Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, September 03, 1866, Image 1
THE GETTYSBURG COMPILER, - A Democratle Journal, PUSLISIIED EITIMY MONDAY MORNING, BY HENRY 3. OTAHLE. I , rrath it ifigAly, and Will ' Pretlan TElRlfri OF PUBLICATION.* 00 per an taunt, if paid strictly t t AuvA Nen-113 00 per an •uin LI not pald'in advance. No subscription dis continued, unless at the, option of the publisher, until all amylases are paid. ADVEBTISEMENTS inserted at tumid ride*. 708 PR I NTINO of all kinds done with noatttesi *ad dispatch. OFFICE hi Routh Baltimore Atreet, between Middle and High, near the Peat Ottic..*—" Cotnnt ler Printing 0111ev" on the sign. Professional Cards. Dr. T. 0. Kinzer, IFEAVI4O lewnted permanently nt ROY. AtYGIITOWN, Adams county, wilt Attend prom (itl rto all prole.' onal calla day or eight. IA as at 'John Laniis'i, where he can al'w'ays be found, unless professionally engaged. Aug. 6, 18G'. ly Dr. P. Q. Wolf, A.AVING located ALE EST BERLIN, Adams 11 county, hopes that by strict attention to big prof.ssional duties he may merit a share of tb• public patronage. [Apr. 2,'86. tt Dr. C. E. Goldsborough, HANIPTONI, Atlanta county, PA., rearm* his offer of profession %I services to the publoc, an I those reouirinz medical and sur gical aid-will find it to their interest to eon suit him. [May Yt , fella. Dr. J. W. C. O'Nears rti FIC F: and Dwelling, N. F,: corner of. Dal timore and High streets, near Presbyte rian Church, Gettysburg, Pa. -- N0v.30, 181;3. tf - Drs. A. B. Dill & B. P. HermAn TrAril associate.' themselves in the practice of Mud.cine and Suigery, and respectfully tender their professiong .services to the citi r-ns of Petersburg and vicinity. Petersburg, Y. S., July 2, lACO. Dr. D. B. Peffer, - AfiIIOTTSTOWN, Adams county, eontlWir the practice of his .profession in all its branches, and would respectfully invite all persons raided with any old standing dis eases to call and consult him. Oct. 3, 1864. tf - J. Lawrence ELM. M. D., vs 4 HAS his oftee one door west of the Luthernn church in Chttnthershurg street, and opposite Dr. C. Horne-'s odic., where *hose wishing to have any Dental Operation performed are res pert fully invited to cllt. Rersiteless: Drs. Hor ner, Rev. C. P. Krauth, D. D, Rev. - R. L. IS %n;rher, D. D., Rev. Prof. 11 ,Licobi, D. D., Prof. II L. Stever. Gettysburg, April 11', '53. J. C. Neely, A TTORNRY AT LAW.—Particular etten tioa p.tid to collection of Pengion.4, Bounty, and 13 Office in the S. E. corner of the Diamond. Gettysburg, April 0, tf D. McConaughy, A TTORNRY AT LAW, (office one door west ±l. of Ilaehler's drug "nil book store, Cliam h•r,ourg street.) AT roticer AND SOLICITOR FOR Pars tvi I'll:tines. Bounty Land War r nts, sn.pended Claims, and all other claims against the Government at Wash ington, I). C.; also AMerican claims in Rig lan I. Land WArrnnts located and sold, or li•nAht, and highest 'vices given. Agents en g Lod in loe %Uric wßrrants in lows, Illinois and other western States. L.0 -Apply to bite personally or by letter. Gettysburg, Nov. ttl L , '53. Law Partnership. rr A. DUNCAN , t J, U. WRITE', ATTORNEYS At LAW, R`al promptly attend to all legal buginess entrusted to them, including the procuring of Pensions, Bounty, flack Pay, and all other claims against the United States and Slate Governments. Unice in North West Come! of Diamond, ettysh.tirg, Pen n'n. ' April 3,186 i. tt Edward B. Buehler, ATT ORS E Y AT LAW, iil.Lfaithfully and promptly iittpod to all basinesi entrust ed id him. ll* 'pinks the Germ's language, to at the same pl. ce, in South Baltimore street, new F4rnfty's drug store, and nearly opposite Dander t Ziezler's store GetCysbuig, Slareh.2o. Globe Inn, TOIL[ AT., NIC.IIII Tilt DIAMOND, GF.T T 8 B R.O , P undersigned would most respectfully inform his nu iliOrous friends and the public generally, that he li.ts purchased that long established cud well known Hotel, the "Globe Inn," iu York street, Gettystiorg, and will spare no effort to conduct it in a manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. His table will have the best the market can afford.—his chambers are spacious and comfortable—and be has laid in for his buten-full stock of wines and liquors. There is large stabling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten tive hOetlers. It will be his constant endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his hou4e as near a home to them as possible. He asks a share of the public's pa tronage, determined as he is to deserve a large part of it. Itemember, the "Globe Inn" is in York street, but near the Diamond, or Public Square. SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, 18C4. tf Ritiltoad House, NEAR THE DEPOT. HANOV ER, YORK CO., PA. The undersigned would respectfully inform his onmerous friends and the public generally, that he has leased the Hotel in Hanover, near the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah Kohler, and will sp ire no effort to conduct it in a in toner that will give general satisfaction. His table will have the best the markets can afford—his chambers are spacious and com fortable—and he has laid in for his bar a full stock of choice wines and liquors. There is stabling for horses attached to the lintel. It will be his c.mstant endeavor to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his house es near it home to them as possible.— He ads a share of the public pa•ronage, de termined he is to 'deserve a large part of it. Remember ttre-Hallioa.d House, near the De pot Reliever, Pa. A. P. BAUGHEIt. Out.; MS. If Csil.4ores NILA:BBLS WaRIC.B, Ott ltaltimore street., Ne irly Opposite, the Court 'louse, GATTYS - BIJIIG, P 4. Every 4escription of work executed in the linear style of the art. Jane 4, .665. tf Still it, Wiik r " eadersliaed coutioueeteSse GaIRRIAGE-KAKINGJIUStIikek_ In at Its bouteltes, at his old stand, to Rest iliddle street. Gettysburg. NSW WORK made to order, and REPAIRING dons promptly malt lowest prices. PALUNti-TOP AND BTANDING-TO: BUGGIES coxsrOsevr.ot 'HAND. Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS for gale. - JACOB TROXEI4. - - Geist Reillusetion tq rrices. F AIatAkiTOOK-BROTEIE&S if* now selling 4t. '134 CENTS, jULTI wrata &WED utraus AT :a crs., sudssil_otttor Goods is proportion. ,Itypisomet4;lldl4P Goods, now, 1.8 so bur *cm „ ; Giant. ossiw, ,PAIVIE3i6CK utionsas.. Gettysburg; gas. 38, 1868. . _ - .. . . .. r 100 r: ~,.,-,•- . . - I 0 py a -..-: ,`,li 4 d , ,; tc , . , , Oht ..- - - ,# 0 0 0 ' • a ..., _ ._ . .. s ,1141 - 'imil rr • 4C i n rigi BY IL J. STAHLE. Benefit to Farmers! MORO PHILLIPS' .urims IMPROVED SU/FR•PHOSPHATE OF LIME For Sale at. Manufacturer's Depots 27 N. Front St., between Market 6c Artli • PHILADELPHIA. 14 BOwley's - Wharf, and 95 South St., BALTIMORE, Mu Congress having repealed the internal Rec. enue Law taxing Fertilizers six per cent., I beg leave to inform 'the Farmers that from this day it e same per tentage will be taken (.1f the retail price of MORO PHILLIPS' SU- PiB•PIIOSPIIATI3 OF UMW., viz $6 00, less G per cent., making the retail price now $56 40 per ton of 2,00 lbs., in PhiladelphiA and Haltimtre. - -- Discount to Dealers. MORO PHILLIPS, Sole Proprietor end Manufacturer. Aug.l3, 1866. Soluble Pacific Guano. 900 LBS. SOLUBLE PATIFIC GUANO contains 70 lbs, eminent inottiro fielding rto 8 lbs. ammonia. Also 80 to 90 Ibibearthy bone - PAnsphate of lime, 30 lbs. of which are soluble phosphate. It combines all the advantages of the best brands of Super Phosphate, with those of Pe !avian Guano. By reason of its greater concentration, we re commend 20 per ct. less by w-ight to be used per, acre, than of any fertilizer costing the same per ton ; and no more per acre than of those selling at 20 per ct. more per ton.— Hence its economy,. This guard c ighs C 5 lbs. per tingled, hence in applying it farmers must - be governed by weigiit and not by bulk, tor it is much lighter than the Super Puosphates. Edery .caigo duly enspeetedil _ • • JOHN S. REESE & CO , GENSIL I II, AGENTS TOR THU SOUTH, - 4l South Street,lialtitnore "Flour of llone." WE will give a money guarantee of the purify of this article. It fa pure un steamed, unburnt bone, reduced to the fineness of flour, which adds 100 per ct. to its value. It is es rick and active as acid dissolved bone, hence its, value Is vastly greater, becaise it contains neither acid nor water, which neces sarily add weight, and reduce the ogantity of valuable elements.. We recommend 250 lbs. to be used in place of 30016,. Super Phosphate or dissolved bone. JOff S. REESE k CO., GEN R EAL ifiliNTS FOR Till SOCTO, -71 South Street, Baltimore. UrMcCurdy & Diehl, Agents, Uettysbarg Mar. 12, 1806. 8m - Fresh Arrival. 110 FATS, CAPS, BOUTS A; SHOES. COBEAN k CO have just received and opened another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, for Summar wear, which they are selling at very -low prices considering the times. The latest styles of Sum meill.tts and Cups, of• every description and price. Boots and Shoes, of superior make, andp warranted to s►, always on Land. Work made to order and repairing done on shortsio tice, by experienced workmen. Also, ,HARNESS MAKING, carried on .in all its branches. Persons want ing any - thing in this line would do well to call. se-Don't forget the old stand in Chambers burg street, if you want Bargains. COBEAN CRAIVItatD. June 1 9, 19G5 Cabbnct Furniture. MUE subscribers hereby inform their cus tomers and the public generally, that they have now on hand, and _continue to man ufacture to order CABCA,BINBT FURNITUR E, which, for style and durability, finish and price, will compete with any in the-county.— Our pre•ent stock constsfs of every variety of Furniture usually kept in a first class Furni ture Ware Room. Fashionalde, ornamental or plain Furniture manufactured in the most substantial manner, by most experienced workmen, and at the lowest cash prices. UNDERTAKING. Having a neiv Hearse, particular attention will lue'gtven to this branch of their business. They are prepared to make and furnish Coffins of any desired quality, and attend Funerals at the shortest notice—and on such terms as cannot fail to please all. The subscribers return their thanks lo the public for the liberal patronage extended to 'hem in the gnat, and , liopeto meri I and receive a continuance of public patronage. Shop and Ware Room third' builitinz east of the Square. H. FETE & 1:1140. Littleatowu, April 16, 1866., tf Grocerles—Groeeries. JOHN V. SWAN is constantly adding to his stock of Groceries. Ifyou want fresh Groceries, call at Swan's. -If you want the best Groceries, call at Swan's. - on want the cheapest Groceries, call at Swan's., If you want any article in the Grocery line, call at Swain's. His stock is always kept full ; the quality Pleases and his prints captivate. Call and see. [Aug. 13, Leila. Reduced Priee44 PIANOS, CABINET AND :AMERICAN OR GANS. Superior tuned . ; octave PIANOS from s:isti upwards. ORGANS from upwards. All instruments selected, re commended and sold by ate, additionally guar antied. Illustrited circulars sent by wail, when desired. P. BENTZ, • No. 30 East Market Street, York, Pa. Mar. 12, 1866. Lawrence D. Dietz it Co. - Iv - WHOLESALE Y T.. DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS, NOTION.% • HOSIERY and VARIETIES, No. 308 Wig Billintore.S'ireet, Between Seward & Liberty Swag, lay 7, 18G6. 