Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, December 10, 1866, Image 2

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inlet were enslCavoritor to malutrito that otisru. ISrawing free') Inspirtttion from freirteen miles, at nu norgresette a mut+
; right by form• of arnfet. Atli of the 'ettates their lessees, let us emulate them in love coed, hided' ng all expenditures, 1 r t.s,-
whose• people were InThottirretetlen, us or country and respect for the Constitu- -4101,i54. Th e length of railroad rot sex le
Stotex, were it eluded In the apportion- Lion unit the laws, - ' thirty-two thoustind nod ninet olt wo
merit of the direct tax of twenty utliliorts The report of the SeereLety of the Tree- milt. r antl the annual tmttspor thou
_ . of dollars untitially laid upon the United eery nfeordst much Information respeeting . thirty million six littndreti ItUil, nine
pil ox .cifizeias q 11.4. Senate tliul House ;:tate s by the net. approved ells August, the rervisuentul commerce of the canto try. thou Sand four It u ittlred and sialy-jiteven
ef It.presvoitatitf4: 1:451, (:ongresi), by time net of 'Aland' rth, His views upon the currency, and with alike , . The length of 'steamboat routes ie .
Aft e r a Inlet' interval the Congress of leaf, and by the apportionment'ot repre- reference to n proper mtjustment of our foti - leun tiontsand Mice hundred and for-
Mu United States restulles itill :Imolai leg.* rwitlntion thereunder, tilso reeol:Histel revenue eystetn, int( hod as well as lin- tyorix mile., end the annual tronliorta
lislative tubers. An till-wisV and tiler& their .pre epee, as States in the Union ; post, are coin mendelle the eareful reit- Ii three million lour hundred fled elite
ful Providettee has abated the pestilence and they loweiforilltlicitli puriesfes, been eiders:4m of Cmagteee. In my last aunts- en thousand nine hundred and sixty-two
o o t o, r toot e d our shores, leaving its co- divided into dletriets, as States nleite can al !ay... I expressed my general views n Shim. The mail service is rapidly in
leinhente towel upou,seene portimei of be divided. The same recognition tip- upset these subjects. I need itoW only toll ceeiotifig throughout the whole •coontry,
seer country. ' Peace, order, tranquility, permed In th reeent legislation !h referente attention to the necessity orearryi fig into it tel its steady extension in the Southern
mud civil rollhority Mice beep lorinallY to Tenineset.. .4 which evideritly rests upon every depertmetit of the Government it Stutes indicates their ennstantly iniproy
declared to exist throutrhout the whole the fat that • 'co functions Of the State system of rigid accountability, thorough ing einislition. Tine glowing importance
of time United StJitss. lit allot' the States* were net destroy ti by time rebellion, but retrenchment, and wise cetnotny. With of the foreign service itien merits :atteu
el ell authority Ines impereedeti the otter
, merely suspended, awl that principle is no cxeeptional nor U1111..41111 expenditures lion. The Post Office Deparfment of
ewe of arias, anti time people, I.)" their of course those owns( witich, thy oppressive •Itu miens of taxation can Great itritain and our own have agreed
sillititticry Lesion ' ere niaintainleg then like Tennessee., atten 'fed to renounce he lessened Ity such a modi Hendon of upon a preliminary bask fora new:Postal
governments in full nett y ity uud cool- their places in time Unlot • our revenue kw! , as will he consistent Convention, which it is believed will
itlete ()permitter. The tot threement of ilea The action of the Exc.( tive Depart-' with the publie Mith, any the legitimate prove eminently benefieial to this emu
laws is siorionger a o o s t rue o e d In ittlY ment of the Government ur i this mule and necessary wonte of the Government. mercia I interests of the United States, in-
State by eteublitatione tot) I,4lVierlUl tO be
.i,,,.t has been , equally definite
.11 , 1 Ifni _ ,
The report presents a Dwell more sits,- risnetell as it contemplates a reduction of
s uppressed by the ordinary couree of, ;II - , poo, 'lnd tloe purpose of the' N .- 1r was factory eondition of our lin:tures I han foie the international, letter postage to on e
et heal proceedings;" and thou tte u 'mosaics specially stated in the Proelnoetti I is: year ego the most sanguine could have half the existing rates ; a 'eduction of
metre erect by tin war are rapidly yield- f+114.4i by II)) . broleet,....M . 011 the , !.tta •iy untielpated. During the the ill year end- poittage with all other countries to and
jug to the beisetlemit influences of our ~,f o o loi . iii b i r i . leo o It was then solein - hut the :filth June' MIS; the last year of frem Odell correspondence is traostnit
tree inetitutlons, end to the kindly efreets . i .o 'torch l ike-ill mud declared that "Iwre- he war, the public debt was inereassed twilit the British hinil, or in closed mails
ef unrestricted social mid commercial in- titt er, 11S IleretOnOre, tlw war will be pros- e. .. irserrer, an d on th e ;too o f October, through the United' Kingdom ; the estal -
t r roourae. -An mane rt. stortition of fru - eettt,..l for the &deist of practically 're- IS( -•: it amounted to $_',7!',x;4,7:11. On lishinent of uniform anti reasonable
tomtit fee/I me mutt be the earnest wish „s or t rig the CMlStitlitiOnal relations be- ti 't clay of October, Ist:6, it had been charges fur the sea and titriitorial trans
(if every patriotic heart; and we will , ;t00.,,„ the 1 tniteil States and eaeli of the r to 50rri61,310,006, the diminution, limit of rorrespondenee in dome! mails;
have aeCarbp!tslicil out grandest notional, State and the people thereof, In which ericaor fourteen months, emu- and an allowance 1,1 each Post Office De
achievement when, forgetting the 1044 :Stut, that relainlit is or may be suspend- 'Member 1. 1845, and ending purtment or the right tip use all !nail coup
evente of the Past, and remembering ell - , ed or mli4(lll'llt4t." I, 1111%111g been $201079,565, 1111111leat hills estal ills.iled Wider the author
ly their instructire lessons r , we resume i `'Time reeo r olition of pat' States by the ell report on the state of -Hy of the other for the despatchof corn's
tior on ward" earecr rot a free, prosperous, 1 Judicial 1 hpartitient or the-Gesterement hi s estionted that du- pondence, either in open or closed mails,
toad united people. 1 h.:-s also Oven (lei, r and cop eltisi vs. in -II .04 of the fiscal year on the same terms as those applicable to,
In my nitteaage of the 4th of December, • proceed Ines a fleet int.; then! as States, hail 'lute last, the debt the inhallitibits of the country providing'
1e66, Congress ULLS ilifOrI110: or the 111111 - in the Supreme, Circuit, mini District \1114,1017. During (lie means of transportation.
urea ' Whlell 11:11.1 Iced instituted - by tile . C our t, ; reduced :7,31,- ,
.... i , •,.. 'flue report of the I-lecretary of the Interior
Executive with et view to the greduto I Ili the a d oi r olon of senaters one icero veal' ha ni WA' Cthilthe 1.111. efilidi non of those limn lies of the
- restoration 0 1 the St a t e - 3 i n w i i ;,•i k the in:, reeeittat loos front airy anti al of the - eXPe ndi- palilie sect ice which are committed to his sa
surrection oceurred to t bets iliat ions witti state?;, I here van be »41 . 1114 ; rekIII(I Of :111- dinettes. pen ision. Dming the hit ilAeal year Lere,:i 12
tho. Cieht;rttl 1 iovernment. Pro% lelenal
,Prellensitel that perste', o Ito :tor dirleyal As: then hens or-pewi t . rem w it s dispooid oe t :492,516
Governors had been iippointed, Convert- :w i ll be clot boo o it It the iiiiwer+ ,
inf le'gis-
lebil - acres of e lib II vr;ls entered midi.; the Home
tiOnli 'ildiell, (ji/V".1101e clerica l, L e g i4l- latioll ; ri/1 : till 4 1 . (111141 nil11:tillg . 11 w hell " : 1- stead net. Ole. policy originally adopted Ma
ture:4 itissmolded, told Seriaters mat ityp- the Coo-tittnioo and the 13%, dre etifilre- ' Ii re to the public lands has undergone essential
• rQt , t'lltallYt 4l YhomAl hl the C"ill'rY"" tarby a vigilant and fait li NI Cotirresc. ovidilleations. inaliediide revenue, mat not
-11)CrUniledSteus. Courts had bee ti open-! Emir house i ,, made
- the „iodize
it rapid settlement. was the cardinal feature
td for the — enformenent of Imp 4 long ill' i iki e tam return., and st eilititettions of or land system. long experience and car
t beyuncer The bloekade hail been' re- , its eon o i
wli th ero e no d „„ y, ; , WRII Ow 'C Y.l . l,situ hay , . resulted in the cony:, lion
loured, cuetoni-liousem rioestablishedoind • roncurrence of two-thirds, terve!' mem- 1 ' arty ili - vilepaiviA of our agi ic 'Mural
the ilitennal revenue 1,11w:+ 1.1.1 t inn 'force, in otier.'l i , i ,
~.1- e ll'il Senator or Rep • 'setae- , 0 nic air.v,ioo or an eialls.iie po
enter that the people mights onto bete to , fl oe ',rescue, his certillente of election, Is `si•ta. vs straptor}, are objects of
the national intontw. Postal oPerothols he may at once be Isithititted or r jetted ; ' , to to the national growth
bud been reneo est, and illin tswore being or should there be any question i s to his i the pi sit do. of the wile of
motet() restore Listen to their former emo ' eligibility, his eredentinis may be oferred ost Litltter in open inarkeld
'Mimi of eflieieney. The States therm -,f ur ;
jin vestieatimi tO the approri: to emit- °pier upon the pionein
solves hail berm asked to take P•irt in the I - Mitten. if mini It tdd to a scot,-it nest Le cams they impose the
high function of amending the Cowititti- 1 upon o e t h er iro sio j o b ii . tory to to , ionise limited portion of
lion, and of-thus sane ti,,,ung ihe-ex tine- of which he thus beet tines alneni er.that •reuitt price. Tin
thin of Afrieun slaVery as c I
eie of the le- lie possesses the requisite Coesti Menial \tlie se-tiler free
gitimato results of our littertwei in. strug- anti legal qualifications. If ref sed ad- - and seem'
glo. - mission as It member for went o due al-
Having progreesed thus far, the Exec- legiance to the Government, and return
uti ve Department found that it had Ile- eel to his constituents, they are itlmott
comphshed nearly 'all that was Within . 'shed that nom' but persons soya to the
the scope of its constitutional authority. I roo te d oonito , will lie allowed a %nice in
this thing, however, yet to be I the Legislative - Councils of the as-'
done berme the work of testriration email " tion, and the political power ant moral
heentoPleted, and that was the adolissiml ! influence of Congress are thus ell' et i vely
to Congress of loyal Sem-More and Reines j exerted in the interests of
to ) the
to the
sentatives froin the Altk-S Si hose people Government and fidelity to the Union.
had rebelled eget test the lawful authority' 1 Upon this questien, so vitally e reeting
of the Sletteral Government.. 'l'his ouch- j the restoratiorrof the Union amid tit' per
t lon devolved upon the res;eictivellon , cs, • maneney of our present form of overt- •
which, by the Constitution, are made men tooy (mai' letioos, heretofore e •press- '
the judges of the elections, returns, anti ed, have untdergone no eh:lnge; tut, on
qualifications of. their own manners ; i
1 the coutraryotheir correctness ht s been
soul Its consideration at once engaged the i cell Ii toned by., reflection mid time. If the'
otteatioh of Congress. * admission of: loyal member': to s 'tits in ,
/11 the treceintiew, the Executive De-, the respective 11011, , e4 of Congr s Was
pertneeni--no other pluu 'loving heellj wise rrid expedient- a year ago, 't is no
proposed by Congress—contititteet its of - j less wise awl expedient now. If this perfect, eta fatill4 "as practieable, anomalous condition is, right tom —i f, in •
the restoration ll' the proper relations be- I the exact creel it bin of these State at the
twoen the citiseitsof the respeetive Suites, present (lute; it is lawful to exelut e them
the States, and the Federal Government, I
} from representation, I do not gee t tat the
extending; from time to time, as the (itio „ t i„ it „ill big oh:lived by the e flux
public interests seemed to require, the. time. Ten years hence, it Rim( :state.;
judicial, revenue, and postal systems of remain its they are, the right, of re )reem
the country. With the advice 1111(1 con- • tation will he; no stronger'—the 1 alit of
tout of the Senate, the necessary officers' exclusion will lr no weaker. ' j
were appointed, tttitlapploprintion, made , The Constitution of the l'ilited States
by Congress for the payment' of their makers it the duty of the Pressidet t to re
rotaries. 'Fire proposi tee' to au t et' d commend le: time consideration t. f Cen
time Federal Conetittaion, u) as to preveiit gross "Mich measures as he sthal judge
the existence of shivery within; tee Uns - , necessary or expedient." rknoe •of no
feet S subject tatee er any place subj to the i r measure more imperatively (tonal tied Ity ,
juriadietion, was ratified by the requisite every consideration of national ii ture-t,
number of 'States ; and on the Deli day j sound pollen and equal justice, tit ot the
of December, 1563, it was orlicially Ile-. amimi;se ;
ion of !eye' members fi 0111 t e noir
:Oared to have Iteeonie valid ; as Il part or' ooreproscottst rstatcs. This scout I Jon
' the . Constitution of the United. :States. ,
samtuate the work of restored() , no
Ali of the States in winch time insurrec- . exert: rimiest Salutary influence' in he re-!
Lion had- existed 'dumpily amended ended estaTilislintetit of peace, horn en,; and .
their Constitutions, so as to make 'then/ , fraternal feeling. It would tend greatly'
conform to the great change thus effect- • to renew the eolifitlenee of the Aturivall
ed in the organic law of the land; de
, ' people to the vigor and stability o, their,
dared null and void all erdloTtees °h i " Institutions. lt would hind us more
lawcoisecession • reputliateditli pretense- closely together as a nation, and liable
ed debts and olifigations created' for the , us to show to, thy world the inners: it and
revolutionary pur fuses of the insurrec
, 1 recuperative power of a Geyer intent
tion ; and faucet el,
in goo,l faith, to, founded upon the will of the peep'', and
the eintetment of neasures for the pro- established upon the principles of liberty, '
:tection and amen° tion of the condition justice and ill tell igOnce. Our, increased '
Of the colored race. Congress, however, strength and enhanced prospe . rity Would
yet. hesitated to' admit any of these I irrefragably demonstrate the fallacy of:
States to representation; and 1t was not the •arguments against free institutions:
until towards the close of ,the eighth drawn from our recent national diser-
month of the Session that all exception - ders by the client !es of republiean goy
was made in favor of 'lmaiteesee, by the efuntent. The admission of lityal mein: I
tultnission of her S'epaturs and Represen- .
bers from the States now exclude(' from '
Sat tom I „ Congress, by tillayieg, doubt - and alne-
I deem jt a subject of profound regret 'tension, would turn Capital, new await
1 ,
that Congress hiss thus Mr failed to ad-, ing an opportunity for in vestuten, into
twit to seats loya I* 'Senators and Represen-, the eh:tittle's of trade and industev. It
tativert fermi the other st a r e S, whose. ill- wolild alleviate the present coedit tin of
habitants, with those of T Sec,eolle o had , those State's, and, by inducing et ligra
entlaged in the rebellion. Ten states— time alt! irethe settlement of feeble re-'
more than one-fourth of Vie AVIIOIe 1111111- gions
M new uneulii valet', anti lead to :in ,
ber—remain without representation ; the ere:vied production of those filaides ,
seats of fi fty members' in MC _House of, w oo d , have added
so greatly ti the ,
ltepresen Waves and of twenty members, wealth of the nation and the commerce
.in the Senate are yet vacant—not by their l of the world'. New fields of _enterpri;se
own consent, not by a failurejof election, ;
would be opened to our progressive peo-
but by the refusal of Congress to accept . low, and eosin the devastations o l ; '' ) mono
their credentials. :T i
heir admission, tis ,
, e mild be repaired, and all traces f oar
believed, would have ticeemplishedinuen domestic ditli.rencem efllieed risme the'
towards the renewal and streagtheitimg minds of ours °a ntrymen. , 1
of our relations as one people, and re -1 In our elihrts to preserve "the unity of
moved serious ellUSe for discontent oil time, Government which constitutes Ids one'
part of the inhabitants of those States, I
• people," by restoring the St:ttes to- the
16 would have accorded with the great ~pontlition which they held prior to the''
principle enunciated in the Declaration mbe i l i oii,
we should be cautious., lest,
of American ludependence, that uo pyo-
,having rescued our nation from perils of •
pre ought to bear the burden Of tax:Olt/LIP threatened disintegration, we resort tit'
and yet be denied the right Of represep- ' consplidation, and in the end absolute'
tation. It would heave hued in co"so• 1 despotism, us a remedy for the recurrence
nonce with the express provisions of the, of similar trouble's. :rhe war having ter-'
Constitution, that "each State shall have minuted, end with it all occasion en; the j
at least one Representative," and "that exercise of powers of doubtful constita
no State, without its consent,Shail beak- timiality, we should hasten do bring leg
prived of its equal stitrrals - e I'll the Sell - islation within the bottadariesProseribed j
ate." These provisions were intended j by the l'onstittition, -and to return to the
to tieduie to every State, amid 'to the Is-'4 - oinewat landmarks established hy our
pie of every State the right of repress: 1-
j , 1 fathers for the idanee of succeeding'
Union. in each douse et Cotgress; ° ° !generations. 'The Coostitution 'which .
- Ho important waa it deeniedOtty Rae f it- j at any time exists, until changed by an
niers of the Constitution that tile equa i- ; explicit and authentic act of the t. lode
ty of the States hi the Semite should be', people, is sacredly obligatory uptin all.
preserved, that not even lit an amend- j "if, in the opinion of the people,
nientto the Constitution eeh ally'A t
-to-et distributimoor modification of the con-
without its consent, be denied a voice -
stitutional poWeei be, in any particular'
In that branch of the Natioual Luis-1 ti ring, let it be eerreeted by an amend-:
lature.* . went in the way'ln whist the Constitu- I
it is true, it has been nsetimed that time , ! then designates. f t But let there jbe no ,
, existence of the - States was'tetininated lehange by usurpation, for it is the custo
the rebellious:lets of their inhabitants, . wary weapon' by which free Governmen tar
d that the insureection having been : are destroyed." Washington spoke these I
. Oppressed - , they were .theueeforward i
i- osirds to his countrymen when, followed J
be considered mgrely as tionquered terri- by their love and gratitude o he voluntari
teritss The Legisiatire, Executive, and •ly retired from the cares of puldic life.
Judleitil Irepartuients of the t i .loverritnent . "To keep in all 'things within the pale
' have, however, with great diethiettisse. •
1 of our constitutional powers, and (fetish
sMd uniform consistency, 1 rolubeti to the Federal Union as the only rock of
Ouctibu an airstim i ncompatible safety," were prescribed by as:
with the nature
the profes se to our republican sys-
ruler of action to erfdear to Ids ''esountry- I
tem, and with d nitjects 01 meu the true*prineiples of their Constl-j
the war. Throughout the recent iegisla- Lotion, and promote it union of sentiment •
' thin of Congress, the undetillitlie inet and action equally auspicious to their;
makes itself apparent, that these ten Pot- happiness , and safety." Jackson held'
Mimi! cum MUllities are nothing lees Luau , thattimaelionoftlieGeneialGovernruent I
States of this Union. At the very eon'- •
should a lways be strictly confined to the
meneement of the rebel lion,j, each House' sph re of its appropriate duties,- and ,
declared, with a uutinhuity as remarks- just y and forcibly urged that our Goy- 1
hie as j e t was tognitleunt, that the war wits ern rent is not to be maintalued nor our',
• not "waged, lua/ our pert, in any spirit, Unt In preserved "by invasions of the
of opprestsiou, nor :or any purpose of eon.: rigl is and powers 01 the several States.
queui or surdwitton, nor purtuse of over- : a r n thus attempting to wake our (lettere!
throwhi'g or niter:tering Wit the rights Gos eminent etrong, we make it weak.
orestablishedlhetitutauns of those States,' its rue strength consists in:leaving indi e
butt tO defend and maintain the supremo- yid ils and States as much us possible to
• -ey of tho*Coiretnution and all laws made the. selves; in making itself telt, not in
in pursuanceinemut, mat to preserve the its wer, but in its beneficence; not in
Union with am the dignity, equality, and' its 7ntrol,•but in its proteetion ; not in
rightti of the several onus.% itionipairecto ' bin i. ug ....
the States more aide-ely to the
and Mkt as soon us these onpxas ' were; centre, but !cavil% each tiff move unob
"aotannplished the war ought to mimes". strutted in its proper constittitionul or
lu 147111 e instanew (senators were pen_ bit." Those arc the teaehings of men
- , suisred to caintAinte their iegielatiye Nee- whose deeds and services have noole
11044, while Mother insiniietns Represeu- them illustrious , and who, hum since
,flot,ivis were Aerated amt atiniitteu to steam w i t eo rowi i from so
.eues -of hie, have left
giter their acids-tia o - torn/ 1111 Y 44 " 1 " . " -4. to their country the rich Kerney of their
*or rtgbt, U' WitlittroW Irslui 1,40- 014. , 14$ (oomph., their wiedom, and their patri-
rvr..ilcarkfr:mimes 7bPO•
atTIU.t. 1
Ael titiii.„
t . , e'lite„.
ii . ti by ti.
•d, and Mt,
. those , ttats.
..I) Awl to rem.
- et tive Depart
`l I this sub
'te Aid toil
\ -tr was I
'ti I is y
i ay uz
n - int
tiled t,
reduetet e
during a ..
ineneing . • n.
October :31, 1.
In the last attn ..
the finances, ir v . .
ring the limit? qua t
ending the 3llth of
would be inerensed Sit..
'that period, however, it \ •
Ifht,:t.s7, the reeelphs of the
been Q.59,995.907,i more, nod t .
ture,4:1 ,. .200,:i0.2..35 Ik•ss than the t.
Notiliweentll4l Inl/11 . clearly indict e
I hese:. tatentents, Ihe ex tent and n\lt it.
ity of the tint ion3l rep-purees. and the 1.
I . 1.
.1, 1
vent i t
that the s ,L..
risourees.. 3
pul.dlon live
tar gloater inn 1.
:nal posporil3 tit: t
the land to the hip •:-.
The pre-mmaion lan s ~..
who tanuplics I% jilt the i
privilege of purchasing a t.
1,, \4\
- unod2red hinds' at the min',
homestead enactments relieve
• mdition of
. .rid poli
-1 d iron\
\ 'odd.'
' sill
, .
illic 1 ,
ction i ,
c Orin- • P 1
actltre a
m title to . 1.
or other- h. st.
t' the iiirre /
of 1111 , et
iveyell .s it
r rad, 1 t e,
-ant' I ha,
x I,
v•• g,
jollity and safety whielt, under on\
Juno of government, great military and
naval establishments can be disbandhed,
and expimscs reduced from a NY::: to a
re:tep footing.
During tlw lisertl year ending the 30111
of June, Itilili, the!reveipts were :f•:.5.;8.01 . ..1,-
W. 20, and the expenditure"
leaviiag an avai lal ale surplus of $37,181, 1 NL
It is estimated that the receipts for thefts
cal year ending, the Mil June. 1867, Will
I e F.:475,061,3* And 1110 eXpenditores will
read] the stmt of t , 311;,-1:18,07?, leaving in
the Treasury a surplazi ut $1:04,1133,:los.
For the fiscal year ending June 30,
it Is estimated that the receipts will
amount to $436,00:),00n, and that the ex- .
pewlitures will be :,;.tin,f2l7,64l—showing •
an excess of $81,752,3.59 lit favor of the
government. These estimated receipts
may he diminished by a reduction of ex
cise and import duties.; but after all ne
cessary reduction. shall have Imes made,
the revenue of I be present and of follow
ing years will doubtless be sufficient to
cover all legitimate charges upon the
Treasury, and leave a large annual sur
plus to be applied to the payment of the
principal of the del:t. There seems now
to be no good reason why taxes may not
be reduced as the country advance: , in
population rind wealth, and •yet the debt
be extinguished- %vitlijn the next quarter
of a eentury. _
The report of the Secretary of War fur
nishes kaluable rod inportant informa
tion in reference to the operations of his
Department during the past year. Few ,
volunteers now ;remain in the service,
and they are being discharged as rapidly ,
as they can be replaced by regular troop , .
The army has heen promptly paid, ears
fully pi twitted with ,niedi,al treatment,
well sheltered and subsisted, and is to lie
furnished with breech-loaaling S pi:ill
arms. The military strength oUha na
tion has been unimpaired by the dis- I
charge of•volunteers, the disposition of
unserviceable or perishable stores, and
the retrenchment of expenditures. Sulfl- ,
(dent war material to meet any'emcr;_,en- ,
cy has been retained, anti, from the dis- '
banded volunteers standing readv to re
spond to the national call, Large % armies
call be rapidly organized, equipped, and
eoneentrsted. Fortifications op, the
coast and frontier have reecivt.4l, Or ale
lbciiq prepared for more powerful arena-'
mentk; lake surveys and harbor and riv
er improvements are in course of ener
getic prosecution.' Preparations have
been made for the payment of the :uldi-
Donal bounties authorized during the re
cent ses.don of Congress, under such reg
ulations as will protect the Oovernment
from fra al, and secure to the honorably
diSellar,.%4l soldier the well-earned reward
of his fa fitfulness and gallantry. More
than six thousand 11111inted :- oldiers have
received artificial limbs or other mu - epic:Ll
apparatt s • and forty-one nations] eeme- '
testes, containing the remains of 1ti.1,5211
Union_ stddiers, have already been estab
lished. 'The total estimates of 'hint:try
appropriations is 5...25,235, 1;69.
It is stared in the 4.lmrt of the i• 4 ecreta-
ry of the Navy that the naval furies at'
thistinw consist of two hundred and sev- I
enty-eight vessels, armed with two thou-,
sand three hundred and fifty-one gnus.
Of these,, one hundred and fifteen vessels, 1
carrying one thousand and twenty-nine'
guns, are in eommisson, distributed chief- ,
ly among seven squadrons. The number
of men f i n I he service is thirteen thousand
six hnttired. Great activity and vigi
lancel .11 eve been displayed by all the
squadrois, and their movements .have;
been jut iciously and efficiently arranged
in such mantles as 'a Unlit hest promote
_merle it commeree, and protect the ,
rights : nd interests of our countrymen ,
ahroad.l The vessels unemployed are un- ,
dergoing repairs, - or are laid up until their
services , . may be required. 'Most of the'
iron-elail fleet is at League Island, in the ,
vieinitY of Philadelphia, a place Which, I
until d 'eisive action should be taken by,
Is, was selected by the l 4 ceretarY
as the most eligible location
class of vessels. It is important
p itAlde public station should be ,
sl for the iron-clad fleet. It i, in- ,
that the.4e vossels shall he ili prop
tion for any emergency, and it is
e that the bill acceping League
Or naval purposes, which pamed
use of Representatives at its last
illiquid receive final action at au
o: the S
for that
that a
er cowl
the HI
early p friod, in order that there may be a
suitable iii bile station for this class of
Weasels as vell as a navy-yard of area suf
ficient for ithe wants of the service, on
th.! De aware river. The Naval Pension
fund ai milts to 511,750, 1 m0, having been
1 tierce.ed ::. 4 2,750,0iN) du ring the year. The
expend itures of the Department for the
fiscal year ending 311111 June last were
*43,32.4, 7 .a and the estimates for the coin
ing year amount to $23,168,431. Atten
tion is invited to the condition of ouesca
men, and the 'importance of legislative
measures for theirrelivf and improvement.
