Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, December 10, 1866, Image 4
, . • • 111Fardwar,4 liiitorerleo. • reiurne , l from tpe wish an immense .ititinff/ftei UILOUISRIES, aside!' they gra 4 0,01.9 at their old stand in Ilalinnure4treet, st prices to suit the times. Our stank wasistat In pout of 1. BUILDING NtATERI4 LB, OA BET t v ':4 T00i#6.,. '' 4 'AL. CIC:I4II4I'S TQC I ILS, CO.IOII FINDIIiiq i (AO6 PINDiNOS CABINET` M MEWS TOOLS, IdOIizIEKSKIOtit'S FIX rurtEs, ALL KINDS cite IRON, kit CIROCHRIRS:OF 'ALL KINDS, OIL'S, PSI TS', &r., kr. There is ict nstiele incintied in 'Om mover if depUtnienta meat i.sed above hnt'What can te tattil at this Store.— /Ivory clasloT Meet lake can bonecinuntodated here with toolianti Sn.liasa, and floultekeepera can And every article in their line. Give as a call, as we ar,c prepared to sell u low fOr cash as any bufashut of the city. .• I • dolt[," IL DANNER, c.tvln ziguLEtt. filettyaburg, May 14, latt4." - Sch -ick • . _ ._ _ ___ Stal l Ahcasi: N RW SPIIINOIIOOOtii , ' iIf:DC‘IVON,I.V PRICES: 1 : . L. SCHICK - wield respectfully say to the &Useful of Ge,t, Vatting and vicinity, that be is,now receiving . tst his store e splendid stuck OF stmtNq GODS. The etnek consists in past f hick." an; rile DO' GOODS. of every eserit:tion. MKS, 110ZAMNIQC ~ till LLIES, DE i 4( LAINIIS, lONBAZI ES, LPACOAS, ' LAWNS, CAI.IOO s, of ail qualities and choicest sty es, which:will be suld at Pnioss TO DEI , V C MPETITION. FURNISIJING COtt 5 • Q • f• *lll6l'l3,llt,luding SIR; Lieen and! Cotton Ilan•lkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockini4, tae. Also, * splendid assortment of RIBBONS, I t ues end lildtritige, Umbrellas and Parasols.- • .1111 y murk of WRITS GOODS will be found full and. cotnplele, - and eitsrOmers may rely upon alwa s gettlag good goods at the lowest possi ble ricea. ,_ m . . oilen will Cad if . to their advantage tc 1411 and Gamin(' ray Atock . sd OLlifliS,N0)18S01210.:8 and VI STINGS, Al On gimlttio i s itn.l choicest styles. April Id, MK J. li. SCBICK. - --- - - • - -- -_-4: i - New Bitheryi proI.IMPORT' k ZIWILIIII, Mechanical Bak ers,Setith WASilkopti street, ha il square m the Eagle Hotel, CET riSLICILO, Pa.— Vqnstablly on hand, the best of BREAD, GRlCEitits, CAKES, vitE:rZEM, &c. Per sons Wishlng fresh' Bread will be ?erred eye;'' Pliipllnv, Icy leaving their names and re.ideneet Pt the Bakery. Every effort snide to plense (Jive us a call! [April 30,•'63. - tf _ liAntien4ier Bonk Bindery. EUIS.GE IS' lANT, j; h" I 2V-1) ER, LfD BLANK 1101,K MANUVACIVREM, • LAst,,A.sTEtt, PA. Plain and Ornament.a. Boding, of every 'de. nerlption ' ereentod in the most, sabstuatial and approved styles. MEE= E. W. Brown, Esq., Partners 4ank of Larrastor 1.. Pep . er,in.4c4;.ltr County Bank - sumuel Ksq., Columbia 11,tuk. jiltguel Wagner E,q., York Bank. William Wagner,Esq., York ()minty Rank. T. D.. (Inroon,:lis4., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., , Prutb'y of eaat er co., Pa (leo. E. Hawthorn, Esq., Register " " • Ono. Whitson, Esq., Recorder I I „Sprit, 13, 1861 _ . Male Cryllj. • 1 •A W. FLENIgING continues the husiaess • of SATA camu, nivt solicits the caa 'sued patronage of ilic p;11.110, It is his 23n-- gitaitt endeavor to give saii,i4ction. Charges Toodpraie. Rciidenee in Breekinridge street; pettygtoug. P. B.—He Is a license , ' Auctioneer, under the Tax Law of the 'United States. -,... Nor. 24, 1802. 1 Nonh iValker at Co., C LOTHIETI,S, W~Sif!N TORT EUILDING, 365 AND 187 BALT.IIIuUn SMOCK; BALTIMORE, 'seep conatantly on hand a large and well 53- porpels stock of all kinds of goods ut moderate prices. They simply orders for A° finest to the lowest priced articio, citltc4' relay ni . t , le or mode to %mance, to any part of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of GQOO.I, embracing every article of Illentlernen's Under-wear. Also, MILITARY lOLOTRS and every variety of Military Trim mings, as well as an assorted stock of MILADY skt)l MILITARY (Amps, • Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864. New Warehonme. . 000 0 ‘,",tv,•E,:,[-,i,,,na.".a.i,Nr, and Produce Flouee, street, Adjoin ing Sheadi & Buchltr's establishment. Tht igbest. tmbrket prig' wilt always be - paid it ''Fash for GRAIN, of all kinds, 1 , 1.0(7R, SEEII4, kc. 41vast oo 14nd and lor sale ? i t 1.4 e sitialdeal profits, 9UANOSI, GIUMIRIE3, kc., Wholesale and retail. TRY MI 'We shall do our best to give rtisfaction in all cases. NE-00120 , Y k. Oett,ysburg, Ilfay 11%18;3. ly Varriagel anti T ATE U Bre now building s 'variety of 0 0 A C IT W 0 R r K tof the late,t and most approved styles, and !constructed of the best In aerial, to which tiny invite the attention of buyers. Ilarina• Matt Our work with great care and of in.tterial selected with special telerence to beauty of style gad durability, we can confidently re potanien.l the work as unsurpassed by any, 'sitter 19 qr Out of the eitios. All we ask is an inspection of our work to convince those in want of Kai kind of vehicle, that this is the place to boy thew. itIIPAIRING in every braaelt dooe'at short poPcoood 9n reasonable tern.s., • (five us a call, at our Factory, near the corner of Wmtiington and (Thainuersburg streets, Gett burg. R. J. TATii. hlar. 19, Ma Fresk CoufitCtionery Ng At . , .pk; citE Ali 8.% LOON.