13 atioaore, lid. Grooerfe%2 Groceries THE BEST IN TOWN COME AND SEE THEM! STRICKROUSBR & WISOTZKEY have ad ded.a lame and splendid stock of GROCERIES to their business, and invite the public to call and see for themselves. They offer the best of everything, at the lowest possible profits : COFFEES, SCOARS, SYIICPS, MOLASSES, SALT, FIS:I, Spices, Teas, Cheese, Starch, Soaps, Candles, Blazking, Matches, Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Bed Cords; with Coulee liottary, Oranges, huts, Tobaccos, Segars— and a variety entirely too large to be enema _rated., "Come one, come ell." Gettysburg, June 18,1860. tf Everharro FRANKLIN BOIJSE, cocas op HOWARD k 'FRANKLIN BTESITIS, BALTIUORE, MD This Rouse is on a direct line between the Northern Central and Baltimore rilid Ohio Railroad Depots: It has been refitted and com fortably arranged for tber,onvenienee and the entertainment of guests. Nov. 20, 1865. tf The Far Famed 4 TTNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRiNGER."-- L) Besides the great saving of Labor, the saving in the wear and tear of clothing in a single year, more than amounts to the price of this Wringer. It is strange that any family should be willing to do without it. For sale at•PAIDIESTQLI4 110„00., isid at 0. H. BU U. LFeb. 11). A DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE.—On SATURDAY, the Bth day of SEPTEMBER nest, the sub scriber will offer at Public Sale, on the prem ises, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Germany township,,Adatas county, on the road leadimr from Littlestown to Bonaughtown, three quar ters of a mile from the former ;dace, adjoining lands of Abraham Hostetter, Win. Rider, and others,, containing 33 ACRES, more or less— about 5 acres being Woodland, and about 8 acres Meadow. The land is in line cultitation," and under good fencing. The improvements are a Two-story BRICK ROUSE, with Brick Kitchen, Log . Bern, with SFsetU, Hog Pen, Spring .•:. j 1 House, Iva. a fret-rate Spring: also all kinds of fruit—apples, peaches, pears, cherries, *O. Persons'. wishing to view the property are requested to call on the undersigned, residing within one mile thereof. ger &de to commence nt 1 o'clock, P. 11., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by MOSES SCHWARTZ August IS, 1866. to highly Valuable L IMESTOISTE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. On SATURDAY, the Bth day of SEPTEMBER next, thti subscriber,Executor of George Law. retie!, deceased, wil offer at Pub.ic Sate, on the premises, the following highly - valuable Real Estate of said decedent, viz : A LIMESTONE FARM, situate in Mountpleasant town_hip, Adams county, on the road ,leading from McSherrys town to flunterstown, about 2 miles flora the former place, and within 1 mile of Conowago Chapel, containing 70 ACMES, more or less, adjoining lands of Conrad Bender, Samuel Geistlman, John Lillv and others—improved with a Two-story Weatherhcaudol HOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, , &n Corn Crib, Carriage House, Hog Pen, and other oat-buildings; first-rate well of water at tha door, and an Or chard of good fruit. The land is in high cul tivation and under good fencing. This is a very choice property. tar Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by ' LEVI LAWRENCE, July 23, 1800. is Executor. Valuable Town Property AT PUBLIC SALE.—On SATUBDAY, the 15th day of SEPT., will be offered at Public Sale, that ,very desirable property, situate in Petersburg, fronting 75 feet on the Baltimore and Carlisle turnpike and running back 144 feet to an alloy, having thereon erec ted a good Two-story BRICK caa 1101J*E, a Two-story back build- , in] ing, with a good store room or 4; shop attached, and all in hrst4ate.., repair. ,There is a never-failing well of water near the door and other improvements. This property is well adapted for a boarding house, or any k ind o? public business, being located in the cehtre and most business portion of the town. ' This is one of the mhst desirable properties in the town, and we invite the atten , ion of capitalists to it, as we believe it to be a rare chnnce for those wishing to invest. It will lie sold on easy terma. Ake', 'at the same time and place will be offered three very• desirable Lots, viz : No. 3.—Fronting 74 feet on the State Road, and running back 15u feet to an alley, having thereon erected a large frame Barn. No. 4.--Fronting 60 feet on the same road, and running bark 150 feet to an alley. No. s.—Fronting 60 feet ou the mime road, and running" back 150 feet to an alley. These Lots will be sold separate or together to suit purchasers. For further particulars call on Dr. I. W. Pearson ;or Beau , C. Peters, residing in the Wal, or address them by letter at York Springs, Pa. ISAAC W. PEARSON, ISAAC D. WORLEY. August 13, 1866. to Farm for Sale. THE undersigned offers bid FAIIII:with or without the present crop, AT PRIVATE SALE Possession giceb immediately. The Farm is situated in Cumberland town ship, Adams county, adjoining lands of Wm. Douglas, Samuel Pitzer and others, containing TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES, with about thirty-live acres of excellent Woodland, and the balance of the farm in ay,nod slate of culiivation. 71. e improccinents are a good Tao-story BRICE HOUSE, IN WI ; ‘ , 30 ,. Spring House, Frame Barn, and sllll other necessary outbuildings.— Terw3 easy. Any person desirous of seeing or purchasing the above farm, can get all desired information by calling on the undersigned, residing there on. JULIUS HAFNER. July 10,1864. tf Sale of Meal Estate. TWILL sell, on accommodating terms, my property, located in Ilaniiltouban town ship, Adams county, Pa., within one mile of Fairfield, and eight miles of Gettysburg, known as "VIRGINIA MILLS," containing 503 ACRES OF GOOD LAND, well imrroYeti. There is on this land a good THREE STORYSTON2 UILL, containing two run of Burrs, and a SAW MILL. Apply to the Hon. Moses ctlean, Gettysburg, or John J. Lock, Charlestown, Jefferson co., Vs.. June 18, 1866. tf ~ Fresh Supply. NEW GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES A. SCOTT dr SONS have Mat received another fine assortment of NEW GOODS, con sisting, in part, of Cloths, Cassimeres, Chest. nets, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, for Gen tlemen's Wear. Also, a fine assortment of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Our stock has been selected with great care, and we are prepared to sell as cheap as any other establishment in the country. We ask the public to give U 3 a call and judge for themselves. We defy competition ' both as to ritt.lllty and price. A. SCOTT Ac SUNS. April 2,186 q. Removal OF HOTEL OUR SHOPS TO CHAMBERS. BURG STREET. OPEN TO-DAYT.SIAY 17, 1888 We take special pleasure in announcing to our friends and customers that we have this day opened our ICE CREAM SALOONS, at our new stand in Chambersburg street, nearly opposite the Lutheran Church. We have had the apartments fitted up in the best style.--. Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call. We will also furnish Ice Crean' in any quan tity to public or private parties, at prices un precedented. ,We will also have constantly on tattniiPledh Cakes, which we will furnish to al ties and pic-nics at the shortest notice. ANAD AND MINERAL WATER can always icy and cool and Mall hours Raring had a life•long experience in the manufacture of all the foregoing articles we ask the patronage of the public generally. May 21,1866. tf DIINNIGH k BRO. A'GTTRACTING ATT ENTION.—Th eau perior Pictures taken at MIINPER'S SKY in GALLERY, on West Middle it., are attracting universal attention. Good judges pronounce theta superior to any ever taken is this plane. Call and examine for yourselves. Jan. 16. 1865. ' ' Cheese! Cheese I Swrtrgs, Limberger and English Cheese, can always be bad at KALEFLEISCEPS, ' Joie 11. int door. the'Posl Office. GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, SEPT. 3, 1866, AT PUBLIC SALE.—On SATURDAY, the Eth day of SEPTEMBER, next, the sub scriber, Executor of Joseph lietaler, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the following real estate of said decedent, via: A FARM, situate in Mountpleasant town ship, Adams county, 3 miles east of Gettys burg, near the Bonaughtown road, adjoining lonia of John Cress, Abraham Reerer, George Trostle and others, containing 1'73 ACRES, with due proportions of Woodland and Mead ow. The improvements are a Tao story Fft.A.lll; 110I'SE, and Back bailding. Log Barn. Wagon Shed with " Corn Citb, Two-story Stone Spring " House, with a never failing spring, Smoke House, sod other out-buildings. A young Orchard. The farm is well wsterni with nev er-failing Springs in nearly every field. Persons wishing to view the property will call on Joseph A. Hemler, residing thereon. Wor Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. On said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by GEORGE HESILER, Aug. 20, 1886. Executor. - - - - A SMALL PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE.—On SATURDAY, the 15th day of SEPTEMBER next, the subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, A TRACT OF LAD, sit,uaie in Cumbi•rland township, Adams county, on the Newrille road, three miles from G ettyysburg, adjoining lands of Joseph Bailey and Abraham heckler, containing 4 ACRES and 115 PELGU ES, improved with & Two-story LOU ie HOUSE, Log Stable; Corn Crib, Hog Pen, a well of water near the dour, E with a large variety of young fruit " trees—apples, peaches, pears, and cherries— also grapes. l'ersons wishing to view the property are requeste,l to call at the dwelling. to commence at 1 o'clock, P. .11., on said day, when attendance will Le given and terms 111. We known be GEOP.GE STARRY. Ang. 13, 1806. ts* Forwarding and Commission Fr.orrt AND FEED. GRAIN AND GROCEP.IES flavinionrchar.ed the extensive Warehouse, Cara, ko, Iterotofore owned oy Samuel llerbst, we beg leave to inform the public that we are continuing the business at the old stand on. the corner of Washington and Railroad streets, on a more extensive scale than heretofore. We are paying the highest market price for Flour, Grain and , all kin Is of produce. • Flour hod Feed, Salt, and all kinds of Gro ceries, kept constantly on hand and for gale, cheaper than they can be had anywhere else. Plaster, and all kinds of fertilizers, constantly on hand, or furnished to order. regloar line of Freight Cars will leave our Warebonse every TUESDAY MORNING, and accommodation trains will be run as oc casion may require. By this arrangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attend ed to. Our cars rn rto the Ilirarehoutte of Ste tensor. & Sorts, 165 North llow ‘rd street, timore. Being determined to pay good prices, sell cheap and deal fairly, we invite everybody to give us a call. Aug. 13, 1860 Grocery A: Liquor Store. AFIRST-RATE, ASSORTMENT of GRO CERIES, cheap. FISH of ditTerent kinds. A large lot of POTOMAC HERRING, at lour" price. The hest and. hugest assort ment of LIQUORS ever-kept in this place. • PURE WINE, BRANDY,RYE for medicinal and other purposes, in quanti titiee large or small. Also— MISHLER'S CELEBRATE!) 11F:R11 BITTERS. WM. J. MARTIN, Baltimore et., Gettysburg. May 28, INC. A PPLICATION will - , be made at the next 1 - 1_ regular cession of the Legislature of Pennsylvania for the Incorporation of a Say ings' Institution, to be %rated in the Borough of Littlestown, Adams county, Perm'ft., under the name and style of "THE LITTLESTOWN SAVINGS' INSTITUTION," the intention of which shall be to loan out money and receive deposits thereof, and do such things as are usually done by similar Institutions; the cap ital thereof not to exceed fine Hundred Thous end Dollars, to be divided into .hares of E<y Dollars each. July 2, IsiG. Om rprlE undersigned hat commence) the SAD.: I ME and HARNESS-MAKINfIr business, on the Hill, in Baltimore Xreet, in thebuilding formerly occupied by D.%weeney as a Chair maker's shop, np-stairs, where he asks those wanting anything in his line to call. Work done in the best manner, and prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short. notice. A lot. of new Saddles and Mme.'s on hand. J. X. ROWE. Gettysburg, June 23, 1864. 3m Gettysburg Female Institute. MIIE next session of this Ini,titution, will I commence on thefirat Monday of Septem ber, (September 3d.) For inforaratioa with regard to the school, apply to the Principal, Mrs. It. M. EYSTER. August 17, MI ft tte ii ,44: zre • 4 /";1-e// - Wddidg Aug. 13, 1866. 2m M. V. LOCK "nil HENRY A. LILLY'S ESTATE.—Letters J of administration on the estate of Dr. kienry A. Lilly, late of Conowago township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in same township, be hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for set tlement. JAMES W.GIUBEENATOR,, Aug. 13,18 Gd. Gt* Administrator. $.l 500 Per Year! WE want Per everywhere to sell our IMPROVED $2O Sewing Machines.— Three new kinds. Under and upper feed,— Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The ONLY -machines sold in the United States for less than .$49, which are inilY itrewed by Bowel Wheeler 4- lithroi, Grover 4- Baker, Singer and Bachelder. AU other cheap machines are infringements, and the seller or user are liable to arrest, flee and imprisonment. Illustrated cir culars seat/rm. Address, or call upon Sbaw 4k Clark, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. May 21, IBc6. isly OLD, SILVER, STEEL, and other SPECTACLES, to snit all ages, always on hand, and fitted to eight. J. BEVAN, Opposite the Bank. Gettrsbnrit. SUPERIOR quality of the best Louden Draft 'HANES, with or without fasten ngs, for side by D. 11cCREARY Ss SON. L 0 C K C - Now on hand CLOCK'S in great variety, from factories of the highest reputation in the country, and warranted good time-keepers. 'colt Oa J. "REvAN, Opposite the Bitek, ti etlyebers.: VALUABLE FARM CULP 1 EARNSHAW Notice. Saddling. Notice. ?into itisttErnip. 6' ANOTHER SPEECH BY PRESI DENT JOHNSON. General Grant Present and Endorses It. The Committee appointed by the Na tional Union Convention to wait on the President for the purpose of pre2 , tenting to him an official copy of the proceedings of the convention, headed by a band of music, reached the 'White House about 1 o'clock on the 18th ult. They were con ducted into the East Room by Marshal Gooding, and so arranged as to form a circle. The delegates to the convention who Were in the city were thou ushered in, and took seats In the rear of the com mittee.- President Johnson soon appear ed, accompanied by Secretaries McCul loch, Welles, Browning, Postmaster-Gen eral Randall, and' General. Grunt, lion. Raverdy Johnson. of :daryland, who had been selected as seaman of the com mittee, then advanced, and, in an elo quent speech, presented the President with an authenticated copy of the pro ceedings of the convention. President Johnson, in reply, spoke as follows : Ma. CHAIRMAN AND GENTLEMEN 01? Tab: COMMITTEE:—Language is inade quate to express the emotions and feel ings produced by this occasion. ePerhaps I could express more by allowing silence to speak and you to infer what I ought to say. I confess that, notwithstanding the experience I have had in public life, mid the audiences T have addressed, this occa sion and this assemblage are well calcu lated to, and do overwhelm me. sks I have said, I have not language to convey adequately my present feelings and emo tions. In listening hi the tuldres% which your eloquent and distinguished chair man has just delivered, the proceedings of the convention, as they transpired, re curred to my Mind. Seemingly I par took of the inspiration that prevailed in the convention when I received a dis patch sent by two, of its distinguished members, conveying in tertns the scene which has just been described of South Carolina and Massachusetts; arm in arni, marching into that vast assemblage, and thus gieing evielenee that the two ex tremes had come together, and that for the future they were united as they had been in the past, for the preservation of the Union. When the dispatches in formed me that in that vast body of men, distinguished for Intellect and wi4dom, every eye was suffused With tears 00 be holding the scene, I could not finish reading the dispatch to one associated with me in the °Mee, for my own feel ings overcame me. (('heers.) I think that we may justly conclude that we are moving under a proper Inspiration, and tat we need not be mistaken, that the finger of all Overruling and Unerring Provijenee is In this matter. (Loud cheers.) The nation is in peril. 'We have passed through a mighty, a bloody, a Momentous ordeal, yet do not find our selves free from the dillieulties anti dan gers that at first surrounded us. While our brave men have performed their du ties, both officers and men (turning to General Grant, who stood at his right,) while they have won laurels imperisha ble, there are still greeter and more im hortant duties to perform; and while we ave had their cu-operation in the field, tve‘noW need their support in our eflbrts to perpetuate peace. (Loud eheere.) far as the Executive Department of the Government is concerned, the effort has been made to restore the Cuion, to heal the breach, to pour oil into the wounds which were consequent upon the strug gle, and, to speak in common phrase, to prepare, as the learned and wise physici an would, a plastery healing in character and co-extensive with the wound. (Loett cheers.) We thought, and yet think, that we had partially succeeded, but as the work progresses, as reconciliation seemed to be taking piece, end the coun try becoming united, we feline a disturb ing and' ulelll4lll Opposing us.— In alluuiee to that 4-lenient f shall go no further than did your convention mid the distinguished gentleman Who has deliv ered to the the report of the proeeedeugs. I shall make no reference to it which the the time and the occasion do not keel fy. We have witnessed ht one departmeut of the Government every effort, as it were, to prevent the restoration of peace and harmony in the Union. We have seen hanging on the verge°, the Government, as it were, a hotly called, or which as sumes to be, the Congress of the United States—but, in fact,- a Congress of only part of the States. We have eceu this Congress assume and pretend to be for the lJniou, when its every step and act tended to perpetuate disunion, and make a disruption of the Statee inevitable. In stead of promoting reconciliation and harmony, its legislation has partaken of the character of penalties, retaliation and revenge. This hes been the course and polite- of one department of your Gov ernment. The • humble individual who is now addressing you stand-, the repre sentative of another department of the Government. The manner in which lie was tailed upon to oecqpy that position, I shall not allude to on this occasion : suffice it to say that he Is hereunder the Constitution of the country, anti being here by virtue of its provisious, he takes his stand upon the eh: - ter of our liberties as the great rampart of civil and religi ous liberty. (Loud cheers.) Having been taught in In) , early life to hold it sacred, and having, practiced upon it du ring the whole or my public career, I shall ever continue to reverence that Constitution,e-the. Conetitution of the Fathers of our Couutry—and to make it my guide. (Cheers.) I know it has seen sqd, and I must be permitted to indulge In the remark, that the Executive De partment of the Government has been tyrannical. Let rue ask this audience of distinguished gentlemen around me here to-day to point to a vote I ever gave, to a speech I ever made, to a single act of my whole public life, that has not been against tyranny and despotism. What position have I ever occupied, what ground have I ever assumed, that it can be truthfully charged that I • failed to ad vocate the amelioration and elevation of the great masses of my countrymen 7 (Cries of "Never," and great applause.) So far as charges of that kind are eon corned, I will say that they are simply intended to deceive and delude the pule lie mind into the belief that there lissome one in power whaes usurping and tramp ling upon the rights and prevertiug the principles of the Constitution. It is done by those who make• such charges for the purpose of covering their own acts.— (Cries of "That's so," and Owens.) I have felt it my duty', in vindication of principle and the Constitution of my country, to call ettentiom to these pro ostedinge. When we come to examine who has been playing the tyrant, by whom do we find thateleepotisna has been exercised? As to myself, the elements of my 'nature, stile pursuits of say life, have not made me, either 411 My feellnge or in my practice aggteisseye. My nature, on the oontrary, is rathpe defensive hilts aluutaterl but I mill 444144 havliurta- 48TH YEAR.-NO. 49. ken my stand upon the broad principles of liberty and the Constitution, there is not power enough on earth to drive me from it. (Prolonged cheering.) Having placed myself upon that broad platform, havtenot been awed, dismayed or in timidated by either threats or earoach meuts, but have stood there, in conjunc tion with patriotic spirits, sounding the ' tocsin of alarm whenever I deemed the citadel of liberty in danger. (Great ap plause.) I said on a previeus occasion, and repeat now, that all that was IleCeS• sary in the greatstruggle against tyranny and despotism was, that the struggle should be sufficiently audible for the American people to hear and understand. They did hear, and looking on and see ing alto the mute-Aunts were and what the struggle was about, they determined they would settle the question on the side of the C'onstitut ion and mil kelpie. (Cries of "That's so," and applause.) I pro claim here to-day, as I have on other occasions, that may fau lt is aidding in the great mass of the people. in the darkest moment of the struggle, when the clouds seemed to be .roost lowering, my faith, instead of giving way, loomed up through the dark clombilar beyond-1 saw that all would be safe in the end. (Cheers.) My countrymen, we all know, that in the language of Thomas Jefferson, "tyranny mind despotism even can be exercised and exerted more effectually by the many Than the ruled' We have seen a Congre:, gradually crtroaeli, step by stein, upon constitutional rights, and violate, day after day, and month after month, the fundamental principles of the Govern ment. (Cries of "That's so !") - _We have seen a Congress that seemed to forget that there was a Constitution of the Uni ted States, and that there was a limit to the sphere and scope of legislation. (Re newed cries of "That's so.") We have seen a Congrem in it minority assume to exercise powers which, if allowed to be carried out, would result in despotism or monarchy itself. (Cries of "That's so," and enthusiastic cheeni for the President.) This is truth; and because others as well as myself have seen proper to appeal to the patriotism and republican feeling of the country, we have been denounced in the most severe terms. Slander upon slander, vituperation 'upon vituperation, of the most villainous character, has made its way through the public. press. What, gentlemen, has been your and my sin ? What has been the cause of our offending? I will tell you—daring to stand by the Constitution of our fath ers. (Loud cheers.) The President here approached the spot where Senator Johnson was-Aft:au& ing, and said : I consider the proceedings Of this con vention, sir, as moreimportant than those of any convention that ever assembled in the United States. When I Intik with my mind's eye upon that collection of Citizens, coining together voluntarily, ant) sitting in council, with ideas, with prin ciples and views commensurate with all the States, and co-extensive with the whole people, and contrast it with the collection of men who are trying to de stroy the country, I regard it as more important than any convention that has sat at least since 1787. (Loud cheers.) I think I may say, also, that the declara tions that were there made are equal With the Declafation of Independence itself, (cries of "glorious," and most enthusias tic and prolonged applause), and here, to-day I pronounce it a second Declaration of Independence. Your addre4;s and dee rations arc nothing more or less than a re-affirmation of the Constitution of the United States. (Cries of "good," and cheers.) Yes, I Avill go further, and say that the declarations you have made, that the principles you have enunciated in youraddress, are n seeond proclamation of emancipation to the people of the United States—for in proclaiming and reproelaiming these great truths you have laid down a 'constitutional platform upon which all can make common cause, and stand together for the restoration of the States and the preservation of the government without reference to party. (Cheers.) The question only Is the sal vation of the country, for oar country rises above all party considerations or influences. Mr. Chairman, I have said more than 1 intended ti Hay. For the kind allusions to myself contained in your address and in the resoiutions adopted by the conven tion, let me remark that, in this crisis, and at this period of my odd lc life, I hold uisive all price, and shall ever recur with feelings of profound gratification to the last resolution, containing the indorse ment of a convention emanating. sponta neously from the great mass of thepeople. I trust and hope that my future action may be such that you and the convention may not regret the assurance of confidence you have expressed in me. Before sepa rating, my friends, one and all, commit tee and strangers, please accept my sin cere thanks for the kind manifestations of regard and respect you have exhibited on yas occastoll. repeat, I shall always con i nue tole guide. I by a firm and con seieutious convietion of duty, and that always gives one courage, under the Constitution, which I make tity guide. At the conclusion of the President's remarks, three cheers were enthusiastic ally given for Andrew Johnson, and three more for General Grant. The President and Gen. Grant then retired arm-in-arm, and the committee and the audience gradually dispersed. TAX ON CI totAittikt The enclosed letter answers questions of interest to manufacturers of cigars, of whom there arc quite anumber iu this county • Tem/fury Department, Washington, Aur.4 ; 1860.-81 r: In answer to yours of the Ist insL, I have to say that the tax on cigars, &c., is to be assessed upon the price they are sold, if such price is esta blished by a bona tide sale ; if not,'•upon an appraised value, or the value at which cigars, &c., of like quality, are selling in the market. If the cigars are sold for $8 per \f. the tax is 82 per M.; if they are sold for $lO per M. the tax is $4 per M. Cigars sold for more Riau $l2 per M. are liable to $4, more than 011 e-filth of the price they are sold for, - as tax. Cigars, &c., soil for $lB, 82), 821, 830, $5O $BO or 8100 per M. are liable tos7 60, $B, £+B 80, $lO, $l4, $2O, 824, respectively, of tax.— The excl,e law does not recognize a "market value," or a " taxable value," which excludes the tax. Yours, respect fully, THOMAS HARLAND, Deputy I:ouutulssioner., rs-Murdock, the actor, read tile Decla ration of Independeifeemn the Fourth, at Madison, Wis. A radical prvent, mista king the document, interrupted the read ing, and said he didn't thnik much of such a speech on the 4th of July, or the man who Wad making it. That fellow is a fair type of the Radical Republicans. 'The only part of the "Dec laration of Independence which they regard as of any worth, is the diniabe which they torture into an endorsement of negro equality. 'The rest of the immor tal document sounds too much like an indictment of their corrupt and tyratittie al pArty to be relished by them. , parOlymer w til ite elected Gkoveraorl .it • • , I = Tux XMISEA virtagiumagpit AUX NAOS • "Dr: A. P. Dostla," ICeVit 014%e revolutionist 4 and negro suffrage ".araß. tyr,” whose wounds and dying moments are so graphically described by the pea limners of the Disunion loess, ls,thus described by the N. Y. Irosid' "Dr. Dostie, six years ago, was is den tist in Chicago. He nsigraksi to New Orleans and pursued his business with no great success let that city. When Um war broke out, having to some extent the gift of gab, he became a ranting 'Reis. el,' addressing street gatherings and de parting regiments. With what wind there was in him he fanned the flames of Recession ,and 'fired the Southern heart.' Butler lame and he was a 'U nion' man. Banks followed, and he Was an ardent aspirant and finally successful applieant for race. lie then foirght Ins battles for the Union by risinwin Lhe Vrquettes of the Opera House Will the arieties Theatre, waving a two -shilling calico flag, and shouting to the orchestra to play Columbia.' He sums** on two or three oceasions in producing a panic among hundreds of frightened ladies in the audience, once nearly a chieved a riot, closed the'.opera House, and compelled the orchestra to play (Hotta aiN by military order. This sums tip Duistie's services to the Unlon. A rabid, ranting fanatic, he was naturally a 'Rebel' \Odle rebellion paid, and he as naturally fell Into the radical ranks when faAlicalism was more remuncratiw." r A citizen of Amsterdam, New York, touches ution his antecedents more fully and prosaically than will be a.c.'re‘ble to the JoIM Bro vn school of politicians. Ile says: Let 111 - ej give yo,p - oplOte • of • antece dents. lie for nor aiiii4Wa was a resilient of Amsterdam, NeW here he pur sued the elating of at village barber. Hu was a man of light: build, with ai sharp, pale face, long hair floating over the cop-. tar of a ALM, lv tiLe . lt, NIUE:n(1119 By• (Alai', 111)11(10M did the throat, and a hat having the style of hriulo4ct eil by tile 'apoi sods A I to,letli er his appeal - j mice made hint a terror to small ',nye, snit a laughing-stock and butt for those of larger growth. In eunneetion with 14_ j barber shop, of Ivhieh he was sole pro prictor and the op ly Journeyman, ho, started a cheap bathing estalule iti ,i t s consisting of a force-pump anal t w o abs,_ wherein the great and small unwashed might bathe for FAX and one-quarter eqthi the bath. The enterprise, however, did not pay, and Dust capital in path/Land' tubs was all afloat. W Alt um means to pay his board cud washing bills, povioty stared Dostie In the face, unless vinle. t king should opportunely turn up. The dental art suggestcati )(med.\ for thistle's • woes, and Littera course ofiuutrurtiori der t he village dentist, covering, b,yeauut, exactly two weeks and thaw Xivs,Postia was graduated a ' doctor ' of aentlitry., 'flue 4 doctor ' then migrated to Chicago, where 1 lost sight of him till the herq of, MIMI' a light between a stiff/ward and a dull razor turned up a newly manurial', urea radical Martyr in New Orleans. Au the old tub and lather (buys it would h*ye been impossible to have found a matt of 'less account' in Amsterdam than 'Doctor' Dostie, who '141444 generally regarded as lunatic or fool." TILE LOVISILNA NEGRO surFitmiE The Lieutenant Governor and: Attor ney General of Louisiana and the Mayor of New Orleans have sent a cosnounca tion to the President detailing the history lof the late riot. They show that the ob ject of the Convention of 18u4 was purely revolutionary, and that the intention was lo stir up the blacks to Insurreetlon 021 the plea of securing imaginary rights, in order to elevate white demagogues to plactsc of power. - By the inthunambery speeches of its members at the meetings on the nights of the '27th and alth the designs of the revolutionists to overthrow the State authorities were miule Miserly manifest. The Convention itself num bered but twenty-nine members, rout of a whole number of ono hundred and Ulf ty,) and although lacking thirty-seven of u quorum, the original president, who did not sympathise with the contempt's• ted revolt, was deposed nail a negro suf frage radical was elected pro Gm. The report complains that Gen, Baird 20.11*. ed to co-operate with thecivil andmuttl. cipal authorities In preventing the meet ing of the Convention or in guarding a gainst :t riot, and' that ho Meat! the rioters who had beet' arrested before an investigation could be had. It charges, also, that the negroes were armert mid }weltered for bloodshed, and that they commenced the lighting. 'Twenty-seven rioters were killed end a number wound ed. Forty-two policemen and a 'lmola, of clll4-114 were killed or woThnld, quietness now prevails, Allow! rig that though the lessoli was severe, lt was necessary. RADICAL EXTRAVAILFANCt Clay Webster, Benton, Thtehavan i Wright. and alt the other really great" American statesmen who have fIU Y' seats in Congress, Served their conntry at eight-dollars per day. , The limit Conptresa to increase the pay of Its own umemlmors above this amount, if we are not greatly mistaken, was the one that met th Des' eember, 1•43, when the !holism! V.' Pi: 'hllo was elected ripeaker of the Hogs! Th is Coogrels screwed the pay, up, to Llano tiwusand dollars per annum, nearly ott:- bie the amount received by each Mem her for the long session at the old per ;Witt; and nearly four times time amount ratm ceived for the short session. No fort,lmeti 40Vtliket• was rustle till the present the, w!len our patriotie CornrroW raised the pay strain. 1.51(.11 Tntfotni4r now reeelves five thousand dollars a ymatirl The Sew-lull ivt.elllo terminated tauter} a little under eight Each mein-, her, therefore, received for his servlepta fraetio,i over six hundred and twenty-live dollars per month. Among the people who help to / pay these extravagunt ItAle:4 wages ,are Ors , mers, mechanics and laboring WO Vttni (in not receive over six humelremUtlahrli for a whole year's work! llutunrmiaamkar, able as hi this rate of pay for Ape lulls, session, itis still worse for the AMA, ses. sion. This session Is limited by theVori* Ftitution to three mouths. It' begliivert the first Monday in Deeembet amallemide on the 4th of March. Thu pety , pf ejamla member fur this session will amonimtjo cite thousand six hundred and Whet . 6 seven dollars ISer month! I.domijS album , a doctor, many a buslitersonat4 .with far more Intelligence Ilum.i,he env half of these P.adieul Congressmen Pit rsileS his calling assiduously and yetenntkeig more In a whole year thium the present pay of a srieuilmet,m; Coligres4,,limr, 4 4lk mouth of the:short Man y '. • farm, with all the hihor that the, and his family bestow upon Ai* twelve motitlem, rot urns lthms than %Ali, monthly pay of a member, tam fie this Itatticat Congress. Retrenchment and rerorm mOmilly needed, And to secure filet% the'asiiii6tQ must be overthrown at t lmeprolle. 'l , Mies/ ork..'soidiers of nvy Lyn i a 4 o itensgatt' ber that "N Prefix.; teary," 41.44-Yftd4 speech, 'called all the soldiers WWI /Mg In the late State o,nyentkin Atk.liirgiser burg, by the unjust , anti coul t enaSiltist names of "cowards 'and shysteraohullfr ors and hospital bututnersP l ,, Itontieuseer at the polls this libeller of,the knargin4 vetersne of the war,. who. served totkeir :oduritry.strldoet tbeir health sad *Of at thirteen dollars a tuoutb, - whiko r iop drew Ills thive hundred I , (t: Rf out Of threw of the yop na4l, i4w-a-doya tkelu t rOt At e ape 4)F!Pctse4 to =gent . frrilk% Ofq? 1P 299/ ft fa XP r f b tfilikg* •T• VA *in AI 3 P4 11 ,45, ,Y* 0 1 AP AVIAP thap.Votf rPOS4X . !!' i x 1":1, nELLIoN L. friftU