2 tte To*la. OIiTTYSIStraCi, PA. 1 31004. 7 Xerra.g. 011 t. 1, UMW FOR OOVRRSOR, HON. HIESfEN CLYMER, OF Alai! COUNTY, 1011.CONCIA1Sa l Vox. J. McDO k - 11 u co WELL unty. SHARPE, of Fron 483oe1Ane Lovas, ISAAC SONNSQN, 'Gettysburg. ASSP.MBLY, XICHOLAS RELTZEL, Mouutpletuet . ruzLii HANN, Straban, REGISTER & RECORDER, iirkt. D. TIOLTZWORTH, Gletyaburg. CLERK UP TR (=KM, XDAIL W. MINTER, Franklin. BOUNTY CQM If 1i4.410N ER, XICHOLAS WIERNIAN, Menallen. BißEcrons OF THE POOR, 1701111 NUNNEMAKER, 2 y., Liberty, JOHN RAHN, Z y., Conowegu. 00V.vry AUDITOR, TIENItY L. BREA'St, Cumberland. - COIWNER, PR. WM. J. McCLURE, Oxford IMI i - i GRAND MASS MEETING! Arouse, White Men ! • peenroarshi and Conaervai/velt, Rally In 'retie Might, far tho ti PION. the CONXTI TITTION. and FI,A.44,:nIthIMIRTIr -11 .. 1 Stara I • All who support tho groat • tribune of the people, ANDREW JOUNSON, the Bmident of the United States; all; who stand by the standard bearer of the Dena- Dorsey of the old Keystone, MESTER CLY.MER ; all who aro willing to lay aside party,. for the restoration of the Union of the States, in this trying crisis ,f the Nation ; ail who oppose .the disu nion fiallenie4 of Stevens, Sumner, Wade, 011 Co ; all who oppose the iniquitous course of the present Radical Congress in legislating for the negro at the expense Of the white Man; all who oppose the Civil ;Rights Bill,. Freedmen'h, Bureau, Negro Suffrage, Negro Equality, and be lieve in the superibrity of the White )&an—are cordially invited to Como to the (}BEAT *AO MEETING IN GETTYPURG • On Thursday, the . 4th day of October next. HIESTER CLYMER, Detnocratio Candidate for Governor, will be present and address the People; also, gA . J. OEN. H. w. SLOCIJM, Of New York; SENATOR J. R. DOOLITTLE, • of Wisconsin ; EX-OOV. WILLIAM BIGLER, Of Clearfield, Pa ,tind others. bar TURN OCT, patriotic people of Adams! Give one day to your country! Cone In Delegations—Come in Wagons —Como on Horseback--Come on foot! Swell 'the ranki of patriiitio freemen 1 Rapport the President, Stand by the Uni on! "White Boys in Blue," who fought for the 'Union, not the Negro, Rally in your Strength! Strike for Victory! Rebuke the infamous slanderers of a pa triotic President—Denounce their riotous 'disturbances—Condemn their political sreachery! Rejoice in JOHNSON dt CLYMER! Work, and vote, for an un divided Union, a preserved Constitution, *united Gauntry, and a happy People! W. A. DUNCAN, phalrman Democratic County Com. - September 24, 1866. Doninerats and Conservatives, RA:LLYI §uopart the President, Stand by the Union s Preserve the C,oustitution, Re buke the Radicalsl HON., J. - 111eDOWELlf sitaupg,, Democratic Candidate fqr Qongres§, and others; will address the people of Adams county, On MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 1, at Conrad Wagner's, Mountpleasant twp. On TUESDAY EVENING, Oct. 2, at Pttlestown. On . WEDNESDAY - EVENT - INO Oct 8, at Aiendtaville. On THURSDAY, (Mass Meeting,) Oct. 4, in Gettysburg. On FRIDAY EVEN mg, 0ct..5, at ;Hampton. On SATURDAY EVENtiG, Oct. 6, at Fairfield. 'Vie following meetings will also be Aeld, each to addressed by several speakers : At Mount Rock, Mountpleasant town ship, on SATURDAY EVENII4I.I, Octo 'bar 8. At G. A. Corwcll's, in Franklin town ship, on MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 8. TURN OUT, men of Adams, arid bear icussed the grave issues of the os.mpalgo dia." . W. A. MTh CAN, chairman Democratic County Coin. October 1, 1866. A Desperate Game! ERILDILSK or TICKETS I "The Reale/as have •settled down on fine or two of their cauclidates, for whom they ylll %eke an effort to trade 9ff the *Orme, Democrats, of course, will be ma their guard. Make no trades. when ARA:4I4mI approtketes you with a propo pit on that No will vote for one of our men you vote for one 9f theirs, tell hlm you ”eariet sec 4) for, the Democ 'soy of Adams county bevy the power, find intend to elect their !hole _ticket by a handsome majority. WirriittnysTO and Conservatives s do n' t forget the Mass Meetiog to be held in kiettYaburg ou Thursday next. COME! !--ALI,Jpot!--s!:1 4 : 1 participate In one of the grandest politleal demonstrations Aver tot 4 here. Plyineir yip be 'iVh us. ' gar The Demccratie Mann Meeting at Via*. on Monday last was the *gest Aver held theri. - From ten tp fifteen Ahouaind people were present. The pro cession, from four to six men deep, re quired one hour and a quarter to pass a given point. Clymer, Doolittle, Vaux, "Inardt supd Hephkin?.xnade speeches. The ANS are 6nintrig brightly in "CO ;DOI. lion, Taeolday r P4Opr 9th. To the Democrats and Coneervetive Men of Adonis County, Democrats! COuservativa Men! Vic tory, a giOrlous victory, is wititia your grasp. You have right, truth and Justice on your side. The cohorts of the Northern Disunion - bita, the blind followers of such traitors as Thaddeus Stevens, are In a minority in Pennsylvania to-day. A full poll of the Democratic vote of the old Keystone State, with tho aid to be derived from those true friends of the country who have shown their' readiness to abandon party for the sake of prinei. pie, will elect Mester Clymer by a large majority, and ov e rthrow the Radical rev olutionists forarer. Shall this glorious consummation bo achieved; Never had men greater incentives to exertion than yoU have in the present con test. • Your opponents deelaie that the Union, to save which , Ptnnsylvarda so freely gave the blood of her bravest and beet, shall not be restored. They are ready to mutilate, annul and destroy the Coristitutia6 framed by your fathers, and to overturn the form of free government bequeathed to you by tho patriots and sages of the Revolution. They are laboring to arouse a perma nent war of rooms, and are ready to pre cipitate the country into another civil war, in order that they may maintain their hold on the power they have so much abused. They unhesitatingly declare their pur poee'of making the negro filo political mid social equal of the white man, and, if they stieceed in carrying the coming elections, they will claim that the- peo ple of the North have endorsed that odi ous proposition. All conservative men desire to see the Union speedily and perfectly re stored. They wish tb see tho Constitution sa credly preserved. They desire !peace, lasting and perma nent peace. They are - resolved that the suprenutcy of the white race shall be Maintained. Such are the vital Issues In the present all important political contest. John W. Geary.is the candidate of the Radicals, and he, boasts that he emlorses ail their views as fully as ever Thaddeus Stevens did. •Hiester Clymer, one of the purest pat ' ots and most accomplished statesmen of the Republic, Is the Conservative candi- I date. i Which of these men shall be the next Governor of the great ' Coalition wealth of Pennsylvania? It is for you, the Democrats and Con servative men of Adams county, In con- I nection with your fellow-citizens of Penn-' sylvania, to say. We are perfectly pure that a full poll of i the Democratic and Conservative vote , will overwhelnalhe Radicals with defeat. This we say knowingly, and pot-for the purpose of political effect-, If we are beaten In the present contest we will have no one to blame but our- Iselves. Through our own apathy and indolence the enemies of the country will have triumphed over us, and we shall live to carse"ourselves for neglect of duty When it will be too late . to repair the in. jpry done. Democrats of Adams county ! You poll ed THREE THOUSAND VOTES I . OT George B. McClellan, in the- ace of the fiercest op posit nn any party ever encountered.— You can and will do better than that for theater Clymer. But,.you must work as you never did in all your lives before to swell yotir vote. Not a single man who will vote the Conservative ticket must be left at borne. In this contest every citi zen must labor with all the might that is in him, and there is no one who cannot help forward the great cause. .C.ko to work, then, with the determine tion that should characterize freemen In such a struggle. Remember that the best and dearestinterests of your country are at stake, and that the result of the present contest will tell for weal or woe upon yourself and upon your posterity after you. See yOur neighbor—talk to hith—try to convince. hI m of, the error" f. his ways, if I.e be not -already firm in the true faith. Organize fully for the contest. See that ways are provided to convey every voter to the Fells. Have vigilance_com mittees of your best men appointed who will see to it that no frauds are perpetra ted and no Impositions practiced.. Organ ize perfectly—work earnestly and unceas ingly until the- last vote is polled ; and then see that there is a fair and honest count of the ballots. We speak to you thus plaluly an&ear neatly because it is necessary that you should do your whole duty. The time for action has come. Improve every hour that remains. Remember that up on you, reader, the responsibility of main taining tile right rests, as much upon you as any other man in the *commonwealth. The pcilltical sky is bright. When we tell you that victory is within your grasp we tell you Nit the truth. WITH A FULL POLL OF THE DEMOCRATIC AND CONSER VATIVE VOTE WE CANNOT EA DEFEATED. Let this assurance cheer you and en courage you to discharge your whole du ty. With earnest and unceasing work, _ VICTORY IR SURE. oar McConaughy's "deserterhtw" was Intended to dhsgraeeanddisfraucblose ma ny of the beat soldiers in the State—men who fought gallantly, (whilst he staved at home,) and served out their time faith fully. Houck voted for MeConaughy's bill. Will those Whom he has thus sought to outrage Vote for him again? iiirThe Radicals have nothing to say about the MILLIONS lavished upon idle negroes—but raise &terrible fowl be cause the high prices whirl& their party caused necesZtat - ed an increased Outlay - to maintain the poor whites whom we REMEMBER that every Railical Con have among us. Let poor men remem- gressman from Pennsylvania voted, last ber this at the polls, winter, to force Negro Buirrage upon the I District of Columbia. mar The Radicals t hreaten , toimpeae if h pu the eces;f et. ul t a RE3IginER that the last Congress at the fall elections, $7,001 1 ),000 to support the ne idest f Would vat such a high-handed! grow of athe South in idleness, and re outrage convulse the country from con- ; member that we, of the North, are corn tre to circumference? Would it not lead Pe lled to pay these seven millions. 0 ..... n to another xrAir, more general and bloody! REILEMTIER, Bondholders, If - and pros- 10. 'he Up' ' " - ' that so than the last! j,oyers of peace . tong as the Dion is not restored, your perity, will you vcie with the Radiet" I bonds are insecure, for peace and reunion and thus assist them ill Carrying out this alone can pay outenational debt s_ devilish tiesign? .11U - Gal. costar has haul ordered to liPsiopri. Poi I Radical mobocrats will-' had tto a tough customer to deal with. ! icovir time/mi.are - 0 be Voted. LOLL OMNI ON lOW pia NONI MIND: ISaid 41nr. A Noorlock OrmagebeiL The Legieleture ,---- oast wintery pawed s , The Philadelphia Sunday Mercury has ~ law which changes the manner of voting. the following among its special telegram All State officers voted for will be voted from . Wiwi:l l/ 10 °n : all' denies se as rts nes in as eir rs culation Ifh p reN reFre N , Sept : M^-"Gen. Grant for en one slip, labeled "State ;" concern county officers and members ofemigress, lug his rds i d e i s er o , f a o n fli d Senators, and members of the Legislature your State. The Genertil a says a `Yl:i te s ilre votedelieershmmakcoinng- for, will be voted on another slip, e d o e r riitt.i i tecil s that the of; n r ct l labeled "County;" and all Judges of Courts voted for, will be voted on still • ii)orniyi.'l Riii s ita n l o Nfof the records of the n accordance with lib another slip, labeled "Judiciary ;" which way of doing thin gs. divides the ticket, at thepreaent election, f 'the General regrets exceedingly that Into Uote slips. AU tickets should be rca- 1 his name has been mixed up with local dy cal, folded and tied, before election-' p o litics. The report, as publishei, is a , tissue of falsehoods. Gen. Grunt day. Let Democrats attend to this eve- ' made use of the languag e . never attributedto President'a policy, rywhere, and see that all the ticket is him. He is a warm supporter of the to influence e li v i • l e d ry is o d ne in to g a ti l i l e i sa n l i ne s included In their ballot. The ticket will be printed as follows: power-wityof thinking. STATE. Govcrnor, • Mester Clymer JUDICIARY Amockitc Judge, Isaac Robjuson, COUNTY. Congress J. McDowell Sharpe. Assembly, Nicholas Heltzel. Sheriff, nap Hann. Register & Recorder, William 1 ). Holtzworth. Clerk of the Courts, Adam W. Minter. .County Commissioner, Nicholas Wierman, Directors of the Poor, John Hahn, 3 years, John Nunnemaker, 2 years, County Auditor, _ Henry L. Bream. Coroner, Dr. Wm. J. McClure. The ticket must be cut apart at each of the wide spaces, with the words "State," "County," and "Judiciary" folded out. THE PROXTFECT BRIGHT. In every portion of Pennsylvania the Democracy are thoroughly aroused. Nal such enthusiasm ever inspired them be- 1 fore as that which now pervades our ranks. There is not - a break in the Dem ()crane, column in any election precinct 1 in this Commonwealth. Every Demo crat is working and doing his duty man fully. The masses everywhere are shock ed at the frightful blasphemies and dis gusting dogmas of the wrorch-and-Tur pentixe" party. They cannot and will not endorse the degrading 'doctrine of ne gro saffrage and negro equality. They have been plainly told by the Radical'. leaders that they are in favor of placing the ballot in the hands of the negro, and even John W. Geary has been forced to admit that it is only a question of time. The people want peace. They have had 1 enough bloodshed. They want Union, , Restoration, and Constitutional Liberty, ' with all their attending blessings and prosperity. And they know, in their hearts, that these can only be attained by the sueeess of the Democratic and Con servative policy, and the total overthrow , of the malignant and desiructive Radi icals. Hence, they have placed their own shoulders to the wheel, and are laboring with unwonted zeal and energy to secure a lasting triumph for the good old cause. Never were the skies brighter—never were our prospects of victory more sure and certain !—Age. ALL SIGHT ALONG THE LINE. The Democracy are jubilant in this sec tion. The cheering reports of Clymer's prospects tram all parts of the State, add ed to the notable fizzle of the Disunion ists in this city on the 22d, have given them renewed hope and confidence. A report is in circulation that Gov. Curtin, upon his arrival from the western part of the State, announced that it was "all up with Geary !" This has added to the general satisfaction among Deinocrat..— ilarrisburg Patriot cf: Cnion. Ber Let it be remembered by the white freemen of the Commonwealth, that the ardent supporters of Gen. Geary in Phil adelphia, refused to extend a public re ception to Grant and Farragut, because they won the battles for the Union, and now sustain the President. Let it also be remembered that these same "loyal" men greeted enthusiastic ally, Fred. Douglass, Ann Dickinson and "Gen." Geary, because they are enemies of the Union, and worshippers of the negro. I Gen . Rogers, of Arkansas, one of the-"loyal Southerners" in the Geary all wool Co' dvention, wishes It understood, through the New York Herald, that he "Withdraws from that mixed gathering of shiftless, ambitious blacks and women in breeelieii." He says that he has gone with that body even farther than his own yiews could Justify, and he "washes his hand's, from this time forth, of all its proceedings." • TOq - much wool for the eneral. John W. Hicks, of Dun cansville, Pennsylvania, 4 bray soldier, formerly a Republican, has left that par ty and announced his intention of sup porting Colonel Filler for the I..eg4lature in the Bedford District. In alluding to the fact that the Radicals had refused to place a soldier on their ticket, Colonel Hicks.says e It could not be expected that any sol dier would get a nomination in any con vention which Radicals controlled, if they had an old civilian political hack to serve. It is the same in this county as in Bedford. Soldiers have been over slaughed always, only when common decency and a slight observance of their professed principles (?) demand it, in fact, the soldier is "played out" among that class, and no soldier need expect any pre ferment at their hands. sirWe learn that the chap named Koontz, who is now inaking Radical speeches in this county, is a discharged Clerk from Washington. Of Course he !don't like "my policy. '! GEL FREMONT, The Republican candidate for President in 1858, and who, during the rebellion, was the Idol of the Republicans, is a strenuous friend of Andrew Johnson, and endorses his policy in toto. Ile was a delegate to the monster Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention that assembled at Cleveland, Ohio, on the 17th ult.=-a Con vention composed of the very flower of the artny and navy, and embracing in its list of delegates nearly every man of note belonging to either branch. Fremont; we say, was there, to' assist to save the Union from the clutches of the infernal disunlonists and arrant traitors who.now nienaeo it. Friends of Fremont!—fall into line, and help save the Union. REAR ADMIRAL FARRAGET Wrote a letter to the Soldiers' and Sail ors' Convention, at Cleveland, endorsing its objects. He says ANDREW JOHNSON is right and the Radicals wrong. Like GRANT, he wants PEACE, and insists that the Union has been restored.' He:depre cates the insaneund treasonable plottings of the Radicals, and calls upon his coun trymen to put down the men who dare to strike tea stars from the American flag. Freemen!—can you, will you dis regard the words of FARRAGUT? - _ SLOCUM' ON IRE Oncurioir. Read what the brave Slocum; of the Twentieth Corps—the General who com manded Geary—has to say of the faction which is now using Geary as a means for accomplishing their own selfish pur poses: "There exists among us a political par ty which for the purpose of retaining power, has prevented the restoration of the Union, which was to he the sole object of the war, a party which would hold a portion of the States in subjection, teneh mg the rising generation in both sections lessons of jealousy and hatred, Instead of seeking to make them forget the bitter past, and become, as they must become, if - our Union is ever to be of value, one people in interest and feelin This par ty, until Congress assembled,. indignant ly denied any intention of postponing the restoration of the Union, and appealed to the people for support on the ground of being the only - faithful and reliable friends of the President and his policy. This mask has now been dropped, and the issue before the people is clear nod unmistakable. Let those who fought for a restoration of the Union now come for ward and vote for it, and our victory is twsu red." Will the "Boys in Blue" follow the brave soldier, Gen. Slocum, or the "hero of Sniekermille?" From the Bedford Gazette. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY.! Wh• Bide? who Bids? Francis Jordan, EN., Chairman of the Radical State Committee, has Itritten a letter to C. W. A•dieorn, Esq., stating that Congress has passed no law discrim inating against white soldiers and in fa vor of the Blacks! But, mark you, he does not deny that Congress did pass a bill giving $3OO bounty to the negroes. Not a bit of it' , He knows that to be a fact susceptible . of proof by the official records of Congress. But we will not al low Mr. Jordan to dumb-fungle even the most ignorant and credulous. We now offer to bet $lOO with any Radicat who will dare to take it up, that Congress did pass a bid giving the ,4egro soldiers $3OO bounty! If no other argimPnt but this will get through sonic people's skulls, we are will ing and ready to give them just as much of it as they want. Who bids? 111 K INCIDENT IN WARY'S HISTORY In the year 1861, John W. Cleary, then• only apaper Colonel—like his friend For ney—purchased from an honest farmer, who then occupied, and still occupies, a stall in the Eastern Market in this city, POTATOES, CABBAGE, and other vegeta bles, to the amount of thirty fire dollars and thirty-three cents, for which he per sistently refuses to pay, notwithstanding the nforcsaid farmer has written to him on several occasions, requesting him to do so. We have this bit of information from the farmer himself; and if uny of his friends are anxious to see the victim of the Hero of Snickersville, he can be found at his stalls in the Eastern Market any day in the week.—PhiladclphiaMer cury. WORKING MEN. We speak to you rot as a Democrat or Republican, but as an honest, laboring, earnest selfsupporting and government maintaining man, and we speak in all candor and earnestness. If you vote for radicalism this fall you vote for A dissolution of the Union. Another rebellion which will end in a general, terrible revolution. Depriving restored states of their hon or and rights. To tax a people without giving them representation. To educate one section to hate another. You also vote— Tio continue in power the most cor rupt, dishonest, law hating leaders a pasty or country was ever cursed with, To pile up mountains of debts for your innocent c hildren to pay. If you wite for Democracy and a resto ration of the rnion you vote for The equality of the States. Taxation and representation to go to gether. For a peaceful Union. For the good of 4,4 entire country, rath er than a small softle4 of it,• For equal taxation. For lessening yOur . own taxes. For protecting working men. • For peace, prosperity,47,l3 Union, the laws and Constitution and common jus tice. is for you to deckle Whether you will have peace or war; whether you wig -4e freemen or slaves. bar The procession at thii bwmocrati,c mass meeting in Lineaster on the 23ih, says the Intelligencer,'"ls admitted ky all! to have been by odds , the la of the an l i t most imposing disp of the . kind ever . made in this city b he Denmemcy;and that is saying floc . for they have Iren noted for gettiug up t litie'dentonstratiOnS in the past.” lerThe incendinry utterances of Browniow and Forney have 'brought a nd upon their faction the name 9f "Torch Turpentine party : '? • , THE' CRISIS ! • THE PEOPLE WAKING OP nes are Maybes vender the ty-olz Stars, None but White Men shall Rule! NEETING AT MYERS'S GROVE. The Johnson and Clymer meeting at Henry J. - Myers's Grove, on Saturday afternoon week, was largely attended. We noticed persons present fronetwelve or thirteen districts of the county, whilst the near townships turned out in great strength. Quite a number of ladies also graced the occasion with. their presence. A spacious stand had been erected in the Grove, which was beautifully decorated with wreaths and flags. Henry J. Myers, Esq., milled the meOing to order, and read the following list of otlicers, which was adopted : President, John F. Felty, Esq. Vice Presidents, John hyneli, George Mackley, Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal, Martin Getz, Thomas N. Dicks, Henry Myers, Esq., John Thomas, Henry Wertz, Jacob Shearer, F. N. W. Bowers, Peter Miller, Jeremiah Slaybaugh, Michael Dellone, F. J. Wilson, Jacob Miller, Henry Thom as, Esq., Hon. I. E. \Viern Thomas R. Bowers, Jacob Zug, Dr. A. B. Dill, George Bowers, John G. Brinkerhoff, George Ehrehart, Win. Thomas, of C. Nathaniel Miller. Secretaries, A. J. Bowers, Peter Ginter, Philip Donohue, Jeremiah Shfiver, Sam uel March, Jahn Hanes, Joseph Holtz, John Eieholtz, Henry Hemler, Fra.nli. J. Will, Thomas G. Feely, Peter Frey, Thomas Ehrehart, Daniel H. Klingel. The heavy 'rain of the previous, day, and which then threatened to continue several days, preventedludge Hepburn and Mr. Stenger from starting for the meeting, and, the large crowd in attend ance was therefore compelled to forego the pleasure of hearing them. The homo speakers present were ealled upon, and they severally responded, in the follow ing order: Dr. D. S. Pefrer, E. B. Bueh ler, Esq., H. J. Stable, W. A. D,uncan, Esq., Dr. W. J. McClure, and Dr. C. E. Itoldsborough. The meeting adjourned with three cheers for Johnson, three for Clymer, three for the whole Democratic ticket; and three for THE PuOPLE. AT 3fIDDLETOVr.T Th'e Johnson and•Clymer meeting at Middletown on Monday evening was a fine turn-out, Butler rallying in her strength,- and Franklin and 'Menalien contributing no 'little to the number present. The following gentlemen were the-officers of the meeting : President,Jaeob Itatrensper s er, Esq. Vice Presidents, Joseph \\ olf, Burk hart Wert, Jacob Peters, John Eicholtz, Jacob Lent; Capt. Jacob H. Plank, Mo ses Haffensperger, E. W. Stable, Richard Fitzgerald, George 'Weaver, Win. Guise, Wm. Eichinger. Secretaries, Lieut. S. H. Eicholtz, Heze- Mail Hoffman, Henry Bice, Jr. ' JohnTtafP. Baffensperger, Jacob Eicholtz f George Schlosser, David T. Howe, John Lauver, Aaaron Speeches were made by Adj. J. H. White, W. A. Duncan, Esq., E. W. Stable and H. J. Stable, when the meet ing adjourned with rousing cheers for Johnson, Clymer and the whole Demo cratic tickets IN GERMANY TOWNSHIP The friends of-Johnson and Clymer in Germany township held a meeting on Thursday evening, to make arrangements to come to Gettysburg on the 4th, which was largely attended. We have not been furnished with a list of the officers, but learn that Hon. Win. AfeSherry made an able speech of an hour, and was followed by Dr. C. W. Benson and G. B. Yantis, Esq., also in a very satisfactory manner. AT HUNTERSTOWN. The meeting at Hunterstown on Friday evening was a fine turn 7 out. The officers were President, Jacob Tot. Vice Presidents, • George T. Hudson, John G. Gilbert, Henry Mollison, Jacob Witmor, George Hagerman, Frederick Quickie, D. C. Brinkerhoff, Edward Mor itz, John Dundore. Secretaries, Abraham King, Jr., Samu el McCreary, John A. Itebert, A loysitis Marshall, Sohn E. Little, William Mc- Creary, Philip Donohue. Tlu! meeting wag . addressed by J. C. Neely, E. Wm. McClean, Esq., Jesse 1). Newman, Esq., and Dr. C. E. Golds borough. The issues of the day were dis cussed in an able and convincing manner. ,The speeches were well received, and created much enthusiasm. AT TWO TAVERNS The Democracy of Mountjoy net in the Selwol-hoUse, at the Two Taverns-, on Friday evening, mainly to make arrange ments for the Mass Meeting here on Thursday net. There was u full attend :lwo, and the folkiwing gentlemen were (Anvers: PreAleut, J. Scott Wil-on. Vico 'Presidents, Isaue Lightner, E'ci., James H. Collins, John Miner, Peter Orndorfr, Charles Breighner, U. M. Ap ter, John (Jcricb, Henry ER; Joseph Areatz, Joseph Crabhs John Strcaly, John Rehert, J. A. Ormiorft. Secretaries, Moses Hartman, Esq., Jo seph Ortidier, John. King, Edward Col lins, E. Fiseel. Isaac Lightner, Esq. ' stated the object of the meeting, after, which W. A. Thin can, Esq.,• made an ettbetive speech of over an hour's length. After some busi ness, the meeting adjourned with cheers. THE MASS MEETING. The .T.ohnson and Clymer men of the Borough met at the Globe Inn, on Satur day evening week, for the purpose of ma king arrangements for the Mass Meeting on the 4th of October. Hon. David Zieg-. ler was called to the Chair, with Valen tine Billing as Vice President, and Rob-. l ert Elliott as Secretary. After, a full and flee interchange of opinion, the following appointtnents were made: Committee of Arrangements.—H. J. I Stable, Jacob Troxel, W. A. Duncan-, Wm; J. Martin, Adam Hebert, Jacob Bushey, Jesse M. Walter, Edward Men city, Jeremiah Diehl. Committee on Stant; and Decorations.— H. S. Benner, B. D. Armor, George Geyer, Jacob W. Gilbert, Jacob Sheads, Jerome . Martin, David Culp, Jr., Jacob McDartnell,Geo. A. Codori. Adj. J. H. White was appointed Chief Marshal. After the above proceed lags, Jacob Lott, of Cumberland township, who happened to be present., was called on for a speech, ' and he res p onded most acceptably. His remarks _were sound and telling, and I gave great satisfaction to all who heard' them. •"„ lirThe Committee of Arrangements had a meeting on Friday evening, and decided to have the speaking in front of the CoUrt-house, where a suitable stand will be erected. The grand procession Will move immediately upon the arrival of Mr. Clymer, and after passing through several of the principal streets, adjourn for dinner—the organization and speak ing as soon thereafter as possible,. Adj. , White, Chief Marshal, has appointed a number of Aids from di tftren t parts of the county, to assist him in receiving delega tions and arranging the procession—sot that everything will no doubt move along smoothly, let the crowd be as big as it may. Our Hanover friends have secured at free train, to arrive here in the morning asr-A grand Clymer Mass Meetirig 'and return In the evening. Round trip Cntue off at Carlisle on Saturday neat, tickets from Oxford 30 cents. We hope t that all who cannot otherwise come, will hirlf the returns of the Maliao`elktiim isvail themselves of the ears. A Gila will only be kept back longenough 3 Poe- Day may be expected. I sibly they may show that the betreacratS I have carried the State. Thus far every tii)"•Nicholas Heltsel bas ability, and additional report from Maine has teduc- J ed the majority claimed for dig IkPub; l will represent this county in the Legisla ture with credit, to himself and his con-' th iclan en L ai,ooo l4 , ni tta t idtlnvoluiw 80,000 1 theta of ocit: stitueney. Why not all vote for him ? I exceed 23,000. " • • EIMEI TOWN AND COUNTY AFFAIRS. FLAGS FOR, TitS GRICAT Maas MEM lNG.—Penions dealring Flags for the 1 greaJohnson and elynror Mass Meet-; ing, this place, on Thursday next, will ' find a large and beautiful assortment ' for sale at Capt. W. J. Martin's, corner of -Baltimore and If igh streets, Re has Mus lin and Bunting Flags, all aloes and all prices. , f of This, ifir THE BENDERSVIIJ.E -'pis, not withstanding the bad weather of the first two days, proved quite a success. The display was good, probably the best yet had there, whilst the attendance' avera ged well, and made the receipts hand some. Aaron Sheely, Esq., delivered the Annual address, a production of much merit, and which won universal praise. The Marshall grey horse took the $4O premium for best trotting, making his mile 2.57. The next best, the Sterret horse, we believe, was but ono second be hind-2.58. More anon. -Those of our readers who are aftlict 7 ed with Stuttering and Stammering, or impediments In their speech, -will be pleased to learn that the celebrated Dr. Wyckoff, of Reedville, N. will visit Gettysburg on the Bth and 9th of October, and Stop at the Eagle Hotel, where he will treat those diseases. He has effected some of the most wonderful cures,—bor dering almost on the miraculous. He never falls, and his cures are permanent. No cure no pay. Bar Thomas Barry, the gardener at St. Joseph's, near Emmitsburg, one day last week, made us a big present, consimting of four "eggs" of the Egg Plant, all of im mense size, one of them m',2asurin.4 34 inches in circumference. :fir. B. Is ten dered our ack nowledgnients. A LARGE BLACKSNAKE S►ior.—George Fried, on Wednesday last, whilst pigeon hunting, near Henry Flartman's, Frank lin township, shoe a Blacksnake measur ing 6 feet 4 inches in length, and 6 inches around the body. One more vote less for Geary ! SerA splendid assortment, of Fall and Winter Millinery Goods just reeeived Miss Harriet McCreary. The Ladies should give her a mil. SOLDIERS• CLYMER, cLra. The "White Boys in Blue" of Frank lin township have formed itelynaer Club, with the following officers: President, Capt. Jacob H. Plank. Vice Presidents, Jacob Etch°itz, Adam Bucher. Secretary, William Russell. Treasurer, Jonas Omer. Executive Committee, Noah Lott, Ab ner Mark. Lewis Carbaugh, Lewis Bra dy, John Baker, George Beck. WELL SENKED VP. The boys in blue fully comprehend the extra bounty business. A one armed vet eran pithily summed it up the other day at a meeting In Phibdelphia, si.:4 "one hundred dollars for the white man, throe hundred dollars for the nigger, and tw•o thousand dollars for the members of Con gress.” The soldier evidently appreci ates Radical generosity at its exact value. For the Gotty.hurg Compiler H. J. SrA r :—I can't bear John Meflhenny's flings at an old soldier com rade of mine. Win. D. Holtzworth. Bil ly Holtzworth was as g last a boy as ever wore the blue. No man in his eom pany or regiment ever dared to say any thing else. And yet John Mellbenny is trying to pull him down. lam a Repub lican but will stand by a fighting soldier any me—especially when abused by one who had a fat (draft) office at home when we were risking our rives on the battle field. You havn't said a harmful word Crist, and I respect you for It as a gen tleman. But John Mellhenny. who pretends such friendship for soldiers, shows that he is not a friend of any one, no matter how well he fought, or how he Was crippled, unless he agrees with him in his polities. This is not right, and I'll show Mellhenny that at least one Republican soldier won't follow him in his meanness. Billy Holtzworth Imes more pluck in his little linger than Midi henny has lit his whole body, and is more of a gentleman to boot. Sul.puar.. • DESPERATION The Radicals inuso.lie In a desperate mood,. We were-told, the other day, that a busy niggcrite oil the north side of the eounty t tried to persuade a Denmerat to vote for Cashman, because, he asserted, "the copperheads 'and Catholics had best en a soldier at the Pi:lselin:lh meeting"— a more outrageous falsehood than which was never Invented. There is not the least Shadow of truth ip it. Demorrats and Conservativis, will you allosv your honest and upright candidate filSheri If, Philip Hann, to lose votes in this con temptible way? TO work, now and at once, everywhere, and not only expose these Radical lies, hut hold up their au thors to the odium which they deserve. We - Philip Houck was In the Legisla ture last winter. Of what service was he to the people of Adams county ? None at all. We might as well have bad no• body there. Will our Bonier Sufferers vote for him again, and thus hive their claims for damages further ignored? They should all think of this before de positing their ballots. fie"Oecasionally an ignorant and veno mous Radical, for the want of anything, else to say, talks of the old Denweracy.ts a "dead party." Democrats of Adams, show them a little ,pf your "life" on Thursday next—show them that you can beat their procession 0f621 anyhow I Aili'llothing seems too low for Radi cals to stoop to to make votes. We are Informed of offers by them to poor men, of pieces of pork, half cords of wood, dee., if they will vote for niggerite candidates. Democrats, watch' these advances, and wheneverdlscovereii, expose them. Another Disnntnr Cantird Exfoimwt.. Moroni), Pa., Sept. 25.-8.10 P. M.— Editors Patriot and Union:—The dis patch in yesterday's Evening Telegraph, stating that Hon. Benjamin F. Meyers. of this place, had eulOgized Booth, the assassin of the late President, Is entirely false. J. W. DtcßEnsoN, Chairman County Committee Mir The Democratic mass meeting at Charnbersburg on Wednesday was a monster gathering, notwithstanding the day was rainy and disagreeable. The procession was over three miles In length. There was a cavalcade of 1,000 horsemen. The number present at the meeting is es timated at 12,000. Special Notice Column. A Illhawahlaft. HOW OFTEN WE HEAP; THIS larnlBllllON from persons reading advertisements of Patent Medicines, and in nine cases out of ten they may be right. It is over le y ears in nee I intredtased Mr medicine, the Venetian Liniment, to the poblie. Thad rio money to advertise it, so I left It ibg sole with a 'few druggists and storekeepers Memel a small Section of the country, many taking It with great reluctance; but I told thorn to let any one have it, 'and 11 it did not do all I stated In m y pamphlet, uo one need pity for It.• In some, stores two orthroo bottlm were taken on trial by persons present. I was, by many, thought crazy, and 1. 1 1:\ would be the last they would see of me. But knew my medicine was no humbug. In about two months 1 began to receive orders for more Linkrient, some calling it my valuable ',Wham' t, who had refined to sign a receipt when I left It at .their store. Now my sales are millions of bottles yearly, and all for cash. I warrant It superior to any Other medicine for the cure of Croup, Dim rbcca, Dysentery, Culte, Vomiting, Spasm/. arid Sett sicknem, as an internal remedy. It le per fectly innocent to take internally, lief oath accompanying each bottle,—and externally for Chroltleitheuntal Is tu, Headache, Mulatto, Prue lotad,.l i irufsest, Sprain*, Okl Seim, Swellings, Ca."; Throats, de: Sold by all. Druggists. Depot W Cortlandt street, Now York. BM. 1, Ilk s7w Alleack'w P•rsnw Floaters. BEST STRENGTHETrvg_rLABTER IN THE NN Alleoek's Porous 'Piasters resolve and assuage pain by ealltug forth the acrid humors from parts internal to the skin atat general elrculatioy—thus. Lit many mites, poldtivelY evaporating thsVilica". JAMES LULL, M. D. There is nothing equal,in the way of a plaster, to the Porous Plaster of Mr, ALLCOM, 1114ery thing is pleasant about them', They are tlus pla ter of thu day, and a fit type of oar present ad vailretment In science and art. lu Asthma, trough, Kidney Affevtiona, Gotit Ithentaat and total do:p.m:Anal palria, they attoli perms. vent relief. J. F. JOUNSON, D.. on 'Topical Remedies." ' From a personal knowledge of those photon, we can state that they are decidedly prefoihbls to any other to use. Wherover ro lief ii, to let obtained by the use of a plastor, we 'should recommend them. A. INCiItAIiAM, M, l'Allter New York/lento,. Agenry, 13r4utlretli House, New York. Sold by all !Jruggists. [04.1 WA Itu Th. IVloolvs Volcanoes are engaging the attention of astronomers, but the worlia-of Beauty and FA/1)110S1 is lees Interested In human dlaeoverlra than to the great quelltlou of TURNING THE HEADS that have been whiter.ed by age or slekness.to glinious Mark or brown hue. Nobody now is surli n LUNATIC, as not to admit that the lthei.t and most harmless hair Jai kenor In exlskmee la CIIItISTADORO'S lIAIR DYE, which nourishes the fibres as well as changes their line. 3f.inufactiire.l by J. curtigrADozif), 6 A.- tor House, New York.- SOLI by Drualsta. Ap plied by ull [Lair Dressers. (Oct. 1,16. Lyn • Cleanse the flood. - With corrupt, disordered or Nit Inte‘i Blood, you ars sick all over. It msy burst out In Pitluple.. or Sores, or lu gorna aetive disease, or It may merely keep you Ilstless,tlepressed and good for nothing. But you cannot have good health while our blotsd is impure. AYF.UI4 MARIAPARILLA purges out tiles'. Impurities istnitht th e organ s life into 'Korot', net ion, restoring the health and expelling disease. Hellee Ito rtipldly runs' it sati ety of COMplililits which are eaustsi hy impurity of the 1,10'.1. as' Semfula, or Kings' Evil, Titmors,l2 leer,. sores, Eruptions, Pimples. Illotelt es, lIo.L, St. All ttotly'm Fire, Hope or Erysipelas, Tett -r or Salt Ithensii Scald Head, Ring 14 C a anCer or l'neereie"Tumors, Sore Eyes, E v i s;L i s Diseases, such tut Itetention, Irregularity, Sup pression, Whites, Sterility, also Syphilis tir Inaesses, Liver Complaints, and Heart Disea ses. Try Ayer's Sap:tip:trill% and nee for yours' If the surprising :utility with which It cleanses the and Wry , ' ti use disorders, Loring .it. year; the putille have been nitrated by large bottlitn, pretending to give a nu•irt of Eztraet of S•mnitpArillii for one dollar. Mont of thesd have been - t?autls upon the mirk, for they not onlv eont.iin If any, Sanitiparillii, liiit o ft e n at, tiara the pri.pertles whatever. 111 , 11.0, hitter thnitopolitt mina has followed the of the varioun extra,. In o f Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the aline Itself lout lastome raymai • Vltious with tintiontlion and cheat. tttiil we Lull thin inimpound "marmaparilla," and lc.tentl to suoplv said' a remedy um ',Wall remit.. lint ',tune mom the load ofoblottuy wide!, recite upon It. We thilik we have ground for believing It f 11.4 Nirtiles 0111,41 are Irresistible by the orilluary run of the diseases It Is Intended to core. We can only *attire the sletC , th tit wo titntr t hens net hest alter ative Willett we know how to produce, and wo have reanon to believe, it is by fur the, nlobLetter th il purifier of the blot, 1 yet dlieoVered by any AS - er's Cherry Pectoral IssoktnlVcrunlly known to sttrpam e..•ery other remedy for the cure of Cough.. Colds. Influenza. Hoarseness, l'roup. Bronehn la. Itte;pl. nt Vonstonntion, and for MO tel of t 'onconipt lye Patients 'wades/teed stag, s of the diseases, that It In useless Imre fa reemmt the cynical ,. of Its virtues. Elie world knoies them. Prepared by J. tr. Al En a Lowcli, UMW., and sot I by Pm 7 11 GetiyahUrg. yk i ,t, to, latiti. •.:nt Wond;•rfel but True 1 M.IIIAIIE REV' N't vrox, the worm rrnownpd Astrologist cut Sotiogintlittlistie %Oy siii, white hlu el.iirvoyant'st Ue, dellirentes the very relatives of the person you on , to marry. and i.y the all of on Instrument of intense known an, the elionintrope, guarantees to produce e: relleet ptiliwe of the Inhere ihoteiballit or wife of the spot Hint. with date or narlego, Ixrnp tine, leailil,2 I mils of ehnrn.l r te. Thl4 is no ituismitioo, 11. L. stlilionlek without t0:i.i)..1 riot rt. .tafoit; pltl. e,of lion, i 1.,l of oyr, .titi It or, 1110 1•1164.01111$1 !MY (1 , 111,, loud Mtalllim , i 1111Vt•lipe 141.11 , 0i. , 1 r sill, yna will t i lie the picture by return together with hifornintlon. • Address in er111014 . 11.4 . , MADAMN (110111 IL 10 E , ltgxtt.,ii.roN, It n. !lox al7, eq, Troy, N. Y. Sept. 21, • DrArnoo.. illinintw• awl Catarrh, ,Treot-1 with i/14 , 411111444 NUM/ 44/4, ITVIhr J. troi,o,:111 , 1 1111"1 , 1:111/111/11V 01144) /1/ 11, il/ /11.411/1, N , / . /I‘l I . IN r••••i. 1.1,11:k.1,11.111,1. t ihionihk ft...To thr 1110s1 rellohio !wore.% lu the City ami Country Ittia no wen al his naive. Tho in. 1 1 ,111 f.u.‘lll ar, invited to areoluiamy their patient.., ;o: 11.• 1111 N 110 Se4/11 4/4 Iu 111/4 practice. Ar tifiellllll•SV/4 tiport.l without pain. No charges in!li• for examination. tiept. 21, LUX. 1 y Tho Groat s English Remedy' Silt Ja tans I.4.anKles ert.MinaTED Finist.in Pi 1.1:1. Prepared trouts t.wcseription of Sir .1. tgi F . (:lark.', M. f ) :, Physicinn Ex trnordinn to the (illeell. Thih iII vultinble mtftili ine le ut fling in tint vireo( *II those- pninful and dung ma disea ses to which the female constitution is Itudnect. It turNicrates all 19“,1041.1 11 ml removent nil Metres lions, and a Speedy ellre may be relied on. To Married I.te II,: iI IS peculiarly milted. It will. 1 In a short time, bring un the monthly period a ith remitirity. ' Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern ment Stamp of great Britain, to prevent counter felts. Carnme.—These Pills should not 1,44 taken by Femalen during the FtltnT THRICE MUN nano( Pr. g nallnY, us they are sure to bring on 311scarringa, but tit any other II m.• they are safe. In nil cent of Nervous and Spinal AlTectiOns. Patna In the Buck and Untie, Fatigue 4/11 slight. exertion, Palpitation of the "foul, ilt stern si, and Whites, these Pills will effect tir cure when /al Oh er means have fulled; andriltiumah a powerful reme Iv, do not contain irou.A.nioniel, antimony, or myth" ug hurt hut to the cons( itutlon. Full ,1111.4 tfong In the painplibi snared {act, package, whieh should Ifie carefully preserved Sold by all linumists. Solo Agent for the Vnt ted States and rainola, JOll MOSPS, 27 Cortland Rt., N. Y, N. 1t.—.31,41.01,1 6 Imstagentam ps enclosed Mary antliorizA Agent, wilt Insures bottle, containing SO Pills, by return mall. Sold by A. 1). Boulder. Dee. 113, lati. ly —' Lyon's' Periodical Dram} THE GREAT FEMAI.F. itANIEDY 101, a- REGLIARITIF'.4.—Tiwge Pops ate a seiratif/ : catty compounded fluid preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being li quid. thetraction Is direct and positive, and.-rimi them a reliable, spee,y and errtain specific for the cure of ail obstructions and suppressions of lettere. Their popularity is indicated by the fact that over 100,0Uo bottles are annually masa:m.4 by the livllen of the Milted ,tales, every one of whom spouts In the strongest terms of praise of their great merits. They are taking the I place °revery other Female itentedt.stidure con aldered by all who know aught, q( them, as the surest, safest, and 'most Infallible preparation in theworld, for the cum of nil female rumple, t the removal of all obstructions of nature, an,. ..46 promotion of health, regularity and Strength.— ' Explicit dire' none stating when they may used, and explaining when and why they shquld not, nor coot,' not be used without mudacing effects contrary to natures laws, will be found carefully folded around each bottle, with the written signa ture of Jolts L. 11,r03e, without which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr, JOHN L. LYON, lts Chape. Street, New Illven, Conn., who can be consulted eitherpersonally, or by mail, ( enclostreg stamp.) ~o.(v rn g all private filsemtes and female weak.' seams. -11.eldby Druggionseveeewbeole. C. O. Genl Agents for D. S. and SlattAl. Nova, Ma ly Dr. Xnewhall's Cateirirh Nu e. This anulthaa thoroughly proved !Wit° be the beat article known for raring the ivadoinerh, Cold to the Heed and Headache: It bas 15mnd an extwllant remedy in many closes of Eyes.— Deafness has horn removed by ,11, 'hearths bas conch been greatly improved by theme. It Is fragrant and agreeable, and arra; rams- DIATE ItELTRY to the dullikestes rweetteed by i i 1 diseases of the head. The arena ha a noting it are dellghtfni and Invigoartellitg. and purges out a li ohatructioneddrenktb Wanda, and gives a healthy action to.the pa bad. More than Thirty Tears' et sale of "Dr. ma i" narahall'a Clittarth and' ,Thetdradat ' ." has preyed Its great vahle for sit the *axes ef tbahavi and at Wm movileat , Digher •than.ever before.. . , _,..i . l. It le rem amended by many of the beet phyel- =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers