Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, October 29, 1866, Image 3

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ilia Grant MangMabliasnedy.
Protected by royal letters patent.
• JAl4ll,ANAtiait'si. Cils.altasTsto "mums
ptu.s. Prepared from a primeritalon of Sir J.
Clarke, M. D. Physician EStritordlnary . to the
(dawn. This invaluable medicine is unfailing In
tile cure of all littme painful and dangerotut disun
diea watch the fetnale eoasti baton in subject. It
NV- lerajes aU execute and removes all °outrun.
tlgast,abet 14 speedy cure may be relied on.
To Marrhid It Is peculiarly salted. retail',
in a short time, bring on the monthly period with
rept larlty.
Ca °no:v.—Thew' Pills should not be taken by
Peniatiet during the rater Tit VAX MONTIgn Of Preg
nancy. as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage,
but at any other time they eremite.
In alt cues of Nervous and Spinal Affections,
Palmier) the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on sib;ht
exertion, Palpitation of the ily sterits, and
-Willies, these Pills will effect a cure when all oth •
er means have failed and although a powerful
remedy, On not contain iron, calomel, antim our.
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions In the pamphlet around each
r ‘ckage, which shonid be eitr,nl iy premerved.
Sold by all Dauggista. Price One Dollar, per bot
rtrr Af. voTter, —it 14 file fate ()revery villa -
IVA* H ). Het no to he Cou n ter fe lted. Re esti tioa
ther.ilbre, ant 4 , e that the letters "T. et. 34." are
Sinwa.ig the battle, nn I that each wrapper bears
rte grtitt.ns of the signature., of L BALD
IS &CO. en,l JOB MOS .03. fir Without which
ine are genuine.
N.:11.--one It ',liar, with Lizitteen rents forPost
a.ra, purkmpf to 111 , 01 1 Ittmr I z •,111.14eut for the Cril
tedetator wri4llritiml) Ihnn
OR Certl•tudt Street, New Yo*,
will insure a bottle eon rt. Ing nay PON, be re
turn tatll, sealed from all ouservatloa.
Dee. 1.3, ly
Dr. DarshalCs Catarrh Rau,.
Thin antifThan thoroughly proved !tee! f to bathe
b nit. article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold
la the li.nul and ilealache. It has been found an rernody in many ease.' of Sore I.;yaa.-
10,nfilens ban been rent , , , ,ed by It, and Idesring
Lan mien been greatly improved by SLY lIRF.
IL to fr tgrutt alit agreeable, and owes FIIIMF!..
DIATR ISKIAIRV to the dull heavy polite eatased tiY
dineAsen of the heal. The setpudluni alter itslo4
it tir. ,4-.1,-:tt tut and invigorating. Ti opens 4n.1
purgers, " all ohntruotions,ntrerwthelin theglunds,
an I al. , healthy action 64) the parts Alleeted.
More Thirty Ye arn • of Pi ale and u,o of "Dr.
11.ardetll'ii (7.o..irrh an I Ileadaelto 'l - in till," has
proved lie grout value for AIL l lie vorn mon disease*
of the halal. and Lai this moment i.tatais higher
th an ever before.
It Is r.,rolitiu.nrled by many of the best phyla
itn , d with great isn.C'elia and Hatlsfue
1011-Dlz Certitieztes of Wholesale Drugs:lst l
i'. Ths , unlorsitzitod, harinu fur inanv years
been nclu , tlnte,l with " Dr, Mnrshall's f.lsto.rrh
an 111 e t lac:he:Snuff" on sold Ulu our wholesslo
trxle,eitterlully Its% that we believe It to he
it OirM7 respell, to the reeorritnendations
10 , 0:n 0 It for lbw vary. of Dstorrhol Affections,
and t h at ft Is deeitleftly Ole best artleAe we hey•
•ver it 0 turn for all Ifoinnvin ()Isms', of the 110.0.
Ibtrr & Perry', Boston ; Allston &
Br turn, Lanoeut t (41., Rost to ; 8.441 W.
Puri,, it 140411; W dhoti, Pittrtnnk A Co., Boston;
llenstmw, J linturl & CJ.. Boston; 11. it. Has'
1' , I, Me.; II ernes & P a rk, York; A, it. ,
& D. 4 m Is, New York; Btephen Pstil & New
York; Israel M & Nets' York; Melicsatort
& Iton'nns, New York, A. L. Still 4: co., New
York; M. Mir!, Close & Co., New York; Bush &
c's ti o, New York. LlT' itll DrimsO Is.—
Try,ll. [Dec. IS.lBtl,i.
31 .‘2 0e 0 v 11 ,F Irt give ot a th b o i s s e ty w a h h, o u r ce ead a
t N s e w b s u p a p e e i rs s
atherligetgent, and it.. , , c
.. „
actually lies the best, the prettiest and the
cheapest good* in all creation, actually selling
---••••••••-•---- - their at lweetti•dcrwn prices—too few heed the
Lyon'e Periodical Drops!
Inca for their own interest, therefore we hare
It. ix+ tf I. kit( ff mi.—Those Bronv are a adentifl- - - FOUNb . compoun.le i gall preTaratton, awl better
th to any I'd ia, p,,v.i..rx or It oNtrums. Being ii. it best to simply javite every losdy to aall and
'ltligl. their Actioll Is direct and poiltica rendering exam net our, stobk and prices boldra buying
""18 a "ththt'`, 5P , • ,, 3" and o'rLun V"''//k fQr one dolkr's worth elsewhere, for I can and
1,1. , •,1:-, .or all ob.,truetloni and supprevodons or
will rnakeit'to the interest, of 'et 'tbost' who
mittir... Timir popular' IT la Indicated by the tot j
in it over. 100,thmi bottle. are anuaidiy mourned re not
iiv the I.4diesi of the Unite d '4f/tit.% every one of
whimmpetuot In the vtroirge , d tom. of oralae o . -
their :treat inorita. They. are rapidly titking th I to theliArge interest and who wish to sate
',Lace of every other Fein :le,andare col tuonity,aharefore toliny every:alias ---
al.terett liy all who know aught of them, lei th' , 4 ..i -T, •
sur.od, Rafest, and triost infallible Trento:Arlon in I 1 . - • IN
the worl 1, for the cure of all• con'plaints, I
thelltiVdf 4 giloill Anil cheap elothing 'at tby
the rent , "„il °fall on...irradiant , ' of nature, and 411• I
prom o I ion of he dal, rconlitrlty itutt strength.— store, where there bee just been received a
Expile it 'lire Lions Atattrig when they MAN used, mosl G OrgintOnt assortment of Fair and ; Wid
it -
n , i Ozolatning when and wiry they slitiubilotot, ,
nor eout.l not be 11 , 1 ed without produelng eVectil , ~.'rer %,; • 4 conifsting of orerecmtr; 'Dregs
contr.wy to nature'a laws, wlti,lie found earoltilly i tioal S. linsinient Coati', Pants and Vests • nil
Tot le.l around each bottle, with the written ..ingstise ; kinds, Overs t hirts-sad Undershirts, stoeiJt gs,
ge (lire
ine. of JOTIN L. LYON, without uhlnwhichnone az*
1 Suspenderi, reared
Prep trod by Dr, JroitN L. LYON, 191 t'hapc. lithdeat Initeirmentlf; nod civilly o.her . thrtigs
Htreet, New hard', Conn., who can. be Forisitlte.l : in Ignitia, gat of *Welt I am 4elting At very
eether personally, or by In ill. tench:wing fitttniO,): ,' ...,,, cvs. - c •- n yi • n
o F. B. PICKTCG, Mild
vont...ruing all private 11111en.401 01111 female. Woak.. I at" t"'
nose's. Told by .1./rugglats eyerywh ere. I tuore 4 streeti hear the public Square . ,
i . . r:.•('l..k Itkt(3l. '
ilenl Agento for c. S. itui Conga/ie. 1 , 4 -,' CETTYSOURC.