—The subset i her resp..ctfnlty Liforrns-t . he citizens of e yabtp¢ and vicinity th tt, he has a Collier tionery_ listabli.thmen.f, one cast of the Single Hotel, 0 i Ch • ufrraber,4str,?ert, to which iite won't) ip•ite their 9.ttention. q*ee, Candies, nail every description cf Confections ' together with Nuts, Oranges, and all kiads offinits, always on hand. Parties, public an I prir Ile, as well !is tam- Mee, will be furnished with all kiggs et Cakes, ice Cream, (in pyramid if form or otherwise,) and ether Inrgeshn,44,ts at their houses, Upon ehtty# not(ee.' Haring spent n life-time at the bnlinesa, he II asters himself that be understand r it and that he is able to render entire tsttjalsietion. pasta see his Confectionery. %lay $l, isdri. tr JOJN 011111iL._ 'Reduced Flcioaa. P4wos, thin iii ET AND A 4 Ellie - Alf "OR CIANS. Saperia tuned 7 octare PIANOS ;row $550 upwards. ORGANS frorq ;IA upwards. All instrumeuis selected, re., fointassaded 414.101 d by ine,additioirelligusr=. gottd, Illustnad *calm! sent .by mail ) iirWi desired. B. BENTA, . No. 30 East Market Street, York, Fa. )(or. 13, 136 n. .gr--,--- - Tlie Far Fan e 4 kJ 6 X NIVR.II,SAL CLOTHR Tl' , S WiILYCH.I - : ~ ~ itesitles the great savinz of (Abor t !lie soli ps die yol and tear of clothing in a phisfaieut, utere tbun attic u nts 14 the price or Odd WriAllor• It is 4114nfre that tury, fatally plinifftsbo willing to do without it. For sale f irr it i rtifTQPX BROS., oarl. at C.B. IltiFil. [Web-IL . WM fame is the place !o Bet ail ki n di 4 1 :true0 144314 F 4 P , • - Planer! rianos! 13 I A SQS - !—Tits innderAgoe;l would respect . lo!ly lof)em the put lie that by euitTeruish ANUS of the following nrionNeturers, or those of other niaN,e, it de.ired, at %Ise lowest possihlelrfee3: t bIi'CIJNIG k SONS. n inik.u. tilft)s. . HAZLETON BIN. HA!E.S IMOS. GEO: A. ii, OA IthE•A CO. WEI WA Jr. SOMS tqr n lot nitenuoiti am given in o f m•- lpvtion of Pi.cnoi; curd when iiki -110,1 to theminufliclur, , ra' gun mote,,, tjre Pianos ur immtred by not. • • M tiUY k II %SIMI' BOJET 01:;.1NS ND vsi.orn.tici The recent 'improvement., in thes,;•,' in .rrn ments arc su tO fiat; wArmist s.tytnig they are FAR sunition to any other nrtko. Une of the best oidenees of their merit their Imprnvement4 nee imit,tel by other makers. The new style, four stop nr_ran, have a Sub:Bass and th•ts we Coaplet, rnsking it an instrurqeut especi.,Aly nd toed to Olsuich alp; :3411 1 .,,5tit puri, , ,;vs. ' DOSCRIPI'IVI3 CiL'.ol7f,AflS wild be sent by in oil to peio,n; treil;t;igr them. tlnnos tuned regularly. Pianos t tkeii in ex , change.PETER • No. 30 Eta, St., Furl., Va. June 13 ' 1345. ly • Great Eveitemelti , r . mAJORITY Br thcese whn rendl 4 7-ewspapers never give a h ay gl tnce I.t as btilSitte3s advertisement,awl if a , MAN eetunlly line the hest, the •prettlest and the cheer esl goods' in all ereattoa, art,i dl; sari ng them :tt . inTak-ilo ten parr;—t , io ht,..1 the tor their owti intere-t, iheretore we have it beat to simply eery bu,ly to call And examine our• stoeVnii,l prine3 bemre .2210's worth_ elsenhuie, Jur I Call uwJ will mak4 it to Van inteze.4 all tliu,e Alo •tre,not to their trne interest and who wish to save money, therefore to buy et erylliing IN,' the line of good nn 1 cheap clothing at my store, whev these has just, been reeiii%eil mosi in igyolieenritssortinent of F.tll and Wltl ter Goods, eouststing of Our, corm, Gress Coats, ItusineEs Costs, 'Pants' anil rests of all kindq, Overshirts laud. tiniliirsbi;ts; Stoekings, Suspenders, Cravats nod No ions, Clocks, 34;1eal InOroments, and many other things in my line, all of *dilela I am 3MlliW !It • vety low prievs. Call ,on F. R. PICKING, Ilrlti morn.street, near ,the pubfie Fifil ire, CETTYSCURCL • Ont. 29, 1803 i. Ileuellt to Fstrzuers! 11 (.1 - 10 1'1111.1.1;1:1: ,rupoc Ell:1':10.51'IIATE OF LIME For S tlu at 11 taufaefiirer's Uepnt s : 27 N. Front St., between l larket I'iIIIADEI,PIII.I. 14 Bow ley's Wharf, and 95 South St., Congress having'repealei the Internal Rev enue Ltw si* per cent., I beg lure to intim!' the Farmers that from this day We same per centaire will ho taken otT the retail pric- of NIOIIO SU PER. I'HUSPIIIrE OF SG.) W), lesa 6 per cent., in Odin; the retail price itti.v 40 per ton of 3,QoU and Ballim ro. Discouutto Dealers. MORtI Sole Proprietor und M.inufoctorer. Aug. 13, !Oat. Cheap fbr Care.' 2 , 7%lgw, sm., Git0,,,,,,,,E,„ LiQUOP.:I, &C. AF undersigned has returned to Getty:- bnrg, and opened a new Store, on Balti more street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly opposite tho Court-House, where he offers for silo, C.IRU , Pus C4FI, it litr,ze and choice assortment of fli ittWEß.lEs,—SugarS, Coffees, Tem, Molasses, S . ) ritps, Solt, .tc ; with Fish, ll.teon, Lard, and so' on. • Also, LIQUORS—Wines, Biatulins, Gins, Whiskies, Rm., an everything elsein The line. Alin, any pa mtity of Notions, to snit any and e l veryboily. . . CI LUNN & REILLY have erected two midi -131 tional Lime Kilns, on the Railroad, and are therefore better prepared thrn ever to sfuil.• ply the best of LIME, in large or small (in lllti tio.i. Farmers and others can hereafter look lor a more prompt filing of their or lers, and are invited to eNten.l and continue their fa vors to it firm which la making every effort to ftecommtelate them in the best manner possible. They will also continue to keep on hand, for Ea:), a good supply of the different kinds 4f April 23 7 11360. I CGAL, whielt they will sill at small profits. - Blaeltsuilthing. -- Coal and Lime delivered 4uywhrre in Get sloir. lIIIIR unillsgrs",glie tj I would' most respectfully May g I I, 18 , 16. tf ittfoiret the public di tt he continues 1.116 , " . . . , lILSOICSMINTING IIIIziINCS ' 1 carrlitge-iunkliv,; I3itsinew4. at, his shop, lately PoiLp U,Brsoin's, adjoiningt , 1111 E our being over, the undeedgneal have Troiel's paint shop, in Itpt Middle strect;) re-utnel the . Gettysburg, where he will at all times be pre- , CA lIIIIAGE-MAKING RUSINESS, pared to do Blacksmithing work to Cartla,c,res, at their old stand, in N•gt, Middle street, Bo reie4 WaamtH &c. That he knows how to, GETfliSlilllttl, do all jilts of the kind will not he Tiestiontal ' where they are ag tin in epared to put up work by Glow who Ii ire a knowledge of his lod,tg i ,„ Hie taunt ri , hi j „ .0 , 1e, , ul),tauti. ,, ,ml.l ~1 1,,,. experience at the businers. Come on with vine manner. A lot of new and seewid-hatt4 your work, 4 , 14 rem will be satisfied when you' CA RIZIAGES, BUGG I ES, &C., take it away—etna fur which be will reznire an hand, which they will disoosc of at the gash or Uouutay Produce. lowest prices; and all girders will be supplied ADAM IIOLTZWORTH as promptly and satisfactorily as possible. " .ftr REPAIRING done with dim l - /I 1 mica, sm.. at caeapest, rates. A large lad of new and old 11.a1:NES3 on hand for sale Thankful for the liberal patronage 'hereto fors enjoyed by them, they solicit and will en deavor to deserve a large share in the future. DANNER & ZIEGLER,. Recollect this iv the place to buy unEAP Poit c4qu., • CEO. F. ILIVIFLEISCII. Mar. 211, IF,GS F . ,1 (R ANI:LIN III4IJBE, r CuRAER or 11.)W triO FRANKLIN STREETS, This nous° iron a direct line between the Northern Central and galtimoto and Ohio ft airmail Depots: it has been refitted mail rout-• fort inly arranged fur the eonvenicace and the entertainment et guests. Nov. 20, 160. tf AOl. roaii. CIIANGE OF' CON VNLITIONS.—On and af ter Ntond.ty, I November zOth, 1863, Ns senger Tr.iins will leave and arrive itt Gettys burg, and mike eennectioils, as iollows: FlitSl"fltAl:s7 will leave Gettyaburg at 7.45 A. M., with 'passengers for York, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North and West, arriving at Hanover Junction with out change of car t , at 10.25 A. M., coadecting lth the Fast Line South on the Northern Con tra} Railway, *and arriving at Baltimore at 12.30 noon. Also connecting with Mail Train from Baltimore north, arr.% ing in Harrisburg at 1.40'P. M, Ariive at Gettysburg 1.10 P. M., with passengers from Harrisburg, York, Baltimore and Wit'', It ington. SF,COND TILAIN pill leave Gettysburg at ;.19; P. Y., arriving at Hanover Junction at 3.15. and connecting with mail train South. Arrive at _connecting at 5.30 P. R. Arrive tit Gettysburg at 6.1,) P. M., with passengers front Philadelphir., Harrisburg nut: the North anti West, and also.witb passengers from Baltimore and Waidtingt.ou the fast line north, a hick leaves BaltimOre at 12.10 noon. 'Passengers can leave Baltimore in the Mail Train'at 9 A. M., and arrive in Gettysburg of 1.10 P. V. Ur leave Baltimore in the fast line art 14.19 coon, and arolve in Gettysburg a' G. 15 P. Al. But one ettange of cars by the first train, either way, viz : at Hanover Junction. The fast line on the Northern Central will not stop at any local ststions, except York, Hano ver Junction and .earkton. Connections cer tain . R. MaCTIWY, Preet.l WII. E. CL'LP Nov. 27, lkiq. Cooking Stoves Op. every variety, inflectin g the "Noble Cook,' "Royal Cook," "Waverly," "Oro atrtental," "Oriental," 4c. Al3O, Tin-ware, Sheet-iron:lNT; Hollow-ware, and every va riety of lit' ellen Furniture—Jnolarling varie ty of I..tnterov. Mao, a new and much fori Moved Flour Sifter, for ante by C. H. nuesuri, - corner of Carlialesnd Railroad sta., Feb. Is, 1. Cy. Gettysburg, Pa. SURRaiOft quality of the best Laoifro . Zll . Omit HAUB'S ' with or withoo rasing- Inks, for Bile by a IlcultEakcy 4 NUN, ett GAINS-, Picking 11 , 4 rrecired 41s.i l ehr , JD' tiooda . . NON is the time to secure bar gains. Cal! not; Sea thenl. lr'N RAMC'S PL4NT AVON Bytflitp, or ow J tronratead Tunic, at Dr. 4- 40 11 . SEWS Drag %ore. °VERO° iTiii-Aos large assoeat. of etuy ses, slip AO opeoed qc --- • • FOUND DEAD H.LL'I'ISIuIU , Mn Everhart - II BArTtruow.:. Cabinet rurattuce. ripillt . 'sittrse:tfreret inform th::;t 'en;. tomes and the public gonnntlly, that ties hove now on Incr.!, and coutintte w wan. ultcture to ordrr, ' CALIINRT whirh, for strvip' ditrithiritY. liuiah and Pr cot?Pme with any in the county.— OW . fireAeitt stork r-on'leisis of Cpsji ydrirly of 1'11116i:1M urn:try kept in a first . 0/1. Fttriti t ate Ware Roam Fasitittn:ti lr, orn tau 1031 or plain Furniture in tit artrture,l in the tau,t s itgtaii titanswr, by most neel tvorkmeit, anti nt tho lux e , t emit price?. IINDSRTAKINO !biting a new attention will be wep of their ha-inefe , . Tti , v nrl preirtred to mole aa.l tarnish ecolitti 9 r and- degired and attend roner,ll:4 At the shArli•Pt nnti(O--:-And on Sott,h terms as cannot tail to 1 , 19./Se ' all. The .e10.;.1.erl reiern their 0 , 10(4 In the puhlie fi,r the liberil patroirige e4tett , leti to them iii the,ln.l hopetointliliihdrearivi! a ieorviiiit.tnee of palilie potria:zre. :11.1 Wait. Ittwm 1:10141;nz east of the Sun:4re, 11. FETE & RIO. Littlesitmn, Apri:l6, :$;6. tf Fleur: Feed: and Grocerleo! AT GB O N ITS 11 . 11. L. It yon tvollt to boy ,any of the atio:e i clei cheaper and hmte; than you can get them anywhere else, go _the Grocery Store of the uncle rsigne 1 no ,t.l t e Gel, in Baltimore street, where eltslem-rs cin al sr iya he accommoda ted, end where all are invited to cull and see for thPlotelv •s. The pobltc_wtli elways find a lull and eholce msortment of suo.vr;, COEF:.:ES, TEAS, SYII.I.7PS, MO LA-;4 SS, TO:1 %ECUS, C1(;.111S, SSV.: FS, FISU, IN, 1 CE.AO - efE.:.l., E,t;3 , 4•c. —A L 3 () GLASS-WARE, CM..H3lilatY-WARE. NO 'TONS T t.; , OIL LIIIPS, FISH OIL, AN;) 1 4 1,0111 t .11) Tr :ED, ALWXYS ON lIX \ b. W.INTED. —Flub r, Cori, Better, F!ggs, nn I P•ttitoe , ,, h r which the highest market price will be paid, either iu trade or cash. 11.!tertoln , 21tn condlt..t my buil m‘34 urn lair and lionor.Lble way, and to sell cheap, 1 iayite all to Eire me a call. OVt..RDEE-It. April 9, 1866. tf W. E. RIDDLE;. 11. S. Lt:]Ni.i. 100.091? Basin+. Grain Wanted. EW' HEM Al' THE 01,D WA ItEIIDU-iE. IN WM. 1 0 .. BIDDLE k. Co.4vould infirm the public that they have leased the Warehouse on Vic corner of Stratton street and the !t.til rotd, in Gettysburg, Ahern they will c trry on THF; GRAIN AND PitODUCE BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will always he paid for Wheat, Rye,' Corn, Oats, Clover and Tiinalliy Seeds, Fl.u.feel, Sumac, ILL) , /Ind Straw, Dried Fruit, Nals,Suap,ll.l.llli, Shoulders and Sides, • Potatoes, with evers thing rho in the country proiluve Git.0',21',11.1E3.—(111 bond, for sale, Coffnec, S tzars, Molasse3, St raps, TC:I3; Spices, Salt, Clite,e, Vinegar, . Soda, 31 ustard, Starch, Broom t, li•tehrts. Wanking, Soap;. &c. Also Ctilt, Vi-di atd, Tar, fre. all kind t ; Spike.; and Nails; Smoking anl Chca•- ing Tub wells. They are tilwaytt able to supply a first rate ankle of Ihunr, t;•ith the dillerent kinds of Feud. Also, Ground Ph Ater, tt ith Guanos and other fpritlizt :2. COAL, by the bushel, tou ur c.i r load. • They will riin a LINE OF FREW IIT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore nice every week. They are prepared to aonvey Freight either way, iu tiny quantity, at REDUCED RATES. They will attend, if de4ri to the making of purchases in the city, end delivering the goo is romp:ly in Gettysbnre. Their e•tra run to the Warehouse of Nathan Roop CO, No.•1!x NJrth !Toward st., near Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will he received et any time. They invite the attention of the public to their line, assoring them th it they :11 spare no eff irt to accommodate all who may patronize them. BIDDLE Sc BENNER April 16, 1968• if Lime & Coal. July 10, 1805. tt Removal OF BOTH OUR SHOPS TO CHAMBER'S BURG STHEEF. OPIN TO-DIY, MAY 17, 186:1 We take special pleasure in annimnting to our friends and etHtomrrs that we h tve this day opened our ICE CREAM SALOONS, at our new stand in ChAmbershurg street, near].) opposite the tather.tu Church. We have had the apartments fitted up in the best style.— Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call. We will also furnish lee Cream in auy quan tity to public or private parties, at prices un precedented. We will also have constantly on hand Fresh Cakes, which we will furnish to ail,partine•and picnics nt the shortest notice. MiiAD AND MINERAL WATER can al W.ISB icy and cool and atoll honrs I.l.trintr tied a life-lont , , experience in the mlnufacture of all the foregoing artic:es we ask the p tfronage of the Mina- 3:N1011 111 Y. May 21, IV). tf JIINNIGII & DltO. Notice. APPLICATIDN will be made at the nest regular cession .of the Logis!attire of Penasylvanht for the I ricorlionition of a S iv- Wag' Institution, to be located in the Borough of Littlestown. Adams county, Penn's-., under the name and style of "TILE LI r rI.fiSTOWN SAVINGS' INSTITUTION,' the intention of which shall be to loan out money end receive deposits thereof; and do such things as are usually done by similar Institutions: the cap ital thereof not to exce-d One Hundred Thous and Doldrra, to be divided introAshares of Fifty Dollars each. July 3, ISO. Om Town Property AT PRIVATh' SA GE.—Sever.ti ITOITIES can be poi ch.tee,} at Private Sale by call ing on F.ItINESNOK BROTIIe:RS. Dec. 15. IOR /PRY Dr. IL llfvfL.Nlift'S Tome and Altna tire Powders, fur DOUSES end CAtTLii, Pfeloarod audaul4 only at hit Drug :tore. danuorv . 2s 18G4. Excelsior Gallery. - NONE but GO Pictures allowed to go 131 out—and at Yen/ 141 W PEIGE.9. Como cooed Como all GettrAurg, Oct. 29 : ISGS. For Sale. MIMES choice FA RAS, as follows: 231, L 1.13 and 124 acres each, all three near toe Boroingh A?f Get trabn rg ; choice I tads and good buildings. Terms scoommodating. GEORGE ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Sept'3, tf MISHLBR'S HBILB ITITTBILS for elle g; _Borger's Thug and Variety.4pmg! Singeer4 Ce!e:Egateal. 1 .. r INF very 1)4.4 ani I ItVBt I:llprOrr..l Machine 111 n it., fora tie at tlit , i'f.,o flu , ;(1 sTuft2 o JAcorm ,t; Twit., in clieleliersourir street, G‘qtyzburz, ulie're coy I, to Luc :be 14-at and i heal,egt qoili 4, ( ,saaeres nnd Ve.,tingl, and e: e„-) variety or g .iii I. in l'iie Finn of mr:s ANL, ito fs kv EA, ff.. iv. cat wit /and 11211.1t!qp II; theVicry be at3le if you a I li , nt modejale 1 , -1 , e4, an I Without any :izk GEO. JACOBS St Bozo. Augudt 20, 1.4,V; A (131ifer) 21Lerasile, EArE . :TFULLY Dedie lied to tile Prnpri• etur of the tlir . c.rt Zitig.tri, by a Lite Dys peptic. raw away front tlao lovrarlaii.t of EgrPt he ennin, 'toggling tIL,• sit*, owl Iwo I oatlt, Limo; A rum, for thr r•hol•ra, flint Ir, adlul •lisenew ; }leaven sent it i in on eurta the I ly.TH•pt le to ellsP. There are M 0.., wllo were troubled with ferer and E'en I bey took bat one bottle ant wer.• cure] of thetr,lll , . Tl4,olved that In future. It over they slinke, S11.•!1 14,041111. (4,tt. r they ;;Llce. I t..t•tt I,4ltile it trttblo4 wit:t ; It.tittur ..tym It %:11 cur.., Just pt ability, 1i,..0pt0 1,1 ilte.l hen, to vout.g awl to ot•It t•L . :t Ir o n COULVIS :0 it rolls. Try It 111,•vti trottl,l,.l wtt.ii e w•• tk tippotito is given I v th,,ollittero, it only use 1 right 141 , 4 , rottlia,t• ti iv, Or 411.1.relve.t, N.,40 who vv ...illy more fanr. 011,, tinn, for Hell nod for pixir; A 11:1 , 1 Ptl . loll.lr1 . 12i , 1 More— .r thos” n l,leto h ayi, In 11;) :e sp•lcm will turn th. 411 F. RAIL littEAT WIIIT TIVI ZING %RI Itl I . THR3 thy*" Dom IC.• public!' rlie tuliowing fur the b.:uefit ut the evvrrwliere •'I suffered to r a lonfr lime of Dyspepsia, Tleait D.settie, and freqoent attacks of Livor Complaint. Often the sufrerintfe wi•ro co th*t life wftslimott intolerable. I tried several em neut end utost of the popular remedies reennylvii.le.l for such com plaints, but found relief until n few week; ,ty.o I commeueel 00 11 - 0 of F. R.thier's Grett Zingarlititters, end am now per feed . ). cured." If trri,burg pity, Pa., St•ilt...B, I•4d ; Per:pi .113- •:ppeare.l the ahere narnel henry Il ill, :Led t)ith in due Lria that the facts are true as a',uve Ft3teil. A. C. 51111 :1, Notary 1 1 .1blie. gkly...For Fate by G. F. Kalbflei . sch uu3 W J. GA! v.burg. • Nov. 12, 1S J. nemoTail: TILL' lir:TTY'S:Ili fill SKYLIGHT GALLERY. nridersizned takes plea.are in annonn dna. to the violzmo, of Geaysi.urni ;ilia the public gnierallV that he ha• removed from his old rumni on West \I dii -tree', to It dtintore street, and nearly opposite the store at F.oi n . o ;•,.0k Drillers. The r.onn lie now occupies has 'Jima ree-ntly d lip expressly for his lot:does:. Tho loettion is an admicalde one, enahlint: hint to t the pictures in all shades, of weather, and with a correctness unequalled one where else. LIFH-LIKE PILL/TOL/RA PIIS, Of overy• Siie 1:114/ eXeCilte.l in till) kinoAt 4tyle. Partietilm atitttion given to tho GA R ne, vr,strF, nu I to cupying AM T PES and LUG UEIZRLCOTYPES ut (let:Quit:4 friends. - THE GETTYSIII - 11G GEMS, new style of picture, which has beeome very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for rhea ['nese and convon :xIEEN for ONE DOLL llt only. lso— THE PoREELAIS which for their be ovy and durahilly- arc ancurpacced. We are prepared to carry on the bucineas in all v triune branches, and h tcit, had con slacy ibis experience we run nn rick in. /.IN l'E Pf; SAT PAC- WM Our fteilibes for display of our skill nre unequalled by ;toy other Gallery in the County, and we would theretnre in% tie every one to roll nt the =ff=tlllll2ll==llZllll Cal: and exandue ANC Spoviniens and judge for yours , dres. LEVI MInIPER. June 23, IStf6. $ 1 50() Per Year! SCI;; want Agents ever.