The suggestions in behalf of this deser
ving class of out fellow-MI-'ems are ear
nestly recommended to the favorable at-'
tentimi of Congress.
The report of Postmaster General
presents a most satisfactory condition of
the postal service, and submits recom
mendations which deserve the consider-
Minn of Congress. The revenues of the
Department for the year ending June:to,
11466, , ere 51 . 4,380,086, and the expend'-
tures 15,352,079, showing an excess of
[ the la ter of $985, 003. In anticipation of
this d ficiency, however, aspeeial appro
priati u was made by Congree in the'
, net r. proved July 28, 1866. Including
the standing appropriation of $7t10,600 for
free Mail matter, us a legitimate portion
,of the revenues yet renMining unexpeu
' ded, the actual deficiency for the past
1 yen , is only $205,003-11 slim within $41,-
141 of the amount estimated In the annu
al report of 1864. The decrease of reve
nue compared with the previous year
i was one and one-fifth per cent., and the
i Increase of expenditures, owing twine',
NO to the enlargement of the,mail ser
i vice in the South, was twelve per cent.
On the 30th of lune last there Were in
operation six thousand nine hundred and
thirty mail routes, with -an aggregate
length ot'one hun4red and eighty thous
and nine hundreditnd twenty-emu miles,
an aggregate annual trine-portetion of
seventy-one million eight hundxed and
thirty-seven thousand nine het. tied and.
the payment of purchase motal .
Lima permanent home, upon the
residence for u. term of vear:L.
ey invite,4 entigrption from the Oil,
the more crowded portions of CH. Ni. wl\
114 propitious Irt'S'lil,4 OM 1111(1(111! t J. and
be more signally in bested 11,11 time shot
Imre given to it a At bier rdevelopinent.
Congress has made liberal grants or pi'
land to vorporations, in aid of The constru,
of ntilro,als and other internal Unproven,
Should this poney hereatter prevail, more
gent provisions will he required to
faithful application of the fund. T
the lands should not by Wen
\u 114 e. but retrain in the (lovernmen
rat to its control until some portion
s been actually built. Portions
might then, from time to time, be co
:•orporation, hut never in a great
the whole rptantity einl.raced by the
the comply:A puts bear to the entir
the projected improvement. This
would not oper.‘te
. to the prejudice
dertakinfr conceived in gnod ttith nn I
with reasonet , le energy, as it i. the .e
lice to Withdraw from market the hl.l ,
:flan the operation of :melt _n•ante
A breach of the coedit
Congress may deem proper to imp(
work n forfeiture of ebtim to the lam
drawn but unconveyed, and of title t
conveyed which remain unsold.
Operations on the several lines of t
Railroad have been prosecuted wit
pled vigor and sumes4. Should no t
cause of delay occur. it is confident!
ted that this great thoroughfare mill 1
ted before the expiration of the per
»Med by COII.'TCSS.
During the last fiscal year the alma
pensionem including the c‘pchses o
20(.01, was thirteen million tour Int
tfit . - -nine lhuaNand nine hundred and
dollar'(: and tilly thousand one hu
seventy-seven names were added to t
rolls. The entire number Of pensh
snt;, was one butt.trod :110 t went,
sand seven luntdr, , d and twenty two.
furnishes und:inelloly and striking p
authority or the .Ft leilti Governme
want:sin inviolate the integrity of-th
They in.pose upon US correspon4i o'iliga
tions. It is estimated t:ist_thirty-th ee million
dollars will be raquired to meet tha xitrencies
of this branch of the sen ice dorin thr next
liaeal Year.
, Treaties have been concluded w it] the. hull-
MIR who. enticed into armed °ppm.? don to our
Government at the outbreak of the rebellion,
have unconditionally submitted to ce authori
ty and manifested an earnest desir for a re
newal of friendly relatiors.
During thu rear ending Sentra)
eight thousan`kaeven hundred and
tents for useful inventions and
sited, and at that date the I).ll:thre t.
sun , to the credit of - the Patent fun
dred awl ninety-sexen
As a subject upon whica qepet
mense amount of the prolo-tion
of - the country, I recommend to Co
legislation as may be nere,,aryfOr
vation 01 the levees of thv
It is t II att(r of National imptrt,we
step.; glionl.l be Mkon not only to
eflirienex cW these barrlei s vgaihst
Inv:11,11ft ws, but for thi.'re,u;v:llttf
thins to the free and safe navigati
greet elemnel of trade and mat:lmre
The District of Columbia. und4r exiting
laws, is not entitled to fiat representation in
the National Councils which, from our earliest
hi , tory. has ben uniformly accorded to each
Terrilor:Nl established from time to time 'thin' .
our limits. It inantaine pectillar relations to
Congress, to whom the Constitution has grant
ed the power of exercising exclusive legislation
over the seat of government. Our fellow citi
Zeus residing in the District. wlueze interests
are confided to the special ..manliate.ltip of Con ,
dress. exceed in number the population or sev
mil of our Territories. and no lust reason is
perceived why a delegate of their choice should
not be admitted to a seat in the House of Rep
resentatives. No mode seems so appropriate
and effectual of enabling time to make known
their renliar condition and wants. and of se
curing; the !peal legislation adapted to them, I
therefore recotannend the passage of a law an
t horizing the electors qt• the District of Colnin-
Ilia to choose a delegate, to be allowed the same
0;11W and privileges mix delegate representing
a:Territory. The increasing enterprise and
rapid progress of improvement in the District
are ;highly gratifying, an.l I trust that the of-;
forts of the municipal authorities to promote
the prosperity of the national metropolis will
recee the efficient and generous co-operatiOn
of Congress. - I
The report of the Commissioner of Agrichl- ;
ture reviews the operations of his Departmeid
during the past year, and asks the aid of Copt
gres.s in its efforts to encourage those States
I which. scourged by war, am now earnestly en
gaged in the reorganization of domestic in
! dustrv.
j It Is a subject of congratulation that no f r
eign combination% against our domestic
and safety, or our legitiMate influence num g
the nations, have been formed or attempted
While sentiments of reconciliation, loyalty d
patriotism have increased at home, a more j t
consideration of our national character ad
rights has been manifested by foreign natio .
I The entire success of the Atlantic Telegr h
between the coast of Ireland and the Pmvi csa
; of Newfoundland, is an achievement wh
has been justly celebrated in both bends*. s
j as the opening of it era in the progress, of
!civilization. There is reason to expect that
. equal success will attend. and even greater iv
arOts follow the enterprise for connecting the
two Continents through the Pacific Ocean by
the projected line of telegraph between Kam
schmka and the Rusin - an possessions- in Amer
ica. -
The resolution of Congress protesiltrg against
• pardons by foreign Governments of persona
convicted of infamous offences. on condition of
emigration to our country. has been cianmutd
cated to the States Mt:l which we Maintain in:
'irrtloarae, and the practive: jnitly the cut -
Jg ., \:4l:eutillplait.t on curiat, - , \ not been 11. 1
The etonivratnintions of Congeal' the ,
__ _ _ • ..mena the .
it rtn• ontki .
. 413, upon his (lusty from tempt
aintiaa Lou. hail been prime:tied to t t Ini
taut and enlightened ruder , and
. receiv by
him whit exptessiona of rt.:dein] apprevin
lion. \.
~ _......0aneP of military service p.... 01 .0 th
. I, ,I, lumii Wll I 14 . e. P 1, , VIA MIN tale
hi Ilk,. winner as rt-shivnt subjects. Complaints
ir ki ng r pm , t i p , c l a i m t o th 4 reaper, in ,,, / , by live:old atemaah matt Cot tka aka 1.- ail a ta7mr-it• en
forelot ilLatea, hire beret:ollre !writ ut•itt•rk of cat for rood who' e wino flail, which, • the c tool
.a- , controversy bet woria the United Stat. s sii I mime will he dieseed rap•!rl.., , elsi sand het t
is. t z eoad nut 18:
, \,,, of the European loom i rm, an 1 the lrriLi lion eon
thi, ha_liallnia no the ocetelnatton. Ill'lrliC. IC3 MAX-
The Ex:eutic.. , , '"warued of an nth ,
nipt i,.. lO•yornt Upon IM: rater, to seltie this qu,tion Int tgr• rit. lB eleaw"na" 4o thaeh . 0 0 1 bat win. , "
tipsitii..l.-.Anwrioan advetintrers to intim e the
, 1 :::,1 . ‘, 43 , 1 :1 1 r i t , u ,,, 1 1 1 :',.. 4 , r t , l , l c e ,. u ,; l ' i r . i , ll ',.. 111 '. 11 1 I' ` ‘ ' ‘ ' . .' i t e ' Git;l..• 'ma t. z n nitana t ,i 11 ; 1 1 •11 :. :1 ,. ." a it:Via 5.% Waal Tim ha ems
migratien u 4 freethu"n 4 1; the Unit , d Stab"; 1 4 B r it,to has nsver-a. knonie ' o l . l .slhe right or es. l - 7Sone.' til:1:71 PULXO:4IU,BYIILT 's war:eh:ass sla all
, foreiLm
country, 'Mites! 40g - Aiiist thp projeit putri itficu, sh . has nut practiodly Insist-A upon' ssinaleteshandtbiurinallilithroaraineilei,ialuniSatt if
s une in Lich. i f ca nsun mated. would reilutte it. Franck., ipo (fi
lute been clle turnring k Prussia 'ore ea r : a l seem the 4,ldittia, sad east, whole...add ntua s
heat to t bind:ago eV en In ov'oppmssive than low propomail n econproitille, It hi .la, although mob, which tr ill man 4'l alma% o. I Paoils will tekkatto
hat ftrini whieh they have just been relieved. , c 'evincinginert 111... rallty,lpts not been accept
ri. by th e t h 'n .r it. , . l 14t h : i . r tes. -, Pelee , Is now prevail- , tuedleinemaceerdlua to 41:row.tio•o, Coosa tip,llos vet; fl'e•
kssnranee los iwenreeeitr4 from Ille Govern- voeully Ili Its 154 sOL:o cle•abi r01.1:b. to Mel , ' sane I.,`Tals
twin or tII J State in which the plart \ t‘ as itia- !: 1 1 :,' T t e ,,. ve „ rY r, w v „ r o'l. 1 1. , ,,,.' i r:,•e rin n ' u t i l c e r l' i r o e ri mll h t,`"Z.7 B itieP:l's Iv vie.tiF. to c'ea vo th , lh•ors id +wwwth..:V 4 • o4l
tired, that tai prom:Ain:4' will meet neither its I a . ms of the prlnelployo long lollandoetl . by ,T; no,°.l°''`.l4.l.'" re l.!' • ba y s' , are oat awl** nary nisi
.ncountrement nor approvaL It is a otieMiOn P.xecutive Deplirtm 'ff. that nslai rmizition by - net re :.,:rel, for soweetaial hid sorb" a nu.; Ire 11•01WIrrY•
worthy Of your considt radon. whether our lakts one State fully CC mpg.. 'the U Wive born subjeet Tb• """ I "" Wl be Ll ' h ' llti .' " 4 11 4"31k. erected
• Hasa this subject are fulminate to the ',recoil'. ;of our other Side fro m Ili is or forill Ince of milt- I° 111/ 1, 1 " . t:,, Ptooll.° l' r.a° to ado,
O d" l's•.? '‘ .- , •r f • r tt
ion or punishment or the crime thus meal- \•\tarY service under soy fore Government, so
. 10 , 0! )" • til l s ; lVO' rntatlo 1. T• 1 3 lal•nn • • •1 Mag r i ..
I, fcmg as be dare not column ly renounce its • 11 ' 1 " ••r ' • • rrm••• 18 • 1 sure las t° re" 6 " 14 . 1 " a '
' rlgh',lt and benefit. , V.:ere:Neale/I the rooms a, nuacla as paaalbte, es. an ata
In the month of April Led. as Congre tis is 1 ". . o f d '
, o 1„k r • p. r.ormanee it tit i s.a.e.s foad- , at ince, gado, all , la tan, al than; Oa fits
aware, a friendly arranzmient *JS Made 1.4!
--•- , he thel..a t i:mtitlltlott, I have thui petite usual: La IN par4Ca'air aid motives, mat.
tweet' the Emperor of Prance. U
rance. and the rival- .-preset itlves of tic. State" a !'' Nu/ mo. 1 yr.
dent of the United States for the withdrawal ' f ouch information of our dole ,
the French expeilitionary Inllitkrt' forces. Th i s I air ars so the\publie interests
w w
withdran? as to be effected in throe detue -
- Our Government in 11,4%. hi km.
1 1 lug ordeal, and" Inv earlloot pre.
ments, the first of Wllieh. It was umierstora ,
eril mac I.e sueeeSetfu:lv and tit. •
il ' l— ‘1 !\1 T h . G .... t i f .... h xa .. d y .
would leave Mesieo in November,' now past : out impairing its orlgiMil strocr 4 th and s el ' m • ith • Is -- - --- - - --.- - - -- - --
7 1 rum tr. \ ....__
!the 'second in March next, and the Hard tut " 1 The Interests of the Mulon are twet to he promo- 1 \ De. Jr A,lltstAstartitc's
last in Noctints r, 15d7. Immediately 'men : tell be the revival of (Paternalrel :lion k, the coin- ' CELEBIL‘TI:O SPECIFIC PI 1.114 . ;
the completion of the evacuation. the French plete obliteration of our•Paq diff,Tcmies, „,,, t.the exe risl from n pn•Yon plloll of Ur. Juan Dola•
Government was Id arsnthe the same attitude of re-Inauguration of alt tit • pitranits of po n o o . Di. f •.: MO T i r ti e• :„ 2l e lx f ot r i T r l t • l ;i:::4 l •: . f re nr . ; I . l , :a r k i t s i 1 u t l
Min-Intervention in retn fed to Meviefi. as 1 „ , 1 ' re r et t l h n e t e tiu r r ea ct , i . r u ta lo tii i_ t t li u • a t , B l r l t riecomplialttlioat ' Tbi a p i va i lla w., iii ,,,im n , l a n „ f iu p oa ti t o n, but
held by the Government or the untied States,
Io f these
II * l. tic • co-or 2 : i 1 3 1 ;6', ' O r Arlo 1 I:rrl.'n7.^lllruse i n a .,71,, ....i11 ita1f. i . . : th ir,, , ,ore ,, oi 5p,..1....t0rtir or r eaiu n at i :
Itcpeated asnirenres lutve been given i.e the of the Governiu •nt, Lb it en: bin its proper split re Miry 1 rrItaI L iIII . W. ift . vii - 117ia N t ' it -i r L ;• n tlr 4 4le v ritr,: i tie n lll.lensl
Emperor, since that agreement. that lie would: may eorli 11
.y on-oprr,l Le ‘% ell Ill' O(11"r In I,- Emlssions from Whalley roust. prods, OA, Or hilt •
corn pb•to the proniistql evacuation within the miring the ni lintenain.e or the Gon,tittotoo, th,.. (Sie sevi•re, will lie mpetmilly re' lo Vod Mut the et..
iwriternientioned. ors ooner. i preservation of the Uulup, ;tut tii.k perp %kitty of ga l it :a res t to . reil to !to:1 . 111 , 1r nellma. . ,
,__ ,
It At um rearonaldV expecte:l that the proceeti-; our free lustnutious.
, I physieboc.:
d to fonutt•iii,t 0,..111 101. s of .. innnut Frenni
Ines thus mattemplated wonla p r „,,,,, a crisis : . , • • , ..,. I. -Wo ii ice us,' tho stpecine pills preparol 1, 7
{ti aslimgton,Dt c. 3,1 s.;;;, ‘, i illratv fere it Ihtisint. o. 21 I Ithe Lombard, from
of grcat, political Hut 'fret in the If ifpublie Oil , . . . . . ' the I,rocilption of o
...r. In in lief, 1111 l trre. In out
Mexico. The newly uppointed Mlltijacr of the : - • - kprlvitle priket fee %dr' 'uniform suisiess. and we n a p
United Staten. Mr. Camptiefl. was therefore sent Special Notice Column. .4,, tii,,,. k .11 a her medic-Ito no well calculated
torn aril. on the 91 It (lac of November last, to _ to cure 1111 permotot sintering from Involuntary'
Entheilinis or 1111 Y oilier wr y of the htex toil
rissitme his proper funetions B,s .Minister Plea' • Alleoele'm Porous rim: ers. - tiritirts, whether cati,-,1 by sedentary Illiacit 61
IpaClll.nry 01* the United Slates to !hat llopuh- LAME' /SACK. hylll,; • ,:uce•lsee, or 1•1•Ose.
lie. It WIN also I Ilfinelit expedient ;bat Ile • • New York. Nov. M, 1` , 19. • it, A,ltgartireaut Y., 11. D.
Ci. 11. 1 / 1 1.1Aal , lN, 31. li.
51t0111t1 lit• attended in the vicinity of Mmdeo I
, T. A I.IXOCK .1 Co„ . -thlitlviiien : I lately sititiv- , ',
Juas I,k: I.k.ucti ite, at, D.
by „the Liebtenant General of the Army I lime
( 1 - . ,ed severely from II WetikileSS ill "
lily Intel:. Hot*. , Park, M.'s' atli, 1:11•1,'• .
United States. wit 11 the view of obtaining such log heard your 'Misters inuela rcomintendist tor i T, 111-:. , ‘11.1.: n ur cUNTI....tI , I.:ITs. , 1
harnintion its might lie important to iletnr- ! ~,,,,,,,,,,, , i : I,‘ t I
O. 1.1. S,•, prvoliroil Olio, OIMI the rom It to 0 1 ... t .".....iT; k ;Tt i . .......;1 4 a ,11 " ..j . ,,';' t' i t' ,1 ,, 1 1 ..1 ) ,1 Hi i i!.. 1 1:.;,!, / 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 ) ;1 • ', 1 1!
Mine /he eoorse to he immed hY the t'IIII!-' 11 ' was Mt I could dii.liki. A min:Veld:lslet cured nie tarp •!' hos: ii: sl s l' for FIVo 11 , 11 hrs.
Si autos in re-establishing and ma n nn aining ne- ! la „.„1,„ Yeltrs resliect fully, - Cla,u.t:mett,un d: 111:eov r, !Solo Pr!PrMlors.
NO. 1",r1 Ink' lotiOrMsl, l'uris,
eeskary and Kilter intercourse with Gm Re- ' ; J. (1. Illtlfffni, One Doll•Ir 01r0b0, , 1 1., :Mr :414111111141 , 11 A7l'llt,
lillblie Or MUXiee. Deeply i n terested in the Proprietor or ti l e lir4odretl. ;louse. Will lomr•• a hoy.ny return mall, noottroly hooka
cause of liberty and humanity,' it seenied an ! Cull , 03 , emu ,. 1. ,,, T • . . fr
o nt, al Mom' Y••I bay; sic l•ofos ter file thlllnrs.
/le. I:ACK, A. 7•11 Li mitano.
I duly on our part to exercise whatever !
-14 ono. N. y.;.1.4,- 4, Isal ol lieneral :igen tsi for A iitsqlisk.
ofic k fAlt 0: Miaisklkk ,t po., _
influence we possessed for the rektoration and
. :IT Cori lan.] tit.,;N. Y.
permanent ektainislitnent in that cOnntry of a N. 11.-Frenelt, rlertiniii,Spalindvatinl English
doltiesti: nn.l republienn form of goVernmen t. Pamphlets, ointalu full I.l.l,ot:tea turd :Wee.
tionm fi or time, merit free to ev,ey add ri gm,
melt nIIS the condithm of atihirs in regard it„ D. ltitebiei, .tgmit. for rieflktiblirg•
In 311•xico. when, on the 22d of November 'ast, Use, IS, ISI.I. ly
ofli-ial informatioul was received trout rart3
that the Emperor of France had some time be-
Ibre decided not to withdraw a detachment of
his forces in the tnonth of November past. ne
cordite, to enungement, but that this decision
was made with the pnrpose of withdrawing
the whole of 'those, tbrees in the ens.ning
tiring. Of this detertuination. however. the
lined States had not rem-iced any notice or
nation; and. so soon as the inlbrina lion
~ cited by the Government, care w:l3 ta
•ake known its dissent to the Emperor
was r)
ken to .
of France.
I cannot regn the hope that France will I A Life Saved.
reconsider th• subject, and adopt sonic reso- Moab has been said, and V 61111114 s . eould he writ
ten on in rteetet to the evacuation of Mexico t i t:41 ,,. : . 1 ..4 1 . t li , s e, s it , t; e 1 1 , 1 4 .3
s .
i .: ; ;;:.4 1;, i i i 1 t , i n .;!1 , 1 ,.. 1; i t
ri t , To : l , l l, t , i i : ! :
uhieli will - confo -u as nearly aS practicable ' and tetion..ithiess. ainere is nun certain Wu.% ill
iVith thl • existing Cl _agement, and them -meet which to °by:ate:ill tills. Ihirean,e. and 111.. V. .4
the just expectations if the 'United St att,-s. 1r i c: 1.; ', 1 7, 3 4r ,":4"„ 1 , 1 ,?4,":,'.', 7 4.,, 11 t 1 i .1Z A p v „ .. ,", g ,':• 1 1 ', : . ( :„%:;`,T, ; * :'
, The papers relating, to t e subject will he laid but null in Oteir MUM'. For all disor Isrs of tip'.
before you. It is believe hat with the erne. ; soomnee, IA or, Kidneys, 1 . 11:1 , 14:01',Nrn.,11 , I hs
inttion of Mexico by that x , ditionare fiT(.Ol, fg" 1 8 , 1 „:, :. i ,1 1 . " 1 1 ,111', 1 , 1 i L n a 1 i i ;,,,,, , t . .T.1 t .t, V ,';r 1 . 41,..., 1 , " ,1 1 ;;T • iT t " ,. n r. ...
110 Bllltieet for serious dill.- au-es h A , viVII nal it rang.mtents, they are ts M.-4 , 11'1'01 01051 ,1-
'Ftanee and the United states wo Id remain.— 1 let live met give !great s-it isf. t etlon. They ore a
The expres.sious of the Ilnperor a I p..sede
n \\ of I ; 1 1‘.: I i'U t e "1 :•!,..en t a ' • i t i t t h u g h t; 1. 6 1 ' T 871 ' , 4 1 .r tii " e r‘ r . 'el " I':..t t i:i 't t . i . i l ,7l'
Fiance reactant a hope that the tr. 'LlionarY s.lll is of instanees has been—a il t• saved. Tire
friendship beta een the two countrie. might in ' est. in • , I , •ii aditority :.It , t,, Ii lit R.1 . 1W,13 . 's '
in that ease be removed and permauea re_ ..iteg til , t tug Pins, in their minty. prop riles, and
stt-eesses, stand undisputed the most . ilo•aelous '
stored. 1 up , rlent, hesa jut n 111 4 ,4 pa rttat it ,• extant. I
A claim of a citizen of the United Sta isom by I trteczists. Prim 2.1 vents p..r box.
for indemnity for spoilations committed ott tit ei pcc. 3, ISIA. 21 ~
lrigh seas by the French authiwities, in the ex- i • ••• •- • - -
excise of a belligerent power against Mexico, ITo-OWlltern of IlorNes rend Cattle
. has been met by the Government of France l To rt.. Derby Con.bllott Pow Is:, are warrant
tl it II a proposition to defer settlement until' a et mo .rlor to any milers, or Ile pay, fur tile rtqo
mutual convention for the adjustment of MI ;, worms, Dots, comtie, iti4e-boniwt,!
c laims of citizens mid subjects of both conn ; cohts„,t,„ n tiorsee: an.l col it, Coughs, Loss (11,
tries, arising out of the recent wars on this, Milk. Black_ ongne, !torn I tistem per, t,., in Cat- °
Continent, shall be agreed upon by the two tee. These IN to tern wore formerly put up by 1
entllltrieq. The suggestion is not deemed nil- Simpson I.Tohl, s, s o n or Dr.‘l,-she e
reasonable, but it belongs to Congress to direlet ails l it thel
1.1`.1..), 1.1911. rid ii W. il 4.1, sourest Mr toein g
the manner in which claims for indemnity w that Dr. Tobias has enntinue 1 to At ineeteiliro i
foreigners. as well its by citizens of the Cuitel Liorn. TIOT are p. , rfe, ly safe an I Inmwent ; no
States, arising out of the late civil vi tor, Shall ' noel of stopping the wt king of your imlindls.
be adjudicated and determined. I have no 'f.l -y i nee.-ase the rippvitt, , ,Ayetifliii•clett, - eIe:ITP..
dbubt that the subject of all such (+lima will I -le sto telt and mitiary Mcgaus; also inerease
engage your attention at 'a convenient and, the milk of COW). Try them,. 'II out will I ever
pyoper time. , i h without them, 11. ram Wo,sl lIT, the rot n*u.
It is U. matter of regret that no considerable to t trainer of trotting hors,-s, hes sad the
advance has-been made towards the seljust meld ye 1.1 . .4, an I roeontaion is them to Ids 1 en Is. Col.
of the differences bet wean the United Slates pan, p. ittis:i, or the Jetomo My-et . ° se, Ford
and Child Bi it sin, arising out of the cleprel- It on, N. Y., world not use tj;,nt until 1).• aft tol.l
riots upon our national conumwee and nth r of Wll.l, they are eo:npa:ed, t.inve wlikh le is
trespasses committed during our civil war by never without them. ID has over Si run tag ,
British subject s,• in violation of tuternr.tionnl horses In tits eharge, en tea the last three yea
law and treaty obligations. The delay. how- . has used no other mealeine for thou. Ile has' -
ever, may be believedio have resulted in 4,-, • kindly permlttod me to refer any one to hint. i„.` l,
small degree front the domestic situation Of Over OW other we retires can Ice seen at the de- 1 ;;;\ c ,
Great Britain. An entire Chang” of ministry pot. sold by Druggists and Saddlers. Prier Si, oeoupt,
occurred in that country during the best sessina emits per box.: Depot, .sti Curt lan& Street. New l ism , in!.
of Parliament. The attention of the new min- York. , [ N ov . 0. NA 71 . 1 ( t . ; in .. nasol
istry was called to' the subject at an early day. _ . . ......-
and there is some reason to expect that it will
now be considered in a becoming an i ftiendty
spirit.' The ituportance of an early disposi
tion of the question cannot be exa... - ,goral ill ..-
Whatever might be the_ivielies of the two
Governments, it is manifest thAt good will and
friendship between the two countries cantiOt
be established until a reciprocity, in the prac
tice of good faith and neutrality, shall be rtl
stored bet wee]] the respective nations. 1
On the,Gth of June last, in violation of °lir
neutrality laws, a military expedition against
the British North American Colonies tens priji
jet.tial and attempted to he carried on will=
the territory and jurisdiction of the Fnitt.ial
States. 111 obedience to the obligation impon
ed upon the Executive by the constitution, tit
see that the laws arc faithfully executed, all
citizens a ere warned. by prod:mut:hut agaitett
faking part. In or aiding suet' mita wild pret
eeeeinge, end the proper civil, military end nti- 1
vat officers were directed to take all neecesary •
menetifts tier the enforeeamfd of the laws.,
The expedition failed, bat it has not b-en wit li
bet its painful ennsequences. Some of °Ur
citizens who, it Witt alleged, were engaged itt
the expedition. were captured., and have been
brought to trial, as for it capital offenve, in the
Province of Canada. Judgment mid sentenee
of thedh have bi-en pronounced aie.tima sonit.,
a-, bile others have been acquitted. Full s e be
lieving in the maxim of Gorertnitent, that se
verity of civil punishment for per
sons who have. en.pged in rerolntionary at•
tempts which have disastrously failed, is un
sound and unwise. such representations have
been made to the. British Government itt behaif
of the convicted persons, as being sustained lt
an enlightened and Inuietne jiel . .eanent, will, it
is hoped. mince in their cases an exercise Of
elmency, and a judicious amnesty to all who
were engaged in the movement. Conni•-t ho
Ipen employod by the Government to tlAiatel
t hizens of the United States on trial for capital .
offences in Canada; and a di , 4contiminnec Of
the proseetniena which were instituted in tile
courts of the United States against those wild
took part in the expedition has been directed.
If nil
111( (1
tl4 li
e sl mild
Fm )% int
the lazids
e Paejfie
l i tIIIVN:lt l
infOrCA 'II
1111tili 21-
(1)1111 C-
Ull (11:b c- 1
Int paitlltu
1 , 1r,2(1 :o.d
[ 'fired and
.i.: pension
'hers June
eic thou
I This tiu t
cof of the
tituti nuil
t. and to
L Lion.—
0 ^O,
ixt( en pa
s wvre is
the Trea
t was tiro
o Dun
I, , ,trer• stieh
he prest,r
-n rivet—
a that early'
ht to the
le,lraett re
II oliqtrta
on or that
i htv regarded the exp,idition a. , not only po
mp in Its nature, but as oleo, in a treat
foreizn from the United States in Its capes,
character; and objets. The nttempt wan an ler
stood to be inicie in sympathy little an insurgent
party in Ireland, and. by striking at a British
Protince on this Couthtcut, was designed to ail
in obtaining redress fur political griermiees which
It RAB assumed, the people or Ireland hat suff
ered at the bands of the, Britlib Gorernm tit
during a period of setcral centuri a. Th • pct.'
sons engaged in it ware chiefly n niers, of that
country, some of whom had, whit: others -lead
not, become eitirmi of the Unit: el `•lt des under
our general laws of naturalization. Conn:hint of
misgovernment In drain I con: ind Illy e neleges
the attention of the British nation, and so greet
an agitation Is now prevailing In Ir •hn 1 that the
firitalt elovernment have deminwil it u..easary to
Hasp: ad ch.-writ. ui ;tannin" cotters in that C,llO
- These tirenmstanees must. n •e , sisarily mod
ify the opinion w filth we might otherwise hare
entertain-el In regard to an expedition expressly
prohibited by our neutrality laws. So long as
Laws remain upon our statute books. they
almedd be faithfully executed; an anl if th-y op
erate harshly, unjustly, or oppress/ re Congress
Glom. am apply the. remedy, by their modilleation
or r.p
Po:ideal and conam Interests of thl United
Stat. s are not unlikely to be affeenril in some de
gree by events whtzh are tram-Tiring in the east
/TR rltions of Bump.. emi l the tau. s , sms to
hare coin- when oat Gor.rnru lit ought to hare
ri prop;r diplomatic reptes mutton to Greece.
rids Government has claimed for all p.rsods
not convicted, or act-mired, or mum:feted of at&
erten an absoleiti rlirht of self-exit itri
ation, and a - chke Of n national ailegience.
Metiet of th Palm , au St ite have d from
" •
this prtnelpin. eel hive. ri ri4lll to bold ,
s a,•li chair 'tub) .•rts b Int nti;., :tied to anti . CONSUMPTION' :ABLE BY rat.
been niturelLsAl In th_. Ullited State., awl after- 1- SOBESNOKE • ZDICINZA.
wards refs:rust! on transient visite to their native TO crnn coNsvitirrinx, .• enters wool bi
entoittles, to the istrformsner of -vit ' •
• eo
;Mi , ssr's. ALT.con: l'lcast• st•thl to a dol.
lar's worth or soar plants/. They hove cured lila
o a erkk. In toy back, which has troubl..l itio - for
tattoo Ilatop,•ittut how my father ha gulag to try
thkott fur ty about htv In. art.
Dr . Green, No. i 4411 Broadway, New York,litiorms
us lie sold, on Mondity, June 4.1,1,1402, two plastet^i
I Li) a young WuMall Maudlig very Fniverely fruM
lumbago. Dal nun, lay she called to get
' more for a frnind, and then statc.l how OW, two
she had purchased on 3loaday had reit, veil r
Immediately niter putting thiln on, and cured
her in two days of a moist distressing pain In her
hack and loins. •
Soli by all In uggistg.
To Con-4ninpth-ro.
Tho nivertlser, having beet. r-....t0rr 1 to health
10 a tow wooks by a v,ry S.111j11.• artOr
having statterel - tor-soveral V 111 watt n 140:010
I ang affection, nal that dron.liilKPll,.., '4IIISLIIII p•
Xllvils it, 111,1ke known to ...How
uffot tla• lavans al tin%
all wao .1..51r.. It, t 1: Will 51 . 11 , 1 a enpv or till,
pr. •srngtion 11.1441 lire, of ..I...Ned with lay dins.-
tams tor prepurn.L; ita.l Leda:: 11,1 'Nana, whieli
thry well tin ILI Sr lar tie: Mon ros-a - arrarv,
A•sritstA, IticoNt.lllrls, rat'.:ll•4, ('01.1.1, and all
Throat awl Lang A.r.otion, The only °biro( a
L 1... rolvertisor In !Wailing' 1:1.• Pts,eript,tati In o
t 1 :113111 hal, au I inc..rinat !tin whieh
'lO watoolw* to la. h 1 valu I.r boo...every
b•rer will try his remedy. as It will tam., them
n :till m ty prove IL lat...sing.
wishll.4 t 01 pros .rlption FORE by
ca apt.
mall, will plea,••a I tress
ElhV %R.) A. W 1:40N.
Willccniburg, King, cu., New York.
Afar. 5.l UG. ly
Tao Grevt Eetgllvta Remedy.
Protaeted hy royal letters patent.
Sri J k111.:4 1 . 1:1.1-:1111. l rtni FEUAnit
Pa rfelYtTl• I 11/111 IL pr., •1.11/1101l 01 Sir J.
Clarice, 3f. I)., PiivAlet ui EXlr.tior :Mary to the
1.4'1.,11. o • fa trt fat ling In
earo of all t If p.llllllll •Iltll4 ,
SOS L') Wlllll.ll 111e1.11411 0114.4111:1! lull IS
/II / I.•rat.s all ez , an,l removes 111 111.1811110•
11/ 1141, :111.1 a Spc!C ly ears may !/I• relied on.
To Married Ladle., It !a p-eu'larlv afttle.l. It will.
Itt . a.'fort tinty, brli 00 the monthly perio,l f tit
regal trily.
rift, should. not he talc by!
Females during titerlitsr-raffev. ft‘ot l'reg- I
n ally. MK they fir, stir.. la I,rilg on 31Is •arelag , . ;
but at any other VIII'. they are; 8 ifs.
Di fill c w sor Nervous and Spinal A Erections.
Puna in the 1,11110., KIIIIIIII , on slight
C.X1•11I011. 11;/11) 111 . Ihk! Heart, Ilyaterles, and
Whiles, [hew , Pill. will effect a fade when all
er in-ans If vce Jailed; an I although a powerful
remedy. do not rootain Iron. ealottael, antimony,
or anything hsntfnl to the efllll4LilllLloll.
Fll9 Ilif,4lollS ilt the pimptilet around melt
poet:age, 1111,111141 I," carefully prca,rved.
SOlti 1.1. Y Ikm,wstal. Price One Dollar, per bot
-.111 1 , the fate of every vain
:Vile 31 no to he t'oantertelted. no cautious,
ther,fore, tin I that too letters ur. a .m." 1101
blown In the bottla, an I that each wrapper bears
the tat. 'IDYL'(( of ills signatures of 1. 1 2, -- 11.% fat-
WlN& - 1.3195E.1. TrWithout which
none are irenuttio.
N. 11.-030 11.11141', With Lighteen e 41 1 1 .4 fOrrO 4 "
en do; ..1 to inratith eiz .1 Agent for Die
ett-iten an) itrltixb D.milnlori.
.r i t \f•laF.i, .17 Co.ll 111 IL Street, Nov York,
will In .vare a bottle Calltalll4l4 V . 01„
turn in ill. whatrely Beale.] from all ob.servation.
Dec. IS, ly
Ayers Pule.
Are you sick, feeble told complaining! Are
you out 01 order with you: eyntem deranged and
your te,•lings UnntonlorLodel Theme symptoms
are linen Cia preiu le In serimis ISMlie tit,
tit skitLiell , s Is creeping upon you, all 1 should be
averted by a timely tt,,, oh the right remedy.
Take Ayer's Pills, Mid eleMito tint the disordered :
husitom—purify the blood, an I lel the:lob's move'
on unobstructed in health again. They stimulate
the funettous ot the into vigorous actlyitY•
purify the system from the oisdritetions Wider&
11111 1 Le disunite. A cult settles somewhere In the
holy, and do • gee Its natural tunctiwas. These, 1
If not relieved, react upon themselves and the
sureoUti 1111:11/rJ111, pro lucing vetteral nggrava - -
Lion.; and dentrigetneut. IV - hlle to this
omelition. lose Ayer's Pins, and sec how it ird•ctly
they re,iture the list:M . 4 witon or the s3.teni,and
wna it the bouyant feeling of health a • ko It
What Is true an I so appal , lit In this IF/viol and
common complaint is al,. trite in many of the
deep szatod andthingerous • I h.tempers.
purzative etreet expels th.ent. Catiae , l by similar
onstrnetiond nod deraligentmla or the nattiest
fun:tit/as or 'helm IY. they are rapidly. and rnauy
of 'ldols surely cured by the same intatrui. :11 . 012e
who know toe virtue. or these Pills will neglect to
eioph , y them when suffering lr o,ll di ,1411 ' 10,3
they cnre.such es Ifeadoehe. Foul stonuteb. Dys
entery, Bilious complaints, Indigestion, Derange
ment or the Liver, t•.4tiv , tiess, Constipation,
Ileortburn, Itheuntatisni, tinnily, Worms and
felnporession. When taken in large tbsoss.
Ttiey are Suudr (Inat , l. so that the most sensi
tive can take them (niftily. and they are 'rrery the
tent ears ,live itie , lielne yet , discovered. •
Prqd,,tra,l 117 J, C. A VMt .1, Co., Lowell, and
sold by A. D. Hu Oiler, (del lystiurg.
Nov. Cr, MSS. :hit
Dr, norm!mint entity:rill
TiliM mu tt h a s thoroughly pr"v.lll‘acti to belllo
host atilt It kilown ior eating the l'aturrli, 041
ha the lieu., no‘l liet4lrA•ll... IL tint bruniatind sit
excellaat remo.ty w io tic 1 . 41144,s 4 sur44 +44%.
Dualcu , s lint !wen r, 1110 \ t`ti by It, awl !Irwin
lilts often been groatly Improt oil be Jim tilt...
t In 11'.114:1411i. +ull t1{11 . 1,101., 1111t1 111r14 11i31111.
btArg 14 , ;1.11...}. to 111.• titill bitty palll4 e.lo4ed by
Mantra, ur the 114-cut. Tho' /4..11 , 4•111011.< ita , r using
It ared , and Invigorating. It "man nil t
gl%e4 a healthy at tont to the part.' ittlect.A.
Mare I It tit Thirty Velo.N' or it do mat usa of " Dr.
Inr-cuu.tll•s 111 . 11 , 1.1010 14tIlltt." has
prat ea Its groat vain” tar all hurt onintandb4.lal4ll%
of the howl, and at thia Augment n1.111‘13
,•r loolore.
4 Due. 3. lin
It h rtlvolettileri.l,4Cl .v nvniv of the 111..3 hhnt•
itild t, u,..1 u tlt. gtcal 4t1:31.11n a 11,1
I 4 , M I'Ver) U i 11•17%
Rawl the I'4lllll,llft N of Wholeman Inliggluts In
: The tlll , l , rslgll,ll, having lur yrotris
been ru .oi.4inted with "I r..lnralullhn ntnrrli
ant IfeltAlAelletounr,- and ~old It la ow IVIIA/Itlin4lo
I lade. rile , I 1 10 .1 y r.tstlr, l'1:11 t• %e it to We
In very respect, to tile regionoienaollook
to vela of It. lor the run. of ralarilllll A Ifeetlol.ii,
Aol I that Il la decidedly (Ile lo•At urflele wr loive
w , r 'known for nil I . OllllllrM ilisv:lNvm of lib.
Von' rry, Roston; AteOon
Inn: Brown, 1411r. , 011 it 0,40.1; Meth W,
Fox% Ruston; W 111.1.11, lieston ;
11,11.,11:1W, Etillitllol .t , Boston; 11. 11. liar,
Portl3:l.l, Itornes Pnrk, b.ew York; A. I%
It I o. Sands, New York; steplieta Nvw
Y o rk ; 1.1;1, illor it 'o.. Nrtp YO1'1( NICKI• 101011
tt Itonlllel. New York; A, H, 0% 11l ,t ro., New
York; M. Ward, rlopo..S; New York; Bush St
Nett York. LI -7 'For anfu by ull.lWilttigi
Try it. l Der, IN, Lidi. 17
Do yon wish to havii your imir entherised from
' the %wall)? No. Thu. beware of. tile nsw bnwwl
Hone mail caustic Up, Pi got up by M1111(11111-
mongers, who bear the M 111111: relfliioll/111ip to tho
responsible I'lliontst that -
Curt to hotle4t itierehntatnen. Hmet:B4er that
the experh nee of yrurv, and the very lily:bout sot
, eintile etidorsetneutk gliarnit too tits Superior'.
fly of.
I over every oilier in use. It Is purely vegetn.
He, 111 hi II ble and lostanteneous. Idonufuelumd„
by .1. ItISTA 111 Mil, 6 Astor Ilouse, New
York. Sold by Druggbds. Applied by all Hale
[Dec. 5,'66..Uu
I ])real TS
'MAD 1. MP: !ant INti ft IS, ttot world renowned
A strologkt mid Somnambulistic Cialryoy,lit,
Willie lit n clairvoyant state, delineates the very
lenlttres of the person you tiro to marry, 4111.1 IT
Ito• al , l °fan in al notent In I utentw powor, known
s the I', ehouu.trop.• • guarantees to posluee IA
phrfeet ittOl Ilfe-Ittod picture of the future husband
or •lie ra lii.• nopl leant, with date. of nistrringe,
, ateeupul ion, lew ling traits of charterer, ate. This
, Is no nup4sition, fit 4 trelil 1111,millis without number
can tuettrt, By stating plaeeof birth, tete, tilmposl-
I lion, color of eyes nit I hair, an I en..fteting fifty
• cents, au•d ...tamped envelope n I Iresso.l In your
nit. sou will h.,.1‘,,, tie• pletnn• by return ittril,,
Logetli , r whit desihrd linurnetlion.
Address In coati leli•e, M %DAME -oititTlLlTniii
Reno:cm , : P. U • !lox ZIT, West Troy, N. Y. _
?Supt. 41, TSW. Ulu
Deafarm. Blitatineon and Catarrh.
Treated with the 411t1111.t, pillevett4, by Dr. I.
k Douttid and orbit, ( formerly of lA.yden,
INH iii I 1 N 0.119 1'1111.14100i la. Tee
tithoefule free the terra ren-thlo tentrege In the
OW en I Cimino' r.iu,be Neell at lox o:no.. TI
fiteulty aro luvitml to tweoininny (Able
pg,t an 11 , II:I , Ito xeer..ts le hi+ pre-th.o. A 1 . -
Ithelal (WWI. .rt without p.iin. No cluiriger
made f..r examination.
21,18611. ly
Every young hely and gentleman In the Vnlte , ll
States eun hear something t try much to their-gut.
vantage by return Mall (free of chance.) by tut
dressing the inelerslglit-1. 'I'M. having feurwof
hot in{ Innnbnugeti will oblige by not noticing this
ear 41. AII otl, rr will niense address their obettl•
ent servant, TIIOS. , F. I'ITAPMAN t
Mar. 5, 14. ly ilrotulway,N., Y.
(nos yoorN(I MEN. A Igo, anti
Atouvoi At hid( verth:thently inkstrate lb. Vitul
I'uWer4, Mire 111( . 11110 Of rcl3/•t, Hen& Irmo of
l'ilarge, lu menled eltrelopesC Adam.; Dr. J.
IioUGHTON, Asnuelvithm.
I•l,ll.elrlplN.i. l'u. tth•r. 3, 11414. to' 12%7
On the ?nth ult., by Itcv.ll r. fireldenbanah.3fr.
J kt , tid RUMMEL to Miss KATE RM
CA, both of
Dr rho printer has been remembered In the
shape of a dollar greeninu k—for wlitcb, tdiankS
'WO enngra to lath the happy couple, extending our
best wishes for a ph:avant Journey down ilia
stream "ot time. May the storms of adversity
never cross their path, but may peace, haPPllmia
and plenty be theirs to the end of their days,
• died,
en the 2nd hut., at Ma reaktrnei, near Hunter*•
town, Mr. CIIItIsTIAN MILLER aged all seta•
. lO months and 7 Jul w.
. . .
Nvar Mexico. Wyandotte county. _ Ohio. nu
Thursday. Nov. sth, Mrs JANE MOBINSLIN, fur-.
wrly nh this county, to her Mil Year.
F 1411" R, -
NV 'Ern.: %V HEAT,
Chi)VERAF:E . D.
E.vr. .
HOGS,' IMO.. • -
BAY - • •
BE ' G MAW -
Fa" I ' SW""
rp kola
I- .A.criew-mo wAairrara.
Doc. 3, Md. 3m
VE-lIEA 1.11 I -Krt ENt rni
Wonderful but True 1
Stratmt. but True.
Marrfswe and Crlibn-,Fy.
Latest Market Reports. -
ETT Ytiltinta.
• 1 2 SOO 12 40
. 2 24 I 75
• 2 00 Os 225
• la • MU
- 10 00 41) 17 al
2 u 0 14 1 25
- 000 41) 100
11 73 4 II as
73.$ UY
/ 122
76 4 90
91 pD .60
9 60 4. DI 40
• I 1 00 61 15 40
2 80 '
nO 69,
11 00
A.c}=zrra Nor.&2om3mi3.
tonftwl itmh
Pr Irmo. rano
Ina muff. duiPr
"7, sorifstg.
Chestnut St. ran*. _