Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, October 22, 1866, Image 1

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betnopratio fount* Journal,
" TriutA is Arkgho), and Trill Praha"
nual, If paid still:Ili IN sti4ticie—sa 30 per an
num if not paid In advance. No subscription dia.%
oentlatied, uniess_at the option of the publisher,
until all arreargee ere paid.
.ADITERTISEMENTS Inserted at usual rates.
JOB TROTTING of all kinds dons with neatness
OFFIC3 in South Baltimore street, between
and ITiah, near the Post Ordee—"Gompi
ler Printing Ofilve" on the sign.
rrofessiorial .Cards.
Dr. T. o..tKinzer,
AYING licAted sierminently nt BQN:.
AUGIITOWY, Adams county, will attend
Icistly Is sll c4,11'4, d iy or nisist.
John L. ke fie's, where he C:4l IL !ways
,• , foand, a Ileie prifesfioullly enr,:tged.
'Lug. f!, 186 i. ly .
:Dr. F. C. Waif,
HATING located at EAST BERLIN, Adams
colinty, hones that by strict attention to
his professinnal duties he, tnay inerit a share of
the public patronage. [Apr. 2, '66 tf
• _ _ __•
Dr. J. W. Ck QiNeal'a
Oy'relf and Dwelling, N. - E. corner of Bal
•iisore and lIF.II streets, near Presbyte
rian Chinch, Gettysburg - , Pa. -
Nor. 30. 18t33. tf ,
Dr. D. 8. Peffer,
ARBOTTSI OWN, Adatns county, continues
the no ice of his profos+ion in all its
bran.,bes, on , world teScgtetfully invite all
por•l•as afflicted with . any old standing dia.
ettaat to call and consult him.
Oct. 3, 1 884. tf
—_,... •
J. Torivrentm 11 11. M. D.;
A ii:o b r i :4 11 1' 1 r o e r t " i 'S".IIB4IV
Lo,theran eliarch in ,
Citambershurg street, and opposN Dr. C.
liernl.'s °Tot., where •lirse wishing; to hire
•ny Dental p•riotm.l Are
folly invited to rill. Itirsrtz.;;:ss. Drs. lior
rirr, 11 , :e. 0. P. ICriutii, D. D , Rev. H. L.
Ilito4li-r, D. IL, Res. ['ru n t'. 11. JAcobs, D. D.,
Pte. IL L. Stover. •
Gettydburg, April 11,
D. McConaughy,
ATTOR's; 7 .1" AT LAW, (olli—e one door west
or Buehler's drug and book store, Chion
icrs inrg street.) ATDORNXY evcr Sob:intros FON
P,misr‘ Ago ?igyiptS.l. Bounty Laud War
r.nts, Back-pay suspended eiAllaP, and nll
ether ClAim 4 against the Unvernthent at Wash
ington, D. 1 ; also American claims in Eng
-141 I. Lan:l 'if ..rtants loeated auk %old, or
I. a Olt, and h.g . 1.34L pries given. Apia, en•
gftgel in l• •tin.: ts 'mutts in Ism t . Illinois
and 9t4er woi.ern. St ttes. 4c;f".lp,ilj to him
per.,an Ole or he letter. . .
Gettysburg . , : , ,liiiv. :11, '5;1., ,
Law Partaerslaip.
WA. IhINCAN & 'J. H.
P. :II promfltly attena to aB legsi business
e.ltra+tei to them, innin ling the procuring of
Pen , i_oqa, Bewity, Itsefs P'sy, aid all other
AL!!„,init the tJuitd States and State
offiv.• in ti with West Corrrn of Diamond,
cti ) l o)nrg, T'enn'n.
di•ril 3, 18G5. ti • B.
ATTITOZ!',V Al' (AK, Kill f.tit'lfully and
prouipt'y o'c'n 1 to till busine , o3 e.i3rtist
rd .1, !ma He a,e tkm the Ger'ut t I.,nuintge.
O i•o at - the e.4.•ii• pl.tee, in tiollll 13 ttlitnure.
street, ne tr .yo driti, store, nut tie.trly
opposite 13 tnryt- L Zictglers ,tore
Gettysburg, Mardi :10.
J. C. Neely, ,
I'l'o7l.\ - •:Y AT L — l . 3 ,trtieulAr attent%
tiert 9+l t• of Peo,ton.,
Sooty, and Il•c%- pay. the J. 1.
corner of the Diltmolvi..;
.etto 11 6, IMI. tf
• Glob 111au,
GETT Y ti It U IW, 1' A.—The u itilersigred
wurt:d most rezpecquily inform his nn
merous friends and Hie public gi tier - illy, that
he lies purcti ised (list long establislnd find
well known lintel, th,e "Globe Inn," in York
street, Gettysburg,rind hill Spate no effort to
conduct it in a manner that will not detract
from its former reputation. Ilk table
will have the bet the market can afford—his
chambers are spacious and comfortable—and
he It is laid iu for hie bar a fall stack of wines
ancblitoors. There is la rep stabling attached
t• the Hotel, which will be attended by atten
tive Iputtlers. It will be his conetant endeavot
t• render the fullest satisfaction to his guests,
makit; his 1191160 as near a home to them as
possible. Ile.asks a share of the publii.'s pa
tronage, deteernined as he is to deserve a large
part et it. Remember, the "Gilolie Inn" is in
York eireet, but near the Diamond, o?
April 4, 18t-4., tt
An.liroad lionse,
HANOVER, yoluc co., Pk.
The undersizned would respectfully 'Worm
his nuitteronsdfrienn and the pubic generally,
that he has leitsi:diiie hotel in Hanover,
the Depot, formerly kept. by Mr. Jeremiah
Kahler,and will spire no effort to conduct it
ins ma finer thAt sill icive
His tallf3e will have the best the markets can
afford—his chambers art:spacious and corn
forablettand be has laid in for his bar a full
stock of choice wines unii.lionors. There is
stahlittg for borses nit to the Hotel. It
will be his convant endearor to render the
tallest satisfaction to bi 3 guests, making his
house as near a home to them as posslble.-'---
lie asks a share (4 the public pa.ronage, de
termined as he is to deserve a large pirt of it.
Remeather,the Railroad House, near the Dc-
Oct. 2, 1110. tf .
Cauruw l e
Os itAltimoie *treat, Ne trly Opposite the Court
I • - House,
Every deeeriptien of work executed in the
beast style of the arts
1865. tf -
laa• A
19500 Per - skirl WS want
Agents Trerywhere to sell.
du! IMPROVED $2O Sewing Mazbines.—
Three new kinds. Under and upper feed.—
Bent on trial. Warranted five years. Al»i•e
salary or large comaiissions paid. The ONLY
machines sold in the United States for less
than, 44), which are folly licensed by" noire,
Wheeler Wits° s, Geover d , Baker, Singer 4- Co,,
aid Riche/kr. AU other cheap machines are
infringemeatn, and the seller or dser.are hale
to srre-si, fine and insprisonnvnt. Illustrated cit.-
oilArs 'napes. Address, or call upon Shaw
k Clark, at 13idsleforl, Maine,-or Chicago, 111.
May 21, 1s t. isly
Still at Work I
T ag undersigned continues the
in all its branches, at his old stand, in East
Middle street, Gettysburg.
NSW WORK mado to order, and
dons promptly and at lowest prices.
Tin, - first-rate •SP LUNG . WAGONS for
sale. JACOB._ TGOX.SL.
II 11012:1111PS FRAGRANT MYRRH pre
] feeriei the Teeth, cores all diseases of the
gams sod parifles the breath. •
§UGAR. ()PRAM HAMB.--A treat eopply
juin. received. 'A prime article an d for sale
eap by STANKoppcs9r. fi WISOTZICT.
1866. :rtiondugtiv.ekicair:PeAttal
preptred lIOLVER.
-'.--_-.41-,-„,...,, r ,.........,..•. - ......f.. - ... - '•
r - .•' - ' , -'_ ' • -
' • '.
' ...-_. .
_., , _H ...,
, .•,, r ,
~ • 1..
Coneentrit'd Flavoring Extracts!
"MUM, to any in the market and superior
ri to many, in larger bottles, and at old
I Wholesale agents for Baltimore, -
Wholesale Druggists.
LlST.—Lemon, Orange. Vanilla, Rue, Pelch,
Nntm,v, Celery, Allspice, Cloves, Ginger,
Birch, Cinnamon, Apple, Mulberry, Pine Ap
ple, Banana, M.tee, It .spberry, Pear, Pepper,
Parsley, Strawberry, Bitter Almond, and Sa•
vory spices.
The great diffierety heretofore experienced
in prcienrirg true flavoring Extracts, has in
dueed the proprietor to spare no pains or ex
pense in giving to the public an article which
will be found true to its name, and which will
in no inztanee he a FOlireC of disappoin:plent.
'lt will he observed that oar extr tt t of Lem
on and Orange iv a prepare,: extr tt:t the
Pcrl. which any one ruiy be cons Liced of by
merely smelling them.
'The price of Vanilla Bean.. ton, has Caused
more useless Extract of Vanilla to be mina
facture(' arid' sold than any other•essence
being either made fronr Tonka llcan., or some
other lietitinna compound. In our Extreet we
made f.Pn'the tree Bean, withoct a3S , foreign
auk:lance whatever.
Bell's Worni Syrup.
COY Paltrier IN !THU.—Nit Castor 011 to be
Talk —ln this Pteparntion we have included
such remedies only as have been tried for
years an•l ace known to possess powerful
antheltnititic virtues, combinc I, with mild
aperient?, plr•as:wt aromatic. all sugar. An
thelmiuties of thetnselves c•u • of per form their
peculiar, fumtions or hare he lesired effect,
~less the bowels are kept moderately open.
To produce this; gentle purgatives are neces
sary and suell only ought to be used that can
not interfere with the attthehuinti•• employed.
The advaut•tges we elaim for this Syrup are;
•Ist. Its power of DESTROYING AND EX
21. Its mild aperient effect upon the bowels
3d. l!t; plelsant taste and odor are adrtin
trtifes possesied or claimed by very few Term
4th. Its harmless influence upon the system,
couvapierkly no injurious Clint will result
from its use should the patient hare co Worm.,
but an la-I:”.rent disease. nrisinit from some
other unknown ' cruse, which is frequently the
CAM. 7 •
The constituents of this Syrup and its effrets
are khownio many Physicians, iflin are now
kin theil prretice to a large extent. .
Price 25 tents tr:bottle.
- -
The Greatest Liniment In The.
T4IT:s I.vntiE frr,!--rh•
Pen , : an I moo AW)nonit ea 1
Ltnwif.nt vowel Oltneinus Com
-1,011114 fur t!vt. Cori: of
StrAinv, Nombne:s of the
Li ru'o, Fro,t,‘ , l Fret ~n .l I land:, Sp I% in. Sad-
ile (Inns,. Poll Evil. Rin_• 13 env,
IS.,velhnzq of nil la'l•i, and in lief
C . '. to r Embrocation i= applicable,
either fit Mstrt of hea=t_ Price 21 cen's n bot
(in --Thil rvepirm , lrrl, W ' ll , ll i s Iri,jlll.ll WCJI
'kill he ft , b. I none of tip 11 , , Hill
et •he time one of die most reliande
plieatiu',s extint..
; II tvio2 hen t etitp!oyed very extenctively
' siuce its intrndnction'anl feeling satisfied of
ite rerewtliql prottertiec, the r , entnnlPTl,l it With
the Worm.? eonfi lc nee, know! tt;.; that n't_one
wrll be di,opp , inte.l in its one. it is, OH 113
Ilatift'implie-1, of the consis
ten.y eouteinint2; notitine• 4 , truttiive,
Fut, on 111.4 efiliirtry, will be found inure
pleasnut t: - tan Ott trtv tee:
1 •
rieroirm Altvrative,
ort eos t)!Tri/N P. 1`.1: f)':IZS 1
1:11:1. 111111SE•4, CATTLE k SWTNri .
' . 2srent= r. paper, or 11.. e paper:: for $l.
~., The tra•itelcr. •(.11e of .theie l'9w,lors during'
the Rhort p-rio , t they have Leto hefore the i
pahli •, is a quills i"nt nliry Inroe of their great
poTinkii•y,:kild the dteiiled benefits, derived
fro n
The are confiilently recorninen4le.l not only
as rt preventive, hut .s o complete urn for
ilwideut to the nOnSE, COW or
HOG. 49 ,Lnss of Appetite, Coughs, lleaves,
Yell° rr Water, nissoraper, Glanders, &c.
By their liqe the Horse's Appetite is improv
ed, all derangenients of the digestive organs
Corrected. salteridng the skin, and giving to
the coat, a sleek and shining appearance. and
en ty t,e -u test with per'ect safety at all times,
as it con.:sins no Ingredients which can.injure
horse. - sr sick or well.
They elean , e . the breathing apparatus by
ejecting fr viii the air cells coagulated matter,
or that formation which so sererely clog's
them. causing a-tightness in brew Bing, and by
their pe•illiar iietion on that part, they cause
the incise membrare to reNunie its natural
dim-ash-sac, thus equalizing the circulation of
the blood_ and requiring the distended vessels
• to their natural size.
For fattening t attic! they ere invaluable,
also possessing peculiar properties in inereas
, in; the rprantity of milk in dews, thereby gir
-1 ing them an importance and_ value which
should place them within tire...hands of all ia
! All diseases to which the nog is subject, as
Coughs, Iflceraln the Lungs and Liver, and as
'a general purifier of the blood we guarantee
their end-a-TV once fairly tried. .
/15" gold at dlettysburg by A. D. Bilebtor,
Apothecary; and' by Druggists nua Storeketp.:
ers generally_ Ail: for :lel l's Preparations.
Prep:m(l exclusively by W. I). Bell, Apothe
cary, (Gindu.lie.of the Philadelphia College of
Pharin icv,) West Washington St., Hagers
town, Md.. • [Oct. 16, 113G5. ly
Tin NV re and' Stoves.
subscriber respectfully iotorms the
publiC thai be still continues the business
of Inching ,
at the old stand . . (formerly Andrew Polle)'s0
in York street ; Gettysburg., where he has the
1 tr,zest assortment of tic ware in the county
with many meter articles for kitchen use, ke
STOVES, of the very b est kinds.
. ° S. G. COOK. r
Mar. 13, 18 , 15. 3m
A Lecture to Young Men.
JusT publisheei ins sealed envelope.—
Pri.te 6 cents' A Lecture on the naturei
treatment and radical cure of Spermatorhceai
or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions,
Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage
generally.; Nervonsnestl, Consumption, Epi
-I.psy, and Fits} Mental and Physical incapa
city, resulting from Sell-Abuse, &..1. By Ttols
ert J, Calverwelf, M. D., author of the" Qreen'
Book," dm. J
The wend renowned author, in this admira-,
ble Lecture clearly proves, from his own ex-'
perience,,thitt the awful -consequences of Self
Abase may be effectually removed without'
Medicine, and without dangerous surgical ope-.
ration's, bonglee, instruments, rings, or cerdi
als, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer
tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no
matter what his condition may be, may cure
histiseifebeft?ly, privately ancrradically. This
Lecture Will prove a boon to thousands. 'gent',
under seal to ny address, in a plain, Beale. ,
envelope, on r eipt of six cents, or two post-;
age stamps. lso Dr. CulverwelPs 'Marriage!
Guide, price 25 cents. Address
quAs. S. C. KLINE & Ca.,
12 Bowery, New York, P. 0. hex 4588.
April 23,1861/. 1.1,
A&TEMA quality,. of 'the best Louden
Draft HAIfSS, with-2 V -without fasten
igs, for s tie by D. McPEARY Alt SON.
fIIHE beet lot of Upper Leather 'COLLARS,
L of our own make, now ready and for sale.
• "D. 3140k1112,1" & SON.
Adam' County
President—George Swope.
Vice President—Samuel R. Russell.
Secret.try—D. A. BuellLer.
Treasurer—E. G. Fabnestock.
Executire Committee—Robert /JcCurdy An.
drew lleintzelusau, Jacob King. _
MAXLGLILS.—George Swope, D. A. Buehler,
R. McCurdy, M. Eichelberger, S. R. Russell, E.
B.Fabnestock, A. D. Buehler, R. G. McCreary,
Gettysburg; Jacob King, Straban township;
A. Hein , zeitnan, - Franklin; Wm. D. -Dimes,
New Oxfard; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersville;
H. A. Picking , etraban township ; John Wol
ford, Latimore township; John Picking, East
Berlin', Abel T. Wright, Beudersville ; Abdiel
r. Gut, New Oxford; Jas. 11. Marshall, Ham
iltonban township; John Ctinnin,cliam, Free
dom township; John Horner, Monntjoy town
ship; Wm. Boss White, Liberty township.
gui'This Company is limited in its opera
tions to the conoty of Adams. It has been in
operation for more than 15 years, and in that
period ha 3 made but one assessment, having
paid losses by tire during that period amount
ing to $13,088—56,7b of which lave been
paid during the last two years. Any person
desiring an In.nrance can apply ter_ any of the
ailove n , irued H .aager3 for further information.
thiy-riic Executive Committee dieets at the
office of the Company, on the last Wednes
day in et ery month, at 2 o'clock, P.ll.
Oct, 10, ISGS. tt
Great Attraction
En4t Corner of the Diamond. The;inbEcribcr
ie ronitrintly in receipt oh‘fresh gobils from the
FLtstern citi,4-4. His stock of
is one of t largest and most attractive, as
well as the cheapest establishment of the kind
in the con try. Voir will there find COATS,
MEM D VESTS, mode up in the most
fAshionald. styles, and of the best•rnaterials ;
of all size- and prices, for men and - boys.—
Gent'Nara - tarnishing goods of every descrip-
tiny WOJ Shirts, Muslin Shirts ' Hickory
Shirts an Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and
Cotton Dr vrers, Hosiery of every description
Buck-skin Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand
mumseels. Ties, Cravats, Linen and Paper
Coil.trs, 11 ts, Olps, Boots and Shoes
brellas, Tr nks, Vahces, Carpet Bags, Clothes
and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes,
Shoe Bbte iog, 'Pocket and Dressing Combs,
Hary Con be, W.ttches, Clocks' and Jewelry,
Gans, Pis ole,
Violins and Violin Strings,
rut Parfuinr,ries., Stationery of all kinds,
Po. ket Ka yes, Smoking and Chewing Tubac-
co, Pipet, n extra quality of Segura. In fact,
his stock •,nbraties everything usually found
.1.43 furnishing store
in a first
attention , f all to come and see for themselves,
as I am d te, mined to sell goods lower than
any other .stablishment in the country: Don't
forget the place. Corner at York street and
Honey Saved
I 'S
eN , ii.rneil most 'respectfully invite
leuitoiners and the public generally
see their Goode at the eiew prices.
Tile tin
ht 4 . .1 , 1
I%e have
which we
I ),1 e -t p .1 1
r; • ty, tht
wt prrtnt l
lio.ste coucluil-d to ruts off at the
sibleepriems. We intend doing what
retort nfl persbns iimorous of is - Liking
he easiest way (by saving it in their
will not Lail to g ive us it call, as
e them they sicsll not be disisp- ' I
thankful for the past Ter.? liberal
we (lure's., ceived, and trust that we
it is contlnuatian of the some; and'
we sh ill use our best endeavors to
rho may favor us with a call. . t
it forget tha place.
Pairkeld, Adams county, Pa.
We ate Agenks for Miller's Superior
(me, and Johnsont., celebrated Blast
,r. [Feb. 26, lit 66. tf
We nr•
p 1011.1 ro
sh .11 !nen
mon ft
Die` call
N. B.
r:unily n
Fresh Arriral.
lave just received and opened :mother splendid
assortment of FIATS, CAPS, BOOTS , and
SHOE'S, for Snminet wear,' which they are
selling at, very low prices considering the
times. Tile latest ntyleS• of Suintner Hats and
Caps, of very description and price. I n.
Boots and 'hoes, of superior make, andl li
warian'ed o lit, alwa!s on hand. Work
made to order and repairing done on short no
tice, by experienced workmen. Also,
carried on i n all its branches. Persons want
ing any thing. in this line would do well to call.
Valr•Don't forget the old stand in Chambers
burg street, if you want Bargains
Nit CLARE; 6. . , •
Henry T. It f;:e, for best single 'Leavy Draught
jIOII , P, Si (10
CrIbNUSI 110mR.1)(`St ditto - More, 400
Gimrge 11' i,•riii rin, 6-emil best ditto, 200
Wm B. Gardner, In st JailE, fi 00
Somuel lierhst, second 1,04 , i1ii fir,- 2 56
COBEAN k CRAWFORD. Wm. B : flarilner, best pair .3lulm, B'ol6
June 19, 1865
Cheap for Cash:
N EW sruiLE
THE' ,tindarsignod has returned to Gettys
burg, and opened a new Store, on Balti
more street, next door to the Post Office, and
nearly opposite the Court• House, where he
otters for sale, CRBIP FOR CASII, a large and
enoice assortment of GROCERIES,—SIigars,
Coffees, Teis, Molasses, Syrups, Salt, .ke ;
with Fish, Bacon. hard, and so on.
Also, LIQUORS—Wines, Bisndies, Gins,
Whiskies, Rum nd everything else in the line.
Also, any quantity of Notions, to suit any
and everybody.
Recollect this is the place to buy "CtIRAP TOR
Casa. -
April 23, 7.868
Plano% I Plano I
PIANOS l—The undersigned would respect
fully inform the public that be can furnish
NOS of the following manufncturers, ,or
those of other make, if desired, at the lowest
possible prices:
A. 11. OAHU: & CO.
gsitimParticular attention is given to the se
lection of Pianos ; and when so selected, in ad
tio n to the manufacturers' guarantee, the Pianos
are guaranteed by me.
The recent improvements iu these instru
ments ere such as to fully warrant saying they
are FAR SUVRRIOR to any other make. One
of the best evidences of their merit is, that
their improvements are imit tied by other
makers. The new style, four stop organ, have
a Sub. BASS and Octave Couplet, making it an
initrumeut especially adapted to Church and
Sabbath School pnrposes.
will be sent, by mail to persons desiring them.
Pinups tuned regularly. Pianos takes in ex.-
ebango. PETER BENTZ,
• No. 30 East (arket St., York, Pa
June 12, 1865. ly
John W. Tipton,
ranHIORAIILB BARBER, North-meet eor
oe of tile Mamend, (next door to Mc
's Motel,) tettysburg, Pa. where he
can at all times be found ready to attend to all
business in /kis line. He bas also excellent as
sistance. and will ensure satisfaction. Give
him a call.- Dec. 3, ',WO.
MISHGER'S HERB RI [TER& for neje at
Horner's Drug 11114 VllfiCty Stare.
GETTYSBURq, PA., MONDAY, OCT; 22, 1.866.
grstrrieb Vottrp.
I love to wormier through the woodlands hoary
Jn the soft gloom of All Autumnal clay,
When Summer gathers op her robes of glory,
And- like a dream of beauty glides away.
How through cach loved familiar pa th she lingers,l
Serenely* smiling through the golden mist, '
Tinting the wild grape with her dekiy fingers,
Till the cool emerald turd% to amethyst.
Kindling the faint stars of the hazel, shining
To light thegloom of Aatumn's mouldering halls,
i 10.07 plumes the clematis entwining,
Whore o'er thoracic her withered garland falls.
Warm lights are on the I.lN•py nplands waning:
Beneath dark clouds ain't the norirdn rolI ii,
Till the slant sunbeams, through their lingers
Bathe all the hills in melancholy-gold. I
The moist winds breathe of clasped leaves and
In the damp hollows of the woNllanilit sown;,
Mingling the freshness rf Autumnal showers
With spicy airs from cedars alleys blown.
Timid° the brook arid on the limbered mesdow,!
Where yellow fcru tints fleck the frulisi ground,
With folded lids beneath their palmy sh4tdow,
The gendon no Is, In 'downy slutubers
Upon those soft fringed lids the bee site (brooding
Like a fond lover loth to say farewell
Or,wtth shut wings,through silken folds! tradinil,
Creeps near her heart his drowsy tale tell. !
The little birds upon the hillside lonely,
Flit noiselessly along, from spray to sp
Silent as a sweet wandering thought, th
Shows its bright wings :mil softly glid
The scentless flowers, In the warts snntig
Forget to breathe their fullness of (1011
And through the tranced woods sort
Still as the dew-fall on a bummer nigh
So, In my heart, a sweet unwonted feel: :
Stirs, ltku the wind in ocean's hollows
Through lts s.•erct chambers sadly st 4
Yet finds no word its mystic charm to
~~rsrli~rur~l ~ ~omr
Sept. WS, 20, 27 and 28, 180
I invite the
P. S. Dechert, for best Ablerny Du 11,3 ye , re, 98 00
(I.orge Schlosser, best Devon Bull, (iv( r ::y's, 8 lel
E. Penrose, beet Devon Bull la.twt en 2 .t.J,
A. Trot le, secon,l hest Dull ov, r 2 eats, SOO
Thomas 11. Wright. thall under 1 yeuri 150
Josiah It. on sr, I.,st D.•% on Cow, 4 00
G. W. Me( lion, second best 'ow, 200
I.eorg 1./I/A/1111, IN St Devon l'elf over 1
• 2 (.0
(1. NC. !Sect( 11:,n,1.4 P% vol.l al( rah (r 13 e:.r,
w,hic. (..% I t ire, In
Samuel E.Cook, v-eonlneet 11-I:er, Is I on
.11.111W2b, Solomon Bendtr, W. J. l'etcts, J. A.
J. W. Grlest, for lwst Bull "ver 4 ycnr%, 4 05
J. S. Tr.,41,., 5t.,,.n lln ...1 .110.0, v 2 (K)
Tilolnas 1 , .. rK)
4k, 1,1 .1.1 .ow, 3 00
E. Pemr0......, Wit, r calf, hetwoorr 2R3 yrn., 200
I:. Penn..... 1'..1i twat r} year, I 00
.Io ,, Area/:al' Taughitibaugh, C. W. Griest,
D. Slirlver. .
Christopher Rico, for last Stallion over 4 y., 68 00
holmium Hartman, la st ton between 2
a n 0...; years, 2 Oil
E. Penrose, last Procal Mare, 4 00
E. Penrose, hest Colt omit r 1 7CtIT, 1 II)
aoorge lender, host ('.A I botwoon 2& 3 yrs. 200
Speetal pr. moon to ll.Shltrort for importeil
Norman Srellion.
Ju•lges, Jacob Bcar, Conrad. Wearier, Hiram
Grunt. ..
Dr. T. T. Tate, for best Stal PIA over 4 yra., 83 00
Jacob Miel:lt y, sat and le ..1 'f ti un, 3 09
'limy J. Lilly, best stnll ion between :1 At 1 y., 400
Wm. B. Gardner, be. t St.lllloo b. twat 2
and 2 years, 2 00
Coma I Wenner, best Horse Colt between 1
and 2 years, 200
T. Jones, best Mere Colt bet wren I & 2 years, 2 00
De. T. T.Tate. be:4 Cult, we ler 1 year, 1 00
C. W. (Infect, best Brood Man), ' 4 00
W. D. Wert, best Mar.) between Sant) 4 yrs.. 3to
J. I% linsliey, la , st lION.` bat Wat n 3 and I vrt., 3 00
.111 le , s, David C,uiwalatter, George Wlerman,
A. S. In macs.
11. Tirenanum, for bit St ',llion
G. W. Wierll3 III,h( St diltn. general utility, 14 0(1
J. B. Trostle, s0( 1 00.1 lint ditto, ditto, 6 00
Samuel li.•rbst, best pair nomos, 8 00
larsliall S Jlro., faste.rt Ti. .( ter, t1me2..57, 40 (11)
J. S. SMrrett, soeourl I k..t ditto. II me 2.58. .20 (10
Marshall het florse, g,nerNlntalty, 10 00
T. Jon's, sor.ontl hest 111(10. ditto 5
Dr. KW rleri, 'best Saddle Pon.", 6 00
Sam uol I)iotrirlt, be , li Walker.,
F. F. Col fastegt Rarkrr,
John li. McChdhm. Jamb Pitzer. How
ard Wiertnati, Mlehual Dietrich, John 1). Hecker.
Aaron Paxton. best Jenny, 4 00
Judges, Henry Stainer, Jacob Eppelmizn, John
A. S. Wrsvlburn,for best psis orgbeep. 14 00
'Wm. WO 1 second beet ditto, • , 200
stommmi B.lvier, best pen fa Lambs, 3 00
Wni Wilde, Reef./1 I best, ditto, 3 00
E. p,.nr0,,-.pest Boar ov..r I year. 4, 00
Solomon demder, best di - ft° tinder 1 year, • 100
B. F. K. Jacobs. I,cat Sow and Pigs, 4 00
E. Pen roso., second best ditto. 2 00
Penrose et Griest, best Pen Wmats, 4 00
Kolomon Bender, s. rood Lest ditto, 200
Fipoelll premium of F 5 an 1 diploma awarded
to ('. A. Mold' for two Cashmere Go.ds. • . _
. . .
Judges, J. Y. Bushey, Ramat Myers. 1'1314 Don
Theodore Hilbert, beet, coop of Chickens, iiii 00
W.T. Penrose, tx. id pair d afro 00
Mra, Jacob Raiunz.ilin, best pair Ducks, 1 00
John I. Mullin, pair Englitib hobbits, iio
J. ...tick lin, ditto ditto iii)
J udgea, Thomas E. Cook, Conrad Wlennan, Bi-
rant B. IA right. .
L. A. Bushman, for Runnels& Reaping Ma
chine, 62 00
Combined Reaper & Mower,
diploma. -
Ditto, Self-discharging Rake • 1 00
Wm W ile, best Combined Reaper & Mower, 200
E. &G. Deasom,Combined Reaper and ow
er, self rake attached,
Fn lder Cutter and Threshing Machine com
bined, by lambi Caufman, linprt.ssed the
Judges as o good machine.
Judges, D. D. Gni, Jacob Schlosser, Daniel Pe
Tao, G. a Ilbert, for two Rooster Steel Plonglisos
Wm. VilOle, one Steel ditto, diploma.
Wm. While, Grain Drill, $2 00
A. B. Ziegler, Cutter Plough, 1 00
J. Nett two Two-horse Ploughs,l 00
\V. Shriner, Grain Fan, 2 09
Coover & Coover, Corn Plnuab, 1 00
Samuel Meals, best licntae Shoe and Nails, 75
N. A. Myers, Grain Fan, diploma.
Judges, Josiah Cook; John Wu.lhay, J. R. Group.
D. Barman, for best patent Bee Hive, dip. & 11 AO
Jenne Stthriver, dittto do.
D. P, Gift, Lifter for culinary VPASPIS, dip,
J. M. Longsrlortr, patent SllOO Mat, diploma,
li. F. Kirk, patent Lent Lazup, diploma.
Samuel 'lug, Cider Mill, diploma.
D. Cardin:in, bit Broom.
D. Cautm in, Hog Elevator. diploma.
James 11,Creary, patent Churn, • 100
J. 11. .dt•t &
C0.,0., pat. ate, dio.
Judges. Isaac Bender, alenttne 'learner, An
drew Brouf,dt.
CLASS 23. •
Miss Pricilla J. Kent. greatest display of
paintings, diploma and • ei
Miss Jennie Elden, specimens of shells, 100
Andrew Grist, 3 woods reaths, diplo. and I 00
CLASS 12. • I Mra, J. W. Walker, Tnting, too
E.Pearose. for half bushel White Flaxseed, $0 53 Mrs. Dr. Smith, ornamental painting, 100
s.Y. Bushey, ditto - ggyptian Oats, Sa' Miss J. Anus Peters, best display of
ditto spanit wrie s t, 50 i drawings, ,_,.
It.. C. Eke, 1 00
D. J. Peters, ditto Fail Wheat, 50
vafertuue Heather, ditto Rye. - 50 ditto, it pencil drawings, diploma.
Ditto ditto peek Timothy seed, 50 Mro. H. J. tahlft-ibattle-fleid basket, diploma.
Ditto dittoditto Cioverseed, 50 G. F. Lonasdorlf'Pantin Paint
s. E. Cook, half hush. Blue-stem Whegt,
Do., do., ditto Russian Rye. spew. prem., 80 i Judges, Gr. E. W. Mumma, D. W. P.
Judras,Noatiths3 - der. IstuteJ.Wristm,Ahmham key, S. W. Doman.
CLASS 13.: , . •
CLASS 28. lei
,' George Rwanzahn. for heat carter Potatoes, $0 50 Mrs. Criat , Solomon's temple,
1 Eliakim Walhay,best Beets,. . 50 PRO Annie M. Smith, palmetto fan,
Prisemitt smith, beat Radishast, ' .- 50 Mrs. R. Horner, relics from. Chambers-
W. Yeatts, - best Mercer Potatoes, 50
Alktto gesißulkly ditto, • 50 burg fire, .
wmFel Frogman, petit Hubbard Squash, - >aJ. 4. Tr e,
Co., patent dryi.
Kw ay
airs aro
tf. , 1 , ,:s 1
CI kc-I
S 00
10 00
('LASS 7
C7..'04S 8
CL kSS 10.
M. Susln Nir'llson, best Ken:Laws, , 53
Joel ti trrebe In. be.t Tomatoes, SO
Antirmo }trough, h-st geven-year Pumpkin, ir„)
Cyris Grlest, best l'auaq 50
Ditto ditto , t 'Ain t lierins,,. 50
Jesse W. Gr is t, best sweet P intoes, , 60
3lielmel Ben,lt r, Isst Turn. ps, r,o
Ditto (lino lifst Onlmts, : 50
Ditto ditto b e st Cabbage,6o
Itlrs. 11, G. Wright, best Egg Plant,s s
I). G. Peters; tst.t 5 kinds Pumpkins, : 50
Val, It, :vnler, b. =t Pt tn. e .111,c1 t Potatoes, 1 .7n
D. If. U.-wrier, 8 Pirirophhis,hpetlalpreuilurn, 51'
Is.e• Group, b e gt Melon, ri
Judges, J. J. Wills, g. Conk, J. W. Grlest.
Qeo. Ilauntsbn, hestYork-Stripe Apples, 10 50
Bilshim Walhay, 15 1 . - art. fiesta Apples, dip.
J...Overicer, best Smoke-house Apples, 60
fk, 1.1 Cook, befit blieelmans of Pears, 50
W. J. Peters, best sample of Peat Les, dip.
H.E.. Gook, best Quinces, 0
Cyrus lrirlest, best specimens of Apples, 1 150
J Y. Bushey, flp ,peel wens of Apples, (lip.
Iles. L. A. Smith, best peck Pears, diploma. '
Mrs. L. I.lolgrew,.b.sit Mg kb.. rry \\*lnt', dlp.,
.1i Burkholder, best enllv•t lon at Grapes, 1 5 , 1
I. Alic , .(ls, best Clinton Wino, ' ;it
11., be....t `.. - rtritl' , :.: C .1 kwl4l. Wino to
Judg-s, U1...:,g.. P, ter., C. w: .;'.: a:, lor, A. Kuser.
CLA3S 15
Mrs. C. J. (Melt, best cheese, diploma and el 00
Mrs. E. Penrose, seem I best do. , diplutna.
M. %V. Cook, hest 5 pounds butter„ 1 00
Emma W. Grlcst, second best 5 lbs. do. diploma.
Robert Sheads. bebts pounds honey. 50
John Walhav, second best ditto, diploma.
Judges, Mrs. Dr. Smith, Mm. liiram Wright,
Mu. George Peters.
C. Erdman, beet 1-horse buggy, diplo. and el 50
D. D. (Mt, improvement In running gear,
coupling and spring of spring wagon.—
Not on premium list. but the Judges
think the improvement wortli• of notice.
Samuel Herbst, best two-hors.' buggy,
E. ideKini, safety bri Ho, diploma.
J. MeKlin, best ga..1:110, 1 00
J. McKim, single haritlss, 1 Oil
J. Metilin, ri ling bridle , 50
Gardner & Co., beat cook stove, diplo. and - 1 00
Daldet Boller. best tinned calf-skins, -1 OU
Iu iges, Albao' Bender, leaac Miller, Joel B
Mrs. 8. Herlii i t, second beet ditto, .1 od
Mrs. E. Steitioar, third first ditto, . - id
Ruth Wilson,•licst blankets, '1 00
Mrs. W. F. Cook, seconl best ditto, , 50
Mrs. J. Y. Bushey, best coverlet, 1 00
Miss C. Bender, second best ditto, diploma.
Miss J. F. Wright, best table cover, 1 00
Miss B. Wright, second best ditto, 50
Hanish L. Mina', best lehiue quit, I DO
Mrs. Thomas E. Cook, best linen sheets, 1 00
Mrs. E. W. Alumina; second best ditto, 50
Mrs. 11. G. Wright, best 10 yards wouicn
carpet, 2 00
Mrs. C. Epptltnan, best rag carpet, 2 00
Miss Haehd Wilght, best woolen stockings, 50
Miss llossmit Eveter, feet cotton dit..o, 50
Mrs. Josiah Cock, best home-made towels, 50
Mle , H. Hoopes, best hearth rug. 1 00
Judges, Mrs. Milan Wright, Mill E. Penrose,
Mrs. J. Bevan.
CLASS lit.
Miss H. E. Bender, best home-made shirt, $2 00
Mrs. Yratts, home-made shirt, diploma.
Miss Ttlic Kerr, best ottoman cocci . , 100
Miss L. M. Hill, chalisest, 1 00
Alihf toilet, cushion,
Miss Louisa Gitt, Nue mat,
ditto, hest mat,
*ditto, tidy,
A. R. Foil. lin-n thread,
Miss Flt kis, ditto, diploma. •
Mrs. W. A. Pam.. inlint's dress, .
Miss .1 dio I I shier, is (11 16th,
Mrs. ri:itiluel E. Cook, rsrds'home-made
1 Od
alias Emily Bateirolo, best stand-cover. diplcuna.
Miss Molly Cline, best pin cushion, diploma.
Miss I snra -r, watch pocket, diploma.
Ju.lg \I ra. J. Y. Liushiy, Mrs. J. i'itzer, Mrs.
J. D. Becker.
Mks Ellen Carpenter, best shell work, •O 1,0
Mrs. Yeatt4, embroidered hon./kerchief, ,i)44
Mrs. :sl. D. tined( r, shell work and frame, rm
Mrs. Mary A. - Horner, worked slippers, GO
Mrs. P. J, Tette, worsted work ' 1,4)
Mrs. Louisa A. Tate, child's shirt. • (40
ditto, . crating stir, do
Miss Loul,c Gitt, Ice veil. ho
Mrs. narVey J., Font cushion, . bli
Mrs. J. D. Etc',hens, child's socks, bu
Miss ;Inn: Smith, fib L 111.tisk . it, 60
Miss 11. B. Dav, piiir sicevep, diploma.
Miss Jennie El4tn, alizium tidy, bU
Mrs. Dr. Smith, embroitiory on muslin, , 60
.Miss Slriiii A. Linder, ace( het tidy, GO
hat • Stewart, kci slid ti ir, ' 60
qt:. W. J. Wulkcr, cotton LLlNket, b()
M. iry A. Ii, lAurclThasket, 60
Miss Ann! , D. Stahl , , brad • itchtl, 60
Martin Iluttdn, im-io•t and boquet, 60
1182. , &Ali , Tat', chit l's braid shawl, 50
Juage , . Mrs. Lizzie Kuz.zr, Buthunna Wright,
A. li} fight. .
Ire. W. A. Elden; loaf
tin Criet, ditto, diploma.
In. G. It.
ditto, jr_lly cake,
re. J. Pitzer, sponge cake, diploma.
ditto marble cake,
Sarah Grainer. poonl rktke,
C. A. Gricet. rusk, diploma.
Judva, Mn.i W. A. Elden, Mrs. A. J. Wright,
Mias Dander.
- -
Mn. John L. Tate, canned corn, tO 50
. ditto, ipieed-tontatoes, ,50
auto, canned dirt' he, • 5l/
ditto, canned pt. a•-hrs, 50
J. Rouanzahn, pIAINI cabbage,
Miss Mary Smith, tontatoj•ltr, 60
Ada Lonttnzalin, rap 4-ttliell J-Ily, . 50
Catharine Bender, Thrach preserves, 50
Sarah A. Ross, applu j•Ily, , 50
Mrs. la. D. Hewitt, trait-ripple Jelly, 50
ditto, I.ll:2ltherry it ily, 50
ditto, currant I. Ily, ;50
ditto, piton telly, ' 5o
ditto, quinlet preserves, 60
Mrs. L. W. Gain-T, fox-grape preserves, Ott
I' J. Burkholder, pear preserves, .50
ditto, - crab-apple , paeserves, . 50
ditto, strawberry preserves, 50
ditto, strawberry jell!, 60
Mrs. Malgrew, raspberry jam, 50
(4. Wileop, peach r mantilla...lx, '
MIS 4 Stewart, mixed pickles, • 50
-Judges, Mrs. J. D. Becker, Mrs. G. B. Hewitt,
Mrs R. G. harper.
• CLASS 22.
Mrs. B. E. Cook, pickled dniohs, 60 50
Mrs. Mulgrew, cookel catsup, 50
ditto, ' picked grapes, 110
Mrs, G. B. -Hewitt, pickled peppers, 50
Mrs. W. S. Walker, pickled poodle', 50
Mrs. L. W. Gainer, pickled cucumbers, 50
Mrs. L. J. Burk
holder, tomato butter, r,O
ditto, -apple butter, 50
Mrs. L. A. smith, pear butter, 50
Miss Allic J. Heiner, quince butter, • 50
Judges, Mrs. N. D. Snyder, Mrs. C. B.
Griest, Maria W. Cook.
- . CLASS 25. •
Miss Hannah E. Bender, hand boquet, • $0 50
Miss J. Anna Peters, best dahlias, 50
ditto, best 'verhennas, ; 50
ditto, beat roses, -50
Miss L. Orner, hand boquet, (princes
plume). - 50
Miss L. Oriest, seesind best boquet,2 s
Judges, Mrs. Betrasklirs. Ann Wierman, R.
AL Wright. ws ,
Jacob Gundrum, cabinet organ, $4 00
J. S. Witherow, sewing machine, 2 60
D. Shearer, rifle, diploma.
Judges, George Peters, W. A. Eiden, Geo.
Frey. -
J. liteKhn, military robes, • $o 50
Judges, John Wilson, Joel Wright, Robert
49TH YEAR..-140. 4.!
C. A. Diehl', Siberian cane, 50
W. B. Myers, deer skin, 5o
ditto, sheep skin, No
ditto, dog skin, 50
ditto, at skin, ; tiO
It T. gtahle, Indian six, 25
J.l l . Bushey. 3 stalks corn. 25
Judges, Win. Ellis. .1:J. Wills. Gan. linsh.
Wm. B. Wn.&e, Seep.. ,
ttcrirz AlsrsiLl7l).
• 111011tENT OF HORROR.
For twenty-three years old Jake Will
ard has cultivated the soil of Baldwin
county, and drawn' therefromstutpurt for
self and wife, lie is ehildlei4s. Not long
since, Jake left the house in search of a
cow. 1 - 1!s search was thro,:gh an olil
worn out pateh of elsy land, of about six
acres in extent, in the ventre of which
was a well twenty-live or thirty feet de‘ip,
that at some time, prol wittily, had (urn igh
ed the inmates of a dilapidated heas. ,
near by with water.' In pas-ing. by the
spot an ill wind drifted Jake's ' ; tile"
from his head, and maliciously •y,•-afla4 it
to the well and inn it tuinliled.
Now the old gentleman had alw.lya
practiced the virtue of economy, and he
irmniediately set about recovering. the
lost hat. lie ran to the well, and finding
it was dry at the bottom, he uncoiled the
rope which he had brought for eariturifig
the truant cow, and after several attempts
to catch the hat with a noose, he eonelu
ded to save time by getting down into
the well himself. 'loll,cm:whet' this, he
mode fa s t the_ end of The rope to a stump
hard by, and was sacm on the way doe ii
the well. It was a fact, of which Jake
was no less oblivious than -the reader
hereof, that Ned Weil was In the dilap
idated old building dfore-al.l, and that
an old blind horse, with a bell on I,iis
'leek who 1)34 been turned out to die, was
lazily grazjiig within a short distaneeief
the well. The devil him -elf, or some oth
er wicked spirit, put it into Ned's emni-
UM to have some fun • so he quietly slip
ped up to the horse,roilunbuckling the
strap, approached wit 1 a slow and steady il i
"Wig-titling" to the e goof the well:
"]hung the obLblir d horse!" said the
man at the bottom or the well. '"ll.9's
coming this way surd, and ain't got any
more sense than to fall in here. Whoa,
Bill!" , i .
But the continued approach of the
"ting-a-ling" said j ust as plainly as words,
Bill wouldn't whoa. Besides Jake was
at the bottom, resting before trying to
shin it up the rope.
"Ureat Jerusalem!" said he, :;the old
cuss will lie lit top of me before 1 . can way
Jack Robinson. Whoa, dung it. W hoa."
Just then Ned drew up• to the pdge of
the well, and with his foot kicked a little
dirt into it. , .
2 00
t 2 DO
"Oh, Lord!" exclaimed Jake, fallin4.
on his knees at the bottom. "I'm gone
now—whoa! Now I lay me down to
sleep-L-w-h-o-a! I pray the Lord lily sold
to—whoa, now Oh, Lurl have mercy
upon me!"
Ned could hold in no longer, and fear..
lug Jake might suffer from the fright, he
revealed hinise!f. Probably Ned didn't
make traeks from the well. May be Jake
wasb'ttp to the top of kt in short order,
and you may think he didn't try every
night for two week to get a shot with
his rifle at Ned. May be - not ; I don't
know. But Ido know that if Jake linds
out who sent you this it 111 be the lieA
squib you'll get.—duteriutA FurJacr.
t 00
BEAUTIFUL Ex:rimers.
Clive me to know thst the doctrine of
Jesus is bread from Heaven, and that it
sustains the spirit and prepares it fpr
Heaven, and I May well be indifferent
whether that bread' descend d, like tile
manna in the desert, in nightly dew, or
whether, like the food of Elijah, it was
brought to my eager hands by, the ravens,
or whether it was broken for myself and
the hungry thousands around me by the
hand imbued with miraculous power.
F:lo long as I know that it was sent to me
by the Father of my spirit, and that,
eating it, I shalilive forever, i know that
eau give it value, and awaken my grati
tude. When some friendly hand presses
a cup of cold water on my lips, as I ani
fainting with thirst ill a thirsty ,land,
will mit Yak, fur 1 do not care, whether
that water was showered from the skies
pr gushed from a I ask not
whether It sets brought tuilh,tt golden
urn, or whether it was prefal in a
ery,tal vase or a soldier's helmet. It is
water that 11,,tis iue lice, and thit is
enough for me.
SO 50
rrsarazarir CAIEFSE EvEn JADE
The Schenectady Union of the 13th in;
stant mentions the :travel at that place
on that day; by Central Railroad, of a
mammoth cheese from the Ingersol
Cheegt Company, C. W. IL g destination
was the Rate Fair at Saratoga. It was
male frain on: milking ofseven
cows—embracing all the cowa w:itl a
circuit of many wiles. The cheese is six
feet ten inches in diaMeter, three feet
thick and weighs seven thou3and pounds.
In pressing it four large jack ht•relA:4: l i - ere
employed. The cheese was encased in
the original pressing hoop and placed on
a truck manufactured especially for the
occasion. The owners have been offered
$lOO per day, for five days, for an exhibi
tion of lt,at the Toronto Provincial Fair.
It was expected that enough would be
=vie at the Saratoga Fair to pay the ex-
Ekiises of transpmdation and othcrcuntia
Taking it Emty.—Old Roger was a queer
duck, and in his own way, nuule all
things a subject of rejoicinx. His son
Ben came in one day and said:
"Father; that old sheep has got two
lambs." "Good," said the old wan,
"that's the most profitaide sheep on the
farm." "Bat one of them is deal." said
Bin. '9 am glad on't," s Lid the old man,
it'll be bettor for the old sheep." "But,
t'other's dead too," said lieu "So mush
the better," rejsined Roger; "she'll make
a grand piece of mutton in the fall."—
"Yes, but the old sheep's dead too,'-' ex-
Claimed Ben. "Dead! dead!—what, the
old sheep dead?" cried old Roger, "tuat's
good; she always was an ugly old scamp."
The Vengeance of an Owl.—A French
paper says that iu a common near Av
ranches an ostkluts taken terrible ven
geance for the leks of her young, which
had been, killed by,a farmer's lad. For
four days the owl w)lsou the watch for
the destroyer, and on the fifth, wen the
boy leaving-the farm-bowie, the mluret
bird pounced down upon Mat. and with'
one stroke-of her claws tore out his left
lgirJones, while lately engaged I n Spl t
tin g wood, struck a false blow, and caus
ed the stick to fly up. It struck him on
the jaw and knocked out a front tooth.
" Ah," said Bill, meeting him soon af
ter, "you have had a dental operation
performed, I see."
mired the other, "ax-ldental."
'Writ's said, we know net how truth
fully, that a quart of line Salt sprinkled ,
In ten bushels of wheat will be ample
keep out the wee el from the mass so
prepared. Field peas riod beans may be.
protected iu the same way.
4so v
Sani !nark, sylio o‘voi..l a , imitz little
'farm Wa 301Afral at eit.A.ll.Jl‘,l (Me day by.
Ali offer ofloore thou tw0..., the worth of
it in irrealiliftekl4.
"..3tiall you sell the farm, Samuel?"
Asketl tile wife.
"Certainly I shall," said Sam,- "ll' the
eVaed intlivklual4 don't back out, or
prove to be a couple of eaeaped lunatics,
*a I half faupposo them. to be." And sell
it be ditl.
After tbo barn On WIP made, and thn
money paid, one of ter filen took Bona
tint" Iris wile to Wie trick nsrt of ttw farm,
where there wok a sin4ll exetivation in
the groan I tilled up by the ro...ent rut u.
"S'ee what yFI'Ve 104, and we're-garn
ed!" said tinTexeited !nth vidual, ge.)op
lug up sonio oleic water la an old tin cup,
and bolding it up for their inspection.
sure uno.tgli, the oil was,balf au Inch
thielt on t , ,p of the water.
&int was ind4liant. Ir he hadn't been
a fool, as' lie said to 1114 wire, anti ju-st
watelied for Intleations, bu LlaVa
died a
Sani's wiry w;o barAttut with laughter.
but restt inning lier.selr, she coaxed li;nt
into the hou,e ;rift" till hint the. wholg
. _ ,
"Y ou reni,cmhet — when I hull nay conclr
l'i't winter, Rll'l the dco-tot rechnimehded
cod liver oil, Sam, and you brought home
a whole gallon, becalm you got it cheap,
and rnado mu promise to take odose three
times a day? I didn't and itstool
in the vl.e et 'T wank 11,.w:e, when I
threw it into tint hole at the foot df the
Maui I,a w tio.4 , ,jeln.‘, and pocketed tho
:on of ill upilo of green-
At the lsst a.-holm--4 Sant wut; living hi
"Mover, )A bite thti oil hunters were Indus
trion,ly boring- andtinny be until , ,thls,
forlill we Tinew.
7trea.low%:llistoTy of the Chinese lately
puldNied In London,_ln a chapter on
Love, ha , the follom log .
A - chi qc4 ,,,, who hs.l been dis.app6lnted
in marriage tind 1 11 ad grievously suffered
thrOugh Women!in many other trays, re
tired with his. infant Hat to the peaks ofa
mount 2111 ran;;(} In K. welohoo, to a ipot,
quito inacees4ihke to little-footed Chine4o
women. 11o<frained the hoy to worship
the )2,0,1 , 4, and F.ttoci ill awe and 1\1)11°1.r
-e:wool the devil';
. but he neveryiention
ed women to 111 a!,always &see - sitting the
mountain stone to buy the food. At
length, 11,r4% te., the itillmittei of ago
conirA•ll,d 11;1A/ o) , i:the the /llau
with hits to e,./ro• heavy lug tit floe.
As tlApy w. , rt. lrltVlil t h e market town
loge Li the "topped short,
and,. po.ntiug to three approaching oh.
"Fat her, what are the4e things? Look!
look 1 what are they'?"
The father answered with the , perenip.
tory order: • • , -
'"Turn away your bead; they-,are dev
The son, in spine alarm, turned away„
noticing that thekivil things were mint:
at him with surpi Ise from behind their
fans. He walked to the mountain lit
silence, ate no supper, and from-that day
lost his appetite and was afflicted with
melancholy. Pot sometime his putalell
and anxious parent eouid get uomatisfac
torran,,wer to Jri. inquiries, butatleugth
the young ina , jr , bur-4-i out crying with
inexpressilde-pain, "Oh, father, tbatted)."
est devil! that tallest devil!"
Have the couraLv.c to discharge debt
while you have the money In your poeit,-
Have the courage to do without that
which you do not need, however much
your ryes may (-ON-et it.
Have the courage to .speak your mind
when it is necessary to do so, and to hold
your tougue wheuit imprudent you should
do so.
- -
Have the courage to speak to a friend
in a "seedy" coat; evon though you aro
in company with a rich one, and richly
Have the courage to make a will and
ju , •l one.
Have the etnirige to tell a man wiry
you will not lend - film yourMancy.
Have the courage to "cut" the molt
agreeable ,nequ.4ialance you have when
you are convince') that heiscks
ple, "A friend.hould 1w:1r - with a friends'
Intirmities,"_but not with his vices.
Have the courage to shoW your' respet;t,
for honesty - in 'Whatever guise it appears ;
and your contempt for dishonesty, ley
Have the courage to wear your old
clothes until you earl pay for new ones.'
Hive the courage to obey ymt Maker,
at the risk of being ridiculed by man.
Have the courageTto prefer comfort. au:l
propriety to I'll4lth:in In all things.-
Have the courage to acknowledge your
ignorance rather than seek credit, for
ktymiledge and; false pretences: '
Have the courage to provide entertain
ment for your I'Am/ill within your means
—not beyond.
Po7:e,--(4.!! re .c'e,•nr. —"Judge," said n
pl.; 4one i.j t h e Police Coulltheother day,
you s:ly If I punch a man even in fun
he can take me up for amault and bat-,
Tessi r ; I gaid, that and what I said I
repeat. If you plmob. a man, you , aro
gu;lty of a breachtd the peace, and can be
arre,ted for it." . •
"A i n 't there \ no'exeentlons?"
"No, •4 r ; no ox4efitiowt whatever."
"Ju•.L•e, i think you are mistaken.
Suppok? for Instanee, I should %Vhiskey
ps;m•it him, then what?"
"N ) levity in uurt, 81r. °Meer, ex
po,, Mall to the atmosphere. Caul
the n?xt
A ..S'lrlicTicr.—dye once heard an old
fAlow famous nll ever tire country tor Los
toned' yarns, tell the following:
He watt teninfr, what he hal seen It
New York. "Arfather," said he, "ones
had afield of wheat, the heath of which
were so close together that the wild tiurt
eys, when they ozone to eat it, could walit
around on the top of it'anywhers."
We sulgefted that the turkeys hitiAt
hate been -small ones.
"No sir,"' continued he, ."they were
very large 011C3. I shot one of them ono
day; and when I took held of his' kg 't3
curry him, his head dragged Au the-snow
behind me."
"A curious countii , yon must havehml
to have 14110 W 3n hfirvek time!"
"Well, I declare," said he, looking tt
little foolish, "rreckon gotUteparle
of two stories litiNsel !" _ f
trq 'raMe Sam had a Prighbn! Nr!irt'
t, a.; hi the habit'of Working . on Sirlitliis-0
hat after a while hejoiueil the - chureity
One dai lie met a minister ta'whiici
church he belonged.
"Wen, Uncle hn,,n he said, "do yoTI
sec any differencoklu Mr. I'. shave helu.7i- t ,
church?" ,
"Oh, yes," said
. I.Tncle San', Na srn;
diinfe:vm. Beture, when he weut_inic
to nom/ his•fence nri ..111:lay he carried
his axe es-Ma's/molder, hut now he'ent%
ries_it under his overcoat."
es A t1.041, 1 er• i .&n..n.4 re, strolling
a,0„,; , the. tiver ha k, ehaneed, to Spy 4
rae•fr..d I i ttld urell,t ;F
11 4til ri1 . , , , and stepping
up, thus add r:!sseil film : - '
"Adoteacenee, ant thou endessortog to
entice the tinny 'tribe. - to ,eugulph auto
their denticulate inotttait.itr,riAtl hook,,
- upon the extreinlty of vihtelt,lsiefixed s
dainty ulluretnentl" ' -0
"No;" Oald the bdy, "Vrte - :- t - A
ffirThe aim of e , ,lueation ':''•
teach us rather bow to think Illt ' i*,
to think—rather to ,im prove our U110(18.84.
as to intate us third; far ourselves, than ter
load the memory rich the thoughts of
other men,
drite,.kera must choose ben
tWeeil dme fv;co ehvirnattres—sob,ricty ur
proust arc geuve.