Ule C(oinpiltr. GETTYKIICELO, PA. Mimaw Morsiwg, Dee. la, 1111141. - THE PANSIDEXIM ' The message of President Johnson is a document which will commend itself ., so universally to all right-thinking men in the nation, that we feel there is no need for us to make any extended com ment upon it. It will be read by the whole InfUM of the American people.' They will unlerstand it and apiireelate it. It is a calm nail dignified State popl..r, admirably drawn and couched' an the most fitting terms. There is no • blekin4 doUrn in it. Convinced of the correctness of his views In regard to the ' resteration of the South, and sassured • that his way is the way of safety for this nation, President Johnson adheres to his policy and again urges Congress ' to adopt it. Having done this he throws ' the responsibility upon that body, and stands prepared . to use every energy he poskessm, to aid in a speedy and com plete restoration of the Union.. The summary of the reports of the :several heads of departments is admira ble, and 11411 furnish to the Mid:4 of read-' ers all tlnyy, desire. His stiactuent of our relations with foreign governments is clear• and satis-! factory, and he will be sustained by the masses in the thews he puts forth.. Taken as a whole, the Message will compare very favorably with any atmi lar document which has preceded it. LATINO DOWN A PROGSLAWNE. The Radicals in Congress have prompt ly taken extreme ground. The first matter of business transacted hi the Semite was the calling up of the bill to enfranchise the negrocs :ii the ltistriet of Columbia. It was done by Sumner, and there is nti rcasthi to doubt that It will be passed. President Johnson win vet it, but the list lie di can pos It. ovor his veto by a majority of two-thirds., In the House the first act of the Had , lent majority W:44 to ,repear the 13th section of ~the itet of July 17th, 1863, wldch ahthorized the President to . grani pardon and amnesty to parsons who rook part in the rebellion. That means i 1 IN-ouror x izm.—The Franklin Lit er war against the whole white pripulationsury Association of Mummasburg has re of the South. Tinoldous Stevens, after organiz-1 f i t): the 'win ftr, fur mental im oirering n gratuitous insult to the Pres- • ri . 0% .,, m ,0, t, the exercises to von:44 in ident, by moving to postpone the read- Headings; 3)eclamations, Orations, Es bug of th i) m 4 e ennu essage, 'introduced „,., Itioi Debaws. . . a bill to regulat.! removals froth ofilye.' The following are the- officers': Presi- To confer the right of - suffrage upon the 'dent, John H. Stable; Recording Seere negroes with the hope that they may , tory,- C. H. Fulweiler; Corresponding be enabled to continue in power through Secretary, I'. D. NV. I fankey ; Treasurer, t !nit votes, and to prevent any of their will. izu„scif; Executive Committee, E. creatures front being removed from W. Stable, A. E. Hartman, 0. 'l'. Hart oiliee in the meantline, is tile progranune zel, David V. Starry and John F. Hart laid down 'on the lirst day of the sesshin in „,, by a majority of the Had kalls in con -The society puriwrse hobli,ng their Sixth );revs. From th e . pr0 „,..,,11,, g ,, o f m ,miday , Annual Exhibition on the:l9th (Saturday ire may learn Wh at other days will be like. evening) of December inst. , i —•.- A BLACIL AVTAIII -A special despateh from Wa.Ahington to the ..tyc sezpi that on !kiwi!lay after noon 'quite a large proeession, with ban ners and music, arrived at the east front of the Capitol, awaiting the adjonrinnent uC the two houses, in order to welcome bark the liadieal Senators and Represen tatives to the national metropolis. The and attending crowd were coinpo-ed ahnoSt r.tchnOrclitof negroc..; not one in a hundred of those present were white, Altogether, it was the/dunk n.( ever witnet.sed in the Distrietof Colombia. This negro e9unlity twine'', which the le:i:ler-s are now so hittlincles.ly 'thrusting tipun the Ameriezto people, is enough to dit•gtit.6 the civilized wozjd... Cau white tacit much longer tolerate it? Moiulay, the House voted, by a large majtirity, to repeal that section• of the treagon and conascation act which authorizes the President to pardon the rebels by a - proclamation of amnesty. ]tat it is all one ' ,whether that section stands or is repealed. It was mere sur plusage when it was enacted. The Presi dent possesses the power by the Consti tution, and no net of Congre,f can repeal it clat.he of the •('onstitution. President Johnson deemed this point so Mem., that he would m 4 even seem to imply a doubt by anticipating and heading off this notion of Congres;‘, which he 'flight have done by a complete amnesty before the beginning of the SC:4B'lolh There is no. court of justice which will not reg trd the President's pardon as a bar toil prose cution, just us all the courts always did before that superfluous permission, was passed. lit `ln the House, on Monday, Mr. Kelley, of Phil#elphia, introddeeda bill for {reorganizing the Internal ltevenue Depactment, and vesting tim appoint ment of the Chief Commissioner in the Supreme Court of the United States. This is dangerou4 and revolutionary in a double aspect. First, as a continuation of the plot to render the President power less to thwart the schemes of a political faction ; and, second, as a deliberate plan to make the Supreme Court a :partisan body and thus infuse into its decisions the same spirit of narrow and selfish big otry and intolerance which distinguishes the acts, measures, and policy of the Rad ical party of the country. Mr The honor and. welfare of our country demand peace. 'But the Radi cals are determined that peace shall not conic. They mean to agitate, to inflame the passions of the people, and at the none time to adopt such measures as will fasten the chains of Radical rule upon the masses, North and South. That this is their purpose . evhletit from the measures proposed on the Opening of the present session of Congress, and the people should watch the sets and votes of their representatives. The ma terial interests of the country,' united with the patriotic impulsesof the masses, may impede the march of the Dallied, column until the "sober Isecond thought" of the nation can have time to Operate, and in the meantime the Democratic party, in and out of Congress, will con tinue to uphold the Constitution, the rights of the States, the principle .of fair representation, and the perpetuity of a republican form of government, against ail opposition.-4e. lOng as ‘pen smell of whisky and tobacco, the , innnen have a rightrto defend themselves with musk. AND COUNTY AFFAIRS. • tgr 114;n 1 . A. .L Oloasbre.n nvr 11.13 our thaOs foci- Congressional favors. • TOWN =I SPJCtar. Coutrr.—The followink civil suits, were disposeil of 'at the Special Court last, week—that f. 4 Peter Diehl against the 'Adams eouni,y Fire Insu rane Company occupying nearly four days. , Herman. M. Fetter va. Henry Dysert. SummonsH inaassumpsit to recover book account on promise to pay the debt of another person. A jury being about to be ealk..d, Plaintiff suffered a . non-suit. Charles Wtutrton and Mary M. Whar ton vs. Samuel Wolf. Trespass for selling goods on IL fa.. A jury being ordered to be called, the Phtiatilfs 2sa frers:4l. anon . suit.. Peter Die vs. The Adams County Fire Insurauce - Coinpany. Summons in eovenant "on policy of insurance. The Defence claimed that Plaintiff had for , feited his ixdley by allowing the erection of steam works in the tannery after the policy was issued. Verdict fur Plaintiff for $1,212 •1J• Jeremiah Kohler v.& Wm. Duttera, Alexander Dohave and John May. Sum _mons In ejectment for t ract of land con taining about $0 acres, in tiermany town ship, Ad.this county. Veidlet for Plain tiff for same. We understand that the matter had been previously arranged by the ;parties—and that by said 'arrange ntet4t.Wm. Duttera retains the ferin. • FAlLEs.Cornelius Daugherty has sold his i i property, In Cutnhecland township, to I flbert acres, for $1,210. J4t4se has sold his farth, in Tlun tinkton township, to Mr. linaub, of York mollify—also] t 170 acres, for 551,500, cash. Millet Cashman, as Administrator, has sold the farm of Cieorge Cashman, de ceased, iu i•!•tralian township, to' ai.os Castintan—al wu t 100 acres, at &I t! jp, cash 1L C. lltli.iptivy had soill his f. .INfountj(iy tort 'lshii), to John Nlar s; acres. John Ih'irner hits sold Mr. Mali acres of land, at the rate of :7:40 per . henry Itishop.bas sold his propel this plitee, to JoArili'Softon, for Ssitii J.teoli Dewier lia4 purchased the prop erty of Samuel Little—adjoining. this ho rougli—S acres, for $9OO. ANNIVERSARY AND CONcior.—Wi. un derstand that the Sabbath Sehool of Christ Chili (1 utheran) are making arrangement. for ati lideresting and at tractivt: Anniversary, to be livid on Thursdnyi evenit g . next, the dfith inst. The :eNereiseq will consist of Vocal and .111SIPUMeillik1111U,ie, Class Offerings, Ad cf:e. Admission 2,5 - cents—the proceeds to be appliel to the Library of the School. Tickets, of which a limited number will-he i-sued, can he hat nt the Post-office, and the stores of S. D. Bueh ler and Falinc,toelt Brothers. CIIIUSTII.I.4 MN:mt.—The ladies of tettysinieg are engaged In prep. rationstOr a ChriAmas Dinner to the Orphans at the Homestead. The town has been earl= vassed, and the ladies now ask their country friends 'to contribute idso, and would be glad to receivb tUrk les, chickens, geese, ducks, butter, eggs, apples, cab bage, potatoes, - with-fruit of all kinds, or anything else that may be useful on the occasion. Articles will be thankfully re ceived at the room of C. J. Tyson, oppo site the old Bank. Tim HomnAvs.—F. H. Minnigh• & lirc. t in Chamberstn rg . strect, opposite the O'ollege Church; I ave laid in a large ski of goods intend .ti for the Holidays, and hvite the -atten lon of the public therito. It embraces of course, all sorts of oinfections, fruits, nuts, &c., with an aluitt endless rani ty 'of' toys. They hv something to p ease the thousand d fib l tfoft iastes'of the little ones, with an a. •or anent which the • Hatter themse Yes w 11 pe attractive tO grown up fo ks. Gve hem a call. Their goods cannot 1, t re satisfaction, whilst their prices 41 arc much loive? than ast year, and Must t be etipally satisfactor . • Teichers desiring to make presenth to thuir4chools, as well as the trade, will be accommodated at the lowest possible 11;ures. 4t • HANOVER ITEms.—An unsuccessful at tempt was made to rob the safe of the Hanover Branch Railroad Company on Wednesday might week. T.ae process of "boring" had been commenced, but was abandoned for some reason, probably the wearing out of the drill. Mrs. Rather,ef Harrisburg, on a visit to Hanover, bad her pocket picked at the depot. - Miss Hairis, the telegraph opera tor, had a small su in of mom.s stolen from her. A quantity of valuable leather was .taken_ zom tbd tan-yard of Mr. George Fd4ney, And -an attempt was made to enter and rob the book store of Messrs. Albright (1:- Trone. A baru.belonging to Mr. Jacob Stine, was destroyed by fire, last evening a week, involving a loss of about .500. The fire is supposed to have been caused by some small boys„wb . o were seen playing about the bare a shart tuns previous. • understand that quite aited revival is in progress at the Pines Church, (Lutheran) near New Chester, Adams count. After the Spoils.—The H. F. Herald thinks "it is very likely that lien Butler and his fellow Jacobins would be glad to drive Cougreetinto some course ofaction calculated to disturb the peace of the country. Out of the national turmoil they have already contrived to gather a golden harvest, as some men manage to plunder during a contlaeution." 1181.:"My - huli," said a lady to a boy car rying a mail bag, "are you a-mstil boy?" .• for dot.‘sn't , think I. um a female boy, does yer? " , . THE LASH rali N Flit ONCE. For once "Old Thad's" /116/3 failed to drive the flock of Radicals in the House. His attempts to prevent the reading of the President's Ales in that body were indecently persistent. First he moved that the Yfouse adjourn, without hearing the message read, saying he had no notion of waiting to hear it after it had been went all over tl►e country. On that motion the yeas and nays were called, and one ferociou► representation was voted down. Immediately there after he moved to postpone its reading. Again- he had to succumb. When the clerk was about half through with the reading he again moved to adjourn, but found that even the malignant crew about him had sonic little sense of de cency left. The lash failed on the first day of the Session. We will see whether It will prove to have greater compelling p ewer is the future.—.Letacaster /Wail geiteer. Henry Ward Bccehcr inlB44.—The fol lowing resolution of henry Ward Beech er was offered in New York on the 2d day of „May, 11444: "Itcsolred, That it is the duty of Abo litionists, South,and North, to agitate and reaigitate until they effect the over throw of the Federal Constitution, and effect the dissolving of the Antcrixxvi Union." IM.John H. Surratt has been arrested in Egypt, and is on the way to the Uni ted States. lie h+ charged with having been concerned in the assassination of President Lincoln. 10) - An Irish washerwoman in Cala veras County,'California, who was oblig ed to take a share in a newly di-vovered mine in payment for sertiees, 114,r em ployer being unable to pay in money, now derives an income of $lO,OOO a yew from it. bali - A young num in London was se verely burned by a substanm which he says was a falling meteor, but the Lon don nilvertis,•r, a !licit tells the story, is somewhat skeptical. r acre, ita'"rlie vote of New York State is 13,- I (ss) less than the vote of ;The poll rm,iu Of Pennsylvania is about 21,000 itoite than it-C, for in 18G4. , r 35 fite'llow to ruin your constitution— ig Keep tinkering at it. j ty, iu Sal - Honesty is the Dept' coney of inmu , ranee against tirein the next %I, orlit is the greatest curiosity in the world? A- woman's. Established in 1815. HENRY W. OVERMAN, , CUM MI-StuS DEALER IN LEATHER, No. 14 South Tait(' Street, Philadelphia biellotisitrutneuls solicited. lire. 10, 1 t. ty* Public Sale. (IV SATURDAY, THE 29111 or.: Dr.cmr ki JOIN. INST., iii pursuance ot an order of the Orphans" Court ot At m- ennitte, the stih scritMr, Administrator o " the trate of Jahn Ca.s tit, deceased, a ill On t. at Public S ile, on the premises, the Real Estate of said dece dent, cons sting of A TRACT OF LAND, siin ite in Straban ttc tu township, Adams count.), one mile and n it east of Hunters! owx, it , joining lands of „Fat h yiestt , , John Shall, mid" others, containii I.IJEIt ACRES. more or 'ea.., having thereon a Two - story LOG 110 U•Sli, ....,.. 31 Frame St .lile, a Yo..ng Dreliord . 4 ipqm of choice Apples, Peaches, and .i,afti . Cherries, with an excellent spring-. 1 _ , .., , 0' water. } Sole' to commence nt 1 o'elo , k, P. M., on enid day, when niienannee 11111 be given and tcrwe mat: known by JOIIN F. FELTS, Adm'r By the Court—Jeans J. FIsK, Clerk. Dee. :0, 1866. to Great Reduction PRICF:S OF DRY 'GOODS, Crererie 7 s, IPrdtrarr, !htten.trea re, ',Sc , AT J. %MUCK At .SO2..'S, NEW OX FORD; PA. We have j , . E. retdrued from the city, where we bought a very lame en 1 well selected stork of :.It kinds of goods, suitable in our line, uuder TIIE LATE DECLINE Our stock consists in rim - of FRENCH M EILINUES, FEENCII COIIi;PFIGS, (Mann's, Calicoes, Plaids, Meat lie I and Unbleached h3tiislins ; a lake assortment of Black, Brown !ant Plaid all•wool Double .SII.IWLS, ral Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Gloves, kc. M RN'S %V EA It. consisting in part of Broad and Bt•aver Cloths, Black and Fancy Ca9Bi inertia, Cassineti, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Under-shirts and Prattels, BOOTS, SHORS, BATS and CAPS, Driving and Buckskin Gloves A complete assortment of-GROCERIES, at low -ates. II n RDWARE, such as Tire Iron, Spring, Sher, Blister and Cast Steels, Horse Shoei, Hor c•shoe Bar, Nail _Ro Is, Hammered Iron, N..il , Spikes, Spovels and Forks, Door Locks, Pad Lucks, Latches, Minces and Screws. Pain .., Oita, Glass, Putty, Ac. CI INA AND QUEENSWARE, liy the set. 1 Titankful for ran p itronage, we hop'; to merit the same in the future. J. C. ZOOM k SON. New Oxford, Dec. 10, 186%. 3u3 Notice. YiultLlE Adams County Agricultural Sociely will meet at the Benlersville School se, on SATIN:DAV, the I:,th lust., to con sider the propriet( of altering the By-Laws. To meet at 3 o'clock.. All the members are incited to attend. By order, ... WM. B. WILSQN, Sec'y. Dec. 10, Iso t. td Notice. AIHE Adams County Agricultural Society will meet at the Sandersville School use, on the first 31UNDAY in January, 1867, to elect officers far the ensuing year. Be tween the hours of 2 and 4, P. M. By order, Wed. B. WILSON. Sec'y. Dec. 10, 186 G. td Notice. HERBERT 31eGLAUGEILIN'S ESTATE.— Letters of Admiuistr ttiim on the estate ut iterbert IleGlitoghlin, lute of atmalt mil an township, Ailtms ClAlanty o leceased,havaug been grantdd to ih, undervig..ed, re•idiug iu same township, he hereby gives notice tb all pervons indebted to said crime to tuakeimmedinte pay ruent,un I:hose harin4 agaiustthe same to pre.eut theta properly authenticated for settle ment. • JA..111:3 11. lAItSLIALL, • Nor. 12, 1863. " Administrator. Notice. 'll - ACOB SBELL.ktIAN'S ESTATE.—Letters J ut administration on the estate of Jacob Shellanto, late or-Fran . ..lN township, Adams codnty, deceased, having been griaited to the undersigned, residing in Butler township, be hereby give 3 notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those he'viig claims avian the sense to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment.- JONAS B. OBNalt, Adm'r. Nur. 5, 1866. 61 Make. term of °thee of the undersigned being about to expire, he hereby gives notice to'all persons interested that be will expect 'all fees far G nerd jAh Appointments, Con& rm lion of Sules of Real Estate, Inquisitions, kc., to be paid by the Armory Term of Court, af ter which time they will he placed in the hands of a proper officer for collection. JAMES J. FMB, Nov. 28, 1308. 31 Clerk of Courts. Philip Redding, TUSTICE OF THE PEACE, will be at his office, (at his residence,) in Cumberland township, on Tuesday and Friday of each week, to give hisldtention to Justice's ban. ans. [Dec. 3, 1866. Sin Pahl ie Sale. - UN MONDAY, the 24th *by. of WEIL. DER' newt, the subilerilrer will Ott( et Public Kale, one the premises, A Tft.tOT OF LAND, sitsiate in Franklin township, Adams emin.y, within one mile of A'rendtsville, -ad j ailing lands of lieury Wildesin, Incline: Schlosser, and others, coot dieing 22 AO lIES, more or less, having thereon erected a cum lortntrie me and a half story LOG Cooper Shop. Log Darn,ff• 1 Carriage House, Spring House, ii ; Wood Iloilo., bog Pen, itc.; there is a never-telling spring and a variety of clioiee fruit on the premises. About 4 acres ore in Timber, and the cleared I.i.nd 1.1.1 d -been well limed. - Also, a TRACT OF TIMBERLAND, a 'join ing the above, containing 11i Acres, more or lesa, covered with choice cheinut, cheauut. oak, hi, kory, and other tinier. Sale to conimenreatt i o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by _ . _ GEORGE 11OLLEBAUGH Dec. 3, 1860. li AIWA/dal' t Asmetolors FOR ADAMS COlNTY.—Assessor Cot t: froth has mule the tollon in; Assessment Divisions for the county of Adams, and the following persons ILIA e been appointed Assist ant Asse6sora D isiun No. I.—Gettysburg borough, Cuin hertnud, Strattn,llountjoy and Butler town ship. J. 0. NEELY, AssiAnnt Assessor, P. 0. G. tlysburg, Division No. 2 —Menallen, Franklin, Hama ionban, Liberty, Highland and Freedom town ships. CHARLES F. HINKLE, iszistatnt As sessor, P. 0. Fairfield, Pa. Division. No. 4.—Huntoigton, Lattimore, Ty rone. Hamilton and Reading townships. 111011.4 g G. NEELY, AsAiskint 'Assessor, P. 0. York Salphur Springs, Pa. Divisiod' No. s.—German, Union, Cono xt ago, Oxford, Berwick and Nlountidetarint township, and Littiestown and Hera idt bor oughs. GEORGE STONNIFIift, Assistant A.,.essor, P. 0. LiAlextowur Pa. Nov. 26, 1866. Cy liegister i s Notices. NNOTlCE,hereby given to all Legatees and other perions concerned. that the Ad ministration Accounts herein titer mentioned will be presented at the Orph.in's Cone! of Adiu sounty, for conlirin ttion and allowance, oit Til Ll USDA V, the 2i th d.ty of DECEMBER., 1806, at 10 o'clock, A. M., t 'z 3-15. The account of James 1,. Jones, niltains istrator of the estate of Ni tt ld t Jones, (lee's'. 34i. The uceouut ot !When G. II irper, testamentary trustee (iiit.ler the will of Wil liam Buzli.tin, decease:l,ll of Mrs. Phebe Ash balieh. •347' The first neconnti of Mary Mailer and HenryAl aster}, •t liniiii-tritor, of the esLite of Geary M tster, late of Gitimazy township, Ad-, ants county,ere:vied. t m 343. Tile ti st and final account of W. Ross White, guard to of Isaac M. Ortidorlr. 343. The first and tiMil account of Daniel Trimmer, administratdr final the estate of GAG,- nrine beck, deceased. SANUTEN LIMA', Register. Register's Office, Gettysburg, } . Nov: 26, 136 n. id BOBBINS' Electric Soap S.A:VES TIME ! SAv ES MONEY! bAVES LA11011! SAN'E' CLOTIIFS! _ SIVES WUMIiN AND ALL GI:OCEP,S , SELL IT It is used by cutting into small shavings and dissolving in hat water, than flo - tk the clothes five to ten iniantrs and O. littlb hand rubbing will make [limns cle in as hours of hard tnx.hiue rulihing would do, with ordina ry soup, and the most delicate f ihrie reeclee no injury. We can refer to thousands of fun ilies who are using ii, and who could not-be persuaded to do without DOBBINS' ELECTB4C EULD DY ALL LEADING Gaocps Tuaorcuour THE STAI E. Manufactured only by DOBBINS & LOVE. WHOLESALE OFFICE: IU7 South 1',1114 Street, letphia Nov. 12, 1860 9w Demorest's Young America. ANEW, eery Entertaining, Instructive, Artistic and splendidly Illustrated Monthly Magazine tor flays and Girls; to in clude pleasing illustrations ot Philosophy,rthe Arts and Sciences, Moril end futeiesiing Sto ries, Music, Poems and other entertaining Lit erature, presenting in Museum ot the good, the useful, and the beautiful, for every Young American, without frivodlies k exaggerations. Single Copies, 15 cents; Yearly, $t 500; Adui tioual Copies $1 00, or five for $5 00. A large and beautiful colored engraving pre sented free with the first No., also, to each single subscriber at $1 50, a good Microscope or n package of Magic Photographs. Single copies mailed free on receipt of price. Send for a specimen No. Address JENNIN'IdS DEMUREST, 473 Broadway, New York. Nov. 2G, MG. Not ibe. AIUREW LITTLE'S ESTATE.—Letters testamentary on the estate of Andrew Little, late of Mountpleasant township, Adams county, deceased, having been glinted to the undersigned, residing in Germany ip, he hereby gives notice to al: persons indebtedto sail estate tp make immediate payment, and those having C ahlia against the same to present them prop erly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM RlDEll.,'Executor. Stir For the sake of conren.en , :e, persons indebted or having claims are referred to the idow of the deceased. who will settle the saute. (Sbr. 10, telt% G.• Notice. TOSEMI FINK'S ESTA I . E.—Letters of Ad. I t j nnuisvation on the e.it ite of Joseph Fink, Esq , late of Germany township, Adams court dec'd., having been granted to the under signed, the fast named residing in Mountjoy township, and the last n ailed in the city of Baltimore, they hereby give notice to all per sons indents t to s lid est Ate to ;nake.iminediate payment, and those having claims against the game to present them properly authenticated for settlement. PIUS FINK, JOSEPrI FINK, Jr., Admiuistrators. Nov. 26, 1866. 61* -Notice. JACOB BUSHEY ESQ'S, ESTATlL—Letters of administra:ion on the estate of Jacob Bushey, Esq., late of Gettysburg, Adams noun. ty, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, residing in same place, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to sail estate to In ike immediate p tyment. and Mtn hav-: lug claims ag.tiust the •same to present them properly autheuttratml fur settlement. WILLIAM .11cOLEAN, - Nor. 13, 1866. Ge Administrator. Notice. JOLIN CASSAT'S ESTATE.—Letters of ad ministration on the estate of John °assist; late of Strobes township, Adams. county, de ceased, hsring been granted to the undersigned, residing in some township, he hereby gives no tice to nil prrsons•indetited to said estate to Make immediate payment, and - those haring claims again.t the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN F. FELTY, Am'r Nor. 12, 1866. thr 2,000 tons Hay WANTED.—The Beater Pie 34 flay Com pany will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for HAY . ..delivered at their Hay Sheds, in Oita% at P. Hann . ' Staticis, and in Gettys burg. JEREID.III, DIEHL, Gettysburg, Oct 23, 180. ILis Agent. Shingles. PTH& SHINGLE'S, the best in the market, for sale at JACOB SHEADS'S,pew Lum ber Yard, on the Railroad, actoiniag the Lime Kilns, Gettysburg. . • NOY. 26, 1668. tf - • Tfi!noble Properties for siil(. joiIN C,. ZOIIer. LAND AIANT,' ,New OX/034, ADIIIII CUUNTT, !A Reis for sale is punisher of desirable proper ties. to which he Aoki the attention of those wishing to pnrehntot. A LARGE FitUNnlir AND MACHINE Rll+►l', with DWELUNG., situated in a cola ty seat, near Raifrond and Depot. Good C OSA e for doing all kinds of work. At,o, seretal Ttiwn lonts will be sold wall the uhute property if desired. A VARY of lip ACRES, in Monotpleasint township, .I.l:tan3 county, with good Stone ' , louse, good Dim W tgoo Shed, Corti Crib, It'Ash House, Orchard, Sa. , ne.kr a turnpike and railroad. FORTY: ACRES, with good House, Barn, and other out-buildings, Orchard, kc., alive quarters of a mile from a railroad siatiou. A good chalf-e; terms easy. 173 A • CCEi OF LAND, on the road leading from Hanover to Lit+ lestown. Gond limestone farm; laige Brick Boast, Bank Barn, and oth er out-buildi ties. The L.ttlebtown Railroad rune theough the rear part of the place. Price $B5 pri; l ncie. A FARM - OF 300 ACRES, in.Cund'erland township. Adams eouuty, three -miles f-om Gettysburg, at, which place is a railroad and good market: This farm can he divided into two farms, there being air,. dy two sets of improvements on the tract. The improve ments are a good two-story Jwelling House, Baru, sod other out- beildings, and a Tenant House with all improvements. A FARM of 105 ACRE-1, on the Carliale turnpike, under goo I cultivation, with a large Brick Ifonse, Bank 11-trit. %Faxon Shed, Coro Crib, Carriage ['Jose sad other out-buildings, . all Lew: LARGE FLOUR MILL, with 1 15 Acres of Land. The mill : has four pair of Burrs, and ntl m tehiners for doing merchant work. Best water power in the coun'v. • A FARM of 175 ACRES. near the Hanover turnpike. on which i, erected IL good Hume, Rua, and all neceisary out•buildings. The land is in a good state of cultivation. This ;trope. ty will he i•old (heap. A FARM of 195 Acrii, near If unterstowii, Adams courty, :on al:lit is erected a good House, Barn and other out-buildings, and the land i; in a fine state of .cultivation. This lima will be sold eke ip. A FAIOI of 3S AIRES, G acres in wood, , with one-and-a-half-story House, good Itatii —lnn I in good cultic ition —3.1 miles front i New Oxford, and miles from Bunaughtown, ' Terms easy. • IS•ACIIE4 of AVOJDLIND, 2 miles frcm New Oxfoi tl. • A F.l fill of 200 ACRES. rood land. with large Brick !Lin II an, awl 2 Tenai.t !lenges —4O ite.l.4 in W..iod.—half a mile front the Coil owngo Chapels A FARM of ISO Acres —225 can he pnrl eliase.l—in Camberlaa , l town.hip, 2 milos Gum O tttsberg, nettr tit.raitter,:lairg large we itlierlioar.led tluose, 11. ink 40 acres ickwoud. Farm has been recently limed. A FARM of 120 ACRES, with, good llou.e and Barn ; 12 acres in wood; one mile west of 800 tuglitow n. A 110TEI, in New Oxford, two-story, roomy and convenient for business. Guud cliancei terms ease. AISO, ft. number orgoul Muses and Lots fur sole in Ser. Orford. Persons who if ish to buy Rent F..tote, ns welt as those who VelAil to Sell, are refitiesttil to give tto subJeritier a c.tll, at his sture New .0 vford. Address, JIMN C. zourg, I.nnd Arent, New Oxford, A:Luns couuly, July 9, 1E49. Cut Two Properties AT PRIVATE S AL E.—The subs., fiber ofTers hie Real E -tate at Private Sale, consist ing of the folloniog.: No. 1. A FARII, situ itein Franklin town: ship, Adams county,, about 4 miles south of Cashtown; adjoining lin Is of Arnold Liter , , Peter Henry, Amos liieltl, and otters, coebtin ing 2id ACRES, mote or less, about Co being chafed, and the balance first-rate Timber, luenst, chesnut, rock, oak. black oak, and white oak. There is a constant stream through the farm, with it goad saw mill site, and water in. all the fields but one. The im provements are a Two story Log ,4. HOUSE, Simmer Kitchen, Smoke :.fi t ' : Hoare, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, .'4,!--; — :i.. 4 . - - - Corn Crib, Bog Pen, and other out-buildings. There is an excellent spring at the door, and two young Apple Oreltaids on the property. No. 2. A TRACT OF L 4N1.), about /of a mile east of the alone, adjoining Peter Hate and Victor Mcllhentir, containing 52 Acres, more or less, about 30 acres being in good Traib( r. The imprOveinents are a one - • and a half story Bauble Log. HOUSE, WV' Stable; Smoke House, and a Well House, - a I tit a prime well of water in it. Ales a spring and a fine young Apple Orchard on the place. Pert•oas wishing t view the property are requested to call Jll 1...te subscriber, residing on No. I. _ The property will be sold on easy terms, and divided to suit pnreli.igers. Nov. 12, 18GG. 4w* A Small Property AT PRIVATE SALE.--The and rsigned offers at Ptivate Sale, his valuable prop erty, situate in Tyrone township, Adams county, on the road leading fr tm Hunters town to Petersbnrg, about 4 miles , from the later place, cantaiaing about 30 ACRES, more or less, improved with a vow' cne . and a haif story LOG HOUSE, and ..4111N a good Stable of large size, with a never-falling well of water at , the door. There is a first-rate garden, and the land is-all in a high ante of cultivation. There are nunit 2 acres of Timber, and a Batt dent quantity of Meadow land. There is a va riety of fruit on tne premises. The fences are in good order. The property is conveniently located t 3 Markets, Schools, Churches, lc., and . is one of the most desirable properties in the county. Persons wishing to view the property will call ou the undersigned residing thereon. Gl:Gait: DAUGHERTY. Oct. 20, 1866. tf - - - -At the Old Business. LEWIS KUNIIERANT h.ts re.commeneed the TAILORING business, iu Chambers burg street, between Washington and West streets, Gett3sburg, and asks a share of the custoin of the public. His lung experience in the business ennb'es him to guarantee good tits and good work,' whilst the latest f.shinas will be consulted in cutting whenever desired. No effort will Le spared to rendersatisfaction, and he feels sure that all who patronize him will De satisli .d. His prices for work are as low as they can possibly be to afford him an econpmical living, and uo one could in reason ask them, t 6 be any less. He asks his old friends to give him a call,aa well as the pub.. lie generally. Hue. 12, 1866. Groceries, Notions, dm. GORGE H. SWOPE, having purchased the tine OILOCERY EiTAIILISHMENT of JAW'S A. Grimes ' on York street, a few doors east of Wolfs Hotel, and having added largely to the already extensive assortment on timid, off •ra the public a variety of Goods in his line r rrely, if ever before, kept here. His SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, MOLAS SES, SYRUPS, &c , can't be heat, in quality or price whilst hia assortment of NOTIONS embraces 'almost everything the public can possibly need. House-keepers and others should give him a call before buy hg elsewhere, its he is convinced that lie has the best stock in town, and that no oae tin go away disap pointed. , gforTlfe CABINET:AI AXING business is con lotted, in all its branches, it the old stand, a few doors east of the Story. N., efforts spared to please the public, as heretofore. Ciettysbutg, Nor'. 5, IStal. tf , Pay Up! THE, undersigned, baring ret , red from !mal -1 ness, he alike those indebted to make pcyment, with is little delay as povible. Such as dia not settle before the firstut Janu ary nest, will find their Recoiled in the hands of an officer for collection. JOSEPH S. GILLESPIE. Gettysburg, Nor. 26, It f 1 0_ to DUNTORN k HOIF/LAWS, to buy Uf your Dry Goods, Notions, Quesssware, &e., on the northwest Center of Dt-tuo::3, Gettysburg, PA. CHORGE DAYWALT Swan's Grocery. TORN 31. SWAN has jest received* splendid assortment of FRESII GRUM:IRS, at his Store on the corner of-the public Square, in Gettysburg, • - SUGARS. The finest lot of Su 'ars ever brought to Gettysburg, and very cheap. COFFER. His Coftde is superior to any offered hi th. place. If Jou don't believe it come and see. MOLASSES. Tryou,Want the hest Syrians and Molasses in town you will find them at Svrtin'a. QUEENSWARE, &c. His stodc of queensware, Dishes, Limps, be., is lull, cheap and good. Every style and price. Ilia C:gars and Tub .cco are of superior quality. Acknowledged by good judges to be the beat in the market. CANDIES AND NOTIONS. Particular attention paid to thin department. A full supply of Cane ies, Nt. t i, Frnit*, Soaps, Ponce articles, in short any and everything usually found in a lintel:l4s Grocery. In lay- I lag in my stock I was careful to know what I was buying, and am now repared to sell not ' only 0001/ Groceries, but to sell them very chesp. Give we A call arid j t Igo for yonr -1 selves. 4OIIN U. SWAN. Nov. 5, 18'8. NEW GOODS. L ATEST AItnIVAL. F..kIINESTOCK BROTHERS Have ju4t- received a Urge and complete assortment of of every style sad at all Titters, to which the attention of boyers is directed. note is want of good Goods at the lowest poshibis rates should not fail to give 114 no early call. A LARGE lot of Pipe Shingles from 58.50 /1 . to $l5 per 100 ; for Went the Lumber yard of C. 11. BUSHLEEL Oct. 22, 1866 Hay Wanted. rpng undersigned will pay the highest mar t ket prices for BAY. haplrs at Spang ler's Warehouse, Gettysburg. STRICKHOUSES t WISOTZLIT. !eq. 1864‘ tf That We Want. IF YOU WAN I' a.Uhosp flot buy it of H. IL WOODS. I F Toti WANT a Fashionable Nat always buy it of R. IL W 001). .t. I F you . WANT n 11 t , of any kind for IrPs mousy to bAy elserer it foe, be aural., ha) it .0 H. R. WOOD 3. F YOU W INT ,root Shoes for Lilies or I ediht..o, h. humbugged with dam- scrod ttuctitha g , • I.l*, bat buy Of H. B. WOODS. Tir Y. IR W INT Shoos or R ..th a L suu.s and hJots worth t dicing buut," nail no “chratiog trash, boy them of • 11. B. WOODS. TP YOU WANT Orershirts, Ormers, Cw torell.;s or anything in his fn., boy' of IF YOU WANT to be dealt fairly with, get the worth of your money end not he idlest ed, always buy of 11. 11. WOODS. IF YOU WANT tittle of reel Nntnber One Henry Winter Blots, don't buy before you see the sur2erior article fur SAO by The Old Spite= U F•IIIGII P 1 :CGS VliTtMI) BY NORRIS, Ai hia new rhenp Clothing, IT.O, Cat), Idiot, Shoe and Variety Store, on Chant .erslaurg street, next door to Buehler'i Drug azure, Gettysburg, l'n. The pli , die AIM find nt Oita Store. GI , largest and tuo•it I title ituortrto..it of Centli nited and !Jay's wear, in Al itui county. - OVER COATS. Bearer Overcoats, Petersit nu Overcoats, Seal Skin Orercents,...Cloth Ocerco tis, Esquiniaux Beaver Orcreo.its, etc., etc. DRESS IND BUS I N iS CO lI'S ! Ttlaek CI •t't Drfts4 and Sack Coats. • Caszimere Sick and Fro k Ceints, Knit Woolen Union Coats and Jackets PANTS IND VltiiTS! Black Cloth Pantaloons, Black C iisimere l'antalonns, Farley Cal.itnere UllOOll3, • Harris Caaaiinere - P.intaloone, Mack Cloth Vest., Silk Grenadine Vests, Plush and Satinet Vests, kc. HATS AND CA VS. Resorte Hats, Silk -Dress Hats, Dexter Hats, Driving lints, • Clipper Hatt, French lints, Dasher II Ii Is I divity Hats, Plush 11 its, Alorion lists, Brighton Hats, Nliticio Hats, Cloquet Hnt B:snuark Hats, Veto Hits, M'arwiek 11313, Meiropeu lints, U. S. A.lirts, Dunkard Hats, Cassimere Hats, etc , etc. Velvet Caps, Cassitnere Caps, Fur Caps, Cloth Caps, liicel••llan Cups, Navy Caps, Scotch Caps, Petorxhatu Caps, Bay's Cape, Plush Cup, Jest TaS THEIG CAP 3, etc., etc. BOUTS AND SIIOES. - Mtm's NH Skin Bouts, Men's Heavy It tots, Buy'notkey loots, zAltort.ng Bouts, den's Corse Shoes, C .11 Skin Shoes, Boys Fine Shoes, U. S. Army Shoes, Gentletneu's Slippers, Gum Overshoes, etc., etc CcE,ZTE.fiIIEN'S FURNISHING • GOODS. White Linen Shirts, Cassimure Shirts, Linen mud Paper Collars, Neck Tics and Butter flies, Handkerchiefs, Woulen'and Cut- • tun stockings, Gloves. Iluckskin Gauntlets and Glovei,Woolen Drawers and undershirts, Scarfs and Comforts, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Canes, Vadses, Trunks, Red Flannel Woolen Drawers, Ace. The above mentioned article; ci n al ways be found at the CHEAP wri or T. C. Cliarnb, r-btirg at, next door to linehlees. Nov. - Millburn it Hoffman. NEW STOIIE. oar THE NTIIITIIITKAT COIII.RII or TUT DIA- MOND, GIiTTYMIL'BO. (liqoum as /lake's C. nPr ) DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NO moss, CAR- PETS, QUEENSWAN.E, &U., • all of which hare been booglit at the lowest market prices and will be sold accordingly. Give them a call'. Nu trouble to show Goods. F. E. DLIP110(1,S, -N. W. HOFFMAN. Oct. 6, 1868 Dry Good I Dry. Goody Tir A I'S AND CAT'S, BOOTS AND SHOES. —Having pat returned from th. City, with a splendid assortment of DllY GOODS, I am now prep 'red to offer greater inducements to bur than eier before. My stock consists of every description of Dress Gocls. plain nod tancy, Cloths, Casaimeres, - ffluslins ' Hoop Skirts, B.iimarals, Flannels, Ilos_iery,GlOves, Trimmings, &c. =MX= In connection whir my Dry Goods, I have opened in an adjoining room a !urge stock of HATS AND GAPS, BOUTS AND SHOBS, which I will sell v..ry chedp. Children's Shoes as low ss t 2 cents, and other goods nt cor responding rates. My stock is well selected, and the - roost complete yet offered. Give ua a call and examine for yours Aves. No trouble to show Goods. SEWING MACHINE:3 We are als 'agent for the Florence Sewing Machine, whicii is acknowledged to be the hist in use. It is the latest improved machine out, having the REVER3AULE FEED, givinx it en advantage over all other machines.— Call and see them. M. SPANGLER. Oct. 6, 1E66 CIGAR 3 AND Toucco FALL AND WINTSII, GOODS, FASSESTOCK BROS Oct. 6, 1666. Pine Shingles. Asurrteau igliAlse talon: r. • 11XRICAN AltTI -ITS' UN 1C.14 I . 4. A MARIO I g ANT LAT4' UNION! he AMERICA - 1g -ARTISTS! UNION (estehs , lished IBA] snnownee th.st in order to extend the silt. ut the lutlqwteg well known null !tight) , pop it I ti r srai. I'L ITE ENORAVINCIS: The L.tet Supper, I),A, e of tise Pilgiint Fathers for Amerim 24 R SR ',wain); of the Pilgrim ritliers f 'n zS6 Moverine , hie recruit!, 23 31 30 . Sonksfie tru awl hie tetionds, Cotter's Settuntis Sight, Village Blirk•miih [Julius, IFurleee Tel inx)2L x The 11asingre nt, Wyoming in 1716,141 & 34 Mona Vernun in the .lien timer or I- Weshiugton pt :Pt y. stes of age ' 10 it 34 , The escape nt A:nider Nlaeltuntilil Iron the Ilasra•re of Uleueoe, AG XMI • The 'Madonna - - - 16 x 34 They here deem-1 expedient to off r them tee 'their friends end the pub! c nt one dollar an.l fitly cents e.eli, the u_riee hereonfare hooting been two dollsrs each, and for the purpose of stituuluting. thegotting up of Clubs, they hero de'ermined to 'mand peen/loins to the getter" un of the Clubs, nod in addition thereto fit disiribute amongst the sobseribers the sum of $!.0,0 PO in 11101%C.f end p dutiiiirs, in souls ea , the mile shell {mete reached 100.001 engem,. • i. ge. A+ it. is nor intention to udrertise rate exten , drely, null as the eouratrings are weft iknown throH Ahmt I, the *hole etinnte, we 1 h ire no doubt, that ' , with the low price we c:large foe them, end the exertion Which will i.e put forth - by ear Illiiilefillle fronds, the number will iie reached in a short time. Al soon as itis rem:hetl, the subscribers, throng's . their Club Agents, *lll be notified by it circa tar letter from us, naming the time and meta. iiil of distlibution. , . CLUB 11. %TES. 11. 11. WuuDS 11. B. WOODS Sift!le Rnerai iro I.fie 11.—hc mnil, free. For Srai• will 6.• n 111 Etig. nn.l La tli.Clo 211 • " .. " 2.; 241 " IS "6 " " at " 4 P , 41 " :0075 " " The Club park iv: will be securely p.teked and form:tided by Exprebs. Any person in ty ;Jet up Chills and forward thG nuvoint either Expre•., Sight Drell, Ibstllth e Order or in a recietered letter, and c ses 'the 14:m:rating, will be immedi ately sent, and for each en-roviiiif end receipt Will,bu enclose Liu the C. U. U. D. ORDER4.- 9, ersons wishing to sent' fur Nnzrnvh is and t.,v the I.:xui..ss Co. whirl,' they art received. wdl br required to sen , l with their order $ to $3, according to ire ElltIOUUt, Mid 9iKWiji b. credited bn their.bal. . OF PRFAICIIS To be .liitribvied. One of $lO,OOO in money, slo,oll 4, 50 1 0 " Dice of 1.000 " ram . Fifty of 100 " a,00 . 0 One hundred c'egant Oil Pnitiliart, riclt ly trained, L ktt:l•ettpe•t, at $lOO etit.ll, 10,000 Two litintlretlelegatitt 11l l'Attitinv.s,Ohltly fratued, Intxrita V tea 8,.1tt $5O t•tich, 10.100 The AMF,IIIC.III ARTNTS' UNION % Q uid add that the , e prenii 1113 are to be considercili only in the light of A fl ee gift 10 their patrons, as the Engravings are fuinisiicil them below ti7eirin.irket v.4.1e.t0 to as thy east of engrit vi nge, after the plates are procured; is very trilling, they c .n e isily :Ilford to wake the disiribil Lion, horde V B it We trust that our numerous friends through; opt the country •and Cali:Was will u‘e Vick' utmost exertions, so that if pos.ihle. the die tribution in iy be Made soon, and it ctn done if they .are at alLnetive. Ladies have often made excellent Club Agents for us, and we solicit their kind elturtv, %illicit will not go untewarded. Let oar or more energetic per cons in every town and village In the A)tintity commence as soon es they see this, and vet tip as large a Club as possible. tv so doinig the" will be the: ntea..v of introducing elegant ea.._ gratings into !notifies, and thus aid in culti vating 3 taste for the beautiful and refitted. A ddr ess br.leel• SEC. AMERICANARTISTS' VNIOV, • 25 Piue Street, New York Nov. 13, 1866. 3m VRMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELRBILA I'a) PATENIT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Ui DoUBLE sPRING) TIII WO IDIITILI. nail great cow ronr and I-LEA:it:RN to any lady wenriag the DO• PULL ELLIPTIC SKI n rkt ill be experienced partic ularly In all crowd d Assemblies,Operas,earria. tres, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Aim Ch.tirs, for Proirmade and Runic Dress, as the Skirt can be tolled when in use to occupy a siu til place as e tsily and cativenientle nu a Silk or Muslin Dre,s. nr. in raluablestu.tli ty ih crinoline, not fonnd in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the PLEAtICRC, COM. roar, and gre.tt oosvcsisscr of wearing the DIUPLIIX ELLIPIIC STICILL SPItIYG FKInT fur it single day. will never alter• trds w !lintely dis pense with th e ir use. For Children, Misses ' and Young L idles they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will Pr..se7v , i their Fe feet dnd graceful shape wimp three or four ordinary Skier) will lidve been thrown 'mile as uselesi. The (towns are ern er l l,l with double mod twit - ed thread, and the bottom rods ore no: 0111 Y double apt inzi, but twice ( .1 ' , l'd.) covered, preventing tho u s from tv.; alai out when drar gam down stew. at:dm kc. The Duplex Klliptic is te great larorlte with all ladies and is u..ieersally reeoso.nended.hy the Fashion ns the STA:lit/AMU Shutt OF THE FASHION WOULD. To . enj•iy the fol:un ing infanticide nil t gel in Crinutine,.vis: superior quAlity, perfeti nonufaciure, stylish shApe, dnrchilitr, comfort end economy, enquire kit .f. Bratdicy'3 Dupirx Eliiptie, or Ori.Lla Spring Skirt, na•l lie sure you get tilt gLnalati article. CAUTION.—To van' againct IMPOSITION he particular to NO r let; the al& L. °Were.' as ~D UPLEX" have the'red ink '4111711i, VIZ "1. W. Smiley's Duplex 'Elliptic Steel Spring,,'! upon the waistband-0011U others are Also Notice that every Hoop vti,l adonis u piu being passed thronzb the rearm, thus reveal inz the two (or dun - ble) springs hrafiltli unrktil• er therein, which it tio• secret of their 11.:Ath.l• ity and strength, end a combination not to bl found in any other skirt. 1 - FOR SALE is all Stores where MIST CLASS skirts are jolt! throughout thfe IJuitol States and elisewh , •re. )lanulactured by the Sole Owneri of the Patent; W S:4 r, BRADLEY k CAillY, 97 Chambers a i 9 1: SI 11.. mile Sta., Oct. 15, 18 .6. 3m nook, %kirtio, UPKIN'SdoWN MAKF.,". r•ALI, Are in every respeet rinsv CLAsi. and em.; brace a Complete assortment for Ladies, llisi, es, and Chit free, of the'Nelrelt Stlintil,Uv.ory Length and Size of OUR SKIRTS, wherv. - cr known, argil more universally Pori.LAu tliari any others before the &line. They . retain Ib , ir aliajoe,bigter, are lighter, more elastic, m .re durable, aid really CusArce, thee any ocher U bop Salim is the market. The sprinki and fastenings are warranted perfect. Evaav Lein shockdiTue Time I They are now being extensively 8014 by llsacu 13111, thruugliJnt. the Country, sail[ at WHOLES:ILS & RETAIL, at SlAnut4ccory 'and Sales Room.. No. 618 ARCH lithe; below 71b, PPM*: I Ask for HOPKIN'S "oar nAzt,''—.bey , 00 other CAUTION.—.Nose genuine gale's Stomped oa each Fad Pad—ullookan's 114np Skirt .11ita. ulacaory, No. 628 Arch Street. FhiFedelpki.i." Also. constantly .on h and POI hue of New, York made Skarn!, at very lqw rieep. Te:ItMS NET essii. ONE l'ltiOE ONLY." • . , Sept. 31866. 4111 — A 111•611ti—A.OENTS wgollo4l ky far sit entirely ons irtie a, just our. Address 0. T. GAMEY, City Banditti; 1.44:' ieford, play ZI, 1866. "Itta • Pietas* • GREAt variety of PICTUbIi Fll4N r ltil, 4 - 44 with plain and convex glum% to!ribt o r orates Dreg and Vali T. 'lt, 1 - 1 Jane 2C, !VOL - • 26 I 42 iir 27 x St 23 x 23 tqi 33 , " n 1411vor Wttnh. so " n S•lver l: •%•1•r. " llq " u Ranting Iwyeir. 500 L*tt'4t F/Villipne SKIRT 4:126. G ouo 6,eu2 5,000 Vi 0,090
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers