~... ~i le cv k‘ilAt, Q.Ainlifirt4 Y _I .„,„,,,,...„......_,... , - tiliTTY:4l3Ult , i, V. 4. . 1 I=l 1111.241ny Jaw/lists. Nov'', NM 15464. WHAT OF TUL rt• rtaz: In ma week from to-day, Congross, or purporti to Den Congreag, will again oassemble. What extravagant and ravo ° lutionary lecislation may be enaeted. by this "rump" hodytioripg the coming two- Lion it is Inirsis.dttip orgatq. Iltt ‘ t that 1.a4 enough in all etaiseicipee, Mrs may rest tissured. NV het her they will Frith: lake to impeach the President will depend very muidi on cireitiostances. l fitly 011/ -carry out their designs without juweaebnient they will forbear to rpiolt to that extreme measure, but If their: rpii plutionary purposeil tan be ageoniplisi.ed no Other way t ilve have no,doubt the oounsels of rbillipa, Butler & Co. *lll preivall, and the conntryiwill be hurled 11111 W into civil *or ; for it gnust not be sup that the President! would tamely submit to being tried by an Illegal 81111 un aonstltutional tribunal, or that the con servative musses of the country—the real triclinia of the Union and the Onistitntion —would perinit hint hi submit. IX the radicals force this istate upon the country it will be the enfl of theifilli: ()act' -sis,ver, fur the honest peopleof 'the Country' - %spy egain in tlettlice of the I,tlioit and preth Nurthei n dirunionisti; as effect ually as they did i-"out hem dir•nnionists, only It will I,p th.ne ip much lcs! , , time. The late war who a war Letween the leadere of the th and the Itt.d teal leaders nf t Sou t fOr political pow er. \Vbeu the war ly:u4 imminent litithe pp:Vigor V:6i, and the patriotic portion Of the people Of hoth deepens were laLeri ng to pre.t.ervo the imp: and uaity of:the country by compjrornise, the extremlqs, Ntirth and South, hhterpo.ed and presien sect a settlement., beHuse it would have interfered with their eehentes fur power . • fbna plunder. The Itatlical hailers prevented a eom r promise at that Lillie, t hey { al leged, It would hate disrupted the itepub: Herm trartyr--They prrfeired the dis-up- Lion of the linitni to the disruption of their party, and througit their eri int I nal neglect to aid In averting the Impending salatulty, the country drifted into ieil war. War with all Ito horrolls having' thus been brought upon the yountrjr, the . • . patriotic masses of the North-, 1 without ptopplurto In Into — the causes, hew to grinsln•defense of up impel - 4141J gov ftrnment. The Radical leadm, to mask their ulterior designs, bawled thelus( l .;lves 43 cm me with the cry of "Union." The Npr wairwaged, p p d y r fal Fp pretpses coo far as I ho political imlers who ithOoeil the war policy of the government 'Were concerned, but the patriotic maws *lip - composed the rank tind file of the NOrth writ army, knowing only their dub , ' to their country, fought the war through to !moccasinl issue, fondly belit•ving that a motored Union would bo tic rewar l d of perlip and PiterificeH. jlu lu this they were mistaken, It is /delimit MT'SlleD the war closed, and yet we are to i rday aliparvntty further fro') the at 4etnmen t of the pm/ended object' bfi the war than at the time of (14: surrendr of the rebel armies. Why Is this? It is be faitsc the Earn° political leaders whU, in 1601, prevented an Amicable settleMent to preserve the Union, for fear of t {ng the patty, are noir arid partly and Illegally preventing a restora- OM in order that they May bold on political power. The arrant knavery and hypocrisy of these me', by which it tcp credulous people have been de ceived during the past.live years, are thus lode manifest and:eN posed, South went to "w 2 r and werd, de mitated. They acknowledge them: l ( 4 ll-es 'whipped and wept the situation. They pre ,an,xious to return - to the fo!ti from which they Vainly attempted to sting. It'bcy have given every evidence that could reasonably be asked, of their, pres ent loyalty and good faith, and OW eon e#rvative portion of the Northern pepple —the- same who labored so devotedly • in the winter, , and sprh of 'I sq to vret-iave the without bloedhhed-:-nre will- In g - reeei've theta in order to re!.(ore to per . feet harmony - again the Union of; our lathers, and that peace may once there mile upon the whole land, bringing rig.. perity and happiness tooll its peOple. liattilsgran!leollsu fli illlttiOl E 0 tiCll4 LI t ly wisher! for IT trln: patriots, is !pre- vented Ville iufertial spirit of radical ism I: me dotnittont at, the North. Its tevolu tionftry tattlers have wurpeti uniindted rower ill the . lAgislative ',malt! of the t-overnment, snit, In tteilance of the plahr' mandates of the COnsiltution, btull , bornly reuse to restore the Union thtinsilves or }emit its restoration by any other de 'psirtnient .of the - govertnneutT Is{ tin: U ntil then to tentain indetynitely divided U ntil n tonvirsey to that end e3tists Pinot% the Radical !platers of the North ? TVs is tiro pregnant' question whip ?tow secs itself - upon the winds of the AOier people: This Is the problem which ---te}hSt b Q sohtd in the ;:ear fiaure, •ri VILIA tiAlpiN, J, ~:le N. y, World says there is a mill _ vireo! coMpliiiiit thmt liusities.4 is dull, lteforc the elections it WAS Stil , Pnwti that: trio Canvas trail something to du ‘vith it, bat now that the elcotious are .4 or irade 14worse than ever, Th e- truth is that tilt,: t. wary has a surfeit of high priced! goods, J.i4 Costs so much for food, Not and 'fuel, t4at,people have nu money to spare for exuries. Unless Congress oentracts the atirency and rminces taxation, preduc citm will come to a stand still, and trade, eXcept for the barest, necessaries, : will 11#4444.11, The lrst and hest step towards totitiuutil pt.rrity wouh4 be 0 vutnelot . Tt iptu n giou of the tjhiell i but thgt wu pirtnothope for now, . , lO' Whilst there remains a weliAing *rim 41 the eutottry there must he a :Retuofratie party. yeraocracy and try* aro ' Oawpartally united. Deitioeracy • Limns:the people the masses—embraces the latorers, artisans, and toilers in gott slasitl !Went better Or' mare significant pioni), therefore, could the pettiltuateituue i that of Deutocnits? There tatstitl ' l v , i t ' ,' roe a party of the people; hence la - 4 l it p/Cll arc never true to their +un pile *len they oppose that party, • _ _ pa r rorovy 9tip4ited terribly in Belt(. # e yre v t t ut tiveltlinfte in reuneylviiiiiii, N . l 040 1 ,1041. e. They ituew filet there :‘ ":14-0 -***.4l. p P_Luol P4ireP fighting a '4.4“ .-.-.'-' • __......- ,;.., ROLITICAL NITICATtqw ;-.• - ; 11---- I - _ !roma 'ti , HAI tc lihtillterif *Stat,el; will persiq in rejectg the (*institution: al Amendment, tint lieW Volt Wbild In; I quires, what woulticthey main by'adopt- I Sag it? and gproctlnda to answer: Admits- i if i m to Co'• rf.-ss, ~perhup4--, -but of that; they have op promise—with a ditninish- ; ell representation. But since the' repre- sentatives they mould have nil 'r the ; attic ndnienk, 410 1.9 thp• Conservative! i . ./;preseptittik - eit now elected from the' / ' North, we 1 . 4,1 still be a minority, they J would hay no more newel• of self-pro tection in C tigress , thtin out of it. , Until the political eomplexien d' l_liti - p:orth , ehanges, admission will dot eni no good. -- ; 'Why should they renounce or all time; rights for which nothing sad tantial is, offered in exchange? Theiiooth will Pre - 1 serve order, obey the laws, and IL ye the Radicals to pass such measures a they plew. The spectacle of a quiet, 03,111 , people ruled by a 'Government in w ch they have no yoke, will appeal to thp b .1.- ter sentiments of the l'corfh, and cause reaction agaitist the Radicals. When It" is seen that there is go reason in the eon fittet. pf the Southern people why they shouid be excluded, the responsibility of ' b:c.pile; the Union dissolyed will come Lowe to the Radicals ; ~ and before he' Presidential election there will be a great poPular reaction Which will sweep them' out of power. •Only a very small change is necessary to produce this result. A' change ogee vote in a hundred would sceomplish it in New YOrli; a change ef one vote hi fifty would accomplish it In ; Penns'ylvdnia, 'the electoral votes of these two States added to ) hes.° of all the Southern States, fowl her with :N - cis Jer- I se l y and Cpniectient, would make a ma jority. A. l. change of about seventeen thonsand votes in the four Stateli of New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut nod' Jersey, would enable the Democratic par-' I ty to elect the next: President; for it must I be borne_in mind that every voter trans-I fermi from one.side to the other tniikes a differenee of two in the result. Why should Denmeratis despair of changing seventeen thousand vptes in the next two years;' Why, wt should have carried NeW York, th is year, If the Penhll.l.si along the lines of the canals and railroads had i not been inveigled into - L•oting fer Fen ton. IWe would have carried Pemisylysitia if moderate Conservatives had not Leen dis !satisfied with our candidate. A party which needs to gain only seventiien thou sand votes in two years to elect the next President, is not separated from success 1 by that inimeasurable Interval which its enemies pretend. - 0 — - The Chicago Time* and Negro Ilintrroge, [From the innatt &quiver, Nuy., The sew-born zeal of the Chi - ago Times in favor of negro suffrage is begotten upon some conceptiens of its Own, in respect to party polity. jay coining out on .that side. the Democratic party would, accor ding to its ideas, fall into the shortest road to its "reaseendency." in other words, it KOUItt climb to power by tom mittrtig an net of debauchery, which khopld entitle it to (lei:line to infamy, and to aliSsOlntion. It ilsellmes—t hat which several Radical journals and poli ticians zealously deny—that the proposed COnstitutionnl amendr_:::;. - . carry negro suffrage with Client ; and that by the late elections the ratification of these amend ments by three-fourths of the,States is made inevitable. If the latter assump tion were true; if the question of negro suffrage 1 - fi as it affirms, "already deter in Med," the accession'uf the Democratic party woUid come a day too lute; and it would take nothing by its motion, but a dereliction of principle at once gratuitous and ridiculous. It would simply admit •after it has been conquered, that it has been fighting unjustly and against its own convictions. its act would be a volunta ry kissing of the nod after the castigation had been inflicted. se—The Denorecaey of the West arc out-spoken in their indbgnation at the course of the Chicago Times, and it will soon hind, if it has not already lOund, that they will not follow its "expediency"! lead. They . ar c opposed, to negro suffrage I upon iirinetple, find will adhere to thilt, poSition to the end. The success of the Radicals at the Northern (AC4-110118 does makethem ri,eiht; and uslontg as they are wrong, it is the ',minden duty of all patriotic citizens to Oppose them. Thel negro is not, lit to be the equal of the white man, and never will be. So tl Democracy believe, and they will eentin-,,1 ue to act accordingly. • • iIIIEEE'S MILE NIGGER? A Radical Iheet, the'rumaqua Joternt , l, snts:. "We have had a Republican victory —IIOW Where's igger?' " Thereupon the .11elltonte Watchman "goesin" at the following rapid rate: "Co to your store, and yqu get from eighteen to twenty-five tents worth of logger in every yard of nin - slin you buy,: from tell to tit Well cents worth of nigger in every yard of calico your wile and children use ; iron si x to eight , dollars worth of nigger in each barrel of flour your famil e rconsumes; tv. - enty-flve cents worth of nigger in each pound of cotree purebabe ; from eight to twelve ts ortn of nigger in every pound of sugar you buy to sweeten it; find a small tit of nigger in your lies of matches, and comiderable nigger itryour plug of tobac co. You can eat nothing, wear noth ing, see nothing, taste nothing, or have nothing, that is not more or less affected t the miserahle niggcri.siu that has con- Ow country mace 'Old Abe', left Niringfleld for Washington." - • We reckon, after this burst, tbd`Tallia gua fellow won't "conic to tiine." 4%. The IVashirigteu correspondept of the New York Post states that u Cabinet.' meeting was .held to Thursday last at which invortagit Easiness relative to Mexico wus traus l ueled. Pespatehes were subsequently sent hi cypher to °mural 6liciinau and thuister Campbell. Itc- 1 cent despatcbes Iflum Paris are said to,: complicate the ')Mexican question and may lead to impOrtt.nt results, rerThe Paris, correventicat of the London Post stales that the rclationa be tween .England ;and the. Vaned btattes will Luun be critical, ' - 091-Pcsratent's ree4itieo at Ainntical from England by the Governor General i ldato to o fto txksstl,ilitq oY troßble WWI ttio 041(0 States renderts art in- Crenso ofjrgillinco intlfspotn3lll4o nu Om part of tbre Canadian aotherltieo, Wolth ti.ttrrat is said tizi i ye been found ben - gin the malts of the I'tili./1 Soul/res. lie was enrolled, we are told, under the mane of Jobe Watson; and was arrested on' the demand of Winer:ll Kiiig, vows Mi ulster. AncraiTest, aid whilst lie was tieing escorted to pris uo, jtc 4,l3earvd !real ii/S guara into the territory at the Ikthgauur of Italy. - 'talon autitorititut Luc rspotiod to 14 on We 4.4:6 iv twirrvint - . ..... - ....G.A. - —L,--. --- ----- - - ---- . 'I . t - G ExigßA 7, maim 1,,,,. l lt BIM IrTIL colinr4 Tor i114310“L ' ' .-. M IC( jX1IIC TOW N ANO COUNIY MIMS; . c ; Cr ocus. —The November term of Court i Op Tito feiMikvab re iiiajori ty in Mt- ', r., , ....--4 , . . . I , The Lancaster intet/frencri+intys •--Tulles - Tirg-‘IDS•-13"1/1:- the past 'rce" ' commenced on Mouthy last, - President Ind ge Flew and Assoc late J I V' ryiand Is 12,610 k .• • ` : e th gcs deg- devil appears to have infused hi* own dl- onnuaer or Fog Y'rolgagroa--At 1 beliVonal IforSo ter abd Wierumn 00 the bench. The fol.' %sir la Washington, th e trottlne 1,, e abolical spirit into- some of our female '441 and paid up.: To earth mid all of them • ) jag ' •eisi our Mibiteribers in emirs mil ow cases w disonsed of: Des* went over the true, 3e It.iel M s minis)! teachers. go Saturalt i ze puler We return our lic th anks . art,y , . MI meth ured mile ) In •_!:t1 I, . Ished ohs Hee 1 c 4 ( mkt of the hilt it PPP-)1• OOMMON I'I.EA , I. - „ ..,, 'lshinent intlirted h . seh To tho hit ndrods atilt - Indebted, we have 1 -„, lla „,1 meals vs Willf i 4 1 f y ,st 001-wtislrestll at ' ~ ' ' • •• 3 13 ''• :eat ' s ' ; ista - Wasliinglon (M1.1)0:1(leTIN tame Frederick V.I tyo cd• h e r pup a s to say, "do likewise," The money 0 4 Issue directed to try the amount (Inc on 1 that Geueral Logan is taniking prepara for the oil - L . 'of ul • ' I 1.- ' several bonds and try several _ cne. ,'t trowing Manna at a needed—needed non'—and the world . , . hiets eon- I Cons for the impenelaneut of the Pres- negro hut," The children! were each i s meted with the distribution of money , kno v thatwhateverisLe be done % s -to Went. abotit eight years old; but mite, ititsuand- ury found the facts . and -that three; Cara'' A valuable mine of yellow oxide of lug ; th e i r 1,4„,,;,„ rage 1 •.• • ' oat thej trilling na- I kest done if done quickly. f.itthzeribt ' ll- 11 - ,14 ' sera pa id ,four sold, and font.' zinc le said to hav,•. been ulowvered iu tare of their offense, which two Or t h ree ! at a distance are expected to delay their pledged as collateral security. This was Wythe cunt}, Virginia. tls alleged anuirt raps would have putilehed sutli- , retnittanees no longer. OW iutriester Pool, and oueupled nearly that this mine contains more zinc ore cieritfy, their heartless teacher , ' i I 'I 1 , w m mt s , _________. three days In Its trial. than can be found lu all the -.4.trtherl/ fro th nigger -worshiping Ma.' •.1 tt 1 TIIANICSGIrI4G DAY.—"Thursday next Fplinum Myers vs. Henry S I'l I . ..a.u. !Use a, , lal- ' S. t C ri• titrdes combined. adninnotered upon their inteks no icss will he the day Of Thanksgiving appoint- mum mons in debt., growing ont, of sub-; ro_r From a careful compilation Of the time flay-roar lashe4. scription for Littlestown Railroad bonds. rolla, and without including deaths after, If another part of this Doer we give 1 0l by the Governor of this State, in cum- Verdict for Defendant. - muster out, which moulted from military an a cyan nt of a most outragenue pultisl4 Wince with the recommodation of the Franklin H. Ebert, Administrator of service previously rendered, It appears mo t inflicted by a school-mistress upon 'resident orate United Stifles,. Z. E. Osborne, deceased, vs. Abraham that 380,739 men and olliCers hate lest a pupil at Horner, Michigan, for a trilling , l\feals. Summons lu debt of vua 34, , their lives in the army. ' • ; violation orone of the rules of the school; Scow.—The South Mountain Yras Verdict for Plaintiff for $ll 41.. gay . Tito Texas Legislature b ag pu t .: and, kadow we print from the Johnstown white with si)* on Saturday morning—, QUARTER SESSIONS. chased and prepared a cemetery for the ikipocrat an account or the brutal eon- the first o` the on I , Commonwealth vs. George Willard. , Union sO;ffinrtt buried in that State , t duet of a school -mistress at r ben sburg, I ' : . —On Saturainy afternoon s now fell Lardeny or geese. and pigeons from Enz. : ' in (.'tunbria coma thi • State.Tiths I y - 011 Saturday night week, the office ) • ' 3r ) 1 " ••• • abeth Phillay. Verdict, net guilty. . 1 of A. W. Pollock, Esq., Treasurer of 'nl. come to a pretty pass when the here , but melted as It reached the 1 Commonwealth vs. Same. Larceny of • of a Democrat can be thrashed al- ' ground. . Washington county, ly.ts entered by chi l d I chickens, .S.se. - ; - front Catharine Guinn., most to death in a public school in Penn- - thieves, the safe brown open, and four • lvatila for to sit beside a Jle-I EmEnwy. , 7 .l.thilip Hann, :Esq., entered Vc a th tusand Ohara In paper numey and five 333 , , refusing . Lasnimon f weau it vs Waite C s : r .a.satt., itch outrages as tins should not be upon his - duties ns Shelling Al. i - is c un- -.. .; 1 ", ' .4 ! ° thousand dollars lit United States Gov - - g'''" " • ; Larceny of h C,OV , erseeff and Wheat frolll i ill10:Well to go unpunished. Female ; vuntent bonds stolen. , t o 8 tu a• '. yn a tal. y fa st. Adam Retest, Esq., &linnet Reber*. Verdict, not guilty. 4 I teaehers wha may hanker after negroes , t - &-The great suspension bridge at Cht- have a right to marry them and haidle filled the office very acceptably during CoMmonwealth vs. Charles (.:ding - her. 1"d willbe ready for puswitgers on Iv many mulptto children 451.1:4' Can get, the last three years, and retires with a As,iiult and battery on Barbara Crouse. tit of December, and a month it later,but: they Have no right to . insik upon it larg e measure of popuiar ties to pay half the costs. ity—none ever Verdict, not guilty, and each of the par. tied to have it ready for vehicles. that other people's children shall lieel). \ridge has qui longest single spun n el oa company. Especially have they more so.' Whilst prompt and efficient in Cola monWeath vs. Richard Monroe, .arid. 1 ,no right to inflict brutal punndaments up- the discharge of duty, he waa always as (coWed.) Larceny of watch-chain from l•g u. Early Is in Canada: en preparing. ,white eh ild :stuff whose instincts and ' kind obtlging IL* it Was possible fin* fleo e Mucky, kcolured.) Verdict, not •f his Shenandoah Valley eam- witOse education causes them to • recoil him•to he. Mr. lianni , we:as i s stire, will g li , M Y* ( 'qui monwval t h vs. Henry Johnson, • - '11) with• ;from usooriation and fellous. a alt . -.. • aeto nu the place faithfully, and to the feolorol,) and Mary Jounson, (colored.) inferior mul repulsive race. I There is a manifest Qutermitultion QII satisfaction of the public., lLarCenye., from Joseph -Little. Verd at, of bags, comfort, knives mid i thopart of the Radicals, even here its ha Its, l& !hid! Horry Johnson not guilty, and Mary once can-crvative old - Keystone state, to kni and ves lord,: negro equality upon us. Our R Johnson guilty of stealing l ad- , kat legislatars are to compel us to sit ou fork's.; Sentenced to ten days n the juries with negroes, under penalty of tine county jail and pay costs. . Cl' imprisonment for neglect or refusal, till 4 our ltadical school teaellers are to whip our children into association With juv a vile Africans! Unless a portion of i I the; Republican party step forward and' arrest the extreme Radicals in their lie:.(1- , , long career, this thing will end in Momi shed: We take it there are wry few Don ocritts In this Commonwealth who would undo any circumstances sit in the -same 'jury-I,ox with a negro, and we trust there are still fewer who would tolerate the beating of their children by Radical vix ens) in order to compel them to sit beside negroes in school. 1 This Ebensburg case afrords a fair op- ' poiltunity to hi ing the negro equality question to a crisis whica will settle it One way or the other. Let the Court and thL) law be tried first, and if these fail to nu bish such crimes as this school teacher utS been guilty of with 'sufficient severi-; to prevent any other tom-her in the, unonwealth front beating a white I :ft child for refusing to sit beside a ne hen let an appeal he made to the u• law" of human nature, and let `bite man defend his children and 'y redress their wrongs. Too qadical outrage has been sub -eady. e t Ok it of, is t u t ().), • c 11. t GIl IC Is 116 This ;It the a history tirro - The new briiltri4 jfavre tie Or, force is at wori next the trains terry boat be shin ten the time t` , minutes {Kish. V..P•Maggie 11 - ante ; Lexington filly, ha's : Nashville oxner to Cap 'of Kentucky, for the 1$10,00(. It is stated that , the fastest time for one in: in America by two-year olt, Wen. B. Goodyear ran pendent candidate for Congren, ! first district of Maryland, at election, on the platform of 1. suffrage, and received 18 votes. I It is said that General Scott 4 'est daughter died in a French eonve. a broken heart, becauselier father WG. not vonsent to her marriage with' French officer. Dar The post-mortem examination of little girl, awed seven yeats, who died iu Bethlehem, Conn., revealed the fact that her death was catood by particles bitten from linger nails. They were swallowed, mid sticking intP fin sides of her stom ach, cauFed ulceration, and death ensued. mi... The bowl and girls in northern and eastern New t 'England are Indulging in okating, 09X.The newest Yankee invention is an umbrella With a gutter around the edge add a spout at one corner. ta-Z - A vein or marble thirty - feel thick and superior to Italian in fineness, has been opened near Zanesville, Ohio. ' re,.The Legislature of Vermont Laz passed a hilt making habitual drunken ness for a period 4tno years, asutlicient cause for di cot ce: A Big Hool.-LOn Thursday morning week, Isaz.e Kiesey, of Columbia, caught fourteen hundred catfish in a huge net that had been iu the Susquehanna seven ty-two hours. vn„ A milkman sometimes resemblep; the m hale that swallowed Junah, for he takes a great...prophet (profit) out of the water, itiait•A lodge of Free Masons in Boston has sent, as a fraternal gift, to a lodge in Charieshm, a set of Masonic jewels, to replace those carried off during the war. The gift was accompanied with a kind letter, and fife Lodge in Charleston re turned thanks for the present. I:2Y - Governor Marvin, of Florida, in a message to the Legislature of that State, has taken ground against the Constitu tional amendment. _ M.Flake's thilveston Bulletin, which suppotted tiovernor Hamilton, Bell, and Pease, and which is still the organ of the Republican party in Texas, tomes out in distinct opposition to universal or qualified suffrage. ItarA spcsial dispatch from Washing ton to the New York Post, on Thursday, says (feller:11 Logan denies the statement that lie is in favor of tilt) impeachment of President Johnson. AIWA grand Masonic demonstration took place at Baltimore on Tuesday last, on the occasion of the laying of the cor ner stone of the new Hull, in Charles street. The procession numbered about 6,000 Masons in the full regalia of the or der. President Johnson, Gov. Swann, and ninny other distinguished persona ges, members of the craft, participated. In.. Gen. Howard, chief of the Freed men's Bureau, says there are 22,000 glazed American citizens in the Federal Capital, for only about 15,0(t) of whum he can fin I employment. lie proposes, therefore, to send the extra 7,01 X) to Pennsylvania, New York anti New England. Thank you, General, not any more for Pttunsyl vunia. send them• u 'pre darkie3 are elected to the Legislature, anti scut is ut premtiuu►. • : • .Dennis F. Hanks, Mr. Lincoln's re lation and old preceptor 'and friend, writes that Mr. Lincoln's "Whole Presi- dential career was a continued struggle; against the rapacity, the cruelty, and tilq recklessness of the Radical faction of the great Union party." ge_The Mongrels made the proposed Constitutional Amendment the issue in the lale elections. It was the only issue] As three-fourths of the States will not vote for its ratification, it is dead, dead as Julius-Caesar! What next, oh! ye defeat ed uud discomfied? ftEr Thc Canton, Miss., Mail says that allortherti cotton planter, about the only man in Madison county who rejoices in being classed as a Itadical, undertook the other day to whip one of hia freedmen, and got soundly Whipped himself., Ile says the Civil !tights Nil is up Infernal humbug. Aooutakta front Washington state that General Dick Taylor has been there for seyeral days, a lairtion of the tithe the guest of Gun. Grant. if the DaAlkali:Out peach President Johnson for not shooting 91.. hanging all the leading Reltels, NA, hat may we 1101 (*toed %hen' to do With 092. Grunt for receiving Robu General as Ids gne4? 11tezfe0.—FrOM Jut, Mexican advicca it appettre tilat Itaxattteatovped Maximilian on the 'way to Vera t,tim, dvtnatittlug that Lie yhuytti uhtimute itt itivor of &mot! person W lte named by Ilay.ainc. This wee refused: tie EthPerot' proposed to. tle6igna4e lturbido us hos gleveabor, which did not 16atiely the ailltiltiotts Fri 3 1 6 Mar shal, and lies eonuoquently rvt..llllled to the Vitt of Mexico. Jar Fqmey itair tiAePresitlent a " igk eti ingrate." *hat entle !peptide, rid engine passed over the iver the Susquehanna at ee to-day. 'A very large • upon it, and on Sunday wilt go over it and the , eiHed with. This will Philadelphia thirty Phila. l'isq.,2oth. a two-year old been sad by its Timms Moore, round snot 61 . this tilly intuit. 'de ever made s nn hole , from the (le reedit \optirtha ',, eld it of ein\ mint gro, "147.11 t evlry A . \ \ ttqquatt mOeli of 1114teti to Itk, [From the Jolt .clnwii Democrat, Novcmlx r 11.1 liunttormt On Tuesday, 0 , silk conduct w.. lie schools of Elie. Mit. Singleton, a yk wlio was a eanditlai net' last year on the w i i s defeated of emirs( its Superi n ; cadent of tlk bitrg. Ile teaches the 11 hals for one of his assistat a 5 onager class of scholar. buiidittg, is Miss Mary Jane ~Mr. John Blair, a worthy c erniburg, and the keeper of a vc able hotel in that town, has a . tic boy of about twelve years‘or i. was attending the sellout or class by Miss Jones. It seems that a black faced, woolly headed, little . girl, was attending the same school. i Jones ordered the intelligent little will boy to sit beside the little black girl, (al, umisual place to seat .45oys beside girls i& seheol under any circumstances.) The white boy refu_44l, said he "would rather si4 on the floor than beside the nh- t -ger." The Mistress told him "it was abetter place to sit than in a bar-room with cop perheads:" This expression showed most conclusively the partisan feeling of lnir conduct. The white boy still refused. The partisan teacher then° locked ,the tic •r so that no one could go out to report •her.proceedings. It is sa id Mr. Singleton ditl the same with the door of his room Millie same building. Miss Jones then cohnneneed flogging the white boy for not sitting beside the negro girl, and (hi ring nearly half a day, it is said, she most unmercifully whipped. him, until "the boLv was so bruised and °mangled that he (amid hardly reach his fatherls hou4e." If our informant has given us the truth, we look upon this as one of the most di alp ieal acts we have ever recorded. The at mid to teach miscegenation in it school man and to enforce it with cruel anti un mitigated punishment, is a crime of so ltdrritl and revolting a character that Mould condemn its perpetrators to the Lkypest scorn and contempt of every hu man being. loNnyci. My TEAcurns.—, ' Lr•t week, very reprehen \4 perpetrated in the pub `l(.-burg, llllseoUllty. lung sprig: of a lawyer, P for District ttor- `th,union ticket 811(1 is now employed , schools lu lien 'her class, Ile \ts, who teaches in the Same 'tiven of Eb y revect right lit (re, who taught —Miss Jones has been discharged by the School Board of Ebensburg, though a niajority of the Directors are Republi cans. -A1 ,L3IIAXILE 0011. TEACILER. In IThmer, Mich., a few days ago; a school-mditre:-S /1:1110 I Dyer whipped a pu pil who had addressed her without wan ing for the usual nod of consent, until situ had used up three whips nearly as latge as a man's linger. She then took a fetrule, an inch in diameter, and scourg edl the l.xy with this until her strength gave way. The subject of her discipline is covered with abscesses from head -to waii,t, and his arm has been rendered use le. If that boy has a father alive, or a grown up brother, we shall expect to hear soon that all the flesh on that she : dOil's bones has been thrashed oflthein. 11137 - A lot of Radicals, under the title of the Grand Army of the Republic, assem bled in Convention at Indianapolis, on Tuesday. The proceedings were keptse end, but the character of the meeting may be understood by stating that the most distinguished officers present were (k Palmer, fqrmerly in command in :Kentutiq, and whose arbitrary acts hale boeu lutterlyjdetiounecti by the peo- Vti of that State; Logs% a Illin ois, a se eck4iouist at the breaking out of the war, and'the most ultra of Radicals now, and r ; Va idever, of lowa, of wheal we we know no hing, except that ltiae , xtrtine radical is makes him lit pumpany for his two lui itary assmiates. Counterfeit eountefeit five ceut coin of the pew fickle issue, is in circu lation in the city, and is calculated to de ceive the unwary, The counterfeit is re markably good so far as the die is con cerned, but the metal has that greasy ap pearance common to compounds of pew ter and other baser metallic, substitutes, It is very soft and euts easily, like cheese. —Bali. Sun, i - 110"111e learn from the Norristown Re ' publieun that A,uditor liencral liartranft declined the appointment of Colonel of the 37th liegaUr Intautry, tendered him „sonie time since, Ilusiocis engagements, occasioned partly by the 111-hcattli oft he father of tit, u. 11.„., led him to refuse the positnin. It is his present intention to serve the term for witiuil he was elepted Auditor Getreitill 19... The nanatawfsti event of this. cen tury is the great tamale in India. In Or issa, it is reDerteti tint two millions jive hupdped Monotone, people have perished within the last fire. months v/ starvation. litlore this terrilifts isialunity er94 but t4ful wpr seegisthasignildeunt s " I pricarrm.ll9 Tr:Acikus' Im.-^..TriTT,F..-'-The Adams County Teachet's' Institute assembled at Littlestown on 'Wednesday last, and con. tinned in se , sion three days. We utylcr stand that the 4ttendance Was good, and the exercises intc,resting. DI;iTINGL'Dsti , ED A MIA V A LS—FA 111.1111- bor of distinguialled visitors to the battle field arrived here, in a special train, ou Friday evening. Among them were Gen. Meade, Chief Justice Clia. , , 3e, lion. Simon CainCron,' lion. Morton McMi chael, Gov. Geary, Gen. Cadowalader, Mr. Itochernial, and others—the p . arty num bering twenty-three, including several ladies. There was a serenade on Friday evening, of course. Uen. Meade briefly returned his thanks, and Geary said a little something, which, we are toll, was very poorly Judd. The party left on bat unlit). afternoon. vi INAUGURATION OF THE t7;OLDITIILS' OR ' PHA NS' 1103IENTEAD.--TIMI formal inaug urntioh of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home stead at this place occurred on Tuesday last. At 2 o'clock a processiv was form. ed in the Diamond, consisting of Court !officers, Clergy, Professors and Students of College and Sem inary,fiallbath Set tools, visitors and citizens, and mangled to the Homestead. The Gettysburg Brass Band had the right of the procession, and dis coursed excellent nittsie: Capt. Earn shaw, Capt. Hunter, and Scrgts. Duphorn and McKenzie, acted as Marshals. The exercises at the Homestead Were had in the large ;yartt'on the south side of the 1 building, the , fine weather suggesting snob a course: After a prayer by Rev. Mr. Mears, the opening address was de livered by Rev. Dr. Reed, of Philadel phia, which was followed with atioddress by Rev. Dr. Hay, of Gettysburg. The Sabbath 'Schools they sang "America," and a select choir an inauguration ode composed by Mrs. Isabella Jannis, of Philadelphia. In the evening, Rev. Mr. Newton and ev. Mr. Mears, of Philadelphia, and v. J. R. Warner, of Gettyslmag, deliv \ addresses in the College Church, to riled house—Rev. W. R. H - . Dca lnouueing the benediction. eu:To I i-s ENDS trial pi Tlie following real estate •eeently taken !dace in Muni .Wrge W. Lady hag sold his, lots of ground to C.H.Ful nash. Jacob Fulweller ice to Sa&luel Roth, of 500 i cash ; also a house 'll., 51,359; also two ry Peters, for $45 ; to Charles Shultz, Yid F. Starry, wL Starry, de _ at lot to Jo- 1 SALES. sales have masburg: (\ how-c and thrt w eller for • 534 has sold his reaio York county, for $, 1 and lot to same, i lots of ground to Hell \ also six acres of ground \ at SSO per :acre. Da agent for the heirs of Ja , ceased, has sOld a house a.. seph Hummer, for .s3oti, cash... Samuel, Herbst has sold \ pony on Middle street, parch Ihim a few weeks ago, (known \ Camp property,) to Charles Artzh4 for $l5O cash. ".N.Lutmonts."—We aro under obi. gations Samuel March, Esq., of Read ing township, fora basket of prime Tur nips, the largest weighing 57 pounds. Thomas U. S:eely, Esq., of Fluntlitglon township, also maxes us his debtor for two enormous' heads of Cabbage, one of them•measuring about four feet in diam eter. We have three very large ears of Corn , from the farm of Mrs, Jane Marshall, in Carroll's Tract, the largest measuring 13 inches. Who can beat either of tholabovc "mauunoThe" 'in their line? jirryrat 141 - 6;u3i.- . --The young ',tidies and Gentlemen of 131itler township have organized.a Lieenin, with the following, officers: Presideirt--Ei. 7i. Mholta. 'Vice President—Alit. H. Black. k;veretary—Wm. Hamilton Bailey. Treasurer—'Miss Mary McGrew. I. Com.'—.lll - ss.leut4e Hamilton, Mils Mary MeUrel,v; and Misa Flora,HartzelL The - exercises Will consist of singing, reading, essays, speeches, &e. The neat fleeting will be held at the Grapevine School House, ou Monday evening, De cember ard.. Ur Messrs, Daphorn & Hoffman, cor ner of Carlisle street and the Square, have received another heavy stock of new (locals, which they are selling at reduced Flees. This will be welcome news to the people, and all will no doubt call to see for themselves. To examine is to be con vinced, and to be convinced is to buy. (hod goods and small profits must please, and such is the style of doing business at I)upliurn Ar, Holtman's, It Ater:We have not Been them, but ere told that two extraordinary heads of Cabbage were grown among the lot at the Alms•houpg the past sea,son—one a•eigh tug 24 and the other 20 Ixamds: These pertaiuly throw all .other big figures iu the shade. iisr l f49 Aoy. J. A. itOffhelns, son of Rev. E. Rqtrhelos, deceased, formerly of this caner, has accepted a call to the Geoutui Itcrumcci. Church k Carlisle. Okirt . gitivnAtter Vth! FATAL uil n S.ltUrday, the lath instant, MN. Harriet Baker and Miss y Laura Hassigr, daughter of Major Jain Hasler, Treasurer of this minty, met with a terrible accident on Scrub liidte, about ono mile west of McCon nell burg, Fultou-county. The two In dies!above named, were on their return froM a visit to Fort I.lltieton in a buggy, in t?ompany with a lad 12 years of age, son of Mr. John fiordon; of this place. On reaching the top of the Ridge the lad got out of the buggy to walk, when the horse became frightened and dashed off at a furioui rate, throwing out both la dies and breaking the buggy into frog 'Atlas. MN— Baker was terribly bruised, while Miss Hassler was injured so badly as to cause her death a few days after the accident. Her remains were brought to thi~'lace and interred on Saturday last. '11.4 injuries of ,Mrs. Baker arc serious and painful, though not necessarily fatal. —Glee mbcreburg Spirit. Su oB:r DEATrr.—On Sunday night last, 1 r. George died, at ills resi dence, in this plaee. Ile was a soldier of thet Nvar of 1312, anti was upwards of 70 yeArs of Age. llim death was rather sud den, as on Saturday prior to hits death ho was in good health.—Hitnneer.eitizen. FIRE AND numrs.—On Wednes day evening last, a large barn, the prop erty or It. P. MeCture,l , :sl., Wag dOsi. rOy4 ed by lire. The barn being tilled with hay, &c., burned to the ground in a short time. After the fire two young men were ar rested on suspicion, the evidence against thent being so strong, that Justice Butts emomitted them to Jail for trial.—Mip pcogiLurg Art,ICR. Diotott}:Free, Youtso AMERICA Ili the title of a new and very rend:lll4: Magazine for 'toys and Wt.ls. We have received the first number, and are /ninth pleased with it. The !in hseription price is $3 59 per annum, with extra inducements in the way of premiums. Single copies, 15 eenls. See advertisement in another colemn. (iteilove ti. Orth, repmsent ing the Eighth Coirgrcssional District of Indiana, is a candidate for United States Senator iu place of Hon. Henry S. Lane. The subscriber, in retlring from the of fice' of Sheriff, with evhich he wras en trusted by the rood people of Adams coubty, in constrained by his feelings on the occasion, to offer the seknowledg ments xvidch are due to the Judges, and Ofticers of the Courts, the members of the Bar, Comity Commissioners ' and all with ' whom he hadrollicial relations, for the uniform courtesy and consideration ex tended to him and the respect and kind ness shown him throughout his three years' term of office. His official' duties have thereby been rendered agreeable to him, and he vacates his °Mee for his suc cessor w,th grateful and pleasant recol lections, which he shall elwrish through lilt, and with the consciousness that he has endeavored faithfully and impartial ly to pertOrm his duty under - all eireum st,,nces, and Mattering himself that he n.ay not be deemed unworthy of the hutment of UM people, "welt done, good lbt faithful servant." the pro- sed by the rism rotires with _malice towards none, e'ood will towards all. Very re.veetfully, ADAM REIII:ItT. t.gblirg, Nov. 21, 1800. OM Married. On the lit Instant, Mt Carlisle, by Rev. Mr. Murry, Or. C. E. t,ol.le4hholtofital to Miss A !ALI.. E. Met, lA RI, both ut i lib. county. ' on the Mb inst., t Boomightowneby 11ev, 11, A. f.,horl. Mr. JAM ... :otirii to .N1.40.i. .11A1tY Cltot rit,:, both of th s county. At York, on the int I nat., by Rev. Mr. Marna., lit. Atlell.l. LL IL SC ttl V 1,1 It to Mb... SA LI .1 1... j, Wll.L,Oottgliter of t Arles Will, E,,i., :onion ly of Getty:Ming, nil of 1 rt.'. On the 13th 111 , 4., at the . E. Parsonage, Car lisle, Cumberland comity, I - the Rev. L. R. Cur roll,,JOllN C. PURSER, . f "ent comity, Md., to Saba 'MART' A., daughter of ohm McKnight, of lienthrsville, Adam. county,' .. At the house of the bride's an her, by Rev. D. W. WultY, on the :Mtn In.t., Mr. J sEPII RIFE to Mu.l MAItY A. NEWMAN...hi of dams county. At the kiv. I.lithema. l'c.r.unitge, bbuttNtown, Inr Rev. Dr. ffnuer, on the 15th Intl. Mr. JOHN IZEIIIt to Mts. DIANA .r. I..SfiY, i.lo\ll of York county, l'u. On the lath inst., by the mine, Mk. AMOS W01.1.' to :Miss INDIANN, daughter ufsisiciiii Stough., of the vicinity of New Oxford. On the 20111 boa.. by Rev. Mr. Crever, P. E.i,, ,t lltr. J. E. WIB S LE to Mins C. IL E LA,II. buth of his plum. On the 2.lrd lasi , nt tie Eagle Hotel, by Peter MyetTi, Esq., Mr. HP.NItY W. WOLF, of Minting.' ton rOuntY. be Miss MARY ANN klitaikat, of ttils counts. On the 7th lust„ Mrs, It AIITUA A. Wife of Joh.' McCleary, ksq., of this count,', .the 441 n year <4 her age. Olt the lath of Novemier, 1348, nt Lexington. li.utourl, JULIAN ANIELIA, dans:der of lien ry and Sophia Y. Culp. of this game, and win , of Wm. I4lf Ilvana LaSJagton. Mit9itaift. awl inerly of tfibs "prJW- sweat 43 rear* 2 Months and 18 days. latest Market R 49443. (.IETTYSBURA, • - , 12 Flo 1 3 go 6 W • te1.0171%,_ • 2 so (2 3 W i Wit NAT,, Rio ) witeAr, - . 2 sa io 2 7a ir • • • ► 0" *) ltY s • 110 micjimmer, - - 10 %1 oo t Vey : ERSEED :• SOO 7 0 0 I 0 FitgyApa s - - 11 .ALT - 1 IklllllX . - 11 r) 11 75 air A l+ . 4 . 2 fi7 01 3 25 • • - 1 el . 1 60 1 13 m• idt,l . - ikbund., - • 8 73 3 25 uoev'eArmr.,*Reall.. 41, 111 HAY - - . . 21' Waal fp wwWAT, WO I. A CARD Died. Special Notice goltimn. ' Dr. SOIIENOWE. VLANDIiAKIA.PII4.B A SII.I3ST/TUTZ ran. OA.LOYLEL. Thew 'Pills ere 00mp3.01 of wallow men turtle* the iron ut to tine the sc.relloas of the liver ea promsl/ rod eneehrellf a* h:uo et mereery, and withera preaaaieg an' of thaw itra.ue:thle or tteagar. at olnols which ohm follow• the ree of the la:ter. In all bilk= deordet • Wise Mr maybe wed with eerie. dew* se the; promote. Wu dtAeli area of vtlialtal hale, rLid imam than oltArttaione front Wu liver sad 14W1/ theorti eitteh ere the came of blhont lu general. jitaiENCE.'S RANI' tt A, X E. cure glee nardariut, sad all diaordera 01 the Li rcr, ludiuttedbr mellow skla, eat' 0.1 lent-no, arow.iiiest, sad a poenl feeling ewer ;In= end ::ta‘ltudo, als.;:lue that the liver h In a torpid or ote.rwned eo:u1 tics, Io short, Ihose PIN mar be err! with linable hi al earae when • pargothe or alterative natellolue le reta;red. I' ewe mak for Dr. Bchese-V4 Kandrake 1111e," 1 and 014.2rve that the two ILkenterlos of the Doctor ire el the Governuaoat gawp—ono wb In the 1e Maze of Vow hump:Jon, sad the other la his orautot loath. Elsid br all Draeglsts des'eri. Mee 45 onto /et hos. Princln: Office, No. Ib Nsrtiz Oth S.root, Ptameephis, Pa. Gonaral Whokasts Awoolm Daum Dams L U0..18 Pork Now York: B. B. lintwo, Battitnoro mora Md.; John D. Park, N. E. oar. of Fontlk end Wal nut St., Cincinnati. Ohio; W4Akor 6 Tojko, 131 owl LW Wabash Arnow. Chico" IIL Llalitno Broawm, owe Watt of Boomui and VW dli., 8L Lcruls, No. (4lb dials w. ea. Ntnety-slue ont of a Hn,Veod: There Is no stimulant. no Mein Ceetant. novego table agent,, nor no tonic so applicable to so large a nuntber elf ailments as riru elainied to he Mundt within the remedial aeon of Ibis lint•tltialell 'WI - ner nn.l . 111%01401 ant. Tblfrvn ells 07 linitulo.'s Hea dy Itel ler. when administered as a l'eall'.l,y, is marvellous tor Its curat Ive properties. It Will. and It has eared more eon' pla hi ts, and prevents the SYSTSX against sudden at t lo•lis al Cpale/aall and vont:loons SiSeas. a, lima all other inedichi• CVVI' ilitrotlia , (l. It Is a capital lemetly Tor Mei:, ins f 1,10, Tie Doulottrear,. I 'I. i Its rind Fet, nt, Palo in the Head. Chest. In' I.lneya, &v. Mot he'd Will Mel It ne plus ultra tor Croup and Sore Throat. Tii•se eulJe. t to I'lll.olllollin, Bad Colda, Sprains, VI ruts.s, Stealth, .te., ran nse nothing so past idol ao sure iii helping mil euring them SA litalSrit)'il It saly Itriar. It. is good tar innetY - nllar ills out or a hun , lred. It should be In every family. •In • I„stubtrn at melt firl'holern.Clioleri-mou e s,itiltous 1 Cone, or Intern' ltd iii lotivar, It should ha applied 111111 . 4.t0n.110. to all Of hors,. Where MCP' is Wit it Call be relied. Sold by Druggists. Price lii cents per battle. 1 [Nov. 19,11N0. Shv Roasenni Why the A NIEETLICYS WATT di; MADE AT WALTHAM, MAS. 4., Ii Till,: ItEmr..--It is made on the best principle. Its frame ls composed of SOLID PLATEM. NO Jur can interfere with the norm.). fly of Its working and no sudden shock can date. age ita machinery. Every picey Is made and Ilk. islibd by mach! nery•titself famous for its novelty, mum well as for its efrectivener4B) and is therefore properly made. The widen is what oil meehan km should he— Vs THATM, SIMPLE, MTRONti AN L , FICONOMir.tri. Except some high grades, ton entitly. for general use, foreign watotien ars ehl-fly rustle by Wnllleti and boys. Such wateliel arc emu pixseit of several bemired pieces, screwed and riveted tozctlier,and require constant untalre to keep them In any kln.l of order. - All perilous who have carried "aneres" “lepinee" and "Eng lish Patent Levers," are perfectly well aware of the truth of this statement. , At the beginning ,t por enterprlve more than ten years nen, It w.t4 oar fleet I)l4Pet, LE , make • thorooghlygncel low orleert Watch for thetnllllon, to take the plaenof these foreign Impueltlone; of foreign factories, witch wore entirely unialeahle ut home gaol perfectly wortlalere eve rywhere. Flow well we hisio accomplished this, may ha 'underatood - from the fart thaeofter MO many years of public trial, we now make M 0141.1 'II.IAS If THE WATCfII M NOLDI,III T)114 UNITED STATE , ant that no others liars •vor given such universal tudiefactlon. Whits this department of our business Is eantinnol with in ereamst facilities for perfeet work, we are at pres ent engaged itt tliesuannfactli re of watches of the very highest GitADE KNOWN UlTittnewe ETIIY, unequaled by Anything hitherto made by ourselves, and unsorpsssed by anything male lu the world. lefi i this pin terse we have the amplest W lave ercetol an Addition ter our main building expressly for this branch of our business, and hero filled it with the beet work men in our service. _few machine! nud applian ces have been constrnebsi whirl perform Malt work with conewithriote dellettry awl easictiulas. The choicest and most approved Materials only are used, and wo challenge comparison between this gradA of our work and the Anent imported chrouomettra We do not pretend W sell our watches (or t.r.-e, niEl MY that, foreign watchei, but we do assert without fear of root radietion that fur the tiadt F. stuNr.v our product Is Incomparably superior. All our wittches,of whatever grade, are fully warranted, and this warrantee le good at all times agaluat us Grout agents in all parts of cue world. CAUTION.—The Tinhltc are eeintioned to buy only of resp....table deniers. All persona galling counterfeits will lrr mow.< Weil, APPLETON. • Agents for Ilia Amer erin %Vlach Cowpony, ISL lIROADWAY.N.T. Nov. El, 11160 S. lm - LI FE-FIFIA LTH —orrnr:varii. Idru—itiuLTH—MTHENOTH. LIFIL-ILEA I,TII-15T RIZ.: (ail. 'rl• leea b s•MaNy. Do. 'VAIN Pr.t.ani4;l4lNlC'D APP.X•Iritl Prepared from a prescription of Dr. Join Dols. more, Chief Phymiciati of the Hospital dn Nord ou I.SitlieiiSiete of Paris. This in valonble Medicine is no imposition, hut In unfailing In the ente of lipermatorrine or kletol nal Weakness. Every species of Genital or Uri nary I rritniallty, Involuntary or :lightly Seminal Enitsitionn from whatever reuse prolltssl,oo how. ever severe, will he speedily relieved and the Mc guns restored U. to lathy a lion. 11...3d the following opinlot.s of eminent nand^. playslehins: ••We have need the Speelfle Pills prepared by Garen. !ere & Dupont, No. 211 Rue Dormant, from the pren^rlption of Dr. „Nan Delatnurre.„ in mit private practice with ant form soecess, 1, ha we be. lieve there In no other medicine so well calculated to core all pernons and'ering front Involuntary r.missionn or tiny other weriknetet 4)f, the Ne 3 us! °mann, whether roused by seder tai7 mOtles of Hying, extannies, or abuse. Alt I BEArtners KIT, M. D. G. IV. Duianntv, M. D. JEA`w,Lx Liteitur, M. D. Paris, May 6th, litlNVAltt: OM COFNTERFEITS. The genuine Pills nre soil by all Hie prineipal Droggisin throughout the World. Prlee OHS Dol lar p. r ilex, or six Dozes forielve Dohnrs. IiAnANTI6/1 1. : al i 1171104 r, Sole l'roprlotors, . No. 214 Rue fansibard, Paris. One Donnr eneloned tn tiny antliorimed Agent, will insure n box by return mall, securely seeded, from 311 olwervat fon; six 'poxes for tire dollars. Sole General Agent n for A inerieri, OSCAR (I. II I'OM/sold at, N. Y. N. 13.—Freneh, German. 81 1 / 1 16041 EUVIIII containing •rtliailli lkLVIli Conn fnr use, sent free to every rldrewr. A: D. Buehler, Agent for Gettysburg. Dee. IS, Hide. ,13' Mr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff. This anutrhati thoroughly proved Itseltto froths best. article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold, in the Head and Headache. It has been found am excellent remedy Injnany reeve of Sore Di-minces hits iss•n rettuai ed by lt, unit !leering has often been grentlY Improved by Its me. It is ir.tgrant awl agri.eable, and otN•xis zanies rx: itELIEF to t h e dull heavy pains rouged by leases of the head. The sensattons niter menu; It are idlghttul igorating. It opens end psirges out all 01541 uet ions,strengthetis t glands, and gives it healthy action to the pal is affected. More than Thirty Years' of sale mid use of" Dr. bit rsitall's Catarrh and lieadai he Situtve Matt proved Its gri at value for ell the common ellecaises of the Lewd, and at this moment stands blithe& than ever before, It is mom mended by many of the beat phyla, clans., and is les ills great numusio and saininia , tam everywilon. Itead the, cell Itlen (PA of Wholesale Prngglitsls 113:il: The_ undersigned, having for many years been aequaintist with [Jr. Mar:Malls Catarrh end llcialeche Funff," and sold it In our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, that we belles e It to be equal - in every respect, to the recommonehdlons given of it tor the cure bf Catarrhal Affection', and that It is decidedly the best article MO - 1111100 ever known for all multiunit lIIKYSSeII of the Heed., HIV* Perry, lloation • Holub A maim & to.„l3oe tt, lintbnon A Co., Boston ; iseth lir. Fo le, Boston; Fairbank. it t ton; lienshaw, Edmund A Fn., Ileeton 1 1 1 1 7. Portland. Me.; Barnes it Ptak, New York; A. B. & 1), fiends, New York • Simonet& I'eul &Co., New York ; Israel Minor & New York ; Met:pylon & Robbing New York A. L. groat)! & ce,1,44. York: Ni."‘Vitril, Cline & New York; limn Gale, New York. li:Plor sale by all Drama 111 0...... " Try IL Met. lit,W• Itopudertal but Wu* 1 , M ..7)AME RIIIBINGTON, the world renowned Agrol.Aghtt. and \ Sumnambulialle Cie Irvigturit, while Ina Clair ant state, delineates the' very restores br the pension yon are to Vlarl7, one 'by the ski via• instrttlitketrt or intense rower, 1;11011 , 11 art thp reychotrkutropp, purnntime to ptmdper • p 05 1 ,41 tal life-like Nature of the future httetiggid Or wife of the applietini. with dote Of oneupation, leading trade or etteraeter, *e. Is la no imposition, as test I vital tuts without 11„, eart assert. By atudittit Plitevot birth, age. Itilipasi- Oen, miky of eyes and hair. Awl enelioeglitg fifty mita. and liutpett onyobve \ add moot {o• popr. self, you :WI receive the et e Nilte re aw am l, . togethrYwithdesired Byron:nation. Ad4rM in con t1.1enoo„ lolitnAmei 111•11.1 ma Rion %crrox. P. I IOX aq. Welt Tatar, SOS; IC 1 :4 6 - dka • ditennget, but True. ' Every yanna lady and gentleman In Stater ran hear rtanething very melt vantake by iteluna wait (free of ehe dreedugthe ontlensignecL Thew ten being lannlawl win oblige ny_nt4 cant. Altell tri.linteese addrese ent servant, Ida& VIM LY irzi Veiled ad. id,