LIFE—IIKALTH--STARNOTEL LI rE ALTH-41TILESCITIL Prenelt Setieiy. DR. ATAX DKLAXARRirR )CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS, IF,.'reParW ClFOttt preeer.ptlon of Dr. Juan Dela ettazte, Chief Phyetelan of the Fio•ipital • - . du Nurtl ou Lartbuisiere of Paris. Thin invaluable medicine is no I mourn ion, but is unf:tiling in the cure otSpermatorytue or Semi nal Weskrteer. Rvery species of °canal or Uri nary 'tilt thinly, Involuntary or Nightly Seminal E.:ntimsbin4 from whatever cause produced, or how ever severe, will be speedily rc'ieved and the of. gars restored to healthy action. ' Read the following opinions of eta inent. Prezio: physicians: W. have tired the Stateifie Pills prepared by Garandere & Dupont., No. 2 11 Rite Lombard, from the prescription of Dr. Jui in Delamarre, In out private practice wi tit nn florin suences, and we be ' licve there Is no °the' ne&lleine so well calculated to eure all persons sutterlng from Involuntary Emir-dons ur any other w.'akness of tie Sexual Organs, whether enured by sedentary modes of living, excatsca, or abuse. B. A, BIRATTREPAULE, M. D. O. D. IMidennix, M. D. Jae.% LE I . :EUCHRE, M.D. Paris, May 5111. 1141." j The e li t r a ‘ it i V n A c t: OR COUNTERFEITS. ..-, Pills are sold by all the principal Druggists thongimut the World. Prier One Dol. nendly• per Box, brslx Iluxrrt for Five Dollar,. 4; Ostibractinte & Dueoiter, Sole PropriZtors. Nu. 211 Rue Lombard, Perin. -t. One Dollar enelorcel to any anthorlied Agent, -will Insure a box by tru mall, seeu rely sealed 1 from all observation: 14 A boxes m f0::: : : ti: e l l o Arg.. , _ Sole General Agentsfi r America, 27 Cortland at., N. Y. . B.—French, German, tipanish end. Enalitth I"ttoillitt.s. eontain I itiettill part.eulers and direc tions for are, Cent free to ever.tesuldress. A. FE IluoliPdr, Agent fer'Clettysburg. Dec. 1b,1385. ly- , , , Wonderful bat True! MADAME Ri4llll:6Gl'o7‘l.Alic world renowned Astrologist and ttomnatnilutlistle Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant shitsi, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid Man Instrument of Intense power, known as the Psychontotrope. guarantees to produce a perfect and life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicaut , with doto of marriage, oeermation • leading traits of character, &c. This Is a), lin ...Went. as testimonials without number can assert. Ily stating place of WWI, age. disposf- Mut, color bf eyes and h tlr, and enclosing fifty ceuts, and stanip.ll envelop. addressed to your self. you will receive the picture by return aril, together with desired Information. Al 'rev; In confidence, ?HAI/ANS GEwrnat,DE ILK %IFNI:TONT, I'. 0. Box 297 c West Troy, N. Y. dept. 21,1)461). Oin The Moon's Volcanoes ern enlagtng the attention of n%tronomers, hut the*orld Beauty and Fashion Is Ikwi Intere,thi In human ;I Neoveries than In the great question of TURNING Tilt: HEIDS that have been whitened by age or steltneas to' a glorious liltik or brown !1n. , . Nobody now ix au.b a m - s.vriv, as not to admit that the finest and ritost harmle•is hair darkener In exintenew la Cif ItISTADOR.O'S !I A. IR DYE, wfileh nottrbilieq the fibres 1t,4 well as chanvm their hue.. JLutu(ar•tured by J. CIIICISTADOIio, As tor iluttle, Now York. Auld by Drimgist.s. Ap plied by all Unit Dressers, [Oct. 1,116. hu Drnfarout, Blindinnut and Caiarrh, Tn.:it 0.1 with the Utrnomt stieeess. by Dr. J. 'pa ‘, Dmillst and A urlst,.(formorly of Gerlim, 11 .11.atifid N 0514 PlNEStreet. Phll.tdt Ipbin. Tea tnnonntl4 trawl the Mug!. relittilesour,,x In i th e ',lx Cimutry oan be ovam at tile 'rite in • Hell lavulty are Invited to setioinpony their p ttlents,nii he has no s,!erets In his praetice: in4..rte4 without p.tiu • do alinigot in Ma for examination. ly farm,4e, but Trtn. Lt v anigmtlemmi In the I'nitel Sim., Vali hem. 4..oilecirog v.•rybricii to ill , 14- I,y r quint mall kfro• of mi drp.,imiLt the 1111.1..1 , {N110 , 1. Thnae lIILVI nu !ear+ of being 1111 ,1 / 4 11):1,(1.0 I will oblige by not mitleing this ear.i. All others will please address their obedi ent serv.nit, ^TII.IIO. I I l' Muir, 3,'413. ly &1L 13ruivlw.ty. N. r. Latest Market Reports. GETTIIIRTRG •• FidlT - - RYE 1 , 1,011 t. - WIII 1" , : \VIII.: I.T, RED witE.vr, ICYI4, - - () 11,t'I'KW E.IT, - II I V. • cr,ovra,,El,,D, BALTIMORE F1,1v1711. - - - - RYE, • CtEINT., -n r • - - - 11 -4 4111 . , r - MEW CA ?hung., •- 2,000 tons liny WANTEO.—The Beater 'lily Own pary will pee ,*tie HIGHEST. AItSET PRICE for 11AY, delivered at th^ir flay Shed, in Oxt3rd, at I'. llaun's Station. and in Gettys bur,4. DrE:ll., Gettysburg, Oct. 22, 1866. 3m Agent. Sheriff's Sales. TN pursuance of sundry writs of Venditioni Expon and Fieri Fa( ias, issned out of the Court o:7 Common Pleas of Ad ,ms county, Pa., and to me Ihrecied, will be exposed at Public Sole. at the Court 11.mse, in Gettysburg. on SATURDAY, the 10111 day of NOVEMBER. next, at 1 o'clock, I'. M., the following de!seribed Real s Est ate, viz: f.OT OF GROUND, situate In East Berlin. Adams county, ndjaining lot of Georg!. Mtn dorft on the east, lot of John Riegle on the west; an alley on the north. and fronting on Alain street, the lot being 0i feet in front and running back 220 to the alley—improv- . ' ed with a -Two-story Frame We .ther ed STORE HOUSE, a One-story Stone Building. and some fruit trees. Stiv‘d ana taken. in execution as the'vroperty of Francis S. Hlllebran.l. Also, A I'iIACT OF TIMBER LAND, situate in NlerHllen township, Adams county, adjoin ing lands .of Michael Warner, Henry Eppel. man, Elijah Wright, John Burkholder and Wm. Peters; containing 11 ACRES, of which about-2 acres are fenced.' seized and tak'n in elocution as the property of Jonathan N. Fiekea. ADAM REBERT. Sheriff. Sheriff's oTice, Gettphiii.g. Oct. 22,'6d. diarren per cent. cf the purchase money mpon all sales by thy Sheriff must' be paid over immediately utter the property Is struck down, or upon failure to comply therewith tue piop erty will be again put up for sale. Sheriff's !Bale 'OF STORE GOODS.