegal arrest, and if the cases decided against him in the local court, it is ap pealed anti the lAw point carried up, by r./pitl stages, to the Supreme CoUst of the United States. There can be po doubt whatever that the 'Territorial law would lie declared null anti set mitts , as uncon stitutional, and thus. the Territolial scheme, after months of exa,petuthwag itation, would be an Ignominious abor tion.—J'., Y. World. itnerics io Can Ilge is crowd 011111:1 lel , ens ted by t is x in- Colfax_ adical minded Imted iber6 in l le frmti is drs tene of q• people ;duct as s intol- I to the cpubli ii of ail ,eit din t should body ill I he Lon try, and !rand en _ onn W. • ‘S as one fe ta in its , and his us as the hers and Now he I" Chev- M. ('.'s igne and pir,ed as- Ind "trui !look to , doubt s society . Ttrn HomnAys.—E. 11. lqinnigh At Bro., in Chambersburg street, opposite the College Church, have laid in a large stock of goods intended for the Holidays, A Radical Swindli'r Dade(' the Priri• I and invite the attention of the public (rye of Ifith, as Corpits.—Adviccs from ' thereto. It etnbraeiN, of course, all sorts Franklin, Venango county, state that of enitrections, fruits, nuts, &c., with an the Eon, Jeremy Diddlcr, C. V. Culver, , InV the votes 0( Radical fanatics, .lettiber :dm° 4., endless variety of toys. They ot Congress front the rweintellt district, have something to please the thousand and now held securely in limbo on charge different tastes of the little ones, with an of wholesale and retail swindli ]tad li g. assortment which they flatter themselves himself brought before Judge Trurkey on . a writ of hubcas corpus, and asked to be . will be at" gros n uptalks. Wee to - discharged on the ground that he was a' Give them a call. Their goods cannot member of the present Congress, and the , but give satisfaction, whilst their prices peer of any one of the Radical majority ' are much lower than last year, and must of that Rump concern. The Judge "couldn't see It," and the Hos. rascal has , be equally satisfaetery. been remanded to jail. The Judge deci- I Teachers desiring to make presents to lied that a member of Congress was not their schools, as well as the trade, will be entitled to his priviiege when In Id for an accommodated ut the lowest possible indictable offense. Won't the Rump do 1i ,,,,. res something for this jail bird member of , b ' * • 4t their fanatical fraternity. A fellow-feel-1 AMERICAN ART I s rs' UN lON.—re rsons ingought to make them wouderous kind. . We have 110 doubt a number of them; win( ' are getting up clubs for our Steel would bein ashnilar predicament if they Plate Engravings, and those who Intend lay, Thad-- had their desert—Luneaskr latelleieneer.' doing so, are requested to notify the of id nut be- I lice in New York, when a circular de ocratie Central Co d for trees- I I The Drrneerae li efladirma'—The Dent- ! mmittee of Indiana I scribing each EngravinO, (fourteen in I ty of tree- have issued an address to tile Democrats all,) together with all necessary papers, , , ~, a a oemg- and National Union wen of Indiana an- , Including references, &e., will be sent r • e vens) h a d trouncing the results of the late political' them. It i i ," d showing that an over-' • g .1.113 3 " ea rl ass ' a" • peopleofi CLOTHING AT CUAT.—Capt. Theo. C. w ie Ming majority of the the •ored them, United States are in favor of the Presi- Norris is selling off his entire stock of cry here to dent's reemtstruction pulley; that Con-1 Ready-made / Clothing at cost, with a I gress only representsforty-t hree per eent. ;vi .n , to closth out that branchof b I g us - of the entire population; that the Eaecu- ; t tive Department is the only branch of• Hess• Now is the time to secure bar the governuteut reptesentio ,, a Majority gains. Every description of clothing of Me people, re-endorsing tire Principles ollered. Cull soon. It of the Ituriana Democratic Conventiou! ._______. _ of 31areb 15, and the Thilatielphut_lngust Convention, ttitnpers, o the fall Its not an •uiicals in a bill giv 4oca in the capitol of eoueur- i lit n their uprugu? r evidence L's position eat press to fly. they st the solid Ac inessaw,e, Mpg Oir'The New York Tribune-says that tLe tiovernnieut had never relaxed its oirortii to beeolll the arrest 'of Nrrratt, and that detectives bad been wattling him since Oetoner. This gi% es the lie to the Radical falsehood that the Lioverur went had Whet% po measures in the mut ter, lie Radicals 'lut to bribe rive t tu tura Ilebitlent ut Lincuip, i ter Trees an how, doctored with ciao ty fell here mel. A few grains iuterted in the sap /PI-Lets, IMPORTANT TO SOME l'uortm.—Not to all. Such as have paid the printer as promptly as he has served them, (many thanket) twist not read thie—not a`word of it Is intended for them. To those in arrears, however, whether for ((thwarting, job work yr sub•wript ion, we must again appeal, and can assure them that never Wire We more IN EARNEST. To pay for paper, ink, type, labor, and,a huudreq. other matters entering into the publica tion of a widely-circulated newspaper, require the !I: melting of a good deal of money—espeeially in high times, as these still are to printers, paper, ae., being nearly as dear as during the war. To whom shall, the printer look for the 11leftlIS to carry on his business, but to those who have the leuelit of it ?' It Is so in every other branch, and there Is SPLENDID B ARN 11 UNT.—The splen did "double decked" barn of Hon. F. Watts, two and a half miles west of Car lisle, was destroyed by fire, last cvenlng a-week, between :5 and 6 o'clock. With it were consumed eight head of horses, fourteen bead of cattle, six head of sheep, all the farm implements, horse gears, a threshing machine; and a large quantity of wheat and bay. The fire was the work of an incendiary, who was seen running from the building about the, time the names were discovered. The rascal was purstud by Mr. Railing, the tenant, but in the gathering darkness bucceed ed in making his escape. When - Mr. Railing returned to the barn, It was wrapped in flames, and too late to save anything. His loSs is heavy. There was no insu rance on either barn or stock. FINI Hons.—George W. Lady, of Mutninnsburg, had a hog' slaughtered last, week, which weighed 41:0 pounds, though but 14 months old. 11. D. Wattles, of this plaee, had two very large porkers killed on Monday, one weighing roll . smnis and the other 495 pounds. We hare 'not heard their age mentioned. =a no reason why our's should be an excep tion to the rule. Those, then, Indebted on our books are again urged to deal with us as they would desire others to deal with them. PAY PRoMPTLY. To the call made two months ago, hard ly one in forty responded. Many, no doubt, hupposed that it was a mere ster reotyped matter—that we did not mean half we said—and that if they failed to pay, it would make little difference to us or anybody else. If they so thought, never were men more mistaken. We net Aft what wits due us then, and what did not come, is needed WEMbC now for the delay. IVe shall soon make out bills, and send Rumple. Poem—Home, M. a Snyder: them to those in arrears. Win not many, seer: J. IC. P. Bates; Select Heading— save us this trouble by remitting at hum's Maniac, (Dr. Nutt,) M. It. Min onee—within the Present week, or, a t'lligh ; Ali is Vanity, saith the Preacher, least, within the present year': To get C . E. /1113% Dcbate—ls SUCCebS a Test of along at all, we 711118 t have our oum—and Effort, J. I. Knot; J. M. der Riemensny- IT , D. Gilbert,Ott. after a reasonable time, those who give no heed to this call should find moral! Everything passed off peasantly, and summary measures adopted to convince the performers acquitted themselves in them of our earnestness, they will have a creditable ,manner, doing honor both nobody to blame but themselves. .WE, to their class and "Aims:Mater." MUST RAVE MONEY FATAL. Acetni:NT.—A sad death occur red on the turnpike, a short distance above Cashtown, on Wednesday last. Wc learn that as Mr. Jacob }leinlzelman Was dri ving by the residence of Mr. Manotth Carbaugh, with a load of wood, a little son of Mr. Carbaugh's clambered upon the rubber-block of the wagon, without the knowledge of Mr. Ileintzelman, mid in going .down the hill, fell under one of the hind wheels and was almost in stantly killed. The/ lad was between six ant seven years of age. IsiEw TELMILAPII LINE.—The poles for the Atlantic and facile Telegraph line were put up throarli, this place some weeks ago, and we suppo,c have been erected as far as Harrisburg by this time. The wires (two) are shortly to be placed upon the poles. An office will be opened here, in - the central part of town. We heartily welcome this new improvement. With two through lineq, Gettysburg cannot be much behind the rest of the World in early in formation. ANsrvrAtsAur.—The "Anniversary" of Christ Church Sabbath School, on Thursday evening, was quite a success. The exercises were interesting and the audience w large. ger Attention is directed to the adver tiretaent of Messrs. Kissinger 4: Shire wan, York, In another 'column. Also to that, of Messrs, .13rin,gman dr, Warren, of the Gettysburg Forge. Stirllom W. U. Koontz apd Ikon, E. Ilerhenson have our thanks fie Von= gresskmal documents. DERII.—A !Looting party of lanoccr(. Rub recently returned [ruin Centre coun ty with three flue deer,. rot the Compiler. ' Schenck's .bill- to make Con- CoLLEGE 1 rums.—On Saturday after• grim "a permanency" passed the House noon,'Bth It:staid, the Sophomore Class of Representattves on Monday, by a vote of Pennsylvania College held the first of one hundred and twenty-seven yeas meeting of 411 organization, formed In to thirty nays. This Iniquitous measure, SePtemb.:r htst, and known as the "Or- If it becomes a law, will add millions to ganization of Class of '69," The order of the national expenditures; but the Radi exercises was as follows; icats don't care—they want power, and Essay—The Art of Printing, M. a they are willing to buy It at any price, Smith, York, Pa.; History of Chkss, G. ! particularly as the people must "foot H. Trabert, Churehtown, Lane. county, the bilL" Pa.; Oration—Advantages of a Literary Society, Jacob Neil; Philadelphia, Pa. ; Essay—Man,-E. T. Horn, Catasauva, Pa. ; Poem—Gettysburg, D. B. Lady, A rendtsville, Pa.; Essay—The Living Dead, J. J. Brinkerhoff; Gettysburg, Pa.; Prophecy, C. M. Dawson, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Oration—Cultivation of Mind, W. B„4leindle, York, Pa. All present were surprised at the mark ed ability displayed by the performers. This organization is now fully established ed as a permanent affair, and we:congrat ulate our young friends on the enterpri4e they have displayed in their undertak ing. success to them. te - The Class of '7u, having considered the expedienvy elreeling a el;ee organ ization, whose ohjeet should he the :soci al, moral and intellectual improvement of its members, formed themselves intol an association, to he known as the "74- tisophan" society of Pennsylvania lege, and held their first nweling on Sat ' urday, Dec. Sth, instant. The following was the programme of performances : Orations—The Man of Letters, C. Cie . ver ; Free ana One,. J. E. Van Camp; Show Thyself a Man, W. IL Kuntz.— Essays—Patriotism, H. Baldwin; Avarice, C. E. Sadder; Character, S. A, Ziegenfuss ; History of Class, J. W. ila. EDIT() :—The following is a lit(t-of the Teachers' names, which (lid not math me until I had sent in the report. Please attach them to the list of names subscribed to the resolutions •relative to the Salary of Teachers: Hamilton W. KinPir, Kinne mund, J. N. .lifai•shall, John M. IA olf, G. It. Kuhn, 011ie E. Chronkter, (forge W. Hagarinan, Edwin Hultzel, Kate F. Slagle, Maggie M. Thoinimon, Mary A. Sheely, C, A. Ileagy, 1'.:1. Melluird, Sanders, Joseph A. It. Mcßride, John W. MeCosh, Maggie Kuhm., A. L. Mil- ler, R. Hadley, Cyan, U. 8ea10. , . P. B.—Enulie Wright tier mune withdrawn from the..e regulations.— Please omit her name, and oblige Your friend, C. Cu° L' , —The proceedin.,7% of tire Tvaehers' In stitute were pi inted, on our first page, before the above MI tinder our notice. Tun AGE.—The attentiqu of the rea der is directed to the prospectus of the Dail) : and Weekly -bjc,, published in another column of our paper. The Aae is one of the moat ably coiclueted Demo cratic papers iii the country, and those of our friends' ‘Nho desire n city daily cannot do liettr than substriLe fir it. Dead the prospectus. Tar AMER/CAN Auittetwernisr, fur December, has beeu reeeived. This b capital publication, each number con taining an itunten-ic airmont of Ape en gravings and fending matter of great iii tiTcst to Farmers, (lardeners or-House keepers. Published by Orange Judd & Co., iiew York, No 41 Park Row. Price ler.6 , ear only t—ingle num hers 15 cents. 4 copies per year :;:'.5.00; 10 fur $ILl; :."0 for .I.OJ each. SEC; Alt ron..—J: C. Neely,} q., of this place, has been appointed (...gar Inspector for this county. • > nor Agricultural column to-tLy is worth the price of a year's subscription. Irtx-Capt. Fr:Lilei:4 Gallagher, a well k now n eitizm and politician ofitalti more, dici of coliminiption, it the re,idence of J. 11. O'Donnell, in Oiat eity, on Monday, in the 51st year of his age. Married. On the 11th Asct., ut the resitlen...• of the bride's pArents, by Lter. W. R. H. bb, Mr. .U.II.IE LORE MAN. ut het tow p, to !Xi:11 , 11U S. .11., thitnehter ut Mr. .liteub Benner, of thb, place. On the Lith tn.t., tit the (Voir Inn. in this by the, Mr. CON it 1.0 COLIL,,MI fsl to M. 3 A. D. It 1 2 :*ettevtile, Franklin en. Ou the lith ut the ressulen-e of tho bride's p Items, by Itt %. J. M. Tithel. Mr. it 1,1.11'11 LINN Ph _II PI A:N.N 1.;/.1L.1 both of Att ains county'. ' On the 4th ult., by the Rev. A. G. Del Linger, Mr. EIAVAIiIs eI..A ILK 1..) NitsS LI DIA MeDONN but it ut Attains emit t On the Bth of Nov, ether, nt the r. B. l'arsormge, Litttestown, Pa., I.y Itct. 11. A. tskliltkiltvr, 13A Al EL HADEN Laroll 011111.3% MIL to .HISS SA I.IA the vilttnt3 of o,ttyhburg. Ou the ath inst.: nt the same place, by the sitme, Mr. WI 1.1.1 AM to Alm LYDIA DIEIII4 both ul Littlebwww ISO, by 1.13 i, it. 'Warner, Mr. WILL.AM A. MeII.IIENN 31ths NIA lt.): .1. GRAFI oi Ilunterstown. Uu the :loth ult., tit tile nisidcuce tit lir. W. if. SlinouttLer,in Ne'N't b,) it..V. P. K. t-3noen.u -key, Mr. 10.1.VIL) Mj.:NLI..II. ut Contocrland coun ty, to 111e.4 111;1ti1l; IL CLIII.0.1:311::IL ut Al ttna COUIIt.Y. oil the 27th ult., at the mune place, by the Butte, Mr. J 011 2 ,. It RY, ot Cuszo,..rlaust cututt., , to M tss JI.IILY AliN, ()I .I.lalue comity. On the "rd Inst.,lly Rev. Dr. limb r. Mr. Fit kN CIS RICKIIOOI, to Mina LOIJ/s.l. 1111A1\li: it, bath ol Aix lord Loa n,lsle. - Cm the tih ins!., by the sane, Mr. r11A111.04 Mi.AIL to Miss r,AIt.AII. A., ata.4ll. ter Ur. k.. 11 Slagle, all 01 ,r , . ew (!stun[. ihz the mile iluy, by the dame, Mr. ALFRED D. Olt: iVE to J11:-.a SUSAIS MILLI:At, both of Air bullalowu. On the 4th twit., at St. Jahn's Ch u rch, West min ster, Md.. by Fattier tiloytt, Mr. Y. IIESILY W 111 IN to laws IsyYLE, ts,tit Or W est in lusttr. At Elias Church, Emmitaburg. Md. ' Pee. 11111„ by It. e.. 1. A. Tits 4 assisted v. Prot. E. l>. p. wINGEtto,o, pranumn comas, Pa., to Miss Vittiii.Zim. C. 3101 That, of Lill Indsourg. On the 11th fnat., nt the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. J. M. 'ritzy!, Mr. dANII;:j W. IbELELE to Miss MARY E. Z.VC11.11t1.1.8, both of Fnalarm.k county. Md. Died. On Thursday last s in tills place, - 3froi. MAMA Bt;11111 Lit, widow to lielkitunlis seuriver, twit 4 4 .1 year.. Lou the >tit of Not emher, In -the vicinity of Arentintville. Mre. hi VAN nett SO yeors, - - - on the Sth Inst., 1n this Ware, EDWIN am% sou oreornAlus and taipi,e.pi pangiiertY, uguti 3 years 3 unnong and 17 days. On Domini - . Dee. 3rd , I'll, of Inllanlnpitory croup, A N.ViE KU 1117, H a ICK,duughterof J. lA,wron,e utht a trait 51:4 141 4 0 r 1 40; 1 111,0 ; gged 4 yearn 3 liV•llElis and 14 du) s. On the 7th hurt., hear this place MARIA ANN, 'grunt daughter o John 11. alai Julia 11. Eckert, tiguil 2 mouths and 13 days. At tilt Alms-house, on Monday last, GEORGIE W. UARPIIII, a nal iv• of this isAutty, aged 76 years. (Comaianicated.) MARCUS ALMA t.3.I.IIBAUti 11 was lsirn Feb may loth, Lgin, and departed this .Wizjuub,.r 12th, l.Ytill, aged ii ytuArif V mouth:; anti 27 days. Our Pettier, Who, in tender love, llatb taken men our care, One whosia oar tv.sik hearts loved too inticbJ, I - twg.kril uitt teirfulpraYer— Thi. loot—much 'wondrous gsln to him 0, give us Strength to bias. • Ar.3enauel cupr. airlbbe World says: "The heart sick ens at the recital of what was said and done by the Representatives of the people within forty-eight hours after they had assembled at the National Capital. There was a time whets respect was paid to the President of the United States by virtue of his ofl►ce, no matter how unpopular he might be; but thatilay is passed. To day he seems to be the most popular man who can say the hardest things of the Executive." All of which goes to prove that "grand moral ideas" have not ele vated the standard of political excellence. :Eis'Wendell Phillips remarked a' few months ago, that the Constitutional Amendment. Was hatched by Congress. to ' carry the Republican party sueeesstully , i over the fall elections. lie also stated this Negro Amendment was not to bring in the t3outh, hut to keep out tho.,e States. In short Phillips, with his usual outspo ken directness, showed that the whole scheme of the leaders was to retain power. jar In MlWiachusettg, they whip wo men, hut are elaadke.l at the idea vi the Oigtitest indignity otkred to the Jude of a negro. - • Latest Market Reports. OETTrsullim r LotT it, - - , - - WHITE NVIIENT, 1[1•:1) \';lll;.\T, ILVE, ItIrch:WHEAT, BAY, CLOVEI: , 1:1:1), FLAXHI,EI), PORK, 1% A I. 'r 1 m o IZ. E FLOT7II. - - - - 11 r, , 1 11 21 - - 2 3 - , fro fv, EYE - • - - 1 Y. f. 2 1 32 17111 V, - - r,tl 0.1 frt) 110115 11,111.1. - fy, (~ 9 OYI iltlntl.„ • R 1)0 64 I, ' , I HAY. - - . 23 00 WHISKEY, - • - - f f p 233 Special Notice Column. It 1,111 rittrely Do It Ignme.lhrte relief' mill cons, nurnt mire for the Mini, pt. awl tii,ca.cs pct ncribcd, I. what the Ili:- 1.11. r guaratili, a to p, rlorni. Its mot( , I. phi's; ii•el Ny , t1:111Ptil!: It will 'ditch. cure! Thcrr c. no oiler ronielly,. 110 other LillilllVlll, 11,1 kiwi or ralic k Illcr, that will chock pain ,r, iitildoni mei K . iiati),:m tonly ie. 11)iitaiQ.'14 li.oally RA )1) I. It 1) is booll thoroughly ti stoll in th" workshop mei 111 hie lied I, In the counting r Mil, 11110,/a Mgt to ~.,-o. Mining CI% iliniei and imildiors, in the parlor awl in iii litellital, throughout all Me ',Arica duo., in ile. r till), awl 011.• g, 11,.1.11 SVI•ill i. its 1. , 11..11 , 11,1e: "I' h. trfotio , ill 11.elway', Itolelv Ito- Poi is lippllea externally, or-tilt. II ill`A.lrtli), 111.- 1:0r11111.4 tu dirt-11,m , ,, P.ilut, (pen wh ties) r r.tue.. ceases to exl..t!' FAV TM Wher 1:101 for i-prolna, or nut 11., 0r i-e.,1!•1 , .., or Cut., Cr ioiloi. Ilrinsii , .. or i-lialuq. It Is c:i-ell , lit tor l'hil'.l illis,)%lii,gulto 'l)llii..»lNii :it Illg, li 1'01.4"110 r- .1.11.01 a. It :. un i. ,call, 1..1 40: ,tiu.....tiiiii.,..., Apooloxy. 'Ruvuma ii.,l)i, I, l "th :w ho, ;..). leilouitivt. liill.ittilitation iil tau :-.liiinuol),. t.iuti Is, K n'.1“jN.....t .. 1ic.0,1 tot pi. InO.I ..% Pr:, (i 1141,4. NO h rally ,fimild tic witlyrit it. Follow dlr. C 110134, LI/ I a apoody i tire will lie I yin...toil. . SOl 1 1)N1141:141ti. Pi iVT ri) cents per bottle IXe. 17, IY.O. To owner" of Illoro.s nod Cot tir Tobl.l.;* D-rhy Condition Pow ,lera arc warrant etl superior to any others, or no pay, for the cure of I)lAennter, NVorms, Bois, Coughs, II lile-bonini, ti tie., in I tarsus ;an 1 'td'ltt, C O I I O%. tans of !tint:. In Irk, llorn Dtstein per, Re., In Cat.: ti 'l'4r•ne l'i)WtlCls were formerly lot up by 14.1npson I. Tohlas, sin of Dr. 'I °Was, awl, sitter I is death, Vie &Annul Ives terra so:treat for thou, llt it Dr. has Coll i 1.111 4 ,1 I.) In inufueture them. They am. ',erica)) aOr en 1 ; lel need of •topping the worklni; of your utittnAh.. inereasethe appente,;;lve urine el/iii,l4l`llae the A.m..: h and urin•ir) organs; also Increase Ti'the :at cof.i. Try theta, .11111 you will /It 1 , ,r withont them. thrum Wood% ell, the ye-It-bra t-4 train••r of Witting leirses, has used them for years, roel ri•cvtauien In them to his Irfor•.ls. Philo. P. DuAt, of Om Jeanne Ike•'r Course, Ford- Ivan; N, 1%, weal nit tile Llii•ui until he w.ts told of what they are r Mete which hr is lirVer without thrill. 11.1 law over 3l running I I olara In Ids chat ge, and.for the last tliret, yews has used no other medicine for them. Ile has kitally p•rutßt'd tau to reler any one his over I,Uott other references ea a he sects at the de pot. Sold by Dru;;;;ists and Stidtlit re. Price 2Z, rents p„tr box. Depot, :x) eurthadt Pttreet. New York•. [Nov. PJ, itT Alleock's Porous Misters. LAX E 144.11 C. New York, N. fr., 1,:;c9 T. ALTA . OOIC. : 11m...1y-suffer ed rely lona 1, weaknev. lii any inLOL. 1114 111...11 , i y our pla, t,rs, auuell rrcouuurndrd lur roses of Ulm kia I, prlkllo2ll 0:1V. 3111. i OW result u.ts all 1 could .‘ hingle olas:er cured for hi a week. Yours lesp,etfally, I". J. for of the ltr.ttutr...tli TILE 13. WK, AND LI:MU/WO, L)ous, N. 1%, July 4, 14,62. gem.' tae a dol.. Tlwy have cured me tra.m troulat,l we for ow my f.alwr Is gulag to try a , .out Ids !wart. L. .11. :7,0E11:WOOD. Propri CCII.P. O? CLUCK 1 Moetys. Ar.t.coc*.: mottlioi your of a ero.:1; bt lily Aolll , ` ltlgr, 11141 A. thou lur ditgeulty Dr. Green, \n.s Brriad Way , eNV 1 - twit, Informs us lie S 11.1, uu .! , I , antaY. June 2 41, 1,,W, two planters to a young woman suffering V. ry st N, rely from lumbago. On Thursday sin. called to get two mere for a friend, and Viol, slated how the two edle bad pureluoied on Monday had rells red her Innuedlately alter putting them on, and eured her In two days of a stunt pain In her back. and Sold by all Druggists. [Dee. IL lin Ayer's Pills. Are you sick, feeble suit eoinplalning? Are you ennui order with yutur systein deruligial ail,' I your I, cliugi Uneuntnirutide?'theses el are oat u the prelude to serious illness, :seine hi. ul slekitess is creeping 0 1 .011 you, and 8110u1 , 1 Lie averted by a timely u,e of to' right rentelly. Take Ayer's J'ills„ uu4 elv+end, .nit Ibo ilisur.tered famine —put Ify Ill.:Wool, &LILL let the fluids !twee Oil .0 health again, Tile) stilaulate the (noel totes ot tile be , ly into igorett, a, t tvitY. purify the s).,tetit from the u4strui nuns widen matte itt,ieus , . A roll settles hutnewneru 10 the holy and derittiges 13.61 rat I Tiles.:, if W lt relleVea. rea:t upon Illeiu.4elVeil and tile surrounding organs, pro.litehig getter...! aggrava thin, suiferiit,g unit der.iiiitein •iit. Mule in thi.i condition, take A.yer's i is, .10,1 taxi how directly they restore the ii.itor.,l action Of Die. *slet'', unit With it tile Ihtuy.iic. of health ag uu.— Whet is true nod so apparent in this trlvtal and common complaint is also true ill 1111111 y of-the deep *esti itgeroustlisteuipent. Theis:lute purgative elle,' esp. Is them. C.ltisoil by similar oOstritetions andderaitip.uteitts et the natural luuetious of the issly, tt key are rapidly, and in my vi Lie-111 surely cured I,y the Same weans. lute Who know We virtue of tn. - se Pith. Will ueglett to oinploy them when sulrerluo trout the du-on:era they cure, seek as i letulaelte,leoui stool Aeli, Dys entery', Bilious outside' tits,JciAligreitibu, I wraligt - taunt of too Liver, Heartburn, Itlieu mat Nut, Drop-iy, Worms and surupw When taken in lonic doses, 'lO , l are tingsr Coated, so that tile most sensi tive call take their easily, alit they an: surd)" the best purgative inefileiti.• y..t. PAparetil.y J. C. Av g A to., I.oweli„ anti sold by A. D. 'sunnier, Liettystiurtt. 2iOv. 5, lmnu. Invasion f Do you wish to hove your li.dr cauterised from the scalp.; .No. Then liewore of the new brood of Vitriolic end Caustic Dye,' got up by nustnitu mongers, who beer the same reluttoushlp to the responetWe Chemist Hmt • I'II6ATE4 ANL) PRIYATEEES bear to honest merchantmen, Remember that the experience of years, and the very highest ad entitle endorsements, guarantee We superiori ty of CHRISTADORO'S lIAIR DYE over every other In use. Is purely vrgeta hie.turatll Ie anti Instantaneous.' 'Janalsetttred by I. CIIIIISTA WHO. 0 Aetor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. 4t1 , 1.1 1042 by ail Us& Drawees. [1)04.3. 'MI. Ins Des(nem. Blandness and Catarrh, treated with the utmost success. by Dr. J. AU , a/111 Aurist,(tonwerly of Luytten, tioilah.l,) :Cita PC.: R.Sirmt, Philaiktphin. tinuathas from the must reliable IlUtiltel{ )n the city au 1 Como** e. 211 be sceu at his 01.t4.e. ate steel 41..1.11cy are ihriteti to na. outplay their as tie has no secrets in his practice. Ar fatelal estst huser,ol without pain. 'enufwea rondo for craminsi Wu. -*pt. Yi, JAIL ly Dr. 5C1X.V.7.10g.',1; u 1..31 CuSio StatlZl Tbis met rited , ±te catia Ih,J. 1L,154a was*. tbi friredif Mot, et Paueleseri 1:400.5t..p avigt.a "d tad liadding rts..a a.go rt, or,. rd...1 : 01: Ics-h arsl.oll.l inealtthe. ..o' inenrebbeb Oon be coilltivo,al tho an:.. Wi slolp o I,ad dowerdOi et:roll. Li, hop, we. rotiort4 ha a very eivlrt Cal, sot notciurn lh hi. jr e'probeladeJ, for ell do 11/1,4 , 3011.1 111 t1...12,0rdr0.1, sad ta'a pr.uent wJielet 4 t:,14 :as hand -ad p • atid% _ 6.4ic., bo. h'3t.e.t.„21:01..111240". 10 1113 c7.:e of Ct. ot.i.p.;ov, Ito I tht dlsi , sou *WA arc olne * .ly ro• op !dr,' wbb Is, god no-curet allowed br uturmt.o.. be• • ute, vori ounutroce wd trot, n 0... MAO ..tek pr,ovilenin :Allot° 3010111 onto twin cA. , rs wrobtr, levee ba hat • tarn coomor• of MOTO% aim A trot; staa-wlitoo to .4.e; for outoutupti . o,llbat Sari to to kittel Out of tba;r ca 11.3•41, a td iu • fob 'crank" ti.u.tbi, rebus: p Do. th.:111 , .:12.X'3 PGLNO.i IO SI ncr. Tomt., ood st&Ntlit.txx PALLS &IV f.a.lenVt t rc oterod to oa7ios CouctuiptitAs. Val alre; tone eV•11, ao that any one can lake that! ~ e ct., . .; 8 a, but wbOv It Is ioonrenleut la 1,4101'U latr.i. 114 p.. o. (roe, but fin • thorn* tta ukta, 00 a al.. J E • p roautophis tea to titre) dottam - a 011 tiro Menden of dw tioctor--unt te.t onto of Cootomptlau. , ay.! the other sti l.e tao,V A, lu ;V:tioCl timalt--tra ea tto siamp. - ( 1 0Id 1,, as Itro....stes It • ,11 .4 ..Ccr5. Price &1.341 per boltl4 or thu tinlf dor,. 1. Lett.tra tur atir;ru /140144 ollrani t.r J.nuncd to Ur. nt `,t 1`:10.411,14 0.1444. NA* al, S. it,t, s; .r,741 Imr; - . or: Pe's, Barnett& Y S. 4.,.? 0 .1.; John P. ' , Ark, Chtmlntell, 1,1, 0; ) 4. 10. tor, eltx,s,;o4. III.; Collins prod, IL :.ESJ w. ea 14037g1a kur t -sT EN tan. REN ( al I, LIFL-HEALTII-srnEsutlf. The Great Freneti seaei7. Pit..l-AN n. , •LA NA tin B'7 CF.l.Elilt 1T ED ;-1.1.;i'1l , 1t• Prepnrcil from it prescr , talon or Lir. Joan Pola. }earn. ' 1 . 111, 1.1*,1t.13:1,.,1Lhe 11oHeltal ' d r u No, On I,:lri',..lslere of Poi "MN inv:7lloble rood letrn'to no Ito 11(.1t lon, bul kno f..)llitix to the cure 01 h1,1•111111t(Irtlillo t-enit lint N 1 ry sp. (10. or Uri nary Irritatalliy, invnitintnry or Niviilt3 14 Intind Emis,ions trot., wlinti•ver (.1111,e proditer,itorboiv. ever severe, ivtll be sp. e,1113* r.:levell Lout tbo oit. 19 gatis reNtor..l 11111 nt It on. 50 67, 13 90 11...10 to, following, opitiloi.t. of eminent Freriot• 00 p!iv,“ Lox.: 2 25 fiti •",*(c, have nerd the Sqweiflt: prepnruil by 2 1,9 0 2 Ciarun. 1. re Dupont, No. :31 !toe farm fill 0 .1i the pres.ll . pl , . , :t of hr. Drioni.ti rc Ili alit private prwitei. wlea MIPCPYS, I;1141 No be. _ 11,ve there In tin other toeill , lne unwell e.ileulied. 5". (::0 to cure nil ts, build Slifkr.o:g from In‘oloolary lUi 01 (.4 11:11'sl Etokons or ttn: o'.ll.vr iv,•ilk nes% of the St.Xmil 7 , e ) P 4 0 0 0 On.votg, wlict tier enttsof by secteittary mock it 2 IP) 60 2 living, excesm..B, or abose. 7 00 ts. t (7J! It. S. BrATTREPARIT., M. D. (1, D. 1/I'.lA ftnl7;. M. IL AL:AN LY. L7F.UCHILE, Mnv 111,W A RE t)I; COUNTETtrEITS. The go111:1110 I' l ll4 are sold , liv nil Ito' principal Dril ex h.t.lli,,,uabont the World, Prier Ours IttA 'tarper Box. or Six 110 X. R tor Five 10)! 505. U I:7I.ANI'I ULF. elt DUPON'r, holt. Proprietors, No. 211 Ittie Lonl l ,.tril, Obp Dollar t nelinll4l to any' authorised Agent, will Insure a box by rrturn wrur,l3 winded Crow ; NUS 11nx.) , 4 to ave.tiollars. Sulu General Agent, hir . CriCA fc (i. mos ES ‘t CO, ('on hind tit,. N. Y. N. B.—French, flecrnan. spann.ll and I..nitliah Pannal 11l e(1111.1; lug full p trt:eullias 1.11,1 Lions for o+r, 50111 rrVe 10 VS err A. 11, ilti,•lll,r, for Outt3hburig. Doe. Dr. 171nrihrilne Cninrrb finnan ° ThivS , uUl ha% Ulf ,rwighly prayed tiseli to he this bent art telt: kalovn tar euring the l'alarrlt. Cold In tile lint,'! and Ileadaelte. It lath lit VlllOlllO an exvollant reined)' In Imo* (1,1, of Sary Den!tpe(m it.. been rt rd I.y In, and lista (glen la en greatly Improved by IN use. It In Ir.:giant MO 11:411 elltle, Unit bi VEIS IMM P.:•• / , g.tT}: the atoll heavy p tins eitaHett by .Ithoa,va of Ibe bona. The aen , (tlona after Ruleort It are d. light ad sad In)ltorat.igt. It opetia neat pis rges oa t . 9 6 '4 rtgi lei n. the glands, and giver it healthy ten vol.( at:voted. .lare than Thirty' of ?I'd. 310" Dr. diesstn, Iboidnelte te•natl." loot proved Ite, great value ter an the t antinatrdlgeuses al Ilia lo (al, and at this tau pt rot stands 1 1 1 .:lit r thjin. v. r herare.., It Pt re. ornmen.led I,y ntauty, of the b•st. avid With greAt mot matiblio.- &km ev,•t• Te„ (toad the Cortlflrides nr W Druggist% In 1%11 he unikrsigniA, .11.. v yr.; .or loony yearo been :unwanted with " MarshfOrs Cpnlrrh and 11.5ii.1.1.•11.• an.l k , 1.1 in ..or woo Irsule, rho, nutty plat'', unit Wt.! ItelleVe Id ttr I.• ',mei In r %pry rospeet, to rho re,ontrovroNtloo4 given of It for the cur.' nr Cat..rrlt..l .t grt it :.r..1 that It is tleettletlly the heel hill , Ie WP lu,te ever known sir all etthltheril t homer, of the 1( Burr &110%tim • ttearl, A uktor A Co., !tog ton ; Isrown, • Lar..on 13,.t0r ; Mct W. ; Fairbank A ( . 0. 11(11 , 0011; & Co, Itooon ; it. ft. no,r, Portlorrl, 'tames Park, Now lurk: A. 1 4 . A 11. Maude, New York ; :•••t. ph. n Penl & New cult ; 14rit. I Minor & NeW Yi rk ; MeKeskon u f, Roht.tns, New ,York An 1., W. 11l A. I .1.. Yew York; M. Want, & New Sol & Nuw York. Lrk or ',.,1e by till Drugs' ta.— Try It. Dec. 1.. The Great Eng:Milt Iteml4/y. l'roteet.,l lel t.. 14 potent. Rflt JA ‘IKS ( LAM: K:4 1 'r.i.tnicArrn FENAI.I.I Prapurrai Iroln n tart *“ rirtion nr err d. 1 1 Irke, M. It.. l'hy*lei.,ft Extraordinary to tho queen. 74114 invalttaide nfodielne in finfniling to the cure of nil tulle p drool and dantteruol 'Hewn the rental, I . otl , tillltims Id 5ni..1111.. It ino.lerntes hod-remove).:dl obbtrue flow,. nod enr , rn.i) n.• :Tiled on. Til M'irri.l 'Ail. sit vetted. It will, In :ishort time, bring on the monthly perlocl wltit ty. not token by rt.lll.lL,s dorlstg the vf THILF.F. MoNTllcol l'reg. 113111 . y. it. , 4 they slur to I.ring on .."41:feurrlionx, Intl ut,fly otli..r tOOO airy lira- In all Nerv , :u4 and itpi nel A creetiono, rains in the Ihtek 1111 , 1 Liotloi. Fatigue do,p a•Kerli , all.l`.tipitatitali of the //rart, 11),t. rirs, tlw.te 1 , 1 1 .1 1 will etr.;et, n 1 urn 011 of ui-tn ; 1111.1 11t111.11:.01 11 powertul remedy, do not vontain Iron, eolohl• loottlinutty, or anything hurtful to the e on%titei (In. 1:1111 iireetioini in the p oophlet around ellen p:tel-age, which gh".thrim• pre.erved. ME=ME=MOI NOT frE.—lt 1.4 tho rate (4 every voln able :t1011.4.1.. to be onfot..relte.l. Ile yowl iiii therefore, and that the lett.. rs " A. M." two blown Natl.% soot tlt:tt each wrapper , hens the F tl . .. iNtrt.K .. ; of tho - .itotattir..% of I. I'. 11.% Llt.. WI N i iI, an.l ir,r" Wwitout Witten none ore ei , init no, N. 13.-4 no 1)4.11 tr, with I.J;4litira 4 , 1 , 111. (01' PCM. V.titt:T I Agent lOr 91e. VIII :.1111 1 /111.1:411 MI111110;1,4, :pm M. 141.. A. 27 Corti Ina Street, New York, will 4.1.... ire a it..; 1111,s by re turn snail. meearely sealed /ruin ....)wavallon. Doe. 13, iStZ. ly Woui%rift,' but True I 313 DAME 1.01:111:Vi l'oN, the wort I rynownlnt littrolts,:kt uthl Suitt ounthulkt is I lit Irvoyunt, while to II c l'.tote, dUiitt I. xOm Very f..stur..s of the 1+,4..41 you Ivo to marry, unit by the 401 0(110 I to, tru toeut of lit tettAt po woe, k ticiw n As the Pr.y, Ill.ntotrope, gnuettnteets "pirOttUve 14 p..rfoet tool lite-litte picture ot the future WW I / a wl or wife of the, upptiennt, with dote 0) oturrittge, lon, I,witog 4rl.ltit of elotrtwh.r, de. 'llll6 In no Itl/1044 1 / 1 011: 118 UsI*1111111711:i14 lli:/it II raillier cult att...•rt. Hy stutlag place of hi tll4l.rosl - eolor of evewuthi , hair. uthl etw10 .11 .1.1 nifty veitt4..w.lo4t .tole.l euvelooo whirr ;0.,,1 to your. w,ll rve:•!4,. hit,: 13,y retutit th,cl. togeth , r walickalred 111 - A•t t 1 ,44 In cot - 014(11 , e, AI toAltr. -- Ornlitt:n2l Its‘iiN(ll • ol . 4. P. O. itoxvn, Wust. Twy, Y. bepl. /1,44, 41111- To eonsouiptiveq.' TllO navertlner, biting ber.o r., t ored to health In n few v...A.k4 by a very of entOe remedy, utter liar log rtu.l,red tor rIeVVIrt yeurl With' u on , v,ro long toleptioo, athl that itrequlills , •am., t!....msonte tion—ls nntbar, to make itIIOWLI to 111.4 81.11rert•Ils the nt..urt, or rare. To all who It, I e will gentl a . rOpy of the prescription ti.e.l (trot , of charged with (fie ,lirro. Lions tor %.r..paring and %pang the saute, whielt they will fin I u 141:1t14 CUILH t'Olt HitoNelllllB, COUG/14, CoLOS, LIOI bit fliro it and Lung Alt et inns. ni only olipeet the solverilser lit sendiug tit, Prep. ription Is to, imfirtit the afil spread in iorz ii.‘t ion whirl% 10 collet.tV , h to IV Inv.iluAnle, and he hopes eVery sfiffer,r will try his remedy. .04 it will Wait tlit nothlux,..and nt.ty prove 'dossing. Wishing the prescriptiou FREY. Wrettinl mall, will please address Rae. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willimusburs, Kluge co., New lurk. Mar. 5, WS. ly r.veryyonng hut)* nnil gentltnitall In. the Unite , ' eau bent 1:km103111m vcry ;until to t r wt vantage by rt_ttaru Maki (free of eharg,,) an, hsing the 1111,1entigliett Those havnot to Of being Itninhugsnxl will obinp by not not 1I its card. All (dives will pleas u dress their Obettl ..erVullt, A,APMA.N, 'bli. ly 15 rout" riy,l‘. 1. == A'S ESSAY' WARNING AND INSTIirC TION- TO NOUNti 31}N. Abu', l'lstowes said Abuses winelt pro4trule' Powyrl4, utW 10111: tumaiti of relief. F 4141 tree or Clffirge, lu ownlvd rnveloins. Andrus'', Dr. J. SIOUAN IfttetiliTUN, frows.rd Ausoctt,tictl„ l'ltil:Welpßta. I'a. [Dec. X, IMO. toots rotative Notice. rililE School Ihmrd of Combo lend township request all persona inter- sted to meet at the house of Jostph Llitit, to list I VilDlit;ii L ( Utttysburg, to make ett•lement of tl , e Bounty fraud, and thus show to the top:idly the standing of the seine. Bath as are interested gild Mil to attend, may put np with the eon: artineneea. To meet on the SECOND VitURS. DAY TN JANUARY, the 10th, at It o'clock, A. )I.—and continue from day to der aftticd up. By order of the Beard, ' ABRAHAM bI'ANULLR, rtesi. - N. Ltatimsn, Bee*y. gerThe Township Aud tors two lb, re, orate& to be presenti Der. 0, Isid. td - A BPI EN 111 D ross•urro..ti of run 440 . 1 Li ter Uletbingjust receit rot at :°` • I - 1•1011* Gl4. Eli Mileange,,but True.