U (onvikr. GETtittlitUlt., PA.; jemeillsy rimless Sul, IS, ISM Iva oevcasNoit, HON. MESTER CLYMER, OW 821t1C5 corrrir Dencratic County Convention. At $ meeting of the Dentocratie County Committee, at Wolf's Hotel, in Gettys• , burg, on Saturday last, the following res olligon was unsainsogsly adopted : .Haeoh , ed, That the Democratic voters sof Adams mienty be, and they are hereby, requested to meet at their usual places of bolding Delegate Elections, ou SATUR DAY, the 28th day of JULY instant, for the pinyon of choolling Delegates to rep resent them in a County Convention to be held In Gettysburg, on IfONDAY fol lowing, (July 30th,) at 10 o'clock, A. M., to nominate a County Ticket, appoint Congreselonal Conferees, and transact such other business us may be deemed necessary. The Delegate Elections to open at 5 and elose at 7 o'clock, P. M., in all the Districts except in Gettysburg— to the latter place to open at 7 and close at 9 o'clock, P. M. fair The Delegate Election in Union township to be held this year at Self's Station. JACOB BIINICERIIOFF, H. J. MYERS, See'y. July 2, 18tIti TAE GREAT MEETING AT READING Ousel.. or taw gubernatorial CampoWm. 93.000 Preemies Is amisell. Grand Uprtudan of for People for Clymer and the ConatlfaultiOn. The Gubernatorial campaign in Penn sylvania setts formally opened by the Democracy at Reading on Wednesday bud. Notwithstanding the heat, and the -busy season for the farmers, the turn-out was immense.. TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND is rather below than above the mark. It is estimated that twenty thousand people were carried there over the railroads, and that more than five thousand went in their own conveyances. The city was perfectly alive with the en thusiastic Democracy. Delegations num bering thousands, bearing banners and flags, with appropriate mottoes and watchwords, poured, in, cheering with lusty lung; while from those who lined the sidewalks and filled every window and available stand-point, a glad shout of greeting and welcome , went up. The many magnificent bands\of music which necOmpanied the differeurdelegations mingled their shrill notes the'musie of rejoicing human voices, and a cannon presented to the Keystone Club of Phila delphia by the lamented Douglas, added its thunders to aid In the general rejoi cing of the many thousands of Democrats assembled in the home of their chosen standard bearer, the gallant and gifted son of "Old Burks," Hiester Clymer. About 2 o'clock the meeting was or ganized at the main stand. Hon. Win. A. Wallace, Chairman of the State Ceti tml Committee, delivered a short but able address, at the , ,conclusion of which Hon. Richard Vaux, of Philadelphia, was chosen chairman of the Convention. Ou taking the chair, he made an 4 earnest and telling speech, and was followed by Hon. Hiester Clymer, in one of his al ways happy efforts, which brought out frequent bursts of applause. We expect to publish it next week. Hon. Mont gomery Blair then took the stand, and in a speech of some _length, thoroughly exposed the infamous doings and dan gerous_ designs of the Radicals. He de clared that they meant another chid war, If need be, to cam; out their negro and disunion plans. He was greeted with warm applause, as was Hon. George H. Pendleton, of Ohio, who also delivered an able and stirring speech. There were twenty or more speeches made at the slx or eight other stands occupied ut the same tithe along Penn street, which we have neither time or space to notice. -, merles of resolutions was offered, an( ' adopted with cheers, at the main stand, which we will give in our next. The masses:are rising In their might. The first_great wave of pophlar emotioia was feit•at Reading on Wednesday, and the tido will sweep on until the election in October, when the Radicabi will be completely overwhelmed and buried be neath the righteous indignation and the atienging scorn of the thoughtful voters of this great Commonwealth. • THE CABINET. There is a break in the Cabinet. Den nison, Postmaster General, and Speed, Attorney _General, have resigned, and Harlan will soon follow suit. The coun try-can easily dispense with the services of these gentlemen—and could do with out Stanton too. The President has nominated Hon. A. W. Randall, of Wisconsin, as Postmaster General; and lion. Henry J. Stansbury, of Ohio, as-Attorney General. War The Democratic Delegate Election s in this county will take place on Satur day neat, and the County Convention on Monday. It is to be hoped that the dif ferent districts will-Aend their best men as delegates, and that the strongest ticket possible will be the result. 'rile - present fanatical party must be beaten and swept outof exktence. Until that is done there will be no peace for the country, and no prosperity for the people. ei-Major LY. G. Buhl has boen appoint ed PostaLister at, Shrewsbury, York county, In the stead of Eli ricpounell, rimoved. Major Ruhl is, of bum, a Conservative, and takes the place of a itatilaal, a Negrolte. Many of the boys in ,the ohl BTtft will be glad of this appolnt ntei'lf, in 'two ways—glad that the Major h~Mttaken his stand on the white platform oC AS.hdrow Johnson, and glad that he has sioefired quite a handsome office. •••••• . jOIThe 'Court at Philadelphia has de elriesikßAVor of Iktajor David P. Weaver, Democrat, as the legally elected City Coin4Rtaetoter, over John Given, P,ipub /laiwatotlte MA October election, by 70 a1#0 14 4 4 .4111/0." &Irwin ilieoonniighy vacate? There Winne Aunts, of law to justify &twin langerSalding 'his seat. The decision of UM 4/Pine .0044:40 11 1 1 ,relY against biggii2iletking now coninianto Wok Jam but ohcare ; KIM' IT szroaz THE MAPLE. Mao sirs roe lbS Vales 1, On the 7th day of January, MK Mn Bogeys, Democrat, of %Sy Jersey, its the House of Representatives of the United States, offered resolutions, declaring, that a State or States, "whenever they shall de sire to return to the Union, and obey Me Congintion of the United States and laws in pursuance thereof, have a right to come back, their laws and acts of secession being unconstitutional and void; that we are for the most united, determined, and vigorous prosecution of the war, for the purpose of enforcing the efilliirtitatiox of the United States and a restoration of the Union un der the Constitution." Mr. Stevens (disunionist) moved that the series of resolutions be )/aid upon the table ; which motion was carried, by a vote of seventy-eight disunidnista—all Re publicans—to forty-two putouists—all Democrats. [Sec House Journal, lst. Besskik 38th Congress, p a ge 1151 What does this vote mean? What does It assert? Wbat does it defend? It means that the Republicans in Congress, and the radical portion of the constituen cy they represent, were in 1864, as they are in 1866, and will ever be, opposed to the return of any of the rebellious States to the Union, no matter how submissive and repentant they may be; It asserts, that they, (the rebellious states) have no right to come back, although we lavished millions of treasure and piled up whole lietacombe of lives to compel them to come back ; it defends a war, which, by their votes, they declared should not be prosecuted for the enforcement of the Constitution and the restoration of the Union. In a word, this vote of Ahe Re publican party in Congress, proyeB them to be secessionists, disunionlste and trai tors. What else does this vote meait, assert and defend? It Means, i tipt, the Demo crats in Congress, and t.he conservative constituencies they represent, were in 1864, as they are, in 1546, *n favor of the return to the Unign of all the Stites who obey the Constitution and the laws; It asserts, that this submission being shown, they haven right to come back; and it defends the war, as one which was car ried on for the sole purpose of bringing these States back, under the Constitution, the Unica and the laws. The Republican disunionists say they shall hoe come back; the Democratic Unionists say they shall come back. GEARY represents the Republican disu nionists; Ciorxsa respre.gents the Dem ocratic Unionists. GEARY represents StevenicSuinner and the "boys in black ;" the represents Johnson, Cowan and the "boys in blue." Stevens, Sumner and the "boys in black" are diatinioniste —so is GEARY; Johnson, Cowag and the "boys 'in blue" are Unionists—so is CLYMER. VOTE FOR CLYMER! THE FREEDMEN'S REREAD RIM The President, on Tuesday, retirned to the House of Representatives the bill extending the Freedmen's Bureau; with his objections thereto o , He considers it Inconsistent with the welfare of the boun try, and liable to bhe same oonstitutional objections that be made to a similar measure a few months ago. He adheres to the principles set forth in that message, and reaffirms the position then taken. After the message had been read, the question was taken upon the bill, (the objections of the President to the contra ry, notwithstanding,) and it passed by a vote of 103 to 33. Three Republicans (Raymond of New York, Washburne of Indiana, and Ku . ykenda ll of Illinois) voted in the negative. The action of the House was communicated to the Senate, and the bill was also passed by that body by the requisite two-third vote, and like the Civil_ Rights Bill it has become a law. It will be imposiible for the Radicals to carry the heavy load they are heaping on their shoulders, and a cOnsclousness of impending defeat seems to have made them utterly reckless. Y i WHITE NEN, AiltiltSEl When Republican papers publish the ammatory speeches of, negroes— though it be "by request"—white men should open their eyes to The real designs of the Republican party. These Radicals mean to make use of the negroes in any and every shape 'which their determpt tion to hold power may suggest. Lei the friends of 'a white Government arouse, and beat back-the btaelc wave with which the Radicals are trying to engulf the nation. There is no time to be lost.— All who oppose the degradation of our race to the level of the negro, must Com bine at once, and at the polls overwhelm Radicalism and its candidates. ser The New , York World says that there were sixty deaths from sunstroke in that city on Tuesday, and one hundred and fifty-eight burial permits were issued, eighty of which were made out and re corded as "burial permits for persons deceased after short diarrhceal disease." The_ Herald says : There were five cases reported to be cholera iii the city yesterday, (Monday.) - Four of the pa tients died, and the other, it seems, was only afflicted with the cholera morbus. Nine cases were reported in Brooklyn.— The mortuary' report for the past week shows the number of deaths by cholera in New York to have been eleven. The New 'York Commercial Advertiacr states that cholera is raging in certain parts of that city. It also asserts that. the facts relative to the number of cases on Hart's Island are deemed so ap palling that publicity is denied. Surgeon Callioun of that post has died of the chol era, and a number of physicians have been sent to Hart's and Governor's Is lands. Several additional eases of chol era were reported in the city of New York on Friday. .$ The Radical majority in Congress, on Wednesday last, voted Mr. Coffroth ou t o f his seat, giving it to Koontz. The Republican leaders have gotten into the habit of treating the will of the people as nothing, thus forfeiting all claim to con fidence or respect, Can the people sus tain a party'thus led ? Ser The negro Republicans claim that they are the soldiers' only friends, and yet their U. S. Senator& refuse to confirm the soldier appointments of President Johnson. la said that Gov. Fenton, of the Now-York "grand moral idea party," ewe pardoned Ketchum, the forger. THE COMING STOBX. Theeditor of the New York Times, wri gar" The CroMPILER will be furnished tang as Mi. Raymond, of the House ofl for _the canajoign—from this time Until Representatives, and signing his initials, after charges the Radical majority of the body • the October election—at the low ' to which be belongs with a distinct de- price of Fiflp, Cents! Send in the names sign to distribute arms secretly among and the money—singly or by clubs. There is an interesting campaign ahead, the people of certain sections of the :s.rorth, b 3 vio- and no Detn3crat or Conservative should and to overturn the government fail to be posted when the information lence. Mr. Raymond Is a Republican, and can be secured for the small sum of_half speaks by the card. lion. Montgomery a dollar, Blair, in his speech at Reading oirzWed ncsday, made the same charge, and' warned the people, as they valued their peace and the institutions of their coun try, to arouse at once, and organize, thor oughly and efficiently, in order to crush Radicalism at the polls. Let all who are opposed to another civil war, more bloody', than the last—one which would extend into every State In the North—take heed in time. The Radical leaders are deeper ate.' Their negro projects once defeated, they know that their power for mischief would begone forever. Up, then, people, and strike such a blow for your race and country as will effectually defeat the mis erable faction which now seeks to rule in ter to ruin—to pull down the magniti (Wilt fabric reared by the blood of our Revolutionary fathers, WHAT DJD THE AOLDIERA 'W ITT Fait ? What did the soldiers of the Union ar my fight for? A Republican newspaper ' asks this question, and the Lancaster Intelligence,. thus answers it: when the flag, the symbol of the Union as formed by our fathers uncles the Con stitution, was fired upon at Sumter, thou sands of brave men rushed to arms. For what? Was it to free the negroes? Let the Radical Disunionists tell the return ed veterans that, if they dare. *hen President Lincoln issued his proclamation freeing the slaves, what was the ground on which he professed to, stand ? Was not the act justified because it was believed the soldiers fought for the restoration of the Union under the Con stitution. That was the one great, grand,' holy object which they kept singly in view. They did not fight to conquer equal rights for the negro, and in the coaling elections they will show their scorn of that political party which would delay the restoration of the Union until the odious conditions of negro4suffrage and negro equality are forced upon in unwilling people. The soldiers read and think for themselves now, and they can not fail to see that the party which nom inated Geary is unequivocally committed to all the infamous schemes of the }Unli t; cols in Congress. Wh tever the soldiers May think of Geary' military record, they cannot endors his political posi tion. They cannot and will not vote with any party which makes the Union for which they fought subordinate to ne gro equality. The soldiers fought for the Union, not for the negro; and they will vote as they shot. 110... The intensified, unadulterated, un daunted add brawling loyal man of the last five years; must have a hard time of it now, surely. His occupation is gone. He has no Provost Marshal now to whis per tales of slander to. No obsequious guard with which to mark his vengeance on his neighbor. No guard-house to immure his•enemy in. No `•lines" be yond which to send those who stood in his way. No power to "arrest" the man who differed with him. No one to search for him his neighbor's house. •No in ducement to dog his opponent'S footsteps and to watch his every movement. No reward for eavesdropping about his nou-e. No chance to have his horse or his mule taken from hint. Ah! Othello's occu pation's gone.—Free Press. Sir 'Crack ! Don't you hear it break ing? The back-bone of the Disunion Abolition party. Cowan, Dixon, Doo little, Ex. Goy. Johnson and other lead ing "Republicans" are bard on the radi cal spine. lliirThe question is nbt was Geary a good soldier, but is he a proper man to be elected Governor of Pennsylvania? If he stands on the Radical platform, he is opposed to the restoration of the Union and In favor of negro equality. No true soldier can vote for such a man. It Is the duty of every true friend of his coun try to vote against him. krGen. Banks, Representative In the rump Congress from Massachusetts, de clared the other day that It is the inten tion of the Republican party to impose negro suffrage upon the whole country. He said the only reason the matter is de ferred is because the people are not suffi ciently Republicanized yet. Rai - Often as it has been charged that Geary is in favor of negro , suffrage and negro equality, he has never yet denied it, Let every voter remember that. The "Tadpole" Party.—A paper in the West calls the party led 'by _Thaddeus Stevens, the "T(h)adpolee." Not a bad hit. iliierThad. Stevens is a candidate for U. S. Senator. - We ask the people, is it safe to elect "Republicans" to the Legis lature, in view of the probability that if they obtain a majority on joint ballot in that body, they will elect this hoary headed Disunionist to the Senate of the United States? SS`Provost Marshal General Fry, it is said, has been thoroughly roasted by the investigation into the affairs of his "bureau." "When rogues fall out," &c. Fry had better make a clean breast of it now, and "spot" the loyal scamps who profitted by the draft and exemption rascalities. "Let the people know how they were humbugged and robbed by the "loyal" haters anti persecutors of copperheads. IM-One of the "'Republican" Con gressmen from this State, C. V. Culver, of the Venango district, is never in his seat. Reason, he has pressing business at home, being in Pill for swindling the people of his disttict with mushroom banks. Culver is an Imported Yankee. 11E9...A despatch from Charleston states that on Thursday evening a mutiny broke out among the negro troops ou Folly Is land, which was wit suppressed until one of the mutineers was killel and two wounded. The rest of the mutineers were taken to Charleston under guard. The Government and Union.—The peo ple devoted three thousand millions of dollars and half a Million of lives to keep the States in the Union. Congress has consumed eight' months and many mil lions to keep such States out of the Union. ilfirildrteen eases of cholera and nine deaths were reported In Elisabeth, N. J., on Wednesday. TOWN AND COUNTY AFFAIR S . U. S. REvEst - E.—TheL`. S. Assessor of Internal Revenue Tax for this District gives ilotice that the Assessments of In couaeisand Licences for 1806, have been completed, and are ready for examination at the offices of the Assistant Assessors. Any appeals from the same may be for warded to the Assessor for the District, at Gettysburg, in writing, on or before the Ist day of August next. The appeals should state clearly the error in the as sessment complained of and the reasons for the same. FIRE.—We learn with much regret that the dwelling of John Bushman, Esq., on the York Turnpike, three miles from Gettysburg, VMS destroyed by fire, on Tuesday morning last, about 9 o'clock. The fire originated from the cook stove, In a small building adjoining the house. Although the neighbors assembled as hurriedly as possible, it was found out of the question to save the house, and they directed their efforts to getting out the furniture—but in this were only partially successful. We suppose Mr. Bushman's loss, to be between $1,500 and $2,000 upon -- which there was a partial insur- Ance in the Mummasburg Company. TEACHERS' CONVENTION.—The State Teachers' Association will hold a Con vention in this place next week, to com mence on Tuesday, and continue until Thursday evening. Sessions will be had mornings, afternoons and evenings, and addresses, reports and discussions will be the order of each. C,ommrsraketErrr.—The Annual Com mencement of the Gettysburg Female Institute, (Mrs. Eyster principal,) took place on 'Friday last. There were nine graduates—Misses Mary L. Stahle, (St lutatory,) Sallie Krauth, Carrie Van Pat ten, Maggie B. Kendlehart, Sallie Frey, Annie Hollinger,Tillie Pierce, Sallie Pax ton, and Einma . Huber, (Valedictory.) The exercises we re interesting, and the number of persons in attendance unusu ally large. ContwExcasumr.—The Annual Com mencement of St. Joseph's Academy, at l'efcSherrystownytook place on Thursday afternoon week, in the presence of a very large number of spectators. The young ladies all acquitted themselves in a high ly creditable manner, and quite a number of beautiful and valuable gifts were be stowed upon those scholars who had dis tinguished themselves during the session by close application to study and for gen eral merit. This Academy is under the direction of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, and enjoys a very high reputation, both at home and Abroad. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES:—The fol lowing persons have thus far announced themselves as candidates for nomination In the Republican (Radical) Convention of this county, to meet on the 6th of Au gust: For Sheriff—Daniel Cashman, Straban, Nash G. Cainp, Butler, "henry Kobler, Abbottatown. For Register and Recorder--Cornelius B. Crist, Menallen. For Clerk of the Courts—John F. Mc- Creary, Gettysburg, C. H. Fulweiler, Mummasburg, John L. Holtzworth, Get tysburg, B. F. Kepner, Franklin. MORE BATTLE-FIELD PAINTFNG.9.-MI. Geo. L. Frankenstein has been engaged for several weeks in painting views of the Gettysburg Battle-field. They are done In oil, on.the spot, and are remarkably faithful. No more beautiful landscape can be seen anywhere than that brought under the eye on Cemetery Hill, and with such a picture before him, and a thorough knowledge of his srt, Mr. F. presents a number of views which must captivate the beholder. tie is, we are told, a vete ran In the business, having taken sketch es of all the battle-fields from Gettysburg to Vicksburg. GOOD TEMPL.A.R.V PIC NIC. —The Good Templars (a Temperance organization) had a Pie Nic in Newman's Woods, three miles this side of Littlestown, on Tuesday last. Lodges from Gettysburg, Littles town, Hanover and Newville were pres ent, with a goodly nuMber . of invited guests. Addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Rouse, Rev. Mr, Houck, J. H. Wert, and Mr. Sheaffer, of Pa. College. The number of people on the ground was large, and all enjoyed themselves highly. DiscHauciEn.—We learn from the Ful ton _Democrat, that Dr. Robinson and S. M. Seylar, held to bail in the U. S. Dis trict Court at Baltimore, on a charge of counterfeiting, were on Friday, the 29th ult., unconditionally discharged. Nei ther of the parties were present in court, and both were entirely ignorant of the proceeding until informed of their dis charge at their homes. It is clear from this fact that the District Attorney and the Court'were satisfied of the entire innocence of the parties. LEo BROICEN.—We learn that Mr. Emanuel Diller, residing in MeSherrys town, had one of his legs broken on Sat urday week, by falling through a hole in the hay-loft of his barn, while engaged in storing away hay. Surgical aid was ren dered, and he is now doing well. Rronx.—A heavy storm, accompanied by rain and hail, passed over this place on Tuesday evening last, breaking win dows and uprooting trees to an extent quite alarming at the time. M.,Mr. Samuel Mackley, of Straban township, brings us a stalk of Oath meas uring 5 feet 144 inches. Since writing the above, Mr. Michael Fiscel, of Mountjoy, has placed upon our table a stalk of Oats measuring 6 feet. fair The Tacany Print Works, at Frank fort, Philadelphia, the largest manufac turing establishment in the United States, owned by Mr. Aaron S. Lippincott, were burned on Thursday afternoon Week. The loss is estimated at $1,500,000. 110-The Radicals now openly declare themselves in favor of negro snit age. This is the great Issue in the pending campaign. Geary, the disunion candi date for Governor, Is squarely op their platform, and ta. oommtUed directly to all their pernicious doctrines. THIC WAX IS EtROPE ilmeritleary saltl4.-Tbe Prusshem Vices. netts—Venetla Ceded le Frsuee•-Propo. settee lim Oil Armistice. LIVERPOOL, July 5, evening.—A great battle took place on the 3rd hut., near Ludowa, resulting in the Prussians ob taining a great and complete victory. The Prussians took fourteen hundred 'prisoner* There were great sees in killed and wounded, but no estilikate was given of the numbers. The Austrians sent in a flag of truce. Austria has agreed to cede Venetia to,the Emperor Napoleon, and to accept his mediation. Napoleon Immediately emu naunicated with the belligerents. The Prussians were commanded by the king in person. They met the Austrians under Benedek between Hovitz and Kon igratz. The battle lasted twelve hours. Until 10 o'clock A. M. the battle was fa ' vorable to the Austrians, but after that ' hour the advantages were all with the Prussians. At 2 P. M., after an obstinate defense, the Prussians carried by storm the strong position of the Austrians, after which the latter were quickly driven out of other positions, and by 7 o'clock P. M. were in full retreat on itonigratz, pursued by the Prussian cavalry. The Austrians were In a complete rout, the road being strewn with baggage, which they had thrown away. The num ! ber of killed and wounded on both sides was great, but owing to the extent of the battle-Iteld it had not vet been ascertain ! ed. The Prussians claim to have cap ! tured up to the evening of the 4th 14,000 unwounded prisoners, 116 cannon and several flags. -- ARREST OF NtNS BY RADICAL OFFI• CIALS IN INISSIIIIRI. The Kansas City (Mo.) Commercial, after recording the arrest of a Methodist preacher for not taking the "test oath," adds: "We learn that considerable excite ment was Drought 'about at Cape Girar deau, by the repetition of an arrest of some of the Sisters of Charity, or nuns, attached, as teachers, to the convent, or a Catholic academy at that point, for their not taking the oath .prescribed by the new constitution. The excitement is reported as to have been• so great against this outrage, perpetrated in the name of "law," against a highly merito rious, benevolent and religious order— Christian, self-sacrificing women at that —that those who had them in charge as malefactors were compelled to desist in the discharge of a "radical duty," at war with every delicate and decorous instinct we habitually practice towards the sex. The matter was compromised by these "offenders against the new constitution" giving bond for their appearance at the "next Circuit Court of Cape Girardeau county," to answer to the criminality of the offence of acting in the capacity of teachers without taking the convention oath. Is there any other State in this country, even under the radical rule, the law of which subjects religious women and men to the indignities of an arrest and imprisonment, in the discharge of their religious and business avocations? We believe not." IM.Major General Thomas has report ed to General Grant that the members of the House of Delegates in Tennessee were behaving in a refractory manner by absenting- themselves and refusing, at the call of Governor Brownlow, to attend so as to form a quorum of the House that the Constitutional ainendipent might be passed. As Governor Brownlow cannot compel their _attendance in ac cordance with hie behests, he has applied to General Thomas for military as sistance. General Thonias accordingly writes to General Grant asking whether such military aid shall be. furnished. In reply, Secretary Stanton notifies General Thomas that the matter is not one that calls for military interference ; that the administration of the laws and the preservation of the peace in Nash ville properly belong to the State au thorities, and strictly enjoins General Thomas-not to interfere in any way. Sad Drowning of • Three ilovs.—Thos. Hunter, aged 10 years, and Hugh Tinney, aged 10 years, went in to bathe in the Schuylkill,. at Philadelphia, leaving James Hunter, aged 13 years, on the bank, undressing. Neither of the boys could swim, and the water at the point where they went in was deep, in consequence of the bank being washed away. The two, therefore, sunk as ,soon as they got into the water, when James Hunter jumped in to save them, but he also went down, and was drowned with the other two. lier Geary is the candidate of the Ne gro Suffrage members of Congrem. • He is the pet -and tool of , Thad. Stevens. He who votes for Geary, votes for Negro Suffrage. No "Republican" can say that he does , not vote with his eyes open on this question. Geary and ;%.le,gpro Suf frage are inseparable. A Large .Rattleanake.—A rattlesnake seven feet long was killed on the line of the. Reno, Oil Creek aid Pithole (Pa.) railroad, a few days since.- THE LEADING TRAITORS. "I am free to mention to you the names wsom I look upon as being opposed to the FUNDAMI:NTA L PR INCIPL FS OF TITIS GOVERNMENT, and who are la boring to pervert and destroy it. You ask me who they are. I say ITHADDE US STEVENS, of Pennsylvania, is sae; I say, Mr. SUMNER, of the Senate, is another, and WENDELL PIIILLIPS is another."—Andrew..Tohn.son, Feb. 2.'2nd, 1866. Latest Market Reports. GETTYsIIITRO. FLOUR, RYE FLOUR. WHITE WHEAT, RED WHEAT, CORN, RYE A ; TA U WAA - T, HAY, BALTIMORE. MOHR: - - - 975 010 25 RYE - - - 1 WHEAT, - - • 2 06 110660 2 26 CORN , - - - • 90 112 OATS, • • ' • • 64 Ilea SAW/. hind., 1 11 10 ° t°4 14 5011 HAY, - - • 22 00 0 25 00 WHISKEY, - - 2M 0 2 27 Married. On Tharadity last, by ftly. Mr. Breldenbarigh, Mr. DANIEL F PITTENTURP to Mrs. HENRI RITA SHEI Vt, both of ails Plhee• Died. On Monday Mat, In Reading township, Mn.s ELIZABETH NEELY t wife of Moses M. Neely and daughter of John N. and Jane Graft, aged 94 years 9 months and 9 days. At New Chester, Adams county, on the 17th Inst., after a protracted Wriest, Mn.s RACHEL SNOWDEN, aged 34 years and 13 days. July 12th, in Latlmore township, JACOB L. CIIRONIISTER, aged 66 years 8 months and 8 days, On the 23rd of June, In Franklin township, after a protracted Illness, Mr. JOHN KENNEL, aged 68 years 6 months and 19 days. On the 12th inst., in Santa Cruz Cal., 3frs. AL ICE COOPER, daughter of Hon. W. W. Paxton, formerly of this place, in the 38th year of her age. On the 10th Inst., Mr. FREDERICK CRONISE, of Lewistown, Frederick county, Md., aged 88 years 2 months and 13 days. On the Pith inst., LOUIS, son of Eli and Ellen Smith, of Fayetteville, aged 4 months and 25days. - - On the Nth in mont h sin phsess,flAßßY O. ASH BAUGH, aged 5 andlt; days. ' Communicated. Dial, near Cashtown, on the 13th inst., S.S.R A.ll ELLEN, Udall t daughter of Ephraim and Lao' A. Meknes, aged 11 months and 2.1 de* Little Ellen was arose, Bent to blossom here on earth, Like the bud that fairer grows, Beamed she than of heavenly birth. But the angels called her home, • And she went from earth away, Swiftly through the ether dense To A never-ending day. Norrshe walks the golden h street, Clad I n WRNS arson W Bits she at the diallearli fee ite, s, Xs aglow of havookty Pezzara, Spec;al Notice Column, The greatest Mummery of the Age FAItIiIEIL9, FAMILIES, AND OTIIFIRA can purchase no rented? egruil to Dr. Tobias' Venetian ILlniruent for dysentery, oak, croup, chronic rheumatism, sore throats, toothache, Sea sickness, 'cuts, burns, swellings, bruises, old sores, headache, mosquito bites, p.ilus In the limbs, chest, back, It it does not lc IV' t) relief the money will be refunded. All that is asked Is a trial, amuse it according to the directions. Dn. TOOLS.—Dear Sir: I have used roar Vene tian Liniment Inlay family fora number ofyessa, and believe It to be the best article for what it is recommended that I have ever need. Forsudden attack of croup it is Invaluable, I have no hesita tion in recommending it thrall the uses it profess es to cure. I have sold it for many years, a*d It gives entire satisfaction. CHAR. IL TRIMMER. Quakertown, N. J., May 3,INC. Price, 40 and SO cents. Sold by all druggists Office 56 Courtland street, Newt rk. July 9, 1866. lrn If the blood be pure the body which Is formed from and by the blood cannot be diseased. But If there be in any part of the body an affection, such as a bail or ulcer, even a bruise, the blood circula ting through that part takes up impure matter from the local affection and carries it inkt the general system. This is the came often of sudden death to persons of full PAW aft feted with bolls and ulcers, and who use no medicine; the matter gets Into the circulating system and chokes up the fine blood vessels which supply the brain with vitality, and life ceases as if DEBEFT BY LIGIITNING. , Now, this can be remedied, li [IAN int Kern's PILLS take all Impure matters from the circulation, and save the general health,soon curing local affec tions also. BRAN DRETIPS KLIA protect fro= tedious times ofsickness and often save life. Sold by all Druggist& [Su ly 9,1888. Ina The superstitions of antlgnlty are only "food for laughter" at the present day, and yet thlti Is an age of MIRACLE% accomplished with the aid of science. For example: grey, sandy or red hai r is CHANUED IN A .10M ENT, to the richest con delvable black or brown, by a simple applica tion of CHRISM DORO'S HAIR DYE Manufactured by J. OHRISTADORO, 8 Astor House, New York. Sold by Druggists. Applied by all flair Dressers. (Jane X,,'88. lm There can be nothing so certain to cure a severe cold, whether It be settled in the head or breast, theinags or bowels, its Railway's Ready R diet— only It"Is too cheap for some people. It gives ease in a few minutes. It disposes of the pain directly. It producas perspiration ; and acting energetimily upon the stomach, the bladder, the skin, ,t:.••. ' rap idly throws off all the morbid matter produced by the derangement of the system, leaving the recu perative powersof nature to assert their authority, and restore the Runt:rex to perfect health. But then the remedy is so cheap. When you find that you have "caught a cold," 144 it is called, do not put off the use ut medicine until the slluple "cold" has degenerated into a more serious thsonler.— Attack the enemy at ()neer before he has had time to select his ground, intreuch himself and erect fortifications. When you have a pain in the back and a dull headaelm; when your bones all feel as if they bad been beaten and yottr skin as if much bruised; when a lassitude overcomes you, as if you di I not wish to move; when your appetite fa les :Lamy, you 'olistantty sneeze or cough, and you lest utterly unable to persuade yourself to go to work; When in short you have a "bad cold," lay out 59 cents for a bottle of Radwav's Ready Relief, and in a day or night you may become well. if you are asharne4 of being cured so cheaply send fora doctor. He cannot, if he be a skillful practi tioner, charge you less than five dollars, besides the price of his pres,.ript low:. In a week or so he may restore you to health. If you should happen, on the eohtrary, to take one or two spoonfuls of It ,ady Relief in half a tumbler ot sweetened water going to bed, yoo would probably rise op a well man In the morning. You would perspire the cold entirely out of you. At any rate t wo or three similar closes next day would certainly aissomplisli the purpose. Itadway's Ready Relief is the best thing In the world to cure a cold: It never falls. It has, we all know, hut one fault as a remedy'—lt Is too cheap. kohl by Druggists. July 14, 18tid. 2w Intermittent Fever, or Fever and Ague, Remit tent Fever, Chill Fever. Dumb Ague, Periodical Headache or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fe vers. Indeed for the whole class of diaetwea origin ating in bill:try derangement, caused by the Ma arl t of in lasinatle euun 11l OR, Fever and Ague is not the only consequence of miissinatic poison. A great variety of disorders arise from its irritation. in in dermas districts, among which are Neuralgia, Ithimmatisin, Gout, Headache, Blindness, To4stliache, Earache, Ca tarrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, liysterleks, Pain In the Bowels, Colic, Paralysis, and Derangensent of the stomach, all of which, velntp originating in this cause put on the intermittent type, or heroine periodical. This "Cults" expels the poison front the blood, and thus curry them all alike. It Is not only the most etrectn al remedy ever discovered for this class of complaints, but it is the cheapest and moreover is perfectly s ate. No harm can arise from Its use, and the pal lent when cured is left as healthy as IT he had is •ver had the disease, Can this he said of any other cure for Chills and Fever? It ls true of this, and Its importance to those afflicted with the complaint cannot be over estimate 1. So sure is it to cure the Fever and Ague, that it may he truthfully said to be a certain remedy. One Deal er complains that it is not a good medicine to because one bottle cures a whole n borboo . . . Prepared by J. C. A yrn .1 Co., Lowell, Maas., and sold by A. D. Buothler, Gettysburg. July 9,18641. 2ial LTFE-ITEALTH-STRENGTu. LIFE-It EA LTI t--STR ENt4TII LIFE-HEALTH-STRENGTH The Great French Remedy. ,DR. JUAN' DEL \ RARER'S CELEBIIATED SPECIFIC P/I.T.S, Prepared from a prescrption of Dr. Juan Dela marre, Chief Physician of the Hospital do Nord on Dart hoisiere of Paris. This invaluable medicine is no impo.ition, but Is unfai ling in the cure of Spermatorrhte or Semi nal Weakness. Every species of Genital or Uri nary Irritability, Involuntary or Nightly Seminal Emissions from whatever cause produced, or how ever severe, will be speedily relieved and the or gans restored to healthy action. Read the following opinions of eminent French physicians "We have used the Specific Pills prepared by Garen. lere di Dupont, No. '214 Rue Lombard, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Delamarre, In our private prod ice wits unitorin success, and we be lieve there is no other medicine so well caleulated to cure all persons suffering from Involuntary Emissions or any other weakness of the Sexual Organs, whether caused by sedentary modes of living, excesses, or abuse. R. A. BEALTREPARIE, M. D. 0. D. rICJABDIN, M. 1). JEAN LE LEI:C.1111A 31. D. Paris, May sth, UM." BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. The genuine Pills are sol.i by all the principal Druggists throughout the World. Price One Dol lar-per Box. or six Boxes for Five Dollars. GaitanErsißtit DuroNr, Hole Proprietors, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Patti. One Dollar enclosed to any authorised Agent, will insure a box by return mail, securely sealed from all observation; six boxes for live dollars. Sole General Agents for America. OSCAR G. tf 0:4E9 & 27 Cortland at.. N. Y. N. B.—French. German. Spanish and English Pamphlets, containing full part•eulars and &rec• Lions for use, Rent free to every address. - 10 30 0-12 00 325 - 2200 260 - 2000 225 A. D. Buehler, Agent for Gettysburg Dec. 19, Mel ly I 21 - 600 9il 900 Li° Periodical Drops t THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY FOR Ift- REGULAJRITI.—These Drops are a setentlfl , cally compounded fluid preparation, and better than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Being li quid, their action is direct and positive, rendering them a reliable, spee/y and certain specific tor the cure of all obstructions and suppressions of nature. Their popularity is frolicateLhby the fact that over 100,000 bottles are annually consumed by the ladies of the United States, every one of whom speaks in the strongest terms of praise of their great merits. They are rapidly taking the place of every other Female Remedy, and are con sidered by all who know aught of them, as the surest, safest, and most infallible preparation im the world, for the cure of all female complaints, the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health, regularity and strength.— Explicit directions stating when they may used, and explaining when and why they should not, nor could not be need without producing effects contrary to nature's laws, will be found carefully folded around eaeh bottle, with the written signa ture of Joss L. Lvost, without whith none are genuine. Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON. 105 Chore. Street, New Haven, Conn., who can be consulted either personally or by mail, (enclosing stampj concerning all private diseases and female weak nesses. Sold by Druggists everywhere. C. G. CLARK it CO., Gen'l Agent* for U. S. and Canactra. Nov 0,1885, ly SWEETS TOR. vu MILLION" !—A mast valuable and wonderful publication. A work egs& and 90 colored Engravings. DR. HUNTER'S VADE MECUM, an original and popular treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never- Failing Remedies for th el r speMy cure. The prate , Moe of DR. HUNTER has long been and still is, unbohnded, but at the earnest solicitation of nu merous persona, he has been induced to extend his medical usefulness through the medium °this "VA DE MECUM." It is a volume that should be In the hands of every famU in the lend, as pre ventive of secret vales , or as a guide for e allevi ation of me of the mast awful and destructive. so=tee that ever visited mankind. One enr, eneloPed, will be kwwarded free of poet age 10 any pa v rt of the UnitedStatee for 50 cents In P. O. stamps. Address, post paid, DR. HUNTER, No. 8 Division St., New York. [Sept. 25, ly ' E v emy yonng tedy and gentleman In the betted States emsbsomething very much to their nOl• vantage by return snail (trim of chars%) by ad- Purify the Blood. Trannformatlou 2 It Is Toe Cheap. Ayer's Awns Cure, FOIL THE SPEEDY (THE OP Terrible Dieele‘aree. Starsass, Inn Its. • - • dresstsg the andersisn.d. flea. httelhit rear* of being humbugued will oblige by not notleingls card. All others will please address thelr . en t servant, TIIO9. F. CIIAFMAN, Mar. 5, '5l l . /Y OM Broadway,M. I*. Ere and Ear 1 PROF. J. ISAACS, M. D., (leaflet and Auriet, Ibrmetly of Ryden, Holland, is located at Nti. 519 PINE Street PUHA I)EI PltlA,wherepemons afflicted with diseases of the 7 EY E or MAIL, will lea scientific/ohr treated arid cured, If curable. N. B. —ARTIFICIAL EYIO4 trisert",l without pain.— No charges made lqr examination& The medical faculty to Invited, MI he has no secret in Ma mode of treatment. [July IT, 1565. 17 Dr. Darshall'a Catarrh Sault Thle snuff has thoroughly proved itself to bathe bt‘t article known for curing the (%tarrii, Coll in the Head anal Headache. It ham been found au extetlaut remedy In many caeca of Sore Egos.— Deafness hem been removed by It, and Hearing has often been greatly Improved by its tune. It is fragrant and agreeable, and GIVIN TIME. ntATE RELIEF to the dull heavy pains caused lir diseases of the head. The sensations after using it are delightful sad Invigorating. It opens and purges out all obstruct ions ,streng thens the glands, and Wm a healthy action to the parte affected. More than Thirty Years' of sale and use of " Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache' Snuff," has proved tie great value for all t common Macaws of the head, and at this moment stands higher than ever before. It Is recommended by ninny of the best physi cians, and is Used with gre.d. success tusd smitisfac. Don everywhere. Read the Certificates of Wholesale Druggists in 1851: The undersigned, having for many years been acquainted with "Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Headache Snuff," and sold It in our wholesalo trade, cheerfully state, that we believe it to bs equal, in every respect, to the recommendations* given of It for the cure of Catarrhal Affection.j and that It is decidedly the best article we have ever known for all Common diseases of the Head. Burr & Perry, Boston ; Head, Auston & Dos. ton; Brown, Larr.sam , Co ., Boston ; Seth W. Fowle, Boston; Wilson, Fairhank & Co., Boston; Henshaw, Edmond & Co., Boston; li. H. Has, Portland, Me.; Barnes Sr. Park, New York; A. k D. Sands, New York ,• then Paul & C 0.., New York Israel Minor & Co., New York ; Melaesson Robbins, New York; A. I. Fwovill R Co„ New York; M. Ward, Chen, S T'o., New .York; Bush Gale, Now York. IrP,For side by all Druaird (*.— Try 11. 16ec. 18. lS&, ly The Great Iguana& Remedy SIR SAINURS CELEBRATICD FICKALII PILLS. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarks, M. D.,Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable ITlPtileine is unfailing fa the euro of all timae painful and dangerous discs. ritxtx. which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excesses and removes all obstruc tions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. Ladiesit is peculiarly NO i led. It will, in ashort time, bring ou the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Govern. ment Stamp of tin-at Britain, to prevent counter feits, C TT OV .-Tb ose Pills should not be taken by Felll/11,s, during the FIRST Tit 3101cTID. of Pres nancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all ours of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains in the flask anal Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpit at len Of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these filly will of a cure when all oth• er means have although a powerful remedy', do nit contain iron, calomel, antimony, or imvtlilng hurt lul to the constitution. Full thritettotas la the pamphlet around each package, which should he carefully preavrved. Sold by all Druggists. Solo Agent for the UM. ted States anal Caniula, JOll NI( 27 Cortland Rd.„ N, T, N. 8.--$1.,00 and I;l)o , Am:est:lmps enclosed Many au thlgdzed Agent, will twain , a bottle, containing 5) 111 k, by return mall, Sold by A. I). Buehler. Dec. IS, ly PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, the 4th day of AUGUST next, the Heirs of Catharine Heitle. man, deceased, will offer at Public Sale, on the premises, the following property, viz : A ROUSH AND LOT, in Middletown, Adatns county, adjoining Jacob Peters and others. The 1101199 is Two-story, Weatherboarded, witls a Two-story Back. building. A-Stable. a 'good Well of Water, and Fruit Trees, on the lot Alen, A LOT OF GROUND : well calculated for building. adjoining the above—with Pear Trees thereon. At the same time and plice, will be sold the follow. log Perso ial l'roperty, viz : TABLES, CHAIRS, BUREAU, CORNER CUPBOARD, Beds and B Astends, Cook Stove,, Ten-plate Stove, Copper Kettle, Iron Pote, Queeneware, Crocks, Tube, Meat '.easels, and many other articles. giSrSale to commence at 12 o'clock, M.,,0n said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by _ ISA.AC - ROTH. WILLIAM G. MICHOLTZ, Heirs July 23, 1866 HighTy Valuable L IMESTOI ; E FARM PUBLIC SALR On SATURDAY, the Bth day of SEPTEMBER next, the subscriber, Exeentor of George Law rence, deceased, will offer at Pubic Sta, on the premises, the following highly valuable Real Estate of said decedent, viz : A LIMESTONE FARM, situate in ?dountplinsant township, Adams 'bounty, on, the road leading from llcSherrys town to Hunterstown, about 2 miles from the former place, and within 1 mile of Conowago Chapel, containing 70 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Conrad Bender, Samuel Geistlman, John Lilly and others—improved with a Two-story Weatherhoarded HOUSE, Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, ,•-• 'Corn Crib, Carriage House, Hog . 1111 Pen, and other ont-buildings ; first-rate well of water at the door and an Or chard of good ft•eit. The land Is in high cul tivation and under good fencing. This is very choice property. Sale•to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. on said day, when attendance will be' given and terms made known by LEVI LAWRENCE, . Executor• July 23,1888. to What Every Family Needle. A- COPY of Dr. Chase's Recipes or Informs,- tion for Everybody. Over 300 copies have already been sold in the south-west end of this county, they giving general satisfac tion. We can conscientiously recommend. it to be the most reliable work of GM kind et et. offered to our citizens, and that for so little money, we feel confident that nose will:, pur chase the work will ever regret it. Ile sure to-examine the Descriptive Circulars when left at your homes. Good references. plenty could be given, but we defer it, as it will recommend itself. The county will b'e canvassed by GEORGE T. WEIGLE, Agent. July 16, 1866. 4t* Sale of litial — Estate; -- WILL sell, on accommodating terms, my j property, located in Hamlitonban town ship, Adams county, Pa., within one mile of Fairfield, and eight miles of Gettysburg, known as "VIRGINIA MILLS," containing 503 ACHES OF GOOD LAND, well improved. Tbere is on this land ei .good MIES-STORY STONE MILL. containing two run of Burrs, and a SAW MILL. Apply to the Hon. Moses McClean, Gettysburg, or John J. Lock, Charlestown, Jefferson co., Va. Jane 48, 1866. tf Bark Wanted. THE subscriber will pay FIVE DOLLARS per OOBD for BLACK OAK BARK, de livered at his Tannery, In Gettysburg. JOHN RUPP. Jane 18, 1866 Saddling. THE undersigned has commenced the SAD DLE and HARNESS-MAKING business, on the flip, in Baltimore street, in the buil ding formerly occupied by D. Sweeney as a Chair maker's shop, up-stairs, where he asks those wanting anything in his line to call. Work done in the best manner, and prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice. A lot of new Saddles and Harness on band. J. M. ROWE. Gettysburg, June 23, 1868. 3m 9A A Month!--AGENTS wantedl t/ fur six entirely new grades, Jest cont.. Address 0. T. GAMY, City Building, Bid deford, Afo. [May 21, Bd6. illy fl LOONS. j Now on hand CLOCKS In great variety, from factories of the highest reputation In the country, and warranted good time-keepers. Call on J. BEGAN, Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. A NEW stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATOUES, sedected with especial care and int i mated good time keepers, just received and for sale at J. BRYAN'S, Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg. ROCERISS, !Anion, Push, Salt, i'htiejle; Qatena•wart., Wooden-ware, and em,. thing else it thtltntl,at . Katuuneare. Juno 11. N. V. LUCK