Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, August 27, 1866, Image 2

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    OM' 4 in untie spirit after A war ramie the nations of the earth no friejoda
. 41011DIElliw NATRON ti• CONCENTI,A. i DEN GlElRATicapprillf.: i
tfillttrin or defenders butourselves. r....
A National Soldiers' Convention, lit , A grand Mini
the r ai n t en. ConaUtattle* amid -,.
- priallease — mut so adverse, In its Issue, We call npon you, therefore, by every
-halnielbirepteddefeatand its eonsequenees consideration of your own elignity -and , Nippon Of Pre/Meld johmiou, -Will lterj .
-erilthei garb el good faith whits marked safety, and In the nameoflibertythrqugh- I held In Cleveland; Ohba, on the 17th of i
. 1 1414klithiletorthe peele lately la Ipsur- out the world, to Complete the work. of ' Se p te mber . • -..
. weellienrigaleet the I' Wed 41tates. Ba- restoration Find peace which the Pres:- be The call is signed by Gen. '
-701110 - 1111 , question this\les been largely ident of the United States has so well be- Custer, the two NeCo oks, and ot h ers__
Atusi Ike the Wise generOsity with Which gun, and Which the polick adopted and equally distinguished for their gallant
4heirentbeced surreeder wee accepted by the principle assertedly the Present Con' !services, whilst among the speakers de
thePreeident of the United States and tho gross alone obstruct.
bignated are Oen. John A. Dix, of New
qpnierlibeln ifnmel.i ate command or our coNenEss TO BE REMODELED.
.analeiralnifto the I bend mtrisr re:. whic h The time is close at hand when rnem- ' York; Major General Thomas }wing, of
were , afterwards taken to requite order, hers° fa new Congress are to beeleeted. If Kansan; Major General Thomas L. Crit
'9l"l"ll4 4" lays L° the l ' ltek* where that Congresai shall perpetuate this policy, tendon, of Kentucky ; Colonel Lewis 1).
*Mad Teethe tine , been overthrown. No and, by excluding ioesi stat ed and peo- Campbell,of Ohio; MajorOrneral Jawel
Steps, eonld have been better calculated le from represeidatiim in its halls Shall it
to command the respaet, win thee mil
-' ----- c ontinue p
the usurpation . by which ‘ ' the B. s
kiteaduta n, of Ohio; Major General
*nee, revive the patrierism, and secure iCharles G. Halpin, of New York, (poet
legislative powers of the a ios : ernment are
Illerinistien tamiaffeetionate allegiance
, now exercised, common prudence corn
- * . at GettYsburg, July 4th, 1865 ;) Major
,i 3,, t he people of the South to the Consti- pets Rs to anticipate augmented discos- General George Sykes, of Pennsylvania;
Attlee and laws of the Union than those teut, a sullen withdrawal from the
twitted' have been so firmly taken and se ßrigadier John S. Swift, of'Massachu
duties and oblig a ti ons • i the Federal
jdaultastly pursued by the President of Guvernment, internal di o . 1 seals; Colonel Albert W. Bradbury, of
s.seninon and a
the 'United States. general collision - of sentiments and pre- ' 3faine; Major General Solomon Mere
•J I EFFWIS OF EXcht'WIVE LEG/SLATTPX. ' tensions which may renew, in a still ' dith, of Indiana, (commanding the 19th
And if that confidence and loyalty have more fearful shape, thet civil war from
bleed mince Impaired ; if the people of the which we have just em bu
erged. , Indiana regiment In the battle of Gettys
and a H umber of others. Chap-
South are to-day less cordial in their al-, We call upon you to interpose your I r g% )
/eglanetf than they were immediately power to prevent the recurrence of so j lain, Rev. Henry Ward Beecher. This
upon the close of the war, we believe it transeendeat a calamity. Ire cod upon will be the soldier demonstration. of the
is due to the changed tone of the legisla- you i.t .-, very Congressional district ofevery ' country,and will show where the vast ma-
Live - department of the General Govern- Stoic to secure the elcilion of membres,'
iority of the fighting men send:
. Geary
(neat, toward them; to the action by who, echotccrr other dip rence, moil char- •
-which Congress has endeavored to sup- 0d, , ,/,:c ibcir poddeol, ootion, wilt write may denounce all participating in its de
plant onatt.defeat the wise and he r(eoduizing the RIGHT OF EVERY STATE liberations as " shysters, skulkers and
beueficent policy of re-toration ; to their of , rite [::ION TO REPRINENTATION IN lesspital bummers," hut they can afford
exelusion from all participation in our ('oNuuE.S, AND Wllo WILL A win' To
/common Government : to f.E.I. Ts IN ECTIIER JURA NCI' -nvERI, - 1.ny.% I, to stand that from him.
AIM them of rights conferred and guar- I Ituitnitsi,NTATivE FR!iM EVERY tiTATE ;
anteed by the Constitution, and to the :iii 014.3N/ice to,the Government, tvbo i!ei 1
'evident purpose of Congress, In the ex-It/p./Imnd ee cw'h 11Ou8P, in dm exercise of
erase of a usurped and uolawful author- thc ',o'er: eooferrra upoa it by die I ' WI ,
IV, to reducc them from the rank of free' stitution, to have been duly elected, re-,
and equal niem burs of at republic of turned arid qualified for a seat therein.
States, with rights and dignities warn- I
paired, to the cendltion of conquered 1
When this shall have been done the
provinces and a einiteiered people, in all
- Government will have been restored to
things subordinate anal subject to the will 1
: its ante grit3, th e Constitution of the Uni-
of their conquerors; free only to obey i s e d t i bt i c ,
laws in making %tilled' they were not al- i ' will' have been re-established
lin its full supremaay, and the American
lowed to shim:. i.
Union will have again beeoine what it
neenewe ,tearvar orenessiox. jESTI- was designed to he•by those who formed
vien. it, a sovereign nation ' composed of sepa
rate States, each lik.eitself, moving in a
distinct and independent sphere, exer
eising-powers defined and reserved by a
common Constitution, and resting upon ,
the assent, the confidence and co-epora
tion of all the States and all the people
subleet to its authority. Thus reorgan- '
iced and restored to their constitutional
relations, the States and the General Gov-'
ernment can enter in a fraternal spirit,'
with a common purpose and a common
interest, upon whatever reforms the se-,
eurity of personal fights, the enlargment
of popular liberty and the perfection of
our republican institutions may den - void.
At the Conclusien of the readingjhe
cheers resounded again and again, and
enthusiaatie demonstrations of approval
were made by the delegates springing to
their feet and waving thidr huts. I ,
question of approval was put to a viva twee
x cite, and the address was adopted with
out a dissenting voice. •
No people, however, yet existed whose
loyalty and faitlg smelt treatment` long
eoutleued would riot alienate and Impair.
And the ten million" of Americans who
live in the South would be unworthy
citizens of a fiee country, degenerate
eons Of an heroic ancestry, unfit ever to
become the guardians of lle rights and
liberties bequeathed to us be the fathers
and founders of this Republic, if they
could accept, with uncomplaining sub
tatissl the Is u rn i nations thus sought
to he• imposed upon them. Resentment
of Injustice is always and everywhere
essentistl to freedom ; and the spirit
white!, prompts the States and people
lately In Ineurreetion, but insurgent now
no longer, to protest -against the Impost
- 'lion of unjust and degrading conditions,
makes them all'the more worthy to share
in the government of a free-common
wealth, and gives still firmer assurance
of the future power axial freedom of the
.Itepubl _
urnm,r,tox lIAS BEEN EXPIATED,
For whatever responsibility the outh-
Prtt may have incurred in m esisting
the authority of the National Govern
ment and ip taking up twins for its over
throw, they may he held to answer, as
individual's, before the judiral tribunals
of the land, and for that conduct as SO
vigtfes and organized communities, they
have already paid the most fearful penal
ties that can fall oil offending States in
the loaaes, the antferings Said humilia
tions of till unstnieessMl war. But what
ever may he thelgui It or the punishment
of the conseiotts authors of the insurrec
tion, candor and emomon justice demand
' t Omits ete,eion that the great mass of those
who beeaane involved in its responsibility
mated upon whatithey believed to he their
duty, In defettsefof what they had been
taught to believd their rights, or under a
eompWsion, pluisieal and moral, which
they Wbre powerless to resist. Nor can
, ft be amiss to remember that, terrible as
" have been the bereavements andthe loss
vs of this war, they have fallen exelusive
/Y noon neither party—that they have
fallen, indeed, with far greater weight
upsim those with whom the war began ;‘,
that in the death, of relatives and friends,
the dispersion of families, the disruption
(if iNOVIIII systems and social ties, the
qvcirthrow of governments, of law and of
'order, the destruction of property and of
forhis and modes and means of industry,
the loam of page:ll, emumercial and mor
al Influence, in severy shape and form
wilrieh geed calsftities eats assume, the
;states and people which engaged in the
to ar against the Government of the Uni
ted States, have suffered "tenfold more
than those who have remained in allegi
, unce to theCimstitution and the laws.
-These considerations may not, as they
gertainly do not, justify the action of the
pmule of the insurgent States; but no
I just or generous mind wall refuse to them
very considerable weight in determining,
;lie line of conduct whieh the Govern
/neat should pursue tower& them,
they accept r if nbt with alacrity, cer
tainly without sullen resentment, the'
t and overthrow they have sustain-'
ed. They acknowledge and acquiesce in
"the results, to themselves and the corn-'
try, which that defeat involves. They
no longer claim for any State the right
to secede from the Union; they no lon
ger assert for any State an allegiance par
amount to that which is due to the Gen
te•sit Government. They have accepted
Ilse destruction of slavery, abolished It
lay their State Constitutions, and eoneurr-
LA with the States and people of the
"whole Union in prohibiting its existence
forever upon the soil or within the juris-;
-ti ietion of the United States, They indi
rate and evince their purpose just se fast
as may be possible and sate to adapt their
,domestic laws to the changed condition
of their society, and to secure by the law
mist its tribunals equal and impartial jus
tice to all eltesses•Lol their inhabitants.
They admit the Invalidity of all acts of
resistance to the Nittional authority, and
ell debts incurred fa attempting its over
throw, They avow their willingness to
phase the burdenS and discharge all
the tiutins and obligations which rest
upon Bunn, in common with other States
and other seetionarof C'se Union; and
,theyreneW, thmughlheir representatives
lu this Convention, by all their public
conduct, in every way and by the most
solemn acts by which States and societies
can pledge their faith, their engagemente
to bear true faith and allegiance, through
all time to COMP, to the Constitution of
the United States, and to all laws that
may bemade in pursuance thereof.,
Fellow countrym/n : We call upon
you, In full reliance upon your intern
, genee arid your patriotism, to accept
w.thgettleou§sind ungrudging eonfltlenee
tnis full surreuthr on the part of tho s e
lately in arras against your authority,
and to share with 'them the honor and re
pima that await those whet bring back
peace and concord to jarring States. The
,war just closed, with all its sorrows and
'disasters, has °petted anew career ofglory
to the has saved. , It has swept
away-the-hostilities of sentitnent and of
I iterest which were a standing menace
its peace. It has destroyed the insti-
I /don of slavery, always a cause of sea-
t oust agitation and strife, and Inns opened At York, the other day, Gov. Curtin,
fir our country the way to unity of inters standing by Gen. Geary'e side, and
e it, of principle and of action through speaking for him, said : ".If the South
p'l time to come. It has developed ins', , come on with
b seetbans --
military eapaoity,,m ap- Lf e * d. re . # the Negroes to vote,
Mud°, for achieve/a/cow of war, both by ,your Wool! There can be no possible ob
s and kind, hitherto 41/known even to jection to it!" All; therefore, that Is
otraelves and dtmtlned to eaereise here-
After, under WWI egellelia, alt import- needed to make Negro Suffrage tight
ant influence upon the charaeter amides- in Pennsylvania, is that the South
tiny 'of the continent and the world. to it.
And while It has thus revealed, diselplin
st ani aompaeted out power, it has poy_ "Camino Out /Mtn the libel Par 4g ' 7
el tgds heyoinl eon ttovensy or doubt; by - The Pfuntlngdon heretofore a
hat .14 3 * ° toward bo th °oaten* strong Republican paper, has taken
pl iog it sec bzka uww.Diw o rwe'lor our P G o wf w ers a 'i n ti a t e i e Own the name of Cleary, The editor of
•=1.4 the p plea of repq the Colbla Ilse retired froze his
We ger** c 441 po4 boxiuschO 441114o0supix#1, GraT, - •
Eke o:cfnlpiler.
iliondAY Morphia". Affit....27. loMte.
Prank lin County.
NICHOLAS HIE:LT'ZEI., Mou n t pleas' t
NCI. D. HOLTZWORTH,. Gettysburg
ADAM W. MINTER, Franklin
JOHN RAHN, 3 y., Conowago. •
HENRY L. BREAM; C*berland
Dn.,WM. J. McCIATRE, Oxford
_ The Ohio Ratiot notices the nomina
tion of Nicholas Heitzel, by the
Democracy of this county, for the Legis
blare, in the following deservedly com
plimentary manner:
" An Fe-Editor of Me Ohid Patriot in
Lurl.l.—N. Helt7el, nig., one of the editors
of the Ohio Patriot from 1835 to 1839, a pe
riod of oyer 4 pears, we arc rejoiced to see,
has been - nominated by the Democracy
of Adams county, Pennsylvania, as their
candidate for the Legislature, and with a
fine prth-pect of success. Mr. Henze' is
a Democrat of the old Jefferson and Jack
son style—and worked in the Wobc office
under Blair & Rives, and helped to print
old Hickory's Messages from the original
manuscript, and " by Ow eternal " they
were always right. Adiuns county was
the tramping ground of Thad. Stevens,
during the days of the Buckshot war,
and the Tape-worm Hail Road, and we
should be truly rejoiced to see ter wheel
into the Democratic line under the com
mand of such a true and whole-souled
Democrat as Mr. lleltzel."
Our Ohio cotemporary does not seem
to be properly posted in regard to the po
litical position of this county. Adams
wheeled into the Evimleratic Him a
dozen years ago, and will not now " go
back " ou a man as honest and capable
as "Nicholas "Hensel. The skies are bright
down In - these parts.'
GRIMY ctoNEs ial:rr ArAAST I
Ile Dee Wes Oreepy for Ness saffrate!
Let Every Voter Know It!
John W. Geary made a speech at
" Lochiel Iron Works," near Harrisburg,
Week before last, in which he took open
ground in favor of NEGRO SUFFRAGE!
He declared that he was "ready to feet
the issue of Negro Suffrage, and be was
not preparedito deny THE RIGHT OF
Hitherto some people laave t,boughtthat
Geary was not in favor of Negro Suffrage.
Now he has settled all doubts on that sub-:
ject. Let every body know that Geary
says be is not prepared to deny the Negro
the right to vote.
avails o XMAS , svpramaz.
- - - -
Cori/T.—The - following eases were last
Hon. I
on. J. McDowell Sharpe, the Demo- week tried by 'the Court—President
cratic eandidate for Congress in this; dis- Judge Fisher and Associates Ziegler and
t stet; was first introduced. He spoke for „Wierman on the Bench :
an hour' and twenty minutes, and re- 1 TW. CO.VMON PLEAS.
viewed, with much force and clearness, ; ;'' Ha v- ,', ( . 4 l; a r in" ( e i a of r,:hri.. White,o
the destructive course and designs of the " Neely,. ,:i ta e
h r i n n r e .
;than W. a Neely. nt ec on o KL - -
Radicals—at the same time stating fairly, eution. Verdict for Pars. for $1,341.
and fully the patriotic position of Presi- 1 Wm. Duttera vs. Jeremiah Kohler.—
Tresspass. Verdie i t for Piff.. for ,'‘i:at.
dent Johnson and those who support him '
In his restoration policy. The speech I
, Corn. vs. Q fif. k . R nry I S: S a i n l rO t rf ( T. S. Larcen V
was an able, a convincing one, and show- ' stealing' horse or Samuel Culaertson.
Deft. plead guilty, and was sentenced to
ed conclusively the n6cessity for electing
conservative candidates to allies o ,ee this fall. , t w o y n ers ys i n tt i ll o a l s a t i e r re P a e v n e i r tent jl i i a 4 rz i . o t
It was frequently interrupted by warm i and battery, on' complaint of Jacob Mita
applause, w,hich continued to the end. i ser. Deft. plead guilty, and was senten
We may say in this connection that cud t 0 5 .32 tin and the costs.
Mr. Sharpe glade a very favorable im-tt°l`(.lenrLlotet Hostetter. ntiatah
pression whilkrhere, not only by his abil- l'not guilty. '
ity as a lawyer and a public speaker, but Ollll. vs. Jeremiah Kohler. Larceny
lalso by his manly bearing and sterling —tinding and retaining David Wolf's
Sta - V" The Radical- had a meetingin
' '' the social qualities. pocket-book. Verdict, not guilty.
Com. vs. Franklin W. Black and Wal
. Court-house oq Tuesday evening, the 010- I
I The next speaker was Win. S. Stenger, I ter Cassatt. Larceny of wheat and Mo.
iject being to prevent further falling off F.sq., of Chambersburg, who was - solicited • verseed from Samuel Robert. Verdict,
from the party here. McClure, MePher- "by telegraph to be with us, as Judge' not guilty as, to Black: Cas4att did not
appear fortrial.
son and' McConaughy were announced Kimmel was compelled to leave for
Sarah Carver' Adultery
fts3 the speakers. - When the evening' Chambersburg the day before the meet- Verdict, C4lll.vs.. - • . *
1 not - guilty, and county to pay
carrie McClure was not on hand—and we lug.
Mr. Stenger is one of the most eta-' costs. ,
venture to say that he was not expected quoit and forcible speakers in this part ' Com. vs. Andrew Wolf. Surety of the
peace, on eomplaint of.Anth'y. Deardorff.
whet' hfs' Fame w as Placed upon the hill of the Commonwealth, and vith so much '
iI Deft. affluence(' to keep the peace for six
The mectingovould have been a miser- , material athand, (made by the last Con- months, and. pay the costs
able failure had not curiosity induced a' gress and its backers,) he of course deliv,l ('our. vs., Mary Criner. , Surety of the
number of Demeepts to go there. As ered a telling speech. Applause followed , b eace ' on e°in p laint of N°3ll ' F ' Hersh.—
it was, Me hereon Boon talked—yelled— ,
him throughout; and at the conclusion I cit. sentenced to pay the costs.
the house into a slim "account of empty the meeting adjourned with three thun
benches." His speech cOnsisted mainly i dering cheers for Johnson, Clymer, and
of . abuse—the President, Mr. Seward , ; the Democratic ticket.
the Conservative RepublicanS -and the 1 - This meeting augers well. It shows
Democrats coming in for all sorts ofthat the people are beginning to•mani
fish-wOman epithets, i!h i ilst the Philaliel- fest a practical concern about the court
phia Convention was denounced in ti , ,,ary's welfare—and if that feeling contin
manner to convince any one that the
i 'u t .. s to increase, as it no doubt will, negr6.
speaker was nearly frightened out of his , radleatism will soon sink into the deepest
, wits by its harmonious and patriotic pro- and blackest oblivion.
4 ceedings. lie occupied the whole eve-'
Bing,- and when he had talked himself'
out of breath and material, the only im
pression left upon his audience was, that
be much feared Johnsonism would put
down Radicalism. McConaughy was
not callea on to speak—and there were
" no refreshments.',
The Committee appointed by the Na
tional Union Convention to present a
copy of the Address and ltesolutlons of
the Con - vent on to President Johnson,
performed that duty at the White House,
Saturday week. Senator Reverdy John
son made the presentation speech. The
President made a most excellent and pa
triotic reply, which •we will lay before
our readers next week. During the
ceremony, GEN. LT. S. GRANT stood
the President's side, and at the close
of the proceedings the two retired to
gether. The President made some pa
triotic allusions to the services of General
Grant, which were loudly cheered by the
audience. Here is another opportunity
for Geary, Is Grant a," Shyster and a
Cowat'd, a Skulker and a Hospital Bum
IQ - The Radical county candidates,
last week, devoted nearly all their atten
tion to Democrats—"topperftrads," "Re
bels," and "Traitora," as negro orators
and newspapers are in the habit of styl
ing them. The manmuvres of these can
didates looked as though, they had no
confidence in their own party strength to
elect them, and that unless assisted by a
goodly number of Democrats their cases
would be hopeless. They begged 'and
begged, almost going down upon their
knees, for outside votes.
These now smooth-tongued chaps may
as well know, once for all, that Demo
crate are not blind to the doings of Thad
Stevens and the Congress which follows
his lead ; nor have they so soon forgotten
that the Ridleal candidates, from
Congressman down to Coro nei, are pled
ged, by the resolutions of their Conven
tion, to the support of an Amendment to
the Constitution through which the Rad
ical leaders are trying to force Negro Suf
frage and—Negro Equality upon all the
States of the Union. These questions
Democrats understand; and they under
stand, too, that every vote cast at the next
election for a candidate on the opposition
ticket will be an endorseMent, to that ex
tent., of the ruinous, the devilish schemes
in which Thad Stevens and his followers
are engaged. Democrats can't afford,
therefore, to cut their own excellent tick
et, to endorse the negroism .represent
ed by the oneon the other side.. No, no;
Democrats don't like the smell of the
(*Feu, corrra 441) Im.
This famous trio of Generals, who dur
ing the war were lauded to the skies by
the abolition press, have fallen into sud
den and profound disgrace. They all at
tended a Union Convention. It only
now remains for Boabdil GEARY to de
ncamcg them, as he did the Den peratic
soldiers who met In Convention tit Har
risburg, as cowards, skulkers and bounty
We take pleasure in announeing the
nomination of our friend B. F., Meyers,
editor of the Bedford Gazette, as the
"Democratic and National Union" can
didate for the State Senate in the Ful
ton, Bedford and Somerset district. Mr.
Meyers has served distinction in
the House of Representatives, and is
widely known as a man of ability and
of sound constitutional principles.
President Johnson has paged a
proclamation abolishing martial law iu
Texas, the last State in which it l existed,
and proclaiming that "insurrection is at
an end, and that peace, order and tran
quility and civil authority now exist in
arid throughout the whole of the United
States." Thus is the President's policy
bearing its rich- fruits, restoring pea ce
and good will throughout the land, while
nothing but evil has come out of the
course pursued by Congress.
itar It is stated that Wm. goonts,
the Radical candidate for Congress in this
district, voted vainst the Soldiers'
Sig The soldiers will have an an
(*GO to Petite WIA blaa at the rait
Mon. J. McDowell Sharpe and Hon. F.
M. Kimmel, of Chambeniburg, being '
hose at Court lafit week, a call was Issued
fOrn Democratic meeting at th-Court
-house on Wednesday evening, to be ad
dressed by these gentlemen. Though
the notice was short, the turn out was
large and enthusiastic, far beyond expee-
About dusk, the Gettysburg Brass
Band, seated in the magnificent Chariot
belonging to the Deniocraey, treated dif
ferent parts of town to some excellent
music, and proceeding to the Court-house
performed there at intervals during the
At about 8 o'clock. the meeting, then
literally packing the Court-room, was or
ganized as follows: 0
President, Hon. James M. Marshall. I
Vice Presidents, Wm. B. Gardner,
Esq., Jacob Klunk, Jacob Grove, Major
,Jueob Sanders, Joseph Gelbach, Capt. W.
H. Brrigunier, Fnmets NVill, Daniel Bic
seeker, I%aac F. Brinkerhoff; A. .f. Ito:v
-eva Frederick Quiekel, Elias Hartman,
J. Soott Wilson, John McMaster, John
Henry Myers, George Bushman, Francis
Bream, Isaac nervier, George Laugh. •
Secretaries, Thomas G. Neely, John W:
McConnell, Peter Adams, Cornelius
Daugherty, Howard Dicks, Alfred Slon
eker, Lieut. S. H. Eicholtz, Samuel
A large and eliusiastie Demoeratie
meeting was held at kaughman's School
house, in Berwick township, on Satur
day evening, August 1:411,, \ Persons at
tended who seldom go to pnliticalineet
ings, and seemed much iutereSted in the
proceedings. J)r. McClure, of New Ox
ford, and Wm. H. Albright, of York, ad
dressed the meeting in a creditable Mail,
ncr. The officers were :
President, Jacob - Wertz t • Vice Presi
dents, Anthony Thoman, Henry Miller,
Jacob Shull, John Conly ; Secretaries,
Samuel A. 'Wertz, Samuel Kinneman.
We hope that the townships will go to
work, and get up meetings at each and
every farm house. Hold meetings, or
ganize, and make speeches to each other.
Much good may thus be done.
There is another big trouble in the Re
publican party. Henry J. Raymond,
the Chairman of the National Republican
Committee, appointed by the Republican
Convention at Baltimore in 18134, is BONY
DENT. JoHNsolkt ! Several other mem
bers of the Committee take tho same
The Radicals are determined to throw
them out, and will no doubt do so. But
can their party afford the splitting off of
such iMportant members? Really, their
troubles begin to look quite as formida
ble as did those of the Democracy in 1800,
and all efforts to heal them will be just
as fruitless. Radicalism is going to
• k 8 Another !—The Chairman of the
Republican . State Central Committee of
Illinois declines to serve further in that
capacity. • He Is opposed to Thad Stevens
and Negro Radicalism, and goes With the
White Man's party for Johnson, the
Constitution and the Union I
Sit' Koontz, the Radical candidate for
Congress in this district, made a speech
at Johnstown on the 10th lust., in which
he declared that "the time must soon
come when all men, without regard to
COLOR or RACE, must Le EQUAL in
EVERY respect," That le, negroes
must vote!—negroes must sit on juries
negroes must marry white girls I--and be
equal in "every respect" to white men!
People of Adams, what say you to such a
bid for your votes?
VirVe publish to-day, to the exclusion
of our usual variety, the able and patriot
ic Address of the National Union Con
vention at Philadelphia to the people of
the United States. It should be read in
every household, and its sentiments and
doctrines pondered upon by every free
man in the land. Bead, and hand to
your neighbor /
liel.The reply of the President to the
address of the New Hampshire delega
tion of the Philadelphia Convention Indi
cates changes in official places in the rad
ical States. The President says that it
will be expected of the incumbents of
federal offices that they will sanction the
policy and principles of the Philadelphia
National, Union Convention.
lierltr. Chandler, Assistant Secretary
of the Treasury, wha has heretofore been
a Radical, has had his eyes opened by
the Philadelphia Convention. He is
said to be loud in proclaiming his admi
ration of the Phtlidelpbla deolaratioo of
__ ______— —_ --- ,
Lion'is Periodical Drips! t iiiiit"' The. lladkal• pipers spettli of th eet-
TOWN 'biD' m t .: GitF;AT FPI( vt lo 11F"ki '
„. • • •- Fan. F"rt t i t' ings ot Demoera
rt-FAllL.A.ltill..r. — +lnmse Drup are a s lentil!, 144 as composed of 'f
T' • .
e ' ea nyeampoan lel dull preparation, and better perileads, fikedadtilers Bounty Jumnere
ser . We • dtree t a r ;ti o ti re the 'erg 1. 1 . any ring. Pmederi or Nodrulll4. an d
ttg 11- ..., t . -.... ..
r sale in t
' nal LthalrAettuts le direvt, and peative,ren.lering and .qeserters." Democrats, wnen its
amount of Beal Estate offered fo
We r, e, -
I went a rats . i -.3 and eel t.llll hpecill,! tor dieal candidates ask you for your votes,
this paper, • ru,3 cure of all oostruetlonx and POlpiirehSloll,l Of •
nafttre• Th rir ri''' lit Y 18 ib ll'ah'd bY ell.' fa'-'t refer them to these Insults, and s I them
g ve
that over . Rio , 11,1tti,,, ere nouttAlly I "ii.tim.,ll
byby the ladles or th, United sq,o,-.1. ever:, OOP of to Inltterstand that you intend to resent
ltd .4....ucs In rt., ..q.r• m.;,•st t-rnek or pr Ow of them at the polls. .
their great nterit.,. ,i' •o
v nri , rapidly taking the
ptice °revery urns i•••nt Ile It •nt.• ty,:ind art•con- ,
.'----- ---Arett..—
tildered by all vile, know ought ot them, :LH the I Wig- The eholerairx raging fearfullyt '
Kureat, salon, an i 111 , ,,,t pr,p trAtlon In
th e world, km li , ' (lir.• or nit ltdualt• vttaplaint%. Cincinnati and Mt. Louis. It has greatly
~, sr
the of all o,, ,tru , liotp., or eaten.. and tit... t ,La -
~o rnot ion of he tlttt 'i, regu larity and atr..nath.— '
tta ut :New Y ork.
k pl i e i t dire hil,ll . i Statin g \Vitra they mat n4ed,' _. .
«wee -
awl explalalms %%hen and w y 4.A 0
theould not,l VirCleneral 's salary as General
nor chuld . not l''' a•ed wltlvan nrodneht4 etreets
cont.r,i Am ary to n
am ate 1 IaW N Vi nd
11l lA. found euully trill amount to $15,000 a year as much
rebi i els ur
,' oottle. with th.. written -dzn.l- as the
tare or Jogs' L. LYON, without which none are , Prenklent receives...
I wra................._._
l by Pr. SifIINI I, LYON, 115 (qua o l - k, .. • • • P -
st,ot, New t"."'N• • n, I ran.. Who ein he connilled
eithfr Pomon,Lllv, or by in LH, ~ ,n ..bedng stmnp.)
eoneernlna all private (11%ent,, :In t tannin weak
nesses. kWh' by beugglats eV , rywh,re
I'. G. cr. uti:
ri,el .I.geuts tor Ij. S. and Canada&
Nov 6, by
Ear ,The next session Of Miss Meelel
geleet School will open on the 17th
or Septentl,er, two weeks later than
usual. t 4 ee alvertisoment:
DEW. E.. 'Myers has purchased the
property of Samuel llerbst,in Chambers
burg street, at $5,549.
- SWWe are indebted to Mike Olivia
Settle, of Franklin township, for a very
large and beautiful apple, ;Its circumfer
ence meaauring fourteen inches. We
take this to be•hard to beat.
DismrOrisii.f.n Marton. Queen
Emma, of the Sandwich Wands, accom
panied by Miss ; Spurgeon, an English
lady, Mr. Edmonds, her et i arg e d'Affairs
at New York, and Major Hopkins, her
Minister of Interior, arrived here In a
special car on Wed nesda* to View the
Battle-field. The Queen is about 30
years old, and Is a widow; has a rather
dienitkikappearanee, and Is said to be In
telligent. Hex eomplexiop may be deno
minated as dusky. ' The i party left next
mornine, after having - created a rather
unusual sensation.
Pie Sic.--A German Pie Nie will take
place at Wolf's Woods on Wednesday
n,ext. The public are invited. The Get
tysburg Band has la-en engaged for the
day, and an Omnibus will make reguhir
trips from town to the ground. A pleas
ant time is expected.
.Special Notice Column.
glatit 1144 a Craig'',
a few years - sinee, was many a splendid head flint
Is nos• grey or grizzled. Why not restore to the
yet unwrinkled brow Its rav!n honors? }lva
minutes effe,•ti the splendid transformation, In
less Unto than it nut would kke to
J.4).1.1) AND FIRE
throe times. the yer ost head may he made darker
than the HA WINO. No !natter of what
undesirable tint lit- hair or whiskers or Iscard
may be, the ehanue to a superb an i perfectly nat
ural bbtek or brown is accomplished by one ap
plication of '
c.lntisTApomys E,
without stalffitig thi.sklnarinjuringthettlaments.
Mactufnetured by J. CHRISTA:D.)IW, (; Astor
House, New York. soia by Druggists. Applied
Ity all Hair Drthssers. [Ang.
Dr. Tobin• Venetian Liniment.
' chronic riniumatista, headache, toothache, emu:),
colic, quinsy. sore throat, and pains in any part of
the body. Remember, this article is a SUCeLlili---
,not an experiment:, Mr 19 years it has been tested.
No medicine ever had such a reputation as this;
silently it has worked Its way before the public,
and all ^reload in Its praise, "Chronic rheuma
tism." Thousands who laid for Weeks or. a heel of
agony, and never walked without the aid of cnit
ehes, with this complaint, can testily to the magic
al effects of this liniment. They -sire` cured and
proclaim its virtues throughout the land. Re
member, relief is certain, and a positive cure is
i nure to follow. Headache of all kinds we warrant
to cure. Putrid sore throat, quinsy, and diptheria
are robbed of their terrors by a timely use of the
Venetian Liniment. •It has saved hundreds the
past three months. Price 10 and 80 cents a bottle.
Odlee, 56 Cortland sire+. t, Now York. Sold by all
Druggists. ' [August 27,1888, lux
Mleoek's Porous Plasters.
Cayuga, Rinds County, Slim.
T. Ce.—Gcn:letu in: Please sand in::
another six down of your Porous Plasters. They
are In great demand here for Whooping-cough.
They net like la charm. I could hare sold two
dozen this week if I had had them. Send as soon
as possible, and ohlkge,
Yours respectfully,
3fr. Wm. 31 of 21.5, Spring Street; New York,
writes, Jan. 1, 11i5C: I have been inflicted with
asthma for upwards of ten yeark receiving 'no
benefit from medical men. I was advised by - a
friend to try one of Alleock's Porous Piasters. I
said, I had tried seventh kinds of plasters Without
any benefit, and supposed they were all alike.=
My friend gave me one of AlL:lvies, fuel urged me
to use It. •T did so, and have now worn them
steadily for nine months, and find myself better
than I have been for many years. Agency, Bran
droth House, New YOrk. Sold by Druggists.
Auguflt 21, I*lB. im
Latest M irket Repprts.
- ,
ET T Y SB - URCe - s,
/0 30 4 12 00
E, L
RYotTri. - - 3 25
WM E. WHEAT, ." 2 10 4 2AI
RED HEAT, - - 200 32 Si
CORN - - . 70
RV 31, - -, • 80
OAT A, - - Si
BUCK HEAT,- • - 75
EAT, - ss 600 4 990
FLO - - 10 83 412 73
WRIT - - -E . 24311 8 50
AYR - - 26 (4 102
CORN - -, • lao
°Ars • - - - 2 ll 2ll 48
HOG' ban_ ,d. • - 11 00 418 00
REEF AWL?, Bhind.„ - 9 4r4 17 00
- - - • 21 00 4EI 00
WHIN ET. _, - . - -; 230sr 3 35
Married. ‘4,
On Sunibiiinorntng, Aug. 11fflt, It the ChM. Ref.
Parsontrge, ea Oxford, by the Rey. W. F. P. Da-
SARAH A. SPANGLER, both of York co., Pa.
At the 0111111 time and place, by the tame, Mr.
11A.UM. both of York 00., Pa.
On Tta i rsday, 2Srd tnat., at the minim place, and
by the a, Mr. ABRAHAM I4OKE to Was LA.-
VINA both near Hampton, Adams co.
On tho 12th hint., be the Rev. M. A. gettlichter_t
E. BEA mpt, both of the vtoh3Lty 'Monition's Sta
km, 4ut • i connty.
At nut Berlin, qg. I Ith, ?4r. JOHN BOOP,
aged 711 years 8 months and IS days.
Near Getty:Apar& on the 18th inst., Mrs. ANNA,
wire ormr, blase DaarderX, In the OW year other
TUNE Zl Neew New
PLI NG, aged oxford, o n e
m nth hut, CATHA,
On the 11th inst., gns. EXELINIt L. MYER%
aged 21 mutt a months and 12,10.78..
On the 18th (ginly, ARRY CRAWFORD. aged
b, months'
m awl ta de.911; Am:tut Lith. JINN OTT
GRA,cs. od 31 months awl 21 any& Belov.ed
ehlktran of William IL an Martha X.:Ashbaugh.
. Qn the leth Inst., near Nen Chester, CASOLL
NA. normA. infant danightes of Theisig Wott,
will *WO/ 11 4 4 Pds,7*
Dr. Marshall's Catarrh' llama.
Thla snail' has tit >rani) ly prov e d itself to be the
tw it a rticle known for euring the Catarrh, Cold
•in the Head and Heal:m.l'e. It haslteen bound an
ex:cell:tat remedy in many eases of etr#• Eyes.—
Dearness has be t ' removed by it, and Hearing
has Often been greatly lin proy,sl by its use.
' It is fragrant an i az,hleable, and GCV i'-`4 twits:-
DlA'rn likLiar to the dull 110.1 punl 11411Seil by
diseasos of the head. The .curtatlonts,aiter using
It are delightful .#o.I #
di% :gond lag. It owns and
purge/40ot all otwt ma t lons,strennt liens t he glands,
and gives a healthy act 11,11 to the pans atleetod.
More than Thirty Years' of s tie and use of "Dr.
Marshall's Cat:mit and Ilewlache Sault'," has
prove d in, great s illie
to' all thecolllllloll diseases I
or the head. an I at this moment stands higher
than ever beforo.
It is rOCOTIIIIIOII led by many of the best physi
cians, and Is u •‘,.1 a 4th great success and satisfac
tion everywhere.
Road the Certiti ' , ate , . of Wholesale Druggists In
1854: The nn tersianed, it n hig for tbany years
. been acquainted ali it " Dr, Marshall's Catandi
' an d," au I sold It In OW wholesale I
trade, cheerfully stat., that we belleVO It to bo
equal. In every reqpeet, to the recommendations
given of it for the ear, oft 'atarrlial A tfectlollS,
and that it Is ti011...:1, I n,. ~,,,, art Leh ,
we have
everknown for all -0 111111.,!I , 11,.1.{..1 Of ti.' lit. 01.
1 Burr t Perry Bu-t ,i 1 ; I teal I, I.ipkton A: (' 1., 80,
t , in ; Brown, I.:to. •at a: Co., Roston ; setit W.
1 Fowle, Boston . ; Wil,on, l'alrbank dt Co., Boston;
Henntaw, P.dantli I ,t c.., itn,Jon; If, li. liav,
Portland, :tf....; 11 .M., d: Park, New York; A. It.
D. sands, New l , wk : stonily!' Pant ,t, Co., New
York: Israel 3litior .b Co., New York • Melsea.ou
, & Roimlns, New Yolk; .t. L. S. ovill . A. Co., New
,'York; M. Ward, ('ln." a - Co.. 'N. , ty York: B a sh ..t
' Gala New York. 1.:..7'.'0r sale by all Drug.! lg.—
' , Try it. L 1)%;,:. IS. InTi. ly
The Wirral Enzit‘h Remedy
Sul JA.:(Es k rED Fl - ttLE
Prepared froal 0 rresertntion of hit' J.
Clarke, M.Phy-JeLin Extraordin.try lo the
Queen. This inValll.lllle niedielno Is mind' nig It
t lie cure of all til , l4e p 011:111 and dang ,- .Tou.; disea
ses to which the tern tle eontdiiiition is ,uhieet. It
mu {crates all and reinov,"; unduly:-
think and a gp:.edy ,-11 re in IY I, relied on.
To MarrlAl Ladles it is hotly suited. It will,
In a slaorLtimo, Ortng on the monthly period with
Each linttle, price On , D•ttlar, bears the Govern
ment citamp of Lireat itrit-tim to prevent eon nfer
CA rriox.—These Pill, s'inull not ho t'Llten by
Females during the vi n, r runts moN•rtis of Preg
nancy, tut they are, stir. , to bring on Mis.arringe,
but at any other tint , tiwy are s.ate.
In all 1.8,28 of Nervou, .in , l Spinal A M-ctions,
Pains, In the II ick and Limbs, Fatigue On slight
ex“rtlon, Palpitation of the !Lean, Hysterics, and
W lilt -s, these Pills will effect tt , •ore when all oth
er tit hive an 1 althoolt a Imwertul
rented," do not contqln iron,
or :ins - thing hurtful to elitist II itt lon. -
Full directions in lirotin 1 each
pa - kaze, which shoull) pre:••••rve,l.
liol.l by all Druggiqs.' Ile tit for the Uni
ted States and Canwhi,
JOB MtkiES,`27 Cortland St., N. Y.
N. 8.-41,00 and 6 nos! lac ...tamps encluoied to tiny
authorlz,d Agent, wilt Im - urea tenth', containing
50 Pills, by return mall. Bold by A. 1). Buehler.
18, lads. IS
iatt-s . rit 41:k1
The Great French Remedy.
DR. Sr 11r 112 Hr%;
Prepared from a pr• ption Ju.tri Dela.
iti.trre, ( Por , i-Inn of t! llos,iltal
dusNr.rd 61' Pam:.
This havalimbl , is no 1101.0.1110 n, bra
Is Willa I ling in the cure of sp•rinatorrie nr sem I
nal Weakness. Even' sp 4.10114 or
n.iry Irrttuhiltty, lifvolnutaryorNlzlitlyScin!...ll
Emissions from wh eon: • pr. , or
ever severe,, will In. ,;poedily re'loved and tue or
g.ths restored to ite i ishy
Reit.' the following ilinnior.s of eminent French
- We have - milk the grits:J:le Pills prepared by
ri.le in. tore Si 2NIB•ie Lombard, from of hr, .in imam., in our
private inw.i it.ti Wit 111111.0 mi 5111c . (...N. /111.1 NI, 111,
hove there Is IV) Otael NI Welt ea r ietli.tfrd
to cure all persons s• 1 term.; IrnitiNinvOluntary
IY.ll4sions or any •r or tile
OnzatiS, whether ea. 1404 by sedentary `,lo4lem 01
living, excesses, or rilise,
It. A. IIF: trilErArar, n.
IL D. 1 ir.r M. D.
.I.:As LEUVIIRI.4 31i. D.
Parts, Mar WI, tkrn."
111 , ...8".1,1tE ill OWN rEII.FMT:S.
Th 9 germ:Lie Pills are sal by
the prim - April
Druggists throintliont the W.wl Pr's , um)
p•tr Box, orsix Box.s for Five Dot irs.
IiARASJ:IEI!EAh r ,s• lie Pr..prictors,
No. 211 Ita.• tr.l,
`One Dollar entdostsl to nnv nut to/r;401 AgPrit,
will tiara a box by return sooircly sealed
from nil olcotrvationt stx It cc... 4 for Arc dollars.
Sale General Agents for .I,lnerlca.
I. 310.4E 4 . & on.,
27 Cortland st., N. Y.
N. B.—French. (3.rtilln, i. 3 ;) trash and le.nglialt
Pam plti di, containing roll i trt calor4 and diroc-
Iloilo tar 11149. sent fre to eve ry rpillreµN.
A. 0. flu Ag'nt for Gottysbirrg
Doe. IS, ly
Ayer'A 4i tie Care,
Intermittent Fever. or Fever awl Ague, 'Remit
tent Fever, CUM Fever, Dain;)
Headache or Rdlou• - ; 110 tdadie , lola Bilious Fe
vers. in teed for the wli c1i163 fils..nnes origin
attnt; in binary nentozem,ut, caused by thu Mu-
Luria *A mltvatatte &molt ries.
. . • •
Fever and A.gue is m,t the only consequence 01
mlasnmtie poison. A great v trlety of disoniers
arise from Its irritation. In inalarions districts,
among Which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Limit,
Headache, killndnesS, Toothache, Earache, Ca
tarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, nautili Affection ot
the Spleen, nystericks, Pain in the nowelq.
Paralysis, an I It Tamgent mt of the stomach, all
orwttioli, when originating in thi, I'llll,, 1111 t on
the Intermittent type, or become re.rlo Beal. This
"CuitE" expels the poison the blood, and
thus cures them all uliJae. It is not only the most
effectual remely ever discov,e,il for this class ot
complaints, but it is the cheapest and moreover
Is perfectly safe. No harm inn arise from It. its , ,
and the patient when -aced lett healthy as if
he 111 , 1 never had the to this b.. said ot
ally other core for(;'till., and Fever? It Is true ot
ttl IS, and Its importance to th.ise atilleted with the
com plaint cannot bo,oeor 4 4,1. so sure is
It to cure the FeVON . Agile, that It may be
truthfully said to he a certain r One Deal
er momplalns that It is ii it a e gad ta. , lieine to sell,
because on. bottle cures a whole n •Ighlxirhood.
Prep,arelllty J. C. Ay nit .t Loy.vell,ll.xsa., and
told by A. D. Buehler, Clettys'Jurg.
July 9,1&4. tut
Terrible DP4eloinres.
REVUISTI FOR TILE Mft.t.tosrl— %. most valnahle
and wonderful purdicatlon. A wo-k or 4or p ages,
and de adored Engravings. Int. 4
WADE lirf Ket'Al, an original and popular treatise
on Man and Woman, tnelr Poystolir4y,Funetrons,
and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-
Failing Remedies fig' thelrspeedycure. The prac
tice of lilt: HUNTER ha,..f long been, unit still Is,
unbounded, but at the ear nent solicitation or nu
merous persons, he has been in Mee 1 to extend
his medical usefulness through the medium °flits
VADE flits a volutae that shoUld bo
In the hands of every family in the land, as a pre•
veutlve of secret or AY a guide for thy alley!.
&Mott of one of the went awful and destructive
tuemrges that ever visited man kin I. One copy,
securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of post
age to any part of t he rfnlto IStates for. - 10 emits In
P. O. stamps. Address, past paid, DM If UNTlift,
No. 3 1)1vielon St., New York. 0-kpt. F t , ly
To Constarriptivel,
The advertiser, haring been restored to health
In a few week's by a very simpfti remedy, after
having snirbred for several years with a severe
lung affection, and that dread disease, Consump
tion—is anxious to frisks known to his yellow the means of care.
To all who d. lire it, tie will send a COPY of the
prescription use I (free of charge,) with the direc
tions for pnm tring and rising the same, which
they will find a strait CURB FOR CONSUMPTION,
Asrinc.t, Rao:scams, COUOILS, COLDS, and all
Throat and bung - Afrections. The only object or
the advertiser In sending the Prescription Is to
benefit the afflicted, an 4 spread information which
he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will sost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
PArties wishing the prescription razz byreturn
mall, will please address
Mar. 5, 18 08.
Williamsburg. Kings co., New York.
!ire maill Ear I
PROP. J. /13A4ai, M. D., Omllst and Anrist
formerly Of Leyden, Flo Hand, is Locate,' at No
PlNEStreet, PRILADV.I.P.FI lA, where persons
afflicted with diseises of the EYE or NUR, will be
acienWcally treated and cured, if curable. N. B.
—ARTIFICIAL EYM4 inserted without pain.—
NO (Marrs made for examinations. 'The m
faculty Invited, Si 4e Lm no secret in his mode
of treatment, [Julyl7, 1245. /7
Straarre, but True.
Elveryyoung lady and gentleman In the United
States can hear something very mach to their ad
vantage by return mill (tree or charge,) by ad.
dressing the urblershmed. Those having fears of
biting humbugged will oblige by not noticing this
card. All others will please addrces their obedi
ent ger:ant. THOS F. CHAPMAN.
14ar• 'BB . SR Broadway, N. y.
birThe Republican.; pmuch
at the Philadelphia C0bv041.1411-tkat tbey
thresteg to VA
i—v; SATURDAY, the 15th day of SEPTRNI
j 111:it next, in pursuance of an Order of
the Orphans' Court of Aleuts county, the an.
dersianea, Guardian Vibe minor child of Wen.
Cansp ,dt•censed, will utrer-at Public Sale, , cna
the prem , ses. the interest (Living two•thirds),
of said minor child it,
A LOT OF GROUND, situate on the cuimer
of West and Middle streets, in the borough of
Gettyahurg, hnving thereon erected a Tin
story Doutde ROUGHCAST HOUSEtt
with h B Also a Cistern
on-sala lot.
dale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. oa said
day, when attendance will be given and terms
made known by
IR, Gurdian.
Bp the r() , lrt-T-J. Flak, O Clerk.
August 27, 1863. to
Public Sale
20th day of SEPTEIIIIEII next, the silb
ikriber tilt utter at Public Sale, ork the premi
A ft MALL FARM, situate ht Germany town
ship, Adams county, adjoining lands of Edward
Z. Mattlti is, Wm. Feeler, and others, within
half a mile of Feeler's Mill, containing 81
ACRE., more or leas. The improveent s are a
one nud a half story LOG ROC: 44
Log flirrn with Sheds, Corn Crib, Hog j"
Pen, Sprin' House win a never-failing l
tidritict, a first-rite Apple Orchard, of choke
fruit, in fine bearing can lition, with an abuu•
dance of all kinds of othei fruit, such as Illexeli
es, Peirs, Cherries, Ac. The farm is laid out
in eor4venie it fields, with water hi nearly alt;
and lids a sufficiency of Meitdow. The farm ,
has been limed all over, and is in a high state
, of cultivation.
l'er" , ons wishing to riolv the property will
call on the subseiiber, residing thereon.
4y-'ale to commence at 1 o'clock, I'. M.,
on said day, when attendance will be given
and terms made known by
Wilow of Satuuel Biker, ttue'd.
August 27, 1861.% Is
A Good Farm
AT PRTVATE SAL E.—The subset iber offers
at Private Sale, hie vq.luable FARM, site
ate in Freedom township, Adams county, Pa.,
containing la ACRKS, snore or less. The
improvements con3ist of a good Two.
story LOG HOUSE% and Log B ten,
House, Smoke !louse and Milk House ii
all under one roof; and other outb uildiij
There are two 'wells of good water, one nt the
house and the other at the Barn, and a neier
ruling-stream of water running through the
farm. There are two young Orchards on the
premises, and a variety of all kinds of frilit.
There is about 25 Acres of good Timber an 1
a fair proportion of Meadow. The land is In it
high state of cultivation, and will be sold on
reasonable terms. This farm is conveniently
located to Milla , Markets, Schoole, Churches,
tc , and is among the most desirable in the
Per;on3 wishinz to riaw it will call on the
undersigned, residing thoreon.
Atigaßt 27, IRGti
Valuable Property
AT"sue s . TUESDAY, the
11th day of SE' 0 ft next, the un
der,igned, Adrainktra; , Dr. Henry A. MI-,
ct.,c,lsed, tr,ll olit‘r o • • nblic Sale, at the!
lute re.sidenee of s de'ecaled, ifi AlcSherrys
town, Conowago township, Adams county, the
f 0110%% log netieles of Per,onal Property, vie!
2 head of Horses, I Brood Sow, 3 Shoats,
1 Buggy, 1 One-horse Wogon, Buggy Iltroesn,
Wagon Harness, about two Huff a I! lif tone of
HAY, a Jot of Wheat in the, about two
acres of Corn growing, 2 hives of Hem, ,kb.
Also, Household nos Kitchen Furniture, such
no Reds and Bedsteads, flocking and counnois
Chairs, Tables, stands, one case of Dra.wer4,
1 Secretary, filly yards of Cu' Doting, Cook
Stove and Pipe; Coal Stove, 1 Copper Kettle,
1 Double-b moiled Shot Gun, and other arta•
cies too numerous to mention.
Airs 41e to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. U.,
on said day, wh en n'tendance will be given
ani Lerma made known by
August 27, 1266. to
Blacksmith Shop
AT PRIVATE SALE.— underegned In
tending, on account of health, to quit
Blarksmlthing, offers at Private Sale, his val
uable stand, situated In Frederick county,
Md., about one mile east of New Loudon,' on
the Annapolis road. The improvements are a
large and elegant. BLACK:3MI 8110 P, it good
Two-story Log DWELLING HOUSE, a well of
water near the door, with ft pomp in it, Stable,
Hog Pen, Smoke louse, dm, all in good con
Any person wishing to 'view the property
will please call upon the proprietor, residing
thereon. CliAltLlib A. 8111T1f.
Aug. 27, 1866. 6*
Register's_ Notices.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees and
other persons concerned, that the Ad.
ministration Accounts hereinafter mentioned
will be presented at the Orphan's Court of
Addms county, for conOrtnation'and allowance,
on TUESDAY, the 25th Jay of SEPTEMBER,
1800, at 10 o'clock, A. M., viz
331. The first and final account of Wm.
B. Gardner, Administrator of George
Gardner, deceased.
332.. The account of John Dickenson,
Guardian of the estate of Samuel D. Lock
ert, minor son of James Lockert. •
333. The second and final account of
John L. Smith, Administrator of Joseph
J. Smith, deceased.
334. The acconntof I.D,Worley,Admin
istrator of Joseph .Munintert, deceased.
333. The account of Elias Mayer, Ad.
ministiator of Wm. Rohrbaugh, dec'd.
333. The first and final account of Win.
A. Flekel, Administrator of the etstate4
Peter 1). Little ' deceased.
337. The first account of Mary McAl
lister, Executrix of the last will and tes
tament of Adaline McCullough, decod.
338. The account of Washington Mete,
gar, Adinlnistrator of the estate of &an,
uel Metzger, deceased.
Register's Office, Gettysburg, t
Aug. 27, 1860. td •
Notice. -
TRH Subscriber, appointed by the Orphans' ' T
Court of Ad tins comity, Auditor to di e-' c
pose of exCeptions to the first and final account
of Jesse Spahr, Administrator of Mary Opals,
late of Latimore township, deceased, and to
make distribution of said estate Wong the
persons legally entitled thereto, will attend 01
the duties - of said appointmeet, at the *See of
M. k W. McClean, in Oerttysbnrg, ouTf4IDAT,
the 14th day of SEPTIIIIBER next, at which
time and place 411,3serltons interested ik u a 4
estate are requested to attend. - r •
litUa4S IdeCLELN, Auditor ,
Augus4f, 18d6. td
Notice. • - •
Yi4tEIE undersigned, Auditor appointed' by the , •
Orphans' Court ofAdamt county, to mats ..
ribution of the estate of Henry gentian left,
of Franklin township, in heads of %err UM •
dy, Administrator of said decemsedy ,heaby . ,
gives notice to all the heirs and parties - in in,
west, that he will attend to and disobstrgielba4 . r
doles of hie said appointment, itthe Moe of
Duncan it White, in the &womb off Ciettre" :-
burg, On THURSDAY., the Mac day of SNP, -,,,-•
Tillißlift, lead, at. 11l Dicke*, . L . .‘,...111. 0 4thmit
and when all parties Attila; r7MII
lig,•4 , DvnikW - 74 - 44tr
4 1 ,1igi:27 . 0.64. - 14 , • Asemit4 jvitf;