Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, September 10, 1866, Image 2

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    It (ConOltr,
Mord.,►' alorislim, 11401. 15, 1540,
SOS 40%8mfa%
97 4*Litird CoeNTIf
UOE. 3. MeIIOWELL SH4Bl'.g, 1;lf
Prankliu County,
/13AA.0 ROUDTSON, Liottyrburi.
mcii9rAs Ifou4tv29upet,
rELILIP RANSi, etrabun,
WM. D. HOLTZWC)Wrii, Gettyagirg
ADAM W. AIINTEX, Frankll4,
nisi crous or Tll E I'oo4,
,1011:1 NUNNEMAKER, 2 y., Liberty,
,JQUN RARS, 3 y., Conoweig%
HENRY' l i . BREAM, C4laborla4d,
Dn. WM. J. McCLURE, Oxford
ClTanev GoxaingT
We have . the pl clog re of an ;p ou nci n g that ES
irI.3I,GLYME.Lt Wll.l, W (111 US. 4 letter
grout Mr, Wallace, Chairman of the Democratic
01.44t4rCe4 rul Committue, says that Mr. Clymer
will address the goople lo . gt.:TrYS/31 7 1‘Ci, on
umway, rug; (TI ; u
i o cToBER, Senator
,DOCILITTEN, and Ez-Ciov, nay lei ex
pected h)s% with several promise - pit military
gentlemen. A. regulef call will be Issued here
attar, Democrats; -and Conservatives of .Saute,
prepare fur an Wantons.) clemonstratlon.
• 2
All Undivided Unicin, and a Pre
served Constitution I-
All WI% oppose the it idloal Republicans In
&heir Infainousschemes kedividenisd disrupt the
rederal Union ; all who oppose the odious heresy
of taxation without lopreiaq,pstion; all who Op
pose that hateful hsttch of re:kis:se legislation
known as the Civil 13Ightif Dill, Freedmen's Bu
relit, Negro efutirage and Negro Equality; and
are in favor of the Ikea-oration policy of President
Joblxson, with its crowning results in National
' and National Prosperity—and in favor of
Upholding his Conservative Administration us
*opposed to A ltadlcal lllsuu f ou Congress; all In
favor of a White Weer:salient and the so.
ill.CllllAll of the White Duels; and in favor of
Lower Tuxes and National netrenehutent—are
uordially Invited to the followlng meetings, each
of which will be addressed by several speakers:
At Neentan's Scluxd-house, lit siounkloy town
ship, ou((rituusnAy EVENING, lieptemberl3tit.
-At alulinunusinfrg, oq rltll).l.f 1;1 LNiSG,Sep
. •
~ember !th,h,
At Yretsebs Dresena's, In Cumberland township,
tsn MONDAY' EVENING, Sept. 17th.
At Abbottstowif, on TUI.:DAY EVENING,
ties:nem ber 15th.
At Coursul Wagner's, In Ifounlpleasunt town
'hip, on WEDN k;SDAY EVENING, Sept. 19th.
Al East licrita, ou TD-1./lISDAY EVENING,
seiteuther ;dth,
And on bIAT RDAY AFTERNOON, Se ptember
t:Li,S grand WOODS kIEETING will be held In
lit‘sury J. Myers's grove, near fees Chester, which
Will be ualdreased by several speak-ors 'lrom
Amish White Men of the country, and rebuke
the wicked scheince of a Radical and. Revolu
tionary Congress, and sustain and encourage - oth
patriotic efforts of Presideut Johneour ln his resto
'ration of the 4tatetil_
&eaten, vote the way yea shok.for the Flag,
Lhe Union and the Constitution! neat back the
weakening columns of the Radical wing ! Stand
We President and the Uttiou 1 -
Chairman Democratic (Minty t:uunaittee,
Per. w. 1806.
The Democratic Mass Meeting tO* l
held In °elselman's Grove, In UnioU\
township, on Saturday next, promises to
be s rouser. The "note of preparation" is i
sounding -throughout the "Lower End," 1
and is extendingU the remoter- town
ships. Should the weather proye at all
fair, a glorious meeting may be expected.
Several of the ablest speaket s In the State
will be there, whllitt the exercises will be
enlivened with plenty of good music.
Bally, friends of the Union, and swell
the Increasing tide which proinises soon
p.) engulf negro Eadlcalisin with its 041-
umi heresies ;
Let every Democrat and conservative
man talk Wills neighbor 'who lain error;
reason with; him ; give him no rest until
he Convince s him or the dangers which
await him In case of the success of the
Radical party. Work as though upon
tour own individual efforts depended the
puecess °lithe cause. Now - is your oppop-
Witity. Let it not pass uuimprovedl'
Think of %this! GEN. U. S. GRANT
and GEN. W. T. SliElt44N suppo
the President and oppose the Radicals.
Generals John A. Dix, Daniel E. Sick
les, H. W. Slocipn, J. 4. McClernand,
W. W. Averill, G. A. Custer, W. Crook,
A. C. Gillem, and - a long list of their
brother generals have called a National
Union Convention of soldiers to sustain
the President. When all these heroes op
pose Radicalism, is It not time for all
good Union men to think of doing like
wise? Corns, now, will you follow the
lead of Grant, !Sherman and Dix, or that
pf Thad. Stevens, Charles Sumner and
Ben Wade?
lern-kflor the e thusiaatic reception
given Fred. Datlglass, the negro, by the
Radicals at Philadelphia, hot week, let
no Radical longer deny the negro-equali
ty plank in his party creed. The leaders
were there; and th4a did more honor to
this ttaptulent negro than any white
man among than!
The soldiers should remember that
coogress voted jive thousand dollars sala
ry to themselves, throe hundred dollars
bounty to the negro soldier, and one hun
dred dollari tq the whites, White sol
diers will plea,se make a note of this and
rditinneter their Cox gressiornd friend* at
the ballet-boX,
- -
le e lintfe *ire tile men who comp Q .
add 'the I f inealu C.tbitiet---SE4WAR.D.
PAT E 4 4 1 44 1 4 , W.e141414 ? With
$llO President, heartily.
MeatDeatearaVl Mid JOl/fled*,
havre"huited oil a ticket
14 ,and wa Moe? the State,
USW tegissios-ssiE uics Tilt MORN& ' SAIRO•WORSUIPPERS' CONVE3TIo*".
. .
.r. -II t . .
Under the editorlifheads of a =Majority l The opening of the tamialin gives gio- .: A Convention of all shades or Redlatie, ,
of the Radical pupent Willbe found print- / clods promise ':ar tricTORT. From from different . sections Of the country,
,ad In full the Radical . plait of "Recoil- ' all parts of th - 0 State wines ' t h e cheering t rs o t h e e fi l l tl l u n .a l s r h f l o la r d a eltia u d i tAtwee. ai The
T llll Convention," but the managers rn
% Be l t: ,
struction." It is netimitrg more nor less news of •large conservative gains - .
coup:ill V? . .toutherii Itadicals,.changed it
'than the proposed Amendment to the 'Democrats and nstionat Union men are ering that it would he a beggarly afthir if
Cctustitutieo of the United States, sub- making converts every any. The old
trsitilni sim pl y
i new head, t d ' o ( '‘,.. 'l e n n t r . i t l i t n iv a l I n . l l other' '- Il
witted by C'ongress at its late session. ! leaders of the "Republican" party are
Upon this Platform the Radicals of the i helping us lu the good work. Ex-Gov. Northern Governors appointed delegates
way quite a number of the negro stripe
whole country now stand, and Cleary has Wm. F. Johnston, Senator Cowan, 514. by the score, and in ibis unauthorized
ofpoliticians w'ere gotten together. The
been put forward as their candidate for' Charles IL Sliriue,r, Hon. joseph R.
Governor in/Pennsylvania.upon it. i Flanigen, Gen. J. . Zuliek, B. Snyder m ost pr om i nent
actors in the gathering
Let usesamine its main plank—which Leidy, Lsg., Ex-Mayor ilnry, of Phila- were Jack Hamilton, of Texas, Ben.
'is in these words: 1 delphia)bn. Richard Coulter, and oth- Butler , and Fred, Douglass, the negro.
Airricrx—Scetion 1. All persons born ter mare!
ers, are, doing splendid serYice in the con- '/_' i lr- , ! , t.. . ,e'd in the procession with f
or naturalized in the United 'States, , and servative ranks. Ex-Clov. Ritner, Yen- • s " e n' i t i e ,fg 4/AI C ' and . i nadelereratirPeech - I
, subject to the jurisdiction thereof,: arc erable as he is, traveled twenty miles, a ,4- fl. t. me
right of the negro to all the
citizens Of the United ,Ytates and of the' few days ago, to see Mr. Clymer and as- , I a box, the witness box, and
Slate wherein they reside, Ne State shall ,
make or enforce any 7 i L tsonvention on Wednesday ap
l aw w hi c h s h a ll , sure hi nt of his support. Gen. Joseph the bu n t e lo . t
~b ox !" . .
the privileges or iimouulties of; H. Kuhns, of Westmorelaud county, pre- 1
pointeda committee to make speeches
citizens of the United States. Nor Shall , shied over a large conservative meeting
along the President's route to Chicago!
airy Slate deprive any persoo of life.' held atGreensburg, a few days since. In This looks as though the Radicals were'
liberty . of property without due process I Allegheny county there is a Union tick- slightly scared.
of law nor derly to a.tht pereeo within its / , —On Thursday some rich scenes oc-
jurisdictiou the equal proteetlou of the et of all the Anti-Radical elements which
cursed. Anna Dickinson and Fred.
aws." I will carry the county. In Philattelphia Douglass spoke strongly in favor of negro
' The reader will please compare this, . there are 10,000 Johnson Republican vo- suffrage. The Maryland, West Virginia
word for word, with the veetioir as print- I ters registered who will not support Gea- and Kentticky delegations wanted the
S l ' e nN l • v e o n r tl r. on ot to m a i t s lj e ttl e ri r s sine die, to stop
ed in the Radical papers. Having satin -iry. In Bradford county the Conservative
tied himself that we quote with entire.; Republicans, headed by Ex-Congressman Radicals opposed the adjournment:-
-gorrectness, we ask his attention to the ; T rac y, refuse to support Geary and the Borewan, of West Virginia, said "If the
words we have italicised. "All persons" ' Radical candidate for Congress. j dogma of negro suffrage was adopted, the
—mark you, not all white persons only, The good work goes bravely on! Republican party was gone, and gone ,
forever," and urged the adjournment. '
but "all persons," of all colors,—"born Jack Hamilton told the 'Border State
or naturalized in the United States and TIIE OLD LEADERS. delegates to go—they were there only by
subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are courtesy anyhow. After a heated wran
citizens of the United States, and of the gle, the Convention adjourned' until
Friday morning.
State wherein they reside." The proceedings of this Convention
This clause, it will be observed, makes must have the effect of opening the eyes
-Vegrocs CITIZENS ! Now nark what of the people to the dangerous designs of
-follows: "No State shall make or en- the Radicals, ancrthus do much towards
force any law which shall abridge the
strengthening the patriotic position of
President Johnson. The skies are daily
P or immunities of citizens of the brightening. 0
United States." One of the privileges of
citizens of the united States, is the'
/ ItIG 111" f 0 VOTE. Hence, this Amend
ment first makes Negroes CITIZENS,',
and then prohibits any State from ma
king or enfcircing any law which shat/
abridge the privileges of such Negro
citizens, including the RIGHT OF SUF-
' FRAGE! And to clinch the nail, the
section winds up by declaring, "Nor
shall any State * * * deny to any per-1
son" (that is, white or black) "Within its;
jurisdiction the equal protection of the
laws." ll' all persons, white and black,
are to have the equal. protection of the
laws, of course Negroes must be protected
just ns the whites are, in all thiugs, the
New, then, it l's proposetiby t e Radicals
to incorporate this Amendin nt at once
in the Constitution of the II ited States.
It has already been ratified by some of
the legislatures of the - Northern States.
The nest legislature of our own State
will be called upon to not 'upon this A:
mendinent. -If a majority of Radicals
shall be' returned to that legislature,
Pennsylvania will- ratify the Amend
ment. If three-fourths of all the States
ratify it, it will be a part of the funda
mental law of the land, and NEGRO
will be fixed and unalterable facts.—
This is the truth, the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth. Let every think
ing man pcin der well the issue.
Tits manilas. asA.I.
The Radical leaders find the negro a
heavy load to carry. The issue made by
their friends in the last Congress is au
ugly one, and they are endeavoring to
get sway from it by a system of false
"trails," branching out in every direction
from the true one.
Their last dodge to this end is an attack
upon the County Commissioners and
Directors of the Poor, in which they
raise the hypocritical cry of "extrava
gance !" "extravagance!' and undertake
to prove it by comparing the expenses of
the county diming the war with whet
they were twelve or fifteen „gaze* agb !
This way of reasoning isnot only dishon
est, but insulting to an into lgent cow
Does not every man who build:4 a
house or a barn know that the cost of
either is twice or three times as great as
10vas ten years ago ?—and is it to be ex
pk,teel that Commissioners can get coun
ty work done for less than private indl
vfduals? So with 'Court costs—Jurors',
Witn ,e,s' and District Attornees fees
having ken raised, and the criminal
business having - more than doubled.
Beside, the; population has increased,
creating more\aud :more demands for
new bridges, new roads, and so on.
Juries grant these, demands, in accord
ant" with the prayekof and for the con
venience of the tax-payers, and are the
Commissioners - to be charged with
travagance" because th simply do
What , thtt /Ws say they. s all do? In
every county in the Common. •ealth this
incredse of expenditure has been going
on for several years, the - same eanses ope
rating upon all alike—in Republidan as
' well as Democratic counties. .‘
Besides there has been a Republicanin
the Board of Commissiondrs Of this coun
ty four out of the last live years—partici
pating in all the business, and responsi
ble with the two Democrats—the Board
rarely, if ever differing, in making ap
propriations. Why did not-he stop it, if
there was "extravagance?" The answer
we have already given.
The negro demagogues who start this
cry do it only with a view to humbug
ging verdant people, and would laugh In
their sleeves should it succeed in gulling
any one.
In regard to the increase of expendi
tures at the Poor-house, the, explanation
will suggest itself to ever* mind. Is
there a man, woman or child in the
county. who es nut know that the cost,
of living has more than trebled during
the last four or five years? Take the
prices of flour, meat, sugar, coffee, mos-
Has, and compare them with what they
were.before the war, and every dollar of
increased expense at the Alma-house is
accounted for. Every article used at the
house, as well as given to out-doer pau
pers, has been purchased at the enormous
prices caused by the war—ca war, by the
Way, which would never have occurred
but for the sectional hate engendered by
these same Radicals.)
The Democrats who have occupied,
and now occupy, seats in the Boards of
Commissioners and Directors have al
ways borne the highest character for
economy and honesty, and we are safe in
saying that if the Radicals had no polit
ical designs upon these offices, they
would be secure against all complaints
now. Had the Radicals had entire con
trol of the two Boards during the war,
the expenses would certainly have been
quite as heavy—indeed much heavier, if
the fashior. so common during that period
among them in other quarters had gotten
a foothold here.
The PEOPLE understand these things—
and who should understand thorn better
than they, having suffered, and are still
suffering, the burden of high prices.
The only blame lies at the door of the
Radicals, and they can never get rid of
the odinat ,th us, incurred.
ifirßoss, the gansus disunionist, who
was appointed to complete the unexpired
term of Senator Lane, hurried to Wash
ington, got sworn in and served three
days—for which he was voted 0,000 and
mileage by the Rump Senate! What an
conomiegl set of beings the Radio* are,
We ask our "Republican" friends to
consider the fact that their old leaders
now stand in the vanguard of the Nation
al Union party, which, with Democ
racy, forms the conservative element of
the country and which supports the Pres
ident as against the Radicals. WILL
..._ ..... „ii t - •—mae - "
presi- i
it i Black I Singlet
ded over the Convention that nominated ~ " e ll . '" ' '
Lincoln in 1860,) SENATOR DIXON,J
Thad.. Stevens, Aleck. McClure and
John Williamson made speeches last
BLAlR,—these were th e f oun d ers - a n d , Tuesday night, and each one of them
the long trusted leaders of the "Republi
s die for 'NEGRO SUFFRAGE and
can" party. They are ail now with the IQUALITY. Old Thad. said the "NE-
President and acting in concert with the ORO IS THE ISSUE. GERMANS,
Democratic party. They are the men : IRISHMEN AND AFRICANS WERE
who led the "Republican" party to vie- ALL EQUAL. SO LONG AS I LIVE
tory. Had their leadership bempfollow-
ed by the mass of that party, the Demo- ITRINE."
crats could have done nothing bet assist- : MeClure said he would never agree to
ed them in restoring the Union. &tut t the restoration of the Union UNTIL THE
their counsels were discarded by the Rad- SOUTHERN PEOPLE PUT THEIR
heal leaders, who are now leading the . NEGROES UPON A PERFECT E
"Republican" party astray, and it re- QUALITY WITH THEMSELVES.—
mai us only for moderate and sensible men I
' Williamson said, "A NEGRO HAS AS
in their ranks bo break through the tram-
mels of party and stand by Seward and : iHisHmAN, AND ;STORE." Now,
his conservative confreres in their work
:here is the doctrine of the Radicals.—
of restoration. Shall the old leaders be
Republicans cannot deny this. We can
trusted, or shall they be discarded for prove it by a hundred witnesses. In the
men who are mere agitators and political'
name of heaven, can any decent man en
revolutionists? This is a question for : dope it?—Bedford - Gazdte.
every "Republican" to consider beforii 1
he makes up his mind in regard to the is
involved in the coining election.—
He must decide between Seward, Weed
and Raymond, en the one side, and Ste
vens, Sumner and Wade on the other.—
Bedford (Icattle.
The Presidential party arrived at Chi
cago on Wednesday evening,hvbere they
were received with unbounded enthusi
asm. The PEOPLE turned out en maw
to do honor to the Chief Magistrate of the
nation. On Thursday the corner stone of
the Douglas Monument was laid. The
Masons performed the ceremony, and
Gen. Dix delivered the oration. The
President delivered a brief address, clo
sing with the declaration that "if it were
possible for Stephen 'A. Douglas to be
disturbed from his slumber, he would
rise from his grave, and proclaim the
Constitittion and the Union—they must
be preserved!" [Great applause.] Sec
retary Seward responded to repeated culls,
and cloyed with - the sentence that "the
Ametican people have a new base of life
—a life that I now feet is able to dtfyfac
tion, rebellion and powerful enemies to
destroy either, now or hereafter, forever- 7
more!" [Tremendous cheers.] Gener
al Grant and Admiral learragut were next
introduced, and received a warmgreet
ing, after which the exercises closed.
The Presidential party expected to spend
yesterday in St. Louis.
_ .
The Radical Convention at Phihuiel- name which the Johnson aid Clymer
phia was badly "sold" on Wednesday by soldiers are 'adopting for their Clubs
the following "special:" throughout the State—"the White. Boys
in Blue." Why object, gentlemen? The
C. C. Fulton, Delegate to Convention :
A dispatch from Detroit says that Johnson soldiers went into the war to
Grant and Farragut have arrived at De- !light for a white Government, and they
troit, having left the Presidential party. I intend to sustain it at the ballot box by
• The dispatch produced greatglee among 1 voting the white man's ticket. They are
the "delegates." ' There was enthuslas- I therefore exactly consistent in adopting
tic cheering, bnd throwing up of hats, for . that title. Beside, they like it—and', so
Grant and Farragut. But the "fun" was i liking, they don't mean to put them
soon spoiled by another "special,"_w_hich ; sel"es to any trouble to consult those who
told the true story : ' ' • I prefer the opposite color. You can adopt
Dornorr, Sept. 4.—The party
a r' r l ved
at Detroit at 7 I'. 3f., General Grant belng.-
, what name you please —black, —black, if it suits
on best.
at the depot in a earriage,to receive the 1 Y
President, --
In the languago' of Mr. Seward; - at De
troit, "the poorest invention is that of
men who think they can divide General
Grant from the-President!"
TOR, and other New York capitalists,
who hold more of the National debt
than the same number of men anywhere,
are for the President and against Con
gress. •
Do you hold a Government Bond?
Is it safer under Stevens and agitation,
than under Johnson and peace.?
t0..1,V he n Radical candidates approach
Democrats, they are v'ry polite, and
lavish all sorts of praise upon them.
They want their votes. A few years ago
these same candidates looked upon Dem
ocrats as "rebels" and "traitors," who
deserved imprisonment or the halter.
.Houck, in the Legislature, last
winter, voted with the negro Radicals
all the time. If elected, he would do so
again. He would vote for the Negro
Suirfe Amendment, and a Negro Suf
frage United States Senator. Do the
white people of Adams -want such q
Representative neat winter?
Ilia.. Border Sufferers, three Republican The- Radicals reported Wilmington,
Legislatures refused to give you a cent of 1 : ; e , liiieas„laVilagigiocrnftifeoc.rptEl eartrr
damages. Will you vote for another of facto : In 1861 the city gave nearly a 90t
the same stripe and thus endorse - Wes° majority for Lincoln. In 1865 the Re
insults added to injury. i publican Mayor had 495 majority—and
-.1. lon Tuesday last the Republican Mayor
ivar t Some of the negro p a p ers w hi c h , a had but 2:. majority. At this rate of
couple Months ago, claimed that Geary i "increase," the Radicals have only a
y_eitr to run to lose the city altogether.
would be elected by 40,000, now come : The State is sure for Johnson's policy.
down in their figures to 10,000. If the r
change in public opinion amounts to 30,-
411111 CAL ILE
000 in two months, wonder if it won't CAW I—
amount to 10,000 more in another month. Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, the great
Clymer will be elected by at least 20,000." ; anti-slavery preacher, has written a 1et
___-__ iter endorsing President Johnson's restara
rkies are Bright '—The Republican ; e" " U V 1
... .
party, Ko called,ie rapidly falling to sarKoontz voted against the bounty
pieces; nearly all its great leaders are ar- to white ;soldiers. What say you, "boys
rayed o 4 the side orthepaoide ' and stand in blue?
Ulm a wall of brass *galas' , al e radicals.
Going up I—The Denoornt 4 le Delegate
to congress in Zclaho has 1,031-MaJority
Removal from Office—Letter from Secre
tary Weller,
The Philadelphia Press published the
following letter from Secretary Welles,
in reply to an inquiry as to the reason
why Mr. R:ehard .Wood was removed
from his position in the Philadelphia
Navy Yard:
WisnixciToist, D. C., 1
August 2.3, MG. f
.• DEAR SIR: Your note of the 17th in
stant, stating that Richard Wood, "has
without alleged cause been discharged,"
ttild asking the reasons of his removal,
has been received.
The Department does_ not hold itself
bound to assign reasons in every case of
change that it makes.
Bin Mr. Wood is unanstood-to be an
active partisan opponent of the President
and of thoseho sustain him in his ef
forts to re-establish the Union.
The Administration, and those counect
ed with it, would fail in their duty to the
country were they to retain in- the em
ployment of the Government any one
who would weaken and embarrass the ef
forts which are made to promote Nation
al unity, or would,'at such a period, im
pair confidence in those who are exerting
themselves to sustain the President in
his labors for the welfare of the whole
country. Very respectfully,
Hon. Leonard Myers, Philadelphia, Pa.
literhe Radicals don't seem to like the
Col. Frank Jordan, • State claim agent
at Washington, was up at Reading, the
other day, at the - meeting, making anoth
•r speech for Geary, for which ho will
take pay out of the State Treury. He
gets $3,000 a year of the people's taxes,
for not attending to his duties. He has
been electioneering for Geary for more
than Sour months and hasn't earned live
dollars of the salary he has the effrontery
to take , out of the Treasury. If Curtin
had any regard for the taxpayers he
would discard this political excrescence,
but he has not. Of course, if Geary
succeeds, Jordan will hold this sinecure
for three years longer, and deplete the
taxpayers of more than slo,ooo.—(lartiale
Stir And yet the Radicals here. talk
about "economy I" What hypocrites !
Z& The Radicals : have nothing to say
when Congress appropriates millions op
' on millions for the support°, idle negroes,
but when County C)mmissioners and Di
rectors of the Poor are compelled to meet
Increased expenditures, because of the
higher prices caused by the war, they set
up the hypocritic.s,l howl of "extraya
'gance!" extravagance!" How Immense
' ly economical they become when while
people to concerned
wil..vlNoTo3/ 3
tigt..A Radical paper says that the
Geary procession at Mechanicsburg was
"three miles 10ng.." This Is believed to
be the tallest lle of the season,
('LYE sugameitiv
it Vamp! pimp I TY* Drill are llarela
The soldiers who intend "to vote as
they shot"—for the Union—held a meet
ing at Wolf s hotel, in this place, on !
Thursday evening, for the purpose of
organizing a Johnson and Clymer Club.
The attendance was fine and the spirit
inanifested highly gratifying. Maj. 1).
J. Benner was called to preside, and. up- i
on taking the chair, addressed the meet
ing In a very happy manner. He said
that as soldiers they would sustain at the
ballot box the principles they fought for
in the war—and Andrew Johnson stood
upon these principles.
T. J. Myers was appointed Secretary.
Adj. J. H. White moved that the per
manent officers of the Club consist of a
President, three Vice Presidents, Corres
pondiug and Recording Secretaries, a
Treasurer, and an Executive Committee,
which carried. The Club at once
_pro- '
ceeded to fill these oftices, and the follow
, ing persons were chosen:
President, Maj. D. J. Benner.
Vice Presidents, M. M. ]filler, Geo. C.
Crass, Jerome J. Martin.
Recording Secretary, J. Jeff: Myers.
Corresponding Secretary; J. H. White.
Treasurer, Capt. W. J. Martin.
Executive Committee—Maj. Henry S.
Benner, Jacob W. Gilbert, Jacob McDuff
nett, Daniel H. Klingle, Jacob Eicholtz.
The ottieers of the Club are also members
of this Committee.
Committee to rort Constitution, J.
H. White, W. J. Martin, Jacob W. Gil
Financial Committee, Charles E. Gil
bert, Lewis Myers, M. frilly and J. Jeff.
H. J. Stable was called on for a speech.
He complied at some length, after which
the meeting adjourned until Thursday
evening next, at the same place.
This is a movement in the right di
rection, and we hope that conservative
soldiers throughout the county will im
mediately form Clubs also. They fought
for the Union on the battle-field, and
should now organize to sustain it at the
ballot box.
far Major General Johp E. Wool has
written a strong letter endorsing Presi
dent Johnson. He says, "another civil
war is indicated by those who declare
the Union dissolved." "We have had
war enough—let there be peace."
Major General Stoneman has also ta
ken his stand with President Johnson.
ser.The niggeritedsay that the County
Commissioners and Directhrs of the Poor,
during the last several years, spent more
money than did those in office before the
war. Of course they did, as any fool
might know. Prices of all sorts have
been higher by from two to six hun
dred per cent. But-if these Radicals,
with the extremists of the South, had
not "kicked up" a war, local expendi
tures would have been no greater than
before it occurred. The Radical leaders
are themselves at fault In this matter, as
well as in 'regard to all the increase of
taxation, and the people, who have to
bear these burdens, should not forget
them for it. -
fikirA Monster Johnson and Clymer
meeting, was held at Pottsville on Mon
day. The • President; General Henry ,
Pleasants, and the Chairman of the Com
mittee on Resolutions, Colonel Frank T.
Bennet, both brave officers during the
war, were formerly with the Republicans,
but have now joined the party of the -U
-nion and the Constitution. There arc
scores of such prominent . changes
throughout the Statd.
- terThe Johnson' and Clymer men had
a meeting at Bedford- on Monday eve
ning, the hugest political gathering ever
witnessed there. Hon. J. McDowell
Sharpe, Hon. Montgompry Blair, Hon.
A. H. Coffruth and 11. P. Meyers, Esq.,
addressed it.
M.Hon. Hiram Findlay, of Somerset,
and Col. John H. Filler,.of Bedford, are
the candidates against the Radicals for
the Legislature in the Somerset, Bedford
and Fulton district. Col. Filler served
through the war, and though formerly a
hard-working Republican, is now an
ardent Johnson man. He can't stomach
the nigger..
SiarA grand Mass Meeting of the
friends of Johnson and Clymer will be
. at York on Monday, the 24th hist.
Hiester, Clymer, Montgomery Blair; Sen
ator Cowan, Senator Doolittle, Gen. Mc-
Candless, and others, are announced as
the speakers. , The Democrats arid Con,
servatives of Adams are cordially invited
to attend. It will be the largest meeting
ever held In York. a
Ber Senator Cowan is now on the
stump in the western part of the State,
striking gallant blows for Johnson and
the Union. His exposures of the disu
nion designs of the Radicals are decided
ly scathing.
seirAtuong the prominent gentlemen
in this State '-ho supported Lincoln, and
are now outspoken in their endorsement
of Hiester Clymer, are the following:
General James A. Beaver,
General John Frazer,
General Joseph F. Knipe ;
Col4nel Jacob S. Haldeman, late Min
ister to Sweden, under President Lin
Colonel Richard Coulter, of Westmore
Colonel Thomas J. Jordan.
writ is Unsafe to put Radicals into of
fice anywhere. Their parts leaders have
set them too many examples of steali ng—
examples 'which the . "smaller fry" might
feel inclined to follow.
113.. Mr. Clymer is met and welcomed
by immense crowds of citizens in every
town of the. State which he visits, and
command ,the great enthusiasm. Re
ports of the canvass from every quarter
are most encouraging.
derGen. Banks, who lost his army but
saved his life up the Red river, calls Gen.
Grant "a timo-server." It must be ad
mitted that Grant "served" well and
was always up to "time."
ilkirCongress gave the negro soldier
three hundred dollars bounty. Congress
gave the white soldier but one hundred
dollars bounty. Geary lipenly sustains
Congress. How eau any soldier vote for
left—Democrats! Conservatives! the
skies are bright! We never entered on a
campaign with better prospects of sue
cess.—Tbe disunion negro party is being
crushed beneath the weight of its own
enormities, and is broken and divided,
Let this enoograge us to Ulan Be united,
be active, be vigilant..
Mir Democrats, attend to tlto Amoco
Fort TIIE CA.mrAtoN.—The Gettysburg
c omp il er will be furulalied,from this
time until after the October election at
TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, in advance.
We have already added hundreds of cam
paign subscribers to our list, but will
make room for more.
NEW POST-OFEICE.—A new Poet-office
has been established at Wm. A. MeSher
ry's Store, 'in Mountpleasant township,
with Mr. McSherry as Postmaster. , The
name of the office is "Red Land."
Tim FAIR GnouNns.—There will be s
"general jubilee" on the Fair grounds at
Bendersville on Saturday next, the 15th
lust. The public are invited—uocharge.
The track has been graded. Bring out
all the fast horses.
TALL Coax.—Mr. Wm. Sterner, of
Mountjoy township, sends us two very
tall stalks of corn—one of them measur
ing sixteen feet and four Inches. That's
running up high, as Clymer's majority
PLC Nics.—The Basket Pie Nic at
Bream's mill, on Saturday week, was a
large and pleasant affair—as was the Red
m e ws pie Nic, near Greentuount, ou
Thursday. The Gettysburg Band accom
panied the latter, and added much to the
general enjoyment.
BASE BALL.—An interesting game of
Base Ball was played a few days ago be
tween the Stars of Petersburg and the
Olympic- of New Oxford. The count
stood 56 for the Stars and 16 for the Olym
pics. The game came off at Petersburg.
.11051 - To Mrs. Daniel H. Klingle, of
Cumberland township, we are indebted
for a basket of delicious apples. Thanks !
IM-Our weekly expenses are heavy,
and must be met with cash. Will not
those indebted help us to-do :o by paying
promptly what they owe? We have
much need of money ut this tine.
Another. Tape- Worm Expelled.--On
Sunday last, Dr. George Frederick Feis
tel, who has acquired quite a fame in
the-extermination of tape worms, succeed
ed in another marvellous operation, in
the case of a little girl, thirteen and a
half years old, a daughter of Mr. Daniel
Ilgenfritz, who resides on the farm of
Judge Black, near this Borough. He
extracted one of that formidable species
known as the 'mina latl \ solium, forty
feet in length, and with q Ite a number
ofsmaller once. He was a dayand a half
occup'ed with this extraordinary ease.
The girl had been in delicate health for
some time, and occasionally subject to
spasms in consequence of this monster.
We are informed that three physicians,
one of whom was from Philadelphia, pre
scribed for her, but without relief. It
generally takes Dr. Feistel about eight
hours to expel one of these monsters from
the system ; in this, however, he was
over thirty-six hours, proving it to have
beea a most malignant case. The girl,
we are told, is now in fine spirits and is
quite wB. Persons wishing to procure
the medical services of Dr. George Fred
erick Feistel, will address him at Pine
Hill Postoffice, York County, Pa.— York
From lion. if ts•Th ftetretsry of
the Treasury. Washington, D. C. •
* * * * * your CAlege not onty
possesses in an eminent degree the con
fidence of the community, but is p‘ttron
ized by its begt citizens.
Itriir f'Ccittort.r.
To g. J. Fit.v.sterscl, Principtl Penn'a.
College of Trade and Finance.
tio AL—This popular College will send
free to any address samples of Green
back's penmanship, &e., WWI a copy of
The Keystone, containing full particulars.
Harrisburg, Pa.
"The Negro bears the Palm."—The
Rump Congress voted NEGRO SOL
DIE RS who served TWO years, THREE
•The Rump COugress voted • WHITE
SOLDIERS who had served THREE
ItEk.The Radicals at Philadelphia re
fused to pay the slightest mark of respect
to President Johnson, Gen. Grant or
Admiral Farragut. But when Fred.
Douglass, the negro, arrived, he was re
ceived with enthusiastic cheers ! Con
servative Republicans, can you endorse
such disgusting doings with your votes?
Vitir•Col. T. C. McDowell, of Harris
burg, over whose support of Lincoln in
MA the Republicans made so loud an
ado, is now supporting President John
Se - When General Sherman Wag leav
ing Cleveland, he respond3d, in answer
to the inevitable demand for a speech,
"I see that the Atlantic Cable has been
successfully laid—that's a great thing.—
I also see that CongreSs has adjourned—
that's a good thing, and if the hot weather
only keeps off, that, too, will be a good
ear-The New York Trisune, of a recent
date, asks the following question: "If
Negro ffi.tffrage is not the question now
before the people, we would like to know
what is.' Will some of our Adaius
county Radicals answer ?
RES.-The New York Herald figures up a
gain of fifty Conireasinen for the Con
servatives in the coming elections.
iterThe Democratic meeting at Grief
fenburg, on Saturday evening, was large
and enthusiastic. Hon. T. McDowell
Sharpe, was one of the speakers. Pro
ceedings next week.
Rer - Tee Radical Convention at Phila
delphia adjourned eine die on Friday.
Better for the Radicals ft had never been
M.-William J. Richardson, in a card In
the Pittsburg Republic, says that his
name was used as a vice preSldent of a
Geary meeting without his knowledge
or consent.
parßen. Butler, who was the leader
In the Breckinridge movement at Balti
more in 1880, has become a great favorite
with the Radicals. The extremes are
now together—on the platform of Disu
gifi - Vertnont has gone for the nigger
ites, as usual. It is hardly to be expect
ed that daylight will ever enter that be
nighted State.
Ile...George IL Pendleton has been
nominated for Congress by the Demo
mita and Johnson men of the First Ohio
s® -The Washington City Councils
have resolved to give the President a
grand reception on his return.
Deif•Chester county gives the Geary
party 3,000 majority. The delegation
which went to Reading to the Geary Pow
wow, carried a banner Inscribed "Equal
lidgitts To All." There can be no "equal
rights to all" unless 'legroom are allowed
to vote, hold office and do arid have
everything that white men do and have.
JparT,le Lebanon Advertiser says
pri that w
"General Qftry puard over a s
to keep the wOer al o e far himself and
start and made the privates get their wa
ter And drink teem a dirty stream," and
adds that "he never 08444 h private
With ()Tea 00111 y !Airco,"
Special Notice Column.
Ulsek as a Crow,
few years since, wan many a splendid head that
is now grey or grizzled. Why not restore to the
yet unwrinkled brow Its raven honors? Flee
uttnutiss eine* the splendid transformation. In
less time than a rifleman would take to
three times, the greyest head may be made darker
than the RAVEN'S WINO. No matter of What
undesirable tint the hair or whiskery or beard
may be, the change to a superb and perfectly nat. I
and black or brown is insxnuplisbod by one ap.
plicatiou of
wl thootstai ring the skin or inJuringthellazoenta.
Markuracturod by J. CHEISTADORO, 6 Algot
House, Now York. Sold by Druggists. Applied
by all.ll,alz Drmors. (Aug. 27,16. La .
Dr. Tablas• Vetarthia thahnumit.
chronic rheumatism. headache, toothache, crouP.
colic, quln4v, more throat, and pains In any part of
the laxly. Rontember, this article bra mums—
not an experiment: for 19 years It has beau •
No medicine over had such a reputation op this
silently It has worked Its way before the put)!
and ail are lend In Its praise. "Chronic rheumy
Rain." Thousands who laid for weeks on • bed of
agony, and never walked without the aid of crut
ches, with this complaint, can testify to the maglC
al effects of this liniment. They are cured and
proclaim its virtues throughout the land. Re
member, relief is Certain, and a positive curs is
sure to fdllow. Ireadtwhc of all kinds we Warrant
to cure. Putrid sore throat, (ohm*, and diptheri*
are robbed of their terrors by aitimely use of the
Venetian Liniment. It hits saVed hundred' the
past threu•months. Price 40 and 80 cents a bottle.
°Mae, 56 Cortland streLL, New York. 13014 by All
Druggists. [August 27,1808. 1m
, Miracles; Porous platters.
Cayuga. Hinds County,MISSL
T. ALI.OOt. Co.—Gentlemen: Pleura sand ton
another six dozen of your Porous Morten. They
are in great demand here for Whooping-cough.
They art like a charm. I could have sold two
dozen this week. If I had had them. Senn aa soak
as possible, and oblige,
Yours respectfully,
Mr. Wm. May, of 345, Spring Street, New York.
writes, Jan. 1, ISM: I have been afflicted with
asthma for upwards or ten years, receiving no
benestt from medical men. I was advised by a
friend to try one of stilcock's roma Piasters. I
s tid, I had tried several kinds of plasters without,
any benedt, and supposed theY were all alike.-
My friend gave me one of Alicock's, and urged kw
to use it. I did so, and, hall() now wont them
steadily fur nine months, and' tind myself bettor
than I have been fur many yers. Ageney,Brans
dreth House, New York. Sold by Ikugginta;
AugustV, MM. inn
Lyon's Periodical Drops!
REGUI,AEITIF.A.,-These Drops are a scientill.
cally comtsiunded fluid yreparatlon, and better
than any Pills, Powders or Sestrunts. Being
thehmetlon is direct and positive, rendering
them a reliable, spee .y 1.1114 certain speckle for
the awe of all (distractions and suppressions of
Their popularity isludiented by the (set
that over letykx) bottles are annually consumed
by the ladies of the United - 'itaten, every one
whom speatcs in the strongeS4 terms of praise or
their great merits. They arc rapidly taking the
place of every other Female ltennsly, and are con
sidered by all who know aught of them, as the
surest, xatest, and most Infallible preparation In
the world, for the cure of all female emnpluints,
the removal of all obstruettons of nature, and tins
pminotlon of health, regularity and strength,...
Explicit dire , thin, stating when they play used,
and explaining when and why they should not,
nor could not be used without producing streets
contrary to nature's laws, will be found carefully
folded around each bottle, with the written Alva.
tare or Sum: L. I.ruN, without which none are
Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, IDS Chapel.
Street, Now Haven, Conn., who can tat eonauld
either personally, or by loan, (enclosing stamp,)
coneernher tilt prlvite diseases and refilitjo
nesses. Sold by Druggists everywhere.
C. ty'f,Altl:& CO.,
fleril Agents for .S. and Canadara
Nor 8, 13fii. ly
Dr. 'NarwhalCr Catarrh !Inn.:
This snuff has thoroughly proved Itself to Ise the
best 'article known tor miring the Catarrh, Cold
in the !lead and ll,alactie. It has tern founa au
excel/ant rt• In nt toy casts of sore Eyos,-
I)eut)tes.l low been mooned by It., and nearing •
has often been great 4 Improved by Its tote.
It is fragrant and tigreealih , , Rod GIVEt) IMY 1%.
In AM: itEt.ii.e to t h e dull heavy pains cnuned by
lures sof the head. The sensations after using
it are delight :tad Invigorating. It opens and
purgys Om all obstruet lonm,stn•ng Oleos the glands.
and gives a to the parts affected.
More than Tliirti Years' ,tf, sale and use of "Dr.
Marshall's Catarrh and headache Suutr," has
proved its great value fi r a I the ettfilloolldlsraxel
of tia, head, and at this moment btaudb higher
than ever 'wrote.
It tF recommended by many of the hest physl-,
(Irina, and Is nv• I with great success and sattsfae-
Lion everywhere.
ltetui the ffertni attes of Wholesale ,Druggiste In
15i1:, The IPrslgtb?d, for nanny years
been' reson lintel WWI Dr Marsliall'm Catarrh
and Il.m.lacli.•tinulf,' and sold it itt our wholesale
elieerfully state, that we helleve it to be
equ4l, In every respect, to the rerfanui..tulatlatlit
given of It for [lie rune of Catarrhal Afreetions„
and that It Is deeidedly the best article we have
Cver,kilawit tor all vonunon .11b,..t.4. of the Head.
Burr .t Perr,y, Boston ; It • el, Aiedon & Wm
ton:' Brown, & I %),, Barton ; W.
Powle, Banton: Wilson, plink & Co., Benton;
11.,eiton ; it. 11. Bay,
Portland, 144..; IS trots & Park, New York; A. X.
& D. sail Is, New York; tste,hen P till & Co., New
York ; Israel Minor st Co.. New York ; Mel:yawn&
& It ',lndus. New York; steovill & Co., New
York; 11. Ward, Close Co., New York; Bush k
G de, New York. 1... .7For sale be all Wawa ts.— f (hie. 18,180. ly
- -
The Great Entitsh Remedy.
Pitts. Preparusi from a pnscriptfun of sir J.
“larke;Physiebin Extraordinary the
ttneen, This fnviduable medicine Is unfailing In
the cure of all those pain hil mid dangerous discs
ss leavlilelt the female emistit ut ion is subject. II
moderates all excesses and removes ill °Nitrite.
tionS, and a speedy cure may la r, lied on.
To Married Ladies It is peeullarly sitittsl. It will.
in unhurt time, bring uu the monthly period wilts
etch bottl e, price One ihAlar, bear; the Govern-
Merit Stamp of Groat liritain, to prevent counter
Csdrriost.—These Pills should not he token by
Fe filnleS urt the r HST VI UFF: l'reg
imn cY, as they are sure to bring on Silwarriage.
but at tiny other Mine they are safe.
in all c telex of Nervous and Spinal Affections,
Pains in the Back and [drabs, Fatigue on slight
exertion, Palpitation of the Heart. Hysterics, snit
Wnites, these Pills will effect a cure when all oth
er means have, falksl; and although a powerhal
r e medy, do not contain iron, ealomel, antimony.
ur anything hurtful to the eonsli
Full tilreetlons In the pamphlet around each
package, witch should ix' CarerUny primerveil.
Sold by all Druggists. elute Agent for the Val.
teillflwlLCS and rowels,
Jolt MOSES, 77 Cortland St., N. T.
11-41,00 and 6 'weans° statute/ enclosed Men,
ant horizsi Agent, will iti , ure a bottle, containina
50 Pills by return mail. Sold- by A. D. Buehler.
hue. 18, 1965. ly
- - -- • •••••••
1.1 FF.—II T.TI
The Great Fr - inch Rese•dy.
DR. Judd , . DitLAntAttain.
Prepared from a preser.ption of Dr. Juan Del*.
Mirre, Ville( Physician of the Hospital
du Nord ou Laribohdere of Paris.
This invaluable medicine is no impomition, but
Is unfailing in the cure of Spermatorrhan or Semi.
nal-W..l(lmoms. Every species of Genital or Uri.
nary Irritabiiity, Involuntary or Nightly/koala-1A
Elnimlona from whatever Muse produesii,or holt+
ever severe, witl be speedily relieved Anil tlw wr
gaits restored to healthy action.
Read the following opinioLs of eminent Fre:lib
We havo uged the Speefflc Pills prepared by
Gamut. lere & Dupont, No. 214 Rae hombatd, front
the proscription of 1)r. Juan Dela marre, in our
private practice witli uniform success. and we be
lieve there is no other medicine so well calculated
to eure all persons suffering , front Involuntary
Emlaelone or any other weakness of the denial
Organs, whethg caused by sedentary mod.* o 4
excassek or abuse.
0. D. PIMA 10)12P, M. D.
Earls, Islay
_6th, hilt".
.The genuine Pills are,soid by all the principal
Druggists =mahout the World. Price Oslo Dols r
lar rwr Box, or six Boxes for Five Dollars, .
o.A.ltANClitan* DUPONT. sole Proprietors,
No. 214 Rue Dm - 7) l )4rd, }Paris.
One Dollar enclosed to any authorised AA*
will Insure a box by return mall, securely
from all obaervatlon: six boxes for Ave dollars.
Sole General Agents for Amerfra
OSCAR G. 110/41IN t CO
27 Cortland mt., Y.
N. B.—French, German, Spanish and English
pamphlets, containing full purt•eulars and dross
Done for tte, Sent free to every address.
A. D. Buehler, Agent for Gettysburg.
Dec. /8,1805. ly
Terrible Dleelemires.
' Ratitant POE TUE MII.LIONI — A Evil valeattle
and wonderful publication. A work n .00 pens.
and SO colors.% Engraving's. Dlio' HUNTEII.I4
VASE MECUM, an original andpigrj.=
on Man and Woman, their/ Ilya!
and Sexual disorders of every Isltrapams
Palling Remedies Mr their speedy cars. . Thepress
Dee b( U.. HUNTER. bar long been and OW fe.
unbounded, but at the earnest solleltattont Of nu
merous Persona he has been Outtleed to telonel
his medical tosenslness through the stestrais elithlo
. VADE MECUM." It ISAvolornetbitit steould ley
in the hands otewry testily In the haat, altik ... ft !
VOrttaVe Of settet vices, or al O guide *Ow
salon of one of the Inuit VOW and daft We
i ri
amanges that ever *Wet ed. One.
securely env • tied free of
ago tO any part 4.„ WWI pc
P. stamps. . tisid,"Dts.
Its, 3Di . ' ' ' • o NSW •