Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, August 06, 1866, Image 1

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A Democratic Family Journal.,
Truth 14 JfisrAly, cued wai P►aaa7." •
TERMS OF PURLICATION". —92 0 per an.
num, If paid strictly ix an vA4es--1112 110 per an
num if Pot paid 14 ssivauce. No subscrlption Ma
o untinued, unless at the option of the publisher,
until all arreargos are paid,
A UN'ERTISENIEr Inserted at usual rate*.
JOB PRINTINCro all kinds tlonekrlth neatness
and ,1114iutt,th.
OP VICP., In &nit% Tlalttrnnre street, between
ItihlAte 1n (I High, near the Past Office= Consph•
ler Printing Office" on We Alga,
Professional Cards.
Dri. A. B. Dill & B. P. Herman
associated themselves ini.he practice
ALL. of Medicine and Surgery, and respectfully
tender their professional services to the eitt
stens of Petersburg and vicinity.
Pstelsburg, Y. 8., July 2, 1818.
- - -
I ct iler6 l P Dr. D. s. Peffer,
A •
r 4.9tOWN, Adams county, continues
„ . .,:nctice of his profession in all its
branches,. and wad respectfully invite all
persons afflicted with any old standing dis
eases to call and consult him.
Uet. 3, 18G4. tf
Dr. P. C. Wolf, -
UAVING located at EAST BEitLIN, Adams
county, hones that by strict attention to
Isis prof.ssion.ll duties ha may merit a Aare of
the public patronage. [Apr. 2, !0.2. tf
- Dr. C. E. Goldsborctagh,
T 7, Adams county, Pe., renews
his offer of profession , tl services to the
poke, sod those requiring medical and.sur
glenl aid will find it to their interest to don
suit hint. [May 2t, 18643. tf
' Dr. J. W. C. O'Neal's
A , APFICR and Dwelling, E—corner of Bal
timore and High streets ; near Presbyte
rlnn Clint* Gettysburg, Pa.
Nov. $O. 1843. tf
Dr. .1-.- E. laser,
HAVING located on the Hanover road, ONE
liiiyiritolertsant tgamship, Adams county, I'a.,
igferd his professional services to the public.,
fans 18433. 3m
J. Lawrence UHL m. D.,
Mir A,his'office one
door west of the 'To. st
Lutheran church tit —4"
Charnbershorg-street, and opposite Dr. C
!Lorne -'s office, where thcse Ivlstansr to have
it nv De•ittl 1 10 tra.tion p.riqr.n 14 are respect
fully invited to etII. Etavnievtas: Drs. Hor
ner, Rev. C. P. lima fh, D. D., Rev. It L.
Rougher, D. D., Rev, .Prof. V. Jacets, D. D.,
ifrof. L. Striver.
Gettysburg, April It, L
Lay PartnersVip
W . A. DUNCAN 1 1. It Wu ,
W:ll promptly attend to all legal business
entrusted to them, including lie procuring of
Pensions, Bounty,' Back Nay, and all other
ettirl,:i ug'aiast the United States stud kJ' ate
Governments. _
Offi,';'e in North We Cornet of Clamor'!"
Gettysburg, Penn'a.
Apra 3, I" G S. tt
Edward B. Bt filer,
ATTOR'M" AT LA.S, will faithfully and
promptly attend to all baqiness entrust
ed to him. lle speala the German'language.
•e at the saraa, pl4ce, in South Baltimore
t rept, netr Forney'a drug store, and nearly
telv?oilt- Nene.: St Ziegler's store .
G”ttvgll , l7.g, March 20.
J. C. Neely.
A TTORNEY AT LAW.-j—Partictilaratten
ilL tion p iii to colleciinn of Pensions,
isowity, and tek•pay. Clqir tp the S. E.
corner 4:1 the Ti d.
Gettyibitrg, April 6,1863. 11
D. McConauglay,
4 TrillN IS V AT LAW, (Mt .e one door west
It of Idueltler's drug' and book store, Chem
htrsourg street,) AT r . OI.VST aSp 8 LICITUtt rtssr•
P•re , :ts 44a l'esstoss. Bouut Land War
r ‘nts, Ilick-psv suspended CI ti 3, and all
other elalins against the Government at Wash
4u7,toa, I). C.; also American claims in Eug
laud. Lan I Warrants located and sold, or
bouzbt, and Li4ti est prin.:3 gives. Agents (ins
jr ‘ in lo,:stau_s• w trrauts in lOWA, Illiii(AS
i 4, 1 , 1 yth 9 we tis•rn tir.ttes. r,": , .. kp01y to Lim , on lilt' ur be lett , r.
Gettysburs,Sor. 21,. '53.
Globe Inn,
GF. TT I'S 13 U , A.—The undersigned
d would inostrrespectfully inform his nu
cieruns friends and the public generally, that
Ile has purchased , that long established and
avcll know Dotai,lhe "':lobe Inn," in York
street, twol will spare no effort to
s_ouduct it ma manner that will not detract
'from its former high - reputation. His table
will have the best,the market' can afford—bin
thambera are spacious end comfortable—aud
he has laid in tor his bar a full stack of winos
and liquors. There is la,rge stab Hog attached
to the Hotel, which will be sounded ivy Atten
tive hostlers. it will be his constant endeavot
to rattier Ole fullest satisfaction to his gueqs,
making his house as near a home to them as
possible. He asks a share of the public's pa
troaege, determino as he is to deserve a large
Fpart of gernember, the "GlObe Inn" is iu
ork street, bat seat tte Diamond, or Public
April 4, 18E4. tf
Bat'toad house,
Viti V ER, relic po., PA.
The undersigned would respectfully inform
his numerous , friends and the public generally,
that he has leased the Hotel in Hanover, near
the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah
Kohler, and will spare 110 Wort to conduct it
in a manner that will give general satisfaction.
His table will have the bast the markets can
afford--his eberabets era spasious and tom
fortable--;:ausilie lies Wit in for his bar a full
stock of choice wince and liquors. There is
stabling for horses attached to the Hotel. It
will Mt his constant 'endeavor to render the
fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his
house as pear a home to them as possible.—
lie asks a share of the public patronage, de
tekcitined as be is to deeerve e. large part of it.
Ilemember the gallscati Haase, near_the De.
pot Hanover, Pa. A. P. BA.Tia.IEH..
Occ. 7, 18135. tr
-•-- -
Notions at Confections.
THE subscriber keeps a Notion and Confec
tionary Store on Carlisle street; nearly
opposite the ltstilroad Station, Gettysburg, -
where he bas constantly on band, CANDIES,
NUTS, Figs, Raisins, Lemons, Oranges, &c.,
Tuuacco's and Segara of all kinds: Pocket-
Books, Suspehders, Neck Ties, Collars, &c.
Soaps and Perfumeries; also some GROCE
RIES, Sugars, Coffees, Rice, With the daliarent
lOnds of Crackers. tee-cold MEAD at all
A l es. lie invites custom from tOWn and
4,try, and sells at small profits, ' •
•ug. 7, 1865. ly
ALL kinds of PICTURES, large and mall,
neatly and correctly copied at the Excel-
AStYPEftlOrt. qtrality_9( the beat Louden
Draft If AN,f.ES, with or Without fasten
i lip, for sale-by D. .11c,CREARY k EON.
Something new!—Call aneame them at
lilei's Tin and Sheet Iron Factory. Dec!.
&iffy the beat Can ever manufactured. Also,
FRUIT JABS, of the best and most •itnnroved
Berrie the Teeth, cares All iilamistS of the
vitas sea purities the breath.
AK43ILLI4ItIwkI4tteIIITITILS- for sale at
Ilaraerialrail sad irafietTatVat
lANOS!—The undersigned would respect
fully inform the public that be can furnish
ANUS of X the following manufacturers, or
those of other make, if desired, at the rawest
possible prices :
1140. STECIE. ~
, A. H. OAHLE is CO.
MrParticular attention is Oren to the se
lection of Pianos ; and when so selected, in ad
tion to the manufacturers' guarantee, the Pianos
are guaranleed ha,ute.
The recent improvements in these instrn
menu are stt.-11 as to fully wuriant saying they
are VAR SUPERIOR to,any other make. One
of the best evidences of their merit is, that.
their improvements are imit tted by 'other
makers. The new style, four stop organ, bare
a Sub. Bass and Octave• Couplet, making it. an
Instrument especially adapted to Church and
Sabbath School purposes.
will be sent by mail to persons desiring 'them.
Pl i anos tuned regularly. Pianos taken in ex
chs.nge. PETER BENTZ,
, •No. 30 East Market St., York, Pa
June 17, 18/15. ly
lIE subscribers hereby inform their ens
-1 tomes *ad the public generally, that.
they have now cm kamd ; and continue to man
ufacture to vedee.
CABINET' runsirunE.,
which, for style and durability, finish an d
price, will compete with any in the county.—
Our present stock coststs of every variety of
Furniture uettally kept in a fast class Furni
ture Ware Room. Fashionable; oeuamental
or plain Furniture manufactured in the most
substantial manner, by most experienced
workmen, and at the lowest cash prices. . ,
Having a new Hearse, particular attnntios
will be given to this branch of their business.
They are prepared to make and furnish Coffin's
'of any desired quality, and attend Funerals
at 1.14 shortest notice—and on such terms as
cannot. tail to please all.
' The suhurtbata return their thanks to the,
pi:l)4e for the Eters! patronage extended, to
!hm iu .the past, and hope to meri land receive
.s..Lonirau.tnee of public patronage.
rillop and Ware Room third =building east
of the Bquarer H. FETE Jr BRO.
Uti.tes.tewo., .4.ptil 03, f.f
II 4 / 1 4 s+- 1 .P 6 . DI/UT.4 k SHOES.
Jaye.; vst fecelaet! and .o.pewed npother splendid
aseorttneut of VATS, CAPS% BOUTS and
SIdUES, for Scnamet' xear, whiek they are
selling at vory low prices considering the
times. The latest styles of Sunnier Il.tts and
Cape, of ecery de.;er?pLiou and price.
Boots and Shoes, eravi.eiLaw.onake, notlp lly
wartateel to lit. 'Owe; s on band. Work
made to order and repairing done cn skw.rtgo
tire, by e.vperieneed workvuen. Alto,
carried on in nll its bran Ches, Parsons want
ing anythiuz ita tl is Use wojkld do it eli to call.
ItY'llon't forget the uld - bhiod iu Clo.tulAgra.
burg street, if you want litylgains.
COBE.IX, 4 C,4.1W1 .UP.f.7,
June tp, iSESS
211 A. SCOT r SONS have lust reeeir,24
another-fine assortment ui W oOODN,.e4m
sisting, its part, of Cloths, Cassimeres, CASezi.-
nets, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds; fur Gen
tlemen's wear. Also, a fine assortment a
Our stock has lieen selected with great este,
lad we are prepared to sell a; i 4eup as any'
other eitabli.braent in tie couniTy. We ask
the public to clye 113 a L.ill and judge for,
iltetoielt ts. We it,t . ;,Juluctitioti,--trAlt its to
quality and lake. A. Cu PT SCaZi.
April' 2,186 G.
Carr/age-making IStamiuo4s.
frill. Har being over, the under.ti,ued€
1 re , utut I the
uid strati, in Jliddlc streht..-±
1.; ETTl'6l3l.fllll, •
where they are again prepared to put uplwork
in the most fashionatle, substantial, and supe
rior manner. A lot of new anti second-Laud
ori hand, wLich they will idisuuse of at the
lowest prices; and all orders will be supplied
as promptly and Satisfactorily as possible:
done with dispatch, and at cheapest rates.
A large lot of uew and old LIAR-Si:SS oo
bind for sale.
Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto
ford enioed by theta, they solicit and twill en
deavor to deserve a large share in the future.
July 10, 1865. tf
I aggles and,Carriages.
. T .. WAY! .TIIIS WAYI—The under
sigted is engaged in the Carriage-tusking
business, at the corner of Chainberstmrg and
West streets, Gettysburg, and invites all who
may need anything in his line o give him a
kali. ,Ile pats gp, in the very best manner,
itttimg-lop and other REGGIE , and all the
diffesent styles of CARRIAGE . With a fall
knowledge of the business, an, irdetermina
' ttort to give satisfaction, the public can rely
upon his jobs being good. !lei-will endeavor
to deserve a large share of patronage, and
hopes to receive it. •
REPAIRING done at the shortest notice,
And on most reasonable 4 terms. IffeirOotintry
produea will be taken in exchange for work.
Gettysburg, June 4, 1866. tf i
MIME TABLE.--On and aftef Friday, Nov;
Mk, 1885, pa ssenger trains on the Hart.
over Branch Railroad will leave-as follows :
FIRST TRAIN, (which makes connection
.with three trains on the Northerk Central
Railway at the Junction,) will leave Hanover
at 9.00 A, H., for York, Baltimore, Harrisburg,
and intermediate stations. •
filiP'•This train returns to Hanover at 12 M.
and arrives at Gettysburg at 1
SECOND TRAIN leaves Hanover at 2.20 P.
, and arrives at, the Junction at 3.10 P.
connecting with the Mail Train South, which
arrives at Raitiniore at SP. H. Passengers by
thispain for .Yark lay over at the Jeoctiott
unti 6.12 P. M.
Passengers ladving Baltimore for Hanover,
Gettysbarg, and Littlestown, will take either
the Mail Train at 9 4. 4., or the Past Line at
12.1, P. H. ' JOSEPH LW'S, Agekt,.
Dec. 18, 1865. ,
Esters Cottage Organs - --
ARE not only unexcelled, but they are ab
solutely unequalled, by any other Reed
Instrument in the country. Designed express
ly for Churches aqd Sehools, they are round
to be equally well adapted to the parlor and
drawing. room. For sale only by
No. 18 North &tenth St, Philadelphia.
girAlso, BRAD_BUIVY'S PIANOS, and a
complete assortment of the PERFECT ME
40g011, [Oct. Z r ISO, 17
'June 16, 186 d
f „,..„.
b y
p rt.
- ~ -
Pianos Plaitos I
Cabinet Fneniture.
'Prod) Arrival.
Fresh Supply.
'fattener B, Railroad.
Soluble Puente Guano.
IN/ contains 70 lbs. azu mat pusiter,y4lding
Lo 8 lbs. ammonia. •
Also 80 to 90 lbs. earthy bone Phosphate of lime,
20 lbs. Of which are so/4/de phosphate.
It combines- all the advantiges of the beer
grand, of Super Phosphate, with those of Pe
ruvian Guano. '
tly reason of its greater toner:Oration, we re
commend 20 per cf. less by wtight to be used
per acre, than of any fertilizer costing the
same per ton and. no more per acre than of
those Felling nt 20 per et. more _per ton.—
Hence its economy, • •
This guano weilik3 65dba. per bushel, hence
in applying it fanaksraust be governed by,.
weight and not ey bulls for it is ranch tighter ` "
than the Super Pnoaphatea. Every cargo d,sly
' 71 South Streett.Buttintore.
"Flour of Hone."'
• •
ITE give a money guarantef the
y pur4ty of this article. It is pureua
rimmed, undurnt bone, reduced to the finenera\of
flour, whicl6ld.l3 100 per et. to its value.
is as. quick tind cleave as acid dissolved Lone,
hence its v.ilue \ a vastly greater, because it
contains neither lid uor water, which neces
sarily add weight, ai reduce the quantity of
valuable elanients. e recommend 250 lbs.
to be used in place of 301 bs. Super Phosphate
or dissolved bone.
.101 IN S. ItEb E Sc CO.,
71 South &ree Buitirnore.
BerlfeCurily & Diehl, Agents, . ettysburg.
Mar. 12, /Btld.
• _ 1
Adams county
President—George Swope.
Vice President—Samuel It. Russell.
Secretary—o. A. Buehler.
Treasurer—E. G. Fahnestock..
Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy An
drew fleintzelmati; Jacob King.
orsosits: - -George Sviope, D. A. Buehler,
P.. )teUurdy, Al. Eichelbeiger, S. R. Russell, E.
G. Faheestork, A. D. Buehler, R. G. McCreary,
Gettysburg.; Jacob King, Straban township;
A. Ileintzottnan, Franklin; Wm. D. Ili:nes,
New Oxford; Win..B. Wilson, Bendersville ;
-11. A. Picking, Etraban.township ; John Wol
ford, Latimore torissliip; John Picking, Fast
• Berlin ; Abel I'. Wright. Bendersville ; Ablel
F. G itt, New Oxford; Jas. H. Marshall, Ham
iltouban township; John Cunntaglintn, Free
dom township; John Horner, Mouettey town
ship; Wm. Ross White, Liberty township,
'll `This Company is limited in its opera
tions to tho county of Adams. It bas been in
i operation for more than 15 years, and in that
period has made but one assessment, having
I paid losses by fire during that period amount
ing to $13,088—56,169 of which have been
paid during the last-two years. Any person
desiring an Imlurancecan apply to any of the
above named 51:ina.z,era for further information.
Dt~fhe Executive Committee meets at the
office of the Company, on the last Wednes
day in every month, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
14, 180. tt
Get yttburg Railroad.
ter N10n.1.q., November 20th, 18135, Pas
senger Trains will leave and arrive at Gettys
a,arg, and make ronnec . tious, as tollows
FlitsT MAIN will leave Gettysburg at
".45 SI., with passengers for York, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and the North
it.s , l West, arriving at Hanover Junction with
out ekange of sass 4 at 10.25 A. M., connecting,
with the Fast Line South an the 'Northern Cen
and arriving Si Battituore at
it. 341 nowt. Lisa connacting with Mail Train
(rein Baltimore north, arriving in Harrisburg
st 1.20 P. N. d rrive at Gettjsburg 1.10 P.
Si. with passeageis Goer. Harrisburg, 1. - ts - rii„
Milli more and, VlL,hitigton.
SECOND Tll:41N will leave GrattYsburg at
1.21,. I'. S'., ar'Cieg at Hanover Junction at
5.15, uad ennoectiug, with mail train South.
Attice at lialtztaure at 5.2 w Arrive ut
Gen} sburg at G.tA P. M., with passenger, froin
Philiuldphir... Harrisburg nut! the North and
West, and ~Iso with passengers from Baltimore
and Wa.hington by the tact laus aus h abieb
leaves Baltimore at 12.10 noon.
Passengers can leave Baltimore in the Mail
Train at 5` A. M., and arrive in Gettysburg at
1.10 P. N. tie /mire 1;4th:ow& In the fast line
at 12.10 noon, and aeries le Gettysburg a', 6.15
P. M. But one change of care by the ttrst
train, either way, viz : at Wanover Junction.
lhe fast line on the Northern Central will not
stop at any local stations, ekcept York, Hano
ver Junction and i'arkton. Connections cer
tain. • IicCUIWY, Pres't.
N. 27, 18GS
Howard Asmwlation,
TIIIILADELPHIA, PA.—Diseases of .e
r Urinary and Sexual Systems—new nd
reliable treatment. Also the BEIM A L CHAM
BER, an Limy of Warning and instritetion,
sent in sealed envelopes, free of amigo. -Ad
dress Dr. J. sKILON HOUGHTON', Howard
Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phila
delphia, Pa. [Oct. 2, 180. ly
The Fair Famed
, U Besides the great sating of Labor, the
saving' in the wear and tear of clothing in a
single year, more than an/coots to the price of
this Wringer. It is strange that any, tinnily
should be willing to do 'without it. For sale
-4EIVS. [Feb. 19.
Lawrence D. Dietz do Co.
- No. 308 West Baltimore aYtrtet,
Between Howard d; Liberty Streets,
Nay 7, 18G6. 13sItimors, ltd.
TITHE rartnersbip heretofore existing be
tween the undersigned, doing business in
e name of Row & Woods bus been dissolved.
All persons - indebted to said firm are requested
to uttle 'their mounts.'
S. B. ROW,
June 4, tgeo. ' , _ ,
Joitn. W. Tipton,
A.SIDON.PLE BARBER, North-east cot.
ner of the Diamond, (next -door to 11c
lellan's Note];) Gettysburg, Pa. Where he
can at all times be found ready to attend to all
bushiess in his lisle. He has also excellent as
sistance" and 'will *amnia satisfaction. Cite
him a sail: " Dee. 3, 1830.
Sugar 10, Cents,.
AT Swarlle Grocery, on theliorth-weat eor
ner of the Dian:mod: (April 30, 1866.
GROCERIES,, Liquors, Fish, Salt, 4::haese,
Queens-ware, Wooden-ware, and every
thing else id that line at
ef the very be quellty,e. new nasortment4ust
reeeived. Call end gee it. J. BEVAN,
Opposite the Bank„, Gettysburg.
1866 At HORNER'S you can get
Brushes, Combs, So4ps, Perfum
ery, Notions, 4c.. in creat variety.
PRICES REDUCED to suit the times at the
' Excelsior Skylight Gallery.
VE have jsuit receiveda new assorinieht
' of Queenrware, , to which we Invite 'the
aiiClSkigh tit tharik: ' aI,BOOTT h SOI.
ruin Pattrz
Written for the Gettysburg Compiler.
Roll on, bright stream, In beauty will,
Thy sparkling waters to the sea,
Thy rippling mask cheers my soul,
Where sadness reigns, deer love, for thee.
To this bright stream how oft we emir%
When sweet birds sung their malln lay.
And twitting softly called thy tame.
But now like thee have flown away.
Nn more bright Sowers for her shall bloom,
No more shall cast their scented breath,
Unless upon her silent tomb,
For Annie sleeps the sleep of depth.
No more beneath the wildwoods' shade,
W here at the close of evening hour,
We oft to breathe oar vows had strayed,
And pluck for each the woodland flower.
• And now when I at dose of day,
Pronounce that name with falt'ring breath,
My heart is sad, for far away,
My Annie sleeps the sleep of death.
L citysburg,.- •
. Bushes and 1
for the most o
slaughts upon wee
nature of most weeds i7l
the season to make tops;
to concentrate their'energf
he production of seed or Eri!
'cds.—August is a season
Mice and deadly on
and bushes. The
•11 the first part of
uid afterwards
either upon
ring their I
'Eggs I
ly thorl
(d then
the harm that may be done, if they scat
ter their seeds.
Seal ("min.—Look out early for a good
supply of clean plump seed, especially
for that to be used this season. Clean it
thoroughly from all shrunken kernels
and weed seeds by repeated winnowing.
Buckwheat may be sowed now and
make a good mays of green manure, to be
plowed under in time for sowing rye, er,
for enriching the ground for spring crops,
and with a chance for a crop of grain,
Timothy sowed alone will, on good soil
quickened with a top-dressing a bone,
guano, or any fine rich compeat, usually
catch well, and sooner make a good
sward than that sown with spring grain,
or upon winter grain in the spring.
Wheat.—lf the soil be dry in winter and
In good heart now, plow early, and giving
a top-dressing of some good fine compost,
or special manure, drill in the wheat.
It is poor policy to risk winter wheat on
soil which, from lack of draining;baroly
allows the plants to struggle through.
Corni—lt is a great temptation some
times to sucker corn for the sake of get
-611g green feed for cows. We do not be
lieve in snekering corn at all, though
with some kinds it may have no evil
effects. With many varieties we feel
Sure that the suckers are important to
t proper filling out of the tips of
the ears, the tassels coming into flower a
little later than those of the main stalks,
the later maturing tip'kernels of the ear,
are thus fertilized. Pulbeweeds among
corn, but do nolmeing after'the ground
Is shaded. American ..Igriculturidt.
r The following is said to be a good re
ceipt for making blackberry Wine :
"There is no wine equal to blackberry
wine, when properly made, in flavor, or
for medicinal purposes, and. all persons
who can conveniently do so, should' man
ufacture enough for their. own use every
year, as it is Invaluable in sickness as a
testis, and nothing is a better remedy for
bowel complaint. I therefore give the
receipt for making it. Measure your
berries and bruise them ; to every gallon
add one quart of boiling water. Let the
mixture stand twenty-four hours, stirring
occasionally; then strain off the liquor
into a cask; to .every gallon add bwo
pounds of sugar; cork tight and let it
stand till the following Oetobr - nd v'
will have wine ready for in
further labor, that every famil:
ly- [Li:predate, and never di
afterward if they can help IL'
• The women of the farm
gen • ty . of their hearts, oftei
cousins welcome to the best they have,
and slave themselves almost day and
night to serve them, are in more danger
of over-working than anybody else, and
husbands and fathers should quietly reg
ulate this matter by planning excursions
or visits, which shall break up the too
long stay of labor-making guests, and
give their wives and daughters pleasure
and relief from the severe burdens of their
confining duties: Perhaps you have
never been invited to spend a fortnight
in January with your cousins in Boston,
New York, or Philadelphia, wlft visit
you so gladly every August. At any rate ,
you owe no one hospitality which will
endanger the health of your family.—
American Agriculturist.
Gfztlle Mange.—lt is an ugly, provo
king disease, appearing generally in the
spring, first about the head and neck
of young cattle wintered on dry hay,
cut when over-ripe, The mange is a
cutaneous disease like the itch, hangs
on persistently if not cured, frequently
spreading through the entire herd, caus
ing the rubbing off of hair, leaving un
sightly bare places, and often so annoy
ing to young stock as to keep them thin
In flesh through the summer, in the
very best of pasturage. The disease is
very readily cured by an ointment com
pounded of equal parts of tine salt, flour
of sulphur, and clean lard. A single ap
plication is often sufficient; more than
two is never needed.—Ex.
is,.Plow deep and sow good seed.
- hiss iss.eii~n~.
Frost the Lancaster Intelllgesoer of July 26
Large and lltutlinebudlr 110ezneeratle
Meeting la lterhasiesarg.
The Inert in Sine Present Hienter CIT
liner with • Portrait of Washington.
Yesterday the Democracy of the lower
end of "oia Mother Cumberland" had
good time of it. Some time sinee at a fait
held for the benefit of the Presbyterian
Church • o f Mechanicsburg, ono of the
blackest towns in this State, a splendid
portrait of Washington was put up to be
presented to the candidate for Governor
having the largest number of votes. • De
spite the former political proclivities of
th,t• town, on the counting of the vote, it
*as found. that heater Clymer had a
majority of nearly a thousand over John
W. Geary.
Ycsterday was the day- fixed for the
presentation of the picture to Hon. Hies.
ter Clymer. It had been amounted that
the presentation would thou take place,
and that Mr. Clymer would be present to
receive this testiMonial of the regard of
the people of Mechanicsburg, but no one
expected to see the itinnense and enthu
siastic gathering which was present.
I I Mr. Clymer went from Harrisburg- to
Mechahiesburg by private conveyance,
Col. Jacob -Hal(lenum, Minister to
Stockholm under Mr. Lincoln, and here
tofore an opponent of the Democratic
party; having solicited the pleasure of his
company in his private carriage. When
the party approached within half a mile
of the town, they found the road on eithr:
er side -lined with carriages and a vest
! crowd of people on foot and on horseback
The cheers which greeted our popular
I candidate for Governor, showed that the
great masses of this State were fully red
solved that there should be a change in
he administration, The streets of the
t wn were filled with a large and entlat,
sia le multitude, and thegreeting which
Hies r Clymer received at the very doors
of [lea .-'s home, showed how the great
popular: 'de is running:
After -a woeession through the town
which lstrue terror to the Heart of every
bigoted Radix , the vast crowd 'proceed
ed to a - beautif gravejust outside the
I limits of the horo de_ Here Mr. Clymer
was formally intro ced to the people and ,
received the mosttiea :and enthusiastie
greeting. For ;more an an hoer lie
spoke on the/ great iss s of the:day..
Those who heard wh her friend or
foe, could not fail tif be'strde • by the lof-;
ty tone of his discourse, the d , th of hid
argunfents, the logical symmet of his I
reasoning and the air of exalted' • triot- j
ism which pervaded his ,whole sp. eh.
While he was addressing the assend ed
multitude .the rain commenced to poi
down, but the people who had been lis
toiling with eager earnestness refused tq
hear to any proposition for adjournment.
There they stood crying for
Clymer to go
on, and cheering enthusiastically every
utterance which fell from his eloquent
lips. Before he had finished speaking I
the clouds broke and the rain ceased.
After Mr. Clymer had concluded, the
beau tiful pertrait of Washington was for-.
many presented to him as a tribute of re
gard from the soldiers of Mechanicsburg,
by whom most of the votes had been cast. I
'lr. Clymer, in accepting it, said he was I
"proud to receive a likeness of the great
est soldier of the republic, or the world, ,
from the bands of men who were worthy
to have fought under Washington, and
who,were ready to do battle fur the great
principles fir which he had so nobly con-
tended." The soldiers, Adto were present;
in large numbers, cheered Mr. Clymer
as only the boys in blue.- know how to
dicer, with xouud after round of three
and a tiger.
After the enthusiasm excited by the
presentation had suksided, the all.liellCOj
was addressed, by Chffieral 'McCandless of !
Philadelphia, one of the moet gallant sol
diers sent forth by Pennsylvania tluring
the war. The - General's speech roused
the full enthusiasm of the audience and
was received with most hearty applause.
After General - McCandless had con
eluded, speeches were made by Gen.-W.
H. Miller, of Harrisburg, mid by Daniel
Ermentrout, Esq., of Reading.
The lbwest estimate of the number of
persons present puts it at 4,000. Alto
gether it was a glorious occasion, evl
cueing as it did the enthusiasm and I
earnest determination of the friends t
Constitution and the union.
i. The
ruble to
)er dill
In e evening, after the country peo
ple bus left town, a large crowd assem
bled In the public square of the town to
listen to a speech from Hon. Jacob Zeig
ler, of Butler county. Notwithstanding
a considerable number of the audience
were llepubl*aus they listened with,
earnest attention to a speech of an hour,
and a half's duration. "Uncle Jacob"
excelled himself and was constantly in-,
terrupted by loud applause.
Mr. Clymer returned to Harrisburg
by 7 o'clock In the evening, and being,
urged to do so, addressed a large gather,
ing of the Soldiers of Dauphin county,,
who had met together to select delegates
to the Soldier& .`late Convention ,on the,
Ist of August. The people are for Cly
mer and's() are the boys in blue, and the;
II show this to be so. Geary
Duck -even at home. The
yesteiday proves that clearly.;
an Oil Well—Singular Die
& Pithole (Pa.) Record has the
No. 66, T. Holinden Farm,
=ping oil and water for some
In Saturday last the superin
,ad the tubing drawn for the
purpose of cleaning the well out and drill
ing it deeper. During the operation they
struck a large crevice in the rock, and on
using the sand pump they brought to the
surface a living fish, having no eyes, of a
brown color, and sonic four inches long.
The fish was brought from a depth of six
hundred and six feet, and no doubt felt
as much surpri'ed at being introduced
into this vale of tears as did those who
made the introduction. This .peeimen
of the internal production of the earth
was put in water immediately after being
brought to the surface, but being accus
tomed to a more retired life, with a mix
ture of salt water and oil for food and
raiment, survived his changed condition
of life but a few hours. Ile was tightly
"bottled" as Butler on the James, and is
now on. , exhibition at lease 66. It will
furnish food for theoretically inclined
Individuals, as to how the fish came there,
and what its state of exigence, and what
the formation of the lower regions it in
Promime.—A promise should be
given with caution, and kept with care.
A promise should be made by the heart
and remembered by the head. A prom
ise is the offspring of the intention, and
should be nurtured by recollection. A
prom•so and its performance, like a true
balance, always presents a mutual ad
justment. A promise delayed is jus
tice deferred. A promise neglected is
an untruth told. A. promise attended
to is a debt settled.
man aged Christian, with the snow
of time on his head, mly remind us that,
theie polgt2l of earth are ,whitest which'
are neare4:beavtn.—Clig,plA.
- R.-NO. 45.
The Radicals are resolved to maintain
their hold on power. No sooner wore
they fairly seated in the high places of
this Nation than they began to devise
wars and means for perpetuating their
rule. There is abundant reason for be
lieving that the war, which cost so many
precious lives and au amount of treasure
to repay Which must burthen every la
boring man in the country for genera
tions to Come, might have been averted
'tut for the conviction of radical politi
cians that without a war their hold upon
()Mee wonld be of short duration. They
know enough to know that the reign of a
radical sectional party must necessarily
be extremely brief, if the different. States
of the 'Union continued to maintain their
harmonious relations under the Consti
tution. Hence their bitter opposition to
every proposition which promised to end
in a compromise. This it was which in
duced Chandler of Michigan to urge the
"sending of the most radical delegates to
the Peace Conference. His brutal decla
ration that "without a little blood letting
the Union would not be worth a rush,"
meant inplain terms that without a Sall
e:Uhl:try civil war the hold of the Repub
lican party on power could not be main-
No sooner had the war been precipita
ted upon the country than the Radicals
bevel to pervert it to partisan purposes'.
Democratic newspapers were dented eh--
Ciliation through the mails, and their of
to es mobbed. Prominent Democrats
were arrested without warrant of law,
thrown into prison, kept there at' long as
it suited the !demure of their captors and
then released without any charge having
been preferred turainst them. To speak
against the President or to denounce any
act of the party in power was to commit
- high treason. Provost Marsli ale- resinm
ed to d iet ate what should be written, pub
lished and spoken ii Pennsylvania and
elsewhere. These things were done with
the design of crushing out all opposition
to tile dominant, political party.
Another infamous scheme entered up
on and carried dot in furtherance of the
same desperate design was the assume
tine of complete military control in all
the Border States. The elections in all
these States were carried at the point of
the bayonet. No man could vote or be
voted for unless he was endorsed by the
radiCal revolutionists. To perpetuate n
condition of rinks so completely at va
riance with every principle of free gov
ernment they induced the legislatures
which they had elected by bayonets in
Maryland, Missouri and Tennessee to re
model the Constitutions of those States in
such n manner as to deprive a large ma
jority of the best citizens of the right to
vote Being unable to control the whole
of Virginia, they did not scruple to divide
the State in order to establish a condition
i l of ailhirs In the part they held'similar to
that which they had inaugurated in all
the other Border States except Kentucky.
Registration laws which prevented any
nun froin voting who was unwilling to
b.come the supple slave of the party in
I po •er were passed, and a system of the
mos oppressive tyranny inaugurated.
Intl:in - pus test oaths were exacted, and
outrages of every possible character were
perpetrated upon a people borne down by
military v' fence and trodden ' under
font by the batons of a usurping des
Such was the nurse of conduct delib
erately adoptedd persistently Prue
ticed by the Radice during the contin
uance of the war. \ dle the people of ,
the North mourned o - er their perver-.
sions of the power they 1 d granted, and
were cut to the heart who they Paw the
Constitution rudely trample under foot
and laws the most ancient anksacred tit
terlY disregarded, they still endured the
evils width existed rather than `destroy
the last hope of restoring the Union, to
save which they bad already fzurKterso
When the war ended the people of the
whole country expected to see the,Union
speedily and perfectly restored. How
sincere and earnest were their rejoicings
when the news of Lee's surrender spread
with electric rapidity throughout the
length and breadth of the whole land;
how heartily the masses thanked God
that the war was over; how joyously the
bells pealed out their glad notes, which
I announced that the Union, the sacred,
holy and revered Union of the fathers,
was saved. Throughout the country the
only hearts which were not tilled with
rapture were those of the Radical politi
cians, the thieves and plunderers, miser
able and loathsome harpies who had
grown richon the blood and treasure of a
bleeding and impoverished people.
The people of North expected a
speedy restoration of the Union. The
Southern armies were completely defeat
ed, and the whole military power of the
South utterly broken down. The gene
rals who had commanded the rebel forces
accepted the situation teal' all Its conse
quences and responsibilities; theleader4
of the rebellion were ready and willing to
acknowledge their utter defeat, and to
submit peaceably to the decree of fate ;
the soldiers who had struggled so long
and so desperately, returned to their
homes, williug to live henceforth the
lives of peacelible citizens of the United
States ; the whole mass of the Southern
people were willing and anxious to re
turn to the foldthe Union, and to live
and die under I e protecting shelter of
the Constitution. No obstacles to a com
plete restoration of the Union existed
anywhere in the States recently in rebel
lion. The representative men of the
South aided President Johusoh in his
efforts to reap the precious fruits of peace.
Cheerfully and lu good faith they accept
ed the conditions imposed upon them
and duds people. They abolished slavery
by constitutional enactments, though by
so doing mauy of them were utterly im
What were the Radical oftlee-holders
and fa nat ics dei ug meant line? Thaddeus
Stevens speedily laid down a programme
which they all followed. Ina speech de
livered here in Lancaster he denounced
the wise and judicious policy of .Presi
dent Johnson as sure to destroy the as
cendency of the Republican party. His
warning alarmed the many thousands
Who were living on public plunder."fliey
had possession of all the State Govern
meets of the Northern States and held
all the innumerable`profitable offices un
der the General Government. They were
unwilling to abandon their hold on such
power without a desperate struggle.
Stevens' speech stirred every man of them
up to tierce 'opposition to the President's
wise cud conciliatory policy. They saw
that with a restoration of the Union they
would speedily be hurled from power.
They resolved, therefore, to keep the
country disunited until they could confer
the right to vote upon the negroessaf the
South. If this continued to be a iithlte
man's Government, they knew very well
that decent conservative men would soon
control its destinies. Their only hope
for a continuance in power was in mak
ing the negro the political equal of the
white man. They vowed that the Union
should not be restored until this infamy,
was perpetrated, and up to this time they
have kept their vow.
When Congress asseMbled, on the very
first day of the session, before the Presl:o
dent had time to sendla his annuattries.
sage, Thaddeus Stevens, the dictator and
leader of the House, bad the Committee
of Fifteen appointed, to whom was re-'
11112 i
ferret, the whole qi estinti of reeanstreed
tion, with'the delllierate 41esign anti*e
eoutidenratattkanee that tto reAtorstitti
of the rattan **etch be allowed•initil tie
contfuued rale of the Radicals was made
sure, by forei int the dm', rent States of the
'South to confer the right ef serfage upon
the negroes.
An enumerationrAf . a few of the resoln, - ,,
tions offered, and t passed at the
very commencement of the semion, will
show with what intknAty of purpone.the
Radicals entered upon their revoluthuL.i.:
ry designs.
Senator Wade, of fillip, on 'Monday, the
first daV, introduced a bill conferring the
right of suffrage on the negroes In the
District of Columbia, anditaposi ng severe
penalties on any one who should Impede
them in the exerchteef that right.
Senator Sumner intradnceit ablU pro..
riding that Juries should be "unposed of
one-half negroes and one-halfwhitttuen.
The same Senator; proposed aliew test
oath, requiring evety man in the South
to swear that he would discountenance . -
and all laws making any politleal
or social distinction' on account of race elf.,
color,,under severe pains and penalties:
He also introduco a series of resollt—
tions, one of which. provided that thete
should he no State restored to tho Union,
i ,
except upon "the vimplde enfraricAir4e.
7» . rwl of (ill rilizriN, 0 Ilurl them shall NI
no dcnial of right.l n account of race Or
color, and all he repittl loforeth6 late." '. r
- - .. nator Wilson introduced a bill one.;
ferring the right of suffrage on all the
negroes of the Sono
+. •
On the same day,! in the House, Writ.
D . 'Kelley introdn .A a bill conferring,
the right ofsuffrag on the negroes of OW
South, • •
On Tuesday, the :eennd day of the ses
sion, Senator Foot, .f Vermont,•offered a
series of reciolution , urging the conferr
ing of the right of s ffrage on the negroes
of the South.
Mr. Morrill, of V rmont, intmdumi tt
bill repealing all li ws of the District of
Columbia, which Made any distinction.
on account of coin}, and extending the
same to all territorict; of the United States.
The del ermi pet! fair! iose of thu* roaring
negro suffrage upon the country, wittt
the design of mainkaiuing themselves in
power, was persistently followed up by
the Radicals. • l
The Clvii Right Bill, by which the
negro is to be made he equal of the white,
man, has been pass d over the President'' ,
The Freedmen's
millions of money
:ureau Bill, by ishteh
L re, to be squandered
i-n idleness, and au
, elals kept up with the
the Southern States,
over the veto.
to support negroes
army of Hadleal o
design of eontrollin!
him also been passe
-The Constituthn
t 1 amendment, de►
ro suffrage upon the
passed. In Congress
ote, has been put
:tare of Tennessee by
whole country, au
by a two-thlrelm
through the I,cgi4h
lhe'stroug hand:
compoee the Con.
tlieniselvm into a
did have notaerupiled
' conferred on them
After hevinggrant
d powers to Mr. Lin
,d him to extend the
fur beyond Corlett-
are now engaged In
• to degrade the "pretr
o deprive him of the
erred upon him by.
% The Radicals wI
gre-44 have resolve
Central Directory,
to usurp powers n
by the Constitution
eil the most ttnliiiit
coin, and eneourag.
functions of his ofl
tutional limits, the
a deliberate attemp 1
ent Executive, and
power properly eon
the Constitution. '
Hitiving dtTled t
rights and done all
e doctrine of State
iey could to destroy
of the States, they
arms and atnniuul-
the legitimate pow(
how propopie to put
the Radical Govern•
States, with the de.
having them used
hould they roftise to ,
r nee of their corrupt
This thing has been
d in Congress. Mr,
te project In all ite
That the Radicals
tr no one who knows
living plunged' Ws
!.r in order to main.
;der the public treas
t, hesitate for's ma
u on a similar enter. '
tion in the hands of
ors of Cie Northern
liberate pnrpo.e of
against the people .
muionit to a continu
and tyrannical rule
- .
dcitbcrulely propo4
Raymond exposes
infamotis awl/way.
theta will clot/lit
country Into one w
taln power and phn
ttry, they would n
went to venture oga
11 , 4 ten we say a tether civil war in
tin cued we do no sound a false alarm
The Radicals may eny that they haver
any sueli intentions 4 lid endeavor tooovee
or up their revolutionary designs,hut the
people should not forget that they acte4
a similar part dur ug the excitement
which preceded the war through which
we have just passed. The honest musset
k\ kz
must rise up in tit' it might and hurl
these Radieal revol tiouists from power.
The coming (tuber atorild, Legislative
nd Congre*-ional lectiptis are equally
it ntant. The ele fleet' of a conseiva
tiv Governor in I nusylvania will en
sure\' hat the StatThninistration will
side silt the peopl and the President;'
the cite, 'on of conservative members of
the Legi4iature will prevent the return
of the Jleceitein leader Thad. Stevens, or
some such corrupt coundrel :us Forney,
orTameron, hi the 1., lilted States deuatel
the election of iNnaihrity of conservative
Congressmen willelieele the power of the
Radical Revolutiohlsts who are ready
• itate the country
irin order that they
iold on power. The
Impending danger s 1
will do so.—Luneue
and willing to pre
into another elvil v
may =haul n their
people can avert th
and we believe they
ter /native/Im%
.a , rilators are deter.
ntry•mhall continue
rife and commotion.
mouth the columns
ficlarti orlast week, ,
to the clergy or
"make the ma Sri
." 2lc giece •Warn
YThe It
mined. that there()
to be the theater or
of the Anti-Slavrry
appeals now, as in 1!
the whole land to
ready for their dut.
ing that unotherttrd4
toy follows : -
worth, I be{r you to
I'4 op . i)2rtunity stiil
"Clergymen of th
realize that 012 u ltil
it tritielt deenatara
ur only safety, and
eart ready for the
Politteians. whom
Led for one moment
g, are wattling bark
continues; that ho;
absolute instite as i,
holds the nation's
work, has not ended
the storm of 1841 sta
out - of their self-seekt
117,11111 into their old cunning schemes
for perpetuating- their own power.
Knowing well wiLiq the nation's heart
requires, they Neal their lips, and . treating
it like a Sick chilli, otter it only what they
think its unstrung mirres wilrbear, with
out fretting againSt the physician,
Meanwhile, over tlic heads of • those
gamesters in the C rtatlicriap
Glarker cloud Than that of 1851. B e i le . i th
the board on which) these. Republicans
and Democratic thee are throwing,
heaves already the videano of IRgi. Un
less the
are w.trited into vigilance,
1865 will repeat under the lead of
a more dantierous t ratter t I tan Buchanan ;
since, -enlightened hy that dawdler''
experience, Johnson knir.vs how to striao
a more decisive bloti, J ,. Indeed, long be
fore 1 , 36 , 3, if Congress betrays such timid
ity, 1411(.11 distrust of the people, somo
fatal 'slow may be attempted.'
The Pesldent conspires to surrender
the republic to Rs foes. He asserts 444
thr, people agree to his poriey.
CO NG R2.SA noEs xot+ ni:ntr—ti.ttiviNct?
I call on you, WhOil, place it is to dig,
course of ahiolute right —fling it duvet}
never at- any bidding of selfnutere it
to speak out at this instant.
What response will the "Aergymen
of the North" nrike to this uneheistlan
appeal? Will they ternitinuo to pretzel'
blood and carnagr at the bidding of this.
archfiend of inkcitlef, misrule and db.l
integration, or will they, like the Sq
eartritan, pour oil intb the gaping wouilde
of tht country, and! bind up its hurts;-
and bruises% This deliberate propos,"
tion of Mr. Phillips to continue the pres
ent state of things in the nation, and •
even ititetraify the ;ioctloit%l feelingS by ,
using the clergymen as, ministers , *VT
hatred and ill will, should convince t1i0.. 1
pulpit and the paopl4 that the llialleikk r
are endeavoring to destroy the
government, and wit done atnhft Tires
;vented by the united action of al},patirt.
etie AIWA. . A A