MMEM VAt111:11LE 'FAUX TALCASLE Films A *PRi'iq't SALE.—The undersigned, j T. PUBL,IO SALL— can - TUESDAY, the Executors of the last will and testament ; 24 day of O,:;TOREa next, the under of John Dolt, decease I, offer at Private Sale, 'signed, Executors olFrederick tioNz,decessed, ' A VALUABLE FARM, situate in Butler will oiler at. Futilic Sale, on the premises, the township, Adams county, a quarter of 'kJ following Real Estate of mild decedent, viz : mile frorn bract kiricker's Mill, (formerly No. I.—A FARM, situate in Tyrone 'town- BartzeWsiMill,) on the road leading from Hun- I ship, Adams connty, on the banks of the Big terstown to Pine Grove, a•ijoirring lands of Conowagcs, adjoining lands of George Mack- Gardner, Win. Guise, Jacob Hebert, and ley, Henry Hoover, An bony Deardorff. Peter tither , . containing 133 ACRES and 62 PERCH- Miller, and others, containing ACRE.S, ES, ise tt measure. The improvements are a more or less, about 40 acres being Woodland large Two-stOry STONti HOUSti, with , ' and 30 Here's Meadow. The land is In a high Rack-buildinrand Wash House, Car- 1 1 ; , ;' state of cultivation. part having been pettier Shitip, Double Log Barn, with and the knees are goo I. The improvements Sheds and Wagon Shed; alst another large are a Two-story Weatherboarded ' Stable with Stied& and W igon Shed, Carriage ' DWELLING ROUSE, with Back-buil- 1,1 1 ,"' House, Corn Crib and Gran dies, Hog Pen, f ding, Lank Barn, Wagon Shed, and with-other out-buildings. There is a well of Corn Crib attached, Hog Pen, two never-fail water with pump at the door. Opossum Creek j ing wells of water, one at the house and the runs along the farm. Tte mill race runs 'dung 1 other at the barn, with a Apple Orchard, the buildings ; it:so sevtral water tights of in fine bearing condition, and all °thee fruit. access to the fields, with a due proportion of, No . 2.--A FARM, situate in Sicilian town ti tali - el—and meadow. An Apple Orchard of • ship, Adams county, ou the ro td le uhin g from choice fruit, also peaches, pears, &c. Parr of New Chester to New Oxford, within a quarter the land ban been limed. It is convenient to of a mile of the former, adjoining !ALLIS ofJ4- churches, mills, and school houses. I rub Hulick, Daniel Croscost,.P A. Myers, 20D-ons wishing to view the property are re- John Thomas, and others, containing 20u J J4l to call on the undersigned, residing ! ACRES, mole or less, with due proportions of Woodland and Meadow. The land has been limed,and is in first-rate condition—the feu eesare good. The improvements are a 117 Two-story BRICK lIVCSE, with Brick l it Back-building. a Brick Tenant House, Frame Barn, Wagon Blie•i, and-Dorn Crib, Car.. tinge House; flog Pert, Spring' House, &c.; an excelleur spring of water close to Fbe house, nod a fine ) ming Apple Oichard, With Other Aug. 27, 18G6. Gl* Orphan'* Court Mole OF URAL INTATE.—The stilttEriber, wilnietrator -with the Will annexed of Peter WeAver, deceased, will, in porminee of nn order of the Orphene Court of Adams ...county, expose_ to . Public Stip, on the premi- Peek oft SATURDAY, the 22d day of SEPTRNI- Rita next, the Real Relate of said decedent, via : A LOT OF GeOUND, situate in Mount pletsant townshiti...4l.trus county, near the public road leading from Two Taverns to li.tuncer, netr the stores of Simon 11.1rni0 and Ws. Potts, adjoining 'lands of Levi Schwartz, Wm. Dottersand Jacob Shanebrook, 'sod containiag 2 ACRES, more or less. The improvements are a LOG HOUSE., log t Stolle, Smoke ficritte, prime Orchard s i sal of all.kinds of Irnit, alit well of good - water Dear the noose. The load is in an excellent et.tte of cultiva tion,;:to.i very prodnetivt , ; and a fine chance hereby afforded for obtaining it nice small property. Persons desiring to view it will be F hown the same by the sub•tcritr, living near, or by the tenant thereon. gaTiinle to commence at I o'clock, P. IL, on said day, when allenclattee will he given unl term?' U1t14.5 knOWII by JOSEPH P.F,DERNIAN, By the C')urt—J. J. Fink, Clerk. Aug. 2.7, I tit;B. 13 'Valuable Farm AT P1111,1(33ALE.-0,1 FIIIDA V, the 21st o.ty of Siil9l;lll3.M, 18 If, at 1 o'clock, the sJbs.zri',ier, Muiloisreitor of the F..itato of Geoctfe Cashman, Jecoassil, will sell nt Pabl,c Sal., the VNIATAIILE FARM of said decedent, situate in Stratton township, Alums county, Pa., near the State rand, (eating from Geity3burg to if trelsbnrz-ithont 5 miles from the former place, and I [vile north-wcat of Ititiliaraoan, ittikrining land 3 of John Dickson,John N. Clrati, John flublen, and others, containing 100 AGILE -i, more or aess, having thereon ereetled a good Two-Fitort• Frame WE ILTIIER-- .' BOARDED lIOVSE, coed Barn with V: Sheds attached, good Wogon Shed and Corn nib, V rri•ige Douse, hog lien, and oth er 10.cessory out -buildings. There - nip two excellent wells of never-failing water nirtr the door, and a gool Orchard of Apples and Peaeh eill, with n variety of other fruit on the peemi see. The land is inn good state of cultivation, part of it having bmit recently limed. The Farm la under good feneirr , and everything about it in good repair. There are about 20 ACRES of Timber land ittpl'h fair proportion dip of Meadow. It is conve - ' • Joe.tteil, with public muds leading itt itection3. It is near to 4iirches, Seim ells, M trkets, k.c. The CitiWy,burg Ritilrc t uns with.n: three rallll.4rthe place, affording - a cent eniel.t. Mar ket And nit opportunity for purchasing Lime at low rates. Persons wishing to view the property before the day of sale will call on the under..igned. grAttenlance will be given and terms male known on day of a Ile by DANIEL. Aug. 27, 18C6. is -Administrator. Public Sale (T' VALL'ABLE REAL ESTATE —ln pur kjr s lance of an ali.ts order of the Oilman s' 4", u d of Ad tmn couriir. Pa., will be off•red it Public Sale, on SATURDAY, the lid day of SF:PTENIBER next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., on the preinises,the Real Estate of Augustus Hartzel , deceased, consisting °fan EXCELT,ENT PLAN= TATION, situate in Freedom-township, in said county, containing 152 ACRES and II PERCH ES, nett measure, adjoining lands of William Bighorn, Abraham Krise, 'Esq., Heirs of Wil liam Belly, deceased, James Witherspoon, and others. The improvements are a large Two-, story Double BRICK DWELLINH DOUSE, One-story Briar Kitchell, Bank re r, ) ,; Barn, part Frame and Stone, Stone tilie , _lll - nit each side of the Bridge, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Wash House, Smoke House, Dry House, Wood House, Smith Shop, two wells of water, a flourishing Orchard of choice fruit, a due proportion of Timber and a large quantity of good Meadow.' Part of the tract has been limed. 'The farm is it an excellent neighbor hood, near Marsh Creek, in the vicinity of a Public School House, with Churches in the immediate neighborhood. Nearly all the fen ces are of Chestnut rails. Terms will be very moderate. Persons desirous of viewing the premises, will please call during the early pact of the day of sale, and they will be shown the sante by the Administrator. 16rAttendance will be given and terms trade known on dm of sale by G. CORNELIUS HARTZELL, Adm'r. By the Court—Limes J. Fink, Clerk. August 37, 186 d. is `House and Lot, XkdN NEW °worm, Al' PRIVATE SALE.— The undeisignei offers at Private Side, a ..T OF GROUND, situate hi the pleasant village of New Oxford, Adams county, adjoin ing George Shane, on the Gettysburg turnpike, near the Railro td, h tying thereon ereet e I a Two-story • Frame Weatherborrded .p HOUSE. with Back-bnilding. a new 1 Stable, Wash House, an excellent well •'t pf water, with a pump in It, and other im provements. This is a desirable home. Persons wishing ko 'view the property are requested to call an Philip Thomas, residing in New Oxford, EGIZADETII KELLER 4ag. 21, 1868. tf FOigstla Annual Exhibition OF THE ADAMS COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, Tlgo be held at Sandersville, on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, SEP MBER.2SO, 28th and 'nth. OPEN THREE DAYS. Price of admission 25 cents. Season ticket, including membership, $1 00. The Fail will open on Tuesday morning. Oa Wednesday lnarging at 9 o'clock the Judges will-commence their examinations, and it is especially enjoined Jo. persons whatever, but those having charge of the articles, shall be present at the esaminations or deliberations of committees. TtiE ANNUAL ADDRESS will be delivered on Wednesday, the 28th, at I o'clock, P. M., by AAION SHEELY, Esq. Competition of ell'irinds solicited from this and other counties. Farmers, mechanics, and manufacturers are earnest!) requested to con tribnte to the exhibition. TheArial Course has been enlarged and is admirably adapted for the exhibition of ;peed, strength and other qualities of coed and draft horses. The grounds gave also been enlarged and new buildings erected which are ample and souvexient. JOHN BURKHOLDER, Preplt. JONAS RAUANZAFIN, Trear'r WILLIAM B. WILSON, Sec'y. OTRUS GRUNT, Cor. See,, Amnia SI, 1886. Need Wheat. O' R handfed bushels of SEED 14111ZAT for We — by WI. WIBLR. two tolla4curGpt.. tystourg. Prts4.ll pot barbel: ' August 37, 1113. 3W CONRAD DULL, JE.S.II; DULL, Executors fruit. Persons wishing to view the Farms nre re quested to call on the Executors residiug . 0.1 the fast mentioned. . Farm No. 1 will he offered et j 0 o'clock. N. N., and Farm No. 2 at 2 o'clock, P. 31,,, when attenJanee will be riven and terms made known by DAVID HOLTZ, JOSEPH HOLTZ. Aug. ?7, 1866. to xt.teutor ,AT PUBLIC SAL S.—By virtue of eta order it . of the Orphan's Court of Alamo county, ilie subscriber, Administratrix of the estate of, William Cashman, deceased, will Sell at l'ab lic Sale, tra SATURDAY, the 22d of SEPTEM BER nex', at I o'clock, P. M. The VALUABLE FAW4 of said deceased,: situate in Butler township, Adams county, on the Shippensburg road, j or a mile north west of Lower's 21i11, and j of a mile south-east of Middletown, adjoining lands of Jacob Raf-; fensperger, Henry Lower. William Brame and, otbess, containittgB4 ACRES,of patented land. Tau improvements are arrow Two- I story BRICK HOUSE, with a „11l Basenlent, a good Bank Barn, with ' Suedstttitelied, Wagon Shed,Ca' fin • Crib, and ,other necessary cut-buildings; it never Ailing ntill of water at the house and one at the Barn; a good Orchard, of Apples and Peaches, end a variety of other fruit ou the premises. The land is in a good state of cultivation, some of it having recently been limed. The farm is uuder goal Chestnut rail fencing. Mir-Persons desirous of viewing the proper ty.ran by culling on the subscriber, re siding ofi the farm. - JANE CASHMAN, Adm'r. By the Court`—James J. Fink, Clerk. -lugast 17, 1806. AT PUBLIC SALE.—In pursuance of an Order of the Orphan's Court of Adams county, will he exposed at Public Sale, upon the pretaises, on THURSDAY, the 20th day of SEP I'EM3EII. next, the Re.d. Estate of Jonas Fiseell, late of Tyrone township, Adams coun ty, deceased, consisting of A TRACI' °PIANO, in amid township, con :lining 89 ACRES, 26 PERCHES, neat meas ure, adjoining lands of JOLlai Sterner, Jesse S. Fissell, George Gainer, end others. .The improvements are a large Two stoty. and W-EATHERBOARDED 110175 P., Back;huilding, of frame, liairn, Wagon Sled, Coro Crib, log Spring Ibuse, Flog Stable, zin,uhe House, two Ocala - hull, one of which is young, with a Peach, yreltard., an ex;elLent spring neqthe house, aqua all stream runnang through the farm, and in ta.mrly every field.— . The whole of said tract has been limed, and a portion the third time. There is a dne,tno portion of Meadow, and about 20 acres of good Ttmher. -The property is situate in She neigh. borhood of Mills, Churches School house, dm. Be - Sale to cornuience ai r t o'clua-k, on said ally, when at tendauee will be given and terms made knun a by JESSE S. FISSELL, EMANUEL TISSELL, Executors. By the Court—James J. Fink, Clerk.. Aug. 27, 1866., ts- TO the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in aid for Adams county. The Grind Jury for the August Term, 1865, having visited the Public buildings, beg leave to submit the following report:" We fou'ild the Jail building, with lthe cells, kr., in good order, neat and clean,. and in a conition highly creditable to -,the officer in charge. - We have the same to say in regard to the Alms-house. The roome:of the inmates, as well as the beds, presented an airof cleanliness and comfort which spoke well for the Steward. " We noticed thatiihe buildings and grounds immediately surrounding them were enclosed with a fine substantiLd fence, which, whilst it adds considerably. to the appearance of the place, is also a great convenience, and assist ance to the Steward, by keeping the inmates within bounds. We also noticed a great im provement in the Cooking department, an ex cellent Range having been put up, which Jess eni the labor of preparing food, at a saving of fuel. These improvements, whilst naturally, attended with considerable expense, we con- 4 eider as permanent and necessary. We noticed that one of the rooms in the northeast end of the ratio building has been injured by the roof becoming defective,.ani call the attention of the Directors thereto. Respectfully submitted. J. L. JENKINS, Foreman Jacob - Sanders, Samuel Weikert, Henry Bucher, Henry Miltenberger, Rudolph Rusk, David Rhodes, Jr. Jacob Eicholts, ,David S. Toot, Elijah Eckenrode, Henry H. Omer - , Geol- s ge Spangler, John Bich°lts, ^ Robert H. Dicks, E. Lefever, Peter Mackley, George Howard, Aug. 27, 1866, 3t DavitrEiker. Adams County, mi. AT an Orphans' Court held at ir Gettysburg, in and fur the county SS of Adams, on the 20th day of Au , PI •grist, A. D. 1866, before the Honor. able Robert J. Fisher, President, and David Ziegler and Isaac B. Wi erman, Esquires, Associate Judges, duly as signed, &c. On motiort the Ceurt grant a Rule upon the heirs anti legal r presentatives of PETER BA KER, late of Ilamiltonban towusbip, - Adame county, and State of Pennsylvania, deceased, to he and appear at the Orphans' Court, to be held at Gettysburg, in and fur the coanty of Adams, on Tuesday, the 25th day of Septem ber next, A. D. 18660 at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and tt ere to accept or refuse the real estate of said decedent, at the value thereof made;and in rase they, or any of them, should neglect or refuse to take the same at the valuation, then to chew cause, if any they have, Irby the same should not be sold according to law. By the Court— JAMES J. PINK, Clerk. ADAM REBERT, Sheriff. August 27,1866., tr. ISS McCLELLAN will resnme the duties °S her Select School cm the 17th of SEP /I'olllEn, instead of September 3rd, the usual time. Terms, $9 00 per session. Aug. Ti t 1869. td Town Property ATPRIVA.TB SA4E.— Several HOUSES au be e pat chased at Private Sale by call oa F.I.EMESTOCIK. BAD rasfts. Dec. 15. 1866.. tt - ---- m•stitours 11E4 BITIT Itoihier's Drug &M Peri VALUABLE FAR.II REAL ESTATE Grand Jury Report. Select School. : for sale a &ay. R GOOD FA8312 A T PUBLIC BIALR.-i—On THURSDAY, the /1. 27th day of SZP'!EMBEit next, in pur suance of an Order of 13 Orphans' Court of Adams conttly, the euthioiribercliiministrators of the estate. of Samuel Gilliland, deceased, will offer at Public Salf!.-sol the premises, A FAR% situate in litralian township, Ad. ems county, on the State ltoa 1. six miles from Gettysburg. adjoining lands of John Feescr, David C. Brinkerhoff. Jt Shriver, and others, Containing IJi ACRES, more or ' with large proportions 3 f client Woodland and Meadow. The farm is in a good - state of cultivation and under good fencing. The im provements are a Two-story LOG HOUSE, with Kitchen attached, 141111 log Barn, Wagon Shed, Ccan Crib I Shop and Hog Pen. Spring House, - with a never-failing well of water, and pump in it. There is a g.tod Apple Orchard, with other front, on the preini-es. Also. on FRIDAY, the 28th day of SEPTEM BKII. nest, A FARII, situ ice in Tyrone town ship, Adams moiety, one mile ea,t of Heidlers burg. adjoininr lands of Peter Mdler, Daniel Brestn, George Mickley, George Fidler, and others, containing 202 ACHES, more or less, with a large proportion of Woodland, Anil d sufficiency of Meadow. The land is in a pro ductive condition, and the fences are in good repair. The improvements are a Two story ROUOIWAST HOUSE, Log and all. Fr sine Iltrit, Horse Stable, new Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, new Hug Pen, and a Spring !louse, having a never-failing spNing, with a pump in it, adjoining. Water in robot of the fields. Persons wishing to view the Straban farm are requested to call on the last named Ad ministrator, residing near, and the Tyrone Carat on the first named, residing thereon. IQ''Sale to commence II t I o'clock, P. M., on ea,:h day, when attendance will be giveu and terms made known bv SARAH GILLILAND, Adm'it., - FREDERICK QVICKEL, Ader. By the Court—J. J. Fink, Clerk. 'hag. 27, 18G6. is Valuable Real Emairge AT PUBLIC SALE.—On SATURDAY, the 22nd day of SEPTEMBER next, the sub scriber,Executor of Samuel LIN man, deceased, will ofer at Public Sole, on the premises, the Real Estate of said decedent; viz: A FARM, situate in Strabin township, Ad ams county, Pa., about one mile from Hann's Station, adjoining lands of J >1) n Brinkerhc ff, Wm. Stallsmith, John Staley, and others, con taining 189 ACRES and 109 PERCHES, neat measure, with good proportions of Woodland and Meadow. The improvements are a Two-story Wentherboarded 51/Ciii 4 l DWELLING HOUSE, large Frame tlef ; Barn, War oaf Shed, Corn Crib, ovr Carriage House, Clacken Hou.ce, Hog Pen, Spring douse, Wash House Smoke House, and a Shop. There a never-failingi well of water between the house and the barn, convenient to both, with running water in most of the li-I Is. There is an Apple Orchard, with all other kinds of fruit, on the premises. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the subscriber, residing on an adjoining farm. - RIPS - Bale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day,, when attendance will be given and terms male known by 18.1 AT F. BRINKERHOFF, E'x'r. ge),,lf not sold on said day, the farm will be for rent. • [Aug. 27, 1866. to For Sale. T HE BEST IN THE MARKET. THE VICTOR SURGO MILL Over Five thousand of these Mills have been madeand sold in the last three years. The best recommend itione , can In given. Al.o—t 'O.)K S EVAPORATOR, for making Sugar and Molasses, said to be the best in use. CORN CRUSHERS: Three different sizes for grin ling Corn in the ear, ni shelled—or, any other kind of grain. Till 3 is a machine that every farmer should have, as a oushel of ground feed is equal to a bushel and a half unvround. The high price of feed of all kinds makes an imperative de mand for some kind of machinery by which to save. It is a rapii grinder and durable. BELLS FOR CITURCHES, 4 (' SCHOOLS, FARA! HOUSES, FOUNDittp;H, I M ttle of the best steel composition. Church 1 Bells insured for one year. WlLLouotrars tril SPRINV DRILL, IV IT k I CRO' . ELL'S GUANO ATTACHMENT. This is considered one of the best Drills now in use.- It will distribute any kind of grain evenly, and sow froln one bushel up to three to the acre. The Guano Attachment has given entire satisfaction wherever used. It is so constructed as not to clog :n sowing any kind of Phosphates- or Bone Meal. Haring, sold a number of these machines last season, I can Cully iecommend them to be ,what they are represented. Persons wishing to buy should make application early as the supply is small and the demand great. F. F. smrrirs CART STEET, PLOCGITS. First, It is the only Plough yet produced that wil invariably scouriin any soil. Second, It is now an ettahlished fact that It will last from three to fix times longer than any other steel plough in Are. Third,,lt drsws lighter than any other Plough, cutting the same width and depth of furrow. The different parks of tie Plough are cast in moulds, into the exact shape desired for the mould-boards, shares and land-sides, giving the parts most exposed to wear any desired thickness. The shares can be sharpened by any blacksmith. The steel is perfectly•male able and works kindly. Edge tools_bave been made out of pieces cif the plough by black smiths all over the country. For sale by WM. WIBLE, Agent, Aug. 27, 1966. Near Gettysburg, Pa. ——— - - Sewing Machines. TBE GROPER * BA Kfill.—TElE BEST IN USE. These Machines have become so well known that little need be said by way of recommendation. They have takes the first { premium at all the late State Fairs, and are universally acknowledged to be the BEST in use by all who have tried them. The "Grover k Baker Stitch" and the "Shuttle Stitch" are points that have been attained by no other Machine. They are the only machines that sew and embroider with p'rfection. • These Machines are peculiarly adapted to Family use. Th y are almost noiseless, sew directly from the spool without rewinding, and are simple in their construction. They are easy to manage, and can be worked by almost any child. Avery family should have one. They tare labor, they save time, and they ears money, and do their work better than it can be done by hand. Tte undersigned having been appointed Agent for the above blachines, has established an Agency in Fairfield, Adams county, where he will always have on band a supply. Per 'sons wishing:to buy will please . call and exam ine for themselves. glarltteedles-wnd Thread will also be sup plied. J. S. WITH h'IIOW, Agent, Fairfield, Adams coun:y, Pa. Aug. 27, 1866. ti Notice to Creditors. TRE undersigned has filed his petition in the Court of Common Pleas, of Adams county, to be discharged under the insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, sod the Court has appointed TUESDAY, the 25th day ,of SEPTEMBER nest, at 2 o'clock, P. M., for bearing of said petition, at which time all persons interested are requested to attend in said Court. MOSES MYERS. Aug. 27,1866. St , Lost ! STRAYED away fromTthe subscriber, resi +Engin Ifountjoy tocuship, Adams county, on the Bth inst. , ELEVEN SHEEP, all wethers, all of their' white, one with borne and carrying a bell. A liberal reward will be given for their return or Information of their where abouts. ALEXANDER J. SCHWARTZ. August 27, 1861. at Philip Bedding, ,TUSTICE OF TA B PEACE, will be at itj his &lice, (at his residence,) in Camber -land township, on Tuesday and Friday of each week, to give his attention to Justice's busi ness. fApril3o.lB66. 4m rSON'S greelsior Sicyli.tht Gallery is the piace,to gait yoLwieb Pictures at low pmts. Sgistostion guaranteed. VALIILBLE PROPERTY, TN EAST BOWS. AT PUBLIC SALB.--idh' sAftraDay, the 19th day of SEPTUM BEE next, t'se subscriber, Administrator de hosts aou sum testament° annexo of Philip Miller, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, that valuable property in Enst Berlin, Alums county, Pa., long owned and occupied by the deceased. afterwards occupied by his wido t c i a io n4 new by the undersigned, consisting o LUIS OF unuow, each 65 feet front and 220 feet deep, baring thereon erected a large Two-story I) JUBLE FRAME HOUSE, We itherooarded, a One•stery Ba?k-hui !ding attached, a good Stable, Smoke llo.sse, Ate., with a well of excellent water and a Cistern, and a large variety of choice fruit. A part of the front building has for thirty-five years been used as a DRUG STORE. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the tindersig,nei residing thereon. Ite'Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., on said lay, when attendance will• be given and terms made known hv H ENOS. L. MILLER, Aug. 13, 18416. tis* Adminiztrator PUBLIC SALE fAF VALUABLE anAL ESTATE.—On SAT URDAY, the 15th du' cf SEPTEBBFIR, next, the subscribers, Executors of the last will and testament of John Bowers, deceased, late of Germany township, Adams county, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the VAL UABLE FARA( of said decedent, situate in Germany township, Adams county, about 3}. miles west of Littlestown, near the road lead ing from Littlestown to Taneytown, adjoining. lands of George Ililtebrich, Jonas Royer and others, cootAirling; 103 ACrIES, more or less, improved wit h riTwo-3torr [WEL. LING HOUSE, with Rack•build- ing attached, a good Log Barn, with Sleds air around, Wagon Shed, Carriage House, Corn Crib, andOtan.s ry, under one roof, Hog Pen, and other neves sar3r out-buildings. There are two never• failing wells of water on the premises, one at the house and the other at the barn, with a pump in the Litter. There are about :25 acres of choice Timber and twelve or fif,een noes of good Meadow. The balance is laid out iu convenient fields and all under good fencing. The farm has ben limed twice. There in also on the premises an Orchard of choice fruit, such as apples, penchn, pears, Iv_ . Persons wishing to yew the property are requested to call on William Bowcrs, residing thereon. gar Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M , on said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by WILLIAM BOWERS, JOHN ItEEVEII, Ekeentors. Ang. 13, 1565. ts* VALVABLL FARMS AT PUBLIC SALE.—On S kTURDAY, the "_9th d iy of SUPTEMBER aext, the sub scriber will offer at PolOic Sale, on the premi se!, a DESIRABLE FARM, situate in Mount pleasant township, Adams county, one mile south of Gulden's Stat:on on the Gettysburg Railroad, adjoining land! of J. E- Miller, John Carl, and others, and containing 163 ACRES, more or less—about 40 acres are in good Timber, with a fine proportion of produc tive Meadow. The farm land is in a high state of cultivation, all Loring been limed once, and part of it twice. Tie fence! are in good repair. The improvements are a one and a half story DWEL- LING HOUSE, part Weatherboar del, part Stone, Frame B Ara, Wag- on Shed and Corn Crib, Hog Pen, &c.; never-falling spring wt , h a pump in it near the house, with a young Apple Orchard and all other fruit. Also, on SATURDAY, the 6th cf October next, the subscriber will offer, on the premi se 4, the EXCELLENT FARM on which he re tides. in Butler township, Adams county, near the State Road, about two miles from Hci dlersburg, adjoining lands of Cornelius Lott, Widow Q.lickel, and heirs of Samuel Diehl, deceased, containing 96 ACRES, more or less, with proper proportions of Woodland and Meadow. - The land has been lirood and Is under good The improvements'are two new DWELLING HOUSES, - one Two-story Stone and the oth er Two-story Frame Weather- *.if, boarded, a nearly new Bank Baru, Hog Pen, kc.; a good well of water at the dwellings, and two springs near by; with a young Apple Orchard, also a Peach Orchard, and other frutt. Persons wishing to view the first-mentioned farm nre requested to call on fs,iiic Stover, re siding thereon, or oa the subscriber, residing on the last-mentioned, who will cheerfully show cit'ler. Verb - Sale to commenee at 1 o'clock, P. M , on said diy, when - attewttnee will be given and tvruls made kn)wn br August 20, 1866. to VALUABLE Film AT PUBLIC SALE.—On SATURDAY, the 15th day of SEPTEMBER, next, the sub scriber, Executor of Joseph Bernier, deceased, will offer at Public Ssle, on the premises, the following real estate of said decedent, viz A FARM, situ ite in ilountpleasant town ship, Adams county, 3 miles east of Gettys burg, ne ir the Bonaughtown road, adjoinin7, lan is of John Cress, Abraham Keever, George Trostle and others, containing 113 ACRES with due proportions of Woodland and Mead- Ow. The improvements are a Two story FRAME HOUSE, and Back- i b hiding , Log Burn, Wagon Shed with g Corn Crib, Two-story Stone Spring • a House, with a never. failing spring, Smoke House, and other out-buildings. A young Orchard. The ferns is well waternl with nev er-failing Springs in nearly every field. Perlons wishing to view the property will call on Joseph A. Bernier, residing thereon. gre'Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. IL, on said day; when attendance will be given and terms made known by GEORGE HEHLE:t., Aug. 20, 1886. Executor. Singer's Celebrated. METE very nest and latest improved machine I in use, for sale at the CLOTHING STORE of JACOBS A: BRO., in Cbamhersburg street, Gettysburz, where you can buy the best and cheapest Cloths, Cassinseres and Vestings, and every variety of goods in the line of AliiN AND BOYS WEAR. Yon can have them cut out and male up in the very best style if yotr wish, at moderate prices, and without any :isk whatever. GEO. JACOBS • 1311.0 August 20, 1800. Shoes, Gaiters, dm. JOHN M. REELING, Is CABLISTAI S west side, a few doors from the Public Square Gettysburg, has laid in an excellent motion meat of &Mel, Gaiters /sc. ' for MEN, wolss A.Sa CHILDREN, which he is offering at the very lowest profits. Haring bought fur cash. at the Weft. re !ac tion, be is prepared to offer great berg tins. Liot and Shoe maaufacturinz carried on at the same place, and the best' kind of w)rlc. made. • JOHN IL RILILLIJ, May 11, 18G6. tf UrRAN AND GROCSIIIES.—The highest: market, price paid for Grain alto all kiwis of Produce. Groeiries, Fertilizers, Ac., coo- j stantly on hand for e tie drat* Wareiicate of Aug. 13 1 1363. CULP k RAWLS UAW. ' A DESIRABLE 'PROPERTY' •Valumble Properties fir Sale. T PUBLIC, SALE .— On SATURDAY, the lAN 0. ZOUCk.. LAND AGENT, Stb tiny of SEPTEMBSR-stext, toe sub-' New OXPOCD, ADAIR COMET, Pi. scriber will offer at Public Sale, on the prem- , T Has for 'ale a number of desirable proper ' lees, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Germany ' ties, to which he asks the attention of those t township, Adams county, on the road leading wie , tioz, to porch ice. from Littlestowa to Donsughtown, three (plan , A F of 160 ACRES, in Nfountplessant tere of a mile from the former place, adjoining township, Adams county, with good Stone lands of -Abraham Hostetter, Wm. hider, and House, good litl n, Wagon Shed, Cora Crib, others, containing 33 AC11.33, more or less— Wash House, Orchard ? Ise., near a turnpike about 5 acres being Woo Iliad, and about S and railroad. acres Me islow. The lan its in fine enithation, and under good fearinz. The improvements are a Two-story BRICK HOUSE, witit 13riek Kitchen, Log Barn, s ea with shed=, Bog Pen, Spring ;1 I House, with a first-rate Spring; ' - also all kinds of Cruit.--apples, peaches, peals, cherries, &c, Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call on the undersigned, residing within one mile thereof. Str•Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. AL, on said day,when attendance will be given and terms made known by MOSES SCHWARTZ. is Arignet 13, 1R643 L IMESTONE FARM AT PtTBLTC SALE On SATEIRDAY,the Bth day of SEPTEMBER next, the subscriber, Execufor of George Law rence, decrased, wilt offer at Puh.ic Sale, - on the premises, the following highly valuable Real, Estate of said decedent, viz : A LIMESTONE FARM, situate in Mountpleas knt township, Adams county, on - the road leading from NleSherrys town to Hunterstown, about 2 miles from the former pl ice, and within 1 mile of Conowago Chapel, containinz 70 ACI:ES, more or less, adj tinino lands of Conrail Bender, Samuel Geis - dm:AA, John Lilly and others—improved with a Two-story Weatheri.oarded HOUSE Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Cr,h, Carriage House, Hog Pen, end other oat-buildings ; a . first-rate well of water at the door:, and al/ or chnrd of good fruit. The land is in high cul tivation and under good fencing. This is a very choice property. clarSafe to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 11. on said Any, when attendanci will be given and terms made known by -- ~. .~~ [ , ~..~_ LEVI LAWRENCE, July 23, 18G6. to Executor Valuable Town Property AT PUBLIC SALTS.—On SATURDAY, the 15th day of SEPT., will be offered at Public Sale, that very desirable property, situate in Petersburg, fronting 75 feet on the Baltimore and Carlisle turnpike and running back 144 feet to an all !y, having thereon erec ted a good Two-story .BRICK HOUSE, a Two-story back toil& '4 , V , 1 ing, with a good store room or ;; 1 1 shop attached, and all in first-rate repast. There is a never-failing well of water near the door, and ot`:er improvements. This property is well adapted for a boarding house, cr any kind of publie besinesr. being loc.tted in the centre and !twit business portion of the town. This is one of the most desirAble properties in the towel, and we invite the atten!ion of capitalists to it, as we believe it to be a rare chance for those wishing to invest. It will be sold on easy terms. Also, at the same time and place will be offered three very desirable Lots, viz : No. 3.—Fronting 74-feet on the &Ate Road, and running back 150 feet to an alley, having thereon erected a large frame Burn. No. 4.—Fronting 60 feet oa the Barns road, and running back 150 feet to an alley. No. s.—Fronting 60 feet on the same road, and running back 150 feet to an alley. These Lots will be sold separate or together to snit purchasers. For further p.trticulars call on Dr. 1. W. Pearson or Henry C. Peters, residing in the town, or address them by letter at Yolk Springs, Pa. ISAAC W. PEARSON, ISAAC D. WORLEY. August 13, 180 G. is -- A SMALL PROPERTY- Aft. AT PUBLIC SALE :— On SATURDAY,the 15th day of /SEPTEMBER next, the subscribef will offs , r at Public &tie, on the remises, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Cumberland township, Adams county, on the Newville road, three miles from G ettyysburg, adjoining lands of Joseph Salley and Abraham Keckler, containing 4 ACREannd t 33 PERCH ES, improved with a Two-story LOG HOUSE, Log Stable, Corn Crib, Bog Pen, n, well of water near the door, g with a large variety of young fruit ' trees—apples, peaches, pears, and cherries— also grspes. Persons wishing to view the property are requested to call at the dwelling. s er-S.le to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 1., on said day; rhen attendance will be gisea and terms made known by GEORGE STARRY. Aug. 13; 18C6. ts* NOAH 'MILLER TRE undersigned offers his FARM, with or without the present crop, Possession given immediately. The Farm is situated in Cul:al - Jeri - Ind town ship, Adams county, adjoining lands of Win. Pool;las, Samnel Pitzer and lthers, containing TLC() HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES, with about thirty-Bye acres of excellent Woodland, and the balance of the farni in a good state of cultivation. The improvements are a good Two-story BRICK HOUSE, with Spring House, Frame Barn, and rill other necessary outbuildings.— Terms easy. Any person desirous of seeing or purchasiag the above iarm, c in get all desired information by calling on the undersigned, residing there on. -JULIUS lIAFNER. July 16,1868. tf WILL sell, on accommod tting terms, my I pro:)erty, located in H....miltonbma town ship, Ad.tms county, Pa., Within one mile of Fairfield, and eight miles of Gettysburg, known as "VIRGINIA. MILLS," containing 503 ACRES OF ROOD LAND, well improved. There is on this land a good TITRES-STOIIY.iTONE MILL. containing two run of Burrs, and a SAW 1111.6. Apply to the lion. Moses McClean, Gettysburg, or John J. Lack, Chrrlestown, it:Ma-son co., Va. June 13, 186 G.. tf ASUPERIOR PIANO FORTE, in Rose wood case, of moderti style, and good as new, having been used but a short time. Al-o, a set •of PARLOR FURNITURE, ,in WAlnio and hair cloth, consisting of an ele gant FRENCH SOFA and °SIX CHAIRS, all Rood as new, having been but little used.— Will he sold a bargain. serfo q uire at this office. Aug. 6, 1866. A"person hirin; a good Farm for snle, and wilt take in part payment, one or more tracts of FIRST.RAVE WESTERN LAND, well located, near R.tilroadi, Schools, Church es; County Towns. kc. may End a purchaser by applying at this oice. June 18, 1886. tf Tss subscriber respectfully informs the public that ho still continues the business of making ALL KINOR OF GOOD TIN WARR, .atothe old st.tnd, (formerly Andrew Polley's,) in' York et-eet, Gettysburg., where he has the 14rost assortment of tin.ware iu the count?, with many other articles for kitchen use, ke. Also. CdOKING STOYB3 k NINE-FLATS STOVES, of the very best kinds. - 8. G. COOL Mar. 12, 1865. 3m SBOULD3II3, SLles, home-mtde Bologna mune,. ko., a fall fstock always kept for sale, of the very-best tin dity , mutat lowest lining pronto, by . . KAL3PLBISOIT, Jane IL. next 403; the Post ()Mee. Highly Valuable Farm for Voile. AT PRIVATE SALE. Sale of Ilea' Estate. M. V. LOCK For Sale, Wanted. A GOOD FABM Tin Ware and Stores. Prime Hams, , FORTS," ACRES, with good House, Barn, and other out-buihlings, Orchard, Are. three quarters of a mile from a railroad station. A gqo 1 charwe ; terms easy. 173 ACRES OF LAND, on the road lending from Hanover to Littlestown. Gond limestone farm ; large Brick House, Bank Barn, and mil -1 er out-buildings. The Littlestown Railroad , runs through the rear part of the place. Price $B5 per acre. A FARM OF 300 ACRES, In Cumberland , township, Adams county, three miles from , Gettysburg, at which place is a railroad and good market. This farm can be divided Into two farms, there bi tog alm.dy two sets of improvements on ttie tract. The improve ments are a good two-story Dwelling House, Barn, and other outbuildings, 1111 a Tenant House with all improvements. A large Three-story BRICK WARE HOUSE, with good Switch, all in order, good Lumber and Coal Yard attached, ingtood gram country. ' Also a BRICK DWELLING HOUSE will be sold with the above Ware House if desired. Will be cold cheap, if applied for immediately. A FARII of 105 ACRES, on the Carlisle turnpike, under good cultivatiot., with a large Brick Houle, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Carriage House and other out-buildings, all new. LARGE FLOUR MILL, with 15 Acres of Land. The mill his four pair of Burrs, and , all machinery fur doing merchant work. Best water power in the county. I A FARM of 173 ACRES, near the Hanover turnpike, on which is erected a good House, Bah, and all necessary out-buildings. The I Ind is in a good state of cultivation. This property will be cold cheap. A FARII of 105 ACRES, near Efunterstown, Adams county, on which is erected a good House, Barn and other out-buildings, and the land is in a fine state of cultivation. This farm will he sold cheap. A FAIN of 38 ACRES, 8 acres 'in wood, with one-and-a-half-story House, good Rain —land in good cultivation-31 miles from New Oxford, and 11 miles from Bonaugittown. Terms easy. 18 ACRES of WOJDLAND, 2 miles from j New Oxford. I A FARM of 200 ACRES, good land. with . large Brick Houle, B ten, and 2 Tenant Houses , —4O acre] in wood—half a mile from the Con owago Chapel. 1 A FARII of 180 Acres-225 can be pur chased—in Cumberland township, 21 miles ft out Gettysburg, near Chamhersburg pike; large we itherboarded !loose, Bank Barn, Ac.; 40 acres in wood. The Farm has been recently limed. A FARM of 120 ACRES, with ' good House and Barn; 12 acres in wood; ons mile west of Bonxurchtown. • A HOTEL, in New Oxford, two-story, loamy and convenient for business. Good chance; terms easy. Also, a number of good Rouses and Lots for sale in Nee Oxford. Persons who wish to bny Real Estate, as well as those who wish to soil, are requested to give tie subscriber a call'at his store in New Oxford. t Address. JOHN' C. ZOIICK, 'Awl Agent. Nrw Oxrml, Adams couuty, July 9, 18GG. Gm Forwarding and Commission 'rouse. F LOUR AND FEED. GRAIN AND GROCERIES. Ravin?, purchased the extensive Warehouse, Cars, &e, heretofore owned oy Samuel Herbst, we beg leave to inform the public that we are continuing the business at the old stand on the corner of Washington and Railroad streets, on a more extensive scale than heretofore. We are paying the highest market price for Flour, Grain and all kia 13 of produce. Flour and Feed, Salt, and all kinds of Gro ceries, kept constantly on hand and nor sale, cheaper than they can be had anywhere else. Plaster, and ail kinds of fertilisers, constantly An band, or furnished to order. ler A regluar line of Freight Cars will leave our Warehouse every TUESDAY MORNING, and accommodation trains will be run as oc casion may require. By this arrangement we are prepared to convey Freight at all times to and from Baltimore. All business of this kind entrusted to us, will be promptly attend ed to. Our cars rill to the Warehouse of Ste. reason St Sons, 105 North Row .rd street, Bal timore. Being determined to pat good prices, sell cheap and deal fairly, we invite everybody to give us a call. CULP & EARNSHAW. Aug. 13, 1863 Notice. A PPLICATION will be made at the next regular session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania for the Incorporation of a Sav ings' Institution, to be located in the Borough of Littlestown, Adams county, Penn'a., under the name‘and style of "TiIS LITTLESTOPirN SAVINGS' INSTITUTION," the intention of which shall be to loan out money and receive deposits thereof, and do such things as are usually done by similar Institutions: the cap ital thnreof not to exceed One Ilundred Thous and Dull .rs, to be divide,' into shares of Ftfty DoilArs each. July 2, 1866. 6:n. !Saddling. rrillE undersigned has commenced the SAD " DL! and HARNESS-If:MVO business, on the Hill, in Baltimore street, in the building formerly occupied by 1). Sweeney as a Chair maker's shop, np-stairs, where he asks ?hose wanting anytning in his line to call. Work done in the hest manner, and prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice. A lot of new Saddles and Harnea on hand. J. M. ROWE. Gettysburg, June 2S, 1366. 3m Gettysburg' Female Institute. TVG m o m ex e t a t e l e es o s n io t a he o t f ri tb t i i s io l a nl, a ti y tir e , pt w em ill . b,r, (September 3d.) for inform vion with regard to the school, apply to the Priocip Mrs. B. M. E eSTEIt. inzust. 17, 1866. Rt. .., '-'-'' / I r* - 7.71 , aq A i . ' ly._ .. .tve„tet,/f..4o4eztv ge. dd..144, 0 0 ,': 0 ).heet# Aug. 13, 18G#1. Roa Notice. DDRHENRY A. LILLY'S ESTATE .—Letters of administration on the estate of Dr. Henry A. Lilly, late of Conowazo township, Adams comity, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in same township, he hereby gives notice to all , persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them properly authenticated for set. tlement. JA.114.i W. GUBER.NATOR, Aug. 13,1863. et* Administrator. $1,500 Per Year! WE went Agents everywhere to Pell I.IIMOVBD $2O Sewing Mazhines.— Three-asitiv hinds. Under and upper feed.— Sent on trial Warranted five years. Above salary or large commissions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the United Stated for leas $4O, which are fully Lirenerl by'llowe, Wheeler 4. Wilso 1, Grover 4. Biker, Sive , 1 a., and Bachelder. AU other the m kchines are infringements, and the seller or user are liask Lo arrest, fine a 43 imprisonment. Illustrated cir cnl tri Bent tree. Ad.lre4s, or call upon Shaw dt CLlrk, at Bid leferd, Stelae,. or Chicago, May 21, 18 , 16. isly Bsrk Wanted. T RE subscriber will ply Fl VS DOLLARS per 003[) For BLAU,( OAIL' BIRK, do. I vermi nt , Isis tsseari, in Gattysburg. JOLLY BUPA ..t Jule 18, 1838 Vl'4 St it,e it the nlace to get all Wale of IrocerieJ CLUIP. PERUVIAN 011tR1CP Is • r4lt4Crilik •sozeinalt OJ , 114 i N fOlOri4o Gt, bqn, • new iiieooerp is ni.licins whiO4 • 13TRIKE3 AT Tll3 R)OT •0/ visr.A4a, by enpplying the Blood with lie VITAL raiectrus, Os TAPP 54.i:1n:sr—la This is the secret of the w,)n I Irfttl ettecees of tlrie rerneiy In cirinz DY3PEPSIA, LIVEN COMM, DRnp, SY, Ciitw crc OUR Nervous Affections, C title and Fe- Tara, Humors, Loss •tn Constii tam ' tionsi Vigor, Disease of 61e, Kidneys and . Female Compiniuts, and all diseafeeorigiunaing A BAD STATE OF THE 11..U0D. or ac cool pa nie d by DISOLLITY, or a LOW sTA72 1= Being free from Al,:ohol in any form, ittr energizing encts are not foilnwr 1 by entre.- ponding reactien, but are perm inent, inf wain I, strength, vigor and new life lulu all parts of the system, and building up g.. 1 111,1% CUN.. ISTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA. AND DEBILITY. • . From the leiteruble Arekdote , u4 Scutt, D. D. Dozaar, Canada E,t4t, NI ire!' 24, IRO/. * * * "I am P.O luve!eritte Dyspeptic of tome than 21•years' standin., 4 * * * " I have been so wonderfully ' benefitted in the three short weeks dosing which I have nsed the Peruvian Syrup, that I am scarcely persu the myself ut the reality People•who have known me are astonish ed - at the change. lam widely known, and c•an but recommend to others.that which has dune so much for me:" One of the moat DI-ITINGUISITSD RISTS in New England writes to It friend es follows : "1' have tried the PF,RUVIAN SYRUP, and the' result fully sustains your preeiction. It hike made JI New LAN Of 1110 me system new vigor and energy.; T am no looker tremulous and debilitated, as wiled you leer` seat me, but stronger, heartier, and with Ins. gee capacity for labor, mental as physical, then at any time during the last five years." kn ENIINENV DIVINE of Roston, sera: "I have been ruing the - PERUVIAN SYRUP for' some time past; it gives me new rigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." • jarTHOUSANDS lore beta- changifily the use of - thi 3 remedy ; .from acs k, tally, suffering treater,. 4 +,O strong, hpayi y t , , an happy men a nd women.; and inrnii4S - e4 not reasonably hosit.ite to give it a trial. A. pamphlet of 3:lpagei, containinz earth. cotes of cures and recommendation+ from. some of the most eminent physicians, clertrymett, and others, will be Pent vim to any addiesd. See that, mach, bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blows in the gins*, ton SALE SALA fly .1. P. Diniunore. Proprietor. • lley street, yew York, AND DY ALL DILVOGIATS. SCHOFITLA. All Medical Hen agree thAt lODiNElls.thp REST REMEDY. for Seroful t an! all laniirbA dimiesee ever di3cover.. I. Tue di@3 •LtlkOnii been to obtain A Pia !•;.P.rrioN of it. DR. U. ANDRES' lODINE WA - T la a Pure Selutaou winiour A SOINN'i 1: I I A meet Powerful Vitaliting Agent sod Resta- GEE It wad. cute SCROAIL all its manifold tormi ITLOSR3, CAYCHtti, W1P1111.19, BALT •RH M ; and it has been used with astonishing success in cafes of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consuiepo Hem; Female, Complaints, Heart, Liver and Kidney Diseases, /SC.' Oircelars will he tent sun to any address.. Price $l.OO a brittle, or o for $5.00. Prepared by Dr. H. ANDERS, Physician and Chemist • ?Oa 8.11.J1 allr Z. F. Dinsmore, 36 Dey Streit, MIMI , IrsrSi. AND Ur ALL DUCGOISTB W/STAR'S BILSA3I WILD CHERRY HUI BESV TISMD V3IVESLE6Y lIALF A CEICFEIRY, WITO Tea 1118? ASTOltilttNa SUCOSSII 1 4171111* COS4OIB, Cold.), ILEirSenP3ll, Sore Threat, re fieenze, Whooping Cin,4ll, Cronp, Liver Complaint, Bron.•hitle, Diffleolty of • Breathing, Asthma, Amid *wet,- aff.ttlon of VIZ TH2OAT, LUNGS, AND CLIOST, CONSUMPTION, whieh carries off more victims than any other disease,and which baffi. , o the's,kill of the'phy siei tns to a greater extent-than any other malady, often YIELDS TO Tlll9 REMEDY I when till others prove in.'fcctunl. - AS A MRDICSINS, rapid in relief, soothiegio effect, safe !nits terrr UNSURPASSED !. while as it preparation, free from noxious fn. gredients, liaisons or m'nerals ;' uniting skill science and naeilical knowledge ; comhinlit% all that is valuable in the vegetable 'kingdom for this class of disease, it is ' IN COM P A R AB Lf: I and is entitled to, merits 3 id receives the gen eral confidence of the public. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes ns follows: ..%Yrsraa's BALssu or WILD Cumin' gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a Congh by loosening and -clearising the lunge, and. allaying irritation, thus UNMOVING TNN oetrite, instead of drying nn the cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Bal sam as good as any, it not the best, Cough medicine with which i am nrquainted. o The Rev. J.1(30B SECHLRR, of Hanove•, Pd., well known and much respected among the German population of this country, !TIMM. the following statement for the brat of the afflicted Dear Sire: —rfar'ng rearzed In my family' important benefits f•a•fl thr. use cf youevalna tie preparation-IVISTAR'3 BALSAM OF WILD CdEltßY—it alfurds me Pleasure fir recommend it to the public. Some Ostia years ago one of my daughters seemed to b. in a decline, nod little hopes of her recovery were entertained. I then procured i bottle of your excellent 1141anici, and before she had taken the whole of Cie consents of the bottle there was a gre it iturrove.uent in her health. I have, in my individual case, made frequent use of your vela ,ble med.cine, and hare al ways been benefitted by it. J ICOB SEMMES. Price one dollar a bottle. EZEZEI J. P. Dhismore. Se Dry linfeet. New York. •eti W. Pew. • & lion. Proprietors. Desll4l •RD BY ,LL DRUGGISTS . . Grace's Celebrated *slice cures Cate, Burns, Scalds.. Grace's Celebrated Salve cares Woandl, Bruises, Sprains. Grate's Celebrated Salve cares Boils, Ulcers, Cancers. Grace's Celebrated So4e • - cures S.tit. ltliennt Erisiperas. Grace's Celebrated Salve core+ Chopped Hands, Chilblains. Grace's Celebrate I Salve ' heals Old 4.. res, Flesh Woon is, It is prompt in action, re 401 , e1 piia a once, and relit, es the most sage • I.)•,:zing.swatil 4t4 add inflammations, as if 6,- magic—tbas al feeding relief and a complete c Only 24 seats a box I (Seat by esail.for)ll coots.) . - e'pr sate by i.l'. DINS NOBS, 1111 Sey,st Xs* YO'lka, S. W, TOWLS k 801, Preen.' , Boston, and by Lll Dr.lllsts, Grocers, (loonier Stores. ;sty Id, 11160. ly 11 U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers