~~~e (~oii~. WirrYSBUR9 PA.? 111 1"! 6113. Mr l l. l . 6 Z 16 .4 4 ?.'issa. (fpL li.St : ~U,~t~ tn:- j~STER ,CLY.MER, cit mak% euvsrr. 4F91 1 0), MigEss, "RT. Aft.llpoVg.l,;f, 8.114,1 a, of ltrftWi C4ll . • I it , ioc't 37 coot:, AP NS9 f. ft aysburg. BLY, Nielfil9Lf# 47Z El', Moo ntp le fuet gi . iFatfVV, • ' " p IPRILI t e HA Nti, S,traban. & .WM. I). }IOI;TZWORTH, ' aglOC OF Tin? (OLT.iktit ADAM ir• 3111174, #• • . COUNTY commoisteNcii, NICHOLAS WIEII,3IAN, , = . DIRECTORS OI"ClIE JOHN littNNie.V.klC.l4., y .: Liberty, 'JOHN 3',Y.Noriowago:' • .1, U01,1;ITY AUDITOR, #lE:l$7l CRWISCIjIII/0 OROSER, pa. 7.11(1414,!;)., 9.xforsi. JOHNSON, Vita; ; 4 WHITR DEMOCRATIC WOODS MEETING. .The ftlends uhtf kv Marra tiov 'ernmiint, will hold a t 4 HAND - MASS '3tEETINO, In the large and beautiful grow) belongll;fr to Daniel lieiselman, 'Esg., on titbrhke of the Little Conowit-• go, hi Unioti thtri.:.4,l4, Adams county, on thy . dettpdairk 'Held liartewit' road, 'shout three tulle, from the hitter plitte, On Saturday, the 15th day of Septgnc ,f bar inst. - AM who favolothe Sound Union policy of Andrew JOhnson, and oppose the ne 'groism of Thud Stevens and hid followers, 'are urged to rally in force to the meet ing. Aide speakers Will i'e pteVent.' *dr lion. ftIOHARD StAIJX, plink m1003141' 1 - jOli. 3. S. 'BLACK. JOHN GIB ON, 'Esq., and Col. MAISH, of York yFons. J. NioDOW ELL /I A RYE and '. M. K IMMELL, of Chambers burg 'and lion. MOSES MeCLEAN o t,IVEHLEIt, Esq., of Gettys burg, have been invitod—and several of them have already accepted. Illerlhe 'Tenting wilt commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Provisions "did' Bore° feed can be had on the ground. ' 'rile Democrats and Conservatives of Adams and surrounding counties aro cor dially Ip-ldtod to attend. LEV THERE 'BE A GRA N OUTPOI.7BING OF TH.E MASSE e I • • Volf. OF ARRANGEMENTS. Sept. 3, Stin. • boL.A lott4r received from Mr. Vain, pa Friday eventing, says . : "You may net Immured that nothing but Rheas will pre yent my accepting your ltivitagon for the sth of Septet!) MEETING AT GRIE.FFENBERG. The friends of ,Tohnson and Clymer will tiold a irroeting at OR,EFFENBtRG SPRINQS, 'in' Pranklin township, near 'ohe *daMs and Erunklin comity line, n StIiTURDAY EVENING NEXT, }opt. t4th. A nurabor of spotticers from the two comities will be preleitt. Lot the friends of the Union and a White Man's Government in the Upper End rally to a manj • • • Sept. $, 180: 61‘.."Sfr. Sharpe will certainly speak 4 be Orteffenberg meeting. C Van* IN,x IS riv-smeD. ?hetet, evidently great trepidation in i tle Radical ranks all over the country.— hey begin to see the hand-writing on pos wall—hence the insane appeals of eirliress,net only hero in Pennsylva nia, Dui thrbt a tglieirt the entire li iirth.— !The National Union Convention Is a great sourceof trouble, and they are re sorting to all possible means to counter 'act the‘iappy ecrect It has already had On the, pO i lle ruled. 4.11,1, as if to verify the !tralli cf fi l e 414 adage that "mls r, sortglitfiri'nA•er come single," they' are ' new prepleied beyond measure at the 'eallmade by a large number of the army eacere—the fig hting GeneralS of the WO:-4or ex f3olillerss convention to be livid ai Vicciiiiland; on ;the 17th of Sep 'Mabel-, to sustain Pr'eSident Johnson in t hisliat rletio efforts for a restoration of ihe talon. They alsosee that' the, great Democratic arty ''f the country was iiteviii: 'Mere firmly united, ' and that firittsravi i telis of theciands' of COri- Iwlripreli,epalicaiis tiro Joining heart , and hand with them to hush 'Tit (it 447 i 'fittenee' the Radical faction which has drivicei !ho Nation" to'the very verge of )3azilrlukleey,ltnaie . hy and destruetion. ' ' An 4?L's - ! 4 ' 134 apparent that Greeley mourns over the gloomy prospect for his pt. ):- riirrioy raves like a bedlamite, is r e ady to cairiipoir the mountains ffp. Eiti44u: arid hide LIM from the stern , r e? 4# instilled and' betrayed No ' • 'the !rep Butler froths and foams the *nag t 'tie fearful retribatio'n Mgt mr,alte him, and Stkvens, in 1;14 *rant Mid malignity; yents his spleen tlitact eti 4 elgt. nop . ifiation Who cannot be riglice4 to eealiow 'the' riekro.* 'lh the gia,fime the canseivatevo element, of iboankry le houdy ‘gi!iiiirig strength rod ,efiliden4y, and by the - time the l elettion' arOes, tie free and momen tum Will b'fresl4itle, and tie belle qf pengreiii 4c , 1 I bo Rurged of the traitors find dieunfihisis who' hato for too' long 1 1414 time periait.W tO'lord and tyrah ids. *air ihts goodly heritage of ohr , . 'dhere. ' Their 409 is sealed. Relshame-like, the leaders qf the 'Radical ptaty are trem'aling with fear. 'Their cliterte aro Pee,— sting More and more demoralized:— Thi# light 4 trutt is' irealr.ihg its upon e country, `sod dispelling the hark 4of errd and' superstition. the . . are aroused to a sense of their , sold they are 4sterinlned that, the I7adoe4 and the Constitution 'shall 'tie '...presersed; and that tit l e enemies q'f both * m u* bqf dowh. It is the.cAnsolims= i ii i dill Ode that ha ethick terror ii}- th; t *died tramp, and' Caused' the f r i p iii a jtkiii,itmd aliarth T hici l is appareqt, km"lrP l e In V i i,e ll ' ana . t eeeti ," I f '1 130 17 , sisail; ilisitictrate, we haeo tlsv Ari .. no w ; f r ir, qzy le otr own. The 1 - 4;i4A" rtle. , qO4 , !'"IIMP gAgiontht er ell teem the Aril tgeosy o* Vis i. riiiiiitriti eneigtere,A *mem& lta foram Is!st seteril 'SEW: Irtiukarez «putsL r• ifer, The Radical predate Ind Orators are lu the habit of denouncing tb. great National Linton Convention at Phila elphia, on thii 1 14th of August, leg a gathering of "copperhelds" and "rebels," I p whose doings no weight should be given. 'The following, from the New York Times, will show what sort of hrebeli" some of the delegates were': A AWie.e.tqe reMurp ip the great Na Alone!' Convention vas the large mini iwe of prominent general officers of 1.4 e Federal army during the late War.— There WAS Steadnuin—and who, seeing him rise iu the Convention, but remein bered the terrible, scorching battle-heat of Chickamauga, whdre Steadman stood 'unwavering among the most trusted `and valued of the lieutenants of Thomas. 'There was Custer—how' the nation loves and aderes,b4! Cinder !—thes}• non,v rn Lf dtw i anie gallantry and unfaltering 'Hail' Sheridan, cda one of the clays 41901291 d finpbot, "etiater, I wish am would take a regiment and clean those fellows out." "Those fellows" were a brigade of the enemy half a !bile away upon the left. Custer Woke': itt his watch, estimated mentally the dis tance, and mounted his horse, saying, "General, it shall be done in twenty mitrutes." In twenty minutes it was 10114 That Wtkis' Custer. There was Rousseau—we all remember him, the gallant soldier, the ilOadfast patrio,t, who jutle the Union blittle-fte Wr.otign scores codfliets. There wait CFavvford, a di vision commander in the Army of the Potomac from the Wilderness to Appo inattox. The rdwere NI,cDo wel I; McCook, —ll.oin first to last througbetit the war serelfiegte cause of the 'Union in the van of lte arinies, and holding high coin 'lnftnifs. To these could be added &Aire. Of others, of lesser renown j,;erhaps, but not less faithful solf,h,gs t•IlEe Republic. ,51,r9rig ‘!;ebels,." . dc ! The old Whig organ at Wivshipg,ton, t u l le .Aroetifdutt Lad.nye/Leer, states byflu thorify that 'Oenerola Grant, Meatio, Shorman, Hancock, Crawford, Sheridan and others are enthusiastic in their sup port of Prealdetit Johnson, and endorse his policy au yiews. The ogicers of the nasy'YO a, man are with the Pres ident. " . Strange "rebels," Aese To the call for a National Soldiers' (n;yeution it Cleveland, Ohio, on the of September, of those "who ap prove the restoration policy of the President, and the principles announced by the National Union Cenyel;.pou at Ithiltitlelida,'l we find the names of the following Committee: Major Gene ral G. A. CUSTER, Major General A. D. McCaw, Major General I. H. Rona- BEAU, Major General G. W.I,CooK, Brev et Major General S. ME.HEDITH I and Brevet Major General THOMAS Ewixo, in. As cordially endorsing and appro ving of the call, it is further signed by Major General Jonn A. Dix, Major General Janice- U. kiteadrynn, Major General F. P. Blair, 11 uji9t: General H. W. Slocum, (whrammanded a corps at Gettysburg,) Major . General Maraena R. Patrick, Major Gene * ml Gordon Granger, Major General John A. McClernand, Major General D. N: Couch, (who com manded this Department,) Major Gene ral W. H. Averill, Major General H. B. Davies, Major General Orlando B. Wilcox, Major General A. S: Williams, Major General Geraham Mott, Major General Hugh Irving, Major General Theodore Runyan, Major General Wm. B. Franklin, Major General Thomas L. Crittenden, Major General G. K. War ren, with a hundred and fifty others offiecia, Ntrangc "rebels," thaw I It is safe to . say - that fully - nine-tenths of the officers of the Army, and all of the are openly and heartily with President Johnson. Those against him Are military iretemders like Banks, But ler, Shun andFy. Should not the whole country, and especiaffy the "boys in blue," (who fought for the Uhion, not for the negro,) make a note of these sig nificant FAars—theta which should be overwhelming against Radicalism. TIRE REAL your.. The aim of the Riidical4 is Jo "wool over the. people's eyes"—to de ceive them in every possible way, not stopping at any falsehood, however bare faced or infamous. In pursuance of t,ttie game, they are now raising tl,te cry that "negro suffrage is not an issue." Last fall they said the same, and yet no sooner had they carried the elections than they advocated it wherever they had power. One of the first sets of Con gress" was to pass a bill through the House, forcing negro suffrage upon the District of Columbia—and this act was promptly endorsed by the Republicans in the Igenato of this State, among. the "yews" standing the name of McCon aughy. 4 Of the State Convention which nom'. 1114.0 Geary, Forney's Press said : flhe Union men in council at Harris burg, 1114' Wednesday, did not shirk the 14e4tiRri e r t tregro suffrage." Thaddeus Ste y ens—a Radical candi date fOr United Mates k enator, on the sth of-December, 1865, Introduced in Congress the following amendment to the Constitution, viz : ARTICLE 13. All National and Stat/ laws shall he equally applicable to every citizen, and no discrimination shall be ti , tadchn account of color or race. Istr. Forney, another candidate for Sen ator, nays ; "/ am unhesitatingly fn favor of con fe relny the ballot'on: the negro." Stevens and Forney have Geary in , charge, 'and they oppenly declare them selves In favor of negro suffrage. Would ouw take such ground if they did not be lieve the question to be in issue?' The matter is too plain to be disguised. i The Radicals have no other plank but the Negro, aqd if successful he will re ceive' all theff 'Fare as heretofore. It therefore becoines the ditty of every man ppposed to the eleation of the negro to a - level with the white man, to vote galnst ei•ery candidate . upon. a Radical tigket, from. 'Governor down to the low est. It is only — b,y, beating Radicalism thoroughly now that negro suffrage will !ram. to he an "issue.'! " 11(3..The of meetilig at 4paditfg fell far short of expectations: Nearly all those in attendance were from abroad— Old Beiics resporiiisig yf,try feebly. The "migtoiti glory" the o ccasion centered it 09:0 st3etu7 said John Bm:Rs 16 r4 14 1 e 1 1. d : es P erat iTl , ea 4 t i d W i t? fur of b eing °eaten fl polls, th 14,441413havn bUntrie as inul-mouthed And unsoriipulona in their hutillty tq Ne o id . eit. 4 9 1 1 114r } u were the wit) Class of men to Praskreot Jaakanh in L 4:. and 1.882. They will fail nOw qe4 fatiallban, bee4itsl2Zhey hays ti*Ftego kind of 'lO "OldHickgry" deal w4n, rassaiwri JoBIONWIf Troris To CUI-1 TOWN AND COUNTY ISEFAIRS.i. • . • FOE THE CANPAIGSI.—TheIGetteI6WII Cbmpller will be furnished , from this time until after the October election at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, its advance. We have already added hundreds of cam paign stiberibers to our list, but will make rum., for DIPM. ails Mersius Abuts fie Soule—TM Moyle thooloofte Preohlenos.'" Is Sloserbou "UM. , reoplini ' On Tuesday morning, President John son, accompanied by General' Grant, Admiral Farnumt, Secretary Seward, Secretary 3.feCitldell, Secretary Welles, Postmaster General Randall, Attorney Ctueral Stanbery, Senator Patterson, Major General King, Major General Fes eendep, .10.Igadier General McCallum, and others, left Washington, en route for Chicago, t 9 apsist at the laying of the corner-stone of the Douglas Monument. ! ' They were mot at Annapolis Junction by Gov. S'Wann" and Blatt, and at Camden Street Depot by the Mayor and a coin m ittee of pmminent citizens of Ilaitimore, and escorted through the city ,ti . i the Philadelphia Depot. They were reciAye4 with distinguished honors along ste?.,e route to Philadelphia, and in that city ,¢ grand ovation 'awaited them. The Radical Mayof and City Councils meanly 'refused an official rece p tion to the Frei- Idea of the Republic, but THE PEOPLE 49* i,4 matter in Jitilto4, and the result AVEN3 one oetkie 'largest mid most enthu siastic demen4tratiohi eyer witnessed in (bet city. 'hie merchants and the business men, the mechanics and the laborers, abandoned their pursuits tojoln in a fitting tribute of respect to ,"THE peweee's PREsthE:er." It was not only a cretill, Au the city, but a stinging rebuke to her narrow-minded and bigoted au thorities—and added thousands to the supporters of Andrew Johnson. Through New Jersey the President was received with the warmest enthusi mm, and in the city of New York every possible honor was paid him.' The mili tary and citizens turned out in immense force, and in the evening there was a gra,Ml banquet and a serenade. Tho president spoke frequently in!response to the calla of the people, on ail occasions asserting his faith in the thorough resto ration of the Union under the Constitu tion, and his determination to stand by them under any and all circumstances. On several occasions he thoroughly ex posed the disunion designs of the Radi hats, and urged the people_ to frustrate those designs at tRS. On Thursday th Ay started for lChi cago, and were w ally received at all points along the route. President John sen is daily winning more and more upon popular esteem and support. TICE Al FALLINCII , The Radical Postmaster at Lancaster has been removed. So have the Radical Collector and Assessor of that district. Many other removals are announced in this and other States. Tho work of decapitation now so fairly begun, will doubtless oe pushed forward with vigor. The• President has borne long and patiently With the faithlesauess to the Union of the men who have been fattening on the spoils of office for the lastdve years, but he can dose no longer. Those who are not "loyal". to the whole Union, should not hold any of its offices. Place and power are only safe in the hands of those who "support the 6°i:- eminent." Ra - Tbe negro Radicals here are resort ing to some very "small" tricks—among the rest, that of starting reports that this or that prominent Democrat will not vote for one or another of the candidates upon the Democratic ticket. This is done to inspire hope among their own followers, and produce the opposite effect among Democrats. We allude to the matter only to put our friends throughout the county on their guard against , this and all other Radical falsehoods. Rarely has a Demo cratic ticket been better received than the one now before the people of Adams county, and never before had Democrats stronger reasons to stick to their ticket— their whole t—than In these freed mants-burean-and-negro-rights times.— beinocray, prider tend that to vote for a Radical eandidate4s to endorse negroism 2 -(deny it as Radidalism may )—and they have no stomach. for such disgusting work. The Democrats of Adams intend to support their own ticket, and mean to elect it t Radical blowers may as well bottle their. lies, or take them to some other market. They will do them no good here. Illiritadical demagogues hereabouts pretend that negro sufftage is not in issue. They asserted the same thing last fall.— McConaughy declared it upon the stutnp, and every where else—and yet upon being hocus pocused into the Senate, he found the Issue there, and met it by squarely voting for negro suffrage in the District of Columbia / Honest men, make your own comments. Sir Col . Wm. C. Talley, who com manded the First Pa. Reserve Regiment, (which contained a company from this county,) has been appointed Collector of . itl,tFual Revenue for the 7th District of Pennsylvania, in place of a Radical.— President Johnson stands by the soldiers. Another !—Capt: John S. Forrest, John atm Republican, has b4n appointed Post,- master at Hanover, in place - of W. F. Stair, Radical. lam The Radicals of Philadelphia, who used to pretend such great love for the soldiers, would'n t turn out on Tuesday to manifest any respect for Grant and Farragut. Reason—Grant and Farragut are for tpe Union. • Digi—HolbTok, the Democratic candi date for Delegate to Congress from Idaho, will have E 441) majority, says a dispatch from San Francisco. (food ! 1010 - Ttin Harrisburg .Patriot & Union counts upon a certain gain of six Demo cratic members efCßngtess in this Stafii, yi t h a chance for Rne or two more. '* le a . The Washington COPlEtilutional U lion says it has been definitely arranged that the test of genuine support of the President's ticy in Pennsylvania, will be the support of Hiester ClytOr—he oylorsi4g that policy, and Geary §ppos ing Mated. Douglass, the negro, has been elected a *delegate' 'to tne Radltal Ponyention, to niect at f!htlade i lpya ter "Birds of a (Other." •' • • .The New-York Genprill RePu. rha have geria flyer la' a lfidl s43'rreali eht Johnson:. *S.Themle of t. 11! farm of4toteeh Heat er, gee ( Faged, `ii4top) AK? 9 1 . 6 1i!"Nlii neat, (the Bth.) A4U1CC1.17.79AL FAIL—The Adams County Agricultural Society will bold its Fourth Annual Exhibition, ou the grounds of the Society, at Bendersville, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the :nth, Oath and 27th days of Septem ber instant. We call the attention of tho whole people cf the county to this subject, with the hope that they will heartily second the efforts of the Presi dent and Managers to make this the most successful Fair the Society has yet had. Farmers, manufacturers, mechan ics, artists, fruit-growers, ALT,, should tend a helping hand. And the ladies-- ;much always depends upon their aid.— With a general effort, the Fair will be everything that could be desired—and *Quid not county pride alone , induce that effort? The trial course has been much im proved by grading, &e., and the entire establishment will be thoroughly brush, ed up by the time of the Fair. An un- \ usually large attendance Is looked for, and preparations will be made accord ingly. MAIM'S CHURCIL—Mark's .Churth, (German Reformed,) in Mountjoy town ship, having undergone alterations and repairs, will be re-opened for worship on Sunday next, at I 0 o'clock, A. M. Exercises appropriate to the occasion will be had. This Church is among the °idea yet standing in the county, having been erected in 1789. The preacher in charge at that time was Rev. George Troldenier —and the following are the names signed to the original constitution : John Taw ney, Samuel Fry, David Little, George Heagy, Nicholas Marks, John Mayer, - Francis Stallsmith, Michael Hoke, Peter Moritz, Daniel Heck, Andrew Little, Philip Schleutz, George Feld, Andrew Esetibaeli, Michael Moritz, John Heagy, Samuel Hut, John Troxel, Jacob Klein. Jacob Daumgertner, Jacob Wirth, Adam Tawney, John Miller, John Rolirbach, Michael Frey, Justus Frotanaut, Henry Fourer, Jacob Troxel. The first child baptized was Samuel Bernheisel, Nov. sth, 1789. The re-opening services will be of a peculiarly interesting character, and will have reference, to some extent, to the early building of the edifice. A large concourse of people will no doubt be at tracted. Pic Nzc.—The Gelman Pie Nis an nounced for Wednesday at Wolf's Spring, was, on account of the rain on that day, postponed until Thursday, when it came off—and a grand success It was. Our German friends of town and neighbor hood were nearly or quite all there, whilst a large number of "outsidpri" also attended. Visiting the ground in the af ternoon, we found enjoyment reigning everywhere. A tine baud of music and a good d ancing floor had been secured, and this combination becitme, of course, the centre of attraction. Other amuse ments were had—beside all interesting game of base ball in the field adjoining. The Germans "can't be beat" in getting up pleasure occasions, and their success on - Thursday will doubtless lead to many of a similar character hereafter. The Gettysburg Band, under Prof. Gund rum, was a delightful feature of the Pic Nie. BasE BALL.=-The Gettysburg Base Ball Club re-organized last week by electing T. D. Carson, President; W. R. Eyster, Secretary; J. Harvey White, Treasurer, and T. C. Norris, John M. Krauth, and Wm. H. Wysotzkey, Direc tor& On Friday afternoon week, a game of base ball was played between the Peters burg Club of• York Springs and the New Oxford Club. The game was played at New Oxford, and lasted three hours.— The Oxford Club's count was 41 and that of Petersburg 19. The game Is to be played over at:Petersburg soon. STEAL:mi.—A German named Jacob Mayer, living ne* the Wolf Hill, was, on Saturday evening week, arrested by officer Rouser, on •suspicion of having stolen a load of shingles from James H. Marshall, Esq., in Carroll's Tract. The shingles were not only found in his pos session, but also a variety of other arti cles supposed to have been stolen—bags of oats, leather, bridles, saddle, spread ers, locking machine, &c. We are informed that several of these articles have since been 'identified by persons from whom they were stolen.— Mayer is in jail. •Mrs, Win. Settle, of Franklin town ship, has kindly _sent us a basket of white mercer potatbes, of the finest pos sible quality, for which she has our thanks. They were genuine white, like Clymer stock; none of your black, Abo lition, Qeary growth. say -Samu e l Herbst has purchased the property belonging to Win. Douglass, on Car/ltile street, for $2500 cash. 111%..H00p Skirts, Hopkin's "own 628 Arch Street, Philadelphia, a4vertiseidi this issue, give universal satisfaction. Ladies, note this fact. itirSpecial attention of Merchants and others is invited to Card,'ln this issue, of 'll2,well & Bourke, 'Nfandaeturers of Waill'apere, etc., et"c.. ilkii"'When the Radicals say "Only boy. : td men shall rule!" they mean such dis ' unionists as Thad Stevens, Wendell Phillips, and their army of followers, white and black. And when they pro claim "No more rebel raids upon the Treasury!" they mean that the PEOPLE'S MONEY shall continue to be expended in feeding idle negroes, and in further en riching such . '"loyal" chaps as Forney, McPherson, and citheri holding fat offi ces under Congress. "Loyalty" Ens been pqytng some people, and hence their des perate struggles to hold on to the public "teat." but to give them logger rule would be to plunge the cguntrY Into • irre trievable ruin. fkirA great Pemocratio Mass Meeting pill be held at YOrlt, on Monday, the 24th of September. Mester Clymer le to ifiriliester Clymer le now stumping; the State and *taking hosts 4 . now' friends w herever he goes. " Cestr,uoss OF ?Its ARatr or virr, Po- Toirek.-rilir. J. Watkins ls now can s Taaslng titis 'comatar for subscribers, to ilitvintou's "Campaigns pf the Army of the Poklmae," published by the National t Publishing,Company,Philadelphla. The author announces the de,ign of the book ~ to be, to "record, as far as may now be done, what that Army did-and suffered, in ten campaigns and two scoreof battles, - Virginia. Maryland and Pennsylva- ' nia ;" tracing "how this force arose, and ¶ its first essays and failures; how it . grew into the shape and substance of an army ; and how it then entered upon campaigns, bloody, indecisive, and protracted .; )1 showing "how this army y losing again and again the coinyonent parts of its ; structure—thinned by death and wounds, and wasting disease, and titled up again , by the unquenched patriotism of the people—never lost 4.0 individual being, but remained the 4rmy 'of the Potomac still ;" following "It through a checkered experience, in a tale commingled of : great misfortunes, great follies and great glories;" and how, "amid many buffets 1 of fortune through 'winter and rough' weather,' the Army of the Potomac never gave up, but made a good figli.t, and finally reached the goal." ' ' Secretary Seward, in a letter to the 1 , author, says : "It is a great subject, and' know your ability and candor so well assto feel assured you have treated - It as 'lt deserves." Gen. Couch says: "It is plain to see you have produced a truthful narratiVe—a new era in American mill ' tary writing." The `wo4 , k will be printed with new and clear type, on fine (=tendered pa per, made exPressly for the book, to be comprised in Mr large volume of 040 pages, ilitudrated\with steel portraits of its several commander*, Generals Grant, McClellan, Burnside, Hooker and Meade, and 2,3 elaborate mapa\and plans of the principal scenes of its operations, pre- i pared . expressly for this `work by Col. W. H. Paine. It will be 'furnished to subscribers iu neat and substantial bind ing, at the following prices, payable on delivery : In Extra English Cloth, St per copy; In Half Calf, (Library ityle,) VI per dopy. Mr. Watkins, the agent, will remairt in Gettysburg several days, to afford on citizens an,opportunity to Subscribe for the work. (Com nkunicate4l.) DEMOCRATIC lIEF.TINO AT ADROTTS. TOWN. A large Democratic meting was held at the public house of F. J. Wilson, In Abbottstown, on Saturday evening, the 25th of August. Henry Miller, Esq., was appointed ,President ; John Mollison, J. McLain, Peter Hotfheins, Henry Wolf, Frederick Dellone and Samuel Xinne man, Vice Presidents ; and James W. Marshall and Charles Dosh Secretaries. James B. Ziegler, Esq., of York, Dr. D. S. Yeller, of Abhottstown, and Dr. V. J. McClure, of New Oxford, addressed the meeting in an able and eloquent manner. The most enc9ura7ing enthu siasm prevailed—all wero confident of success In October. The ball is lin mo tion in the Lower End. May it not cease rolling until success shall crown a gallant fight in a good cause. The meet ing adjourned with rousing cheers for Johnson, Clymer and the whole Demo cratic ticket. A BYSTANDER.. siiirWe learn that a number of Radical rowdies behaved in an outrageous man ner at an opposite earner, with a view of disturbing the meeting. Democrats want to be at peace with their neighbors, but they will not allow their rights to be trampled upon. Radical rowdies may as well take notice in time. Communleate4 THE PROGRESS OF THE NITERS'. SPRINGS. I hear the expression of a good , deal of discontent with what is considered the slow development of the mineral springs near this town, by some of our citizens. Many, even Intelligent persons, seem to think that the great superiority of triese medical waters ought to be as pat ent to the rest of the world as it is to the residents in the vicinity, and that it is the fault of the Springs Company, or the owner of the springs, that Gettysburg is not more the resort of the health and pleasure-seekers of the country, and the seat of a vast export trade in mineral wa ten, rivalling Saratoga and Vichy. In their anxiety these persons overlook the much that has really been done, and the rapid strides which these waters have made in the public estimation. One year ago they were comparatively un known, at least unrecognized by the great public as medicinal. Now they are familiar as household words over an area of country around them a hundred miles in extent, while their fame has extended to the limits of the republic. Nearly every newspaper in the country has noticed them. Many leading journals have bestowed upon them editorial articles. The Gov ernor of the State has noticed them in a letter intended for publication. One year ago it was not certainly known that these waters were medicinal —it was only rumored. Now the doubt is whether they have any equal as a me dicinal fluid in the country or in the world. The subjects of the cures of these waters, or rather of the miracles wrought by them. are to be found in every neigh borhood for many leagues around, and in neighboring towns and cities. Now these are facts which constitute in the world's estimation what is called reputation, which is the basis of value of medicirtal waters. They must precede in the order of events any investments of capital. Perhaps no Springs in any age or coun try ever made such i apid progress toward permanent success, which is now close at hand. Let the disconsolate, therefore, cheer up; the skies are brightening and the parties interested are about to make new efforts to consummate results, STAND EACH, WHITE SOLDIERS. The pay department announces its readiness to pay the bounties to negro soldiers, granted by - the Rump Congress in June last. It will require $20,000,000 (twenty million dollars) to meet such claims. This will drain the treasury so low that the white soldiers will have to wait many months yet for their boun ties; Congress provided bounty for the white soldiers out of "any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated;" but as the negro bill was passed first, the darkey soldiers' claims must all be paid before' the white soldiers can reach a ' dollar. ' None oC the Government officers are l responsible for this ; they must obey the laws as passed by the Rump ConFress.--1 The blame fa entirely with the Disunion' majority, who' considered it their first duty to reward their "colored brethren"l because in the war they "bore off the. palm." (?) Let le be recollected, too, I that the sum of $3OO each was appropri-' ated for the negroeti,"although none of them served three yearil, and that only the sum of $lOO was set aside for the white soldiers of 1861 and 1862 for three years' service. Can the soldiers of Penn sylvania vote for Stevend;' . Lawrence, Terrible Dieemierrea. ldercur, KOONTZ and others of the amepriu wee rug mittiosi—A most valkuble Disunion Congressmen who have been and wonderful publication. A work or 4ma kraal. end SO mimed" Engraving% DD. HUNTErtis re-nominated, after such shabby treat- vADE mif,CUM, an urbrinni and popular Wein* merit? Cen they vote for their candi- on m on on o Woman, their Phystolz regions. date--Geary—who approves the whale and fierwff disorders of every kl course of the Rump, and agrees with rearivoredtea ra has es 4 lll it Ttyil ' Steven s everything ?—Patriot un bo un ded. but at the Jan and " • - I on meor pawns, he ban boon inditoed td a=lol►d " • 4ecial Notice Column, 'nark as a Crow. for yearaiiiince. 'FM Many a splendyt howl that I , now irnrf or grkfalefft, Nyby not Qwtore to the yot tulw ar,c_aled brow Rs "avert 'mom? Five Minutes*abets the splendid transformation. In loss Um° than a rifleman would take to Lo.th AND FIRE three times. the gri•yest head 'nay be mode darker than the ItAY EN'S NV IN U. No matter of what undesirable tint lb„ hair or whisker% or beard ay be, the ebninte to a supkirli an, perfectly oat oral black or brown is accomplished by one OP" Ocotillo of cIiRISr.t of .s FIAYR DYE. withoutstaining the sk In or InJuringthe &laments. Manufactured by S . cinwiTArxmlo, 6 4.t.m. H o use, New York. Sold by Droggieta. Applied by all Matt Dressers. [Aug. 17,•06, iia Di. TabWe Venetian I.hainiest. A N ,s.fFSTA.ST..N•EttC:i ItENIKny FOR Chronic rhetunalLsm, headache, toothache, croup, wit , , q uinsy, gore throat, and pains lit any part of the hods. Itomornhor, 1114 article Is a success— not an experiment; for II years tt has boen tested. No medicine ever had suet' a reputation as this: silently It has worked /10 way - before the public, and all are loud in Its praise, "Chronic rheuma tism." Thousands who laid for weeks or. a bed of agony, and never walked withont the ski of crut ches, with thismtnplatnt,cun WAVY to the magic al effects of this, liniment. They are cured and proclahn its virtues throughout the land. Re member, relief Is certain, and a positive cure Is sure to follow. li , adastio of an kinds we warrant to cure. Putrid sore threat, quinsy, and diptheria are roghod of their terrors by a timely U4O of tins Venetian Liniment. It has gayest hundreds the past three months. Pi ice 10 and KJ cents a bottle. cok e , 56 oartlaud street, New York, Sold by all Druggists. [August 27, isao. Im Allesek's PeeOil* Pilasters. WHOOPING-WWIIIPURPD. Carnuri, RillllB County, Miss. 'l'. AM . ..COCA& CO.-0 en 1 lemen: Plowoc send ma anothor. six dozen of your Porous Pliviters. Thoy - are In great demand hero tor Who Thoy act like a charm. 1 could havo sold two dozen thk weak if I limit had Wein. Scud as soon as possible, and oblige, Yours respectfully. JOIIN I. wir.t.r.vms, P, M. A•STU I Af.t. CURE 1) Mr. Wm. May ; of 2.45, spring Street, New York, writes, Jan. I, I have bean afflicted with asthma for upwards of ten years, receiving no benefit from medical men. I was advised by a friend to try one of All,,etes Porous Plasters. I sold, 1 had tried several kinds of plasters without any benefit, and supposed they were all alike.— My friend gave me one of .tileock'itaud urged me to use it. I did so, and have now worn them steadily for nine months, and find myself better than 1 have hoer! Air 111./113 , years. Agency, limn dreth House, New York. Sold by Druggists. August 27, 1888. 1m Lyon's PeriodFeld Drops! TIIC ortg.vr FF.NIALE REMEDY FOR IR. REGULARITIKii.—TIiese Drops are a 4elentill catty tsiimpoundod Mild preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being li quid, theiract 1011 is direct and positive, rendering town a reliable, speely and certain specific for the cure of all obstructions and suppressions of nature. Their popularity is tidies led by the fact thatmver 100,000 bottles are annually consumed tlio, ladies of the United , stat,s, every one of whom Speaks in the strongest terms of praise of their gr.att merits. are rapidly taking the plat: of every other Female ItsainslY, and are con siders...a by\all who know aught of them, MR the surest, Retest, and most infallible preparation in the world, for the cure 01 all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, mid the promotion of health, regularity and strength.— Explicit dire , thnis stating when they may used, and explaining When and why they should not, nor could not he used without producing effects contrary to nature's laws, wit l be found carefully folded amend each bottle, with the written signa ture of Jolts L. Lvox,‘witliout which none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. Jfiffd L. LYON, 195 Cimpe. Street, New 1 raven, Conn., who can .1 la consulted either personally, or by tenclosing stamp,) concerning allrivate diseasds and female weak nesses. Sold b j Druggists everywhere. C. ff. t %ARK Sc CO., Gen'l Agents for 11,8. \ anti Canada*. Nov 0.1365. ly • Dr. At•triliall's *:catarrh Ditpalt. This snuff' has thorough's. utywed Itself to be the best article known for ettring the eatarr , i, In the Ilea(' and It'. It has been fotind an excellant remedy in inane ca., s of :-.ore Ky, 'knit:nes.. has be, it rent. IVOI tit - it, and Hearing 'air often been greatly iinpros ed by U. Ilse. It 1.4 fragrant .tad agree tile, and otvtli COMM m APR REM pa , to the dull heavy pains ooh e ed by diseas, a of the head. The sensation , . after wong it are delightful and invigorating. It opons and purgesont :111ole.tructidie.,,,trengtilen,t1.eglait.IN, tout gives a healthy e.,:t lon tit.• parts atf,ettal. More than Thlrt: YCkri . or . tie .w.l else of "Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Ile,slaelie Inei proved its great value for all the, ern mon deieissm of the head, and at this moment stands higher than ever before. It is recomin , n,10.1 by in:iny of the hest plirti• clang, and I. u,0,1 with gre.Lt bill:MSS' and satisfac tion evory where. Bead the Cert Citrates of Wholesale Druggists In Bra: The undersigned, having for many years been 11,equalut , 4 with "Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache tinit;" and sold Bin our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, that we believe It to ho equal, in every respe , t, to aid recommendations given of it for the core of Catarrhal Affections, and that It Is ilechloilly 1110 lest article we have ever known for all ~ , re ii ii iii eases of the Head. Burr a Perry. Bo.ton it e ,ta, A uston Bus ton; Brown, Lamson t t'n„ Boston ; Seth W. Fowle, Boston; Wikon, Pairhanh tt. Ito., Boston; Renshaw, Edmund or ro., Boston; H. H. Ray, Portland, Me.; flames a Park. New York; A. IL a D. Sands, New York; Stephen Patti & Co., New York; Minoru ',„ Now York; McKesson itolibMs. New York; A. L. Scovill a Co., New York; M. Ward, Cto,.• 'Sew York; Bush et title, New York. 1 For sole by all Brozgl Try it. • [Dee. 15,1865. ly Tie Great Eaxllsli Remedy. SIR JAXE.3 CLARL:F. 4 CELEBRATED Fax tLX PILLS. l'retared trout n nreseription of Sir J. Clarkt., M. Ectraordinarr to the Queen. This Invaltiaid, m. Heine Is unfailing In the cure of all those painful and dangorous disea ses to which the feta ron-ditution i t subject. IL Imxtemto s all eXces , s and removes all obstruc tions. and a stx.edy en re nriv roe relied on. Tn Married faulies tt 0. INN 11l lari) , tlited. It Will. in a short tune, bring on the 1110011ity period with refli , a h r city. hottlo, prim One Dollar, lvars the noverk rnent Stain') of Great lint.nn, to prevent counbar• felts. CACTION.—Those Pllle Rtintitt not he taken by Females during the irtrtsr ii(),ITHA Of Pfeil naney, as they are lure to hring on Jihrearrlage, but at any other time th,•y an s.6fe. In all ertsew of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains In th.• Ra••k and Lining, Fatluue on alight exertion, Palpitation of the h art, Hysterics, and Wli ites, these Pills will effect :1 cure when all oth• er nt••ans have faded; an I althofugh a powerful remedy, do not eontaln iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the ermrit Full directions in th.• n,mrdilet around each package, which should i,r.rrrfuih pr.s.•rved. Sold by all Druggists. Sole .kgent for the Uni ted States and Canada., JOl3 SIOANSI, 27 Cortland Pt., N. Y. N. Tl.--1 1 ,00 and 81u.d•rgcstnrnps enelmed tnany authorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing 60 Nils, by return mail. Sold by A. D. Buehler. Dee. IS, 1861. ly Ayer's Axue Care, POR THE SPEEDY (.I.`BB OP I Intermittent Fever. or Fever and Ague, Remit tent Fever, Chill Fever. Damn Ague, Periodic al Headache or Bilious froadaelie. and Bilious Fe vers. I mired for the whole elass of illseases origin. Ming in biliary derangement, caused by the Mu, /aria of miasmatic countries. I Fever and Ainte is not the only consequence of iniastnatle poison. A. great inulety of disorders arise trout its Irritation, in intlarions districts, among which are Neuralgia, Itheumatism, Gont, Headache, Blindness, Toothache, Barnette, tarrh, Asthma. Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Ilysterieks, Pain in the Bowels. Colic, Paralysis, and Derangement of the stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause put on the in te rm ttent ty oe, or become periodical. This . Futtc" expehi the poison fruit the blood, and thus cures them all alike. It is not only the most eff:etimi remedy ever discovered for this class of complaints, but It is the cheapest and moreover ts perfectly sate. No harm can arise from its use, ' and the patient when cured is left as healthy as lf I he hail never had the disease. Can this be said of any other cure for Chills and Fever? It is true 01 / this, and Its importance to those ant iCted with the complaint cannot be over estimated. So sure Is It to cure the Fever and Agne, that it may he . truthfully said to be a certain remedy. One deal er complains that it Is not a good medicine to sell, because one bottle cures a whole neighborhood. Prepared by J. C. AYER, & Lowell, Mass., and sold by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg. July D, 1868. gni To Consumptives. The advertiser, having been restored to health in a few week' by a very simple reintsly, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dreadylisease, Consump tion—is anxious to make known to his teflon . - sufferers the means of eure. To all who desire it, be will seed a oopy of this prescription used (free of charge.) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sear. OVHE TOR CONNUMPTION, ASTRAIA, BRONCHI - 119, iiououa, tka.cos, and all 'Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser In sending the Preacription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which be conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every 'sufferer will try his remedy, as it AVIII cost them nothing, and mar prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription rata by return mall, will please address Ray. EDWARDA. witscm willhuilstiurs, Kings New Yor)c. MI 17 ME tuirdlcul usefulness throng!' the mealtnu otitis VA DE MEC V.W." It 4 a volume that 'Weld be 111 We hands ()revery fondly In the lend, as s pr ee . ven tl ye of secret vices , or as a guide fur the allev atlon of ono of the most awful and destructive scourges that ever visited Mankind. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of prat age to any part of the trult4slfitates for 50 cents In P. 0. stamps. Addzsaes, post paid, Olt. 11121VITENi s NO. 3 Dielalon St., New York. Inept. Ya if Id FR-H EALT -MTILEN“TIT. WE-UE.I.I,TH - sTio:NuTli. LigJ:-HEALTH -STRENGTH. ?be great Preneb JR•re•4lT. D. SUA7.I Dm.AWA RIM'S CELP,fiItATED IipECIF/C PILT,R, • Prepared front a prescription of Dr. Juan Dela num, Chief Physician of the !Impala du Nord on Lori boisiere of Paris. Thlg Invaluable yoodlejoe, Is no impealtlen. bag is tin fal ling 11 the emu yitipermatorritte or Semi nal Weakness. Every species of ("onkel or Uri nary-Irritability, Involuntary orjr•,l,!lhtlySemliital Efekwierts (rum whatever cause tweak°, how ever severe, will be speedily re. loved and the or gans restored to healthy fiction. Read the following optniorA of eminent French physicians: - We' have used the rip ecille Pills prewar(' by Oaran. lere t Du omit. No. '2ll Ittie Lombard, (rem the nrcrw rr ription of Dr. Juan Delantra, to our private practice alt:( unlatch', lumens, and we be. neve then e la no other medicine so well ealculal , e4 to cum all persons sufferingJ, from involuntary Emissions or any other weakness of the Sexual Organs, wetlier caused by sedentary modes al exe sista., or abuse. it. A. tqtre tune, M. D. G. D. inunuors, M. D. Paris, May 5 JEAN LE LEucif ILE, 31. D. nth , Ism." LIEW.4.It"; OF uOITNTERFEITS. The genuine Pills are sold by all the principal Druggists throughout the Work. Price One Del• lar per llox, or glx Boxes (or Five Dollars, - (JARANctaitr, & Due. ocr, bolo Proprietors, No. '2ll Rue 'minium!, Parts, OneJ Dollar 4:Retook - xi to any anti:orate(' Agent, will insure 5 Isar by return marl, severely sealed from ell observation; at boxes (or See dollurs..;7 Sole (icueral Agents for .linurlca, OSCAR n. - • 27 CortlandN. Y. N. R.—French, German, hipanish and 'English Pamphlets, eon Mining full o.irt.cultirs and dime tbms for use, sent free to every address. A. D. 1311.411er, .tgeut for Gettysburg, Dee. ls, her, ly Pitrange, bat True. Vimry.ronngly and gentleman tho Initad States ean hear something very 'noel' to their vantage by return mall (treat)! eharge,l by' Iki dreuing the mulersigned. Thom, having foam of being humbugged will oblige by not tuitliting tills earl. All others will plowoe a4.l ress 011.%14- ent servant. THOS. F. CII.II'MAN, Mar. ri„ 'tid. Iy ' 831 linnalway, N. Y. PITIFUL POLITICAL PARODIES. The Radicals seem to bo so barren of Ideas that they can do no bettor than parody, In a feeble way, those of the Conservative Union Party. Shortly after the ball was issued for the great Conven tion of National Unionists at Philadel phia, which has just adjourned, certain pretentious Radicals issued a call for a disjeeted Convention of this.set at the Ramo place, which will certainly he an odd , a,trair when compared with its pre decessor. And again, when a call wa4 imam' the other day for a National Sol diers' Conservative Convention, which was signed and approved by an 11111110 So majority of the must distinguished 0111- ceN of our volunteer atstiy, it was Im mediately followed by another call for a Radical Soldiers' Convention, which was signed by—tinoily can tell whom. Wit like a parody oeeasiotially, but such pitiful ones as those can only make the nation grin at their projectors.—Scw York Macs. Der A tavern keeper In Lebanon coin plains that a number of the fh•arvltes who attended the Radical meeting ut Reading Inst week, on their return up the Valley, stole his tumblers and bottles. Ho gives them notice in the Lebanon papers that if they are not paid for soon he will ,pru• sent the bill to Geary. 111%.11re want our readers to rend; the admirable speech of Presiilont Johnson, published In to-dq's paper, witteli ; sem delivered on the °potshot of the iworkett lati.m of Ow protweilliig4 of the l'hila delphi3 ventiun.to him, skt.(;cary Spoke- in Huntingdon on Saturday week. "Ho paid he had been aiiked while here whether he woulditurn traitor like Andrew JOhmuni,, hec:uoe ho W:14.11 Deumerat. Hi. maid that he would not idedve himself a. 4 to what he - viral do, ny; piedgea make no difference." ; gar -The largest Democratic meeting ever held in Somemet, came ofl the nn Monday evening. tliester Clymer: and J. McDowell Sharpe addressed it. lie... The rads have suddenly dropped General Grant as a catalidato for thu Presidency. Latest Market Reports. GETTY/BURG. FTANTR, - - RYE FLOUR. • WIIII'E wii EAT, REI) WHEAT, - 41)R2i. - • EVE. • OAT. 4, - • BM ;IC WHEAT, - HAY, BALTIMORE. - Ftoun. - - - . - 10 an 12 75 WIIEAT, - - • - 2ri 310 RYE, . . . • 115 I 01 CI MN', • • • - 10) I a) akTA, - • • • 45 4 44 MOON,* hand., - - • • 14 u 0 10 11 00 isnEto CATTLE, p band., - 21 00 9 90 im 17 W ft tY, • ,- - • 41 21 00 WIIIMKEY. ._ . • 230 Ss 225 Married. On the 24th of June, at the Ev. Lutheran Tar- Bonne. Litt tentnlvii, by Rev. R. Henry, Mr.:PPR:NI LIERTIKII to Mtge ItESELVA KEttIEGUINti, both of Carroll 4.oUltt,y, Mil. On the 28th of June, by the Petio ,, , Mr. JOHN SCHMIDT to Mint MARY Itt.:IICLE. On,the 6th nlt.. at t li %one Ow, by thn fonme Mr. PIUS J. TOCIMiIt to Mho AMANDA f WOLF. thi Ihe Ifith tilt., at the Ramo place, by, theinune, Mr. .P.MEPII A. KELLER to Miss RI.:REI WHALER, both of Cnlon township, Adasna county. Died. Ott the 2lth of Angina, In Muntersteown, Mal egad Ile years lit months 1114 12 Jays. On the 24111 ult.. In Fairfield. Mrs. MAMA RKT McGINLEY, wife of Ebenezer McGinley, de coastal, In the 29tb year of her uge. Consournicated. On the morning of tlw 27th ult.. in this place, Mrs; ANS FLEMMI rellet of the late I. redt— rick A. Flemming, of Maltintore, Md., aged In years. Sleep, &wrest toolbar, sleep, \%e will hush each sorrowing moan; Thine was at life of toll and grief; It is over—thy work is done. Why should we vainly sigh, Oh why should we weep Mr thee, W hen we know thou bust reached that heat only rest, Where thy soul was longing to be. Sleep, dearest mother, sleep. A. w. lr, Auditor's Notice. Tring undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, to distribute the - balnpce in the hands ell. McCurdy, Esq Serinastilttor of the Get tysburg Railroad Company, on his±Foirtit Account, to and among the parties legally en titled thereto, will sit at his office, In Gettys burg, for the purpose of fulfilling tha duties-of his appointment, on FRIDAY, 88FTEMBER 21st, 1860, at 10 o'clock, A. M. J. C. NNELY, AMMO. • Sept. 3, 1866. td Hoosier Steel /Plough. - THE - ernttet'slitied has been ppointed an avebt!for Ilk of HALL • spume SIT L I PLuiJOH, manufactured at Pletaburg. '1 1 1? i I Plough has been in use in Adams count' de some time, and itrprouounced superior to auj other. A few on-band. [ 701.1 N 0. Malin . Sept. 3, 1866. ef Straban toiwetabigt. Wanted. A.GRNT9—S7S to s2oo MR MONTH for Gentlemen, sad $35 to $75 for Ladies; eserywhero r to introduce ib i s (fiti§istm se Faro 1). 86 wing-Msoblbe, libirterkedlieka , gr. fated: It will item, tell, mites,. WV*, , braid, and embroider bewail/414-046e • ma t slo—making the eigistrt Ickftisliteh'oolll•ll Warranted for three ran: Wit pay Ow . wages, or • commission, fr om wlsielfr . tbst summit can be tnadiii.oidditivotet on C. ROWERS k CO., Office I , ITo. 3tRI tkid , pa &twit buitiod e ,r.,„ AU lepers promptly,iif . eironlioitt4 fd!sz!d : • Sept. 3, 1366. lo;: • ',' - • • ',lOl l 10 0) 1 2-to (4 200 100 (41 Si 711 • , - ewe too
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers