A'tenßA not only unexcelled, but they are ob soletely unequalled, by any Oder Heed ement in the country. Insigne/ express ir (or Chorelies and Schools, they are found 40 be eleAlly well adapted to the parlor sad illtirrin loose. Fur sale only by N. M. nnucg, 'No. 15 North Ssventh St., Philadelphia. 'Mioj BILADISURY'S PIANOS, and ROmplete ascorimegt of th• Fgaascr /.01)1‘O.N, flict. 2, ISG:. ly Removal, C ALL AID BSI DS IN On NEW Q,LTAII- (MAT ATTRACTION! Weli.VIL SPANGLI3It would respectfully snform his friends and the public generally that he has moved his Store into the commo dious room on the southeast corner of the Dia owed, at which place ell are invited to call. He has purchased the property and had it thoroughly repaired and fitted up in the most splendid style, for the special comfort and con venience. of his customers. We now latter ,UU NMI MI that we have not only the best store gam In the county, but the finest stock of good's are,' brought to this place, all of which Me are now selling at price. 10 _ . . DeVY COMPETPTION. We call attention especially to our complete 'stock of Pc)ll$5TlC AID FANCY DRY GOODS, oarraciax 01l descriptions of DRESS GOoDS, DRESS siLl, DELAINESI, BILINOES, CASHMERES. CALICOES, VHS. COILSE I'S, Hoop Skirts for Ladies and jhlisses, Hosiery, Oboes, Embroidery, Trim mings end XCY ArtmLgs. Also, ont's F DUNit ti G GOODS, Cloths Ceistruerea, Caseinett,Tweede; kc., We are now re'tiog—e kle.lins fr0m...,.,... IA II cues front aud other goods in proportion. Haying wade oor purchases -when good. were at their very Wrest grade In the city. we Pm now offering' bittlalac that Marna fail to plow. 144 invite all to call at our NEW PITGEE lad ace it ItJe not so. SPINotBa. April IC, 1888. W. R. BIDDI I II. - 11. S. RENNER. • 100.006 Hush& Grain Wanted. Nir,W Yllife A i' Tilli OW WAKKHoUSN. WY. B. BIDDLiii& CO. would inform the publis that titer hare leased the Warehouse on the corner of Stratton street and the Rail- fowl, in'tlettyshurg, *hero they will carry on TIIt I OILLIN "AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, ie ed,i its branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Corn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nets, Sonp,Hatns, bhoulders and Sides, Potatoes, with every. ping else in the.eountry produce Ike. GROCERIES.—On hand, for sale, Coffees, - sugars, ifol , Syrups, Teas, Sluices, Salt, Cbgeoe, Vinegar, SCllitt, ' Mustard, Starch, t lle.jotes Buckets, Blacking, Soaps, &c. Also ti 111. I VAL ins , Fish G.I, Tar, 4c. FISH of all t Spikes and Halls i Smoking and Chew 'in "To ' baccoa. . hey are always able to supply a first rate /rile!, of Flour, with the different kinds of hied. Also, Ground Platter, with Guanos end pther fertilisers.. CGAL, by the bushel, ton or par load.' • They will fait a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS' from Gettysburg to Baltittiore once every week. They are prepared to convey Freight I ritliet4. way, In any _quantity, at REDUCED, ft tTIM. They will attend, if desired, to the - making of purchases in the city, and delivering I the goods promptly in Gettysburg. Their ears run to the Warehouse of Nathan Roop & j Co., No. 1181 North Howard at., near Franklin, DOtiunore, where freight will be received at any goo. They Invite the attention of tha lintttia tn their line, assuring them that they 1. - .11 ewe ao efflust tn accommodate all who pia: patronise them. April "Id, 186 d• tf BIDDLE k BENNE4 Great Attraction AT 1. DRINKIMOFF'S CHEAP CLOTHING - AND FURNISHING STORE, at the North asteorner of the Diamond. The subscriber fs pmatvaly is receipt of fresh goods-from the Eastern cities. His stock of - /MDT-MADE CLOTHING .•- ene of the largest and most attractive - as well as the cheapest establishment of fa the country. You wilt there find COATS, rANTS AND VESTS, made up in the: most fashionable atyles, and of the beet materials, eir\ull gm and prices, for men and boys.— etenfiernen's furnishing goodsof every descrip tton, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory - - Shirts anl'Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery of every description, Buck-skin, Merino and CotTou Gloyes, Hand kerchiefs, Necenes, Cravats, Linen and Paper Collars, Ilats,:esps, Boots ,and Shoes. Um brellas, Trunks, Valicos , Carlpet Bags, Clothes and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoo Blacklog f Pocket and Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, 'Gees, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strive, I ,Mespe and Perfumeries, Stationery of all kinds, .roeket*Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tahoe iso, Pipes, an extra quality of Segars. In fact, Lis stock embraces everything usually found •tei a first class furnishing store. - I 'lnvite the pticention of all to come and see for themselves, pis I am determined to sell goods lower than any otherestabliehment in the country. Don't forgot the place. Corner of York street and pe Diamond. JACOB 13BINKEIWOFF. Juil.,ll. Attains County kirerTuAL'Fln INSURANCE COMPANY. , LIICOILPORATIID, MAUCLI 18, 1851. O►►icaas. President—George Swope. Vice President—Samuel It. Russell. plocret,Ary—D. A. Buehler. Treasurer—K. G. Fahnestock. Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy As drew Heinteelman, Jacob King. NASAISCIIII.—George Swope, D. A. Buehler, 4cHitrdl, M. Eichelberger, S. It. Russell, E. G. Fatinestpak, 4. D. Buehler, R. 0. McCreary, Oetlystitirg; Jacob Ijipg, Straben township; 4. Heifitselman, Frfinkiin ; Wm. D. Mimes, 'New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersville; H. A. Picking, Strabau township; John Wol ford, Latimore township; John Picking, East erlin; Abel T. Wright, Bendersville ; Abdiel F. Gilt. New Oxford ; Jas. H. Marshall, Ham !Roubaix township; John Cunningham, Free dom township; John Horner, Mountjoy town gldp; Wm. Ross White, Liberty tswnship. bar Tide Company is limited in its opera 'ions-to the county of Adams. It has been in pperation for more than 15 years, and in that period bag made but one assessment, having pad lossn by fire dung that period amount ing to $14,968- 7 56,169 of which have been. paid during the List two years. Any person Desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the above noosed M.inagers for further information-. IMillt•The ste.outire Committee meets at the office dr-the•Oompany, on the last Wednes day istevery month, at o'clock, P. M: Oct. 16, 1665. tt Jolnt IV, Tipton, IF•• AsnlowATKA 11444g1t, North-east et:m ast arils Illenirend, (next door to Mc llisit's hotel,) Gettysburg, Pa. where he Pan 84 41 tinier be found ready to attend to all bluble l l l 4 his lip.. Ile tuii also excellent as. "Wanes and will ensue satisfaction. Give pint a call. , 1)0. 3, IFlgn. - Howard Amoetatiqn, PA.—Dlapases of the Urinate siud Dextral Syetenas— k new and reliable treatment. Also . the Bill DAr i UHAY SSa, an w a y of Warning and inetßption, pane i■ tested Povelqpeo, free of eharalp. Ad- Ares* Dr. J. SKILIiLY HOUGEV2OII. Howard Association, No. 2, Swat? Ninth Stre e t, phii a . rialphia, Pa. , [Oct: 3, 1805. litostkl—AMlNT4 v iate t afs eatirar4n! rag* pm . 'IY; cd.rolgtalsi, 814 . - 4,7 4.441. Jor Lasesiter Book Bindery. GIOMID64IHAPPP, - -BOOK BINDER, aso %Axle Roof imitc /A vreass, LAXCLSTER, PA. Plain and Ornmarntai Binding, of every de• seription, executed in the most substantial and approved styles. E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmer's Bank of Lancaster W, L. Peeper, Esq., Lancaster County Bank BLitt's! Shock, Esq., Columbia Bank. &milted Wagner, Esq., York Bank. William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. I'. D. Carson, Esq., Bank of Gettysburg. Peter Martin, Esq., Proth'y or Lancaster co., Pa Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register " 4 ' Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder " ti April 1; 1861 The Great Dleeevery 9L.F THE AGB.—lnflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism can be cured by using H. L. M 4.l:it's CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC MIX TURE. Many prominent citizens of ibis, and the adjoining counties, have testified to its greet utility. Its success in Rheumatic affec tions, has been hitherto unparalleled by any specific ; introduced to the public. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all druggists and storekeepers. Prepared only by 11. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pa., dealer in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot tled Oils, Essences ,itnd Tinctures, Window Glass. Perfumery, PaTent Medicines, kc., Ate. AIWA. D. Buehler is the Agent in Gettys burg for "11. L. Celebrated Itheunuirie lijsture." [June 3, 1861. ti Sale Crying. A W. FLEX tIING continues the Irasbest A of SALE CRYING, and solicits the con tinued patronage of the public. It is his con stant endoisvor to glie satisfaction. Charges moderate. Residence in Breckinridge street, aetty'sburg. I'. s,—tle is a licensed Auctioneer, under the Tai haw of the United states. Nov. 24, 1,863. Cemetery Removals. THE andersigned,beingthe authorised person to make removals into Ever Green Ceme tery, hopes that such as contemplate the removal_ of the remains of deceased relatives or friends will avail themselves of this season nftheyear to have it done. Removals made with/ promptness —.terms low, and no effort spared to Please. PETER. THORN, March 13;'60. Keeper of the-Cemetery. 121 to 38 -10 to 18 New Bakery.' NEWPORT k MGM, Mechanical Bak ers, South Washington street, half square from the Eagle Hotel, GETIWSBURG, Pa-- Constantly on band, the best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, PRETZELS, &c. Per sons wishing fresh Bread will be served every morning, by leaving their names and residences at the Bakery. Every effort made to please Give as a call I [April 30,'63. tf Noah Walker it Co., WASIINGTON BUILDING, 165 AND 167 BALTIMORE BTRBIIT BAI;TIMORB, keep constantly on hand a large and well as sorted stock of all kinds of goods at moderate prices. They supply orders for the finest to the lowest priced articles, either ready made or made to measure, to any part of the country. They keep also an extensive stock of FURN ISHING GOODS, embracing every article of Gentlemen's Under-rear. 'Also, MILITARY CLOTBS and eserryartety of Military Trim mings, as 'well as au assorted stock of READY MAIM' MILITARY GOODS. Baltimore, Feb. 22, 1864 dehlek Still Ahead! NSW SPRING GOODSI REDUCTION 1N PRICES! I. L. SOR,ICK would respectfully say to the citisens of Get tysburg and vicinity, that he is pow receiving at his store a splendid STOOK OF SPRING GOODS. The stoek coneists In part of Fancy and titsple DRY GOODS, of every description. SILKS, MOZAMBIQUE, (WALLIES, DE LA.INSS, BOHBAZINES, ALPACCAS, LAWNS, CALICOES, of all qualities and choicest styles, which will be sold at PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION. FURNISHING GOODS • ' of all kinds, including Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Stockings, &c. Also, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS; Laces and Rdgings,Umbrellas and Parasols.- • My stock of WHITE GOODS will be found ful and coinplete,,and customers may rely upon always getting good goods at the lowest possi ble prices. Gentlemen will find k to their advantagelc call and examine my stock of CLOTHS, CASSINIh:RES and VESTISHS, of all qualities and choicest styles. . April 16, 16.66 ..-- Hardware it Groceries. TATIE subs , :ribers have just returned from the cities with an immense . supply of RDWARS &GROCERIES, which they are offering at their old stand in Baltimore street, at prices to nit the times. Our stock consists in part of • - BUILDING MATERIALS, CARPETER'S TOOLS, '' 'BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, COACH FINDINGS SHOE FINDINGS( CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPER'S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, kc: GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, &c., kc. There is no article included in the several departments mentioned above but what can be had at this Store.-- Every class of Mechanics can be accommodated here with tools and findings, and Housekeepers can find every article in their line. Give us a call, as we are prepared to sell as low for cash as *ay house out of the city. JOEL B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLER. Gettysburg, May 16, 1864. New Warehouse. 1001000 4 BA BU N S T H E E D L aGS F o ' w GRAIN raio Produce House, in Carlisle s et, adjoin , ing Sheads k 'Buehler's establishinen The highest market price will 'Always be paid in cash for GRAIN, Of all kinds, FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. Always oa band a 44 lOr sale, et the smallest profits,GUNOS, , SALT, FISH, . qp,ocERTES, kc. Wholesale and retail. TRY URI We shall do our best to. girt satisfaction In all cases. McCURDY k DIRHL.• Gettysburg, May 11, 180. if Blackwithing. THE underaigned would most respectfolly Worm the public that he continues the BLACKSIIITHING BUSINESS, at his shop, lately Philip Du3rsom's adjoining Tratelre paint shop, in East Middle street, Gettysburg, where he will at all times be pre. pared to do Blacksmithing work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, kn. That he knows how to do all jobs of the kind will not be questioned by those who have a knowledge of his long experience at the business. Come on With your work, and von will be satisfied when you take it away—.and for which he Will receive Cash or Coantiy Produce. ADAM HOLTZWORTS Mar. 20, 1865. tt -- --- Western Lands. THE Subscriber has 101)113 valuable WEST ERN' LANDS, which he will trade for one or more FARMS in this county. The lands are well located, and very desirable for farm log. Early application desired, JACOB BRINKERHOFF. ' Gettysburg, April 3, 1863. O Picture Frames, AGREAT variety of PICTINE FRAMER, with plain and convex glaaaeaffor sale IA names Drag sad Variety tore. _ • Aiwa IC 1865. 1866 yoit i r r /Ar t uro tOOLAnth 44.• I :1=E:1 J. L. SCHICFC NEW IWL A T TAR Otto STA Nb. btwrant.tintto is 1811.3 ass associated with me, In business, my son, _John P. SfeCreary,- under the firm and style. of D. McCreary Son, and I desire to say to my old friends and the public generally that since the war,the manufacture of Saddles, Harness, Collars, &c., has been revived at the old established and well know n stand on Bal timore Street, one square south of the Court House, Gettysburg, Pa. Haring had an experience of 40 years in this establishment, I feel assured, that, with renewed attention to business, we c.tu still further merit and receive a full share of pub lic patronage. DAVID liceniitY. With increased facilities for conducting our beelnese, we are better prepared than ever to satisfy the wants of all those who may need anything in our line. We especially call the attention of Farmers and others to the superior quality of our Plain or Quilted Seat i Side Leathers, Horn Saddles,ll3ames, all kinds, with Plain or Quilted Seat{ or withoutfastenings no Horn, Plain or Quilted Seat.SeotchCollare(leather) Side Saddles, ; Al ( lAA:kin) Plain or Fancy Sadd/eiNo Seam Collars, Cloths, , Best Welt Harness Col. Wagon Saddles, I tars, Riding Bridles, of all Patent Leather Collars, kinds, fair or black, stitched orunstitched rounded or flat, Best Le..ther Wagon Martingale, Whips, 4,4 j and 5 Carriage Harness, all feet 1 ing, styles, silver or black Plaited Team Whips, mounted, Trotting Whips, Heavy Draft Harness, Ladies' Riding Twigs, Blind fiddles, Whip Lashes, Girths, Horse Blankets, Croppers, &c., &c., &c. In short, everything that pertains to a first class general horse furnishing establishment constantly on baud or wade to order promptly, of the very best material, and by the most ex perienced workmen in the country, (two tray lug worked in this establishment for tito last thirty years.) We are now manufacturing an excellent lot of Heavy Draft and Harness Collars for those who prefer our own to city made work. Repairing of all kinds done at short, notice and on reasonable tetras. All are cordially invited to call and examine for themselves, as our work cannot fail to recommend itself. D. McCREARY k SON Feb. 5, 1806. tt Carriages and Buggies. • TATE & CULP are now building a variety of COACH WORK of the latest and most approved styles, and constructed of the beat material , to which they invite the attention of buyers. Having built oar work with great care and of material selected with special reference to beauty of style and durability, we can confidently re commend the-work as unsurpassed by any, either Ip or oat of the cities. All we silk is an inspection of our work to convince those in want of any kind of vehi,cle, that this is the place to buy them. REPAIRING in every branch done at short notide and on reasonable terms. Give us a call, at our Factory, near the corner of Washington and Cbambereburg streets, Gettysburg. P. J. TATE. W3l. E. CULP. Mar. 19, 1866. Money Saved 1 .8 /LONNY MA.DE (TAM STSTE{ ADOPTED, ' AND PRICES REDUCED! The undersigned most respectfully invite their old customers and the public generally to call and see their Goods at the new prices. We have A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, which we have concluded to run off at the lowest passible prices. We intend doing what wesay; therefore all persons desirous of making money in the easiest way (by saving it in their purchases) will not fail to give us a call, as we premise theta they' shall not be disap pointed. We are thankful for the past very liberal patronage we have received, and trust that we shall merit a continultion of U:l.:Battle; anti troas—as we:shall use our best endeavors to plmise all who may favor us with a gioll.."Don't forget the place. DINNER dr MELDS, Fairfield, - Adams county, Pa. N. B.—We.are Agents fur holler's Superior Family Flour, and Johnson's celebrated Blast ing Powder. [Feb. 26, 1866. tf Forwarding Business. CULL' & EARNSLIA.W'S LINE. AVING purchased the Warehouse and EILI Cars heretofore owned by Samuel Herbst, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to-the public that they will rnn LINE OF FREIGHT CARS fromGettyabtirg to Baltimore evcry week. They are prepared to convey Freight either way, in any. quantiky. They will attend, if desired, to the making of puichases in the 'city, and deliver ing the goods promptly at Gettysburg. Their cans run to the Warehouse of STEVEN SON & SONS, 165 North Howard street, (sear Frinklin,) Baltimore, where freight will be reoeived at any time. 'They invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them that they will spare no effort to accommodate all who may patronize the' Having purchased the buildings and lot on the Northeast cower of_ Railroad and North Washington streets, 'Gettysburg; their Depot will remain there. Any person having busi ness in the forwarding line are respectfully in vited to call. CULP & EA.RNSHA.W. Auk, 7,1865. neMOTIIi ! THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. MRS undersigned takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally that he h.ts removed from his old rooms On West Middle street, to Baltimore street, and nearly opposite the store of Fah°. estock Brothers. The room he now occupies has been recently fitted up expressly fur his business. The location is an admirable one, enabling him to tike pictures in all shatles of weather, and with a correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every size and description, executed in the finest style. Particular attention given to the CARTE DE VISITE, and to copying AMBRO. TYPES and DAGUERREOTYPES of deceased friends. Also— THE GETTYSBURG GEMS, a MOM& of pioture, which has become very pct - 'th the public, not only for their beauty.; bittlor cheapness and convenience.— SIXTEEN'for ONE DOLLAR only. Also-- THE PORCELAIN PIOTURESvatich fur their beauty and durability are unsurpassed. We are prepared to carry ott the business in all its veri9,ul 4. branches, and having had con siderable expee we run no risk in UARANT • ' 'E EFL' CT SA TISFJC /0-Y. Our facili r a full display of our skill are unequalled - by any other Gallery in the County, and we would therefore invite every one to c,tll at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY Call and examine our Specimens and judge for yourselves. LEVI MUMPEIL I lene 25, 180. leresene dt.Gas S TEA AND COFFEE BOILE CLUE POTS, 011, CANS, &c., kc. jar A Bike Cooking for a fant•-I** Bralr flyway be done with Kero-ail geirsene (Mly or fine, with leas-yam ger trouble, and et less expense,,Ra Ethan by any °thee - filek -IBik Each Article manafitittred.by : this Company Is guaranteed to perform e 4103 is olelined for it. is -Send for Circe'WlDE Labtrai Discount to the imde. KEEWSENN LAMP HEATER. CO., 206 Pearl &reel, N. P. Job , 14, 186 0. $lO Coal and Lumber, nF every variety, at the Yard of 0. H. 131711 FILER, Oor. Oarlisle and ,ftailioad sta. • have jnis received • new assortment QUI)0111WI" to which we invite the • •of 414821, 4. /MUTT #tSQN. Flour I Feed! and Grimheriee I A T THE CHEAP STORE ON THE HILL. it you wish to buy any of the abort-'arti cles cheaper and better than you can get them anywhere else, go to the Grocery Store of the. undersigned on the Hill, In Baltimore street, . where customers eau always be accommoda ted, and where all are invited to call and see fur thensielyes. The public will always find I a full and choice assortment of SUGARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, MO- , LA` 4 SES, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, SNUFFS, FISH, BACON, LARD, CHEESE, CRAC KERS, BUTTER, EGGS, &c. L II 0— GLASS-WARE, C ROCK RY-W ARE. NO TIONS, *C., COAL OIL LAMPS, FISH OIL, AND FLOUR AND FEED, ALWAYS ON HAND. WANTED. —Flour, Corn, Oats, Butter, Eggs, Bacon, and Potatoes, for which the highest market price will be paid, either in trade or cash. siraein g determined to conduct my busi ness in a fair and honorable way, and to sell cheap, 1 invite all to give me a cell. HENRY OVERDEER. April 9, 1866. it Gettysburg Foundry. firlHE subscriber would inform his customers 1 • and others, that he is still manufacturing various kinds of Castings and Machines, made to order, on short notice, such as THRESHERS AND POWERS, (five different sizes of Powers,) Clorer-seed Hullers and Cleaners, Corn Shelters and Sep arators, Cornfodder Cutters, Straw and Hay Cutters PLOUGHS, such as Mist Ploughs ; Barshear Ploughs, Side hill and Corn Ploughs; the WIRE-SPRING HORSE RAKI, the latest- improvement ; also Metal Screws fur Cider Presses, 'aux RAILING for Cemeteries or Porches. with everything else in his line, all at low prices. FOR S ALR.—A light Two-horse Wagon, a One-horse Wagon, and a Spring Wagon, all new. DAVID STERNER. April 30, 18Ce. tf Conoentra'd Flavoring, Extracts: EQUAL to any in the market and superior o many, is larger bottles, and at old prices. Wholesale agents for Baltimore, BURROUGH BROS., Wholesale Druggists. LlST.—Lemon, Orange,. Vanilla, Rose, Peach, Nutmeg, Celery,. Allspice, Cloves, Ginger, Birch, Cinnamon, Apple, Mulberry, Pine Ap ple, Banana, Mace, R apherry, Pear, Pepper, Parsley, Strawberry, Bitter Almond, and Sa• You spices. The great difficulty heretofore experienced in procuring true Flavoring Extracts, has in- duced the proprietor to spare no pains or ex pense in giving to the publid adartiele which will be found true to its name, and which will iu no instance be a source of disappointment. It will be observed that our extract of Lem on and Orange is a prepared extract from the Peel. which any one may be couviuced of by Merely smelling them. The price of Vanilla. Beans, too, has caused more useless extract of Vanilla to be manu factured and sold than any other essence being either made from Tooka Beans, or some other fictitious compound. In our Extract we WILL GUARANTEE A PURE ARTICLE! made from the tree Bean, without aoy foreign substance whatever. Ben's Worm Syrup. THE MOST INNOCENT, PLEASANT AND EFFICIENT REMEDY IN USE:—A Rey- EDT PREFECT is ITSZLE.—No Castor Oat to be Taken.—ln this Preparation we have included such remedies only as hare been tried for years and are known to possess powerful anthelmintic virtues, combined with mild aperients, pleasant aromatics and sugar. An thelmintics of themselves cannot perform their peculiar functions or hare the desired eff-nt, unless the bowels are kept moderately open. To produce this, gentle purgatives are neces sary and such only ought to be used that can not interfere with the enthelmintic employed. The advantages we claim for this Syrup are: Ist. Its power of DESTROYING AND EX PELLING WORMS: 2d. Its mild aperient effect npon the bowels 3d. Its pleasant taste and odor are advan tages possessed or claimed by veryfew Verm ifuges. 4th. Its harmless influence orlon the system, consequently no injurious effects will result from its use should the patient have no Worms, but an apparent disease, arising from some other unknown cause, which is frequently the case. The constituents of this Syrup and its effects are knottn to many Physicians, who are now using it in their plsctice to a large extent. Price .15 cents a bottle. re The Greatest Liniment in 'CSC. IDELUS WHITE OILI—The Blandest, Clean est,l'most Penetrating and most Economical Liniment in Use.—A powerful Oleaginns Com pound for the Speedy Cure of Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Wounds, Numbness of the Limbs,Frosted Feet and Hands, Spavin, Sad dle (ils, Poll-Evil, Ring Bone, Bruises, Swellings of all kind ; and in fact every dis. ease for which an Em brocation is applicable, either in Man or Beast. Price 25 cents a bot tle.—This preparation, which is original with us, be found to be one of the nicest and at the same tine one of the moat reliable-ap plications extant. Raving been employed very extensively since its introduction and feeling satisfied of its remedial properties, we recommend it with the utmost confidence, knowing that no one will be disappointed in its use: It is, as its name implies, a white liniment of the consis tency of cream, containing nothing offensive, but, on the contrary, will be found more pleasant than otuerwtse. \ -Bell's Alterative, On‘qONDITION POWDERS! _ 'EOR HORSES, CATTLE k SWINE 25 cenhkr. paper, or fire papers for $l. The Imtottae sale of these Powders during the short periN they have been before the public, is a sufißeicat guarantee of their gre populatity, and the, decided benefits derlild fro:n their use. They are confikentifecommended not only as a preventive, but as e complete cure for all diseases incident to the.,HORSE, COW or HOG, as Loss of Appetite, Donets, Heaves, Yellow Water, Distemper, Glanders, kc., Ate. By their use the Horse's Appetite is improv ed, all derangement's of the digestive organs corrected, softening the akin, and giving to the coat a sleek and shining appearance. and mAy be used with perlect safety at - all times, as it contains no ingredients which can injure a horse, whether etek or well. They cleanse the breathing apparatus by e ejecting from trill air cells coagulated matter, or that formation which so severely clogs them, causing a „tightness in breathing, and by their peculiar action on that part, , they,cause the mucus membrane to resume Its natural dimensions, thus equalizing the circulation oft the blood and restoring - the distended vessels to their natural size. For fattening cattle tWili te are invaluable, also possessing Peculiar rtkein increas ing the quantity of milk in ows, thereby giv- I ing them an importance and value which should place them within the hands of all in terested. All diseases to which the Flog is subject, as Coughs, Ulcers in the Lungs and L i iver, end as a general purifier of the Woad we guarantee their efficacy if once fairly tned. giirSold at Gettysburg by A. D. Buehler Apothecary, and by Druggists anti Storekeep ers generally. Ask fur Jell's Preparations. Prepared exclusively by W. D. Bell, Apothe cary, (Graduate.of the Philadelphia College of Paarataoy,) West Washington St., Hagers town, Md. [00..10, 1865. ly • TTRACTING ATTENTlON.—Thesuperioy Newel taken at MITMPER' S SKY IGtIT Q4LLERY, on West Middle Et, are . attracting universal attention. Good judges pronounce them superior t4t) any ever token In this Plana. Cell and examine for yourselves. Jan. 16.1865. . MIRE GREAT REDUCTI3Ii in prices at the L EXCELSIOR, in York street, opposite the Runk, Biases the superior Pictores made at 414 Wid *stab] isbatent within reach of aU, end I treel 11001411 will fail to avail thensseires of the opporkulty thus afratbri.Tl73oli, BELL'S GITIWY . GO TOt i n D. WOODS' FIRST NATIONAL , SHOE, .V 0 770 S AND VARIE TY STORE, Where - jrou can bay the cheapest and bee' goods in torn, Corner of the Diamond and York Street. HATS. HATS FOR OLD MRS.--SoR and stiff Moir HATS FOR FASHIoNABLE HlM—Always th• !meat out. FIATS FOR YOUNG MEN.—"The latest is- sues." HATS FUR BOYS.-10ery variety and style. HATS FOR CHHADBEN.—Neat and Lahion'- ble. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS FOR MEN AND BUYS.—Cheap and good. SHOES FOR 3113 N AND BOYS.—A large as- sortment. SHOES FOR LADIES.—Good, cheap and neat. SHOES FOR. CHILDREN.—The best assort- !tient in town. GAITERS OF EVERY, STYLE.—For Ladies, Gents and Children. NOTIONS. STOCKINGS OF ALL KINDS.—For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. GLOVE3.—For Men, Ladies and Children, cheap es ever. NECK-TIES.—A splendid assortment. PAPER. COLLARS.—For Ladies and Gentle. Men. LINEN lIANDEEROHIEFS.L.3ordared and Plain. for Ladies and Gents. CAMBRIC 11.1NDIMICIIIEFS.—Nie• and cheap fur Children. comßs.—Gym and 'Horn. SUSPENDERS.—A geperal assortment. G.llllll4l3.—Beat Elastic for Ladies and Chil7 dren. CORSETS.—The best &flag and most com fortable at low prices. SPOOL GOT ros.—Ut all colors, cheapest and best. VARIETY GOODS. UMBRELLAS—At lowest prices. LADIES' HASXETS—Cheapest in town. CARRIAGE WHIPS—Of beat India Steel. STROP'S—That make a keen edge. SHAVING SOAP AND _BRUSHES—The vary beat. LEAD PENCILS—Of the best make. SHOE DRUSIILIS—Cheap but good. CARPET SACKS—PIain and Railroad TRUNKS—Or all sizes. flar Before purchasing always call at 'the FIRST NATIONAL STORE and save money by buying cheap June t t, 11466. PI KINi 0,0, 8 NEW ADV C ERTISHM Gl ENTS. k ) 14, E-WIL-LE-KINS I" WHAT A LARGE Ur Stock of Cheap Clothing at PICKING'S. PLAYED OUT THE HIGH PRICE:3.— Call and Ito satisfied by pricing Clothing at PICKING'S'. IT CAN'T BE DENIED, THAT PICKING has the largest assortment of Coats, Pants and Vests, in the empty. IRUNKS AND CARPET BAGS, in endless variety, cheap at PICKING'S. T IS EVEN SO I A large stock of .Over shirts, Suspenders, Umbrellas. White and Calico shirts, cheap at PICKING'S. XTICE 1 NICER! I NICEST I! ! All kinds 11 Sunday and every-day suits cheap. PICKING'S. GENTREE, I GENTEELER I I GENIE E r.- ESTI I I Black Cleth Frock, and Sack Coats ; also all kinds of Cassimere, Duck, Cot ton and Linen Coats. Call at PICKING'S. IT IS INDEED ASTONISHING, what a large and cheap assortment of Punts can be had at • - . PICKING'S. TTEEP MIR I Fine assortment of Clock 3 II cheap cheap atPICKING'S. , NO USE TALKING, but come right along and price Clothidg, Notions, Ac, , at • PICKING'S. NrcS o l r A io L n 3 I N F S I u T t s lif i ',l7 .l S f e . 3 , N t r o i o l ' ; i e n il ; ~ i .I Ac dea PICKING'S. - A RE YOU LN ? For a cheap suit. Then tt . call at PICKING'S. GREENBACKS, or any other kind of good money, Liken 'in exchange fur Coats, Panti, VeAs, Ac , at PICKING'S. • /1111 E GREAT SENSATION of the day— Picking a Clothing Store. gLIEAT, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST—Pick ing's Spring and Summer Clothing. G O AND SEE Picking's Cheap Clothing. SLOP A MOMENTl—Whit's the hurry? I want to get a suit at PICKING'S. i " 'feu, F all tt-e'Rperolii)lies puttingi Picking's na047,, suit. likewise. [Apiil 2.3,_18,6i.;.] NORRIS STILL AHEAD! 1866. rfsubs.T.r.R.,°4t l ..riTedef',T.L . 'theNCori . - ty with the finest and cheapest lot of ready made elothinir ever offered in Gettysburg. DON'T FOIIGEI"THE PLACE I Next door to lluehler's Ding store, where you will find the largest and hest selection of HATS and CAPS in Gettysburg. JE-RII-SA-LEM l—What nice" Pants and Vest, Norris has-at his new Store. He beets 'em all. . HIGH PRICES PLAYED GUT!—Norris sells Gloves as cheap as they were before the war. AND THE COLORED TROOPS' FOUGHT NOBLY I—lf yon don't believe it just go to Norris' New Store and he will 'convince you that "Woolen" Goods are cheaper. than they have been-since the war. COME IN OUT OF TILE WET I—Norris has Umbrellas so cheap that it is cheaper to keep dry than min around in - the rain. NECKTIES, BU TTEH.FLIES and everything in that line at NORRIS'S. LOCKWOOD, LIVEN LINED !—Paper Cul= lars and Linea Collars of all kinds and sizes at NORRIS'S. KEEP TlNE.!—Fine assortment of Clocks tad warranted to keep time at NORRIS'S. VALISES, TRUNKS, and Carpet Raga, of every description at NORRIS'S. SARATOGA I—Norris keeps the latest Sas. atoga Hats. ON THE ROAD TO- BRIGHTON I—The ill. , 'test Beightoii Hits at NORRIS'S. THE LATEST RESORTE I—Norrii has the West Resorts Hats and the best quality in the rnarkCt. . YOUNG -.DRIVING BOOS!—Don't forget that Norris has the latest Driving Hats out. May 7, AO. A Lecture to Young Men. TUST publishilo o in a sealed envelope:— efi Prise 6.ceta,w4tkirecture on the nature, treatment and eiiii~re of Spermatorlicca, or Seminal WeaknesViArluntary Emissions, Settled Debility. and 1 . meta to Marriage generally. NervonlariowL n)t s uraption, Epi- MI 1-psy, and Fits ; Mental tin Physical incapa cit.y, resulting from Sell-Abuse, &c. By Ito:Ol en I. Culverwell, M. D., author of the "Green Book," &c. The world renowned anther, in this admira ble Lecture, clearly proves, from his own ex perience, that the awful' consequences of Self Abuse may be effectually removed without Medicine, and without dangerous surgical ope rations, bongles, instruments, rings, or cordi als, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privatelyand radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands. Sent under seal to any address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two post age stamps. Also Dr. Culverwell's Marriage Guide, price 2.5 cents. Address '- CHAS. S. C. KLINE' k Co., 127 Bowery, New York, P. 0. box 4580. April a 3, 1866. ly Cooking Stoves OF every variety, including the "Noble Cook,' , tßoyal Cook," "Waverly," aOrn 14nitint41," "Oriental," dm Also, Tin-wars, Sheet-iron•ware ' Hollow-ware, and every va riety of liitcben Furniture—including a-varie ty of Lanterns; Also, a new and much im proved FlOur Sifter, for sale by C. H. BUEHLER, Corner of mold. and Railroad ate., Feb. 18, 1804. Gettysbnra, Ps. GILL and see the most beautiful Assoc unt o, of noir "JEWS6RY, 411 Ch as Brest-pits, Nat Props, . linger Binge, Locket*, Chau, kc., Ili J. BEVAN'S, 0pp44114 the liank, GeLlisbigg. 111 ; t o mpara ot Cone this preparation la tnvalaabila qaantlty and impreves the timidity of the milk It has been proven by ea. twat experiment to . Via"" increase the qua -14 City of milk and .f 414 arum twenty per sent and make the bat ter drat and • sweet. In fattening 4.1 , cattle, It giro. them as appeute, loosen their bide and makes Limn itirlea - taster. is an disown of Swine, soak as Coughs, Mews di the Lungs, Liver , • MU artlek seta u apulas fr° 2 a r 40 & papal' ill • barrel of .will the I aere , e2 . k above d I win be eradicated • - - or entirely prevented If given in time, a aertais preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera, Vice 35 Ceara per Paper, orb Papers for $l, PREPARED SY 8. A. POUTZ 8z r3U.0., AT THEIR WMOISSALE DUO AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, lid. Tor Sale by Druyylits awl atorckeepers through. out the Vatted States. For sale by A. D. Buehler, Gettysburg ; Laughlin & Bushfield, Wheeling, Ira ; C. C. Bender & Co., PiLsburg; Johns3n, Uolloway & Cowden, Philadelphia. Dec. 11; 181;3. ly 11. B. WOODS. • IFIARNIERS AND DEALERS IN FERTILIZ- E Eas will please take notice that we hare adopted the following Trade Mark to protect ourselves, and prevent those who use our RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHATE from being deceived when pnrehtsing manures. We have been obliged to give this protec tion to our customers, in ccosequence of FEY end pirties having unlawfully used our dis tinctive name, viz: "Raw bone," in offering their article to the public. This Trade Mark is adopted in add;tion to the title -Raw Bone," which is our exclusive property, and we can tion al! manufacturers from using it in future. rWe would state to the trade and consumers, that they will 6,0 it to their interest to see that the “Trade Bark" is upon every bag and barrel they purchase, as none other is gennine. 13A1.7G1i & SONS. B 1 (I 11 3 P. A. BOSE - Super Phosphate of Lime, it.aufao,taret liArGll SUNS, No. 20 South Delaware ATOMIC, PIIILADELPELL The great popularity of our article has been found sufficient inducement to certain imitators to manufacture and ad% ertise "Raw Bone Phosphates,'' name which originated with us, and is our ow-•t nghttul property. Wt will state for the iatorm ition of all, I'mt at are the exclusive manufacturers cf this article —the original and cola Prcpr.tors of it—hav ing been mautife-.:.0,eu by us for a period of twelve vc•tra. Also that it is covered by sev en-I-441Rn p tint, hell only by ourselves. We are now ready to supply it in large quantities—having made recent a lditions and improvements. Vessels drawing 15 feet of water can load directly from the wharves of the works, which are located at the foot of Morris Street, Delaware River, We call the attention of DEALERS to this great advantage. The present indicafions arc that we shall have a greatly increased demand over , last spring and fall seasons, ind we advise Farmers to scud in their orders to their respective Dealers at en early day, that ail may he sup plied promptly. Soliciting your continued orders, - We remai n, Yours very truly, SALIM! ,k SONS, No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, Feb. 5, IN& Pm PHILADELPHIA. CHOLERA. PREVENTIVE 2 I. I. 1566. THE CRE.47' ZINGARI BITTER.'. T"isWONDERFUL REIIESI was discov ered and introduced about twenty years ago by Dr. H. Cheopsus, an -eruineut Egyptian physcian. He had long seen and felt the want of some remedy which would strike at the rcot of dis= ease, and so prevent much of the suffering which the human family was then compelled to endure. The great questior was presented to his mini every day in vivid colors as he moved a mong tho sick and dying, and observed the In efficiency of nearly all the remedies th e e ' in use. Thus he wai lea.' to think and experi ment; and after ten ye ir3 of study and labor, he presented to his fellow man the wonderful Zinger' Bitters. The effect of this preparation in the prevention and cure of disease, was so marvellous - and astonishing, that the most flattering marks of royal favor were bestowed upon him who discovered it. His namo was placed upon the Roll of Nobles, Cod a gold medal with the following inscription—Dr. S. Cheopsus, the Public Benefactor—was pre heated to him by the Viceroy. The preparation has been used in bracersl epidemics of cholera, both as a preventive and curative measure, an i with such great success that it has been inteoduced into nearly ill the general hospitals of the old world. The old saying that. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, applies with mar vellous force to cholera, and therefore ■ny remedy that will prot.•ct us against Ibis terri ble disease should be freely and persistently used. All pathologists now agree that the cholera poison acts on the system through the blood, and that any combination ..which acts on the excretory organs, and keeps them in work ' ing order, must prevent a sufficient accumu lation of the potion to exert its terrible effects on the organism. This is true not only of cholera, but of nearly all other maladies, espe ciely the different forms of fevers. The Zingari Bitters is just such a remedy as the above conditions require. It acts on the organs of excretion and secretion, keeping up a perfect balance between them. This Bitter is composed entirely of roots and herbs, so nicely concocted that every organ is acted upon and put in tone. Its taste is pleasant and its effects prompt and lasting. Numerous cases of the to - lowing disessep, have been cured by it: Cholera, Diatrhoes, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Fever, Ague, her-, vows Debility, Anaemia, Female irregularties, Dyspepsia, Flatulency, Colic, Scrofula, Ac. Price, one dollar per quart bottle. Principal Depot at the Walnut street Wharf, liarrisborg, Pe. Said by Druggists, Hotel -keepers & Grocers. F. BATHER., Sole Proprietor. IfirPoe sale by Wm. J. iliazgils gig, Agent for Gettysburg. April 11, 1866. ly - - -- Rocrants. Lknors, FltiftAla ebeese, tgQuaint -ware, Wooden-ware, aall g : l vo ' that 1141 Ari at 014MITitii• FOUTZ'S tia preps/ado% I and favorably nen, will flies. hiy reinvigorate ten-down and .spirited bones, strati gill cuing dittoing tie .maakt sad late. v is a tuts pre. !tire of all tea incident to TAKE NOTICE. iT ,,,,DE.RK ,eg:, L. : - Consßupptivish, I); AD WHAT DR. 86 h.t ar DOLE). K. H. SCHENCK— De4a Sze :—I feel it st duty ! ode to lOn, and to all who are suffering under the diseases known to Consumption and Liver Complalot, to let them know what great benefits I have received from your Pulmonic Syrup and Sea weed Tonic iu so short a time. By the blest; ing of God it has cured me thus far. - Dr. Schenck, I will now make my statement to you as follows: About eighteen months ego I was attacked with a severe cough, and it settled on my lungs : I could not retain any thing I ate, and suffered with evening_ fevers and nightsvreais. I was very• much reduced. The whites of my eyes were very yellow; like wise my skin; my nppetite all gone, and una ble to digest what I eRd eat ; bowels swollen, irregular and costive. -1 was very low spirit ed, and had such violent spells of coughing when I laid down at night and when I arose in the morning that they would hut one Or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my left side.l can. I not describe my wretched suffering an would wish to do. Every organ' in my body4 l4 lt diseased or deranged. Such was rersits .11 at this time, and I was confa.bd to my bed from the last of February :8 , 52, to June, 1862, not able to sit up. I hao the best of medical attendance the whole of the time. My cough to so very bad that it racked me very much. I nt this time raised a large lkilionigqf thick yellow, offensive matter, sometimes wilbbloqldp and it was generally accompanied by nausba and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so hadt: I would have tamp, shooting pains in my .eft side and neart, night Sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; had much inward fever. pain in my back and under my shoulder' blades and in the small of my back, and at times so serer* that it would throw Inc into spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die. Others I had, and the best of them, but they could do noth ing for me, and at that time I was nothing but skin and hones. I then Was 'in the wes tern part of Missouri. In Jnne lust we left there fur the East, and in August last we came to New York,and I was' so reduced that !could only walk a little with my husband's help.— After I had been here a short time the salt water breeze made ma feel much better for a ' time and then I had again to call a physician for aid. We had four of the best physicians of New York on the diseases of the lungs, and doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. They said I was past cure, and that my lungs-were too far gone for any one to cure me. lint at this time I was on my feet about the house, not able to do much of anything. Ia Novem ber last I grew worse, and the consumption diarrlicea set in and lasted about eight weeks. We had tried all and everything that I could grasp of like a dying person fur my diseases— : consumption and liver{ complaint-rbut of no avail. In January, 1803, I was brought down milk on my bed, and wan not expected to lite the night out. My husband stayed nt side, and other friends, and they all ap to die. At this time every one who saw ms did not think I would ever leave my bed a living woman. The first night I was attacked with spasms, and teal deranged most of the time.— A friend, Mrs. ilarris,taine to see me the last of the week, and brought the Subday Mercury In it was en account or a great cure perform ed by Dr. Sehmtek. She rend it to me, and it was so much like' y disease that I asked my husband to go and see .him fur me. At this time I had given up all hopes of titer letting , well again, and made my peace with lied, to be ready whenever he called for tue, On the 27th of January, 1863, my husband celled on Dr. Schenek, - 33 Bond street, New York', and stated to him My cage, with a re quest f.ir him to call and see tee, which he did, and examined me with the respirorneter.— When lie was about to go I 'asked him if he c old cure me? Ilia reply Was: "I canoot tV, both lungs are diseased, and the bronchial tubes are affected on.laith sides." And yet he it seemed to think tll **ere lungs enough left to effect a C'lre if ' 'diarrlyea, en d he stopped. He raid in . it to du this, he Id have to give meMane 's Pills in small at firs!. to curry off the morbid matter, j , then, with astringents, he hoped to check it, i which lie did, hut the constant coughing, night sweats, and disrrhira had prostrated me so ,titilla he W:l3 afraid my vital powers were too ',much prostr.itei ever to rally, end yet he ,seemed to think if I could live to get enough ?uliiirtnin hyrup through my system to cause expeetotation there were lungs enough left for 'me to recover. lie wished me to try the Pal- Monic Syrup and Seaweed Tonle At once, say ing it would do me no harm, if it did me no good. - The first week it seemed to give tne , str&ngth, so that ou Sunday after I set np in bed'and ate hearty for a sick woman; bat the Inext wcek I lost all hope and wished my hits hand not to give tue any more medicine. But I the doctor lied warned uhn of this, and whets the medicine was clearing out the, system it made them feel somewhat restless, and toper. I , severe ; and he insisted on my taking it; aid now I feel the beneijt of it. For after eight : days I begin to grim ray strength, and, with the exception of a cold that put me bock some, I hare been gaining ! strength of body, my cough is going away, and - all my pains are gone ; no soreness of the body, my bowels are regular, and my breat h is sweet, and I thank God that I am now go4ig about, and sew and read as well as ever I could: I have taken sixteen bottles of the medicine, sight of each. I now !lave a good appetite and rest well at night ; my cough does not trouble me in get ting up or Ijing down. I would here say to the afflicted with consumption or liver com plaint, that Dr. Schenck is no humtug. -Yon 'can rely on whet be says. Delay not ;it is .. dangerous to trifle with these disuses. if - . you would be cured, go at once ; und.aoy one wishing to know the facts as herein stated can I call at my residence, 11l West liouston shrug, New York city. I t lIIIS. kfAllY F. FARLOW., We, the undetsigned„residents of New Yak, ere acquainted with Mrs. Farlow, and know her statement to be true. We alto know that She used Dr. Schenck's Pulmonie Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, and ;hare reason to believe that to this medicine She owes her present. 'ion from a premetorogreve. I B. FAULOW, 117 Watt Houston st. • EUGENE UNDEII.IIII.X, GIG Greenwich it. Mrs. E. UNDERHILL, 67G Greenwich-se. AUGUSTA UNDERHILL , G 76 Greenwich IL A. E. HARRIS, 117 West Houston it. EMILY GLOVER, li7 West Houston st. J. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl. LEIGHTON, 453 Broadway. Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP, 19 Auuty pl. • I am well acquainted with Mrs. Nary IN Farlow, and with her husband, Mr. B. Farlow, they having, for a few months past, attend.etA at my church, and I nm convinced that anT Statement which they might make may he re, lied on as true. JOHN DOWLING, D. D., . Pastor of Bedford St. Baptist Church, N, y, Dr. Schenck will be professionally stt his principal Wee, No. 13 North Sixth street, corner of Commerce, Philadelphia, every Sat, urday, frcm 9 A. 31. until 4 P. 11. ; No. 32 Bond street, New York, every Tuesday, from 9 to 3; No. 38 Summer street, Boston, Matt, every Wednes•lay, from 9to 3 and every other. Fri. day at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore Md.— All advice free, but fora thorough examine, lion of the lungs with his Ilespirometer, the charge is three dollars. Price of the Pulmottic Syrup and Seawee4 ouic, each $1 GO per bottle, er $1 t,O pe e . half dozen. Mandrake Pills, 2S cents per bOx„". For sale by all Drowns and Realer'. July 23, 1866. 1m -* Ziginover B. Unthread. - I.ABLE.—On and &f lit. Friday, Nov,. passenger trams on the Hang o r r ver i n e -li mow i sihdiz ko . Ad will leave as follows : FIEST....TH , ,itich makes connection ' with three...:.' • Me Northern 4)entral Railway at - IMO will leave Hatrovar at 9.00 A. if.,Y tiik, Baltimore, Harrisburg, and interinedige efietjens. iiiiitThia traintelneus to Hanover at 13 14, and arrives at Gettyaburg at 1 P. M. SECOND TRAIN leaves Elanover'st 2461 P. M., and arrives at the Junction at 3.161. P. IL, connecting with the .Mail Train South, Whtett arrivea at Baltimore at 6 P. IL Paruiengsite by this Train for York lay over at the Junctleir • until 6.12 P. M. fassengers leaving anltigiOte Angilknov Histatsbarg, and Littlestown, will take Is ' */ m i t the 4iiii Tr:Ll:rat 4 A, U., or eho Peet ''Shin Ill"' lg. ;OVA 4 41 4 AP" •ti a Vet. 1.11 1 IV& .. .s.e.: ,73 JuF-,:. f.ltr MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers