_ . .„. . . . Farm fir Sale. . 'Valuable Properties for Sale. TAE undersigned offers his FARM, with or JOHN C. ZOUCK. LAND AGENT, without the present crop, New Darwin, Armes Conwrriiia. AT PRIVATE SALE. Ras for sale a number of desirable proper. Poareasion given Immediately. ties, to which he asks the attention of those The Farm is situated in Cumberland town-1 wishing to purchase. Wm. %hip, Adams county, adjoining lands of W. A FARM of IGO ACRES, in Iloontplettsant Douglas, Samuel Pitzer and others, containing township, Adams county, with good Stone TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES, with 110.1 e, good Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, about thirty-five acres of excellent Woodlarid, t Wash House, Orchard, Ac., near a turnpike and the balance of the farm in a-gOod state of and railroad. +cultivation. The improvements are a good FORTY ACRES, with good House, Barn, Two-story BRICK HOUSE, with .. andlother out-buildings, Orchard, kc., three- Spring House, Frame Barn, and Ali ' quarters or& mile from a railroad station. A other necessary outbuildings.— . . good chance; terms easy. Terms easy. . . . , •.;,., i 173 ACRES OF LAND, on the Issad leading Any person desirous of seeing or purchling ' from Hanover to Littiestown. Good limestone the above farm, can get all desired information 1 farm ; larg e large Brick House, Bank Barn, and oth by calling on the undersigned, residing there-' er out -buildings. The Littlestown Railroad as. JULIUS HAFNER. runs through the rear part of the place. Price $B5 per acre. A FARE OF 300 ACRES, in Cumberland township, Adams county, - three miles from Gettysburg, at which plat-els a railroad and igood market. This farm can be divided into two farms, there ; being already two sets of improvements on the tract. The ifnprove ments are a good: two-sty Dwelling Rouse, Barn, and other out-buil dings, and a Tenant ,I Hones with all improvements. 1 A SMALL FARM of 10 ACRES, with good House 'and Barn, and other out-buildings— Igood quality of land—good Store stand— chance to keep toll gate and to attend to a I post otice. , This is a good chance; terms I easy. A FARM of 105 ACRES, on the Carlisle turnpike, under good coltivatioh, with a large Brick House, Bank Biro, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Carriage House and other out-buildings, all row. s_ LARGE. FLOUR MILL, with 15 Acres of I Land. The mill has four pair of Burnt, and F all machinery for doing merchant work. Best water polder in the county. A 'FARM of 175 ACRES. near the Hanover , turnpike; on which is erected a good House, j Barn, and all necessary out-buildings. The i land is in a good state of cultivation. This property will be sold cheap. A FARM 0195 ACRES, near Hunterstown, Adams county, on which is erected a good House, Barn and other out-buildings, aid the land is in a fine state of cultivation. This farm will be sold cheap. A FARM of 38 ACRES, 8 acres in wood, with one-and-a-half-sibry House, good Barn —land in good cultivatio4-31 miles 'from New Oxford, and li Miles frkun Bonaughtown. Terms easy. , 18 ACRES of WOODLAND, 2 miles from New Oxfoi d. 1 A FARM of 200 ACRES, good land, with large Brick Rause, Barn, and 2 Tenant Houses —4O acres in wood—half a mile from the Con- owago Chapel. A FARM of 180 Aerie-225 can be pur chased—in Cumberland township, 24 miles i from Gettysburg, near Chambersburg pike; large weatherboarded'Eonse, Bank Barn, Ac.; 40 acres in wood. The Farm has been recently , limed. . July 16,1866 Quarterly Report OF THE GETTYSBURG NATION - Al BANK, Gettysburg, July 20866: issotricas. Loans and Discounts-, U. Sr Bonds deposited to secure circulation, 150,00C 00 U. S. Bonds on hand, . 60,800 00 : Real Estate, 5,000 00 Expenses, Bl 99 Due from Banks,. •.- 8 70,183 67 Rosh—U. Id. Legal TenderaNdes, 38,000 00 lls of solvent Banks, 0,359 00 Cash Items, 58 44 Bonds (personal) 2,524 17 Luziirms Capital Stock, Circulation, Indiiidual deposits, Due to Brinks, f),.,•ounts, Profits & Loss, - D,videral unpaid, - State Bank CirCulation, T. D. CARSON=--aatUer. July 16, 1866. 3t Quarterly Report OF THEFIRST NATIONAL BANE OF GETTYSBURG, reudered on the morning of the first Monday in July, 1845, ai-Cullows LORDS and Ilineounte, Due from Banks, , - 17,825 02 Premiums & Revenue Stamps, 1,136 47 U. S. Rondo, ,v,„ 150,350 00 Furniture and ?attires, asc., 1,630 31 Cush on hand, 16,885 04 CR. Capital, Due Depositor!, • Surplus fund, an, Due Bauks k Bankers, = The above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. OEO. ARNOLD, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me this 10th day of July, 1866. A. J. COVER, J. P. July IG, 18GG! 3t Kerosene At Gas Stoves. ' - TEA AND 'COFFEE BOWERS, GLUE POTS, OIL CANS, &c., &c. Air All the Cooking fora • stgirily may bet done with kno-',BII. torsene Oil, or Gee, with less"Vala ititir trouble, and , at less expease,natig skirt !lan by any other fuel. "tig Each Article manufactured by this Compiiny is guaranteed to perform that is claimed for it. lifer - St , nd for Circtilar."liia Ltheral Discount to the trader ✓ KEROSENE; LAMP REATF..R. CO., 206 Pearl Street, N. Y. 3nly IG, 1806. $lO Carpenters Wanted. TITREE or four good CARPENTERS, to whom good wages will be paid, wanted immediately by the undersigned, in Gettys burg. WM. CIIRATZMAi i i. July 2, 1866. 3t Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that I forewarn a .y person from purchasing a note giv en by me payable to Jacob E. Myers, dated May 19, 189 G, for the amount of Fifty Dollars, for which I have received no value and will not pay the same July 2,186 G. 3t , ' Notice. TOSEPIi - BtOCHER'S ESTATE.—Letters t p testamentary on the estate ofJoseph Bloch er, late of klonntjay township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the under signed, the first named residing, in Mountjoy township, Adams co., end the last named in West Minbeim township, York co., they here by give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those buing claims against the same to present thim properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN BLOCHER, ELI IILOCHER, Executors. Nelillee. .. - IiILTPW?LF'STATt—Let s of itp ministraioade T onisnnwi g thew annexed, on the estate of Philip olf, Sr., late of Germany .township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to t 'under signed, residing in Mountjoy township,'he here by gives notice to all , persons indebted to said estate to mike immediate payment., and those having claitas against the same to pre sent them properly authenticated for settle= meat. ' JOSEPH A. WOLF, June ra, 1866. 6t* Adm'r. &c. June 25, 1866. '6l, Battle-field Hotel. THIS Howl, being one of the relics of the Battle of Gettysburg, has beau renovated and refurnished, ana is ready to entertain —travellers and the public generally. It-being a short distanca from the Soldiers' National Cemetery, it affords convenient accommoda tions for all visiting there, and the subscriber flatters himself that, none shall leave him die:- satisfied. Also, Ice Cream and all kinds of refresh =lents, at all hours, to accommodate prome 'sliders. Give me a call. JOSEPH LITTLE, Proprietor Gettysburg, .11.1 y 21, 1868. ti Notice. PHILIP MILLER'S ESTATE.—Letters of administration de bonie nqtt, cum test:, zr.ento annex°, on the estate of .'hilip Miller, deceased, late of Hamilton twp., Alt.ms co., having been granted to the tanderisigned, resi ding in the same township, he hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same tc present them prop. erly a.uthenticated l for settlement. HENRY L. MILLER, Adm'r. • Jolj 9, - 1866. CO' Elm at Work ! T HE undersigned continues the CARRIAGE-MAKING BUSINESS, in all its ,branches, at his old stand, in East Middle street, Gettysburg. - NEW WORK made to Arder, and REPAIRING, done promptly and at lowest prices.' FALLING-TOP AND STANDING-TO? B,UGGIWS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Two first-rate SPRING WAGONS for sale. JACOB TROXBL. Philip Bedding, JU4TIGEI OF THE PEACE, will be at his office, (at_ his residence,) in Cumber land tenship, on Toesday and Friday of each week; to give hie attention to Justice's busi- UM: [April 30. Me. 4m Town Property AT PRIVATE SALE.—Several HOUSES eau be pai chased at Private Sale by call wl FAIDIESTOCIE BROTHERS. Dec. 15. 1868. LC lIPNSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD. It his issued over forty littitraso . Lid Fsid osottsfahre &sand $149,028 09 j $485,635 20 $145,150 00 130,500 00 78,593 15 6,763 25 18,103 13 1,327 73 ,1Q8,198 00 $485,636 26 MEM $280,222 23 $lOO,OOO 00 89,980 00 74,016 31 2,494 03 13,731 8% A FARM of 120 ACRES, with 'good Rouse and Barn; 12 acres in wood; ons mile west of, Bonaughtown. - A HOTEL. in New Oxford, two-story, toomy and convenient for business. Good chance; terms easy; Also, a number of good HOUSeil and Lots for sale in New Oxford. ' Pbrsons who wish to bay Real Estate, as well as those who wish to sell, are ,requested to give txe sabacriber a ql at his store in New Oxford. ' • Address, JOHN C. ZOIICK, Land Agent, New Oxford, Adams, county, Pa. July 0, 1866. 6m $280,222 .23 - ilVelbimproved Farm, IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, 'FOR SALE. Desiring to ebange my bnsiness, I offer for sale the FARM upon which I reside, 3 miles southeast of Charlestown, Jeffers - m county, Va., and 2 miles from the Shenandoah river, containing shunt 350 ACRES OF LIME STONE LAND, 60 in fine Timber ; under good fencing. The improventents are , first rate. The DWELLING wig finished in 1860, and contains 14 rooms. 4sl:Th The - out-buildings are of a char- 4 4 ; aster to suit the farm, an 3 corn- 'V.: - prise a goad BARN, Corn and Cat riagelinuse, Quarters, Tenents' Houses, Brick Sm6ke and Ash Houses, Stone Spring Honse, Poultry Houses. &c., and all under cypress roofing. Two fine Springs near the house, one in the yard; cistern at the door; ,never -failing stream through the farm, passing through the barn-yard; 2 young orchards of dhuice fruit, containing about 250 trees. would call the attention of any one wish ing a well improved farm to this property— which can be divided into two farms, with buildings on each, and fine water. Any per son wishing to see the - laud will call on 9. Humphreys Sc Co , in Charlestown, who will #irect them twit. JAS. LAW. HOOF?. July 9, 1866. JOHN SHULTZ. WILL sell, on' accommodating terms, my I property, located in 11..miltonban town ship, Adams county, Pa., within one mire of Fairfield, and eight miles of Gettysburg, known as "VIRGINIA MILLS," containing 583 ACRES ON GOQO LAND, well improved. There is on this land a good THHEB-STORY STONE MILL, containing two fun of Burrs, and a SAW MILL. Apply to the Hon. Moses McClean, Gettysburg, or John J. Lock, Charlestown, Jefferson co., Vs, M. V. LOCK. June 18, 1806. tf ' A GOOD FAinf. ANY person haring a gOad Lam for sale, and will take in part payment, one or more tracts of FIRST-RATS WESTIIRN LAND, well located, near Railroad. Schools, Oh ureb es, County Towns, , End a purchaser by applying ate this office. June 18, 1888. tf , Grocery de Liqtior Store. AFIRST-RATE ASSORT.IIS-NT of GRO MIES, cheap. FISH of different kinds. A large lot of POTOMAC HERRING,' at low price. The best and lahgest assort ment of LIQUORS ever kept in this place. PURE WINE, BRANDY, RYE WHISKEY, &C., for medicinal and other purposes, in quanti titles large or email." Al9O- MISHLER'S CELEBRATED BEng BITTERS. W.V. J. MARTIN, - Baltimore at., Gettysburg. ,May 29,1868. JACOBS k BBOTaRR, IigRCITANT TAILORS Cloga, Ceuimeres cuul,Vestingt. Just received from the city • splendid ss• sortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, of every description. Suits made to order in the most fashionable and substantial manner. All work guaranteed to fit or no sale. Cns• tomers cannot fail to be pleased. Give us a call. sir P. B.—We are agents for the celebrated SINGER SEWING MACHINE, and always hall the machines on - hand and for sale. We can recommend them u being the best maehioes in use. JACOBS k 840. Nay 38, 1888. MBE undersigned hat commenced the SAD DLE and HARNESS-NAKING business, on the Hill, in Baltimore street, in thebnilding formerly occupied by D. Sweeney as a Chair maker's shop, up-stairs, where he asks those wanting anything in his line to call. Work done in the best manner, and prices moderate. HARNESS REPAIRED at short notice. A lot of new Saddles and Harness on hand. " J. M. ROWE Gettysburg, Jane 25, 1860. 3m MERU GB FOUR JOURNEYMEN, to work at the Carpentering Business. Should be experienced workmen. Good wages will be - paid. Apply immediately to WM. C. STALLSMITiI, June 11, 186 a, 3t* Gettysburg, Pa. MiMR'S HUB BITTERS forsale at ortteet Drug and Variety ilktre. Sale of Beal Estate. Wanted The Very Latest! Saddling. Wanted Immediately. THE PERVVIAN SYRVP Is ♦ tairricess 'swarms or um Protozide of Iron, a new discovery is 'medicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, by supplyieg the Blood with its Tire!. Oa &It) WLIMIXT—IRON. This is the secret of the wonderful success of this 'remedy in caring DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, DROP SY, CHRONIC DIARRLDT,A, BOILS, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers, Humors, Loss of Constitu tional Vigor, Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originnting In - A BAD STATE OF raze BLOOD, or accompanied by DIIIILITY, or a LOW STaT2 =I Being free from Alcohol In any form, its energizing effects are not followed by corres ponding reaction, but are permanent, infusing strengtb, vigor and new life into all parts of the erstern, and building up an IRON 00N STITIITION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY From Me Venerable Archdeacon Scott, D. D. Doneau, Canada East, March 24, 1E 1 _65. * * "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 25 years' standing." * • * "I have been so wonderfully benefitted, in the three short weeks daring which I have usethe Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known me are astonished at the change. lam widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done so much for me." One of the most DISTINGUISHED JU RISTS In New Englis' writes to a friend as follows "I have tried the P,ERUVIAN SYRUP, and the result fully sustains your prediction. It has made a saw Y. of me ; infused into my system new vigor and,;energy; lam no longer tremuloMs and debilitated, as when you last saw fee, but stronger, heartier, and wth lar ger capacity for labor, mental and physical, man at any time during the last five years." An EMINENT DIVINE of Ifoston, says! "I have been using—the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past; it gives me new vigor, buoyancy of spirits, elasticity of muscle." isiirTUOUSANDS - have been changed by the use of this remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids can not reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32,pages, containing certifi cates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent rats to any address. leirSee that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. FOR BALI BY J. P. Dineasere, Proprietor, St; Dey Street, New York, ♦ND BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SCROFULA:: All Medical Men agree that lODINE is the BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases eeer discorreA. The difficulty has been to obtam a Puna Sourrtos of it. DR. B. ANDRES' lODINE WATER', Is s Puro Solution of lodine, WITHOUT A SOLVENT!! A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Itesto- MEM It WILL cure SCROFULA in all its manifold forms. ULCERS, CANCERS, SYPHILIS, SALT - RHEUM; and ii has been used with astonishing success in cases of Itheumatism,lsyspepsia, Consump lion, Female Complaints, 'Heart, Liter and Kidney Diseases, ~' Circulars will be sentrriza to any address. Price $l.OO a bottle, or 6 for $5.00. Prepared by Dr. H. .A.NUERS, 'Physician and Chemist. FOR BALB BY J. P. Din more. 36 Dry Street, New York. ♦SD Dl' ALL DRUGGISTS IVISTAWS BALSAM W ItD CHER R Y HAS EVEN USED FOR NEARLY UALF A CENTURY, WITH THE MOST ASTONISHING SUCCESB,IN Cimino Coughs, Colds, Hoarenegs, Sore Throat, In fluenza, Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, Broaching Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma, \end every affection of \ 'THE THNOAT, LUNGS, AND CHEST. CONSUMPTION, which carries off more victims than a'ny other disease, and which baffles the skill of thuity sicians to a greater extent than any ostk , ler malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY! •‘ when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe In its operation, , ser-IT IS UNSURPASSED leVelt while as a preparation, free from noxious in• gredients, poisons or minerals ; uniting skill, science and medical knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INCONPARABLEI and is entitled to, merits and receises the gen eral confidence of the public. SEYMOD Et THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows : “Wtar.ts's BALSAM OP WILD CHERRY gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a Cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irritation, thus ssmoviNo 'tee cam:, instead of drying en the cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the Bal sam as good as any, if not the best, Cough medicine with which I am acguainted.! The Bev. JACOB SECHLBB, of Hanover, Pa., well known and much respected among tire German population of this country, makes the following statement for the benefit, of the afflicted : Dear Sirs:—Raving realised in my family important benefits from the use of your valua ble preparation—WlSTAß'S BALSAM OF WILD CORRY—it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were. entertained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual case, made frequent se of your valuable medicine, and have al ' is been benefited by it. JACOB SEOHLEB. Price one dollar a bottle. FOR HALM BY J. T. Dinsia•re. as Deretreet, Wow Tin*. Belk W. F•wie * Son, 17r6prieters, Boston, AND BY ALL DRUGGISTS Gracie's Celebrated Salve , cares Cuts, Burns, Scalds. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures Wounds, Bruises, Sprains. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancers. Grace's Celebrated Salve cures Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Grace's Celebrated Salve en res Chapped Bonds, Chilblains. Griice's Celebrated Salve heals Old Sores, Flesh Wounds, kc. It Is prompt in action, removes pain at Once, and reduces the most angry-looking swellin ge and inflammations, as if by magic—thus at folding relief and a complete cure. Only 25 cents a box I (Sent by mail for 35 cents.) Far sale by'J.P. DINSMORE, 38 Day street, New York,S. W. FOWL& t SON, Proprietors, Boston, and by all Druggists, Grocers, and Connery Stores. July 16, 186 e. ly MaltUr - Large - Steck = • • n , NSW GOODS JUST RECEIVED AT G MES'S. ' Yams A. Grimes, York street, has been to the city again, to replenish his stock, which went off so rapidly, because it was so very good and so very cheap. The new stock beats anything he has yet offered to this community, and he hopes all the people will come and see for themselves. His new purchase of SYR UPS can't be beat, and he will sell from a pint up to a barrel ; his SUGARS are of all varieties, including the, very primest; his COFFEES are the best in the market ; his FISH are elegant; and his FLOOR extra. He has laid in a large lot of STONE-WARE, which be offers cheap, and snre w•li please —so with his WOODEN-WARE, QUEENS WARE, LAMPS, PICKLES, SPICES, CON FECTIONARY, Tobacco and Segars, and the thousand other things to be found in his very full and complete Store. By selling cheap, and selling quick, he expects to get along quite as well as those who have greater profits, but sell slower. [Jane 11, 18f.:13. Buggies and Carriages. rpais WAY! THIS WAY!—The under signed is engaged in the Csvriige•making business, at the corner of Chambersbnrg and West streets, Gettysburg, and invites all who may need anything in his line to give him a call. He puts up, in the very best manner, Falling-top and other BUGGIES, and all the different styles of CARRIAGES. With a felt knowledge of the business, and a determina tion to give satisfaction, tie public can rely upon his jobs being good. He will endeavor to deserve a large share of patronage, and hopes to receive it. REPAIRING done at the shortest notice, and on most reasonable terms. glith'Country produce will be taken in exchange for work. CHARLES E. GILBERT. Gettysburg, June 4, 1866. tf Rimoval ! THE GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. THE undersigned takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally that he has removed from his old rooms on West Middle street, to Baltimore Street, and nearly opposite the store of Fahu estock Brothers. The room he now occupies has been recently fitted up expressly for his business. The location is an admirable one, enabling him to take pictures in all shades of weather, and with a correctness unequalled any where else. LIFE-LIKE PHOTOGRAPHS, of every size sod description, executed in the finest style. Purticularattention given to the OARTE DE VISITE, and to copying AEIBRO TYPES aid DAGUERREOTYPES ot deceased friends. Also— - THE GETTYSBURG GEMS, a new style of picture, which has become very popular with the public, not only for their beauty, but for cheapness and convenience.— SIXTEEN for, ONE DOLLAR only. Also— THE PORCELAIN PICTURES, which for their beauty and durability aro unsurpassed. We are prepared to carry on the business in all its various branches, and having had con siderable experience we run no risk in UARANTE RING PERFECT SATISFAC- TIOY. Our ficilities for a full display of our skill are unequalled by any other Gallery in the County, and we would therefore invite every one to call at the NEW GETTYSBURG SKYLIGHT GALLERY. Call and examine our Specimens and judge for yourselves. LEVI MUMPER. Jane 25, 1866. Cheap for Cash! N EW STORN I GROCERIES, LIQUORS, &C. THE undersigned has returned to Gettys burg, end opened a. new Store, on Haiti more street, next door to the Post Office, and nearly opposite the Court-noose, where he offers for sale, CHRAP ran CASH, a large anti choice assortment of GROCERIES,—Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Molasses, Syrups, Salt, Sto.; with Fish, Bacon, Lard, and so-on. Also, LIQUORS—Wines, Brandies, Gins, Whiskies, Rum•, a nd everything elsein the line. Also, any quantity of Notion's, to snit any and everybody. Recollect this is the place to buy cai.u' FOR CASH. GEO. F. KALBFLEISCEI April 23, 181)6 New Cheater Hotel. MITE undersigned has purchased the old Taughinhaugh Hotel property, in New Chester, Ad ams county, Pa, and reopened the honSe for the accommodation Travel lers, Pedlers, Drovers, and all others. I His Table will have everything in season, and his air the choicest wines an Iliqiiora. His Cham bers are large and airy. Good Stabling his at tached to the Hotel. He asks a share of pub lic patronage, and will do his best to deserve it. JOSEPH TODT. May 21, 1888. Dissolution. 1111 H E Partnership heyetokire existing be tween the undersigned, doing business in ihenamelof Row & Woods has been dissolved. Ail persons indebted to said firm are reqUested to settle their accounts. S. B. ROVi H. B. WOODS. June 4, IRE 6 Lime & Coal. PILINN k REILLY have erected two addi tional Lime Kilos, on the Railroad, and therefore better prepared then ever to sup ply late best of LIME, in large or small quanti ties. Farmers and others can hereafter look for a more prompt filling of their orders, and are invited, to extend and continue their fa vors to a firm which is making every effort to accoramodatethem in t bebestmanner possible. They will alsci\e.entinue to keep on hand, for sale, t good sultrily of the different kinds of COAL, which they will sell at small profits. Coal and Lime delitered anywhere in Get tysburg. May 14, 1.866. tf • . Everhart * FRANKLIN HOUSE, CoRNER OF HOWARD VRANIT4H MUTH, BALTIMORE, MD. This House is on a direct line betoken the Northern Central and Baltimore and \ O hio Railroad Depots. It has been refitted and cons.r fortably arranged for the convenience and ate entertainment of gnestsr. Nov. 20, 1865. tf Notice. APPLICATION will be made at the nett regular session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania for the Incorporation of a Sav ings' Institution, to be located in the Borough of Littlastown, Adams county, Penn'a., under the name and style of “THE LITTLESTOWN SAVINGS' INSTITUTION," the_ intention of which shall be to loan out money and receive deposits thereof, and do such things as are usually done by similar histltutions ; the cap ital thereof not to exceed One Hundred Thous and Dollars, to be divided into shares of Fifty Dollars each. July 2, 1866. 6m Cannon's M AR BLE , ..W ORES., On Baltimore street,Ne trip Opposite the Court • House, GETTYSBURG, PA. Every description of work executed in the finestittyle of the art. • June 4, .865. tf --- Disabled Nen, Attention t WANTED, one or two men, in Gettysburg sad' vicinity, who have lost either an arm or leg, to sell WADSWORTH'S WATER PROOF ARNICA HEALING PLASTER, the best and cheapest Court Plaster in the market. Fromss to $lO per day canlpe made. Address with 25 cents for sample and lull information. A. F. BELCHER, Box 4k, Philadelphia,Pa. N. B.—All Agents and pe , Sers would fi nd to their interest to answer the above. April 16, 1866. 3m $9O A Month!—AGENTS wanted far six entirely new articles, just out. Address Q. T. GARRY, City Building, Bid deford, Me. [Hay 21, 866. isly lI4SURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the TRAVELLERS INSURANCE CONPARY OF HARTFORD. It has a paid-up capital of halts million, sad a cash surplus of cm; a hawked thousand, to pay losses, . - - --- , - -tbikilieHiMiliniags- -- •- t, Qs the Ct r vau (sh YS, is m :time thill g a li r= " A t i: ( VAilre2. ' ... PICKING'S ' ga „ 0 NEW ADVERTLSEMF:NTS. IPI Pe 6 rl E-WIL-LK-KINSI" WHAT A LARGE Ur Stock of Cheap Clothing at Communications recommending egg i dliim eg , PICKING'S. - -- WI milt 4 aline, one inaction —aiDG In " "" e * pLAYED OCT 1 THE HIGH PRICES:— . For Sheriff. 1 t Call and be sAtisfied by pricing Clothing AT the solicitation of numerous friends, the 1 it PICKING'S. undersigned, (residing in Gettysburg s i nee TT CAN'T BE DRMIST), THAT PICKING has April let, but formerly and for many years a I .1 the largest assortment of Coats, Pants and , T T i resident of Conowago township.) offers him- eels, in the county. 'self as a candidate for SHERIFF at the next { I m t variety. cheap at ausK9 AND CARPET BAG S , PICKING'S. n endless . election, subject to the decision of the Demo- cratic Coanty Convention. Should'. be nom-T IS EVEN SO I A large stork of Orer- I !sh mated and elected, I will discharge the duties irts : Suspenders, Umbrellas, White and of the office to the best of my ability. Calico shuts , cheap at PICKING'S. . EMANUEL D. KELLER. XTICE I :VORA I I NICEST 111 All kinds April 16, 1966. tc 11 Sunday and every-day suits cheap. PICKING'S. UNCOURAGED by numerous friends GENTEEL 1 GENTEELERI I GENTEEL throughout the county, I offer myself as Ear! I I Black Cloth Frock, and Safk a candidate for SHERIFF at the next election, Coats; also all kinds of Cassimere s Duck, Cot subject to the decision -of the Democratic ton and Linen Coats. Call at PICKING'S. County Convention, Should Ibe so fortunate I T IS INDEED ASTONISHING, whit a as to be nominated and elected, I promise to large and cheap assortment of Pants can discharge the duties of the office tb the best be had at PICKING'S. of my &billy. 'JOSEPH A. ORENDORFF, I E y ea T p l a ll t S I Fine assortm p e i n c y K of; N C G l , o s c . ks Meuntjoy tp., April 16, 1866. tc 0 USE TALKING, bet come right along 'APING been solicited by _ . _. .. -- ts, J.l , many friends, II I offer mys dr as a candidate for SHER IFF at the next electioa, subject to the deci sion of the Democratic County Convention.— Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to a faithful discharge of the duties of the office. REUBEN GOLDEN. Cumberland tp., April 16, 1866. tic URGED by many friends, I offer myself as a candidate for SHERIFF, subject of the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should I be nominated I will, spare no honor able efforts to secure my election, and if elect ed, I will discharge the duties of the office to the beet °fray ability. HENRY BEITLER. Mcnntjoy tp., April 23, 1866. tc Mir AVING been solicited by many friends in r 1 various parts of tote county, I offer my sell as a candidate for SHERIFF at the next election, subject to, the decision of the Demo cratic County Convention. 'Should Ibe nom inated and elected, I promise to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. JOSEPH WOLF. Butler tp., April 23, um. tc SCOURAGED by numerous friends , ri throughout the county, I offer myself as a candidate for SHERIFF at the next election,. subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention.' Should I be so fortunate as to be nominated and elected, I promise to dis charge the. duties of the office to the best of my ability. JACOB KLUNK. Germany tp., April 9, 1866. tc AT the solicitation of numerous friends, I offer myself as a candidate for SHERIFF, at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should I be nominated and elected, I pledge myself to diicharge the 'duties of the office to the best of my ability. PHILIP HANN. Straban tp., April 9, 1866. tc For Register aY Reeorder. T A INCOURAGED by namerons friends, I .. E4 offer myself as a candidate for-the office of REGISTER, & RECORDER at the next elec. tion, subject to - the decision of the Democrat ic County Convention. Should Ibe nomina ted and ° elected, I piedge myself to discharge the duties of the office to the b.st of my ability. I served as Lieutenant in the 165th Rtlimenti P. M., under Capt. Jacob E. Miller. war. C. BECK. Reading . tp , May 28, 1866. tc HAVING been disabled in one arm by al outlet wound whilst serving in the 87th P. V., I have been frequently solicited to offer myself as a candidate for the office of REGIS TER & RECORDER—which I now do, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Should Ibe nominated and elected] I flatter myself that I will be able to ° discharges the duties of the °Rica correctly and to the satisfaction of the public. WM.' D. HOLTZWORTE. Gettysburg, May 14, 1866. tc FNCODRAGED by many friends, I o ff er myself as a candidate for the office or REGISTER, k RETORT:4R, at tffit next elec. eon, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the offiee faithfully and satisfactorily. SAMUEL A. SWOPE. Franklin tp., Jane 18, 1866. tc SOLICITED by numerous friends, T offer myself as a candidate for REGISTER RECORDER at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, pledge myself to discharge the duties of this offlee faithfully and correctly. ISAAC MYERS. Butler tp., May 29, 1868. tc For - Clerk of the Courts. ECOURA.G . ED by many friends, I offer myt self as a candid tte for re-election to the office of CLERK OF THE COURTS, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Con vention. Should I Ile nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of the office with. promptness and fidelity. J4MES J. FINK. Gettysburg, M.ty 7, 1866. to AT the ecruest solicitation of some of my friends, I offer myself as a candidate for RE OF TilE COURTS at the next election, subject to the decision of the Democratic Coun ty Convention. Should Ibe nominated and elected, I pledge myself to discharge the dub ties of the office correctly and with satisfaction to the public. CORNELIUS DOUGHERTY. Gettysburg, May 21, 1868. tc EILG. WOLF will be a candidate fnr , CLERIC OF TEM COURTS, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Cou vention. Gettysburg, June 18, 1866. to RAVING been solicited by many trlends, 1. offer myself as a candidate for °LEAF 21111 COURTS at the next election, subj.*. to the deeision of the Democratic County Con. vention. Should I bemominatedand elected, 1 promise a correct and fittitul performance of the duties of the office. ADAM W. MINTRR. Franklin tp., May 21, 1366. to County Commissioner. t u rite u h t a s v o a l i b c e i t e a n ti ° i n n ( li n t e n e u d m t e o . Tgraou°s fr il ie t t otter myself as a candidate for COUNTY COll - subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention. Should Ibe ominated and elected, I will do my best to discharge the duties of the office la a setisfac. tory mintier. BARNAT IiIYESS. Menallen'tp., June 25, 1868. tc Groceries! Groceries! T EMBIgST IN TOWN I COME AND SEE THEM! STRICKHOUSER & WISOTZKEY have ad ded a large and splendid ittock.of GROCERIES to their business, and invite the public to call and see for themselves. They offer the best of everything, at the lowest possible profits: COFFRES, SUGARS, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, SALT, Ma, Spices, Teas, - Cheese, Starch, Soaps, Candles, Blacking; Matches, Tubs, Buckets, - Brooms, Bed Cords; with Coulee tionary,l Oranges, Nuts, Tobaccos, Segars- , and a variety entirety too large to be enume rated. "Come one, come all." Gettysburg, June IB L ldeld. tf Prime Hams, SHOULDERS, Sides, home-made Bologna Baussage, to., a full stock always kept for sale, of the very best quality, and at lowest living profits, by KALBFLEfSCU, June 11. next door to the Post Office. Reduced Prieea. PIANOS, CABINET AND AMERICAN OR GANS. 'Superior tuned 7 octave PIANOS from $350 upwards. ORGANS from $BO upwards. All instruments selected, re. tolnmended and sold by me, additionally gnat- Ratted. Illustrated circulars sent by mail, whin desired. P. BENTZ, No. 30 East Market Street, York, Pa. Mar. 11, 1866. Sugar 10 Cents, AT Swan's Grocery; nn the North-west nerof the Diamond. [April3o, 1886. frIIR best lot of Upper, Leather COLLARS, of onr own mate, now rindy nod for nolo. D. ifeCIKAR,I t SON, • , and price Clothing, Notions, &z., at PICKING'S. ifUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Violins, Act cordions,, Flutes and Fifes, to be bad at PICKING'S. ARE *YOU IN? For a cheap suit. Then call at PICKING'S. GREM WKS, or any other kind of good 3 money, taken in exchange for Coats, Pants, Vests, ,at PICKING'S. TIfE GREAT SENSATION. of she day— Picking's Clothing Store. (1 HEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST—Pick ing's Spring and Summer Clothinr. G O AND SEE Picking's Cheap Clothing. STOP A MOMENT I—What's 'ha hurry? I want to get a snit at PICKING'S -111,/pITHER EARTH is putting on a new suit. Oa Let all the people go to Picking's and dc likewise. [April 23, 1868.] NORRIS STILL AIIF.AD I 1866 . ri J s U li S a T sj F a ß st O r l et T ur H a U f l r T o Y m l th e N C I : ty with the finest and cheapest lot of ready• made clothing ever attired in - Gettysburg. DON'T FORGET THE PLACE I Next door to Buehler's Drug store, where you will find the largest and best selection of HATS and CAPS In Gettysburg. JE.11.11-SA-LEII I—What nice Pants and Vest; Norris has at his new Store. He beats 'em all. HIGH FRIGES PLAYED OUT I—Norris sells Gloves as cheap as they were before the war. AND THE COLORED TROOPS FOUGHT NOBLY I—lf you don't believe it just go to Norris' New Store and he will convince you that "Woolen" Goods are cheaper than they have been since the war. COME IN our or THE, WET I—Norris .has Umbrellas so cheap that tt is cheaper to keep dry thew run around in the rain. NECKTIES, BUTTERFLIES and everything in that line at NORRIS'S. LOCKWOOD, LINEN LINED !—Pdper tars and Linen Collars of all kinds aud sizes at NORRIS'S. -KEEP TlMM—Fine assortment of Clocks' ard warranted to keep time at NORRIS'S. ' VALISES, TRUNKS, and Carpet Bags, of every description at NORRIS'S. SARATOGA I—Norris keeps the latest Sar atoga Hats. ON THE ROAD TO BRIGHTON I—The la test Brighton Hata at NORRIS'S. THE LATEST RESORTE I—Norris has the • latest Resorte Hats and the best quality in the market. ••• YOUNG DRIVING BOYS I—Don't forget that Norris has the latest Driving Hats out. May 7, 1866. Removal. CALL AND SEE US IN OUR NEW _QUAR TERS. _ _ GREAT ATTRACTIONJ MICHAEL SPANGLER would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally that he has moved his Store into the commo dious room on the southeast corner of the Dia mond, at which place all are invited to call. He has purchased the property and had It thoroughly repaired and fitted up ill the most splendid style, for the special comfort and con venience of his customers. We now flatter ourselves that we have not only the best store room in the county, but the finest stock of goods ever brought to this place, all of which we are now selling at prices to DEFY COMPETITION. We call attention especially to our complete stock of DOMESTIC.•AND FANCY DRY GOODS, embracing all descriptions of DRESS GOODS, DRESS SILKS, DELAINES, MERINOES, CASHMERE'S, CALICOES, MUS LIN'S, CORSETS, Hoop Skirts for Ladies and Misses, Hosiery, Gloves, Embroidery, Tritn 7 ' ming& and FANCY ARTICLES. ' • Also, Gent's FURNIIMING GOODS, Clothe, Casstmeres, Cassinets, Tweeds, dm., &c. We are now selling— Muslins from 121 to 28. Calicoes .... 10 to 18. and other goods in proportion. Having made our purchases when goods were at their very lowest grade bathe city, we are now offering bargains that cannot fail to please. We invite all to call at our NEW STORE and see if It is not so. IL,SPANGLER. APill 16, 1866. - W. R. BIDDLE. . H. S. BENNER. 100?00 Busks. Grain Wanted. NW FIRM AT THE. OLD WAREHOUSE. WI. E. BIDDLE & CO. would inform the public that they have leased the Warehouse on the corner of Stratton street and the Rail road, in Gettysburg, .vhere they will carry on THE GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in all its branches. The highest prices will always be paid for Wheat, Rye, Curn, Oats, Clover and Timothy Seeds, Flaxseed, Sumac, Hay and Straw, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Soap,Hams, Shoulders and Side!, Potatoes, with every thing else in the country produce line. GROCERIES.—On hand, for sale, Coffees, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, Teas, Spices, Salt, Cheese, Vinegar, Soda, Mustard, Starch, Brooms, Buckets, Blacking, Soaps. &c. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tar, itc. FISH of all kinds; Spikes and Nails; Smoking aril Chew ing Tobuccos. They are always able to supply a first rate article of Flour, with the different kinds of Feed. Also, Ground Plaster, with Guano! and other fertilizers. COAT., by the bushel, ton or car load. They will run a LINE OF FREIGHT CARS from Gettysburg to Baltimore once every week. They are prepared to convey. Freight either way, in any quantity, at REDUCED RATES. They will attend, if desirEd, to the making of purchases in the city, end dtlivering the goods promptly is Gettysburg. Their cars run to the Warehouse of Nathan Roop Co., No. 128 North Howard et., near Franklin, Baltimore, where freight will be received at any time. They Invite the attention of the public to their line, assuring them th it they will spare no effort to accommodate 'all who may patronize them. BIDDLE k BENNER. April 18,1866. tf Tin Ware and Stoves. T -HE subscriber respectfully informs the public that he still continues the business o making ALL KINDS OF GOOD TIN WARE, at the old stand, (formerly Andrew Polley's,) in York street, Gettysburg, where he has the largest assortment of tin ware In the county, with many other articles for kitehen use. &c. Also, COOKING STOVES k NINE-PLATE STOVES, 01 the very best kinds. S. G. COOK. 11ar. 12, 1865. 3m G OLD, SILVER, STEEL, and other . ' 'SPECTA'f'CLIIS, to suit all ages, always on hand; and fitted to sight. J. BgNrAlfp Opposite the Bank. Gettratinrg. SAGO, Arrow Root, Cord Starch, Rice-lour and Gelatin, for sale at Dr HORNER's Driwr Stare. rSURR AGAINST AC(7IORNT3 in the TRAVELLERS INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD. It insane against all kinds ot aetidestloind its benefits are resolved brall climes of men, _ - 1141I1'EItS 414 . REAPERS.- ." ep nl4rTrtzne4 it still kireiss ankle of 11()WIV; AND 11,14.1P1NG M tUItINIC3 —with combined and single Mowers. Tor3e machine, can be rased a 3 Sett-Rakers or Hand It ,kern, as farmers may wish. They are made will. furs cutter bars, one for wain j grain with sickle kr-Ito—cutting flys feet nine i nc h ° , wide—and encra bar, with tica knitee, for gram—emit:ea four feet six Wile/ wide, haring iron or w odes frames as dviired.--. They bees two driving wheels and flexible fin ger bar. The company building these mtchincs Mee secured by !else and piirchapl', the control et all the desirable and standard patents now use, among which are the 01111) Agl) BUCK PATriT,S, to which we direct &facial attention. le\eom pactaess, lightness of drakeleellence of work mansit:p and finish, combined with greet strength and ailaptatioll to id! kinds of work, they will compete with, and we believe, car ' 13A911, say other machinsi,now offored to the I public. Farmers wsuld do well to examine then machines- before purchasing any caller. Tbay will be Bold as cheap al auy other first. clan machine now manufa(?urel, and we warrivat them to eive entire sttiif 4ction . or no ante. nerExtras alwuys kept at irtu.i. specimen esaciniues can be seen by culling dit the Agent, resiliag ox titn Itarrisburg road, two MINA north•east of Gettysburg. WiLLIANI WIBLE, Agent. April 23, 18GG GO TO I ri WOODS' FIRST 'NATIONAL HAT, SHOE, NOTION VARZE TY STOKE, Where you can buy the cheapest and best goods in town, Corner of the Diamond and York Street. HATS RATS FOR OLD M ES.—dsoft and s tiff b r i ms . HATS POR. FASHIoNABLE, MEN.- Alway• the !Meet out, EATS FUR YUUNG MEN,—"The Wait Is- sues." HATS Fort BOYS.—Rrary variety and style. HATS FURCHILDII.IOI.-=Nalt and tahiona. ble. BOOTS AND SHOES. BOOTS FOR MEN AND BUYS.—Cheap asi SLIDES FOIL MEN AND BOYS.—A large •s- • eortmort.. SITOES FOlt J.ADZlCS.—:Good t ebeip and neat. SHOES FOlt CRILDREN. 7 —The beat moors- meat in 'awn. G.LITEetS OF EVERY STYLE.—ior TAM% Goats and NOTIONS STOCKTNIIS OF ALL KINDS.,Tor Ladles, Gmtlemen and Children. GLOVfil.—For Mew, Ladies mad Children, cheap Rs ever. • _ NECK-TIES.—A Splendid assortment. COLLAREL—For Ladies and Geode- men. LINEN 11 ANDNERCIIIIP.n.—Bordered. and Plain. for _Cradles and Gents. CAMBRIC HANDICHRCHIEPS.—WIee sat cheap for Children. COMBS.—Gam and Horh. SUHPENDHII,4.—A general aaanrtmen►. GAILTHRS.—Best Fanatic for trading; and Ohne dren. CORSETS.—The best fitting and moat com. fortahle at low prices. SPOOL COT l'ON.—Of sal coloes, cheviot add best. V ARIETY GOMA. MIRRELLAS—.4I !Ores; prices. LADIES' EASKETS—Cheapest in lawn. CARRIAGE WHIPS-,Of beet India Steel:. STRAWS—That make a kern e.ige. SHAVING SOAP AND BRUSHES—The very beet. LEAD PENCITS—Of the best melee. SROE RRUSHES—Cheap but good. CARPET BAOK:3--Plain awl Railroad. TRUNKS—Of all sizes. gm-Before purrhanina always call at the FIRST NATIONAL STORE and save clones by buying cheap. • D. B. WOODS. June 11, Me. PHOTOGRAPHIC. k H. T. ANTHONY k. CO., Alo.nufgclurcro of Photographic materials, Wholeaale - and Retail, 501 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. N addition to our main' business of MOTO- I GRAPHIC MATERIALS we are Headgear tere for the following, riz: STEREOSCOPES tt STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS of American and Foreign Cities and Lind scares, Groups, Statuary. kc. STRREidtSCUPIO VIEWS OF THE WAR, From aegatit es made in the various cam paigns and formiog a complete Photographic history of the great contest. STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS ON GLASS, Ada} ted for either the Magic Lantern or the Stereoscope. Our Catalogue wilt be kat Ip any address on receipt 6Vstamp. pIIOTOGRAPIIIO ALBUMS.' We manufacture more largely than any oftb• or hews, about 200 varieties from 50 testa 10 $5O each,. Our /JAHNS have the reputation of being superior 'ln-beauty sad durability to any others. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS OP PSNISALS, ACTORS, STC., STO. • Our Ostalogne embritios over• FIVE TIIOIS - different subjects, including reproduc tions of the most celebrated Engraft - Cgs, Pa'W ings, Statues, &c. Catslogies seat sus receipt of stamp. Photographers mad others, ordering goods C. 0. D ,'will please remit 2.5 per cent of the amount with their order'. larThe prices and quollty of onr goods cannot fu► to satisfy. Jane 18, 1888. ly NEW GOODS! GRORGE ARAQLD HAS now .on hand * very larza stook of RRA DY-11 A DE CLOTHING, mostly of his oistn sn innfactilvinif imf won" made, embracing every site and pries. A 11,10 A LARGE STOCK OP CLOTHS AND C4BBI -111311E3, well selected end very handsome styles, all et hich wilt be sold vary cheap, for e and see them. GEOIIOI I / 1 11liDiat. May 7 4 iB4G, 3m Fresth Confectlosely ND ICE CRAM( 8A I.ooN.—Theortbsort. ber respectfully informs the eialseni of ettysburg and vicinity that he ksa a Goatee. tionery Establishment, one tees east of the Eagle flotel,on Chambershurgetraet, to Which he would invite their attention. Cakes, Candier, and every deseriptiets of Confections, together with Nuts, Oranges, nut all kinds of fruits, telw..tys on hand. Partiv, public and private, as well as foot• flies, wilt be tarnished with all kinds of Cakes, Ice Cream, fin pyramidal term or otherwlse,) and Wier refreshments at their houses, aloe short notice. Haring spent a life-time at the bpslneso, bs tatters himself that he underst yids it and that he it able la render entire satisfaction. Call and kee his Coafoctioatry. May 28, 1188. tr JUIIN Gain Shoea, Gaiters, dm • JOHN X. RE I LIN'Ci, Iv Castrate S Welt stye, tt few doors ("font the Poblie Square, Gettysburg, has laid In an excellent assort.. ment of Shoes, Ositers, ke. ' f Q gr MEN, WOMEN AND CRILDRIM , which he is offering at the very lowest profit.. Flaring bought for cub, at tali latest re 1,0 tion, he Is privarea to of or great bargaiss. Boot and Shoe manufacturing estried oast the same place, and the best kind of work made. JOHN U. REILINJ.' May 14, 1866. tf Cheese! Cheese ! Swrrzaa, Liroberger and Englieb "We, olio alwayebe bad at • . IiALDFCRISCire, kdoor, to the Poet Oitles„ J_une li. n Coal and Lumber, ' , 1 Q IP every y t eriety, at the Yard orIII3IXIM C. R. 9L, stb.l9. Gor. Carlisle aed &Obeid ing; Vint biwt Jett entitled.* taw` or Queonsigtre, to , whaitio l = l l% satestips ot Amapa. 1. TT ti . GO TO!