____ NEW C . . 1001.13. , • Public kat bonen% th..italtletak and agretutin torgi at Ina trial. dt ' Valuable Properties for.Sule.. ! Popular Seletsee. • 1 Grand Jury Report. r in. effiteniv,,i to no invAusiol e. lona IR. hope% ~ v..!rY suri:•riir will t • tits r•tnei .as It %Jill cost them OP REAL AND PE14 4 112% I PROPERTY. Taii s C. weep.. LAND AGEN-T, i , rring win Tf PEC All Eli 10 A N C , the llonornhle the Judges of the Coma l, LATE3T A lion•IV.11‘. notta44. oast al_ Y letraal fit ell/ 1 1 11 A I ., A —O.! TUESIJAT'i the 2th duty of DE-`v . Nair Osroau, Artois Cousrr, PA.' 1 4. ` -- a - —-- - taSkILIIN inet.Ou *ipurettanci l of an orler of Tt) BB' GItRATLY 4 NLATtPrII. T of g iart...r,s.i.i. cl th e Peace ie e n d a lints for sale a number of desirable proper- , fits wblelt eircutlated,,und Penult! Joartial kr the county of --Wants. ; • . ..• wall, Win iii mid Asa l i • I P4rti" "in t •v 74 . 1' 1?.. 1 7W:11, 1 7A; i1' 7 4:481 11f1"112 14.'t- rn ; the thldias' Court of Ada t ruLeouuty, ti ie su b. ties. ta which Le.asize the attention of choke of the Indtistrial Arts arid Nclences mails its, The Grand Jury lot , the Noremb-r Terui.: Alrilliamsburs..bilugs',3., N OW lout. scriber, Administrator of the . ..estate %A Jacob , wishing to Porch 'ltc- ; Twent y,-re:ond Year on the lit of Janumy A. D., ISGG , haring. a isit ,, l the Public: Boilde litre Just rec:ive la, largo 'and complete Star. 1%, 'Still. 1 y ........ -.....,•___ a— -, - . nhellatuan, decO%tsed, will otter at public sale, li • I --, ' A Lima riaiNriflY AND, MACIIINE nest, and the Publishers propose to .ignalise kip, beg less eto make the following report t I assortiucutof ?lea Groat sartiso Itealiftdr. ' . - vn the premises, the Real Estate 0 1 sa id de e ,. SHOP, with DWELLINII, itithated in a coma- the ma cation ty Enlarging it to tho size of We found flie f Jail lluilflitig and cella, kg„ t Tiaadmai , d by royal totters patin a dent, consisting of ty seat, near 1164 o u:id and Depot. Goad the inu, tautlygotanifie Joarnals of Great neat and tla al, And ;in a conditiou highly' a ' a Pita LUSK.. 13.ka.CV4 ClCL4:l4ll.Vridi VIOL ALP: , A LOT 01 , tiROUND, in Arendltiville../A , l- disuse for doing all kinds of work. ;Also, Britain, Is irit-out, however Increasing the sub- creditable to the officer in charge. f 1'it.t..1.. Prop.tr,.. I Cr unt ll. PIYII,IIIWIIIOII of Sir J. ants county , a4jositingi lots of lieorge Lower, several Town Lots will Le sold with the above Eel ipticti price. ,The Grand ..11 airy 11.vre understood that the ()revery If ) le and at all prices, to which the tat irtt. , ,.M U. P11V,101.111 t,:xtrattottastry lir tan , fi . .- or ' . e,tl% cater and Latbatrine tit ills with, con- property if desired. • It is almost superflaous to speak of the I:ll4teru Piiiitentiary is'nearly or COW! lull of :Mention of buyers ;is directed. Thes e in to •m. Tufa Invalu Litie ittc3,-inc is an talli at; in -•''''' tast care or till Close p dotal 141/.1 .1/WOCPr , f4.llll{ll, , /- taming about UNE-UALF,AERE, n o d Loving A FARM of 164 Acrtr.s . . in Mountpleassint gv.it v due of this Popular arid Useful Journst convicts at present, ald that 'it will be tiei:es. , wont of good Oeod e ii i the l owes t p oss ibl e 1i,4 t.) Will..llfllOrollllllOOQW4Lltallo IS gUldeft. It thereoissf,Two-story FrametVenth. - „It township, .A.l.ous county, with good Stone to all classes, lind especially to Mechanies, ear-for the Con. t• to sentemm prisoners tir rates should net tail togive us an early call. Ina tonn all 1.‘xt , t....,,a and reinuivPlali daitttrue -11, erboarded iIOPSE, framed reath- • l ; fou ' e, tr u " I " m ' Wa4°^ Stied' Corn Crib, MatfuLielurerr. I nventurs,Bagineers,Ctiennsts, COON ICZA to the Common Jail ot the coo ittlefor , twos, nad as pore ly mire tatty Its. retleti on., Ti Marrlt-td had:can is p,sultarlysiditst. ltwill, ' erboarded Shop, W as h it o i, se , ;;;,; . „ ita - ash Haase, Orchard, kz., near a turnpike A:rit:altroist., and all who,love to read of the short confinement. The:: r%erefore re;mmf and railroad. to a short t lino, bring on Cap moutlfly period with s Frione Baru, and a Bog NU, with 7:'.."',-. Woll.ll Oils prugre.it .14 , 11 U.Var Ill.ark I VI 4.l*i 111,11,1 IQ Ow C u tatni:gi o nt..3 of the county te r en aadaray, c st-rosaa.—Thes'e Pills alikaild not be taken by - a ileverfilling well of water, and a 1 —... .. i ri e — t - i u '. f ' FORTY- ACRES. with gond House, Barn, dep trtra; nt ot llrt battiest Enginctling and !laic more .i.• its •gi the a Jitil properly - seems I. l',ot .1 , 4 dAlliattingsn,r %lines miEstlirsofPreg- good fruit. This's a Pleasant home, in a pleas- and other out-linildtags. Orchard, ize., tlitee- the Industrial Arts and Sc,:,,:cs generally. as thri • are hat la 1) Of S.lid cell: in a proper 11.111.. Y, as they aro sure to latnK ola 3 D-learriage, ant t own , and should eumrnana the atteution ou.arters of a mile trunk a railroad .s. ation. • • A Th... Editorial department is very ably con- and secure condition for the ion finentent 4.1 Intl tit any 001'4 Idnia they at , ~.ari,„; good eliant•e; terms tansy. ,dueled, and many of the Ite,t Scientific wri. conviet, We also futin4 the ;:ates leading la all e asite of Nervous and spinal Alreellons, of tell deSitiog to purchase. Pains in the Ravi( had Ltilaitt,, Pia bah , on 1411 0 ,i1t Persuns wishing to vier the property., arc'- 173 AeaEs OF LAND, on the road leading tors in this country and Europe are contribu- into the Jul a-S a: alt., be 4a-fee:lse, anal lill (lir exrtlon,Palplr;ll fon ,t 1 tin, Ifs ar:, 1134u-ide, mad requested, to cull on Ile 'rid", 'residing (row IN 110VCr to Liffiestown. 00 0 d limestone tors to its page?. :gaily of th e articles Imce atteution of the; Cuunni a gioUera ,al the county Ny n ties, tktose P.l. al! ei1...,,, core wiarn all OM • . , (11.1.1; large Brick lloase. Bank Barn, situ l cull- the charm of romance about them, and inspire thereto , es. ha •ani burs lallea ; an* nitliongh a powprail thereon• - I,ttl e stow n Raßroad the mind with noble ideas. 1 r-tnedy, do tint rout.atha Iron. i•dloot,•l,antlidnuy, Sale to commence at lb o'clock, A. 11., on .e n ant-I mildi "s' Tie a In regalia to the Alms-house, the rooms of • ur anything hurtful to t Ito onist a t talon. I ss id „f ey, w h en oti , e ,,d e ,„„ w il l b e gh.e„ ,end , rains through the rear part lit the place. Price -The Scientific American has the largest cir- the into • ;les, as licit as the beds, pi esented an Fall directions - In rtm 1/.1111 : )1t1.4 ,runnel each • i. , I *Bs per acre. c11141,,,n of any similar i l.:11r11211 in existcuce, air of cleatalinesa 111111 emulort which spoke plek Prr., which mlio.ild iw rnr,•rully 1 , :,•10n,,-41, , tents, Made known hy • ...1.,...l by all Drag ( ~:.... l'aT O-010 II ):11r,pvt bot- 1 joNAS B. WINER , Ad m ., 1 A FARM OF 300 ACRES, in Cumberland bat it ought to have a million of readers is well for the Steward and family, The wants . ; files ! By th e Court—Ausm W. Mot fall, Clerk. ;township, Adams county, three miles f-oni. - this growing country. of the inmates are duly cared for, a prof%ei isPE• 'I AT, OTICE.—it. is the fate co - e% Oe3' villtl- , !Gettysburg, at which pl3Ce is a railroad anal The 'eng,ravings of New Initentions; Tool!, .re-Inial to economy aual good house-kesping actilea Sta,ttelna• ha he C.htna..:l,•lied. P., enittlea..„ , tht.r.•lairy, ;Lad a. , ti o the I.tt..rs "e. &M. ii.. , ! good market. This farm can be divided into Implements fur ,the Farm, Workshop and being always bal. 'rim grounds have lice.% }Aram In Ilia latattl .. in I that cacti wrAlter lwari two farms, there being titre, dy two sets of llotaseholat are yery numerous, and are spiel!_ much improved by the erection of a long t'lo VAI: 14 131 thy.; at LIM tdentttstrt.t of 1. IL, BA L it- improvements on the tract. The improve- didly l X , 'Clited oy the best artists hi the world. ' needed good fence. But several of the India -WIN iti..:)..tia I .103314ini. 1„U'"! Without. w ;,,, ;, • - mine Art micau,ite. meats 111 e a V . 004 two-4tary Dwelling House, This feature of the paper is very striking, and Ines. es, eei lily the barn and in tin Imildititt, ti."ll.—Vd. , Dollar, with Llghtean rents naar/e.t- Baru, and other oat-buildings, sad a Tenant has wun the praise of the united press o: this tire in much need of new rosditig in , put. AS mot, 0ti0104...1i,a.1/1)"1 2 1Illaariz ..I Alp.lll fuel., 1.: /11- Boas(' With WII improvementi. Country a n al t: Ir ene. soup as means will permit, repairs of the kind v.,' 5f.1,...4 and !tr,i '4l Dinlnlon.,. , dolt MO4l-1 , 4. 27 rortlatbitaitir , ol„ N , ..v York, A FARM of 105 ACRES, on 'the Carlisle Anot,.er kaitire peculiar to the Scientific ice'-hatted shuuld he made. We call the at will insure a h o ods sootallatig tats! Pills: by E.- turnpike, Lind. r good ettltiratioli, wall a large American is the 0111ebal publication or every tention of the Directors thereto. turn mall, ae,mr..lY waled, (rota tall olmervation. Brick House, INA Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Patent granted by time Government Patent Of. RespeCtftily siihniii led, kw,. 384445. 4f Crib, Carriage (Liaise aol otherluut-buildings, five. Each number contains the weekly iisue LEVI CIIItoNISTER. Foreman. a all Lew. , • of Patent Clailatd, with copious not;ces lit new Adam Miller, 3aettb Phillips, ; LARGE FLOUR. Mlf.L, with 15 Acres of incentioat, together with itevi...s; of ForCgii . Al , x. Itelichoff, cleorge 110 -Liman, , Land. The Mill had four pair ei Burrs, and 110,-%•N 00116 •111-1 Discoveries in every depart- i Eljah Kepner, Conrad Wierman, ill machinery for tieing merchant work. Be: I. Illtltt of Science. i Benjamin Fdrry, Jonath in Wi-der, water purer in the roan-v. I Wlfoever reads the S. ientifie American is Eli Ilartm in, - John Ley dun, A FARM of 175 ACRES. near the Hanover instructed and entertained, without being - Ihtvid Miller, Washington Shover, turnpike, on which bf erected a good Wave, bothered with hard words and dry details. I Thos. tl, Neely, John Wertz, Baru, and nil necessary out-buildings. The. The American and European Patent Office - , I Henry Culp, Jacob Eppelainn, Land is in a good state of culthation. This in connection Isiah the Scientific American, 1, --tae M. rot Cior_;e Wolf, property will he sold cheap. : tiirm an iteinense Museum of Mecluinical Nov-' Ds J, A. Melhorn, Islay! Fluhr. A FARM of 155 ACRES, near Illinterstown, elties, which furnish emottint cmit'oyntent tu n No 2;1, 18k;G• Adams eounty, on which is erected a good a large corps of :-leientilic Examiners Ca ILO pi e lle!' se, II um and other out-builditigsj and the- pare Jr tit-tows and specifications far Patents. ; hind i., in a fine state of tultivation. 'flit s This film is uo doubt the must eat:in:lca in firm is ill be roll cheap • the guild. . A FAR!! or is ACRES, 6 acres 'in Wood, i' Now is the time to send in subscriptions to with one-andot•halfstory House, good falai ai the Scientific Atueriean, so as to begin with' --land in good cultic lien—ala miles from tile new volume. New Oxford, and 1.! tulles limn lionauglitoWn. 1 The numbers for a year make up a splendid- Terms easy. - Ily illustrated volume of 1-,3d pages. Terms : ; 18 ACRES of WOODLAND, 2 miles ficm :"3 per annum ; SI 50 fur s;x months ;'sl for' New OA fold. i four !eoliths ; Clubs of ten and upward, 5'.;,50 A FARM of 204 ACRES, good land; with each; Canadian subscribers, s:t 2:i per annum, ' fares Brick (Muse. lion, and 2 Tecate Houses 11.14'ay4 in aacanee. Sperimen numbers seat —4O acres in wood—half a mile front , the Con- free; also, 21 pamphlet of aid %ice to inventors. owsza Chapel. ' Address MUNN! 3: CO., A FA RR of 160 Aeres —225 can be par-! No. 37 Park Row, New York City. closed—(n Cumberland township, 21 miles , Dee. 3, 18.'6. from Grit) sb o fg, near Ilia mbersbarg pilse ; ; Large wedtlierligard,..l Flo nae, Ralik If.trii, .kc ; 40 acres in wood. The Faint has been recentry limed. -131; VT,TtI IT 1 .‘l,Tic—orrs,:•:4/111 Yhs - Grsst Preach stesa/47 Pa, JUAN CELP,IMMATI.:I.I fi!'l:. 11•'1'' Prevarod [rein a preeer•ption o. Uri JUun loeud..Al du Nttrtlttti of Y.rrio. Tlll.llllVtiln44.A.e in 140 II iig lu Illt! e.fire ul SpQriattlattlrlite or Salo 151.,1 $ 1 .,1 wc,ikat....4„ Ever) itiret•lt:4 Geitlitul - Itury luvuJoulary orltv.v.-I,tiymen.tn.,l :111 i ‘. 14,11.4 3:41/11Wilateyer ,vor wb wren., wdl . aua the ut fr.titt,rt,:orttti 1.. 14.UltnyMelion, 1 " lb.' elkOinesit Frene rhy•Orlinis: v.. 11401 i tho ?Mai. propgrell by rJ trail. tern &..1411)..h.t, N4l, 211 RIP lialliturd, ttin d nrem•rint...ll ot lion Liebli/a4lTr. LIZ uv itri...uttt pray; IN: V(11:1 itti at nut 1,44., anti w, IA • v.. INT , Ic no other toed I, tu. ..,w...llealeuluted 1., ...ire ull WWII-ring (Nil& I :oluittury ,Fau .4.411111 e or yuy ulhrr w..tcbrneUf 114.; 41..01w4, whether vauee4 lay of (j. U. M, D. D. P. . yo,s .1.1; idl. .4s parte., Vire 'lb, Ill:\1; A ILE 01? geutiln... Yilln art- Iwld 1,'," rprlitell.ai 11402t;t•IlltirtitInnunt Inv Mt - troll:J. Yri e Otte Do/. lar 'lox. urwiZ Roy,. (or Five llollarw. liAttA.Cri gat: & Sole l'lLprii•LcirS, No. 21i ltue One llollar t01.1.51...1 In oily autoori...ed will luauro a I.lk by return mull, waled fiuul all obe..rvatlon; ..lx box., fur 1.1h . e. d ii lure. tdulc ...4.-tieral :Agent,. for A rtivrivir. OSie.t. It li. N , Irt F:'t . co. 2not N. 4 V. M.,-French,Ciertnan, vont:di - 1ln.; lull part...ell:ire an 1 .i/4 ye" timi,for svnt to ..Very add r..1.1e. A. U. Rnohicr, Agent for (.;./ ttynburir,. iN, Itaii. iy 11r, :la nellfttl`,4 Cattarris 14usiAlr. 11l (Pt uulthuA tburuughly prvrve•d trwit'id he the be.; talkie knoiku fur ruriug the Vatarri,, eqld kr, IIn• lieudaelae. .11 h u Ile. a huuWl utt r•qui•ily In 111.11iy lalSort. )1:1/4 li••••la reIIJUV , II by it, and }fearing ha, tiv,en greatly improve's! by )11.4 tug.. It awl agreraiAle. AilVt.l IVY e on A tr. tit:LIEF to the dull lu•av,• 1 . .4 Liked by of the bead.- 1110 iiertivit lona aft• r u.iitig II are .I , •ltutittul mud Itivig4r4ilnig. ~It mud ega, °tit all ul..l.ruotionh,hLr.ll.;,lll...un tan. In, ' Mau YMIIIII . Vl 114.h../11.411 ut.• or •• Mar-I; .I'. s and }feel/4••h.• ult.; ralu• fol ILI.: . xj imu, A . l A . t :tad :it this bb1u.1,4 r before. It 1.4 re mewled by many> of the t !it'd i. u5 , ..1 with great Revd tb-• l'ertid..ntes of Whob.etle l i'rungto.t.; to •t>,l; T 11.• undersigned, baviog tor Luau* years o I.toouLtJut.e , l with •: Dr. t.;:ttorrh I to:lame/le ulf," and said , it its our wlt ft rad..., ~.beertutly hl ate, ILah Nve , heVe•vo it bi /u . very re.peet, tollle.revotOvuendations of It 14.0 lbr eur' of t.1at,ur1.14.1 Atto.ttutfs, pfd ihAt ,i de.,edly the ihe,,t aer4,l,. we Lava ev,r,,k flown Dr all , 11.1:11apPie 11eNl. Burr Le ; /1.'4 Co., Ll' NI -11,11 ; our 1!0., lio.tota • eelLa W. l'A:r;ml.ik C Co., Boston! }:dlotirol 4 00,. I±,v, U.P.; Blruria k Park, New; York.; A. 11. N.•w York; St.eplola tm., K. w Y.lr;;.; kra, I lit nor Co., Now• Nf..1.:.e.0u A itsl , fLoillel, New Y 011: ; Bflovril . • New 11. N..w I•ak; Nod' York. (27For ...410 by all Irrth4f,i lg.-- Try It. f 1 , 4,1%1. ly - .• • •-• Ayer's Fills. Are you sick, teoile uud euniplainlng? ~re of ~ i 4,1. with your ay nt,ul aerauged t, our re, iniich utt,aulottalde! Theta. tyloptotu• 'aro tho prtiu le to Pier/UJS 11111.90". Som.), alt ,1 , '6 11. S. 0, viuLag upoo you, atul blitil,l rt•• 1 by a loud)* Ipie 01 the right , rt..llloly. Talus A t••••et. Pills, and el:hal:ate out lbe , 11..ard , red Lialahn , —partty the utoxl, tie tit aids Inn," Nu un.h4orueled IL health aitalu. 'filet aditaul.,te th , ma , t;o6ni UL larly JU lb %Irt./I . o{li. .1..11V/IV, purity 01, t.y4tt•lLL trout the 1 ,4.1: U. 1.1. alp. WOl.ll )1/ ikr• (11..:4"... A cold with . * rraoetlirro IL [ Lally , 411 ; lla u AZ jrot f 11 Lot the POlrroutt hug or . g iti•,pro g004,.1 iva lluLL suif..raig aLI ilera:l4.:Uteo;. While ni tnah ruuJlf luu,tince Ayer'a P.llr, Jut: soe-Lcr4 Jirvelly .1 he, r.•ntor.•lhr uatural Jetlua all tla ' r Ai II:1 It IL/0 lOUs tut Irrliud .1r health At'tta! 14 true and so api...1.1,Ut , in this trivn.al utid Panina iL V0.14,6L11111, Ir We/ trU , IL 1.111,111 all tils• 4.,/.1,1 NL 111111g , r9L14.16.b . 1111). tL. 710 es..,lu n. 911. C. 0.. • 'I by thinlar pOwIiI.O . IJUU% alll delill.ls•l4.l.'Utal U 1 al.+ 131[u:of to it! !be by t:iey.are rapidly. and 0. , 17Y Pl' 111 •10 ur haale 4Vllukta 0s - tUe virtu; tit se .1.',04 will 11.14ieet Pinata, tbezia wheal latarera Lig from dith.it;ders quell as Ltel.lartie Fail/ ,101 J 1,4,14 . ,1) . rut •ry, W4uur eon., 111 01 iii lAN , 'UftliV , Ul . l., I'o/10.1p itiOnl. 710:11'0A113, Drup.y, V. vrw6 uud tpres,lo,3, witeu Nile./ di large duh'ea. . 11 1.'Y are styclr coato.J, 40 that tar low: lanhl -14re OJII N1:J.14,0'14 t•UA:i/i., and they Lie rarely tile Ih‘ht puritan I ve Ilito.Uvllle yet [l/hoovered,. tred by J. C. AYE .% Sold by A. U. iiiiehler,Llettytdiurg. Nov. J, llitad. 2w Wouderrul but revel MA D t 111: Itl:lllVitYr4).S, thr ve..r). I renownisrl Actn.LllKt " - SDI 14011/11:11/.11.1010411t. ( Ltiicoyunt, WWI , in a clairvoyant atlte, drone township , Ad mit , erly autheutiemed for settiete , Cl. r 7 : 'theist ten ar..l wlldbe ;mid. t A'ILLIAII lif Milt, Eveeetir. Not% 19 t 1843 G. 3t 1 total persons interultted 1 tat die still eapeet comity, deceased, having been granted to the': _ .. _ 1 ell tees for tivardian .4ppottalnents, Ceutirnie- undersigned, res.ding :tt Butler town• hip, he Itiaj.For the sake of eor.veteenee, persons ``' 2,004) to ns Ti n , Y 4 tion of Saks at Ideal Itistdte, , loquititimis, dtc., ,hereby gives notice to all persons indebted 'indebted or-having claims are rt f_rrea to the .4 to be paid by the deettOrY Term .I,l' Court, et- to iiiii, estate to malts insusei4oto p Intent widow of the decease d , w h it Witt 1..41.11S the vary will pay elmilltll-IE,SC Malin ET WANTet.o.—The ile.tter Nets II li COM., , (SOT. 12, sp ud . 6.* , ter•whielt ;duo thee will be place., is the and thosa haviug (1,1411311,3 u,gain3; use autos t ,, same. t -- PILIOE tor LI AS, deliveYeel at their Hay liheds :.ands of a propci 9l.lder fur oaldee. tau., present them properly authewdeated fat set.. 1-01 - #,"- it you have elutpped hood!' .4,ts i • 0 di at Lit. Elionrs Station, and in Deetyst , j 1A56%.., F J .-4 114, , lielueut_. I ' ' JOrilt LIANgSt I lOUU e r or rough skis, use the 0111.1, i I : gi3r 4 FiLlfall Ali DlS'lii i drip -I.r.oilCof Courts. . Uct. 210, .ISCd. Gt 1 at _tistatett-ter, yeepue.4 b 3 D r . it ingoga, $ Alettyttbarg, Oct. 23, 1600. dat Agent. JACOB BCSIJEY ESTATE.—Letters w of ikilizilui.u . atiou uu the estutu of Jacob Bushey, Esq, , bite tinotiyaburg, Adams coun ty, tleceitoed, hi ring Leen grAtitcl tu . tlte under in hereby gives OLICC to :41 petiOnd intjuljLe.i to ati L estate i midis ituflid.luto pAyitietr,,, and tibise hav iµg clam, the saute to pruient Olen/ .pruperly nutueutiout44 for settlenuilit. .111cOLEANI, N0v.12, 186 j. ct AilLoinistratoe. T'OFIN CASSAT - S WSTS.—Letters of ,ad eninietrataun QU the estate or lam Caesl, late er Scrabau A,daniJ eo.miy, de. ceased, Laving been grained to ihe dersigned, reei.lang ins:tun! township, iie„ s he4etiy gives Do lice to,Aell rieraons indebted to wad. 4kaitite to mike itumedi .ie pa) &next, and thug having, dal ins agai übt the mune to in:ecient them prolierly authenticAted for ;3 ttleal.bat.` JOHN F. FLLTY, Am'r Nov. 1?., 1 866 , l.i?" LEM LYDIA DULLLAMAN Not fee. Notice. Nance, Notice, A FAIR( of 1.20 .CRES, with good lionse and Barn ; 12 *terns lit • wool ; on: mite west of Bun tughtogt n. A 110TEI,. in New Oxford, twn-story, loamy and convenient ter basitte,'s. Gaod chalice : ter:og yam Also. a . number of goollioutes rad Lots fur side in New Oxford. Persous who wiTh to buy P.••al Estnt., a. is those who wkli to ;tell, are' eivie-ttl In gi re tto sunderiber a call at his liture u New Ovord. Addies6, JOHN C. ZOTICK, hand Agent, ' - New• Oxford, Adams county, Pa. July fl, 18t;. Gm Two Properties T PRIVATE SALE —The eubscrilter offers ft, his Real Estate at Private Sale, consist ing of the tell 01k irq : No. 1. A FA 104, sitnote in Franklin towns ship. Adams roomy, ahout 4 miles south of C Is of Arnold I.:veep, P. ter Henri. A ows I +it'd, and other,. eartaiuse fog 2 t.; AC ItES, 141,1:e or L42 - St.:, abi t ut t u being cleared, and the•balauce titst-rate Timber, locust, ettesout, rock oak. black ostk, and white look. Theis to a constant stream through the Linn. with a good (taw mill site, and water in all toe fields hut une. The itn proveineuts are a Two story Leg r..acpri A I 1.101:6E, Hummer Kitchen, Smoke till f Dank Born, %Vogel' Shed,*.. ! ,. 1 ... Coru Crib, Hog Pen, and other out-buildings. Tame is an excellent spring at the dour, and ILao young Apple Orchards on the property. %o. 2. A Tamir ls;kNO, oboe'. of wile (mat of the above, adjoinlog• Peter Hake !and Vieter toutsining f. 2 Act es, 1 wore or less, tibotut 30 acres beiiig in good Timber. The improvements arc a one atd a boll story Double Log HOUSE, sir (Stable, Smoke Holton, a nd a Well House, !with a white well or water in it. Also a sprihg land a line yonn i s_Apple ureil Ord on the phle,..e. ' reNocs wishing to view the property ;ere reg ueated to will Jn tle soliscrilier, resithii; on No. The property wi!l be soli on easy trims, and divided to suit i.nrch.tgem " • 6.Eoiitir; D.IVAVALT 4 Nov. 12, 1866, 4w* A. Good Farm • : - I AT PRIVATE S.kLE.—Tbe subset live' offers! at Private Sale, Lie valuable F.lllll, 1111- I ate in Freedom tuamshiy, Adams county, lie., containing 147 Aliiiti, more or less. The , improvements eon,Ast of a good 1 ;so- it.??. slur) LUG liU USE, au d Log LI aim, Washtij; 1 House, Smoko House and Milk House IP, I all under our roof; and other suihulkov.:. There are two weila of good water, our at the Louse mud the other at the Hata, an I a never failiug e'reaua of water ruuniug through the fares. Tueie are two young Or liar& on the premises, and a variety of all kinds of fruit.' There is about 23 .Area of good Timber and a fair proportion of Mee Sow. The hind is iu a high state of cultiv Lilo!), and Mill be sold on reasonable terws. This fariu is con ven.ently located to Mills, Markets, S Locals, Church , s, ke.., and is aulaag tile mast' desirable in the , county. Pennons wielkinz to view it will call on the; undersigned, residing thereua. AllitAll FLE.';',CI.I:7.. ..... August 27, lkdO. .3ro Godey's Lady's Book F UR IbGT Fa,moit Jtnqu:ini• of the 111,,•fil T,IF:P.A'rt'RF, FINE ARTS, AND FASII- It INS. The most nt engrAt jugs. DurnEE rAsHi(IN, ‘Vcorl oigr em et ery Flllojet't th lt en , l inter-it Crorhut knitting. Net,tog. F:tnbroidety, Arti elPa the t. for the l'Ador, f..r the ROM/lir, and the Kitel.eu. Everything, in tHet, to make A e.tdet.Ert: LADY ' S ROOK. Thc Favorite fur :;7 .9ctrts ne :111i been able to compete it. -None alitranit I.WDEY'S IZECEIPTS for every depuriteet.t of a hutt..hohl. These aloof ore north the price at the MODEL COTTAGES' (auoaer' Magaziue gives them). Nish di .gram:. DRAWING LESOSS TIIE YOUNG. Another sped:l,llv N itl: titpley. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth *.t n year. Otla ce. Mug G;itiet , publish old worn-wit triusiet' hut !he hacribers to God, y get it before the tuu,it• t:toreq. GARDENING FOR. LADIES. Anuater pc- Nuth Goder. Fishious Irma 3ffssrs. A. T. Stewart Co., of New Turk, the minium:ire merchants, ap pear in Gutley, the only Nag.zzinu that has them. Bonnet , . We give more of Ilion in a year than an .oi.her Mag•ziue. la NIA, the Lady's Hoak naLk. y Lady to Le hero I/ Letitia soaker. MARI:IN IT I.III,AND, At:601.0 , 4: nt '•.llcue," •`llld.ten "Ifoz3 Fi l•Nt laesig," • and ",Aliriani." wi Pea tur Gudey each wanth, and for no caller in.igazine. A new novel by her u ill i.e p0h1.,1101 eu 18.;7. 11 e h ice retained all our old and favorite eunttlbutorg. T Knxs or • GODEY'S LADY'S i!DOi: Fon 1847, ( a a ektrh Core ran be no Ma itaiarl The folio% leg are the tows of the I..tdy's nook fir 180 : one copy, une Tao eopive, one ye Three copies, one cur,...... Four copies, one year, .Five copies, one year, and an eX1m .1117.17 GOOLEi. copy to the person gettin up the , G E-fI?GE All.N01.1) Ints uuw got up his club, tu.tkiugdix g COpicA 14 00 fall stud; of copiee, the year, and an ex- NE IUY.I(API ef,01114N(3, tilt cop; to the person gettirg up mostly of his own in.vitifactuie, cuaL-isting of the club, making nine copies 21 00 Coats. Pants, `'ester', Shirts, Dr twers, Eleven copies, unt y e.tr, and an ex- —A I. a 0 --- tra copy to the person getting up. A large. stock of C 1,01113 AND C ASST. iii club, inakiag i 7 30 %%Welt trilt.be sold cheap for tttlf - All tultlittoits to clubs at club rates. cl=,• Call antl use thew. aultserib,•rs' tr,ll be sent to any _Oct. li, 1866.. po-t•toliee where the suit• et ibers may te'side. L II and Arthur's Home Ilaz•azine will be sent, each one year, on Feceipt ol 30. eWe have nu club with any other maga zine or nee e paper. -- - - ler The tuoney must all be seat at one time for nor of the Clubo. sulmrrihers must send 24 cents additional eAch subser. ber. Addirbs I:. A. 'GOOEY, N. E. Corner Sixth and Ch emt Nov. ti, 1661 i. I)entOreticeri rriqUi:.; .4a.:-..teriea. 1 ASEW, vory Lidett.n.,ll.g, instructite,: sAvos Trlif . :l A rektie and splendidly Lluetrated 11‘.111111... Magazine for ltoys and (old: ; to i: -, SA% ES NItINEy ! elude t at asing illuutrationa 1,1 P SAVES 1., Irmo. hilosophy, the i . SA VF. 4 CLOTHES ! Art? and Se.etices, Ilur.il hlid lutetesitag Sto-; , ries, M isle,l P SAVES WOME N! oems and other entertaining Lit- i erasure, re:at:olio , a IA utettat of the gout 'AND ALL GROCERS SELL IT - the useful, awl thebeautitul, tor el:Ply Young , Ai:writ:Au, without trivo !ties it exaggerations.; l , It la used by cutting into small sh avings I. 4 ingle Copic4, 1,-, cent ., ; Yearly, -t 3o; 4. `• ";" ' and dissolving in but water, thou 9oak the .tional Copies $1 nu, ur live for $3 0.). A clothes tier to ten miutves and a lit:le. hand large and heantilnl colored engraving pre wilt make them as clean as hours of seated free ti Mt the first No., also i to e.ieli i ru l) l'ilig ~,, ~.„ 'lard mactiine rubbing wnnld do, with orilina • single subscriber at sl'3o, e a -clad Mic'aa ''"; ry l soap, and the nio,t dole Fe i fabric receive or a package of Magic Photographs. liinel __ ~,i , . ~. IQ %yr can reirr to tiwusands u h fur l , copies mailed free oa receipt of price. Send !"" " 15C-3 who are u-lug it„,aud ahu could not be fora speQiinen No. Addreza W. JENNINGS DEI.MREST, persuaded to do withc ut , 47.: Broadway, New York. Nov. 2t, 18GG QM J io 7 A 10 OU DOBBINS' Wins Blair at Son, G .IRLISt•E, PA., lE= CILLYA .I..VD Q Ir. RE, =I (1 2? 0 C ' £ 1? 8 P. S.—The largest vilHety of the very best CONFIiCTIONARY ke4t constantly on bancl and sold below Pllpad, %Alia lees TALLOW CANDLES made fur our ONCri stiles., and sold belaw regular market rute3 SALT at Philadelphia prices with fteight added `Nov: 19, 1 Se,G. lt, it the Old 111641111CM4 r Kt:AV EIt.VIT has re-eo:nurnc el 14 the TA Irmiusc; I.2iiiess, in climion,i burg street, bet,acea Wadtilgton and West ntrrets, Gettysburg., and asks a share of the custont of the• joule. Ili, long experience to the fluidness etialifes hint to guar mire good fits and good work, whilst the Itte.•t fashionf will be consulted in retung whenever desired. \o cilium will le sp tred to render satisfaction, and 'he fuels sure that ill into patronize him will be satisfl d. Ills pliers fur work ale as low nj thee can, pu-rili,y la: to afford Lint an erii.iednieni living, :int! ito our will in t ea•un ask them to be any less. Ile asks hi; old irteuds to give hila it call, as well as the pub. lie gcnerally. Nov. 1.1, 1806. • Grorerieg, Netit-sam, &e. I'l EttlIGE II I..tviag purch ised j the tine of James A. Grimes, on York street, a few doo:s e.zl, 01 Wull's Holed awl harm largely to the already exten.,itte na,ortuteut off .rs the public a Variety or floods in his line r irely, if ever Leto'', kepi here. Ills SVGXRS, corFcr,s, TEls, MOLAS SES, , caul. Le heat, in quality or prier ; tvhilrt his u,sortment of I'ZtaioNs ombracee alotust er) thing. the putd it; can possibly need. House-keepers :tad others should give hint a call belore buy idgelst:n here,. as he is couvutred that he has the Ite.st stork in town, and that no ode can gu 01% ay dibap pointed. rite con tuned ; in all its in auche..., at the of l stood, it few, .L.ors of the ellorts spared to pled , c. the Rtr.lic. as heretofore. Gettysbuts., Nov. 5, lt:t; , t. t( Wanted. Ci 001) F.UM. ANY penuti h t vi:i gaott Farm for sale, ztud will take in part payment, the or more tracts of ravvr. RATE WESTERN LAND, well located, aur I tilroad:, Schroth, ete h. es, Cloanty 'ruses. is , ehly had a pert:lt:act by lipplying at this office. Jute, IS, 1846. tf DOBBI'SIi ° Electric ii'osip ELECTRIC F.I !INF:STOCK Huorusns FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Oct. n. Swan's Gractsry. lOHN NI. SWAN just reeeivrd a splendid assortment of FItI3SII urtogiutias, at his Store 04 thC corner of the public Square, in Ceti, U G A . ll S.. The finest lot or Su:Ars ever brought to flettyaburg, an.l very eheln. COFFEE Ilia Coffee is superior to auy off •vi.d in the place. If )ou don't believe it time dud see. MULA 8 8 B S If you want the, best Sprott Molasses in town yon wi'l find them at QUEENS WARE. he. stock of Q iceos*are, Linkpa, is lull, ellen!) awl good. Eveiy style .nd price. CIGARS' AND TOBACCO Ilia Cigirts iced Toh , eco are of superior quality. Ackeowleilgeil by good judges to be the best itt the miokij. CANDIES AND NOTION:3. . Particular nue:Jinn paid to this department. A lull supply of CAnctei, Nt.t, s, Fruits, Suai:•, railer in : • :11 :rt •anv *rid everything usually found in a first clasi Gro.:ery. AWL:y.- 0g in my stuck I w.O careful to kno.v what was I:9 ant now piepsred to sell not only GOOD Groceries, but to sell thew very cheap. Give me s eAll and jtad , ge for your selves. JOHN 11. SWAN. - Nov 5, latki. • Dry Goods! Dry Goods! lAf AND LOOTS AND SHOES. lrB 1 . —Having, just returned from the City, win a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, I auk non prep.krt d to - otter greater inducements to Itojtrs than ever Itvfore. My stock cooties of every description ut I Goods. plain and Clut:ist, enAstOiere , , Nlti-lioq, Hoop Skills, ILtlnv.rals, Flannels, Rosier), Glot es, Triuunit:g3, &c. In connection WAIL my Dry Goods, I have npene , l in an wijoining rouni n large dunk 01 ILiTi ANU (.U'.,, BOOTS AND SILLIES, uhich I will 401 v rt cheap. Ciiildrea'sSlious as low 15 123 (Tut s. &nil other gotuls at eor re:winding. rated. *y tituck id well elected, and the most complete yet offered. (live us a call and ex-mine lor yourselves. No trouble to chow Gouts, SEWING 1.1U1IINF:9 We nre avnt for the Florence Sewinx Machine, o hiela is ncknowlel.2ed to be - the liczt in use. It is the latest improved mat:blue out, liming the aEVZI:S.IIILF, FEED, gicin," it an actratita..te over All otlier machines.— C and see theta. M. SPANGLER. Oct. B, ItG6 What We Want. I F YOU WAN a cheap Hat buy it of woupg. yr YOU WAST u FiisltionAhle ttat alwaya boy It of 11. B. WOOD:I. YOU WANT a Mit of any kind for lens I money th in anybody else will sell it for, lw sure to bay it - A 11. B. WOOD. IF YOU WANT good Shoes for Ltiliei or e:iiblreti, don't be litnabligged with aged attutiou goods, but buy of IL. D. WOODS. 'I YOU WAN'T Shoe> or Boot., “th.tt arc .9oes Iv! :ot worth t about," autl no -clivatiog tr.ish, buy them of IL B. WOODS. IF YOU WANT Overshirt4, Drawers, Um brellas or any thing in his line, buy of B. WOODS. IF YOU -WANT to be dealt fairiy with, get ti,e worth. of yoJr money and not be eheat• eil,alwit) 3 buy of 11. B. , WOODs: YOU WANTa pair of re Number One I nits, don't I, ti butane ,iee the suiierior ardcle lay site by The 011 System O F PIt.C:IS vcr t) uii 1W NORRIS, AL ii is new elp.ap lint, Cup, Boot, hiwe and Variety' Shire, on (311,i:wawaburg stieet, next door Lu Buehler's lltitg Store, Getty•shurg, Pa. The publto will find at this Store. the largest and most f.t.shio.i thle avortment of Cientle tn.-u.., and Ltoy's we'Lr, in Al out county. OVER. COATS. Beacer Occrenats, Peterdh an Ov..!cconts, Seal Skin ()Yemenis, Cloth Overt.° t ts, Estill/In:tax Beaver Ocercn.tts, etc.., etc. • DRESS AND 111.751NF.:-iS COATS l Black Cltit'i Dr. i 3 and Sack CO/11.3, Citssimere Sark and Frock (.7-trits, Knit Woolen Union Coats and Jackets PANTS An) VESTS! Black Cloth P.tataloons, Black Cra3itnere Pantaloong, FAucy Casgiutere Pantalooto, lion is Cieditnere sPAntaloons, Brack Cloth Ve.st.r, Silk Grenadine VesO , , Plush and Satinet Vests, Ise, • lIATSAND CAPS. Resort° fiats, Silk Dreis (Lai, Dexter tstA, Driving lints, -Clipper Bats, French flats, Dasher Mute, Broadway Hats, Plush huts, Barton Hats, Brit:l:tog Bats; Miucio Bats, Cioquet Huts , li:sin-irk lints, Veto fiats, Warwick lints, I/ el rupo:'n-lia ts, U.S. A.tlats, Dunkani Hats, Cassimere fiats, etc , etc. Velvet Caps, Cassimere C Fur Caps, Ciotti Cap!, . 31eClellati Caps, -Navy Caps, Seoteh Pet.rdhatil Cu ts, B iy'a,Cups, Plush Cap,, JC:it TUC TLIINU C.tvi, etc., lite. }fours ANo slivE.i. Ben's Calf Skin Boots, Men's Heavy B Kits, Boy's Jockey Boots, Sportmg Boots, Men's Co•irte Shoes, Men's Calf Skin Shoe.S, • Boy's Fine Shoes, U.S. Army Shoes, Gentlemen's Slippers, Gum Overshoes, Me., etc. GENTLENIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. White Linen Shirts, Casdineri Shirts, Linen and ?apes Collars, Seek Ties and Butter ' flies, Hatiolkerehlefg, Wooten and Cot- " ton Stocking* Gloves. litiekshin Gauntleteand Glores,Woolen Drawers and Undershirts, *:'iris awl (oinfJrt.i, Suspenders, VAihrellat t , Canes, Va..ises, Tralk3. Woalen era, lte. The above mei:trifled articles e to ah w.t)s be found at the CH RAF STORM of T. C. NORRIS, Chemin rsburg at. , pert door to Buehler's. Sur. 10, 18tid. 80AP, Ouphorn dc Hoirsuusn. Nw , T 0 Et , t • ox ins NOIITHIVRBT 003: iB ofit.xiis Du- mom), scum.. (limwea aell.ke's C. Iver ) DEALERS IN' DDT COODS, EOTIOSS, CAR PETS, QUEENS WA, ftE, nil of which biro n bought at the lowest market prices and will be sold accordingly. Give them a cull. No trouble tit show bloods. F. D. DUPHORN, • S. W. lIOFFSIAN. - Oct. 6,1866. • Pine Shingles. - 7 LAIMi let of l'iae Suingle9 from $0,50 slsl l per 1000; for &ale et the .Lauttrer yard of es U. SW kriLtaf,, Oct. 23, 11i410 g under-igped will pay the highest mar ,kat prit:cs .or HAY. Intitt:re at thaws-, ler's Warehouse, gretsysbarg e . STIIICKHAIMIL WLSOTZKirt. Nov. =l, 1866. tx - FA aNESTOCK BROS =ZEE= IL U. WOODS 'Late loashionx. TIRVAXD .1: VI. fi tAS)I,EI'S rELERRII, J"TXI) 1 0 -11101 6 DUIPLIMEt.r.ir riciutt tivvoL SKIP. T. THE I'o ;11:01er.1. 11,F,IIIIMITY nod greet coo roar and trunK to WO' lady wooring the pc rt.cx at.teric Striatwl.l be experlaatto4 partic ularly in allerowded:lslemblino,Operna,Carrie- Ced. It taroo4 C4lll, Church Pews. A foe Eltatea, fur Promearnis a". 41 !louse Dreal, no the Skirt.. can ha tattled when is ate to occupy aintAlL place na enmity end conveniently XX X Silk . itrl Luslin Dre•i:ln iurnlnablean reinolinet not found is my Sitorte sprung Skirt, A Indy hai inf..; enjoyed the oblusrtut s Cat rattr. 111111 re it rk/Vrit'illiVeS of eretteins the, \ Nll.ll'lll' SPILI fOr 11, 4 $111.41.• 11 n t• tz4.o:r tt;erw 4r•li w qiugl.l. pe w. pith altar tree. .Ladtee they ale sutfer:or to tttl dther:. Then will int bead or bre.tk like die Single Sprint, but will pr,?se7es th..ir Tarrect and acrevebil %lien three or four ordinary Sldri. will li are been thrown aside as ti,elC94l. T to Lloop• are clvereil w ih double nod awlsp ed dactyl, and also bottuiu rods are not elifY double sinincs, bat twice (ordetble)icieerthi i preventing. therm from weiiring out wben clrev duwo,stop+, stolrT. Ste. The I),lplev Elliptic Is it great fitrotiteelth nll holies tool is II Aversely Nentornlertiled by the Fashirol AT.1.1../.'114 no the ATANI).tRD r OF T 111.7. F.1:41111074 A.m.': Ivlnt T. ei j a}' f ltr lollJuing.lni tirunblettilvitntit gel in Crinoline, t it quttlity, perfect m.inuracture, at dish 811.1;.e, Jr, finish, tlr rlhllllst durdhility, comfort nil 1 econumv, enquire for .1. W. ilr;idley's, Miner Eliintiu, or Unlade priuz Skit t, and, be :.•ure )ou get Om graying n; tide. C A i•Tios im vosirioN hr fiartiefil tr to NllllCli the sitirti us ' here tile red Ink Flanip, viz "J. .W. Itemlley's llulHt•s i ltiptn Iteei• upon the wilstba.iti—nolie others are geettine. Also Votive that et cry !loop will ndinit a pie being pnssed throueli tit., centre, thlti revegi inz the twit (or 410111110 sittings braided tturdb. or therein, whielt it the Secret ot• their ticsib.l• its stn.( Ore:1011. NMI len not to he found in fitly other skirt. It tit SAIL in fill Stores where FIRST CLASS skills Are sold throughout the Uulted Strifes nod elrewh.•rr. • Manutauture , l, by the Sole Oraers et tho Paula, SsT, BRADLEY St CA.IIY, 97 Chambers A: sfl & 8 need° Sta., N. Y. Oct. 15, 18 .11: • 3ia tmeriran irtbdoo A 111:111CAS A ILTI:4TS' UNIoN 1. ' A Al . ERIC IN ARTISTA' I . :CU . /N. ) l The A Al RICANE ARTISTS' UN lON [ritah -11,,1ve,1 1854] nnnwinei , ifint in order to extend' the 6.11 e of the following well knowirnud highly popn'ar STEM. Pi. %.-TE ENGRAVING:4z' The List :iiipper, • 20 x 42 in Dep a tore 01 the Pilgrim FittherS fur America, Lauding of the Pilgrim Fothers, . 27 .1 3,.1; "Fst:s'nit Muitering his recruits, 21 x 31; Shakspeaie and his Priends, x St Cotter's Saturd I} Night, Village Blacksmith. 37 x ' Manifest Destiny, (Fortune Tel'inp)2l x The Masx.tere at Wyoming in IUI 28 x Mount Vernqn in the okeh time, or Washihgtott at Pt yea' sof ear, 26 x 34 The esmipc of clatter Macnonnitt ten n the Masstti.re of Glencoe, 26 x 3 t The Mal , 4 one. " 26 x 3 They ha e deemed expedient in uffet them ltr their friends and the public at utte dollar ma fifty cents eacih, the nricc heretofore* haring beet) ttv:n dollars each, and for the , purpose of stimulating the getting up of Clubs, }bey lutes dem:mined ton word prentituns Co the getters up of the Clubs, and in addirion theretri to distribute amongst the subscribers' the stim - of s:.0,0)0 iu money auJ p tintings, as sou% *4 the sale shall hare retched 100,tfoo erigrae. legs. As it is our intention to adiertise *cry extensively, and as the couravitios are welt linos% n throu;:hout the whote cuttritry, wy have no duubt, Aliat witittbe lord.jlte charge for (Item, and Qle exertion which 'ift be put forth by our numerous (heeds, the, number will be rem lied in rh ON( t A 4 soo as it is reached, the subscribers, Armlet their Club Agents, will be umilled by a circu ity letter front us, aamingibe time and meth• od of distribution. CLLTO RAT} Si rv.tir Engs.tving.sl.sC me 11.—by pail s free. For All Iv- will s , oci I i Emt. au I 2 to ttleDinit AWL. 15 " I " " 21, " " 5 " " " .. 5i 6, 46 7 4 4 46 II 6 4 if 7 if 66 - 7.1" " gilviv-WeitA. 71 " " " ixver. -" iW " " " " n 1 I tititlng Levor. ' The Club racka7e3 will be securely juicltud and forwatded by Evia'eg• Any perion utiy pet up CPO* and forvrard the arrinnet either by Express, Sight •Dritits Post Ofii e Order or iii a registered letter, in all e :ses the Engravings will he immedi ately sent, 111111 fur each engraving a untnifetail certificate and receipt will be enulosediu tiw paekage. O. O. I). II DE fI.S,--Persons wishing to send for Eng,r.ivirgi and p4t the Exptess . Co. when they are received, will he required to stud with their order *3 to $.), neeOftling to its amount, arntiliii will he credited on their bill. LIST IN PitElllll.llS To he ili.,tribeted. Our of slo,ooo in money, 5.001 Five of 1.600 Ten of 5 ,, 1) Fifty of 100 14 One II ttn4lre.l elegritt Oil Potinlingt,eitin: LandenpeA.et 5100 eneb, 10,40 T wo h e oar,.d elegant 1111 l'aintings,rit hly framed, fowl or- V lows, at eistt vetch, I 0) oil The AIIRIIICAN ARTISTS' UNlOXtottooLd atthl that the•tt• premium are to be considered the light of; flee gift to their poitrows. as the Eograrinv ore fo,uiihed teloro theirin trket Votte.llot ad theettitt'olertirntrintir, titter the ploteß ore proeured, if very 4141;1, they enmn e..ity”flard to wake t o diertiosti , Isere is We trust that our numerous Wendt hrough • out the vonntry amt C. 11111414 will Use It'leir ntrolst exert innq, so that if possible, the dis. tribution m 'y soon, and it' ctabq done if they are nt all noise. Ladies 'have often .nade excellent CIO, Agents fot we t nod we solicit their kind elfr,rts, which will nue go untewardA. Let one or more energetic pet soni in every town and village in thirebnittry tom torttre its soon nsA hey Derr thie, awl gel up ns hog.. a Club as possible. fly to dolts they will be the meaLs of introdneing elegant. ea gr.tvings into families, end Kos aid ift'belti• talia;r a taste for the beautifal-andltuaed. Address Orders SEC. All I: MOAN AitTISTS' UNION. • l'iue Street, New York. Nov. 12, 18C41. 3m 02S. - 'loop Skirl's, EIOPKIN' .1' t'L/WN - MAKcit NHW ALI/ 'flTYtini Are in et ery, respect 111r4T ct.Aei. het`ell br.ted a co.npt , te st•sortment for' I.l4l4l,lliiiii. Chillren, or the Neweet Stfkne, Length and Sisb SK I It'ro, wil.-racer known,' , a:reF ettetre uaicersaUy. co:it 'An th.tn nny •Jtireel lietiaro cho, public. Th retain their 'hart Ihtitkr, ere'lig„ter, nsure etositic, morti •11.1 really (Nib:Ark:l4 tir.to any' other U nip elifrtin I the market.' The sprinu and tutenints iira warranted perfect. Hesse 1.;',111% TRV TUKII are uuw iryiug e*tensirely Mold byAinitctuitra. tbriiiighaut the 040'444mi ,• 1V i I Ksc L, at Moon i.ry and Sule4 Kowa. Nu. iltreet, below 7tl! 'Plif44. A.,» far 110PKIN!.3 "o - x .11.1154; . —Lux no other CALTTION.—NOne genuine nntNif kttint;ed on each Fill I'ii:ll—'llopkin,n Hoeg Skirt .11au. ulactory, No. 028 Arch gtreel,'PhllikielOilit.” Alto, cott.stantLy it.i,n4 hill - Ilan 'el 'Ntilw York inartLe Skirts, at virty tow .R 4441144. TER/1.8 - 1416 . 1 4 O.t IY. •41.X1.111141G11 qkr. 4.1 o; 311 A A Ili f ouih 2-30Rfi1 1 y 'meted 'for tfE entire/ , , new critics, Address 0. Iy.GANKY, City Buthliog;‘ d ieftird, Ile.. [May 31, , itttida ,-, et . DU _CodaP 110 R e N r k er,> l? o: e F ek lA fro N iu Nr i, e h r o ali ter iallri: tars. o•tot'lltil to ell( Itifitl ii I 111 I t non list Corner ortheAtilitie` Pa. U El 27 x 341 21 x lel .5] 0,004 r, nnq 000 4 rout) sso,ocon