Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, July 16, 1866, Image 2

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OETRYSintftO, PA..:
111.04 r 1144 UMW
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Demoiratic County Convention.
At a' meet: ag of the Democratic County
Committee, at Wolf's Hotel; in Gettys
burg, on Saturday last, the following res-
Motion was unanimously adopted ;
.Reaolved, That the Democratic voter*
of Adams county be, and they are hereby,
requeided to meet at their usual places of
liolding Delegate Elections, on SATUR
- )AY, the 91314 day of JULY instant, for
,the purpose of choosing Delegates to rep
resent them inn County Convention to
be held In Ciettysburg, on MONDAY fol
lowing, (July zioth,) at 10 o'clock, A. M.,
to nominate a County Ticket, appoint
Congressional Conferees, and transact
ouch other business as may be deemed
necessary. The Delegate Elections to
open at 5 and close at 7 o'clock, P. M., In
all the Districts except In Gettysburg—
In the latter place to open at 7 Mal close
at 9 o'clock, P. M.
ifiirThe - Delegate EleCtion iu Union
township t.) be hill this year at Sell's
t3tation. -•
J.tcon BRINEEnIIOPP, Clr'n
H. J. MYEIti, Bce' y.
July 2,1860.
By the call published above, it will be
seen that the Delegate Vdections in this
county will be held on Saturday, the 28th
Instant, and the Convention on the fol- 1
loiving Monday, the 30th. It is to be
hoped that the elections will be well at
tended, and the best men in the, several
districts sent as delegates. We have wily
foes, ready to take any advantage, to:
contend with. Their candidates are
pledged to unceasing labor during the ea
vase, whilst the leaders will stop at noth
int/ to carry the county. The Democratic
Convention, therefore, owes it to the party
to act circumspectly, and present the
best ticket possible, Ily so acting;:the
doings of the Convention will command
such general respect as to lead to certain
The largest preparations are being made
for the Democratic State Mass Conven
tion, to be held at Reading on Wednesday
next, the 18th.) The Democratic Clubs
in-twelve or fifteen counties will be there l
Ineluding the Keystone, of Philadelphia,
new under the Presidency of Hon. 'Rich
ard Van; with number of Ward Clubs;
the Soldiers' Wilier Club of York, under
(701. Maish ; he Harrisburg Club, the
Easton Club, tile Lancaster Clubs, (citi
zen and alitary,) and many others.—
Besides, there will ba thousands there
not connected with such organizations.—
_ Excursion trains will run to Reading
from Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Lancas
ter, Columbia, Pettsville, Easton, .Ste.
Whilst the crowd is expected to be very
great, (which every Denaderat ought to
be glad to Bee t ) none should he deterred
from going by the fear of nut finding ac
commodations. Reading Is a large place,
and the Democracy of the city and coun
ty will see to it that all visitors have com
fortable entertainment. We trust that
this county will be. well represented.
The Lancaster Intetfcgeackr says that
the response of the people and of the
press of the country td, the call for a Na
tional Union Convention is general, and
the gathering with be, the , largest and
most Importanttliai the country has seen
since the war began.
Southern papers exhibit s very general )
disposition on the part of the people to
respond to•the call, and State and district
Conventions are being called to.nominate
„Governor Orr hag issued
.an address to
the people of South Carolina, in which
he heartily approves of the objects of the
Philadelphia Convention, and urges upon
them the duty of immediately electing
delegates to the State Convention which
"meets at Columbia on the first of August
to appojnt delegates to the National Con
vention. The Governor says "There
is not one principle of this address to
which this,State can not subscribe In hon
or and with sincerity."
The radicals may rage as they please in
regard to this Convention. Many of the
beat man of the Republican party will be
there, the whole country will be repre
'kilted, and in all respects it will be one
of the most influential and important
political gatherings the country has ever
I'ollollll' IN THE DUMPS.
Mrs. Swlashelm, the Radical editress,
Is the Washington correspondent of the
Chambersburg Repository. Inlastvreek's
e paper is a letter in which she says:
John W. Forney, Wilkinson, late cor
responden tot the New York Tribune here,
and other men of that stamp, have been
feeling gloomy during the past week and
talking of "stormy times" ahead.
When such men as Forney feel gloomy
•fn regard to the political situation the
people have good cause to rejoice. The
reign of the thieves is &axing to a close.
ligkalie Supreme Court of this State
bas decided that Judges of Elections are
bound to take-the votes of "deserters," it
each "deserters" have not been regularly
Iried, convicted and sentenced by a court
Mriartial. - Judge Strung and the majority
of the Supreme Court, take the ground
that election boards cannot try the ques
tion of &scram/. This is exactly the
ground upon which we insisted last fail
that•ttie votes of non-reporting conscripAls
must be taken. But the .Abolitionists
made a great out-cry against the right
of "deserters" to vote, and succeeded in
Setting their election, boards to reject the
votes of all whom they chose to charge
with "desertion," whilst by their clamor
•aild threats they frightened the timid. so
that they did not venture near the polls.
Sf.ow; I.ET IT BE uxonrixrooo that the
worms these men; and above
paw nr was Brnorr-rvz Cairn -AT
-0611110f3tSWosttss• OP ars =Gras. Be
Shwasiwi all will b 4 wall.
Ofrottis unierstgod that the President
wIU veto. the rreedaya s e Sanaa MC I
The DemoCrecy of New York pity cel
ebrated the National Anniversary most
appropriately and spiritedly at Tammany
Hall. The old Wigwam was crowded,
and the celebration was a most decided
success. Richard O'Gorman and S. S.
Cox were the orators of the day, and they
delivered most eloquent, hopeful and
stirring addresses. Letters from nume
rous distinguished men were read, among
others from President,Johnson, Secretary
Seward and Secretary Welles.
We publish the following paragraphs
, from Mr. Seward's letter, for tke special
edification of our neighbor of the Sentinel,
!who basso long admired and puffed him:
It Is said in excuse of the denial 'of rep
resentation, that the States and their
chosen representatives still continue to
be seditious and disloyal. I ask, is Ten
nessee disloyal ? Arkansas seditious?
Are the Senators and Representatives of
; either of those States disloyal ? I - desire,
in this respect, that each of the two
Houses of Congress will apply the consti
tutional test, with all the improvements
of legislation upon It, and thus admit
those States and representatives who are
lhyal, and reject only those against whom
the crime of disloyalty shall be estah
I believe with the Tarnmany Society,
that the Union was created to be perpet
: nal; that the States are equal under the
Constitution, that the restoration of the
Union by the recent war ought to be
acknowledg6d and recognized by all the
departments of the Federal Government;
that a spirit of magnanimity And frater
nity shouid.prevail In all our councils,
and that the South, having accepted of
the lessons of the war, and relinquished
the heresies of secession, should, just so
far and so fast as she comes in the attitude
of loyalty, and in the persons of loyal and
qualified representatives, be admitted to
her constitutional representation.
I want, henceforth and forever, no
North, no South, no East, no West, no
' divisions, and no sections and no chows,
but one united and harmonious people.
How can the Sentinel longer remain in
the disunion ranks? Its position is won
derful, and can only be accounted for
upon the supposition that tl'had. Stevens
1 has "charmed" the editor into the most
complete subserviency.
TIIE SOLDIER%' covirrocriox.
The Soldiers' state COnfrention, called
to meet at Harrisburg, of Wednesday,
the Ist of August, prsnnises to be a very
Important demonstration. The Doyles
town Democrat, edited by Col. W. W. H.
Davis, says "the indications are that the
Convention will be the largest add most
enthusiastic ever held in Pennsylvatill."
We copy the following from the Demo
Colonel Forney Is again on the anxious
.bench ; he sees another "negro under the
wood-pile." He becomes alarmed be
cause, as he states, "Colonel W. W. H.
Davis, of the Doylestown Denverat, is
trying to get up a soldiers' party in favor
of Hiester Clymer." We arc not petting
up a party of soldiers for this purpose, for
the party is already up, and a large one
it is; but we are helping to bring this
party together to express, the indignation
the soldiers of PennsylVania feel toward
'Stevens, Sumner, Forney & Co., for be
traying them and the cause for which
they shed their blood. It Is quite natu
ral that Forney should become alarmed,
for' ie begins to see a handwriting on the
wall that will expose the pretencled.patri
' otisiu of himself and friends. The Con
vention of the first of August will excel
anything of the kind ever before held in
this State. The officers, soldiers and
seamen of Pennsylvania will proclaim to
the world that the fruits of their labor in
the field shall not be used to divide the
Union which they fought and bled to
make whole. We are rejoiced that Cola
nel Forney shows his al.'. It is the
best evidence that the movement is alrea
dy having a powerful ellbct. The soldiers
of this State Will show him and fits co
laborers in the ause of disunion that
they fought and bled neither to destroy
the Union, nor raise the negro to their
political and social-equality:
The Democratic Soldiers clf Mechanics
burg, Cumberland county, intend holding
a Democratic Soldiers' Harvest Home
and Mass Meeting, under the auspices of
the Soldiers' Democratic Club, on the
2,5 th of the present month,, to which all
Dcrnocratic soldiers, sailors and citizens
who favor the election of Hiester Clymer
and the restoration of all the States to
their political rights, are invited, We
are requested to extend a special invita
tion to the Democratic soldiers and citi
zens of Adams. Hon. Hiester Clymer is
certainly expected to address the meeting.
A grand time may be expeeted.
If you want to be taxed to support the
negroes of the South in luxurious idleness
—go with the radicals. If you are ‘ anx
ions to pay for a swarm of useless office
holders to engender and perpothate
discord between the Smithern negroes
and their employers--gowith the radicals.
If yon think the families of "freedmen"
should be supported out of the Treasury,
while the widows and orphans of white
soldiers who fell in the war for the Union
are 'left to provide for tliternselves—ge
with the radicals. If you think riegro
soldiers "bear the palm" in suppressing
the rebellion—go with the radicals. If
you want negroof to vote in Pennsylva
nia—go with the radical& If you want
eleven States stricken fm the Bag of
the Republic—go with tie radicalsm If
you want wealth, protect°at the expense
of labor—go with the radicals. If you
want agitation end strife rolonged, bus
iness paralyzed and the country bank
rupted—go with the radi s.
Good News to Tax-payers.—lt will be
refreshing news to the overburthened
tax-payers to learn that a proposition has
been made in Cdngress to increase the
pay of members to $lO,OOO a year, and
travelling expenses to boot, and that the
project meets with much favor in that
btidy. They now receive $3,000 per an-
Aunt, and travelling expenses. The
working classes will have to pay lb e piper.
'Mahe Democracy of Fulton county
have unanimously instructed in favor-Of
J. McDowell Sharpe, Esq., for Congress,
and George A. Smith, Esq., for Senator.
Berne latest from Mexico represents
the continued success of the Liberal army
against the rule of the Emperor Maxi
milian. It is believed that he will soon
be forced from the eountry.
%U It may not interest the Disunion
,ists greatly to be told that every Pres
idential veto of former Presidents vvas
sustained by the people, but such is the
Runipers threaten to stay in
session until after the Pkfiladeigbis U
nion Convention, so as to devise ways
and means to save their bacon. •
OA *ll occasions of mere pretension and
ghost, in which no pecuniary outlay is
involved, the individual who now mis
represents us in the State Senate is always
particularly prominent and officious. As
fat as the mere outside demonstration is
concerned, he is equal to at least ten men,
but when it comes to anything that costs,
his weakness becomes manifest, the Mo
ven foot sticks out, and he is inferior to
the one-tenth part of any ordinary speci
men of humanity. This peculiar condi
, tion of mind will do very well in the usual
order of events in our quiet burg. It has
haptenefthat 3feConanghy has fretAlhiit
, ly been so situated as to exhibit himself
one week as the embodiment of public
'spirit and liberality, (at no pecuniary cost
to himself,) whilst the week after he has
been selfish enough to saddle all the loss
and trouble on solne innocent and unde
rsigning party.
But selfish and designing as he is, he is
sometimes caught beyond all hope of ex
trication, at a less expenditure than the
cost of a gallon of ice cream and a short
three-quarters of a pound cake—news& the
case on the eceasion of the visit of the
Governor of the State and the Legislative
Committee, on Thursday. On that, to
him, ever-memorable occasion, his pru
dence and parsimony were overcome- by
his desire for notoriety and public display,
and he heedlessly plunged, headlong, in
to a "Reception," such as, we believe,
[ was never equalled by any other public
Invitations were sent out, and the Gov
ernor, the Legislative ComMittee, and
sundry of the notables of the town, availed
themselves of them, and were promptly
All went "merry as a marriage bell."
The "Mast of reason and' the flow of - soul"
progressed, joyouSly, until stomachs, de
bilitated by a preparatory fast, clamor
ously called for the more solid elements
of life. 'Tis easy to summon "spirits
from the vasty deep," but they won't al
ways come. 'Tis easy to Invite many, but
it costs to feed them. "Five loaves" are
not alway pried into five thousand,
and neith a gallon of ice cream and
a pound-cake be multiplied indefinitely.
Many were called, but few were fed.—
Those not among "the select," as not be
ing essential to the show, were bowed out
more decided state of refrigeration
than was the ice cream, and the chosen
few remained, to Rartake, with what ap
petite they might, of the refreshments so
grudgingly bestowed. The rejected ad
journed, as we are informed, to their pri
vate pantries, and to Gruel's, where they
were of course welcome and got the worth
of their money.
It is to be hoped that as people of ail
parties and shades of complexion now
have the full gage of McConaughy, they
will in the future see to it that no man
shall represent them who will not at
least treat alike all whom he may invite
to his "receptions." It needed but this
public manifestation of the bogus Sena
tor's meanness, -his picayune spirit, and
his utter disregard of the feelings of his
towns-men and neighbors; to convince
everybody Of his unfitness to represent
ally decent constituency.
An informal convention of the Johnson
Republicans of this State, was held at •
Sansom 'street Hall, Philadelphia, on the
third inst. Robert L. Martin, of Dela
ware county, acted as temporary chair
man. Hon. HENRY W. TRACY, of
Bradfollti, was elected permanent chair- !
man, supported by a long array of Vice
Presidents and Secretaries. Among the
delegates present we notice the names of
Ex-Gov. Johnson, N. P. Sawyer, Colonel
S. McKelvy, and Hon. James Lowry; of
Allegheny; Hon. Chas. William Son and
J. C. Cummings, Delaware; B. Rush
Bradford and Archibald Robinson, Bea
ver ; Col. J. R. Flanigen, S. S. Leidy,
Henry Simons, and C. P. Cornman, Phil
adelphia; W. M. Allison, G. W. Strouse
and W.. W. Davis, Juniata; T. C. Mc-
Dowell, Dauphin ; D, P. Harper and J.
W. Cowell, Bucks; P. M. Huckenbeier,
Snyder; Col. Talley and W. Darlington,
Chester • A. F. Swann, Erie ; J. B. Ad
amson, Mercer; C. Conant, Crawford;
R. H. Foster, Centre ; ThOS. Sehosch,
Monroe; and a number or. others. A
State Central Committee was appointed,
with Col. J. R. Flanigen, of Philadelphia,
as Chairman. Hon. `V. F. Johnson, Col.
J. R. Flanigen, Hon. H. W. Tracy and
Senator Edgar Cowan were elected dele
gates to the National Convention which
is to assemble in Philadelphia, op the
14th of August. A resolution wag also
adopted fixing the 14th of August as the
time, and Philadelphia as the place, for
holding a Convention to determine what
course to pursue in regard to a candidate
for Governor.
Coffrofle VB. Koontz.—The Washington
correspondent of the Age, in his letter
of Monday, says :--The Committee of
Elections agreed this morning to report
in favor of ousting Mr. Cotfroth, and
giving his seat to the contestant (Koontz).
I understand that it is admitted that
Mr. Coffroth had a majority of the legal
votes cast In the District, but the com
mittee decided against him on a technical
objection. They hold that the proof
was insufficient to show that certain il
legal soldiers' votes for Mr. Koontz were
counted by the return judges, when in
feet there was ample proof of fraud in
that particular.
The Meeting at Reading.—The Demo
cratic Mass Meeting to be held at Read
ing, Berks county, on the 18th inst., pro
mises to be one of the largest ever held
ih the State. Among other distinguished
speakers who will be present we may
poeltively mention Hon. George H.
Pendleton, of Ohio, late Democratic can
didate for Vice President. It will he
worth a long journey to hear this dis
tinguished gentleman upon the issues
involved in the present contest for the
Union. Every Democrat who can con
veniently go to Reading upon that occa
sion, should do so.—Patreot d Union.
tern is rumored that Postmaster Gen
eral Dennison has resigned, on account
of his disagreement with the President.
It is said that Harlan and i3peed will
follow. Let the country 1.06.
lifirThaddens Stevens will be a candi
date for United States Senator, say the
Lancaster papers.
liirlieConaughy is in favor of an extra
session of the Legislature, to ratify the
Constitutional Amendment. Of course.
An extra session means extra past !
sEirSeveral - battles have been fought
by the Austrians and Prussians, and
victory is claimed for each side.
S'ionifinant..—The negroes at Phila
delphia were not allowed to mix in the
ceremonies on the 4th. The soldiers
would not permit it. The Destruction
ists did not dare insist upon the presence
°(,the actives.
ipirßenator Lane, of Kaneas, U dead,
Clymer, Johnson, and the Union. TOWN AND COUNTY AFFAIRS. -, Special Notice Column.
a fter the °tuber election—at the lo , Li n i ment for dysentery, ootic, ersup, chronic
Call ats, inset* csasseation straamorassy air The COMPITAIt will be furnished „T I U,_!!'"WW.U. bi r ir torr *r she Age.
= nnio ul l e: a rs• si Zoiwters awn sow' i for the campaign—from this time until ` .44 -'" 10, ri-undm AND DUI Efts can
' ( abet the
rheumatism, gore throats, for ache, sea sickness,
the low w purchase no remedy equal to Dr, Tablas' Venetian .
The Soldiers' Convention which met
i cuts,burns, sweilln k pi, bruises, obi sares,helidaebe, i
in Pittsburg on the sth of June last, and price of Fifty a Its! Send in the names
which pledged their comrades in this and the moneysingly or by clubs.
State to the support of the radical mess- There is an interesting campaign ahead, mosquito bites, talai in the Limbs, chat, back,
and no Democrat or Conservative should , refunded. All t h at Is asked Is a Dial, oni use it
Johnson, and which promised their votes fall to be posted, when the information aeco nsL at T i o tt to m, t_he D d wir ire es t i i r o : ns i
used pour
to John W. Geary, the radical candidate can be secured for the small sum of half
San and b r e i l l i t e im ve e i n t t to in be iny th rarrk e bes il7 t lf° a r rtlc E ll U e n f l o i r w r) h r a Y t e l a t rs is . I
for Governor, misrepresented the scull- ' a dollar.
recommended that I have ever used. Forst:Men
meats of the great mass of the officers
and soldiers soldiers of Pennsylvania. In order; MORE VIBITORS.—Gov. Curtin, Mr,
that a true expression of opinion might . Bothering', and the Legislative Commit-
*Reek of croup it Is invaluable. I have no hesi ta
be had from the late defenders of the tte in recommending it for all the uses itproless
government in tile field, and to counter- e
tee on the Battle-field Painting were to cure. I have sold it yor m an y yews, and
act the injury attempted to be done to the here several days last week, Inspecting it gives entire satisfaction.
cause of the t:nion, it was deemed advis- the different points of the Battle-field.—' CHAS. H. TRJMNER.
able by the late officers cud soldiers of On Wednesday evenint, the Governor Quakertown. N. 1., May 8,1848.
the. Federal army In this State to hold Price. 40 and Alt cents. Sold by au draggista.
another Convention. t was serenaded at the residence of David once 50 rmutiand street, New York.
A_ preliminary meeting of returned offi- ; Wills, Esq., by the Gqttysburg Brass July e, INK int •
remand soldiers, with this object in view, Band, and quite a crowd collected. He
was holden on Thursday, the 28th of Petrify the Blood.
i appeared and made a short speech, thank- ,
June, when it was resolved to hold , trtheblood be pore the body which is formed
A State Convention at liarrisburg on Wed-
ing the people of Gettysburg for their from and by the blood cannot be diseased. But if
nesday, the first day of August, I attentions during his several visits here. ' there be In any part o f the b o dy en affection, such
iut a boil or nicer, even a bruise, the blood clrcula
good taste not to make a {
ting through that part takes up impure matter
at 10 o' lock A. M. to he composed of ,He had the
such honorably discharged officers, aol- political harangue on the occasion, and from the local affection and carries It into the
diem and seamen of Pennsylvania, as
subscribe to the following doctrine, viz : I thus pleased all sensible people. 1 general system. This lathe cause o ft en of sudden
death to persons of full habit af fl icted with boils
pea onthe street
It is re sled that McCon
' and ulcers, and who use no 9Vediciue; the matter
1. Who are in favor of carrying out, i
in good faith, the joint resolution of Con- aughy, who taied to have the uninitiated
grew, adopted July 22nd, 1861, which de- , ipts into the circulating system and chokes up
believe that the visitors were hisproperty, ! the fine blood vessels which supply the brai n
elared that, "This war is not prosecuted ' was compelled to bear two very galling ( yith vitality, and ilfb ceases as it
on our part in any spirit of oppression, 1 ..
a/mos—one of them so direct as to bring i BEREFT BY LIGHTNING.
Now, this can be remediea.
n,or for any purpose of conquest or subju- ,
ga ,
tion but to defend and maintain thb +out a broad laugh from the by-slanders. BBANDBETITS PILLS
Impudence won't altos win. take all impure rn Wets from the el reniatlon. and
supremacy of the Constitution and to 2 ,
preserve the Union, with all the dignity, 1 - , sate the general health, soon curing twat affec-
TRacusss' CixtviesTroar.—The State tions also. BRAN DRETWS PILLS protoct from
equality, and rights of the several States !
unimpaired." These were the conditions tedious times ofslekness and often save life. Sold
of the bond the soldiers signed and sealed by all Druggists. [July 9, 1.8,30. Ins
in blood with the government, and a
refusal to carry them, outis a gross viola
tion of a solemn agreement ;
2. Who are in favor of restoring the
States lately in rebellion to all their con
stitutional relations with the Federal
Union as they stood before the war broke
oat, according to the humane and consti
tutional policy laid down by President
Johnson ;
8. Who are in favor of representatives
from the South, loyal to the Constitution
and the laws, being Immediately received
by Congress ;
-4. Who approve President Johnson's
vetoes of the Freedmen's Bureau and
Civil Rights Bills ;
5. Who are opposed to any Interference,
by Congress, with the rights reserved by
the Constitution, and who are opposed to
the right of suffrage being conferred upon
the nerro;—
U. And who are in favor of the election
of Illester Clymer, Democratic candidate
for Governor of Pennsylvania, the repre
sentative of the constitutional and con
servative doctrine stated above.:
Each county will be entitled to send"
seven delegates to the convention ; and
where a county has more than one mem
ber in the House of Representatives, such
county will be entitled to seven delegates
for each additional member. The-dele
gates are to be elected by the honorably
discharged officers, soldiers and seamen
of the counties respectively.
In addition to the delegates selected,
all other honorably discharged officers,
soldiers and seamen who sympathize with
the object in view, are invited to meet at
Harrisburg on that occasion. signed by
W. W. H. Puvls, Col. 10-ith,P. V.
Ow L'T Jo.vEs, Col. /A Pa. Cavalry.
JOHN' P. lawrox, Lt. Col. 54th P. V.
J. Wrsr,mr AWL, Lt. Col. anst P. V.
R. P. McWiLi.wsts, Capt. ItNth P. V.
C. B. BROCKWAY, Capt. Ist Pa. Arty.
And 306 others, from different parts of,
the State—among them, Major H. S. Ben
ner, Adj. J. H. White, Capt. Wm. J.
Martin, Lieut. S. H. Eieholtz, Berg; W.
D. Holtz north, A. D. Mark and Jr J.
Myers, of Adams county.
Much surprise has been expressed
that the Hon. Hiester Clymer, who
offered the 'resolution in the Senate of Ei.RerioN OF TFaciteas.—The follow-
Pennsylvania, originating the flag cere-, ing Teachers; after being duly examined
monies in Independence Square on the , :by the County Superintendent, were
Fourth of July, was not an isayited guest }
elected by the Board on Tuesday last to
on that interesting oceasio,p, while his ,
competitor, General Geary, was given ' take charge of the Public Schools of the
the post of honor. Having been made ' Borough : '
acquainted with all the facts of the case, School No. l.—J. Ho ward Wert.
we briefly lay them before our readers 44 ar Miss Martha Warren.
as a sample of the shabbiest conduct on */ 3 " Kate Getz.
the part of political managers that ever . ,L 4 " Jennie Gilbert.
came within our notice. ,4 5 " .U. Aughinbaugh.
The facts are simply these, and it is .I
no more than right that the people of all 6 " Jennie Powers.
7 " MarylefcCreary.
parties, who must help to pay the ex- 41 8 " Lydia Meals.
ponces of the recent celebration, should
The Schools will be re-opened on Mon
know In what manner and for what pur
pose their money was spent by the Radi- • day, the 13th of August.
cols, who tried to make the 4th of July _. •
a day of honor to the disunion candidate lialt—ln view of Mr. Sherry's loss by the
for Governor. The Committee of Ar- , destruction 'of his barn, subscriptions
rangements requested General Hancock ha'+e been started, in town and surroun
to make out a list of genprals from which' ding . ~ , Th e people generally
were to be selected thOse to command 1 1 7"" — g ' 4 ' 4 ' 119111 1 5 s-
t the respective divisions of the procession. I regret Mr. Bherfy's misfortune, and are
This list was carefully prepared by him, t contributing willingly. For -these and
and we understand, the name of General all other evidences of sympathy and good
Geary was not included In it,B-111 I I
P - y t will, we cant aeaure our readers that Mr.
because he was a candidate for a political 1
Sherry will ever be profoundly grateful.
office. The action of General Hancock
in-this matter was occasioned by his -
earnest and very proper desire to do lalltsPref. Charles F. gimes, who was
nothing that would give the ceremony recently called from one of the Universi.
the slightest partisan aspect. In spite of ,
ral Scieneesin Dickinson College, located ties of Germany, to fill the Chair of Natu-
this decent and sensible course, however, •
the committee forced Geary upon Gene-;'
at Carlisle, has received the honorary
ral Hancock, and, in opposition to his
sound judgment, placed him in corn-' degree ofThactor of Philosophy.
mend of the division that bore tile colors Rev. S. L. Bowman has been elected to
which were not carried with their own,, the full and permanent Professorship of
regiments. This was intended to be y
the reek and Hebrew in the same institu
ppolitica l ost of honor
, and
tern who it was
man supposed by the
affair that all the cheers which would be '
given to the tattered and war-worn Bags
would be reported to the credit of the
1 great heroA r nd en sta
Ge te n s e m r y ir o a f h :N co 'e e z
I C ea um:
; ed this we are informed he at once re-
I quested that Mr. Clymer should be in-
I vited, as originator of the whole affair.
Will it be believed that the committee
I absolutely refused to accede to this re-
I quest, and positively declined to invite
Mr. Clymer? Yet this they did, and
thus indicated their willingness to pros
titute the anniversary of the birthday of
American Independence to partisan pur
poses, and meanly sought to make capi
tal Air Geary out of the festal day and
t its ceremonies. This fully accounts for
I the absence of Mr. Clymer from partici
! pating in the ceremonies. The public,
as a judge of good manners, will not
fail to pronounce this shabby conduct
{of a shabby committee an act of dis
courtesy. In their overwhelming anx
iety to make political capital out of a
I great historic occasion, theya}lnfortu
nately lost sight of common plfliteness.
But what better could have been expect
ed from the Radical members of that
committee, who were In a majority and
of course entirely controlled its, action,
after they tried to have the Broad Street
I League invited as guests on this occasion,
and also wanted negro troops sandwich
ed among the whites ? Their discredita
ble efforts to turn this patriotic woolen
to political account miserably failed.
The appearance of the Radical disunion
"hero' with his hat in hand, as if beg
ging for votes from the crowd that lined
the foot-paths, and with Inordinate vani
ty appropriating to himself the hearty
cheers that were given to the old battle
, flags, created in some instances, immod
erate laughter, in others, intense disgust,
and cleary showed the unmistakable
purpose that filled the weak head of
Geary—to endeavor to make capital for
himself out of the celebration that was
intended to be without distinotion of
- 11111..ConventIons have been called In
South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama
to elect delegates to the Philadelphia
National Union Convention.
glir The Portland ftre originated from
A lighted fire cracker which a boy threw
into a workshop.
Teachers' Association will hold its next
Convention in Gettysburg, on Tuesday,
the Slat instant. A number of the most
prominent educational men of the State
Will be here—Ekm. T. H. Burrowes, Su
perintendent Coburn, Prof. Brooks, and
others. Teachers and Directors will no
doubt generally attend. • -
mencement Exercises of Pennsylvania
College will be held during th > second
week in August, as follows The Bac
catnureate address will be delivered on
Sunday, August sth, by Rev. DA:taugh
er, President. of the Instltution ; on the
morning of the Bth the Junior Exhibition
will be held, and In the afternoon of the
same day Rev. Dr. C. P. Krauth, Jr. will
deliver the Biennial Address before the
Philemathean Society, and on the eve
ning of the fith . the Address before the
Alumni of the College will be delivered
by Rev. Victoi L. Conrad. The Exerci
ses of the Graduating Class will take place
on the Oth. A Concert by the Lancaster
Orchestra will be given in the evening.
Pie Nic.—The German Reformed Sab
bath School spent Thursday last at Spang
ler's Spring. It was one of the most de
lightful pie-nies the SehOhl has yet had.
The party was large, and had plenty of
good living ; whilst the shade was most
grateful and the water deliciously cool,
For a pleasant spot to spend a day in
the woods, Spangler's Spring is not to be
excelled. There is a largehody of timber,
Rock creek fringing one edge of It, and
near by are two strong springs of the best
of water. What more could be desired?
Goon Must.—The Gettysburg Brass
Band and . the Gettysburg String Band
Were nut on 'Wednesday evening, and
treated the town to a number of charm,
ing pieces. Gentlemen, let us "hear
from you" oftener. Nothing could afford
our citizens more pleasure.
Fair. Frank. H. Duphorn has open
ed a Dry Goods Store at Hoke's corner,
in the Diamond, and offers to the public
a large and choice assortment of Dry
Goods, Carpeting, Notions., Queensware,
&c., which be will sell at the lowest pri
ces, having purchased -during the 'late
reduction. He asks buyers to call, and
give his goods an examination, convinced
that he has something to please all. it
SiirFive hundred pounds of good Lard,
and 1000 pounds of Country ]:icon—Sides,
'Shoulders and Hams—wand immedi
ately—for which the highest cash market
price will be paid—at the cheap Grocery
Store of J. A. Grimes, GettysbUrg.
VirMessrs. Biddle it Benner are now
running their freight cars to the Ware
hOuse of Nathan Loop & Co., No, 128 N.
Howard street, Baltimore, Instead of Starr
& Morton, as heretofore. See advertise
TALL OATS. —Mr. James Beaver, of
Mountjoy township, brings us a stalk of
Oats measuring 5 feet 8 Inches in length.
The first of the season. Who can beat it?
SOP The Radicals of this county will
hold their Convention to nominate 8.
ticket, on Monday, the 6th of August.
bill is before the Rump Senate
for the repeal of the act by which that
portion of the District of Columbia,
sOuth of the Potomac, was retroceded to
the State of Virginia. The object to be
attained by the bill is to get the negro
villages about Arlington included in the
District so as to make the negroes the
ruling element in Washington when the
suffrage bill shall ha passed. This is
another nice little scheme—for gumbo.
sig-The Rump Co: ingress has already
passed a bill giving bounty to negroes
Who were in the federal itemise, which
vrill require twenty&Pikers, Out
has failed as yet to equalise the bounties
of the while soldiers.
Transformation !
The emperatitims of antiquity are only "food for
laughter nt the present day, and yet this le an
age of ILIRACLOi, accomplished with the aid of
science, For example: grey, sandy or red hair Is
CHANGED IN A MOIIF..NT, to the richest eon
ceivable black or brown., by a simple applica
tion of
Manatactured by J. CHRISTADOItO, 0 Astor
House, New York. Bali by Druggists. Applied
by all Hair Dressers. gone 23,'60. lm
Esdwars Regulating Pills.
Let no one forget the peculiar value of these
pills as irpreventive of disease, as well as a reme
dy for complaints already existing. "An ounce
of prevention is better than a pound of cure," end
a dose of Radwanis Pills taken once or twice a
week will not only keep the secretions in such a
healthy condition that prevailing disorders may
be set at detlance, but they will cure the worst
cases of dyspepsia, Indigestion, costiveness,
beyond a peradventure. It only requires from
one to three MIN to procure a gentle movement
of the bowels, while from four to six produce is
brisk and threromrh purge, With inostother pills
you have griping pains, nausea, stekll(.B24, and te
nesmus, because they fall to expel loth the Lewes
the hileand other diseased humors. Dr. Railway's
rats leave no so-'t misrdilef-work log remains
circulating In the system, hot purge out all that
may he an otiNtaele in the way of a restoratirn to
health. Renee theiroperation is accompanied by
no pain. They do their work perketly but muta
bly. Tdey do not deplete nor prostrate. They
purify and strengthen. They are prepared of
choice and costly extracts from medicinal plants,
roots • herbs, gums, tt,^., yet they are sold for the
Same price. (2"ii . eatl4 a isix,l demanded fin interior
articles. At naina them volt do not ;use yourself
with - ['Monied mercury' or nt•tim yt-t you gct
rid of your biliousness with ease and promptitude ;
your heart, your kidneys. Your nerves, your sto
mach are n•lieved from disor ler, and von are
"regulated" into perfeet health. liadway's Regu
lating Pills are sold by Druggists.
July 8,18 O& 2w
Ayer's Ague Cure,
Intermittent Fey...roc Fever and Ague, Remit
tent Foyer, ('hill Fever, Dumb Ague, P.•riodical
Ilerulaehe or Bilious Headache, and Bilious re
vers. Indeed for the whole class oftiseases orbd n-
Ming In binary derails:ern ant, caused by the,Ma
farts off min4m countries ~
Fever end Anne is not the only eonsoquence of
tniastn dle poiwm, A great variety of . dlsorders
nri.e from Its rritatiol, milarlous districts,
n•nonit which are , Neuralgia, ithemnatistn, Gont,
head:elle, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, Ca
tarrh,' Asthma. Palpitation, Painful Affection of
the Spleen, Hysterleki;Paln in the Bowels, Von".
Paralysis, and 'Derangement of the stomach, nil
ot vthlM, when originating In this rause put on
the intermittent tYPe.or become wig Itad. This
"Cunt" expels the p Ason from the blood, end
thus Gores them ell alike. It Is not only the most
effektnal remedy ever discovered tor this el.qm; of
complaints, but It is the cheapest and moreover
Is perfectly safe. No home ran arise from Its nse,
and the patient Wien cured Is left an healthy &sit
he luvl n,ver hail the disease. thm this he said of
any qther cure for Chills and Fever? It Is true of
this, and its importance to those Afflicted with the
complaint cannot be over estimated. So sore is
it to, cure the Fever and Apne. that it may be
truthfully said to be a certain remedy. One Deal
er complains that it Is not a goo I me Heine to sell,
becanse one bottle cures a whOla neighborhood.
. _
Prepared by J. C. A 1 sta (to., 31,uss„ and
anti hy A.D. Buehler, Gettysburg.
July 9,1389. 2.nt •
LIFE-111.1.1.LT11--STRESI ;TII
Tie Great French Remedy.
Prepared from a preaeraption of Dr. Juan Dela
ware, Chief Playaieian of the lip t autal
du N rd ou Lartholsiere of Paris.
1141 s invalu tble tiled leined. no imposition, but
is unfailing in the cure ot Spermatorrhis or Semi
nal Wealtness. Every species of Ocnititi or i ri
nary irritability, frivolo:it:try-or Nightly Seminal
Emissions from whatever cause pnvittee.l, or how
ever severe, will be speedily re'leved and the or
gans restored to healthy - action.
Read the following opiuloLs of eminent French
We have used the Specific Pills prepared by
Garan. icre t Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard. from
the „prescription of lir. Juan Delamarre, In our
priVate practice wits uniform sueces., and we be
lieve there fa no other medicine so well calculated
to cure all persona suffering from Involuntary
Emtssiorist or any other weakness of the Sexual
Organs, whether caused by sedentary modes of
living, excesses, or abuse.
G. D. DI.7.IAEDS.N. M. D.
Paris, May sth, ISM,"
The genuine soii by all the principal
Ilrnotats throughont the World, Prim One Dol
lar per Box, 'orgtx &Ices for Piro rk?2larx.
AR ANct p:cr, Hole Proprietors,
No. 214 Rue Lombard, Parts.
One Dollar enclosed to nny authorised Agrrll,
will Mann box' return marl, securely sealed
frotn aid observation; MIX boxes for fi ve dollars.
Bole General Agents for Amerlen.
OSCAR G. I\4O:4FIS fi CO.,
27 Cortland st„ N. Y..
V'. H. French. German. Sipenbali and English
Patriphleta, containing frill part,.enlemi and diree.
Lions for nee, sent free to every roams.%
A. D. Buehler, Agent for Gettysburg.
Doc. 18, /38:i. 17
tidies Periodical Drops?
REOCLARITIES.—These Drops are a stienttlls.
cony compounded duid preparation, and better
than any Pills, Powders or Nostrums. Sena 11.
quid, their Ireton is direct and p.sltlve, rendering
them a reliable, spec ly and eertain specific for
the cure of all obstructions suppressions of
nature. Their popularity Is ludicated by the fact
si• are annually consumed
that over 100,0 M boar ,
by the ladies of the United mtetes, every one of
whom spemcs in the strongest terms of pnthse of
their great merits. They are rapidly taking the
place of every other Female RersiNlv, and are con
sidered by all who know aught of them. as the
surest, safest, and most infallible preparation i n
the world, for the cure of all fern.ile complaints,
the removal of all obstructions of nature, and the
promotion of health, regularity and strength.—
Exolicit dire , tions stating when they may used,
and explaining when and why they should not,
nor could not be used without pro - luring effects
contrary to nature's laws, will he found carefully
folded around each bottle, with the written signa
ture of Jowl L. LYON, without which. none are
Prepared by Dr. JOHN L. LYON, 151 Chape.
Street, New Haven, Conn., who can be consulted
either personally, or by mail, (enclosing stamp.)
concerning all private diseases; and female weak
posses. Sold by Druggist"; everywhere.
C. G. CLARK & 00.,
Gen'l Agents for 13.13. and, Canada&
Nov 6,1865. ly
To Cessna*Uwe*.
The advertiser, having been restored to health
In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after
having snabroct for several years with a severe
lung affection, and that dread disease, Consom p-
Mr —ls %vision,' to make known to his fellow
sufferers the means of cure.
roar! who desire It, be win send a ropy of the
prescription used (free of charge.) with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a Stine Mir FOE CaltatritPTiorg,
ALITMILA, finotruttrrta, CoUGH9, C O LD .% and al l
Th r oat end Lung Affections. The only object of
the advertiser in sending the Prescription Is to
benefit the afflicted. and spread information which
he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every
sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription razz by return
mail, will please address
Ray. EDW &RD A. WfLaftlg,
Williamsburg.rngs co., New York.
Afar. 5,186 x. 17
Itreors of youth
A. mention= who sofremi for years Lunt Ner.
emu Debility, Premature Deem., and all the efilmts
of ynnthfhl trliseretdon, otllfor the sake of suf
fering bmwtnity, send tree to all who need it, the
Swipe and dirations for wilting the dimple
bribpe rem
by which he was care 4 - Flingirers wishing to
it , advection% experionek can do soby
addressing ZORN Et. noprair,
xa ys Chambers st., New York.
Mar, 5,1808. ly
Dir. non Waft aiourelli ilkimillt
Thle smithas thoroughly proved heck Gibe the
beet article known for tearing the halianit, ( 014
In the Heed and headache. It has been "wan tut
excellent remedy In many cases of Bore VIM —
Dearness has been removed by It. end Hearing
has often been greatly Improved by Its use.
it is fragrant and agreeable, and gives ingsre,
Mar* usidrit to the dull heavy pains caused by
theories of the timid. The sensations after using
it are delightful and Invigorating. It opens and
purges out all ohstrucLeoras,strogthens the glands,
and gives a healthy action to the parts affected.
Store than Thirty Tears' of gale and use of " Ur.
Marshall's Catarrh and headache finutf." has
proved hea d . gr value for all the s tands s
of the and nt this mqinent higher
than ever before.
It Is recommended by many of the beat physi
cians, and Is tiaed with great IsacCols.4 and astimfae
tion everywhere.
Read the Certifirates of Wholesale Drage/oln
KM: The undersigned, having for many years
been acquainted, with "Dr Marshall's thtarrb
and Headache Finntr," and sold it in our wholeaale
trade, cheerfully state, that we believe It to bo
equal, in. every respect, 14 the recommendations
given of It for the cure eir Catarrhal Affections;
and that It is decidedly the beet article we have
ever known for all common diseases of the Head.
Barr it Perry Boston • Read, Amnon A Co.. Bole
ton; Brown, Lnmsan R Ca. Beaton; Seth W.
Yowle, Boston; Wilson, Fairbank A Co., Beaton ;
'Renshaw, Edmund A Co., Boater, H. H. May
Portland. Barnes A Park, New York ; A. it.
,t D. Sands, Nov York; Stephen Pant A Co. NoW
York; Israel Minor Co., New York; McKesson
Robblna, New York • A. L. Scovill A Co., New
York; M. Want, Clicie k Co. New York; Bush A
Dale, New York. LO - Yer mile by alt Drukgi
Try it. (Dee. 18,1803. ly
The Great English Rented/
PILLS. Prepared from a prescription of Sir 4.
Clarke, M. I).. Physician Extraordinary lo tho
Queen, This Invaluable medicine is unfailing in
the cure °Call those painful mid dangerous Mmes.
sea tO which the female t•onst Blithe] is snlijeet, It
moderates All exeesses and removes all obatruc•
Cons. and a speedy cure may be relied on.
To Married Ladles It Is pe,ullasly suited. It will,
in ashort time, bring on the monthly period with
Each bottle, price fine Dollar, beers the Govern•
meat /Stamp of tireat Britain, to preventismiter•
CSCTIOX.—TheRe MIL; shonhl not be taken by
Peniudot during the FIRST TIIIWIC moNnts of Preg
nano,. us they ore sure to bring on Allueurrinktu,
but ut any other time they an. 5411.0,,
In all jcses of :Nervous and Spinal Affections,
Pains in the B telt and Limbs, Fatigue nn *light ,
exertion, Palpitation of the lleart,lfysterics, and
Whites, thew' Pills will effect a cure when all oth
er manna have fatted; and although a powerful
remedy, do npt contain iron, calomel, antimony,
or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full directions In the pamphlet around each
package, which should be carefully preserved.
Sold by all Druggists. Soto Agent, for the Cid States and Canada.
Jon 5104E4, 27 Cortland St., N. ir
, . . .
N. ft.—sl,oo fonl flpastigeotinnika enelninvi loony
antitoriz,d Agent, will titmice a bottle, containing
50 Pilla, by return mall. Sold by A D. Buehler.
Dec. la, 1555. 1S"
Teriible Disebasur
Siteur",ra colt THIS :AMMON I—A most valuable
ant wonderful publication. A. work of 400 pages,
and WI colored Engravings. DR. IfUNTERI4
VADE .HECI73I, an original and popular treatise
oa Marciand Worn in, t heir Ph vsiotogy, Pullet loom,
and i4citu It disorders of every kind, with Never
lietnodif,‘ for theirspeoily cure. Tile prac
tice of DR. HUNTER. has long been. And x4ll iv,
Unbounded, hut nt the earnest *invitation of nu
merous persons. he lifts been induced to extend
lift en*lteal tutefulneloi through the inetittnin °fling
" YAM': MECUM," It Is n volume that should be
In the hands of every family in the land, as a pre
ventive of secret vices or as a guide for the atleN
talon of one of the Most nWful and &sin/Myer
scourges that ever visitod mankind. One copy,
securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of post.'
ea- any part of the len trod AP' rex for bycento in
Y. 4. bunt)* Address, yard paid, DR. HUNTER,
No. 3 lvlsion St., New York. [Sept. X.. ly
Strange. but True.
Every young lady and gentleman In the Unite.]
St•ttem c hear something very touch to their ad
vantage y return mail (repent charge,) by ail
dres,,lng t undersigned. Those having fears of
being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this
card. All other's will please whitest' their Obedi
ent ',wryer'', T 111,124. N. CHAPMAN,
ly 'lva Broadway, N. Y.
)ye mknd Ear!
PROF'. S. TgAAGA, M. D., Oenhitt and Aurist,
forhierly of ,f;nydr•n, holland, M. bested at No.
61 t P 111 LA It ELPH I A, where perso nH
affiletc.l with Almeruiee of the EYE or EAR, will I,e
selentitlenny treuti.l awl cured, If curable. N.
—ARTIFICIAL Fl - E.4 inserted without
No ehithroFt made for einniihritions. ThP medieul
faculty I*n as he has no iwerst In his mode
of trwitmi.nt. • Rely 17, ly
LateSt` Market Reports.
4 •
FLOUR, . lO 00 60 12 Ort
RYE F N 2.5
11% if ITE WII EAT, -
- 220 (4 2 0.)
IWO WHEAT, - • 200 (4 225
?LOMA, - • -
WHEAT, - -
- • -
OATS, - -
HOGS, p hang, • •
BEEF CATTLE, 'I% hand„
H AT, - - -
On the sth inst.. by the lbw. E. Rrehlenhaneb,
at the Lutheran Personate.. Mr. JACOB M. TOOT
to Miss LENA DEARDOUFF, both of Franklin,
On the 11th Inst., In Patter township, by J.
Hanes. Esq., Mr. DANIEL RIME to Miss L\ DI
AN killtiLTZ, both of Menalien township.
On this 11th nt June, Mr. PETER. U. KMMI, of
Huntington township, aged 73 years and IS days.
Near fleidlensburg, on the 2nth of June, Mn
agetl 62 yeurn.
On the oth fnst.,lkfm. SUSANNA LADY, aged
103 years 4 fnonths and 23 days.
At Abbottatown. on the 7th ult., DAVID MN
COLN, son of Nathan and Lucy Wiest, aged 2
ycarss months and 0 days.
What Every FamttylVeedl4.
A COPY of Dr. Chase's Recipes or Informs'.
tion for EverEboly. Over 200 copies
have already been slold In the south-west end
of this county, they giving general satisfac
tion. We can conscientiously recommend It
to be the most reliable work of the kind ever
offered to our citizens, and that for if) little
money, we feel confident.that nose who pur..
chase the work will ever regret it. Be sore
to examine the Descriptive Circulars when lett,
at your homes. Good references, plenty could
he given, but we defer it, as it will recommend
itself. The county will be canvassed by
lull 16, 1866. 41*
Bark Wanted:
TTIE subscriber will veil fIYR DOLLARS
livered at his Tanner, ' la Get:Tilburg.
JOHN germ
Jane 18, 1860
For Sale.
A . without Ilseness. Also, s good Wagon.
All in complete order. Will be sold cheap,
June 18, 1866. . Gettysburg, Pa.
Great RedactiOn to Wildcat.
are now selling
and all other Goods ia progortion.
If you want CHEAP Hoods, now Is the tisk
to bay them
04:1 at ohm
Gettysburg, Mar. 36, 113118.
A NSW stock of
A k .
selected wills especial care and warranted good
time keepers, jets; received end for sale at
Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg.
itthe very bestrinnlity, a new assortment just
received. Cell and see R. J. BEVAN,
Opposite the Bunk, Gettysburg.
Samething new I--Call and see them at
blei's Tin and Sheet Iron Factory. Deci
dedly the best Can ever inannthotnred. Also,
Fun. JARS, of the beat and most improved
—_ [Jane 18, 188 d.
__ _ ____
CL 0 0 K S
Now oa hand CLOCKS in great variety,
from factories of the highest reputation in' the
country, and warranted good time-keepers.
Call on J. BRYAN,
Opposite the Bank, Gettysburg,
serves the Teeth, cotes all diseases of the
gums sad purifies the breath.
t2ROCERUIS, Liqnors, Fish, Salt, eheilite,
Queens-ware, Wooden-ware, and esety•
g else4n that lifts at
Jane 11. 1C1181,411180H':
RAKES I —PAK &S I—A no* tot st .1 -
1 23
8 00 0 9to
A 75 ato , r,„
- 255 44 6 14.1
1 15 60 120
- 96 40 121
- . 65 41 IO
• 12 60 44 14 tai
12 00 64 10 00
- 20 00 44 21 00
- 227 .4 226