L a 0 -11E.t.LTIf .-STRP."S (IT L f FIir•IIKALT I 1-14 Th EN LIFIr . .-LLSALTLI —ST It ELNOTia. 111 OrA• r Ckips•lt . • weJli lit•aa•d . Da..Tuax DILLAYARSVIS CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS, ,Prepared from & prescr , ption of Dr. Juan Dela. ntarilk?tittef rhysician of the Hospital du Noftlligh Larihoisiere of Park. Phis Invalowble medicine is no Imposition, but Is unfailing In the cure oflDpertuatorrlue or Semi uAl Weaknosa. Every specie% or Genital or I.fri nory Irritability, Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Einiktlons from whatever cause prthluced, or bow ever severe, will be speedily relieved and the or. gaits restored to healthy astlon. Read the following opinier.s of eminent Freon! "W• have used the Speclflc Pills prepared by Alarani,lernrn Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delatnarre, In MI private practice WWI uniform success, and'We he. I leve there Is no other medicine so well calculated to cure all parsons suffering from Involuntary Emissions or any other weakness of the Sexual organs, whether caused by sedentary .modwi of Living, execute, or abuse. R. A. TtEsrrtErsafE, M. D. O. D. DEJ A REIN, M. P. JEAN LE Laucuar, M. D. Faris, May sth, lafts." BEWARE or COUNTERFEITS. .014 ,genulne Pills are sold by all the principal . .Drnitlista throat:lima the World. Price (sue fir per Box, or aix Boxes for Five Doflarß. 4 GAS A "15:1 E E et: DE ri)NE, ?sole Proprietors, ' NO. 214 flue boinikarki, I'arle. fine Polfar enclosed to nay nnthorined Agent, will Insure a ho e' by return mall, arrurely sealed 'from MI otmervm ion base for five dollars, !tole General AfCutn for /interim, OSCAIt G. MOSES A: (10,, 27 13.—"rench, rierman, fip Cortland antsh and st., English rontalnlng full part•enlars and dirse tions for use, sent free to every address. A. D. Buehler: Agent for Gettysburg, Doe. 18, 134,1. 1.7 Cleanse the Vow'. With corruptollsonlered or vitiated Blood, you ere sleek all over. It fitly burst out in Pimples, or Sors, or in some 'active disease, or It may merely keep you listless, depressed sad good (or nothing. "But you cannot have good health vcidle your blond is Impure. Armes Sans svaltri LA purges wit these tut purities nod stimulates thr organs of }in: 'lit/. vigorous action, reslining tlit? Hest Ith and 'exwillng disease. lience I t„rapidly cureS a vari ety of complaints which are caused by liaphrits ot the blood, such as S. 'gull, or Kings' Eva., Tinnors,llicers,Son.s, Emotions, Pimples. as, Boils, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or EffsiPelas, Tett r ,ir Salt Rheum, Scald Ring Worm, reviver or Cancerous Tenons, sore Eyes, Female Diseases, such 11.4 Retention, Irregularity, Sup-, pre.ssion, Whites, Sterility, also Syphilis or Venc riot Diseases, Tai er Complaint'', and Ileart Disea ses. Try Aver's Sarsaparilla. and see frif Y 011 1 10.1( the surprising activity with which it cleanses the blood and cures these disor.leisi During late years tile patine has'e been misled by large bottles, o give a quart of Tfitract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been trawls upon the sick, for they 'not only containMille , if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Hence, bitter disappointment, has followed the use of the vArlong extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the mint , Itself Ins beeorne synott 'mous with,„lmpOsition and cheat. Still we tall this compound "Sarsaparilla," and it.tend to supply stieh a remedy as sh iii rescue the name from the fowl ofohloquy which rests upon It. We . Tink we heave ground for believing it has virtues whleh arc Irresistible by the ordinary run of the dis.ams it is intended to cure. We can only 'arse no the sick, that we otter them the beet alter- Vivre which we know how to produce, and we hay* reason to believe. it Is by far the most Otte- A 11.1,1 purifier of the blood yet discovered by any Aver's elierry Pectoral Is an nnivereilly known to surpass es cry other remedy for the cure or ( . g,tiglim. Cobbs, Influenza, Hoarsenesk ('rout,. Droticltitlx. ineipfent Consumption, and for the' relief of Consounptive Patients In mlyanced stages of the Ithe Oise that ills useless here to reeoutit tho cal VelleC of its virtues. Fine world knows them. pr ,p t r,fl hy 1. r. AYY. It & C 41., and gild by A. D. Itu..tiler, liettysburg. Sept, lu, IStlB. To Couuiwptla•es. Th.. advertiser, having been metered to health PI 11 re w weeks by a very maniple remedy, after 'having suffered fur several years with a severe lung atfeetiou, and that dread disease, Conan p anxious to make known to Ills fellow au tfereri the httlitlit Ur cure. T.) all who deitire it, by will send a enpy of tht, proms r ption uteri Ift , e trf free- ILl.miv prepurliiir ani ming the sante, which tmey will MO It It Cr:{E 1141 c. I 'ON-it:AirrioN, •A 4 it(M t, ( • ounns (ot.tri., mitt 'all Throat and, Lung AM-Ohms: lluu only object of I lie 1141 v..rtNer In mending the Prescription is .to I wo , tit dwarf! leted,ati.l 'Tread Information which he emieelves.t.t Ire invainahlo•, nod lie hopes every 111.1,forer will try lute remedy; us It will eCrit them an , l !nay prove a blowing, wkhiliZ, the prescription FILER by return Lull, -Will pltimw initlre.cm lice. 1 , .1)W.t1t1) A. WILSON. Kings cu., New York. Mar. 5,1800. ly yiontterful but Trut.; - Nt \n kNt Fit (NO MS. the Win'ld Ten ownri 4%.4troloxlst and liontnatn talistle Clairvoyant, w rile ut o elalreneant state, aellitentes the very fr.ittires or the person you Joe to marry, and br t ne al I of an trtstrn n 'at or In tentie rio..v.ir, known a. th 3 Psychoot itr.43 I, go 0 1 :tutees to pro fu ..e a p :de :Land Iltedthe pi..turo at the future husband or wife of the .'pair: tut, tvall Auto or to trrlinge, 6 'cop Ulan, le.t tin; trait.' of alt 'meter, This ni n t Int ' , Hai° 1, AS 1111011 i as without number ern 444eit. Ily stutty; pistol Impost t I alt, color of evos and It tir, an I enelonna nfly C 0114.4, and st i'n:t • I f'll% - • • 10,i,-, l.lrosio Ito your s -If. you will ni•elee the phi it r. by return mall, t. •thor with I,eslr. lln `urn: tt ion. k.l tri , R4 In eqnlllloll , .r., 'MADAM!: GEltTntriE pit zso toy, p.O. Hos '227, West Tray, N. V. ' Sept. 21, /MI Mu • _ The Moon% Yotenyßcn ure cl.gaging the attention of astronomer+, hut 51,r1 , 1 of Beauty and Fashion is l('S illtCreSted ;Lk iltliauu discoveries than in Vic great qn,saloa of TUILNING Tiff; ilFuns • that have wbitier.ed by age or i sicknss to a Adiiri.itia black or broncti hue. Nobn,li now Is each a LUNATIC. as not td adinit that the tine 4t Awl most harmless hair darkener tri existence CIiItISITADOGLO'S 11414 DYE, •vltlelt nourishes the lihr a as well a.; changes their lute, NLinutteAured by J. CIIRISTADOR,O, 6 As ;Aw 'Louse, 14ew York. Sold b 'Druggists. AP piled by all Hair Dressers, Lidet. 1,'66. ha Deafness. Blindness and Catarrh. Treated with the utmost sueeete, s hy Dr. S. 1 ha and .turist, (formerly of I.ey‘len, liollun PlJTF.l•itreet, Philadelphia. Tem. tt ttttt flints from the mtett reliable scsurves in the Vlty and Country ran be seen at his °Mee. Tim , nlisiteal faculty are invitM to at - pomp:lW* their p tt lents, sus Ite has no sorrels lit his pnwttee. eyes Inserted without pain. Nu ebonies ale for examination. 21, ISO°. ly Strutsire. but Trap. rrerrYoung lady and geutlenmn in the 'United $t des tan hear something very 11.111101 to their ad vAnt.ige by return mall (free ot eltafte,) by rtd lressing the undersigned. Tlussultaving (Curs of *trig humbugged will oblige by not notleing this earn. An others will pltnao address their obedi ent servant, TllO,l. F.1.31.11'.N1AN, • Mar.:), '66. ly S3l Itroadway, N. Y. Jury List for November. -GRAND hal. Beading—Levi Chronister, (Foreman,) Adam Miller; Jacob Phillips. Berwick bor.—Wm. Pdttinfzer. • rt , 9fliltonban—Alexander Benchoof: Cumberland—George Bushman. llountjoy—John Trostle. Pierwlek tp —Klijoh Bittinger. Menallen—Conrad Wierman. Union—Benj tmin Forney. Franklin—Jonathan Virisier t ELI }Pittman. rfeedonsdohn Qgdeis. TAgrly—D.trid Miller, Washingtca'Shorer. IluhimptcM—Thomas G. Ipely. §trab Jo—Julio Wertln. Butler-11enry Gulp, of P. Butler—J'aidb Eppelruan, Isaac Ilyerti. Hamilton—genry %Volt. Mountpleasabt : LL-Bayid Melbora. Fatimorerierner pbhr. GATZII4 r. JURY. Tfamilton—Emanuel 401, Peter Weldor. ' Gettysburg—Solomoa Powers, George Jacobs. Germ tny—Jaccb Yealy, Jacob King. ilismiltonbam—James A. Marshall John B. 7 Paxton. Benin4toa—Jesse Shiirer, Joseph Wiegman, "'HenxyDnxith. , highland—John Dube Jacob Plank. Straban—Jeremiah Shifter, John F. FeHy. Butler—Burkhart Wert Daniel March. Itiountpleasant —Wm. _Kohler, Juba Stuck, Henry Brough. - Wynne—Henry J. Ifyers, Thomas,. Ehrehart, Martin Raffensperger. Remick tp.—Daniel Bear, George 1.1 akar. Union —Peter'Long. Daniel Ge conowago—,Jesse Waltman, Jacob Little. ' Littleitown—lssas St-tub, Geurge Stonesifer. blenalles—George Bender. Cemberland—isano Deardorff. pberty—loseph.P.3fellivit. Oxford—Jacob Pettis, John Stook. ' Oct. 10 E 1868, to . Paaapbjet Laws, - rrnic PAIIPHLIT LAWS of th e State have IL. bees received at-thie office,,and are now . ready for distribution among' those entitled to receive the _• c 4*" • i fro ' v 'l l •EnvitLi4l4-!rotti'y., Pre otary'tlice, arit WI- 1, • b Pet. 1101416. St f ~ ' - trib4k IL Holeiliii'S Tonle aid Altars • :titil'avhdeis;for MUM sod CATta Prepared and Sold only at bis - Drug Sitstre,' ' Janitor, 21,1564. l' " • - ~- , ,,v • Demi*able Properly 1 PIIBLIC SALE riOR SALE.—The subscriber offers for sale, F REAL AND PER.SON AL PROPERTY. F the property now occupied by Joseph A. ; —On TUESDAY, the 16th day of OCTO. ( Urndorff, in Monntja township, Adams coon. I B? a inst., the subscriber, intending to remove, ty, consisting of about 28 ACRES OF LAND, , will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, his adjoining Stephen Gtttier, Catherine Stoner, I VALUABLE STORE PROPERTY, (Myers's and ostlers. Olaf tog thereoo,a ILCV ' old corner,) in New Chestet. Adams county, Tiro-story Frame Weatherboard.- 'IIII I Ps., consisting of 2 Lots of Ground, on which ed HOUSE Barn, ,anew Bank Ba, War!. 1 7 4 1.1 I are erected a Two-story BRICK _ on Shed, Corn Crib end Hog Pen, .e::* • , ' HOUSE, with a Two-story Brick •• -- )111 vrtiveither eut-beildlugs ; a well of water near Baek.bnilding, and Wash House . fill the door, two young Apple Orchards, and all attached, a commodi Ins Frame • _ :. . other fruit. The lend it of good quality, and Stable, Wood Shed, Brick Smoke House, Hog has been well limed ; the tenets are good. i Stable, kc., with a never-failing well of water If nut sold privately before FRIDAY, the at the door of the kitchen, and an excellent 30th of NOVIDIBER next, it will ba offered at I Cistern at the door of the wash house. There public sale on that day, at 1 o'clock, P. M , on . are on the premises choice Apple, Peacb and the premises, when attendAnce well be given I other fruit trees. The corner room bas been and terms made known by for many years, see is now occupied 61) a Store ANDREW McILVAINE. Rooto-‘—aud the property,ail in all, is one of the H s most desirable to be found in any country town. Possession will be given immediately, if 4.e. oet. 15, 1866 Latest Fasialonx IMBRAND J. W. BRADLEY'S CELERRA.- TED PATENT DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OS, DOUBLE SPRING) SKIRT, Tat WONDERFUL PLEXIBILITT and great COIN. FORT - Mid ILEASORI to any-lady wearing the Do rtacf.turric Sat ;um ill be esperi,encod ularry in all crowded Aesemblies,Operas,Cartia- Res, rtßiirOad CM'S, Church Pews, Atm Chairs, for Promrsade and Mouse Dress, as the Skirt can be bolded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Sloslin Dress. at in valuable quality in crinoline, nOZ fonnd in any Single Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the ;macaw, cow pony:and great covratricvof wearing the Durtsx ELLIPTIC STERL SPRING SgIRT fur Single day; will never atterwirds ;shingly dis pense with thtir use. For Children, Misses and 'Voting Ladies they are superior to all others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will prese7ve their perfect and gracefiil shape when three or four ordinary Skirts will hare been thrown aside as useless The Hoops are covered with double and twist. ed thread, and the bottom rode are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered, preventing them from wearing out when drag. ging down steps, stairs, Ste. The Duplex Elliptic is a. great ' favorite with ell ladies and is nuiversalif recommended by the ,Fashion Jlagazines es the STANDARD SKIRT OF TAE FASHIOZi ABLE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable raVa,rita gas in ( rinoline, viz: superior quality, perf,...et manufacture, stylish shape, Is finish, flexibility, dersoility, comfort and economy enquire for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine article. CA CTION.—To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE the skirts offered us "UPT.L.E.X"have the red ink stamp, viz: "J. N. Bradl e y's Duplex Steel Springs," upon he.waiszband—none 'others are genuine Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thni reveal int the two (or double) springs hraidid togeth er therein, which is the secret of their flexibil ity and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other skirt. FOR SALE in all Stores , where FIRST CLASS skirts are sold throughout the United States and elsewhere. Xfartutacture.l by the Sole Owners' of the Patent, WEST, 1311ADLEY t CAGY, • 97 Chambers & 79 & 81 Iteade Ste.; N. Y. Out. 15, 18,6. 3m Duphorn it notrivan. E W STOE E. 1.1 ON TELE NORTFIWR9T COM OP 101 DIA XOND. GETTICIIIL7II.. (Avriown a* Hoke . .l C. NI? ) DEALERS IN DRY GOuDS, NOTIONS, CAE - • PETS, QIJEENSWARE, LC., all of wide!' itoi4, been bought :It the lowest market prices and will be sold accordingly. Give them a call. No trouble to abow,Goods. F. D. DIII , IIORN. S. W. 110FFMAN. Oct. 6,1 R,(: NEW GOODS. fI_EOLIDE ARNOLD has now got up his (jr falf Stock of !LEJOY-MADE CLOTUING, ' mostly of his own manufacture, consisting . of Coats, Pants, Vests, Shirts, DrAwers,,t,c., a. IZIMIIZI A large !lock of CLOTHS ANT) C.ASS!• XERES. all of which will be sold cheap for each, Call and set them. Oct. tL It3tl NEW GOODS. 1 1,TERT y FA. lINEStOCK IthOTFIEJIS Hare josA, received a large and complete assortment of FALL AND WINTER oqops, of every stile and at all prices ' to Which the attention of buyers is directed. Th,ose in want of good Goods at the lowest possible rates should not tail to gives an early call. FAaNESTOCK BROS. Oct. 6,186 G. Dry Goods! Dry Goodi! An AND CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES. —timing• just returned from the City, with a splendid assortment of DRY, GOODS, em now prepared to offer greater inducements to bit.t.rs than ever before. My stock consists of everr description of Dress Goode. plain nod ftnry, 'cloOfc, Cassimeres, Muelins, Hoop SkiriS,l3.dinorols, Flannels, Hosiery, Glom, Tpmmirgs, M=EI In connection with my Dry Goods, I have opened in nn adjoining room a large stock of HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND 9110 ES, which I will sell very chenp. Children:B Shoes as low as 12/ cents, and other goods at cor responding rates. My stock fs well selected, and the most complete yet offered. Give ps a call and examine for yourselves. No trouble to show Goods. SEWING lIAEIIINES We ttre els) agent for the Florence Sowing Machine, which is acknowledged to be the beet in nse. It is the latest improved machine out, having the REVERSIBLE FEED, giving it an adv.ttitage over all other mnchine.— Gall and see them. M. SPANGLE R. Oct. 6, I.Ga Notice. ELIZATIETH TOPPER'S ESTATE.—Letters testamentary on tl e estate of Elizabeth Topper, late of Liberty township, Adams coun ty, deceased, having tern granted to the,un &reigned, the first named residing in thetame township, and the last named in 'Highland township, they hereby give notice to all per sons indebted to said estate to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims naainq the same to present them properly authentica ted for settlement. JAMES B. TOPPER., JESSE P. TOME., Oct. 43, 18C6. Gt Executors Notice. MARY ANN ALLISON' ESTATlL—Let ters testamentary on the estate of Mary Auer Allison, late of Littlestown, Adams coon deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned, residing in same place, he hereby gives notice to all persohit indebted to make immediate payment and those having claims against the same to present them properly au thenticated fbr settlement. Sept 1Z,186G. 6:* Notice. TE34E ESTATg.—Letters testa e) Invite:y . "4n' the estate of Jesse He 21t, late of Ifountjoy township, Adams county, de missed, hav ing been granted to the under signed, ristlin,.; m same township, h a hereby ices notice t all persons Indebted} to said estate to make immkediate payment, and those keying claims against the same to present them properly seithentic.ited for settlement. WILLIAM BURNS, ‘O, ;865 . . 6w* Exeentor. 4 Teachers Wanted. MDR School Directors of Union township, j desire to employ four Teachers for the wiuier term' of roar mouths, commencing on the first Monday ill November. Salary $3O per month. HARM E. 81:1141,DirtER, JACO* H. Goanc4r, Seel. 1 Sept. ' OWAN'S Stoll A- is-th — riWce tbey all kinds la 'of groceths O.IIILIT. aired. Also, at the sometime and place, will be sold the following personal property, viz : 1 FM ily Horse, Spring Wagon and Harness, Sleigb, Riding Saddle and Bridle, Side Saddle, good as new, Circnlar Saw and Crank, 2 Ten-plate Stoves and Pipe, Coal Stove, Desk, Settee, Wardrobe, Bedsteads and Chain, Iron Kettle, Lard Press,_Sanssage Staffer, Barrels, Tabs, Meat Vessels, BOIPS, Angers, Chisels, Hand and Wood _Saws, Shovels, Forks, and a variety of other articles too nunterons to mention. flerSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be-given and terms made known by October 6, 1866. tali OF VALUABLE REAL EStATE.—In par k., 'nonce of an alias order of the Orphans' Court of Adams county, Pa., will be offered at Public Sale, on MONDAY, the 22d day of OC TOBER inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the prem ises, the Real Estate of Ancustus Hartzell, de ceased. consisting of an EXCELLENT PLAN TATION, situate in Freedom township, in said county, containingls2 ACRES and 51 PERCH ES, neat measure, adjoining lanes of William Reily, deceased, James Witherspoon, and oth ers. The improvements are a large Two story Doable BRICE DWELLING HOUSE, One-story Brick Kitchen, Bank Barn, part Frame and Stone, 1 . Stone Sheds on each side of the Bridge, Wagon shed. Cdra Crib, Wash House, Smoke House, Dry House, Wood House, Smith Shop, two wells of water, a flourishing Or chard of choice fruit, a due proportion orTim her and a large quantity of gpod Meadow.— Part of the tract has been limed. The farm is in an excellent neighborhood, near' Marsh Creek, in the vicinity of a Public School House, with Churches in the imnsediate neigh borhood. Nearly Fll the fences are of Chest not rails. Terms will be very moderate. Perions desirous of viewing the premises, will please call dnring the early part of the day cf sale, and they will he shown the same by the administrator. ler Attendance will he given and terms made known on day of sale by G. CORNELIUS HARTZELL, Aderr. By the Court—J.imes J. Fink, Clerk. • October 1, 18G6. is OF A VALUABLE FARM.—On KATUR ki DAY, the 27th day of OCTOBER inst• l the subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, his VALUABLE PARNf, sitnate in Hamilton township, Adams totiaiy, Pa., one and a half miles north of Sea' Oxford, on the Carlisle turnp ke, adjoining lends of Daniel _Ehrehatt, Samuel Alwine, Jacob Mvers'stheirs, and oth ers, containing 111 ACRES; mpre or less, with due proportions of Woodland and Meadow. The land is in a high state of cultivation, bar ing been:recently limed, and some of it twice. The fences are good. The improvements are a first rate Two etota , BRICK 110 .SE, a Two-story Brick Kitch- I I en attached, Wash House, 13Ink I Barn, BO by 83 feet, Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, Carriage House, Hog Stable, and other oat-budding!. Never.feiling wells of water at the house and barn, with primps in both. There in a Young Apple Orehard, with Peaches, Pears, Plums. Cherrie and Grapes on the premises. A public road leads through the farm tt Gitt's mill. The farm is only ote and half miles from market, with churches and schools convenient. The bui.dings an, all new. IlarSale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on maid dor, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Oct. 1, 1866. ts• lA N SATURDAY, the.3rd day of NOVEL BER next, in pomance ofan Order of the Orphans' Court of ?Mom 4 comity, granted to the undersigned, will he offered at Public Hale, on the premises, the Real Estate of Peter Ba ker, decea.scd, consisting of A. FARA, situate partly in .Hamiltonban township, Adams county, and partly in Frank lin county. PA., adjoining lands of Lazarus Baker, Walter %Vag,' man, George Douse, Henry Caufman, John Caufman and Leonard Cant. man, containing 200 ACRES, more or lass, improved with a one nod a half story LOG HOUSE, Log Bank % Barn, Spring House, kc. A fair proportion of the tract i 3 well. timbered. 1-Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by Oct. 6, 1866 628: Hoop Skirts, 628. HOPRIN'S "OWN MARE," NEW trALL STYLES ! Are in every respect vistsr mass, and em brace a complete assortm.nt fur Ladies, Miss. es, and Children, of the Newest Styles, every Length and Size of Waist. OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more universally POPULAR than any others before the public. They retain their shape better, are lighter, more elastic, m)re durable, and ti really CLIZAPga, than any :her 11 )op Skirt in the market. The springs and fastenings are warranted perfect. Even LADY shook! Tay Tag, I They are non , being extensively Sold by WORCH ANTS, throllgivltit the Country, and at WHOLESALE k RETAIL, at 31anutactory and Sales Room. No. 638 ARCH Street, below 7th, PHILA DELPHIA. Ask for HOPEDFS "olex nans,"—Lay no other! CAUTIOX.—None frenune noless Stamped on each Fid Pad—"llokicirli's Hoop Skirt Man. ulaclory, No. 628 Arch 4tireet, Philadelphia." Also, (:install:fly on ha d full line of New York made Skirts „ a; Ter low prieea. TERMS NET CASH. O,NR PRICE ONLY. Sept. 3, 180. im 1806. Fall 31111Igery 1800. F ILCISS B. BeCREAIIY has just received a large awl h,eautiful aliottmeni of new sloe Fancy Bonnets, Crapes, Panty H tts, Bennis, Plain Hats; Roches, leathers, kames,, Ribbons, Nets, Flowers, Pins, *Q. Also, a general &mortal - eat of Ladies' 'NI LET GOODS, consisting, so part,'of Embroi dered Fancy Head-dresses, Plaia do., Linen and Thread Lace Collars, Paper do.; Thread Lace, Fancy Combs, Dressing do., Hair Brush es, Perfumery, Soaps, Powders, Cprsets, Hosie ry, Gloves, Linen Handkerchiefs, Hoop Skirts, and Inf int Goods. JOIIN DTErlth • ttecutor 'thankful for the liberal patronage she has received In seasons past, the hopes to receive from her lady friends an early call. Gettysburg., Oct. 1, 1866. Im Empire Shuttle Sewing Machines ARR superior to all others or ' IPAMILY-AND MANUFACTURING PUR POSES. coutain all the latest improvements; are speedy.; noiseless ; d treble ; and easy to work. I,lAWated Circulars free. Agents waotgd. Liberal diseotun allowed. No consigaments EpttA revs EMPIRE s. M. CO., 616 Broadway, New York. nept. if, 066. ly KALB,FLIitSOCI Is selling a line amount of Goods, because dm people are kading. tut that hpis determined lot to be undeisctid., W. T. HOFFMAN PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE GEORGE LOUGEI Orphan's Court Sale. DANIEL BALDWIN ♦ND FANCY GOODS PUBLIC BALE. T virtne of • decree of the Cirenit Coml., T _ for Carroll county, in the State of Mary and. .sitting as a Court of Equity. the subscri ber, as Trustee, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 27th day of OCTOBER, 184, at 12 o'clock, M., THE FARM on which Angustus !Turner re sided at the time of his decease, situated in said county, on the Pennsylvania line,two miles from Littlestown, on the Littleto en and Ta neytown road, adjoining Morgan's mill, George Rinedollar and others, containing 151 ACRES and 16 PERCHES of land, %ore or less-10 acres Meadow and 60 acres elegant Timber, The ferns is laid off in pine Gelds, and well mi tered. The improvements are' a large Two-atoty Brick DWELL ING HOUSE, with Back-building and Cellar, and a ! Spring nenr the house; Log Barn, Wagon s hed! and Corn Crib, good Hog House, Wash House, ice., with 4,n elegant young Orcherd. The land is of good quality, and 4as been lately heavily limed, and all pricier good fencing. This is a eery desirable Perm, and I would invite all persons intending to buy land to call end see it, as I most sell on the day above aimed. It will be shown by John /lamer, To aiding. thereon. The terms of sale, as prescribed by the said decree, are, one-third of the purchase money to be paid on day of ssle, or upon the ratifies- Lion of said sale by the said court, and the balance in two ionsl annual payinents,Ocith interest from date; the purchaser or parcbus ars to gite bin or tteir notes, with security, to be approved by the subscriber.. JACOB SHABgTTS, Trustee Oct, I, 1866. is Well-improved Farm, IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, VA., FOR SALE Desiring to change my business, I offer for sale the FARM upon which I reside, 3 miles southeast of Charlestown, Jefferson county, Va , and 3-miles from the Shenandoah river, containing about 350 ACRES OF "LIMB STONE LAND, 60 in fine_Timber: under good fencing. The improvements are first rate. The DWELLING was finished in • ;860, and contains 14 rooms. The out•bnildings are of a char- • ecter to suit the farm, and corn-. ,_ , - prise a good BARN, Corn and Carriage House, Quarters, Tenants' Houses, Brick Smoke and Ash Houses, Stone Spring House, Poultry Houses, kc., and ell under cypress roofing. Two fine Springs near the House, one in the yard; cistern at the" door; never-failing stream through the farm, passing through the barn-yard: 2 young orchards of choice fruit, containing about 250 trees. I would call the attention of any one wish ing a well improved farm to this property 7 which can be divided into two farms, with buildings on each, and fine water. Aw per son wisbi.ig to see the I tnd will calf on D. Iluinphrerz k Co., in Charlestown, who will direct them to it. JAS. LAW. HOW Sept 24, 186 C. Ow A Good Farm AT PTVITATE S A LE.—The 'subset iher offers at Private Sale, his valuable FARM, sits ate in Freedom township, - Adams county, Pa., containing 127 ACRES, more or less. The improvements consist of a good Two- 4 story LOG HOUSE, and Log Illsre, Wash House, Smoke House and Milk House all under one roof; and other outbuildings. There are two wells of good water, one at the house and the other at the Barn, ant a never failing !stream of water ronoing through the farm. There are two young Orchards on the premises, and a variety of all kinds of fruit,. There is about 25 Acres of good Timber and a fair proportion of Meadow. The land is in a high state of cultivation, and will be sold on reasonalrie terms. This farm is conveniently located to Mills, Markets, Schools, Churches, kc , and is among the most desirable in the county. Persons wishinn to ,view It will call on the undersigned, residing thereon. ABRAM FLNNER. August 27, 1866. 3m Carroll County Land IDR SALE.—The subscriber washes to sell TWO VALUABLE FARMS of, LIME STONE LAND, one containing twit) hundred acres, and the other containing one hundred end twenty, a county road dividing the a vne. They are located about 7 miles from Westmin ster, the county sent of Carroll county, Md., and three miles from New Windsor, the near est Station on the Westert. Maryland Railroad. These Farms, fur location, quality of sod, modern improvements, kc., will compete with the best of lands in Pennsylvania. Purchas ers ere advised to callend view for themselves, or adiress the subscriber, Sam's Creek, Car roll county, 3ld BENJ. W. BENNETT Sept. 17, :866. 6w Wanted.' A GOOD FARM We are paying the highest market price for Flour, Grain and all kin Is of produce. Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds of Gro ceries, kept constantly on hand and tor sale, r l cheaper than they can be had anywhere else. Plaster, and all kinds of fertilizers, constantly I o n hand, or furnished to order. BIWA regluar line of Freight Cars will leave our Warehouse every TUESDAY MORNDTG:' and accommodation trains will be run as oc casion may require. By this arr mgement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to u.t, will hr promptly attend ed to. Our cars rut to the Warehouse of Ste. ren.oa At Sons, 163 North flow4rd street, Bal timore. Being deterntined to pay good prices, Bell cheap and deal fairly; we invite everybody to give.ns a call. 150,350 00 CULP & EARNSILAW. 14,955 281 Aug. 13, 186 d. ANY person having a. good Farm for sale, and will take in part payment, one or more tracts of FIRST-RATE WE3TERN LAND, well located, near 11.ti!roads, Schools, Chnrch es, County Towns, &e, may find a purchaser by applying at this office. June 18, 1866. tf Quarterly deport CIF the con.litiun of the First Natiopal Bank of Grit) shun!, Pa.m on the morning of the First Mon Jay of,Ortoher 18GG: U4SOULIVES. Notes and Bills, $0(4,640 84 Furniture and Fixtures, Premiums, &c., Due from Bunks, 11. S. Bunds, Cush, • LIABILITIES. Capital, Surplus fond, Circulation, Deposits, Due other Banks, Interest, 1, George Arnold, Cashier First National Bank of Gettysburg, Pa., do swear that the above report is correct and true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ' GEORGE ARNOLD, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me this let day of Oct., 1866. P. MYERS, J. P. Oct 6, 1866. 3t Quarterly Report (IF the Gettysburg National Bank, Gettys burg, Oct. Ist, 18C6: RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $104,872 91 U. S. Bonds, deposited to secure circulation, 11. S. Bonds on band, Real Estate, gxpenses, 345 19 Due from Banks and Bankers, 29,072 83 I.ekal Tender Notes, 16,000 00 National Kant Notes, 7,710 00 Solveqt Brink Notes, 1,358 00 Bonds 4lndividu , sl and Company,) 2,534 17 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock, Circulation. Individual Deposits, Due to B.lnks, Discounts sal Profit Lou, t ' ' 13,032 62 Dividends !Lrid, 575 73 State cisii;aUpeCatrtatanding, 33,423 00 5A77,6 : 90, T. D. CARlON,•aakhier. Opt. B, 18dG. 3t .18611. Philadelphia /068, WILL PAVHRS. New FALL SerLes. H0W31 . 1. 4. BOURKE, Mannfieturere of PAPHR. HANGINGS and WINDOW SHADHS, qornerFontett and Itt.irket Streets, PIMA DICLPHIA. N. B. Alwaye in Stara, it 1961 akock or WHEN atiii GA SHADES. Sept. 3 2 . 1,8134. 3m G OLD. SILVER, STEEL, and other SPECTACLES, to suit all ages, always mi . }aid,' hued to sight. J. Bity-AN,,• (Apposite the Bent, GeUyahttriP. NORRIS STILL AHEAD! 66 lkirY POLICY." QUICK SALES 4 SMALL PROFITS t Clothing, Hats and Caps, Clothing, Hats and Caps. Clothing, Hats tad Caps. Clothing, Hats and Caps. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Black Cloth Dress Coats. Black Cloth Sack Coats. Black Cl'h Pants and Vests. Black and Fancy attsimere Coats. Black and Fancy Pants and Vests. •-; LOOK AT THE FIGURES! Cloth Coats. from $lO to $25. Casaimere Coats, from $5 to $lB. Cassimere Pants and Vests, fr3m $5 to $l5. Pacts, from $2 to $l2. - Undershirts, from $1 to $3. Drrers ' from $1 to $2 50. ,• HATS AND CAPS, The latest style always on hand and at re duced prima. Sia Dollar Hats for $5. , Five Dollar Hata for s'e. Font. Dollar Hats for $3 50. Three Dollar Hats for $2 50. Two dollar Hats for $1 50. FALL, STYLE CAPS, JUST RECEIVED! 4tho—Gtatlemen's wear of every descrip tlon—,auch as' Neckties, Butterflies, Suspen ders, Stockings, Gloves, Paper and Line i n Col bars, of every style and price, Umbrel las,-Pock et Handkereb i els, Linen Shirts. Wool Shirts, &c. Also-Regulation Base Bulls, Base 84,11 Flats, Clocks, Trunks, Travelling S.:cks, Walking Sticks, Base Ball Shoes. &c. BEMENI3ER THE PLACE. Next door to Dco'aler's , Drug Store, where we are ready to show you our goods, and it you think you can buy che per elsewhercove will charge you uctbiag furellowi4 you our Stort. Call and eentni4e for yourselres. Sept. 24,'86. , THEO. C. NORRIS. Campaigns of (ho A RMY OF TUE POTOMAC, BY WILLIAM Swirroa. The STANDARD Iligtory of the GRAND ARMY, The greatest Work Olathe War. Uni versally endorsed by army officers .and tha press. The Artruon says "I design in this vo"unie.lo record what that Army did and suffered in ten campaigns and two score battles." "1 shell have to celebrate the nnswervir.g loval:y of this army, that ofttitnes when the blCnd of military cohesion failed, held it, tine shaken of fortune, to a duty self-imposed." "I shall have to follow it through a check ered enoerience, in a tale commingled of great misfortunes, gre it follies and great glories; but from first to last it will appear that, amid many buffets of fortune, through "winter and rough weather," the Army of the Potomac never gave up, but made a good fight, and fi nally reached the goal." • The "Arm; and Navy Journal" says "This is the only American critical work on the late war, and it is thoroughly critical and entirely divested of all political hue or tone." This is the only History of the "Grand Ar my," and no one, who has borne a part in its conflicts, or is interested in its grand achieve ments, should be without it. - The work sells itself. The people are tired of politkall and partisan histories, and want something from official' sources. We have Agents clearing over $2OO per month. Send for circulars, and see our terms and proof of .he above assertion. Addres., NATIONAL PCBLHHING CO., 507 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. 1866. 4w To All Book Buyers. T AS. K. SIMON, 38 South Sixth Street, Phil culelphin, IS AGR.IT FORME FOLLOW ING VALUABLE ROOKS: 411ILETON'S NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPE- HISTORY OP THE REBELL ION—I large Vol. DICTIONARY OF MECHAN ICS-2 Vole. REBELLION RECORD, BY FRANK MOORS Volq. W ISTIINGTON IRVING'S WORKS-22 Vola COOPER'S NOVELS, DICKENS' WORKS. MERIVALE k GIBBON'S 1--011 E. MACAULEY'S WORKS. lIRE'S DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND MANII- FACTURES. BANCROFT'S UNITED STATES-8 Vols., ke. I furnish all Books pUblished, for public and private Libraries, at wholesale prices.— Send a list of any Brooks wanted, with a stamp, for prices, which will be sent by return wail. Sept..;4, 1866. 6w Forwardtng and Comat!salon F LOUR AND FEED. GRATN AND GROCERIES. Havinz purchaced the extensive Warehouse, Cars, &c, heretofore owned oy S ernel Herbst, we beg leave to inform the public that we ere continuing the business at the old stand on the corner of Washington and Railroad streets, on a more extensive scale than heretofore. 700 00 2,148 57 G,300 74 Brooms! Brooms! s2oajta 43 BE undersigned co:Anne's to manufacture T Brooms at his old stard in Carlisle street. Be will have daring the tall a full sunplv an hand, and will able to fOrnish them WHOLE SALE OR RETAIL. Brooms made to order or on the shares Persons having Broom Corn would do well to give him • call. ' S. R. TIPTON. Gettysburg, Sept. 2.4, 1866. 3m $lOO,OOO 03 1,920 30 89,035 , 00 73,789 72 1,499 34 LK:7 07 $269,101 43 MBE undersigned ha, commenced the SAD " ME and HA,RNESN-MAKIvG business, on the Hill, in Baltimore street, in thebuilding formerly occupied by D. Sweeney as a Chair m•tker's shop, up—stairs, Where he asks those wanting any tning in bis line to call. Work done in the best menner, - and prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice, A lot of new Saddles an 4, H trues& on band. S. H. ROWE. Gettysburg, June 25, 1566. 3m Groceries Groceries. TORN M. SWAN is constantly adding to his stock of Groceries. If yon want fresh Groceries, call at Swan's. If you want the best Groceries, call at Swan's. 150,000 00 80,800 00 5,000 00 If you want the cheapest Groceries, call at Swan's. If you want any article in the Grocery line, call at Swnn's. His stock is kept full ; the quality Owes and hi w cAptirate. Cull and see. [Aug. 13, lass. 8372,6110 92 $145;130 00 -140,310 00 lIOULDBES, Sides, home-mode Bologna Sausautge, &c., a full stock always kept for sale, of tits very best quality, one at lowest living profits, by • IC ALBFLEISCR, June 1 P. next door to the Peat Office 37,645 56 1%354 01 Wito gale. . mum choke PAIDIS, as follow: 231, 11 . IV and 12{ Acres cock; 'all three near the Borough of vettyiberg ; choice lands and good buildings. Terrue accommodating. GEORGE ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Sept. 3,186 G. If _ - - _ Picture Vmuntesi at4DllltAi variety of PlCTUrifil FRAMES, with plain and convex glasses, Air sale orner's Drag and Variety Suers. Jane 26, 18Gb. MISHLER'S HMO BITTERS for sale a fiaraer's prate and farletv Store. TUB beet lot of Upper Lather OLLAIIS, of oof ova make, now ropily r d fotissle. E . l , 1101114111. , 4 SOK. PIA-2 3 Vole House. Saddling. Prime flame, Another Great Cure IN TH2 CITY Or NSW YOU, Of • highly respectable citizen, well knows MI the Mercantile community, by D& J. H. SCHENCK, TEO 911. T LIMB DOCTOR Of PHIL iDRLPRIA Office N. Y. and Galena Lend Co., 1 No. 28 Nitionn St., N. Y., June 1,'05. Dr.'. Schenck—Dear Sir:—For over fifteen years I hare been troubled with a severe cough, and usually two or three times a year with more or less hemorrhage, which together, for the last few years, has kept me thin in flesh and too week to do business of any kind without suffering. In August last I had a vex ry severe hemorrhage, an I, according to the:, judgment of a good New York physician, was classed as beyond the retch of medicine,; and was advised to be prepared, so far as: property matters were concerned, to leave this, world at short notice. The physiclin (and my good friends) said that the first cold I took. must prove fatal. Early in January I took a severe cold, and fortunately was occupying rooms at N 0.32 BOND STREET, directly over your office. I think about the ICth of Janua ry I procured a bottle of your Fulmocie Syrup end commenced taking it freely. My feet and limbs were very much swollen, and all the symptoms of a speedy death seemed toaccom pany my cold. I sent for my former physician, and stated to him that I was taking your med icines, and after showing them to him, and havingaiseteil them, dtc., he replied: "You can take them If you like, they will do you no h,,reo." He said : "Yon know what I told ! you last slimmer, and I say the same now, if you have any business to close up, do not pui it off." He said to other friends that he"eonld see no hope for me," and my Wends and rela tions concluded my time bad come. At this time I was taking freely of yonr medicine, bat bad not seen you. The doctor called a few times, and found me (much to his surprise, be said,) improving, and becoald not understand why. Ify faith was incrersing in your medi cines, and I had a w!sh to have you examine my case, and coo what yon bad to say. When you first emus to my room and made the ex amination, you gave me but little encourag ment, but op the contrary, expressed sad doubts of my - ever being helped out of my then seeming difficulties. The second tome that you celled, finding me nil; gaining, you give ma encouragement, saying,"myernaptonss were improving; tho Puinsonic Syrup, Sen-weed Tonic end Mandrake Pills had noted like a charm." Jy circulation, my cou:11, my appe tite, all began to isprove, and I could walk about my room a little . You visited meow. ly every Tuesday , and found toe improving; and told me not to go out of toy room until the first day of May. I took no cold-while under your treatment, my appetite became fit at-rate, and you told use to eat everything I wished ofa nutritious nature, and to exercise about the room as mush as possible. I fol ios% ed your advice, and to the surprise of my old physician and friends, I seem much better than I have been for several years, RIO breathe better than I ever expected a person could with one lung, the left being completely; dried up. I feel vi ry graeteful to you, and consider your advice and medicines invalnahle. Yours, truly, T. S. SHELDON. Dr. Schenck—Deal Sir.—About two years ago I *as taken with a very troublesome cough and a pain io ray breast; seven oreight mouths passed away without my doing any thing for myself. Then I applied to a physi cian, who attended me for about theee months without rendering me any service. I also ob tained the advice and treatment ore physician in one of our hospitals, and also Sad the ad vice and treatment of two other physicians. but all to no purpose. During-this long space of time I was nearly dead; several time+ my friends came to see me and witness my exit into the spirit-world. I was confined to my bed two months at one time. My breathing was exceedingly short. I gave up several times all hope of getting better ; and as re garded well, that was entirely out of the ques tion. And to think this day I am well and hearty! L was anvised by some alloy friends to try Dr. Scheuck's Medicines. I according ly bought bottle after bottle, until I reached the ninth ; thed I found a decided change in my cough for the better. I suffered severely from palpitation of the heart, and two weeks after I commenced taking your medicines this difficulty ceased. When I first went to Dr. Schenck's office it was with difficulty that I could get up into his reception room, I was so weak and so swelled; my skin was so sallow as though I had the j.iundice ; I felt dull, heavy and sleepless. Dr.. Schenck, alter examining me,-said both my lunge were effected, and gave me but little lope; but his medicines, in about two weeks, took right hold of me; it seemed to go right through my whole system. The Ptfimonic Syrup,. Sea-weed Tonic and Mandrake. Pills, all took right hold in the right place. The Pills brought awaj great quantities of bile anti slime; the Syrup loosened the matter in my lungs, which cause off very free; the Sea weed Tonic gave me an appetite, and every thing seemed to taste good. To show what great power the, medicines, have in purifying my system, and to showhow bad I was diseased, beside all the 'bile that passed my bowels, and the great quantities' of phlegm and matter I expectorated, I broke out all over in large boils, thatwould continue to-gather and run for about six weeks, and I had at one time over twenty-Eve boils. I have nothing of the kind now, and feel like another person altogether. I can safely say that I have not enjoyed such health far five years as I do noir, and cannot prai,e you and your rued:eines enough. May God abundantly bless ,and preserve you, is the sincere desire of one woo has been so wonderfully relieved through your agency; and if any one desires to know Witt regard to the truthfulness of this report, 'it they will call upon any of my friends, or upon me, Mo. 4, Dryden Place', near Thompson street, below Dadwalader, Philadelphia, they will be perfectly satisfied with the validity of the case. Yours, with mach respect, MARY SCHNAMT. The above case, as described, is, perfectly correct. 1 know it to be trite. Yours, T. 13. MILLER, Pastor of Hincock 11. R. Church. , Cr. Schenck will be professionally at his principai oftce, No. 15 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Sat urday, frcm 9 A. M. until 4P. 1. ; N 0.32 Bond street, New York, evely Tuesday, from 9 to 3 ; No. 39 Summer street, Boston, Mass., every We Ines lay, from 9 to 3 ; and every other Fri day at 108 Baltimore street, B tltlinore All advice free, but for a thuruitzti examina tion of the Intim' with his Itespirometer, the eliaree is three dollars. a Price 01 the Puhnonic Slrnp and Seaweed Toi.ic, each ,si 52 per battle, or $7 50 per balfdozvn. llandrake Pills, 2:1 cents per box. For sale by all Druk4iets and Deaden. Oct. 15, I2GG. Im Fresh Confectionory AND 10S CREAM LOON.—The subscri ber respectfully inform 4 the citivnii of ysburg and vicinity th tt he has s Coulee- Artery Establishment, one door east of the Vies Rotel, on Chsmbershur.rstrzet, to which be-would invite their attention. C ekes, Candies, and every description — ef Confections, together Willi Nutq, Oranges, and all kinds of fruits, always on hand. Partie4, public and private, as well as fam ilies; will be furnished with all kiwis of Cakes, Ice Cream, (in pyramidal form or otbertirise,) and other refreshments at their houses, upon short notice. Raring spent a life-time at the bartnesd, he flatters himself that he it /sod that he ie able !u render entire ellisfaction. C.ill and see his Coafectionery. May 28, 18.36. tr JO 1N GRUEL. Notice. APPLICATION will be made at the next regular session of the Dies'mere of Pennsylvania forithe Incorpo..stion of a S tr. lugs' Institution, to be located in the Borough oftittlestown, Adams county, Penn'a., under the name and style of "Tali LITTLBSTOWN SA.VINGS' INSTITUTION,' asia : intention of which shall be to loan out money. sad receive slts thereof, and do such thingriesWre 1y dono by sitlar Institutions; the att. • 'thereof net to e coed One Handred Thous and Dollars, to be divided into shares of Plfty Dollars each. July 2, 1866. 6m wITZ haviLlost reeet”4l a aew assottment VV of Quelensware t tp Whief we invite the *teution of bi s yirs., A. EIC9TT i soX. CH01,1124 , ruzvomrurra z. I. VIOL L. rrrß GREAT ZI.VGARI 1111111115. 1111119 Wtripl&Rlrul. RIMIWY was discos. j weed and introduced shout twenty years ago - by Dr. S. Chaopsna, an misting goPlatt physeian. He bad lon seen and felt the want. of soma remedy which wo•tid strike at the not.of the. eeae, and so prevent much of dm suffering which the b wean fatally was then compelled to endure. The great gnestior WAS presented to his mini every Jay in vivid colors Ai he moved a. mong the sick and dying, and observed the la. effi c i enc y of awl; all the remedies then is use. Thus he was lead to think and experi ment; and niter ten years of siudy'entl, labor, h 3 presented to his fellow KIWI the rondeylut Zingeri Bitiers Thee ct of this preparation in the prevention end cure of disease, was SO marvellous end astonishing, that t h e most ' . llittering marks of royal favor were btstowed upon him who di , covered it. llis nem was plated upon the null of Nobles, nod a gull medal with the following inseription—Dr. 9. Cheopsas, the Public Beuefactor—was pre sented to hint by the Viceroy. The preparation has been nsed in were' epidemics of cholera. both as a preventive mid curative WC ii4ure, and-with such great se that it hai been introduced into nearly all am general hospitals of the old world. The old paying that nn ounce of prevention is worth • pound of CAR., applies with, unic 7f „ velloas force to cholera, and therefor* "any , remedy that will prot,:et nu Xgainet Ibis terri- , We disease should be freely and persistently used. All pathologists now agree that the choler% poison acts on the 4yitem through the blood, and that any combination ehiv* acts on the excretory o grins. and keeps them In work. ing order, moat prevent a suffit ient %rennin lotion of the poison to exert its tem ible ere& on the organism. This 14 true not only of cholera, but of neatly all other Mahtilies espe cially the different foray. , of fevers. The Zingari Bitters is jo:t such a remedy as . the above conditions r vtire. It acts on Cita organs of excretion and secretion, keepit Ruji a perfect hal ince het weep them. This Hitters is composed entirely .of roots and herbs, in nicely concocted that every organ is netted upon Ittld put in tone. Ds taste is Omani end its effects prompt nod lasting. Numerous cases of the foluwing di -Amass have been eared by it ; Chulern, Di trrhoeu; Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, :trio, Net.. vows Debility, Anaemia, I , Vaale Trregul trtica, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Colic, Scrofula, he. Price, one doll it per quart bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street risarf,, Harrisburg. Pa. Suit by itruogl.3l.3, Groesm,-, P. RATHER, sole Proprietor. fleirFor sale 14 Wm. 4.114(ttu, molt Agra, for Get ty April 1(, llidQ. /3, For Sole. T HE BEST IN THE MARKET. TIM VICTOR Ilur.Gu mmt, Over Five thousitnd.nt these Mille have hen* mlde and sold in the lest three ye.,re, The be.t recommendations Cun to! given. Al4O--COOK'S EVAPtIftATOR, for making Sugar and Molasses, Said to be the. best In net. CORN Cl? 17SHERS. Three dinrent SiZOO fur grinding Cora la the ear' ol shelled—or any other kind of grain. This is a machine that every farmer shoalst Mee, as a ousbel of ground feed is eq u al to bapfirl on , l a half unsround. The filth price of feed of all kinds makes an imperative de mand fur some kind of Machinery by 'hints to, save.- It is a nail grinder and durable. BELLS FOR C'HUROHES, SCHOOLS. FARM. HOUSES, FOUNDRIES, kn. Made or the heat steel composition". Church Bells insured for one year. WILLOUGILYY'S GUM SPIZI,VG WITH CHO' /ELL'S GUANO ATTAOHIHM. This is considered one of the beg Drills now In lice. It will distribute any it Ind of gralp evenly, and sow from one bushel up to three. to the acre, The Guano Attachment bast given entire satisfaction wherever used. It is ipt constructed as not to clog :n sowing any kiwi of Phosphates or Bone ,Alea I Having sold a 'number of these machine/ last season, I, can tully tecommend them to be what. they are.. represented. Persons wishing to buy should make application early as the supply I. mull and the demand great. siurirs,cAsT STEEL PLOUGHS. First, It is the only Plough yet, produced that wil Invariably scour in any soli, Second, It is Dow an estahlished fact that It will last from three to six times longer than Any other steel plough In use. draws lighter than any otbe;, Plough. cutting the same width and tlepth of furrow. The different parts of the Plough ersteeet It moulds, into the exact shape desired for the 1'0131,1-boards, shares end I , 6nd-sides, giving the- p iris most exposed to wear any desired. thickness. The stares can be sharpened by any blarkystith.. The steel ii perfectly male able and works kindly. E Igo tools havoibeepi made out of pieces of the plough by bte i nt. . smiths all over the conntvy. NVII.ItIIII,F,, ,17ent, • Near Gettysburg, P. For sale liy Aug. 27,_1866 Sewing Machines. THE GROVHiI 44 BAKE:R.—THE DEBT pr USE: These Machines have become' set well known that little need be said by w.ty of recommendation. Th 'y have taken the firsi, premium at all the late State Fairs, end are. universally acknowledged to be the BEST In use by all who have tried them. The "Grover It Baker Stitch" and the "Shuttle Stitch" pro points that have been attained by no otter Machine. They are the only mit ittnes that sew and embroider with Fr it•etion. These ar Machines are peculiarly ad 'pled to F4tnil use. Tit y are almost noiseless, vow dirt from the spool without rewinding. anti' o o simple in their construction. They t.re *say to man ige, and earl he w irked by iolutostsin,y child. Rvery fancily shoal I have one. Pew lave labor, Rte/ nice time, and !Ivy save asouSib and do their w`Jrk better then it can be done by bawl Tte undersigned having been appointed Agent for the above Itaelliaes, ha establithed an Agency in F.tirlield, Adams county, wberp he will always hrt - Oe on hand a supply. Per. SOU wishing to buy will please call aud exans- We for themselves. end Thread will oleo b 6 sup= plied. I. S WITIMOW, Ageot, Fairfield. Adams county, Pa. Aug. 27, 1860. tt Fall and Winter Godobs. ASCOT!' k SONS have.inat received an . other tine esnuartanent of Niigif-APON4., couststine.in rt, oftliot h Caseimeree, Paw nets, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, toy Citq. tiemen'a weer. Almo, a line assortment o? LAI/Mlle-DRESS GOODS. Our stock has been selected with great cam and we aresrepared to sell as cheap se any other establish rent in file country. Ws ask the public to give us a call and jadge for themselves. Cull aid see 11/. No trouble to show Goods. A. SCOTT* SONS., Sept. 17, 1866 Shoes, Gaiters, dice. j oitx M. siltettate STNC2I , , west MO, at few doors from the Polslic Boos* Getttslitstg, has I lid la so escollool wad, moot of Shoes. ati err, itc., for • ill AND CLULDII.E.V, *hitt he is °fraying at tho very lowest pro**. flaring bought for c telt. at the I tfest palms lion, he is preflored to over rem b trgaios.• Boot and /dhoti m taufactarinl ratriul Do at the some place, and the host kind of. INV* made. JOillf u. 11,84L1X-1.1. May 14, 1866. tt ---- Male Crying — r - l - : - --r — :v — v , - r b* .611 ARON CtIfiONISTER, orliankpliak. Ai. anis comity, will ntkend to klepf/VASU SKr I , ' SALT in the L1V331 /Id , i4Eletol. ' . and on re +sensible term'. .He dilti ev Of bile pstronnie, l 4ot ii convinced kb • will be able to ptense.sil wbetney'lderallb. Hampton, Sept. )Ivy 1818: Zell' , i " ,:,:r Ookai 14114 IsurbeNS., fner: variekkg46l7l 7 4 Cóp (Kra tylall44o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers