Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, July 30, 1866, Image 2
II Cljt D gETTVIBURO, ,P xwiligg 6 7 liftman's. Jill, SS, lass. rois aovriaolc, HON. HiE§TE, CtYMER, 9/ 111.1 . tES C,JC*Tr rug *Os vzsmos. Tbso Bewocratie County Contention frill be held In this place to-day. Let fhe best ticket possible be selected, and All will be well. Our Radical opponents t hopepo succeed only b the event of tbo prnmeracy making mistakes. “41K410. sgtaarL. E r k ti o aZerr of trio Interior De ? nt, resigned on Friday. lion. U. ii. Browning, of Illinois, was, the samii /lay, nominated by the Preside , t, ea klesir Pitax7 of tnalnterJur. _ +D#IMUNXILII, •33otat Houser of Congress passe4l A reso 'titian to sifjourti on Saturday . last—and ors suppose they accordingly adjourood. l o st thit country relnlve ! ite-socreta7 EleYror4 4as NO written i letter to Senator Doolittle, expressing Lie approval of the call for the) Phihidel phia Con,vention, J o t is a patriotie tlocc inent, and goes far to redeem its author from the stigma which his' former sec tionalism i.,m41 flied upon him. Secre tary Welles has also written a very btrong letter in endorsement of the klitladelphi, Convention; 118. The Philadelphia Press siws "the T . 'reskie4thul power law increased, is in pressing, and ought to bo diminished." ' Who increased the Presidential power With such unexampled rapidity as did A braham Lincoln ? aOdall hit unconstitu tional paaninptrons Vete supported and defended by the erces, There was notai ll pf restricting the power of the president of that time. It is only when Andrew ,lohnson uses the plainly-granted power pf his office to shield the Constitution and the country from the daggers - of li adicei plottOr); paid assassins, that the Press plamors for o diminution of the power of the President. Had the President bowed $.101%1i to such men us Sumner and Ste stens, we would have heard nothing but Ogees from the Press, Marto main .bmAnir of CoNglmila btu' been to prevent . th restoration of -Abe States. All legislation of a national eharacter has been directed to that point. They - Amy° trampled upou the Constitu tion, insulted the President, violated all }ow awl precedent, and taken the Initia tory stew for an Insurrection in the Nor thern States, in order to iwoomplish their purposes. Many of the Radical member's will be candidates for re-election, and PRIPP rcYcll 5491414 note thPse fnOP: fo'4 is estimated et the Treasury De partment, that the total receipts of Gov ernment, exclusive of loans, for the fiscal year ending the 30th - ult., will reach up wards of $552,000,000, divided as follows; From internal revenue, $31,000,000; front direct ta;, S5;000,000; from customs, )$270,00,000; from miscellaneons sources, $65,000,000; from sales of public lauds, sB7s,ooo—total $552,675,000. To run this abolition Government, says ahe Dayton (Ohio) Rnlpire, and pay the bills of tills disunion Congress, for one year, the people,' the tax-payers, are plundered to the tune of over five hundred firsciffliy-two and a haViaillioas of dollars; 18.,The monster meeting of Denioe rats pt Iteading on the 18th troubles the.Gea rY (+WM+ not a little. If -we coirld pit faith in their various tales we wioultl be f..ompelled to believe that the meeting lacked just about fifty thousand of being composed otone hundred persons. Liars, Vika avarisfons people,: often overreach taemsPlYest . >lO .The Plsunicnists am continually •befaboring President Joh nso n for atteropt lpg to break up the "Union" party, Ant as if he and not they bad abandoned the Union cause, ilafore claiming to be the Union party, let them 51ecJare for Union primiiplea u a policy for ti. restorritton of the Union. As it now Is, they are fol.- : lowing Thad. Stevens, who says the Uni .an was dlsoolved ; that the impeded States are terfiPoliesi AM that they must be kept ipdettniOdy irtaterritorial condition. To Oil that faction of fanatics and dema gogues thenion party is equlvalent to paying that &tan and his imps constitute the hemp!) , host, , *I'M the great Democratic meeting which was held at Reading, Pennsyl vania, on. the 18th lust„ the Hon. Mont gomery predicte(l that If the radi ,oals carried thus October election the re suit would be the establishment of two ' Presidents and two Congresses. He us sorted. that it was the intention of tile Tadicals to 111 11>eiloh PreohicUt ROlllBOll in Mat oven Ottild turn him out ; whilst the Democractis members would unite and form a Congress with the regularly elect ed members from the South, He Warn ed his hearers that they were on the evo of another civil war, the battle-fleltl of Which would- be in the :North, whilst the Sogth Would remain a unit. ist-gen, (}r a ngy, whom the Radicals trytqg Nig by putting him for- Ward as a candidata r - f4r the Presidency, recently remarked to 9 gentleman that "unless the Southern States were speedi iy admitted to representation in Cog /mop 04 or 004 of self-goycmocrit, pouceo4 tq thcni, we should soon hay 9 another rebellion." Gen. Grant is IN Pndical, find if the Disunionists should elect him President, they would catch a, more decided Tartar than Andrew Johnson, . When Andrew Jonnson tir , at be- President, a little over one year algO, the dianalonists declared that. Vrov- Adana., fqr How wise purpose, had call- Od'him tO tlip gseegtive chair. Since, 4ontever, ills course hai not turned out lism,o _ ,14 consonance with their plunder _ - blooci-tniraty aspirations,- they Andrei,' Johnson is only rreaident tr amcles* The Thruocratio oitiz t ena of Ohio yeal,v ant In WaihinAtoo held a maetiqg qu Monday night aad orgaair.o4 a 4 014ic pecoaratto Club, to sit, the Democracy off 44;131401:e 14 the present politiest can yeltoresi 01 g 3 49r 401/94 t 3. Atkinson was , _ delif wile All tRZ bastinourrs Tee Demileg Zee leg. On the 14th day or Deeatabor, 1868, in the lieu* el Representatives at 'Wash ington, Mr. Holman, of Indiana, a Dem ocrat, offered $ series of resolutious do olaxing "that the Slates in rebellion are not out of the Union, and should not be held as 7'erritories mod subjugated prosin ess; that the only er4dition to proper re lations should be untOpnelitional submission to the Constitution and laws of the United States, andthat wheit this is accomplished, the war ougitt to cease.!' Thaddeus Stevezr (disunionist) *toyed to lay the resolutimes on the table; which ' motion wits earriett, by a vote of eiyhty elyht disueibinistatall Reimbliehus — t° Uniouists-inearim all Democrats.. [See House, Jounml, Session '49th C 0904.4, puge 49.) The vote on this 'resolution !establishes beyond all cavil and dispute, that the Democracy are not only the true friends of the Unikm, but , that they endeavored to preserve inviolate, the faith of the na pm as pledged by tbe Crittenden resolu kien ; wbliathe Republicans are The bitter and unrelenting foes of the Union, who recklessly violated a pledge, given with a unanimity, that abound have 804BIlfied ii Agalpst n 2fringement. White ai of Pennsylvania, remember this record; read It to your neighbors ; post it, in print d placards, in public pia co3,•where t can be seep and read by all ine4. I EtoIITY-EIGHT REPUBLICANS voted that the Skates in rebellion were out of the Union.. , 81ZTY-81 DEMOC)34III vctted tliat tttey were no/ qtii of the Union. gIORTY•kaURT REETIKICILWS voted that the re )ellious States should be 'fere ritories or subjugated provinces, DEm s omtaTs voted that they should have all their rights, unimpaired, by uneorgipionatiy submitting to the Constitution and laws of the United States, itinlEßl.4:ol47 4EPUBJ,TCAYS wanted the dismembered ti pion of litponer, Ste , yens and Geary. 4 14EmocRATs wanted the um broken Union of Washington, Johnson, and Clymer. . . , F L IGHTY-EIGHT SEPUDLICANS violated their oaths of °Mee, by acknowledging secession al a "fixed fact," and changing the war for[the Union into a crusade for the subjugation and annihilation of the States. iiIXTY-Rls DlDlocß preserved their oaths unbroken, by repudiating the her esY lef seeeitimi, and demanding that th el flag that "hore on its azure field.a star for every "State, should . alifso have a State for every star.'`` These ciAly-eight Republicans aro for GEARY AND DISUNION. These sizity-six Deinocrats are for Cr:I:- gnu ANA aim Um*., C-N 744444 11 M0 OF TTM AXE. :. i r The Sen amendments to the pream ble and resolution relating to the admis sion of Tennessee ;were this afternoon concurred hi by the: House. The vote on the amendment to the preamble was 1)2 to 25, Thel °Democrats and one or , two Repnblican's voted: against it, An im pression prevails to-day that the -Presi dent will neither sign nor veto the reso lution. Hd will simply return it. to the House, with the statement that, accord ing to the Constitution, each House is made the judge of the election returns and qualifications of its own members, ii and the Executive has nO power or au thority In thi4 premises. This will ape. tually fnil t le Radicals, who are seeking to entrap him either into an approval of their doctrine or the veto of a resolution I for the adMission of Tennessee,— Wash , ington Lett .r of Monday, lagl-The Age's Was'hington letter of Tuesday i ys :—The President to-day sent to th House of Representatives a message re ative to the joint rabolution for the a Mission of TennoMe. lie states that, although having signed it, in order to throw no obstacle in the way of the speddy admission of the Tennes see delegation, he considers it of no force or e&ct in settling the terms upon which representation is to be allowed from the State formerly in insurrec tion. It simply amounts to' 4 declara tion of opinions. He says further, that the Department of State has received no official information of the ratification of the proposed constitutional amend ment by the Legislature of Tennessee, 1 and adds that he is in receipt of reliable unofflektl information that no legal , rati fication of Said amendment by the Legis lature gif that State haataken place. Im mediately after the reading - of the mes sage, Mr. ,yens rose and asked that the Committe on Reconstruction be die , charged f m the foram consideration c, ( 43 1 of the credentials of the Representatives elect from' the Sttite of Tennessee, and that the Same be referred to the' Com ' mittee of Electiops, which was agreed to by a vote of 80 to 28., It is said to be the Intention of the Radicals to keep Mr. Patterson t - one of the Senators from Ten nessee, and Mr, Opopers one of the Rep resentatives, out of their seats, notwith ' stancilkig•their readiness to take the test oath. It was for this purpose that the House resolution relating to representa tion was amended in the Senate by strik ing out the words, "duly elected and qualified, upon taking the oaths required by existing laws." Ingrquitcde! — The Hon. Thaddeus Ste, vens is out for aseat in the United States Senate, and his frien9s announce him as a candidate, they having received the consent of Mr. Stevens. This is cruel in Mr. S., as he knows Col, Forney had set his heart uperi this position, and that it is the great ambition of . his Life to get late the Senate, -Forney was betrayed once by ginlon Cameron, and now, at this twelfth hour, to be betrayed by his bosom friend, Stevens, is really too bad, and shouldn't be encouraged. The fell of the whole matter is, the Stge Assem bly that is to elect this Senator has yet to be elected by the people. "Many &slip twixt Cup and lip.", Ifirllefore Abolitionism, through its committee of flfteetr, reports many more plans fop l'recOltetntoting" the govern ment whielt it has destroyed, it might try its hands on its own party. Judging from the 10 - oks of things, it needs recon structing about se bully as in the country. SOT The Harrisburg .Thiegraph asserts that Geary was the author of the Etuan eipationproelaniatiou, and the Lancaster Ezprese bay declared that the 4th of July belongs to "the paper General. Can't some Radical newspaper prove that he penned the Declaration of Independence. That might eye some slight chance of an election. Without 1t he is one Lore added to the Ist of political D. D's. Stilftlion. A. W. Randall was on Wed =rmed by the Berate as Poet t eral, anj non. Joseph B. Wilson as o amiss 'Aar gf t 1 a Gieneral land Once, Frwn the ° 031°141 " T • • ' TOWN AND _COUNTY AFFIIRS. - - .„.... 1 . fhb Annual Commeneetrnm . t of this • PILNXIIITLTAZIA lee ?sit NALIZONAIts fir' The COXPILER will be flirnished ... ---r - eiminention. ' Institbition will take place on the second I - for the campaign —froxa this time until Thursday of August. The Baccalaureate _The State Executive Committee this . a fter the October election—at the low Discourse will be delivered on Sunday morning announce:is the appointment of, ....,_-_, _,, r „„ . , cents. a full Democratic delegation to the .Na- fit'"' "' 'VW ' send in the names Precediug, by Rev. Dr. Baugher, Presi dent. The exercises of the Junior class I tional Convention of the 14th of August. ' and the teouey--singly or by clubs. occur on Wednesday morning. On the! We regard this aettbu as eminently wise There is an interesting campaign ahead, afternoon of the same day there will be au and proper. The universal sentiment of and ,no Democrat or Conservative should address before the Literary Societies. ! Rev. Dr. T. L. Cuyler, of lirooklyu, N. ; the Democracy Is in favor of the Conyers - ,„ tv be posted when the ieformation tlon. They feel that no means ireould be , "4/ y.; will deliver the annual address before left untried to restore national unity.—, can be secured for the sinall sum of half_ the Philornatinean Society. The annual'' They believe that the spirit of hate-luta a dollar. . _meeting of the Alumni will be held on too long reigned _in our midst, and that ! • Wednesday evening sad an addrises de the spirit of amity and concord should 1 TH.0(10.-10120 Bushman, Esq., the livered by one of its members. The duty be encouraged to enter. They are favor- burning of whose house we noticed this year devolves upon RA , . Victor L. able - to any constitutional policy that will : last week, desires us to say that be feels , Conrad , of New York City'. open the door to reconciliation and recto -!• . truly thankful to the public for the sym- ! In glancing at the Catalogue for 1883-86, ration: Before the circular of July ie wa.s we find that the whole number of stu issued, the Democracy had no standing patty expressed in his behalf, and whic hd e isls6-Beniors P, Juniors 18, Soph- In the Convention as an organized body, , has shown 'itself 1n the shape of very omores 48, Freslimeu 23 and Preparatori but 'by its terms we are recognized as, liberal contributione toward his loss. ens 8(3. Out of the 88 students. in the Pre such, and invited to enter within its per- !' paratory Department 21 are front Gettys tals. The resolution of the Reading Mass ' burg; Penna. west of the Susquehanna Convention expressed the desire of the river 20, Penna. east of the Suscluellanna party for representation there. It is but 11, Maryland 17, District of Columbia tt, three weeks until the Convention meets. Virginia 5, Kansas 2, Ohio, 'lllinois, Ten- Our action is looked to by other States. siessee and 11'. Carolina each 1, No nyiehinery was in existence through which to choose district delegates, and the creation of that machinery and the choice of the delegates could not have been had in so brief a period, and hence many of the districts would have been unrepresented, Under these circumstan ces It became a necessity that the State Committee should act in the premises. They have done so, and done well, The names they have given us from civil life are conspicuotte for their patriotism, their integrity, mid their large experience in public atlhirs. Porter, Bigler, the Pack ers, Lewis, Black, the Woodwards, Camp bell, Hughes, Cass, Leiper, Patterson, Vaux, and others, as the representatives Of Pennsylvania, are guaranties to her , sister States that her only aim is a reuni ted country and a, vindicated Constitu tion."' Our soldier represeptatives, too, loom up as names associated with many a hard-fought tleid. Dana, Davis, Sir well, Sweitzer, Jarrett, Irwin, Ent, Mc- Calmont, Jones, ajld others, bring back mb upon us the remerances of Gettysburg, of the Peninsula, of Petersburg, and of the Cumberland, nod remind us of the valiant deeds of the Pennsylvania Re serves, Their swords ore sheathed.— Having bravely fought and won, they step forward like brave and honest men to meet their foes upon the hroad platform of Christian charity and a common Con stitution, The Convention id itself will be great in its moral aspect and powerful In its political results. The men of the North and of the South, and of the East and of the 'West, for the first time in five years meet to greet each other and to counsel together. Burying the past and rieeepting the results of the war they come .to fore cast the future and to unite in the recon struction of our national temple, Obedi ence to law and constitutional obligations are the only tests to a common right; to a common heritage, and in yielding these in a spirit of truthful submission, they of the geeth earn at the hands - of brave and honest men the just return of sincere for giveness. DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE. RAWLS, 82 WA INUT STR EET,PITILADELPIII A, J S July 21, 1865. A call for a National Convention, to be held at Philadelphia on the 14th day of August, 1866, having been issued, an In vitation was extended, under date of July 10, 1866, to the Democratic organization, as such, to unite in that Convention in order "to devise a plan of political action calculated to restore national unity, fra ternity, and harmony." The time being too brief to call a State '!Convention, to refer the subject to the districts for action, and it appearing to be the wish of ,The party, as expressed at Reading, and through the press, that we should be represented therein, the Demo cratic Executive Committee of Pennsyl vania, acting under the authority of the ;State Central CoMmittee, specially re serving control of the organization, have designated and invited the following gentlemen to act as delegates to that Con vention : _ DELEGATIA AT LATiCIP,, Ex-Governor David ,B. Porter, Ex-Governor William Bigler, Ex-Governor William F. Packer, Chief Juane° George W. Woodward, GONG/Rat:4l . ONA L DELEGATES, Distriet—Hon. James Campbell, George M. Wharton, Esq, 2d District—Colonel W. C. Pattersori, Hon. Richard Vaunt,. ad District—Hon. Daniel M. Fox, Hon. John Robbins, 4th District—Hon. Ellis Lewis, Ho&. Charles Brown. sth RiBtriet--Generai W. W. H. Davis, John G. Brenner, Esq. 6th bistrtat—Hon. ji3l — in D. Sties, Col. Owen Jones. 7th District—Hon, George G. Leiper, Hon. John A,Morrison. Bth District—Hon. Warren J. Woodward', - Charles Kessler, Esq. 9th District—Hon. Isaac E. Hiester, H. M. North, Esq. 10th District—Hon. F. W: Hughes, Dr. C. D. Gloninger. 11th District—Hon. Asa Packer, : • Col. W. H. 'Uttar. 12th Distrect 7 -General E. L. Dana, John Blanding, Esq. 13th District—Colonel W. H. Ent, Hon. C. L. Ward. 14th District—Edmund S. Doty, Esq., Hamilton Alrieks, Esq. 15th District—Hon. J. S. Black Hon, Sam'!. Hepburn. 16th District—William 'McLellan, Esq., Hon. Wm. P. Schell. 17th District—Hon. William H. Irwin, Hon. C. L. Pershing. 18th District—Col. Phaon Jarrett,- Hon. James Gamble. 19th District—Hon. William A. G al oral th, Hon. James T. Leonard: 20th District—Gen. Alfred B. MeCalmorit, Hon. Gaylord Church. 21st ,District—Hon. Henry D. Foster, • W. W. Wier, Esq. ; 22d District—General J. B. Sweltier, George P. Hamilton, Esq. 33ci District—Hon, George W. Cass, Colonel William Sirwellt -2-Ith District—Hon. Jesse Lazear, Hon, William Hopkins, By order of the Democratic State Exec ptive Committee, WILLIAM A. WALLACE, Ctiql, j4„con .4iEui # E4, Secretary. Characteristic and Patriotic Letter from pen. John A. Dix.—NEW Yonii, July 19, 1866.-Ify Dear Sir, I have received the pall issued by yourself and others for a National Union Convention in Philadel phia on the 14th of August. I conoui in its propositions, its reasonings, and its objects, and will do all in my power to carry them out. long since expressed the opinion that the States were entitled to their represen tation in Congress ; that their exclusion was a violation of good faith and of the obligations of the Constitution; and that a persistence in such a policy must lead to consequences most dimstrous to the peace of the country. These and other considerations oonnec ted with the present unsatisfactory relit ! tions of the States to the Federal Govern ment, and to each other, render most timely and proper gmeh a meeting as you have recommendeWof the patriotic and reflecting men ,of the Union, to consult together for the general welfare. I full truly yours, JOHN A. Dix. Efon. .jame4 11.(4o . olitae. SAVANNAH, July 23.--Ten deaths from cholera are reported sirico yesterday ~ ni morning, and one to-day, all among the SAVANNAH, July 24.—there Were 20 deaths from cholera and 34 new oases among the troops o*'rybee Island from 9 o'clock yesterday morning up to 6 V. If, to-day. 116.1 t is feere4 that tile "coPperbeeds" *West hp the "Thad-poke 14 Ostoper, MORE Pie Ni .—The Sunday School connected wait St. James (Lutheran) Church "held their Annual Pip Nic at Spangleria Spring on Tuesday. Tliere was a good turn oijt and everything pa. sod MT pleasantly.: The Sunday School connected with the College Church (Lutheran) also held a Pic Nic at the aame place on Wedueaday. They too had a delightful time, net-Rev. John Barrister, highiy res pected by the Catholic Church, died in Boston on the 18th inst„ aged 43 years. lie was present and took an active part in the exercises at Conowago Chapel a few months ago. /0/1 - At the late Commencement of Hamilton College, Utica, N. Y., the of Doctor of Philosophy wag conferred upon Prof. IL L. Staiver, of Pennsylvania College. ue).-Rev. Theo. L. Cuyfer, D. D., of Brooklyn, N. Y., will address the Philo inathtean Society of Pennsylvania Col lege, at the next Commencement, instead of Rev. Dr. Krauth, of Philadelphia, as announced in our paper a few weeks ago. EVER GREEN CEMETERV.—At a meet ing of the Board of Managers of Ever Green Cemetery Association, held July 16, 1866, a committee was appointed to ascertain the actual indebtedness of the Association, who made the folloWing report, which w.►s ordered to be pub lished in the town papers : Notes held by different persons, $l6lO (10 Interest on the sameup to June 25, 99 22 $1709 22 Certificates of stock redeemed by the Association's notes, $lOB2 36 Certificates ofatock unredeemed, 160 04 Total amount of debt, $2957 62. ',. In 1853, the project of locating a Public Cemetery in the vicinity of Gettysburg was first brought to the notice of the pub lic. The scheme was approved and suffi cient evidence was evinced that the citi zens of Gettysburg and vicinity deeply felt the want of a rural and ornate Ceme tery, "where family affections could be gratified in the assurance, that the re mains of father and child, husband and wife, could repose side by side, undis turbed by the changing interests of man." This sacred spot, the repository of our dead, consecrated by the tears of the be reaved, is still involved in a debt which former active and efficient Managers vainly labored to extinguish. The pres-. ent sources of income arising from the sale of lots and digging of graves is in sufficient to pay the necessary expenses and reduce the debt. And whereas a strong desire prevails in the community to have the remaining debt paid of, therefore the present Board resolved to solicit subscriptions for the purpose of li quidating said debt, J. L. SCUICK, W. B. MEALS, A. COBHAM, July 30, 1888. Committee. PRESENTATION.—Mr. Editor :—The an nouncement made a week or two since, that the Rev. Mr. Davis had been present ed with a Buggy, Harness, &c., was pre mature. The presentation, however, came off on Saturday, the 2lst inst., when the Committee had the pleasure, on be half of the different congregations com posing his charge, to present him with a splendid new - Buggy and set of Harness, which was much needed and gratefully received. Mr; Davis has been the pastor to this clotrge for three years, and has won the respect and esteem of his people, both for his ministerial ability and gen tlemanly conduct, and they consider this as but a small token of their good wishes and regard. The Buggy was built by Messrs. Sell, Blocher, & Co., of Littlestown, and is of first-elass materials and finished in ex cellent style. ' On behalf of the Committee. W. J. McCuußz, M. D. The soldier friends of Johnson and Clymer in this State intend to make their approaching Convention at Harris burg a marked success. Every county in the State will send delegations of sol diers who have served in the late war, end are now prepared to oppose the party which is preventing their patriotic sacri fices and sufferings from bearing their legitimate fruits. The Radical presses are stigmatizing the Democratic soldiers as "copperheads" and sympathizers with "traitors." This is the way they show their respect for the soldiers. Party is before country with the Radicals. If a soldier votes their ticket, he is a patriot ; if nut, he is a "copperhead." But the soldiers are determined that the Union shall be restored, and hence their support of Johnson and Clymer, They will not support a party which is plotting treason in all the Northern kitates,—Age, 2brnad.o.—The magnifieent now rail road bridge at Ilavre-de-Grace, Md., within ninety days of completion, was hurled from its piers into the river by a terriflle tornado, on Thursday last. Loss $330,000, Several workmen were carried into the stream, but were rescued, lag o ln all the West, from the lakes to the Pacific!, wherever elections have been held this year, Democratic victories and enormous Democratic gains have been the result. The complete over throw of radlcalisin In its Western hot bed, at. Louis, marks the political bar ometer M the West. SIPThe President hoe signed the bill making the grade of General in the Ar my, and nominated General Grant for the position. $9l-Vice Admiral parragnt has been app9inted Admiral by the President. The Three Months Extra Pay.—{lon- Vele lately passed an sot giving three Inontbs extra ink to air °Sloan In service at the class of the y rebellion. Why Were the illiTeitel left og the diet TIDE PREPARA.TOBX DEP4ItT4EXT, The Preparatory Department of the In stitution, located at Gettysburg, Pa., has been re-organized by the appointment of t a Principal, who devotes his exclusive attention to this department, The course , of study has been revised, and embraces all the branches of a thorbugh English Education, together with the elements of Mathematics—of the Latin and Greek Languagesarul .of the sciences. New series, of Text Books in most branches have been introduced. The aim is to' make the instruction thorough and prac tical, and adapted to the wants of those receiving it. Students who wish to take a full collegiate course, will receive a thorough classical training—those who are preparing for business, in addition to other instruction, will have the privilege of instruction in Practical Accounts, Business Forms, BoOk-keeping, dec.— Those who propose to enter upon me ehanical pursbits will have the opportu nity of acquiring the elements of Mathe matics, Natural Philosophy, dm, whilst those who are preparing themselves for , the profession of Teaching, will have every facility for perfecting themselves in those branches deemed important in their galling,: There are four grades in the Department, and students on entering 'the Institution will be admitted to that ' grade for which they are qualified by previous study. students. sufficieati V Advanced in this Department, are permitted to attend reel ' tations with the College classes, in any of the branch - es which they may desire, for which no additional charge is made. It is contemplated, at an early day, to erect a new building for the exclusive use of the Preparatory Department. until 'this building is erected, theolder students of this Department are providel with rooms in the College Building. The , Principal, who resides near the College, I will receive into his family a - limited number of the younger pupils, for ivlioin temporary provision has been made by the Board of Trustees, in the erection of j an addition to his residence. Communicated $1248 40 The necessary expenses -of those resi ding in the College will vary from $3 - 1 SSS per session, according to circumstan ces, or Boarding in clubs may be procured at $2 50, in private families at from $3 50 tb $4 00, Tuition per session, $l2 40, Room rent, &e., 4 ..!3 00, Washing, $1 00, Fuel and light, from $4 00 to $0 00. Students residing with the Principal will be charged at the rate of sixty-flue dollars per Session for boarding, washing, light, fuel, furniture, rooms and attention; the ono-half to he paid in advance, the balance at the middle of the session. A deduction of five dollars will be made for the Summer Session. Each student is expected to bring with him towels. sheeti, pillow cases and a quilt or its equivalent. The Terms and Vacations are as follows : First term begins September 20th, 1868. Second " " Jan. 10th, IMO 7. Third " " May 9th " and each continues 13 weeks—followed by vacations of three, four and six weeks respectively. for further particulars. address, . • • Rev. C. J. ETIREHART, Principal. NAMES OP STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE UP ON THE PiIEPARATORY DEPARTMENT DURING THE YEAR 1865-66. George N. Acker, Washington, D. C. Leonidas T. Acworth, Quantico, Henry W. Baldwin, Neoga, Jamsq R. P. Bates.Smitiffield Station, 0. W. Hamilton Bayly, Gettysburg, Pa. R. H. Beck, llecktown, North'd. Co., Pa. T. Biddle Spang's Mills, Blair co., Pu. John A. Beim, Gettysburg, Pa. Frederick W. Butler, Reading, Pa. Conrad Clever, Shippensburg, Pa. .Edward J. Cox, Gettysburg, Pa. Robert S. Crawford, Gettysburg, Pa. Martin Diebi, Walkersville, Frederick co., Md. Adam Diehl, co., Md. H. W. Delay, Unionville, Fred. co., Md. John H. Ehrehart, Gettysburg, k Pa. Thomas E. Ehrehart, M. J. A. Emery, Palmyra, Leb. co., Pa. Simon P. Felton, Cherry Grove, Bedford co., Pa. Samuel G. Finokel, Washington, D. C. William H. Finckel, " . Victor L. C. Forrer, Pine Grove, Behuyl - kill co. ' Pa. David Z. Foulk, Gettysburg, Pa. Henry P. Frazey, Cherry Grove, Bedfurd county, Pa. J. T. E. Gephart, Grasshopper Falls, Kan. Marshall Gephart, " Wilberforce Gettys, Athens, Tenn. Daniel Gilbert, Jr. Gettysburg, Pa. John T. Gladhill, Frederick, 1% , 1d. Charles E. flay, Gettysburg, Pa. Edward G. Hay, " Alfred lleindel, York, Pa. Henry S. Herman, Hagerstown, Md. Benjamin S. fliokman, Lovettsville, Va. George S. Hickman, " • John L. Hill, Gettysburg, Pa. J Holtz, New Chester, Adams co., Pa. Gilbert Hoover, Gettysburg, Pa. , George E. Jacobs, John L. Kendlehart, " James L. Rihier, Front Royal, Va. Ezekiah Kieffer, Harney, Carroll co., Md. H I John A..Koser, arrisburg, Pa. George R. Lathrop, Washington, D. E. Manges, Buckstown , Sonist. eo., Pa. ; Edwin T. Maul, York, Pa. Colin O. MeClean, Gettysburg, Pa. Franklin W. Mehatiby, Marietta, Pa. ' George W. Minket, Cumberland, Md, Michael R. Minnich, Bedford, Pa, Wm. Luther Minnigh, Gettysburg, Pa. Charles A. R. Moore, Mount Jackson, Va. Benjamin E. Moore, Quantleo, Md, Walter H. O'Neal, Gettysburg, Pa. Samuel Palmer, Upton, Franklin co„ - Pa. Lewis Pelffer, Chan.tbersburg, Pa. A. M. Pfahler, Lewisberry, York co., Pa. Walter S. Pratt, Washington, D. C. John M. Radebaugh, Gettysburg, Pa. J. H. Reynelds, Bakersyille, Washington co., Md. Gustavus A. Richardson, Lovettaville,Va. John M. Reimensnyder, Sunbury, Pa. Jacob F. Rife Middletown, Pa. ' Amos A. Roth, West Fairview, Cumber land co., Pa. John W. Rumple, Concord North Car. C. E. Sadtler, Luthervillo, Balt. co., Md. W. F. Shull, New Chester, Adams co„ Henry A. Smelts, Frostburg, Md. Manassas J. Smeltzer, Middletown, Md. M. B. Snyder, Quakertown, Bucks co.,Pa, Thus, J. Stambaugh, Chambersburg, Pa, Edward H. Stolle, Washington, D. C. J. E. Stortebraker, Hagerstown, Md. Henry B. Strohdacti, Beading, Pa. James A. Swope, Gettysburg, Pa. - Charles Me. Troxell, Emmitsburg, 244, Jeffbrson Z. Taylor t Quantico, M 4 John Mc. Unger J Mercersburg, William L. G. Unger, ” J. M. Weaver, Hunteridown, Adams co. Pa. Jams B. Weaver, Hen N. Wolltrt, Altoona, Pa, Jesse F. Young ) Outran:dans; Md,, Samuel A. Zlegesitias,Bunker Hlll,Bucks wanly, Pa. • Jaeoh 8. Ziegler, Getty ?burg, Pa. Hugh, Me. Ziegler, • Special Notice Column, the Graatest Difiltot ery of the A;e. F.l R3lEiti, F.l id ILI ES, D OTHER'S can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. TWA M . Venetian Liniment for dysentery, colic, cretip, chronic thOUICULLI9III, sore throats, toothache, sea sickness cuts, burns, swellings, bruises; old soros, headach e, itiosquito bites, print in the limbs, chest, beck, Ac. If IL does not give relief the money will be refunded.. All that is asked Is a trial, and use it ;wording to the iltrections. Da. Toats.s.—Dear Sir: I have used•your Vene tian Lrtilment in my family rum numberof yeaN, and believe It to be the bust article for what it is reocuanictided that I have ever used. Foritudden attack of croup it Is invaluable. I have no hesita tion in recoraoiendlug ft for all the usesit profess es to cure. I bare sold it for many years, and it gives entire satisfaction ; CMASI. TRIMMER. quakertown, N. J., May 8, 1868. Price, 40 and 80 cents. Sold by all drug:4l4J Offize 88 Con rtland street, New York.. July 9,4884. Iva Pewit's the Bleed, If the Mood be pure the body which la formed' from and by the blood cannot be diseased. But if there be in any part of the body an affection, suck. an a bell or Ulcer. even a brirlae, the blood circula ting through that part takes up impure Irtatfer from the local affection and carries it into the general system. This Ls the'eause often of sudden death Lk, persons of MIL bnhit affuctud with boils and ulcers, and who use no medicine; the matter gets into t4e circulating systein and chtdres up the fine Liao.' vessels Which supply trto irrain wittletitality, and life cans is as if BEBE' , r BY LIGIITNINO, Now, Mix van be retwalefl. BRANDItI:TH'S PILLS take all impure matters from the circulation, and save the general health, soon coring local affec tions also. Bit! NDRETH'S PILLS protect from tedious times ofsicknegg aml often save life. sold by all; Drwalsts. [July 9,1908. lrry Trawitermation ! Thc'superstitiona of antinelty are only "food for laughter" at the present day, and yet this is an tme of MIRAOLF,I, accomplished with the aid of scienee. For example: grey, sandy or red hair Is CHANGED IN A MoNIENP, to the richest con ceivable black or brown, by a simple applica tion Qt, , 1 CHRISTA DOllOll HAIR DYE. Mattefractured by J. CHRIST.ADORO, 8 Astor House, New York. Sold by DruZgista. APPIIOd by sit Halt. Dressers. [Juws •• • .• - It Is Too Cheap. Theire can be nothing so certain to cure a severe cold, whether It be settled In the head or ..breast, the Rings or bowels, as Medway's Ready only It Is too cheap for some people. It gives ease in a few minutes. It d Isposes of the pain directly. It produces perspiration ; and acting energetically upon the tit re nn the bladder, the skin, (Sc.. nip- Idly throws Wall the morbid mutter pru , lueed by the derangement of the system, leaving, the recap penal ve powers of nature to assert their authority, and restore the sufferer to perfect health, But t hen fhe rule vts soe heap. When you tlud that you I, rye -eauzlit a cold," as it is called, do not put off the use m tnediel he until the simple. ..cold" has ilezenerated Into a more serious disorder.— Attack the enemy at once before he has bad time to sele,t his ground, lutretich himself - aft/ erect fortifications. When you have a pain In the back and a dull headache; when your bones all feel as if they bad boeu,n and your skiu as if ID net) bruised; when it lassito to overeoinet you, as if you did not wish to move: when your appetite fad's nyray, you coast tatty snooze . or cough, and you feel utterly enable to persuade yourself to go to work; when in short you have a "b‘deohl, - lay out iteer is for a bottle of Ftl..lW.It"S It .IIdY RAW and in a day or night you tnay h. , eonte well. ji you are ashamed of being (ired su cheaply send for a do-tor. Ii • cannot, If he a skillful practi tioner. charge you less than five dollars, besides the priett of his prescriptions. In a week or so lie may ItLtare you to health. If you should happen, on the contrary, to take one or two spoonfuls of R ads. Relief In hairs totn , derof sweetened water gningtto bed, you would or.,nam, Otto tip a w•ll man In the in wiling. You would perspire the roll entirely out of yon. At any rate two or three shill Is/doses nest rtes w ml I certainly accomplish the purp.isr. It Ilway's Ready Relief Is the best tit I tigl In the world to cure a cold. It never falls. It has, we all know, but one (atilt as a ro.ll-4.1) . —1t is too.chean, Mold by Ibliggints. July 23, PIO. 2.1 v Ayer's Agile Care, FOR riot 'WEEPY OF Intermittent Fev..r. or Fever and Ague, Remit tent Fever, Cht It Fever. Dom , I Agile, Periodical Headache or Bilious Headadie, and BIM sis Fe vers, indeed for the whole clam of d is , aseS origin atinglin hillary derangem .iit, caused by the Ma hula Ot minsi male countries. ' , milt. and Ague le n tt the only consequence of I mia.s?ri etc poison. A gee it variety of disorders arise from Its irritation, lit mai:mons districts, among which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, (lout, Headache, Blindness Toothache, Earaehe, Ca t Asthin Palatat ion, PLEinful Affection of the Spleen, ilystertelcs, Pain In the Bowels, Colic, l'aralycis, an I Ih•ran,rern mit of the storruichcall of which, when originating in this cause put on the intermittent typ.., or become periodical. This "nunr" expels the p ikon from the blood, and thus cures them all alike. It is notonif the most eff.ctri al rem-dy ever ,leicovered for this class of eomplaints, but it is the cheapest liald moreover is perfmrtly safe. No harm can arise from its use, and the patient when cure 1 in left as healthy n 8 if he had never had the disease. Can this be said of any other cure for Chill, and Fever" It is lute nt t fits, and its importance to those afflicted with the complaint cannot he over estimated.Si' sure IS It to cure the Fever and Ague, that It may lee truthfully said to he a es‘rtai 0 romisly. One I) ereninplalllS that it is not a goo I in .4 trine to sell, tetcluisc one bottle cures a whole neighborhood. Prclatr•AliY •I• C. AYER h Co, Ipweii, liass.,and .soul by A. D. !Mohler, Gettysburg. MEE= LIFE-HEA LT -STRENGTH'. 1,1 E HEN() CH. FE-.HEALTH-STHEZ,:(CH ?4e Great Preneh Remedy. nil. it'A,N DEL %MAMIE'S CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILCH, Prepared from a prvser.ptioir of Dr. Juan Deism marre, CtUef Pliyulekin of the Hospital du Nord on LarilvAstere of Paris. MIS lova medleln.. Is no Imprnit lon, bnt is unfailing in the cure of Spermatorrine or Semi nal Weakness. Every species of Genital or Uri. nary Irritability, Involuntary or Vi fitly Seminal Emissions from whatever cause produced, or how. evr severe, will be speedily re'leved and the or• gabis restored to healthy action. Itead the following opittioi.s of eminent French physicians: "We have used the Specifie Pills prepared by Garen. lere A: Dupont, No. 211 Roe Lombard, from the prescription of Dr. 3nan Delamarre, fn our private practice wit'a uniform success. and we be, neve there is no other medicine so well calculated to cure all persons suffering from Involuntary Emissions or any other wenkness of the Sexual Organs, whether caused by sedentary modes of living, excesses or abuse. It. A. IIF:ArREPARIE, M. D. G. D. Dr/AIIIIIN, M. 1). JEAN LE LEernat:, M. D. Paris, May 4th. PM." BEW.tith: OF COUNTERFEITS. The genuine Pills by all the prineipal Druggists thiongliont the World. Price Oue Dol lar p Box, nr six Boxes for rive Dollars. GAILANCIERRA: DITIKETt. Sole Proprietors, Rue Paris. One Dollaranclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure a box by Muni mall. securely sealed from All observation; six boxes for five dollars. Solo General Agen is for A m OSCAR G. NOSES 27 Cortlond at., N. Y. N. B.—French. German', Spanl.h arid English Pamphlets, containing full part•etilars anal direc tions; for use, sent tree to event address. A. D. Buehler, Agent for Gettysburg. Dec. 18, 1865. ly Lyon's Periodieal Drops! TILE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR at itEciur,ArtrrrEs.—Tlkese Drops are a scientifi cally compounded fluid preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being li quid, their action is direct and paaßive, rendering them a reliable, spec .y and certain specific f or the cure of all obstructions andsuppressions of nature. Their popularity Is Indicated by the fact that over 1.00,0iM bottles are annually consumed by the ladles of the United 'States, every one of whom speaks In the strongest. terms of praise of their great merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Female Remedy, and are con sidered by all who know aught of them, as the surest, safest, and most Infallible preparation In the world, for the cure of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health, regularity and strength.— Explicit directions stating when they may lilted, and explaining when and why they should not, nor could not be used without producing effects contrary to nature's laws, will be found carefully folded, around each bottle, with the written signa ture of Solo, L. LYON, without which none are I genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, zas Chape. Street, New Haven, Conn., who can be consulted ethers personally or by mail, (enclosing stamp,) concerning all private diseases and female wm.k..• gooses. Said by Druggists everywhere. - C. G. CLARK NovNos6,lB4l. ly CO., Gen'l Agents for IL S. and Canada*, Terrible Dieelesures. 146CRIFTS FOR THE 3fILLIONI—A MOlt valuable and wonderful publication. A work of 400 pages, and 311 colored Engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VA.DE MECUM, an original and popular treatise I on Man and Woman, their Pbysiolog. y, Functions, I and Serail disorders of every kind, with Never- FaiLtngßemedies fortheirsPeedY care. TilePrace Moe of DR. HUNTER has long been. and still is, unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation GOA, merous persons. he has been induced to extend his medical usefilness through the meditirre orris " VADELMEGI7M." It is a volume that ellocild be in the hands of every family in the land, musi ventivei of secret vices, or as a guide lbw the i= taloa of one of the moat awthl and d_setruetive wanes that ever visited mankind. One securely enveloped, will he fomented Ikea of 1 , ta any part of the UnitedSteSes far lie seats In 1 0 70. stamps. Addresk_paet paid, DR. 11 Ne, Division dt , ,, - New Tair a rsopt,W P. Illnarsbairs Ostarri - Sou,. This matt ham thoroughly prOvedl iteeklat be ibe. best•Netiele known for curing the esn . arrn, in the Head and Headache. It hoe been found au esoallant ternely In many eases of Sore Eyee.-. Deafness been removed by ft, and Hearing haw often been greatly Unproved by Its use. it Ls fragrant and ag,roualk., and utvae IMMII DIA.TiIt HEMET to the drill heavy pains caused by disease* of the head. 'rho Rensations after using It are delightful and Invigorating, It *pens and pUrgatioUt all obstructions, atretwt aims tttc glands, and g We* a healthy Met/C)11 to the ports alreeted. More than Thirty Year', of Sale end use of "Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff," has proved its great value tor n)! the MVO dt 3 essy m of the hetud and at this moment *tends higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of Bar bast tAsyst aegis, and Is y sod with great success and soUatac tion everywhere.. tho Certificates of Wholesale Druggists In 'Mitt Thu undoralsmod, having for many years 15)5)0 akut Wanted with 'f I.)r. Afarshall'r Catarrh and Headache Snuff," and sold It lb our wholesale trade, cheerfully state, that we believe 4 to be opal, La every reelect, to the reenromendetkees given of It for the curo of Cut-4411ml Mrectionto, and that It Is decidedly the best article we has a ev.n known for all ronunon diseases of the Head, Burr & Perry, Boto sy ; Bead, Auston Jr. C0..130%. ton; Brown, Lamson k Cu., Boston; Seth W, leowle, Boston; Wilson, Pairbank S Co., ; ucashaw, Edmund 4 Co., Boston; 15, H, nay. Portland, Me.; Burnes & Park, New 1 ork ; A, it. & B. Sands, New York • Stephen Pant & New York ; Israel Minor & bO., New York ; McKesson dr.-Robbins, New York; A. L. Co., New York; M. Ward, Close Co., New York; Bush & Gala, New York. 1.17 • F0r wale by all Bruggt Try lt. (Dee. Id, 14.1, This Great Eaa - i I snit JA,3er2r CLARKE'S CYLEBRATKD YEMAT.IR Ptt..L4. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, Jl. D. Phyttician Extraordinary to the Thls invaluable ttwdicine is unfailing in t Cure Grail Biome painful and dangerous Mee* , Ica to Which the female constitution Is sulAteet. It nioderates all exeemeß and removes all obstrue• Lions, and wspeedy cure may be reiVed on. To SlarrlettLatliA it is peculiarly suited. It will, la aahurt time, bring on the monthly period with regularity, Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern, ment Stamp of great Britain, to prevent counter felts. CAurtol.-41tese Pills should not be taken by Feniaka; during the IofH4T TiLItRIC MONTIIN of Preg. nancy, as they are Kure to bring on Illecurrlage, taut at any other time they are safe. in all c ties of Nervous nail %phial Affections. Patna In the Rack and Limbs. hntigud• on milght exertion, Palpitation of the heart, liymterlem, end Whites, theme Pills will eireet ileure when all oth er means have failed • and although a powerful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or anythiug hurtful to the constitution. Full directions In the pamphlet around each package, which blioulti be carefully preserved. Sold by all Druggists. Solo Agent for the Uhl. ted States and Canada. JOB 31CISE3, 27 Cortland At., N. T. N. 11.-41,00 and 8 pout age statnna endowed to any anthoriz.Nl Agent, wi II invnre,a bottle. con tal n I lig 01) Pills, by return milli, by .5.. D, Buehler. Dec. 10, 1005, ly To Consumptives. The advertiser, having been restored to health In a few weeks by a very simple reintaly, after having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consump tion—la anxious to make knoWn to his fellow. Sufferers the nitaus of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription used ifrue of charged with ti direr. Lions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sung crag ron rortsuairriost, BRONNIITN, VOVOIRM, COMM, and all Throat and Lung Atreetions, The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to the afflicted, and sp road information which Le eoneelves to be invaluable. and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, us It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties WiShilig the prescription FRX.E by return mall, will please aid tress Itmv. Famv Ann A. WIISON, Willlantsimrg. Kings go., Now York, Mar. 5, 1366. ly Stratum, but True Everyyoung laly and gentleman in th• United States can hear something very much to their ad vantage by return - mail -tfree of charge,' by ad. dressing the undersigned, - Those but lint fears of being buinhugged will oblige by not noticing flits card. Alt others will please address their Masi!, eat servant, TllOB. P. CHAPMAN, afar, /Y KU Broadway, N. Y. Eye and Epp! • PROF. J. ISAACS, M. It., °enlist and Aurlst formerly of Leyden, Holland, is located at No r,19 PIN 'Street, PIII lA,L.tDELPH where person a athletes] with disease/tot the EYE or EAR, will I.a tielen I treated and cured, if curable. N. It, EYES inaerted without pain.— No ellarges made for examinations. The medical faculty Is Invited, as he hus no secret in lila 1111.Klu of treatment. [July 17, 1865. ly Errors of Tooth A gentleman who suffered for years from Ner vous Will lay, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suf. ..ring humanity, send free to all whonee.l It. tho xecipeaud directions for tnhking. the slim +. rem edy hywhleh he w.ts cured. i•4lltlferers wishing to profit bythe advertiser's experience, can do so by addr.ming JOHN 11. OGDEN. No. 13 Chambers tit., New Turk. 1y The political news-front the inte rior of the State is encouraging to the frienda of the Union. The late action. of the Radicals has opened the eyes of the people, and they are preparing to r<wecp that faction from power at the coming election. The honest and patriotic vo ters of the Keystone State will not sup port a party which is willing to inaugu rate a civil war as a means of retainiri political power. This the Radical party is preparing to do, and hence their doom is sealed. The stale cry of "loyalty" will not avail against such facts as those presented with reference to their con templated }reason. • Ittn_fleary wag very unpopular In lii4 oil regiment, , the 2Sth, where the sol diers very well knew him, and he will not receive one vote out of ten among them. it is significant that, while seve ral meetings of those who served under him haVe been held to express their opin ions against him, not one has yet held in his favor. TM.. It costa nearly a million dollars a month to maintain idle negroes! For nearly forty years this sum covered the entire expenses of the Government.— Circleville Dem. Latest Market Reports, OETTYtSUURO FLOUR. • RYE FLOUR, WRITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, CORN, RYE, - • OATS, BUCKWHEAT, HAY, BA.LTIMORZ. FLOUR, - . WHEAT, - RYE. . con? 1, • - - OATH, - HOGS, F band., - BEE CATTLE, * bond., HAY . . wmhxzy. • • Married. On the 94th lou t et the resident* of the bride's 'parente, by the Wry. K Breldenbetist.Mr. JACOB A. KITZMILLER to Ulu ANNIE L. DARLACLI. Died. July Sth, Clettyaburg, Mal MAGGIE C. BIG: , HAM. 'daughter of the late David Afghani, of Franklin co., Pa., and ,hater-ln-law of Rev. D. T., Carnahan, of thin place. /11 this place, last. Mond morning, afters lot a illness, Miss MARY A. BEAMS, daughter or Mr. John Beams, aged 21 years II months and 15 days. On the 12th inst., at Muiterton Ohio, alter a I Illness of eight days, of pneumonia, Dr. FREDL. RICK ASHBAUGH, formerly of Gettysburg. On On Friday last, in Cumberland township, PIUS HENRY, son•of George and Catharine limier, aged 2 years and +5 days. Teachers Wanted. r HE Board of School Directors of Straban rI township will meet nt the Public School I oust In Hunterstowu, on SATURDAY, the ,18th of AUGUST next, at 9 o'clock, A. Y., for ' the purpose of employinz 8 Teachers, to take charge of the sch lots of said township during ' the fall term. The County Idaperiatendent will be present to examine applicants. By order of the Board, HENRY BUCHER, Pres% amen TAolllki, they, , i . July 30, 1866. 31* - V. Licenses, 10 following applications for Restaurant T License hart been filed in my office, and will be presented at the Court of Quarter See. mons on M3NDAY, the 20th of 41/GIS; 1866: Samuel A. Miller; Huntisgton township, John B. Ilgenfrits, Gettysburg borough. JANES J. PM, Clerk: July 30, 1666. to Prime Rants, SHOULDERS, Sides, kouteqqade Dalogi Saussage, to., a full stock. always Wm for sale, of the very .beat quality, 44d at lutist living poll* b - - • . ELLSPLIIIIIOk . g Jim 11: • wit door Solitaires& 01104 10 50 e 12200 - • 2 • 220 21, 9 60 - 900 1# 2•15 77 1 25 • 600. 900 975 10 21 1 to ip 285 • IDO 0) 110 • 8194 117 - 60(9 80 - 14 OD 15 01 • 12 00 40 18 00 . 22 80 01, /4 OD - 222 4, 2