% where to sell otr IMPROVED $2O Sewing Three new kinds.. Under and uppet seta nit trial. Warr Intel five tear , .. Above salary or large rominit,sions pai I. The ON:S machines sold in the Uill'Pd States for 1,,s lit to Sp, whieli are flap beensa by 11 , re, liarrirr t. G tk^r, Smarr and tenet /et. Alf other che ip 'chines are infringetuent4, and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine anti impridaorient. Iliustrate.l cir ca! trs s, nt fres. A.I Ire , e, or call upon Shaw it: CI irk, at Ilid.lefor I, Maine, or Chicago, 111. May 21, 18.01. isly Kerb4PM. at Ga 4 Stoves, T EA. ANO COFFEE BOILEUS, GLUE PUTS, OIL CANS, &e. Skr" All the Cooking tAr a f fOtr•ily nl to be with K Ittrtsene Oil, or (las, atilt ICSSnia StirtrOUblf., •l,ld at less expeti.,e,* - -ka me -than by any other fuel. "-Wit Each .Irticlo mto ifacturedbythi s Company is vaaritatted to perfiirm all that is claimed for it. trir3nd for eircubtr.^ - 3% I,6cecil D're.dint. 1.) the tr.!: 6.08.011.: 111.: tile.q. 2111 f'; ,, tr/ Slrcct, .V. July 16, 1866. $lO Sale Crying A ARON ClllloNtsl'lia, ul iiampon, Ad frld county, will attend to the CM IStl Or S ALMS in the most satisfactory manner, and on re Isans.ble tei ins. lie asks a elvire of pablie patcona,4e, and is convinced th..t he will be able to please all who arty eutplay Hampton, Sept. 17. 2nl* Lawrence D. Dietz at Ca. WW:IOLESALE Y DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS, NUTIONR, 1111S1ERY and VARIETIES, :'IOS West B ilthnore Street, Between Howard Liberty Streets, May 7, lade,. Biltimore, Coal and Linnher, O F ever y e4rielli the Yard of 0. If. UF . Feb.lo. Cor. Carlisle and ate New Lumber Yard. TUE nods rsigned has opened a LUMBER YARD, on the Realro td, near Guinn £ Reillv's Line Kilns, Gettysburg, and asks the public to give him a ran. nix assortment is non Otto hest ever olf..tred here, and his pri ces afford ugly thwarrollest living profit. Ile has Winn PINE PLANK, inch and h•lf inch BOARDS, FLGORING, PALINGS, *c., *a., and constantly adding to his stack. Come and examine for yourselves. _ _ Oct. 29, 1856. tf Bark Wanted. Tsub4criher p Fl VE DOLTIAES t . per CORD (Jr BLACK BAlLlC,`4e livefed at his Tannery, in Listiyabiarg. • J 01.14 tfUPP. June le, 1866. U. S. S9NI)I. TBB First Nationnl Bank of ClPtlyshurg will cash sin and )0.40 U. 4. Bois& also 7.3 Q and Compound lutPre3t Notes. • QIIORCIF..4IINOLL), Cashier. Oct. s, 1888. 0' " j§(MAU lifißßD ItAlt3.—A (resh supply just received. A nritne 'article and for sale eap by §TL4061101753114 wisorzgy. • Nr TrA iw .I r ; 1 lt.LS' za t CO 711 N Y *B, 1 dbl. Presi.lent-c-Reorgre Swope. • Vice President —Samuel R. RosselL liecret-sq—p. A. Buehler. T rests is re r —N. O. Fah es teck. ExectitiveCommittOe—Rotsert licenrtiy An. drew Hem' xelinao, J scot. King. Itisxlo32:l —“eUrge Swope, D. A. rtnentor, It. arce.rdv. li. Eichetytrzst, B. j,. 4 11,, Ae1i, Faltnestuelc, A D. Buehler, IL O. McCreary, Geisyshurg; J•senti King, Strahnn township; A. iicitetzehottu, Featils;in; Win. D. New Oxl..rd; Win. 11. 11. A. Pickbig, St,Tahl.n township; John Wol: foid, Ledo . ..pi:if township; John Ptekine., Fast llerliti ; Ab..j T. Wri" lieuderavolle F. Gift , New Oxtio..l; Jas. 11. Marshall, axt.f.c. iltuntosa township; John Cunningham, Free dom township; John not-tier, Mottntjoy town : ship; Wru. Ross W.,ite, Liberty t.c.asliip. iltiarThis Cowan) , is lit4ted in its opera tions to the cokr,s,Lty bf Ad tuts. It has been in operation for to ire t i t to 1.5 years, :Ind in that verbs,' Itai mode La e one assessment, hexing paid !wises by fire diteing that petit) I amount ing to $13,'118—56,7t3 of which lint e heels paid ditrinz the I tst two years. Any person desiring an 'lndira:ice can apply to soy of the above 11.1 0 11nd Mts natters for further infer:limbo.. R•r•Tire Executive Committee meets at the office t,f tho Company,. en thn I is: Ws:dues ' day in every rti,nith, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Oct. IC, 1805. tt THE would inform his customers and otl,ers, he is still ei.tnertettyring varimi§ n: C , stings and Machines, wade to order, on short noti,c, such as TfittESilli4 3 ASIJ POW/ n:3, Ore dilderer,t Or POWer-.) no. er-seed Ilif3crs C.. 111 Stlelleri and Sep. arittors, tioraloilder Carters. StrAw and Hay Getters ; PI. O ld G II S , such is Gist Ploitzlis.d3lrhear ['loughs, Side hill nod Corn It ; the 11.11iT" the late•t imordveittent ; Screws for Cider Presses, IRON RAILING for Cemeteries yr Pdrc‘ies, with everything 01.31 in his line, nil low prices. FOR, S k light Two-horse Wagon, q, One-horse Wagon, and Sio tniw. • DAVID sTERN ELL April 34, tf AT TILE STAND. [v.r‘n..t3linn I. 1917 ] I have msociated with me, in bu,in•-s, tee son, John P. Icoreary, under the firm and :style o I). M, rreary :111.1 I dosiro to s tv to m► ol I friend; itita the pnblie generally the' since the war, the Inann!.,..tur..,,r IJ.trnesa, Collars, Ace., Lou been revive.l at the old establislied'and well linuen stand on Bal timore street, one son Ire south 01 the Ilona Lio.l3e, Gett)sbu'rg, Pa. Haying' had an experience of 10 years in this estsblishruent, I feel assured, th ti, with renewed attention to business, we e ‘ii still further merit nod receive 3 NH sit iv of lie patrcuage. DAVID With increased favilities for coadii. tiag our business, we are better lit...rued rh.t e%er to s ttisly the wants of all those who in iy need utiy:liing in our !inf. We especi.illy call Val attention of Plriners and others to the superior quality of our Plain or Quilted Seat'Side Leathers, flora S.uldles,t dlaines, all kind.., with Plain or Quilted Seat; or witilulit no horn, PI in'or gailtoa Seat scotch Uollars(leather) SadAlcs, 1 t‘ " (ticking) Plain op Fancy Saddle.No Seam , , Cloths, ,11e4t \W!fatil.trlit..3 Cul. WA:zoo S.tildles, , Zara, !tiding Ilridles, of allyatent L i catlier Colhu-e, kinds, furor black, stitehr lorunstitched rounded or fidt, 11-et lidtrting:ll.4, ; Whip,, 4,4 i and 5 Carriage Harness, allj feet 1 ing, styles, silver or bl iel,,Plaited Team Whips, mounted, • 'Trotting Whips, lie ivy Draft Harness, L,adies' Riding Twigs, Blind Bridles, 11Vilip Lashes, Girths, Horse Blankets, I Croppers, &c., he.; &o. In short, everything th it pertains to a fir-t class general hoise furnishing c3tablishineut constantly on hand or ma•le to order promptly, or the very end by the most ex perienced workmen in the country, (two hal - ing worked in this estabii,dment tur the lost thirty years.) IVe are now nielndfacturing an exceilcut lot of Lie‘ry Dralt and Harness Collars for those who prefer our own to city made work. R notice and of all kin's dune at short notice and on re isonable Allure eurdialliiuckted to call rind rxaminc for tlionseltes, as our work eauitut to recouuneud itself. Feb. 5 18G6. tt 1 AT PRINKF,IIIIOVV's rtitE.i ft CLOTHING ANDFU RN ISII ING STORE, ;it the North I East. Corner of the Diamond. The stalptcriber is constantly in receipt of fresh goods from the Eastern cities. His stock of rREADY-M.DE CLOTHING is one-of the largest and most attractive, 3s well as the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country. You will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the n,ust fashionable styles. and of the best materials, . tal all sizes and price for men and boys.-- Gentlemen's tnrnishins goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory 'Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery of every description Bock-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand -1 kerehiets,Neck Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper ; Collars, Hats, (hips, Boots and Shoes. Din ' brellis ' Trunks, Villiers, Carpet Bags, Clot Ires . ' and Shoe Brusliel. H air and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Blacking. Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivoty Combs, Watdlies, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin' Stern's, Soaps and Perfumeries, Stationery of all hints, i Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tohne- CO", Pipesoin extra quality of Segtars. In tact, his stuck outbritoes everything usual!) found in a lirst clatis furnishing store. I in ci.c the attention of all to Atonic and see for themselves, ' as I am determined to sell goods lower than any other establishment in the country. Don't forget the place. Corner of Turk street and I ,the Diamond. JACOB BRlNltKallOtt F. If July 4, Idji. lIATS, CAL', BOOTS & SHOES. COIW.A:+I & CO. havujost received and opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAI'S, BOOTS and SIT )1.:3, for Susumot wear, which they are [telling at very low prices romidering the Cones. The latest styles of Summer hits and Caps, of every descriptim an l price. II : Boots :and Shoes, of superior make, and; warran'ed to fit, alwa:s on hand, Work made to order and repairing done•un short no tice, by experienced Avorkmen. - HARNESS MAKIN.O, arried on in all its branches. l'ersc.n: want ing an , thinLf in this line would do w,ril to call. sir that ihrget the old stand in ebnint,ers burg street, il!yun %rim, linrgaino. COBEAN 4 CIt,UVFORD. Jane 19, 199„ _ _ TIIS N.IYI Till 3 W.lll under is engaged in the Uarri tge-miking b [einem, nt, the corner of Charubershurg and IVest strecti, Gettysburg, and invites all who iii4y nee I anything in his line to give him a Ile puts up, in the re - y hest manner, r.illing-top and other BMW El, and all fife dilfcreat styles of cAu.atuibil• With n tell knowledge of the buriuess, atul a determina tion to give sttishelion, the public out rely upon his jubi being good. Ile Will endeavor to deserve a larg6 sli.ora of patrquage, ni.l4 • , hopes' to receive it. ' done nt the shorte4t notice, and on ui nit reason.ible arms. zetrt)oun.try iiroduce will be taken itt ekeliange for work. QUAIL •113 N. tilidlEaT.' Gettysburg, June 4, IStitl. cr grace's' Celebrated //sill( ptirge_Ca's, Burns, Sea ) Grace's Celebrated Salve " cures Weuutli, Bniises, Sprains, Grace's Celebrated Salve cures U. Meers, Oat:leers. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures SAIL ILlleum, Erysipelas. Grace's Celebrated li,3lye curer Obappeelystpdf,plidblains Grace's Celebrated SqlVs • * beafs Oletiorel, flesh Wonode, lie. It is prompt in action, removes pain at once, and i nduces the most amrry-looking swellings and tr.tiararnetions, as if by migic—tlkne at. fording and a complete cure, Onir rents a box t (Seat by'mail for 3 cents.) - GRAIN AND GROOERIES.—The bjzhestl For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey street, market price paid for Grain intkall kinds; New York, d. W. FOWLS Jr, SON, Proprietor/,- of Produce. Groceries, Fertilizers, ke., rod Roston, end by all Druggists, grecers, and scantly on bald for sale et the Ware!, 11131. of Country gore.. Aog. 13;1 , 44;g. gui l e 4 EAIIN3II.I.IY. I Joky ig, ISUG. ly ' • " -• .1.1008 STEADS Adams Caitn ty OrOtcmua Gettysburg ronni7,ry. NEW FIR 11, D. VeeItEARY t SON Great Attraction Fresh Artival. Eagles and Carrlaggs. 13111 PENIIITIAN STROP , 1.1 ♦ NI nwner) 8041.111 fr 01 TUB Protoside. of Iron, a new ilinovery in motheinc which STIIIOI3 AT TIIF Imo(' 0? DISF,VIE, by rippiyinz the Wool with it% VITAL PUINOIPLE, OH MY ichetir:rr-11110. Thiis is the secret of the w success of., this rentedniu cut in; DraPEPSIA, LIVEI COUPLAINT. DROP SY, U.1111.11i). 11. 1 11J6, .servoua C nlia nod Fe- Vera, If oto.)rA, LoAi of Constitu tiooll Yjyur, Disease of the fi.idneye and Illaddee, Fern vie ComOrtintg, I I and all 411.0.4.C3 or;4l4.itinir in A LW) i T.ITF OF THE li.Uoft or neprapanied l y ornicrry, or a bow sTAIP of 7/IK Ie.;t4TEM Doing free from Alcohol in any form, its enerziiing etfact3 , ‘r.• not f4ilowal by corros .6o2l.linic rent-tivn, tin t etre perminent, btiength, rigor and new life into nil intrt4 of the scetem, nu illoN tioN• STITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AN!) DEBILITY. From /he Venerable Aeehdeaeon &oft, Dunn in, Canada Eikt, 51orcla 24, 1e65. * * "T am en inlyeterate Dyspeptic of lento Oars 25 yn ins' stolidly." *** "I h ive been •so wonderfully henefitted in the t hr. ti! short week 3 have used the Perari in Syrup, Out I can scarcely pencil ode myself of the reality. People who halve knowa toe are itstonished at the change. I ate walely known, stud can lift recommend to others that which has dune so much for me." • tine of -the most DISTINGITISTIED JU RISTS io New England writes to It friend as follows : have tried the PERTIVTAN SYRUP, end the result fully sustains your prediction. It 11.13 it Nov ; iliftl3Cd into my system new vi.2or anil energy; I on no longer tremelons and ileitilitate.l, es when yon last stow 'tie, but stronger, heartier, nod with ger capacity for labor, ;mental tin 1 physical, Mtn at ant• time Ihirinz the last fire years." .Au MiI:NEST DIVINE of Roston, gain: "I have been inningthe PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past ; it gives me new %igor, heoy :they of spirits, el t , .tieity of museie." 'tterTITOLTSAND3 h tve been changed by the use of Lids rcm.•dy ; from weak, stcitly, suffering :reatitres, to strong, healthy, and happy men and wo•oen ; and invalids can not reasoit.thly ho it to t. give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 p tze., containing; cvrtiri cotes ()retires nn•l recommendation. from some of the must e•ni•tcnt 01v:stet:ins, clerto men, and others, will be ,eat vitas to any address. ktl'iee iltv etch bottle It.ts Pdflt.l.;VlAN SYRUP blown. in the FOR 81L. J. P. Ditritnore, Prolirletori )L Dey Slreo, New York, AND nY ALL Ulie SCR3FUL.t. All Nlti.lieal Von a4ree thlt 10'11' is tlifi It for Sero:ul.illti kindeetl dlal'.td C 9 ever iliieove , v I. Tile dIT •+illy Inks been to obtain a Penn Sou; nos oi it. I) It. 11. A N it 1.; lODINE WATER, Is a. Pure Solutiou or lodine, ‘VITIWUT A SOI.VHNTI! k most Powerful Vital.tinkAgent and 11,sto- GEDM It trita, cure 801"MR11 4 1 in all its m anifold LIME ULCER-, CANCER;, SALT ItiMUM ; and it has heon user avonishialz success in cases ut Rheumatism. Dispeaa t, t•nnsump tion, Female Complaints, Ile krt., Liter and Kldner DLeases, Circulars will he sent VIZSE to any addrets. Price sl.oe a bottle, or I; lor Prq.p.tred by Dr. 11. ANDEItS, Pliy.k.ian and FO:t 841.0 BY J. P. Dlsoiroore, Si rort. New York, =1 WISTAR'S BILS.III WILD C II E R R Y lIAS OF.BY MD tIILY HALF A CENTURY, WITH>AT ASTONItIIIVG SUCC6:44 c17111%1 Chil;ela, C 01.14, lltt traeness, Sore Tlint fn llaeitht, Whooping .1 ,7011411, Croup, Liver Complaint, Brow hitia, Binh:4lly of Breathing, A tllma , Rua cvcay " affection of Tit% TFIROAT, LUNGS, AN . D C11:::;11. CO . NA' UM P TIO N, which carries oft' wore %,cutus than o ily other disease,ana' which buf`.l 8 the slolhof the pity siei ins to a greater extent than 'say utuer malady, often LD3 TO THIS REM . EDY I when all others prove ineffectual. A S A 11 EDICI 5 E rapid in relief; soothing in iffuct, safe in its oporation, I;6rIT IS UJSULPASSED!"pp whiffs as a prep.iration, free front noxious in gredients, poisons or in : uniting !ilia seici.ce nu•l medical knowle•t,;e ; nil that id Y.tJn thief in the re:ft:tilde kingdom' for this clnss of disease, it is IN 0 At 1' AR.A fl LF.I and is entitled to, merits and r eee tt et; the gen.' confidence of the public. Sit:nit/UR THATCIIER, N. D., of N. Y., writes as lullows:• "WIOTAIeII BALSAM OF WWI Cant= given universal satishiction. It seems to cure a Cough by loo.cuing ni d cleansing the luu t s, and all .yiwg irrhalion, tons tax"/,an TON CAUSF, instead or drying un the cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Bal sam as good as any, it nut the host, Cough medicine - with which I am ,cgnainte•l." The Rev. JACOB SgUlthEll, of Il,tnoce•, PO., well known and much revected among the Germ tu poisitlation of this colon ry, makes the following statement fur the benefit of the afflirted-: Dear ',Sirs :—Tlaving renllzed in my family important benefits from the use of your valua ble priparation—WlSfAtt'S 11.i1.9.14 OF WILD affords me pleasurr to recommend it tO the public. Some eight years ago one of my dun:rulers seemed to he in a decline, and little hopes of her rsuovery were eittertaiur.l. I then procured a bottle of your escellent Balsam, and before she bad taken the whole of the eyntents of the bottle there nits it great intyroreinetrt in her I have & in my individual care, made frequent use of your vain-able n.etlicine, and haye al ways been benefitted by it. JACOB BECHLEB. Price one &Mai a bottle. F.,a BALE HT J. P. Dltmunre, 38 )ey Street, New York. Meth W. Fewle AN Now. rrqprietons, Bostosi AND BY .41. 1141.3b31aTz4 . Grocery et 1.14n0r A viRsT-itAn ASSURTIIIINf lof CEILIKS, (kelp. riStfordillOpitil9.l6 lArg , :.,lot of , • • PUTOIIAC nt pri •P. Tim best aid 1 kr.cot mrsort mem o! L1(11;011:1 ever kr.t in liti4 I; KM. WINE, Di:ANUY, 0:V Wit ISKSYAGi for naf-liciudl im(l whop' wirposea, in quana• titles }Ante 0” loct!1. auziiLeirs CL LF:utivrt.:l) Ffiltin dart .3. J. M DAltituore It., Uuttyabutg;! M iy 28, 1809 Grocer:es! Groceries! ri 111 E Bliz r 1N; TOWN WNIE AN'D SEE T!IFM! TRICK:101:SM: S ‘II3OT4I(eIY burn: mol ded a I iig • And aplen lid stock ol OREStitfillfg to their business, and invite - the public to call and sec fur thetusek el. They offer tlio.beat ol even thiv. at th , loAe.t COFFEES, Sal ‘rt3, SY.R.PS, SIOLASSE`t, SALT, FIS:I, Spiro+, 'fens, Cheese, Storils, Soaps, Goodies, lt6o2kin4, Nitorli , :s, Tube, buckets, Il ounls, lied Cords . ; %%ill, ConlefS iionary, Oruokus, Nuts, Toli.levos, &wors— t:l;d a vor.ety eatisety.. too lore ti be ennans rdied. "Coma one, eoniu all." • Gettyshor,:, June 18, psu. tf Sitddllaq. riviE niblersigocil has commenced the SAD. tiLE ,‘ll.l 11A 115E33-M .\Klty business, nu theiv, , iro street, In the LOON; furuorly occupied liy I), Sweeney ns a (Asir m tk, is shop, up-stairs, where ho oaks illsus# unalting itu thing iu his line to call. Work ,lone in the best ,n•i,, err, nod molierme. II \RNF;S:i.111 , 11'.111,1:1) nt sl.ort tunic°, of new Saddles and 'rums on 1944. I. M. .1101 V, Gettysburg,^june 2% Md. 3m FOUTZ'S Horse Powfirs. till. animal, such Y E L 0 IV WA TER, REAVES, COUGH'S, PIS- T EMP ER, FE VERS, FOUNDER .LOSS OF APP E. TIRE AND VITAL ENERGY, &c. Its use improves the wind, Increases the appetite-gives smooth and glossy ' skin—and transforms th c miserable Skeleton Wens To keeper , of'Come Obi prep, ation is Inva • Immo, er Ike quality of the milk. It bill hen prai en by ac• tunl experiment to 'ln all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Moon is the Lungs, Liver, ~ ~.,- 1 , " 7 " - • , .-, . 0 40 &c., this article . P -'41.77 - .N, 1.. _„,. sets as a "Keine. , * :;;,,:•-:- y,.,.. ;' I; Ily putting from 4 , .. : ; , -.F.,,,,x.,, , u.', i., .., :, 1 - one-half a IxtPer 41 4' -, ," 4 4 ~,,, ''' l 3 - :•n•.r.' - to a paper in a 2.. , _ .....„____ - birrel or swill the . .„.;,---*-'-- :it v-. 794.. above diszases 4. '''''' -- - o;- - sill be eradicated '" , v--, - ..; - • Or entirely prevented It riven In time, • etaisitt preventive and cure for the Jlog Cholora. ?rico 25 Ceit.s per Paper, or 5 Papers for' in. per LY S. A. F'Ol3"l7Z 8:, lino., AT TTIIIII. WIIOLFAILE DUD AND MEDICINE DEPOT. o. 116 Franklin Eit,,Baltimare, Md. For Salo by Druggonta and Stun:lLl:l:vas through, Vitt tLo tinittol titotoO, Fur sale by A. D. tiapieler, Gettysburg i Laughlin k Id, Whla.luig, Vit ; C. C, Bender k Ca., l'it,sbarg; Julinsun, llnllowuy rowden, Phibt,lol , lli.t. • Dec. IF, 1865. ly PROTOGRIPIIIT. E. A: 11. T. AN rtioxy Co., M orA of l'hot)zrt i nisterialf, Wnol. 591 TIC/AI/WAY, NEW YORK, IN a,l liti..n to our wain business of PIIO7O I GRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Ilelidquaf, ter: for the f;dlott ing, : srh;HEi scorEs & STEIIEi/SCOPIC VIEWS of A•nerie.n and Foreign Gilles nue L.,Ati.g Gron.,4, Stain:ire, ke _ • sTE.cEoscoiHo OF THE WAIL, Frton or:Takes in 110- tnrioup rorin•a g a rompltte Photographio history of ill.. grina STERF:USCOVII; VIi:WS ON' GLASS,. .11:LI led fur eitlwr the Ilagie L intern:, or the Siervoscope. Our C,Loil,ogile W ilt 641 ,t 4 any nr re.,ipt of .-t imp. rowt.ll'lllt7 A I,ISI'IIS. We m tnuto-t i! re lonic inr,ze w n ly than any oth ev to, Aunt '2OO varieties !torn 60 onta 14 cio inch. Our ALBUMS - lotto th. reiontntinn of briny superior in beluty and dur..bility tck nny nth. CHID PIIOTOORAPrifi or GgVICRALII, S 111111. ACTOItt. £rC., RTC Our oi•er FIVE TIIOO - dilft•rt•ut rept-intim. tfoos of the upi-t,liallsl; Stittues t Sc. Catalogues mint ou receipt of stamp. Pliotogr.tplwrs find otiferu ordering goods C. O. I) , will iiltitSe ren a l 25 per ceut et thu amount with order. . WrThe nrie 3 find guilty of our goods cannot fail t•i / June 0, Itlud. Iy A Lectnro to Young Men. 1::Yr publishe, in a sealed enveloipe.—. ! t y Pr i4O 4 cents. A Lecture ou the naturis t treatment and radio it cur.? of Spermatorlitea l or Seminal Wrahurda, luvuluntary.Emiseions, Sesu a Debility And Itapeibracuts to M.trrindil generally. NervoitAne.s, Conaniption, Opt- . 1 psy, and Fits; Mental and l'hysical Incepts.: city, resulting Irmo ke. By Bob. .ert J. Clay ent ell, I. 1)., author of the ”Greet Book," ikc. elm world renowned entlior, in this admits ! lulu Lecture,. chesty prove., rum his own ex. perience, that the au lull cousentienceS ul Self Alan's may ho 144-wally removed without Medicine, and without dangerous snrgical opt;, rations, boogies, insdrunreii s, rings, or cosedi, als, [pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain and eiractual,,by w'hich every sufferer, no, matter what his condition may be, may curs himselichetyly, privately and radically. This Lecture will prove IL boon to thnutAnil4. Sent tinder seal to any address, hum platti l sealed en-elope, on receipt of fii cents, or two poet: nee stamps. Also Dr. ettiverwell's Merriagq Uhiith, price 2', cents. Address ' S. C. KLINE k CO., 127 Bowery, New York, P. 0. box 5586. April 22, 1866. ly Western Lands. THE sabscetber bag some Minable 'WEST- Easi....tsos., which he will trade for one or more irAftStS in ibis county. The leads are well located, and very desirable far tarn, Early application desired JACOB 13111SKERHOFF. Gettysburg, April 3, 1875. it aroot4sl lit orris.! /rag undersigned coutiniles to tannufartorn Aroorns at Ibis old stead in Carlisle street,,,, lie wtll ditring the fall a full supply pit lie nil, and whit). able to furnish them BALE OR . RETAIL. Benison made 41 Ord's+ of on the entree. eersons Laying Broomichnik would do !ion to give him a esti. 3. R. MTON Ott ysburg, Sept. 84, X 866. .3m ;= • 1866. lithr'e N o "B m r t; ' o 3 , A T :Z.3,74X ery, Notions, he., sTent vaript:r. IVE•have jolt reeelted a new seenfegliA or Queenswarei to wbich we innilleAbs, atieution o! bnyere l 4 ficpir it n 11,,. Thls preparatia& long And E.% orablt known, 1011 thor ougt,ly rtluvlsorato broln n-ilia n and Inn -.1.111 ted horses, by strength...dn./ and cleaurligo tl.O Ft.. much awl 1140- =I Jammu , . the quan tity of milk and eream twenty nt and Make i ta butter firm and exert. In fattening ea tile, It gives them en appetite, loose their 1110 e, al mates them par