NE* FIRM, A IL T TIIR gm:o_43l . 4AD._ A •• [tirraiLumin rx 1817.] I haws Associated. with tee, la business, my son,John F. Meyer:try, under the'firm•end +stye of D. llLCrenry dt Son,'and I desire to say to nl_Bll fr pSi and the public generally ilt* , since the war the manufacture Of Saddles, /Israelis, Collate, c., bee been rewired at the bid established vel well knoa It stand on Val liatare ..Streetosns maim south 01 tho Cons t Uettystsurg, Pa. • flnsooit 'had no exneriettee of 40 Tears is thin estwab.lishment, I 'feel azsured, that, with 'renewed ipttl Ftiti further merit end - receive 4 full share of lid perm:Laze. DAVID IleCIINAltx. With increlsed t..ilit,es for coidneting our Funittee., we are trtb.r prrpared than ever to liiraiskthe wants 'sf all those who toy need anything in our lino. We especially call the attention of Farmers arid others to the ruperiur quality of our 'Plain or Quilted Seat Side Loathers, Horn saddies, all kind., with Plain' or. qqiited Seat' without fastenings no Horn, :Housings, Plain or Quilted Sent;3cotch Collats(leather) Side 54011098, " (ticking) Plain or Pitney Sadilleo Seam Collars, i Cloths, ;Hest Welt Harness Col- Fagon Saddles, lets, "Wing &tidies, of aliYatent Leather Collar., kinds; (air or black,: stitchedorunstiielied toundeir or 11 tt, , 1 11. st LeAticr kiertingnts, Whips, 4', 4 , 1 and 5 all: lent hog, r styles, surer or Wad. Matted Team Whip., mounted, ['rotting Whip". peary_Praft licitness, Hid ing, Twigq, IJ in I Bi idle,, WI; ip Itiorse I.ll:inketq, Alirtbs, t;rappera, In short, everything th it pertain.; to a fir , t class general horse furniellin4 eitaLlishment constantly on hand or mn , le to/mice promptly, of the very best m iterinl, an:l by the most ex perienced workmen in the euuntfry, (two hav ing worked in this establishment. for the last thirty years.) We are ri,,x mlnufacturing nn ereellsot lot of Henry Dra't and liarne , e roll ire Cur those 'who prefei' our own to city made work. • Repairing of Ail kinds done at short notice' /did on ressonetile teim;. All are cordially invited tb call and examine for tliemselc.•s, as our work canaut it to tecommend itself. D. IIceIIEATIY& SON Feb: 5, 1 1856. tt ' Gettygburg Foundry. Ifubscribei t- woul I inform his eustomrrs ' . l and fithers, that he hi still mannfactnring various kinds of Castings and Machines, to order, on short no: such flg TriltEsiinr.-3 AND POWECS, (fire different sizes of Pewerg, dlnllers and Cleaners, Corn Shelle - h orators, Cornto.lder ° Cotters, tifrAw Ciatere ; PLouGlis, anal as Cat Plon,uhs, Ilirshear Ploughs, Side hllVonil Own Ploughs the WIIIE-SPRING HORSE RAKE, the late4i improrenzeot i oleo Metal Screws Tor Cider Presses, • RAILING for Cemetiries or PorcheQ, with everything else in his line, aot low prices. FOlt SALE.— ! light Two-horse Wagon, One-horse Wagon, and a Spring Wagon, all bow.DAVID STERNER. • April 30, tsod. tf Buggies and Ciarrisiges. MflIS WAY! THIS WAY!—The uniter sittted is engaged in the Carriage-maiiing business, itt the'entner of Ohninbersimrg 'And West street., Gettysburg-, end incites all who rusty neet anything in his line to gite him a tall. lie puts up, in Oil re:y best manner, and other (Z il e:, and all the different st4liis of (;ARRIA.GES. With a fcll itno,wledgc , of the ha 4iLIC33, and a determina tion to give satistamion; the public can rely tlridn 'his jobs being good. tie will endeavor to deserve a large share of patronage, and topes to receive it. 11EPAIREIG done nt tbeL sborte:t notke, and dnixtost•reaSiranbln terms. sdroountry produce will be taken in exchange for work. CLIAELIES L. GlLlimr. gettyabnrg, June 4, Lint;. tf Flour! cod: and Groceries! AT T VIE CHEAP I broitg ON THE HILL. H you wish to buy any of the shore arti cles' cheaper stud better than you ctin.get them atiyribere OLc, go to the tireeery Stotrot the uhtleittigacti uL the 1411, in Baltimore. str.tet, where customers con altAys bo acc., ted, and where all are invited to call and sea for themselves. The public will tclways had a full ntul choice n-sortnient of )3UGARS, TEAR, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, To3:10003, CIGARS, 5N1714:14' CHEESE, intg; • • IC S, BUTTE::, EGGS, &c. • • —I L 0— GLASS-WARE, CRUOICERT-WARE, NO TIONS, AC., COAL OIL T, k PS, FISH OIL,OAND FLOUR AND F 0, U.WAYS ON HAND WAWT ur, Corn, thits, Butter, Tzgi, Bacon; ard' Potatoes, for whieb the hiehezt inerket pried will be paid, either in trade or volt. Moe' determined to- contuet my bnsi-' need in a Mir and honorable way, and to sell cheat', I invite all to give Me a CHM, HENRY OVIIIIDEER. April 0,186 G. tf• Cabinet Furniture. lP subscribers hereby inform ther cus tomers and the onhl;c generally, that t y'have now on hand, and continue co mut ufacture to order, . 1 QABINT Fu RNITVRE, ° which, for style and durability, 'finish and price, will compete with any in the county.— Our-present stock consists of every variety of Furniture usually kept in a first Oros Furni ture Ware Room. Fashionaide, ornamental or plain Furuituia manufactured in the most eubatiantial • manner, by most experienced workmei, and at the lowest cash prices. %... UNDERTAKING. Tiering a new, pariieuhr attention will be given to this beinch of their business. They are'prepared to make wad furnish Coffins 'ot any desired quality, and attend Funerals at the shortest notice—and on such terms as vapoot fail to please all. Ilso subscribets return their thanks to the public for the liberal patronage extended to them io the past, and hope to meri tend receive oontionauce of pubitc.patronage. 'shop and Wire 'Warm' third building, east of the F, 4 .qnare. 11. Tr TE .k BRO. Littlestown, April IG, 1860. tt Benefit to Farmers! • ORO PHILLIPS' - • • •", •bllflllNlt ti l littoV.RD SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF ,LIME 1 Psr S the at Manufacturer's D r ellOrs : ' 27 N. Front. St., between Market At Arch, - • "PHILADELPHIA : 14 And 2.5 - Sonth St., • amatoyE, Cm:agrees having repealed'the internal Rev tone Law taxing Fertilizers six per cent., I tier leatte to inform the Farmers that from —tills day de same per tentage will* takes births ppfce ut BIDEO PHILLIPS' SU- I'ER-PHOSPDATE OF LIME, viz $4O 00, less 6 per cent,y making the retail 'price now 6)8 40 per ton 0f.2,000 lbi. r in : Philadelphia hod Baltimtre. " Piscoanl to Dealers. MORO PHILLIPS, • tiole Proprietor and Mattuittedurer Aug. 13, 1866. • - Beduced Prices. pANO9,-CABINET AND AMERICAN OR = GANS. • •Snperior tined I octuve WANGS from . $340 nnwards. 'Otte* NS front $BO boratda.% All instruments selected, re commended and sold by me, additionally gnat , _notteeL Illustrated eirettlare gent -by mall, when desired. • P. MENTB, - ~• 80 Bast Market Streit, York, Pa... SW. 12, nil& GRAIN4*D ORO° Sliiii-I.—The highest , market pric' e paid for Minn and all kinds 0 Produce: Groceries, Fertilisers, ke., con. Watt/ dolma for Sale at the %Farah duse uf Aeg; 13,11186. ', CULP eg DARNS HAW. E114.11:110.0 4 , LANT.A.TIGN BITTERS, or ald Hosts •imigt Toole, Igi Dr. R. 404,N1/418 SHOT. . . • - W. S. RIDDLS. • S. BEIINER. ItemovalT 4.9,006, is u m ul . -Grist - wanted. THE GETTYSBURG SKTLIGET "GALLERY. NFIRM Al' TUE OLD ARXHOUSE. rpl re e undersigned takes pleasu In announ -11 WM.'S. 111DDLS & CO. Willi inform the ,I_ cing to the citizens of Gettysburg sad the publie that they hare leased the 'arehonee public generalWthit he has removed from his en the corner of Stratton street an., the Bail- old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore road, in Gettysburg. hers they will carry on street, and nearly opposite the store of Fattn- THE GRAIN AND I'itODLICEBUSINESS, estock Brothers. The roma be now occupies is i:s branches. The highest prices will has been re,mittly atted op expressly for his always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, business. The lOCAtiOls is an admirable One, Cover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, eitald,ng him to t ake pictures in all shades of Say acA Straw, Dried Fruit-, Nuts, Snop,lfsms, weather, and with a correctness unequalled Shoulders and Site.., Potatoes, with every. any Ist:llre else. tlti fig elite ire the c ono/ rr produce lioe. PUOTOGRAPHS, GROCERIES.—Un hand, for 6;4J, Coffees, of every size and descAption, executed in the Sews, Molasses, Firm's, Teas, Spices, Salt, Blest :trio. Partici': ,ratteation girentb the Chee.-e, Vinegar, Suds, Slustard, Starch, Brooms, Wickets, 11l iedirtg, Soap., kc. A l -n TVI'US And it tilUilltraqiriVES of deceased CIA!, idly rig!, T.,r, &c. FISH Gt all friends. Also— ki nd- : Spikes and Salk ; Smoking and lihesr- I TUN GETTYSBURiI GEIIS, in+ 'fob uicos. ix new style of picture, :roach has become eery They are !dirty! able to snp , dy a Gr+t rile popular a ill, the public, not only for their article of leioar; with the diderent kinds Of heikuty, but for chedi. it. es and convenience.— Feed.. vox r - EEN for ONE DOLL 11t only. Also— Aloe, Orcifind Piaster, with Cuanos end other frrElizera. CO.O.:by the bualiel, tun ur car They will run a LINS OF FREIGIn C IIS from Gettysburg to ►taltimore once , e..ery week. They are prepare.] to convey Vreilt;it either way, in any qu entity, at I•;,, RATES. They will etter. 1, if de3irre. to the making of purchases in the e.ty, no.l delivering the goo•ls romp ly in Gettysburg. Tour ears run to the Wer , hanse of Naomi, hoqp No. 12.3 North Howard 'se, near Frro.1;111. Baltimore, where freight will he recriyt•.l at any Him.. They invite the attention 1/1 I Ile 11 . 1111! IC to th , !ir Bile, a3inulog tboot th it icy to II stmte no elrort to )!:, he ho to ‘y iittronize them. April,ll3, IICG• tr The Great Bane 2?ertfLizer. BAUGH'S PIMSPILiTE, coomining 51 per cent, of Paosphate of Lane, an I 5.05 per cent. Aninionia. It shouid be borne in mind that the Phos phate of Lime in thus sniffle .being &stalled evlustieely (Toni RAW IloN Es and a TRi - E, BIRD GUANO, there is NO roaTION or it ISOitEIIATIVEL a; in the case of SrPE;t PIlO.9Plf m ;de from MI hem , entiteir itt the SOIL, suatinites to I di'AlrT 44 FERTILIZING qual ities to the CII.JPA fur YEAR. the REMARKABLE lilICOE•IS which has attended its use for:ye.trs p ,4t, is a sufficient, GUARASTY to induce those who &see not tried it to do 24. wile GRAIN' CROP where this FERTILIZEIR hdi been applied is. sappo.Aed 'to have been INCREAFIED from 21 to 10 per t• cut. by its use, while to . r•TORAGCO and tillAr 4 S LA NDS its su,:cessbas been EQUALLY DEG; The pri m in glltinsere is uniform with the Maaafauturet's Fa..tory I'm ice. otranALE I Manut.ti tuter's Agent, 9 05 Smitles•Wharf, Bsltiinure, Md. For sale at Minstfacturer•s Price. Cost of Transportstion ad led lie SANII 7 EL li6ißiT , Gettysburg, DAVID BOIS:E, New Uxl4l. Aug ft, 1800. 3m , .) cr-seed r and Svp d 11,9, carrittge.mytkinz Busintssm. frii-E war being over, the underbigued have re,uutel the • - CARRIAGE.OIIKING itUSINP.SS, at their old stand, in E ist Middle street, GETTYSBURG, where they are ngtin prepared to put up work the most fashionable, substmitial, and supe rior manner. A. lot of sew and secoud—Laud CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, itC., et band, which . they will disuose of at use lowest prices ;, orders will be supplied as promptly and siitisketnrily as possible. Siske•REPAIIIING done with dispatch, and'at cheapest rates. A lire lot of new and old lIARNES3,on linad fur sale Thankful (r the liberal - patronage heretc fore enjoyed hy'them, they .olicit and will en deavor to d-..serv• a large share in the future. D.4.1 , 11ii A: ZIEGLER. July 10, ISO. tt ; • Soluble Pae Guano. 9111 - 11.113. SOLUIIEF, PACIFIC GUANO it.. contains 70 lbs. ditraal nuitter,yieldiug 7 LO 8 165. unionni,4. Also 80 to 0) lbs. eartliy Phl,l; 7 1:71e of limo, 80 lbs. of which are zobiLle phoyhate. It combines all the adeautagee of the beef brands of Super Pliosph.ite, with those ot . Per ruriau Guano. By reason of its zri-atev.°l-chowarwion, we re commend 20 per et. /e;; by w-ight to Le used per itere. than of any fertilizer costing the same per ton ; e na no more 'per sere than of sellinz at 20 per et. more Per ton.— Hence hie eronmny. This w.i , 211; C 5 lbs. per bushel. hence in it:lpkeingt it tIttITIN'S NI eet he g•ivertted. weight att,il not by bulk. lot it i. lunch ligi ter flew clot Super Puoiphlt23. Ever?' carjo h ehly Ih...reefed. JOHN S ; REESE & CO gENS,I,AL AGENTS rOft THE SOUTH, Swith Street, katimore. - r - - - i° Flour of Ilitone."; - E will give n. ni , ney guarantee of the purify of this artirlr. It 13 pure un s'eaated, Nnbnrilt bony, reduced to the fiuoitss of flour, which adds 100 per ct. to its value. It is as quick and acilve as acid thisolued tone, hence lie value is vastly' greater, because it contains neithei acid nor water, which neces sarily add weight, and reduce the quantity of valuable elejlients. We recom.nend 230 lbs. to ho used in place of 300 lbs. Super Phosphate or dissolved bone. JOll.l S.TVEESE t CO., graNZCIAL AGRNT3 VOR TISL Sour u, 71 Soria Street, Baltimore. iarMeCurdy k Diehl, Agents, Gettysburg Mur. 12, 18(14. 6ul OF BOTH °Mt SHOPS TO CHAMBERS BURG STREEF. We take special pleasure in announ,•in:7, to our friends and cuetomere that we litre this day opened our ICE CREAM SALOONS, at our new stand in Citainbershurg street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. W„e have had the apartments fitted up iu the best style.— Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call. Nye will also tarni s h Ice Cream in any quan tity to public or private parties, at prices un- Trecedent,l. We will also have constantly on hand Fresh Cakea, which we will fat nish to all parties and pic-nics at the shortest notice. MEAD AND MINERAL WATER can 'olwayebeh td icy and cool and atoll boars. 'Wing had a life-long experience in the manufacture of all the foregoing articles we p ktronage of the Wile oenology. Muy 21 , 1806. tf MINNIGII ft DUO. Grocery it Liquor More. AFIRST-RATE ASSORTNIENT of ORO CEII4ES chew. FISH of different Itiu4B, rge lei ot i • - ' POTOMAC TIERRING, - , • at low pries. The best and lorgelit asSort merzt of LIQUORS ever kept in this uln,e. PULtE WINE, BRANDY, RYE'WHiSKiii r , ke., fur medieioni and 'other purposes, to gonad lairs large or quiall. Also— - 111SHLER'S CELEBRATED HERB BIT VERS. WY. J. MARTIN, • Baltimore at:, Gettysburg. Bay 28, 1866. i . Lime dr. COUL lIINN k RRILLY have erected two addi titinal Lime Kilns, on the Railroad, and gre thereferedietter prepared than ever to sup ply the best of •LINR, in large or stuallonanti ties. P.irmers sad others can..herestftet look for a more prompt:4lMhz of their orders, and are invited to extend and .con'tinne their fa vors eq a firm w - hich is making. every effort to se:contra odate them *t the bestmetenerpossibles They will also continue to tepp on hand, for sale, a griod supply of the diillsrent kinds of CURL { which they will 4.11 at small profits. Coal and Lime delivered. anywhete in GO , tysburg. May 14, 10146. tf - • lioward Associatfon, •lIIIILADELPHIA, PA.—Disease; of the r 'Urinary and Sexual Systems—new and reliable treatment. • Also the BRIDAL CHAM BER, an Essay of Warning and dpornction, dent is sealed envelopes, free of chsii-e....Ad, dress Dr. J. BMW 110U0,11TON,-Howard Association, 1i0..2, South Ninth Street, Ptak; 44)asi pa y [Oct,::-;, let*. ly • a_ I;T:):.1; 4; DESNEIt Removal Oren To-n tv, tlw 17, 1861 P PIL:TWIE 4 . which for their be yuty 4.1 dor ilLl:ty not unzurpassed. W.. Are clot rd t.) r.irr) on the business in rl' r an , lln.iring hod coo !,•,•,),:Oery.o•rul,e•P,We run no risk in CC.I/1.1 /L 7.1.1 yEiII'ECT 31T15F..4C /1)N. Oor f fur o rill display of our skill tire tiled oj >toy - other Gallery in iht • Witf. A d we v.-,u1,1 therefcre invite evi ry 1)111 II) l • GI: r r -;KYLIWIT GALLEItY. no.l our iuoniA and judge June 16L,G. Valualtle Proprrtit.s fur Sale. J ,)11, C. Zo("CK, LAND ,ii(Vi.Ny, Nun . l)Arolio, An tin doesrv, PA. Has for flak a number of tit.s.r.tde proper ties, t which he a 61,3 the nttenti riof those wishinq 10 purch A FA.R.II. of DA ACitr3, in Mountplenslnt township, Adams county, with good Stone 'dowte, good Bun, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Waiit house, Orchard, &c., near a turnpike and ntilrolta. FuiYIT ACRES, with gor! Rouse, Barn, and other out-110(1Mo. 0:1 hard, Ace., thus.- iittarters of a mile from a railroad station. A good chance ; term: easy. 173 ACRES OF LAND, on the road leading from Hanover tafAttliatown. Good limestone farm; large Brick linnet, Bank Barn, and oth er aut-buil,:i ogs. The Lettlestown Railroad runs through the rear part of the place. Price .itirt per ael a. A FARM OF 300 ACRES, in Carnerland towuship, Adams county, three' miles from Gettysburg, at which place is a ratlro id and good market. This farm can be divided into two farms, there bring alrmidy two sets of improvements on the trier. The improve ments are a good two-story Dwelling House, Burn, nod other on t- nidliags, and a Tenant 11 JU3O with all improyemrnts. A large Three-story It IlIrK WARP fiOIT.SE. with trOrni Switch, all in or ler, good !Amber and Ctial Yard attached, in good grain country. Also a BiIICK OWE!, ING 110 USE will he sold with the above Ware House if desired. Will be unlit cheap, if applied fur immediately. A FA RYI of 105 ACHES, on the turnpike, under good cultivatiol,,moth a large lirirk House, Bunk Barn, Warren Shed, Corn Crib, Carriag,e llonse nod other out-buildings, all Lew. LARGI FLOUR MILL, with 15 Acres of Land. The mill has four pair of Burrs, and all machinery for domqtneronstit work. Best water power in the'coan:y.._ A FAltll of ITS ACRE:I. near the Hanover turnpike, oi, which is erected a good House, B,rnottpl ali necessary ont-bnildings. The land is in a good state of cultivation. This property will he sold cheap. • A FARM of 195 AllitEB, near ITnnterstown, Adams (mucky, on which is erected a good flouse, Barn and other outbuildings, and the land is in a fine state .of cultiratio•t. This farm will he sold cheap. A FARM 0r.33 ACIIRS, 6, acres in wood, witjs one-and-a-hall-story House, frooJ Barn —land in good cultivation-34 miles from New Oxford, and 1h miles from Bouaughtown. Terms easy. 18 ACI:ES of WOODLAND, "2 miles from Xew Oxford. A PARNE of 200 ACRES, ~ , ond land, with large Brick ffouse, BArn, and 2 Tenant Houses —4O acre; in wood—halt a mile from the Con owago Chapel. A FARII of 180 Acres-215 can he pur chased—in Cumberland township, 21 miles from C.l.t,t3shnig, ne•tr Chanthershurg pike; large weatherho.irded Hump, llii.ik he.; 40 acres in wood. The Farm been recently limed. .1, FArtif of 1'23 ACRES, with goii Range nn..l Barn; 12 acres in wou,l; ont mile Ire.t.t. of Borrtifglitown. AHO FEL. in New Oxford, two-0 ory, t onniy and convenient for busine33. Gool chance ; terms easy, Also, a number or good Ilousiis and Lots for sale in Ness ()Frial. Persons Whn wi h to hoc rtr,tl Estate, eq well of those who r:iph to sell, ere retln,• , tcd to give tie sulueriher a eall.s.t his store ill New akrurd, Address, JtIIIN 0. ZOITOK, tan.] Agent, New Oxford, Adams county, Psi fully 9, 1803. Gin Slnzer's Celebrate:l. THE very best and latest improved nutebine in use, fur ,:ale at the CLOTIIIW STORE ADOLIS & DRO.,, in Chatnhersburz street, Gett3sbur,:, wherelynn c in holy 'he 'b. at and cheapest ClatliCailsitneres and \'estiugs, and every variety of goods in the fine of M;':.N AND BOYS WEAR. - you can have them cut out anti mile up in the very be style if you wish, at moderate prices, and without any tick whatever. Cr EU. JACOBS .4 BRO. August 20, nu. Battle-110a Hotel. TILES' Hotel, being one of the relies of the 1 Baitle - ol Gettysburg, Ins been renovated and refurnished ; and is ready to entertain travellers And the nubile generally. It beieLf a short ilistanc. from the Soldiers' National Cemetery, it affords convenient accommoda tions for all visitit.g titer; and the suliserther flatters himself tha% none shall leave him dis satisfied. Also, Ice Cream and all kinds of refresh. meats, at all hours, to accommodate prone• widens. Give me n call. JOSEP‘f LITTLE, Proprietor Gettyaburg, May 21, ISUG. tf Lawrence D. Diet; it Co. ww2oLESALE - 4 `" - DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS, NOTIONR, HOSIERY and VAIHRTI'ER, SOS West 72dtimnre.Y1Wet,7 . Between 11.tvard'A'Liberty Strpetg, May 7, 18Gth - • B nark Wanted. TBE sub.scriber will pay FIT:: DOLLARS per CO.ID for II'ACK - 1.1.1K BACK, de livered atlds.Taaciery, in Geitysburz. JOHN RUPP. June 18, 186 e. V. S. LORDS. . . . MBE First National Bank of Gettysbnrg . 17w111 cash 0.30 and 10.40 U. S. Ronda ; also, r-av and Poinponadiat”rost. Nuts& • OgORGII. ARNOLD, °ashler. Oct. 6, 1666. tt - - • , - _______ _ 46;2,egrfugIntt '. ' lioto4rl,B 1860. ar A u t gber, , tiolaiii; er), litowons, lic., Ivo Freot swim.. , ... „. , , Hardware 4, Chreeeries. - •...,- PICKING'S!' 6 g 71 HE subseribers have just returned 'from 1 1?) NEW ADVERTIOMENTS. ' ky. the cities, with an immense supply of I 6 ARDWARE k GROCERIES, which they are ILA Stock of Cheap Clothing at offering at their old stand in Eildtinsork street; , sot prices tomtit. the times. Our stock consist* }in • PICKIN . O'S. CIE-WIL.LE-LE r , - .WHAT A LARGE ' (fit part of J r - C4ll and be satisfied by pricing . Clothing LILTED. OUT I THE HIGH. PRIORS.—, BUILDING M ATERT A LS, ° CAIWENTER'i TOOLS, BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, COACii FINDINGS SHOE FINDINGS. CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPER'S FIX runEs, ALL, KINDS OF IRON, Ac GROCERIES . OF ALL KINDS, OILS, FAINTS, Ac., ke. .There is no article included in the several - departments mentioned above but what can be bad at this Store.— Every class of Mechanics can be accommodnted here with tools and findings, and Houvekeepers can find every article in their line. Give us call, as we are prep tred to sell as low for cash as any/house out of the city. JOEL R. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, M ty 16, 1861. _ • Sehick Aheio I NEW SPRING GootEs E.E.LIPIrro.v PRICE 3! J. L. SCHICK would respectfully say to the citizens of Get. tyslitirg and sicinity, that he is now receiVing at his store a splendid STOCK. OF SPRUNG GOODS. The stork consists in part id* Fancy and St tide DUN GOoDS, of every deQcriotlon. MO7, ANIIIIQUE. CHALLIES, DE LAINE.i; %INES, ALI'AOCAS, LAWNS, CALICOES, of all ponies and choicest styles, which will. be sold at PRICES TO DEFVCOMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, including; Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, /lie. ' Also, a splendid assortment of - RIBBONS, Laces and Edgings, Umbrellas and Parasols.- - My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found full aud complete, and cm,tmilers may rely upon always getting good goods at the lowest possi ble priLes. Gentlemen will find it to their advantage to call mil examine my ~tuck of CLOTHS. CASSItIEIIEs and VESTINGS, of all rm/lite= and choicest styles. April 16, 1615. J. - L. SCHICK. . _ Noah Walker at Co., C LOTHIERS, - WASHINGTON BUILDING, 1.C.; AND 167 BAL,TIMUILS STIILCT, BALTIMORE, keep constantly on hand a large and well es s,n•ted stuck of all kinds of goods at moderate prices. They supply orders for the finest to the lowest priced articles, culler ready made, or made to measure, to any part of the country. Thf.y keep alio an extensive stock of FURN ISHING GOODS, etubraetng every article of Gentlemen's Under-frenr. Also, NIII.ITARY CLOTHS and every variety of Military Tfitn minzi, as Well ae an assorted stuck of READY MAD GOGPS. Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864. New Bakery VEATORT k ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak er:, Soot I. Washington street, half square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Consfanav ou hand, the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, 'PRETZELS, ,tc: Per sons tresh- Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their nammtAndresidenctl. at tl,e ll,tkery. Every effort made to please Give us a call I [April 30,'63. tf LinNz4l:,- Book Bintlerr. E 0 MIN WIANT, G BOOK CINDER, AND BLANK BOOK MANVFACTURER, Plain and Ornamrdal Binding, of every de seliption, executed in the most sulFstatutial and approved styles. 111513111111:1 E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lanengter W. L. Peiper, Esq., Lancaster Con . nty Bank Samuel Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. Samuel Wagner, Esq., Yotk Bank. William Wagner, Esq., York County Bank. T. D. Carson, Esq., Rank of Gettysburg. Pet or Martin, Esq., Proth'y of Lancitster co., Pa Gco. C. I laa thorn, Esq., Register " It Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder " /4 April 15, icail Sale Crying. AW. FLY:MAU:it; continues the business . of SALE CRYING, and solicits the coa ti:flied patrona,p of the public. It is his con stant endeavor to give satiitaction. Charites moderate. ReSidence Breckinridge street ! Gepp.-barg. P. s.—lie is a license , : Auctioneer, under the The L:Lw of the United Sta Les. • Nov. 24, 1812. CL 4 312"..4Pr7 1 undersigned, beim; t he :tuth maze d person to make removals into il‘er Green Ceme tery, hopes that sochas contemplate the removal el the remains of deceased relatives or friends will avail themselves of this seasan of theyear to have it done. flemov.o- made nith protnptnesi —terms low, and no etlort speed to pETEit TIIO I OI, Mara 1 2, 'CO. Keeper of the Cemetery. New Warehouse. Lirt 4 IIELS OF GRAIN 100•0(s)0 WAN f the new Grain and Proitacis (louse, ui s'arli-le street, adjoin lug Sue.tsis & Buehler's este:ill:Laic:ft. The ht,diest ru.frket price will always be paid in Cii3il for GRAIN, of all kinds, FLOUR, SEEDS, &e. Always on hand and for sale, at the &manes' profits, GUANOS, SALT, FISH, GROCERIES, kc., - Wholesale and retail. TRY BSI We shall do our best to girt sudisLictsou in all c.f.'s's. Mei - 11712DV & DIEHL Gettysburg, Hay 11, 1663. ly Carriagem and Buicrien. T ATE k CULL' nre nom bail 1414 a variety of C 0 A CI II WORK ' of the latest and tno4 approved sr les, and constrnct,•d of the hest nt tierial, to which they invite the attention of buyerp. Ila‘ing built our work with great c ire and of m aerial selected with special tesercnce to beauty ut s , yle and durability, we can confidently re co:nniend the work as unsurpassed by. any, either in or out of the cities. ' MI we Ask -is au inspection of onr work •to cant ince those in want of any kind of vehicle, that this is the place to buy them. REPAIR:NG in every branch done at short nAice and on reasonable tot n.s. Give tts n call, at: our Factorj-, hear the collier of W.tshiugton and Cbaooer,buro streets, Gettysburg. I'. J. TATE. liar. 19, Mil Estey's Cottage Organs Groceries! Grocer/v.4Z . g . cli _ TAE dEsT IN: TO‘V.N - ! -,,.. C'0311 , .. AND SEE TEEM! .e., .„ . , zirtac - Krioj,Li; s. IA 1...51)TZ1:EV hake mi , ded a I t' l 1 -.y and Fpien lid stack of GROCEBTI.I3 . • 1,.... ,to thei'r, an I inVitt the o p ir %h r li t c ho to b c c e s l t l CZ": and see for thenisolvet. Thu , 0 .... .,,,i 4 e; ' 49, i6 ,4 61 ;of everything. at tho, lo•vezt possible proidt,_?: ICOFBEEs, SUGARS, SVlti, I'S, 1101.AsSis: 3 , . 01,C4/60/''''' SALT, FlB3, Spires, Tin., C:ie.-e v, Starch, 'e n:4'. Soaps, Candkir, 1113:iting, NiAtebs'e, Tubb, Aug. 13, let 36. 2nt ' . ' Buckets, Brooms, Bad C,,,r , 14; with Conlec ---- 2—AtiENTS wanted b U'NIY 1 The Far Famed and a variety entirely too large to be ermine; O. T, GARET, $9O . Month —__________ , , 4 , for sic &owls a•wer,' /At justl oat. ERSAY, CLOTIIES WRINGER."— ' ral ' ed " "Com" One , coma all." . ' 1 Gettysburg, June 13,186 d. tf • Besides the great ,saving of Labor, the , ,_._ _________.---- - -- AddressCitY - Bdiiiiing. Itid- saving iii the - wetti 'and teat'of clothing in a; , " picture grittdlCS: [May 21, 11,11 RE CIDER VISEGAR nt Swan's Quigery.:.e s thi a i , W hi ri bo nger witl . deford;ido 0 - gds. i,41, isingle year, InOte then *mints to the prier of I inftghtosdtorawngeithntuhtatitl;inyFoir enienly ~A GREAT variety of PIGTUr:E FR&lni , ki it ith plain and cower glasses,.fbt Oak' on the coeiterpf the DiatuoUd- April 3d, 186 d, -- • ..• - ' 'ltt, FAFINUTOCX .1 BROS add at 0. H. BURG. eV iIOTTM:r . 4 Dr 24 401 Variety Store. _'BAR'S; i, • • ' [Feb, Ifi, ' June 2d, 1805. A RE . not only unexcelled, but they are lib /1. whitely uncsmalla, I;3r nay other Reed Instrument in thb country. ,Designed express ly for Ulm relies and Schools, they are found to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawler room. For aale only by - E. M. BRUCE, No. 18 North Seventh St., Philadelphia. lIRAIMIURS'S PIANOS, and a complete assortment of the PaiIFECT ME LougoN. • • [Oct. 2, 1804.! .ly at ' ' • • PICKING'S. i IT CANT BRDRNIED, THAT PICKING i 139 the Isrgest assortment of Coats, Panu and i Vests, in the connsy. ITHISINKS AND CARPET BAGS, in endless! , I variety, cheat:. ist PICKING'S. ' 1 T IS EVEN SO! A large stock of Over t. shirts, Suspend , rs, Umbrellas, White and 1 ftlic-o shirts. cheap at - PICKING'S. 'TICS I NICEII! I NICEST! I ! All kinds 1 unday aril every - day snits cheap. I PICKING'S. (NENTEEL I GENTEELERI 1 GENTEEL-- ur EST! I I 111 irk ('loth Frock, end -Sark Ccats; also all kinds of Cassimere, Dank, Cots 'ton and hoict. Cont. s -.Call at PICKING'S. I , TIS INDEED ASTONISHING, whit a lar;tP and cheap assortment of rants can he hod at .. ' PICKING'S. T - EEP -TIME! Fine assortment of Clocks 11L 61 - itp,at PICKING'S. , NO USE TALKING, but come right nlong and price Clothing, Nottaas, A:.. at 1 PICKING'S. 1 11 - USIC.II INSTRUMENTS. Viodus, Ac. j Al cordiona, Flutes and Flies, to be had at - 1 PICK INGik. 1A r. ,.. 7 ,,1 1 - ,,, 0U IN? For a clip - 1114 C E i i i i l l t ,c . G ' . l .4 'hen 'et REENII k 'KS, or any other kind 01 good I kimono 3, takeil in esehtivc for Omits, Pant. Veits..te , A ' PICNING'S. -/TIIIII Gil,: tT SIINSATIOI of the day—' Picking's rhaiiiag Store rill EA I', CHEAPER, CHEAPEST—Pia ing's ;int lo.; nu' Sumuler Clothing. 1 0 AN Picking's Cheap Clothing. 1,1 NIPA :110111 7 .N,T !—What's the hurry? want to get a :art at PICKING'S. AloTHErt EArt - rit putting on a new suit. Lel all Coe people go to Tick ing's and do [April 23, 18U6.] GO TO ! H B. WOvDS' FIRST NATIONAL 11_47,5710E,N01:10N, 11 I'D VAR.II:- T 7'o I? E., IVliere you. can buy t!,(: ‘Lieapeat anti bed,. goods in town - , Corner of the Diamo•il an,l York Street IIATS FOR OLD MES.—Soft and atiff HATS Ft.t FASIititNABLE MEX.—Always the Inte:t ant HATS FOR YOUNG MEN.—"Tbs lute - it is- , - RATS FOR BOYS.—Erery variety an 3 style. HATS FOIL CIIII,DIII;N.—NeAt rind BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS 1 , 01:-ME. , ; ANLT 110 . 1z+.—Cheep and SIIOEi 1 , 0!: MIN AND 1301 - S.—A large as- ort•lteo. SITCP;;S Fut', LA DI :;:c 4 :—(lood. tp and neat. S.l UE:i FOl. (7/111,DrIE.N . —The be a.sort- :new in !own. GAITERS EVERT STYLE.—For Ladies, Gents and Children: STOCRIVGS NINDS.—For Ladies, Centleruen and Children: CLOVES, -For Men, Ladies and Children, cheap as ever. NECN-TIKS.—A splendid ne•ortment. PAPER. CULL.-VZS.—For Lld:es and Gen:le tarn. LINEN Frpmx - F,rtenn7Fs',-3oniu.rel and C.11.132/C HASDKEN. , :iIIEFS.—Nice and cheap fur Cul!area.: Ct111138,.--1;om aiol SUSPENDF:RS.—A ze'ncral neeortinnnt. GA ICTER':.—Best Elastic !or Lathes nod Chil- LANC:.STFAI, PA &ch. CORSETS.—The best fittio; and most corn furt.lbte at low prices. SPOOL 'COT riix.-01 all colors, cheapest and best. VARIETY GOODS. • vltrlnEr.L.ts—At lowesi pin es. LADIES' BAS , KETzi—Chelipeet in town. CA Itltl AGE NVIIII'S—te best India Sleet. STittit'S—That•make n ki•Pn SHAVING SJAP AND RECTSIIES—Th• very best. LEAD PP:NI...MA—Of the-bet make. •t!ltlE BRESIIES—Cheap bm.go , d. CARPET SACKS—PI-,tin and Railroad TRl'\nS—ijt r.p.-e..—BeC)re pureh:tsi-2 nt the rißSl' N.ITIIINAL STUBE and save nini.ey by chinn. 11. B. WO9DS, June 11, I: 4 et;. . OF NEW MIODS JUST REPF.TVED AT GRl;Trzys James A. Grime‘t, York street, has been to the city again, to replenish his stork, went oT so rap.dly„bccau4e it was en tgly good and so very cheap, The nex stock heats. anything he haQ yet offered to this community. and he hopes all the people will come aid see tor themselves. Iles new purchase I: '6 :be beat, and he will sell from a pint up to a barrel ; his• - .SUGAES are of all varieties. including the very pritnest; his C /EPEES' are the best in tie market ; his FISII are elegant; an - d his rLOC It t xtra. Ile has ',-id in iltrgebt of STONE-IyATIE, which be offers cheap. and is sure w•Il please --so with li,s I\ - 010EN-WARE, W.l RE, 1. A 'IPA. PICKLES, SPICES, Cus- EEC] lONAIhY, Toliit'eco and Segirs, nod the thousand ',tiler things to be found iu his very fall and complet , .. Store. By selling the-p, and quirk, he expects to get along q site no IN Olt as those who have greater profits, but sell slower. [June 11, 13• it;. Town Property T raTcAm SALE;.—Several HOUSES car: be p , 21. h.t:ed At Private Sale by c,ll ia 01 NF.S BIWTHE S. Dv e. tf und.rsigued would. most respectfully . 1 inform the public that he continues the BUSISES . I, at his shop, litely Philip" Diersonfs, adjoining . Troxei's paint' shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg, %%mre he will at all times be pre-( pared to do lit:cksntithing work to Carriages, W.LtZIIII3, kc. That he knows how to! do all jobs of the kind wtll not be questioned by th•He, who hare a knowledge of his long expvrieace at the business. Come on with your wotk, and yoll will be satisfied when you take it away—au I for which he will rezei‘e Cash or Count:) . Produce. • METE sobscriber lias some valuable WEST ERN LANDS, which he will trade for one' or more FARMS in this county. The ',mils me well located, and -very desirable for farm ins. Early application de-sired. JACOB BRINKERHOFF. Gettysburg, April ; 13t n tt WM. g,cup FRANKLIN HOUSE, COltSeil 0► 110W1.10 .11 TRANELIS TiliJ House is on a direct line between the Northern Central and Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depots. It has been refitted and corn fortAbly arranged for the convenience and the enterta;nment of gnests. Nov.-30,1e65. tf H kfS NOTIONS. frir L•vires null Gears ta►aii►er tatrge Fitock Blatbkmulthing. IDA3d 110LTZWORT3 Mat. 22, 1803. if Weit..ern Lands. Ever:anA's LTIA ORR, MD The Greatest Family Medicine in. the World, SORE THROAT, DIPTHERIA. The attantba or the pnblie. and ettpeetally natters tram that: dreadful disease, ,Diptbaiaof bpeelbrost, called to the great remedy knows Otanebrakeett BALSAM, OR PAIN KILLER, As a s um mire for Sore Throat or Diptherbly Creep, Bronchitis, Scarlet Fever, he., and all other dlsceses of the throat, end at,o an infallible remedy for - fliarrhota, I,),TP.tnn•ry, Cholera Ilorbus,- Sick Headache, Sudden colds and Coughs, 'Neuralgia, Phthisic, Old Sores, he. It is also invaluable fisr Bruises, Frosted Feet, Swelled Joints, Bites of Poi sonous insects, !tn., and a prompt and cure remedy for Cramp Cholic and all l'aina in the Stomach 8314 Bowels. This medicine has been tried in thousands of case, In different parts of the countq, and:bu nevek failed to cure if used in time, and accordinf i ao , directions. A great amount of suffering' In often be rayed by having a couple of bhttles of valuable medicine in the house. As an evidence et its great qualities the proprietor Ira:vital env bo_t4lo to give entire satisfaction. Try it and be convinced or its great Tam. STONEBRAXER'S • . • GREAT COUGH REbiEDY J VEGETABLE COUGZ. SYRUP por the Rapid Cure of Cough., Colds, Floanienms Croup, Whooping Cough, Aidhis{ Diiliculto , • of Breathing, Spitting of Blood, Firv, I St a ges of Conaumption, Soreness ej the Throat, and all Afnctions GO TO! or the Pulmisary Organs. This Srrup is an invaluable rem dy lbr the des elation and cure of Pulmonary Diseases. It i prompt in its action, pl,i,tarit to the taste, and from its extreme mildness, is peen!i.trly applicable to the sissof children and person.s in delicate health. an 'anodyne expectorant, it will always be found be beneficial, by allevi.tting and arresting the serer veils of coughing so cli.tressing to the patient. • The alllictel can rely upon its doing of much, a/ and o than any other remedy in soothing the ni , i , ryz facilitating expectoration. and healing the Die s Lungs, thus striking at the root of all diseases and eradicating it from the system. All I ask is a trial of ihts preparation, es it has issx equal in its effects, and never fails to gum entire satisfaction to all who use it. We Warrant it in all cases or the money refunded. Try it--only 25 and 50 Gents a Bottle. READ ONE! READ ALL; • 4 GREAT DISCOVARY BA9,ltebralicm'Eß DYSPEPSIA BITTERS LIVER, INVIGORATOR, . Will Cure AU Cases of , t i• NERVOUS DEBILITY , And Disease, Originating from • • DISEASED LIVER and STOMACH 'By the use of from ore to three bottles the most obstinate rues a Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, lions Attacks, Sick Ileadache, Sous Stomach, Fiatuleney, Dropay, Loss of Appetite, Costivene=•..l a u adice, 1, Cholera MOriltl?, F •r, ale W•ekness and Irregularities, \e-vous .Itt.ctinn and General Del ~,, tv. • :" s caused by expos e. haprYdence, or otherwise, Di,a.‘es r d the Skin, such an Ulcers ' Scrofula. Dull Pain in the Head, Yet. ilownessuf the Skin, Dininek. of Vision. Constant Imagining,s of Evil and great Depres.inn of Spirit* ARE ALL SPEEDILY CURED. This being an entire vegetable compound Is war ranted A sale and effectual nlvedy not only foe Dys pepsia and Liver Complaint, but f r nil ()dim diseases, arising from a dizorganized or a dikased stemack of impurity of blood. As a blood purifier and tome or general appetizer, these bitters have no cqual, - and Arnold be timd to every family, as disease cann exh , t there they are used. They are also warranted a pet safeguard against Fever tad Ague. Ladies desiring a clear complexion and good health should not fail to us e them. They aro particularly recommended tp those who are suffering under Debility and Depred , Finn of Spirits, their f4,lltili .14 and remo sting powera being particularly adapt•zl to cii init. cases. PRICE $l.OO PEI'. BOTTLE. 0 Ivi r irFor s I; o ant Co int-y I r. I ! May T, IF6;. Gal HMO ail DB Paa v .... — L. -- -7,4' _ Thri , p-, pa,' ti o n, -,'-',-",,....._, 6 ",?..t ..: „g 4 rl.- long E“,l f.tvorably . • :4 ~:..- , ,;....2,! , r - I,l•Arn, call Clot.- ' --'''''. ''' - 1' 's:' . ' 1 1 : : :•; I : t o i r l :l e u..fd::1 , g ;: i l t s :13 ' A • 111111; :: :1 ,, ,„ c c i i., ,,:•. ,, 11 „.. ,: d pg ~..i: i :, : :, l ' ' I ell , . 4-- ' . 7111 I G i 3 11 .11re TWO • '1n G ,...,., ..• " .. --.. a . ~...0 -a k.......... ~...e '.- this animal, snc , YELLOW IN TER. lIEAVE cortnis, Di TEMPER. F VERS,FOUNDI LOSS OF Al'i Tail AND VIT. ENERGY, &c. Me improves to wind , Increases the appetite -gives a smooth am Flossy sluu—an transforms t,t , miserable stele horse. In ail discasivi of Swine, such as Coughs, then in the Lungs, Liter, 7,4 ka, this article f'' acts as a specific. „:I.i•ayikr`i.7...• • ' By putting from • one-half a paper • ••:... toe paper In a barrel of swill the 4,,,'--- above diseases • '- 7. - will beer:abated or entirely prevented If • given in time, a certain preved,lre and cure for the hog Ccolera. Prise 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers far $l. ISISPAYED SY S. A.. VOIT'I'2'. Je: DUO., AT Ttr=2. WHOLESALE DUG AND MEDICINE DEFOE No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, Nd. For Sale by Druggists sad Storekeepers Waugh out the United States. For bale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg ; t tughlin Bth,lifif 1 , 1, Wheeling., Va ;C. C. Bender & Co., Pit,,burg;, Holloway & Cowden, Philadelphia. ' Dee. 11, MIS. ly =TM ItEAD FITILTIIER. .... • , i.,4 1:122E1 FOUTZ'S EMEESEI t:t.n in raluabla. mp ,tt Le the quality cf the intik. ILLY been poor en by sa t 011 ispe•tment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty cei.t ai.d make the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattie. it glrei them on al la tar Tocsins ti tir hide, and M.:m.3 tit= thrive PERUVIAN IllrifitiP 18.• PROTIOTID SOIMPIOS . Of Tlii • Protoxido of Don, a new discovery in medicine which STRIKES AT TEM ROOT Of DISBASN, by supplying the Blood with its nein raiscreLs, on urn imam—lßON. ' Thin is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing - DY3PEPSIA, LIVER 00111 1 LAINT, DROP SY, CHRONIC DIARII/REA, BOILS, Nervous Affections, Caille and Fe.. verr, flumor.t, Loss of Constitu tion 4 Vigor, 014011.4 e of the Kt ,lacy* and . Bladder, Fern-tie Complaints, and all disPniee orininating in A BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD, or itecompanielt by nsurtrror, or a Low STAYS Or TIIII SYSTEM. Being free from Aleohol in any for enerdizing efforts are not foilowe try es pending re.tctivn, but are permanent, lie streir,ltb, vigor and new life into ell party the s: stem, and building itpi an lUON CO STITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY .Peons the Venerable Archdeacon &oU, D. D. iimum, Canada Pl.t.t, March 24, 1P65. • * * "Tait an inveterate Dyspeptics •f ?rel thAn 23 years' standing." * * hAve been so wonderfully behofitted in the three short weeks during whiih I hate übeil the• Peruvian Syrup, that I .eon scarcely persit tile - myself of the reality. i'enp!e who have known 'me ale astonished At the change_ lan widely known, and can biitrecommend to others that which has done so uiu•h for me." One of the movt DriTINGUPIIED JU RISTS in New Eugl.tud writet to friend as tullosts: ina "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the result fully sustains your predietion. It lons made a sew Xas or l A ti; infuled irto•my 4ystem new vigor and euerje; lean nu longer tri.nrAutis and debilitated, as when you last 311. r use, but strourer, heartier, and with !ar gi4 cap may for labor, mental All t physical, tr. , an n 7. nny time during tits last live years." An P.IIISI:CT DIVINii of Boston, saes: "1 linve• bee s at the PERU V lAN SYRUP for 9 , J111e time past ; it gives we new vigor ; buoaauly of spirits, elasticity 01 muscle." THOUSANDS have been changed by the hie ut this remedy ; (tom weak, s else, aulTaring creatures, to strong, healthy, and loypy men anTwirnan; and invalids can. not reaA,mahly Lova lte to give it a trial. - A pamphlet of 32 pale., containing certif. qs or cures and retomineullathm., from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will he eettt rues to any address., L ;:e,, -See that each bottle bus PkItUVIAN ht the Klas3. rect 311,t fly . J. P. Miro:lore, Proprietor, ' 36 Dry Street, New York, A D ItY DILL'UOISTd. scnorrLi. All )lei~ical Men are that lODINE le the ni r nr:VIBOY for Bcrultat an 1 all kindred ever diacovere I. 'Joe diffl.:ulti has been to obtain a Puss SOLUTION at it. D ft. If. a. N D It 1Z S'• lODINE WATER, Is a fore Solutioo of lotioe, IVITIIOIIT A Suf.VIST II A mpat :Powerful Pi:Alzing Agent and Resto- It mu, cure SCROFULA in as its manifold I7LCERS, CANCELS, RIIEI'II ; .Intl it big brel sis.imishin 111 C relsl9 R Cousump tion, F'e•:utle lii3srt, Liver and Kithtev U,,e•tge;, will he rent rnr.etn itny addrors Price I 014 bottle, orKt; fur $5.00. PrLptired by Dr. If AS DEas, rhystuitto Ana Chen') I FCIR giLPI BY J. P. Dingrialre.:ll ripy NI ret.t. 'New York, =I 11 - 13 T # BLLSIA WILD CHERRY I=l HALF A ccxrcitr, WITIf AlTir Atmtliltolo St'CeeSS nts Gilds, flo , trsPn=se. Sore Throat, la illonz t , Wl494.pi • tq 0011:11, Group, hpree • Compiaint, Difikulty of breathing, A“hai.i, and every ntht•thm or TUN TUROAT, LUNGS, AND ellpT. CO,VS UlfP 770 X, N7/1101 earrics c,ft tow* c IC,IIIII than any other di-Nt‘e, n a which held s the /kin of the phy s who, to n grroter - exteLt thou any other ,n.:l.tdy, often :" • YIELDS TO TIIN REMNDY I .hen all oth..r:4 prove wen - arta:a. AS A MEDLC[Ng, r.ilrid in relief, soothing in effect, safe In its op , rittion, tc":7•TT i 5 LTNSUI:PASSED 1164 while as a preparn , inn, free from noxious in pois,,iis or m corals; uniting skill r. leLee and inedienl knowledge; combining that is valonble in the vegetable kingdom fur this class of disease, it is INCOMPARA-BLEI :;wl. is entitled to, ru -rits a•KI receives the gee, tr:11 con eof the public. 'III.4TCHER, M. D., of Herman, S. V., s rilea ns follows: "IVISTAR'S BA LSAU Or WILD CHERRY give. iinivers.ti szt-L.fAction. It seems to cure Cough by low ening atd cleansing the lunge, and all tying irritioion, th ue CRUOVIEU TUN ckuse, of drying nn the cough and ledviug the cause behind. I consider tbe sant as gold as any, if not the best, Cough medicine with which I, am acquainted." The Per. JACCI3 SV.CIILEH, of Hanover, well known and much respected among the population of Ws country, makes tie following statement for the benefit of the ofrlictel : Dear tiirtt :—Traring realized i 6 my family important benefits from the tree of your rains. Ue preparation—WlSTAN'S BALSAM Op WILD CtIERRY—at affords me pleasure to recommend, it to the public. Some eight' 1•• ,rs ago one of lily daughters seemed' to be iti a decliue, and little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she hat taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was in great imrroveuient in her health. I have, in my individual case, made freemen, use of your villa tble medicine, and have ald ways been benefitted by it. J ACOB EINCHLNR. Price one , dollar a -bottle. • roe 'AU Ili J. P. illammore. 34 boy bareet.llrew Verigi ' Meth W. Fe - ale *sum, rrerrieters. awes 4111 U IT •14E, DSCUUterg. Grace's Celebrated lab* _ . cures Ca's, Burns, Scalds. G race ' s Celebrated Salve ' cures Wound', Bruisesi Sp raise.. Grace's Celebrated Salve . . 'cores liolls,"111cars, Cissen r . Grace's Celebrated Salve '' cares Star 'theme, Erysipsisili Grace's Celebrated Salve • cures Chapped Hands ; Chilblains Grace's Celebrated Salve heels Old Sores, Flesh Wcinns r ite. It is prompt is action, re moves . pale Otseef . 3 and reduces the most anzry-lookmg swellings and dr.fiammatlons, as If by nargie—thus af fording telief and a camplots curs. , • Ouly 25 teats a box I (Sent by mail flit SS ' cents:) T or male by I. P.DfNSYORN, Si Der frtrseS t Now York, S. W. FOWLS k SON; Propriet44l Bailee, aid by all ljoggists• 41/aossi i , Chintzy Storks.. .11 =1 July 14, ISGO. . • , • SO IZIM ME SALT