Gettysburg compiler. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1866-1961, July 16, 1866, Image 1

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A Demcgratio Itisnily JOurna4
Ai noth aad Witt Praia" -
TERRS or '1 , 17/3LICATION.—S2 es per an-
DAM, if paid strictly is ADVA7ICB-691 30 per an-
SUM If not paid In advanm No subscription dis•
aontinnadAnless at the option of the publisher,
until all arrearges are paid.
ARVERTISEMEN'TB inserted at usual rates.
JOB PRINTING of all kinds done with neatness
and dispatch.
OFFICE in South Baltimore street, between
Middle and High, near the Post Ofllce—" Compl
ier Printing 0:11N3" on the sign.
Professional Cards.
Drs. A. B. Dill et B. F. Herman
icr: t vE associated therthelves in the practice
41 -I- of Medicine and Surgery, and respectfully
tender their professional services to the citi
*ens of Petersburg end vicinity.
Petersbarg, Y. S., July 2, 18e6.
Dr. D. S. Parer,
A BBOTTSTOVirN, Adams county, continues
the practice of his profession in all it.
Antibes, and would respectfully invite all
persons afflicted with any old standing die•
eases to call and consult him.
Oct. 3, 1844. tf
Dr. F. C. Wolf,
TIAVING located at EAST BERLIN, Adamsr,
county, hopes that by strict attention to
It i a prof-asioual duties he may merit &■hare of
the public patronage. ' [Apr. 2, '66. tf
Dr. C. E. Goldsborough,
Amerox, Adams county, Pa., renews
his offer of professional services to the
putthe, and those requiring medical and sur
gical aid will find it to their interest to con
sult him. play 21, 1866; If
Dr. 3. W. C. CoNeel's
n k F MB and Dwelling, N. E. corner of Bal
ky timore and High streets, near Presbyte
rian Church, Gettysburg, Pa.
N0v.30. 1863. if
Dr. J. A. Armstrong, '
ITAVING removed trim New Salem, York
county, and having located at Middle
towu, Adxma county; offers his professional
services to the public. [.fuly.3l, '65. ly
Doctor C. W. Benson,
etkPFICE at the Railroad House, (frootroom,
ki formerly occupied by Dr. Kincerd •
June 19, 1865.' tf
Dr. 3. E. Ensor,
HWINO located on the Hanover road, ONE
Nto,intoleasant township, Adams county, Pa.,
off,rs his professional service& to the public.
June 18, 186 G. Sin .., •
J. Lawrence MIL M. D., •
"ETAS his office one 0% 04 •
door west of the ST
Lutheran church in
Chambersburg streetAtnd opposite Dr. C
Horne .'s cam., where •hose wishing to have
env Dental Oders.tioa perforroni are respect
fully invited to c%ll. Resumes's: Drs. Hor
ner, Rev. C. It Krauth, D. D., Rev. EL L.
DanTher, D. D., Rev. Prof. 51:Jacobs, D. D.,
Pr ,f. M. L. Srtever.
Gettysburg, April 11, '53!
J. C. Neely,
A TTORNEY AT LAW.—Particular atten
j-IL tion paid to collection of Pensions,
Bounty, and Back-pay. Office in the, S. E.
corner of the Diamond.
Gettysburg, April 6, 1863. tf
D. McConsughy,
A TTOIINEY AT LAW, (olli m one door west
of Buehler's drug and book store, Chun
ber.ou rg strdet,) ATronaer tan SOLICITOR Ton
P.I.TVT4 AND PRNSION.3. Bounty Land War:
ruts, Back-ply snspended Claims, and all
other claims against the Government at Wash
ington, D. C.; also American claims in Eng
in,' I. Land W irrants located and sold, or
bought, and highest prices given. Agent.; en•
g'4 , , , 1 in Inc 'tin; w Irrant s in lowa, Tilinnis
and other western Strates._,par Apply to him
personally or by letter.
Gettysburg, Nov. 2L, '53.
Law Partnership.
ly • A. DUNCAN & J. H. WHITE,
tll promptly attend to all legal business
entrusted to them, including the procuring of
Pensions, Bounty, Back Pay, and all other
claims against the .United States and State,
Office in North West Comm of Diamond,
Gettysburg, Pefin's,
April 3, 1865. ti
idwArti B.(Buebler;
ATTORNET AT LAW; will faithfully and
promptly attend to all business entrust
ed to bun. He 113ealcs the German language.
OfFLA at the same place, in South Ildltimorn
'street, near Forney's drug store, and nearly
opposite Danner k Ziegler's store
Gettysburg, )larch 20.
Globe Inn,
GETT TSBURG, PA.—The übdersigned
would Most respectfully inform his nu
merous friends and the public generally, that
he has purchased that long established and
well known Hotel, the "Globe Inn," in York
street, Gettysburg, and will spare no effort to
conduct it in a manner that will not detract
from its former high reputation. His table
will have the best the market can afford—his
chambers are spacious and comfortable—and
he has laid in for his bar a full stack of wines
and liquors. There is large stabling attached
to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten
tive hostlers. It will be his constant endeavot
to render the fullest satisfaction to his guests,
making his house as near a home to them as
possible. He asks a share of the public's pa
tronage,•determined as he is to deserves large
part of it. Remember, the "Globe Inn" is in
York street, bat near the Diamond, or Public
April 4, 1864. tf
'astirOad House,.
The undersigned would respectfully inform
his numerous friends and the public generally,
that he has leased the Hotel in Hanover, near
the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah
Kohler, and will spare no effort to conduct it
In a manner that will give general satisfaction.
His table will have the best the markets can
afford—his chambers. are spacious and com
fortable—and he has laid in for his bar a full
stock of choice Stines and liquors. There is
stabling for horses attached to the Hotel. It
will be his constant endeavor to render the
fullest satisfaction to his guests, making his
house as near a home to them as possible.—
He asks a share of the public patronage, de
termined as he is to deserve a large part of it.
Remember the Railroad House, near the De
pot Hanover, Pa. A. P. BAUGHER.
Oct. 2, 1865. tt
Washington, Hotel,
T e undersigned respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally, that he has
purchased the above Hotel, and will strife to
keep it as a No. I House.
His table will be abandsntly supplied with
all the delicacies of the season, and his bar
with the choicest liquors and wines. The sta
hliig is large and commodious. He hopes by
akiet attentioa toMerit a portion of the pub Les
patronage. ISAAC B. HOUSER.
April is, 1866. 3m
A LL kinds of PIOTITRIIB, urge and small,
neatly and *meetly copied at the Excel-
EN Dr. R. c 06NBR.'11 Tonto and Alters
lin Powder., for HORSES and CATTLE
sad eold only at his Drng Store.
Jaa.ein , U. 1864.
i i 4l 6 ettPlllB quality of the boat Loade r
Draft jf Yr with of without fasten-
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BY --E J. ST
Fresh Arrival.
have just received and opened another splendid
assortment of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and
SHOES, for , &nmet wear, which they are
selling at very low prices considering the
times. The latest styles of Summer Hats and
Caps, of every description and price. {fin
Boots and Shoes, of superior make, and
warranted to fit, always on hand. Work
made to order and repairing done icon short no
tice, by experienced workmen. also,
carried on In all its branches. Persons want.
ing anything in this line would do well to call.
rarDon't forget the old stand in Chambers
burg street, if you want Bargains.
June 19, 1965
Fresh Supply.
SCOTT k SONS have last received
another fine assortment of NaV,7 . GOODS, con
sisting:in pirt, bf Cloths, Casslmeres, Cass'.
nets, Kentucky Jeans, and Tweeds, for Gen
tlemen's wear; Also, a tine assortment of
Our stock bits been selected With great care,
and we are prepared to sell as cheap as any
other establishment in the country. We ask
the public to give us a call and judge for
themselves. We defy climnetition, both as to
quality and price. A. SCOTT t SONS.
April 2, 1868.
Cabinet Ftirnittire.
f'JLIHE subscribers hereby inform their cus
tomers and the public generally, that
t ey have now on - hand, and continue to man
ufacture to order,.
which, for style and durability, finish and
price, will compete with any in the county.—
Our present stock consists of every variety of
Furniture usually kept in a firs; class Furni
ture Ware Room. Fashionable, ornamental
or plain Furniture manufactured in the most
substantial manner, Aly must experienced
workmen, and at the lowest cash prices.
Having a new UNDERTAKING.
particular attention
will be given to this branch of their business.
They are prepared to make and furnish Coffins
of any desired quality, and attend Funerals
at the shortest notice—and on such terms as
cannot full to please all.
The subscribers return their thanks to the
public for the liberal patronage extended to
them in the past, and hope to meri tend receive
a continuance of public patronage.
Shop and Ware Room third building east
of the Square. H. FETE .4 BRO.
Littlestown, April 16, 181i6. tf •
Pianos! Pianos!
PIANOS I—The undersigned would respect
luny inform the pub li c that lie can furnish
LINOS of the following manufacturers, or
those of other make, it desired,' at the lowest
possible prices:
A. H. ()MTGE.& CO.
serParticular a!tention is given to the se
lection ofPianos ; and when so selected, in rd.
tion to the manufacturers' guarantee, the Pianos
are guaranteed by me.
The recent improvements in these instru•
ments are such ac to fully Warrant saying they
are , PAR SUPERIOR to any other make. One
of the' best evidences of their merit is, that
their improvements are imittted by otter
makers. The new style, four stop organ, have
a Sub-Bass and Octave Couplet, making it an
instrument especially: dapted to Church and
Sabbath School purposes.
will be sent by mail to persons desiring them.
Pianos tuned regularly. Pianos taken in ex
change.- PETER. BENTZ,
NO: 30 East'llarket St., York, Pa
Jane 12, 1363. 1y
Hanover B. Railroad.
T IME TABLE.—On and after Friday, Nov.
24th, 1863, passenger trains on the 11 in
ov r Branch Railroad will leave as follows :
FICIST TRAIN, (which makes connection
with three trains ow the Northern Central
Railway at the Junction,) will Wave Hanover,,
at 9.00 A. M., for York;Baltimore, Ilarrisbarg,
and intedmediate stations.
larThis train returns to Hanover at.l2 M
and arrives at Gettysburg at 1 P. M.
_ _
SECOND TRAIN leaves Hanover at 2 20 P.
M., and arrives at the Junction at 3.10 P. 'M.,
connecting with the Mail Train South, which
arrives at Baltimore at SP. M. Passengers by
this Train for York lay over at the Junction
until 6.12 P.ll.
Passengers leaving Baltimore for Hanover,
Gettysburg, and Littlestown, will take either
the Mail Train at 9 A: NI., or the Fast Line at
12.10 P. M. JO.3EPH LEIB, Agent.
Dec. 18, 1805.
Cumberland Coal I
A. LARGE lapply of suitor
now of hand at reduced price. Thin Coal in
auperior to all other Coal ig the United Staten
for welding and other blactsmith purposes.
For sale by • P. H. PI - PER,
City Coal Yard, Frederick city, Md.
June 19, 1865. ly*
Estey's Cottage Orgtuis
RE not only unexcelled, but they are ab
solutely unequaled, by any other Reed
nstrument in the country. Designed express
ly for Churches and Schools, they are found
_to be equally well adapted to the parlor and
drawing room. For sale only by
No. 18 North Seventh Sti, Philadelphia.
far Also, BRADBURY'S i PIANOS, and a
complete assortment of thC PERFECT ME
LODEON. (Oat. 2, 1865. ly
Lawrence D. Dietz glic Co.
No. 308 West Baltimore Street,
Between Howard & Liberty Streets,
May 7,186 Q. 111Itimore, Md.
RHILADELPHIA, PA.—Diseases of the
Urinary aad Sexual Systems—new and
able treatment. Also the BRIDA.L CHAM
BER, an Essay of Warning and Instruction,
sent in sealed envelopes, free of charge. Ad
dress -Dr. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, Howard
Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Phila
delphia, Pa. , [Oct. 2, 1865. ly
The FUT Famed
V. Besides the great saving of Labor, the
saving in the weir and tear of clothing in a
single year, more than amounts to the price of
this Wringer. It is etrs*ge that an family
should be willing to do without it. For sate
at ItIaniESTOOK BROS., mist O. H. BMW.
VW% _EFeb,
OPIIN TO-DAIS - MAY 17, 1861.
We take special priftsure in announcing to
our friends and customers that we have this
day opened our ICS CRICAM SALOONS, at
our new stand in Chambersburg street, near].)
opposite the Lutheran Church. We have bad
the apartments fitted up in the best style.—
Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to call.
We will also furnish Ice Cream in any quan
tity to public or private parties, at prices un
precedented. We will also have constantly on
Land Fresh Cakes, which we will furnish to
all parties and pic-nice at the shortest notice.
can always behad icy and cool and at all - hours.
Haring had a lifelong experience in the
manufacture of all the foregoing articles we
ask the p tironage of the public generally.
May 21,1886. tf MISNIGH k BRO.
Soluble Pacific Guano.
contains TO lbs. anima/ ntaUsr,yielding
7 to 8 lbs. ammonia.
Also 80 to 901bs. eastby bone Phosphate of lime,
30 lbs. of which are soluble phosphate.
It combines all the advantages of the best
brands of Super Phosphate. with those of Pe
ruvian Guano.
By reason of its greater eoneentration, we re
commend 20 per ct. less 63/ weight to be used
per acre, than or any' fertiliser costing the
same per ton ; and no more per acre than of
those selling at 20 per et. more per ton.—
Hence its economy.
This piano weighs 65 lbs. peebushel, hence
in applying it farmers must be governed by
weight and not by bulk, for Kis much lighter
than the Super Phosphates. Leery cargo diay
71 South Sired, Baltimore.
"'Floor of Rolfe."
WE will give a none!, guaiantee of the
purity of this article. It is pure oa
f steamed, unGurnt bone, reduced to the fineness of
flour, which adds 100 per ct. to its value. It
is as quick au.d , active as acid dissolved bode,
hence its value is vastly greater, because it
I . contains neither acid nor wafer, which neces
sarily add. weight, and reduce the quanta fdi of
valuable elstnients. We recommend 251 bs.
' to be used in place of 300 lbs. Super Phosphate
or dissolved bone.
71 South Street, Baltimore
SfirlfeCtirdy k Diehl, Agents, Gettysburg
Mar. 12, 1866. 8m
- Genuine Itnproved!
or 1
For Sale at biannfaeturer's,Depots,
27 North Front Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
95 South Street, Baltimore, htd.
And by Dealers' in general througout the
• Country.
The MAterifil of which
is manufactured contains fifty per cent. more
Bone Phosphate - than,Raw Bone, therefore it
Is more durable. The ammonia present gives
Lt great additional fertilizing value.
Five years' experience has proved to the
Farmer that it makes a heavier grain than
even stable-manure, and is not only active
but lasting
Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer.
'Price $36 per ton-4000 pounds. Dis
count to dealers.
Feb. 12, 1866. If
Adams County
President---George Swope.
Vice President—s'ainnei R. Russell.
Seeretary—p. A. Buehler.
Treasurer—E. G. Fahnestock6
Executive Committee—Robert McCurdy An
drew:4leintzelman, Jacob King.
IMAKtosas.—George Swope, D. A. Buehler,
R. McCurdy, M. Eichelberger, S. R. Russell, E.
G. Fatinestock, A. D. Buehler, R. G..llcereary,
Gettysburg; Jacob Ring, Straban township;
A. Heintzelmnn, Franklin; Wm. D. Dimes;
New Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Bendersville ;
11. A. Picking, Strisban township; John Wol
.rd, Latimore township; John Picking, East
: ; Abel T. Wright, Bendersville ; Abd:el
F. Gitt, New Oxford; Jas. H. Marshall, Ham
iltonban township; John Ounningharet, Free
dom township; John Horner, Monntjoy town
ship; Wm. Ross White, Liberty township.
sar-This Company is limited in its okiera
tions to the county of Adams. It has been in
operation for more than 15 years, and in that
period has made but one assessment, having
paid losses by fire during that period amount.
lug to $13,088 "—56,769 of which have been
paid during the last two years. Any person
desiring an Insurance can apply to any of the
above n.tmed Managers for further information.
slsrThe Executive Committee meets at the
office of the Company, on the last Wednes
day in every month, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
Oct. 16, 1865. tt
A Lecture to Young Men.
JUST published, In a sealed envelope.—
Price 6 cents. A Lecture on the nature,
treatment and radical curs of Spermatorhcea,
or Seminal Weakness, Invbluntary Emissions,
Sexual Debility and Impediments to Marriage
generally. Nervousness, Consumption, Epi
l-psy, and Fits; Mental and Physical incapa
city, resulting from Self-Abuse, &c. By Rob
ert J. Colverwell, M. D., author of the "Green
Book," &c.
The world renowned author, in this admira
ble Lecture, clearly proves, from his own ex
perience, that the awful consequences or Self
Abuse niay be effectually removed without
Medicine, and without dangerous surgical ope
rations, boogies, instruments, rings, or cordi
als, pointing out a mode of cure at once cer
tain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no
matter what his condition may be, may cure
himself cheaply, privately and radically. This
Lecture will prove a boon to thousands. Sent
under seal to any address, in a plain, sealed
envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two post
age stamps._ Also Dr. Culverwell's Marriage
Guide, price 25 cents. Address
CHAS. S. C. KLINE is Co.,
127 Bowery, New York, P. G. box 4586.
April 23, 1866. ly
sl,sooPer Year! WE want
Agents everywhere to sell
our IMPROVED $2O Sewing Mashines.—
Three new kinds. Under and upper feed.—
Sent on trial. Warranted five years. Above
salary or large commissions paid. The ONLY
machines sold in the United States for leas
then $4O, which are fully licensed by Bow,
Wheeler 4 Wool, Grover Baker, Singer.t
ated Baehelder. All other cheap machines are
infringements, and the seller or user are liable
to amet,firte and imprisonment. Illustrated cir
culars sent tree. Address or call upon Shaw
is Clark, at Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago,
May 21, 1866. hay
For Sale. -
OHLNE will be sold cheep by
Jane 25, 1866
Homestead Toot; at Dr. R. HORNER'S
186 a At HORNER'S you can 'get
U. Brookes Combs, ftaps, Perfum
e:it N•liCtalls 40. s
. I great wiesv.
Written for the Geilyinarg Cohn:der
Birds from every tree are singing,
ifiuking music to the heart,
Flowers their pertwilbs 'round are flinging,
Willing thus to do their part.
Fruit from out the green leaves peeping,
Joins to mak the scent' most fair,
Brooklets gaily onward leaping,
Making music sweet and rare.
Dewdrops glisCning in the sunshine,
Like the items of fairy quceng,
LillC6 fair are waving supir.e,
In the lakelet's shining sheens.
Fields of wavSng grain are sleAng
In the summer's gentle breeze,
1: cling herds around are lying,
'Neatti the shade of spreading trees.
Soul entrancinrs, Joy enhancing,
Nature here has done her part,
Ne'er such scenes of beauty glancing
On the weary toils of art.
Few can love her glades and meadows,
Few but nature's noblemen,
Born and bred within her shadows,
Nature's beauties thus can ken.
Nricatltural p=2slls.
For the Gettysburg Compiler
The life of a farmer, and especially of
one who makes Ins IVelihood through
the products of the soil he cultivates, is
one of alino:t constant labor, and if, when
in summing up the fruits of his year's
toil, he finds but a mere pittance left after
he shall have provided for his own wants,
who or what is he to blame? Certainly
not the soil, since this (with the excep
tion of a few places) would yield .abun
dantly if properly cultivated. Tiler*
he must account for it himself, and bo
will he do this?
Let us take an example. Suppoite
man purchases a farm of moderate siz ~
say 80 acres, and for which he pays.soo
per making the cost of his farm gt-1,-
7v). After paying his expenses and pro
le' ding for his faintly, he finds he has
ed but $3OO from the products. 'the
farm has been badly worked, little or no
manure, lime or other fertilizer applied,
,the former owner having sold ell the lay
and straw he could possibly Spare fret
his stock.
- Then let the new-corner keep all the
hay and straw he gets off the farm, tindl
from the woods gather all the leave - he
can, (tire more the better,) and with lan
make as much thoroughly rotted manure_
as it is possible to do. Let hitu take the
half of his $3OO, or as much as he Can
spare from contingent expenses, for this
he can posqibly buy about 2000'bushela of
lime; putting 60 bushels to the acre; (it
does not do well to lime too heavily in
the beginning,) and with the addition of
his manure, he will be able to give about
the one half of his farm a good dressing ;
then with good, regular ploughing, say 7
or 8 inches deep, thorough pulverizing of
the soil, and finally a proper care inirt-
Ong out his crops, he will find that he
soil unused to such liberality will yield
very well, considering its yield befOre,
probably giving him a net return of $5OO.
Let him pursue the same plan the peat
year, and give the other half of his farm
a similar dressing, and he will probably
clear $7OO ; thus owning a good producing
farm, clearing from *7OO to $lOOO per
year, as the season may permit ; and he
will be able to pay for his farm in - 8 or 9
years, and live like a noble-hearted tiller
of the soil should.
I have given this example with the fig
ures attached, that any one reading this
and owning such a farm, may take heart
and persevere, resting assured that old
mother earth will well repay his efforts.-
Gettysburg. . - A. A: R.
A lady experienced in making butter,
_Before I go to milk, I put a kettle,
say one•thlrd full of water, and large
enough* let the milk-pail into it, on the
stove, where it will get boiling hot by
the time I come with the milk. I then
strain the milk into another vessel, and
wash the pail (which should always be of
tin), then pour the milk back into the
pail and set it into the kettle of boiling
water till the milk becomes scalding
hot, taking eare not to let it boil; then
pour it into pans anti set it away in the
cellar for the cream to rise in the usual
way. Cream produced in this way will
seldom require bore than twenty min
to churn, while by common practice
the dairy-maid may often churn for hours,
and then, perhaps, have to throw it away,
as I did before I became acquainted 'with
the Russian plan, the essential features
of which I have adopted in my present
mode, as given above. The method is
applicable to all seasons—summer as well
as winter.
At a *cent meeting of the American
InZtitute Farmer's Club, a member re
lated his experience in this matter, viz :
"An Irishman in his employment, in
order to ascertain where he ought to dig
to obtain water soonest, got a stone and
buried it over night in the ground, next
to the hard pan. In the morning he
found it quite moist, but not sufficiently
to snit his fancy. Nei% night he
. tried
it in another spot and it was found very
wet on the following morning. "There,"
said Patrick, "you will find water not
many feet deep, and plenty of it." Sure
enough, in a few days' digging, Patrick
confirmed his prediction, notwithstand
ing the jeers of the workmen, findings
a vein - which filled the well to overflow
ing, and rendered it exceedingly diffi
cult to bail out the water so as to put
stone in it. The philosophy of the ope
ration seems to be that, 113 great evapora
tion takes place from the surface of the
earth during the night, the water rises
np from the depths below to supply the
low, and accumulittes In the vicinity of
the atone, _often, ;pate a puddle.'
t - tydr.e t%isstliton9.-
The arch-demagogiam of John W. For
ney has been completely unmasked by
the publica,lion of the following letter.
It is well known that this renegade's bit
ter hostility to President Buchanan origi
nated in no worthier cause than dbiap
pointnient at being foiled in his efforts to
obtain control of the patronage of Mr.
Buchahan's adminiatration. And it now
appears that his opposition to, President
Johnson has beep provoked by a similar
failtfre of his ambitibus schemes for place
and plunder. That a man, who only six
months ago, couldi declare himself the
"open and avowed ifriend" of the Presi
dent, and heartily in favor of his restora
tion policy, should ilow so bitterly revile
hint, is evidence Oa depth of duplicity
and meanness to which it was hardly to
be suspected the m est corrupt politician
would stoop. His letter shows the utter
destitution of prirniiplc which has gov
erned Forney's course ever since• he be
trayed the Democratic partx :
NEWlonic, Jan. 21, IStla.
been in the city for two days, and now,
write under an imPulso which I cannot
restrain, because I keel it to be for your
L i
own good and the of the country. I
take it for granted at you are resolved
not to be unmindf of your own fame,
and that yod will net allow your friends
who heartily sustain your policy to feel
that they are without your aid and en
couragement, whether yOu are a candi
date for President cif not, and if you are
not I shall be great surprised, with the
wonderful th atcrowned your resto
ration policy. You should not allow the
great offices to go to indifferent men, or
to those clearly in the interests of your
foes. I need not rePeat to you that lam
now, as ever, for twenty years shown in
my writings, and since your great 110 of
patriotism in 180, bspecially your open
and avowed friend.: Where I am to-day
my two newspapers' . both daily, show to
the world. Hence, an what I now say, I
speak no idle word% but mean all I say.
The Collector's offife at New York is a
post that you should dispose of outside of
all politicians; not 'that I mean to defy
them, but to select your own man, who
should be free only-to help you and serve
thoilovernment ; one they could neither
attack nor use. Such a man is —, of
this city. 'He was effected to Congress in
—,,as a Dem'lceat, but, like you, re
fused to follow theparty in treason. tHe
served a short time With great distinction,
and resigned on , account of ill health.
He was a member of the Committee on
Ways and Means, land wcity..great ap
plause. lie is a ver able man, educated
to finance, intenselylnational, honest and
independent, and could furnish millions
of security. He has ian organizing mind ;
would make you a Iparty or ,fight your
battles single-handed. He is' n Andrew
Johnson Democrat, in short. - I write in
the knowledge that he would accept, and
that his app pint would be received
with-joy by the Whole community.
lours truly, i J. W. Fos ...NEV.
To-the l'resident.
The name of the person for whom For
ney asked the NOV I York Collectorship,
"under an impuise which he could'not
restrain," id Henrys G. Stebbins, a New
York banker, and a thember of the thirty
eighth Congress. The Radicals aribananz
ed at the disclosure, and the more so that
he asked fosthe appOntment of a Demo
crat. There are stagier letters written by
Forney, In the hanils of gentlemen who
do not feel at libertylto publish them Un
til he is tortured'int%a challenge for their
production or a denial that he wrote them,
as in the present Instance.
CAN rinizEn.
- 1 — •
A correspondent of the Elston Argun
says: Several days ago I happened to
(drop in to see one oflmy neighbors, a sol
id - Democrat, where I fotit'id another
neighbor, .a .ftepublican.
A conversation sprdng up between 'the
two in regard to thd crops, politics, ace.,
of which the following is about the sub
Democrat.--Well. helot - L. ~
a seat. What is thejnews?
Republican.—Oh, there is nothing spe
cial that I know of. How . do your crops
look? •
Democrat Well, they are looking ve
ry well, and I was in 'hopes we would
have a full crop of wheat, but within a
few days the weevil has made Its appear
ance in my wheat and rye, and I am
afraid I will have only half u crop. How
does yours look?
Republican.—l flnd some weevil in
mine too. It is a grat pity, because the
taxes are so high and the wheat failed
lust year and if it fails this year again,
'where under the sun is the money to
come from, to support our fainilies and
pay these heavy bounty and State, school,
county and. road taxes ?
Democrat.—l don't like taxes myself, ,
but I'm like the old woman's eels, I have
baen skinned so much and so long that I
I got kinder used to it.. We're a rich peo
ple and the government can make just as
much money as it pleases, and the fact
is, we need heaps of money to pay our
Republican. —That is so, but I think it
about time our government begins to
practice economy. The war is over now j
and with peace we ought to have some of
the blessings of peace.
Democrat.—Very true, but then our
duty as a people has just begun., We
have made all the slaves of the South
free, and it is our bounden duty to take
rare of them, feed them, to educate and
clothe them. At least, so the leaders of
your party in Congress tell us.
Republican.—Well, I know Thad Ste
and the radicals say so, but I can't
say that I like the proceedings altogeth
er. We made those • niggers free and I
think that's doing enough for them.
They ought to go to York now and make
their own living—not depend entirely on
the government.
Democrat.—Yes, that used to be con
sidered sensible. talk, but the times have
changed. The negro is all Congress cares ,
about; now. It is reported that a new '
Bureau law is to he passed by Congress,
which will do better by the negro than
the present law, and if President John
son vetoes it, it will pass any how. The
.Republican congressmen think they are
,not doing - enough tbr the negroes, and ,
'they talk of spending fifty _millions a
year to build colleges for them so that
they can learn French and engineesing
and everything, of that kind, in order
that they ms 3r become fit to vote with ns,
to sit on our juries and take charge of our
public works and be school teachers and
professors in our colleges and ministers
in our churches and everything of that
Republican.—And 'vho is to lay - for
all that?
' Demnerst.—WhyOron and I WI John
here. We pay for it. You help pny for
these things in everything, yon buy.
When you buy a pair of hoots you pay
three dollars towards it. When you buy
a hat for two dollars and a half, you, pay
about a dollar tax. When yen tiny a tit
fo; $3O, you pay perhaps six dollars tax.
Some articles are taxed three or four
times before they get into your hands.
For instance, when you go to a tailor and
order a $3O suit, he hay to pay six per
cent. government tax to the collector
every month. The tailor, when he bought
the goods, paid a tax to the manufacturer
who made the cloth, and the farmer who
raised the wool out of which the goods
was manufactured, paid an income , tax
on the wool ho raised. Ail these taxes
we have to pay and the money gog3 to
support the negmes. At Washington
City there are mbra,than ten thousand
fed by the government every day. And
if you Will read the report of Gen. Fuller
ton and Gen. Steedman, who were sent
down to South Carolina to examine the
condition of the negroes there, you will
find that the government has to support
them all, while Yankee preachers cheat
them out of all their earnings.
Republican.--If these thin:72 are so,
why do our Congressmen support ouch
Demoerat.—Be,.. use the leaders of the
Republican party have "niizger on the
brain" and are d • termined td persevere
until the negro is our equal. They will
keep on until we lave negro jurors and
negro judges, an when you go to vote
you must stand la(cit and wait until Sam
Tones and Bung() ;slash have voted.
Republlean. 2 .'-‘ell, excuse me for
swearing, but I'll d—d if I believe
in that kind of p rformances. lam op
posed to Diggerstoting and niggers sit
ting In our tours as jurymen; and I
think our Congre s must have gone cra
zy. - It is about time they be* to do
something for the!relid'of the white men
of the country. I: am sick and tired of
this infernal Diggitr business.
Democrat. —Nor you tall: right, neigh
bor 8., but you won't vote right. You
will go to the eleeltion next October, and
vote for the huMbug
,John W. Cleary,
for Governor, who Is in favor of negro
equality and in favor of everything you
condemn. Now how canyou go and
support the man and vote against your
ow ii interests and principles?'
Repubilean.—l tell you I won't do it.
I am a Republican, but I swear if our
leaders don't smell too strong (S. nigger
wdol for- me. I don't want a niggers
or inigger-worshippers about me.
Democrat. —I am glad to hear you say
so I and if all your party talk as sensibly
us you do, the country would not be in
danger of ruination.
Republican.—Well, I must be going.
We will talk these matters over more
fully some other time. Good-bye.
Demoerat—Good-bye—call soon again.
The above report is substantially true
and I want you to put it in your paper.,
1 To the PeopTc of the Utile(' ,Vo(ra :
I Danger threatens the Constitution!
The citadel of our liberties is directly as
sailed ! The future is dark unless the
vi e o o u p r le o r
p ll e i ri c l ou n t a e t to n t a l;e j i e i s i t o - e n ie. sho l u nah i Ls
the watchword of every true map. As
essential to national union we must main
tain unimpaired the rights, the dignity
and the equality of the States, including
the right of representation in Congress,
and the exclusive right of each State to
' control its met domestic- concerns, sub
' ject only to the Constitution of the United
States. After an uniform construction of
the Constitution for more than half a
century, the assumption of new and ar
bitrary powers in the Federal Govern
ment is subversive of our system, and de
structive of liberty.
A free interchange of opinion and kind
feeling between the citizens of all the
States is necessary to the perpetuity of
the Union. At present eleven States are
excluded from the national councils.
For seven long months the present Con
gress has persistent*: denied any right of
representation to the people of these
States. Laws, affecting their highest and
dearest interests, have been passed with
out their consent, and in disregard of the
fundamental principle, of free govern
ment. This denial of representation has
been made to all the members from a
' State, although the State, in the language.
of the President, presents itself not only
in an attitude of loyalty and harmony,
' but in the Persons of Representatives
whose loyalty cannot be questioned un
der any existing constitutional or legal
test. The Representatives of nearly one
third of the States have not been con
sulted with reference to the great ques
tions of the day. There has been no na
tionality surrounding the present Con
gress. There has been no intercourse
between the representatives of the two
sections, producing mutual confidence
and respect. In the language of the dis
tinguished Lieutenant-General : "It is to
be regretted that at this time there can
not be a greater commingling between
the citizens of the two sections, and par
ticnlarly of those entrusted with the law
making power." This state of things
should be removed at once and forever.
Therefore, to preserve the national 'pion,
to vindicate the sufficiency of our Admi
rable Constitution, to guard the Spates
from covert attempts to deprive them of
their true position in tho Union, and to
' bring together those who are unnaturally ,
! severed, and for these great national pur- '
poses only, we cordially approve the call '
for a National Union Convention, to be
held in the city of Philadelphia, on the '
second Tuesday, fourteenth of August
next, and indorse the principles therein
set forth.
We, therefore, respectfully,. but ear
nestly urge upon our fellow-citizens, in
each State' and Territory and Congres
sional District, In the United States, in
the interest of union and in a spirit of .
harmony, and with direct reference to i
the principles contained in said call, to 1
act promptly in the selection of wise,
moderate and conservative men to repre
sent them in said convention, to the end
that all the States shall at once be re
stored to their practical relations to the
Union, the Constitution be maintained,
and peace,bless the whole country.
W. E. Niblack, - , John Hogan,
Anthony Thornton, B. M. Boyer,
Michael C. Kerr, Tunis G Bergen,
G. S. Shanklin,Charles Goodyear,
Garrett Davis, • Charles H. Winfield,
H. Crider, A. H. Coffroth,
Thomas E. Noell, Lovell H. Rousseau,
Samuel J. Randall, Philip Johnson,
Lewis W. Ross, Chas. A. Eldridge,
Stephen Taber, John L. Dawson, '
J. M. Humphrey, Reverdy Johnson,"
Thos.A.Hendricks, B. C. Ritter,
Wm. Wright, A. Harding,
James Guthrie, (A.J.Glosshrenner,
J. A. McDougal, E. R. V. Wright,
•Wm. Radford, A. J Rogers,
S. S. Marshall!, H. McCullough,
Myer Strouse, F. C. Leßloud,
Chas. Sitgreaves, W. E. Finck,
S. E. Ancona, L. S. Trimble.
E. N. Hubbell, .
Washington, July 4, 1866.
hbor B,— take
General Geary not come out
yet, for or against, negro suffrage and ne
gro equlity. - He will have to 'slug the
melon before the electloza - -
48TH YEAR.-NO. 42.
TqE rvrazsz covair
A non -seprirting drafted min, gauped'
teily, oif t sred to vote nt an election poll
in 'Franklin county, hut his ballot wet
rejected by an election 'officer, 'named
Haber, on the ground that his name tip
peered on a provost me Alai's list se iv
deserter. Deily thereupon entered suit
In the Common Pleas of Franklin county,
_against Huber, and recovered judgment. ,
clinber appealed to the Supreme Court t l
wive" derision has now been - rendered,
affirming the judgment of the Franklin
county ceurt —which is that, Roily "tuff
boring bFcn convirted qr deceehon a n 4
failure to return to sers,iee, or to report
to a Rrovatt, marshal, anti not having
been sentenced to the) penalties and for
fett u res of the law, ll' • I.; ext,tlc - (1 to vote."
Chief Justice Woodward end Justices
Strong and Thompson, constituting the
majority et' the Court, tanned, whilst
Justices Itead end Agnew dissented.
The decision of the Court does not as.
sulne the unetie.titutionslity of the net
of Congress, ender which the case arose,
though it recites the grounds upon which
its con , tittajollality has been assailed:
tlrst, that it iseer po. , t forgo qvconti, that
it is an attempt to regulate tlie right of
suffrage in States; and, third, that it
proposes to inflict pains and penalties
before and without trial and conviction
by flue process 01 .
Upon the tirst, it Is stated that it may
be insisted that the penalty . its not• pre
seribed for the original desertion, butter
persistence in desertion.
Upon the second, it, is stated that. the
act operates only upon the Individual
°Mustier, and does not override Stato
laws, but leaves each State to determine
the qualifications of the voter.
Upon the third, it is stated that the law
does not presume to inflict the additional
punishment of 11t franchipemont
'deserters, except upon trial and convic
tion by court martial according to the
Pre previous acts to which the
act in question i* only supplemental. ,
'According to this view a person who
deee:teil from the mllitary . servied pre
vious or since t i ' pfl.3.age of the act of
March :3, 1361, might be disfranchised,
but only after trial by regular court mar
tin t, co: , iction, sentence and approval of
scat, lice , the sae as in other cases 111 which d m
desertion is punished. Accenting
to this view, also, a record from a provost
marshal's office, the 'War Department, or
Adjutant General's office, charging a man
with desertion and ehtssifying him as a
deserter, is not ouggeient to (ultra, teleran
chisement, and no election at/terror board
of eleetion, - ean assume authority to reject
any mdn'svoteupon such grounds. There
is no authority, therefore, under which
an election. board assume to reject
such vote except throe:zit the regular
record of an approved sentence of a court
Election officers cannot ptesume to try
men for the crone of desertion because
among other reasons, their decision would
not tw a bar to subsequent trial for the
same oirenee by a competent tribunal,
and it is not lawful to have { two courts to
try win offence—e. dininisters por
tion of the punishmei t: shies this, it
is held that it is not in the po .r of Con
grass to confer upon au (deed° t board,
which is exclusively of.Statee ution, ju
risdiction to try offences against the Uni
ted States. Congress cannot rest Wield/-
clot power of the United States in any
State or. sovereimag. Hence even the
Legislature of rennoglrania conuot
srribe 2p - wallies for, offences against the
Baited ,S'ortes, nor authorize either Stale
courts nr election hoards to Ary or punish
oil;l:fkrs ogairist" iho CniieoMates. The
State disAnnehisement act, based as it is
upon the a 4 of Congress, and intended
to be co-operatil'e with it, is therefore a
71 tell fy. Only qxrotigh courts martiarean
deserters be punished, and as no State is
authorized to constitute such courts, thu
legislative act fulls to the ground.
Althoufrii the constitutionality of the
act of Congress was Not at Issue in the
ease,' and although the court does not
consider that subject in full in all Its
bearings, Chief Justice Woodward does
not heAtate to say that be considers the
act to be ex posVaeto in respect to alt
soldiers who des ted prior to Mar& 3,
'this decision 6r the Supreme Ofourt,
will enable r”ery man in Penrayicania.
qualified under 14-State election laths, to
rotv, unless he hls been tried, convicted
y 1
and senfene, to
Wranehisement or de
seplion by court martial., and unless. the
sentenre has been approved by the Com
mander-in-Chief' of the Federal army.—
Should any election officer or board re
fuse the vote of any man, except as above,
he or they will be subject •to severe pun hilt
meld. NnOwithstand;ng these facto,
, however, there may be attempts made to
' intimidate perions from voting by threats
of arre4t and trial by court martial for
'desertion. It can be authoritatively de
! clared that court menials are ended.—
' There will be no more trials for desertion I
; The armies are disband,ed ; the Govern
ment has no use for their seryiees ; ttud
it is not so vindictive as to hunt up Vie
tilos now to punish. Besides all this It
cannot afford to send out guards to hunt
up deserters. and maintain courts
!martial for their trial. E ich trial would.
I cost the Government Many thousand
dollars—which is an expense which the
.L.kresident will not by any means sane
tion, merely to aid politicians in, making
or destroying a few votes.—Patriot
Wir. The plop. 1 National Conven
tion to be held In this city, in Auipt4t
next, seems greatly to trouble the Radi
cals. This Is not, to be wondered at.
There Is too =fell Vialon about the
movement to satisfy the disunion ele
ment that is now howling at,it all over
the country. The very name of Nitt(anctt
has become harrowing to their feelings.
Had it been called Scetionat, they could
have borne with it in some degree of
patience. Rut the fact that, delegates
from every State in the Union—=tire whole
Union, not the confined territory which
the Rump Congers imaginesit governs--
will once more meet in council,ls shell
a heavy blow to their thorough And coni
pkte disunionbmt that they cahoot help
showing how much the movement hurts
their feelings.—Pluta. Age.
is a noteworthy fact that those
who are now so clamorous for vengeance
against the kiouth, and are so bcild and
defiant in their invectives against her,
are the very ones who kept themselves
farthest from danger during the armed
contest with- rebellion. In their pretend
ed love for the ififlou they are not willing
to put it in practice, but are very bravo
now whL n the South is prostrate and no
volunteers needed.
116I'Let no one - suppose that, by acting
a good part through life, he will eseapq
slander. There will be those even who
hate. them for the very qualities th4t
ought to prof.ure esteem. There are,
some folks fn the world who are unwil
ling others should be better than they.
DM-Seven yeirs ago the only govern
ments of the world whose receipts ex
ceeded the expetcliture3 were the United
States, Switzerland, end the riatidwielt
Islands. We fear it will be long before
we have such another national-trio.
Caner Ping ,S'erzin,)g.—Slme persons using
internal revenue stamps are very care
left, it appears, about cancelling them.
The law prescribes_ but (1116 mode of can
celling them, viz: by printing or writing
the initials or date ; all other cancellation
being void, and those who persist in the
unlawful cancellation as above indicated,
are liable to a peualy of $66 for owl* awl
every offense:
1111.. in reply to a letter, numerously
signed by citizens of Erie county, live
spec-lave of party. relneaptlng gami, •
to become a eau ate for co
says he will do so with' the 'un
lug that he is notlo
any prty, but'simptrAapicipititap.