Nor. 6, 1345. ly; erik-Itft, 1t.."4 , 1.
_ _ _ _
Te Consumptives
Tha nivertivv. having I,nen reswreet to henith
In • Mw st Vcry alotplr. rr00r..1 ! ., :.It.•r
I,a,vlng surrere for nnveriti ;rm.* sra ere
Inner, ntrectionoind tlutt
1.111.(10113 to uc.cle knou n bi Ins frinSe
n•ifrerers the nwansnt cure.
To all vim de,tre It. he will 11.11(1 n mm` of I Of,
pres• ription diced (free .if ell urge,
Iloux for pr , paring 1 using the 5A , 11. - % Ulk/rti
I.llP* tvilt au.l X?: (Tut-. con a , o;•; 511.tioN )
AsTtt XA, IIItrINCUTTN, 111111 all
Turuot and Lung Atiectinns. The only rib et 0(1
inn vorthwr sending the. Pm.seription4.4 to
benefit t hr a Bt I,ted, an.l sptead In tortn,t Lion which
h. enn , elvos to ho invaluable, rind lie lioni•severY
sulTrlivr wilt try Ills retneily, mut It will enotfloWni
alp( new proven blexiiing.
wlklititg time riri,d , ript lon b REE icy return
moll, will please nildres4
Williamsburg. Kings co., New Turk.
Mar. S, Isdil. Iy
Wontlertui but True !
eft; It ”:..f INtfrox, the wwl I renowned
Astrologist and Somnambulist is r‘ oyant,
while In a el.tlrvoyant delineates the V ltrY
featur.qt of the person you nre to marry, and by
the all elan instrument of In ten qe pow,r, known
sus the Psychoutotrope, gUarantecti to produce a
perfect atil life-like picture of the future litvdatiad
or wife of the applicant, with date of marriage,
oecuptitiutt, leading trait.% of character. Ate. Thlr
1 4 no Int:))iltiOn. tte test I in militia Wlthournumher
c tit arr,rt. Hy 'dating pl.wi r e of birth, it dtnposi
lb,n, color of eyes an I trill., and• enolo , lng ttftY
cent.% an I iitairlpe l envelope nd iressi.l to your
self, yo t will receive the picture Icy return mall,
toz 'titer with Beet red Inform ttion.
A I ir.,l in levee, to Mc": (Ittn - r . .rx - alt
Ric to x.t rev, P. O. Box 117, W4..%t Troy, N. Y.
Sept. 91, lBta but
Deafarsit, 1111wItnrqs sad Catarrh,
Treated with the utmost 911 eeelil, by lir. J.
IS 1, A.( . B.l)eallal. and Auri*V, (formerly or Leyden,
If ollati,lo S.l - 119 l'lNKStreet, Trio
tiai.mials now, Like most reilliole soarers in the
'ay and Cannery can he even at. Itlvr (nee. The
me liar) f.tclitty are invited to at•company their
p.t.tamtn, 11.14 he has no seen , hi practice. Ar
t litchi" eyes In4erted withnUt, p4iu. .No charges
[Wade far examination.
Sept. 21, ISitti. ly
%trusts, but True.
Every young linty mid gentleman in the United
Slt mem can hear sontetbing very touch to their utt
vantige by return w al (free of cltbrge,) by tta
dressing Ulu undersigned. Thom. having fears of
being lininimihred will binige by not tvitteing this
curd. All others will please address their obedi
ent ‘er van t, TIIO.. cix,kruiN,
alio. a, , aa. fy rent itrundway, M. Y.
latest _Market Reports.
FLOUR. - -
cOR , N,
WitEAT, -
HAY. •
FLOUR, • • -
w IMAT, - • -
RICE, • - •
CoRN, • - -
0./LTS, , - - -
H00:4, f hand.. - -
'BEVY CATTLE, it humid..
HAY,. . - -
Excelsior Gallery.
I\TOIB but GOOD Pictares allowed to go
111)wt—and - st very LOW PRICES. Come
aneC Come sill
Gettysburg, Oct. 29, 1866.
2,000 teas , Hew
WATTED.—The Beater Press Hay Com
pany will pay the HIGHEST MARKET
PLUCK for HAY, delivered at their Hay Sheds,
In OttJrci, Jlit , P. Sandi Station, and in Geuys
bum. li ; ,. e. JEREiIaR nlcaL,
t lffltyst4rg, Oct. 22, 1866, 3m Agent.
W-- --
A SPLENDID assortment of Fall and-Win
ter Clottling just received at
QUEENSIPkItIf, Notartie, tory GOortir, ke.,
in great variety, at DUP.HUBS As HOFF
aorthirest corner of the Square, Get-,
tyabo r • , Pa.
(I NTRO° 9TS—a, large assortment of evely l
.atyle, else sad prle e—just opened at
- .
4416 to DITP.IfORN k NOFFMAN'S, to buy
lir lour Der Gpodt, Notions, Qneeasware,
ke., on the northwest...34m= at Diamond,
Gettysburg,. Pas.
BARGAPTS—Micking has received his new
lloods, I(pw Le the time to secure bar
gaiue. Nil and see than.. ~ •
s INBORN 4 HOFFMAN areireceiving New
r Goods every weak from the easterd Cl
lee. Of aat•fail to . gIV# them.", edit,
Eorthateetoensef at Pt! equAre, Gettysbug,
Homestead Teals, at Dr. It, 11).111NER'S
xs SW,.
ON IFIDNESDAY, Hie 7th day of NfrirlPf-
BFR next, the subscriber will offer at
Public Sale, on as premises,
1115 FAim, saint" in Comberland
ship, Adams county, on the Trostle mill road,
about one and mhalf wiles from Gettysburg,
adjoining lands of Abrebaut Plank, Dr. S. E.
Hall and others, containing 102 ACIIF.S, more
or lets, with plenty of Woodland and Meadow.
The improvements are a Two
HOUSE, a Frame Barn, Log Sta. ,; if
ble, an excellent well of water at
the door of the house, with some fruit trees.—
The fences ate new, having been put op since
the haul.. Thefe are about three hundred
panels of post fence. -
Perms wishing to view the property are
requested to canon the subscriber, residing in
Ge ctysiturg. ,
Ni'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
on lard day, when attendance will he given
and - tttms made known by
• difirlf not sold, the Barra will be fur rent on
sail dxy.
Oft. Z 4, Mg. ti
Al Small Property
° t PRIVATE SALE.—The and irsigned
Ak.' offer, at Private Sale, his valuable Prop
erty, iftniste in Menatlen township. Adams
county, on the road leading (vim Hunters
towit'to Petersbii,rg, about 4 mike from the
la , ter place, containing NI) out 30 Aortn. more
or les 9, improved with n :rood cne
and a trait storTLOG HOVE, and rig )
a good Stabfe orlayge size, with
a neeer-fall.nwell ut water at
the door., :'Chars is n _first-rate garden, MA
the land is all in a high state of cultivation.
There are a )out 2'Arreeot Timber, and a 5.1 fTi
cif rtt giknitty - Of Meadow land. There ii, n sia
ritty_cd trait oat'le_premises. The fences are
in good order. Tile property ii conveniently
located to Markets,' Schools, Churches, fic , and
is one of the caost desirable properties in the
county. ,
Persons wishing to view the property will
call op the undersigned, residing thereon.
05t..10, 1866. tf
sa: ,cleat 'Excitement!
IF VOU WANT a. cheap Hat hny it of
. R. B. woons.
IF TOT' WANT a Fashion:olk Hat always
buy it of H. B. WOODS.
~ -- -- -- ---
I You ,WANT.'aliat of any kind for less
I indigo} than anjbody tin mill sell it for,
1)t- sure to bity it of IL B. WOODS.
IirVOI! SFANT good Shoes for Ladies ut
ehibiren, don't be huntbngged with dam.
agestatretion goods, but buy of
- -
IF you - TA:Tr Shoes or Booty, "that are
'3bo,•s ,and boots aorth talking aboot,"
and an "cheAtiog trial'," buy them of
- H. B. WOODS.
- - _ -
IF. YOU W.lNT.Ovsrshirts, Drstrers, Um
brellst or enytti itrg-in Iris tine, Inv of
11. B. WOODS.
IF YOU WANT to be dealt Gully with, get
o.e worth of your money and not be chest,
ed, aiway s buy of !LB. WOODS.
IT YOU WANT R pair of rearNtartber One
Henry Winter Boots, don't buy berore,you
see tifei enpetilor article for sale by
jIIE tin& rsigned has opened a LUMBIIIII
- YARD, on the Railroqd, near Galan &
Lime Kilns, Gettysburg, and alike the
public to give him a call. His a9wrtistent is
one of the beat ever tiffered here, and his pri
ces afford only the smallest living profit. He
has P . INTicYLA'AK, inch and half inch
and ifs constantly adding to his stock. Come
and Oxamine for yourselves. '
Oct. 29, 186 G. tf
HE follosOng uppl:citions for Tnsern and
ktestaurent I:teepee bare been bled in my
otee,'euld wilt by - presented to the Gout on
- Tuesday, the 20th day, of November next :
`trrsuir mosses.
Walians N. Viers, Gettysburg.
Conrad Fut, ConoTrago township.
J_l. FINK, Clerk
12 50 11 0 8
26'>6D BOO
2on 0 2 25'
50 • NO
Oct 2 MG. tc
D41: 11 ? ESTATlL—Lettees
lee administration on the estate of David
SArbentgkr, late of Tyrone township, Dams
county, deceased, having been granted to the
undersigned, residing la Butler town.hip, he
hereby gives notice to all persons indebted
to said estate to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against the same to
present them properly authenticated for set
tlement. 301 IN LIAN F.S,
Oct. 29,1866. 6t -Administrator.
- erg 80
• 10 (,* di 15 00
- 400 (4 7G)]
' AN 44 '4 25
- 11 21 0012 21
- 300 40 3:a!
- 1:9 ((4i 15j
- RS 9 1 I 4
• 53 (4) 00
- 00 9 la 00
- it ou 917 00
;• 94 49 9 , 30 00
- 2309 7 2 41
- -
12 Letters of administration on thc , 'estate of
Frederick - itahrinann,lateof Cumberland town
ship, A 41111113 county, - deceased, baring been
grunted to;the undersigned, residing in the same
to wns.iiipitte hereby gives notice.° all persons
indebted to said estate to make immediate,
pnymeat; and; thosebaying chains *atom. the
same to present them properly autinuticated
tor settlement PETER THORN,
Oct.* 0366. 6t - Administrator.
ALL persons owing the undersigned for
Fees in the Register and Recorder's office,
are requested to make immediate paymt n L.-
As be is about to remove, settlements of these
accounts mustbe made by the November Court.
All claims then unpaid, will be placed in the
hands of an officer for collection.
Oct: 15, 1866. 31* Resister & Recorder.
4 Teachers Wasted.
TRE School Directors of Union township,
-desire to employ four Teachers for the
winter term of four months, commencing on
the Snit • Monday in November. Salary $3O
per month.
Jecos H. GOIMECHT, See'y.
Sept. 7 0, 1866.
TAE best lot of Upper Leather COLLARS,
at our own make r now ready and for sale.
1866! or tf "Il if i rs:ei ch et: PP lis it e " Cti l e4
prepared by Dr. R. isORDIErs.
rrillY Dr. R. HORNIIRS Tonie and Altars`
-I tire Powders, for HOURS cod OATTLg
Prepared and told only at his Drug Store.
*unary 25, 11154.
What We Want.
New Lanaber Yard.
Alterit's *ale
Orsyosg GOODS.—In purmtinee of a
writ of Field Foes', issued out ..of the
Court of CommOn Pleas of Adams codnty, Ps.
and to me directed, will be reposed to Public
Sale, at the Store House of Franeie S. Hilde
brand, in the town of East Berlin, in said
county, on WEDNESDAY, the 31st day of
OCTOBER instant, at 9 o'clock, A.M., the
following personal.nronerty,
consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Caesinett,
Jeans, Vcstings, &c.; Delaine., Calicoes, Mils
-Iw, Drillings, Flannels, Ribbons, Laces,
Threads, Shawls ; Ready - made Clothing,
Roots, Shoes, Hats and Caps; Queensware,
Glassware, Hardware, Groceries, Coal Oil,
Coal Oi: Lamps, with Maur other articles, too
numerous to mention. Also a quantity of
Lumber. Seized and taken in ezr,urion as
the property of Francis S. Hildebrand-, and to
be sold by me,
larThe sale will be continued from day to
day. until all is sold.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Oet. 72, 1816.
Sherllrs Sales.
IN pursuance of sundry write of Venditioni
Exponas and Fieri Facies, issued out
of the Court Common Pleas of
Adams county, Pa., and to me directed,
will be exposed at Public Sale, at the Gunn
House, in Gettysburg, on SATURDAY, the
10111 day of NOVENIBER next, at 1 o'clock,
P. M , the following described Real Estate, viz:
A LOT OF GROUND, situate in East Berlin,
Adams county, adjoining lot of George Mon
doff!' on the east, lot of John Riegle on the
we,t, a n alley on the north and f,o 'Ong on
MAin street, the lot being 65 feet in front and
running buck 220 to the alley—improv
ed with a Two•story Frame Weather- ofi : ,
ed STORE HOUSE, a One,tory Stone
Building, and some fruit trees. Seized nod
taken in execution as the property of Francis
S. Hildebrand.
in Menallen township, Adams county, adjoin
ing lands of Michael Warner, Henry Eppel
man, Elijah Wright, John Burkholder aa nd
Wm./Peters, containing 11 ACRES. of which
about 2 acres are fenced. Seised and taken
in execution as the property of Jou.tthan N.
ADAM RgRICRT. Sheriff.
Sheriff'. offlce, Gettysburg, Oct. 22,'66.
taiir Ten per cent. of the purchase money
upon all sales by the Sheriff moat he paid over
immediately after the property is struck down,
or upon failure to comply therewith the prop
erty will be again put up for sale.
Register's Notices.
NOTICE is hereby given to alt Legatees and
other persons concerned, that the Ad
ministration Accounts hereinafter mentioned
will be presented at the Orphan's Court of
Adams county, for confirmation and allowance,
on MONDAY, the 19th day of NOVE.III3SIt,
1806, at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz:
3:39. First and final account of Amos Lefe
ver, Egg., Executor of the last,will and oats
meat of Philip Herget, deceased.
240. First and final account of glijab Spew.
ler, Administrator cf Catharine Miller, dec'd.
341. The account of Jeremiah Siesecker,
Administrator of the Estate of Isaiah Stoltz,
343. The final account of Philip Donohue,
Guardian of James Emory Graft, minor child
of Philip J. Graft, late at Bushell township,
342. The first and final account of James
J. Wills, Administrator de bouis non of Adam
Sowers, deceased.
344. First rind final account of Isaac Light.
ner, F.sq., Administrator of the Estate of Res.
Jacob flare, deceased.
Register's Office, Gettysburg,
Oct. 22, 1868. td
MAKE NOTIOE!—The Collectors of Taxes
I for 1665 and previous years, in the differ
ent townships of Adams county, are hereby
tiotificd that they will be required to settle up
their dupl.eates on or before the 19th day of
NOVEMBER next, on which day the Commis
sioners will meet at their office to give the no.
'ressary exonerations,
The Collectors of the present year will be
required to , pay over to the County Treasurer
all monies which may be collected by the No
vember Court.
Commissioners of Adams county.
' Attest—J. M. Watrita, Clerk.
' Oct. 22, 1866. td
• To All Book Buyers.
AS. K. SIMON, ”Sonth Sixth Street, Phil
MA-23 Volt;
ION—I large Vol.
ICS-2 Yoh.
-9 Vols.
I furnish all Books published, for public
and private Libraries, at wholesale prices:—
Send a list of any Books wanted, with a stamp,
for prices, which will•be sent by return mail.
Sept. 24, 1866. 6w
testamentary on, the estate of Elizabeth
'per, late of Liberty township, Adams coun
ty, deceased, having teen granted to the un
dersigned,-the first named residing in the same
township, and the last named in Highland
township, they hereby give notice to ,all per
sons indebted to said estate to make immedi
ate payment, aad those having claims against
the same to peseta them properly authentica
ted tor 'settlement.
Oct. 6, 1866. 6t Executors
ters testamentary on the estate of Mary
Ann Allison, late of Littlestown, Admits coun
ty, deceased, having been granted to the un
dersigned, residing in same place, he hereby
gires notice to all persons indebted to make
immediate payment and those haring claims
against the same to present them properly au
thenticated for settlement.
Sept. 17, 1866. 6:*
miCTIA EL MILLS 6'S HSTATE.—Letters of
administration on the estate of Michael
11,11 tr, deceased, late of Hamilton twp., Adams
co., haring been granted to then ndersigned, ro
siding in Berwick borough, be hereby gigs
notice to all persons indeb.ed to said estate to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same tc present them prop
erly anthenticated for settlement.
W. BITTINOgB, Adm'r.
Oct: iS, 1866. 601'
Prime Hams,
SIfOULDERS, Sides, home-made Bologna
&mange, ke., a full stock
_always kept
for sale, of the very beat quality, sod at lowest
living profits, by
June 11. neat door to the Post Office
Pamphlet Laura.
PUB PAMPHLET LAWS of the State bore
L been received at this office, and are now
ready for distribution among those entitled to
receive them.
J. A. RITZELLER, Proth'y
Prothonotary's office, Get '4l
- ect. 15, 1866. 3t I
- A•tice.
Tqlll3 enders . ..cued has placed We BALI
NOTES in the hands of Adam Retort,
~ for rAllection. As said notes ars now
due, lizr A ttliate payment is asked.
J(/f4ll EPtlilr.
0 . 4. 15, 1966. 3t*
" - dr ALBFLKISCR Is selling a large amount
IX of Goode, because the people are ending
f out Out be 4 determined not to be undersold.
rti TUESDAY, the 6th day of NOVEMBER
J nest, the subscriber will offer at Public
Sale, on the pretelney , ,
THE PROPERTY , on which he resides, on
the York Turnpike, three miles Nun of Getty , -
burg, in Str.sban township, Adams county:
22 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining lands 'of Jo
seph Lease, Henry Tate, John Bushman, and
others. Fire acres of the tract are is Timber.
The improvements are a Two-sto
ry Roughcast DWELLING
HOUSE, with Two-story Back.
building, a good Barn, Corn Crib,
Carriage House, Hog House, Spring House,
with Granary, and other out-buildtegs. There
Is a good well o f water, with a pimp in it,
convenient to the house and barn, 'with a
young bearing Apple Orchard, and other fruit,
such As Peaches Pears, Cherrie , , Piums , Ac.
At the acme time and place, will be sold,
COW, 2 Heifers, One-horse Wagon, Buggy,
Sleigh, H ILadders,Winnowing Mill, Ploughs,
Harrow, Double and Single Shovel Ploughs,
Corn Fork, Cultivator, Double end Single
trees, Forks, Rakes, Shovels, ie. Also, a
Hathaway Cook Stove, l'arlor Coal Stove, 3
Bedst-ads, 2 sets of 'Anita, 2 Tables, S:and,
Carpeting, Tubs, Buckets, Barrels, with a lot
of old Iron and Castings.
QUEBYS-WA RE, and many otherartiele,, too
numerous to mention.
ilirSale to commence at IQ o'clock, A. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by -
Ir The Grain and hay business will be
continued at Granite Station until April Ist.
Bigbest prices paid.
Oct 22, 1856. to
' The subscriber, Agent of John [Almon;
Bill sell at Public Sale, on SATURDAY, the
17th day of NOVEMBER next,
A SMALL FARM, situate in Buchanan Val
ley, some two hundred yards irons the Moun
tain Church, containing 20 ACRES and 16
PERCHES, nearly all of which is clear, and
in a good state of ctiltivntiort:' The improve
ments are a good Two-story f.OG
HOUSE, good B ink Barn, first
rate Hog Pon and Corn Crib at
tazhed, also a good Wash & Bake
House, with a well of excellent water at the
door. The buildings are all nearly new end
built o' the best material. There is also a
thriving young APPLE ORCHARD, with
Peaches, Drapes, &c.
lIIM,At the same time and ( )lace will he sold
the following personal property : A Two
horse Wagon, Bedsteads and Bedding, Tables,
Chairs, Ten-plate Store and Pipe, Wheel-bar
row, Mattock, Shovels, with many other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
Ten per cent. of purchase money on the Re
al Estate to be paid on day of sale, the balance
of one half on the first day of ihrch. 1887, and
the other half in two annual installments.
sap'Safe to commence at I o'clock, P. M.,
eaid day, when attendance will be - given
and terms made known by
JOS. J. LIVERS, Agent.
Jacob Mickley, Auct. [Oct. 22, 18 1 46. to
FOR SALE —The subscriber offers for sale,
the property now occupied by Joseph A.
Orndorff, in Mountjoy township, Adams coun
ty, consisting of about 38 ACRES OF LAND,
adjoining Stephen Orteier, Vatharine.qtoner,
and others. baring thereon n new
Two-story Frame Weatherboard- 4 A - I( i
ed HOUSE,a new Rank Barn, Wa'- it n
1 I
on Shed, Corn Crib and Ilog Pen,
'with other out-buildings ; a well of water near
the door, two young Apple Orchards, end all
other fruit. The land is of good quality, and
hes been well limed the fences are good.
If-not sold privately before FRIDAY, the
30th of NOVEMBER next, it will be offered at
public sale oa that day, at 1 o'clock, P. Id , on
the premises, when attend , nee will be given
and terms made known by
Oct. 15, 1866. t 1
I hth day of NOVEMBER next, the Dire°.
tore Of the Poor of Adams county will offer
at Public Sale, on the premises,
30 ACRES OF LAND, all cleared, lying on
the ridge immediately west ofSamnel Cobean's
farm, and adjoining. also the farms of lion.
Moses McClean and-John Forney, in Cumber
land township; a mile and a half from Gettys
milf".gale to commance at I o'clock, P. IL,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and term mule known by
Oct. 22, IMO. is Dire:tors of the Poor.
TE undersigned, intending to remove from
Gettysburg, will sell AT COST until the
15th of November, any or all of his stock of
Persons wishing any article in my line will,
for a short tame, have an opportunity to par
chase it at a very reduced price.
Call and be.convinced
Also, for dale, several articles of Household
Furniture, including I mahogany Bureau, I
double Wardrobe, I cottage Bedstead, 3 Feath
er beds, : ten-plate Stove, &c ,
Gettysburg, Oct. 22, 186 d.
Rave pie received • large and complete
assortment of
of every style and at all prices, to which the
attention of buYere is directed. Those in
want of good Goods at the lowest possible
rates should not fail to give as an early call.
Oct. G, 1860.
GEORGII ARNOLD has nor got up his
fall stook of
mastitis, kill owe manufacture, consisting of
Coate, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, &c., ke.
A large stock of CLOTHS AND CAPIN.
NERES, aU of which will be sold cheap for
cash. Cefl and nee them.
Oct. 6, 1866.
(rnoton at Ifoke'a Cr ner.)
all of which. have been bought at the lowest
market pricey and will be sold accordingly.
Oise thew a mall. No trouble to show Goode.
F. D. Dl7Pl4olot,
Oct. 6, 1866.
ASCOTT'ItSONShave just received an
. other fine assortment of NEW GOODS,
mutating. in part, of Cloth 5, Cassimeres, Cossi
nets, Eentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, for Gen
tlemen's wear. .llso, a fine assortment of
Outstock has been seiected with great care,
and we are prepared to sell as cheap as any
other establishme tt in the country. We ask
the public to gic e us a call and judge for
themselves. Call and see Ira. No trouble to
show Goods. A. SCOTT & SONS.
Sept. 17, 1866.
MBE undersign€ d hat commenced the SAD-
I DU& and HA KNESS-11AKING business,
on the 818, to Balt iroore street, in the bull ding
bruipily occupied by D. Sweeney as a Chair.
maker's shop, up-stairs, where be asks those
wanting garbinlr in his line to call. Work
.done in the best mummer, and prices moderttte.'
.HABSESS REPA HIND at short unties. A lot
of new Saddles and Harness o Jha
. M. ROWE.
Gettysburg, June 25, 18G6. 3m
litrittle CALE.
Small Farm,
Desirable Property
SO Acres of Land
Selling Off at Cast.
Dupborn * Hoffmann.
Fall and Winter Gondol.
fil addling.
We*4 Fana,
Deririag to change my business, 1 ofer for
sale the FARM upon whiJt 1 reside, 3 miler
southeast of Charlestown, Jefferson county,
Va., and 2 miles trona the Shenandoah ricer,
containing about 351 .4.011F.9 (W LIME
t STONE LAND, 60in fine Timber; under good
fencing. The improvements are first rate.
The DWELLING was finished in
lat.°, and tontains 14 rooms.
The out-buildings are or a char- ;
, actor to suit the fat at, and coon-,
prise a good BARS, Corn and Carriage Hour , '
Quarters, Tenants' Houses, Brick Smoke and
A-6 fletc.e4, Stone Spring House, Poultry
Houses, Ac , and all under cypress roofing.
TwO tine Springs near the House, one in the
Iyard, cistern at tile door ; never-failing
'stream through the farm, passing through the
barn•yard: 2 young orchards of choice fruit,
containing about 250 trees.,
1 would call the attention of any one wish
ing a well improved tarn to this prape:ty—
I which can be divider/ into two farms, with
buildings on each, sod fine water. Auy per
son wishing to see the lind w ill
„ . call on D.
Humphreys lc Co., in Charlestown, who will
direct them to it.
JAS:LAW. 1100/T
Sept. 24, 1866. 6w,
A Good Farm
AT PETTATeI SALE.—The subscriber offers
at Private Sale, his valuable FARA, sits
ate in Freedom township, Adams county, Pa.,
containing 127 ACHES, more or le s s. The
improvements con.sist of a good Two
story LOU SOUSE, and Log Wash
House, Smoke House and Milk Boube
all under oue roof; and other i.nibuildings.
There are two wells of good water, one at the
house and the other at the Barn, an l a never
failing stream of water running through the
farm. There are two young Orehards on the
premises, and a variety of all kinds of fruit.
There is about 2.5 Acres of good Timber Quit
a fair proportion of Meador. The land is in a
high state of cultivation, and will be sold on
reasonable terms. This firm is conveniently
located to Mills, Markets, Schools, Thurelier,
rte , and is among the most desirable in the
county. •
Persons wishing to view it will call on 111 1 e
undersigned, residing thereon.
August 27, 1866. 3m
Orphan's Court Sale.
N SATURDAY, the 3rd day of WOVEN!.
BER. next, in pontiance Man Order ot the
Or2bans' Court of Ad.ims eonnty, granted t•
the undersigned, will he offered at Public Sale,
on the premises, the Real Estate of Peter B 4
ker, deceased, consisting of
A FAIRS, situate partly in liamiltonhan
township, Adams county, and partly in Frank.
lin county, Pa., adjoining lands of Litz true
Baker, Walter Wagawan, George Douse, Henry
Cann:nen, John Caufman and Leonard Card%
man, containing 200 ACRES, more or leas,
Improved with a one and a hail t y
story LOG HOUSE, Log Bank
Bel n, Spring House, At. A fair
proportion of the tract is well
pa Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, on said
day, when attendance will be given and terms
made kaolin by ~
Oct. 6, 1866.
ANY person haring. a god Farm for sale,
and will take in part+ payment, one or
more tracts or
well located, near Itailru Schools, Ch arch.
es, County Towns, &c.. m•ty find a purchaser
by applying, at this office.
June 18, 18GC. tf
Dry Goods! Dry Goods!
11. —Having just returned from the ICitj,
with a splendid assortment of DRY GOODS, I
am now prepared to offer greater inducements
to buyers titan ever before. My stock consists
of every description of Dress Goods. pl.tin and,
fancy, Cloths, Cassimeree, Muslins, Hoop
Skirts, Bahnorals, Flannels, Hosiery, Gloves t
Trimmings, ke,.
In' connection with my Dry Goods, I have
opened in an adjoining room a large stock eI
hich I will sell very cheap. Children's Shoes
as low as 121 cent s, and other goods at nor.
responding rotes. My stock is well selected,
and the most complete yet offered. Give us A
call and examine for yourselves. No trouble
to show Goods.
We are ale agent for the Florence Sewing
Machine, which is acknowledged to be the
best in rise. It is the laillest improved machine
out, having the REVERSABLE FEED, giving
it en advantage over all other
Call and see them. M. SPANGLER.
Oct. 6,166 G.
18664 Philadelphia 1866.
.H . OW3LT. b Born'KE, NlanuNcturers of
Corner Fourth and 11.4rket SiFoots, MLA.-
N. B. Al'irays Io Stornot jargi Stock of
Sept. 3, 1866. 3m
628. poop Miro, 628.
11' 01 1 .1111ii 6 "OWN HAKE,"
Are in every respect flare mass, and em
brace a complete assortment for Ladies, Miry.
es, and Children, of the Newest Styles, every
Length and SIZO of Waist.
on SKIRTS, wherever known, are more
universally POPULAR than any others before
the public. They retain their shape better,
are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and
really Cnearan, than any other Hiop Skirt in
the market. The springs and fastenings are
warranted perfect. Emir LADY should TRY
THZI( ! They are now being extensirely Sold
by Msamiters, throughout the Country, and
at WHOLESALE & RETAIL, at Manufactory
and Sales Room.
No. 628 ARCH Street, below 7th, PHILA
Ask for HOPKIN'S "owi xAre,"--Loy no
other I
CAUTION:—None genuine noless Stamped
on each Fid Pad—"Hookin's Hoop Skirt Man
ulaciory, No. 628 Arch Street, Philadelphia."
Also, constantly on hand full line of New
York made Skirts, at very low prices.
Sept. 3,1864.- 4m
Shoes, Gaiters, &v.
welt "ode, a few doors from the Public Square
Gettysburg, has laid in an excellent assort
ment of Shoes, Gaiters, kc., for
which be is offering at the very lowest profits.
Having bought for cash, at the latest re luc
tion, he is prepared to offer great bargains.
Boot and Shortn tnnfacturiag carried on at
the same place, and the hest kind of work
May 14, 1808. tf
Empire Shut tie Sewing Maclaine.%
ARE superior to all others or
Contain all the latest improvements; are
speedy -, noiseless ; darable ; and easy to work.
Illustrated CircuLul tree. Agents wanted.
Liberal discount allowed. No consignments
Address S. M. CO., GIG Broadway,
New York, [Sept. IT, 18116. Iy
Brooms! Brooms!
TeOE undersigned cootinges to attiotifseture
Brooms at his old staid in Carlisle street.
will have dunog the fall a fall supply on
hand, sad will lis able to furnish them W HOLE
SAIIII OR RIVTAIL. Brooms made to order
or oh the shares. Perrone having Broom Corn
would do well tiAlire him a call.
= Gcltysburg, Sept. 24,1860. 3m
A SITSIIIOIt. quality of the best Louden.
Dritit HPAIES, with or without fasten
ups, for sate by D. IleeftELLltY A SON.
Forwardliqr sad Caansissios
florin: purchased the extensive Warehouse,
Oars, Sic, heretofore owned oy Haat nel Herbst,
we beg leave to inforll the public that we are
continuing the busiuess nt the old stead oa
the corner of WASi:S*lollllnd Railroad streets,
on a more extensive scale than heretofore.
We are paying the highest market price for
Flour, Grain and all kin is of produce.
Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds of Gm.
ceries, kept constantly on hand and for sale,
chtaper than they cin ho had anywhere else.
Plaster, and all kinds of fertilizers, constantly
on hand, or furnished to order.
bidyA regluar line of Freight Cars will leave
our Warehouse every TUESDAY MORNING,
and accommodation trains will be tun as oc
casion may require. 13.,i this arrangement we
are prepared to convey Freight at all times to
and from Baltimore. All business of this
kind entrusted to us, will be promptly auend
ed to. Our cars rut to the Warehouse of Sr e
censor, a Sons, 1.31 North Howard street, B
tam ore. Being determined to pa) good etICON
sell cheap and deal fairly, we i , i s ivite err 1.) , )%1;
Lc give us a coil
Aug. 13, 1864
Sewing Machines.
ESE. These Machines hare become so
well known thtt little need be said by way of
recommendation. They have taken the first
premium at all the bite State Fairs, and are
universally acknowledged to be the BEST in
use by all who hate triod them. The "Grover
& Baker Stitch" and the ' , Shuttle Stitch" are
points flat have been attained by no other
Machine. They are the only m 'chines that
sew and embroider with petfection. These
Machines are peculiarly adapted to Family
use. Tit y are &most noiseless, sew directly
from the spool without rewinding, and are
simple in their construction. They owe easy
to manage, and can be worked by almost any
child. Every family should have one. Thee
rare labor, they save time, and they save money,
and do their work better than it can be done
by hand.
Tbe undersigned having been appointed
Agent for the above Machines, has established
an Agency in [(airfield, Adams county, *here
he will always have on band a supply. Per
sons wishing, to buy will please call and MU:n
ine for themselves.
filiirNeedies and Thread will also be sup
plied. J. $. WITIIHROW, Agent,
Fairfield. Adams county, Pa.
Aug, 27, 1866. if
For flair.
Over Five thousand of these Mills have been
mnde and sold in the last three years. The
best reeominendations can be given.
Also—COOK'S EVAPORATOR, for making
Sugar and Molasses, slid to be the best in nu.
Three different sizes for grinding Corn In the
ear, n, shelled 7 or any other kind of grain.
This is a machine that every farmer should
hare, as a bushel of ground feed i 3 equal to a
bushel end a half unoround. The high price
of feed of all kinds makes en imperative de
mand fur some kin.' of machinery by which to
save. It is a rapid grinder aad durable.
Made of the be steel composition. Church
Belle insured for one year.
irruxuarrnrs 'GUM SPRINV DRILL,
'lbis is considered one of the best Drills now
in Ilse. It will distribute any k led of grain
evenly, and sow flout one bushel up to three
o the acre. The Guano Attachment has given
entire satisfaction .wherever used. It to au
constructed as not to clog in sowing any kind
of Phosphates or Bone Meal Having sold a
number of these machines last season, I can
tully recommend them to be what they are
represented. Persons wishing to boy should
make application early as the supply is Mull
and the demand great.
P. F. SVITIT S CAST SMETT, rrnrcirs.
First, it is the only Plough yet produced
that wil invariably near in any soil.
Second, It is now an established fact that
It will last from three to six times longer than
any other steel plough In use.
Third, It draws lighter than any other
Plough, cutting the same width and depth of
The different parks of the Plough are cast In.
moulds, into the exact shape desired for the
mould-boards, shares and land-sidel, giving
the parts most exposed to wear any desired
thickness. The shares can be sharpened by
any blacksmith. The steel is perfectly male
able and works kindly. Edge tools hues been
made out of pieces of the plough by black
smiths all over the country.
For sale by W f. WIDLE, Agent,
Aug. 27, 186 G ,Near Gettysburg, Pa.
Latest Fashions
Trig ITOKOZRFCL IMMO - Wilt and great con
roar and PLICASOIII to any lady wearing the Dr-
PLES ELLIPTIC SeleTwilt be experiencod partic
ularly in all crowded Assemblics,Opefas,Carri•-
ges, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs,
for Promelade and House Dress, as the Skirt
can be tolled when in use to occupy a smal
place cc easily and conveniently as • Silk or
Muslin Dress. an invaluable gall i ty in crinoline,
not found in any Single Spring Skirt.
A lady having enjoyed the emigres, coil-
FORT, and great cosvzstegcs of wearing the
DUPLEX ELLIPTIC STEIL SPKTIIO SKIRT for will never afterwards willingly dis
pense with their use. For Children, Misses
and Young Ladies they are superior to all
They will not bend or break like the Single
Spring, but will preserve their perfect and
gr.tctlui shape when three or four ordinary
:-iisirts will have been thrown aside as useless.
The Hoops are covered with double and twist
ed thread, and the bottom rods are not only
double springs, bat twice (or double) covered,
preventing them from wearing out when drag
ging down steps, stairs, .t c.
The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with
all Indies and is universally recommended by
the Fashion Magazines as the STANDARD
To enjoy the following inestimable adventn
ges in Crinoline, viz: superior quality, perfect
manufacture, stylish shape, & finish, flexibility,
comfort and economy, enquire for
'J. W. Bradley's Duplex glliptic , or Double
Spring Skirt, and be cure you get the genuine
CAUTION,—To guard against THPOSITIO.
be particular to NOTICE the skirts offered Its
"DUPLEX" hare the red ink stamp, viz: "J.
W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs,"
noon the waistband—none others ure genwtne
Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin
being passed through the centre, thus reveal
ing the two (or double) springs braided togeth
er therein, which is the secret of their flexibil
ity and strength, and a combination not to be
found in any carer skirt.
FOR SALE in all Stores wbere FIRST
CLASS skirts are sold throughout the United
States and elsewhere. -
- -
11snalsetnreil by the Sole Owners of the
. .
97 Chambers 'l9 &81 Resde Sts., N. 'Y.
Oct. 15, 18 , 16. am
Tin Ware and Stoves.
filfiE subscriber respectfully infants the
public that he still malting the business
of mAking
et the old stand, (formerly Andrew Polle7's,)
in York street, Gettysbur,r, where be bee the
larzest 'assortmentof tin ware in the comity,
with many other articles for kitchen use, &c.
STOVES, of the-very Instkinds.,
43. G. COOK.
Mar. 12, 1866. 3m
Sale Crying!
iNARON CHRONISTKR, of Harapton„ Afl—
ame uonnly, will attend to the CRY/Sti
F ALES in the most satisfactory moaner,
find no reltioll/010 teryli. SS asks a share of,
public patronage, and Is convinced thSt' he'
will be able to please . all who may employ him.
Hampton, Sept. 17, 1836. 2us*
r 457r2 ; -
A.•tber reiS Cars,
Ora highly respectalele citizen, well known Ile
' the Mercantile community, by
' Tea oasts tanto DOCTOR or tenet ra.
Office N. Y. and Galena Lend Co., t_
No. 28 N 4961111 Se, N. Y„ June 1,'65.
Dr. J. Scheeek.=-4.lgHfrsire,--eur over fifteen
years I have beee troettli a severe ma"
and usually two or three times A year with
more or less hemorrhage,
which together, for
the last few ye irs, has kept me thiu fo lash
and too we eh to do business of Any kind
without suffering. In August last I hada ve
ry severe hemorrhage, en h ercntellog to the
judgment of good New York physichin,dl
was chased as beyond the retch of medicine,
and was elviseel to be prepared, en far 'e,e
property matters were concerned, to leave this' .
world at short notice. The ph,yaicitn (and
my good friends) said that thefirst cold I took
must prole fatal. Early in January I took-a
'totem cold, and fortunately wee oreurylet -
rpotoot at N 0.12 liOtin Si IiET, directly ores
yoltr office. I think about the I eth alarms..
ry 1 procured a bottle of y,oir Pulmocicilyrue
end commenced taking it freely. My feat nal
giaitis were very much eivollea, and all the
symptom, of a speedy death seemed tuaccosw
pony my cold. I sem fee' wv r quiet. physicitia,
and stated to him that I wastaking y our med
icines, end after showing them aa hen, and
,having tasted them, Ate'.:, he teplied-: "Tam
can take them if you like, tliey•wd I do you nee
bard." lie Said : "You know w het I told
you lest slimmer, and I say the SCUD now, if
you hale any busbies, 13 close up, do not pat
it off." lie snit to other ft Heide that he'could
ere no hope for me," and my ft'enda end relic
thms concluded my time had come. Unite
time I was taking freely of your medicine, kW* .
lad not seen you. The dotter called a few
timet, and found me (much to hie surprise, has
intik) improving, and he could not understaad
why. My faith wits iiierersing in your 41Vfli-
CIIICS, and I had a w'sb to hate you C.14114i04
my case, and see what you had to say. Alma
you came to ley room and made the ex
amination, you gat e we but little enenarits,-
ment, but on the contrary, expressed. tied
doubts of me ever being helped out °filly thep
seeming difficulties. The second tutu that
you called, finding me stilt gaining, you gave
ma encouragement, say' tie,. my symptoms were
•• g; the Pe:town - v. rup, Sea-weed
and !Mandrake Pills jiad acted like 4
charm." My circulation, my cough, my appe
tite, all began to improve, and I could walk
about my room it little. You vicited me firef
ly every Tuesday, add found me improving,,
and told me nut to go out of my room until.
the first day of M .y. I took no told w ens
under your treatenent, my Appetite beeteme
first-rate, and you told me to cat eveiytLing
I wished of a uutritions nature, and to exercise
about the room as much es pnesible. I fol. *
lowed your advice, end to the surprise Of my
old physician and friends, I oeem much Letter'
than I have been for several rites, and breathe
better then I ever expected a person could with .
one lung, the left being completely dried up. -
I feel Ct ry graeteful tesyou, and consider your
advice and medicines invaluable.
Yours, truly, T. S. SHELDON.
Dr. Schenck—Duni Sir .—Aliont two years
itgo I tv.ts taken with a very troublesome
cough and a pain in my breast; seven oretght
months passed away without my doing any- -
thing ftir myself. Then I applied to a tiliyet• -
gen, who attended me for about three months
without rendering roe any service. I also ob.
Wiled the advice and treatment ore physician.
in one of our hospltalsAnd also had the i 4.
vice and treatment of two other phyetelaulj.
but all to no purpose. During this long epic t.
of time I Will; nearly dead ; several times si
friends came to see me and witness my telt '
iota the spirit-world. I was confined to Mitt
bed two months at one time. My breathing,
was exceedingly short. I gave up several- '
times all hope of getting better ; and as re.
gurded well, that WAS entirely out of the quell
lion. Aud to think this day I am well mid
hearty! I was %wised by some of my friends -
to try Dr, Sehenehl Ife,lleines. I accenting-.
Is bought bottle after bottle, until I reached
the ninth ; then I found a decided change le
my oosigh for the better. I nattered severely
from palpitttion at the heart s and two weeks
after I commenced tithing your medicine" al.
difilenity ceased.
When I tiros went to Dr, Schenck', oillcielr
war with difficulty that I could get up inta.kle
reception room, I was so weak and so men*
my skin wee so samw as though 1 bad the
Jaundice; I felt dull, heavy add sleepless. Dr.
Schenck, after examining ma, said both ay •
lungs were effected, and gare me but littler
hope; hot Ns medicines, la about two week',
took right hold of me ; it seemed to go right
through my whole system. The Puimortio
Syrup, Sea-weed Tonic and Mandrake Pilla t
all took right hold in the right piece. 'lbw •
Pills brought awns great quantities of Wei
mut slime; the Syrup loosened the matter io ,
my lungs, which came oil' very free the Se*,
weed Tonle. gave mu an appetite, and every
thing seemed to taste good.
To' Blow what great power the medicines
have in purifying my system, and to show how
bad I was diseased, beside all the bile that
passed my bowels, and the great quantities oe,
phlegm and matter I expectorated, I broke ,
out all over in large boils, that would COAligUO
to Dither and run for about six weeks, and I ~
had at one time over twenty-five boils. I have
nothing of the kind now, and feel like another
person altogether. I can safely say that. t •
have not enjoyed such health for five years ea -
I do now, and cannot praise you and your ,
medlcines enough. flay God abundantly blest
and preserve you, is the sincere desire of or*
who has been so wonderfully relieved thrp*ls
your agency ; and if any 41 desires to know
witt regard to the truth( ess of this report, •
it they will call upon an of my frierldidilt
upon me, So. 4,,Dryden Mice. near Thantpso%
street, below Coast's's der, Philadelphia, Aso
will be perfectly satisfied with tlie rislblikpott
the case. Yours, with ulna resPect,
The above cage, as 4eteribed, is jultfeedlifty
correct. I know it to be true. Yours. •
Pastor of IT.lncock H. E. Church.,
Dr. Schenck will be professionally
principal oftce, No. 15 North Sixth street.
corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every twit
arday, frcm 9 A. 31, until 4 P. tt. ; N 0.32 Bond
street, New York, miry. Tuesday, from 9 to 3
No. 33 Summer street, Boston, Mass., erect
Wednesday, from 9 to 3; and every °din, 141.
day at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore .
All advice tree, but for a thorough exhtninarl ,
tion of the lungs with hie Itespiroineter,tltik
charge is three (Milani.
Price of the Polo - ionic Syron and Selliarled.
Tonic, each St no per hurtle, or $7 ho ter
half doz.n. M.ltvirnke Pills, 25 rent p per As...
For ale by all Drug;ists and Peuler3.
NM. lto
A Lecture to Young Mch.
JUST published, in t &R OM efseelope.—.
Prize 6 Cents. A Lecture on the nastsrei,
treatml.nt and radic tl cure of Spermatorbspa,
or Bernina! Weakness, Tuvoluntary,Bmiseitinp,,,
Aetual Debility and Impediments to
generally. Nervousness, Consumption, t i o r , ,
t-pey, and Fits; Mental and Physical ipeeipx, „
city, resnlting from Hell-Abuse, kc. B 1 111,0 7..
ert J. Culv erw ell, M. D., author of the" dress
Bonk," he.
The world renowned author, in this adinits- •
ble Lecture, trly tireires,,s43nl his own ex
perience, that the awful, -coropequencee, 0f137
Abuse may be of removed , 1/411011
Medicine, rind withoal•dnaterualinrfli44°l4sn
rations, bopgles, inetramenis, ringa e pr wall, ,
all, pointing nut,* ;node of one's at onto net•
fain earl effectaill, by wbich.every satire", ski
tpaater what his condition may be, Inv, weep / ,
himielf cheaply, privately Rad radienlip„
Lecture will prove a boon tathousaus44., &ails«
under seal to any address,ina. pletift,o4lPov7.4
envelope, on•receipt pt siz ceets,,oe,twp-poxl4.
lute *mar. Cuiraryoil'a: WurAno
prsec 25 cent's. 'Address „
CHAS. S. C. KLLNB k Cn.f ',,t
127 Bowery, Neer York, P. O. box 461111: -
April 53, 1866.
GM/ sad:Luitkker., :"0 ft -, t3.111
.77 variety, at the 4
e 6.11. Ser. Carlisle mill Riotjafillip;-,TI
. Plae trioni
A LINOS let otfilie.Hfifeelet
Ameto $l5 per 1009 ; for Pale at the 'ba
yet of C. H. BUIIILEL •
Ott. 22,1900