--In pursuance of a k_,/ writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, Pa. and to me directed"; will he• expoked to Public Sale, at the Store House of Francis S. Hilde brand, in the town of East Berlin, in said county, on WEDNESDAY, the 31st day 'of Ok2TOBER instant, at 9 o'clot.k,• A. M., the following personal itroperty, viz: A LARGE QUANTITY of STORE GOODS, consisting ,of Cloths, Cassiateres, Caasifiets, Jeans, Vesting, kc ; Delaines Calicoes, :qua lms, Drillings, Flannels, Ribbons, Laced, Ihreids, Shawls; Ready:- made C • hii Boots, Shoes, HAW and Caps; Que n nre, Glasssiare ' Elstrdware, Groceries, Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, with many otherpticles, too pumerous to mention. Also a quantity of Lumber.' Seised and tilsen in ezettutidn es the property of Francis SJ, Hildebrand, and to be sold by me, ADAM BEBERF, Sheri,. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, Oct. 23, 18961 Notice. NellA ICI, MILLER'S Hd.TATH.—Letters of administration on the estate of "althea 11ar, altr, deceased, Pate of' Hamilton twp., Adams/ co. having been granted to the underotgned, re- , siding in Berwick borough. he hereby gives! notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate paymentanti those haring' claims against the same tc present them prop erly authenticated for settlement. WY. BtTTINGER, Adel. Oct. 23, 1868. AO Pine Shingles. ALARGE lot of Piae &thighs from $5.50 to' $l5 per 1009; for sale at the Lumber of ' C. 11. BUEHLEH. Oct. 21, 1866. 7 • = 4 Teacketa Wanted. WITH School Directiirs ,Of Union township, 1. desire to employ four .Teachers for the winter term of four months, commencing on thiffiret Monday in Noyember. Salary $3O per month. MARTIN IL BOLLINGIII2, Presl, Jaoos Offsesoe; 1300'y. - . • Sept.' 10.; 1008, _1866. oirfLeurgalliffekthential prepared 6y Dr. S a nwa rut. ON TUESDAY, .the 6th day of NOVEMBER next, the autocriber will offer at Public Sale, an the premises, - • THE, PROPERTY on• which he resides, on the York Turnpike, three miles east of Gettys burg, in Stratum township, Adams county: 22 ACRES 0? LAND, adjoining lands of Jo seph' Lease, Henry Tate, ,John Bushman, and others. Fire acres of the/tract are in Timber. The improvements are a Two-sto l ry Roughcast UWI3 L 1,1 ~ A ll HOUSE, with Two-story Back building, a good Barn, Corn Crib, 2 4 ' Carriage House, Hog House, Spring House, with Granary, and other out-buildings. There in's good well of water, with, a pump in it, convenient to the house and barn, with a young bearing Apple Orchard, and other fruit, such its Peaches, Pears, Cherries, Plums, k.c. At the same time and place, will be sold, 1 COW, 2 Heifers, Onn-horse Wagon, Buggy, Sleigh, H iy Ladders, Winnowing Mill, Plot:iglu, Harrow, Double and Single Shovel Ploughs, Corn Fork, 'Cultivator, Double and Singie• trees, Forks, Rakes, Shovels, Ike, Also, a Hathaway Cook Stove, Parlor Coal Stove, 3 Bedstlads, 2 sets of ohafra, 2 Tables, Stand, Carpeting, Tubs, Buckets, Barrels, with a lot of old Iron and Castings. Likewise, DRY .GOODS, HARDWARE, QUEENS-WARE, and many other articles, too numerous-to mention. • lie-Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A, )1., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms wade known by ), !Wile Groin , ani Bay business be continued at Granite Station until April Ist. Highest prices paid. Oct. 21, 18C6.. to ' , t A Small Farm, Ix BUCITANAN VALLEY, FUR. SALE.— The subscriber, Agent of John Dilmon, will sell at Public Sale, on SITIIIiDAY, the 17th day df NOVEMBER next, . A SHALL PARNl,'situate in Buchanan Val ley, some two' hundred yards front the Kann- Lain Church, containing 20 ACR.ES and IG PERCJIES, nearly all of which is clear, and in a g od state of e;ltivation. The improve= merits re a good Two - story LOG- i s .., R OL'S , good Bank Barn, first- '- , W .. i11i i ., rate Ilpg 4'un and Corn Crib at. .:t r . -',,, tutted, al's° a good Wash & Bake '',:: House; with a well of excellentlwater at the door. I The bwillin-gs nre all lArly new and built'' the best material. There is a's) a thriving young APPLE ORCHARD, with Peaches, Grapes, At:. 1€9,..At the same time-and place will be sold the ndlowing" personal property : A Two horse Wagon, Bedsteads and Bedding, Table., Chairs, Teu-plate Store and Pii-e, Wheel-bar row, Slattock,.Shorels; with alloy other arti cl,-s too numerous to mention. Ten per cent, of purchase miner on the Re.- al Estate to be paid on d ty of s.tle, the balance of one half on the first day of al tech. 1867, and the other half in two unman! installments. g-- -- 0-3.kie to commence at t o'clock, P. M., on sni'd day, When attend Ince will be given and terms made known by JOS. J. LIVERS, Agent. 'Jacob Mickley, Auct.' pict. 22, H ,G. 'is 3D Acres of Land " AT Sal E.—On SATVRDAY, the lCth day of NOVEMBER. next, the Direc tor.; of the Poor of Adams county Will offer at-Public Site. on th. premtie3, 30 ACIIE.9 OF LAND, nll cleared. lying. on the ridge immedintelywest ofSarnuel Cubeln'a firm, and niljoinitpx also the farm.; of Hon. )fuses MeCl , an and'John Forney. in Cumber land township, a mileand a half from Gettys burg.. 12 50 rls IS 00 CEl.l.te to co nrronce at 1 o'cl ,ck . , P. M., on said lay, when atteud.tnee will be given and terms made khown by Ar) 26.1 t.O 31$) 2 11 3 no 23 '5O (.4 • H 4) JOHN N. CRAFT, JOHN NCNNENIAKER, JOHN ItAIIN, Oct 2. 7 0 , 16x,4, is Dire •trs of the Poor, - Off 'mkt. tindi io remove from Geiti . sbure, will sell COST until the 1:011 or November, any or 11l of his clock of WATCHE•i, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, and SIL VER6W.% RR. Pcrcons - - " , hing any article ;-' mv lir v.) no Gb 1400 11/ 04 2 40 01: 22. i rt. 11 7; 2 SI 44, 3'.91 121 GO 131 /41 a 1 111 - 51 17 110 eg., 1:i IMI - In 1r) .71 - '2'4 09 - 2 11 ny 211 r'ors.oris wishing any article hi my line will, for n short time have itn opportunity to par nlinse it at a very reduced price! Call ani be courineed. - • JOSEF BEVAN Gettysburg, Oct. 22, 1866. 2, I. A MKE N'OTiC o—Th e Collectors of Taxes J for I previous 3 ears, iu the differ eat townships_ of Aciittns county, ore hereby notified that they will be req tir d to s ettle.op their duplicates on or before the 114.1 t day of NUVEII DER next, on i% hid] day , he COMMiS sionera will tnovit dt their office to give the ue eesi icy exoneotii , ins, kc. The Collectors of the preqent yes r will be required to pay over to the County Treasurer all ponies which may be collected by the No vember Court. SANITEt. MARC'', • Aftit.lllAM KRUSE, SAMUEL WOLF, Commissiocers-of Adams courtly. Attest-1. IL WALTER, Clerk. Oct. 22, 1866. • Notices. ' 140 - 0110 E is hereby given to all Legatees and 11( other persons concerned, that the Ad ministration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presented at the Orphan's Court bf Adamiconnth.for confirmation and allowance, on' MONDAY; the 19th day of NOVEMBER, 18,G, at 10 o'clock; A. M., v!z : 339. First and find i,ccount of Amos Lefe ver, Esq., Executor of the last will and &este meta of Philip Herget, deceased. 240. First and final account of Elijah Spring ler, Administrator of Catherine Miller, dh c'd. 341. The account of Jeremiah Biesecker, Administrator of the Estate of Isaiah Stoltz, ' 344.- The final account of Philip Donohue, Guardian of James Emory Gralt, minor child of Philip J. Graft, late of Straban township, deceased'. 342. The first 'and final account of James J. Wins, Adininistrator'de Louis non of Adam Sows s, deceased. 344. First and final account of Isaac Light ner, Esq., Administrator of theßstate of Rev. Jacob Bare, deceased. •,r SAMUEL LILLY, Register! Register's Office, Gettysburg, } Oct. 22, 1808. td V I LIZ AEETII TOPPER'S'ESTATE.—Letters testamentary on the estate of Elizabeth lopoer, hue of Liberty township, Adams coun ty, deceased, having teen, granted to the un dersigned, the first named 'residing in the same township, and the last named in Highland township, - they hereby give notice to all'per sons indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims against the same to pi esent them properly nuthiptica ted for settlement. JAMS B. TOPPER, JESSE P. TOPPER, Oct. 6, 1866. 6t. Executors. MT ANN ALLISON'S ESTATE.:—Let. ten] testamentary on the estate of Mary Ann Allisqn, late of Littlestown, Adams coun ty, deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, residing in same place, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebtedl to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present Iliad properly Au thenticated for settlement Sept. ft, 1866. St* CIiTOULDERS, Sides, home-made Bologna Saassage, ko., a fall stock always kept for sale, of the very best quality, ambit lowest living profits, by kALBFLEISCII, Jane it. \next door to the Post Office FTFHB PAMPHLET LAWS of the State have L been received at this office, and-4re now ready for distribution among those entitled to receive them. KITZMILLSR, Protky. Prothonotary's - office, Getty* burg, Oct. la, 186& 3t j . SWAR'S Stme 111 the place to ,et all Blade of Grocerlee CI:MAP. PUBLIC SALE. PHILIP HANN Co/lectors, Notice. Notice. JOINT DIEHL, Executot Prime Hams, Paniphlet laws. Desirable Property 1 4 10 R SALll.—The -subscriber offer. for sale, the property now occupied by Joseph A urndorlF, in luntjoy township, Adams min. ty, consisting of about 28 ACRBSSI V - LAND., adjoining Stephea attilet, i'athartne-Stoner, and others. haring thereon a new "r..... Two-story Vrame We.ttherboard-n] UK ed HO& new Bank Barn, Wag- l f i f tl on Shed, Corn Crib and Hog Pen,. with other oat-buildings ; a well of water near the door, two young Apple Orchards, and All other fruit. The lend is of good quality; and bra been well limed ; the fences are good. If not sold privately before FRIDAY, the 30th of NOVIIIIIIRR next, it will be offered at public sale on that day, at 1 o'clock, P. li , on the premise:l, when attendance will be given and.terms made known by ANDREW McILVAINE Oct. 15, 1866. td Dry Goods! Dry Goods! 111rerg AND CAPS, BOORS AND SHOES. —Having just returned from the City, with a ep'.endid assortment of DRY GOODS, I am now prepared to offer greater inducements to buyers than ever before. My stock conlists of every description of Dress Goods. plain and fancy, Cloths, Cassimerer, Muslins, Hoop 'Skirts, Balmorals, Flannels' Busier); Gloves, Irimmings, Sc. EIMEIMI In connection with my Dry Goods, I have opened in an adjoining room a large stock of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, which I will sell v .ry cheap. Chifdren's Shoes as low as 124 cent s, and other goods at cor responding rates. Ify stock is well selected, and the most complete yet: offered. Give as a call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. SEWING MACIIINES We are als)agent for the Florence Sewing Machine, which is acknowledged to be the best in use. It is the la.est improved machine out, having the REVERSABLE FEED, giving, it an ndrantaen over all other maehines.— Call and see them. M. SPANGLER. Oct. 6, 1€66. NEW GOODS. LATEST ARRIVAL. FAHNESTOCK' BROTHERS IThre just received a large and complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, of every style nn.i at all prices, to which the attention of biiters is directed. Those in wont of good Goods nt the lowest possibl rates should hot t.til to give us an early call FARNESTOCK BROS. Oct. C, ISCG NEW GOODS. RORGE ARNOLD ii ow got up his folLatock of RE kDY-MADE CLOTHING, mostly of his own manufacture, consisting of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, Dr ewers, &c., —ALSO— A large' stock of CLOTHS AND CAR'S!. 11E[CES, ail of a Inch will be sold cheap for cash. Call ant! seethem. • Oct. 6, 1866. Mullion" dz Kollin:tn. IVENV STORE. 11 ON THE NO ITIIIVISSI COWL KR OF THE DIA- MOND. GETTYSIICRO. (known a.T lre's ner ) DIALERS IN DRY GOODS;.NOTIONS, CAR- . PET. , QUEENSIVA SO., nll of which lia%e been bought at the lowest market prices and will be sold accordingly. Give them a call. No' trouble to show Goods. F. D. DI.7I)SDR,N,II. S. W. 1101,FMAN• Oct. 6, 1866 Fall and Winter Goods., ASCOTT & SONS have just received an• 4 , other fine assoAnnent of NEW GOODS, couiisting. in pa, ofCloths, Cassimeres, C..ssi nets, Kentucky Jeans, an Tweeds, for Gen tlemen's wear. Also, a fine.assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Our stock has been selected wt great great care, and we are prepared to sell es cheap as nnv other establishment in the country. We ask the public to give us a call and judge for themselves. - Call and see us. No troubLe to show Goods. A. SCOTT St SONS, Sept. 17, 1806. Latest Fasidana TIEVAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELERRA• J TED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OE UoUBLE SPRING) SKIRT THE 'WONDERFUL FLEXIBILITY and great eau- FORT and PI,KAPURK to any lady we 'rang the Du- PLICX ELLIPTIC SKIRT‘i ill be experiencud partic ularly in all crowded Assembhes,Operas,Carria gas,' Railroad Care, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Proinwta.le and Douse Dress, as the Skirt can be bolded when in use to occupy a aural 1 place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Mus/in Dress. an invaluablequality in crinoline, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the PLEASURE, cow- PORT, and great coNvitstsses of wearing the DUPL,EX ELLIPTIC STEEL SPRING SKIRT for single day. will never afterwards wilingly dis pense with their use. For Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. • • . They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, bin will preserve their perfect and gricebil shape a ben three or four ordinary 'Skirts will have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with double and twist ed thread, and the bottom rods ore not only doable sptings, but twice (or double) covered, preventing them from wearing out when drag ging down steps, stairs, &c. The Duples Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazines as the STANDARD SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advanta ges in Crinoline, xis: superior quality, perfect manufacture, stylish shape, k finish, flexibility, durability, comlort and economy, enquire for J. W. ifradley's Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. - CAUTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE the skirts' offered as "DUPLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz: ".I. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus reseal ing the two (or double) springs braided togeth er therein; which is thn secret of their fkxibil ity and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other skirt. • • • Full. SALE in all Stores where .FIRST CLASS skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WEST, BRADLEY &CARY, 97 Chembere /4.79 & 81 Reade Ste., N. Y. Oct. 15, 1836. Notice. ALL persons owing the undersigned for Fees in the Register and Recorder's office, arc -r,q tested to make immediate paymt nt.— As he Is about to remove, settlements of these accounts mast be made by the November Court. All claims then unpaid, will be placed in the hands of an officer for collection. SAMUEL LILLY { Oct. 15, 1866, 31.* Register k Recorder. - -' Noti ce .. 71HE undersigned has placed his' SALE NOTES in the hands of Adam Ruben., ~ for - collection. Ai said notes are now I due, Immediate payment is asked. 1 JtAIN MEN. Oct. 15, 1868. MI Sate Crying! AARON tHRONISTRE, of Hampton, Ad ems coailt4, will attend to the CRYING ON SALE'S in the most satisfactory manner, and on reasonable teens. kle auks a share of public patroaage, ant is' convinced that -be will be able to please all who may employ bite. llamoton, Septy„.l7, 1836. .2m* , For Sale. HUSE alpine FA ELMS, asfoilowe:- 231, 143 and 124 acres each*, a.ll three near the Borough of Gettysburg; choice lands sod• good•baildis;s.• Terms acemurnodating. GEORGID ARNOLD. Gett33burg, Sept. 3, 1866. IL PIIISUC SALE • F VALUABLE REAL _ESTATE.--_-In.pnr! Umanes of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, Pa., will be offered at Public Sale, on MONDAY, the 22d day or OC TOBER inst., at : o'clock, P. M., on the prem ises, the Real Estate of Augustus de teased, consisting of an EXCELLENT PLAN TATION, situate in Freedom township, in said county, containingls2 ACRES and 5l PERCH ES, neat measure, adjoining lands of William Reify, deceased, James Witherspoon, and oth era. The improvements are a large Two store Double BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, One-story Brick Kitchen, Bank Barn, part Frame and Stone, Ia Stone Sheds on each side of the Bridge, Wagon shed, Corn Crib, Wash House, Smoke House, Dry. House, Wood House, Smith Shop, two wells of water, a flourishing Or chard of choice fruit, a fl ue proportion of Tim her and a large quantity of good Meadow.— Part of the tract has been limed. The farm is in an excellent' neighborhood, near Marsh Creek, in the vicinity of a Public School House, with Churches in the immediate neigh borhood. Nearly all the fettres * are of Chest nu t rails. Terms will be very modenite. Persons desirous of viewing the premises, will please call during tile early put of the day of sale, and they will be shown the same by tbo administrator. tar Attendance will he given and terms made known on day of sale, br G. CORNELIUS HARTZELL, Adm'r. By.the Court—James J. Fink, Clerk: October 1, 1866. is PUBLIC SALE F A VALUABLE. FARM.—On SATUR DAY,, the 27th day of OCTOBER inst., the subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, his VALUABLE FARM, situate in Hamilton township, Adams county, Pa., one and a half miles north of New Oxford, on the Carlisle turoplke, adjoining lands, of Daniel Ehrehai t, Samuel Alwine, Jacob Myers's heirs, and colli ers, containing 11l ACRES, more or less, with due proportions of Woodland and Meadow. The land is in a high state of cultivation, bay ing been recently limed, and some of .it twice. The fences are good. The improvements are a first rate Two story -BRICK' • 110 7,SE,it Two-story Brick Kitch en attached, Wash House, Bank 1.` 7 ; ; Barn, 50 by 83 feet, Wagon Shed L. and Corn Crib, Carriage Muse, Hug Sable, and other :Wings. Never-failing wells of water at the house and haru, with pumps in both. There is a yowl; ple Orchard, with Peaches, Pears, Plums, Cherries and Grapes on the premises. A public road leads througis the fartn ta Gift's mull. The faim: is only ose and* half miles from market, with churches -and ,schools convenient. The buixdings ar, all new. , jec•Sale to commence at 1 o'elock, P.' M., on said day, when attend tnee will be given and terms made known by GEORG?. LOUGI.I. Oct. 1, 1866, ts■ Orphan Court Sale. OIiATURDAY, the 3rd day . of NOVEL BEtt next, in pursuance of on Order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, granted to the undersigned, will he offered et Public, Sale, on the premises, the Real Estate of Peter Ba ker, deceased, consisting of A FARM, situate partly in liamiltonbon township, Adams county, and partly in Frank lin county, Pa., adjoining lands of Lazerus Baker, Walter IVaganktu, George Douse, Henry Caufman, John Caufamtn and Leonard Cauf• roan, containing 200 ACRES, more or nss, improted with a one and a halt story LOG HOUSE, Log Bank 13aon, Springy House, Are. A fair i 0.,) proportion of the tract i 3 well timbered. ear-Sale to comm.nee At 1 o'clock, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by _ _ DANIEL BALDWIN. J Oci.A, 18G6 628; hoop Skirts, 628. HOPE'S'S "OWN MAKE," NEW FALL STYLES! Ara in eery respect Fleet crass. and em brace a complete assortment for L mdies, Miss es, and Children, of the Newest Styles, every Length and Size of Waist. OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more universally poeutan timan any others hetore the public. - They retain their shape bettei., are lighter, more elastic, More durable, and really CHEAPER, than any other II mop Skirt in the market. The springs and fastenings are warrant e d perfect. EVERY LADY should TRY THEM! They are now being extensively Sold by NIERCHANTS, throughout the Conntrf, and at WHOLESALE dc'RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales Room. No. 6'38 ARCH Street, below 7th, PHILA DEI,PIIIA. A4k fur lIOPKIN'S "own metce,"--Lny no other ! CAUTION.—None s'ennine nnlesik Stamped on each Fid Pad--"Hoolcin's Hoop 'Skirt Man. ofactory, No. 628 Arch Street, Philadelphia." Also, constantly on hand hill line of New York made Skirts, nt very low prices. TERMS NET CASII. ONE PRICE ONLY. Sept. 3; 1806. 4m 1566. Fall Millinery • - FANCY GOODS. MISS -H. MreffEARY has just received a large and beautiful assortment of new Style - Fancy Bonnets, Crapes, Fancy Hats, • " Plain Hats, Ruches, Feathers, Frames, Ribbons, Nets, • Flowers, Pins, &c. Also, a general assortment of Ladies' TOI LET GOODS, consisting, in part, of Embroi dered` Fancy [read-dresses, Plain do.. Linen and Thread Lace Collars, l'aDer do-, Thread Lace, Fancy Combs, Dressing do , Hair Brush es, Perfumery, Soaps,, Corsets, Hosie ry, Gloves, Linen Handkerchiefs, Hoop Skirts, stied Infant Goods. , Thankful fur the liberal patronage she his received in seasons past, s,he hopes to receive from her lady friends an early call. Gettysburg, Oct.-1, 18GG. Shoes, Gaiters, 46k.e. JOU M. REILING, ° IN bARLISILS STRIZT, west side, a few doors from the Public Square Gettysburg, hes I lid in an excellent assort ment of Shoes, O titers, Am, for MEN, WOMSN AND CHILDREN, -which be is offering at the very lowest profits. Having bought for cash, at the West re fac tion, he is prepared to offer great bargaim. B ,ot and Shoe m tett racturing carried on at the same plus, and the best kin I of work mole. JOIN M. SMILING. Mayl4, 1866. tf Empire Shut tlefiewing Naehtnes ARS superior to aH others or FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PUR POSES. Contain all the latest improvements; are sped! ; noiseless ; dieable ; and easy to work. Illostr.tted Circulira tree. Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M. CO., Cl 6 Broadway, 'New York. - [Sept. 17, 1866. ly . Brooms ! Brooms !^ THE undersigned continues to manufacture Brooms at his old star d in Carlisle street. He wtll have daring the fall a WI supply nu houil,and will be able to furnish them-WHOLE SALE OR RETAIL. Brooms made to order or on the shares Persons having Broom Corn would do well to eve him a call. - S. R. TIPTON. Gettysburg, Sept. 24,1866. 3m Saddling. r ri underslimed hes commenced the SAD- I)U HARNESS-HARING business, 'on the ilia, in llAitimore street, in the bu ildiag formerly occupied by D. Sweeney as a Chair- Maker's shop, op-stairs, where he asks those wanting ° anything in his Doe 'to call. Work done imthe best manner, atil prices moderate.. HARNESS REPAIRED at sKort notice. A tot of new Saddles and Ramo on band. J. E. ROWE. Gettysburg, Jane vs, 186 C. am • TRY Dr. R. HOLUM'S Tonic and Altsral Live Powders, for f10R489 and CATTLC Prepared and sold only at 1/4 Drug Ptoye. _ ;limner 25. 12,3. PUBLIC SALE. Y virtue of a decree of Vie Circuit Court r ilB• for Carroll county, Li the State of Nary. and, sitting as 11Court, of Equity, the subscri ber, as Trusteei will offer et Public Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of OCTOBER, 1866, at 12 o'clock, M., THE FARM on which Augustus Harrier re sidid at the time_ of his decease, situated in said county, on the Pennsylvania line,two miles from Eittlestown, on the Littlest° iva and Ta neytown road, adjoining. Morg in's mill, Georee Rinedollar and others, containing 151 %CBES and 16 PERCHES of land, more or less-16 acres Meadow and ‘6O acres elegant Timber. The farm is Inidoff in nine fields, and well wa tered. The improvements are a ~,_., Iftig, Two•stry Brick DWELL- ; zyt' in Isu Huusß, with Back-building -ii trit, . and Cellar, and a never-fairing.i.:-"• , ...N: , Spring near the house ; Log Barn, Wagon stied and Cora Crib, good Hog House, Wash House, &c., with. an elegant young Orchard. The land is'or good quality, and li is been lately heavily lime,d, nod all nada good fencing. This is a very desirable Farm, and I would invite all persons•intending to buy land to call and see it, us I mast sell on the il ty ab o ve nnmrd.t It will be shown by John Earner, re siding thereon. --- The terms of sale, ns prescribed by the said decree, are, one third of the purchase money to be.paid on day of sale, or upon the ratifica tion of said sale by the said court, and the balance in two eqoal annual pay,nents,,wlth interest from date ; the purchaser or purchas ers to give his or ttele notes, with security, to be approved by the subscriber. _. JACOB SHARETTS, Trustee. Oct. 18G8. ta Well-improved Farm, I N JEFFERSON COUNTY, VA., FOR SALE Desiring to change my business. I offer for s.ile the FAIIII upon which I resit., 3 miles southeast Of CharleitoWn, Jefferson conitity, Va t , and 2' miles front the Stern u n to th river,, containing about 320 Acuris OF LlllB - LAND, GO in fine Timbei; under good fencing. The droproremeds are first rate. The DWELLING was'finished in 18GO, and contains 14 rooms. .... 7 4f," z The out-buildings are of a char- , 737,. acter to suit the farm, end cool prise a good BARN, Corn rind Carriage :Lusa, Quarter., Tenants' ponies, Brick Smoke and A.'h Houses, Stone Spring House, Poultry Houses, &c., and all under cypress roofing. Two fine Springs near the House, one in the yard; cistern at the door; t 0.% er-faillng §tream through the farm, passing through the •Earn-yard: 2 young orchards of choice fruit, containing about 250 trees. I would call the attention of nay one wish ing a well improved farm to this prope:ty--F -wh:ch can be divides into two farms, wish buildings on each, and fine water. Any pel•- son' wishing to see the land will call on 0. Humphreys k Co., in Charlestown, who will direct them to it. JAS. LAW. 1100 FF. Sdpt. 21, 1866. Gw = A Good Farm • • • • A T PRTVATE ALE.—The subscriber OfrCrLS 16 * at• Private Sale, his valuable FARM, sit 4- ate in Freedom townskip, Adams county, Pai., containing 127 ACRES, more or less. T e improvements con3ist of a good Two story LOG HOUSE, and Log ri ire, Wash j;l House:Smoke !louse and Milk Rouse tt all under one roof; nod other .nibutldtn .. There are two wells of good n tier, one at thi; house and the other at the Barn, end a nel f iiling stream of water rollmop; through t farm. There are two youlatr Onhards on the Tlremises, and it variety of all kinds of fruit. There is about 25 Aeres'of good Timber and a fur proportion of Meadow. The land is in a logh state of eultivatiBn, and will be sold oe reasonable terms. This farm i 3 eonven:ently located to Mills, Markets, Schools, elurelii4., Scc , and is among the most desirable county. Persons wishing to view it will call on undersikned ig residing thereon. ABRAM FLENNER. ; Aug.ust 27, 1866. 3m Carroll County Land 'T' OR SALE.—The subscriber Ivishes to sell 1 1 TWO VALUABLE FARMS of LIME STONE LAND, one containing two hundred acres, mid the other remaining one hundred end twenty, a county road dividing. the samel They are located about 7 miles from Westmin ster, the county seat of,Carroll county, and three miles from New Windsor, the near- 1 , est Station on the Western Maryland Itailtoad. These Farms, for : location, quality of soil, modern imorovernettts, .te., will compare with the best of lands in Pennsylvania. Purchas ers are advised to calland view for themselves, or adirees the subscriber, Saw's Creek, Car roll county,.ldl. BENS. W. BENNETT Sept. 17, :81n. 6w Wanted.: A GOOD FARM A" per4on linvin.t a good ,Farm for Cale, and will take in ()art payment, one or more tract! of FIR, RATE WRSTERN LAND, well located, near Railroads, Schools, Chnrch es, Courtly Towns. may Bud a purchaser by applylni• at this office. June 18, 1866. if IS6O. Quarterly Report .. /MF the condition of the First N.ttional Bank J -of Gertysharr, Pa., Oa the morning of the First Mouldy of 0, toper 1866: RESOURCES. Notes and Bills, $04,616 81 Furniture and Fixturea,7 o o Ou . Premiums, /te., 2,143 57 Due from Banks, 6,300 74 U. S. Bonds, ' . 150,350 00 Cush, 11,9:13 26 • $269,101 41 LIABILITIES. Chpithl, $lOO,OOO 00 Surplus fund, 1,920 :30 Cireuhttion, 89,915 00 Deposits, • 73,7d9 72 Due other Bunke, 1.499 34 Interest, , 1,9:7 07 I, George Arnold, Cashier First National Bank of Gettysburg, Pa., do swear that the above report is correct and true to the beat of my knowledge and GEORGR ARNOLD, CaOiler. Sworn to and subscribed before me this let (14y of Oct', 1866. P. MYERS, J. P. Oct 6;1866. 3t Quarterly Rep3rt Or the Gettysburg National Bank, Gettys burg, Oct. 14, 18. in: • RESOURCES: • Loans and Discounts, $104,172 91 U.S. sands, deposited to secure circulation, 150,000 00 U. S. Bonds on hand, - 60,800 00 Real Estate, 5,000 09 Expenses, 345 19 Due from Banks and Stinkers, 2,072 65 Legal Tender Note 4, 10,000 00 National Bank Notes, 7,710 01 Solvent Quilt Nolea . 1,3•%0 00 liondtt (Individual and Company,) 2,531 17 LIABILITIES Capital Stock, CirculAtion. Individual Deposits, Dae to Banks, Discount+ and Pro6t Loss, 23,032 62 Dividrnds•icnpaid, 675 73 State Cireiation eittstUuding, 33,433 00 Oct. 6,1666._ 3t 1860. Philadelphia • 1666 . VIVALL Padoß RS. NEW FALL STYLIS. 'III)W3Lf, k BOMIKS, itomuf.clurers of ,PAPRIt IIA.NGIIftiS and Vfllll.o %V SWIDES, Cornerroarth rod Sober: Street', PHILA DIKLPHIA., N. B. Atomye in Ste's; I h q . Stock of LINO! and OIL SHADES. ' Sept. 3, 1806. 3m Coal and OT.A\erY varietll l4 the Yard of • . C. 11. BIiEfiLES, k"e1a..19. Cor.,C rlisle aid Rei.treell ete $200,101 43 $377,680 92. $145,150 03 130,560 .00 37,613 56 7,334 01 $377,630 9 T. D. CARSON, Cashier. NORRIS STILL AHEAD: , i'MY POLICY." 1 QUICK SALES A SMALL PROFIT - 31 Clothing, Oats and Caps. Clothing, Hats and Caps. Clothing, !Ws and (.3 , i pa. Clothing. Hats and Caps. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Black Cloth Dress Coats. Black Cloth Sack Coats. Black Clo:h Pants and Vests. Black and Fancy atisittiere Coats. i Black and Fatter Pants and Vests, • LOOK AT THE FIGIIIIE3 I Cloth Coats. from 010 to $25. Cassittiere Coat 4, (tom $5 to $lB. Cassirorre Pants and Vests,frma $5 to $l5 Parts, from $2 to $l2. Undershirts, from $1 to S 3. Drawers, from $1 tol2 59. HATS AND CAPS! The latest style always on hand alio at re dzced prices. Six Dollar Hats for $3. Fire Dollar Flats for S 4. Foal... Dollar Doti for $3 50. Three Dollar Hair for 50. Two Dollar Hai* for SI bo. FALL STYI CAPS, JUST RECEIVED, Also—Gentlemen's wear of every descrip. firm—spelt as Neckties, Butterflies, Suspen ders, Stockings, Gloves, Paper and Linen Col lars, of every style and price, Umbrellas, Pock eigandkerebiefs, Ginen Shirts. \Tool Shirt., &c. Also—RegUlation Base Balls, Base B ,11 Bats, Clocks, Trunks, Travelling Sacks, Walking Sticks, Base B tlI Shoes, Ace. 11E31E114ER: THE PLACE Next door to Buehler's Drug Store, where' we Are ready to show you ourgoodt, and ft you think you can buy cheaper el , ewhere, we will , charge you nothing forphowi..g you our Sto:k. Call and exauiine for yourselves. Sept. 24, 'u ;. THEO. C. NORMS. For Sale. T HE BEST IN THE MARKET. THE VICTOR SORG() MILL Over Fire thousand of these Mills have been made and sold in the last three ye ire. to best recommend 'ulnas ran be given. Also—COOK'S fIVAPORATOR, for ns tking Sugar and Molasses, said to be the best in use. CORN C 1 USIIERS. Three diff , rent sizes for grinding Cnrn in the ear, ni shelled—or any other kind of grain. This is a machine that every fanner should have,'as a bushel aground feed is equal to a bushel snit a half nnwround. The high price of teed of all kinds makes an imperative lle• maid for sonac kind of machinery by which to save. It. is a rapil grinder and durable. _ BELLS FOR CITURCHES', SCITOOLS, FARM HOUSES, FUIJSUiUES, kc. Ma,le of the beat steel composition. Church Bells insured fur one year. WILLOITGITRY'S GUM SPRI.W2DRIIT, WITH CROWEINS GUANO ATTACHMENT. This is considered one of the best Drills now in use. It will distribute any 3 ind of grain evenly, and sow from one bushel up to three to the acre. The GlOlllO Attachment has given entire satisfaction wherever used. It is en constractorl as not•to clog in sowing any kind of Phosphates or Bone Meal. Having sold a number of these machines last season, I,can tully recommend them to he what they are represented. Persons wishing to buy should make application early as the supply is small and the demand great. F. F. SIIITITS CAST STEEL PLOrOTTS. Firt4, - It is the only Plough yet produced that wil invariably scour hi :my soil. Seeond, It is now, an estald.shed fact that It will last from three to six times longer thin any other Steel plough in use. Third, ft draws lighter than any other Plough, cutting the same width and depth of furrow. The titiTerent parts of the Plough are cast in moulds, into the exact shape desired for the mould-boards, shares and land-sides, giving the pins most exposed to wear any desired thickness. The shares can be sharpened by any blacksmith. The steel is perfectly male able and works kindly. Edge toils have been made out of pieces of the plough by black smiths all over the country. For e tie by WM. %VFW:, Agent, Aug. 27, 18A. No ur Gettysburg, Pa. Sewing Machines. MITE GROVER & BAKER.—TIIE BEST IN USE. These Machines have become so well known Olt little need be slid by way of recommendation. They have taken the first premiam at all the late State Fairs, and are universally acknowledged to be the BEST in use by all who hare tried them. The "Grover & 13 tker S.itch" and the "Shuttle Stitch" are points that have been attained by no other Machine. They are the only michines that Few and embroider with vtfection. These Machines are peculiarly adapted to Family use. Th y are almost noiseless, sew directly from the spool ,without rewindingolnd are simple in their construction. They are easy to man ige, and can be worked by almost any child. Every family should have one. They save labor, they VIPP lime, and they save money, and do their work better than it can be done hr han•l. • Ile undersigned having been appo'inted Agent for the above Machines, has established an Agency in Fairfield, Adams county, where he will always have on hand a supply. Per sons wishing to buy will please call and exam ine for themselves. W . ".!ieedles and Thread will also be sup plied. J. SAVITEIRP.OW, Agent, Fairfield. Adams county, Pa. Aug. 27, 1866. II To An Book linyerx. JAS. K. SIMON, 3g South-Sixth Street, Phil silelphirt, IS :WEST FORME FOLLOW ING VALUABLE ROOKS: APPLETON'S NEW AVIMICAN CYCLOPE- DIA-:-2 Vo HISTORY OF THE REBELL ION—I largo Vol. DICTIONARY OF NECEIAN IC3-2 Voli. REBELLION RECORD, BY FRANK MOORE -0 Vols. WASITTNGTON IROING'S WO:IKS—T.? Vols COOPMIt'S NOVELS, -DICKENS' WORKS. MERIVALE .k GIBBON'S RO3IE MACAULEY'S WORKS. pIIE'S DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND lIANII ' FACTURES. BANCROFT'S UNITED STATES-8 Vols, kc. I furnish all Books published, for public and private Libraries, at wholesale prices.— Send a list of any Books wanted, with a stamp, for pricer, which will be sent by return mail. Sept. 24, 1806. 6w Forwarding and Coin ninsion liouse. F LOUR AND FEED. GRAIN AND GROCERIES. Ravine pnrehased the extensive Warehouse, Cars, Scc heretofore owned oy Herbst, we beg leave to inform the public thnt we are continuing the business at the old stand on the corner of Washington and Railroad streets, on a more extensive scale than heretofon. ' We are paying the highest market price for Flour, Grain and all kin Is of produce. Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds of Gro ceries, kept constantly on hand and tor sale, cheaper than they can be had anywhere else. Plaster, and all kinds of fertilisers, constantly nn hand, or furnished to order. sire reginar Ilne of Freight Cars will leave our Warehouse every TUESDAY MORNING, end accommodation trains will be run es *c ession may require: By this arrangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore.' All business of this kind entrusted to °a, will be promptly attend 7 ect to. Our cars rut to the Warehouse of Ste ren.icin A Sons, 165 North Dower.' street, 'gal titmore.. Being determined to pay good prices, sell cheap and deal fairly, we invite everybody to give us a call. CULP h EARNSIIAW. Avg. 13,136 d. Groceries.—Grooeriles. TOTIN M. SWAN is constantly ndling to his tf stock of Groceries. Ifyon want fresh Groceries, call et Swan's. If you want the best Groceries, call at Swatu's. lion want the cheapest Groceries, call st Swan's. liken Want any article a UN GroesieY line, call at Swan's. sia . imock Ls illways kept lull theoinalfty pIsM aad hi 3 priers captivate. Cyll and site, Ong. 13, LUX A Greitt Cure i r TITE 11:71 1 ` NEW TOSK, Ors 'highly tentoetlhiti Citizen, well known to the Blerenntils community, 'by J.DR IL. BG IIi4v 0 K TUP 43112 AT LUDO DOCTO2 0? PHIL %DILITTLI Office N. T. and Galena head Co., t - No 2 SalSatl M., ?i. Y., Ime 1,'t15. j DO. Se'lessekr-Lear Sir :—Vor over fifteen years I have been troubled with il severe cough, and uintally twei or three times it yetir watt mere *floss hemorrhage, which together, for the last.lew ye ire, has kept run thin in dttt4 nod too weak , to do husinese of nee kind without suffering. In August Wel had a •Te. ry severe hemorrhage, nn I, neetvliog to the judgment of a good New Tssi l / 4 physician, I was .!sexed as beyond the re telt of medicine, and was advised to Ire preptred, so fir as property matters were Donee: mad, to leave this world at short notice. The phytial in (and my good friends) eaid that the first cold I took must prove NMI. Early in Januity I- took a severe cold, end fortion , ely Was occupying rooms at N 0.22 troxItsTIINET, directly over your oftico. I think about the 10th rfJanuit ry 1 procured a `tattle of your Palinode Syrup PIA commenced tatting it freely. My feet and limbs were very] much swollen, and all the. symptoms of a speedy death seeme.dto sweet tinny in,y cold. 1 sent for my farmer physician, Lend staled to him that I wile takiag *our toed , itines, and after showing them to him, and having tested them, ke., ho replied :' "You can take them ify 0 like, they will do you ini harm." Ile said • "1 ou know uliat4 toll .e.. ) you last semen , and d say the same now, if you hate tiny hitsine:o ts close lip, du' see put it o ir. ,, Ife ~,ii.lio other friends that hecorrid m e no hope for me," and my Wends end relit : tions concluded May time had come. At Mile time I was ft eely °flour medicine, but • bad not seen you. The doctor called a few times, and foiled me hunch to his surprise, he said,) improvin .r, aid he Lould not understand ' why. My fdth was incrersin; in your medi cines, and I had it. wish to have you examine -, my CA9e, and see what You had to any. When you first came to my room and made the er. aminittion, you gave me but little etiewerag meat, but on the contrary, erpressed sad ' doubts of my ever being helped out Of my then seeming difficuWes. The second time that you called, finding me eta: gainitiv, you gave nis eneOuragentrut, snying,“mytymptotne were improving; the Pihinonie Syrup, See-weed Tonic end Mandrake Pildi had limed Mite a ; charm." My circulation, my cough, mr appe tite, ell bewail to improve, and I could walk 1 about Sly room a little. You visited ins near ly every Tuesday, an I found me improving, and told me not to ,go out of my room until •the first day of M , y. I took no cold while under your treatment, ray appetite became first-rate, and you told time to tat everything I wished of a nuteitionsnetu re, and to exercise about the room :is mush ea pasdble. 1 fol lowed your advice, and to the turprise of my old physician end friends, I Jeein much better than I have been for Fe% end years, and breathe Letter than I ever expected a person could with one lung, the left bt ing completely dried up. I'b.i.l vi ry gractefill to yon, and coaslder lour advice and medi, ines 41V:14011C. i • Yours, truly, T. S. SHELDON. I i Dr. Schenck—Dent Sir.—About two years ago I was taken with II very troublesome cough' and a pain in ray bre tot ; seven oreight months parsed away without my doing , any -thing fur tupre'd. Their, I applied tort} physi ,.eian, who attended me fir about thret mouths without. renilerin r rite any sect ire. I alto ob. brined the advice end treatmeut,of a physician in one of our hospitals, and, Also had the ad vire end treatment of two either physicians, but nil to no purpose. During this longspaco of time I was nearly dead; several times my friends came to see me rind witness my exit into the spirit-world. I was confined to my bed to, months at one time. My breathing was exceedingly short. I gave up several times ell hope of getting better ; and as re. girded well, that was entirely out of theques lion. And to think this day I sin well and hearty I I was navised by some of my Mende to try Dr. Schenck's Medicines. I according ; ly bought brittle utter buttle,,until I reached the ninth ; then I found a decided change In my cough for the hotter. I suffered 'severely frorri palpit+ thin of- the heart, rind tWo weeks after I commenced taking sour medicines this difflenity ceased. It lien I first went to Dr. Sch - enek's office it was a ith difficulty that I could get up into his reception room, I was so week anti so swelled; my skin was SO Bill ow en though I had the jaundice ; I felt dull, heavy and sleepless. Dr. Schenck, after examining tae, said both my lungs were effected, and gave me but little hope; but tie medicines, in about two weeks, took right hold pf me; iteceosed to go right through any whole system. The Puimonio Syrup, Sea-weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills, all took right hold in the right place. The 1 Pills brought owe, great quantities of bile and shine; the Syrup lansened the matter. in my lungs, which came off very free; the sea ! weed Tonic gave me en appetite, and every ; thing seemed to taste good. - To show what great power the medicines have in puritying my eystem, and to Sheer hoer bad I was diseased, beside all the bile that passed my bowels, and the great quantities of I phlegm and matter I expectorated, I broke out ail over in large boils, that would continue to gather and run for shout six weeks, and I had at one time overtwenty•Eve hoils. I have nothing of the kind now, and feel like another person altogether. I can safely say that I have not enjoyed Inch health for tire years as I do now, and cannot praise you and your medicines enough. May God abundantly bless and preserve you, is the sincere desire of one who has been so wonderfully relieved taro igh your agency and if arty one desires to know with regard to the truthfulness of this' report, if they will call upcn any of my friends, or upon 'mo, No. 4, Dryden Place, near Thompson street, below eadwalader, Philadelphia, they will be perfectly satisfied with the validity of the ease. Yours, %ail much respect, MARY BCIINAIDT. The above case, as described, is pettedly correct. I know it to be true. • Yours, P. B. MILLER; Pastor of Hancock 31. E. Citarch Dr. Schenck be professionally at hia principal office, No. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Sat urday, from M. until 4 P. M. ; N 0.32 Bond street, New York, every Taesday,"from'a to 3 t No. 38 Samin.!r street, Boston, Msg., every Wedneslay, from 9 to 3; and every other Fri. day at 108 Lialtiniore street, Baltimore Xd:r. All advice free, hnt lot a thorough examine, tion of the lungs with his IlespirometeY, the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulinonic Syrnp and Seaweed 'Muir, each $1 50 par bottle, or $7 40 perk hairdos-a. Mandrake Pills, 25 seats per boa, For sale by all Druggists and Healers. • Oct. 16, 1856. 1m Fresh Confectionery AND ICE CREAM. LOON.—The enbscrt ber respectfully infJrins the eitisens of Gettysburg and vicinity th it he has a, Cottlee? tionery Establishinsat i , one door east ei the Eagle Hotel, on Cheinhersburgelmet, to - which he would invite their attention, sakes, Candice, sad every description of Con'fee tient, together with brats, Oranges, an I all Id n i is of trails, always on hand. ?Arun?, public and private, SO well as tAin ales, will be furnished with all kinds ofOakes, fee Cream, (in pyramidah form or otherwise,) and other refreshments at Weir• !houses, spots short notice. Hering spent a life-lime at the liosiesso, Its &titers himself thnt he understands it not that he is able •o render entire aitisfactikOn. Call and see his Confectionery. • - May 28, 18G6. - tf JO3N GRUNT., Notice. APPLICATION will be made. at the next regular session of the Legislirwra-ef Pennsylvania for the Incorporation of it Sac. ingelnstitution, to be located in the korougis of Littlettown, Adams enttnity, Pean'a.. natter. the name and style of "THE LITTLESTOWIO ISBSIIIITIUN,' the iatentios o l f whisk shall be to ion out money sad receive _deposits thereof, MEd do 'such things as, are usually done by similarlestitutions • the Citiv Hal thereof not to exceed One Huadr!itd and Dollars, to be ilitided Into s , Doilaripeneb. Jaly 2, 1860. (tm WE have jast received 0 itemt *lwo of Qovensware, to which we kriv ajleutioa 01 Losers. A. SCOTT 3 / 4 SOX, =MS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers